Cecil Papers: March 1560

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Cecil Papers: March 1560', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp190-200 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: March 1560', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp190-200.

"Cecil Papers: March 1560". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp190-200.

March 1560

632. The Queen to the Duke of Norfolk.
1559/60, March 8. Whereas the Queen Dowager of Scotland has of late, by a herald, sent us letters (copy herewith) wherein she complains of Mr. Winter, Admiral of our fleet in the North: albeit we have had always that opinion of the said Winter that he would not commit anything that exceeded his commission, or that should be any breach of peace between us and the French King; yet for satisfaction of the Queen Dowager, we require you either to send for Winter, if convenient, or to send some one to him to learn the truth, and thereupon to advertise us. His principal coming thither was rather to preserve peace than to break the same.
Endorsed:—8 March 1559.
Cecil's minute. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 258. In extenso.]
633. The Queen to the Duke of Norfolk.
1559/60, March 9. We perceive, amongst other things written to our Council and reported by Sir Nicholas L'Estrange and Edwd. Randall, that ye have accorded with the Lords of Scotland to meet the power of England at Achinson's Haven the 25th inst. We have thought meet to let you understand that at this present we have received a message from the French King tending, in words, to reform all the injuries done us, to make an accord with us for the same, and to leave Scotland free from danger of conquest; for answer thereof we have given the French till the 20th to withdraw his force in part, till the 24th for a third, till the 28th for a half, and till the 2nd April for the whole. We think it meet that the appointment with the Lords of Scotland be deferred till the 31st, because ye shall not need thereby to put any power into Scotland before the 27th or 28th, before which time, if they come to any reasonable accord, it will be then necessary to forbear the entry. If it appear that they mean but to abuse us and to gain time, then may the entry be convenient the 27th or 28th. Meanwhile let nothing be omitted to make our army ready, thereby if accord follow the French will sooner agree.
Cecil minute. 1 p.
Another copy of above with the addition :—
We have also, on request of the French, accorded that our ships should attempt nothing against the French already in Scotland, unless provoked; so give charge to Winter, willing him so to use himself and yet not to forbear the stay of any new succours that may come by sea.
Endorsed:—9 March 1559. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 258. In extenso.]
634. The Privy Council to the Duke of Norfolk.
1559/60, March 12. Have received his letters dated the last of February, and perceived his proceedings with the Lords of Scotland in the paper of seven articles of an accord to be made betwixt the realm of England and the nobility of Scotland for defence of that realm against conquest by the French. Understand by the report of Sir Nicholas L'Estrange and Randall that the power he has, together with that promised by Scotland, 5,000 men of certainty, will not suffice if he should be driven to besiege, as two batteries would be required.
1. The Queen sees no cause for alteration in the substance of the articles, but has had them newly written and enlarged, will confirm them with her great seal, and perform the same in all points unless the French meanwhile accord with her and with Scotland, The French King makes an appearance of meaning to redress all injuries, but considering the accustomed practices of the French, they have small hope their meaning agrees with their words. Yet the Queen is pleased to make proof of their intent. The Duke's appointment for the meeting of England and Scotland at Achynson's Haven on the 25th had better be postponed to the 31st, the Queen having offered that if the French will begin to withdraw their forces, part on the 21st and the whole by April 2, she also will begin to withdraw hers. If they do not begin to withdraw by the 28th the Queen may with honour permit the exploit to be taken in hand. All things to be in full readiness, not to abide an hour.
2. Though they know the more batteries, the more speed will be, yet the time being so far spent, the place so far off, and there being no store there to furnish another battery without disfurnishing ships or the town of Berwick, they have given order for sending a proportion of 10 battery pieces which will arrive as soon as wind and sea permit. Meanwhile, if it be not expedient to approach the place when the enemy retire, yet it should be environed with a siege volant, to restrain the enemy within his strength and exclude supplies of men and victuals. His putting in order 2,000 more men against the day of entry is approved.
Endorsed :—12 March 1559.
Draft. 4 pp. [Haynes, p. 259. In extenso.]
635. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, March 12. Has received his friendly letter of the 9th instant, whereby he perceives his care of his own well proceeding in her Majesty's affairs here. With regard to his choice of this journey, whether he wishes to go himself or else that it should proceed according to the former appointment, assures him that he has learned one principle, “never to seek chardge at the Prince's hands, nor never to refuse what yt shall please hym to commaunde me.” The reasons that lead him to seek none are these; firstly, inability that he finds in himself. Secondly, that he is not so well furnished as he could wish for the Prince's honour in such a journey. Thirdly, and chiefly, for fear lest if the journey should not proceed according to his earnest good will, it might be said that if he had not craved it someone of better experience and conduct might have been chosen, whereby the success might have been more ensured. On the other hand, he is never minded to refuse, partly because it becomes him not to judge what occasions cause the Prince to choose him, and also because he is born to live and die in his quarrel and to fulfil his commandment in all things. Accordingly till he receives an answer to this letter will occupy himself in furnishing himself, according to his poor ability, either to go or to tarry, as it shall please the Queen's Majesty to command.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 30. Haynes, p. 261. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Foreign.]
636. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, March 13. The bearer hereof, Mr. Kier, servant to the Earl of Huntly, has just arrived here bringing a letter from the Earl of Arran which he sends herewith.
He has also informed him that he has letters and evidence to her Majesty from the said Earl, who has joined himself to the Duke of Chastelherault and the other partakers in their common cause, and will come to the field with them on the day appointed with such power as he can command.
This, in his opinion, makes their enterprise much more easy and feasible. Sends one, in post, by whom Cecil shall understand the matter at greater length.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 12. Haynes, p. 26. In extenso.]
637. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, March 14. Encloses letters from the Lord James Stuart. Understands that the Lords of the Congregation do prepare their forces to meet with our army at the place and day appointed at their last conference. Nevertheless, on receipt of Cecil's letters of the 7th inst., wrote and deferred the day to the 28th of this present, and has now again, on receipt of her Majesty's letters of the 10th, written to prolong the day further till the 31st inst., which delays he supposes will scarcely please them. Has also written to the Duke of Chastelherault and the said Lords advising them of the French practices, and admonishing them to beware of the same and to stand fast against all temptations. Has in like manner written to Mr. Winter desiring him to use no hostility in the Frith against the French now in Scotland, except they provoke him thereto; and yet to do as he hath done to prevent their receiving any new succours.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 12. Haynes, p. 262. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
638. The Duke of Norfolk and his Council to the Privy Council.
1559/60, March 15. Understanding that the sum of twenty thousand pounds of her Majesty's treasure is coming hither, whereof they have great need, are inforced to put their Lordships in remembrance of the greatness of their charges which are daily increased, and to beseech them to “put their helping hands” so that another mass of treasure may be sent immediately to follow the said twenty thousand pounds, as when the pay has been made for the month of February past and the present month of March, not much will remain of what is now coming. Besides, when the army shall enter Scotland, they must perforce advance them a month's wages beforehand because the victualling of the army will then depend much upon the market, for which the soldiers must needs have always ready money. There is also much money owing to the garrison of Berwick, which must needs be paid, especially to such as are going this journey. Have also a great lack of armour, and if it were possible to send two thousand corslets more the same would be well bought.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 12d. Haynes, p. 262. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Foreign.]
639. Sir William Cecil to George Gordon, Earl of Huntley.
1559/60, March 18. The letters and message sent by him to the Queen and brought by Mr. Keyre have been well accepted by her. “The Queen meaneth princely, and like a good neighbour, to relieve the declination of that Kingdom of Scotland.” Of the Queen's purpose Cecil thinks the Earl is not ignorant by the declaration of Lord James Stewart and his colleagues who were lately at Berwick and there concluded a treaty with Norfolk which the Queen has ratified. Prays him (since the time has come, the power ready, nothing is wanting, the enemy at the worst, themselves honourably accorded and provided with such a patron and friend as the Queen of England) to proceed to the safety of his country and preserve his ancient house. There is no third thing to choose, but either to suffer the insolence of France or be preserved with a natural governance; he who shall speak of a third, that is of a favourable government by Frenchmen, is either ignorant or means deceit. “No governance shall so accord with Scotland but a lawful governance of natural people.” Is glad to perceive that the Earl will accept the remedy which God has offered. The writer is commanded to write to him on the Queen's part, that he may be certain of her favour and aid to the common state of the realm, and that she accepts him with all his friends and allies into her protection. As soon as he shall make any demonstration of any action to concur with her aid towards this purpose he shall see the proof thereof.
Endorsed :—18 March 1559.
Cecil's draft. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 263. In extenso.]
640. The Queen to the Duke of Norfolk.
1556/60, March 19. Has weighed the Articles containing the conference betwixt him as her Lieutenant-General and Lord James Stewart and the other Lords of Scotland commissioned by James Duke of Châtellerault, the scope whereof she perceives to be, first, the preservation of Scotland from conquest, and second of England from invasion by France. She sends the said articles reformed to be by him with all expedition notified to the said Lord James and his colleagues. He is to procure their seals and signatures to the same and forward by such persons as receive his part, and to assure them the Queen agrees to ratify them under the great seal, which ratification they shall have on sending the hostages promised. Sends the confirmation by Sir Nicholas L'Estrange. Proceeds thus for surety lest the party of Scotland fall into doubt and mistrust of her expected aid, yet hourly looks for some answer from the French King for redress, as well of his unfriendly dealings with her as of his violence and force in Scotland. If this answer be without delay to redress all his attempts against her and withdraw his whole forces out of Scotland, she will forbear. If she is not satisfied by the 24th or 25th she has a just cause to pursue her request by force. Meanwhile neither her power nor that of Scotland should be out of readiness nor forbear meeting at Achynson's Haven the 31st as formerly ordered. If any party of Scotland be abused by the practices of the French that this delay is to leave the matter at random, he is to assure them that the principal cause was “for that we thought it a part of princely honour on our behalf, although it be not so used on the French King's part, to demand first rather by our request and [in] amicable manner the redress of the enormities and hostilities than by force.”
He is to see everything is ready for the exploit against the day assigned and to follow the former instructions. The blanks in the copy of articles for the number of horsemen and footmen are so left for agreement with the Lords of Scotland; if possible he is to obtain that the number of horsemen be 2,000 or 1,500 at least, the footmen 1,000.
Endorsed :—19 March 1559.
Cecil's draft, 3 pp. [Haynes, p. 264. In extenso.]
641. The Duke of Norfolk and his Council to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, March 19. As he advertised Cecil that he had written to the Duke of Chastelherault signifying unto him amongst other things what report the French Ambassador now resident at London made of him touching his submission to the French King, so now the said Duke hath written to him again, and also sent Thos. Randall with credence to make his purgation in that behalf. To the intent that Cecil may the better understand the same, sends herewith his letters, and has also caused Thos. Randall to commit his credence to writing, which he also sends herewith, and so has despatched Randall back again to the said Duke. The said Randall hath gotten in Scotland the copy of the beginning and ending of a Patent granted when he was “King and Dolphin,” which copy he sends herewith so that Cecil may perceive now they use the Title and Arms of England and Ireland. Randall tells him that he saw and had in his hands the original patent; in Scotland. He hath showed him also that the said Duke and the rest of the Lords of that party make all the preparations they can come to the field on the day appointed. He says also that the Earl of Huntley being now joined with them prepareth also to come to the field, and that their party and power daily increaseth and do much rejoice to join with the English for the expulsion of the French out of Scotland. Was yesterday advertised that eight Ensigns of the French departed on Friday last from Edinburgh and Leith towards Stirling, for what purpose he knoweth not. The said Randall, however, shows him that the Earl of Arran and the Lord James intended to levy a power suddenly to distress the four Ensigns of the French which remain at Stirling, for which purpose they desired of Mr. Winter the aid of live hundred arquebusiers; so it is supposed that the French, having received intelligence thereof, do therefore send the eight Ensigns from Edinburgh and Leith, either to reinforce them at Stirling and to keep the town and passage there, or else to retire and withdraw them from thence to Leith with the more safety.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 13. Haynes, p. 265. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
642. James, Duke of Châtellerault to M. de Seurre, the French Ambassador in England.
1559/60, March 21. Having been informed that he has told the Queen of England and her Council that the writer and the other Lords have sought pardon from the King and Queen of France for their rebellion, he denies that he has ever done so; and if M. de Seurre or any other Frenchmen (the King excepted) maintains the same, it is false. The Duke has a hundred gentlemen of his family, the least of whom is M. de Seurre's equal, and who will when he is discharged from the office of ambassador avouch body to body in this quarrel that he has falsely and maliciously lied.—Hamilton, 21 March 1559.
Copy endorsed by Cecil. French. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 267. In extenso. Another copy in State Papers, Scotland.]
643. The Duke of Norfolk and his Council to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, March 21. Sends letters addressed to himself from the Queen Dowager of Scotland and brought by one of her Trumpets, who arrived here yesterday, rather, he thinks, to espy our doings here than for any other purpose, as therefore let him make no stay here but sent him back immediately. Has in return sent an English Trumpet with letters (copy whereof he encloses) to do the like by her. There also arrived yesterday from Scotland a Frenchman called Guillaume Chaperon, who passed lately from De Sevre, the French Ambassador there, with the Scottish hearld. Has learned from him that the French Ensigns, of whom he wrote in his last letter, have now directed their journey towards Glasgow, with the intent, as the said Guillaume says, to raise a siege laid to Lord Symple's house by the Duke of Chastelherault. It is, however, most untrue that the Duke has attempted any such matter, or they would certainly have heard of it from Thos. Randall.
The truth is that, as far as they can learn, the French, perceiving that the said Duke and the others begin to assemble their power for the appointed meeting, intend to do what they can to impeach and disturb the same, and for that purpose have repaired to Glasgow as the place of assembly of the said Lords in the western parts. Sends also herewith the copy of the complaints made by the French Ambassador against Mr. Winter, together with the latter's reply thereto. To-morrow they intend to repair to Berwick, where they have ordered the army to certainly assemble and encamp on Monday night.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 13d. Haynes, p. 266. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
644. The Privy Council to the Duke of Norfolk.
1559/60, March 22. Sir Nicholas Le Strange has tarried longer by reason of the French proceedings with the Queen tending to persuade and entice her to surcease from all hostility. The French King sent hither of late one M. Montluc, Bishop of Valence, to gain time. The Queen is determined Norfolk shall proceed according to his former instructions, and at the time appointed Lord Grey shall enter Scotland, and with the aid of the Scots expel the French, and such Scots as take their part against the liberty of their country. For the more speedy execution thereof the Queen now sends by Le Strange the ratification of the articles agreed upon between Norfolk and the Lord Lieutenant of Scotland, to be signified to them with all speed, lest any doubt of slackness be occasioned, and delivered to them on receipt of hostages by Norfolk. If after the entry any French men would depart out of Scotland, they are to have safe conduct, which is to be notified to them. As for commission from Lord Grey to exercise martial affairs it is found on examination of Norfolk's commission it is sufficient that he be deputed by Norfolk.
Endorsed :—22 March 1559.
Copy, 1½ pp. [Haynes, p. 267. In extenso.]
645. John Middleton to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1559/60, March 24. “Whereas I have written unto you of the Count de Feria's departure into Spain, here is, since that time, another post come from the King with letters to the said Count, whereupon it is bruited that the Count doth appoint to go into England, but I do not certainly know it. Nevertheless, I do much suspect it to be true that he shall come, but not so soon, for on Tuesday last he did ride post from Brussels to Louvaine to visit my lady Dormer, unto whom at his departure he said these words, “Madame, I trust to be in England sooner than you do think.” The Prince of Orange said, the night before he departed from Brussels, unto the Count d'Egmont openly at supper, that the Count de Feria told him that he should go again into England, at the which he did not a little marvel, for that he had told him before that he would never come more there, because he loved the country so evil. Here is a great bruit that all the ships and certain of the galleys, which were appointed to go to Tripoli, are appointed to come from Malta into France to serve the French King, which I do hardly credit; but I heard the Count say that the matters of England were the occasion why that journey was stayed. There be three score and six ships, fifty galleys, 8,000 venturers, 20,000 men paid, that were appointed for that journey; but lately I have seen letters that they have fallen out amongst themselves, insomuch that there be eight thousand men killed amongst them. All the Spaniards that should have been discharged here to go into Spain be stayed again. The King hath levied [at] this present throughout all these Low Countries ten of every hundred of money. By certain report of the Count de Feria's mouth, the French King with his brethren and others by conspiracy had like to have been taken in France, of the which I will write no more, because I think the Queen's Ambassador there hath informed you of it. They be here almost at their wits' end, because they do not know what the Germans do mind to do, otherwise than as they do suspect that they will set upon Metz in Lorraine. Sir Thomas Gresham is so cried out of for taking up of the money in Antwerp that he hath made a dry bourse. If his credit there by any means may be hindered, it shall be, and so it hath been told me, and I do know that there shall be all the practises made that may be with speed. I am told that there is practising for a marriage to be made betwixt the Prince of Spain and the Lady Katherine Grey, which is not of the best liked for divers respects, and by some hindered. The Bishop undoubtedly hath written marvellously against the Queen: amongst other things he hath said that the Queen told him that she did set up the cross in her chapel only to content him, and not otherwise. Thus for this time I do leave to trouble you any further, most humbly praying you to advertise me of the receipt of my letters, as also to consider my other letters.”—Brussels, 24 March.
[Postscript.] “Whereas the Count de Feria was appointed to come into England since the Regent, and he hath had great consultation with the nobility of this country, and they have agreed to send Monsieur de Glasion, master of the ordnance, who is one of the Council, and of the Order of the Toison, otherwise called the Golden Fleece; he is a man of few words but very wise, he cometh into England. The King of Spain certainly hath sent hither to know what number of ships may be made ready throughout all these Low Countries, and in what space they may be made ready, and as I am credibly informed by one unto whom the Count hath told it secretly, there is such a number that England is not able to make the third part so many, notwithstanding one of the Queen's ships shall be better than three of the others. I had thought that things would have fallen out otherwise than now they be like to do. Here is all the world against England. They do say that the Duke of Alva cometh into France. The Bishop of Aquila, the King's Ambassador there, sent his physician hither unto the Count de Feria, who, for the space of two or three days together, was secretly conferring with the Duchess of Parma and the said Count, who now is returned again into England.”
Endorsed by Cecil :—“24 Martii 1559. Huggyns to W. Ce.”
646. The Queen's Proclamation concerning Peace.
1560, March 24. A Proclamation declaring the Queen's purpose to keep peace with France and Scotland, and to provide for the surety of her kingdom.
1. Although it is evidently seen, not only by the Queen's subjects but also by many strangers in all parts of Christendom, what occasions have of late been given and continued by the French that she should fear the invasion of this realm by way of Scotland, yet she notifies her intent therein.
2. She thinks that the injurious pretences made by the Queen of Scots to this realm proceed from the principals of the House of Guise, who now have the chief governance of the Crown of France, and that neither the French King (who by reason of his years is not capable of such an enterprise) nor the Queen of Scots, his wife, (also being in her minority) nor yet the Princes of the blood royal and other estates of France have imagined such an unjust enterprise. The house of Guise, for their private advancement exalting their niece, the Queen of Scots, have thus injuriously set forth and in time of peace continued in public the arms of England and Ireland in the name of their niece; and have used the authority of the King and Queen to enterprise the eviction of the crown of Scotland out of the power of the natural people of the land, and thereby to proceed with force, meaning to invade England. The Queen takes these insolent attempts to be but the abuse of the house of Guise during the minority of the King and Queen, and without the consent of the greater states of France; and being desirous to keep peace with all Princes, and also with France and Scotland, she notifies that she is forced to put in order, to her great charge, certain forces by see and land for the safeguard of England. Yet she intends not any hostilities, as she has required of the Cardinal of Lorraine and his brother, and by means of them, of the French King, that these insolent titles and claims might cease and be revoked; and that there might be a natural governance granted to the people of Scotland, that they may live in their due obedience to their Queen without further oppression and fear of conquest; that the men of war of France in Scotland might be revoked, being, by reason of the French in their claims against this kingdom, dangerous to be so nigh. It has been offered that they should have safe conduct by water or by land, or both, for their departure; and that according to their ceasing from arms the Queen's power by land and sea should also cease. To these requests the Queen can get no answer, although much time has been spent to her excessive charge, and to the delay of concord.
3. Finally she declares she will keep peace with France and Scotland so long as no invasion be made upon her countries, dominions, or people; and will procure by good and fair means that concord may be had in Scotland, and the French men of war depart without harm and in surety; if they will not, she must of necessity attempt to compel them.
4. She therefore charges her subjects to use with friendship all the French King's subjects, as in times of peace, except they be provoked by any hostility; and although of late intolerable injuries have been committed in France against the crown of England, yet to judge thereof not otherwise than the Queen is pleased to think and judge. They shall make no other preparations for war, but for the defence of the realm. For better intelligence hereof, she has willed this to be proclaimed in English and French, although the same has been declared to the French King, the principals of the House of Guise in France, the Queen Dowager of Scotland, and all the Ambassadors of France here resident, whereunto no answer can be obtained.
Draft, with Cecil's additions. 7 pp. [Haynes, p. 261. In extenso. Another copy in State Papers, Foreign.]
647. M. de Seurre (French Ambassador in London) to the Duke of Chatellerault.
1560, March 28. As he came from the Queen's presence one Mr. Harris, a clerk of the Council, presented him in the lower court of the palace with a letter purporting to come from the Duke to the writer, in which he says it has come to his knowledge that he has reported to the Queen and her Council that he (the Duke) has lately sent to the King and Queen of France to ask pardon, &c. [See 21 March 1560, No. 642.]
The writer cannot think the letter was written by the Duke, not having received it from one of his servants, &c., nor that he would give the lie so unjustly to the Ambassador of so great a prince, &c. He will not fail to reply that the suspicion is altogether false, and that in the first place, being the King's Ambassador, he cannot be held a reporter nor dealer in reports either to the Queen of England, her Council, or any other persons. Secondly, as to the crimes he alleged the Duke committed, he declares he never said so, and never would have said so without authority from the King, to whom he leaves the quarrel, and to whom alone he will render his account thereof. When it shall please God to unite the King and the Duke, the latter will learn what good offices the writer has done him.
If any lord or person of the same rank, from the hundred gentlemen of the Duke's family, will accuse him before the said King of having uttered the said words in the manner asserted he will tell him, when relieved of his functions as Ambassador, and with the King's permission, he lies, and so maintain in arms, body to body, &c.—London, 28 March 1560.
Original. French. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 270. In extenso.]
648. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, March 28. Sends letters received yesternight from Thomas Randall. The Trumpet whom he sent to the Queen Dowager of Scotland also returned yesterday, and one of her Trumpets with him, with letters addressed to himself, which he sends herewith.
Has written to the Queen Dowager that the Lord Grey with her Majesty's army is presently to enter into Scotland, as he was directed to do by his instructions under her Majesty's hand. The said army has been delayed by the late coming of the treasure, but march on this day and will encamp for the night at Dunglas, and trusts they will keep the day appointed with the Duke of Chastelherault and the Lords of the Scots, who, as he understands, are assembled with their powers and coming forwards; but whether the Earl of Huntley be arrived with them or not, he cannot tell. Mr. Winter is appointed to receive the hostages and to send them hither. If the weather had not been somewhat stormy they had been here ere this time.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 13d. Haynes, p. 271. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
649. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, March 31. They have now (thanks be to God) gotten the army forward, who lay at Dunglas this night past, and hope to meet with the Scots at the appointed day. If he should tell him what ado they had to make the money stretch to content everybody, he “wold petye to see the Quene's Lyeutenant to lye to gage for so much money as now he does.” Sends herewith a brief declaration of the expenses here since his coming, which he doubts not her Majesty and the Council will well consider, and how foraging, robbing, and wasting of the country cannot now be permitted unless they will make enemies of friends. On the other part Cecil knows well enough “howe mutynows Englishmen be when they cannot have their ordynarye nesessarys.” There was a rumour, on my Lord Hume's coming from Edinburgh, that when our army was entered, he, with those whom he was able to make, would set fire in England, but they have provided such sauce for him that he thinks he will deal not in such matter, “but if he do fire but on Haygoff, he shall not go to Hume agayn without torchlight, and peradventur may fynd a lanterne at his own House.” For. this consideration, as well as for conveying of convoys, has levied certain light horsemen here in the Wardenries, who he hopes will keep them in quiet. And as he would be loth to be left at home without some man able to take a charge if need be, has stayed here Sir F. Leeke and another of his country called Sir John Foster, the only man to serve in Northumberland. Assures him that, for his knowledge of the country and other experience, he knows not how he could have spared Mr. Leeke.
Complains of the conduct of Lord Dacres, who, he assures Cecil, is the “undutyfullest subject of England.” His unaptness has so disordered the Wardenry that he thinks it will trouble the wisest man who shall be appointed to bring it again to order in one year. Having now declared his opinion, trusts that whatsoever may chance he will be held discharged of his duty.
[Postscript.] They will do nothing now but hearken for good news of the enterprise northward, and for the coming of the treasure from the south. If Cecil should deal for the placing of a new officer in the West Borders, he must in no wise place the Lord Wharton there, although his wisdom and experience be great, for the Master of Maxwell and he are at deadly feud.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 30. Haynes, p. 274. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Foreign.]