Cecil Papers: August 1602, 21-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1602, 21-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp311-340 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1602, 21-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp311-340.

"Cecil Papers: August 1602, 21-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp311-340.

August 1602, 21–31

Edward, Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 21. Cecil has sent him to a place where he desires not to settle, all things being so far contrary to his disposition, reminding him of Cecil's words that his patience would be better tried. Let Cecil either lay more favours upon him, or else make him, in earnest, as in sport he once offered, his housekeeper at Theobalds. He gave Mr. Powell leave to attend Mr. Grevell. Begs Cecil to be a means to Grevell that, as he and his men have all profit, so he will take order that their actions be better registered, or he (Zouche) will have no comfort to tarry here. As it is now carried, any labour he may bestow may justly be blamed. Grevell may well do that, who has drawn from him (Zouche) that Lord Pembroke had 160l. yearly. Cecil wishes to know of his bribes; he has received none, but there is come in six or seven oxen, and 50 or 60 sheep, but they say they be but congratulations. Asks Cecil's advice as to deferring to muster the people till next Spring, they being now in harvest, and that very backward and full of wet. Begs for news. Desires to hear of Lord Grey, who relies upon Cecil : “so I hope will this nobleman whose letters come to me to be delivered to you.”—Ludlowe, 21 August, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“L. President of Wales.” 1½ pp. (94. 159.)
Sir W. Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 21. Letter commencing, “Whereas I wrote unto you in my last that I was gone to Weymouth.”
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602, Sir Walter Raleigh.” 2 pp. (94. 160.)
[Printed in extenso : Edwards' Life of Ralegh. Vol. II. p. 251.]
Richard Hadsor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 21. With a letter from the Earl of Shrewsbury, and a copy of the Earl's letter to the Earl of Ormonde. If Cecil likes thereof, he is to send the original to Ormonde; but if otherwise, the letters are to be returned to Shrewsbury. Sends also a letter from Mr. Butler to his uncle, which shall be altered as Cecil may please. Butler's uncle expects to understand what it is Cecil's pleasure he should do touching his nephew.
Encloses a petition from Mr. Sutton his kinsman, which he begs Cecil to recommend to Mr. Attorney. It is intended to increase her Majesty's revenue, and better his own poor estate.—Garnetts Buildings, near Temple Bar in London, 21 August, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 161.)
Don Antonio Gironde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 21. Since your reply to us, I have not wished to trouble you, but now necessity obliges me to do so. I wrote to the High Admiral of my serious illness, that I might leave this prison for the house of a good apothecary of the High Admiral's, who has cured many of our company. The bearer will tell you that I am in the utmost extremity. I beg you to have compassion upon me and my unfortunate wife and my many children, that I may not end my life in a public prison for want of remedies. In this prison I owe some money. I would beg you to give order that I be not detained for those debts, as I am expecting money every day from Spain.—London, from the Gate-house, 7 August, 1602.
Spanish. Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (94. 158.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 21. I have sent you three books, which I promised you on Sunday, as also the letter itself that I mean to send to the Lord Archbishop of York. If you think fit to have anything in it reformed, I will follow your advice, but I pray you let no copy be taken of it. If your leisure do not serve to consider of it so as this bearer may bring it again with him, you may keep it two or three days and then send it. There is one Leake a priest, against whose remaining in the Clink some exceptions are lately taken. If it please you to take notice thereof and write two or three words to me that you wish he might be rather sent to Framingham than be suffered to continue there, you need not to trouble further : Mr. Wade and I will take charge of the rest. You promised me a round and earnest letter to Mr. Carmarthen, for diligent care to be had that such books as are secretly brought over in ships to be landed at London or from Thames be carefully searched for and taken, and either brought to your Honour or me. Some have been taken not long since by his servants and afterwards by them for gain dispersed abroad, which is intolerable.—At Fulham, 21 Aug., 1602.
PS.—There is one Penkevill, a Cornishman lately come out of Spain, who hath been with your Honour. He pretendeth that he brake out from the Inquisition, but it is told me he is a priest who hath been employed in the Jesuits' affairs in Moravia, and is now come over about their business only, and is a notable spy.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 82).
News from Rome.
1602, Aug. 21/31. On Saturday morning a special courier, who had been despatched to the Nuncio in Paris, returned with letters from Paris of the 15th of August, from which it appears that the Nuncio had discussed with the King the granting of a passage to the troops going to Flanders and the preservation of the peace. The King was very willing to allow the passage and expressed his intention of maintaining peace, and gave orders that the six thousands Swiss recently taken into his pay should remain still. The Count of Auvergne has been sent to Losca. From Flanders there is news that Count Maurice is bombarding Grave.
Various festivities and banquets have taken place in Rome.
The Chamberlain Gallengho is dead.
The Friar, who preached to such multitudes in Lombardy and was said to perform miracles, has been sent for to be examined strictly.
The Turkish fleet is at Previsa on this side of Navarino. A galley has been sent to Calabria and on its return the Commander will decide whether to advance or retire. The Viceroy of Sicily has kept the galleys of the Pope and the other princes there in case of need; and the Viceroy of Naples has done the same in Calabria.
From Florence, there is news that in Marseilles the Frenchman, who guided the galleys of the Archduke to Scio, has been quartered, as being in the pay of Spain.
From Marseilles, it is reported that the Bishop of that place summoned an assembly to hear read letters from the King, in which it was said that those who pretended to love him most were those that betrayed him, as, for instance, Biron; that they must keep good watch that no harm befell them, or he would have to send a garrison of 6,000 soldiers. The people replied they would guard themselves and have no strangers, and began to put watch on the walls and to mount cannon there, both their own and some of the King's brought thither from Aix.
Private letters from Flanders of the 13th of August, coming by way of Milan, state that the Archduke will start on the 15th for the field army with 500,000 florins, both to pay the soldiers and to remedy certain disorders caused by the excessive strictness of the Admiral of Aragon, that the greater part of the nobles have left the army to avoid being affronted by an unskilled and unfortunate captain. So far Count Maurice has made no progress against Grave, that the Archduke's army was trying to cut off his supplies and meant to fight a battle as soon as the Archduke came.
Follows further news of local interest.
The galleys of Naples and Sicily are now united in Sicily with the rest of the fleet there.
The Turkish fleet to the number of 52 galleys is at the “Fossa di Chio” and the galleys of the Pope do not dare to sail for fear of that fleet.
Italian. Addressed to Venice. 2 pp. (184. 98.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 22. I am very sorry that the unseasonableness of the weather hath been such as to hinder her Majesty's passage this way. Touching that matter of Ireland, there may now be some opportunity to make a beginning to that which I had somewhat thought of, before her Majesty hath been at an exceeding great charge to draw that kingdom to due obedience. I doubt lest the end of the wars there will breed some interposition to our quiet at home; for many of these which cannot live but by the wars there will not content themselves to live according to their callings here. I find by your letters that the purpose of the Irish is not only against the religion professed by her Majesty's authority whereunto they have not been by any violent means constrained, but rather to shake off her Majesty's Government, which is to be looked unto in time. And where her Majesty allows for a great force to be employed there, I am persuaded, and so a gentleman of good sort and service there acknowledged to me at my last coming out of London, that though there were many of the ancient gentlemen of quality that kept their companies as full as they might, yet there were many others of the meaner sort, and especially of those last employed, that wanted more than the half of their companies of those English that were assigned, whereby the enemy no doubt will be emboldened, or else they are reinforced by the Irish, who upon any accident are thereby made ready to become opposite to her Majesty, whereof we have already had too dangerous a precedent. But admit all such as are there to be mere English, and the companies to be full, and that the wars there might be shortly ended, what will then follow of it? Will not yet those weary the State here by importuning it for munitions, which may not be yielded unto, or else will they not become many ways troublesome and dangerous, as in seeking to possess th[at] by violence which the good subject hath gathered together by his honest and painful endeavours? The means therefore to help in these extremes were this :—Now that these wars are grown towards an end, the new supplies might be of gentlemen of the best sort, to be accompanied with their friends, neighbours, and tenants, who would keep their companies full for their own safety, and expedite the service for their speedier return. By this course I think the enemy would be most terrified, who haply now conceive we have none to be employed in this service but such mean persons, when they shall soon find the contrary. Against this hath been often objected that such are not fit for want of experience, but they will be sure of men of experience to serve under them, who may advise them till they get experience. There is no better means to employ any man in than the service of his country and I hold it better that some few may fall into danger in the making of many to be good members of the commonwealth, than that in sparing of these few all should become unserviceable. These gentlemen might at the first be planted in those parts where there is less use of service, and the others of more experience put over to the places of most service, and as they grow into more experience, so to be assigned to greater service, which will make many worthy men of quality in the realm and prevent all the inconvenients that might at the end grow by these wars.—At Lytlecott, where I would be glad to know whether I shall yet see you, 22 Aug. 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (184. 91 and 92.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 23. but for her better despatch from hence, it shall be needful a warrant from you and my Lord Admiral, and if you think meet, the warrant may be for any other to be set forth by me for the like service, as well as for this now in hand.
There is at this present a small bark of this place bound for the coast of Spain; there goes in her one Allen, late lieutenant to Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and since to Sir John Gilbert in “S. Nyc.” [? St. Nicholas] Island. He has promised me to go to the Groyne and other places, to be advertised of the state of those places, whereupon I have promised him a warrant and to see him rewarded. I pray your warrant for the same.—Plymouth, 23 August, 1602.
Holograph. First part of letter torn off. 1 p. (94. 163.)
Stephen Lesieur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 23. Even now by our merchants ships safely returned from Staden, I have received this enclosed. I have also others to myself of later date, but as then there was at Staden no answer from the Emperor, howbeit all things concerning our merchants remained in good state without cause of fear to them, the magistrate did confidently expect, in short time after, the Emperor's resolution, to the effect of their former letters to her Majesty and you. I am written unto that the Hanses solicit also at the Emperor's Court that their cause in question be referred to a treaty. The Baron of Minqwitz remains in East Frizeland, expecting the Emperor's resolution upon this point and others. It is like, as soon as the Emperor has resolved of this business, and nominated commissioners thereunto, he will write and make the same known unto Ottho Duke of Braunswick (her Majesty's pensioner) at Harburg, who is admitted an instrument in this cause by her Majesty and the Emperor. Therefore, under correction, I think it convenient a letter be written and sent now by us from her Majesty to the said Duke, acquainting him that she has given power to certain her Commissioners, appointed to meet shortly at Bremen with Commissioners from the King of Denmark, that they shall and may in a convenient time and place also meet and treat (upon those terms and conditions contained in a letter which her Majesty wrote to the said Duke the 16th of April last) with the Emperor's Commissioners; requiring him further, that if the Emperor declare unto him by letter his resolution in this cause whilst her Majesty's Commissioners shall be resident in Bremen or in those parts, he impart the same to her said Commissioners, otherwise to her Majesty. This much may be well proceeded in, with the honour of her Majesty, and that it shall not offend the same if it be known that her Majesty gives now power by provision; for she has other cause to send; besides, she shall not seek, but shall be sought and sent unto. I think it also very requisite that if this treaty take place, one of the chief and first articles in the instructions be that during the said treaty, and for certain time after, the execution of the mandate against the persons and goods of her Majesty's subjects shall be suspended, and that they shall and may for that time freely traffic in the Empire and depart thence in default of agreement.—London, 23 August, 1602.
PS.—I will see that the wine and sturgeon sent to you by the Magistrate of Staden shall be delivered to your steward here.
Holograph. 2 pp. (94. 164.)
Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 23. Reports his arrival this night, and asks where he shall meet Cecil before he sees the Queen, and receive directions in his proceeding to her.—The Strand, 23 August, 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (94. 165.)
Adrian Gylbarte to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, Aug. 23. According to your commandment, I have been at Tybboltes (Theobalds) with Mr. Hafton [? Houghton], where Goffe, that made Mr. Coppes ponds, was in the forenoon before we came, and dined and went his way; who talked with Flint and saw all and was told he should confer with me, but he refuseth, and saith he knoweth what he hath to do, so what his opinion is, we know not. I fear he will prove a false cloth, he will shrink in the wetting and can abide no trial. For setting of anything by the banks, 'sagge,' rushes or else, 'tis no time, believe me, but labour and cost lost till the spring, after frosts and winter hath done his worst, and then I am for you. I understand he saith to those I have set tasks unto that 'tis too cheap, they are never able to live by doing it at that price. If I could do it to your content with a wish, or for a groat that will cost you 6d., yet I will prove it shall be both better and better cheap than now. I have respect to your pleasures and profit and will perform what I have begun, although I can bestow the time better than to tumble in dirt. I hear that he and others will bring the river thither that is in the marsh. I have heard you speak well in the Parliament, and I hope you can judge of reason also; but if I may advise you (as many fools do, and talk of Robin Hood that never shot in his bow) then draw breath at such fellows as we be, and believe but one-half of our great miracles : and yet I fear you will be a loser too, for miracles appertain to gods and not to fools.
I hold it fit one be appointed to have care to let in or put out the water as there is occasion of floods, and to mend small faults, if any be, and to set locks, and to keep it in order that fools by their ignorance do it no hurt, nor malicious knaves, for the world is full of both. 'Tis your carpenter Mynteron who for your cloth will do it as he hath promised me, and I have brought him to Mr. Hafton. And I beseech you to end it in the spring; we shall have time enough to make ponds and to bring in more water, and to finish the bank that will be then fair, which now can never be so well done. And by that time you shall see store of springs appear that now play bo-peep, and I fear as many as we shall well rule. If not, 'twill be all done then in one month or six weeks. At all times, and time enough for your purpose, the spring is opened at Wood Green in Mr. Coxe's land some six or eight score from your park pale at most, where it must go; and I have the proportions both in lead and brick, which I will keep till I speak with you myself, and hope to have it done better cheap than yet I can : but it may cost about 200l. to have well enough and to your liking as far as nature or art can perform. And mark in the meantime any river, you shall see the bays and deeps do move but slowly, though the shoals run fast and the broader the softer if it have not a very great stream, and all move slower in summer than in winter. You must be patient and contented with that that is possible, but that that hath never been nor never shall, I dare not promise. And when you shall bestow 1,000l. or 2,000l. in “gystes” [gestes] or banquets, then stick not to bestow the 200l. to remain to your Will and his posterity, for all the rest in a month will be forgotten and a dream. Jennings, your gardener, hath made a plot of the park, and this river shall be put in.—Theobalds, this 23 of August, 1602.
Holograph. 3 pp. (95. 1 & 2.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 23. I assure you I was so far from allowing that pamphlet of Duke Byron's death, as the same coming unto me to be perused, I did forbid the party that brought it to suffer it to be printed, until your Honour should signify your liking of it, or some other of my Lords. I will therefore commit the party to prison, and burn as many of them as I can find. I have heard, and send you enclosed, what the party himself would have delivered to you. I informed you of him when I was at the court last. I forgot to send it when the messenger brought you my letter on Saturday last. But no man ever saw it since it was written, neither is there any copy of it. The party did write it in a chamber by me. I trust you will not draw me into the Star Chamber for publishing a libel.—At Fulham, 23 Aug., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (184. 85.)
J. Wood to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 24. According to your pleasure I send by this bearer two bills signed for two warrants which passed at Greenwich in July last in the time of my waiting, one for Sir Thomas Vavasour, the other for Sir Edward Denny, both directed to the Lord Treasurer, Chancellor, Chamberlains, and Barons of the Exchequer, where the Barons have nothing to do in like cases, and therefore my Lord Treasurer desireth to have them amended in that point, as, it may be, they ought, for the Treasurer and Chamberlains have the custody of the money and records in the Exchequer; and for the delivery of them, the warrants are usually directed to the said Treasurer and Chamberlains only. But where any matter of law is referred to the Exchequer, there the direction must be to the Treasurer and Barons for the hearing of the cause. I beseech you to give order to Mr. Levinus to deliver them after amendment to Mr. Edmonds, to be restored to me for my indemnity.—London, this St. Bartholomew's day, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (95. 3.)
Roger Houghton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 24. Mr. Gilbert and I have been at Theobalds and have searched the spring which lies by Wood Green, which we find to be very good. The charge to bring the same to your river in lead will be above 300l.; and to bring it in brick will be 200l. or thereabouts. I am of opinion it might be brought by the shire ditch, making a dam by Mrs. Watson's house, for a matter of 20l. or thereabouts, and serve your turn that way as well as if it were brought in lead; but that Mr. Gilbart will not hear of. Enclosed is a letter to you from him, as I think touching those things. I could wish you would forbear to do anything more to your river till towards Shrovetide, by which time you shall see what will become of the banks, for I am fully persuaded that the frost will cause the banks to cave and fall into the water, which being mended, will ever after be firm. Besides, you shall see what danger your deer will be in by reason of the ice. The work may be done between Shrovetide and Easter very well, which will be in good time if you find them fit to be done, and all the spring after will carry the more beauty. On Saturday last, my Lady Sussex, accompanied with my Lady Capill and Mrs. Maynard, came to see Theobalds; her ladyship seemed to be exceeding glad to see Mr. William. She was in your great chamber gallery, and the Queen's lodgings, and so from thence went into the garden and took her coach and rode through the park, and so went away. Mr. William is very well. Sir Arthur Capill sent his son to Mr. William very earnestly entreating him to come to kill a buck with him on Thursday next at a park he hath some eight miles from Theobalds. He answered he had appointed to go another way : the reason was because he would know your pleasure before he did make any promise. Jennings is in hand with a plot of your park and river, which will be finished, as he saith, on Thursday next, and then he will send it you.—From your house in Strand, 24 August, 1602.
PS.—Mr. Gilbert is this day gone towards Sherborne, and desires you to remember him with a hawk.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (95. 4.)
Mr. Secretary Herbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 24. This afternoon Mr. Dunne, Le Sieur and myself had conference with my Lord Eures; whereupon he is determined to hasten his provision both for his journey and for his repair to Court on Sunday next. We have communicated to him the contents of both negotiations, and find him very apt to conceive and to judge soundly of the particulars of each. And for that his Lordship was very desirous to make his repair to London known to yourself, he requested me to send this his letter this evening away. So wishing you all contentment, and myself a mild passage and a speedy return, I rest.—24 August, 1602.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (95. 5.)
Captain R. Wigmore to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 24. This day we are here confidently advertised that the enemy's army is fallen into a strange confusion, namely, that their bands of ordinance have disbanded themselves and are gone; that the whole army being generally discontented, 2,000 are already mutinied and have taken a place called Haman, whether appertaining to the Duke of Cleves or Bishop of Luke (sic), I cannot yet learn. Lastly, the noblemen being altogether distasted of the present state of things, and the Admirante himself in a very great distraction of his mind, are all of them lately retired to the Archduke, who is said to be at Brussels. Their army they have left near unto Venlo. The three approaches upon Grave do go roundly forwards, three galleries being already passed into the enemy's outwork, so as Count Maurice is like to be no loser by this summer's work, since both Grave and the country of Cuke, by an hereditary claim, are like to fall unto him.
PS.—Sir Fr[ancis Vere] is in a very good way of recovery, and did this day sit up almost two hours.—Dort, this 24th of August.
Holograph. Endorsed “1602.” 1 p. (95. 6.)
George Stanbery, Mayor of Barnstaple, to the Privy Council.
1602, Aug. 24. The ship which on Saturday last departed from this port with the 165 soldiers towards Cork, having a fair wind for their passage, the next day following, by contrary winds and foul weather, was forced back unto Ilfracombe, seven miles from this town, where the soldiers are all landed. I have taken order for the billeting, lodging and other necessaries for them during their abode at the said place, and caused sufficient watch to be set for the apprehending of such as shall offer to make escape from the service before it please God to send a convenient wind for their re-imbarking.—From Barnstaple, 24 August, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (95. 7.)
Ferdinand Fairfax to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 25. It pleased you to give me leave to see this summer service, the which is not such as I expected, yet is it such as will enable me to do you service. The town is very strong and our works high raised and very near it. We are gotten into the counterscarfe and are ready to make our galleries, after the which we think it cannot long hold out. Our General hath gotten a blow in the face and is gone into Holland, yet is he reasonably well amended and the captains expect daily his return. The enemy, after they had entrenched themselves, retired, after which, they being laid in ambush, have “bett” two of our convoys for Nimingam.—The camp before Grave this 25 of August.
Holograph. Endorsed “1602.” Seal. 2/3 p. (95. 8.)
Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 25. Since the writing of my last letters to your Honour from London the 23th inst., I conferred with Mr. Secretary Harbarte, Mr. Dun, and Mr. Lezure [Lesieur] touching our negotiations, in which as my ignorance and disability is great, yet their instructions already had from your Honour, with their experience in the same, giveth me comfort of good success. I am a humble suitor to your Honour, being ashamed of my hard fortune, which I hope may be excused in part with suddeness of time. I have essayed some my friends in London, who are absent at their country houses, whereby I am frustrate of my hope for furnishing of money as I expected. I beseech you vouchsafe me her Majesty's allowance of imprest with favour, and that it may take place from the beginning of July. I likewise find transportage very chargeable, and therefore crave allowance for the same beforehand. I am forced to intreat this extraordinary favour out of mere necessity. If the Emperor's Ambassadors do meet with us, our time of stay will be extended at the least to four months, which forces me to make provision in larger measure. For plate out of her Majesty's provision, I will attend what time your Honour shall appoint. I doubt not but Sir John Fortescue would afford me the loan of some hangings and tablecloths out of the Wardrobe if you hold it convenient.—From my lodging in the Strand, 25 Aug., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (184. 89.)
Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 26. I fear to present unto yourself any gift in respect of your worthiness and the meanness of the present now sent. I beseech you vouchsafe a “sommer” nag from me in testimony of my avowed love and service to you.—From my lodging in the Strand, 26 August, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (95. 9.)
The Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 26. How I am busied this bearer can inform you; most days doing nothing but making bargains with my tenants, who now (though it were long ere I could draw them to it) are yielding to so good a course as I hope will effect the purpose I came down for and clear my debts. But I fear it will hold me here till after Michaelmas, so as I shall not bring you up the hawk I promised, but my man shall as soon as he is ready, and I hope he is as good as any that ever you had. My Lord President doth use me exceeding kindly; I pray you thank him for it.—August 26, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (95. 10.)
Sir Edward Denny to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 27. It pleased her Majesty long since to sign a warrant for my receipt of the money I paid for Amwell's purchase; but I am still delayed the payment and put in fear I must yet move her Majesty again for the same by reason of Mr. Attorney's ignorant drawing of the bill, which you know, as they say. The sum is three hundred pounds, and one is already run out in interest, and I fear the rest will run after it if you stand not my friend to the Lord Treasurer, whose predecessor is daily more and more wanted, for he ever helped but never hindered the subject.—Waltham, this 27 of August, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (95. 11.)
Edward Coke, Attorney-General, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 27. I am solicited by some of the principal gentlemen in Norfolk and Suffolk to direct them what may be done by law, when our poor coast men are spoiled and robbed many times in their view, what forces may be levied, and how and in what manner for recovery thereof.
For that there are arcana quedam which are not fit to be divulged, if it would please you to authorise them by some direction, it were, in my opinion, the best course. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Sir Anthony Wingfeld, Sir Robert Jermyn, Sir Philip Parker, John Wentworth, esq., and the Vice-Admiral for the time being are fit to be employed for Suffolk, and for Norfolk Sir Arthur Heveningham, Sir Miles Corbett, Sir Philip Woodhouse, Nathaniel Bacon and Henry Gaudie, Esquires. This warrant will cheer the hearts of the weatherbeaten poor coast-men and daunt or discourage the enemy. The loss by them is infinite, and the relief herein will be more than most acceptable.—21 Aug., 1602.
Holograph. Seal 1 p. (184. 90.)
[Thomas] Wilson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 27./Sept. 6. Saturday last, there came hither from Rome three gentlemen of Scotland, the son to the Chancellor Montrose, the second, a knight of the Pope's making, as I understand, one Greame, the third, Sir James Lindsay, of whom I wrote from Pisa the 9 and 14 of January last, that he had been a pensioner long time unto King of Spain, but as it seems, upon some discontent for want of pay or such like, went to Rome, there seemed to colleague with those of the faction of King of Scots, but yet played of both hands and held in with Parsons and that side; whether by his means to get the money which he saith King of Spain oweth him, or for what other cause, I know not, but this is certain that he conversed there daily with that viper and it is like (and so I am told) that he is inward with him. Well, this man and the rest coming hither went presently to seek out Sir Anthony Sherley; with him they are all in all, the one inviting the other continually, and participating their counsels and devices together. This man and his company meeting me upon the Piazza on Sunday last, shewed by their countenances and eyeing me how well I had been described unto them tanquam homo ad necem designatus. I seemed to take no knowledge thereof, but attended to make some use thereof. It fell out so (as all things fall out for the best to those that fear and trust in God, for thereby I escaped a dangerous mischief) that Mr. Browne, of whom I have written before, met him presently after, and by reason of old acquaintance which hath been betwixt them, was made partaker of the discourses which Sir Anthony had had with him before, who told him how he used to go to the ambassadors of Scotland and 5 [France], but of his business with them this party would say no word; how such a man (naming me) had sought to kill him by order from England as he inferred; that he had a bullet shot at him in my chamber; that I caused him to be set upon to have him and his company murdered as he went from my lodging on a time. Which two matters, though they be out of the purpose of my writing, yet I think fit to set down upon what colour they are invented, because I understand he hath written as much into England. He being one time in my chamber (as before I estranged myself quite from him upon the knowledge of his treachery, I could never be rid of him) there was shot into the window by a little boy an earthen bullet, out of a wooden crossbow such as boys use here, which hitting upon the wall and the noise making us look about, we found in the wall the print of a bullet which haply had been there many years, yet at first we thought it had been done at that time, till looking well about, we found the broken earthen bullet, and after I understood how it was shot. And this was that goodly matter. For the other, he going indeed from my lodging and being near unto his own a mile off and late in the night (he not daring then to walk in the day) for it was the first or second time that ever I saw him, in May last, as he saith, he was set upon with partisans and “albards,” his gent which is now gone to Scotland hurt, himself thrown into the channel, etc. : which after he told me he assured himself was done by the Spaniards' procurement (as he saith also they sent after him a bark to have him killed at Ragusa); but I have heard since by Mr. Hassall it was by the procurement of a fellow which had let him have for 40 or 50 ducats in wine, and finding no means to get his money, vowed to have his blood and the rest which had nourished their blood with his wine : and so indeed they will do here to such where they can get no other remedy. These are the two plots which I have laid for the life of this great man, whose life or death in my conceit imports as much as that of a Scarabe fly! The truth is, he having vowed to stop my breath (because his guilty conscience makes him fear I will display his villainy), and having already aposted men of purpose to murther me, he spreads abroad these reports, that the act done and he proved the author, it may be the more justifiable, for that I, forsooth, sought his life. I need not excuse myself in shewing you I am no fit man for such practices, albeit I wrote to you once I hoped to find means here to chastise his treachery. I said so induced by two several persons, the first, secretary to Duke of Florence, who promised with my assistance to do it; he not knowing then (as I perceive since) what reasons Duke of Florence had to hold in with him. The second was Sir Bassadona, who having understood the matter which he went about, thought happily to pick a thank thereout by shewing his officiousness to do service, the better to further his own particular purposes in England. But the course he set down I found vain when I talked about it with some wiser men, whose answers I wrote of the 5th of July. Whereas I wrote another time that, to prevent his dangerous devices my courage would serve to do anything you should command me, in that also (if happily he intercepted that letter and so misconstrueth me) I was far from thinking of any such matter as he layeth to my charge, knowing well how far it is from your most honourable proceeding to command or like of any such courses; but my meaning was not to get him killed here, but if you should like of getting him into an England ship and send him home, or any such others means whereby the truth of all matters might be made apparent, in such case my courage would serve me to venture my life to apprehend him by force : and to that purpose I made acquainted withal one of the greatest men of this State, that the State might not apprehend the matter as an injury to offer such violence in their dominion. This was all I ever pretended against him, and yet this I meant not to do without special commission from you; whereof having written divers times, and now received yours of July 30, wherein I see nothing mentioned concerning anything to be done therein, I am apt to think you see some convenienter course to be taken therein, and therefore I think not fit to meddle any further thereabout unless I be required by you. Only I will refer those things which I think necesary to be known which are come to my knowledge since these Scottish men are come into Sherley his company : of all which (as followeth) Mr. Browne is the reporter to me from the mouth of Sir James Linsey, who sweateth and sweareth by no beggars that King of Scots must be King of England, and that he shall and will have it or it shall prove the bloodiest time that ever was, notwithstanding all the plotting they make against him, as that whereof Parsons at Rome shewed him a letter of a marriage which is now concluding for Arbella, and others such. That there were 2,000 English gentlemen vowed to stand for King of Scots, though there were many that they knew did nothing but plot and work against him; whereof he said, of any that lives abroad, he knew me to be one of the chiefest and dangerousest : nay, more than that, that I was one of the chiefest plotters of the death of King of Scots in the last matter of Dethick! A heinous accusation, and I know Sherley is the author hereof, for he hath a mint for such inventions. Haply, he hath devised it upon this presumption, because Dethick and I were lodged both in a house at Pisa when he parted thence for England; and this matter they all conclude was wrought by England against King of Scots—matters too intolerable to be put up with silence. Well, these Scottish men are now coming into England; I pray God they have no mischief in hand, sure I am some of them have enough in heart. When they come they are likely to be lodged in the Cruchett Friars at one of the French ordinaries. Linsey said, whilst he stayed in France he would send to England to procure safe conduct there. The question was asked, why? He answered because he had served King of Spain and came from Rome. This morning he had appointed to come to my lodging to talk with me, which I secretly shunned by making it be given out I was out of town, because I smelt it was a practice from Sherley. But this Linsey is one of those which King of Scots sends abroad to taste English men; and it is to be thought these two work both upon one frame to join King of France [sic. but wrongly deciphered : should be King of Spain] and King of Scots together; and perhaps Parsons and that crew, seeing their credit decayed by their former designs, will also now join in the same work.
The Spanish army threateneth Algire or Bugia, one of them being in conceit already taken, but the French think all Bugia and believes neither of both. The Neapolitans and Spaniards are all passed Mont Seins a fortnight since, to whom though the King of France hath given leave to pass towards Flanders, yet the Duke of Sa[voy] hath entreated Fuentes they may stay awhile there, which he commands, but the most part of the Neapolitans have disobeyed and are run quite away.
The Pope is secured that the King of France will not break.
The letters from Milan of the 4th of this present report that the army is parted towards Algire, and wagers hold still it will be attempted; but we think it doth but hover about the matters of France, and in the end will go to encounter the Cicala, who with 52 galleys is upon the coasts of Sicily. Here is still much murmuring of war betwixt France and Savoy; but Fuentes, because he will not have the world think that any martial affairs trouble his head, attends to make statutes against starched ruffs.
The merchant that should pay me money by your order is out of town : as soon as he comes home ten days hence, I will prepare myself to Genoa, and so forward to that place near France as fast as may be, praying you to give order to our ambassador at Paris to receive and send such letters as shall come to him for you under the name of Jeronimo Palluzzi, for under that name I will write, and none but you shall know where I am nor who I am as long as I stay there, and haply I will do more thereabouts than I will promise.
The answer from this prince to her Majesty's letters is by one of the interested of the goods there gotten into his hands and sent to Pandolphini.—Venice, 6 of September, 1602.
PS.—There is news already here that 6,000 Spaniards are anew arrived in Ireland. Such smokes use to go before the fire.
Holograph. The words in italics in cipher, deciphered. Seal. 5 pp. (95. 12–14.)
News from Venice.
1602, Aug. 27./Sept. 6. It is said that before his death Biron wrote a letter to the King, of which a copy is showed here. It is well written and moving, asking for his life, and begging to be banished to Hungary or elsewhere that he may bestow his life in the service of Christendom, or that he may be imprisoned for life where the King may wish. To his relations, who implored the King for this, the King replied that as far as he was concerned himself he was ready to pardon him as he had done before, but that considering the State and his children he could not, lest some prejudice should come therefrom after his death, and so he be rightly blamed.
From Savoy, there is a report that the Duke has asked Count Fuentes to keep the Neapolitan and Spanish troops there, because he is not assured concerning the French. But the French are not inclined to make any alteration, but desire peace; and the Duke has put all his munitions of war into the fortress of Nizza.
From Leipzig, comes news that the marriage of the Duke of Saxony and the sister of the King of Denmark will be celebrated on the 20th instant in Dresden. Some say the King will come with his sister.
From Milan, there is news of the arrival there of the Marquis di Cassano; there was no more talk of levying troops there, and the order to Colonel Madruzzi to enlist German soldiers had been withdrawn. Count Mirandola has put himself entirely under the protection of Spain.
From Vienna, come full details of the war with the Turk; and news of the same kind from Gratz and Prague.
From Constantinople, comes news that the brother of the Scrivano, after defeating and killing Assan Pacha, sacked the castle of Toccai; that he had with him 16,000 good soldiers, and was marching on Angori, to the great terror of that place.
From Naples, comes a report that the Spanish garrison has mutinied, their pay being six months in arrear.
From Frankfort, comes an account of the celebration of the jubilee of the holy year, sent from Rome, at Mayence.
From Milan, letters of the 4th instant contain news from Turin that the Duke, although he has heard of the retreat of the Marshal de Laverdon and of the offers made to the Commander of the Neapolitan troops, had resolved nevertheless to strengthen Savoy.
From Spain, had come news of the departure of the fleet, supposed for Algiers. From Genoa, they write that in that city the betting ran that within this month it would be in the power of the Spaniards.
From Nuremberg, comes news of the passage of 3,000 Walloons for Hungary.
Italian. 4 pp. (184. 112 and 113.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 28. I have committed Barrowes the priest to the Marshalsea, and if you do think fit, I would send him to Framingham with Leake the priest upon Monday or Tuesday next.—At Fulham, the 28 of August, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (95. 15.)
Captain R. Wigmore to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 28. My late report of the mutinied enemy falleth out to be true, for the which 1,400 of them have paid very dearly; for having put themselves in Hamonde, they were presently invested by the Admirante, the town burnt to the ground and the most of them put to the sword. He is not gone to the Archduke, but with his very much discontented troops abideth about Maestricht. The cause that the bands of ordinance have abandoned the army is said to be for that the Admirante did lately proffer to plant his artillery against Venlo and to enforce them unto the receiving of a garrison, which hitherto they do constantly refuse. Against this course the chief commander of these bands (whom I take to be the Marquis of Avery) did stiffly oppose himself, and in the end left the Admirante.
His Excellency hath sent unto the States to persuade them to entertain the reiters one month longer, whereunto it is thought they will readily consent, and to the keeping of the whole army together all this winter, if what I hear be true, that they are roundly nettled with certain letters lately received from her Majesty, and do earnestly seek to do somewhat that may give her Majesty better satisfaction. In the mean season I am bold to assure you (for I have it from a very good place) that the States have already resolved upon a deputation to be sent up unto the army with a round reprimand unto Count Maurice and Count William for their carriage in this summer's business.
Being with Sir Fr. Vere at the receipt of her Majesty's and your letters, he prayed me (in respect of his present indisposition) to read the same unto him, wherewith I find he hath been extraordinarily afflicted; and so much the rather because he is not in state to present, as he thinketh, his just excuses unto her Majesty. He hath therefore in the meantime desired me to signify unto you that he did never yield his voice unto the army's return until that Count Maurice and the States themselves had desperated all hopes of proceeding forward through a want of victuals. And he most humbly desireth he may not undergo the burden of that whereof the States, whom it most nearly concerneth, do clearly discharge him. And albeit he lieth thus wounded in his bed, yet doth he not omit to employ all his best means to draw the States unto an attempting of something in Flanders.
Count Maurice hath lately importuned the States for a farther supply of oats, hay and straw, as if he feared the present return of the enemy, and the cutting off of the passage by the Maas. The States have sent their excuse unto the Earl of Emden for not appearing at that christening whereunto he had invited them. His messenger was, notwithstanding, presented with a fair chain.
There hath of late been a process between the Duke of Brunswick and the town of Brunswick, wherein the Duke hath prevailed. Notwithstanding, it is supposed that he seeketh his assurance by might; for, amongst others, he hath within these few days drawn unto him from hence his ancient client the Count Hollock, so it is believed some stirs will shortly arrive in those parts.
Grave will yet hold out for 12 or 14 days longer, and one only accident, which is here reported to be ordinary, may utterly disappoint all the hopes of the siege,—and that is the inundation of the Maas, which usually falleth out in this time of the year.—Dort, 28 August.
Holograph.pp. (95. 16.)
William Vawer, Mayor of Bristol, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 28. Encloses a letter from Semple, the Scottish merchant.—Bristol, 28 August 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ⅓ p. (95. 18.)
The Enclosure :
John Semple to Mr. Thomas Honyman.
I came here to Bristol upon August 25, where I am informed that an Irish merchant lately come from St. Tuvall [Setubal], in Portugal, hath told news that there is landed in Lisborne of late, since my departure thence, some 26 sail of ships come from Andaluzia to Lisborne, in which there is 4,000 soldiers, which news are written to the Court upon the Irishman's report. Whereupon, at my here coming, in respect the Irishman is come in a Breton ship with whose master I am acquainted, I have conferred at length with the master, Jaques Borthik, and some of his mariners. Both assure me there are no soldiers come to Lisborne from any place, but it is most certain these 26 ships be arrived at Lisborne, which are the West Indies fleet, come home from Nova Hispaniola and landed at Lisborne, and no other army, soldiers, nor shipping is come there. Also I demanded of the Bretons what was become of the other army that was at Lisborne when I came thence? who tell me there are seven of these ships gone towards the Islands to attend the Indies fleet which are to come home.—From Bristol, 28 August, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (98. 17.)
News from Rome.
1602, 28 Aug./7 Sept. Details are given of business transacted by the Pope, his health and other matters.
It is said that a marriage has been concluded between the eldest of the Mantuan princes and the second daughter of the Duke of Savoy with a dowry of 100,000 crowns and with certain exchanges of territory, the one side giving up the town of Alba in Piedmont, and the other the territories of Treno and Crescentino. But some say that the matter is not concluded, and that new difficulties have been raised by Savoy, who does not wish to renounce his pretensions to Montferrat, and thinks that such a renunciation, if made, ought to do instead of a dowry.
From Modena, there is news of the arrival of Signore Malvezzi, sent by Count Fuentes to arrange an accommodation between Modena and Lucca. He is to go on to Lucca on the same business.
On Tuesday, the ordinary courier arrived from Lyons with the mail from Spain. Letters from France state that the King has granted a general pardon to all concerned in the conspiracy of Biron, allowing them two months to appear in Paris and confess their faults. He has granted a safe conduct to the Baron de Luz to come to Paris, promising him a pardon. The chamberlain Polacco has been allowed to leave, and the King has given a gracious audience to the Baron d'Ossuna, who received permission to export a quantity of gold which he was taking to Flanders. The King has recalled to the Court Marshal Laverdin and ordered him to dismiss his troops, and the Swiss, after being mustered and paid, have also been dismissed. The insolence of the lackeys has caused the King to issue an order that no one shall keep any person in his service past the age of 15 years. The Cardinal Joyeuse is expected at Court, summoned by his Majesty. He has reported that the Spanish and Neapolitian troops have passed “il Monsanese” on their way to Flanders, now that permission has been given to them.
By a brigantine, which arrived at Cevita Vecchia from Barcelona on Monday, Cardinal Sfondrato has received news that the Spanish fleet was to attack Bugia near Algiers.
The courier from Spain has brought letters from the Court of the 10th and 11th of August, with news that the English fleet had captured the Brazil fleet off Lisbon, twenty-two ships with 4,500 cases of sugar. The Spanish fleet was in Cadiz, and was said to be preparing to attack Bugia for the purpose of taking possession of Algiers by means of the understanding between the Spaniards and the Kings of Fez and Morocco, who are attacking from the land side with 50,000 infantry and 20,000 horse, while the Spanish fleet at Bugia is to prevent any succour from arriving by sea. These two Kings are anxious to secure themselves by means of Spain against the possibility of an attack from Turkey as soon as the war in Hungary is over, but by this means they hope to chase the Turk out of Barbary and to be free afterwards. In Valencia, there were the children of the King of Marocco sent by him as hostages.
The Duke of Simoneta is returning to Italy. The King has assigned to him a thousand crowns a year from the customs of Naples, in addition to two thousand that he had already, and a thousand given to his brother Roger.
Thursday morning arrived a courier from Naples sent by the Viceroy to the Grand Duke, in order to obtain the help of his galleys against the Turkish fleet. The galleys of Genoa and of the Pope are also to assist. From Sicily, news came yesterday that the galleys of Malta had made a descent on the coast of Africa and brought back some prisoners. From Naples, came news that the galleys of the Pope, the Grand Duke, and Genoa had put their silk on shore and returned to Messina to guard the shores of Calabria against the Turkish fleet, which is at Otranto, intending to cross over to Calabria and Sicily.
Italian. 2 pp. (184. 111.)
William Tresame to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 29. Understanding your purpose neither to make nor meddle with my suit before your Honours [the Council] discourages me to proceed any further, since there nothing takes effect that is not seconded by you. Whence any aversion should proceed I cannot conjecture, for my demands are humble and with intention sincerely to make compensation of former errors by loyal service. In the whole course of my life I have shunned carefully the conversation and company of detractors, and perfectly hated detraction. My comportment ever hath been and ever shall be at your pleasure, to increase your fame and renown. I entreat you now to assist me.—Bologne, 29 August, 1602.
Signed. Endorsed :—“W. Tresham.” Seal. 1 p. (95. 20.)
The Bishop of Limerick to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 29. Be pleased to read this enclosed letter and consider thereof, and in your goodness (whereof you are not sparing to poor petitioners) to remedy the same. So praying you to remember Lady Derby's letter for Knowseley, I take leave.—Clerton Well [? Clerkenwell], 29 August.
Holograph. Seal, broken. ⅓ p. (95. 21.)
B. Langley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 29. It may please you to persue the enclosed bill and procure her Majesty's hand to the same. Mr. Attorney hath taken much pains in penning thereof, and yet would not take any fee, whereof I thought it my duty to inform you.—London, 29 August, 1602.
Holograph.p. (95. 22.)
Sir Robert Cecil and the Lord Admiral to Sir Richard Luson [Leveson] and Sir William Monson.
1602, Aug. 29. We have now received intelligences directly, showing that there is no great likelihood of the Spaniards coming for Ireland, so as if the journey of you Sir W[illiam] M[onson] were to begin again, we would peradventure be advised before the Queen should be put to charge, but because we will not move too suddenly upon this advertisement, though for my own part, I, the Secretary, hold it true, and because it may fall out that before winter he may transport some numbers thither, the rather when he shall find that the Queen hath no fleet at sea, adding also that a great part of the charge is past, her Majesty [will be] contented the same shall go on, if the wind shall serve. We have thought good to direct you thus far in your proceedings, that you, Sir William Monson, according to your former instructions, do repair to the coast, and visit both the Groyne and Lisbon, where, Sir W. Monson, if you shall find that your own intelligence concur with this enclosed, then doth her Majesty commit it to your discretion in what height to lie and how to intercept any such matter as may countervail her Majesty's charge. Because you shall upon the coast best gather knowledge whether the fleets be come in or no, her Majesty leaveth it to your discretion to send home or return so many of the ships as [you] shall think fittest for all considerations of her Majesty's service.
Draft. Unsigned. Endorsed :—“1602, Aug. 29.”2¼ pp. (184. 93 and 94.)
Richard Percival to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 30. Mr. Cope told me yesterday at Kensington, it was your pleasure I should send you the words of the patent, whereby the customs of silks taken by reprisal (sic); which I send unto you enclosed. For the Duchy business you commanded me, the Auditor is now an hundred miles out of town, and will be till Michaelmas; and those officers are all out of town by whom I should learn whether any of those parcels are passed since the new commission.—30 August, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (95. 23.)
Sir Robert Mansell to the Earl of Nottingham.
1602, Aug. 30. Having received confirmation of your advertisements touching Spinola's six galleys by a bark of Dover that stayed at Lisbon 14 days after the galleys left that place, I presently despatched notice thereof by letter to the Admiral of Zealand who hath the command of all the forces before Sluys; by whose performance you shall be able to judge whether our security be not greater in the exercise of our own galleys than by referring that trust to any other. I found by my employment into that country this summer that they were truly sensible of their own danger through the increase of that kind of the enemy's force, especially in so near a neighbourhood unto them. I know the force once determined by them was sufficient to withstand the entrance of a greater power than six galleys into Sluys, and that the course resolved on by him and me for the disposing of the forces before Sluys at such time as we jointly took view of the harbour, needeth no farther study than a ready disposition in them to impeach that design of the enemy; yet I fear their account will not answer your expectation in the conclusion unless you send one of judgment to overlook their actions. To prevent laying their excuse on any sudden approach of the enemy, I have sent the Answer (that came two nights since from Plymouth) to warn the ships before Ostend and Dunkirk carefully to look out and to hinder them what they may, but most especially to hasten the alarm unto the forces before Sluys upon their first discovery of any galleys, or report of my ordnance in the chase of them.
Seeing the prevention of the entrance of the galleys into Sluys is sufficient to ruin them, I could wish it might stand with your pleasure to employ the Vantguard thither with as many ships as are ready and serviceable for that place, especially seeing there is no possibility to intercept them in the sea without her Majesty's galleys, and that there is no fear of their attempting anything upon our coast in their passage, seeing the year is so far spent, which will enforce them, without a present coming away, to winter in Biscay, unless they continue as idle in this as most of their sea employments. Notwithstanding the intelligence I perceive you received out of Spain before the sea afforded any in this place, I make bold to mention what I hear—as the return of the galleys into the straits that were expected at Lisbon, the arrival there of two carracks and of the West Indies fleet that fell with Sesembra, whither Don Diego Brochero went with seven sail to guard them towards St. Lucas, being constrained to discharge the rest of his fleet through want of sailors.—Thwart of Dover, August 30 at night.
Holograph. Seal. Postal endorsements :—“1602. Hast hast post hast hast hast post hast hast. At Canterbury past 7 (?) in the afternone. Sittingborn post 9 at night. Rochester post 10 at night. Darford at past 4 in the morning. Rd. at London past 5 in the morning.” 1 p. (95. 24.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 30. Since my late letters sent you, a plain man of these west parts (who had been for some years seduced in religion) was sent to me by a Justice of the Peace, who did acknowledge himself to have been seduced, and that he saw—and that even amongst some of the better sort that were bent that way—that they were so dangerously disposed towards the state (as he conceived by the speeches of those that were inward with them) as moved him to grow into dislike of their courses, and upon conference to reform himself, and thought it his duty to make that known which he had heard : which is, that there should be a plot or combination set down amongst the Papists of England, which is distributed or divided into eight parts of this realm, for a party to be made (as they deliver out) when opportunity may serve them to strengthen some party. But I hope in God they shall never live to see the day they expect which are so wickedly disposed. Upon speech, he delivered that he had heard it spoken amongst such as were so given, that it was a duke's wife whom they seemed to depend upon; whereof you can make use and easily gather the sense, and what work the priests have in hand. He saith, he taketh it the plot is set down in writing amongst them, and thought in time he should be able to get it, and affirmeth he hath heard some of them say that without that plot there was no hope for them to do any good at any time, but for her Majesty's time they would seem to give out in speech that they had no hope, things were so warily carried and seen unto. And although every good man, in respect of his posterity, is interested in the future, yet is it the present that both you and myself and all her Majesty's best disposed subjects have an eye unto and do wholly respect; but whatsoever the others do pretend of the future, if their power were answerable to their corrupt affections, I have so long and so well observed their humours, that I fear we should soon feel that amongst ourselves that hath of late been attempted in Ireland. The man hath not yet discovered himself to be reformed, and being a matter of this moment, I held fit he should not shew it as yet, but thought first to acquaint you with it, to be used as you know it ought to be; whereby I may receive such directions for my further dealing therein as shall be behoveful. I am of opinion, and doubt not you are also, that combinations of this kind are not to be permitted; and I doubt it the more because some whom he nameth do, as he saith, depend upon such as have been in question often and long since, and one of them such as I have long held to be a most dangerous man, which is Mr. Carew, a Dorset man. I have willed the party to be secret and learn farther what he can, and to be with me again some ten days hence, whereby I might in the mean season be directed what I should do further herein. It may haply be but a practice, but howsoever, I held it my duty to make it known. My very hearty thanks for the kind offer you made unto me by my servant this bearer, whereupon I shall depend her Majesty coming this way, as now I hope she will.—At Lyttlecot, 30 August, 1602.
Holograph. 2 pp. (95. 25.)
Sir William Monson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 30. Here arrived yesterday, Sunday—the same day Sir Richard Leueson went hence—a small prize from the coast of Spain, and one Portingal in her which had been in Lisbon a month before, when Don Diego de Borachero went with his fleet to the Islands to waft home the two carracks which were wanting, and the Indies fleet. This Portingal had occasion to stay four days after in Caskcais, and the two carracks came in. The first land they fell in with was the Burlings, to windward of the Hollanders, and they to windward of the Spanish fleet, not one of them being seen by the other. Since that time, this Englishman met off the islands of Bayonne the six galleys of Spinola's in their way to the Groyne and thence to St. Andera. Whether they shall there winter, or come along for the Low Countries, the Portingal cannot report : he was supplied with slaves and oars out of the galleys of Lisbon.
Vasco Fernandes Cesar, the King's principal officer of his navy in Lisbon, with seven of the chief gentlemen that were in the carrack, are imprisoned, and it is thought shall be executed for the loss of the carrack.
You have been informed of a report which came from Rochelle that the Portingals have surprised the Spaniards in the island of Tercera, and possessed themselves of the castle. If it had been true, it is like her Majesty should have heard from the Portingals before now, having no other prince to rely upon.
After a long southerly wind and most extreme foul weather, I thank God He hath sent me this Monday night a fair northeast wind, which I was ready instantly to take, and am put to sea with all the ships as well manned as any that ever went out of England. And because my victuals should come out all together, and mistrusting my beer, which proves not altogether so good, I revictualled myself for a week with beer only, so that until the latter end of November—at which time it is fitting to draw home with her Majesty's ships—I account myself royally fitted, and I hope in that space to do some service.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“30 August, 1602.” Seal. 1 p. (95. 26.)
[Sir Robert Cecil to Alderman Rowe.]
1602, Aug. 30. Although you know what is the quality and state of the Lord Eure, both in regard of his birth and living, in which respect it might seem strange that I should think my assumption needful where his assurance of paym[ent] shall be offered, yet because I know that merch[ants] are careful of security, as reason is where they part with their money, and that it may be you will be loth to deal with a baron of the realm without some collateral sureties of meaner quality; forasmuch as the Lord Eure hath taken upon him this sudden employment, I have thought good hereby to desire yo[ur help], because he may have occasion to deserve it of that company whereof you are n[ow] govern[or] in some of his negotiations, to move you to find the means that his Lordship may have credit at Stoade for some such sum as he shall have occasion to use, for payment whereof again, I do hereby promise that I will see you saved harmless as far as a 1,000l. shall go.
Draft. Unsigned. Endorsed :—“1602, Aug. 30. Mynute from my Mr to Mr. Alderman Rou for credit to my Lo : Ewre.” 2 pp. (184. 97.)
1602, Aug. 31. Passport by Sir John Carey, governor of Berwick and Lord Warden of the East Marches of England, for William Sinclair, Baron of Rosslyn, Pentlyn and “Harbarshire” in Scotland, to travel to London with his servants William Sinclair and John Hamilton, with a black ambling nag and a black ambling mare, each 14 hands high, and a little dun ambling nag, 13 hands high.—Berwick, last of August, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (95. 27.)
Sir Robert Mansell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 31. Mr. Reswell having posted towards the Court the day before I met with his ship, I held it superfluous to trouble you with any relation of his poor company touching those parts. Only concerning the mutiny at the Treceres, I held fit to let you understand how differently these men deliver the same from the report of the French, who say that all the Spaniards in that island are put to the sword; whereas these extend it no farther than the hanging of the governor. I assure myself you know both the truth thereof and the grounds, and accordingly will eternise the memory by being a principal mean for the taking hold of so effectual an advantage as brings with it more commodities to our State than a volume can contain, though this one were sufficient, that such a place would both open and secure our trade to both the Indies; which, besides the enriching of our nation, would so increase the number of seamen as hereafter we should have no cause to regard the inconstancy of any confederate, or power of any enemy; who, not diverted from planting any farther sea force so near us as Sluys, will thereby be taught both to increase his power and to make use of his experience by sea, to the ruin of that main foundation which, under God, hath hitherto defended us, and whereinto if you look with your eye of judgment, you shall find to be incredibly fallen from its late flourishing state.
Touching the galleys expected to come the next fair wind from St. Anders, there are but two places to attempt the impeaching of them—the strait of the narrow seas, and the entrance into Sluys, and in both places but one kind of means to be used, viz., ships and galleys joined together. Because her Majesty's galleys cannot be made ready in any time to join her ships in this place, and for that the time of year will not suffer their stay in their passage to attempt ought on our coast, I do, under correction, wish that all the serviceable force that can be made ready may be employed to Sluys under the command of some one of judgment and spirit, that can and will control the course of the Dutch if need shall so require : whereby they shall be awakened to discharge their duties, and gain to ourselves the reputation of so well deserving a service as without great difficulty cannot be performed when they have once gotten the harbour. According to directions from my L. Admiral, I have warned the Admiral of Zeeland to continue his forces in order before Sluys, and the ships along the coast of Flanders, that they fail not to hasten the alarm of their coming; in whose performance only rests the expectations of any good issues, if the galleys come this year, which, for aught I perceive, may by contrary winds be enforced to winter in Biscay, where all things are much cheaper than at Lisbon.—From the narrow seas thwart of Dover, 31 August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (95. 28.)
Ralph, Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 31. I am bold to remember you before her Majesty's removal from Oatlands, and for the more expedition of my journey, to vouchsafe your letter to the Governor of the Merchant Adventurers for the exchange of 1,000l. at Bremen.—From my lodging in the Strand, 31 August.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal.p. (95. 29.)
Capt. J. Throckmorton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 31. Two letters :—
1. The extremity of the weather these ten days hath been such as this is the first passage since my Lord Governor's going up into Holland. Our army before the Graves hath advanced to the taking of the enemy's outworks, which they possess, and now begin their galleries over the ditch of the town; the taking whereof will yet be a work of a fortnight, if it be not otherwise of their courtesy to give it us timely, of which there is small appearance in them. The enemy's army lieth dispersed, some about Vendulo and others in the parts of Brabant and Lygeland [Liège ?]; their bands of ordnance wholly retired discontented for pay, the rest of their horse on the like terms. There is great disorder amongst them, and yet, methinks, we smally advantage ourselves thereby. Ostend standeth in reasonable good terms, and although they have advanced their engines (called sanseies) somewhat towards the entrance of the haven, to stop the passage, yet our ships enter thereat; and to prevent the worst that can come thereof within the ramper of the old town westward, towards the first old haven, they are cutting in of another passage for their ships, the which they say cannot be taken from them. I doubt not you are sufficiently informed of the trouble of the Spanish provisions : notwithstanding, having talked with a master of a ship, an Englishman, newly come from Venice by land, he telleth me that the same is true concerning their galleys, that there came out of Italy some seven weeks ago to the number of 40 from Sicily, from Genoa, and from other places. From Malaga, here arrived a ship this other day, who confirmeth that in Calismalis there is to the number of 60 galleys. Any their purposes they could not speak of.—Flushing, this last of August, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (95. 30.)
2. The sudden going away of this other day's passage with my former by Mr. Cornwallis took from me the opportunity to write the following : for even at that instant arrived a merchant ship from St. Vues in Portugal, who affirmeth very constantly that Spinola, with seven galleys, is now at sea and coming for these parts. The States here of Zealand take the alarm and prepare their ships of war and galleys to guard these seas. Moreover, the said merchant delivereth very certainly that 40 galleys were come as forward as to the Groyne, but, as it should seem, after some four or five days' stay at that place, they found their enterprises—howsoever or wheresoever—either not well carried or absolutely defeated; so that they were from thence wholly discharged and returned towards Calismalis. He conjectureth by the general amazement taken in those parts at the report of the death of the Duke of Biron, that the purpose of all these Spanish preparations was for some of the haven ports of France. He nameth in the river of Bordeaux, Blais. This bearer is the master of the ship I mentioned in my other letter, lately come from Venice.—Flushing, last of August, 1602.
Holograph. Signed, “J. Throckmarton.” Seal.pp. (95. 31.)
Jo. Howson, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, to the Lord Treasurer.
1602, Aug. 31. Presently upon the receipt of your letters, being late in the evening and very dark, I went abroad myself, and made enquiry of certain Governors of Halls what gentlemen of Ireland were of their companies, and finding that most of them did lie in the town and in very base and outward places, and upon pretence of poverty often to change their lodgings, I was provided upon one instant to search all those places. But doubting the success of it, considering the site of those houses to be fit for escapes, and that I must commit to the custody of those houses many to be examined in the morning (having not so much as intelligence of the age, complexion or stature of the gentleman), and so fill the town, and especially all of that nation, full of rumours and suspicions, I called before me out of his bed one Gray, son to the Archbishop of Cassells, a Munster man, who having had some occasion to come before me by reason of my office, and being kindly used and dismissed with contentment, I presumed I might learn of him the names of the gentlemen of best note in Munster, and withal the direct place of their lodging. Who named unto me Comberford, Gould, Roch, and Mack Charta, but had not heard of any called Mack Dermott in Oxford, but thought that this gentleman Mack Charta was of the kindred, and son of a great lord who in these rebellions had done her Majesty good service. Whereupon I sent certain Doctors directly to a cook's house near St. John's College, where his lodging was, where they found him in bed, with one Owen Oge, who, as he said, attended upon him, and brought them to me, who stayed with this Gray near to the place, in the house of Mr. Alwin, one of the squire bedels. Where, upon examination, I found Mack Charta to be the son of Cormok Mac Dermott, lord of Mussherie, being about the age of 15 years : and there, in a fair lodging, they are in safe custody. And thus without farther trouble of any other man or search of any other house, with the best care and diligence I could use, I have satisfied your commandment, desiring you to deliver me of the care of the custody of him as soon as may stand with your good pleasure.—At Christchurch in Oxon., this 31 of August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” University seal. 1 p. (95. 92.)
Thomas Honiman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 31. Since my coming, I have been entreated from day to day to forbear to open the warehouse doors till parties had fully agreed with their companies. I am promised tomorrow, Wednesday, they will be ready and all things so prepared that we may peaceably go on. I moved you heretofore of divers parcels that would be found wanting of the Italian's claim. I have here spoken of the matter, and I find pro and contra in sequestering or not sequestering more than is found, saying that our commission enforceth not any more. But for that I consider your Honours may hereafter find cause to make full restitution, which will be the more to your discontent if the goods be carried away by some that at such time will not be found, as well in respect hereof as that your Honours may have underhand (when it ought not to be restored) something to right you for matters to your wrong embezzled, I put you in mind that a letter to the Commissioners from my Lord Admiral and you will cause a full proportion of 4,000l. to be laid by, either in that which is found, or in other goods answerable for that that is of it embezzled.
Details his dealings with Mr. Bragge with regard to the Lord Admiral's tenths.
Sir John Gilbert maketh account of my Lord Cobham's 50l. adventure, saying he bargained with my lord for the same at his last being in London. I would, upon knowledge from his Lordship, do as I shall be directed.
This morning, very early, Sir William Monson set sail with so large an easterly wind that by ten of the clock he and all his fleet were out of sight.—From Plymouth this last of August, 1602.
Signed. Two seals. 1 p. (95. 33.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 31. This last day arrived a Portingal carvel taken at the seas by a man-of-war of this town. The carvel departed from Lisbon about one month past, and at that time one of the Portingals reports there were there imprisoned some men of great account—Vasco Fernandes Cesar, provedor of the King's Almazenes, and the Conde de la Vidiguera, late viceroy of the East Indies, with others, upon some occasions concerning the taking of the carrack. He further saith the Portingals in the Tersera are in arms against the Spaniards, and that the galleons and other shipping with men, which lately departed from Lisbon, are gone thither to relieve the Spaniards. I have given Sir William Monson to understand thereof.—Plymouth, 31 August, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (95. 34.)
Henry Sneddall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 31. At my first coming to Lisboa, which was March 13, I was not only apprehended by the viceroy's commandment, but kept close prisoner two months, not any suffered to speak with me. First, I was examined by the Viceroy himself, and after, three times, by other officers, of the state of England, what provision was making in England of ships, doubting they should have been invaded by our nation. He caused me twice to be brought unto the rack only to fear me, and when he saw that he could not get anything of me, he kept five months without suffering me to speak with any one. Only when William Rosolde came, he sent for me and examined me whether I knew him or no; and when the ship was ready to depart, he commanded me away in her and not to remain in Portugal. There [is] a Scot, whose name is John Beveredge, that I think is now in England, sent by the Viceroy, and I think doth use about Barnstaple in Devon, which doth not let to advertise what possible he knows. He is married in Lisboa, and in April last departed thence, and brought with him three Jesuits, whereof one was an Irishman, since which time the same ship hath been at Lisboa, and laden, and departed away for England when we were all prisoners. The ship is of Barnstaple. Also, there was a boy of Plymouth that came in a Flemish ship and brought letters unto the Jesuits of St. Rocks : the boy is not above sixteen years of age. He would not confess whose boy of Plymouth he was and being demanded by me, if he should meet with any men-of-war at sea, what answer he would make, he said he would make excuse that he was prentice unto the master of the ship. There is no provision for the wars but only 50 galleys in Spain, which were to go to France if Biron's matter had not happened, but to colour the matter they have blazed abroad that Don Sebastian is in those galleys, and that they mean to bring him into Portugal to see if the Portugals will know him. The last India fleet came home a month since, and now there are none to come but five or six ships from St. Thome, which are expected daily. Espinola's galleys departed from Lishborne Sunday last was a month, and surely I think for the Low Countries; at which time departed out of Lisboa Don Diego Brachero with seven ships, but I think they are gone for the Islands.—London, the last of August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Postal Endorsements :
“Plymouth at 7 a clocke in the after noone Exeter at 9 before noone the firste of September Honiton at one in the afternone [Crew]kern 1 Sept. 8 . . . [Sh]erborn 12 in . . . [Shaft]on at 3 a cl . . .; Red. at Andever at 7 in the morninge being Fridaye the 3 Sep.; at Bassingstoke at 12 at none beinge the 3th of September being Fride Harfart Borg at past 2 in the afternoon Stans 6 at night.” 1½ pp. (95. 35.)
Expenses of the “Refusal.”
1602, April–Sept. The account of such moneys as Sir John Gilbert hath already disbursed for the keeping of the Refusal, since her last coming home, from April 6–Sept. 21, viz. :—
Pay of three ship-keepers at 21s. per week. 25l. 4s. 0d.
New casting of two brass demi-culverins, being split, weight 60c. at 12s. per c 36 0 0
Freight for transporting the said pieces to London and back to Plymouth 3 0 0
64l. 4s. 0d.
The fourth part of these charges is to be allowed me by Mr. Secretary, and according to his will, I have sent you this account, praying you to make me satisfaction accordingly.
Signed, J. Gylbert. 1 p. (185. 104.)