Cecil Papers: 1563

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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'Cecil Papers: 1563', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp60-64 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1563', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp60-64.

"Cecil Papers: 1563". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury(London, 1915), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp60-64.


The Earl of Hertford and Lady Katherine Grey.
[? 1563, March.] "Factum seu casus in causa Domine Katharine et Comitis Hertford'."
Daily negotiations took place between the Earl and the Lady Katherine for contracting their marriage, which were followed by the betrothal of the parties and afterwards by their true and lawful marriage in the Earl's house. Lastly the said marriage was consummated and male offspring born thereof.
The Earl of Hertford's account of the betrothal: he saith that he did first make his suit for marriage to the said Lady Katherine in a closet of his sister's which she had privately to herself within the maidens' chamber of honour, his said sister and no other being then and there present with them. To the which motion her answer was that she, weighing his long suit and good will borne to her, said that she was contented to marry with him the next time that the Queen's highness should go abroad and leave the said Lady Katherine and the Lady Jane behind her. Further the Earl saith that the form and manner of the agreement between them to be married was that they agreed to be married when the Queen should go abroad as aforesaid without any other ceremony to his remembrance, except it were by kissing and embracing and joining their hands together, his sister only being present with them.
The Lady Katherine's words: after the Queen's grace was come to Westminster, in the closet within the maiden's chamber, the said Earl himself moved her for marriage and she declared unto him that she bore her good will to have him to her husband. Being further examined upon the form of words of the promise, saith that the Earl did say unto her that he had borne her good will of long time and that because she should not think that he intended to mock her, he was contented (if she would) to marry her; and she at the same time declared unto him that she liked both him and his offer and thereupon they gave the one to the other their hands, then the Lady Jane being present and no other.
Arguments for and against the validity of the said betrothal with quotations from the works of authorities on the canon law.
The Lady Katherine saith that the Earl rode to the Lady Frances her mother to obtain her good will, who granted him the same and thereupon sent to the Court for the said Lady Katherine and moved her to grant her good will to the said Earl. The Earl denieth any manner of motion to any any of her friends or kinsfolk to his knowledge and as far as he remembreth denieth that ever he made motion to the Lady Frances. This she confessed before Sir Edward Warner and the Earl before my Lord's grace and other commissioners.
The Lady Katherine saith that the Queen chanced to make a journey to Greenwich for three or four days and left her behind because she had a swelling in her face and left also the other maids behind. One night while they thus remained the Earl and she did agree that she and his sister Jane should come the morrow after to his house to Chanon Rowe and the Earl said that he would have a priest ready. The Earl in his answers to the ninth interrogatory before the commissioners saith that there was no special day appointed for the solemnization of the marriage and that he knew not of the day thereof until Lady Katherine came to his house, because it was uncertain when the Queen would go abroad.
As to the priest, the Lady Katherine and the Earl in certain examinations both deny that they would know him again if they saw him, but both in replies to certain articles describe his appearance and apparel. In their examinations before the Lord Treasurer the Earl says that the minister before the marriage asked the banns thrice, but the Lady Katherine that he asked no banns.
The Lady Katherine doth confess that the Lady Jane after the solemnization did offer her comfits and other banqueting meats and beer and wine upon the cupboard but the Earl saith that there were neither beer nor wine but banqueting dishes which he was accustomed to have there.
The Lady Katherine before my Lord of London and Sir William Peter doth deny that ever she received any writing for any assurance of living but she saith upon the twelfth interrogatory before the commissioners that the Earl delivered her before his departure beyond the sea a writing of assurance of 1,000l. by the year out of his lands.
The Earl [saith] that he delivered to Lady Katherine the said writing of assurance.
The Lady Katherine saith that while she lay with the Earl she wore a night kerchief. The Earl affirmeth that she had but a caul and no other kerchief.
The Lady Katherine denieth the receipt of any letters from the Earl while he was beyond the sea to her remembrance. The Earl confesseth the writing of two or three from the parts beyond the sea.
Arguments advanced by counsel for the Earl and Lady Katherine for reconciling the foregoing contradictory statements, and discussion as to the validity of the marriage.— Undated.
Latin, citing English examinations. 41 pp. (238. 3.)
Jersey Castle.
1563, Sept. 20. Moneys disbursed upon the works and fortifications of the Castle of Jersey in the time of Sir Hugh Pawlet, Captain there, until 20 September, 1563. Also an account of receipts.
2 pp. (141. 87.)
The Navy.
1563, Sept. 30. Declaration by Benjamin Gonson, Treasurer of the Sea causes, for money at the Queen's pleasure to be by him received for the payment and discharge of captains &c. serving in ships at the seas.
1 p. (142. 24.)
The Governor and English Merchants to the Lady Regent of Flanders.
1563, Dec. 9. For relief of the prohibition of certain imports into Antwerp.—Undated.
Decision of the Regent's Council thereon.—Brussels, 9 December, 1563.
Contemporary copies. 4½ pp. (247. 212–5.)
Petition of the English merchants on the same subject.—Undated.
pp. (247. 216.)
The Grammar School, Guernsey. (fn. 1)
[1563.] The finishing of the Queen's new erected Grammar School with rooms convenient for the schoolmaster and his family. It is supposed that 100 marks or pounds sterling will suffice. The schoolmaster prays he may receive the 80 quarters of wheat allotted to him for his entertainment at the Queen's receiver's hands; and that he be not driven to go to law for it. That order be taken for gathering the Queen's new revenue there.—Undated.
½ p. (186. 57.)
1563. Rentals &c. of lands in Theobalds, Cheshunt, &c., Herts, 1491 to 1563. Notes at end by Cecil, including genealogical notes on families of Bedell, Burbage and Grene.
Thomas Bath.
[1563.] Statement signed by Thomas Seckford, and G. Gerrard. The cause between Thomas Bath and "the Patentee." Particulars of the descent of the lands from William Bath, attainted of treason in the time of Henry the Eighth. Terms of agreement proposed, which will leave in the Queen's hands the villages adjoining together of Kilbride and the Nanger to be given to Bath and his heirs. Bath prays for the reversion from the Queen, in order to carry out the agreement.— Undated.
Signed: Thomas Sekford. 1 p. (2127.)
Merchants in Flanders.
[1558–1563,] Jan. 21. Lord Treasurer, Lord Steward, Lord Pembroke, Lord Robert, W. Cecil, Sir Wm. Petre, Mr. D. Wotton.
To send for the merchants to consider of this cause.
To devise how to impeach the conveyance of money and plate.
To consider what shall be presently done with their cloths.
Loss of customs—impoverishing of the merchants—danger of rebellion.
What damage will come to England by continuance of the edict of Flanders.
To send for the 20 English merchants married in Antwerp.—
Endorsed: "Concerning marchants." Undated.
1 p. In Cecil's hand. (185. 156.)
The Fortune of Amsterdam.
1563–4, Jan. 15. Articles of agreement between Sir John Pollarde of the one part, and Peter de Reulx and Lewes Skaep, merchant, of the other, and other documents relating to the same case. Pollarde has seized, as "wavyd goods by the sea," upon his manor of Combmertyne, Devon, a ship called the Fortune of Amsterdam. By the agreement, Pollarde undertakes to deliver the ship and goods to de Reulx and Skaep, on certain payments.—Windsor, 15 January, 6 Eliz.
Contemporary copies. 11 pp. (214. 4.)
1563–4, Feb. 14. Inventory of all my Lord's apparel now remaining within the Court of the Whitehall, taken 14 February, 1563.
2 pp., damaged. (202. 17.)


  • 1. Cf. p. 91.