Cecil Papers: August 1602, 1-10

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1602, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp276-291 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1602, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp276-291.

"Cecil Papers: August 1602, 1-10". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp276-291.

August 1602, 1–10

Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Mr. Secretary [Cecil].
1602, Aug. 1. As to the heir of Sir Giarvis Clyfton, of a rare and excellent wit, who has notably profited under his tutor Rawlynson. The heir's uncle, Mr. Harpur, one of the two to whom his education is committed, is loth he should part from Rawlynson; but the other of the two would have him placed in Trinity College, Cambridge. Rawlynson, by my means, is to have a fellowship in St. John's. Harpur and I beg you to further our views by writing a letter according to the enclosed draft.—Worksop, 1 Aug., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 97.)
Ralph, Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 1 The Queen's pleasure being that he should prepare himself for her service to Bremen, taking his journey from London with the rest of the Commissioners by September 1, he will labour to obey her Majesty's command. Asks licence to stay in the country till the latter end of August.—Maltoun, 1 August, 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (94. 98.)
George Stanberye to the Council.
1602, Aug. 1. In accordance with their letters of the 26 of July, has taken up convenient shipping at this port for transporting 165 men to Cork, which will be ready by the 15th inst., the time appointed for the men to be here. He also makes provision of victual and all other things commanded.—Barnstaple, 1 August, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mayor of Barnstable.” 1 p. (94. 99.)
Captain John Ogle to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 2. The enemy is lodged very near the quarter of the Count Morice upon the side of the Maze. He has laid a bridge over the river, which is so near as is plainly in sight. At the further side he fortifies upon the end of his bridge, and has taken in a house called the house Van Hamel, by which he impeaches the convoys that wont to pass to Nemeghen. He begins now to approach the quarter of his Excellency as he did the town, and, in my slender opinion, not to idle purpose, for we lying in three bodies remote one from the other, he will either draw all or the greatest part of our force thither, and so hinder our approaches to the town, or else with his army he will be very well able to beat up that quarter. In doing either, he doth that he comes for, which is to relieve the town. Sir Fr. Vere is determined yet to advance the works on his side of the town. But I believe you shall ere long hear that Count Morice will abandon his quarter, and if that, the siege : for the enemy has then commodity to put in both men and ammunition. Weakness overtakes our troops with much watching, sickness, and extremity of ill weather. I do not see how the Count Morice, if he do not get the town, will make a safe retreat with his army, the enemy being ready to attend him on either side. Time will best discover what the events of these designs will be.—The Camp before Grave, Aug. 2, veteri, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 100.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 2. I send you Sir Ro. Mandsfyld's letter, and I have spoken with the skipper. I cannot perceive that there is any preparation at Lisbon for Ireland. That which is done there and at St. Lewcas is to send to the Islands, to waft home the fleet of the West Indies, which is looked for about the midst of September. The galleys, I perceive by the skipper, is safe for coming for Sluse this year, for besides the two that were burned another was so spoiled as she is never to serve again, the rest their masts and oars greatly spoiled, and most of their slaves killed and run away; yet are they making four of Spinola's and of the Marquis de Sante Cruse's galleys ready if they can possibly to serve for some service in Barbary : they say for to supply Tanger with divers wants : but surely they have some design upon Alarateha. I expect to hear from Mr. Vice-Chamberlain what her Majesty will do, and what place she will go to.—2 of A.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“L. Admiral, 2 August, 1602.” Postal endorsements :—“Hampton Courte Lodge, the 2 of August at 12 att noone. Hounsslow at tow a cloke the afternoone.” 1 p. (94. 101.)
Stephen Lesieur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 2. I have, upon receipt of your late letter, observed your pleasure. The choice of Commissioners now made by her Majesty is very honourable and grave. I doubt not but the King of Denmark will also send principal persons of his realm, and that without great difficulty her Majesty's desires shall by her Commissioners' wisdoms take place : wherein, seeing her Majesty, by your favour, employs me, I will yield her all faithful service. I beseech that my entertainment per diem for diet may be somewhat more than it was in my late employment, else the charges will be greater than I shall be well able to sustain.
The enclosed is from one Mr. Mucheron, a Low Country man and merchant, sometimes living in London, but now resident in Middleburg, who verily honours you.—London, 2 of August, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 102.)
Richard Percival to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 2. Details his proceedings in regard to a certain lease, made by Sir Thomas Knowlyes to Alfonso Lanyer, and assigned by him to Dallender, for which Cecil is negociating. Sir Robert Wroth concerned.—2 Aug., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 103.)
Sir Robert Mansell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 3. If the amount of money found in one of these Easterlings had sorted with his expectation, Cecil would have received speedier advertisement, which he withheld, hoping, by by searching more narrowly into the other ships, to present him with worthier matter. The sum first found, 1,500 ducats, is all he can bring to light without unloading them. He is challenged by merchants of Hamborough and Lybick, against whose right he can say nothing, unless Mr. Honyman finds matter to gainsay them out of the Portugal letters he has sent him. All the other merchandises, besides salt, exceed not 400l., whereof 200l. will prove prize, and the remainder also, unless they can allege better proofs than they have yet showed. Prays that Honyman may be sent down, to inform the Lord Admiral and Cecil of the business, and of the care he has taken to sift out the monies, in regard of his own justification against malicious suggestions. This will bind him more diligently to attend next winter's service, “at which times only matters of importance pass this place, upon the experience they have had of our ships lying at anchor in all foul weather, especially that time of the year.”—Downes, 3 of August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (94. 104.)
Elizabeth, Lady Lumley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 3. Expresses her brother's thanks for Cecil's consideration of his desire to stay at home at this time of his being so lately burdened. Prays that Cecil will continue the favour to the end.—3 of August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (94. 105.)
M., Countess of Pembroke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 3. Expresses her warm thanks to Cecil. The friendly favour, honour, quiet and strength he has given her are of such avail, in consideration of the place and condition of this people, that she had no reason to hope after. It is wonderful to see the change. As for this seditious, beggarly wretch whom Cecil has brought down under her mercy, and who seems penitent, his utter ruin were no conquest, yet she thinks it not fit to take his present submission, so returns him to be disposed of by Cecil, if it please him in regard of his misery to release him of his imprisonment. The barbarous demeanour of the other has been so odious that she cannot consent to become any mean for his release, till, by a more thorough feeling of his foul offence, others will be better taught by his smart.—Cardiff Castle, 3 of August, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 106.)
Captain J. Ouseley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 3. Prays that he may continue to hold his company. It is all he requires for his services at the sieges of Kinsale and Beere Castle. He could have had the Lord President's letter in his behalf, being sergeant major of the Lord President's regiment at both places.—Dun Patericke in Lecay, 3 August, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Captain Owsley.” 1 p. (94. 107.)
Elizabeth, Dowager Lady Russell to Mr. Secretary [Cecil].
1602, Aug. 3. At this present my neighbour Mr. Dolman sendeth me word that now it is certainly determined that her Majesty meaneth to come to his house. If it please you to lie in Dunington Castle, the poor desolate widow will afford you and my lord of Worcester and his lady and my lord of Shrewsbury and his lady, your friends, three bedchambers, with inner chambers, castle fashion, the best I have. (But soft, I do not say for yourself and your lady one.) Let me forthwith know your pleasure herein and the day of her Majesty's coming, that the widow may send for provision to London for your supper and time of her Majesty's abode here.—From Dunington Castle, this 3 of August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (106. 39.)
Fulke Greville to the Earl of Nottingham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 3. Upon Thursday in the afternoon Sir Thomas Gorge and Mr. Midleton went from Plymouth. On Friday, Sir Richard Leveson left us, and on Saturday morning, Mr. Alderman Moore and Mr. Carmarthen followed. Meanwhile I made ready the ships which carry the goods, and took charge of that fleet, which, setting sail from Plymouth on Sunday morning at seven of the clock, we brought safe into the Downes on Monday night. Thence I rid post to Chatham to take order for long boats, ketches, warps and pilots to bring them over the sands. I came home to London upon Monday night late, and desired to have repaired to her Majesty's presence, if the noisomeness of that place whence I come had not required me to forbear till her gracious pleasure were known. Wherein I humbly beseech you to solicit for me.—London, 3 Aug. 1602.
[PS.] Sir William Monson's fleet is ready, and stays only for the first opportunity of wind and weather.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 67.)
Sir Thomas Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 4. Having ended the business committed to their charge at Plymouth, they made all haste up, to receive further directions for the unlading of the goods laden out of the carack into her Majesty's and other ships, hoping the ships will be at London as soon as they are. Asks Cecil to appoint a place where he may attend him.—Redding, 4 August, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 109.)
T., Lord D'arcy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 4. Understands by his sister that the Queen has nominated him to certain service in Germany. Begs Cecil to do what he can to discharge him of the voyage, because of the difficulties he is pressed with in his estate.—S. Osithes, 4 August.
Holograph. Signed. “T. D'arce.” Endorsed :—“1602. L. Darcee.” 1 p. (94. 110.)
Richard Hadsor to the Earl of Shrewsbury.
1602, Aug. 5. Danyell is come with letters from the Earl of Ormond to you and Mr. Secretary, without satisfaction to you, for his lord did not know how Mr. Butler was disposed of. Daniel says, if Mr. Butler were at liberty, his uncle would maintain him : otherwise not. The Earl of Ormond desires Mr. Butler should marry his own daughter. It were fitter he should be matched to some honourable house here, in regard of the proximity of their blood, and his dependency on the Crown and State of England. The eldest son of Sir Richard Shee, formerly steward to the Earl, is married to one of the Lord of Montgarrett's daughters; and Sir Walter Butler, the Earl's third brother's son and heir, and next heir male after young Mr. Butler to the Earl, is married to another. Rothe's son is married to Sir Richard Shee's daughter. Sir Richard his kinsman Henry, now steward to the Earl, and Rothe, abuse the Earl's understanding, being blind of sight, and have procured him to move that his nephew, young Mr. Butler, should marry his daughter, expecting that it should not be liked of by her Majesty, and so Mr. Butler, his life being heretofore called in question by his uncle, by the advice of his said wicked counsellors, should perish, and the lands of the earldom conveyed to Sir Walter, which would breed much disquiet in that realm. Mr. Butler is more willing to match with your daughter than with his uncle's. The lands of the earldom will maintain him very honourably, although the Earl give all his purchase lands with his daughter to another. If you and Mr. Secretary will write to the Earl that Mr. Butler cannot be married with her Majesty's favour to his daughter : and that if the Earl will be pleased that he be matched here, and undertake his maintenance, and the lands of the earldom to be conveyed after the Earl's death without issue male to him, you would be a mean to her Majesty that Mr. Butler might succeed the Earl in his titles, I doubt not but all matters will be effected to your good liking. The Earl has sent word to Mr. Butler to use Henry Shee well, but not trust him. Mr. Butler is sickly, and some liberty will do him good. I find him discreet and toward, and no doubt he will be able to do her Majesty service.—My chamber in Garnets Buildings, near Temple Bar, 5 August, 1602.
Holograph.pp. (94. 111.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 5. Mr. Honyman delivered me your letter and some words before Sir Tho. Gorge did light : yet they came both together, as Mr. Honyman can tell you. I perceive by him he has dealt with her Majesty in as good a sort as he could, considering how grossly things have been handled, which I am very sorry for. I trust my son will answer it honestly for those things that were stayed in a town of my La. of Warwick's in Gloucestershire. He wrote to me about it, and that he had sent to his wife to comfort her some things of no great value; and upon his letter I wrote to my La. of Warwick to write to her officers to deal well with his men, which she very honourably did. The justices had written to her that if it were silver they carried, it was worth 4,000l., and there were but three nags, as they did write. A good horse-load is but 500l. in silver, so it could be but 1,500l. But, sir, for myself directly or indirectly, if I have of the caricke the worth of a groat, I am a false villain to the Queen, and if there be so much embezzled as it seems by Sir Tho. Gorge, and the Queen would follow my advice, there should be no caricke's goods sold in all England, but they should bring forth where they had it; and no question but much would be found out. But this is strange to me, how it should be carried away, for you see there is six great ships laden to bring this away. Now, if there were as much stolen as is left, where could it be put? I see no possibility in it; and yet no question a great deal is stolen. Surely, I think my son is gone to see his poor distressed wife, for I know he is a much grieved man for her, and but for her Majesty's service, wherein for myself nor none of mine I will never have any excuse or impediment, I protest I had rather give 100l. of the best land I have than he should now go from her. But this is to yourself, for my son Lewson shall never perceive so much by me.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“August 5, 1602, L. Admiral.” 1 p. (94. 112.)
Sir Robert Mansell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 5. Having met with two ships belonging to Flushing and Libike, which came from Lisbon but the 17th of July, stilo veteri, they deliver in the immediate following : that eight of the galleys which fought with Sir Richard Luson were repaired, and at the time of their coming thence, were in perfect readiness, having their victuals, soldiers and slaves on board them, to proceed on their first design for Sluse, according to the general report and of most credit throughout Lisbon. They add that the galleys out of the Straights were hourly expected to arrive there, and, as these men give out, the long supposed King of Portugal is brought in those galleys as an approved impostor, to be offered to the censure of the Portugals in the presence of the Spanish King, whose coming they in like sort expect at that time.
They farther say that Don Diego Brochero's fleet [marginal note in Cecil's hand : “This is the fleet whereof my intelligence speaketh”], composed of two of the King's galleons and eight other small ships, having supplied their defect of sailors from Biskey by land, was before their departure in readiness to set to sea, and fallen down to the mouth of the river. Touching his designs for the islands to waft thence the Indies fleet, the small store of ships remaining now at Lisbon, the great want of sailors in those parts, and the no mention at all of any forces to be employed against Ireland, they fully agree with the former advertisement you pleased to accept in such honourable manner.—The Downes, August 5 at 7 in the evening.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.”
Postal Endorsements :
“Dover the 7th of August at 12 in the afternowne.
At Canterbury past 4 in the afternone.
Sittingborn past 7 at night.
Rochester past 10 [torn off.]
Dartford at past ”
Re. at London pa ”
this 8 of August ”
Rec. at Hounslow the 8 of August at halfe oure past six acloke in the morning.”
1 p. (94. 113.)
Lord Buckhurst to Mr. Secretary Cecil.
1602, Aug. 5. Yesterday in the afternoon I had conference at my house with Mr. Secretary Harbert and Mr. D. Dunne, and upon information of the causes in hand, I called the merchants before us, with whom we had long debate, and gathering from them as much understanding as we could for the better managing of this ambassade, we gave them day till Wednesday next to set down in writing all such informations, cautions and advice as they should find needful.
We advised the Merchant Adventurers so to consider of the cause and in such sort to measure their own desires, as they should willingly yield to any trade (either of the Germans or Hanse Towns according as it should be found best) which might be profitable for them, and not prejudicial to us. We wished the Denmark traders to consider that as the rates and customs in ancient time due and payable to that King were far less than now they are, so he might justly allege that they sell their merchandise for double and treble that price which in former times they did; and therefore reasonable that as they raise a far higher rate upon the buyer, so the King may justly increase his rates and customs upon them : and for this and other good respects to be content with a moderation of increase.
The Muscovy merchants held it utterly both unreasonable and unjust to agree to the payment of any money for the passage to St. Nicholas, the sea being there a 150 miles wide, and the King having no just cause of any such demand.
By this debate, I am more confirmed in my opinion than before, that it shall be much more honourable and safe to treat and contract with the Emperor than with the towns, and that therein there will be no difficulty, for all the Hanse towns consisted either of towns subject to the Empire, or to the Duke of Pruce, or to the House of Burgundy; and with Pruceland, we are already agreed by the treaty with the King of Poleland, and with the towns subject to the house of Burgundy we are in present accord with such of them as are belonging to the States, and such as are under the Archduke we may also conclude a treaty with them when God shall please to bless us with a peace, so as to treat and conclude with the Emperor for such towns only as are under his circle, and are fit for our trade and traffic, is the best and true end of this ambassade as touching the mandate.
I had also before me the Turkie and Barbarie merchants, and with much ado have persuaded them to be at the charge of apparelling of these Turks and Moors slaves now to be sent away. They did confidently affirm that Mr. D. Cesar assured them to be free from any charge of apparelling of them, as they would be at the charge to diet them, the which, upon that assurance, they undertook and do perform. Nevertheless, now they have promised to undertake both upon my promise to them again that whereas the King of Barbary doth owe them great sums of money, and most unjustly refuseth to pay them, her Majesty would vouchsafe her letters unto the King, moving him to give satisfaction of such debts as he doth justly owe them, as also to let the King know of this willing charge which they the merchants have been at for the returning of his subjects unto him.
Sir Thomas Parry lies still at Dover, and says he hath no good wind, whereas he might tide it over unto Calis. And I do hear that the treasure which was at Dieppe or Rone is now (no order coming for it) carried up higher into the inland, so as when we shall now have it, God knows.—Thursday, 5 of August, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord Treasurer from London.” 2½ pp. (94. 114–5.)
Wm. Vawer, Mayor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, [c. Aug. 5.]. Encloses the information of John Sympyll, a Scot, who arrived from Lisbon on the 5th August.—Bristol, this present day, 1602.
Signed. Endorsed :—“4 August, Mayor of Bristol.” 1 p. (94. 108.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 6. Encloses a letter to Cecil and himself from Button, brought by Mr. Dovall, which he leaves to Cecil's judgment.—Wyndsor.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“6 August, 1602.” ½ p. (94. 116.)
Fr., Lord Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 6. The Earl of Bath, Lieutenant of Devonshire, has requested the Council that Mr. Monk may be made a Deputy Lieutenant. Begs Cecil to further the matter, as Mr. Monk is his very approved and affectionate friend.—Ricotte, 6 August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (94. 117.)
Richard Hawkins to the Queen.
1602, Aug. 6. Mirror of Princes and my dread Sovereign, my duty in most humble wise remembered. After nine years of unjust imprisonment for my constancy in my duty, the 3rd inst. one of the King's Judges came to visit me and commanded me to be fettered with irons, of whom demanding by whose authority he used me so, I received for answer that by provision of the King's Council. After using further diligence, I was advertised that this vexation was for that on certain occasions I had spoken largely in defending your Highness' honour and extolling your virtues and the honour of our nobility and nation, which was unto me no small joy, and I account myself happy for suffering for defence of that which I know to be truth and most worthy to be maintained, and am ready to suffer not only bonds but death, knowing that the same will be acceptable to your Highness, and pleasing to God, from whom I will wait the end, which he shall inspire your Majesty and your Council. I beseech you pardon my presumption.—From Madrid in the common gaol, 6 Aug. 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (184. 68.)
News from Venice.
1602, Aug. 6/16. From Cyprus there is news, dated May 25, of a terrible earthquake, followed by the opening of a great mountain, out of which came fire and water. This was followed by other portents and the appearance of a bloody cross in the sky. The Turks are much appalled, and think that it portends the coming of the Spanish fleet to attack them.
From Lubeck, they write on July 21, that Duke Charles of Sweden was preparing to attack Riga by sea, and was hiring all the Dutch, English, French, and Scottish ships. There was to be a meeting at Stralsund between him and several princes and cities to secure a good understanding among them.
Letters from Vienna of the third instant contain full particulars of the Turkish War.
From Ferrara, we hear that the troubles between Lucca and Modena have been appeased by the Count Fuentes. From Parma, we hear of the birth of a son to the Duchess.
From Lyons, letters of the 22nd of last month have arrived, saying that the trial of Biron was to begin on the 23rd before the Parlement, and the sentence would be executed on the 29th. The French still refuse to allow the troops for Flanders to pass. Some here think that in a few days Grave will be in the hands of Maurice, though the Admiral of Aragon with his forces is in sight of the place.
From Constantinople, letters of the past week tell of disturbances connected with the question of the recognition of the eldest son as successor to the Empire.
Letters from Spain from Valladolid of the 20th say that Federico Spinola has returned to the Court from Corunna, whither he had retired after the skirmish with the English to refresh his men and refit the gallies. He is to go to Flanders with them to be in the service of the Archduke Albert, as the King of Spain's general in those seas. The fleet is in Lisbon waiting for some vessels. Besides the loan of 300,000 scudi concluded with the Dorca's, the King of Spain has another of two millions and a half with some other merchants. It is said that the Count of Cineron, the President of the Council of Italy, has been taken prisoner.
From Ferrara, there is news that the child of the Duke of Parma only survived five hours.
Some say that Marshal Biron was put to death on the 30th of last month.
Italian.pp. (184. 77, 78.)
Captain Henri Clare to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 7. Sends Cecil an Irish falcon and a cast of Irish merlins, in acknowledgment of his favours. If he may be thought indiscreetly and without cause to have given over his charge in Ireland, he craves the suspense of Cecil's censure till he has been heard.—London, 7 August, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (94. 118.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to the High Sheriff of Oxfordshire.
1602, Aug. 7. As to the cause between the Earl of Derby and Sir John Egerton. Some partiality has been suspected if it had been tried by a jury of the county where the land lies; and he desires that the Earl may not find in Oxfordshire those disadvantages which were sought to be avoided in the other. Understands the Under-Sheriff is straitly fastened to Chamberlayne, who follows the cause for Egerton; and some gentlemen of the county, respected of the jurors, wish well to Egerton. Begs him therefore to take extraordinary care to select an impartial jury.
Draft, undated, with corrections by Cecil. Endorsed :—“1602, August 7. Copy of a letter from my L.” 1 p. (94. 119.)
J[ohn] Herbert, Secretary of State, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 7. Upon Wednesday last the Lord Treasurer sent for myself, Mr. Dunne and Lesieur, where also came the Governors of the Merchant Adventurers, of the East Company and of them who trade to Muscovy, with others of the best experimented of each society. But as then nothing being resolved of, by reason they had not had time sufficient to peruse their ancient records, they demanded a further day, and so the whole conference is put off till Tuesday and Wednesday next. The meantime, I and Mr. Dunne have written to Harwich, Swall and Yarmouth to have the bailiffs of each town to call the most ancient fishers of those coasts before them, and to inform themselves what tolls or acknowledgments have of ancient and later time been paid either at Island wardhouse or on any other coast of Denmark or Norway, and to certify us with speed what they shall find, that the instructions may be better perfected in that point. Mr. Dunne and I do daily meet and draw the points of controversies together.—7 Aug., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 69.)
News from Rome.
1602, August 7/17. Saturday morning, a courier brought news from Parma of the birth of a son to the Duke; the child only lived three hours.
Details are given of the Pope's movements, and of appointments made by him; and of matters of local interest.
From the Court of Spain there is news of the 23rd ultimo that the King had returned to Valladolid and announced the pregnancy of the Queen. Both are leaving in a fortnight for Portugal. The son of the Duke of Lerma has been appointed to the Council of State as well as the son of the present Count of Lemos. Don Fernando di Toledo, gentleman of the chamber, is dead. The English fleet has taken some prizes near Lisbon. The Spanish fleet is meant for Africa, having intelligence at Caraie, a fortress of the King of Morocco, where the English and Dutch ships touch on their way to the Indies.
From Paris, there is news that on the 21st the Marshal Biron was taken before the Parliament and the Peers of France, confessed his guilt, and will soon be executed. His secretary, M. de Fin, has escaped from Turin, where Biron had sent him to negociate with the Duke, and it is said that this secretary has given much evidence against Biron. The Duke has sent an envoy to the King of France to clear himself of any suspicion as to his relations with Biron since the peace.
Yesterday evening, intelligence arrived from Lyons of the execution of Biron on the 22nd ultimo. The King had given gracious audience to Signor Bartolemeo Polacio, the Pope's chamberlain, and to the Spanish Ambassador, and then left for St. Germain to see the Dauphin.
Italian.pp. (184. 79.)
William Vawer, Mayor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 8. Two letters :—
1. His son went into Spain two years ago next Michaelmas, and as an Englishman was sent by the Delantathowe to the galleys, where he lies in chains, having nothing allowed him but rusk and water. The bearer, Mr. John Sympyll, a Scots merchant, dealt for his ransom, but could not obtain it. The captain of the galleys wherein his son is prisoner is now brought to Plymouth by Sir Richard Luceye. Beseeches Cecil to give him his warrant for that prisoner, in order to redeem his son.—Bristol, 8 August, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 121.)
2. According to Cecil's letters of the 7th inst., he has sent John Symple the Scottishman to him. He delivered Cecil's letters for the Lord President of Munster to John Smith, master of a bark here, who set sail, but was put back to port. He has now sent them to the Mayor of Barnstaple, requiring him to send them with all expedition.—Bristol, 8 August, 1602.
Signed. Both endorsed :—“Mayor of Bristol.” ½ p. (94. 122.)
J. Linewray to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 8. The proportion of munition for Munster being now all embarked, and the ship to depart with all expedition (myself not being able to attend you by reason of the hasty despatch of the other proportion for Dublin, which will be finished within six days), I commend to you these two enclosed letters, beseeching their present despatch, they being now the only stay of this service.—Tower, 8 August, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 123.)
Edward Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 8. Reminds Cecil of his promise to procure him a licence for retainers, and sends the bearer to know his pleasure. To-morrow he sets forward towards Wales, to show the diligence he has to perform his duty; and begs Cecil to advise him how he may please her Majesty and witness to the world his love and honour of himself.—Philippe Lane, 8 August, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 125.)
Ra[lph], Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 8. Your Honour hath deeply bound me in vouchsafing your extraordinary care in advising me the manner to be furnished in this journey. I do conform myself to be at her Majesty's commandment, and it shall appear that, so much as the shortness of time will admit with my estate to furnish myself to the honour of her Majesty and the good of this service, shall not be spared. I have found this country barren and my fortune such as I cannot provide 100l. here. I will essay London with my best credit, and, if I fail thereof, I beseech you that I may be furnished out of the Exchequer with a reasonable sum, out of which for transportation may be allowed at your Honour's pleasure, and the rest I will repay upon directions. Her Majesty's allowance of imprest for 12 months after 5l. a day, I fear will hardly suffice. I have sent the bearer hereof to attend your pleasure till my coming and to signify unto me where the Court will be, that I may attend her Majesty by the 26 Aug., and to confer with Mr. Secretary Herbert, whom I must intreat to direct him for provision in ship, house at Bremen and household causes there, till my coming.—Malton, 8 Aug.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1½ pp. (184. 70.)
Sir Richard Leveson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 8. The dispatch of greater things caused me to forget this inclosed yesternight when I was with you, addressed to you by me from the Lord Admiral. Now I am bound to return it, that your Honour may sign it, if you like of it.—Otlandes, 8 Aug., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (184. 71.)
The Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 9. You will not blame my importunity if you rightly consider with what grief and penitence I draw on this wearisome life, being still denied the sight of that sun which only can give me comfort. And I hope that this sorrow for my fault, with the true desire I have to make amends, may suffice to free me of all presumption that thus prostrate myself at her Majesty's feet, ready to sacrifice this body in her service, if thereby I might give that divine power satisfaction for my offence. My suit is that I may once obtain this grace to kiss her princely hand, which had, whether I live or die, I shall esteem myself happy, else wretched in both.—Belvoir, 9 August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (94. 126.)
Thomas Treffry to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 9. Details of his and Mr. Budden's survey of Cecil's manors of Stratton Sanctuary, Tynten, Elinglase, Bucklawrne, Carndon Prior and Clymesland, which Cecil proposes to sell.—Lynkenhorn, 9 August, 1602.
Holograph.pp. (94. 127.)
Sir William Monson to the Earl of Nottingham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 10. Here arrived the Swiftsure the 4th of this month. Of the Answer and hoy, I hear nothing as yet. Since her coming down, I have stopped a leak she had, mended her becke head, which was ready to fall off, and taken in all her victuals, so that I am now ready to take the benefit of the first wind with all the ships that are here except the Paragon, who I do leave to accompany the Answer, and to bring the store of all the other ships. And because one hour's delay may be an overthrow to the voyage, the year being so far spent, I have furnished the ships of as much as the Merhonor could spare, which she is to be supplied withal out of the hoy at her coming down.
Here is no news from the Groyne, nor any of that part of Spain since Mr. Grevel's departure. Upon Saturday last, here came in a Brasillman, and in her divers passengers which was taken by the Hollanders in the galleon they took at St. Helena. If they be not already arrived, they do certainly expect two more galleons the latter end of this month in Lisbon. They left in Fenan Buke, the port from whence they came, five great hulks and at the least 30 carvels and other ships, all which they make account will be at home in the latter end of September. In my next letter, I hope you shall hear of my departure.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“10 August, 1602, Sir William Monson, from Plymouth.”
Postal Endorsements :—“Plymmouth 8 in the morning the tenth of August being Tewsday; Aishberton halfe an hower after 2 in the afternowne; Exeter at 7 in the evening the 10 of August; Hunyton the tenthe of August at teen at nyght; Crewkern 5 morning August 11; Sherborn at 8 in the morning; Sarum paste 4 in the after none beinge Wen[s]day; Rd. at An[dover] . . . . [torn off.] 1 p. (94. 128.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 10. On information given that on Friday last there was a mass or the like exercises used in this town, at the house of William Bentlie, a goldsmith, whereat were present about six persons, in a chamber of the said house, taken at the request of Sir William Montson, by one Simon Foarman, whose dwelling, as he says, is at Lambeth by London : on Sunday last, the Mayor sent to search the said house, and in the said Foarman's chamber caused to be opened a chest, and after, in his house, in my presence, a portmantey, wherein were found certain wicked books of conjuration, and some calculations what shall become of her Majesty's ships in this service, and at the end of one of his books, the form of an oath, the copy whereof is enclosed. The Mayor has bound Foarman to appear before the judges at Exeter, but what information will be given against him, I know not, for Sir William much favours him. The matter here by many is thought very dangerous, and I can hardly have a good conceit thereof, and yet dare not condemn any.—Plymouth, 10 August, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 130.)
The Enclosure :
I swear by God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, three persons and one God in Trinity, and by all the powers of God, and by all His works, and by all the holy contents of this book, and as I hope to be saved at the dreadful day of judgment, and by the way that my soul shall go, that I will never bewray of or in thy counsel or words or matter important that shall be told me of or by thee during my life, but will be true and trusty to thee for evermore, to do for thee the uttermost of my power. In witness whereof I have set to my hand.
By me [cipher follows].
(94. 129.)
George Stanberye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Aug. 10. Received the Council's letters of the 6th inst. addressed to him and the rest of the Commissioners, importing the viewing, ordering and despatch of 165 men appointed to be here the 15th inst., which shall be performed. On the 9th, he received from the Mayor of Bristol two packets for the Lord President of Munster, dated by Cecil the 19th July, which shall be sent to Cork the first convenient passage.—Barnstaple, 10 August, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mayor of Barnstaple.” 1 p. (94. 131.)