Index: Q, R

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: Q, R". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Quarles, —, 51, 237.

Queen, the, 97, 154, 228, 307, 518, 519.

letters from, 139, 184, 185, 537.

letters to, 91, 144, 190, 201, 204, 219, 254, 292, 424, 439, 444, 507, 538, 545, 570.

petitions to, 169, 212, 218, 345, 387, 509, 581.

attendance upon, 3, 9.

interferes between Lord Willoughby and Sir Robert Carey, 15.

resolute to give no pensions in Scotland, 22.

a false rumour of the death of, 101.

a letter to, mention of, 109.

visions and speeches concerning, 133, 574, 575.

audience of the Earl of Mar with, 137.

proposed movements of, 174, 314, 367.

a statement as to policy towards Spain, 183.

visit of, to the Earl of Lincoln's house in Chelsea, rudeness of his servants, 184, 185.

and Sir Francis Carew's purpose concerning Brigstock Parks, 190.

her will concerning Lord Zouche, 213.

a revelation of the Holy Ghost for none save, 219.

her determination to assist the Netherlands, alluded to, 221.

banishment from her presence, its alleged effect, &c., 240.

arrangements of, concerning the education, &c., of the son of Lord Burgh, 258, 259.

a Jesuit priest sent to murder, 270.

her clemency to offenders in the Essex Rebellion, remarked upon, 295.

Goldsmith and drawer of Her Majesty's pictures, 306.

and a commission for examining into monopolies, 324, 325.

purpose of dining with Sir E. Coke, 332, 373.

her preference for Sir Edward Fitton, bemoaned, 340.

her displeasure against the Earl of Pembroke, 340, 361, 375, 376, 464.

desires to maintain peaceable relations with the King of Scots, 344, 524.

in perfect health, 354, 381.

progress, 354, 361, 362, 381, 394.

to be approached on the subject of selling two houses, 373.

visit of French ambassador to, place of meeting with, 381.

property derived from her mother, 386.

her entertainment of the Russian ambassador alluded to, 386, 387.

her disinclination to matrimony, 388.

Baron de Dona desirous of an audience with, 389.

a letter of, to the Emperor of Russia, suggested alterations in, 393.

at Farnham, 394.

a picture of, found in a box containing poison, 404.

—, explanation concerning, 406.

a letter from, to be sent to Sweden, contents of, discussed, 445.

a letter from, to the Emperor, taken by a member of the Merchants' Adventurers, 513.

and the Countess of Essex's petition, 547.

wishes a letter of acknowledgment to be written, for map presented to her, 565.

Queen's :

agent, in Calais, 86.

—, in Scotland, 275.

—, in Zealand. See Gilpin.

Attorney, 86.

Bench, a prisoner in, statement of the grievances of, 574. And see under London, King's Bench.

boiling house, the, a yeoman of, petition of, 486.

lands, arrangement as to the sale of certain of the, &c., 340, 538.

Household :

Chaplain, 21.

—, a candidate for the post of, 232.

Cofferer of the. See Cock.

Comptroller of the. See Knollys, Sir William.

Lord Steward of, office vacant, 65.

messenger of H. M.'s chamber, 98.

reader, 25.

trumpeter, a, 61.

Queenborough, 408, 449, 477.

letter dated at, 451.

Quicksilver,” 406.


Radcliffe :

Sir Edward, 463.

Jer., of Trinity College, letter signed by, 458

Radnor, county of :

Justices of the Peace in, 133.

Lieutenant of. See Vaughan, Roger.

Ragley, letter dated at, 252.

Ralegh (Raleigh, Rawly, &c.) :

Carew, letter from, 14.

Lady, 503.

Sir Walter (Water), 30, 67, 70, 95 (2), 101, 126, 128, 345, 359, 387, 403, 465, 471, 496, 528, 545, 571.

—, letters from, 382, 392, 395, 427, 462, 538, 582.

—, a loan to the Earl of Desmond, referred to, 194.

—, willing to bear a portion of the cost of improving the Street of Westminster, 321.

—, book of, 332.

—, a legal agreement to which he was party, 341.

—, entertains the Marêchal de Biron, 382.

—, proceedings in Parliament, 485.

—, goods delivered to, 539.

Ramekyns, Castle of, 207.

Ramsbury, co. Wilts, letter dated at, 376.

Ranmore, Nicholas, 389.

Raptim, letter dated at, 560.

Ratcliff(e) (Ratclyffe) :

Francis, a recusant, 317.

John, Mayor of Chester, 502.

—, letters from, 474, 475, 488.

—, arrangements for shipping men to Ireland, 473, 474.

the lady, a recusant, 317.

Robert, Earl of Sussex, former Lord Chamberlain, alluded to, 407.

Robert, Earl of Sussex, 44, 103, 423, 540.

—, late Countess of Sussex, the Lord Chamberlain's widow, 170.

Ravenglass, co. Cumberland, 432.

Ravenna, 159.

Ravis, Thomas, letter from, 233.

Rawling, Robert, of Newcastle, the master of a ship, 79.

Rawlins (Rawlyns, Rawlens), Capt., 407, 419.

discharge of, 182.

Raynham in the Reed, co. Essex, 38.

Raynsford, Myles, petition for wardship, 507.

Reade (Rede) :

Sir Edward, 337, 347.

—, letter from, 309.

John, 285.

Lady, 247.

Reading, election of High Steward of, 372.

Reading, Richard, 187.

Reavell, Edward, a soldier, son of Thomas Reavell, of Kilgarren, 134.

Rebane, castle and lands of, 251.

Recusants and seminaries, 164, 166, 182, 310, 317, 318.

in Lancashire, 123.

in York Castle, 379.

Redditch, Alexander, J. P. of Lancaster, 167.

Redhead, —, a keeper at York Castle, 295.

Redpathe, Jane, letter from, 116.

Red sand, the bay of the, 408.

Reede, Sir William, letter from, 355.

Remington (Remyngton), Sir Robt., 96.

Rennes, parliament at, 16.

Requests, Masters of the. See Cæsar, Dr. Julius. See Wilbraham. See Rookeby.

Reresby, —, cousin of Lord Grey, 548.

Resiliard, Don Luis, a Spanish Commander, 305.

Revel (Revell, Revalia), 387.

letters dated at, 202, 204, 207.

birth of Prince Charles' son at, 239.

Revesby, Sir Thomas, 99.

Revett, Timothy, letter signed by, 340.

Rewe, John, Master of the John, compelled to ship Spanish prisoners to Plymouth, 532.

Reynell (Reynolls, Reynall), Sir Cary or Carew, 103, 540.

letters from, 13, 121.

Reynolds (Reignolds, Reynaldes) :

Anthonie, Controller of the Musters at Loughfoile, 340.

Edward, Secretary of the Earl of Essex, 44, 87.

John, 187.

William, letters from, 46, 93.

Rheims, 167, 168.

Archbishop of, Cardinal of Guise, 167.

Rheinberg (Bergk, Burke, Berk, Reynbarq, Rhyn Bereke, &c.), 303, 305, 346, 420.

letters dated at, 250, 267, 282, 287, 338.

fall of, hoped for, 238.

siege of, 220, 221, 248, 250, 252, 253, 255, 264–267, 273, 293, 308, 532.

news from, 281, 282, 286, 287.

fall of, signalised at Ostend, 301.

reported Spanish force gone to relieve, 305.

a notebook of the proceedings before, sent to Sir R. Cecil, 337.

army prepared to relieve, dissolved, 337, 338.

plan of the approaches before, 338.

Governor of. See Avila.

Rhodes, John, letter witnessed by, 114.

Riario, Signor Giulio, a young Roman, 2.

Rice, Walter, 93.

Rich(e) :

Captain, 117.

Lady, in connexion with the Essex Rebellion, 44, 51.

Richardot, President, his proceedings discussed, 393, 394.

Richardson :

John, letter from, 219.

Valentine, Sir Richard Molineux's trumpeter, examination of, 166, 167.

Richmond, 432, 438.

Richmond, letter dated at, 405.

the Council at, 432.

Ricroft, Christopher, churchwarden of Westminster, letter from, 242.

Riddall, Peter, 44, 87.

Rider (Ryder) :

—, nephew of the Lord Mayor, misconduct of, 335.

William, Lord Mayor of London, letters from, 44, 53, 57, 88, 104, 111, 132, 156, 162, 190, 270, 283, 296, 321, 331, 386.

—, letter to, 89.

—, in connexion with the Essex rebellion, &c., 31, 52.

—, examinations taken before, 67.

—, statement signed by, 191.

—, house of, 50.

— —, letter dated at, 59.

William, junior, letter from, 148.

Ridgewaye, John, letters from, 197, 287, 292, 337, 458.

Ridgewell, Capt., 347.

Riesneck, letter dated at, 254.

Riga (Rye), 264, 516.

letter dated at, 435.

siege of, 202.

rumour of the taking of, 435.

Rillston, Edward, 146.

Rinuccini, Ottairo, 2.

Ripon, nomination of a burgess for, 409, 442.

Ripton King, co Hunts., rectory of, nomination to, petitioned for, 542.

Rishbrooke, William, 87.

Rivet, Mr., 199.

Riwas, Mons., a Spanish commander, 305.

Roberts, John, 44, 87.

Robinson :

Arthur, heir of, 95.

Henry, Bishop of Carlisle, letters from, 164, 277, 303, 317, 456.

—, letter to, 299.

—, two London citizens arrested by, 277.

—, brother of, alluded to, 304, 309.

James, servant of the Duke of Lennox, pass to France desired for, 491.

Robson, Mr., late Mayor of Cambridge, 186.

Robyns, Mr., 95.

Roch, Lord, 586.

Rochelle, mentioned, 6, 55, 74, 332, 568.

Rochester, 423, 425.

letters dated at, 74, 408, 441.

Rock, the,” a naval fight off, 304.

Rockbourne (Rockborne), co. Hants, letter dated at, 129.

Rodeknyght, Mr., 187.

Rodes, Mr., 391.

Rodney, Sir George, 430.

Rodrasse, in Herefordshire, 107.

Rodriges, Alfonso, 476.

Roe, Thomas, petition from, 587.

Rogers :

Mary, Lady, letter from, 28.

—, a dispute about her jointure, allegations against, &c., 28.

Sir Richard, 28.

Roland, Thomas, bailiff of Beaumaris, letter from, 183, 195.

Rolls, Master of the. See Egerton.

Romagna, water in, 159.

diversion of the waters from the valleys, excavation for, 172.

Roman Catholics, &c. :

in co. of Lancaster, 109, 123, 166, 167, 366.

prosecutions of priests, 160 (2).

in Yorkshire, 295.

priests from Framingham, 311.

spirit alleged to be prevalent among, 318.

landing of, at Margate, 356, 357.

purveyor of complements for masses, &c., 363.

suggested rewards for apprehension of, 363.

charges brought against, alleged increase in numbers, 364.

their principles attacked, 364.

a discourse concerning Popish Catholics, mentioned, 410.

in Wales and Marches, 460, 498, 499.

pictures, bulls. Agnus Dei's, &c., seized, 480.

Rome, 121, 147, 150, 166, 168, 174, 224.

letter dated at, 327.

news from, 158, 163, 171, 172, 173.

contest between the Persian and English Ambassadors at, for precedence, 159, 163.

Easter processions in, 171, 172.

St. Peter's in, 171.

Persians at, 264.

a Jesuit sent to, 568.

Rookeby, Mr., Master of Requests, alluded to, 392.

Roper, Mr., of the King's Bench Office, 364, 365.

Ros or Roos, Lord. See Cecil, William.

Roscoff (Rusco), capture of a ship of, &c., 377.

Rose Castle (Rosecastell), letters dated at, 165, 304, 310, 317.

Rosewell, Mr., 421, 422.

Rossano, principality of, in kingdom of Naples, sold, 172.

Rothwell :

—, Lancashire, 199.

Ellis, 199.

Rothwell Hay, the lands of, 516.

Rouen, new commission for English grievances at, 15.

a factor to English, French and Irish merchants living at, complaint of, &c., 574, 575.

Round Hay, the lands of, 516.

Rouse, Anthony, 44.

Route, the, and the Glynns or Glynny (co. Antrim), Governor of, 524.

Rowe, William, Alce, wife of, a supposed lunatic, petition for the enlargement of, 588.

Rowicke, Capt. Hugh, letter from, 328.

Rowse, —, a Romish priest, 363.

Roxburgh, Lord of, proceedings with regard to two English travellers in the custody of, 415, 416, 417.

Rudd, Anthony, Bishop of St. David's, 160.

Ruger, Benjamin, of the Temple, adventures of, 416.

Ruislip, co. Middlesex, demesnes, &c., of, dealings concerning, 359.

Rusco. See Roscoff.

Rush, Sir Francis, 84.

Russell :

—, late Countess of Bedford, part of the jointure of, 141.

Edward, Earl of Bedford, 44, 214.

—, letters from, 50, 533.

—, declaration by 50.

—, jointure of the wife of, 533.

— “his aunt, of Warwick,” mentioned, 533.

Elizabeth, Dowager Lady, complaint brought against a judge by, 424.

—, letters from, 331, 423, 562, 563.

—, the services of her daughters to the Queen, alleged wrongs suffered by, &c., 562, 563.

Francis, Earl of Bedford, disposal of his estate, 562, 563.

John, Earl of Bedford, 562.

Thomas, of Lincoln, wardship of the heir of, 230

Sir William, uncle of the Earl of Bedford, absent from a secret conference held by the Earl of Essex, 51.

—, alleged to have forfeited his estate, 563.

“my daughter of Bedford,” Sir J. Haryngton thanks Cecil for his noble usage of, 119.

Russell House, Dowager Countess of Derby refuses to take rent from Sir R. Cecil for, 402.

Russia (Muscovy) :

Emperor of, letter to, 387.

—, the Queen's letter to, suggested alterations in, &c., 393.

—, relations with the Duke of Sweden, 435.

—, an Ambassador sent to the Queen from, 348.

—, Ambassador from, to Denmark, 387.

—, a marriage between the son of, and the daughter of the Earl of Derby, discussed, 388.

late Emperor of, mention of, 387

— a marriage treaty concerning, referred to, 393

Russia, Russian :

news from, 347, 386, 387.

English Ambassador to, 202, 204, 207, 264.

—, to visit Sweden on his return journey, 571. See also Lee. Sir Richard.

Ambassador, a messenger from, news of, 347.

Ambassador, his pleasure at the Queen's reception, 386, 387.

a messenger to be despatched to, 347.

Company, the, 347.

Ruthin, co. Denbigh :

Dean Goodman's foundation in, 5.

movement to obtain a corporation for, 5.

trade of, 5.

Lady of the town and Lordship, 5.

Rutland :

county of, unjust proportion of levies to be furnished by, 430.

Earl of. See Manners.

Rye. See Riga.