Index: G

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Index: G', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: G', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: G". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Gamage family; 82.

Gamboa, Don Hernando de; 135.

Ganboa, Pedro de, letter of; 45.

Garden, Mr., and Anne of Cleves; 140.

Gardiner :

Stephen, his mission to Rome; 6.

— Wolsey's letters to; 6, 7.

alias Sinclair, John, examination of; 527.

alias Watts, Anne, legacy to; 147.

Gares, Ryneane, a Scotchman; 42.

Gargrave, Sir Thomas; 185.

letter of; 293.

payment to; 441.

letter to; ib.

Garrard, Sir William; 443.

payment to; 411.

Garrer, William, English merchant in Russia; 347, 348.

Garret, Mr.; 439.

Garrett, Edward; 425, 435.

Garter, the, order of; 121, 125.

Gartley, the Scotchman; 560.

Garzias, Don; 110.

Gascony, wines of; 163, 282.

Gaston; 169.

laird of; 156.

Master; 157.

Gatacre, William, letter of; 273.

Gates. Sir Henry, letter of; 462.

Gats, Sir John; 68.

Gavin, Commendator of Kilwinning; 364.

Gawde, Mr.; 55.

Gawdy, Bassingbourn; 438, 440.

Gemmingen, defeat at; 360.

Geneva, letters from; 410, 411.

Genlis, M. de, his death; 403.

Genoa; 98.

Germany :

Protestants in, rising of; 82.

affairs of (1553); 122.

English negotiations with; 283.

plague in; 304, 305, 313.

feeling in, about the Spanish executions; 359.

Killigrew's embassy to; 393.

Emperor of, letter to; 359.

Emperors of, their alliances with England; 302, 303.

Protestant Princes of, assembly of; 258.

Gerrard :

Sir Gilbert, examinations before; 468, 535, 544, 548.

Sir Thomas, concerned in plot for Mary Queen of Scots; 504–572, passim.

— letter of; 514.

— examinations of; 508, 572.

— interrogatories for; 507.

Gerynge, Henry, sheriff of Sussex, letters of; 268, 276.

Gesner, Conrad, payment to; 261.

Ghent; 288, 410.

Giannetti, Guido; 255.

Gibraltar; 270.

Gilbert, Humphrey, soldiers for Ireland raised by; 343.


Sir John; 99.

Marsh of; ib.

Gillesland; 455.

Gillingham; 274.

Water, ships sent to; 281.

Gilman, one; 569.

Glamis, Lord; 420.

Glamorganshire, justices of; 312.

Glasgow; 399.

French forces at; 195

the Lords assembly at; 392.

parliament at; 391.

Lords Huntly and Argyle at; 391, 392.

Bishop of (1571), letters of; 519, 525, 565.

Glasion :

M. de; 114.

— envoy to England; 197.

— his declaration and the answer 203–205.

Glencairn :

Earl of (1542); 16.

— (1544); 41, 43.

—, — letters to; 23, 32.

— (1560); 252, 254.

—, — his son; 178.

— (1566); 335.

— (1568); 374.

Gloucester :

St. Mary's, Trinity Guild at; 8.

Bishop of (1564), his letter on the state of bis diocese; 311.

Gloves :

inventory of; 130, 131.

perfumed; 266.

harvest; 512.

Godd, John, merchant tailor; 527.

Godden, Matt.; 532.

Gohas, Capt., his regiment; 362.

Goldthorpe, Richard; 26, 27.

Goldwell, Mr.; 301.

Goletta, the; 342.

Gondy, M.; 567.

Gonelsbery, letter dated at; 141.

Gonson :

Master; 44.

Benjamin, view of ships by; 146.

— letter of; 281.

William, inventory of his goods; 52.

Gonston, Mr.; 251, 281.

Gonzaga, Ferrante, councillor of Charles V.; 1ll, 114.

Goodrich :

Bishop of Ely, Lord Chancellor, letter of; 108.

— petition to; 132.

Goodricke, Richard, letter of; 80.

Goodyear :

Henry; 458, 534, 536, 578.

— examinations of; 535, 536.

Gordon :

Captain; 499, 535.

Alexander, letter to; 34.

Sir John, of Lochinvar; 364.

Gormson, Donald, letters of; 385.

Gormyll, Rowland, examination of; 258.

Gosnold, Mr.; 94.

Gosslyng, Hellier, bailiff of Guernsey; 271.

Grafton, —; 140.

honour of; 82.

Graham :

family of Leven; 396.

George; 178.

or Grame, George, son of Richard, of Netherby; 253.

John, of Cannaby; 253.

Robert, called “Gares”; 42.

Granada, outbreak of the Moors in; 456.

Grange, Laird of; 405.

Grantham :

letters dated at; 107, 138.

Cecil's sheep at; ib.

Granville; 76.

Gratz, in Corinthia :

letter from; 82.

letter dated at; 353.

Gravelines; 2.

Gravesend; 144, 283, 325.

Gray :

Mr.; 477, 478, 480.

— his lands; 374.

Grayme, Patie; 34, 35.

Graystock; 571.

Castle; 455.

Greenwich; 266, 267.

letters dated at; 36, 37, 74, 85, 86, 88, 89, 100, 118, 120, 121, 233, 238, 244, 337, 338, 355, 411, 426, 430, 432, 434, 435.

Edward VI.'s lodgings in; 130.

Grema; 111.

Grenewood, Leonard, letter of; 24.

Grenhead, Lord of; 405.

Grenoble; 47.

Gresham :

D.; 283.

Sir Thomas; 63, 433.

— letters of; 101, 117, 229, 573, 574.

— instructions to; 120.

— at Antwerp; 96, 97, 100, 197.

— his embassy in Flanders; 102, 103, 104.

— at Brussels; 176, 177, 232, 238.

— at Queenborough; 289.

Grey :

Lord (1545), General at Guisnes; 45.

— (1548); 56, 57.

— (1557); 146.

— of Wilton, Warden of the Marches, instructions to; 172.

— his services in Scotland (1559–1500); 157, 168, 177, 183–191, 200–220, passim.

— letters to; 209, 210, 217.

— his son Barnaby; 209.

— Governor of Berwick; 257.

— and Berwick tithes; 391.

— (1569) : 420, 443.

Arthur, shot; 211.

Lady Jane; 55.

— the intrigues concerning; 63, 69, 70, 71.

Lord John, letters of;. 139, 212.

— letter to; 279.

Lady Katherine, and the l'rince of Spain; 197.

— and Lord Hertford; 261, 264, 272, 294, 295.

— removed from the Tower; 279.

Lord Richard, warrant to; 11.

Lord Thomas; 76.

— suit of; 118.

— interrogatories to; 294.

Griffin, Edward, letter of; 140.

Grimsby :

in great ruin and decay; 109.

St. Mary's and St. James's Churches; ib.

Grimshaw, Nicholas; 530, 531.

Grimsthorp, letter dated at; 45.

Grimstone, Edward; 438.

Groningen, Louis of Nassau about; 360.

Grymstone :

John, of Edmonton, will of; 46.

William : 26.

Gueldres, Governor of, letter to; 407.

Guernsey :

customs levied in; 2.

notes concerning; 15.

petticoats; 130.

inquiry into church lands, &c. in; 244.

trade at; 251.

petition from; 271.

St. Julian's chapel in; ib.

letter dated at; 277.

threatened attack on; 277, 281.

Ships and soldiers sent to; 280.

commissioners for, report of; 287.

grammar school; ib.

fortifications of; 278, 295, 299.

petition concerning its privileges; 321.

bailiff, &c. of; 320.

captain, &c. of; 516.

defence of; 579.

Crown lands in; ib.

Guienne; 362, 365.

Guildford; 347.

Lord (1553); 117.

Gninea, navigation to; 165.

Gnintini, Francesca, sonnet by; 396.

Guise :

house of, its power and influence; 197, 198, 204.

Duke of; 204.

— his party; 267.

Madame de; 520.

Guisnes; 45, 46, 48, 97, 100.

works at; 29.

Gulford, house and park; 140.

Gunson, William, paymaster; 16.

Guntor, Arthur, his evidence concerning Amy Robsart; 252, 253, 255.

Gusman, envoy; 114.

Guttinieres, M. de; 362.