Cecil Papers: December 1601, 26-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1601, 26-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp531-588 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1601, 26-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp531-588.

"Cecil Papers: December 1601, 26-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp531-588.

December 1601, 26–31

William Fortescue to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 27. I understand you desire two other of my houses for enlarging your late building, and, indeed, I was told before Christmas by Vincent that you had gone through with Derrick for his term. Your many favours to myself and my son bind me to give satisfaction to your demands, beseeching you, nevertheless, to consider that houses are not to be valued by their present rents.—Couke Hill, this 27th of December 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“27 Sep.Seal. 1 p. (88. 64.)
Sir J. Gilbert, William Parker, Mayor, and Chr. Harris to the Council.
1601, Dec. 27. According to your letters we have examined the Spaniards, but perceiving by their answers that they were conditionally received by the Lord Deputy to be transported into Spain or France, and imagining that (according to the pride of their natures) they might speak the best for themselves, we therefore examined the master of the ship that brought them upon what conditions they were received, for which he referred himself to his pass from the Mayor of Cork, which, with the Spaniards' examinations, we herewith send.—Fort by Plymouth, 27 Dec. 1601.
We desire your speedy answer what shall be done with them, because they live here at charge.
Signed as above. 1 p. (90. 16.)
The Enclosure :
John Coppinger, Mayor of Corcke, to all Mayors, and others her Majesty's officers, ministers and loving subjects.—Whereas I have been required by warrant of the Lord Deputy of Ireland to make stay of all such ships as were within the harbour of Cork, till they should consent to pass here hence some number of Spaniards taken by his Lordship at the siege of Kensale; I have compelled John Rewe, master (under God) of the John of Malbrooke, to pass in the said ship 48 Spaniards, of which number 22 did yield to her Majesty's mercy, to be transported and landed at Plymouth : and require you to suffer them and the said ship and company to pass without any stay or molestation.—Corck, 7 Dec. 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (90. 15.)
Sir Arthur Capell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 28. In furtherance of the suit of his son Edward for obtaining charge of a company into Ireland. Enumerates his son's good qualities, and mentions his labour and travail and many narrow escapes, especially at these last sieges of Ostend and Barke. His son shall have some maintenance from him to spend in this service.—Haddham, 28 Dec. 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (90. 23.)
William Fitzwilliam to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 28. The enclosed shows that Mr. Pettus, an alderman of Norwich and burgess of this last Parliament, sent word to the inhabitants there that they should pay no duties for subsidy and ulnage of the new draperies, taking his warrant from Cecil's command. Craves Cecil's pleasure therein, because the day draws fast on for her Majesty's rent of 100 marks a year, that he may accordingly resolve what to do, being loth to do anything which Cecil would dislike.—St. John's St., 28 Dec. 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (90. 24.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 29. With an enclosure from Mr. Britton, from Calais.—Dover Castle, 29 Dec. 1601.
Holograph. On the back :—“Hast hast post hast hast with dilligence. Dover 29 December at one in the afternone. Canterbury past 4 afternone. Sittingborn past 7 at night. Rochester the 29 day all most at 10 at night. Darford at 8 (?) in the morning.” ¼ p. (90. 25.)
The Earl of Bedford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 29. Understands by his aunt of Warwick that Cecil, contrary to report, has afforded effectual help for the passage of the act for his wife's jointure, for which he returns his thanks. Prays him to be a mean to the Queen for her grace and favour towards him, and that in token thereof he may enjoy his full liberty, and kiss her Majesty's hand.—Chenys, 29 Dec. 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (90. 26.)
T., Lord Buckhurst to Mr. Secretary Cecil.
1601, Dec. 30. Your great care of the commonwealth is a safety to her Majesty, a credit to yourself and a comfort to me. I pray God continue you and it. I do greatly like your letter, which has in it many good points of good service to be remembered for that kingdom. I do also mean in particular to recommend the matter of victual to Mr. Treasurer, Beverley and Newcomen, who no doubt will be able to undergo it with much benefit to her Majesty, and ease to this kingdom, and contentation to the army. I thank Almighty God for these good news. Now if my Lord Deputy do follow this victory, it is like to make an end of this war for awhile. But let us care for that which is to come, for if the King of Spain do come again, it is likely he will come with amendment of all his errors. The remedy of all this, which is easy and sure, is but one : you know what I mean.—30 Dec. 1601.
PS.—You will pardon some little additions which I have made.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord Treasurer.” 1 p. (90. 27.)
Wm. Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 30. As to the transport of victuals for Ireland. No doubt but being understood that her Majesty's ships are to come hither, the most part of the best men for sea service in these parts will shift themselves to the sea in men-of-war, whereby her Majesty's service may be many ways hindered. Wherefore it were very convenient that none except in merchants' affairs be suffered to go from these western ports until her Majesty's ships be despatched from hence.—Plymouth, 30 Dec. 1601.
Holograph 1 p. (90. 28.)
Robert Bellman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 30. He received Cecil's letters of the 25th on the 28th. Being doubtful that the post bark has been cast away by these most vehement storms (whereby great shipwreck has been) in her return home, he has provided another to sail this night, weather permitting.—Padstow, 30 Dec. 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (90. 29.)
Wm Vawer, Mayor, and Samuel Norton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 31. The Lord of Thomond at his departure gave order to the bearer William Chokke to stay here for the conducting into Ireland of all the horses and men left here by Captain Bancks. Chokke has continued in that service since Nov. 2, has had diligent care for his charge, and been at sea twice with his company, and driven back by extreme foul weather. Now both he and the horsemen have by their long tarrying consumed their moneys. Prays Cecil to cause some money to be impressed them.—Bristol, 31 Dec. 1601.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“Mayor of Bristol.” 1 p (90. 30.)
— to —.
1601, Dec. 31./1602, Jan. 10. Good Sir, I doubt not but the news of the rendering of Ostend flew unto you before the truth, which is contrary, and that therefore you are desirous to understand the particulars of that stratagem, which was more greedily embraced by us than cunningly contrived by the enemy, though it fell out as he desired. Some eight or ten days before Christmas, some companies of our soldiers one night passed over the cut that the enemy hath made on Nieuport side betwixt us and the old town, and burnt a fascienda there of theirs on the other side; wherein they found so little resistance that some mounted upon the walls, and took some prisoners and slew others, returning safe without loss or hurt. And had they the same time had order, as they had not, to have proceeded further, they had carried away the town the same hour. But they discovered by this attempt the weakness of the place and garrison, and thereupon, the 23 of 10ber, resolution was taken to give an assault in the same place. Which Sir Francis Vere perceiving, at the very instant that our men were ready to have gone forward (which must be at a dead low water) sent out two captains, Ogle and Farfax, pretending that he would parley; whereupon the Archduke desisted from his enterprise, and sent two other captains to the town to treat; but instead of treating, they sent them out at another gate on Count Bucquoy's side, and the whilst the opportunity passed. The next day, at the same hour, the Archduke being ready to give the assault again, he called to have the said two captains sent again to parley : which his Altsa meaning sincerely did accord unto; but the end of all their parley was but to win time to fortify themselves and in hope of succour, the one of which they performed with all diligence, and the other entered upon Christmas day as they wished, whereby his Altesa's attempt for that time was made frustrate. Upon Monday, the 7 of this present, a new resolution was taken to give an assault, which was attempted in the evening; but Count Bucquoy's men, for depth of water not being able to pass as order was given, our men who assaulted were repulsed and forced to retire, with loss of some 600, and more than twice so many hurt. And there the matter resteth, but not like to die so, for God, I doubt not, in fine will prosper the just cause, and suppress the drunken rebels, and perhaps plague their upholders and maintainers in the like that they offer to their old friends and neighbours. We hear of good provision of money coming or come from Spain, which putteth us all in heart and good hopes.
I wrote unto you in my last of D. Drona's residing in Rome, and Burley's return into Scotland. I cannot as yet fish out the particulars of their negociation, but it will not be long before I get them.
From Spain or France, I have heard nothing since my last, having not stirred from the camp nor attended to any other thing but to see the success of those matters of Ostend, wherein our Lord Jesus send his Altesa good speed.—From the Camp, this 10th of January 1602.
Holograph. Signature and address carefully obliterated. Endorsed :—“10 Jan. 1601. From the camp before Ostend.” 1 p. (84. 56.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Dec. 31. Prays that his cousin Slingisby may have the carriage of the next packet sent into Ireland, private businesses causing him to go over.—Syon, last of December.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601” 1 p. (90. 31.)
Ro. Dudley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Dec.] Thanks Cecil for the favour he has shown to his son Ambrose, when his estate was nearly prosecuted to overthrow, which is now settled. He would now, towards the evening of his old age, with Cecil's allowance, remember to the Queen his long service done almost ever since the beginning of her reign. If to Cecil's liking, he would present his petition, either for the fee farm of some small things he has found out near the borders towards Scotland, or some reversion.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Dec. 1601.” 1 p. (90. 33.)
William Hollidaie to [Sir R. Cecil].
[1601, Dec.]. Refers to his petition. Not having access to Cecil, he has made it appear to the Lord Chief Justice that the contractors for apparelling the forces from summer 1597 to summer 1600 defrauded her Majesty to the value of 27,000l., besides other abuses. He offered to prove by their books that they are in arrears for 30,000l. : also to procure good men to serve the apparel for 5,000l. less yearly, and faithfully delivered to the use of the soldier : whereas now the contractors send it one third part short. The contractors deliver money to the captains when they should deliver apparel to the soldier : which makes the soldier to starve and causes many to run to the enemy. The contractors pay the captain 24s. for the winter suit, and her Majesty pays 49s. to the contractors : and so for the summer suit. Some captains take money for half the apparel they ought to receive, some a third, and some all money and no apparel at all. The poor soldier is well dealt withal between the contractor and the captain. Sets down a precedent which is usual of all every season :—
127. Sir Ric. Morisone received 86 and money 41
134. Captain Ed. Mychellborne received 100 and money 34
131. Sir Henry Care received 106 and money 25
98. Captain Jo. Jackhonn received 68 and money 30
77. Captain Georg Flower received money all 77
79. Captain Ed. Lighe received 49 money 30
50. Captain Mallere received money all 50
47. Captain L. Linley received money for all 47
146. The Lord Burcke received 106 money 40
97. Sir Francis Mericke received 75 money 22
986 590 396
If the Queen paid for 12,000 suits, and they send over but 7,000, they defraud her of 5,000. He wishes the matter might be prosecuted, if Cecil pleases, otherwise he will let it rest. Offers to prove all by the contractors' books and letters.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“December 1601. To my Mr.” 3 pp. (90. 34–5.)
Samuel Proudlove to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. In the work of a very learned man he found, in a chapter concerning the cheapness and dearth of commodities this ensuing year 1602, a clause concerning the plenty of salt, of which he encloses a copy. Sends it that Cecil “may make the construction.” The party that writes it is well esteemed in his art of astronomy : though he (the writer) gives no credit to him. What he conceives of it is, how it comes to pass that strangers, as this preacher is, and a Polonyan born, should observe that wars should be, yea, or enmity, between her Majesty and the said nation.—Elbing, Dec. 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (90. 36.)
John Traves to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Dec.]. He was discharged from his place by letters from the Council, as the other commissaries of the victuals were. If any imputation be laid on him, he doubts not to make manifest his faithful service. Explains certain surcharges alleged by Captain Vaughan. It was ordered by the Council that Mr. Wade, Mr. Smythe and Mr. Watsonn should certify their opinions to the Council : if this may stand, it will appear that his courses therein are just and honest.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Dec. 1601.” 1 p. (90. 37.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to [William Wentworth].
[Dec], 1601. Whereas her Majesty by her letters patent (which I have seen) dated the 4th of July in the 40th year of her reign, did grant the office of the clerk of the county courts of that county in the name of Mr. Lake, clerk of the signet, [to] the behoof and benefit of the said Mr. Lake and Sir Anthony Ashley, clerk of the Council, who hath for many years had the execution of that office by virtue of like letters patent during the lives of Thomas Smyth and John Smyth and the longer liver, [now] forasmuch as she hath received information that some persons of turbulent spirit about you, for their own private lucre, have a purpose to interpose themselves to disturb the quiet execution of the said office, pretending by some nice point in law that the Sheriff for the time being hath interest in the disposition thereof, I have therefore been commanded by her to let you know that seeing it hath pleased her to make choice of you for her high Sheriff of that county, to whom, (no doubt) such as intend to frustrate her said grant, will purposely address themselves, her Majesty doth expect that you give no way to any such purpose by whomsoever the same shall be attempted, but that you give your best assistance to the said patentees or their deputies, wherein if after admonition given by you any person whatsoever shall use contestation, thereby to derogate from her prerogative, her pleasure is that you forthwith make it known hither, when such course shall be taken to repress the insolence of such as shall so oppose themselves as shall be little to their comforts or encouragement to others to attempt the like hereafter : and the rather, because no innovation hath been used in this grant by her Majesty, but a continuance of like patents of the same office made 80 years since without intermission by sundry her progenitors, as appeareth of record, which have accordingly been enjoyed by the patentees (though men of no place, desert or service to the state).
Draft. Endorsed :—“1601. Minute for Sir John Lake to be clerk of the County Courts in Yorkshire.” “Minutes concerning divers matters.” 3 pp. (97. 9.)
The Queen to King James.
1601, Dec. Letter commencing, “That it pleased you (my dear Brother) to stir up my memory,” and ending, “but do remain, your very affectionate sister, E. R.”
Endorsed :—“Decem. 1601. Minute of her Majesty's letter to the King of Scotts with her own hand. By Mr. Da. Fowles.” 1 p. (134. 18.)
[Printed, Camden Soc. Publications. O. S. No. XLVI., p. 141.]
Nicholas Athow to Sir R. Cecil.
[1601, Dec.] Petition. Bought of Mr. John Killigrew a yearly rent charge of 40l., which he has never paid since the first year. The lands charged are now brought into the Court of Wards, and Killigrew seeks a lease of them. Prays that he may have the lease instead, offering terms.
Note by Cecil referring the matter to Mr. Attorney.
Note by Tho. Hesketh, that Killigrew is as deeply indebted to Mr. Lock as he is to petitioner, so that Cecil may with good equity grant the lease to either : but it is to be remembered that 100l. rent is offered by petitioner.
Endorsed :—“Dec. 1601.” 2 pp. (P. 282.)
W[alter] C[ope].
[1601.] Clause in an agreement between the Queen on the one part and Thomas Bellet and Roger Houghton on the other, providing for repossession in case of non-payment of a certain agreed rent.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Mr. Wa. Cope. Covenant.” 1 p. (90. 32.)
W. R. [Sir Walter Ralegh] to the Queen.
[1601.] Letter beginning :—“I presumed to present your Majesty with a paper containing the dangers which might grow by the Spanish faction in Scotland.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (83. 35.)
[Printed in Edwards' Life of Ralegh, Vo. II., p. 259.]
Richard Vennard, of Lincoln's Inn, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1601.] Induced by the true heart of a faithful subject to discover to the whole realm these late conspiracies in a small volume, having compiled it to be presented to the Queen,—a thing very needful to be published in print to stay the misled opinion and scandalising reports of the vulgar sort willing to entertain innovation,—the matter having passed allowance by one of the Privy Council, but being most bound to Cecil for his late motion in his behalf to the Queen, first presents it to his view.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600.” ½ p. (83. 42.)
Sir Richard Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] The only living I have I hold of the Dean and Chapter of Christchurch, Canterbury, and my lease near expired, my necessities weekly encounter the plottings of some to take the same over my head. Her Majesty's gracious letters hath hitherto made stay of it. But now, watching a time by my great sickness, I hear the Dean and Chapter are very inclinable to hearken to some others this next chapter, which begins within a week. I intreat her Majesty's letters in my behalf to the Dean and Chapter.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (83. 61.)
[1601.] “Memorandum for Rodger Aestonne, gentleman of his Majesty's chamber,” signed by Wm. Lesly, to the effect that a gentleman of Scotland will adventure to make his advantage, either by taking prisoner or goods forth of the bounds of Spain or Portugal : and if there be any gentlemen or nobles of mark that lie near the shore of Spain, let them be designated by the Queen, and what is possible to be done for their apprehension shall be done. A letter from her Majesty to William Leslie, of Civeildie, is required, to ensure safety in England with the prisoners and goods. If her Majesty likes of any of the prisoners, they shall be delivered to her for their ransom.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Mr. Aston. The L. Admiral to be spoken with.” 1 p. (87. 74.)
The Lyonesse.
1601. Account of goods received out of the prize the White Grayhound, brought out of the Straights by the Lyonese, whereof was captain John Traughton; and how disposed.
List of goods delivered to the Earl of Nottingham, for 150l. adventure, value 1,440l. : to Lord Cobham, for 100l. adventure, 952l. 10s. : to Lord Thomas Howard, the same amount; the writer received for “your Honour's” portion of 743l. adventure, 7,189l. 10s. 0d. : delivered to Sir Water Rawly, 28l. 14s. 0d. : valuation of the remainder, 352l. 10s. : total valuation, 10,915l. 14s. 6d.—1601.
1 p. (87. 164.)
Thomas Walker's narrative.
[1601.] I belong to the Bishop of Peterborough, to whom I gave attendance at his consecration at Lambeth, and by reason his Lordship kept not house until this winter, I obtained his leave to spend the summer in Ireland. Details his adventures in the course of which he visited the camp of the Earl of Tyrone.
Holograph. Signed on each page. 4 pp. (88. 121, 122.)
Account of Prize Goods.
[1601.] 1. A brief of what is due to your Honour, [Sir R. Cecil,] out of the division made to four ships and an estimate of what the goods will be worth :—86 cwt. white sugar, 473l.; 29 cwt. etc. Muscovado sugar, 118l. 5s.; 20 cwt. etc. Panell sugar, 61l. 10s. 123 cwt. etc. St. Tome sugar, 369l. 11s.; 5,612 lbs, pepper, 784l. 5s. 4d.; 16 cwt. Gomblaquer, 80l. Total 1,850l. 11s. 4d.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“My part by Mr. Honyman's accompt.” 2 pp. (88. 4.)
2. Account of goods brought into Plymouth by the Refusal and others, with note of what there is sequestered for the Italians, the rest being divided to the Refusal, Carvel, Diamond and Watte, and their companies, allowing one-half of the victualling to the tonnage and the other to the company. Particulars follow as above. 1 p. (88. 6.)
3. Proportion of all the merchandise brought into Plymouth by the Refusal and others, to be equally divided to these seven ships, being in all 455 tons and 350 men, viz. the Refusal, Carvel, Diamond, Watte, Claw, Chance and Ryall. Particulars follow. 2 pp. (88. 7, 8.)
4. Proportion of what is due to your Honour of what is allotted to the Refusal and Carvel by reparting the goods to seven ships as one quarter owner of the Refusal and half victual and half victual of the Carvel. Particulars follow. 2 pp. (88. 9, 10.)
[1601.] Petition to the Lord Treasurer and Sir John Fortescue, Chancellor of the Exchequer, of Robert Johnson, gent., now farmer in possession of the prebend of Sutton Regis cum Buckingham. Sets out the circumstances of his tenancy, &c. and prays for its continuance.
Signed. 2 pp. (89. 13, 14.)
Runners at Tilt.
[1601.] A diagram, query, showing the places occupied : with the following names : [first list :] The Earl of Cumberland, the Earl of Sussex, Lord Howard of Effingham, Lord Grey, Lord Dudley, Lord North, Lord Compton, Lord Norris, Mr. Charles Howard, Earl of Cumberland (sic); [second list, opposite to above :] Robert Knolls, Sir Thomas Garrard, Thomas Somerset, Sir Henry Carey, John Egerton, Sir Carew Reynolls, Edward Howard, Sigismond Alessander, Henry Alessander, Edward Stanhope.
Undated. Endorsed :—“Runners at Tilt, 1601.” 1 p. (90. 39.)
— to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] If you send for Barloe, it may please you to take this course. First enclose a warrant directed to Sir John Wogan, Hugh Butler, and Albane Stepney, or two of them, to resort to the house of John Barloe, of Sleebich, in Pembrokeshire, and search for any writings of any of these late conspirators, as also for any seditious books or superstitious relics. And write a private letter unto them, to advertise you not only what they find, but also whether it be true that he has made away his estate of purpose to defraud the laws, and to secure himself in his bad practices : and whether they understand it to be a matter simply, or colourably, done : and who receives the profits of his lands, and who bestows the charges of his great buildings intended.
Lower half of the letter torn off. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (90. 40.)
George Bestonn to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Complimentary letter offering services, on behalf of his father and himself.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“George Beeston, 1601.” French. 1 p. (90. 41.)
John Bingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] He is encouraged by Sir Francis Vere to offer Cecil his services. Ever since his discharge out of Ireland by the late Earl of Essex, he is in suit to her Majesty for an Irish debt of over 500l. Prays for employment abroad or at home. Has been trained in the studies of the University and the Inns of Court, and has followed the wars 8 or 9 years.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Captain John Bingham, 1601.” 1 p. (90. 43.)
Note by [Sir Robert Carey].
[1601.] Is farmer of the Queen's lands of Norham and Elandshire. Particulars of his tenure. His brother Sir John Cary has 100l. a year out of it so long as he (John) continues at Berwick. Particulars of his lease of tithes in Norhamshire from the Dean and Chapter of Durham, which they have renewed for 21 years without fine. Prays that her Majesty will grant him a renewal for the lands above-named.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601, Sir Robt. Cary.” ½ p. (90. 45.)
Richard Cary to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Expresses his thanks to Cecil that from so hard imprisonment he is now committed to the custody of Mr. Watson, at whose hands he receives kind usage. Fears lest Cecil should retain some evil opinion of him as a disloyal person, upon sinister information made of him to Cecil and my Lord of London. His innocence is such (his religion set apart) that he is so well able to clear himself if opportunity were granted, that Cecil would not deem it needful to have him still restrained.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 46.)
Robert Catesby to Walter Cope.
[1601.] I have sent you here-enclosed my letter to that honourable person, to whom I pray you deliver it, and entreat his pardon for my scribbled and blurred letter, but my willingness to discharge my duty within time has made me commit gross faults, which I hope he will pardon in that he enforces me to write for the discovery of my mind, which I am so far unfit to do.
Holograph. Signed, “Robart Catesbye.” Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (90. 48.]
[Sir R. Cecil] to [the Mayor of Bristol].
1601. Having perceived by your letter how discreetly you have proceeded both with Nowell and Jenkinson in forbearing to make public so vile and devilish an untruth whereby there might be ministered the least occasion of scandal, I have thought good as well to take notice as to give thanks for the same. But for the matter, this is my opinion. First, it does not appear whether any other testimony than Noel's can convince Jenkinson : for if it cannot, then is it not material whether he spake it or no, for any punishment that the law will afford him : and so shall a matter be stirred which, though it be ridiculous in itself, yet having relation to the person of the Queen, it would not be remembered if it could not be proved : so as before I can give any other direction I would have been glad to have been informed from you of these circumstances, especially whether the party do confess it yea or no, for thereby we shall see what likelihood there is to bring it to any head, whereof if you do advertise me by post it shall suffice. I am glad to hear that the horse and foot are gone, which we presume are in Ireland. For the rest, I wish them a safe and speedy passage.
Draft. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Copy of my Mr. his letter to the Mayor of Bristol.” 1½ pp. (90. 50.)
Jordan Chadwick to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Has been a suitor to the Lord Keeper for the rectory of Ripton King, Huntingdonshire, being nearest the College of which he is fellow. His Lordship will confer it on him unless Cecil nominates some other. Prays Cecil to consider him, as he is destitute of any promotion.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Mr. Chadwick, your Honour's chaplain.” ½ p. (90. 55.)
[1601.] An observation to find out the true valuation of the coins of gold and silver, not only of this realm of England, but also of all other neighbour kingdoms and dominions bordering or adjoining.
The paper gives particulars of various coinages, and makes discovery how the Low Countries get from England all her gold. The conclusion is, that such as transport the money gain almost 5s. upon the 3l. in value with us in gold, and after minting it there, gain 3s. 3d. and 3 gr. sterling more.
Endorsed :—“1601.” 3 pp. (90. 56.)
Enfield Chace.
[1601.] Information of Mr. Conisbye against those that steal deer in Enfield Chase.
Offenders named, with particulars : Tyndall Perte, of Fryan Barnet; Wm. Terry, servant to Mr. John Ashe; Mr. Robert Hayes, of Enfield; Launcelot Fox, and Mr. Myners, of Waltham Abbey.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 58.)
Walter Cope to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] The bearer John Shacrosse, perfumer, has brought you such a glove as he had now lying by him, but he says, if he may have allowance of stuff and time, he hopes to fit you with as pleasing scents as Spain or Portingall do afford, and refers himself to my Lord Thomas' report. If we poor coalmeters should not be too troublesome, if we might obtain this reasonable postscript to be added to our letters yet resting in Mr. Edmonds' hands, you might make us all much bounden. When your “coche” is freed from the “grandies,” I would be glad to wait upon you.
Undated. Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (90. 60.)
Enclosure :
And where the Lord Mayor hath moved us to explain our meanings concerning a postscript in our first letters whereby we required that all further proceedings herein should be forborne until the cause might be fully heard and ended : in answer thereof, we think most fit that the public service be continued as it is at this present by his Lo : direction. And that the fees and profits belonging to these displaced officers may rest uncollected until the cause shall be heard and determined.
¼ p. (90. 59.)
Sir William Cornwaleys to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601? May.] Two letters :—
1. There is a great “gest” [? guest] expected to come a maying hither. I wish your leisure and disposition may serve for maying. I shall be much contented and satisfied to see you here, and otherwise lacking the luck I would if you be not.—Highgate, Thursday.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601. Sir William Cornwallis.” ½ p. (90. 62.)
2. Though very near Cecil, and desirous to attend him, does not presume till he has heard his pleasure. He never came near his wife since it was known what sickness it was; he has lain at Putney, Wimbledon and London these 10 days, and there is no creature sick in any house of his, or of his repair. So he leaves his banishment to Cecil's will and pleasure.—From Mr. Cope's.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Sir William Cornwallis.” ½ p. (90. 63.)
Humfrey Covert to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Expresses his thanks for the commendations Cecil has given to the Queen of the service in which the Council employed him. Because his fortunes have been rent by the finger of greatness, and his painful endeavours disabled by one whose soul God pardon, he has nothing left to present Cecil with except his humble, constant and free heart.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Captain Covert.” 1 p. (90. 64.)
Robert Craforde to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Languishes in miserable captivity, banished from his wife and country for services performed to her Majesty. Is especially distressed for apparel, and that he may not go naked, prays Cecil to favour him with “vales.”
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (90. 65.)
[Captain Crofts] to “your Honour” [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1601.] Prays that the 100 men which are to go out of Herefordshire may be committed to the command of Mr. Alexander Croft his near kinsman, of proved valour, and who has served long in the wars in many countries, especially in Ireland, whence he last came with special recommendation from the now Deputy there to have a company.
Unsigned. Undated. Endorsed :—“Captain Crofts. 1601.” ½ p. (90. 66.)
Licence for Beer.
[1601.] Reasons to induce the Lord Treasurer to continue a licence for beer granted by him to Thomas Danett.
The price of malt is no dearer now than when the first licence was granted. Danett desires no diminishing of her Majesty's customs. He has made provision for the transportation of the beer, which will be upon his hands, to his great loss, if he be not permitted to pass it. His services beyond the seas.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (90. 67.)
Jeofrey Daveis to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Offers to make known an opportunity of advantage which the Queen has had upon the King of Spain ever since he made the arrest of the ships and mariners of Holland and Zeeland in Spain : which advantage is so great that it will tend to deprive him of the trade of both his Indies, if the course he (Daveis) will lay down be performed.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 68.)
Jo. Davys to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] About 6 of clock this evening, my Lord of Cumberland signified your Honour's pleasure to me, that I should instantly conceive a speech for introduction of the Barriers. I have done it with a running pen, and a more running head, being distracted with a 100 parts of this business, all the little particularities being left to the care and provision of two of us. I hope we shall perform it with all circumstances, but for the substance of the matter, I mean the dancing and striking of the Barriers, I make no doubt but we shall show ourselves honest men and not shame ourselves.
This speech doth nothing satisfy me, and therefore much less will it seem passable in your Honour's judgment, but this is the effect of that which was intended to bring in the Barriers. I humbly beseech your Honour to let your eye pass a little over it, and to let me know what your judgment mislikes, and I shall quickly correct it. The gentleman that is to speak it must not know that it comes from me, for then he will never learn it. I am not ambitious to be reputed the author of a speech, but am zealous to have things done according to your Honour's pleasure.
Undated. Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 69.)
Alice, Countess Dowager of Derby to Sir Robert Cecil
[1601.] Two letters :—
1. Last night one of the Fellows of the Savoy died. The Society would be content to make choice of her household chaplain, Mr. Phillips, the only let being that the Master has promised Cecil the disposing of the first place that should fall void. Prays Cecil to prefer Phillips, who has long attended her, and a man both godly and learned. “Your assured loving Cousin.”
Undated. Signed. Endorsed :—“1601, Countess of Darby.” ½ p. (90. 71.)
2. Prays that this gentleman, Captain James Phillips, may have a charge of men in Yorkshire, being of that country born.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Countess of Derby Dowager. 1601.” ½ p.
Captain Hugh Done to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601]. Two letters :—
1. At his coming from Loughfoyle, Cecil promised him a company. In consideration of his dozen years' services, craves Cecil's letter to the Lord Deputy for the first company that falls, and in the meantime that he may have 4s. a day from the Treasurer, being the same allowance he had in the late Earl of Essex's time.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Captain Done.” 1 p. (90. 73.)
2. The Council recommended him for the muster master's place of Lancaster, which took no effect. Prays for a company in the Low Countries.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed by Cecil's secretary :—“1601. Captain Done to my Mr.” 1 p. (90. 74.)
Count Egmont to the Queen.
[1601.] Prays for licence for 200 pieces of iron artillery, as well cannons as demi-cannons or culverins, for the furtherance of his sea voyage.
Undated. French. In the third person. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 78.)
William Eynns to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Has been imprisoned almost 2 years, 5 months thereof in close prison; has spent all, and been almost starved. Has protested his innocence both to Cecil and to Sir Walter Ralegh, but has ceased to speak thereof since his censure in the Star Chamber. Prays Cecil's mercy, now in this time when the fountain of mercy is opened to the greatest offenders. The punishment his adversary Fowler seeks against him is but a ceremonious infamy : yet it will do Fowler no good, and utterly disable the writer from doing her Majesty service. Prays for his liberty, or release on bail.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Captain Eynns.” 1 p. (90. 79.)
Anne, Lady Glemham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601. Expresses her thanks to him for so noble a gift, which she would have acknowledged by Mr. Glemham, but for his long sickness and his failing to see Cecil at his house. Craves to know Cecil's pleasure by the bearer, because the gentleman who attends the cause has great occasion to return into the country.—1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lady Glemham.” ½ p. (90. 90.)
Proofs made by Sir Tho. Posthumus Hoby, Knight, plaintiff, against William Eure, esquire, and others, defendants.
[1601.] Plaintiff is a commissioner of peace in the North and East Ridings of Yorks; of oyer and terminer; for ecclesiastical causes; for musters; and thrice a commissioner for subsidy. On August 26, 1600, defendants came to his house at Hackness, Yorks, and were well entertained by him : notwithstanding which, they committed many foul misdemeanours and outrages : namely, in making rude and strange noises in the nature of “a black santes,” as it is termed, when the plaintiff's family were at prayers : in bringing cards and dice : in excessive carousing and charging the plaintiff to drink healths, contrary to his disposition : in sending word that they would set horns at his gate, and pull him by the beard : saying that they would keep his house by force : throwing his servants forth : calling the plaintiff “scurvy urchen” and “spindleshanked ape”: and divers other reproachful names, in the presence of his wife : breaking glass windows; threatening to fire the town and pull down the parish church : breaking the common stocks, &c. These outrages were grounded upon unkindness formerly conceived by Lord Eure against the plaintiff, and for malice for service done by the plaintiff by virtue of his several commissions.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 80.)
Frances, Countess of Essex to the Lord Keeper, the Lord Treasurer, the Lord Admiral, and Mr. Secretary Cecil.
[1601.] She does not need to present to them her cause of complaint against that bad fellow Daniell, because they have sifted out the cozenage, commiserated the cozened, and punished the cozener. She details at length the opposition made by Daniell and his wife to her demands : the reasons given by them : and her replies. Prays to receive the benefit of her Majesty's grant : otherwise by paying her piecemeal after the rate of 200l. a year, Daniell will be still a gainer by his cozening, as the interest of the fine amounts to nearly that sum. She has hardly anything left from “my Lord” to live upon : but Daniell, though her claim be satisfied, will still have more than can be deserved by a man of his bad quality. Craves that since “my Lord's” life has now yielded satisfaction for his offence, they will have care of his poor orphans, which are left to her without one penny for their education and maintenance. Gives further particulars of Daniell's cozening in regard to a pretended entail, and his exaction in forcing her to sell all her jewels in post haste for half their value. Prays that she may either receive with expedition what they awarded, or that the Queen will accept the 200l. yearly towards the payments of “my Lord's” debts so far as it extends, and that she may be helped out of the Exchequer.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 2½ pp. (90. 82.)
The Same to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Not out of neglect or want of confidence in your favourable inclination to do me and all that are afflicted good, but out of a kind of lothness to importune one at whose hand I can claim nothing by desert, I have thus long forborne to trouble you. By my last I was a suitor to you, amongst other of the Council, to present my humble suit unto her Majesty for the remittal of Sir Gelly Merrick's forfeitures. From the rest I received fair words of encouragement, without either direct offer to undertake, or direction in what sort to deal. It pleased you to deal more plainly with me, and by cutting off all hopes of your endeavours to break the first ice to the Queen, yet to assure me that the matter being moved, you would further it for the easing of the burden of that poor house which has been lately shaken by God's indignation. I heard by other dear friends of mine besides, how christianly and religiously you pitied the case out of the ground of conscience, and thought it hard that extremities should be pressed when afflictions are infinite. Hereupon I bethought myself of two means for the breaking of the matter to the Queen : the first, by my mother's humble petition to her Majesty : the other, by the favour of my Lord Admiral, whom I sought to gratify with the thing he so much desired, and without any rent, in hope that he should aid me in these ordinary things concerning my poor son, that in conscience and equity deserve to be favoured. Her Majesty received the petition, and though the reading of it was deferred for the present time, yet since, I doubt not but she has perused it, and taken such impression of pity in her royal heart as will move her to give audience with grace and favour, when she shall be next solicited. My Lord Admiral, to myself and my friends, uses many kind words, but in the main point never opened his mouth, which moves me to despair, and rather to rely upon the remnant of my own hard fortune which is sure by law, than to build upon uncertainties depending upon my Lord's pleasure. If in this suit, which all men hold to be most just, most conscionable, and full of equity, some good effects of your honourable mediation do not occur to my quite decayed comforts, I must conclude myself to be most unfortunate, and for ever banish all hopes and expectations of relief. I am loth to be too troublesome with my unpleasant and moanful scribbled lines, and therefore will no longer tire you with them, but relying upon your promised goodness, &c.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 81.)
Captain Fisher to —.
[1601.] Prays that the Castle of the Narrow Water, and its 600 acres of land, which have fallen to the Queen by the revolt of McGennys, may be bestowed upon him. The castle is upon the passage from Carlingford to the Newry, and joins to Arden McCooley, a notable traitor. Gives details as to former custodians, garrison &c.
Undated. Endorsed :—“Captain Fisher, 1601.” 1 p. (90. 86.)
George Freman to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] This enclosed from Mr. Edmonds his servant came but now to my hands, and by conveyance of Captain Kinge I send the same. It is thought that the Spaniards will not hastily come for these parts, and this I hear of one which can tell of the Spanish proceedings, but it may be he doth dissemble with me, and therefore the Queen's Majesty and her Council do well to continue their readiness in expecting their fleet. Some 30 galleys be expected at Lishborne, which the Lantado brings with him from Cyvell. By this time it is thought they be at Lishborne, and some 15,000 soldiers will be put into them Also it is certain that at Lisborne is a general stay of all ships, both great and small, so that the resolution of the Spaniard is not known whether they will embark their soldiers in great ships or in small ships. If in great ships, then they determine for Ireland : if in smaller, it is thought for Flanders : but some be verily persuaded that it is not any such matter, but only to ransack the merchants as they did at Cyvell. I doubt not but you will conceive in a good part this my boldness, and though I think Spanish preparations will not hold for these parts, yet I beseech you think not that I write thus much to encourage your Honours to desist your provident readiness for preventing their enterprises, but only to signify the opinion of them that know, if they do not dissemble.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. From Calais.” ½ p. (90. 88.)
[Thomas,] Lord Grey (of Wilton) to “Mr. Secretary.”
[1601.] Two letters :—
1. My cousin Reresby intreated me to recommend this and his service unto you; his cause is to-morrow heard. If you be present, let him taste of your favour. In my poor opinion, those that offer wrongs are more faulty than such as repel them. Sir, my punishment continueth and my patience, but my poor state infinitely suffereth. Sir John Fortescue unconcluded with, and payments of three thousand pounds lying on ten thousand pounds' worth of land absolutely forfeited, if this term I take not order for, all lies at a desperate mercy. I beseech you let me know what hope.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“L. Grey to my Mr.,” and in another hand, “1600.” 1 p. (181. 70.)
2. Ashen, whom you sent into the Low Countries, since his late return has met here in London an Englishman he knew in the Archduke's army : which, both for his own discharge, and for some service which the other seems to offer in bewraying of many Jesuits and priests lately arrived, he desired to acquaint you with at your best leisure.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“L. Gray to my Mr., 1601.” ½ p. (90. 93.)
Thomas Hayes and Edward Hayes to Mr. Secretary.
[1601.] The privy seal, drawn according to the articles signed by your Honours, has been put to Mr. Windebank to get her Majesty's hand, which not being obtained, they are at a stand. Meanwhile time is lost in the business, and charges come on, they being constrained to entertain their principal workmen. The farmers of the mills likewise urge for answer. They pray to have his pleasure by Mr. Wyllis.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 98.)
S. Heris to — Hulsonne.
[1601.] Has married a gentlewoman of his own name, in a country which he has ever loved, and where he has received great courtesy and favour of all men, chiefly of her royal Majesty, being employed by Madame the King of France's sister, whom he had the honour to serve at that time. Her Majesty has been informed by some envious persons and calumniators of the marriage, in such a manner that his father-in-law has been molested, and the poor minister who married them put in prison. He lacks a patron to represent the verity of the matter to Her Majesty and her Council, and finds none better than Mr. Secretary. He prays Hulson therefore to inform Mr. Secretary, who will acquaint her Majesty with the truth. There was never any (his duty being reserved to his sovereign King and Master) who has been more honourably affected to her Majesty's service than he.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 3 pp. (90. 99–100.)
[Michael Hickes] to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] I delivered to Mr. Levinus [Munck] a letter to the Duke of Venice concerning my suit, drawn and written by Mr. D. Parkins, as you appointed it. I hope, with the earnest solicitation of P. Pynder, I shall either have order for satisfaction, or an answer to her Majesty's letters, neither of which I could yet obtain. The true value of the goods wrongfully detained comes to about 6,000l. sterling, and were sold for 9 or 10 thousand ducats. They never yet alleged reason for the detaining of them, nor ever any other made claim to them, but Mr. Parvis in his lifetime and I since his death : and P. Pynder has always assured me that the wrong is apparent and the case clear on my side. But the manner of the Venetians is never to yield justice except they be pressed to it, wearying suitors with delays. I beseech you get her Majesty's signature. P. Pynder made his journey into England specially about my cause, and attends nothing but the despatch of this; and now waits upon you to know your pleasure, whether you will command him anything before his departure, or be informed of anything that may lie in his knowledge; and offers to advise you from time to time of such occurrents as he can gather there. If you would provide you of any things in those parts, I think Pynder has both good judgment and good acquaintance.
Unsigned. Undated. Endorsed by Cecil's Secretary :—“Mr. Hickes to my Mr., 1601.” ½ p. (90. 101.)
Margarete, Lady Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Prays Cecil to bestow on her “these notes enclosed.”
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601, Lady Hoby.” 1 p. (90. 102.)
Ja. Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Because the King purposes to write to her Majesty in the matter of the contents of the enclosed, Mr. Fowels has thought it fit to make you acquainted with this letter, that by your favour her Majesty may know of it, and he understand what it shall please you to impart to him therein. Mr. Fowels also prays you to cause the warrants for restitution of the Scotsmen's goods taken at Carlisle and in the Bishopric of Durham, to go by your packet, for avoiding charges to the poor men : or if it seem good to you to send him the warrant that goes to Berwick, he will send it in his packet. He desires you to grant your passport for Patrick Steward and his servant, who was shipbroken at Yarmouth and is bound to France.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 103.)
G., Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Your letters, full freight with occurrents from all parts of Ireland, I have received to my comfort, and return to you with very great thanks, finding the alteration of the style, which tells good tidings and actions of success, far differing in nature and quality from those we received but two years since : which carrying a secret managing of aspiring to a kingdom here, and showed no desire of appeasing, but increasing the troubles and division of that disunited kingdom. I hope a fortunate success will shortly crown the work in those parts. There is another matter for which I desire that I may be beholding unto you. Whereas there have been of late sundry libels cast abroad, showing all venom and malice in the deliverance of them, I hear there is one libel more general, that shoots at many, yet hits very few, that has glanced at sundry of the Court, and amongst others at myself, and my other near friends. If you shall vouchsafe to lend it me but a short space, it shall be returned with speed and secrecy.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601, Lord Chamberlain.” 1 p. (90. 105.)
Thomas Jackson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Of his family misfortunes. He hopes Cecil is appointed to be the chief workman to repair the decayed state of his native poor town, whence he is now extirpated, and also of his own better fortunes. Apparently wishes for employment.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601, Captain Jackson.” 1 p. (90. 106.)
John Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] As to the munition to be sent to the Low Countries, he prays Cecil to befriend Sir Henry Lee, the Master of the Armoury, that those armours and swords now to be bought, because they belong to the office of the Armoury, may be mentioned to be issued out of her Majesty's Armoury. On a like occasion in Essex's time, Cecil withdrew Essex's order touching 3,000 swords that were included in the Office of the Ordnance, and reduced the same to the Office of the Armoury notwithstanding. Being Sir Henry Lee's deputy, he would be loth that Sir Henry should be jealous of him because he belongs to the Office of the Ordnance, to suffer him to receive any disgrace.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 107.)
Sir Thomas Leighton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] On behalf of a very honest, learned and sufficient preacher, a senior fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, unnamed, whom he is desirous to have placed near his own house in the country.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Sir Thomas Leighton.” 1 p. (90. 108.)
Office of Ordnance.
[1601.] Particular services effected in the Office of the Ordnance by John Lynewraye.
(1.) The discovery and reform of the deceits, forgeries and abuses in that Office, as shown lately by records to the Masters of the Requests, Sir Drew Drury, Sir John Peyton and others appointed by the Commissioners for hearing certain causes in the Office. (2.) His abatement of the prices of the munitions, gaining 1,520l. to her Majesty in one bargain of match and decayed powder. By his services her Majesty has saved in 6 years 10,000l. But these good courses are much oppugned by some of the officers. (3.) He has brought the remains of munition taken of her Majesty's ships to a more orderly form, and would proceed further therein, so that the great embezzlements of the gunners should be prevented or lessened. (4.) He has been in her Majesty's service 16 years : 4 years employed in searching out the strange forgeries and deceits used by Paynter and the rest, whereby her Majesty was defrauded in that Office of 60,000l. : 6 years in foreign service under Sir Martin Frobisher in 1588, and afterwards under Lord Thomas Howard : and 6 years in the Office of the Ordnance, in which he has expended 1,000 marks more than he has received. (5.) Whereas no other officers have served further than the Tower of London, he only has been called forth in all great foreign services for the last 6 years, the late service of Ireland excepted, and has had the whole charge of the munition : whereof he tenders orderly accounts, the first accounts of that kind. Lastly, he proposed certain other services contained in a particular now in the hands of the Lord Treasurer.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1½ pp. (90. 111.)
Thomas Lloyde to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Asking for employment in his service.
Latin. Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (90. 112.)
John Luffe to Sir Robert Cecil
[1601.] Has been a long time a merchant using Spain and Portugal : and being now ready to take his voyage for the isle of Tercera and other places of Portugal, under colour of a Scottishman, having the King of Spain's pass for his quiet trade, and being ready to do Cecil any service he may in those parts, he prays Cecil's pass “not to be prejudicialsed” in the said voyage.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (90. 115.)
Robert Luffe to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] He prays that, as he dutifully undertook his dangerous travels into Spain, although all things were not effected according to Cecil's expectation, Cecil will supply his wants caused by sickness and chargeable expenses here, and give him some recompense. He has often moved Mr. Honiman to attend Cecil, but cannot procure him thereunto.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 114.)
Capt. Henry Malbie to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] The Lord Deputy, although he could not satisfy Cecil's letters in all forms, having already dispersed Sir Charles Pierce's company to supply others, has given him allowance of that number which he has already raised, and is presently to muster, and depart for Connaught : where he will not fail to acquaint Cecil with all the occurrences of the enemy. Recommends the bearer, his neighbour Robert Naughton. Hopes the Lord Deputy's proceedings intended by Connaught to Balechenan [? Ballyshannon] will be brought to good pass.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 116)
Fra. Michell to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] On going to Ireland with Lord Mountjoy, he undertook the preparations of that journey, upon promise of being his sole secretary there. He enjoyed this 3 months. But Mericke and Cuffe, and by their means Earth and others, dissuaded Lord Mountjoy, and having brought in Cranmer, by the Earls of Essex and Southampton's commendation, they, with the two Davers, laboured much his Lordship's employment in chief. Mr. Edward Blount, the Catholic, appointed by his Lordship superintendent of his household, made a division of the secretary employments, and shared away the two best parts from the writer to their favourite, and to Cecil's renegado : and then cut out of the writer's part also a Petition Mastership, or Petty Master of Requests. He expostulated with some of those octavians, who told him it was not safe for my Lord to continue the commitment of the private, especially of state, to his trust, for that he depended on an “adverse”: and for proof alleged that he had been seen continually in Cecil's chamber, and in daily converse with Cecil's servants. The latter part was very true, as for a year and a half his greatest travail was the troublesome propping up of Lady Burgh's poor estate, which without Cecil's goodness had fallen to the earth. There being no end to their girdings, and he being barred all midnight conferences, he made his Lordship acquainted with his discontent : who confessed that many of his dearest friends had forewarned him to have an eye to the writer and his advertising. Details the circumstances under which he left Ireland, his Lordship giving him 200 marks, and letters of credence. Thus by a misprision he was outed of 500l. a year, the profit of his place. Has no complaint against his Lordship's public or private dealings, and is glad that most of those who wronged him are removed. Begs that Cecil will not liken him to a beggar, or a cheator in Paul's, who finding a walking gentleman, harkens out his lodging, and will write the next morning a letter of his 7 years' travels and more, and in the end, “I beseech you consider my need and lend me 5s.” Protests his fidelity to Cecil, and begs his protection, or preferment.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 2 pp. (90. 117.)
Edward Morgan, of St. George's, near Bristow, to Sir Thomas George, one of her Majesty's Privy Chamber.
[1601.] Expresses his obligations to Sir Thomas, and his loyalty to the Queen, which move him to reveal a matter of state and secrecy, which is the price of his blood if known unto some. Last Sabbath, he met a seminary priest near St. Andrew's, Holborn : also the same priest ten days since near the Prince's Court, walking without the common garden. A religious and wise gentleman has reported to him that this last week he came to this city, Mr. Shelden overtaking him, and afterwards a priest of his familiar acquaintance with a white “wanne” in his hand, smiting him, and asking him where he should meet him in London. This informant, if authorised, will undertake to apprehend divers of them.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601, to Sir Thomas Gorge.” 1 p. (90. 118.)
Spanish Designs.
[1601.] My bounden duty unto her Majesty, as also the care I have of her safety, with my natural love and affection I bear unto my country, are the causes that move me to set down and relate what of my experience I have learned amongst Spaniards, and heard in the private consultations and council, in the which I have often been present, and my opinion been demanded both at sea and land, with the Adelentado, Don Dego Brochero, Don John de Aquilo, now general in Ireland, our English Jesuits and Irish bishops, with others acquainted in these our parts, and their disputations and conclusions have been as follows.
That it shall not be convenient for the King of Spain to send such a puissant and united army in one fleet for England, although it should be supposed in good judgment sufficient to enter with their swords in their hands, and surprise the strongest and best fortified harbour in the kingdom, maugre all the force thereof.
Reasons were alleged, the small number of mariners their King has for the managing of so great an army : how subject our Channel is to storms : how their great Armado in '88 was lost by storm : how by storms the Adelantado in '96 upon Cape Sinestre (sic) lost near 40 sail of his best ships, with 6,000 soldiers and half a million of money : how the storms in '97, the Adelantado being with 120 sail within 26 hours sail of Falmouth, was dispersed and scattered and forced to retire, with the loss of near 40 sail of good ships and near half a million of money. Also, how so great a fleet will require a long time to be prepared : how that her Majesty in the mean time will be advertised, and thereby ready to prevent them. That if they should take harbour, and the fortresses of the same any time resist them, their ships would be at the mercy of their artillery, and of firing by the Queen's navy that would come in the rear of them. These reasons being delivered, it was concluded these probabilities of difficulties were sufficient to divert the King's designs of adventuring his whole navy in that manner.
It has been also disputed how that their safest and surest way should be to take in England some poustos, which is places well situated and apt to be fortified and tenable upon the seaside, and it was concluded upon Portland, for to trouble that Channel and part of England : Cardiff and Penart for Severan [Severn] and the river of Bristowe : and to those places succours might be ministered as occasion served; and that the footing of those men and their good success there, which they doubted not by reason of the strength and nature of the places, which being then a receptacle for them, would so animate the King and his people that a royal army should be sent within 6 months after fit for so great an enterprise.
They have disputed also of Milford Haven, but they find the harbour very difficult to be fortified in so short a time as shall be requisite for their purpose, and the country thereabouts very barren and far from London, which is the place they aim at, neither can their “altery” [? artillery] from that place march as they desire. They have also had in question the isles of Anglesey and Man, how fertile and tenable they are, and how that with their galleys and small ships of war, they will hinder all succour from her Majesty's force in Ireland.
The Irish negociators have presented unto them how necessary it is for their state to maintain and further the war of Ireland against the Queen : how Tiron has impoverished and troubled our state : what victories and overthrows he has given us : what number of captains and soldiers have been there lost, and treasure consumed upon so poor an enemy, and that Tiron's wars have been a safety to the King of Spain, preservation of his Indies, in diverting her Majesty's power and force from him to be employed upon Tyron, and therefore, upon obligation to Tyron and conservation of himself and his kingdom, the King ought to assist him.
The Irish oftentimes propounded unto them Limberick and Gallaway, which the Spaniard not so well liked of. Their reasons were, the far distance from England, and those parts uncapable to be fortified by reason of their greatness, and that it was not Ireland alone they fished for, but England, and therefore would they accommodate themselves for that purpose when occasion served. It seems now they have possessed themselves of Kinsale, a harbour fit to be fortified and commodious for the purpose, opposite to England, with a neighbour harbour to the West of it called Balltemor and Croke Haven, both of them also very capable to be fortified, although of little validity for our purpose if the Spaniard neglect them : for with the Southerly winds that shall bring the Spanish succours, our ships will not be able to stir forth otherwise than out of Croke Haven, and how little hurt they will be able to do them, their port and harbour being so near, all men that know what belongs to sea affairs can easily judge.
That of my experience in the manner of their proceedings, I do assuredly know that all their care and diligence is and will be to fortify those parts most commodious for them to assure their navy and succour by sea, to take such towns and fortresses in the country that possibly they can, to assure themselves before her Majesty's force arrive, that if they be not presently assaulted with an army of valiant and resolute men, and such a number as shall be thought sufficient by God's help for their extirpation, they will before the spring of the year so root themselves that it will be both difficult and dangerous to expel them. Example of late, Blewet and Croydon in Brittany. It is also to be supposed that if her Majesty's force hinder them not, they will fortify the entrance of the river of Waterford, which will be very dangerous for the town.
At my being in Spain, the clergy of the country offered and assured the King that if he would make a royal war upon England, and that they saw a pousto taken once for that purpose, they would maintain 60 sail of good ships of war for that purpose, and 20,000 men on foot, and that no money nor provision should be wanting for the same. A pousto they have, although in Ireland, which will so encourage those people if they harbour there until the spring that such a fleet of ships and galleys will then be sent that they will do what they can to take footing in England, and so I suppose Bristow in their imaginations will be their landing place. I pray God so inspire her Majesty and Council to take those courses that may be for the safety of her own person, the preservation of her kingdom and the confusion of Spaniards and Spanish designs [crossed out in original : and permit myself and other Catholic men to return home with liberty of our consciences, to show our duty to her Majesty, our love to our country, and the little affection we bear unto Spaniards or their proceedings.]
Signed “Robt. Ellyott,” and signature crossed out. Undated. Endorsed :—“Discourse concerning Spanish army in Munster.” 3½ pp. (90. 121–2.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Again solicits Cecil in his misfortune. Though he has neglected none of the other Lords to whom her Majesty has committed the care of this business, yet his chief hope rests in Cecil, both because his desire is to be bound to him, and because all men chiefly acknowledge from Cecil the favour that has been shown to the other offendors in this unfortunate action. Beseeches Cecil to put his last hand to this work, and take the honour of his preservation from utter ruin. Understands his offer is not allowed, chiefly because he desires the latter 2,000l. to be stalled by 200l. a year, which is not so much as was granted to Lord Sandes, who paid in but 1,000l., and had the rest stalled by 200l. a year : whereas he offers 2,000l. in hand, and requires but the other half to be so stalled. Beseeches Cecil rather to increase somewhat the total sum, than alter that manner of payment. He writes this particularly to Cecil, but to the Lords in general he insists upon his former offer, and has directed the bearer to present his petition which he sent to Basing, if Cecil does not dislike of it.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Sir Henry Nevill.” 1 p. (90. 124.)
Tho. Newarke to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Formerly obtained from Cecil a letter to Sir John Fortescue in commendation of his suit : who thereupon granted sequestration : but now his adversary seeks to reverse the same. Prays for a second letter to Fortescue on his behalf.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (90. 127.)
“John Mountfenell, Baron,” to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] I have served beyond seas a soldier as long as any here at this place present : my homage and fealty to her sacred Majesty and her sacred Council always ready : hearing of some “rainments” of some notorious traitors, who crave to save their neck, to be here fined, as not worth to die at the hangman's hatchet and gallows : I myself where and at what time at Alte were sold by the English traitors Deventory and Sakfeld, to the enemies, by our English “nasies,” our English subject by the traitors put to the sword in Alte, Captain Roger Billinch, Captain Peter Wyne and Owen Salusbury, now “slaye” [? slain], who had pardon by Secretary Walsingham for further mischief, procured under the broad seal of England. Well you may see there still procureth, as late Captain Yorke did by pardon fair, in the end brought more traitors to Parma, as Standley and other I need not to repeat. Here is one Fynon Malory to appear Essex man who is “is shurtis” for him : one Nelsone, the Pope's priest's brother, who uttered published books of slanders from the Pope against her sacred Majesty and her Council, hanged quartered of late. This Mallory married Tresham who hath Queen Scots' blood, in his house this day for a martyr. Call me I will show more. Fine when you list, without some hanging the traitors and their pardons with them nailed upon the post, never good. God save the Queen, her Council and the land.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1¼ pp. (90. 120.)
Ed. Nicholson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] On the subject of the examination of his report of the 800 pieces provided by Mr. Harvey for the Queen's store by Commissioners appointed by the Council.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 129.)
Bridgett, Lady Norryes to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Presuming on Cecil's favour, by her former taste of his benefits, she has entreated Mr. Crosby to deliver to Cecil the assurance that at this present she has, with the assistance that it may please Cecil to yield her, of relieving in such sort her sick fortunes that, although her better hopes be dead, her patience will not be accompanied with penury, neither she so much tormented with the incertitude of that unhappy country wherein her most unhappy lot is fallen. Her trust is in this bearer, whose love to her dead husband, she and his child inherit. She thinks this time will yield best occasion to commence her suit, her hopes relying wholly on Cecil.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Lady Norrys.” 1 p. (90. 131.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] A bill for the assurance of certain lands bought by Samvell Sandes and John Harris of Richard Cocks and George Dethicke was preferred with the consents of all parties, and is passed both Houses. My request is her Majesty may be made acquainted therewith, as she is with others that are to have allowance.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (90. 132.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Three letters :—
1. I send you here-enclosed a letter that came from the coast of Spain to Bruge. What will become of “this bruts,” I know not, but I do not “leeke” it. I doubt not but this wind will give us some knowledge. It will be an ill time for her Majesty to go far off.—Fullam.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Lord Admiral.” ½ p. (90. 133.)
2. I thank you for your kind sending to see how I do, and I am glad to hear of your amendment. Your own father, if he lived, should be no gladder of your good than I shall ever be. I did hope well that I should have seen you here on Sunday, yet I do not wish you to venture too soon.
The matter you writ to me of, this day I did acquaint her Majesty withal, and did let her know how much it did touch her in honour this unjust course that was kept : for as it had been proceeded in by a very honourable course of justice, wherein sentence has been given for her Majesty of all such goods as did appertain to her enemies, and that she had reaped the good thereof and might justify it to all the world, so that very judge of her Admiralty that gave that sentence for her, gave the like for the restitution of the goods to the “Nelanders” [? Netherlanders] her friends and to some of the Portingals under their protection : and this being stayed by inferior persons, except she herself had commanded it, was very strange to me, and troubled me very much, that I being, next her Majesty, the head of the justice, I knew it could not but cast a great imputation on me, as also for the poor skippers for their freight, which I feared would be a great disprofit to herself, for it would be very hard hereafter to get any of them to confess what good did belong to the enemies, when they should be assured to be undone by it. Much more I said, which I leave to my cousin Mr. Secretary Harbard to tell you, who was by, and doth come to you about it where the judge of the Admiralty is appointed to wait on you. I must say truly her Majesty is much displeased with it, as you shall perceive by Mr. Secretary. Therefore I pray you take a good course in it for her Majesty's honour, and that the world do not too plainly see that all is fish that comes into the net with us.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 2 pp. (90. 134.)
3. Yesterday morning, the wind being at North West, and doubting they would take the first wind, I sent away the letter in all haste, for I knew there were none at the court to “syngne” [? sign] it with that speed. You shall not doubt of any great envy that will come of it, for there are not 3 but all men-of-war which they know I would not willingly stay, and besides, they see there themselves the cause of the stay. But if you doubt anything of it, there may be a general letter sent both thither and to Bresto, which may confirm that, but, Sir, I think it is not doubted but myself alone may do it, and it is not the first time that you and I have written in these causes without any others. If it please you that a letter may be sent to Mr. Caron, or that you would speak with him for 300 mariners to be brought out of the Low Countries for to put in the ships, we may then release these. If he will promise that, assuredly we shall have them. If it please you, there may a letter go from you and myself that the merchants' ships that go on trade may proceed on their voyage : or if you doubt that this will be evil taken, let us write in haste to the Vice Admiral to stay proceeding in the last letter, and if there be any cause of stay after, if the wind come well to serve them, I will use my own authority for the stay of them, and so shall yourself be clear. I came not home well, but I thank God I am now very well, and I pray God to continue you long so.
PS.—You know it is against my profit the staying of the men-of-war, and themselves know it.
I will be to-morrow by 9 of the clock at the Court.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (90. 135.)
[1601.] Sheriffs in Norfolk these 7 years past.—A list for the years 36 to 43 Eliz.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 130.)
[Pury Ogilvy to the King of Scots.]
[1601.] It will please your M. to understand that, coming out of Dunfermling to Edinburgh to have satisfied your M. desire, and finding myself pursued and forced by the Magistrates and others in your M. name, I could do no less than eschew the first fury, and appeal with the Macedonian “suldart,” a Phillippo male consulto ad Philippum bene consultum. Thereof I crave your M. pardon thus absenting myself for no offence that ever I committed against your M. in or without the country, but for safety of my life, “as ane beast but reason would do.” I am most sorry for your M. reputation's cause that other princes should hear of your M. cruel dealing against me, having merit[ed] so well at your M. hands, whereof they can bear me witness, for so shall your M. be thought of conform as your enemies had informed at least one “ongrate” prince, and I a manifest liar who has informed them so well of your M. I hope that your M. will use my poor wife and bairns according to your wonted clemency. And for myself, if I cannot live in the country, I will accept of the cross that God lays on me for my sins against his heavenly M. And cum Cristo fugere ex una civitate in aliam. True it is that God suffers people to be scourged indirectly, and thereafter casts the scourge in the fire. Take heed, Sir, and begin to think well of him who loves your M. honour and standing, and since God has been so many times so merciful to you, be not cruel with your M. debtors if you would not be “cassin” [? cast in] with that evil debtor of the evangel in perpetual prison. As for that your M. would lay against me, I never had or used any commission of your M8. to any foreign prince in my life, neither in Flanders, Italy nor Spain, notwithstanding all your M. intelligences in the contrary, which are false and counterfeit, as I shall be able to prove. I have dealt and been dealt with indeed, but always in matters that concerned your M. standing and the weal of your M. country. Yet for satisfaction of your M., having surety of my life and heritage, I am content to end “in vard,” and say whatsoever your M. shall command me, or otherwise to go presently out of the country. For if my Lord Simple passed to Spain with your M. commission, his instructions bearing the same heads whereof I was thought to have dealt, what satisfaction can my warding be to England, who insists in no ways against me, finding me innocent of all such calumnies laid against me at my being in London. And if your M. should mislike more of my coming through England than dealing in Spain, as some curious people imagine, since your M. was of opinion that I should have been “tame” by my own advices, your M., if I durst say it, does me wrong, for I bear the good will and could do your M. better service there than many subjects your M. has, and if wills be revealed upon “conscionn” [? conscience] accused of the same things, and more suspect by England nor I, what can it harm your M. or offend England to grant me the like benefit; and if it be but my life as appears, “focht” indirectly, prestat sapere alieno exemplo. Neither can your M. justly blame to be as diligent in saving my life as others are cunning and subtle in craving my sackless blood. As for geir, I have none, and little land, yet the house is so mine and so many honest men come of it, that I trust your M. will not see it perish. I am become, through my troubles and great “travell,” so evil at ease and debilitate that only warding were sufficient to make my poor unprovided bairns fatherless. If none of “ther” may move your M. to justice and pity, I must remit my cause to God, and seek to serve some other prince, for I mind to die rather a confessor nor a martyr. One thing may I justly say with the friar who was put in the galleys for saying of three or four masses every day, that I am punished per aver facto troppo ben. Speak your M. of evil you please of me. I will always think and speak well of your M. Although by this reason, as Plutarch tells the tale, I must needs be a knave, either because your M. who is good speaks evil of me, or then, if your M be not good, because I speak good of an evil man. But, Sir, “kaik is no scheirs.” I look for better of your M. And kissing your M. princely hands with all dutiful humility, I pray the eternal God to preserve your M. and open your eyes or they my breast, that your M. may see, as Simonius desired, the inward cogitations of my true heart.—Raptim. 1601.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Pury Ogleby.” 2 pp. (90. 136–7.)
The answer of Richard Paulfreyman to the information of John Lee, Keeper of her Majesty's Store.
[1601.] The enquiry concerns (1.) Paulfreyman's salary, which is 20l. per ann. “as all inferior clerks of the office have,” and allowance for stationery. (2.) His accounts with his Master, to whom he delivers his remain. (3.) The charges he is put to. (4.) His receipts of poundage money from merchants and others who bring munition into the store, and have great gain by the Queen, are 4d. and 6d. in the 1l., and amount to not much above 100l. (5.) Mr. Lee's allowance of 20l. indirectly erected by the late surveyor, Mr. Powell, Painter and Bedwell, in the interim between the death of Sir Robert Constable and the entrance of Sir George Carew, has been sundry times before the Lords. (6.) In the late great proportion of munition sent for Ireland was contained 3,000 swords for which the money was received by Mr. Lee, as deputy to the Master of the Armoury, at 6s. 8d. the piece. Details with regard to charges for chests and dry fatts for packing.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1½ pp. (90. 140.)
Antho. Payneter to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Understands that Mr. Lynewraie has so informed Cecil against him that his suit is overthrown. Lynewraie learned this course of his master, Powell, who, after the writer had convicted him in the Exchequer, suggested against him in this sort. Quotes speeches of Powell's against him. Protests his innocence, and begs Cecil to further his suit. He will then discover to Cecil Powell's manifold embezzlements, deceits, selling her Majesty's wages, and many other abuses.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Concerning his suit for the Surveyorship of the Ordnance.” 1 p. (90. 141.)
Robert Palmer to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Having been made worthy heretofore by Cecil to command in her Majesty's service, he explains the reasons which have prevented his attendance upon him for these few years past, and begs a renewal of his favour.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 142.)
William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Three letters :—
1. On behalf of the bearer his kinsman, who is a suitor for a company in these troops that now go for Ireland.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Earl of Pembroke. 1601.” ½ p. (90. 146.)
2. The respect you have shewed of me in this matter concerning my cousin is so great as I should hate myself if in all my actions I did not strive to deserve it : and I beseech you believe that you have no friend that more faithfully loves you, or whose sword and fortune you can command more if at any time they may stand you in stead. For this enclosed this bearer can in particular answer. In general I may truly say this that the same petition was exhibited to my Lord President, and because he found that this only proceeded out of malice, because my cousin prosecuted their friends for foul murders and burglaries, which were wont in that country to be huddled up, he bound them that did exhibit it to the good behaviour. I will now trouble you no farther, but with many humble thanks for your favour to us both, and desiring the continuance of it, &c.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Earl of Pembroke.” 1 p. (90. 143.)
3. I know not how to be sufficiently thankful for so a great favour bestowed on me, in getting the Queen's consent for my going beyond the seas, but you may assure yourself that while I live I will ever remain wholly devoted to do you service. I beseech you, while her Majesty is in this good disposition, you will give order to Mr. Lake to draw my licence, and procure her Majesty's gracious hand, and then you shall be delivered from an importunate suitor that often troubled you with many idle businesses.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Earl of Pembroke, (?) 1601.” 1 p. (90. 145.)
Roger Puleston.
[1601.] Information against Roger Puleston, a dependant upon the Lord Keeper, nominated to be one of the Council of the Marches of Wales.
His want of legal knowledge. His great indebtedness. He uses his offices—Deputy Lieutenantship of Flint, and Custos of Denbigh, and Justice and Quorum of both—to exercise violence to those he favours not. He is Deputy Steward to the Lord Keeper of the Seignories of Denbigh and Bromefield and Yale. He has matched himself with the Bromleys, and would be too great if he had this place, which he desires to repair his decayed estate, and for precedency. He is a stirrer of factions, and countenances his brother, a lewd liver.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 148.)
William Pureveye to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601]. Was cowardly assaulted when hunting, by a bravo, well appointed, and vizarded. The procurers of this are easily discerned. Sir Edward Denny has confessed to an intention of meeting him at Waltham Cross and stabbing him; and also has confessed that, before the above assault, his (Denny's) brother, called Captain Cecil, lay two mornings in the Strand with 10 soldiers and captains, to have taken him in his passage to Westminster Hall, and by presumption to have murdered him : for Captain Cecil then had a ship ready for the passage of himself and company to Flanders. Details recent threats of Denny's, and prays that, if Cecil will not himself reform Denny's insolencies, Cecil will not be offended if he seeks his remedy where he may. Has hitherto forborne to prosecute them as they are so near to Cecil.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Auditer.” 1 p. (90. 149.)
Elizabeth, Dowager Lady Russell to Mr. Secretary [Cecil].
[1601.] Two letters :—
1. Finding myself so unfortunate a mother of two daughters that served her Majesty 5 and 6 years, to no small charge to my purse : the one of the two to die in her Majesty's service worn with intolerable pains, and yet not thought worthy of honourable burial as other her meaner maids had : and this other daughter to lose 700l. yearly value of present possession of inheritance by her Majesty's breath, for recompence of her full 5 years' daily service sine labe : and this wrong to be by bribes wrought most unconscionably to the persuasion of the Prince's heart that that is rightly and safely done which is in truth open wrong : done contrary to law and to the breach of a statute of Westminster, the second in Edward the First's time. Since my farewell from Court hath been every way so uncomfortable, it hath killed a courtier and Parliament woman of me. With God's grace, I will pray for her Majesty as heartily as those shall she favoureth most, and I will pray to my God to give me patience to bear what it pleaseth him to lay upon me : and in his justice to reward my Lady of Warwick according to her wrongs, and cruelty done to her brother John my Lord, in causing his father to burn the writings made for him in my Lord's mother's life, as the late Countess of Bedford testified in the Court of Wards, that she should from my La. of Warwick speak to the Earl of Bedford her husband, and father to my La. of Warwick, to remember to burn the writing made in the fourth or fifth year of this Queen to the (sic) of her brother Jhon : and for detaining in her greatness 16 years that should be their inheritance; as appeared by my nine years' suit in law; by having a copy of those deeds, my Lord Chief Justice that now is and Mr. Attorney being my pleaders in my daughter's behalf. And, Sir, because you shall know the unconscionable wrong now offered my L. Harbert and my daughter in their absence, this is the case. I beseech you let her Majesty understand it. My Lord Frances, Earl of B[edford], disposing of his estate at his death to sundry for present estates, tied in conscience the reversion of the whole, not in remainders to the Queen, to his heirs at common law; to whom he left but 6l. 10s. the uttermost in present, with these words, that he whosoever should attempt or consent or go about to make any instrument to alienate or alter any of his premises, should presently be dead in law.
My Lord of Bedford now hath flatly, and his brother Sir William Russell, forfeited their present estate by making this instrument to have leave to sell lands entailed : the one by attempting, the other by assenting thereto, to make and put in this act into the House. The benefit whereof, to the value of 700l. yearly value, we claim in present possession to come to my Lord Harbert and my daughter according to deeds made of manners [? manors] by Frances late Earl of Bedford unto Jhon, and Frawnces his younger sons, and of their heirs males : and for want of such issue, rectis heredibus ejusdem comitis, which is my daughter. These deeds could not be disannulled by any conveyance made at his death to other; and therefore by this forfeiture before he have an heir male done, these of 7 or 800l. yearly value should presently come to us, the rest to William Russell's heir male, the benefit whereof yearly, with Harington's lands sold and Foster's revenue, will pay her. Your desolate unfortunate aunt.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Lady Russell.” 1 p. (90. 151.)
2. Think that it toucheth you in honour in the face of the world to see your aunt, a noblewoman that hath made petition in a most just cause to the Council table to have redress against so flat a wrong offered by Justice Warberton, contrary to law, in undoing after term when he was no Justice what was done by the whole Bench in Court, so much to my disgrace as to revoke an order for judgment against Anne Lovelace, that so shamefully hath so long troubled me for recompense of my kindness, in being willing to have gotten her Mr. Latten for a husband : gave that grant pro servitio impenso et in posterum impendendo, which when she refused to serve me, I entered on again. If she had continued my favour, her grant could not have been good longer than I lived, because I had altered the property from being a copyhold in letting it out for divers years in particulars, and that to divers, with increase of rent, being in old rent but 39s. 8d., her tenant Drentall, that now is in it, paying 5l. for one close, another 40s. for the house, and one Manfeld 24s. or 4 nobles for another close. It is but a trifle yearly. It is well known that I give away in a year 20 times the value. But I hold my honour more dear than my life. Neither list I while I breathe to be thus bearded by a girl's tearing out of my teeth what I meant to her preferment in my own parish if she had kept my favour. If she had paid any fine, there had been some reason. If herself had not been by wages and my charge during her abode with me maintained, it had been somewhat. But thus in mine own manor to be cozened for my kindness, I think it too great a dishonour and disgrace for me to bear by my L. Admiral's maintenance or Mr. Warberton's wrong. If I had presumed to inform the Council of any untruth, I might justly be blamed, and the matter shuffled up as it is. But her Majesty's pardon (for the riot done after the rule given in Court for judgment coming) before I had any relief for my just complaint made to the Lords, nor nothing done to my satisfaction of corn taken, what greater disgrace can be offered? And if justice according to law be not yielded by Justices, why be they judges? I will agree to what order yourself shall think fit for my honour removing her whom I will never leave to sue while I live. . . . These caterpillars . . . those that deserve best of them. Compound it to my honour and equity as your self . . . and my L. Admiral for . . . whom . . . opposeth his authority against me. This done I am going to Dunington.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601. Lady Russell.” Damaged. 1 p. (90. 152.)
Henry Savile to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Upon Cecil's second letters, Widdrington has yielded the corn, but professes that no man who will have his favour shall hereafter meddle with those tithes. With a man of Widdrington's powerfulness, no man will dare to carry it out of field, give it room, thrash it, or offer money for it, which makes it worth nothing. Prays Cecil to write Widdrington, saying he expects him to favour all ministers sent in that business, as well as he has hitherto been content to do at the request of Lord Essex and others, especially the cause concerning Sir H. Nevill, who upon his late unfortunate offence, and her Majesty's displeasure, has need of his own to the best advantage.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—1601. 2 pp. (90. 156.)
Captain John Selbye to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Having been twice before Cecil and the Council, they both times charged him, upon the imposition of his fine, that his coming from Berwick was by a letter or direction from the late Earl of Essex, and of purpose to follow him in that late action. Knows not who should possess Cecil with so untrue an imputation. If on trial he shall not satisfy Cecil that the ground of his coming was never intended any way towards the Earl, or to participate his cause, he is willing not only to refuse the benefit of her Majesty's pardon, but also the commodity of his Saviour's death. Begs leave to go into the country to take order for the discharge of his fine.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 157.)
O. Snook to —.
[1601.] I did as your Worship did advise me, for after that I came from you on Thursday, I was to seek out the young man, but could not find him until Friday in the morning I told him that I heard he had been with the Council, and advertised them of such news as there was in those places from whence we came. Then I asked him what he had said. He told me a tale which was clean contrary unto all truth of our journey, and if I had gone unto Mr. Secretary I should have told him a tale clean contrary unto his, and then brought myself in trouble and he both, but then he asked me if I had been with your Worship, and I told him I had, which was the occasion I went not unto his Honour, for then I should have been asked if I had been with you, which I could not have denied, which would have brought us more trouble, because I coming from out of Spain and coming unto your Worship before I went unto the Court, would have had been an occasion to have cut your Worship off the sooner, because they would have thought there had been some plot laid, but to avoid all suspicion, beseeching your Worship not to make any speech thereof concerning me unto Mr. Secretary. If that this youth should have gone unto the Court with me, I should have called your Worship's name in question again and mine own both, which would have gone hard with your Worship and myself both. I am determined, God willing, to go out of this place over into Flanders with all speed as I may.—From the Stran[d], this Friday 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Osmond Snouke, servant to Sir John Davyes.” 2 pp. (90. 162.)
[Sir John Stafford to Sir Robert Cecil.]
[1601.] Begs Cecil's letters to the Sheriffs of Bristol, and to Mr. Bosdon, late deputy of the late Earl of Pembroke of the Castle of Bristol, requiring that a view of the castle be taken concerning the waste, and all such things as shall be left in Stafford's charge : that Bosdon deliver to him present possession of the Castle, with the rents due : and that the sheriffs make present payment of his half-year's fee for keeping the Castle, due at Lady Day last, by her Majesty's grant to him before the Feast of the Annunciation, and since the death of the late Earl of Pembroke.
Unsigned. Undated. Endorsed by Cecil's Secretary : “1601. Sir John Stafford his suit to your Honour.” ½ p. (90. 164.)
Michael Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Her Majesty would have you to write a letter as from yourself to one Derycke Peyterson, a printer—but of what place I know not, neither is it greatly material—that Cornelyus Henryckeson, servant unto Peyterson, has presented unto her Majesty a map of his printing, for the which she gives him thanks, and that this your letter doth testify the delivery of the same, for which map she hath given him 10l. It is a map, as I take it, of the genealogy of the house of Nassawe, and of the “beseyngynge” [besieging] of divers towns in those parts. The poor man is to go away presently, the ship being ready to depart.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 165.)
Sir John Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] I think you remember one Adonett, of Lincolnshire, who informed against a minister there for speeches of the Q., and some of yourself, the matter being wholly left to me by you. After I had heard them both, I thought it best to procure the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Lincoln, of whose diocese the minister was, to examine only the matters of conjuring and incontinency, whereof he was manifestly convicted by his own confession, and so by their Lordships deprived. This Adonett is not yet satisfied, but under the favour of Mr. Wade hath preferred a petition for his charges to the Board, and a warrant being joined with it by Mr. Wade, the Lords have signed it, referring the sum to you, but I think if you give him 20 nobles, or 10l. at the uttermost, it is more than he hath deserved, for it is merely practice and malice that set him awork, as you may see by the Earl of Lincoln's letter to me, wherewith this Adonett was acquainted, and told Mr. Wade of it, who yesternight prayed me he might see it, and then would needs have had it to carry to you, but I told him I would either speak with you in it myself, or send it when you had less to do, but the end of it is that Lincoln would use this knave to be revenged on Sir Edward Dymocke, as you shall find easily.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 166.)
William Style to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Thanks Cecil for commending his father's suit, which very nearly concerns himself also, to the Lord Keeper, who has promised to consider it and speak with Cecil thereon. His father was executor to Mrs. Dane, who left a legacy of 2,000l. to the Company of Ironmongers for charitable uses. It has not yet been paid, through want of sufficient assets, and his offer to pay what he has in hand being refused. Details the legal proceedings taken by the Company, and rebuts the charge of enriching himself from the estate. He is willing to pay the legacy in five years, according to the order of the Chancery Commissioners, and prays that that order may stand, and not the last order which binds him to an impossibility.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 167.)
Robert Stickelles to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Offers services. Knows that Cecil accepts the best he can do : although some say that to study for the truth in that which he professes, is but idleness, and that he is in a vain mind : and encloses the effects thereof. Desires to come to his trial before the Council, with any workman seen in these actions, either for sea or land. Prays for the room of the joiner unto her Majesty's privy chamber. Has been 14 years employed in her Majesty's works, and hopes he has discharged to Cecil's liking the charge committed to him in several places.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 168.)
Frances, Lady Stourton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Good Brother, the Lady Stourton, my mother-in-law, who was always kind unto me in my Lord's time, is lately indicted for recusancy by one Felton's man, without any special direction, as I hear, either from her Majesty or the Council, which course hath seldom been used to a lady of her place, birth and years. A good part of her jointure is to come to me after her decease. I understand that upon the conviction they will have a lease of two parts of her living, and then I know such persons will for their time make spoil of all things, and every way work their most profit to the hindrance of them that shall come after, for which cause and the love I bear unto my mother-in-law, I beseech you to procure a discharge of these proceedings against her.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (91. 3.)
Sir Robert Vernon to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Though it have seemed good to your Honour to use all the best means both at home and abroad for the furtherance of your own charitable end, whence is my release, yet I may very well gather by all the degrees of proceedings that have been taken with me since my coming into trouble, from whence my ease and comfort comes, and therefore having nothing to present so worthy your favour as a thankful heart, I vow the same at your devotion while I live.
I send my letters to the Duke open because it may receive your allowance before I deliver it.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (91. 6.)
Councillors for the March of Wales.
[1601.] Edward, Earl of Worcester.
*William, Earl of Pembroke.
*Edward, Lord Stafford.
William, Lord Chandos.
*Sir Edward Wynter.
*Sir Richard Trevor.
Mr. Herbert Croftes.
Mr. Francis Newport.
Mr. Serjeant Williams.
Mr. Mansfield.
Hugh Hughes, the Queen's Attorney of the three shires of North Wales.
Master Davis. [The three last names are in Cecil's hand.]
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” (91. 8.)
Sir W[illiam] Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601]. My offences, whereby I have procured her Majesty's displeasures and jealous conceipts of me, I have often and heartily repented, and have conceived therefore infinite grief, not for the punishment I have received (in which I am bound to acknowledge her Majesty's most gracious favour and your honourable respect to me for the mitigation thereof), but for that I should unfortunately be held in suspicion of that crime which of all other my soul most abhorreth, which is disloyalty. God is my witness my heart never consented to any treacherous act in my life; and I have always abhorred the name of a traitor. And since it has pleased her Majesty to release me of my restraint, I am resolved to bestow the remains of my days in endeavours to do her acceptable service; and therefore humbly beseech you to direct me such courses as may guide me to effect that which I most desire. Nor shall any perils of body or fortune slack my endeavours to accomplish it.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (91. 10.)
Peter Strong to—.
[1601.] I heard of certainty that there was a ship of five and twenty tons at the Groyne, to be laden with munitions and 10,000 ducats for Tyrone. The report was that they were to go for Dinninge. I know of certainty that Spain is not able for their levies to make the men that they say that they will make, for they have them not. If the trade of Spain be taken from Ireland, it will be the best thing that can be done, for as long as they have that trade, they will never be true to her Majesty.
I heard that Byrtandona, which is the commander of the fleet, wrote to Don Luis that he should have all the soldiers that lay in garrisons against his coming there; for whereas he made account to have so many thousands, he could not come “anyste” the quantity, for that through the plague in Lisbon they died, and therefore that he should have all the soldiers of the garrisons.
I know that they are weary of Ireland, and if they had not promised to help them, and through the procuration of the Friar that is there, they would be glad to be rid of their troubles, nor will they send them more than a little money. If it shall please your Honours to apply me into service for my prince, you shall see that my service will be good.
I heard at Santander that the seven galleys that should come there, should go for Rochelle, and there to stay until they had known further of certainty of Patrick Sinnott in the Groyne. The said priest certified me that Spain was not able to furnish thirty sail of her own ships, and that they distrust the strangers greatly, but cannot do without them.
Don Luis bade me tell Patrick Honne to write to Tyrone that he should have aid of men and munitions and treasure by the “finne” [end] of May.
I saw a letter that the priest showed me in the Groyne, how that Stephen Duffe, merchant of Drystdat, has written to him that he has sent to Tyrone the letters of Don Christofere De Moros, and many other matters have been done by them in that city.
This is all that I know or can certify your Honours.
The said Stephen Duffe and others sent away one James Archer, a Jesuit, one of the chiefest procurers of this rebellion, and now is gone for Rome to get aid of the Pope. Signed.
PS.—“More beinge desyrus to lerne nuse; it wase soe that Spayne wase moste sore spoyled bee the Kinge of France in Sayvoye. For there ase the reporte wente ther wase feyve twsande Spanneres slayned and agrete mannye Frence men and if Conde Defontes had not come soe sune to resque with foure twsande Spanineres the Kinge had kylde eyverye moders sone of them as I harde and wase strwe.”
Then came a report that the King of France and the King of Spain should have made peace, and that the Duke of Savoy should pay the King of France a hundred thousand ducats and hold the country again. To certify this news, they said the King married the Pope's niece.
More, the Priest Patrick Synnot told me, and made me swear I would never disclose it, that the fleet was as well like to come for Ireland as for any other place, but because of the great overthrow that was given in the Low Countries to them, they say that they go for Flanders.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Peter Stronge, 1601.” 2½ pp. (91. 1–2.)
Roger Wilbraham to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] This bearer, Mr. Whitney, employed by your Honour into Ireland, is returned; though he have effected nothing, yet I shall desire an audience for him to inform you of his success and his conceit upon intelligences there. I presume his meaning is true and plain, which is rare in these times.
I think I may absent myself from Court this month, being Mr. Cæsar's time of waiting, unless you have occasion for me.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (91. 12.)
Timothy Willis to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] It is reported in and about the city that one Napper, a Scot, now prisoner in the Clink or some other prison about the town, being a Jesuit, hath been described to you as a great master in Alchemy, as holding in possession that great wonder which we call the Philosopher's stone. It is said that some of her Majesty's household servants have enquired after him, pretending your commandment therein. Of this man (if there be any such matter) I can inform you as much as any, and doubt not if I may have access to him, to do good service. If there be no such matter, I will, if you wish, attend to let you understand the means and persons, whereby this rumour is spread.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Doctor Wyllies, 1601.” 1 p. (91. 14.)
Negroes and Blackamoors.
[1601.] Whereas the Queen's Majesty is discontented at the great number of 'negars and blackamoores' which are crept into the realm since the troubles between her Highness and the King of Spain, and are fostered here to the annoyance of her own people, which want the relief consumed by these people, who are mostly infidels without understanding of Christ and his Gospel, in order to the discharge of them out of this country, her Majesty hath appointed Caspar Van Zeuden, merchant of Lubeck, for their transportation, a man who at his own charge has brought from Spain several Englishmen, who would otherwise have there perished : this is to require you to assist him to collect such negroes and blackamoors for this purpose; and if any refuse to deliver such blackamoors to him, you are to persuade them to comply, and if they will not, to certify their names to us.
Endorsed :—“Minute, 1601.” 1¼ pp. (91. 15.)
Sir Edward Wingfield to the Privy Council.
[1601.] I have received from your Honours a letter concerning one Abbycock Perrye, a mariner, who has complained that I did borrow of him in ready money, when I was in want, being the chiefest portion he hath to live on.
I do remember such a man, boatswain of the Garland in the Island journey, that had got by pillaging of a small Spanish frigate two pillow-beres full of 'Scottgineall,' which we sunk. He not daring to carry it ashore, made means it might be put into my trunk, and desired me to cause one of my men to sell it and keep the money for him. Accordingly, I had it sold to one Brown, a merchant, for 60l., and because he said it was better worth, I gave him my bill for 80l. Since which time he never asked me for any money, and hearing that he was condemned for felony and burned in the hand, I did not know whether it was fit for me without demand to pay the money to him, being a convicted man. But now I will be ready to do your pleasure herein, if I may hear of him.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (91. 16.)
Henry Savile, Warden of Merton College, to [Sir Robert Cecil.]
[1601?] Relative to the leases of two parsonages in Northumberland belonging to Merton College, one of which had been granted to the Earl of Essex, who immediately “made an offer of it to me paying a hundreth and ten pounds to the College in dividend and making up otherways to the sum of 500l. which I did I protest more to save the poor college from a brablinge tenant than for any great profit, albeit when there is peace upon the borders, it will be profitable also.” The assignment by the Earl of Essex was made to the warden's “dear and now unfortunate friend,” Sir Henry Nevill, because it could not be done to himself, being Warden, and in construction of law, lessor. All collecting of fruits, etc., was done, however, in Lord Essex's name, and the opinion may perchance grow in some of their heads there that the right remained in his lordship at his death and is now in her Majesty. Asks for assistance in these circumstances.
Undated. Unsigned. Endorsed :—“Mr.Savill.” 1½ pp. (139. 213.)
Prince Doria.
1601.] Italian pasquil upon the retreat of Prince Doria from Algier.—1601.
1 p. (140. 131.)
King of Barbary to the Queen.
[1601.] In behalf of John de Merchena, whose nephew, Alonso Nunez de Herrera, was carried away by the English fleet from Cales as pledge for the sum of money agreed upon. Asking for his release; the King will pay the money. Begs also that the nephew may have letters of security for his ships.
Undated. Endorsed :—“The English copy of the letter written by the King of Barbary to the Queen.” ½ p. Copy. (147. 146.)
William Ayshe, of the County of Devon, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] I have long been a suitor to the Privy Council touching a matter of high treason committed by one James Knapman, who, being found guilty by the grand jury, did shortly after poison himself and so died. Since that time, I have at great charges pursued the same suit against his brother, Alexander, as accessory in the same offence, who hath lately spoken very opprobrious speeches against her Majesty and the Privy Council. On Sunday last I delivered my petition to your Honour, and being sent to Mr. Wade for answer, was told that Knapman should be sent for to answer the cause, and that I was to attend on Wednesday last in the Star Chamber, when I was told by Mr. Wade, contrary to his promise, that he had no answer, neither would he deal any more in the matter. By means of which frivolous answer I greatly doubt lest some of Knapman's confederates have used some dealings with Mr. Wade in the mean time : for Knapman is a man of great wealth, and will not stick to bestow 500l. rather than to answer the cause. Your Honour's father furthered my cause against James : I beseech you help me against Alexander.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (183. 91.)
The Council to Mr. Hill.
[1601.] Forasmuch as her Majesty hath perceived by your letters written both to herself and her Council that you have been maliciously used by one Tucker, who was recommended unto you by Sir W. Raleigh, the captain of her guard, and by some others, to do service in the wars between Poland and Sweden, and that he hath gone about to touch you in your reputation here, as a man not well esteemed by the state : We can do no less than let you know that we are exceeding sorry to find so ill a disposition in him, if it be true, but, forasmuch as we have not heard his answer in that point for the differences between you, we forbear to touch that point any further, although we can do no less than testify here under our hand that whosoever hath or shall go about to throw any scandal upon you for any actions of yours before your departure out of the country, or in your negociation here from thence to her Majesty, hath done you great wrong. Herein you may also receive this further comfort that, where her Majesty hath sent into Muscovy an ambassador to congratulate the coming to the kingdom of that prince, and to corroborate all the offers of amity between her Majesty and him; she hath also commanded the same ambassador particularly to go into Sweden, and visit the Archduke Charles from her, and to bring home a full report of his estate, as a sign of her sisterly affection towards him, and to the intent that he might not causelessly withdraw his good favour from you, he hath it in charge also to let him know that you have in all the courses of your life demeaned yourself like a good subject and honest man. How long it will be 'ere this gentleman arrives in Sweden, we know not, but he is already departed towards the Muscovite by sea, and appointed to return by Sweden.
Draft, the last part in Cecil's hand.
Endorsed :—“1601. To Mr. Hill of Sweden.” 21/8 pp. (183. 96.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] All things are now despatched and gone, but the Queen's ships, as I am informed, are not yet manned with mariners, which lack, if it continue, will overthrow all. My Lord Admiral must therefore send away my cousin John Trevour to help this mischief, or, my Lord's own presence there would best further it. Some say unto me that they refuse to go in regard of 10s. a man reserved, and all their pay beside being discharged, a matter that ever hath been used heretofore and is most necessary to be continued. I beseech you send me word by this bearer if her Majesty, whom God long preserve unto us, be so very ill of the cold as it were fit for me to be there to-morrow morning, or whether I may stay still Sunday morning; for all my stuff is come away, and I must go in the morning and come away at night, for in other sort I cannot come. Of the ships of Emden, I have no answer.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (183. 92.)
Sir George Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] This maimed soldier, Thomas Beard, being an English gentleman's son of the Queen's County, having his lands there wasted by Sheney McRorie's rebellion, where he lost all his goods, was forced to serve as a soldier in these Munster wars, both in Sir Thomas Norreys his time and in mine, where he discharged himself at all times well and valiantly, and was one of the fifty chosen out of the whole army to make the first entry into “Kierie,” which was performed with as great valour and resolution as ever any the like service was in this kingdom. In the same he received a maim in his leg, whereof he hath lain long under cure, and now, being out of all hope to recover the use thereof, and being extreme needy through his long sickness and charge to the surgeons, he hath no other means but to be a suitor there for some maintenance. Wherein I beseech you to yield him furtherance, for, though I write not for many, yet I could not in honour deny him my letters, having received his hurt under my command.
There be two others of this army that be suitors there, captain Flemynge and ensign Harman. I beseech you to procure their despatch also, for if there be any occasion of service, I shall need them.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Lord President of Munster to my Master.” Seal. ½ p. (183. 93.)
Mr. Attorney General Coke to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] At the first, indisposition of body denied me to attend; after, the physician; and now for a farewell, it hath painted my face with such a hue as is not fit for me yet to present myself. I am not idle nor careless of her Majesty's business, as your Honour at my next attendance shall perceive.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. ¼ p. (183. 101.)
The sum of the petition to her Majesty published lately in print by Thomas Digges, gentleman.
[1601.] The Queen should have an association, confirmed by oath, for the defence and perpetuation of religion. The oath of supremacy should be taken by all persons above the age of 16, twice every year.
He divides protestants into two sorts : protestants of religion and protestants of state, making the second sort to be only time-servers, and intimating that the puritans only (as he calls them, though they disdain that title) are protestants of religion.
The papists of religion are furnished with wealth, ability, weapons, &c. The mightiest in succession to the crown of England are they whose alliance, kindred and confederacies lie for the most part with papists. The first sort of protestant should be increased, and the second diminished by a better learned and more painful ministry and by severe discipline.
Observations out of his epistle to the archbishops and bishops of both provinces.
He calls all those papists who the last parliament spake against the bill as touching the penalty to be inflicted upon such as come not to the church.
He had his distinction, before mentioned, of protestants, out of Parson's Book of Succession, who divides protestants into such as depend upon ecclesiastical dignities and puritans, viz. such as pretend perfection in religion. He says that while the Earl of Leicester lived, it went for current that all papists were traitors. He notes Sir Christopher Hatton to have been a papist, and that when he bare sway the puritans were trounced and traduced as troublers of the state. Now that the late Lord Treasurer is gone and the Earl of Essex taken away, the cry is “Priests be tolerable, but puritans not to be abidden.” He wishes it to be considered whether there be not now some crafty Sinon of Sir Christopher Hatton's stamp, who maketh way for these Trojan horses the popish books, meaning the late books set out by the secular priests against the Jesuits. Doleman, in his epistle, as he saith, doth cunningly insinuate an advice to make the Earl of Essex away; and the friends of Spain wrought upon the Earl's impatiency, and drew him to that attempt of making a forcible way to present his griefs to her Majesty. In the end of that section he writeth thus, “The Lord of lords preserve the lord Mountjoy from the like devilish practices of the friends of Spain.”
The present dissension between the secular priests and the Jesuits is but dissembled, and will ever be thought so, unless by means of the secular priests the archpriest and some of the Jesuits be brought to their trial.
The aid of 30,000 papists has been promised the Scottish King if he will promise toleration. In order that priests may be less looked to, it seems good to turn the eyes of the magistrate and the edge of the sword upon Jesuits and puritans. It is said that the priests be gone to procure absolution for her Majesty or the cancelling of the bull; and, if she be not acquainted with their message, it must be that the honour of her Christian resolution is most treacherously undermined, to the great encouragement of the Pope and the Spaniard.
Persons in authority have concurrence with priests and Jesuits, and, presuming on their credit with the Queen, hope to draw her to toleration. Puritan preachers are silenced for not subscribing further than law requireth; man's ceremonies are enforced in God's service; nay, there is standing for crosses in highways in this declining time.
It is not good policy to provoke the puritans in the declining of her Majesty's age and reign. They are many and mighty : among the clergy, setting by non-residents and dumb dogs, you shall find ten puritans for one formalist.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Digges his petition.” 3 pp. (183. 104, 105.)
Patrick Doffe, of Rouen, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Born at Tredath in Ireland, has lived for 8 years at Rouen as factor to English, French and Irish merchants. Has a wife and five small children. About two years ago, one Coxe, of Newcastle, shewed to him and others at Rouen a certain libel, and uttered very bad speeches against the Earl of Nottingham and your Honour. Petitioner misliking to hear two such noble peers defamed in a foreign country, rebuked and struck Coxe, who, desiring revenge, combined with Humphrey Havle of London, merchant, factor in Rouen, and one Warner of London. Havle and Warner got one Gerrard, of Rouen, to join them, and also a captain Hylliard, who had fallen out with the petitioner for refusing to bestow his liberality on him in Rouen. They sent a certain boy to quarrel with petitioner upon a certain wharf at Rouen, and, on the petitioner sharply rebuking the boy, Havle stepped in and said petitioner was a traitor. Petitioner got a warrant against Havle for defamation, and Havle could only affirm that he had heard from one whom he could not name, that petitioner should term the Queen “Jezebel.” The petitioner prosecuted his action in Rouen against Havle, who being able to make no proof, though he had by the judge 16 months' respite therefor, and fearing damage to be given to petitioner against him in Rouen, practised this course with Warner and his friends here in London, he being here a man of great wealth : that one Alexander Welche, of London, fruiterer, should break his day with Peare de Cause and Henery de Cause of Rouen in the payment of four score and nineteen pounds, for the which the petitioner was bound and his goods, therefore, taken in execution. Then they procured the said Alexander Welche's letters to the petitioner in Rouen to come for his money to London and he should be contented for his damages. The petitioner, not suspecting any hurt, came to London about nine weeks since, where, according to the plot contrived by the parties, he was brought to the Lord Chief Justice and committed close prisoner in her Majesty's Bench until within these five days upon the affirmation of Warner and Gerrard that he about four years since should term the Queen, a Jezebel, and the affirmation of Hylliard that he should desire him to fire her navy.
Desires letters to the Lord Chief Justice and Mr. Attorney that speedy justice may be done him, and that he may have somewhat to relieve himself in gaol, where he is like to perish with hunger and cold, all his goods being taken in Rouen for Welche's debt. His children are being kept by the city of Rouen, and his wife is a suitor here for him.
Objections to the nature of the evidence against him. Warner, who states that petitioner termed the Queen a Jezebel to him in Rouen about two years ago, when in company with petitioner about the time the late Earl of Essex was to go Lord Deputy to Ireland, amongst many disdainful words of Irishmen, said there were to go with the Earl to Ireland knights, better men in all respects than the best noblemen of Ireland. Which Doffe gainsaid and fell out with Warren, for the which Warren doth malice Doffe.
Doffe being maliced by Havle and his adherents went unto Sir Anthony Mildmaye, then lord ambassador for her Majesty in France, before whom he justified himself, at his being in Rouen.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. The humble petition of Patrick Doffe, being the party that lately delivered to your Honour in his own behalf, touching the payment of money to him in London, the gracious letters of the Duke Mompensar.” 1½ pp. (183. 106, 107.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] I understand by my uncle Sir Thomas Gorges, how far forth he hath, by my earnest solicitation, engaged both his and my service to you in return for those kindnesses which we have received by your means. I do hope to receive a favourable answer to this my petition, for that others of the Lords have promised to further me to their utmost. As concerning the restitution of my place spoken of in my petition, it was the Lord's letters that did dispossess me thereof when I offended, and seeing her Majesty hath so freely pardoned me, I know no reason but they have still the same virtue to repossess me thereof again. I would be glad to speak my poor opinion of the present estate of the time. It is apparent what misery and calamity begin to approach. Suffer not yourself to be surprised in security.
I purpose to be this night at Sheen; if it please you to command my attendance, I will finish the rest by word of mouth.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“160[1.]” Seal. 2 pp. (183. 108.)
William Greenwich, Canon and Prebendary of Warham and Ayleston in the Cathedral of Hereford, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601. Mr. Serjeant Williams, lessee of the lands of Mary Price, her Majesty's ward, hath caused an information of intrusion to be preferred in the Court of Wards against me and my tenants, relative to 8 acres of pasture in Ayleston, newly called Priory Orchard, pretending the same to have been found by office to be the inheritance of the said ward, whereas it is customary land belonging to me in right of my prebend, and not found by office, as Paul Delahay, esquire, foreman of the jury and the rest of the jurors do vouch. At the finding of the office before the said Williams, who was chief commissioner, I offered by myself and counsel to show forth ancient court rolls, rent rolls and proof to prove my title to the jury. Mr. Serjeant then as commissioner, but in hope of the said wardship, answered, “Spare your labour. It is not meant that this office should contain the said pasture.” Neither doth it but by inference only. I am more fitter to follow study than to endure suit in law with Mr. Serjeant, though bound in conscience to maintain the rights of my prebend. May it please you, therefore, for brevity of suit and charges, to refer this cause to her Majesty's attorney of the Court of Wards, and that the said Paul Delahay, esquire, may be called on to give testimony herein.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (183. 110.)
— to —.
[1601.] Sir. Her Majesty's pleasure was signified by Mr. Ferdinando unto the honourable Mr. Secretary Cecil that she willed him to write in her name favourably for Dr. Hammond to Dr. Claiton, Master of St. John's in Cambridge, and the seniors there, for their parsonage of Northstock in Oxon, to be now demised to the said Hammond for three lives or twenty-one years. Afterwards, my Lady of Warwick spake with Mr. Secretary, who told her he would write accordingly, and my Lady told me she prayed you to write the letters according to Mr. Secretary's information.
Dr. Whitaker, the Master there and my cousin-german, first put me into the suit, but was prevented with death. I was of the same university, and propter communes literas have conceived further hope. I was employed 11 or 12 years in Eton School, went unto both the universities, and especially unto King's College, and from that house many have issued for the church and commonweal their good. Her Majesty hath heretofore at Eton, and since, promised me a good turn. I am willing upon obtaining my suit to give a fine unto the college.
Unsigned. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Dr. Hammon.” 1 p. (183. 111.)
Peter Loyson's Complaint.
[1601.] Peter Loyson, of Flushing, shipmaster, plaintiff, saith that he did simply let to freight his ship called the Black horseman, of the burden of 44 tons, in Flushing, the 7 of February 1598, to Thomas [“John”: written above.] Warder, factor to Mr. Thomas Hunyman and Mr. William Bacon, for to sail with the ship in loyal trade of merchandise in Biscay at Bilbau or St. Sebastian, taking in his lading upon the river of Thames in England, as doth appear by the charter party. For the which to accomplish, he sailed with his ship in Tilbury Reach, beneath Gravesend, and went up to London with a letter from the factor to signify the merchants that he was ready to take in his lading. Which merchants, after that they had persuaded the master to be silent and to keep secret his pretended voyage and lading, did with expedition send down the same lading with a hoy, being cordage and canvas. The master, being willing to procure his best advantage, did not reveal anything, but said that he was bound for Bayonne in France, and being ready to depart, asked his merchants to which of the two ports mentioned in his charter party they would have him go. They persuaded him to sail to the Groyne in Galitia, where the King of Spain's fleet was, because they were sure that there he should come to a good market, and that, in consideration he did carry cordage, might well do the same without danger. Also, that they would send one of their factors with him to benefit the goods, being a German from Norenburgh. The master replied that their request was contrary to the charter party, and that he had not hired his men for that place, and likewise he did doubt that his owners should mislike of that voyage. They answered that they would make him amends in his freight, and that, therefore, he might well compound with his men. So it was in fine agreed that he should sail to the Groyne, and he did to that end make sail the 13 of February 1598, but being stayed by contrary winds, the voyage was long and tedious, in such manner that he did but arrive at the Cape Prior the 3rd of April, where he was becalmed till the next day, when two ships of war came running aboard of him and took him over, asking whence he was, and for his certificates, which he did show, and being asked to whom the goods were consigned, answered that the merchant was aboard. Whom the captain straight commanded to be brought to him, and being in these ships of war certain English pilots, the merchant was by them known and disclosed to be an Englishman, whom the master had always taken to be a German. Which caused the captain to bring them in the Groyne, where they and all the company were put in several prisons, and were examined before the general, who did take the master to be a spy, saying that he was well informed that his merchant was an Englishman. The master answered that he did not know so much but to be a German, and that, in respect that the merchant and the goods were free, he would have come into that haven although he had not been taken, as might well appear by the Spanish pilot, whom he had hired out of a fisherboat for 12 ducats. The general liking the master's words gave order that the ship should be unladed and searched, promising the master that, if he did not find the merchant faulty, nothing should be diminished, but everything should be paid to the uttermost. In the meantime the merchant, master and company were put in several prisons the space of seven days whilst the ship was discharged : which being done, and they finding no cause against them, they were brought before the general, where they were all discharged upon condition that the merchant should within four days come and lay claim to the goods. But he, being faint-hearted, said that he had not wherewith to sue, but did pray the general for a pass to depart without any further proceeding, which caused the general to grow anew in suspicion of that which had been first report of them : wherefore the merchant was cast in a dungeon, but the master and company were at liberty. The general did promise the master to pay him for the ship and such goods as were appertaining to him. The master having sued seven days did obtain order to receive 1,500 ducats for the same in Lysborne, but the same day was the merchant racked, who confessed that he was sent from the council of the Queen's Majesty of England to give intelligence of the King of Spain his fleet and their proceedings, having received 20l. sterling from Sir Robert Cecil to that effect : and that he was an Englishman, having laden them goods in the river of London with leave of the privy council. Upon which confession, although the master was ignorant of all the matter saving only of the lading of his ship, the master and all the company were cast into prison, sore bound with cords; the next day was the master sore racked, who could not confess anything, being ignorant of all but that the ship was laden in the river of London, and so was cast into prison again, where he did continue four weeks, and then the merchant was strangled and the master banished unto the galley for the space of eight years; but the company was discharged and let go; the master having lost his ship, furniture and freight. He continued in the galley in miserable rowing the space of three years four months until he found means to make an escape. Wherefore, this poor master desireth recompense, being charged with a wife and three children, having borne all these troubles innocently to serve the merchant's turn.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 2 pp. (183. 112.)
Levant Company.
[1601.] Reasons on the behalf of the Levant merchants why neither by law or equity they should be charged impositions upon currants (“corinthes”).
Representing that the imposition is neither just nor convenient; for the reasons set forth in the enclosed; and also because such tax was not set by act of parliament or particular agreement on their part; or, at least, by publication previous to enforcement, by proclamation under the great seal, privy seal or signet. Even the Venetian merchants, about 16 years since, when an imposition was set on their goods, on praying relief for that they had no knowledge of any imposition set before their goods were sent out, had not only relief for their goods then arrived and on the way, but 18 months' more respite to come without paying impost. The present petitioners pray that they, being obedient English subjects, may have no straiter measure than these Venetians.
2 pp. (183. 114, 115.)
The Enclosure :
Reasons and allegations touching the imposition and charge on currants—now in question.
Together with a brief relation of such acts and accidents as have formerly passed concerning the same, collected by the merchants, and with their humble suit recommended to the consideration of her Majesty's privy council.
1. The strength and store of navigation in this realm has been very greatly increased by the trade of English ships and merchants into the Levant, alias Middle Earth Seas, besides the great commodity thereby grown to the land, which before was carried away by strangers.
2. The maintenance and continuance thereof is of great charge and hazard to the English merchants, besides the foreign taxes and impositions lately raised, and by example of new taxes at home increased, which will tend to the decay of the said trade and of navigation.
3. In anno 1575, her Majesty granted a licence to the Earl of Leicester, in the name of Acerbo Velutelli and others, prohibiting the bringing in of currants, wines and oils without the licence of the patentees, before which time the trade was free and no imposition or tax charged thereon.
4. The patentees exacted an imposition of all the said goods brought into this realm, either by Englishmen or strangers, without their licence. Some English merchants who had entered into the trade of the Levant, withstood such impositions and were discharged from them, but strangers were still charged.
5. Thereupon, in anno 1580, the Venetian merchants complaining to the Seignory of Venice of this exaction, they made a decree whereby they imposed not only upon the said currants, wines and oils which any English merchants should bring from thence, but also upon all English goods brought thither, these several impositions following, viz.:—
Every thousand weight of currants, 10 ducats (every ducat being 5s. sterling, this is upon every cwt. of currants, 5s. 6d.)
Every butt of muscadel, 6 ducats or 30s.
Every kersey, 2 ducats.
Every cwt. of tin, 2 ducats.
Every cwt. of wool, 3 ducats.
8. These impositions charged in the Seignory of Venice upon English merchants, caused them to complain to her Majesty. She wrote to the Seignory of Venice, entreating them to lay down the said impositions there and she would lay down the impositions here in England, and to that end she did call in the patent granted to the Earl of Leicester.
7. Notwithstanding which letters and divers others, the Venetians, hoping that these impositions would drive the English merchants from the trade of the Levant seas, do continue their impositions to this day.
8. To prevent which purpose of the Venetians, her Majesty did grant to the said merchants a privilege under the great seal of the sole trade of the seignory of Venice for 6 years beginning in April 1583, with a prohibition, for the redress of the heavy impositions charged on them in the said seignory, against any stranger bringing into this realm, currants, Candy wines or oil, without their consent, but with a proviso that when the Venetians laid down their impositions it should be lawful for them to bring in the said commodities as before.
9. By virtue of such privilege, the merchants did levy upon currants and wine brought hither by the Venetians the like impositions as they paid at Venice.
10. These privileges, granted to the English merchants for 6 years, ended, and the States of Venice still continuing their impositions, the Lord Treasurer, understanding that certain foreign ships were arrived here in October 1589 with currants, oils and muscadels, no new grant being then obtained by the English merchants, wrote to the Customer of London to receive to her Majesty's use the rates of impositions formerly rated upon the said commodities.
11. That letter being general, not restrained only to .strangers, the customer afterwards required the same impositions from English merchants, and thereby their goods were stayed from entry in the custom house and from being landed.
Whereupon they petitioned the Lord Treasurer, informing him that they paid the said rates of impositions at Venice, and could not pay them in both places without decay of their trade and shipping.
12. His Lordship, in November 1589, wrote to the customer to make entry of the English merchants' goods, they paying her Majesty's subsidies and entering bond for such licence money as should be afterwards adjudged (importing therein the said imposition demanded).
13. And in February 1590, his Lordship wrote again to the customer, on suit by the said merchants to discharge them of the said impositions.
14. In 1591, it pleased her Majesty, by new letters patent, to unite the Venetian company and the Turkey company of English merchants, and, because the impositions at Venice still continued upon her subjects, there was contained the like clause in the new letters patent to recompense her merchants for the payment of those impositions as was contained in the former grant by virtue whereof they received like impositions and rates.
15. During which recited letters patent, viz. in May last 1600, certain ships of the companies from the Levant seas, laden with currants and wines, coming into the river to Blackwall, the like imposition was charged on their corinths, wines and oil, and their goods kept from being landed, which is done, they conceive, contrary to her Majesty's grant and meaning, and whereof they humbly pray to be discharged.
16. They exhibited their petitions to the Privy Council, shewing their privilege granted to relieve them of the impositions at Venice, and their Honours thought good, for avoiding of damage which the company might sustain by keeping their goods on shipboard, while this question rested undecided, that they should give their bonds for the payment of the impositions required if those impositions should be adjudged reasonable; whereto the company yielded.
17. After these bonds thus entered into, it was agreed between their lordships as for her Majesty and the company, that the company yielding up their former grant of privilege and paying to her Majesty 4,000l. per annum for a farm of the trade of the Levant seas, should have a new grant of privilege for certain years; and, upon passing of the same under the great seal, their said bonds taken for the said last impositions might be discharged.
18. The company having thus redeemed these impositions, yielded up their former grant, and yielded to the payment of so great a yearly farm to her Majesty, do humbly pray, according to the said grant made at Nonsuch in August 1600, that their said bonds may be discharged.
2 pp. (183. 113.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Since I sent you these letters to peruse, I hear for certain that his Excellency is set down before Shertenbusche, otherwise called the Bursse amongst us; that the Archduke is gone with 5,000 foot to prevent him. If it be true, it is news.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. ¼ p. (183. 118.)
Sir Robert Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] This is Mr. Nicholas Blocque, whom I recommended to be in the place of Martin Blauuoet, and who now comes to give you thanks for obtaining his suit. He will do you any service in such things as belong to his profession.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. ¾ p. (183. 122.)
Susanna, Lady Vere to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] My very good uncle. Give me leave to write these lines in grief for fear of your hard opinion of me. I hear by my brother Norreys, there is some speeches given out which I am very sorry that you should have such a hard conceit of me, which I protest, I will never match with any without your consent. I desire nothing so much than to have the truth to be known in this matter. I remain in sorrow for the speeches that many will speak of, but I hope you will not give credit unto them. I will never see nor hear of any in that sort but such as shall be appointed by you. Your obedient niece.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Lady Susan Vere to my master.” Seal. ½ p. (183. 123.)
Theobald Burke's Petition to the Queen.
[? 1601.] That he may have the titles and estates of the late Lord Burke, slain in the Queen's service, (fn. 1) being his third brother, in place of Thomas, the second brother, who has lately had an illegitimate son by O'Mulrian, daughter of a rebel. Being required to return speedily for her Majesty's service by Lord Mountjoy and Sir George Carew, he craves that his humble suit may be granted.
Undated. 1 p. (185. 146.)
The like petition to Sir Robert Cecil. (185. 147.)
Francis Tresame to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1601.] I am unwilling to trouble you till I have made my case known to the world, which I hope will prove far otherwise than is generally interpreted. There is 20l. of mine, which is all the money that I have in the world now to relieve me with, in Sir Thomas Firfoxe's hands, which he is unwilling to deliver without you be acquainted therewith. The same request for 40l. being in Sir Thomas Ferfoxe's hands of his, I am to present to you on behalf of Lord Mounteglee, whose sudden departure would not give him leave to make this known to you.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (186. 154.)
R. Williames to Lord Cobham.
[? 1601.] Is sorry to understand by Cobham that a lease of 5,000l. should be mortgaged for 600l., especially to a person who has his mouth open to swallow all advantages. It is strange that those whom Cobham trusts so much should deal so remiss with him as not to be provided beforehand with the money, or have procured continuance and taken new assurances. Knows of no remedy of this imminent loss but to enter into new assurance for a longer time, and to persuade the party to take some other assurance than Pawnton lease, so that Cobham may have it in readiness to proceed with Serjeant Heale. Cannot himself furnish the sum required. For the procuring of the 1,000l. for Cobham, he was not well dealt with by evil tongues of malicious persons, who said it was his own money.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (186. 169.)
Sir W. Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1601.] Letter commencing, “I have now received of Mr. Thomas Freake the full sum of 400l.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (186. 131.)
[Printed, Edwards' Life of Ralegh, Vol. II., p. 246.]
Count Carlo Cigala.
[1601.] Fragment of letter referring to a request made by Count Carlo Cigala, brother of the Bassa Cigala, for the restitution of two of his ships, and the cargo in them belonging to two Turkish merchants.
Undated. Italian. Endorsed :—“Don Carlo Cigali, 1601.” ½ p. (204. 127.)
Solomon Sutliff.
[1601]. Information by Philip Kennelley as to speeches uttered by Salomon Sutliff against “your Ho.” [? Cecil] and Lord Burghley : stating that they were the cause of the scarcity of gold in the land, and that what alteration soever should come, they had provided for themselves.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (204. 125.)
Inhabitants of the West Marches of England over against Scotland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Having had no answer to their former petition as to the outrages and spoils done there by some of the Carletons, Grames and other Scottish borderers, they pray him to appoint a day when they may attend on him : also to call their Lord Warden before him, who will satisfy him of the miserable estate wherein a good part of the wardenry now lives.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (204. 126.)
[1601.] The justices of peace of Yorkshire now in the town : Sir John Savell, Mr. Ferer, Mr. Willsonne.
Endorsed :—“1601. Justices of peace of Yorkshire to be spoken with concerning teynters.” ¼ p. (213. 48.)
[1601.] Particulars of the suit of Sir Nowell Carowne. He has bought .certain lands in Surrey from Thomas Hewytt, but his assurance thereof cannot be made good, because the remainder and reversion is in her Majesty. Her Majesty derives no benefit therefrom, and he begs that they may be granted to him.
Undated. Endorsed by Cecil :—“Sir Noel Caron's case. 1601.” ½ p. (214. 38.)
1601. Plot of Kinsale and the castles adjacent, after M. Juye's, (? Paul Ivy). Coloured. 1601.
Vellum. [Maps. II. 40.]
[1601.] Plan of Ostend during the siege, with descriptive notes.
Undated. 1 sheet. [Maps. II. 45.]
[1601.] Plan of Ostend and district during the siege. Coloured.
Undated. 1 sheet. [Maps. II. 41.]
Peter Frechvile to —
[c. 1601.] Prays to be spared this year from being Sheriff of Derbyshire. Mentions as sufficient gentlemen, Sir Humfrey Ferrers, Mr. John Stanhop, Mr. William Knivton, of Mercaston, Mr. Francis Fitzharbert, Mr. George Berisford, Sir Francis Leek and Mr. John Harpur.
Undated. ½ p. (1123.)
Inhabitants of the towns of Salop and Oswestry, traders in Welsh cottons and friezes, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1601.] Complain of the act of the last Parliament, for the putting down of taynters for unrolled cloth. The makers of cottons and friezes, being constrained by poverty to buy their yarn and wool in several markets, are unable to bring their goods to any perfection without the use of taynters to “even” the same in length and breadth; and the act has so decayed their manufacture, that the number of packs sold weekly in Oswestry has been reduced from 80 or 100 to 10. They pray that the use of taynters may be tolerated; and also that persons be appointed to search and seal the goods as soon as they are fulled, so that they may not be strained to any further length than by the statute is limited.
Undated. ½ p. (2058.)
“For the passage of the Lord Marquis [of Winchester] his Bill in Parliament.”
1601. Details various particulars as to the family and estates. The Marquis' petition is that in consideration of his impoverished condition, he may be set free in those lands of the Lord Brooke's which lie far off in Cornwall and Devonshire, leaving the chief house of the Lord Brooke, and all those lands belonging thereto in Dorsetshire, tied and entailed as they be, by the ancient Act of Parliament, with the remainder to Mr. Grevell and others appertaining.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (2185.)
Thomas Hesketh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601. For his letters to the Lord Deputy of Ireland in favour of Mr. Osbaldeston, who desires the place of the Queen's Serjeant at law there.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (2313.)
1601. Note in Levinus Munck's hand, that Mr. Budden's request is that “your Honor” [Cecil] will speak to the Lord Keeper that no presentment be made to the rectory prebendall of Fountmell, Dorset, till you be acquainted with it, because there is an incumbent already, which would breed great strife and contention. One Doctor Branthwayt is a suitor for it.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (2356.)
1. “The Petitions of Sir Edward Norris.”
1601. Terms of the conveyance by Lord Norris to the Queen of the reversion of lands, of the inheritance of the late Lady Norris, assured to Sir Edward and his heirs. He prays the arbitrators to enjoin Lord Norris to redeem the reversion. He prays them also to settle the claim of Lord Norris to certain lands conveyed to Sir Edward by the late Lord Norris. Particulars of the lands in question follow.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (2382.)
2. The cause between Lord Norris and Sir Edward Norris, before the Lord Keeper and the Chief Secretary, as Arbitrators.
Terms of the settlement of marriage between William Lord Norris and the now Countess of Lincoln, and terms of the assurance made to Sir Edward Norris by the present Lord's grandfather. Of the latter's proceedings to advance Sir Edward, and Sir Edward's hard courses with the present Lord, who prays that the transfer made by him to the Queen of the reversion of the lands which Sir Edward has in tail, may stand. Particulars of the lands in the above marriage settlement, and upon what querks Sir Edward now pretends to them.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601” 2 pp. (2383.)
A Series of Petitions to Sir Robert Cecil or the Council, viz.:—
[1601.] George Hogg, clerk of the deliveries of the Queen's ordnance.—The Queen is pleased to grant a commission for provisions, &c. to the ordnance officers by name : but owing to his absence, John Lynewray, who is joined with him in patent, is to be put in by name, and he left out. Prays that his name may precede—Lynewray's, according to his priority in service and patent. Though many offences have been committed in that office, as the record of the Exchequer can testify, he has always been free from attaint.
Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (p. 75.)
Sir Edward Kynaston, of Oteley, Salop.—Is required to furnish a horse for service in Ireland. Was last year required to furnish a horse and armed rider for the same service, which he performed at great charge. Prays Cecil to spare him the charge, and impose it on some other not formerly charged. Was promised his horse again if he returned alive, but never had him.
Undated. Endorsed by Cecil :—“Briggs.” ½ p. (p. 95.)
The mother of Edward Lingen, prisoner in the Tower.—Her son, by his seven years' imprisonment, is fallen into so many infirmities, that he has no hope of his life without speedy remedy and careful attendance. Prays for his enlargement upon sufficient sureties till his recovery.
Undated. ½ p. (P. 148.)
Matthew Bartlett.—His services. Left a book of the state of Ireland with Cecil's Secretary, Mr. Willis. Prays for employment in the Queen's service.
Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (p. 193.)
John Vernon, brother of Sir Robert Vernon.—Is fined 100 marks for following the late Earl of Essex in the tumult made by the said Earl. Prays to be pardoned the fine as he has no means.
Undated. ½ p. (509.)
Henry Vernon.—Wishes to purchase the site of the manor of Stretham, Isle of Ely, of which he is tenant.
Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (590.)
George Muschampe.—Is high sheriff of Northumberland. Complains of Henry, Oswald, and Luke Collingwood, of Etall, and others, who in June 1601, and since, resisted him in the execution of his office and afterwards assailed him, he being grievously wounded, and he wounding them, Luke Collingwood dying afterwards. They still waylay him, so that he durst not go about his necessary affairs. Wants all means of protection, either by magistrate or law, and has been forced to repair hither, and prays to be delivered from their violence and cruel intentions.
Undated. 1 p. (612.)
Thomas Oge and Morice Hurley.—For grant of lands of Irishry (named) attainted in the late rebellion, for their services in Ireland.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (784.)
Arthur Mylls.—Sometime servant to Lord Oxford. Details Lady Oxford's persecution of him. Has been tried and acquitted on the false charge of having stolen her casket, but she threatens him with other charges. Prays for protection.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 2 pp. (787.)
Thomas Oge Gerrald.—Prays for the Council's letters on his behalf to the Lord President : as he fears some in the province of Munster will sue him and his servants “for challenges in the late rebellion.” Also for satisfaction for goods taken from him by Lord Barry, Lord Roch and others.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (790.)
Adam White, of Winchilsea, Sussex.—For pass for himself, his wife and two servants to Normandy, to sell his wife's inheritance there.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (867.)
Nicholas Berkley.—For the remission of a fine of 30l. imposed for the non-appearance through sickness of his father Maurice, in a suit between Henry Cholmeley and him, his father having died of the sickness, and the suit being settled in friendly sort—1601.
1 p. (960.)
John Kerdiff.—He purchased the villages Donsynck and Scribleston, Dublin, late in possession of Gerald late Earl of Kildare and Lady Mabel his wife, which revert to the Queen after the death of Lady Mabel. His services under Lord Howth. Prays for grant in reversion of the above.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (1088.)
Richard Addenett.—As to his information against Mr. John Garsett, of the county of Lincoln, for invocation, and for slanderous speeches against the Queen and Council : prays for letters to Mr. Richard Ogle and Mr. Anthony Earby to examine his complaint upon oath.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (1199.)
Christopher Joyes, sadler, of Market-Raison, Lincoln.—Is molested by William Hansley, whom he called in question before the Justices for his speeches : he saying, “that the late Earl of Essex was as good a subject as any the Queen had”: “that there was none of noble blood left of the privy council”: “there was none but goose-quilde gent.”; and “what are the Cissels, are they any better then pen-gent.” The cause is remitted to the next Sessions. Prays for relief from Hansley's molestations.
Undated. 1 p. (1280.)
Henry Wynston.—Son of Sir Henry Wynston. For a company in the Low Countries.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (1334.)
Thomas Gould and James Morrogh, Cork, Merchants.—They victualled the Queen's camp at the late siege of Kinsale, and delivered the money received to the bank master at Cork, accepting a bill of exchange on London, according to the Queen's proclamation, but cannot obtain payment from the bank master here. Pray for speedy payment.
Undated. 1 p. (1414.)
Francis and Jacob Versilin.—Their controversy with Sir Jerome Bowes as to the making of glasses was referred to Sir William Knolles and Sir John Stanhope, and they were forbidden to erect any furnace or instrument for glass-making until the matter should be determined by the Council. Pray for speedy decision, or else to have the benefit of the Queen's late proclamation against monopoly of glasses and such like grievances.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (1452.)
John Selman.—Was wounded at Essex House, in the rebellious action of the late Earl of Essex, and had letters to the Lord Mayor to bestow some office on him, but can obtain nothing. Prays to be admitted a waiter at the water side. Has special insight into the privy packing of Vennys gold and silver, taffeta, and other silks, having been a ship's purser.
Undated. 1 p. (1455.)
Sir Robert Vernon.—Thanks the Council for the great mercy extended to him in qualifying the punishment of his misdemeanours lately committed in the tumult made by the late Earl of Essex and his followers. Prays that his fine may be qualified, and that he may receive the Queen's pardon, so that he may make sale of his lands to pay his debts.
Undated. ½ p. (1475.)
Robert Newcomen, Surveyor of the Victuals in Ireland.—For grant of the land at Lough foyle whereon he has erected a brewhouse and horsemill : and that none other shall brew within 4 miles.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” ¾ p. (1591.)
Thomas Roe.—Has kept the boy of one Speed, who is dead, and has left as overseers Mr. Marmaduke and Mr. Mason, who refuse to pay the composition agreed upon for the boy. Prays Cecil to take order for satisfying his claim.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (1592.)
Gabriel Byrkhed.—Servant 18 years to the Dean of Westminster lately deceased, who gave him a clerkship in the parish church of St. Margaret's, Westminster, lately void by the death of Roger Harris. The townsmen, contrary to law, have placed one in the room. Prays for letters to the vestrymen to refer the matter to two lawyers.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (1871.)
Inhabitants of the parish of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, to Thomas Fowler, one of the Justices for Middlesex.—Certifying to the good behaviour of the bearer William Rowe, and Alce his wife, who is often troubled in mind, as they suppose with a lunacy. Pray for the enlargement of the poor woman, her imperfection and the extreme poverty of her husband considered. Signed by the constable, head boroughs and others.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (1994.)
Inhabitants of Hull to Sir Robert Cecil, High Steward of Hull.—As to their ships, and goods, to the value of 7,000l., taken by the King of Denmark. Pray for redress of their wrongs, either by some embassage to Denmark, or by reprisals : or else that they may have granted to them 8s. out of every fudder of lead brought out of the west parts to Hull, for their pains in overseeing the same.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (2045.)


  • 1. Died Feb., 1599.