Cecil Papers: October 1602, 1-10

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1602, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp413-433 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1602, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp413-433.

"Cecil Papers: October 1602, 1-10". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp413-433.

October 1602, 1–10

Bassingbourne Gardy and other Justices of Norfolk to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 1. Recommend the appointment as Bishop of Norwich of Dr. Dove, late Dean of Norwich, and now Bishop of Peterborough, “both for the increase of the glory of God and the quiet government of the country.”—Norwich, first of October, 1602.
Eight signatures. Seal. 1 p. (95. 129.)
Lord Sheffield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 1. I have ever been curious how the least occasion should happen whereby you might take anything unkindly at my hands; yet of late (without any cause in me) hath fallen out some unkindness betwixt your brother and me, but, as he writeth to me, he is satisfied. Yet, fearing you should be possessed with some false progress therein, I have not thought it unfit to desire you out of your wonted wisdom and love to suspend your judgment till I speak with you; at which time I will both inform you of the true cause and show the letters that hath passed betwixt us, which, when you see, knowing me as I hope you do, you will clear me of any imputation. If you hear nothing of it, I pray you be satisfied with this, that I will no longer live than I will deserve your love.—1 October.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (95. 131.)
— to Thomas Wilson.
1602, Oct. 1/11. Had I been a prince yesterday evening, I should have given a wonderful present to the man who told me you were in Pisa, my dear master. I did not know where to look for you.—Leghorn, 11 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. Italian. Endorsed with some arithmetical calculations. ½ p. (95. 152.)
Paul Anraet to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 1. Having supplied Sir [Calisthenes] Brooke, your cousin, captain in this country, with intelligences, as occasion offered, I could not abstain from telling him that I performed the same service for the late Lord Cobham, his uncle, Chamberlain to her Majesty, till the day of his death. I was at great expense in the collection and translation of many important documents, and in spite of his Lordship's promise in respect of some slight reward for my pains during five or six years, viz., of twelve lengths of London russet cloth, which de Questere, his secretary, and Demetrius (sic) well remember, I have been obliged to remind the present Lord Cobham hereof and your Honour some three years ago. By means of your said cousin and a convenient bearer, I make bold to renew my former request, and pray your good services with the heirs of the late Lord Cobham, that my labours on behalf of so distinguished a personage may not go unrequited.—From the Hague, 1 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. French. Seal. 1 p. (185. 11.)
Sir Edward Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 2. One John Cadie this morning informed me you were much crossed in a suit touching linen cloth. It should seem to arise from [Richard] Carmarthen and other now preferring for the Queen what heretofore they have winked at. If you would speak with him, he lieth in Gracious Street over against the Conduit.
For myself, loth to lie longer in a tent especially somewhat bruised, though I thank God not much, I am now departing for six or eight days into Kent.—Westminster, 2 October.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Two seals, over pink silk. ½ p. (95. 130.)
[Henry,] Lord Scrope to the King of Scotland.
1602, Oct. 2. I have received your Majesty's letters, whereby I perceive that your Highness is informed that I have apprehended one Robert Grame, your subject, whom you hear that I intend to put to execution, which only appertains to your officer and warden. Your Majesty's request is, to continue his execution, till I have let you understand the form of his offence. For answer thereto, I rest, at your Majesty's instance, willing to stay him till the next gaol delivery, one month hence, and do send herewith a brief of such indictments as are against him. But may it please your Highness, that the said Robert Grame is her Majesty's subject, who of late hath drawn himself to dwell in Scotland and towards your warden, as he claimeth, which, if it be true, yet, since both contrary your warden's offer, undertaking to make him answerable and against the special heads of our condescending and indentures sent to George Nicolson, to acquaint your Highness withal, he, accompanied with others, committed many outrageous offences within this my office, besides the particular taking away of a servant of my own, with his horse and furniture, into Scotland, and the uttering of very intemperate speeches towards myself, thereby rightly deserving, not only to be apprehended, but also as her Majesty's subject to abide the trial, and taste of her gracious, good, established laws, due for so notorious a thief. Therefore, no indignity offered to your Highness nor any harm done to any of your native subjects. I doubt not your Majesty will be herein satisfied, seeing my lawful proceedings for the public weal of both realms.
Copy. Endorsed :—“2 Oct., 1602.” 1½ pp. (185. 13.]
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 2. I have spoken with Mr. Foulk Grevell, appointed treasurer for the sale of goods in this carrack. I perceive by Mr. Grevel you cannot be at London, nor my Lord Admiral on Tuesday. I have therefore moved that my Lord and you would be on Friday at London, for the view of the said goods, and to be there by nine o'clock, making your dinner at home that day, that we may have the whole day before us. My Lord Keeper means not to be at the Court this Sunday, nor I neither, except by this messenger you advise me to come.
[PS]—I will be with you Sunday by nine o'clock if needful.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602, Oct. 2.” Seal. 1 p. (185. 14.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 3. For the good success her Majesty's ships have had against the King of Spain's galleys, God be praised. Before receipt of yours, Sir J. Gilbert despatched a man for Brittany, and I delivered him money for his charges. The commissioners for Sir J. Gilbert's prizes as yet have not ended : they say they will do this next day.—Plymouth, 3 October, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ⅓ p. (95. 132.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 3. This evening Mr. John Hever, of London, is dead. He hath one only son, who is a ward; the wardship of him I pray you bestow on me. I shall truly thank you for it, and hold it for a favour which I will ever acknowledge. I haste for fear of prevention.—From the Black Friars, the 3rd of October, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (95. 133.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Dr. [Christopher] Perkins.
1602, Oct. 4. Upon occasion of these stirs that are like to happen again between the Count of Embden and those of the town, her Majesty is pleased to interpose herself, to exhort them to a more friendly proceeding; and therein she meaneth to use the service of Stephen le Sieur, now being in those parts, to be sent to the Count and to the town. For which purpose there must two persuasive letters [be] drawn in Latin, one to the Count and another to the town. The inducements which have drawn her Majesty to interpose herself you may make these : her princely care to preserve peace in all parts of Christendom as far as may be; the disadvantages of war to redound to themselves, who are in league and amity with her; the advantages which thereby may fall to the common enemy of Christendom; and specially, the great hope which her Majesty conceived heretofore of their willingness to conformity, when she employed her servant Gilpin in that business; wishing that things might be settled into those terms as they were left then, till further opportunity might be found to compound their differences. I pray you to make ready two letters fit for her Majesty to sign, with as much speed as may be.
Endorsed :—“To Dr. Perkins from my master. Mynute. 4 October, 1602.” 1 p. (95. 134.)
Foulke Grevyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 4. Yesternight very late my servant returned from the Earl of Shrewsbury, and within mine brought this directed to you.
Touching the poles for your “hernery,” I have viewed all our stores, and find none there, on my credit, for the purpose, but am about a provision for you, whereof you shall have a good account very shortly.—From Deptford, this 4 of October.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ½ p. (95. 135.)
Sir William Monson to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, Oct. 4. Presently upon despatch of my letters to your Honours from Plymouth, I put to sea with a scant wind and likelihood of foul weather, which I chose rather than to lie in harbour expecting a settled wind with expense of victuals. The same day sennight I fell with the Groyne, where I spent two days and a half plying before the harbour, and met an Irishman from Rochelle who had been at the Groyne a month before. He did assure me that [of] the fleet which lay there and threatened a revenge in Ireland, such as were taken perforce to serve were discharged, and the King's ships sent to Lishborne to join the fleet there preparing. He told me that Anonell, whom the Spaniards term the savage Earl, seeing how much he was frustrate when the action of Ireland was diverted, determined to travel up to the King to crave leave to return home into his country, there to make trial of his friends rather than to rely upon the hopes of Spain. Archer, that archtraitor, with some others, escaping from Berhaven upon taking of the castle, put themselves to the fortune of the sea in a small French ship with one mariner, without compass, card, or glass, and being in this distress arrived at the Groyne July 17, where he spared not to speak liberally in disgrace of Don John de Aguila. He went to the Court to inveigh against him to the King, and, as far as his credit will give him leave, to animate the King upon a second expedition for Ireland. I do verily think that in the end both Adonell and he will transport themselves into Ireland in some small vessel, there to try what head they can make, and to put the rebels in hope of supplies, rather than to attend themselves, seeing how they are fed with promises and delays. It would seem an excellent course if all men of war that go out of England were straitly commanded to spend a week either before the Groyne or in the course betwixt the Groyne and Ireland; besides the possibility in taking them, they will stop all intercourse betwixt Spain and the rebels.
When this intelligence of the division of the fleet was seconded by a Frenchman I spake withal, and that there was no danger like to happen to Ireland, according to my directions, I repaired to the Rock, and sent my carvel in with the shore to range along the coast to get more intelligence. By the way I met some Frenchmen from Lisbon : they told me of the arrival of the two carracks, the going to sea of the Spanish fleet, and of two galleons left in harbour for want of sailors to man them. I met off of the Rock two gallant ships, Frenchmen, of 300 tons apiece, going into Lisbon. They were laden with dried fish come from Newfoundland and had in them 150 men. I told them that their King had promised her Majesty that none of his subjects should carry either munition or victuals into Spain, and that if I should send them for England and make prize of them the King would be well pleased. But because her Majesty hath a desire to shew more friendship towards the King's subjects than any other prince's, I would only forbid them any harbour of Spain, and took a bond of them, which they willingly entered into, of 4,000l. which I have here sent unto your Honours, and keep two of their men for pledges for performance of it. In this, I prevented the Spaniard of his three principal wants, ships, men and victuals.
The day following I had the chase of a carvel, being the next ship unto her, and made sign to the rest of the fleet to keep their luff. She recovered the road of Sezembre before I could fetch her. I followed her under the castle, where I came to an anchor, and after some fight betwixt the castle and me, I sent to the Governor to have the carvel delivered me; if not, that I would not leave shooting till I had beaten their town and castle about his ears. He returned me answer, as in truth it was, that she had bulged herself, that she came from the Tercera and was laden only with wheat. I then sent for one of the men of the carvel to know the state of the Tercera. The Governor sent me a present of several fruits and all the intelligence he knew of Lisbon, of the mutiny of the soldiers of Tercera, some of which were in that carvel, and brought to be executed in Lisbon; and of the Indies fleet which six weeks before were come home and fell with Sezembre. He likewise sent me a secret promise that when I or any from me shall come hovering before the harbour with a white flag in the main top, to send to speak with me, and to deliver what he knows touching the Spaniards. You may see what use may be made of this man hereafter, when her Majesty shall have a fleet upon this coast. At my return to the Rock, I met all the ships and my carvel, except the Paragon, which I suspect is gone home. If so, I cannot excuse the captain nor master. My carvel made report that in her ranging the coast she found Sereago with 14 ships riding under the islands of Baion, which news made me fear he meant to return again to the Groyne; and understanding all the soldiers to be aboard him that came from Ireland, not knowing how far Archer had prevailed at Court, and seeing there was no cause to detain him upon this coast, the Hollanders being gone and the Indies fleet and carracks arrived, I suspected the King would once more prosecute the Irish affairs, and resolved after I had got some farther intelligence to repair to the Groyne to attend that fleet. But September 26, at night, being close aboard the Rock, I espied a light which I gave chase unto, hoping it had been either the St. Thomé or Brazil fleet. I bore within pistol shot of the Admiral, thinking to have boarded him suddenly before he was prepared, but when I saw the hugeness of his ship and the number of the rest to answer those my carvel made relation of, being thus engaged amongst them, I had no way to avoid them without hurt, but counterfeited to be of the fleet, and caused a Spaniard I had aboard me to ask what strange ship it was that was come into the fleet that night? The Adventure, for only she and the Whelp was in my company—the Mary Rose and Dreadnought I had lost three nights before in a storm—bore up, thinking I had carried that light, and that the other ships had been Flemings [which] I had made strike. She was presently discovered to be an enemy : they shot at her and “spoyd” some of her men. Capt. Norris had stayed a small Frenchman the day before and put five Englishmen into her, which the day after was taken, for the Spaniards followed us that day, and most of them, especially two great ships, fetched exceedingly upon the Whelp. I saw that by sailing she could not avoid them, I struck my topsails and stayed for them; which Sereago perceiving, cast about and stood the other way and made a sign for his fleet to do the like. One of the great ships fetched upon the Adventure, who likewise struck her topsails; but the Spaniard left her in the like manner. Seeing I had thus escaped them, I was glad to see Sereago drawn again to the southward, for now you may assure her Majesty for any attempt against Ireland; and I do very well perceive that this small force of mine, which is made far greater ashore, as I am informed, is the principal means to divert him from his attempts in Ireland. Therefore, if I return not that benefit that I desire, my hope is her Majesty will accept of my service, performing that I was principally employed in; though I do not despair of the other if God send fair weather, which at this time of the year this coast is little subject unto. So soon as I meet with the Mary Rose, I mean to send her for England, for here she is of small service, being no better sailor, and a great charge to her Majesty. The Whelp goeth likewise ill, which I will send home with the first purchase.
The kingdom of Portingal was never in that penury and want of corn as at this instant. If her Majesty can stop the French relieving them, and prevent the Easterlings with a fleet at spring, they will be driven to a great calamity. I know not whether to impute [it] to the contrariness of the winds, or to the fear they conceive of her Majesty's continual fleet upon this coast, but certain it is the Easterlings trade is not so great into Spain as in former times. Since my coming upon the coast, I have not met one of them. Frenchmen swarm like bees in the sea, and they going securely from Englishmen, the Spaniards hath their only trade in their vessels.
Spinola coming into Lishborne after the fight at Sezembre, hanged three of his men which rose against the captain of one of his galleys, slew him, and would have yielded her unto us. He went towards the Low Countries before my coming upon the coast.
The galleys that were drawn together at St. Lucas and Cals are returned into the Straits, and ride at this instant in Cartagena, where it is said the King will go to see them. Don Pedro de Toledo, who thought to have gone chief commander, is greatly discontented that Don John de Carbona hath the place, and refuses to go at all.—From the coast of Spain, by a prize of Foy, this 4th of October.
Holograph. Unaddressed. Endorsed by Cecil's Secretary :—“To my Mr. 1602.” 4 pp. (95. 136, 137.)
Sir Richard Lea to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 4. With the merchants I can have end [sic] for my employments into Lefland to Duke Charles; they answer peremptorily not to pay any part thereof. They have not attended the time appointed by Mr. Secretary Harbart, which I durst not have done. To press her Majesty or importune yourself, I am loth : to lose so much, in my poor estate, I hope her Majesty will not suffer. I would be content to lose part, if her Majesty would have consideration of my faithful service. I am not desirous to draw anything from her purse, but such as daily she bestows of many.—Woodstocke Lodge, 4 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (185. 15.)
T. Thwayts to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 5. As you cannot as yet be persuaded of those things I formerly delivered, I have thought it my part to make the same so plain as you shall find me an honest man in delivering nothing but what with the hazard of my life I will put in practice to the full. I have herein set down not only men of that province long acquainted with that I have delivered, but also a method for prosecuting thereof to bring it to a full trial; craving your resolution, and that no man may plough with my oxen but myself.
1. Whether the said Teige Oderick be dead or not, and also to avoid all suspicion of deceitful dealing, I wish that a man of sound judgment and knowledge should be sent thither with me, to try whether those mines be answerable to that set down, or no.
2. To try whether they will afford sufficient matter to hold out, fully persuading myself that if but two or three of them will afford sufficient substance to hold out, either of silver, copper, tin or lead, it will be a sufficient inducement to build a mill and a furnace.
3. If but one hold out, the rest may be taken that are in other places according to their qualities and quantities.
4. Sir Tirlogh O'Brian, Knt., Mr. Redmonde, which attends on the Earl of Clanrickard, Mr. Valentine Blake, Mr. Craddock, and others of the town of Galway, now in London, may be examined of their knowledge, whether Teige Oderick have at any time heretofore “sode” any wedges of silver in that town or not; and also whether they know where any mines be, and of what quality they be.
5. If Oderick can with a small charge get such store of silver, it must needs follow that when it is followed with effect, it must bring a greater gain.—Lambart Hill in London, October 5, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (95. 139.)
1602, Oct. 5. Certificate by Robert Bellman that the Susan of “Apsom” [Topsham], master, Robert Clarke, with the said master and company, were impressed to take despatches from Sir Robert Cecil to the Lord President of Munster for a sum of money to be paid by Bellman's agent in Ireland, instead of the usual rate 2s. per ton with diet and wages.—Octobris 5to, 1602.
Holograph by Robert Bellman; and signed by Robert Clarke, and others.
Seal. ½ p. (96. 156.)
The Queen to the Emperor of Russia.
1602, Oct. 5. The return of our servant John Merick with your princely letters, and the news of the favours and immunities granted to our subjects, has doubled our desire to preserve so worthy an amity by all princely ways; wherein we found ourselves much perturbed to remember how unfortunate we were at your Majesty's last writing to be unprovided of such persons as might answer your Highness' offer of your princely children to be bestowed upon some convenient persons in our Kingdom. But after overlooking the estate and qualities of all those noble families fit to be ingrafted into your Majesty's stock, you shall understand that (by reason of some alteration in the minds of some great and noble personages, who were inclined to some other course for their children than now they are) we have found out a young lady, amongst others, being a pure maiden, nobly descended by father and mother, adorned with graces and extraordinary gifts of nature, of convenient years between xj. and xij., of whom we are resolved to make you an offer, that, if God incline the hearts of the young couple to like one another, the mutual bonds of friendship may so be knit closer between us. And concerning all these young ladies, we are resolved to send unto your Highness one of our Court to deal freely in all things necessary in an affair of this importance; for which journey, because he could not now be ready to take his passage, we desire that this letter may serve to nourish the inclination to this conjunction, and that your Majesty will be pleased to suspend from embracing any other course in that kind, until you have heard what our Ambassador can say, which will be in May next with the first shipping sent hence to your territory; praying you to impute the sending of this letter by so private a person to the doubt we had that a man of more note might be more observed; his part being but to deliver the letter to our Agent Richard Barnes, who has charge to deliver it to you at your princely leisure.—Our palace at Oatlands, 5 October, 1602.
Endorsed :—“Copy of her Majesty's letter to the Emperor of Russia.” (134. 25.)
Capt. Joseph Maye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 5. Since Sept. 1 we have “lied” on the coast of Spain, and for the most part within 20 leagues of Lisborne, and have in no sort done anything, for that the two carracks and ten Indies ships arrived 20 days afore our coming. The 27 Sept. we lay close by the Rock going into Lisborne, at what time Seriaugo lay unknown to us under Cast Cals [Cascaes], who by a 2 o'clock at night came forth to us, that some of the Spanish ships were within call of us; there were only the Admiral and Adventure and myself in company. Seriago was in the St. Philip carrying a great lights for the other 13 of his company, whose bigness at that time made a great show, that we doubted of him, and all that night we plied to windward, but the Adventure received three shot from the Spanish Admiral to the hurt of three of his men, and all the next morning he chased him and us until 10 o'clock and some ten leagues off the Rock, and then went back for Lisborne again. Six of his ships were of great burthen, the rest of lesser. We have not seen three of our ships this 20 days, but doubt not their safety. They are to the southward. An easterly wind hath put us off 40 leagues, whereby as yet we cannot get the shore. I took an Irishman off the Groyne who told me that he had a little afore conference with A'Donell and found he had only promises and no men. He is desirous to return to Ireland, although he lived not 20 days after his return. The Spaniards call him the savage O'rell and hate him from their souls.—Written 5 Oct., 40 leagues from Lisborne, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (185. 16.)
William Cecill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 5. Is in good health, and minds to follow his study hard; and hopes to profit so therein that his tutor shall have just cause to commend him. Is now beginning to learn the first book of Caesar's Commentaries.—St. John's College, Cambridge, Oct. 5, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (228. 1.)
Lord Grey of Wilton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 6. God hath safely returned me hither; if I may know when you come to town, I will wait on you. In the mean, I doubt not a man that cometh from Ostend will not be missed at Court, but we are already well aired, and all arrived without so much as an headache.—Tuttle, this Wednesday night.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“6 October, 1602. Lord Grey to my master, from London.” ½ p. (95. 140.)
Sir Francis Godolphin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 6. Humble thanks for your acceptance of my son into your service; I desire, according to his small talent, he may prove serviceable unto you.
God, I hear, by the pursuit of her Majesty's ships and others, hath foundered four of the six Spanish galleys in the seas near Dunkirk and Nieuport, whose treasure, whereof fame will soon blow abroad the quantity, lieth either barrelled or cased in wood, together with their ordnance, either whole in the hulls, or in the sandy or rocky ground of the sea if the galleys did break. The depth cannot be great, especially at low neap tides, where vessels of so small draught did strike : their desire to recover it cannot be little, if they are persuaded it is recoverable. Therefore, that these sinews of their strength may be utterly drawn from their recovery, in my shallow conceit it may prove serviceable for some of her Majesty's ships that draw least water, with some other warlike ships of the States, being directed by any marks to the places where those galleys perished, may be there well employed, not only to beat off the Archduke's vessels from quiet search thereof, but being also able by strength to be masters of that place, may practise by diving coats or vessels if the place be not deep, or if deeper, by a dredge, to find where these sunken commodities do lie; and by double grapples of iron to be depressed with poles fastened one to another, and so continued in length until it may seize on and bring up that which they are applied unto. In which practice, there cannot want men skilful and industrious. If there should, myself could adventure to give a “nyre” guess to the performance thereof.—From Tavistock, the 6 of October, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (95. 141.)
Robert Bellman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 6. Your packet of the first of October came to my hands upon the fifth; and in regard the post bark is not returned, I was forced to hire another, which presently I did and sent your packet away before three in the afternoon, the wind being reasonable fair. Presently after her departure, here arrived a bark from Youghal, who told me the post bark arrived at Cork long since, and that my Lord had stayed her to bring his packet, which he had delivered to the master, and presently sent for again, commanding the master to attend. The reason, as the party told me, why his Lordship stayed his letters, was that one Cormett MacDermott, who being prisoner in Cork, hath broken prison and is fled.—Padstow, this 6th of October, 1602, at 12 in the day.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (95. 142.)
The Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 6. The great desire he has to rid the University out of debt, the great experience they continually have of his disposition to do them all the good he may, the cheerful answer made to their Bedel, emboldens him to renew the old petition that they may be enlarged to make collection of the late grant, and he would be glad to know his pleasure, before his going out of office, which will be 3 November next.—Jesus College, Cambridge, 6 October, 1602.
Signed, “Jo. Du Port, Procan.” 1 p. (136. 104.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 6. Mr. Dean of Windsor hath been with me to intreat your favour in his behalf for the bishopric of Hereford. My Lord Grace of Canterbury, on Sunday next, hath promised him to move her Majesty, but desires beforehand that the Queen may be moved, the better to have her prepared against his coming. I pray you shew him what favour you may, which I will esteem as done to myself.—From my house in the Black Friers, 6 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (185. 18.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 6. I have received the two draughts and tomorrow will confer with my Lord of Canterbury at Croydon, and thereupon return to your Honour our opinions. There is a great difference between them, though both excellent, because their ends do greatly square, if I understand them. After I have been at Croydon, I will wait upon your Honour at Richmond, I trust.—At Fulham, 6 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (185. 19.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 7. At the request of Mr. Oglethorp, my Lord of Cumberland's servant, I have presumed to certify you of some difference between Mr. Honiman and him concerning the Watt's part in the goods of Sir John Gilbert's prizes. Mr. Honiman, as he saith, by your letters is willed to make stay of 400l., which his Lordship promised should be satisfied unto you out of those goods; and unless that be done, he will not dispossess himself of them. I have seen my Lord's letter unto his said servant, willing him to deliver to such as you appoint so much as shall remain due unto his Lordship out of the Watt's part, having satisfied some other things according to his Lordship's direction. I have also seen the whole account of what is due to that pinnace, being for tonnage, men and victuals, the goods rated indifferently, 898l. 10s. 8d., whereof the agreement for consortship with others, the charges of commissioners, following of suits in law, the bonds given to the Italian for goods embezzled and other charges, amounteth to 260l., so that there resteth 638l. 10s. 8d. Of the which, the company's part deducted, being 212l. 16s. 10d., there resteth 425l. 13s. 10d. for the owners and victuallers, wherein my Lord of Cumberland is adventurer for one-third part, which amounteth to 141l. 17s. 11d.; and thereof he hath given Mr. Oglethorpe order to disburse for setting forth a pinnace at Padstow which will cost about 60l. The rest of what belongeth unto him his servant is ready to deliver to Mr. Honiman here or to you in London. I find that if this business be carried as Mr. Honiman pretendeth, my Lord thereby may receive some dishonour, as well in that other men's goods shall be stayed for his debt as that his pinnace being ready should now be forced to give over her voyage for so small a matter. I do also consider of how small importance it may be to you that which indeed belongeth to his lordship out of these goods; and although duty bindeth me to regard your benefit, yet my desire is to perform the same with such respect as no offence may be taken. And so I have advised Mr. Honiman, but he little regardeth the same. As yet the party sent for Brittany is not returned, neither is there any news from her Majesty's ships.—Plymouth, 7 October, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (95. 143.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Mr. Barnes, Agent of Moscovy.
1602, Oct. 7. Her Majesty having occasion at this time to write to the Emperor of Russia, and having no convenient means, by reason of the suddenness of the departure of the ship, to send any person of purpose with her letters unto him; she hath commanded me to address them unto you as a public minister there for our nation, to be presented unto him at his best leisure and opportunity. Wherein, as you shall not need to use any larger speeches unto him at the presenting of the same, but that you are only directed from hence to see them duly delivered; so, for the contents of the same, if you be required, you may pretend to be ignorant of it, or otherwise use it at your best discretion.
Draft. Endorsed :—“7 October, 1602. To Mr. Barnes, Agent of Moscovy.” ½ p. (95. 144.)
The Queen to the Commissioners at Bremen.
1602, Oct. 7. Having understood of late of the extremities which now are grown so contrary to our expectation, between the Count of Embden and those of that town, whereof the consequence can not be other than very perilous to all those States which have interest in their friendship. We have resolved once again, as far as may be, to interpose our princely mediation in it (as heretofore we have done) to see thereby whether it be possible so to compound the matter as neither the town may be in so much servitude to the Count that he may at his pleasure master the place, and so (if he have any residence of an ill affection) dispose the place for the service of the King of Spain against those to whom his malice is bended; neither the town, by peremptory or violent refusal to the Count of that satisfaction which is reasonable, and hath been by former pacts confirmed and observed, force him to engage himself further to the Spaniards than otherwise he would do. What the former conclusions were, we forbear to insert in this, because the acts themselves will shew it; neither can we now particularly direct what should be done because we know not now whereupon they stand. You shall therefore know, by this our letter, that forasmuch as the States of the United Provinces have (since our dealing) put themselves absolutely into the cause, not only by persuasion, but by violence; and that which they request at this time of us hath only been, to shew ourselves anew in the concurrence of a desire rather to have it reconciled by moderate courses than suffered to grow to greater extremity; we have resolved to make choice of our servant Le Sieur (who doth assist you in our commission) to repair to the Count and town, first to declare in general in what sort we are disposed to reconciliation upon indifferent terms, and further instructed to press those things which are now in question, to those purposes which you shall know and find to be already thought of by the States; to whose opinion in this point we would you should incline in your directions and instructions to Le Sieur, because the States are both nearer than we are, and have already publicly enga[ged] themselves for the town's defence. We have provisionally sent two several letters, one to the Count, another to the town, whereof you shall receive the copies which Mons. Caron hath undertaken to see safe conveyed to you by the hands of some such persons as shall both inform what is past and concur in those courses which they think most reasonable and most likely to be granted. This being all which the present affordeth, we mean no further to hold you at this time, but only to let you know that we are very glad to perceive that you are safely landed and have well endured so hard a passage.
Draft. 2⅓ pp. (95. 145, 146.)
Christopher Harris to Lord Admiral Nottingham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 7. Upon receipt of your letters for the arresting of the French ship brought into Sawcombe by Capt. Francis Courtnay, I caused the same forthwith to be done. For the arresting of such of the company as could be found, and the enquiring out of the goods embezzled, this bearer Mr. Lamote will inform you what hath been done.—Radford, this 7th of October, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (95. 148.)
The Queen to [Lord Zouche,] President of the Council of Wales.
1602, Oct. 7. Having understood, as well by your certificates to our Privy Council (of your proceedings in matter of your lieutenancy), as also by testimony of some of our Council there established, how orderly you have proceeded, in this short time of your residence, both in diligent attendance for dispatch of the subjects' causes, as also in seeking to abridge corruption or negligence in inferior ministers, besides your good respect in maintaining such a port in that place as sorteth with our honour and dignity; we have thought good to take notice thereof, because you may not only take private comfort to find your services well accepted by us, but may also know how much it doth content us to express how well we are pleased when ministers of our own mere election do so well answer our expectation. For that particular wherein you have desired our warrant, where there was in our instructions (of the 19 and 28 of our reign) a clause contained, that the number of attorneys attending in that Court should be abridged to twelve, when they should by death or otherwise be diminished, and yet there have continued (by toleration of the Lord President and Council) a great number to attend that Court; inasmuch as when they have died and departed they have been still supplied, we are now pleased, upon your motion, to dispense with any article contained in our instructions, and are content that you do suffer such number as you think fit, being persons of integrity and sufficiency, provided that the number be not exceeded of 20ty. Concerning the taking of general musters within your lieutenancy, we like well of your purpose to take a general view the next spring, because we doubt not but former negligence in the commissioners for the musters, and the great levies which have been made of late years for the service of Ireland, have much unfurnished the country of able bodies and furnitures. Where you also have signified a purpose at other times once within six weeks to take view of the train-bands, we have thought good to remember you, that as you intended to see them often, so you will forbear too often to draw them all into any one place in the shire, because the drawing them out of their own division puts the people to charge and long marches. All which we thought it not amiss to recommend to your consideration.
Draft. Endorsed :—“1602, Oct. 7. Mynute from her Majesty to the L. President of Wales.” Unsigned. 4 pp. (185. 20 & 21.)
William Poyntz to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 8. It pleased you of late to read my plain meaning lines; I fear I am held unworthy, or you will none of me. I am too well taught to intrude your presence except you command me. If you refuse my father's son, still will I honour you, and I will get me a master out of the danger of London's extremities, which you advised me to avoid; yet I will be as true to my Queen and country as the proudest pied courtier that beholds her daily. Five hundred years, upon honourable record, my poor name have borne here the stamp of true born gentlemen, without impeach of disloyalty; therefore no necessity shall draw me to villainy. But I hold it no wisdom longer to live in England till I starve, and in the end to be buried out of the monastery in Wood Street or the Poultry. Howsoever my request do effect, I will pray God to increase you with honour, and that shame and the devil may overtake all your enemies.—London, 8 of October, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (95. 147.)
Sir Francis Godolphin to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 8. At this instant, I received advertisement from my deputy in the Isles of Scilly that neither Sir William Monson, nor any of her Majesty's fleet under his charge, have touched there since their last departure from Plymouth : and that if any of them shall chance to put in there he will acquaint them with your direction of your Majesty's pleasure for their speedy return unto Chatham.—From Tavistock, 8 of October, 1602.
Holograph. Seal broken. ¼ p. (95. 149.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 8. According to the direction I received this summer from the Lords, for the stay of all shipping coming from Amsterdam in Holland, in respect of the great infection of the plague there; at Gravesend are divers ships of Amsterdam and Encusan now stayed, being laden with merchandize and coming for London. An attestation there is brought out of the river of Texell from certain officers there, on behalf of one of those ships called the Caprauen (whereof one Martin Cornelis is master), that since the 20th July last she remained in Texell until the 5 Sept. I hear the infection is grown very general almost over all Holland. What in this case you would have done, I desire to know.—From my house in Blackfriors, 8 Oct., 1602.
PS.—There are three other attestations brought for three other ships, which how authentical I leave to your consideration, myself being indeed very jealous of them.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (185. 22.)
Henry [Cotton,] Bishop of Salisbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 8. I procured by your mediation at my first coming to this b[ishopric,] a commission for causes ecclesiastical within my diocese, of the validity of which, now upon the last renewing of the general commission throughout the province of Canterbury, I hear that there is variety of opinions amongst the lawyers. Although I am persuaded there was no such intendment by the renewing of the one to disable the other, without any clause of revocation contained therein, yet being desirous to stand upon a sure ground, having felt how great good it hath done in these parts against malefactors, recusants, and others, offenders against the laws contained therein, and how great strength it bringeth to the Government by keeping the transgressors within fear of discipline, my earnest desire is, that if it appear to your wisdom that the former commission is still of good force, that by your letters I and the rest may be encouraged and secured to go forward therein; if it be defective, to procure that the same be again salved or renewed by her Majesty's authority.—Sarum, 8 Oct., 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (185. 23.)
Hernan Cardin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 8. Jesus. Gracia et pax Christi. I am thankful to God that he has permitted me to win your favour. I have news from Flanders that the Archduke has granted freedom to Ludovico Brusquete and his companion, on condition, 1st, that I and my companion, Father Gaspar Alun, who is at Plymouth, in the keeping of Sir John Gilbert, and Hortensio Spinola shall be released; 2nd, that Ludovico Brusquete and his companion shall pay the expenses incurred in the prison. As for my own expenses in prison, I hope that her Majesty and yourself will make no reprisals, but will not exact my expenses or those of my companion, and that Sir John Gilbert will also refrain, considering our losses, our poverty, that we are clerks in religion, and prisoners, and have a long journey before we can reach Lisbon. As to the expenses of Hortensio Spinola, I hope they may also be remitted in consideration of his great expenses for doctors and surgeons to cure the disease in his nose. If you approve of this, Sir John Gilbert should have orders to send my companion Father Gaspar Alun here by land. Sir John has promised to send me back my papers and those of my companions. All the details I will discuss with any one whom you may send here, and I humbly beg that I may have the liberty of the prison that I formerly had.—The Gatehouse, 8 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Cardan the Jesuit to my master.” Spanish. 2½ pp. (185. 24, 25.)
Sir Robert Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 8. Neither am I very good poster, and after my landing, which was on Tuesday, I received news that my wife, who is very near her time, was not well, which made me come hither, which also is not much out of my way. Besides, also against the term I am to use divers writings, which could not be taken out but by myself, and I must necessarily have them about my great cause. There is nothing, either of my charge or anything in my knowledge, to require my present repair to the Court, which, together that Flushing, as all the country also, is full of the plague, made me use the less haste. I will not fail to be at London to-morrow, where I will expect your Honour's directions. You know the reasons which have brought me over, if any blame be laid upon me.—Penshurst, 8 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (185. 26.)
Foulke Grevyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1602, Oct. 8.] By this letter you may see that I have carefully delivered yours. I am charged to send it early, and forbidden expressly to examine the contents; when you see the seal, I trust you will hold me discharged from both, and if I do hereafter discover the secrets of this letter or any other of yours, perchance of more tender nature to yourself, my art or my intelligence will rather deserve reverence than blame. When you come I can make you as honest an account of all your commandments.—From the Court this Friday, 11 at night.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“11 Oct. 1602.” Seal. 1 p. (95. 155.)
Captain John Ridgeway to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 9. Within six days after the date of my last letter, which was the 11th of September, we had all potents for garrison, his Excellency disposing of our new English companies into the best garrisons for ease and reinforcement, and our old companies into frontier towns, because there was some present service expected with or upon the mutineers, who remain still constant to nothing more than to be allway mutineers : they have imprisoned the Pope's Legate that was sent unto them with pardons and promises of money. The 22nd of this last, month there went out of this town and other frontier towns here by 14 companies of horse, and by intelligence they received, they bended towards a dorp by Teene, where there lay, with small guard and less watch, six companies of the enemy's horse, which they coming upon suddenly, brake and defeated. One troop scaped and their colours; all the rest, men and horse, were either slain or taken prisoners, and five cornets or colours. The galleys that were coming out of Spain for Sluys, I know your Honour hath heard of their miscarriage on the sea, and how that Spinola their general, being beaten into Calais, 'scaped with his galley and ten tons of silver in it. And this is all, unless I should tell your Honour that Sir Francis Vere hath these twelve months persecuted me with insufferable spleen and malice; and I protest to God, I have given no just cause why, but, as I understand by some speeches his fury delivered unto me, 'twas because I had written unto your Honour the usage and discontents of our English captains, and the daily occurrents that happened in and about Ostend, whereof if he can disprove any one syllable, I desire nothing but a base condemnation. But now he would fain have the world understand that his hate to me is only because of my company, either that I pay them not well, or clothe them not well, or command them not well. To which I answer thus :—Since I received the company, I have never been three days behind, either with officers or soldiers : their clothing and arms hath cost me, as himself can witness, 300l. sterling, and for my command over them, if he'll speak what he knows to be most true, I desire no man more than himself to be judge. For its strength, I refer myself to his Excellency, who two days after Sir Francis Vere had reported it to be the weakest and worst company in the field, meeting me as I was marching in the head of it towards Reyne Barke, gave me thanks, and told me 'twas the fairest English company he had seen this year in the field except the General's. Therefore I would beg to be released from these terrible and malicious conditions, and receive your furtherance towards the getting of a company in her Majesty's pay in Flushing, for I hear Sir William Browne shall succeed in Mr. Gylpin's place for her Majesty in these countries, and that the Sergeant Major, Captain Throckmorton, shall be Lieutenant Governor, and so his Sergeant Major's place also will be void. Either of these, if your Honour think me worthy, I will most willingly resign my company in the States' pay and accept. If I can get leave this winter, I will come into England to do my duty to your Honour : meanwhile I refer myself wholly to Sir Edward Cecil's report.—At Bergen up Zoom, this 9th of October, stilo antiquo, 1602.
Holograph. Seals. 1½ pp. (88. 106.)
Captain Richard Gyfford to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 9. Vouchsafe the hearing of my honest excuses. First, for the Flemish goods taken in French vessels; secondly, the cause of not performing that which I was employed for. Touching the French vessels laden with enemy's goods and now coloured by sinister means, I thought it lawful for me to take, first, for that it was a victual bound to the enemy and belonging to the enemy, as was confessed by a Flemish merchant in the bark. Secondly, they had two charter parties, one in French, the other in Spanish. Had they been bound to friend or enemy, the French charter party would have served for all, in regard they are friends to all, and to prove they had a charter party in Spanish, which was for some honest merchants of London. Thirdly, I sending aboard the bark of Rusco to see their bills of lading, charter party, letters of advice, or books of account, they answered they had not any. Upon these probabilities, conceive what either I or any in my place ought to have done, either to let them go with the goods or take it away. To my own knowledge, many have taken goods in like manner laden in shipping belonging to friend, and made good prize thereof. The merchants which claim these goods are men of Antwerp, though some of them lately came to Middleburgh; others in Spain, France and England. They declared in their libels, which they put in against me the last court day, they were bound to Calais in France, as is true, but the goods were thence to be transported to Brussels, Antwerp and other places, for it was the most commodious port for the transportation thereof. They have set down also in their libels double the value of the goods and a great deal more than ever came to my hands To follow the law against them I am not able, except I should consume the money I have made of these goods. Wherefore I have thought best—I hope to your good liking—to put it to compromise, and Mr. Judge to be umpire, which he is very willing to be. If it be found I ought to make restitution, I trust you will not be against it, not desiring any part of what is due to you, which is 52 tons of Mayork oil, certain blankets, and the stock which I carried forth; but only the money received for the goods they claim, of which a great part resteth at Arger. And for the pillage and parts which my men have had, I will, having Mr. Judge's favour, use a mean to recover it, and assure myself they will not be unwilling to restore it. When all this will not make restitution, I will be contented to endure imprisonment. But I trust in God and your favour to have the upper hand of my enemies, for I assure myself my cause is both honest and good. If I had not had a great care of what I did, I might have taken 10,000l. in ready money from a man of St. Malo, but they shewing me it appertained to friends, I let them quietly pass, as I ought to do, and as I have under their hands to shew. But hard is my hap that for thinking to do well shall be out of favour with you.
Not putting in practice my pretended voyage was for that the thing I went for was not expected until August or September last; besides, there was a general embargo of ships and men, and I also chased by the enemy opposite the place. To have gone thither knowing my voyage could not be performed had been but to endanger myself and goods. My care was more for the preservation of my goods than myself, for in losing that wilfully, I should have incurred your displeasures and undone myself. To put the same in practice to the hazard of my blood, I will not spare at any convenient time, so you appoint some faithful man to go with me, who may signify unto you my deserts; but not to adventure with me any money or money worth, for the care I have taken to preserve your moneys has put me in more fear than any desperate attempt in your service should do. I had not come home without my ship had it not been for this service; beseeching you to conceive of me according to the proof of my deeds and not my own words nor the reports of others.—From Mr. Pope's house, the 9th of October, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (95. 150.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 10. Touching your part of Sir John Gilbert's prizes, I doubt not this bearer will inform you at large what remaineth to be done. But in what sort the account standeth Mr. Honiman hath not thought meet to let me understand, or to give me any note of what he hath received.—Plymouth, 10 October, 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (95. 151.)