Cecil Papers: 1561

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Cecil Papers: 1561', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp257-263 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1561', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp257-263.

"Cecil Papers: 1561". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp257-263.


818. Instructions to those sent to the Narrow Seas in the “Primrose” and “Minion.”
1560/1, Jan. 20. To follow the Admiral's assignment of ships and proceed therein to sea, keeping as nigh as they may to the trade betwixt Calais and England, especially that from Calais towards Scotland; to understand the French preparations, what vessels pass to Calais and what from Calais, Boulogne, Dieppe, and Newhaven, or any port of Picardy to Scotland, and to give information thereof to the English coast and to the Admiral. If they see any navy exceeding 20 sail, whereof 10 or 12 are ships of war, one of them is with all speed to prevent them, to sail into Scotland and advertise Winter, the other is to advertise the Admiral.
Endorsed :—20 Jan. 1560.
Cecil's draft. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 366. In extenso.]
819. Sir Walter Mildmay to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1560/1, Feb. 6. Has considered the book of petitions exhibited by Sir Wm. Pickering touching his allowances, and made notes therein. The warrant from the King is sufficient for allowance of all postages and transportations. Is satisfied as to the great sums; the small moneys taken by his men are warranted in like manner.—From St. Barth, 6 February 1560. l p.
Modern copy of preceding.
820. “Remembrances to Mr. Secretary Cecil in the behalf of the Lord Grey of Wilton.”
1560/1, Feb. 17. Dealing with the requirements of Lord Grey as Governor of Berwick, as regards the Manor House, the fishing called the New Water, lack of councillors, his ransom, insufficiency of allowances, right to metals found within the wardenry, and other matters connected with the governorship.
Modern copy. 2½ pp.
821. Examination of John White.
1560/1, Feb. 27. Thexamynac[i]on of John Whyte, barbor, taken by the Mayor of Totnes and his brotherun, the 27th of Februarie Ao 1560, &c.
The said John Whyte saieth that the daie and yeare aforesaid being in the howse of one John Leche, in Totnes, and then and there being in compagnie in the same howse one John Saiger, shomaker, the said John Leche and one Robert Hendley, servant to the said Leche, the said Whight reported and said that Thomas Burley, knowen by the name of the drunken Burley, hadde said to hym in his own howse that the Lord Robert Dudley dyd swyve the Quene, etc.
Witnesses present : Leche, Saiger, Hendley, Michael Close. With White's defence. Leche, Saiger, and Hendley are bound over in 20l. each to appear before a justice of the peace at the next sessions at Exeter to give evidence against Burley and White, &c.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Druken burlegh of Totness, Februar. 1560.”
2 pp.
822. Sir William Cecil.
1561, March 5. Warrant under the signet discharging Sir Wm. Cecil for paying 50 French crowns (15l.) to Henry Partriche, for a servant of the Duke of Askott for bringing a jennet, a present from his master, to the Q., and 60 crowns (18l.) to Lord Hunsdon for one that brought the Q. a present of hawks from the Duke of Prussia; also requiring him to pay one Saul, servant to Lord Robt. Dudley, 200l. for mules and asses which the Q. has appointed him to buy for her beyond the seas; the said sums being part of 226l. received by Cecil from the executors of Sir Thomas Parry.—Westminster, 5th March, 3rd Eliz.
Signed. Sealed. 1 p.
823. Elloy the Frenchman.
1560/1, March 6. Money paid by William Blunt, by order of Sir Thomas Parry, late Treasurer to the Queen's Majesty, for the charges of Elloy, the Frenchman.
Endorsed :—6th March 1560.
824. Robert Huggens.
1560/1. March 16. Warrant for payment of 100 crowns to Robert Huggens.—16th March, 3rd Eliz.
Signed. 1 p.
825. Examination of Rowland Gormyll.
1560/1, March 16. Examination of Rowland Gormyll, merchant, of Moreles (Morlaix) in Brittany, taken 16 March 1560, by Thos. Wells, captain of Couldeshort Castle, Hants, and Robt. Knaplocke, of Southampton, notary, in the presence of Walter Copinger, deputy to the said Wells, and others, gunners in the said castle.
Gormyll delivered a leather bag with three purses containing 957 pistoletts, etc., to a mariner of the “John” of Marenna, which vessel was searched when off the said castle at the instigation of Edwd. Bushopp, on the pretext that false dice were on board, and the gold, found amongst the ballast, was delivered to Copinger.
Copinger deposes touching the same; an inventory of the ships goods is annexed, and a note of the gold seized with Wells' account thereof.
5 pp.
826. Memorial for Randolph.
1560/1, March 20. 1. He is to understand that the Protestant Princes of Germany assembled at Naumburg, the 20th January last, for the renovation of the league heretofore made for a mutual defence of themselves against the Pope and his adherents, have sent to the Queen intelligence of their doings, and have required her to continue in her religion, and to further the same in Scotland, as shall appear by abstract of the message sent from the said princes to the Queen. In consideration whereof, for promoting religion, the Queen would have Randolph declare to such of the Scottish nobility as are inclined to the same cause, that she sees daily no intelligence betwixt one country and another so sure as that which is grounded upon unity and consent in Christian religion. He shall solicit the said states to persevere and augment their numbers. If he perceives any to be perplexed with worldly fears, he shall put them in remembrance in how good case, to all worldly respects, the profession of true religion at this day stands in France, where of late days was great persecution, and now not only is it ceased by authority, but also freedom granted for all persons to live with free consciences. In Germany all the Protestant Princes have newly ratified the confession of Augsburg. Therefore the nobility in Scotland observing peace amongst themselves and rendering their duty to their Sovereign in things concerning their obedience, have no cause to fear any power to offend them. But if they should upon pretence of a vain fear yield to contrary practices, or sever amongst themselves, their ruin would shortly ensue.
2. He shall thus deal with others that are not much affected to religion, yet given to continuance of amity. He shall lay his foundation that while their Sovereign is unmarried and out of her country, and the Queen is given to keep peace with that realm, the time is to make accord between these realms either for a perpetual or a very long peace. Therefore it shall be devised, whilst the Queen of Scots and that realm is free from the old unprofitable league with France, that either some new league be made between England and Scotland, or at least that such articles of the old league with France, as were occasions betwixt these realms, might be omitted or qualified.
3. The time serves to consider this matter. The Kings of Scotland have often seen what ruin came to them by the hostility of England, which grew by means of the league betwixt France and Scotland; yet they were never free till now to remedy the same, but always tied with the band of France. If it be knit up again the Queen and her posterity will most repent it.
4. He shall also remind them how necessary it is for them to consider whom their Queen shall marry; if a stranger, the inconvenience felt in her former marriage, and perchance more also, will ensue. Those who of late have showed themselves most earnest for defence of the liberty of that country, if they be not reconciled in favour, her marriage to any stranger will be their ruin; yea, if they be reconciled, a stranger being her husband will not let, for pleasing her and for his own purposes, to rid them out of the way, and to make one of them an instrument to the subversion of the other, and of them both in the end. The nobility and others should persuade their Sovereign either to marry at home or else not to marry without some surety of them who ought to succeed.
5. It cannot be thought but that the Duke of Châtellerault and his family, the nobility, and others of borough and town, who stood in defence of their country, ought all to be of this mind, for there does not remain surety in any other device. And as to the rest of the nation which did not intermeddle, there can be no probable cause why their Queen should not take such a husband as might bring universal quietness in her kingdom and sure peace with this realm.
6. In all these matters Randolph is to proceed according to his discretion and confer with such as he knows well addicted to the cause of religion and the good amity betwixt these realms.
Endorsed :—17 March 1560. Margin at head :—20 March 1560.
7 pp. [Haynes, pp. 366–368. In extenso.]
827. Sir Henry Killigrew to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1561, April 18. Concerning some false report in connection with the illness of Sir Henry's daughter.—Lothebery, 18 April 1561.
Seal. 1 p.
828. Captain Malachi O'Reilly to Queen Elizabeth.
1561, April 27. Expressing his devotion to her service, and hostility to the rebel John O'Neill.—Cavan, 27 April 1561.
Latin. 1 p.
829. Jenkinson's Journey to Persia.
1561, May 14. Anthony Jenkinson's journey to Persia, undertaken for the Society of the Merchant Adventurers, for discovery of lands, islands, &c. A few side notes by Sir Wm. Cecil.
[Presented to the Queen.]
44½ pp.
830. W. Pers to Sir Wm. Fitzwilliams.
1561, May 20. “Pleaseth it your honour to be advertised of the estate of this country. James McDonell arrived in these parts the second of May with Brian McPhelome, to whom he promised to set him head of Clandeboye, according to the meaning of your honor's letters, and took 'byenges' of Brian for the doing of the same; and sent for all the gentlemen of the country, who went to him and preferred to take Brian for their head, and to pay the 'byeng' promised to him. He 'dreved' off the time eight days, and received in hand of Brian his own chief horse, till at the last Con McNelog came, and at his coming he clean altered his mind, and said plainly he would not set up Brian, but that he would rather set up Con McNelog. One of his own men charged James with his promise [and] oath for the contrary, that he swore to him in Cantire, that he would do that your honour had commanded Sorle to do by your lordship's handwriting. In the end he refused to do anything that your lordship would have done; so that he delivered Brian again his horse, and bade him go to Englishmen for help. The next day following he called Brian McPhelome secretly to himself, and willed him to be ruled by his counsel, and he would help him. 'You may,' said he, 'get the castle of Carrickfergus into your own hand, and put out the Englishmen ; and then,' said he, 'I will make you head of Clandeboye.' So that Brian refused so to (sic), and so came his way. He hath of Nelog's sons in 'byenges' 300 kine, 4 horses of the best they have, 3 silver purses, and a great horn of silver; and moreover as I hear, Nelog's sons pay yearly to James out of every town in the 'arde' 26s. 8d. in money of England, and to Sorle 16 score kine, by the year. It may please your honor to give credit to the premises, for it is very true. And, moreover, he openly, in their parliament, before two hundred people, said plainly, the Queen's majesty was beheaded for that she played the harlot with a young lord and he too. And again he plainly said her highness was a bastard, and that the Queen of Scots was rightful Queen of England. It may please your honor, Brian and I have brought the matter so to pass, that if your wisdom will plant in these parts 500 men, the country wholly, except Nelog's sons, will bear the one half charges, and put in pledges for the same. It may please your honor, I received a carriage for the 'saker,' and a carriage for the 'faucon,' but I received neither gin nor gin-rope. The saker is unmounted for fault thereof, and, as for the demi-cannon, she cannot be carried hence without more provision both of gins, and also a block carriage for her. It may please your honor, flesh is so dear and so scarce to come by, that a beef is at iiijxx testers a beast, and very hard to get. The Scots take such 'byenges and cuttynges' of the country. I am credibly informed the Earl of Argyll will be shortly in O'Donel's country with many men. James maketh also many men. I think Shane O'Neil and they be all agreed secretly, and there is some hidden matter in hand, whatsoever it be.” Sends his wife's commendations, and his own.—Carrickfergus Castle, 20 May 1561.
[Postscript.] Thanks Sir William for his “gentyll letter,” and sends his own and his wife's commendations to Lady Fitzwilliams.
3 pp.
831. Minutes of Council, 16th June 1561, at the Tower of London.
1561, June 16. Notes for the stowage and removal of gunpowder in the Tower. At the end :—“Item, the house of the New Mint to be taken down at Michaelmas, and in the place of the same to make new vaults for keeping hereafter of the powder, whereof a platt shall be drawn, and that will be without peril of the Tower. Item, to remove the smithy's forges out of the Tower, and all other cumbrous workmen.”
In Cecil's hand. 2 pp.
832. The Queen to the Lord Mayor of London.
1561, July 21. Directing him to take steps for the suppression of certain prints representing her face along with that of the King of Sweden.
Endorsed :—21 July 1561.
Draft by Cecil. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 368. In extenso.]
833. William Maitland to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1561, Aug. 9. Has seen his letters of Aug. 1 to Mr. Randolph. Fresh alarm arisen therefrom. If it be meant to cut off the intercourse between the two realms, would wish them to be so occupied meantime that such an end could not easily be brought about. Wishes to God the first war may be plainly intended against them by Knox, for so it would be evident that the suppression of religion was meant, but fears Mary will proceed thereunto by indirect means. Nothing so dangerous for them as temporising. Cannot change his opinion that the good understanding between the two countries will never be secured unless Mary is persuaded to enter into it. Desires Elizabeth may be informed of his opinion in the matter. Wishes letters to pass frequently between himself and Cecil.—Edinburgh, 9 Aug. 1561.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 369. In extenso.]
834. The Queen to Sir Edward Warner, Lieutenant of the Tower.
1561, Aug. 17. Directing him to examine Lady Catherine Grey very strictly with respect to the love between her and the Earl of Hertford. He is also to send secretly to Alderman Lodge for Sentlow, and examine her regarding the same matter.
Endorsed :—17 Aug. 1561.
Draft by Cecil. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 369. In extenso.]
835. Monies disbursed by Sir Wm. Cecil.
1561, May to Aug. A short table of divers sums disbursed between 26 May and 4 Aug. 1561, by Sir Wm. Cecil, at the Queen's command. The items are :—100l. to Mr. Tamworth, “to be given in reward;” 6l. to Conrad Gesner, “in reward for his book De Animalibus;” 11l. 13s. 4d. (40 pistolets), to “Illiricus servant coming for the stories of England, in reward;” to Wood, one of the masters of the Queen's Majesty's ships, 20 French crowns, and the rest of the masters and mariners attending upon Her Majesty at Harwich, 40 French crowns; and 75l. 15s. to Robert Rovett, a goldsmith, of Paris, for goldsmith work weighing “15 oz. 1 gross,” and for a diamond prized at 10l. 10s.
Signed by the Queen. 1¼ pp.
836. The Queen to the Duke of Norfolk and the Earls of Oxford and Rutland.
1561, Sept. 21. Order concerning the receiving of the King of Sweden on his arrival in England.
Endorsed :—21 Sept. 1561.
Draft by Cecil. 1½ pp. [Haynes, p. 370. In extenso.]
837. Visit of the King of Sweden.
1561, Sept. 25. Opinion of the Lord Treasurer, the Lord Steward, and the Lord Chamberlain, touching the order to be taken for the receiving and entertainment of the King of Sweden.
Endorsed :—25 Sept. 1561.
pp. [Haynes, pp. 370–372. In extenso.]
838. John Knox to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1561, Oct. 7. Would have judged his counsel most wholesome if God had not so often “trapped” the men of most singular experience in their own wisdom. Men delighting to swim betwixt two waters have often complained of his severity. Mistaken gentleness and forbearance of many. Character of Queen Mary. Weakness and flattery exhibited in the popular party. The conduct of Lord James and Ledington. These two are wholly to blame for the imprisonment of the Provost and Baillies of Edinburgh. God deliver them from the plague, which is manifestly appearing.—Edinburgh, 7 Oct. 1561.
[This is the original of the letter, in which the following famous passage occurs :—“Some of no small estimation have said wt open mount : The quen neyther is, neyther shalbe of or opinion, and in verrey dead her hole proceadinges do declayr, that the cardinalles lessons ar so deaplie prented in her hart that the substaunce and the qualitie ar liek to perrishe togetther. I wold be glaid to be deceaved, but I fear I shall not; in com[m]unication wt her I espyed such craft as I have not found in such aige; since hath the court bein dead to me and I to it.”]
pp. [Haynes, p. 372. In extenso.]
839. William Maitland to Sir William Cecil.
1561, Oct. 7. Delayed answering Cecil's letters until the Queen of Scots had replied to the message sent by Sir Peter Mewtas. Extreme character of demand made by the Queen of England. Right of succession of the Scottish Queen to the throne of England. Reasons why Elizabeth might very well determine the succession of her crown in her own time. “The Queen my mistress is descended of the blood of England, and so of the Race of the Lion on both sides.” Prays that no little difficulty may be allowed to frustrate the benefit to be looked for from the conjunction of the two Queens. The Queen of Scots will be glad to nominate Commissioners, and to agree upon time and place of meeting.—Edinburgh, 7 Oct. 1561.
3 pp. [Haynes, pp. 373, 374. In extenso.]
840. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
1561, Nov. 16. Has appointed Lord Hunsdon, Governor of Berwick. He is to proceed to take charge and government of Newcastle and the county of Northumberland under the Earl. Directs the Earl of Sussex to write to Sir John Foster, Warden of the Middle Marches towards Scotland, giving him instructions to join Lord Hunsdon. Hartlepool is to be safely kept. Has given order for a supply of munitions of war to be sent to him.
Endorsed :—16 Nov. 1561.
Draft. 1½ pp. [Haynes, p. 374. In extenso.]
841. Don Luigi Schifanoya to Sir Thos. Challoner.
1561, Nov. 22. Expresses continued devotion to him. Was very glad to hear of Challoner's appointment as English ambassador to the Court of Spain. The Queen could not have made a better choice. Is ready to do him any service in his power. Has no news at present, but will note any future circumstance worth Challoner's hearing. Letters sent to him, addressed to the Postmaster at Antwerp, will be safely delivered.—Antwerp, 22 Nov. 1561.
Seal. Italian.
¾ p.
842. William Maitland to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1561, Dec. 15. His Sovereign has received Queen Elizabeth's letter of Nov. 23, concerning the answer made to the message propounded by Sir Peter Mewtas. As he wishes that nothing may pass between the two Queens, but what shall serve to continue and increase the friendship existing between them, he has advised his Sovereign to delay her reply for a time until he can obtain Cecil's opinion as to how the same may be framed to the satisfaction of both parties. Queen Elizabeth had desired to know the reasons for which Queen Mary delayed the ratification of the treaty. Cecil can well enough judge. It was prejudicial to Mary's title to the English throne, in the event of the death of Elizabeth without lawful issue. Desires to avoid unnecessary complications. Would not like an advance made from their side, to meet in the end with a repulse. Wishes Cecil to write fully to him.—Edinburgh, 15 Dec. 1561.
3 pp. [Haynes, pp. 375, 376. In extenso.]
843. “The Stage of the World.”
1561. “The Stage of the world, wherein is made a large discourse of man's miseries, and also of many pri[n]ces that are this present day reign (sic) in all estates of the earth.”—Dated, 1561.
31 pp.