Cecil Papers: April 1602, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1602, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp93-109 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1602, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp93-109.

"Cecil Papers: April 1602, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp93-109.

April 1602, 1–15

Capt. Richard Plunket to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 1. The foot company which her Majesty granted me in December was two years, was sent to Loughfoill and there cast. Be pleased to write to the Lord Deputy to grant me the next company which shall fall void. My dwellingplace on this border of Meath is fit for service against the Northern rebels, who have wasted and depopulated my lands. When her Majesty shall bestow lands upon servitors here, I ask that I may be remembered with the fee-farm of Moyare in the county of Meath, now waste, let in time of peace for 30l. a year. I have lately sold a manor within 8 miles of Dublin to pay my debts.—From Rathmore, 1 April, 1602.
Signed. “Ri. Plūket.” Seal. ½ p. (92. 91.)
Sir John Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 2. I must needs intreat you that some of our Council of Barwike be sent down, for by reason of some very urgent occasion of Mr. Musgrave's, who is now in the West Country at or by Carlell, I am left all alone here, so that I cannot stir out of the town, and yet there is now a great occasion fallen in the country by reason of a fray between two gentlemen named Mustchampe and Collingewod. The latter and his brother Oswald, overtaking Mustchampe and his man, assaulted them, and in the fight Mustchampe was a little hurt and the Collingewods so sorely, that Luke Collingewod is since dead. I should also be in the country for the taking of the musters. There is five counsellors appointed to the governor of this town, and I have never a one here. The pledges that are here from York are in worse case than ever. My Lord of Roxborough will not suffer their friends to come to them nor to treat with such as they are faulters to for composition.—Barwicke, 2 April, 1602.
PS.—My house hath been with the rest of the town much visited by sickness, and at present I, and one man that I have, only have scaped. If aught happen to me, there is no one to take my place. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 7.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 3. (1) I have been so troubled with the cold that I dare not go to the Court to-day. The Duke I brought up yesterday; at the Tower wharf, both the ambassadors met him. I left him at Barbican; there I received a message from Mr. Vice-Chamberlain that within a day or two he should have a house provided for him. It gave him great contentment. The Queen, I presume, will like his manner well, which is more after the Italian than French. His company is not great, and those of account not above seven, the Marquis of Cuevre and Count Chaumont being the principal. I cannot say for his abode, but he seems desirous to stay St. George's feast. I pray you excuse my not coming to-day to the Queen.—From my house in the Black Friers, 3 April, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“London 11 a cloke Henry Cobham. Rd at London at 12 in the forenoone.” Seal. 1 p. (92. 95.)
(2) I must confess I was so troubled with the cold it was 10 o'clock before I rose, but as soon as I was up I wrote to you. To-morrow I will not fail to be there. But for the Queen's commandment, I would not have gone for the world, for I was in my diet; going so suddenly in the air, I have gotten more hurt than good by it. I trust the Queen now will believe I am not apt to make needless excuses, whatsoever was told her when the Marshal Biron was here.—From my house in the Black Friers, 3 April, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“London at 5 in the afternoon.” ½ p. (92. 96.)
Count d'Egmont to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 3. Contrary to my inclination, I am obliged by necessity to appeal to you. It is two months since I sent to Holland for supplies of money, but I find that nothing can be done without my presence there, and meantime I am indebted more than I reckoned by 300l., according to the enclosed memorandum. Finding that I have no means of raising the money here, and that the States will do nothing pending my arrival there, I entreat you to obtain for me and my suite a safe-conduct from her Majesty, to allow me to leave this country without hindrance. My creditors, if so disposed, may send a man with me at my charge, who shall be paid on my arrival in Holland, together with all interest and expenses.
French. Signed, “Lamoral degmont.” Seal. 1 p. (92. 98.)
Enclosed :
Juan Cetcher me demande pour 4 mois de
louage de sa maison 150l. 0 0
Je doibs a Jaqueleine 46l. 0 0
a Juan Tilten 36l. 0 0
a Ritchart Zetsviel 20l. 4 8
a un brassuer Mathias 4l. 0 0
a Snelling et particuliers marchants de bois 17l. 4 5
au fournier des licts 7l. 16 0
au Cochier 5l. 10 0
au portier pour ses gages 3l. 15 0
a Thomas Alleyn 16l. 0 0
au marchant de satin 6l. 0 0
a deux blanchesuses 4l. et 5l. 15s. 9l. 15 0
322l. 5 1
1 p. (92. 97.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 3. My Lord Treasurer let me understand that her Majesty had accepted of my offer of 5,000l., viz., 1,000 marks in money upon delivery of my pardon, land for 2,000 marks more, and to pay the 3,000l. remaining by 1,000 marks a year. I have caused my counsel to attend Mr. Attorney and satisfy him on these points, saving only the assurance for the yearly payment. I offer my own recognizances, and my Lord requires sureties, which in the present state of my affairs it is impossible for me to procure. I have been an earnest suitor to my Lord to accept mine own recognizance, as he did in like case of my Lord Sandes, but he will not do it of himself alone. If I would move the rest of the commissioners as well as he, I should find him as forward as any. I have therefore sent a petition to the Lords, and I beseech your favour in it as in all the rest. My poor wife, whose state I do much fear, is overcharged with the late loss of one of her children and the likelihood to lose another.—3 April, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (92. 99.)
Robert Ardern to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 3. The provisions received from the States, at excessive prices and not so well conditioned as was promised both to myself and Mr. George Gilpyn, in price and goodness, owing to delays and contrary winds, are like to cause great loss to her Majesty. It grieveth me to see the course of men, especially the merchants and such as seem to be desirous to buy these provisions, yet will not give any reasonable price, but seek for their unconscionable gain and care not how her Majesty be a loser. My opinion how the remainder of the cheese and bacon may be sold : Mr. Cockin and Mr. Jolles to have all the cheese and bacon and to pay for the cheese and bacon 3d. the pound, and to issue the same in trade with any country friendly to her Majesty, or in victualing the army for Ireland. This could be done at 2s.d. per head for seven days, and as the soldier pays for his victuals 2s.d. a week, the gain would be 208l. 6s. 8d. a week for 10,000 soldiers.—3 April, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (92. 115.)
George Margitts to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602 [c. April 3]. I understand that the cheese hath been offered to sale to the cheesemongers, who have made 3 prices thereof, viz., 10s., 15s., and 20s. the hundred, so they may have it before to-morrow night. I have willed this bearer to wait upon you, humbly praying that he may be accepted for the having of the cheese before any other with the conditions above.
Holograph. Remains of seal. 1 p. Endorsed :—“1602.” (97. 73.)
John Hopkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 4. I received a letter from your Honour, the Earl of Nottingham, and my Lord Treasurer, dated Jan. 24th last, to aid upon H.M.S. Tramontana in the necessary work. I am sorry that our mayor did so wrong himself and our city as to refuse to do her Majesty that service. The ship was in great need of reparation. I have put my hand with the captain to a bill that the shipwright will show, expressing what work hath been done upon her since she came into dock before being sent down to Hungerode.
Signed. “Jno. Hopkenes.” Undated. Endorsed :—“1602, April 4, from Bristol.” Seal. ½ p. (92. 100.)
Sir Edward Wingfield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 4. In spite of my fortunes, I am much comforted that you are pleased to make me one of yours. I will never press you either to defend my honesty nor to crave for me anything but her Majesty's good opinion. These lines are only to excuse my slow coming to Court, having been landed in England this fortnight. Owing to my last hurts, I am not yet thoroughly whole nor able to ride above 10 miles without extreme pain. I am now coming, as fast as my lame limbs will give me leave, to your Honour. I have a letter from my cousin, the Lord President, to your Honour, whom I did leave well with my Lord “Deabwty” [Deputy] on his way towards Deubulyne [Dublin]. My Lord Deputy, as I understand by Capt. Roper, is very sick, which I am sorry for. He reports that Tyrone is making head. The reason is, he hath lately married two of his daughters to two “Cotch” (sic) gentlemen who have assured him of 2,000 men for his service. I do not believe it.—Bayethe [Bath], 4 April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“April 4, 1602.” 1 p. (92. 101.)
Anne [Dudley,] Countess of Warwick, to Mr. Secretary [Cecil].
1602, April 4. I must acknowledge this amongst the number of your other favours, being desirous to deserve them and not able to satisfy. I will execute my commission at your house very shortly, where, if there were a lady to confer withal, it were much better for my neighbourhood. I am desirous to shew my secretaryship which you heretofore have contemned.—From my house, 4 April, “1620” [1602].
[PS. in another hand].—As one that hath great cause to honour you, I desire that my service might be recommended, the more that it pleased you to remember my former services to this lady. W. Russell. Seal. 1 p. (184. 8.)
Nicholas Parker to Sir Walter Ralegh, Lord Warden of the Stannaries.
1602, April 5. There is arrived a ship of London called the Green Dragon, which having transported 300 Spaniards from Ireland to the Groigne, returned thence on Tuesday last. The master, Crips, tells me that he there had conference with Pickforde, Fitt James and Taylor—all Englishmen. Taylor told him they daily expected a very great fleet, and showed him three ships there in harbour ready to put forth for the coast of England. Crips himself saw there 3,000 soldiers to be embarked in the said fleet, and seven ships of the Netherlanders there arrested for the same service. From the captain of a small man-of-war of this river, here likewise arrived, I understand that, on the 15 March, 4 great carracks accompanied by 20 other ships left Lisbourne for the Indyes.—Pendenas Castle, 5 April, 1602.
Signed. Postal endorsements :—“For her Mats speciall service Hast post, hast hast y packett. Pendenas castle the 5th Aprill 3 in the afternoone. Trewr halfe a nowere paste 7 at nyght. Austell halfe an howre after x. Looe the 4th ouer in the morning. At Aishberton the seventh of Aprell past vii of the clock at night. Hunyton six in the morning, Shafsbury . . . . At Andever the 9 daye at 11 of the cloke. Receaved at Basingstoke at 3 in the afternone.” 1 p. (92. 92.)
H[enry Clinton,] Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 5. Being now lately entered into this country of Lincolnshire and amazed with the pitiful cries of the inhabitants betwixt Lincoln and Boston in those towns which I passed through, I certify you of the unsupportable charge which they are aggrieved with, for the benefit, as they say, only of private persons. These, they allege, have drained and improved their own grounds by the intolerable charge and hindrance of the country adjoining. I pray you take order for avoiding so great a danger and grievance.—Tatrshall, 5 April, 1602.
Holograph, signed, “H. Lyncoln.” Seal. 1 p. (92. 102.)
J[ohn Erskine,] Earl of Mar to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 5. Having lately received sundry packets from Mons. de Rohann by the hands of George Nicolsoun, by your special direction for their safe delivery, as I understand, I could not omit to give you most hearty thanks with that assurance of me and all I may command in whatsoever I may serve you. I assure you there is nothing in the past nor shall be hereafter in any sort prejudicial to that state or the religion professed within this isle.—Brechein, 5 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 9.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 8. On Tuesday last here arrived the Refusall of Sir John Gilbert's, in company with the Diamond, of London, and the Watt, of Portsmouth, with two prizes which they took coming out of Lisborne and bound for the Straights. One of the prizes is a ship of about 400 tons belonging to Portingalls, of Lishborne, laden with 190 chests and 190 hogsheads and butts of sugar, 150 bags of pepper, 80 canisters of sinemon (sic), 9 bags of ginger and some fardells of other goods, to be delivered at Venies. The other is a fly-boat of 140 tons, belonging to a Spaniard of Sivell. She hath in her munition, gum, laker, “cheenae dishes,” with other goods and apparel, esteemed by the Spaniards to be worth in all 20,000 ducats. The Refusall and consorts also took a fly-boat with provision and money for the King's garrison at Masagan. 4,500 ducats in “reyalls” of plate and black money is in the Refusall and Diamond. There is also taken by them a small “saetia,” which is said to have arrived at Fowye, but there is no certainty of this. On searching the prizes, Mr. Customer and I found a bag of small seed pearls weighing 25½ pounds, which we keep in the office. Capt. Tollcarne, this last day, was determined to have landed the money, and ordered the Customs officers to go aboard, but presently his mind altered and he resolved not to unlade until Sir John Gilbert's coming, by which time I think a good part thereof will be shifted away. If upon the arrival of such goods, orders were given to land them at once, it would be better for all interested therein. I hear that 24 days ago 5 carracks departed from Lisborne for the E. Indies. In Feb. last the Adelantado was at St. Marieporte. There was a report that the Turk intended something within the Straights and that here and in the Low Countries there was some preparation. Towards the end of June next, the W. Indies fleet for the New Spain will be ready to depart from St. Lucas and Cadies.—Plymouth, 8 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (92. 103.)
Richard Cornellius, Mayor of Southampton, to the Privy Council.
1602, April 8. In answer to your Honour's letter of the 6th inst., Sir Thomas Sherley, with all his ships, in number six, departed hence to the Cowes under the Isle of Wight, Saturday 27 March, where he received in victual from Newport, and afterwards set sail. We have had no news of him since, wherefore I cannot stay him, as your Lordships require.—Southampton, 8 April, 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (92. 104.)
[Roger Manners,] Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 8. I pray you present for me to her Majesty the grief of a deeply-sorrowing heart, that can have no taste of happiness till I may receive the grace and favour to come to kiss her most princely hand.—Belvoir, 8 April.
Holograph. Signed, “Rutland.” Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (92. 105.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Elizabeth, Lady Guilford.
[1602, April 8.] I pray you let her Majesty understand how sorry we are that our mishap so fell out as should give occasion to her Majesty to turn her face from hence, where we have so often received comfort of her coming. I pray you know whether her Majesty will come hither to-morrow or of Saturday, and if she please to have the Ambassador and the Duke of Nevers to meet her here to-morrow or upon Saturday at dinner.
If it may be, I had rather have her Majesty to come upon Saturday.—This Thursday.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602, April 8.” Seal. 1 p. (181. 132.)
Buwinckhausen de Wallmerod, Ambassador for the Duke of Wirtemburg in France, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 8/18. I send you two letters from the Duke of Wirtemburg, which I should have brought myself according to his Highness' command, had the state of his affairs in Paris allowed me to leave. I pray you present to her Majesty the letters which the Duke has written, and keep in her remembrance a Prince who is so well-disposed to her Government.—From Paris, 8/18 April, 1602.
French. Signed. Seal. ½ p. (92. 138.)
Lord Buckhurst and Sir John Fortescue to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 9. Some ships of Sir John Gelbert have brought into Plymouth certain prizes, to the worth of 100,000l. It is said that your Lordship and Mr. Secretary have interest in the whole or a part thereof. This being so, and the value said to be so great, we have sent a special person to stay the ships and prizes so as they may be inventoried and the goods put into safe custody. We have chosen Mr. Midleton, and pray you both to appoint some to conjoin with him. 9 April 1602.
Holograph by Buckhurst. Signed by both. 1 p. (92. 106.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 10. This morning I received your Honour's letters concerning Sir John Gilbert's prizes. For pearl and such things as may safely be conveyed, I doubt for the most part they are gone already. The readiest way to preserve the rest is with all speed to land the same, and take a perfect account thereof. The Ld. Treasurer has ordered the 20th part of reprisal goods to be taken in kind and not in money according to the book of rates, which is some good to her Majesty or such as receive the same, but in these goods will be a hindrance to them that pay it. For the better finding out of such things as have been purloined, it were convenient a commission were sent down to examine the captains and some of the Spaniards, and also that I may have all papers and letters found in the prizes, whereby something may appear.—Plymouth, 10 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 107.)
Thomas Keylwaye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 10. I have long been oppressed by the hard courses and sinister practices of my father, who, even now at his death, was drawn to deal most hardly with me, in extorting from me, under pain of starving if I refused, to confirm a lease made by him for 3,000 years. By colour whereof (though the same be void in law, as I am informed by counsel) the lessees thrust me out of my house, and take my rents, having no right to do so, nor respect had of the great sums which I myself have paid him, in redeeming his lands, to the value of 14,730l. They have left me to starve for food who am a lame decrepit man and unable to pursue my cause, find an office or sue forth my livery. I beseech your Honour, failing other means, that my cause may be tried in forma pauperis by this bearer, which will be very scandalous to a man of my birth and long service with her Majesty.—From Bath, 10 April, 1602.
Holograph.pp. (92. 108.)
Broccardo Boronio to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 10. Finding your excellency was already gone, I decided to send you my letters for the Queen, to whom I beg you to say that if I had supposed I should give rise to any suspicion, I should never have come here. All I desired was to serve her, and I was advised to come hither both by M. Lesdiguières and by her Majesty's agents in Paris and Holland. As to the documents, I drew them up for her Majesty's service, as I should much regret to have nothing in which I could be of use to her. As to my remaining here or not, I am subject to your direction; and for your kindness I shall ever be bound to you.—London, 10 April, 1602.
Holograph. Italian. Seal. 1 p. (92. 110.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 10. I have sent here enclosed two letters to me from Paris. There is little of moment in them.—At London, 10 April, 1602.
PS.—There is one Wayneman prisoner now in London, who, it is reported, is to be employed beyond the sea. All which designment he acquainteth the Jesuits with, and is directed by them. The party that informeth hath not hitherto doubled with me.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 111.)
Edward, Lord Cromwell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 10. Having no other present means to show the true desire I have to serve you than by the assurance of a faithful heart and mind thereto, I beseech you to accept the same under the testimony of these few lines.—10 April, 1602.
Signed. “Ed. Crumwell.” ½ p. (92. 112.)
Sir John Stanhope, Vice-Chamberlain, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 10. My Lord Admiral brings word that the Queen will by no means go abroad to meet any foreign princes without her principal secretary were here to attend her, and therefore she will stay this day, and prays you not to stir abroad till night, and then she looks for your company.
Undated, Holograph. Endorsed :—“April 10, 1602.”
Below is the following letter :
The Earl of Nottingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
I pray you meet me about 3 o'clock with your hawk for the hene at Wansworth, where with the “grese of” I will not meet you with mine. “Yours No :[ttingham.”]
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602, 10 April.” Seal. ½ p. (184. 10.)
Sir John Gilbert to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 11. On Sat. last I arrived at Plymouth, where I found two prizes. There is another prize, which is a sagettye, put into Penzance, in which is some of the company of another ship which challengeth a part or rather the whole of that prize. The matter stood thus : My ship being in fight with her, she yielded, and all their men ran away in their boat, in hope to recover the shore, but my carvill fearing that these men ran away with the chiefest wealth, manned their boat and took her with all the men. Meanwhile, Scobbel's pinnace's boat came from his ship, being three leagues off, and jointly with my carvill laid her aboard without a pike or a musket amongst them, never pretending to fight one stroke, and wholly unworthy of one groat. Their company carried her in thither because they would pillage her, and the owner is gone thither, as he saith to unload her, and therefore it were fit for your Honours to command the Vice-Admiral of Cornwall to send her about to Plymouth, and to direct a commission to enquire who of the country hath bought any of her goods against the proclamation. The company's chests have all been searched before they came ashore, but nothing could be found of any worth but one bag of seed pearl, which is stayed in the custom-house, and that fellow was of the company of another ship called the Diamond, which fought at the taking of the prizes. If we do cavil with them a little, we shall make the better composition. I believe the Diamond had no commission. The great ship is very leaky, and therefore we purpose to unload to-morrow. I would know from you what should be done with the prisoners after their examination. In the procuring of a sentence, you need be careful that none be named in it but ourselves, for that will shake off those who have no interest. The Indies fleet is expected at the end of this month.—From the fort by Plymouth, 11 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (92. 113.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 11. I understand that a letter was lately written to Hampton to stay my son till he had given caution in some things, according to late orders concerning men-of-war at sea. I beseech your Honour to let me inform you of the fashion of his going. He received warrant from my Lord Admiral to the Judge of the Admiralty for letters of reprisal. He left his commission in that Court to be delivered to him or detained at his return, according as he should behave himself at sea; which is more forcible against him than any other bond, if he do anything unlawfully. He knew nothing of this new order when he went from hence. I dare be bound in any sum that he will do no wrong to any subject of her Majesty's friends, having received that command from my Lord Admiral. Besides, his purpose is to seek nothing at sea, but at land, and he will, I know, endeavour to do her Majesty some honest service. Had he known of the new order he would not have departed till he had performed his duty. He hath with him 3 ships and 3 pinnaces.—11 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (92. 114.)
Robert Ardern to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 11. Concerning the provisions brought by me from the United Provinces [see p. 96.] Now we have sorted out all the bacon and hanged all but a small portion, since a great portion must be dried by fire at a charge of not more than 3d. a flitch, it will be twenty times the value of the charges bettered, both for sale and expense. The Holland cheese and some of the Friesland should likewise be removed to some more roomy place. Please, therefore, direct the mayor of London to give order that all the bacon may be dried in the bakehouse of the Bridgehouse, where a great part is now hanged, and that we may have the Merchant Taylors' and Haberdashers' garners to remove the decayed cheese into.—11 April, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (92. 116.)
M. le Maçon to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, April 11.] My son-in-law Harderet has presented you a memorial concerning his petition to the Council. I beseech you to further his petition.
French. Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602, 11 April. Monsieur Fontaine to my Mr. in favour of his son-in-law Harderet.” ½ p. (184. 11.)
Sir John Gilbert's Prizes.
1602, April 7 and 12. Examinations of divers Portingalls concerning the ships lately taken by Sir John Gilbert and others.
pp. (141. 236–8.)
Lord Buckhurst and Sir John Fortescue to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 12. It seems to us by the phrase of your letter that our care to perform our duty hath not been so well conceived as we did friendly mean it. Now, therefore, somewhat to justify ourselves and satisfy you, we say it doth to us in duty appertain to have a care of her Majesty's rights and customs, and therefore there is no cause to marvel at our motion, be the information true or false. We never meant straight or severe course in this cause for, if we had, we would have proceeded therein, but, by sending to you to understand your minds, to deal therein by your assents and good liking. Touching Mr. Candishe, who in truth was great-nephew to me, Fortescue, I was never acquainted with his cause, only I am sorry he dealt in sea-causes, for he thereby overthrew his house and fortunes. Touching sequestration, if a true entry be made and your Honours take the matter upon you, that may very well be foreborne, notwithstanding that all great and royal prizes are due to the prince or state, but mean prizes are divisible amongst the adventurers by general toleration. As to sending down Carmarthen or Middleton, we think the customer, Mr. Halse, may take the entry with the officers of the custom-house, and so no extraordinary proceeding be used. An inventory must of necessity be taken of all pepper in the said ships, and the same be put into safe custody. The Queen's officers here inform us that custom must be paid in specie, otherwise her Majesty will lose 1,000l.—12 April 1602.
PS.—We send you enclosed our letter to the customer and officers of that port, which we pray you to send away by post.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (92. 117.)
A holograph draft of the above letter, from Sir John Fortescue to Lord Buckhurst, with corrections by the latter. 1 p. (92. 118.)
Sir Edward Wingfield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 12. I wish to acquaint your Honour with the reasons of my long stay from the Court. My last hurts being yet scarce whole makes me unable to travel long journeys, and the persuasion of my friends that the Bath would do me good made me stay there 8 days, but to little purpose, for I am as lame as before. I am now come to mine own house, where I purpose to rest but 3 or 4 days. I will perform my promise to your Honour in bringing with me the true plots, both of Kynsaylle and all other works there performed. Meanwhile, I crave pardon for detaining of your Honour's letters.—Kymbolton, 12 April.
Holograph, signed, “Ed. Wynfield.” Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (92. 119.)
Sir Thomas Posthumus Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 13. I have been so ever bound to your Honour that I have presumed to present my duty and service, etc.—From Hacñs [Hackness], 13 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (92. 120.)
Thomas Honiman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 13. On Saturday I came hither with Sir John Gilbert, who I overtook at Exeter. I have laboured chiefly to examine the “proprierty” of the goods and discover embezzlements. I send some examinations, which it may please you to deliver to Dr. Crompton. I find they are willing to declare that both the ships and goods belong to enemies, and if anything, to Italians such as are become the King of Spain's subjects. Mr. Harris, the vice-admiral, dwelleth somewhat far off, but comes daily hither. We have laboured to send lighters aboard to discharge, because the ships are leaky, and if we should stay the return of judgment, most of the goods would be embezzled. The people here are such, and give such encouragement to others, “that the best a man can employ to watch will be made to the matter.” It hath been promised me that the charter party, bills of lading and other papers should be brought me to be perused. There was a great fault committed in the report both to your Honours and abroad concerning the value of these ships. Though it be well, yet is it not what was expected. Touching the richer commodities, I will remember your Honour's speech how to convey them to Exeter and so overland.—From Plymouth, Tuesday, 13 April, 1602.
PS.—This evening is come from Pensaunce the sayetea.
Kept till Wednesday till eight o'clock to advertise this news following :—A ship of Amsterdam from the E. India, in company with two other ships richly laden, on the 11th inst. having eight days before lost her rudder and cast overboard 8 pieces of ordnance, put into a place called Govers Lake, near Pensaunce, who report that the 25 or 26 March they discovered, 20 leagues west from the islands of Flowers [Flores] and Corves, 40 sail of W. India ships homeward bound for Spain. I trust her Majesty's ships are come in good time upon the coast to meet them. If the ship in my absence chance to come out of the Straits, my brother will do any service your Honour shall please and may likewise solicit Dr. Crompton in this business now. I gave him order to send you the letter writ from thence and he will receive the report of what I have written to Hamburgh concerning that business.
Holograph. 2 pp. (92. 121.)
E[dmund,] Lord Sheffield to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, April 13. Through an unlucky fall I had not long ago, by which my shoulder was thrust out of joint, I am so unable to travel that I can by no means attend her Majesty upon St. George's Feast, and must make bold to entreat you to procure for me, according to the order, her gracious licence for my stay. Since my absence takes from me the means to renew my suit for Berwick, that thereby I might, if denied, settle my courses, I pray you revive it, and if not too much to your trouble, write to me what you think of it, for as the old saying is—whilst the grass grows the cow starves. At my being at Court, I moved you and my Lord Admiral for your letters to the commissioners for musters on behalf of a soldier that follows me that he might be accepted as muster-master of this county. Notwithstanding, after my coming away, there was stay made thereof, which, as I take it, proceeded from the false information of Fissher, who held the place. It will be a great disgrace to me to be crossed in so small a thing, for upon your promises I invested him in the place with the consent of most of the Commissioners. It was Fissher's own wish to pass the place to my man for a sum of money, part whereof he received in hand, and the rest hath bonds for.—13 April.
Holograph, signed, “E. Sheffeylde.” Endorsed by Cecil's Secretary : “The L. Shethfeild to my Mr. 1602.” 2 pp. (92. 122.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 13. I have received a letter from Mr. Nathanyell Bacon touching the rendering and taking of Sir J[ohn] Hayden. He expects advice from us what is to be done with him. In my opinion he should send him up, for her Majesty to proceed with him as it shall best like her, whose disposition, nevertheless, I see most inclinable to mercy, and if it be true he came of purpose to render himself, I think [it] will nothing hinder him.—At my house, 13 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 12.)
Lord Scrope to Sir John Stanhope.
1602, April 14. I understand that these 6 outlaws taken on the East Marches by Sir John Carey are notorious offenders, and were fled there to steal, being taken drunken in an house. I fear Sir John will let them go, and, therefore, pray you to write to him that, if he hath not sufficient matter against them there to hang them, which were best of all, he keep them safe till I come down, then to send them to me, that they may receive trial and condign “correction for their demerits” upon the West Marches.—April this 14, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 124.)
Enclosed :—The names of the six outlaws taken upon the East Marches by Sir John Carey, knight :—
Archie Armestrange of Whittoughe house.
Archie Armestrange of the Abbes-shawe.
Jock Armestrange. They are all of the house of Whittoughe.
John Michelson.
Robert Story.
Dandie Armestrange, broad sworde. (92. 123.)
William Resould to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 14. The 10th inst. at night, came hither Mr. Honyman, by whom I understood that your Honour was interested in the prizes brought hither by Sir John Gilbert. I send your Honour particulars of the contents of all the ladings, also certain allegations which must be met by all such as may make untrue challenge. I have written to the Lord Admiral in answer to a letter received by the procurement of the Mayor of this town, who hath received security for 500l. for ransom of a Portingall he had to his prisoner, and now hath furthered him about some carvill to transport himself and others; which how fitting it will be to her Majesty's service, I leave to your Honour to consider. The wind is still contrary, so I cannot proceed on my voyage, else I had long been in Portingall. I beseech you that respect may be had unto my great charge accordingly. Seven carracks out of Lixa, with 40 sail for other places, left on the 5 March, so that her Majesty's ships came upon the coast too late for them. The Portingalls now come give no speech of any armada making ready at Lisheborne.—Plymouth, 14 April, 1602.
Postal endorsements :—“The 13th (sic) of Aprill at Asburton at vij. of the clock in the afternone : Honiton at 10 of clock in the morning, the 15 of April : Crewkern, 2 afternone : And. vii. at nyght : Basyngstok at 1 at noon.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 127.)
Enclosed :—1. An inventory of such goods as are in the ships surprised by the Refusall, whereof was Captain Hewghe Tolkerne, of which also the Diamond, of London, and the Watt, of Plymouth, challenge their part.
(1)—In the great Portingall ship of 500 tons :—
255 chests of white sugars.
262 butts of Santome sugars.
273 bags of pepper.
257 bags of cinnamon.
8 bags of ginger.
19 chests with indigo, and therein is some treasure.
3 butts with a commodity called Mexico.
557 ounces of musk, with much pearl packed therein.
17 roves of saffron.
32 chests of cloves and maces.
(2)—In the fly-boat of 160 tons laden for the Spanish King for Seuta and Tangie :—
400 muskets and calivers.
60 roves of oil.
40 tons of iron.
268 bags of gum lacker.
8 chests of calicos and calico lawns.
8 chests full with the governor's store.
5 pieces of brass ordnance.
20 butts of spikes, hooks, etc.
7 chests of spices.
1 chest of silk and worsted stockings.
5 fardels of linen cloth.
7 fardels of canvas.
2 chests of apparel for soldiers.
(3)—In the sattea, which is brought into St. Tyves at the Mount :—
63 chests of St. Domingo sugar.
5 chests of marmalade.
5 chests of spices.
1 bag of gum.
1 bag of spices and therein pearls.
(4)—In the fly-boat which was turned off at sea laden with wheat was taken out :—
5 barrels of money, 2 silver and 3 copper.
All other things in her were made pillage where they had store of pearl.
Note (in a different hand) “45,000l. at least, besides pearls and the ships.”
pp. (92. 125.)
IIa. Allegations against the goods laden by Jeronimo de Stella, an Italian resident in Lisheborne :—
(1) He hath been a dweller in Lisheborne 10 years.
(2) He hath built a very fair house, divided into 3 large tenements, in the Boa Vista by St. Paul's Church.
(3) He is captain of all the Italians living there and I have seen him march before them and train them.
(4) He hath been church warden of the Italian Church called St. Loreto in Lisheborne.
(b) Allegations against all Flemings that may challenge goods laden for Seuta, Tangey or Mazagant.
(1) No man may ship money but upon return for corn, and that must be done by register, so he must bring in the seal of the Chancery of Lisheborne. Therefore, all the money taken by Sir Robert Mansel might have been made prize.
(2) For any of the goods laden for the abovesaid places, it is true that Flemings have contracted with the King for a sum of money to furnish the King's holds in Africa with necessaries. So all taken sent for these places is to be good prize.
1 p. (92. 126.)
Richard [Vaughan,] Bishop of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 14. I understand by Mr. Beeston and another your comfortable answer to my late motion for the Bk. of Hereford. I thought it my duty by Mr. Hesketh to acknowledge your favours past and present. Your good opinion pleaseth me more than any preferment I can have in this Church.—Chester, 14 April, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (184. 13.)
A[nne,] Lady Cornwaleys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 15. I understand by my son Cornwaleys (the bearer), who, upon the first intelligence of my being indicted at these last assizes in Suffolk, attended upon you, your honourable offer of means to free me. I was moved, first, to think myself bound to God, whose pleasure it has been to prolong my life beyond my Lord your father's, my friend and old acquaintance, for such succour and courtesy in the son. By what occasion this fell now upon me, which by her Majesty's favour and direction to your father and Mr. Secretary Walsingham was ordered to be witholden, my son will signify now to you.—From my house in Brome, 15 April, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (92. 129.)
Jo. Bridges, Dean of Salisbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 15. These are to render my thanks to your Honour for moving his Grace of Canterbury for my preferment to Hereford, prevailing so far therein that he, having obtained her Majesty's grant before to another, whom he named not, pledged his faith to your Honour that he would be all for me in the next whatsoever should fall. Wherein, though the present occasion being forestalled, it may happen that qui non est hodie, cras minus aptus erit, yet how much I acknowledge myself bound to you, I cannot sufficient in words, God make me able in deeds to express.—Sarum, 15 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 130.)