Cecil Papers: 1564

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Cecil Papers: 1564', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp288-315 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1564', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp288-315.

"Cecil Papers: 1564". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp288-315.


959. John Mershe to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1563/4, Jan. 1. Sends the names of ports from which clothes or other woollen commodities are wont to be shipped. These exports are greater than they have generally been. Does so with the intent that such restraint may be put on them as may seem fit to the Council. Commotions at Antwerp and Ghent in connexion with these English exports, when the placard he transmits herewith was published. Would like to have got it translated, but could not. As he met the ambassador going to Court on New Year's Day, he thought good to send the placard, and trusts to obtain some others, which he will get translated as soon as possible. Believes the substance of it to be : a prohibition of all wrought commodities in iron, tin, and wool, cloth and kersey only excepted, whereof they reserve a future regulation; a restraint also of certain commodities to be brought to England, save by such as have already the trade in them; a prohibition likewise that no goods shall be brought thence in a foreign vessel so long as any in that country is available. If Cecil will cause all customs officers to specify the entries made with them for all places outward and inward, with the names of the ships or vessels, it will easily be seen how much the navy of the Low Country is maintained by that of England, and how little cause mariners have to complain; besides other matters that may be serviceable to the Queen.
Has information of a ship, bound for Antwerp, laden with 340 barrels of brimstone. Thinks it should not be suffered to pass, as the people of that country are so unwilling to let powder be brought into England, and so ready to assist the enemy therewith. The ship may be stopped at Dover or Rye. The goods belong to an Englishman, but his informant will not tell him the name, unless the ship is stopped.
Thinks the frost will prevent their voyage to Empden, so there will be good time to ascertain how they will be treated there.
Sends an oration made at the breaking up of the Council of Trent, which Cecil may, however, have already seen.—Tottenham, New Year's Day.
Endorsed :—Jan. 1, 1563.
2 pp.
Modern copy of preceding.
960. Valentine Dale to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1563/4, Jan. 4. Has perused the writings touching Videben, and also the whole Register of the Cinque Ports, wherein he finds divers restitutions made within the time of his instructions. Some that were suitors at the Court, for whom he had taken such order in the Admiralty that they were well satisfied therewith, came not for their dispatch, after they heard of the coming of the Secretary of Flanders. About Dec. 20, one Hilton, son of Baron Hilton, took certain Flemish vessels, which had been taken before into Dover and dispatched as friends, by what probable title he cannot yet learn. Sir Thomas Gresham passed from Queenborough on the previous Saturday with the Queen's ships, which had not returned, so far as any man on that coast could hear. None of the Queen's ships were at Dover. Will furnish himself with some others as well as he can, at the first convenient wind. Will not fail to follow the rest of the contents of Cecil's letter.—Dover, 4 January 1563.
¾ p.
Modern copy of preceding.
961. Valentine Dale to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1563/4, Jan. 6. Having the opportunity of a messenger, writes to inform him that he has been compelled to remain at Dover, waiting for a favourable wind. Trusts his letter of the 4th has reached safely. Meantime has taken out of the register of Dover Castle the restitution of twelve sundry vessels, with their ladings, made unto those of the Low Country, since the 7th of the previous September, on the bare oath of the party.—Dover, 6 January 1563.
½ p.
Modern copy of preceding.
962. The Navy.
1563/4, Jan. 16. Account for the victualling of the Queen's ships under the charge of Edward Baesh.—16 Jan. 1563.
¾ p.
963. The Governor and Company of Merchant Adventurers to the Council.
1563/4, Jan. 16. A paper headed, “A part of the discommodities perceived to grow by the marrying of certain of the Company of Merchant Adventurers in King Philip's Low Countries.”
The company desire the recall of such married men by the Queen's particular letters. Explain a device procured to evade the restraint for shipping woollen commodities. It is stated “that the merchants of the Low Countries, who are thought to be the procurers of these troubles, intending to eat the Queers subjects out of all trades, have in these times of restraint such commodity by having their houses upon the wharves in London, that no doubt they will daily do their feat, wherein, if they mav be suffered and others restrained, their desire is accom plished, and they will still work to continue the troubles. And in this order, bringing in wares to a great value, the exchange being low, they will not only convey over a lot of money, but also plate, which, by the scarcity of money is good cheap; which thing they could not do if their dwelling were removed from the water-side.”
Endorsed by Cecil :—16 Jan. 1563.—Request of the Governor and Merchant Adventurers.
3 pp.
964. Articles received at Windsor.
1563/4, Jan. 23. These are a series of twelve questions with reference to the trade between England and the Low Countries.
Endorsed :—23 Jan. 1563.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 409. In extenso.]
965. Trade with the Low Countries.
1563/4, Jan. 23. Articles propounded to the Merchant Adventurers with reference to the trade with the Low Countries.
Endorsed by Cecil :—23 Jan. 1563.
966. Sir Nicholas Bacon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1563/4, Jan. 25. On receipt of Cecil's letter was in mind to have written to the Queen, but on further consideration thought best to forbear until lie had heard from Cecil about his former letter. If the Queen knew the contents of that, it would be unwise, in various ways, for him to write to her again on the subject. Does not deem it meet that what he had written should be lost. Will wait till he hears from Cecil; therefore sends a messenger. Desires an immediate answer, as he thinks the loss of time may injure the case in hand. Intends to deal therein plainly and earnestly, and to leave the rest to God.—25 Jan. 1563.
[Postcript.] Means to go to Hertford on the morrow, if his health permits.
The case alluded to in this letter is, as we learn from an endorsement by Cecil, that of the Duke of Wurtemburg.
Seal. 1 p. [Haynes, pp. 409, 410. In extenso, except the postcript.]
967. Dover Castle.
1563/4, Jan. 26. A “proportion” for the furniture of the castle and “pieces” of Dover; dated, Jan. 26, 1563.
968. John Hales.
[1563/4, Jan.]. Indictment against John Hales of London, gentleman, for having “presumptuously and contemptuously discussed both by words and in writing” the question of the succession to the imperial crown in case the Queen should die without issue.
Latin. 3 pp.
Modern copy.
969. Roger Strange to Gaspar Pregnyar (Baron Breynner).
1563/4, Feb. 1. Arrived safely in London on the 28th Jan. and one day afterwards met his kinsman Throckmorton, who, after some conversation between them on private affairs, made many inquiries with reference to the Emperor and the Archduke Charles. When he was told that the Emperor intended, immediately after the funeral of his father, to send an ambassador to the Queen, according to custom, with the insignia of the Garter vacant by his death, he seemed to hear it very willingly and asked whether the writer did not think that lie, Baron Breynner, would be chosen to execute that office, to which he replied giving him some hope that such would be the case. Was afterwards asked by Throckmorton to repeat the substance of their conversation to Cecil, the Queen's principal secretory; which, when he had done, he understood from him that it seemed to him most well advised both for the affairs of His Imperial Majesty and of the Queen that the custom of returning the insignia of the Grarter should not be neglected, because thus the honour and dignity not only of that most ancient order, but also of the sovereigns themselves would be preserved intact, and nothing would appear to be wanting to a continuance of their friendship.
As regards the Archduke Charles, sees that the Secretary is well affected towards the House of Austria, and is very desirous that Breynner should be sent as Ambassador to the Queen by His Imperial Majesty. For, as he says, Parliament meeting at Easter, he thinks that all the estates of the realm will be so solicitous for Her Majesty's marriage that it will then appear from Her Majesty's answer, either that all hope of her future marriage must be abandoned, or that (as he both desires and hopes) she will consent to espouse some person suitable to her dignity and the welfare of the realm. Therefore, as it appears certain that the Queen will not marry any of her subjects, he greatly desires that the opportunity afforded by Breynner's embassy should be made use of to revive the former negotiations.
Had an interview afterwards with the E. of Leicester, who spoke in much the same strain, and seems to be not less well affected to the House of Austria than the other two, Cecil and Throckmorton. For himself he ventures to add that, if the embassy is given to Breynner, with fitting and sufficient authority, he will find these three noblemen so sincere and cordial that, even if he should not attain his object, neither he nor the Emperor will sustain any loss of dignity or honour nor incur any useless waste of time. Begs him to observe secrecy in treating of this matter, for he is persuaded that this proposition would not be agreeable either to the Pope or to the Kings of France and Spain.
Indeed he has every reason to believe that these two sovereigns seek only how to turn the matter of the English marriage to their own advantage.
Copy, in the handwriting of Cecil. Latin. 3 pp. [Haynes, p. 430. In extenso.]
970. The Marquis of Winchester to the Earl of Warwick.
1563/4, Feb. 4. Touching the method of payment of a sum of 5,744l. 10s. 10d., due at Newhaven for wages, and to certain merchants at Portsmouth. Has sent a blank warrant, so that the Queen may put in the sum to be paid.—4 February 1563.
Modern copy of preceding.
971. Edward Randolph to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1563/4, Feb. 7. Note of the charges for four carts delivered to Sir Wm. Fitzwilliams.
Endorsed :—7 February 1563.
Seal. ¾ p.
972. The Navy.
1563/4, Feb. 11. Account for the victualling of the Queen's ships under the charge of Edward Baesh, “general surveyor of the victuals for the seas.”—11 February 1563.
[A subsequent part of the document is dated, February 19, 1563.]
973. Deptford Dock.
1563/4, March 8. An estimate for the finishing of the great new ship in the dock at Deptford, and for sundry expenses in connection with the dock.—8 March 1563.
1 p.
974. Robert Nowell, Attorney of the Court of Wards, to Sir Wm. Cecil, Master of the said Court.
1563/4, March 16. Touching the inquisition regarding the lands of the deceased Earl of Rutland. Mr. Ferrar had brought him an office drawn for the Earl's lands in Leicestershire, in which county were divers manors held in capite, and yet none descended in possession, save the manor of Saltby. Thinks few or none descended in Lincolnshire, but conveyed either to the Countess, or otherwise. Wishes to know whether Cecil wants the inquisition held in Middlesex, or in Yorkshire, the county where most of the lands lie. Mentions some matters the Commissioners must look to. Thinks they should also inquire as to the assurance of Croxton to the Countess. Has asked Mr. Ferrar to remind Cecil about the mortgaged lands.—Gray's Inn, 16 March 1563.
Seal. 1 p.
975. The Narrow Seas.
1563/4, March 21. An estimate for the wages, &c. of 70 mariners and gunners, thought meet to serve the Queen in two barks—the Angel and the Swallow—for the guarding of the passage in the narrow seas, amounting to 88l. 20d.—21 March 1563.
½ p.
976. The Marquis Chiappino Vitelli to Sir Thos. Chaloner, the Queen's Ambassador in Spain.
1564, March 27. Has been several times to Chaloner's house to kiss his hands, but by ill fortune has been prevented from finding him. Has therefore received his letter with much satisfaction. Declares that the greatest favour Chaloner can confer upon him is to command him in all things as his faithful and affectionate servant.—Barcelona, 27 March 1564.
Italian. 1 p.
977. English Prisoners in the French Galleys to the English Ambassador in France [Sir Thomas Smith].
[1564], March 31. Having an opportunity, they send this to notify that they are still in the galley of Monsieur D'Albisse since the fall of Rouen, as he may know having been at Aries. Here they are like to end their days unless he has pity on them. Pray him to make some remonstrance to the Queen of England, so that they may some day be able to do her some service. Ask for news, for they hear nothing, and are very badly treated.—Marseilles, 31 March 1564 (?).
French. 1 p.
978. Fortifications at Jersey.
1564, March. A note by Sir Hugh Poulet, the captain of Jersey, of the materials, &c. required for the fortification and repair of the castle there.
Endorsed :—“Petitions of Sir Hugh Pawlett for the fortifications of Jersey. March 1564.”
1 p.
Another copy of the preceding.
979. Naval Affairs.
1564, April 6. Charge of victualling of the Queen's ships now serving upon the seas.
1 p.
980. Naval Affairs.
1564, April 6. Charge of the victualling of the Queen's ships in harbour.
1 p.
981. Edward Baesh to Sir W. Cecil.
1564, April 6. In accordance with his wish sends an estimate of the amount of victuals required for the Queen's ships in harbour for a whole year.
Suggests that, as old experience teaches him, it is far better and cheaper to make provision from the bakers, brewers, and butchers by agreement at prices to be arranged monthly according to the plenty or scarcity of the articles, than to have it purveyed by commission though at a cheaper rate, for the purveyor's many charges make the price as great as if it had been purveyed by agreement. Is now served at the butcher's hands with beef at 1½d. the pound, and believes the provision for the Queen's household is not so good or cheap though obtained by commission, when all the charges thereon come to be considered.
The Queen is now served by agreement in biscuit at 16s. the quarter of wheat, and in beer at 26s. 8d. the tun (?). Desires help towards the monthly ordinary payments for the harbour charge. Has provided by agreement 500 quarters of wheat at 16s. 8d. the quarter.
Sends an account for the ships under the command of Sir Thos. Cotton and desires to know whether on their return from the Islands they will victual at Portsmouth or not. —London, 6 April 1564.
Modern copy of preceding.
982. Sir Thos. Gargrave to Sir W. Cecill.
1564, April 14. If Her Majesty has not yet bestowed the office of President of the Council of the North, suggests that for one year, “being a peace world,” it might be served by the Vice-President, thus enabling Her Majesty to save some part of the fee—Slyngsby, 14 April .1564.
Modern copy.
983. Francis Newdigate to Sir W. Cecil.
1564, April 23. Would gladly speak with him again, partly for the conference had between Mr. Hales and himself concerning Mr. Askam's talk of my Lord Robert's offered friendship, and of his book matter; “and that, according to his olde Humore, the Skotish Matter to be an Hyndrans to our Suite; and of the Skotish Quene's inclination to be at the Queen's Majesty's Devocion; and that the voice went my Lord Robert was in good forwardness that way.” Afterwards Mr. Hales wrote to him from London “of mysliking my lords complaint and misliking of me, and his coming to Hanworth; so as at that tyme Mr. Hales semed in myne opinion very moch to mislike with my Lord of Hertford.” Afterwards Mr. Hales wrote to him from Windsor, “how frendly my Lord Robert used him, and how much you were frende to him, and to our Cause; and in what good Towardnes the misliked person was, with such like passags,” of all which conference and discourses or writings he beseeches him to make the best if they be spoken of.—“This 'St. George's Day 1564.”
1 p. [Haynes, p. 411. In extenso.]
984. Francis Newdigate.
1564, April 25. Interrogatories administered to Francis Newdigate and Lord Thos. Grey in the matter of the marriage of the E. of Hertford and the Lady Katharine; with the answers of Lord Thos. Grey.
In the handwriting of Cecil.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 412. In extenso.]
985. John Hales.
1564, April 25. Interrogatories to be administered to John Hales as to his conduct in the matter of the lawfulness of the marriage of the Earl of Hertford and the lady Katharine; and as to the book written by him on the subject of the Succession to the Crown, and the conferences had by him with the Lord John Grey and others touching the said matter.
Endorsed.—“Interrogatories for John Hales, 25 Aprilis 1564.”
3 pp. [Haynes, p. 43. In extenso.]
Another copy of the preceding.
3 pp.
986. Answers of John Hales.
1564, April 25/27 1. The answers of John Hales to the foregoing Interrogatories.
Endorsed.—“John Hales's examinacion taken by D. Dale and D. Wylsone, the 25th of Aprill.”
pp. [Haynes, p. 414. In extenso.]
2. A continuation of the above answers.
Endorsed :—“Ye exacon of John Hales ye xxvijth of Aprill.”
pp. [Haynes, p. 415. In extenso.]
987. Sir F. Chamberlain to the Queen.
1564, April 27. The state of this Island (Guernsey) has been reviewed and duly considered according to the instructions of the Privy Council. The money accruing to Her Majesty from the sales made by the late Commission being insufficient by one thousand pounds at the least, the weakest and most decayed part, shall be first taken in hand and repaired as far as their present furniture will serve. The islands have received with great joy the intelligence of the peace published at St. Malo between Her Majesty and the French King, by which they think they have escaped very great dangers. Asks that some order may be taken with respect to the privileges heretofore granted to the inhabitants of these islands.—Castle Cornet (Guernsey), 27 April 1564.
Modern copy.
988. Sir F. Chamberlain to the Privy Council.
1564, April 27. To the same effect as the preceding letter.
Modern copy.
989. Sir Francis Chamberlain to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1564, April 27. Has written to the Queen of her servant Popynjay's arrival to see to the fortifications. These have been viewed, but a thousand pounds extra will be needed for what is to be done. That of most necessity is presently gone about. Trusts the money will be granted for the rest.—Castle Cornet, 27 April 1564.
Endorsed :—“Francis Chamberlain, captain of Guernsey, to Mr. Seer, xxvijo Aprilis 1564.”
Seal, ¾ p.
990. The Earl of Northampton, Lord Robt. Dudley, and Sir Wm. Cecil to Sir John Mason.
1564, May 1. Containing interrogatories to be administered to Newdigate in the matter of the marriage of the E. of Hertford; his answer to be brought to them to-morrow before noon.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 415. In extenso.]
991. Newdigate's Answer.
1564, May 2. The answer of Newdigate to the interrogatories administered to him by Sir John Mason.
Endorsed :—“2 May 1564. Fra. Nudigate's confession to Sir Jhon Mason.”
3 pp. [Haynes, p. 416. In extenso.]
992. Interrogatories for Hales.
1564, May 3. Minute by Sir W. Cecil of further interrogatories to be administered to John Hales.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 417. In extenso.]
993. Lord R. Dudley to Sir W. Cecil and Sir John Mason.
1564, May 4. Spoke with Her Majesty on his return to the Court as to her pleasure concerning the delivery of Hale's book to the judges who have not yet seen it. Her Majesty wishes to speak again with Cecil and Mason before it is shown to them, and also that they (the judges) have no conference with any of their fellows until she herself shall appoint with whom.
Perceives that Her Highness intends to make choice of such and so many as shall deal herein herself.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 418. In extenso.]
994. Henry Cobham to Thos. Middleton.
1564, May 11. Complains that “her ladyship” has been misinformed with reference to his having made a certain grant of land to Lord Loughborough, and that she entertains very unjust opinions of his conduct in other matters of business.—London, 11 May 1564.
Addressed :—“To Thomas Middleton, servant to the Lady Marques (of Northampton ?). At Antwarpe.”
995. Jersey.
1564, May 23. A note of particulars concerning the Island of Jersey, the number and wages of the garrison, amount of provisions in store, expenses of works and fortifications, &c.
Endorsed :—“Notes for Jersey. 23 May, 1564.”
A modern copy of the preceding.
996. The Burgomasters and others of the Town of Antwerp to the Company of Merchant Adventurers.
1564, May 27. Finding that the good understanding heretofore existing between the merchants of London and Antwerp is much hindered by the restraints recently imposed on the traffic of the two countries, they have, after ripe counsel and deliberation, thought it most necessary that intercession should be made both to the Queen of England and to the King of Spain, as Governor of the Low Countries, for the removal or alteration of the said restraints.
Entreat them therefore to exert themselves to obtain such a concession from the Queen of England, and undertake on their part to do the like with the King of Spain or his representative.
Express their willingness to send a deputy to join the Merchant Adventurers in soliciting such revocation from Her Majesty and ask that a similar deputy may be sent from them to join in an appeal to the King of Spain.—Antwerp, 27 May 1564.
Modern copy.
997. The Merchants at Antwerp to the Company of Merchant Adventurers of London.
1564, May 27. Have thought it good to advise them of the steps about to be taken by the magistrates of Antwerp in order to obtain the removal of the restraints imposed upon the traffic between the two towns, in which, however, they have not taken nor do they intend to take any part.
Although the magistrates may appear to take these measures of their own free will they do it not without the consent of their superiors, for which reason they think it not unlikely that they will have good success. Will be glad to know their worships' minds in this behalf so that such of them as are in Antwerp may frame their conduct accordingly.—Antwerp, 27 May 1564.
3 pp.
Modern copy.
998. The Earl of Bedford to Sir W. Cecil.
1564, June 3. Explains a misconception of his meaning in a former letter wherein he appeared to think Cecil's conduct somewhat unfriendly. Is very glad to hear of Her Majesty's resolution to call before her Sir Richard Lee, Mr. Pelham, and others, and trusts Her Highness will accept and follow their opinions.—Berwick, 3 June 1564.
1 p.
Modern copy.
999. The Captains of Ireland.
[1564, June 29]. Memorandum of matters burdensome to them. They say their pay is smaller and their travail and charges greater than in any other place, which they trust will be considered in dealing with their matter.—Undated.
[For a duplicate of this paper, see State Papers, Ireland, Vol. XI, No. 16.]
1000. The Case of Augier de L'Estrille.
[1564, June]. Allegations by Augier de L'Estrille, an inhabitant of Calais, lately brought to England as a prisoner of war by Laurence Mynter and Paul Fludd, as to the circumstances of his illegal capture and as to the torture to which he was subjected by his captors. (21 Articles.)
Latin. 5½ pp.
Another copy of the same.
5 pp.
1001. Augier de L'Estrille.
[1564, June]. Answers by Laurence Mynter and Paul Fludde to the allegations of Augier de L'Estrille.
Latin. 3¼ pp.
1002. John Utenhove to Sir W. Cecil.
1564, July 3. The illustrious John, Count of E. Friesland, after Utenhove had made excuses to him for the error committed by Cecil owing to the pressure of affairs, which he did very earnestly (would that the Bp. of London could bear witness thereto) has, following Utenhove's advice, accepted the pension of 2,000 French crowns or 600l. sterling promised by the Queen's Majesty, to wit on the condition and in the hope that the payment thereof will be made twice yearly and the first payment, that is to say of 1,000 crowns, on next Michaelmas day (as they call it); for this (to use his own words) would be more honourable to Her Majesty, and the beginning of his vassalage, as he says, would appear more favourable to him. Nor does this request of his appear unreasonable as he has already incurred no little expense (doubtless relying on this hope) in collecting and supporting chosen Captains for any emergency. Truly it seems that this help has been as it were divinely given to them and that their own men are reserved for some special duty. For which truly no common, thanks are due to the Lord their God. Count John will send hither as soon as he can a messenger with special instructions to treat of the several articles and to bring back to Friesland a full reply and Her Majesty's special authority. Begs Cecil to let him know what he wishes him to write to the Count. Meanwhile one thing he cannot leave unnoticed, namely, that the Chancellor of Friesland, by command of the nobles, in his letters to Utenhove, insisted that care should be taken lest the English in going to or returning from Friesland should molest the ships or goods of Flanders. “Which if it were done,” saith he, “this pretty story would end in a miserable and cruel tragedy.”
For his own part he entreats Cecil to use his influence to prevent any injury being rashly done to the Flemings. Encloses letters from Count John to himself.—London, 3 July 1564.
Latin. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 418. In extenso.]
1003. Christopher Thurgood to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1564, July 4. Has received his letter, wherein he understands his pleasure concerning the attachment of Cooke for offences done, with others of whom he should have had instructions from Crabbe, at whose house he was for the further instructions, but Crabbe was not at home. Has made diligent search for Cooke, and will continue to do so.— Cherton, 4 July 1564.
½ p.
1004. Augier de L'Estrille.
1564, July 4. A copy of the depositions of Mynter and Fludd as to the alleged illegal capture of Augier de L'Estrille, sworn before Dr. Lewes, Dr. Huycke, and Dr. Mowse, Her Majesty's Commissioners, on the 29th day of June 1564, to which is appended the opinion of the said Commissioners deciding the legality of the said capture.—“From the Arches in London the 4th of July 1564.”
Signed :—David Lewes, T. Huycke, Wm Mowse.
4 pp.
1005. W. Herlle to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1564, July 4. Begs his assistance on behalf of himself and others in the matter of the French prisoner Delestrille, without which they are undone for ever. They are men of service and well confirmed in their right by law, civil and martial, but the brags of the French and their proud demeanour before the judge show that they will rather use constraint than listen to any reason. They also cease not to threaten and annoy the petitioners, so that a prison were more tolerable than to endure their conduct. They, the petitioners, have to do with men who are both wanting in faith and who have abused their oath before the judge and others with such behaviour that the prisoner himself hath not stuck to carry two rapiers at once when he was conveyed to the ambassador. What therefore may be expected of them but that the sentence being once given in the petitioners' favour, they will slip (from the country) as a report hath already been spread. The petitioners' case being therefore on every side in such weak assurance they beg Cecil's permission secretly to arrest the party on a private action, or suit, or at least that he will wink at such arrest.—London, 4th July 1564.
2 pp.
A modern copy of the preceding.
1006. Disbursements.
1564, July 5. An account of money paid to various persons by Sir Wm. Cecil at Her Majesty's command, before the 5th July 1564.
[Signed by the Queen as an acquittance.]
½ p.
1007. The Bishop of London to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1564, July 8. Concerning the appointment of Mr. Hebblethwaite to a benefice in Richmond (Yorkshire).
1 p.
1008. Sir F. Chamberlain to the Privy Council.
1564, July 26. Giving an account of the progress made in repairing the fortifications at Guernsey. The coasts there are much haunted by piratical Englishmen by whom many murders and outrages are committed. Asks to have a small well-manned pinnace placed at his disposal for the maintenance of good order.—Castle Cornet, 26 July 1564.
3 pp.
Modern copy.
1009. John Everton to Sir T, Challoner.
1564, Aug. 2. Concerning letters for Challoner, and his private account. Thanks him for his news. It is said that the Admiral of France is gone towards the low country of Flanders with 3,000 horsemen, upon what intent no man can tell. Had Challoner sent him two or three letters, they had come in good time. That day a ship was to sail for. London, and a merchant of the writer's, house was going in her. Other English ships were at Bilbao, and they looked daily for more. The restraint that was in England was that all the customers of England “cawled” up many of them in prison, for they said they had deceived the Queen. There were no other news. Lost his son three days before. Trusts that before this the poor men of St. Sebastian have been despatched.—Bilbao, 2 August 1564.
Endorsed by Challoner, “ijdo August from Mr. Everton, 1564, touching my rest of account at that instant. 213 R.”
1010. Ch. Mundt to Sir W. Cecil.
1564, Aug. 8. In his last letters sent by Richard Clough on the 18th July he announced the serious illness of the Emperor; now the sad report has reached him that His Majesty has changed his earthly for a heavenly kingdom, it being stated that he died on the 26th July at 6 o'clock in the evening, which rumour he fears to be true.
Knows that the Queen, who is endowed with modesty, virtue, and gravity, will in no manner act as if it should seem that she sought a. husband. But as it is most important that this matter (of the marriage) should be hastened and brought to a conclusion, he will on his own account, if it should meet with Cecil's approval, treat with the Duke, urging him to forward the matter with his brother Maximilian.
Is so desirous to hasten forward this negociation on account of the great benefits that would result therefrom to the whole Christian world, that there is no labour that he would not willingly undergo to further and carry out this object.
Nor should Cecil be restrained by any narrow and untimely modesty. For he, holding the administration of the kingdom, ought to strive to preserve and perpetuate the tranquillity thereof by ensuring a perpetual succession, In his letters of the 8th and last days of February in this year he announced that Count Christopher, of Oldenburg, had gone to offer his fealty to the King of France; thinks he will shortly cross over to England in order that having received great promises from France he may now derive substantial benefit from England.
For now that the two countries are at peace he may perhaps serve two masters, but if the war should be renewed, he leaves it to his own judgment to decide to which of the two he will consider himself bound. The Elector Augustus of Saxony has been lately attacked whilst hunting by a former keeper of his forests, and severely wounded. Within the last few days three Masters of Horse have arrived here on the way to France to demand in the name of the rest of the pensioners arrears of pay due for some years; but it is most likely they will obtain little except words for their pains.—From Strasburg, 8th Aug. 1564.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 419. In extenso.]
1011. The Spanish Ambassador to the Privy Council.
1564, Aug. 10. It was ordered that Cecil should prepare an abstract of certain negotiations to be taken into consideration in a private conference between Cecil and himself; but on his meeting Cecil the latter handed him a writing containing certain general statements only, and from certain words added by him, the writer understood that the Lord Treasurer was to be treated with. On application to him, however, was given to understand that neither the Lord Treasurer nor the Council had any power in the matter. Knows not therefore to whom he should specially answer.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“10 Aug. 1564. The Spanish Ambassador's letter.”
Latin. 1 p.
1012. The Ambassador in Spain (Sir Thos. Chaloner), to the Queen.
1564, Aug. 10. Has been driven off from day to day with expectation and promises, being loth to send without perfect knowledge of a final resolution in the matter of the arrests at St. Sebastian. On Tuesday last the Council here took an order for the despatch of the matter, but how or in what sort, although he has inquired again and again, he cannot tell. The Secretary of the Council referred him to the Duke of Alva, who said as soon as the decree was signed by the King he should have it. Has kept the messenger waiting three days, and has at last thought it best to send him without it.
Since Saturday last two notable things have befallen. The one is the Queen Catholic's sickness. On Sunday last a solemn triumph was prepared at night for her pastime, in rejoicing for her being with child, but the night before a little fever took her which since hath proved a “double tertian in a manner of a quotidian,” and very fervent, so much so that the physicians, notwithstanding her being with child have let her blood twice, so that all the mirth is now converted to anxiety. The King here taketh it heavily, and so do all folks generally, for she is very well beloved, and indeed her virtues deserve it. “But for all that, I must not omitte to tell your highnes that some want not here that in discourse (if the Quene perchance be called owte of this life), already begynne to poinct an other for the place, and name the Quene of Skotts, as if (she not being in the meane tyme provided), it be most lykely the King will enclyne that waye.”
The other accident also is notable, for whereas sundry noblemen here, as the Conde de Benavente and others have made interest to be appointed Majordomo to the Prince of Spain, the lot hath fallen on Senor Buy Gomez, which is much noted as a thing indeed of great importance. And now either the end of this summer or undoubtedly the next spring the Prince shall into Flanders not without great appearance that the King will also repair thither to settle his son in the government. “The Prince as every body affirmeth hath a wytt, but a strange witte, not removable from an opinion once caught; liberal; a remembrer of injuries; desirous of State and rule; a dispacher of suters; far diverse from lykeing of many things that his father lyketh. Notable tales have been told me both of his dedes and sayeings which I reserve to report.” Looks forward to receiving his desired letters of return. Every day seemeth unto him seven years, such “unhableness” he finds in himself to remain any longer.—Madrid, 10th Aug. 1564.
Minute, 10 pp.
1013. — — to Mr. Cuerton.
1564, Sept. 2. Had before sent him a bill of 500 rials drawn on Wm. Holway and Wm. Preston, at St. Sebastian's. Sends now by Mr. Goldwell a duplicate thereof.—From Madrid, 2 Sept. 1564.
1 p.
1014. John Mershe to Sir W. Cecil.
1564, Sept. 3. Sends informations of certain offences committed contrary to Her Majesty's proclamation against the importation of Flemish commodities. Suggests that an example should be made of the offenders by which it will be perceived that the proclamation is of force of which there is some doubt.—“Siwell,” 3 Sept. 1564.
Modern copy. 1½ pp.
1015. The Trade with Flanders.
1564, Sept. 4. Particulars of cargoes seized by Thomas Washington, Deputy to the Merchant Adventurers at Ipswich, and Thomas Bates, Deputy of the Port of London, being offences against the proclamation prohibiting the importation of wares from Flanders.
2 papers. 4½ pp.
1016. Sir W. Cecil to Christopher Mundt.
1564, Sept. 8. Has deferred writing on account of the uncertainty into which they have been plunged by the frequent rumours of the death of the Emp. Ferdinand. They are now, however, informed on every side that he died on the 28th July. With reference to Mundt's desire to be informed as to what Can be learned of Her Majesty's inclinations on the subject of her marriage, he can with certainty say nothings further than that he perceives that she would rather marry a foreign than a native prince, and that the more distinguished the suitor is by birth, power, and personal attractions, the better hope he will have of success. Moreover, he cannot deny that the nobleman who with them excites considerable expectation, to wit Lord Robert, is worthy to become the husband of the Queen. The fact of his being Her Majesty's subject, will, however, prove a serious objection to him in her estimation.
Nevertheless his virtues and his. excellent and heroic gifts of mind and body have so endeared him to the Queen that she could not regard her own brother with greater affection. From which they who do not know the Queen intimately conjecture that he will be the future husband. He however sees and understands that she merely takes delight in his virtues and rare qualities, and that nothing is more discussed in their conversations than that which is most consistent with virtue and furthest removed from all unworthy sentiments.
Endorsed :—“8 Sept. 1564. Copy of the letter written to Mr. Mundt by the Queen's command.”
Copy. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 420. In extenso.]
1017. Christopher Mundt to Christopher Duke of Wurtemberg.
1564, Sept. 23, Strasburg. Urges him to prosecute with the Emperor the match proposed a year ago. Illustrious Emperors of Germany, rulers of Italy as well, have not disdained alliances with the daughters of English Kings, e.g., Otho I., Henry III., and Henry V. Frederick II. married the sister of an English King. Besides Elizabeth is not merely the daughter of Henry VIII. but his sole legitimate heir.— Strasburg, 23 Sept. 1564. Annexing,
Copy of letter of Christopher Duke of Wurtemberg to the Emperor, dated Stuttgart, 6 October 1564. Reminds him of the proposal made to his late father 7 October 1563, touching the marriage of the Archduke Charles and Queen Elizabeth, of the answer thereto 8 Novr. 1563, of the writer's despatch (unknown to the Emperor) of an envoy to England, the communication thereon 23 March 1564, and the Emperor's reply 27 April. Has had much talk with Mundt without directly replying to his proposals. Asks what answer he is to give. Hears positively Elizabeth holds neither to Calvin nor to Zwingle, but to the Augsburg Confession, As to her instituting new ordinances her reply to his envoy is “It is not lawful for a woman to order matters in the Church, St. Paul has forbidden it.”
Copies in Mundt's hand. Latin 4 pp. [Haynes, pp. 425–427. In extenso.]
1018. The Trade with Flanders.
1564, Sept. 28. An account of certain parcels of “Flanders wares” seized at Melcombe Regis and at Weymouth.
1 p.
1019. Christopher Mundt to Sir W. Cecil.
1564, Oct. 3. To the carrying out of that object to which he has devoted himself for so many years, far more and greater hindrances occur than he could wish.
For the work, begun by, the illustrious D. of. Wurtemburg has been interrupted by the untimely death of the Emperor Ferdinand. The sad mourning which his death imposed on his illustrious sons is not yet laid aside, and hitherto they have abstained from all public business. Has been to the D. of Wurtemburg to urge him to continue and complete the work he had begun, pointing out to him how injudicious a longer delay might prove, and that it was already almost a year since he had introduced this proposal to His Highness. The D. replied that nothing could be done until after the mourning, nor was it as yet clear to him who would have the most authority and influence with the present Emperor, but that as soon as he heard that the funeral solemnities had been completed, he would bring the matter once more forward.
This he earnestly besought the Duke to do, submitting that His Highness would have all the credit and glory of the affair when finished, and would subject himself to nothing disagreeable or unworthy.
He also cited the instances of several Emperors of Germany who did not think it beneath them to wed daughters of the Kings of England, pointing out that this most illustrious and prudent Queen is not only the daughter of the famous King Henry the Eighth, but also his lawful and sole heiress, and the ruler of ancestral kingdoms.
But now another obstacle has intervened in the wide spread severity of the plague, for it infests almost the whole of Germany, so that not one of the principal cities of the empire is safe enough for the meeting of an assembly to confirm the new Emperor. To which assembly, if it were held, an embassy might very properly be sent by the Queen to condole with Maximilian on the death of his father, and at the same time, to congratulate him on his accession. For his part will willingly do whatever the Council shall think fit for the advancement of this matter, and will again urge the Duke to send one of his Council to treat with the present Emperor; or, if it shall please them, will not refuse, on receiving commendatory letters from the Duke, and on being instructed by him, to go himself to the Emperor and to do his utmost in the matter. Nevertheless thinks it most fitting that the Duke should continue therein the action he has so well begun. All their nobles had preconceived great hopes of the Emp. Maximilian with regard to matters of religion, and trust that he will act more liberally towards them than when he was desirous only to obey his father.
If that treaty of Passau and the peace in religious matters ordained and proclaimed by all the estates of the Empire shall be preserved, an unshaken doctrine, proceeding from God, will prevail throughout Germany, although the manners of many consort but little with evangelical purity and modesty.—Strasburg, 3 Oct. 1564.
P.S. Cecil's letters to him have been delayed, having been taken first to the fair at Frankfort, where the merchants spent all their time, and sent from thence to Strasburg.
Latin. 3 pp. [Haynes, p. 421. In extenso.]
1020. Petition of Richard Patryke to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1564, Oct. 4. Begs him for God's sake to mitigate his displeasure, and to set the suppliant at liberty on his giving sufficient sureties for his good conduct.
Endorsed :—“4 Oct. 1564, Richard Patrickes Peticion. To be enlarged.”
1 p.
1021. Christopher Mundt to Sir W. Cecil.
1564, Oct. 17. Cecil's letters to him of the 8th September have been delayed thirty days between London and Antwerp, so that he has not been able to reply sooner. Is glad to hear that an ambassador from the Queen Will shortly arrive to congratulate the new Emperor.
The discussion held in the month of May last between the divines of the Elector Palatine and the D. of Wurtemburg, on the disputed doctrine of the manner of Christ's presence in the Sacrament of the Lord's supper, has been printed and published by a divine of Wurtemburg, which will he fears produce more ill-feeling than concord both between the Princes themselves and others.
For those of the Palatine on the other hand wish to defend their opinion, and to interpret the proceedings of the controversy in their own favour; but by such altercations not only will the truth be obscured, but also much animosity will be created. Julius Pflug, the Bishop of Naumburg, is dead, which bishopric the Elector of Saxony has taken possession of; but it is also claimed by the Dukes of Wismar, and it is to be feared that they will appeal to arms to decide the question.
The Imperial Assembly cannot be held with safety before the month of December on account of the plague.—Strasburg, 17th October 1564.
Latin. 1½ pp. [Haynes, p. 422. In extenso.]
1022. Christopher Mundt to Sir W. Cecil.
1564, Oct. 31. Has received nothing from the D. of Wurtemburg since he left him on the 17th September. Was then told by him that he could not conveniently give letters to the Emperor before the expiration of three weeks when the funeral ceremonies would be concluded, which were to take place in a monastery near Prague, where the wife of the late Emperor is buried. The Duke has great hope that this negotiation will succeed. Concerning the meeting of the Assembly nothing is yet made public, though the exigencies of public business demand that it should be held shortly. Rumour says that it will be at Nuremberg. Trustworthy intelligence has arrived that an Hungarian town has been occupied by the Turks on account of the non-payment of a stipulated tribute. This will hasten the meeting of the Assembly. Encloses two letters from the Duke of Deuxponts to be forwarded to the Queen.— From Strasburg, the last of Oct. 1564.
[Postcript.]—Will return to the Duke to-morrow to entreat him, laying aside all delay, to continue in his undertaking, for he knows no one else through whom he might more suitably proceed.
The Elector Palatine, otherwise a most excellent Prince, and most friendly to the Queen, has been persuaded by the Vidame de Chartres into the great hope of recommending his second son Casimir to Her Majesty.
The D. of Bavaria, who has married the sister of the Archduke is most hostile to our religion, nor had he ever any familiarity with England, although his father William had. The D. of Cleves is offended on account of the repudiation of his sister. The D. of Deuxponts and the Marquis of Baden do not seem to have sufficient authority.
The D. of Hesse would naturally wish his eldest son to be preferred. Others familiarly known to him are at a great distance from the Imperial city, nor in fact could this affair be attempted by every one. The Count of Helfensteyn is in favour of the project, but where he now is he knows not. He must therefore go to speak with the Duke.
Latin 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 423. In extenso.]
1023. Christopher Mundt to Sir W. Cecil.
1564, Nov. 21. Left Strasburg on the 1st November, and as no one is admitted into the town in which, for fear of the plague, the Duke has bestowed himself with his wife and children, unless he can take an oath that for a whole month he has not been in any infected place, has communicated with him hitherto only by letter. The Duke having read his letters sent for him and gave him an audience on the 5th November. In reply to his repetition of his written arguments, the D. said that he had not yet determined on an answer because the Emperor was not yet buried, the day appointed for the funeral being the 29th October, in Bohemia, and further that he doubted whether an answer could be given till the return of the Archduke Charles to Lower Germany; for the daughter of the Emperor Maximilian was about to go to Belgium to marry her cousin Charles of Spain. On Mundt's remarking that many months would elapse before the journey from Spain to Belgium could be conveniently made, and asking the D. to send one of his household to negotiate with the Emperor, the latter replied that the matter might be treated of much more privately by letter, and that sending an envoy would give rise to all kinds of suspicions and inquiries; adding that he would transmit Mundt's last communication, together with his own letters, to the Emperor, as he had already done with the proceedings in September, which at his request Mundt had reduced to writing. Sends copies of both these documents. If no answer is now given to the Duke, as he seems to desire, nor any sufficient excuse offered for silence, will suspend any further action for the present. All the posts of authority have now been divided amongst the brothers. The preparations for a fitting embassy to England and for the arrival of Charles himself demand great expenses; it would have been easy for the late Emperor to supply these defects. Hears on good authority that the King of Poland wishes to be separated from his wife, who is the Emperor's sister, which has given great offence to Maximilian. The English and Swiss ambassadors are not yet agreed, the Swiss demanding that their annual payments should be increased.—Strasburg, 21 November 1564.
(Postcript.)—Knows that the Archduke was with his brother at Vienna during September and October. The Emperor has not recalled the chaplain whom he dismissed with much sorrow at his father's command, but hears the same preaching friar to whom his father listened. It will appear in the coming assemblies what his opinions are in religious matters. He has made his brother Ferdinand the ruler in Bohemia who will study as heretofore to preserve the popish doctrines.
Latin. 3 pp. [Haynes, p. 424. In extenso.] Encloses,
(1.) Copy of Mundt's first letter to the Duke of Wurtemburg, beseeching him to move in the matter of the Austrian match dated 23 September 1564; together with a copy of the Duke's letter forwarding the same to the Emperor, dated 6 October 1564
(2.) Copy of Mundfs second letter to the D. of Wurtemburg, on the same subject, dated 5 November 1564, and of the Duke's letter forwarding the same to the Emperor, dated 7 November 1564.
Latin. 2pp. [Haynes, pp. 425–427. In extenso.]
1024. A Collection of Original Letters from the several Bishops, &c. to the Privy Council, with Returns of the Justices of the Peace, and others, within their respective Dioceses.
1 Vol. MS., as follows :—
(1.) The Bishop of Worcester to the Privy Council.
1564, Oct. 27. In accordance with the instructions conveyed to him by their Lordships' letters of the 17th inst., sends herewith a true certificate answering the several points respecting which inquiry was made of him. Thanks God he is well acquainted with his flock “and namelie with the affections of such as be leaders and bell-weathers of the same.” In his report has neither feared partizan nor respected person, but simply followed the plain truth.
For Worcestershire has used the counsel of Sir Thos. Russell Knight, for the city of Worcester that of Christopher Dighton, a grave and a wise citizen, and for Warwick and that portion of his diocese, that of W. Huddisdon, Gent., and of Nicholas Jackson, “person of Halford.” The “repressing of poperie, the punishment of offenders, the reforming of religion, the maintenaunce of justice, and the promoting of Goddes gospel,” he refers to their honourable consideration, authority, and wisdom, and prays God to grant good success to their godly intentions. Since it has pleased their Lordships to “require his poore advice” suggests as follows :—
That all such as mislike and contemn true religion should be put out of authority and public office.
That the oath for the Queen's supremacy should be tendered to all such as are of authority in their country and yet known to be adversaries of true religion.
That gentlemen and such as be in authority should be enjoined once in every quarter to receive the Communion and to hear a sermon for the good example of others.
That the popish priests and others who have forsaken the ministry and yet live in corners and are kept in gentlemen's houses “where they marvailouslie pervert the simple and blaspheme the truthe,” should be restrained of their liberty, and made to take the Oath of Supremacy, &c., &c.—From Hartilburie, the 27th October 1564.
pp. Encloses,
A certificate or return of all justices of the peace and other officers, and of all “gentlemen of any worship or name” in the diocese of Worcester, classified under the heads of “Favourers of true religion,” “Adversaries of true religion” and “Indifferent, or of no religion.” 2 pp.
(2.) The Bishop of Chichester to the Privy Council.
[1564], Oct. 27. Understanding by their Lordships' letters Her Majesty's earnest intention, for the advancement of true religion, to repress obstinate adversaries, at which he greatly rejoices, has done his endeavour to fulfil their Lordships' commandment. Thanks God that the county of Sussex, whereof he executes the ecclesiastical jurisdiction, is free from all violent attempts “eyther to afflite the godlye or to disturbe the stablished good orders of this realme.” Has used conference on the subject with Mr. Dean of Sarum and Mr. Augustine Bradbridge, his Chancellor, both of whom were born in the shire.—Aldingbourne, 27 October.
1 p. Encloses.
A return of the justices of the peace and other gentlemen in the county of Sussex, classified as “favourers” or “myslikers” of religion and godly proceedings.
2 pp.
(3.) The Bishop of Hereford to the Privy Council.
[1564, Oct.]. In accordance with their Lordships' letters of the 17th October sends herewith a certificate on the points submitted to him, in preparing which he has been guided by the counsel and advice of the Chancellor of his diocese and also of the Dean of the Cathedral Church of Hereford with the several Rural Deans, each for his own deanery.
½ p. Encloses,
A return of the justices of the peace and other officers and gentlemen of note in the diocese of Hereford, classified as “favourers” or “adversaries” of true religion, or “newters” to which is appended a note of the names of divers persons who held livings and offices in the Church in Queen Mary's reign, and who are now “mortal and deadly enemies to this religion,” and also of their principal “receivers and maynteners.” With a view to the redress of these disorders suggests that if the Cathedral Church of Hereford were reformed the whole diocese would soon be in like manner reformed. He is certified by John Ellys, the Dean of the said Church, that “all the canons resedensaries (except Jones, qui dicit et non facit, which is rashe, hastei, and ondiscrete) ar but dissemblers and ranke papistes.” These have the rule of the Church and of all the ministers and officers thereof, and are subject neither to the ordinary jurisdiction of the Dean nor of the Bishop, but as they allege to that of the Queen only, so that now they do what they list without controlment. They utterly disregard the injunctions of the Queen, of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and of Her Majesty's High Commissioners (a copy of which, dated 20 February 1561, is appended), and will neither preach, read homilies, nor minister the Holy Communion, nor do any other thing to commend, beautify, or set forward this religion; but mutter against it and receive and maintain the enemies thereof. So that this Church, “which should be the light of all the Diocese, is very darkness and an ensample of contempt of true religion”
The only remedy is, that it may please Her Majesty to commit the necessary authority to some one who shall urge them either to do as becometh good Christian subjects and faithful ministers, or else place others in their room that will act accordingly.
10 pp.
(4.) The Bishop of Lincoln to the Privy Council.
1564, Nov. 7. In accordance with their Lordships' instructions has conferred with the Archdeacons, Commissaries, and other officials within his diocese, with reference to the justices of the peace therein, the result of which conference will appear in the schedules hereunto annexed, to which he has also added certain articles which, in his opinion, may serve as remedies for certain disorders.—Bagden, 7 November 1564.
1 p. Encloses,
A return of all justices of the peace and other persons of note, in the counties of Lincoln, Bedford, Huntingdon, Hertford, Leicester, Buckingham, and Northampton, stating whether they are “earnest in religion and fit to be trusted” or “hinderers” A list of proposed “Remedies for disorders” is appended.
16 pp.
(5.) The Bishop of Ely to the Privy Council.
1564, Nov. 7. In obedience to their Lordships' instructions encloses a return of the justices of the peace and others in the county of Cambridge and in the Isle of Ely, in which he has noted with a distinctive mark such as are “good” in matters of religion, or “conformable,” or “mislikers.” Has also, “in a bypapyr,” noted his opinions of the measures to be taken for the redress of this disorder.
2 pp.
“Brefe Notes” for the consideration of the Privy Council. [?An enclosure in the Bishop of Ely's letter of 7 November 1564.]
1. Such ecclesiastical persons as are adversaries to be either banished or cut off from conference with such as be “fawtors” of their religion, or else the oath to be tendered to them forthwith, considering they have so little passed of the Queen's clemency showed to them during the past six years.
2. The straggling doctors and priests who have liberty to stray at their pleasure within this realm do much hurt secretly and in corners; therefore it were good that they might be called before the High Commissioners and compelled to show their conformity by subscribing an open recantation, or else be restrained of their liberty.
3. A proclamation to be set forth by the Queen's authority “to repress the bold talke and braggs of the adversaries of good religion”
4. A commission to be issued to the Bishop of the diocese and other gentlemen, conferring similar powers to those of the High Commissioners at London, so as to enable them to inquire into and reform the adversaries of good religion.
5. Whereas many of the Registrars are men corrupt in religion, it were well that the Bishop should have power to remove them, and to supply their places by others.
6. The chief constables of every hundred, whom the people have in great respect, being for the most part “fawtors of naughtie religion,” it were well that the Commissioners, by consent of the Bishop, might upon just occasion have authority to remove them.
7. There are “diverse gentlemen of evell religion,” who keep schoolmasters privately in their houses, who being of corrupt judgments do exceeding great hurt both in the said houses and in the country about. It were well that no gentlemen should be permitted to keep schoolmasters, except such as had been examined by the Bishop of the diocese, and were provided with his sealed licence.
8. The Prebendaries of every Cathedral Church should be enforced to make a make a manifest and open declaration of their faith before the congregation, in which they should set forth the authority of this religion by Parliament established, and by God's word confirmed and openly “profess and geve there consent to the same detesting all other religions.”
(6.) The Bishop of Salisbury to the Privy Council.
1564, Nov. 9. In accordance with their Lordships' letters lately addressed to him has considered of the justices of the peace in the counties of Wiltshire and Berkshire, and in several schedules sent herewith has set out their names, dwelling-places, “and also theire sundrie inclinations towardes the furtherance of Goddes truethe.”—Salisbury, 9th November 1564.
1 p. Encloses,
A return of the justices of the peace and other gentlemen in the counties of Wiltshire and Berkshire.
2 pp.
(7.) The Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield to the Privy Council.
1564, Nov. 10. In accordance with the instructions conveyed to him in their Lordships' letters of the 26th October last has made inquiries respecting the justices of the peace within his diocese, in which he has been guided by the counsel of Mr. Nowell, the Dean of Lichfield, and of his own Registrar, James Weston, “men godly and zelous, of longer continuance and therby of more knolege and experience in his Diocese than himself.”
With reference to the means to be adopted for the redress of the disorders within his diocese, so far as regards the county of Stafford, with which he is best acquainted on acconnt of his habitation being there, suggests as follows :—
Firstly. There being not many learned men in the county, those who are learned and justices are also common counsellors in the shire, by which means either the Queen's Majesty is not faithfully served or the clients not justly helped.
Secondly. The number of attornies frequenting the assizes and sessions at Stafford are judged “to breed and norishe matters of stryfe and contention betwien party and party for their lucresake;” which if it might be otherwise helped is thought good to many men.
Thirdly. Whereas the country is “to miche hinderly in all good things perteining to religion,” yet the abiding of Doctor Poole, late Bishop of Peterboro' with Bryan Fowler, Esquire, causeth many people to think worse of the “regiment and religion” than else they would do, because divers lewd priests have resort thither. His removal would do much good to the country.
Fourthly. If a commission were granted to him he could the better do his duty, for many offenders are either born with by “Mastership” which he alone cannot redress, or else fly into exempt places and extraordinary jurisdictions and so avoid correction.
Lastly. The greatest disorder within his whole diocese is in the great towns corporate, in which when he has required the assistance of the bailiffs and other officers he has been met by open resistance. It is therefore extremely needful to place good men in office there.—From Eccleshall Castle, 10th November 1564.
pp. Encloses,
A return of the justices of the peace and other gentlemen in the counties of Staffordshire, Derbyshire, Shropshire, and Warwickshire, with notes as to their opinions and conduct in matters of religion.
8 pp.
(8.) The Bishop of Winchester to the Privy Council.
1564, Nov. 13. In obedience to their Lordships' commands appends a list of the justices of the peace and others in the counties of Hamp shire and Surrey, distinguishing those who are “favourers” or “mislikers” of the established religion. In the city of Winchester, which is the most noted in Hampshire, either for good example or evil, all that bear authority, except one or two, are “addicte to the olde superstition and earnest fautors thereof.” Recommends that throughout the whole country none should be appointed to any office or be suffered to remain therein whose religion is not approved by the whole bench of justices.—Farnham, 13th November 1564.
2 pp.
(9.) The Bishop of London to the Privy Council.
1564, Nov. 17. According to the form prescribed in their Lordships' letters has sent herewith a certificate of the justices of the peace within his diocese who are favourable or adverse to the established religion, and also of the names of such persons as are thought meet to be called to that office.—“From my house at Powles,” 17th November 1564.
1 p. Encloses,
A return of the justices of the peace in the city of London and in such parts of the counties of Middlesex, Hertford, and Essex, as are within the diocese of London.
9 pp.
(10.) The Bishop of Norwich to the Privy Council.
1564, Nov. 17. In reply to their Lordships' letters of the 17th ult., certifies that the justices of the peace in the county of Norfolk are very well affected, with one or two exceptions. As for augmenting the number of justices in the shire, thinks it altogether unnecessary, considering the quiet condition of the county.—Norwich, 17th November 1564.
1 p.
(11.) The Bishop of Carlisle to the Privy Council.
1564, Nov. 18. In accordance with their Lordships' letters has sent herewith the names of the justices of the peace of the two shires within his diocese, “with notes of relligion, learninge, and wisdome.” In his opinion there is nothing that more hindereth the good success of the established policy than the perpetual continuance of the sheriffwick of Westmoreland, by means of which there are always such men in office as by no means favour the true way, and these are suffered to pass through the country unapprehended, “such as talke at their pleasure, and some have in the wyld mountaynes preached in chappells.”
To speak plainly, the noblemen's tenants in this country dare not be known to favour that way for fear of losing their farms. And finally, the justices of assize who make a good show of religion in giving their charge, in all other their talks and doings show themselves not favourable to any manner or cause of religion, “which the people moche marke and talke of.”—From “the Rose Castle” in Cumberland, 18th November 1564.
1 p. Encloses,
A return of the justices of the peace and others in the counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland.
2 pp.
(12.) The Bishop of Norwich to the Privy Council.
1564, Nov. 19. In obedience to their Lordships' letters has subjoined the names of such justices of the peace and other officers in the county of Suffolk as are not well affected to the established religion. A similar certificate has already been made by him for the county of Norfolk.—Norwich, 19th November 1564.
1 p.
(13.) The Bishop of Gloucester to the Privy Council.
1564, Nov. 20. Has taken into consideration the state of his diocese with respect to the observance of the established religion therein, as requested in their Lordships' letters of the 17th ult., and thanks God that there are no justices nor men placed in authority within his diocese who are “eyther by themselves disordered or meynteyners of disordre in others.” Much unquietness and discredit to Her Majesty's godly and honourable proceedings is, however, caused by some who have little or no regard for the established order of ecclesiastical policy. “Ther is also a preacher, a man of great zeale and competent learninge, whom many of the country follow from place to place and receave the communyon at his hands far from theire owne parisshes.” Hears also by men of good credit that he is “too popular in his sayengs;” the redress whereof he must leave to their Lordships' wisdom. These things, however, he can “rather lament than amend,” and their Lordships will be better able to devise measures for the reform thereof than he is to advise them. Trusts their Lordships will take in good part his unskilfulness and want of experience in such matters.—Gloucester, 20th November 1564.
2 pp.
(14.) The Bishop of Durham to the Privy Council.
1564, Nov. 22. In accordance with the instructions conveyed to him by their Lordships' letters of the 17th ult., has conferred with Sir John Foster and others respecting the justices of the peace within his diocese, and has embodied their opinions in the schedule hereto annexed. There are two things which in his opinion are a great hindrance to religion. One is “the Scottish priests that are fledde out of Scotland for their wickedness and here be hyred in parissbes on the borders bicause they take less wages than others, and do more harme than others wolde or colde in disswading the peple.” The other is “the grete number of scholers borne hereaboute, nowe lieng at Lovan without lycense, and sending in bokes and letters which cause many tymes evill rumors to be spredde, and disquiet the peple. They be mayntened by the hospitals of the Newcastell and the welthiest of that towne and this shire as it is judged and be their next cousins.”—Auckland, 22 November 1564.
1 p. Encloses,
A return of the justices of the peace and others in the counties of Northumberland and Durham.
2 pp.
(15.) The Archbishop of Canterbury to the Privy Council.
1564, Nov. 24. In compliance with their Lordships' request has, in the schedule annexed, submitted to them the names of the justices of the peace in the county of Kent, who may well be permitted to continue to serve on the commission of the peace. Though these are not all of the like zeal in religion he must yet say that those furthest off in favourable affection are outwardly conformable and not to his knowledge chargeable with any great extremities.—Lambeth, 24 November 1564.
1 p. Annexed,
A schedule of names.
(16.) The Bishop of Exeter to the Privy Council.
1564, Nov. 26. In obedience to their Lordships' instructions has conferred with the most worshipful and wisest men of his diocese respecting the justices of the peace therein, the result of which conference he submits in the schedule hereto annexed. Apologizes for his delay in replying to their Lordships' letters.—Exeter, 26 November 1564.
1 p. Encloses,
A return of the justices of the peace and others in the counties of Cornwall and Devon, stating whether they are favourable or adverse to the established religion.
1 ½ pp.
(17.) The Bishop of Bath and Wells to the Privy Council.
1564, Nov. 27. Immediately on receipt of their Lordships' letters respecting the justices of the peace within his diocese communicated with Sir Morice Barckley, Sir Raff Hopton, and others, from whom he understands nothing “but that everie justice in the sheire of Somerset doo diligently (as they saie) exequute their offyce.”
Has not much to say against any man except by report, wherewith he has not thought it good to trouble their Lordships. Has heard very high commendations of Mr. John Carre, late of Bristol, Mr. William Hill of Taunton, and also of one John Sydenham of Dulverton.
Prays their Lordships to take order that every one that now is or hereafter shall be called to the office of a Justice shall be compelled to take a solemn oath before such person or persons as their Lordships shall appoint.—London, 27 November 1564.
1 p.
(18.) The Archbishop of Canterbury to the Privy Council.
[1564, Nov.] Sends the names of such justices of the peace and others as have been commended to him in the counties of Glamorganshire, Monmouthshire, and in the diocese of Oxford, but can himself say nothing as to their merits.
(19.) The Archbishop of York to the Privy Council.
[1564, Nov.] Returns by Thomas, Archbishop of York, with reference to the letters of the Privy Council respecting the justices of the peace within his diocese, of the names of the justices of the peace and other officers in the city and county of York, the county of Notts, the city and county of Chester, the county of Lancaster, and the archdeaconry of Richmond, stating whether they are favourable to the established religion or “adverse and not to be trusted.”
8 pp.
(20.) Summary of the Returns.
[1564, Nov.] A summary of the foregoing returns of justices of he peace, arranged under dioceses and counties.
9 pp.
1025. The Earl of Rutland's Estate.
1564, Dec. 4. A communication with Lady Rutland as to the disposition of the property of the late Earl of Rutland.
In Cecil's hand, and endorsed by him :—“4 Decemb. 1564.—A communication with my lady of Rutland in presencia Sir Wm. Damsell, Mr. Wrey, Mr. Bell.”
1026. Christopher Mundt to Sir W. Cecil.
1564, Dec. 5. His latest letters to Cecil were sent on the 21st November. Nothing new has transpired in Germany, for almost the whole country is now overrun and panic-stricken by the plague. The Assembly has not yet been summoned, although there are weighty reasons for taking that measure for the Turkish Governor in Transylvania has plundered and deatroyed several Hungarian towns. The laws of peace are also less well kept in the empire than in the time of the peace-loving Emperor Ferdinand. The Duke of Bavaria new exercises greater religious persecutions against his subjects than heretofore. Our Bishops surround the new Emperor with much diligence and assiduity.
The Protestant Princes seem to act more securely and confidently (relying on the Treaty of Passau and the introduction of peaceful settlements into religious controversies), than the deceits and frauds of these times would seem to warrant, for as boys are deceived by gifts so are men by promises. Their strength and influence now they are united might by the divine help preserve the cause of religion unhurt and unshaken; but the dissension concerning the presence of Christ in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, which deals more with the words than the facts (since they who affirm the real and corporal presence say that it is not to be understood nor believed in as a physical and carnal but only as a sacramental union) still alienates the minds of some, which is a great hindrance to true religion and a most agreeable spectacle to our enemies.—Strasburg, 5 December 1564.
Latin. 1½ pp.
(Postcript.)—Complains of the great delay in delivering his letters to Cecil. With reference to the latter's desire to know if there is anything to be found fault with in the person of “N,” states that he has certainly observed nothing, nor have they who have seen him later. “Alexander the Great is said to have had his neck bent towards the left side; would that our man may be his imitator in magnanimity and bravery.” For his own part is much more solicitous concerning the mind than the body of one who, now that his father is dead, lives with much greater licence, and shows so little alacrity in pursuing the splendid fortune offered to him. His body is elegant and of middle size, more well-grown and robust than that of the Spanish prince. The envoy sent to Cecil by the Duke (of Wurtemburg) in January last is worthy of confidence and most desirous of advancing the negotiation. Sends a copy of a letter which has greatly disturbed him, and requests Cecil to exercise prudence in communicating it to his friends and colleagues, for, as the proverb hath it, “Reges longas habent aures.”
Latin. l½ pp. [Haynes, p. 428. In extenso.]
1027. William Cardynall.
1564, Dec. An extract from the register of the Privy Council, certified by Sir Wm. Smith, of Minutes dated respectively the 2nd and 9th December 1564, suspending Wm. Cardynall, Esquire, from the commission of the peace, and directing him to repair at once to the Lords to answer the charges made against him of using unfitting words made against Mr. Seckford, the Master of the Requests.
1 p.
A modern copy of the preceding.
1 p.
1028. Prisoners in the French Galleys.
1564. A list by Sir Thos. Smith of the English soldiers detained as prisoners in the French galleys. Endorsed :—“The Certificat of th'engish prisoners deteyned in the galees, the doble whereof in French I have delivered to Monsr d'Aubespine.”—1564.
A modern copy of preceding.
1029. Free Marts in England.
1564. A statement of the arguments that might be brought forward in favour of the establishment of two free marts in England similar to those of Antwerp, Frankfort, and other towns.
3 pp.
Modern copy.
1030. England and France.
[1564?]. Expositio causarum quibus Angliæ Regina commovebatur ut quasdam subjectorum suorum cohortes armis instrueret, respectu propriæ defensionis, et Christianissimi Regis Caroli Noni fratris charissimi et ejus subjectorum.
Corrected draft. Latin. 16 pp.
1031. The Merchant Adventurers.
[1564 ?] Petition of the Merchant Adventurers to the Council, praying that if the Queen allows them to trade to and from Emden the restraint may continue against export of goods from England into the Low Countries. [Side-note by Cecil :—“This stay to be reiterated.”] Also that restraint be made of import from the Low Countries into England (except corn and fish) except by them; and that they may enjoy the same privileges at Emden and elsewhere eastwards as they had in the Low Countries and Calais.— Undated.
1 p.
1032. The Merchant Adventurers.
[1564 ?] Petition from the Merchant Adventurers to the Council. As the Queen has consented to the opening of traffic with Spain they pray that the Council will support them in their own traffic. Pray that the traffic to Hamborough and Emden may be continued. Reasons for supporting trade with these places, and checking that with the Low Countries. To this end they ask that none but they and the merchants of the Staple be allowed to traffic in the Low Countries, and that they may either have a loan of money or remission of the customs for Hamborough and Emden for one year.
Pray also that their passage to and from Antwerp may be protected against the Flushingers.—Undated.
Annotated by Cecil. 1 sheet.
1033. Fortifications at Jersey.
[1564 ?]. An account of the munition necessary for Her Majesty's new fort at St. Helier in Jersey.
1 p.