Cecil Papers: 15th century

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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'Cecil Papers: 15th century', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp4-7 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 15th century', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp4-7.

"Cecil Papers: 15th century". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury(London, 1915), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp4-7.

15th century

Guillaume de Guileville.
1413. The Dreme of the Pilgrimage of the Soule, translated out of Frensch into Englisch, with som addicions.—1413. [By Guillaume de Guileville.]
Signature of Henry VI at commencement and end. (270.)
The Wool Subsidy.
1416. Extract from Rolls of Parliament, with regard to the subsidy of wool and other commodities granted to the King.—3 Henry V.
16th cent. copy. 1 sheet. (247. 211.)
Pay Roll of [the Garrison of Calais?].
[1417.] The account extends from 9 June 3 [Henry V] to 6 August 5 [Henry V], and relates to a garrison of about 500 men. The names given number 402, consisting of 128 mounted men at arms with a horse archer, 145 mounted archers, 108 men at arms on foot, &c.
Paper roll many yards long, the heading of which has been torn off.
French. (212. 16.)
Treaty of Troyes.
1420, May 21. Treaty of Troyes between Henry V, King of England, and Charles, King of France.—"Trecas," 21 May, 1420.
French and English versions.
Various documents in Latin relating thereto are appended.
40 pp. Copy in a late sixteenth or early seventeenth century handwriting. (137. 1–20.)
1431, July 4. Grant by William Hulles, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, to William Cecil, gentleman, of an annuity of 10 marks from the coal mine of Fenham, near Newcastle-on-Tyne, and the habit of a gentleman of the house of the Order in Clerkenwell, or 13s. 4d. in lieu thereof, payable towards Christmas time. To be forfeited if the said William quits the service of the prior or his successors. —4 July, 9 Henry VI.
Heading to the effect that the document is copied from a Chartulary. Dated in margin, wrongly, 1427. Endorsed with abstract of contents. ½ p. (201. 2.)
Lanthony Priory, near Gloucester.
1442, Sept. 20. Exemplification with regard to the lands of the Priory of St. Mary Lanthon' juxta Gloucester.—20 Sept. 21 Hen. VI.
Seal. Parchment. 1 p. (215. 1.)
1449, Oct. 13. Letters patent of a grant to John Say for life, in reversion on the death of John Lematon, of the offices of clerk of the works of Berwick-on-Tweed and of the town and castle of Roxburgh and marches of the same, treasurer of the wars there, and controller of the customs at Berwick, at the accustomed fees.—Westminster, 13 October, 28 Henry VI.
Latin. Portion of Great Seal. Parchment, damaged. (222. 17.)
Bowstaves, &c.
1454 and earlier. Extracts from accounts of bowstaves, wainscots, &c., imported at various times during the reign of Henry VI, to 32 Henry VI.
pp. (247. 153.)
The Town of Vere.
1472, Feb. 18. Letters patent of Henry de Borsalia, Count of Grantpré, Lord of Vere, &c., and the burgomaster and commonalty of the town of Vere, declaring that in return for letters of privileges granted by Edward IV and his Parliament to them, the subjects of the said King shall have liberty to come and go and trade in the town of Vere free of all impositions, subsidies, &c., saving the right of the Count of Holland and Zeland.—18 February, 1472.
Endorsed with note of enrolment in the Memoranda of the Exchequer (King's Remembrancer), Easter, 13 Edward IV. Signed, "Henry." The Count's seal in red wax and the seal of the town of Vere in green, fair condition. Latin. Parchment (222. 10.)
Cobham College.
1479, April 8. Lease made 8 April, 19 Edward IV (1479), by the Master of Cobham College to Robert Holt of a house and lands in Cobham.
Copy, made in 1574. Endorsed: Copy of Mr. Serjeant Barham's lease. 2 pp. (145. 65–6.)
John Stanlowe, deputy of Thomas Burgh, knight, Steward of the King's Duchy of Lancaster in co. Lincoln, to all Mayors, Sheriffs and other Ministers.
1483, Jan. 10. Whereas all tenants of the Duchy by reason of various grants of the King's ancestors and by authority of Parliament ought to be quit of payment of toll, pavage, lastage, &c., for all their goods and merchandise in all markets and towns throughout England, they are to allow Thomas Wellynge, Thomas Sowre and Robert Freman, husbandmen, of Wodyngton, to come and go with their merchandise into the parts of Kesteven, co. Lincoln, without taking toll &c. from them, or permitting any injury to them.—10 January, 22 Edward IV.
Latin. Parchment, damaged. (222. 9.)
The Channel Islands.
1352 to 1488. Extracts from the Originalia rolls of the Exchequer relative to the appointment of Wardens and Governors of the Channel Islands.
4 pp. Latin. Sixteenth century copies. (222. 23.)
Hertfordshire Manors.
1488. Accounts of the manors of Baas, Perrers, &c., Herts.
Endorsed by Lord Burghley. 5 pp. (142. 3–5.)
Waltham Forest.
1489, Dec. 2. Grant to John, Earl of Oxford, of 9l. 2s. per annum for three foresters for Waltham forest.
Latin. Copy. 2 pp. (146. 15–16.)
The Archduke of Austria.
1499. Copies of commercial treaty with Philip, Archduke of Austria, and other papers relating thereto.—1499.
Latin. Endorsed by Burghley: Staple for the wools. 12½ pp. (247. 198.)
Fasts and Festivals.
15th cent. Homilies on the fasts and festivals of the Roman Church.
15th cent. Historia Angliae ab condito mundo ad Henricum V.
"The poyntes of accorde made between Henry and Charles, Kynge of Fraunce," &c.
Chronicle, Richard I to Henry VI.
Chronicle of foreign occurrences, 1316 to 1377.
Forma Regum et Reginarum Coronationis Angliae.
"This be the taxes of the 15 of our Lord the Kyng of all the Wards of London."
Vice Comitatus London 'et Middlesex.'
Allocatio Libertatis Sancti Pauli.
Charter of the City of London. Temp. Richard I.
Expulcio Adami et Eve a Paradiso.
Latin and English.
The Psalms.
15th cent. Liber Psalmorum.
Latin. (292. 2.)
The Earl of Salisbury.
15th cent. "Cartulary of deeds of Montague's land, Earl of Salisbury in the time of Henry VI."
15th cent. Tractatus nobilis de Lege et Expositione Armorum. System of Heraldry.
(295. 1.)
French Romances.
15th cent. Le Breviare des Nobles, par Maistre Alain Chartier.
Le Debut Reveille Matin.
La Belle Dame Sans Mercy. La Requeste et supplication faites aux dames par les attendans. La queste du Don d' Amoureuse Mercy contre M. Alain Chartier.
La copie des lettres envoyées par les Dames a M. Alain. L'excusation de M. Alain à Amours envoyées aux dames. Comment la Belle Dame Sans Mercy fut accusée vers amour pour sa non pitié de son amant. La condempnation de la Belle Dame Sans Mercy.
Vellum. (297.)
15th cent. Vox Clamantis, by Gower.
Bede's History.
15th cent. Historia Anglorum Sive Saxonum post Ven. Bedam edita a mag. Rog. de Hovedon.
15th cent. Officium Beatae Virginis.
The Bible.
15th cent. Biblia Sacra et Libri Apocr.
Latin. (309.)
15th cent. Theological work in French. Imperfect.
Vellum. (312.)
The Acts and Revelation.
15th cent. Acta Apostolorum et Apocalypsis Joannis. Versio duplex Latine.