Index: S

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Sabina Palatine, letter of; 6.

Sackvile, Sir Richard; 266.

Sadleir :

Sir Ralph; 25, 381, 442, 443, 445, 450, 456, 499.

— letters of; 27, 173, 367, 520, 521, 522.

— in the north; 160, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 182, 201–235, passim.

— letters to; 16, 28, 185, 437.

— commissioner; 364.

— his diets; 415.

— examination before; 430.

Saffron; 367.

Saiger, John, of Totnes; 257.

St. Alban's; 428, 468, 469, 560.

letter dated at; 429.

St. André, Marshal; 92.

St. Andrew's; 59, 100, 170, 171, 174, 175, 176.

letter dated at; 101.

deposition made at; 416.

Archbishop of; 234.

Bishop of; 407.

St. Asaph, Bishop of (1553), Robert; 126.

St. Barth, letter dated at; 257.

St. David's, Bishop of, R. Ferrar; 133.

St. George, Cardinal of; 122.

St. Germain; 118.

St. Germain en Laye, document dated at; 64.

St. Goudon; 362.

St. John :

family; 82.

Lord (1544), letter of; 29.

— (1560); 211, 215, 226, 248, 252.

— of Bletso; 443.

St. John's :

letter dated at; 231.

Lord of; 385.

St. Leger :

Sir Anthony, letter of; 82.

Piers, his wines; 348.

St. Loo :

Edward, at Derry; 343.

Lady; 325.

St. Low, Sir John, letter to; 81.

St. Malo; 76, 277, 295.

St. Marten, Captain, at Calais; 134.

St. Quentin's :

camp before, letter from; 143.

or Chatelett, French overthrown at; 144.

Lord Pembroke at; 145.

St. Quintin; 154.

St. Sebastian; 299, 300, 301, 367.

St. Valery; 149.

St. Vallery on the Somme; 111.

in Caux; 112.

Salerno, Prince of; 98, 110.

Salisbury; 421.

letter dated at; 427.

Dean of; 306.

Bishop of (1564), his letter on the state of his diocese; 309.

— Jewell; 324.

— (1569), letter of; 427.

— (1571); 519.

Saltash, Mayor of; 142.

Saltby manor; 292.

Sand, Lord, (1557); 146.

Sandes, Mistress; 266.

Sandgate Castle; 141.

Sands, Andrew, his capture of a French ship; 170.

Sandwich; 559.

haven at; 324.

San Lucar, letters dated at; 134.

Sansack, 404.

Sardinia; 270.

Sark, Isle of; 15, 77.

Sauch :

Jehan de la; 8.

or Salice, commission to; 8.

Saul, servant, 258.

Savile, Henry, letter of; 106.

Savoy; 113.

Duke of, his capture of Hawne; 144.

— (1560); 177.

— (1562); 265.

Louise de, her obligations to Henry VIII.; 9.

Saxony, forces of; 320.

Duke of (1540), John Frederick; 12.

Augustus of, attack on; 300.

Elector of; 304, 402, 403, 406, 409, 429.

— his daughter; 404.

— Augustus; 321.

— his servant; 384.

— letter of; 425.

Duke of; 408.

Saye, Sir William; 494.

Scadamore, —; 146.

Scarborough : 23.

Scheney, capture of; 144.

Schetz, Jasper; 101, 102, 117.

Schifanoya, Don Luigi, letter of; 263.

Schoolmasters, private, proposed limitation of; 162.

Schwend, —; 320.

Schwende, Lazarus von, legate; 429.

Schwetkowitz, Adam, Baron of Pisin; 319.

Scilly, Cornwall, lease of rights in; 45.

Scotland :

wars with; 3.

affairs in (1542); 16.

King of (1542), letter to; 19.

English prisoners in (1542); ib.

treaty with (1543); 22.

proposed raids into (1544); 25.

prisoners from; 28.

borderers of, their help to Henry VIII.; 28, 31.

ambassadors to Germany, France, and Denmark, from; 29.

army sent into, for relief of Lords Lennox and Angus; 32.

supplies for expedition into; 36, 37.

English devastations in; 38.

English exploits in; 44.

abbeys, fortresses, towns, &c., burnt in (1545); 46.

ingratitude of, poem on (1547); 50.

disputes with, referred to Rome (1548); 56.

information concerning affairs in; 59.

aid to be sent to (1549); 64.

devastations in; 74.

borders of, expenses upon; 79.

clergy of (1552); 101.

assistance to France by; 102.

French expedition to; 149, 151.

defence of frontier against (1558); 149.

truce with (1559); 152.

and France, negotiations between; 154.

Lords of the congregation, letters of and to; 155.

Queen Regent, letters of and to; 155.

large forces from France sent to; 157.

aid of Philip II. sought against; 159.

preparations against the French in; 160, 166.

the French forces in, operations agianst; 167, et seq.

Lords of, conference with; 177, 178, 180, 182, 184, 187, 189.

methods to expel the French from; 180.

articles made at Berwick for defence of; 187, 191.

and France, proclamation concerning peace with; 197, 198.

rebels in, Philip's mediation concerning; 203.

Lords of Congregation, articles proposed to; 215.

loss of English troops in; 223.

negotiations with England and France; 232–247.

the Commissioners for Peace; 238, 239.

Estates of, Elizabeth's letter to; 254.

English cavalry in; 255.

nobility of, Elizabeth's declarations to; 258.

Queen Mary and Knox; 261, 262.

restoration of Ireland to; 286.

reception of Lord Lennox in; 315.

rebels from; 326.

Acts passed in December 1567; 349.

Commissioners of, for treaty with England (1568); 364.

the state of, questions as to; 366.

claimants to the crown of, after Mary; 369.

Isles of, Lord of, letters of; 385.

Out-Isles of, Lord of; 390.

the Queen's proclamation; 392.

government of, considerations touching; 411.

Queen Dowager of, letters of; 100, 101, 157, 179.

— letter to; 153.

— proclamation of; 179.

— Chester Herald's conference with; 186.

— her complaint against Admiral Winter; 190.

— negotiations with; 199, 200, 205, 206, 207.

— her proceedings against rebels; 166.

— in Edinburgh Castle; 202, 213.

— her illness and death; 231, 232.

Scot :

Thomas, letter of; 349.

Wattye, in the Queen of Scots' train; 396.

Scrivelsby; 347.

barony of; 488.

Scrope, Scroope :

Lord (1542); 21.

— (1568–70); 357, 384, 388, 446, 460, 479.

— letter of; 526.

— letters to; 396, 442, 450.

Mr.; 392.

Ralph; 393.

Sea, the Dead, near Naples; 98.

Seal, the Great, proposed keepers of; 94.

Seas, the Narrow; 257, 268, 292.

Seckford :

Master of the Bequests; 314.

Thomas, document signed by; 544.

—, examinations before; 548, 550.

Selby (?) at Berwick; 157.

Selve, M. de, ambassador for France; 63, 64.

Sempill, Lord; 195, 335, 374, 420.

Sempringham, letters dated at; 92, 97, 347.

Sentleger, Sir Warham; 413.

— letter of; 415.

Sentlow; 261.

Sermon on the Parables; 80.

Servants and labourers, statutes concerning; 162.

Servington, —; 145.

Sesford; 383, 389.

his folks; 372.

Seth, William, examinations of; 83, 84.

letters of; 83, 85.

Seton :

Mary Queen of Scots at; 335.

Lord; 367, 483, 562, 566.

— ambassador in Flanders; 324.

— letter to; 502.

Mr.; 83.

Mr.; 344.

Settrington, letters dated at; 156.

goods at; 326.

Seurre, M. de, French ambassador, letter to; 195.

— letter of; 198.

— his dispute with Chatellerault; 195, 198.

Seville oil; 122.

Seyes, one; 468.

Seymour :

letter dated at; 56.

Lady, at Bromeham; 52.

Sir Edward; 60.

Sir Thomas; 63.

— letter of; 21.

Seyntloo, William, document signed by; 75.

Seyton, letter dated at; 264.

Sharington, Sir William, his house at Laycock; 58.

— letters to; 59, 61, 62.

— examinations of; 62, 67, 68, 71.

— confessions of; 64.

— interrogatories for, and answers of; 65, 66.

— confessions of; 68, 69, 71, 72.

— letters of; 70.

Sharpe, William, examination of; 532.

Sharperton; 399.

Shaw Park; 506.

Sheep; 137, 138.

Sheerness; 13.

Sheethampton, lands in; 256.

Sheffield; 503, 568.

letter dated at; 573.

Shelden, Bobert; 139.

Shelley :

—, envoy, 151.

Mr.; 392.

Edward, letters of; 29, 30, 35.

Shelton, Umfry; 531.

Shene, letter dated at; 371.

Sheriffs, proposed statute concerning; 164.

Shetts, the money-lenders; 99.

Shilstock Braise; 420.

Ships :

report on; 16.

survey of; 146.

provision, estimate for; 366.

Shirley, —; 232.

Shirts, &c., inventory of; 129.

Shoes and leather, proposed limitation of prices; 164.

Shorne; 1.

Shrewsbury; 520.

letter dated at; 273.

Earl of (1513); 3.

— (1544); 43.

— (1549), letter to; 70.

— (1552), at York; 97, 103.

— in charge of Mary Queen of Scots; 400, 401, 423, 443, 503, 508, 548, 552, 560.

— letters of; 426, 448, 466.

— letters to; 421, 428, 445, 479, 484, 494.

— instructions to; 419.

— his illness; 421, 422.

— his marriage; 499.

— his servants; 500.

— admitted of the Privy Council; 571.

Lady; 548, 549, 552.

Shropshire :

documents concerning; 1.

return from justices in; 309.

Shurland; 503.

manor; ib.

Shute, Captain; 146.

Sicily; 121, 270.

Sidney, Sydney :

Mr.; 245.

Sir Henry; 130, 145.

— at the French court; 265.

— his mission; 267, 268.

— instructions to; 267.

— brother of Lord Leicester; 350.

— in Ireland; 352.

— his politic government; 350.

— letters of; 404, 439, 487, 516.

— his daughter; 439.

— his recall from Ireland; 487.

Sir Philip; 146.

— settlements for his marriage; 415.

Lady Mary; 254.

Sienna :

recovery of; 110, 113.

peace to be made at; 121.

Simpson, Henry, confession of; 490.

Sinclair :

John; 517, 523.

— affidavit of; 524.

alias Gardiner, John, examination of; 527.

Siver, Bishop William, declaration by; 3.

“Siwell,” letter dated at; 301.

Skiddye, Andrew, letter of; 413.

Skinner :

Mr.; 553.

his house; 571.

John, letter of; 145.

Skipwith :

Henry; 520, 622, 526, 532.

— instructions by; 418.

Skyddy, Mr.; 349.

Skye-in-the-Isles, letter dated at; 385.

Slingsby :

letter dated at; 294.

Mr.; 470, 553, 571.

Smith, Smythe :

—, embroiderer; 415.

Dr., his recanting; 59.

— his false and detestable books; 83–85, 101, 512.

Christopher, Clerk of the Pipe; 50.

John; 271.

Dr. Richard, letter of; 100.

Richard, examination of; 553.

Sir Thomas, minutes by; 65, 69.

— list by; 314.

— ambassador in France, letter to; 292.

— letters to; 319, 509.

— examinations before; 503, 508. 509, 520.

— letters of; 520–528, passim.

— envoy; 454, 566.

Sir William; 314.

Snag, Mr.; 351.

Snape, Thomas, deposition of; 330.

Sneyth, Mr., his book; 352.

Sohyer, Lois; 348.

Soissons; 411.

Soldanella pills; 114.

Soloturn, treaty dated at; 74.

Somer, J., letter of; 375.

Somerset :

justices of; 312.

the herald; 18, 19.

his letter to Cornish; 76, 77.

Duke of, the Protector (1547), letters to; 48, 50, 51, 57, 58, 67, 69, 70.

— letter of; 75.

— document signed by; 81.

— (1547), Wiltshire lands of; 50.

— his servant; 91.

— writings of; 131.

— his house near Thames side; 138.

Duchess of, and Lord Huntley's escape; 60.

Sir Charles; 529.

Somerville, Lord (1542); 16.

Somme, waters of; 149.

Sommer, Mr., decipherer; 231, 238.

Sootney; 12.

Sorle, —; 260.

Soulemont, D., document signed by; 77.

Southacke, captain in the navy; 177.

Southampton; 77, 258, 516.

letters dated at; 91, 418.

election of verderers at; 392.

county, lands in, granted to Anne of Cleves; 12.

Earl of (1540), deposition by; 14, 15.

— (1541), letter of; 15.

— (1547), his house; 51.

— (1549), letter to; 70.

— (1571); 526, 527, 528, 533, 557, 560, 578.

— examination of; 558.

— statement by; 562.

Southsea Castle :

letter dated at; 281.

fortifications to be made at; 49.

Southwark :

Mint; 50.

Battle Bridge in; 83.

the Marshalsea; 83, 495, 496, 499, 525.

letter dated at; 415.

Southwell :

Sir Richard; 16.

— letter to; 125.

Mrs., manors leased to; 467.

Southwick :

letter dated at; 276.

Lord Warwick at; 276, 278.

Southwyke, priory of; 12.

Spain :

the Sherief and; 74.

the Inquisition in; 159.

proceedings against heretics in; ib.

its difficulties with France; 265.

French ambassador to; 265.

great loss of ships by; 270.

English ambassadors in; 232, 236, 237, 263, 292, 387. See Chaloner, Sir Thomas.

ambassador from, letter of; 300.

ambassadors from; 389, 428, 432.

Maximilian's sons and; 286.

English traffic with; 314.

King of, demands in Westphalia by; 320

affairs of, paper on; 387.

designs of, on England; 450, 460.

Cecil's memorial on dangers from; 457.

accounts relating to; 457.

and France, jealousy between; 519.

New; 96.

Castle; 339.

Spalding; 119.

letter dated at; 124.

Spede, John, tailor, and Elizabeth; 138.

Speke :

Sir George; 431.

Sir Thomas, letter to; 81.

Spilman, Mr.; 141.

Spires :

Chamber at; 318.

Diet of, diary of proceedings at; 6.

Stafford :

family, document concerning; 79.

Earl (1441), Humphrey; 2.

shire, documents concerning; 1.

— account concerning lands in; 58.

— number of attornies in; 309.

— return from justices of; ib.

Stamford; 92, 116.

letter dated at; 144.

election of burgesses for; 106.

sale of church goods at; 119, 120.

foundation of grammar school at; 120.

guild lands of; 120.

Easton near; 109.

Standen :

Anthony, senior and junior; 325.

Edmund, letter of; 325.

Standish, Dr.; 137.

Stanhope :

Mr.; 26, 462.

Sir Michael, letters to; 23, 82, 85.

Stanley :

Sir Edward; 510, 512, 515, 546, 572, 576.

— confession of; 518.

Sir George; 509.

Sir Thomas; 339.

— letter of; 508.

— concerned in plot for Mary Queen of Scots; 505–576, passim.

— examinations of; 508, 539, 572.

Sir William; 569.

Stanwell; 276.

Staple, the, statutes concerning; 164.

Stapleford manor, Wilts; 256.

Star Chamber, Court of; 13, 96, 272, 453.

Staveley, co. Derby; 504.

Staynborne, a servant; 490, 491.

Sterffenra, co. Lincoln; 119.

Sternberg, John, petition of; 255.

Stewart, Stuart :

Archibald; 426.

of Ochiltre, Lord; 420.

Lord James, acting against the French forces; 168, 169, 170, 171, 174, 180, 182, 187, 192, 193, 194, 239, 250, 262. See Murray, Earl of.

Lord Robert, at Rizzio's murder; 334.

Stillyard, the liberties of; 164.

Stirling; 29, 30, 168, 169, 195, 364, 394, 398, 399, 462, 507.

letter dated at; 321.

Castle; 385, 393.

Stockbridge, letter dated at; 464.

Stokesley, Mr., of the Chancery; 80.

Stone; 349.

Stoner, Sir Walter; 139.

Story, —; 466.

Stoughton, —; 432, 436.

Stourton, Lord (1551), his secretary; 92.

Stradling family; 82.

Strange :

Lord, (1566); 326.

— letter to; 572.

— his son; 576.

or L'Estrange, Sir Nicholas; 190, 191, 194, 195, 214, 220, 517, 523, 524, 548, 551, 552.

— letter of; 535.

— letter to; 538.

— examination of; 533.

Roger, letter of; 290.

— letter to; 319.

Strangeways, —; 489, 490.

Strasburg, otherwise Argentine, letter dated at; 88.

Strasburg; 98, 403.

letters dated at; 138, 140, 141, 146, 283, 286, 300, 302, 303, 304, 305, 313, 318, 319, 320, 408, 430.

news from; 422.

assembly at; 430.

Strelley, Sir Nicholas :

letter to; 100.

letter of; 101.

his indiscretion; 102.

Stretton manor; 503.

Strickland, Mrs.; 518.

Strossa :

his regiment; 410.

slain; 411.

Strossy, prisoner; 418.

Strozzi, Pietro; 113.

Stuart. See Stewart.

Stubbington; 12.

Stuckley, Thomas, his voyage to Florida; 273.

Stukeley, Mr.; 401, 539, 553.

Sturley, Mrs., velvet delivered to; 130.

Sturmius; 318.

Sturton, Arthur, keeper of Westminster Palace, account of; 127.

Stuttgard Palace; 283.

Style, John, envoy; 3.

Styria; 319.

Sudeley, Lord Admiral :

— (1549) confession of his servant; 61.

— declaration by; 62.

— (1548) letters of and to; 54–58.

— charges against; 63, et seq.

Suffolk :

grain in; 27.

names of recusants in; 165.

good state of; 253.

justices of; 311.

Duke of (1540), deposition by; 14, 15.

— (1543); 22.

— (1544), letters of; 23, 25.

— letters to; 18, 24.

— suit by; 24.

— his trumpeter; 27.

— surrender of Boulogne to; 44.

— (1553); 103, 108.

Duchess of, picture of; 131.

— Katherine Brandon, letters of; 477, 579, 481.

Lady; 68.

R., letter of; 45.

Sugar, making of, in England prohibited; 164.

Suliman, the Sultan; 106.

Sulmona, Prince of, death of; 111.

Surrey :

return from justices of; 310.

Earl of (1513); 4.

Sussex :

religious state of; 306, 307.

Earl of (1557), Lord Deputy, petitions of; 145.

— (1559), and Lord Paget; 152.

— (1560); 245.

— (1567), and Lord Leicester; 344.

— (1567), his description of the Archduke Charles; 348.

— and Appleyard; 349, 350.

— in Ireland; 352.

— in Vienna, letters of; 352, 353.

— his brother Henry; 356.

— (1568), commissioner; 364.

— his diets; 415.

—; 325, 338, 381, 433, 435, 461, 499, 574.

— (1562–70), Thomas, letters of; 271, 367, 369, 409, 412, 462, 465, 467.

— (1561–70), letters to; 263, 273.

— letters to; 371, 436, 440, 441, 442, 446, 447, 459, 462, 463.

Sutherland :

Countess of; 315.

Captain; 569.

Sutton :

Sir John, commission to; 2.

Thruscroppe, manor; 93.

William; 507.

Swallow, the ship; 284, 292, 266.

Swebergh, Duke of; 403, 404, 406.

Sweden :

and the Lubeckers; 320.

war in; 422.

King of (1561), and Elizabeth; 261.

— in England; 262.

— his sister; 326, 353.

Swetkowyz :

Adam, letter of; 321.

articles dictated to; ib.

Swinbroke, Oxon, manor of; 3.

Switzerland :

treaty of France with; 74.

ambassadors from; 305.

treaty of France with; 317.

Swynowe, Gilbert; 18.

Sydenham, John, of Dulverton; 312.

Sydney. See Sidney.

Sylliarde, Sir John; 438, 440.