Index: P

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Index: P', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: P', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: P". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Pacheco, Don John; 237.

Padua; 410.

Page, Master, a “dronken foule”; 72.

Paget :

Lord (1552), punishment of; 96.

— (1557), William, letter of; 142, 151, 152.

Mr., of the Mint; 58.

James, of the Bristol Mint; 67, 68.

Sir William, letters of; 21, 22, 23, 25, 28.

— letter to; 33.

— secretary, minutes by; 65, 69.

— ambassador to Charles V.; 74.

House; 570.

Palatine :

the Elector, his divines; 304.

— his brother Richard; 320.

— (1569); 422, 429, 464.

Palmer, Sir Thomas, letters of; 29, 268, 276.

Panton, —; 458.

Paris; 262, 341.

letters dated at; 51, 118, 266, 482, 520.

books brought from; 83, 84.

French, deposition of; 416.

George, his papers seized; 100.

— pardon for; 101, 102, 247.

Park, Mr., at Calais; 134.

Parker :

—; 418.

Mr., letter to; 457.

Archbishop Matthew, letter of; 268.

Edward, letter to; 474.

Parks and castles, royal, survey of; 132.

Parliament :

knights and burgesses returned to (1547); 51.

of 1559, considerations delivered to; 162.

Parma :

taken by the French; 87.

Duchess of; 197.

Parr, Sir William, or Lord; 494.

Parry :

—; 137.

the auditor; 101.

Thomas, cofferer to Princess Elizabeth; 67, 72.

— confession of; 73.

— letters of; 101, 114.

Sir Thomas, letters to; 151, 152.

— treasurer; 212.

— letters of; 232, 245.

— his account; 242.

— payment by; 254.

— his executors; 258.

— late treasurer; ib.

Parrye, his conferences with Lord Sudeley; 61.

Parsons :

John, examination of; 437.

answer of; ib.

Partriche :

Henry, payment to; 258.

Sir Miles; 68.

Parvys, —, schoolmaster; 347.

Pase, Lewis de; 555.

Passau, treaty of; 303, 313.

Paston :

John; 438, 440.

Leke; 146.

Patryke, Richard, petition of; 303.

Paulet :

Amyas, son of Sir Hugh; 244, 278.

— lieutenant of Jersey; 271.

Sir Amyas, letter of; 274.

— executor to Sir Hugh; 342.

Sir Hugh; 76, 81, 266, 271, 273, 282, 293.

— letters of; 244, 277, 278.

— warrant to; 284.

— late governor of Jersey; 342.

John, dean of Jersey; 271.

Sir William; 477.

Paulo, Pedro, a diver; 270.

Paver, John, of Wetherby; 404.

Pawne :

Mr.; 527.

William; 570.

Pawpers, William, of Berwick; 85.

Paynell, Thomas; 127.

Pecche, Sir John, at Calais; 3.

Pecci, Antonio, letter of; 147.

Peckham :

Mr., his servant; 83.

Sir E.; 81.

Peele, John, executor; 2.

Pelham, Mr.; 297.

Pembroke :

Earl of (1552), letter of; 96.

— (1557), at St. Quentin; 145.

Earl of (1560–70); 229, 253, 273, 350, 354, 425, 430, 431, 443, 445, 456, 541, 544.

— letters to; 368, 452.

— examinations of; 426, 431.

— interrogatories for; 428.

— letters of; 449.

Countess of; 504.

Penley; 481.

Penny, Sir Conrad, letter of; 122.

Penrith; 456.

letter dated at; 30.

Penryn, Cornwall, sale of College church; 74.

Penshurst; 529.

Penven, Mr., chaplain to Henry VIII.; 23, 32.

Peperd, Walter; 37.

Pepparde, —; 78.

Percy :

Sir Henry, at Taymouth; 168.

— in Scotland; 209, 218, 220, 221, 225, 232.

— and Norham; 372.

— in the north; 338, 342, 391, 392.

— letter to; 442.

— concerned in plot for Mary Queen of Scots; 535, 537, 539, 541, 542, 544, 545, 546, 550, 571.

— examinations of; 553, 572.

Thomas; 130.

Pereira family; 82.

Perez, Secretary; 5.

Perezius, G., countersignature; 158.

Perjury statute against; 164.

Permot, Thomas, letter of; 272.

Perrot, Sir John, his charge in Ireland; 501.

Pers, W., letter of; 260.

Persia :

Jenkinson's journey to; 260.

King of; 340.

Peru; 414.

Peterborough :

liberties of; 116.

Bishop of (1556); 137.

— Dr. Poole late; 309.

Petre :

Mr.; 151.

Sir William; 86, 94.

— secretary; 120, 212.

— minutes by; 65.

— letters of; 89, 120, 121, 232, 238.

— letters to; 97, 101, 120, 121, 226–248, passim.

Petrovic; 90.

Petter, —; 155.

Peverel, house of; 150.

Pexall :

Sir Richard; 392.

— his daughter; 325.

Pflug, Julius, Bishop of Naumburg; 304.

Phar or Phaire, William; 457.

Philip the Great, son of the Duke of Brunswick; 122.

Philip II. of Spain :

letters of; 147, 153, 158.

and France; 151.

his wooing of Elizabeth; 153, 161.

asked to aid France in Scotland; 159.

device for his marriage; 165.

and the French King's daughters; 182.

declaration of his ambassador; .203.

his English adherents; 212.

character of his son; 301.

illness of his Queen; 301.

Queen of Scots and; ib.

his view of Elizabeth's marriage; 321.

his executions of Egmont and Horn, feeling in Germany about; 359, 360.

Philip and Mary, the ship; 281.

Philpeston manor, Dorset; 256.

Phœnix, the ship; 366.

Picardy :

invasion of; 117.

ports of; 257.

Picher, Francis, messenger; 236.

Pickering :

Mr., at Poissy; 118, 121.

Sir William, ambassador to France; 85.

— letter of; 105.

— petitions of; 257, 443.

Pickman, Captain; 399.

Pictures, maps, &c., inventory of; 130.

Piedmont; 113, 177.

Prince of; 113, 117, 118.

Pienza; 113.

Pignerol; ib.

Pildrim, John, of Salisbury, examination of; 427.

Pinart, M., envoy; 519.

Pinchbeck, letters dated at; 108, 119.

Piracy, instructions for suppression of; 286.

Pirates :

English; 299.

Moorish, expeditions against; 270.

Pisin, Baron of; 319.

Pitsey manor; 527.

Pittarow, the laird of; 59.

Pius V., Pope :

his feelings towards Elizabeth; 182.

his bull against heretic cardinals; 182.

bull of; 400.

Plagues :

in 1551; 90.

at Deptford; 281.

at Edinburgh; 367, 372.

in London; 469, 476, 499.

in Germany; 803, 304, 305, 313.

in Jersey; 274, 277, 278.

in the Tower of London; 279.

Plate, chantry; 73.

Plederthorp manor, Notts; 93.

Plowden, Mr.; 542.

Plumton, William; 468.

Plymouth; 371, 388.

letter dated at; 179.

mayor of; 142.

customers of; 179.

Pocklington; 460, 469.

Podmore; 561.

Poictiers; 362.

siege of; 417.

relief of; 418.

taking of; 430.

Poissy :

English envoys at; 118, 121.

letters dated at; 121, 122, 123, 124.

Poland :

King of (1553); 111.

— (1567), his defeat of the Russians; 343.

— and his Queen; 305.

Polard, Master; 16.

Pole :

the North; 6.

Lady Constance, letter to; 104.

Sir Geoffrey, letters of; 104.

Pollard, Mr.; 144.

Pomeraye, Sir Giles de la, treaty by; 8.

Pontefract; 543.

Ponyngs, Sir Adrian; 276.

— letters of; 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282. See Poynings.

Poole :

Dr., late Bishop of Peterboro'; 309.

Ralph; 559.

Pope, the :

(1557), and the Duke of Alva; 138.

league of Protestant Princes against; 258.

Act abolishing; 349.

Popynjay, —; 295.

Porchester Castle; 275, 282.

Pordilian; 2.

Porsenon, in German Brixen, letter dated at; 97.

Porte St. Thibault; 362.

Porter, Mr.; 141.

Portsmouth; 48, 156, 159, 238, 245, 269, 270, 272, 274, 275, 281, 291, 293, 490, 558.

letters dated at; 274–280, passim.

fortifications to be made at; 49.

discharge of men at; 251.

hospital of God's House at; 279, 282.

captain of; 495.

survey of; 495.

Wymbering near; 278.

Portugal :

King of (1527); 6.

— (1560); 206.

— (l566), marriage of his sister; 326.

Princess of, letter of; 135.

Porzo, near Naples; 98.

Pott, Mychell, of Clennell; 399.

Poulett, Sir William; 443. See Paulet.

Powell :

Edmund; 535, 537, 539, 550, 553, 572.

confession of; 544, 549.

examinations of; 546, 550, 571.

Poynings :

Sir Adrian; 269, 275.

— captain of Portsmouth; 495. See Ponyngs.

Praet, Louis de, treaty by; 5.

Prague; 569.

monastery near; 304, 317.

Prat, M. di; 111.

Prato, M. di, his plate; 110.

Pregnor, Gaspar, ambassador, Montague's conversation with; 161.

Pregnyar, Gaspar, letter to; 290.

Prestall :

—; 476.

John; 466.

Preston :

manor, Somerset; 118.

William; 301.

Priests, marriage of; 78.

Primrose, the ship; 257, 279, 281.

Prince, Walter, servant to Mr. Peckham; 83.

Pringell of Torretlie, murder of; 389.

Pringles, the, of Teviotdale; 405.

Prioli, Signor; 182.

Prior's Dean; 12.

Protector, Lord, notes on office of; 51.

Protestants :

in Germany, rising of; 82.

proceedings against, in France and Spain; 159.

in Scotland, and the French forces; 170, 174.

in France; 265.

States, their dissensions; 287.

in Germany; 313.

Provisions, high price of, complaint of; 82.

Prussia, Duke of; 258.

Pryngell, Alexander, examination of; 265.

Pulter, Fraunces; 253.

Puthallam, Wilts; 12.

Putney; 404.

Puttenham, George, his evil life; 393.

Puynguillon, M. de; 567.

Pye, Mr., letter to; 50.

Pygott, Robert, letters of; 273.

Pynart, M.; 566.

Pyrgo, letter dated at; 213.

Pyron; 144.

Pyrrye, Martin; 104.

Pyttarow; 187.