Index: N, O

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Index: N, O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: N, O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: N, O". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


“N,” description of; 313.

Naples; 98, 121, 270.

letters dated at; 135, 148, 341.

Viceroys of; 110, 114, 117, 147, 148.

fustian; 128.

Nassau, Count Louis of; 360.

Naumburg :

assembly at; 258.

Bishop of, Pflug; 304.

Navagiero, Bernardo, relation by; 106.

Navarre; 265, 408.

King of; 266.

Queen of; 388.

Prince of, his marriage; 520, 568.

Navy, the :

state of, in 1547; 52.

considerations on its maintenance; 165.

in 1561, estimates for; 264.

accounts relating to; 285, 289, 292, 293, 366.

memoranda on; 283.

report on; 284.

Naworth or Naward Castle; 455, 456, 460, 464, 468.

Necten, Mr.; 511.

Neisby, Mistress; 502.

Nesbet or Nesbitt, a Frenchman; 157, 169.

Nesyell, Daniel, declaration by; 75.

Netherby, the Grahams of; 253.

Netherlands, the :

commerce with; 7.

arrest of English in; 64.

Gresham's negotiations in; 102, 103.

calling of the Estates in; 109.

preparations against France in, 196.

designs of France on; 265.

wares brought from; 287.

merchant adventurers in; 289, 296.

English trade with; 290.

English exports to; 314.

free porters in; 323.

intercourse with; 331.

articles for trade with; 341.

scheme for cloth manufacture; 343.

execution of Egmont and Horn; 359.

the rebels in; 360.

persecutions in; 364.

wine for, suggested seizure of; 389.

merchants of; 395.

Alva in; 418.

Nettlestead, letter dated at; 253.

Nevill :

Christopher; 471.

Sir Henry; 443, 451, 520.

— instructions for; 429.

— letters of; 429, 433, 436, 438, 452, 459, 463, 464, 473–476.

— messages by; 575.

Sir John; 490, 491.

Newark; 447.

Newcastle-on-Tyne; 18, 25, 103, 263; 441.

letters dated at; 26, 27, 34, 38, 39, 40, 182, 231, 232, 250.

mayor, &c. of, certificate of; 27.

ships from; 29.

Ward; 31.

scarcity of grain at; 33.

muster of gentlemen at; 43.

troops sent to; 157, 160.

merchants; 160.

horsemen at; 169, 172.

French ship at; 171.

ships; 179, 183, 185, 186, 225, 240.

munition shipped at; 201.

coal miners at; 212, 213.

Sir W. Cecil's journey to; 228, 229, 230, 231.

coals; 277.

hospitals of; 311.

ordnance at; 372.

gaol at; 399.

Newdigate :

Francis, letter of; 294.

— interrogatories to; 294, 295.

Mr.; 454.

Newhall, Essex; 94.

Newhaven; 257. See Havre.

Newmarket; 427.

letter dated at; 428.

Newry, the, letter dated at; 405.

Nigri :

Philip; 8.

commission to; ib. Nixon :

family of Liddesdale, raid by; 24.

Edmond; ib.

Noailles, letter of; 157.

Nobility, the :

their compulsory education at the universities; 163.

alleged ignorance of; ib.

Nonsuch; 437, 438.

letters dated at; 318, 449.

Norbury; 504.

Norfolk :

grain in; 27.

rebellion in; 80.

Princess Mary in; 93, 94.

return from justices of; 310.

harbour in; 450.

Duke of, (1513); 4.

— (1529), and Wolsey; 7.

— (1540), deposition by; 14.

— (1542); 17.

— letters of; 18, 19.

— complaint against; 20.

— (1543), letter of; 22.

— (1544), letter of; 43.

— (1547), the late, stuff belonging to; 52.

— (1559) Lieut-general; 157, 166.

— summary of his commission; 157.

— instructions to; 160.

— (1560), letters of and to; 167, et seq.

— (1561) letter to; 262.

— his Order of France, &c.; 324, 325.

— (1567); 345.

— and Appleyard; 349, 350.

— (1567–71), letters of; 348, 355, 367, 368, 414, 419, 421, 422, 427, 436, 448, 451, 452, 459, 472, 475, 479, 511, 534, 564.

— letters to; 371, 423, 425, 482.

— (1568), commissioner; 364, 381.

— his disputes with Cecil; 409, 412.

— his proposed marriage to Queen Mary; 414, et seq.

— his diets; 415.

— his servants arrested; 430.

— prisoner in the Tower; 430, 433.

— his intent to convey the Queen of Scots to Arundel; 458.

— his losses by the Dacres, 459.

— the charges against; 461.

— at St. Alban's; 468.

— his first submission; 473.

— evidence against; 517.

— close guard upon; 520.

— conveyed again to the Tower; 521, 522.

— examinations of; 522, 528, 535, 554.

— submission of; 524.

— his debts; 527.

— document relating to his conduct and imprisonment; 543.

— in the Tower; 561.

— answers, &c., of; 562.

— sums due to and from; 570.

— interrogatories for; 577.

Norham; 372, 373, 374.

treaty of; 91.

captains of; 18, 391, 393, 397.

survey of the house at; 388.

Normandy :

news from; 111, 112.

troops in; 146.

under English rule; 271.

Normanton, South, co. Derby; 504.

parsonage of; ib.

Norragh Begg, the; 417.

Norreys, Sir H., his letters intercepted; 403.

Norris, John, letter of; 136.

North, the :

Council of, letters of; 18, 19.

— the president; 293.

Rebellion in (1553); 125.

— (1569); 440–456, 459, et seq.

levies for; 465.

North :

Lord, Edward (1559), letters of; 150, 154, 155.

— (1569); 443, 531.

Lady; 527.

Mr.; 356.

Sir Edward, letters of; 51, 95.

Northallerton; 563.

letter dated at; 231.

Northampton :

Marquis of (1549), his conferences with the Lord Admiral; 70, 71.

— (1550) document signed by; 81.

— (1559); 165.

— (1564) letter of; 295.

— (1567); 350, 381, 443, 494.

— letter of; 452.

Marchioness of; 336.

shire freeholders, petition of; 82.

intended rising in; 92.

return from justices of; 308.

Northumberland :

great dearth in; 27.

soldiers quartered about; 167.

out of order in religious matters; 168.

return from justices of; 311.

gentlemen of, letter of thanks to; 574.

Duke of (1552), letters of; 95, 96, 97, 101, 103.

— letters to; 96, 97, 101, 104.

— (1553), letters to; 116, 117.

— (1553), a prisoner; 125.

Duchess of; 131.

Earl of, letters of; 153, 445, 446

— letter to; 441.

— in Scotland; 462.

— his collar of the George; 502.

— his plate; ib.

— his daughters; ib.

— (1559), truce made by; 152.

— (1562); 268, 276.

— (1563); and Sir John Forster; 374.

— (1566); 325.

— (1567), his right to metals; 345.

— and the northern rebellion; 433, 435, 440, et seq., 468.

Countess of, concerned in plot for Mary Queen of Scots; 459, 470, 471, 483, 486, 495, 496, 498, 499, 504, 543, 550, 570.

Norton :

Captain of Norham; 391, 392.

old Mr., the sheriff; 469, 471.

Antony; 568.

Chr.; 472.

Francis; 468, 469.

John, Commissioner in Kent; 54.

Richard, letter of; 404.

— rebel; 447, 468, 490, 491.

Sir Sampson, commission to; 15.

Thomas, examination of; 468.

William; 468, 469, 472.

Norwich; 140, 557.

letters dated at; 348, 355.

Bishop of (1552), letter of; 97.

— (1553); 117.

— (1564), his letters on the state of his diocese; 310, 311.

Nottingham; 447.

shire, manors in, assigned to Lord Clinton; 93.

— justices of; 312.

Nowell :

Dean of Lichfield; 309.

Robert, of the Court of Wards, letter of; 292.

Noyers, Condé's departure from; 361–363.

Nuremberg :

assembly at; 304, 425.

letters from; 411.

Marquis of; 122, 123.

Nycholl, Ootes, bailiff of Jersey; 271.

Nycolls, Philip, letter of; 254.

Nysson, Thomas; 25.


O'Brien, his son; 76.

Obrye, Monsieur; 98.

O'Carrol; 76.

O'Connor :

—; 101.

kerne belonging to; 75.

messenger of; 79.

Cahir; 76.

kindred; 104.

O'Denstell, Tylma; 142.

Odiham, Hants, letter dated at; 75.

O'Donel, his country; 261.

O'Donnell, his children; 104.

O'Dowlyn, Conor, messenger; 79.

Offaly country; 104.

Offices, Patent, opinions touching; 387.

Oggeston, co. Derby; 504.

Ogilvy, Lord; 420.

Ogle :

Mr.; 116, 119.

Richard, letter of; 108.

Oglethorpe, Andrew; 468.

O'Kelly; 76.

Okenton, Mr., legacy to; 147.

Olaf :

Dr., chaplain; 325.

— letters to; 328, 329.

— letters of; 329, 332.

Oldenburg, Count Christopher of; 300.

Oldendorp, Johannes, doctor of laws; 10.

Oliphant, Lord; 420.

Olivares, Earl of; 134.

Oliver, —; 561.

O'More :

kerne belonging to; 75.

messenger of; 79.

kindred; 104.

Omphalius, Jacobus, doctor of laws; 10.

O'Neill :

Con, his submission; 17.

John, the rebel; 260.

Shane; 261.

— informers against; 271.

Oran; 270.

Orange, Prince of (1553); 117.

— (1560); 196.

— (1568–69); 364, 403, 408.

O'Raylee; 104.

Ordnance; 92.

Office of; 341.

estimate for; 370.

O'Reilly, Captain Malachi, letter of; 260.

Orleans, Duke of (1441); 2.

Ormeston, John; 576.

Ormiston, letter dated at; 385.

Ormistoun, Lord (1568), letter of; 385.

Ormond :

Earl of; 100, 101, 413, 417, 481.

Countess of (1549); 75.

— the Constable of Carlow's letter concerning; 78.

Ortenburg, Count of, his change of religion; 321.

Osborn, John, controller of the ships; 16.

Osborne, Peter, letters of; 381, 389, 393.

Osnaburgh, bishopric of; 122.

Oswestry, survey of; 511.

Oteley, Thomas; 507.

Otley, —; 500.

Oudenarde, document dated at; 8.

Oudly, John; 144.

Oundle; 116.

Oune, parson of; 334.

Overley; 559.

Overton, John; 141.

Owen, Hugh; 537, 539, 540, 541, 545, 546, 547, 550, 571.

Oxenbridge, Sir Robert; 392, 393, 435.

Oxford; 83, 200, 476.

Magdalen College; 91.

New College, statutes of; 58, 81.

University, petition for confirmation of ancient privileges; 339.

diocese, justices in; 312.

Ensam, near; 500.

Earl of (1561), letter to; 262.

— and Cecil; 474.