Index: Q, R

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: Q, R". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Quarelus, cause in the Exchequer, the Queen's will with regard to, 9.

Quarles :

—, cousin of George Chaworth, 695.

John, merchant, complaint as to a projected seizure of lands by, 54.

Queen, the, letters from, 44, 421, 426, 427, 553, 589, 598, 599.

correspondence with the King of France alluded to, 45, 140, 143, 144.

despatched correspondence to King Otho, 175.

allusion to a letter from, written in bed, 643.

letters to, 111, 274, 275, 285, 437, 439, 442, 445, 485, 565, 590, 593 (2), 624, 681 (2).

petitions to, 577.

statement of her correspondence with the Emperor concerning the Company of Merchant Adventurers and Hanse Towns, 42, 43.

her foreign relations :

—, with King James VI. of Scotland, 17–19, 41, 110, 124.

—, with the States General, 34, 89, 92, 149, 228, 475, 476.

—, with Spain, 87, 486.

—, with Duke Charles [of Sweden], 233.

—, resolves to interpose in the quarrel between the Earl of Embden and the town, 416.

—, with the Emperor of Russia, 172.

—, charged with being a favourer of Turks and Infidels. 551.

appearances, movements, entertainment and progresses of, allusions to, 9, 100, 140, 166, 226, 248, 265, 279, 302, 305, 314, 358, 445, 467, 507, 560.

her stipulations and instructions with regard to Scotch levies for Ireland, 14.

lands descended to, 40.

the question of her successor, 49, 671.

debts to, 51, 502.

requires the presence of her principal secretary, 102.

books for presentation to, 113, 639.

intends to bestow a present of plate on M. de Boissise, 140.

welcomes the coming of Signor Guicciadini, 144.

rumours about her attitude towards Roman Catholics in England, 253.

desire of, that what she had written about Tyrone should not be seen by the Council, 195.

applause on her birthday, 495.

referred to as “Old Besse,” 526.

a gift to, “the best eloquence,” 534.

demand upon a Bishop and chapter not specified, 575.

lands accruing to, by reason of the rebellion in Ireland, 632.

state of her health, &c., 439, 610, 621.

final illness, 667, 668, 670, 672–680, 693, 694, 698, 699 (2), 702, 703.

Queen's :

agents in Paris and Holland, allusion to, 101.

envoys at Boulogne, 87.

moneys, master and worker of. See Martin, Sir Richard.

Sewers, one of the, at Court, mentioned, 85.

ward, reference to, 69.

Queen's Household :

engineer, the. See Genebelli.

falconer of. See Michele.

gamekeeper, 580.

master carpenter. See Portington.

jeweller. See Spilman.

vice-chamberlain of. See Stanhope, Sir John.

works, surveyor of. See Spicer.

—, controller of. See Basill.

Queenborough, 531.

[Quimper] (Kemper), [Brittany], 449.

[Quimperle] (Kemperlye) [Brittany], 449.


Rachisburg, 122.

Radford, letters dated at, 48, 404, 427, 636.

Radligh, Sir John, 702.

Radnor, county of, soldiers for Ireland from, sent back, 31.

Ragland Castle, letter dated at, 667.

Ragusa, 323, 592.

news from, 298.

Rainsford(e) :

Mr., 521.

—, and New Year's gifts for Sir Robert Cecil, 527.

Rais, Amurath, 366.

Ralegh (Raleigh, Rawelege, &c.) :

Caru, J.P. of Dorset, 700.

Sir Carewe, knt., contraband goods delivered to, 17.

Elizabeth Lady, letter from, 84.

Sir Walter, Lord Warden of the Stannaries, 48, 68, 131, 206, 362, 404, 545, 546.

—, letters from, 97, 239, 311, 559.

—, letter to, 599.

—, a ship of, mentioned, 85.

—, his adventure, 119.

—, bond of, to Sir R. Cecil, 163.

—, Countess of Bath alludes to him as her cousin, 208.

—, part taken in a cause concerning Sir R. Cecil, 213.

Ramelius, attending the marriage of his sister, 376.

Ramell, Heneryck, the Dutch Chancellor in Denmark, 381.

Ramhead, the, 185.

Ramsgate, 464.

Rande, Captain, 92.

Ratcliff(e) (Ratclif, Ratclyff, Ratlyff) :

Sir Alexander, son of Mr Wallop, 84.

—, letter signed by, 516.

Francis, a recusant, prisoner in York gaol, 115.

John, Mayor of Chester, letters from, 4, 60, 76, 196, 219, 346, 372, 403.

—, letter from, alluded to, 198.

—, examination taken before, 36.

Robert, Earl of Sussex, letter from, 139.

Rathmore, letter dated at, 94.

Ratisbon(e) (Regensburg), 298.

Imperial diet at, 42, 57, 311.

Ratlyff. See Ratcliffe.

Ravestein (Ravasteyn) [Brabant], castle of, projected Spanish attack on, 306, 308, 361.

Ravis :

Dr., Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, recommended for the vacant see of Norwich, 437.

Thomas, Prebend of Westminster, letter from, 142.

Rawleighe. See Raleigh.

Rawlynson, —, tutor to the heir of Sir Giarvis Clyfton, 276.

Rawthorn (Routhorn, Rowthorne) Carr, 690, 696.

Reade Culvers,” the, 379.

Reade, Francis, brother-in-law of Michael Stanhope, license for, desired, 273.

his father, alluded to, 273.

Reading (Redding), 554.

letter dated at, 280.

Rebane, Reband [co. Kildare] Castle and lands, 511.

as to the unjust seizure of, 433, 437.

Recusants, 182, 366, 367.

in subjection to their Archpriest, a warning to the State, 204.

in Hampshire, 676.

in Montgomery, 495.

Records, delivered into the Receipt of the Exchequer, 255–258.

Reddhedd, former keeper of Scottish pledges, as to an allowance for, his charges, 239, 343.

Redmonde, Mr., 421.

assurances of a mine of lead in his country, 462.

Redshanks (Readshanks), 159.

feared invasion of the Isle of Man by, 219.

chief commander of, 74.

Reed(e), Sir William, letters from, 188, 464.

—, son of, commended by Sir J. Carey, 465.

Regensburg. See Ratisbone.

Reggio, Spanish and Italian soldiers at, 347.

Regnault, M., letters from, 653, 701.

Reichsdaye,” the, 645.

Reitlinger (Reilinger), Cristofer, physisian to the Emperor of Russia, letter from, 172.

Renes (Reanes), Thomas, conductor of men, bonds taken of, 182.

Rennegar (Renegar, Renger), G., uncle of Sir J. Gilbert, commissioner at Plymouth, 114, 365, 409.

Rennes (Raynes) [Brittany], Court of, Parliament of, action taken with regard to Spanish galleys sheltering at Bleute, 450.

Governor of, 493.

Rens, le Seigneur Mattheu, 565.

Rent of a house in the country, 572.

Reormonde. See Roermond.

Reough, McCartie, 549.

Requests, Master of. See Caesar.

Resold (Resoulde, Rosold), William, 268.

letters from, 69, 71, 107, 115.

petitions that certain money may be paid for his wife, 69, 116.

gives a list of Spanish subjects embarked by him, 115, 116.

allusion to his departure for Lisbon, 117.

allusion to him in Lisbon, 339.

Reswell, Mr., 335.

Retherford, William, master of a ship of Leith, report brought by, 93.

Retz, Governor of, 602.

Retz, Mareschal de, brother of Cardinal Gondi, death of, 156.

Reuine. See Ruthven.

Revell, 381.

Reynolds, Owen, letter from, 391.

Rheinberg (Berk, Rhein Barke, Reyne Barke), 276, 431.

troops appointed for its reinforcement, 235, 259.

account of the fortification of, 295.

Count Ernest sent to, 295, 307.

Rheymond (on the Maas), 269.

Rhine, the, inundations from overflow of, 608.

Rhinegrave, the, commanding troops in the Low Countries, 269.

company of horse of, discharged, 383.

Rhone, the, bridge over, reported to have been broken by the French, 246.

Rhuoedoge” in Merionethshire, 481.

Rich(e), Lord, his suit mentioned, 51.

Richardot, President, his proceedings discussed, 86, 87.

Richardson :

John, petition from, 580.

—, of Handbridge, deposition made by, 37.

William, Alderman of Hull, 296.

Richeson, Robert, gentleman, passport issued to, 82.

Richmond, 302, 385, 424.

letter and note dated at, 73, 621.

game about, spoil of, 580.

the Court at, letters, &c. dated at, 60, 455, 682, 692.

Ricotte, letter dated at, 284.

Rid :

Captain, 452.

Mr., unnamed gentleman maliciously prosecuted by, 13.

Ride at the Wynton” at weddings, 37

Rider, John, a Portguese Friar, captured in a prize, 404, 405 (2).

Ridgewaye, Captain John, letters from, 225, 295, 369, 430, 515, 614.

desires a company in British pay, 431.

quarrel and duel with Sir John Ogle, 634, 635.

return to England, to defend his character, 614.

Ridley, Thomas, J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

Riga (Ryza), 156, 211.

preparations for the attack of, 285.

reported capture of, 298.

siege of, an attempt to relieve, frustrated, 350, 351.

Rizzo, Francisco, merchant, 651, 704.

Roan, customs of, contract for the, 256.

Robadewe, 215.

Robberies, a knot of young gentlemen preparing for, 513.

Robins (Robbins) :

Henry, nominee for the solicitorship for Ireland, 647.

William, a Welshman of Caernarvonshire, description of his person, 212.

Robert, Jack, wardship of the son of, desired, 487.

Robinson :

Henry, Bishop of Carlisle, letters from, 78, 478.

—, lease from, 410.

John, of Corpus Christi, Cambridge University, 526.

Mr., Secretary to the Company of Merchants Adventurers, papers in possession of, needed for reference, 251.

Roch(e) :

one, a student at Oxford, 337.

Lord, his connexions by marriage, 548.

Rochelle, 417, 568.

heretics of, news touching, 253.

report from, 334.

Rochester, 360 (2), 364.

letter dated at, 360 (2),

Rock, the,” (c. da. Roca, Portugal), 78, 134, 418, 419, 422, 446, 447.

Rodenburg, Theodore, letter from, 502.

Roderam, brother of Simon Wyllys, 516.

Rodes, John, 150, 151.

Rodney :

Sir George, rival claims to his lands, 502.

Mr., one of the heirs to Sir George Rodney, 502.

Roe. See Rowe.

Roermond (Reormonde) [on the Maas], 203.

Rogers :

alias Flud, a Jesuit in Newgate prison, 520.

Ambrose, 46.

Dr., to be employed in regard to the intended negotiations at Bremen, 251.

John, J.P. of Dorset, 700.

Mr., secretary to Lord Cobham, letter to, 374.

Rohan (Rohann) :

M. de, jewel given to, by the Queen, 45.

—, assurance from the E. of Mar. that his correspondence with, would be no way prejudicial to religion and amity, 98, 110.

Madame de, 45.

Rokewood, Christopher, information against, 212.

Rolan, Pedro Fernando, of Lisbon, examination of, 118.

Rolvenden in Kent, 480.

Roman Catholics, Sir R. Cecil's answer to James VI.'s letter concerning, 93.

at the Court of Earl Enno, 130.

in England, divided into two factions, Father Parson's influence over, 49.

—, their proceedings and encouragements, 85, 159, 499.

—, affirmed plots of, 332, 333, 366, 367.

in Lancashire, the converting of, 142.

priests, English, in Paris and Flanders, 608.

—, professing allegiance, letters concerning, 631, 632.

Roman College, the, 194.

Romagna, the, 455.

Rome (Roma), 14, 85, 88, 148, 159, 195.

letters dated at, 155, 205.

intelligence from, 49, 50, 154, 155, 246, 252, 254, 287, 299, 301, 313, 328, 347.

the negotiation at, allusion to, 150.

English seminary in, oration made at the feast of the Trinity at, 205.

church of St. John Lateran in, slightly damaged by a thunderbolt, 155.

French Ambassador in, 301.

—, and the succession to the English throne, 49.

—, assists Mr Bluett, 154.

—, true to the Queen, 205.

Grand Duke's Ambassador in, 301.

Venetian Ambassador in, 301.

Church of, argument against the claims of, 512.

Ronasio, the secretary, arrival in Milan, for the purpose of raising money, 137.

Roper (Rooper) :

Capt., 97.

Sir John, letters from, 217, 528.

—, gift for Sir Robert Cecil sent by, 527.

—, gift from, sold, 630.

Rorison, Andrew, pass issued to, 466.

Rosscoff (Roscowe) [Brittany], 449.

Spanish ships put into, 450.

Rose castle, letter dated at, 478.

Rosny, M. de, 73.

Rosold. See Resold.

Ross [co. Cork], Bishop of, 475.

Ross, by Waterford, Mayor of. See Bennett.

Rosslyn, Baron of. See Sinclair.

Rostock, 381.

Roswarren, Thomas, Mayor of Markasue [Marazion], letter to, 680.

Rosworm, Colonel, said to be dying, 123.

Roth(e), Mr., said to abuse the Earl of Ormond's understanding, 281.

and business connected with the Ormond estate, 410.

son of, married to Sir Richard Shee's daughter, 281.

Rothwell, Ellis, a suitor, 579.

Rouen, (Rone, Rueon), 623.

accord made for defence of, 255.

reported treasure at, said to be removed, 284.

allowance for transport and posting from London to, 435.

Rowe (Roe, Rooe), Alderman Henry, 347, 588, 668.

correspondence with Sir R. Cecil on the furnishing of credit for Lord Eure, 334, 356, 633, 666.

Rowland, Adam, attendant upon the French Ambassador, 467.

Rowell [Northamptonshire], proposed visit to a house at, 70.

Rowston, William, a runaway soldier from the co. of Lincoln, at Chester, 517.

Roxbrough, Lord. See Ker.

Roy, Andreis de, “Grand Engenire” before Grave, slain, 296.

Royne (Roine), book written in the praise of, allusions to, 442, 443.

Royston, letter dated at, 625.

Post of. See Hall.

Rozo, Jeromye, Dutch merchant in Aleppo, 26.

Rudd, Anthony, Bishop of St. David's, letters from, 77, 611.

asks Sir R. Cecil to further his translation to the see of Hereford, 77.

called to attend the Council of Wales, a question of precedence, 464, 465, 480.

Ruen, Stephen, 74.

Rueon. See Rouen.

Ruislip (Ryslipp) [Middlesex], belonging to King's College, Cambridge, 21, 519.

Rusland. See Russia.

Russewell, John, desires a wardship, 487.

Russell :

Edward, Earl of Bedford, letter from, 28.

Elizabeth, Dowager Lady, letter from, 279.

Mr., 85.

W., 97.

Sir William, 167.

Russia, Russian, (Rusland, Muscovy, &c.) :

reported death of the King of Denmark's brother in, 58.

marriage of the great “Forst” brother's daughter, 381.

proposed intermarriage with English nobility, letter from the Queen dealing with the subject, 421.

Ambassadors from, affronted, commit plunder and return home, 365.

agent of. See Barnes.

Emperor of, letter to, 421.

—, his high estimation of the Queen, 172.

—, intercourse with, conveyance of letters, 397, 398, 425.

—, the Queen sending an Ambassador to, and relations of the King of Denmark with, 630.

—, daughter of, marriage with Duke John, brother of the King of Denmark, 350, 645.

—, Physician to the. See Reitlinger.

merchants, conference with, concerning their claims, 283, 286.

Ruswell, Mr., 505.

Ruthven (Reuine), Mrs Barbare (Barbraye), Lady of Honour to the Scotch Queen, 466.

letter to, 451.

Rutland, Earl of. See Manners.

Rye, 159.

fishermen of, 404.

Rye :

a servant of Lord Darcy, 4.

Edward, statement of claims on Sir Robert Cecil, 581.

Rymont [Netherlands], 235.

Ryslipp. See Ruislip.