Cecil Papers: June 1601, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: June 1601, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp214-233 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: June 1601, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp214-233.

"Cecil Papers: June 1601, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp214-233.

June 1601, 1–15

Offenders fined, forgiven and executed, of Essex his Treason.
1601 [c. June]. The names of those that are fined and reserved to her Majesty's use.
Earl of Rutland, 20,000l.; Earl of Bedford, 10,000l.; Baron Sandys, 5,000l.; Baron Cromwell, 3,000l.; Sir William Parker, 4,000l.; Sir Christopher Heydon, 2,000l.; Robert Catesby, 4,000 marks; Francis Tresham, 3,000 marks; Sir Henry Nevill; Sir Henry Bromley; Sheriff Smith.
These are disposed by her Majesty's direction to her servants and others :—
Not yet declared to whom her Majesty doth intend it Sir Edward Littleton, 400l.
Disposed to Mr. Parker, one of her Majesty's gentlemen pensioners Walter Walsh, 400l.
Disposed to Mr. Alexander the Escuyer Thomas Crompton, 400l.
To Mr. Hales Sir Edward Michelbourne, 200l.
To Williams of the Guard and his fellow that kept Sir Christopher Blunt now and Valentine Thomas before —Mallery, 200l.
Captain Lovell Richard Cholmley, 200l.
Given to Reynold Smith, gent. who lieth bed-rid and had his arm broken at Essex House Sir Henry Carew, 100 marks.
Bestowed on [blank] that was stricken deaf and became dumb upon his hurts at Essex House Captain Selby, 100 marks.
Persons fined and forgiven.
Sir Robert Vernon, 100l.; John Vernon, 100 marks; Sir William Constable, 100l.; Edward Bushell, 100 marks; William Downhall, 100 marks; Francis Bucke, 40l. ;— Gosnall, 40l.;—Pitch-forke, 40l.; Edward Wiseman, 100 marks; Captain Whitelocke, 40l.; Christopher Wright, 40l.; Charles Ogle, 40l.; Ellis Jones, 40l.; Arthur Bromfeild, 40l.; John Salisbury, 40l.; Captain William Norrys, 40l.; John Wright, 40l.; Robert Dallington, 100l.; William Temple, 100l.
These following are noblemen's sons and brothers on whom fines are imposed but no assurance thereof given :—
Sir Charles Percy, 500l.; Sir Joscelyn Percy, 500 marks; Francis Mannors, 400 marks; Sir George Mannors, 400 marks; Sir Thomas West, 1,000 marks; Grey Bridges, 1,000 marks; Sir Ferdinando Gorges,—.
Persons living that are condemned.
The Earl of Southampton.
Sir John Davys.
Sir Edward Baynham.
John Littleton.
Persons executed.
The Earl of Essex, Sir Charles Davers, Sir Christopher Blunt, Sir Gelly Merricke, Henry Cuffe, Captain Thomas Lea.
Endorsed :—“1601. Offenders fined, forgiven and executed of Essex his treason.” (84. 23.)
Copy of the preceding. (84. 5.) 3 pp.
Mr. Serjeant Yelverton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 1. At my suit, you bestowed a captainship in Ireland upon my nephew, Mr. William Yelverton, and now my Lord Mountjoy hath dissolved his company, whereby, his land being possessed by the rebels, he is put in worse terms than he was before. And for that soldiers hold nothing more irregular than to descend from that degree of credit and commandment which they have once attained, I beseech you now to procure him some employment answerable to the place he hath borne.—From Sergeant's Inn in Fleet Street, this first of June 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (182. 41.)
Charles, Lord Willoughby of Parham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 1. Death of his eldest son. Prays for the wardship of his grandson, if it should fall to the Queen.—Knathe, 1 June 1601. 1 p. (1939.)
John Lowman to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, June 2.] Does not excuse his father-in-law's fault, which is too manifest to the Queen and Cecil, but if Cecil will continue his father-in-law in his place, or suffer the writer to enjoy it, he will undertake to bring in to the Queen 500l. towards the payment of the debt.
Undated. Endorsed :—“2 June 1601.” (1910.)
Sir Anthony Sherley to Anthony Bacon.
[1601, June 3.] The evil influence of this time hath not only laid infinite burdens upon me by the disaster of my friends at home, but by as many persecutions abroad; both which are causes to alter those purposes which I first intended at my returning into these parts. I had a great hope that the proposition I made to be presented by my dear and unhappy Lord would have been embraced with the like desire as it promised exceeding much good, profit and honour to her Majesty and her subjects; neither could I imagine that the opening of Persia alone could have been other than a matter most welcome, having been sought for and negociated heretofore by so great expense : which falling out both contrary, I can attribute such effects but to sicknesses of the time, which have their power chiefly dominant over my fortunes. In these parts my nation, my continual employing myself in her Majesty's service, and—to tell you what I have cause to fear—the manifesting of what I propounded in confidence, have bred me great controversy in the proceeding of my business; and so much that there are certain Portugals already despatched with great authority and larger hopes and expectations to supplant me with the King of Persia; which hath drawn me back thither in all possible speed, both to withstand them and to defend myself, as I do not doubt by God's grace to do in such sort that they shall know it had been much better to have left me quiet to a plain proceeding than to have forced me by this irritation to that which they will repent. I am gone exceeding well furnished with credit from the Pope under hand if that may happen any way to strengthen me : but this by God's mighty grace you shall hear, that either I am dead, or have played my “prise” in such sort as they shall have small cause, nor any other malice, to make a tame triumph of their machinations. I have taken with me only four gentlemen, and am gone in that sort that, except the Pope himself, no man knoweth whither I am gone; having been forced for that purpose to disperse my company into divers parts; which as I was most sorry to do, so I know when they shall understand the cause, they will be contented.—Ancona this 3 of June.
PS.—I am arrived even now post unto Ancona and presently shipped in a frigate by the Pope's authority lest by any little stay I might be known by some Levantine Jew or Turk, of which the town is full.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1½ pp. (182. 44.)
Ro. Poolye to Mr. Jo. Breadgate, Dover.
[1601,] June 3. This gentlewoman, Mrs. Moore, my especial friend, having some business at Calais for her private benefit, and ignorant in the manner of the passage, I beseech you procure fittest means for her, and if she chance to stay for passage, let her remain at your appointment in place convenient. And if when she returns, there comes with her a youth of 14, George Pooly my kinsman, pray make him some show of kindness and it shall be requited. If she sends him from Calais to you, before she return, pray receive him into your house, and either send for me to fetch him, else convey him at his best ease hither to the Black Bull, Mr. Sexten's in Southwarke, where I will be ready to receive him, wherein be you sure all charges and travail shall be largely recompensed. Pray remember me to your wife and Captain Mathewes. “Saru :” I long to hear of, or see his safe and rich return. I have written also to my old friend, honest Gyles Kny : to the same purpose, if you should chance to be from home.—June 3.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (86. 73.)
Sir George Devereux to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] June 4. If you knew the extremity of my hard fortune, you would pity my distressed estate : but so heinous was the crime of my dead nephew, which without tears I cannot remember, and so near my alliance in blood, although furthest in this disloyal action, that I fear, as in her Majesty, whose countenance towards me takes away all cause of comfort, so in you my hopes of succour may be discouraged and my means of maintenance extinguished. All the annual means I had to help me is dead by “my Lord's” fall : my friends that heretofore promised much, altogether refuse me, and my years and sickness keep me from employment. I pray for present relief.—4 June.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (86. 74.)
H. Gallwey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 4. The fine of four hundred pounds imposed on the Mayor of this City of Limerick, having been qualified, upon his submission, by letters from your Honour and the Council, I am to crave that you will also write to the Lord President of Munster on behalf of the poor citizens, they desiring to merit the good liking of so worthy a governor, by whose valour they are eased from the incursions of the rebels. Be pleased likewise to take notice of the citizens' letter to her Majesty here enclosed, to the end that some order may be taken to ease them from the injurious endeavours of the Earl of Thomond and some of his people. It is reported that Teige O'Bryan, brother to that Earl, hath escaped from restraint at Limerick, by what means I know not. But he is protected by the Lord President and now continueth in subjection. Should the Earl impute his brother's escape to the Mayor, I beseech you to suspend your judgments until the verity be known, seeing that the Mayor himself was at the time forth of the city in restraint for his fine. And thus, resting sick in my bed, I most humbly take my leave.—This 4th day of June, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (182. 45.)
Jo. Meade, Mayor of Cork, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 5. Has received this packet to be addressed to Court with all speed after the departure of Mr. Crosby : and sends it instantly by Richard James of Bristol.—Cork, 5 June, 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“With a packet from the Lord president of Munster.” ½ p. (86. 75.)
Richard Musgrave to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 5. Prays for his despatch, being greatly hindered by his long attendance, as well in the causes of his office as in his private estate. His Lordship at Berwick has put out of his pension the writer's deputy, Conyers, who feeling his Lordship's heavy displeasure, will tarry no longer there : so he knows not how the place shall be managed. Likewise the place which he must account for to her Majesty is bought and sold, and the parties entered without his knowledge. His tenants in Northumberland are now burned by the Scots, and the rest stand in that fear as they daily look for utter ruin.—5 June, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 76.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, June] 5. I understand that the Judge of the Admiralty is lame. His presence to meet with the ambassador to-morrow will be very requisite, and therefore you may do well to send unto him to understand whether he be able to be there or not. Let me hear from you that I may not make a journey in vain.—From aboard my bed, this Monday morning, the 5th.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“15 June, 1601, Lord Admiral.” ½ p. (86. 101.)
Sir Thomas Fairfax to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 6. Praying for the postponement of his cause in the Court of Wards till next term.—Denton, 6 June, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 78.)
Jo. Skynner to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601], June 6. You commanded my speed. Here at Ware, hasting after 3 hours' stay for my commission to be served, and murder cried out upon those who desired speed for the horses, I went down, and speaking what concerned the appeasing of a multitude disorderly collected, they fell upon me, and have wounded me in three or four places. Since, most rudely have made further and savage misbehaviours. I humbly beseech you, if your hand have a favour, and since your place, as you to your high honour use it and not so much as you might, hath a justice, either let me not live thus foiled, wherein I must now take my fortune or comfort in all my dispositions which are yours with a good passage of my downgoing, and a just consideration of this unlawful and violent attempt against me. Here I lie at Ware till I receive comfort from that honour of yours which doeth injustice to no man.—Ware, 6 June.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (86. 79.)
Francis Tregian to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 6. Having been imprisoned 24 years, and being also grievously punished by the pains of the sciatica, he has petitioned the Queen to have liberty, upon security, within 5 miles of London, yielding his body to the Fleet prison where he now remains, every night : also for liberty to travel to Buckstons or Bathe, returning again to prison as prefixed. The Queen has answered his petition with very gracious speeches, and promised to talk with some of the Council therein. Prays Cecil to favour his cause, if it should be referred to him.—6 June, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 80.)
Sir Edward Fyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 6. This bearer can deliver you Mrs. Breerton's good will for my having the wardship of her son, which long since both your good and honourable father and yourself in most kind and honourable manner gave me. I respect the credit and content of the gentlewoman as much as the matter. I beseech you let me taste your old and good favour to me and all my children. I sent up yesterday, but the gentleman was not dead.—Maxfild [Macclesfield], 6 June 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Ed. Phitton.” ½ p. (86. 81.)
Nich. Fortescue to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 6. Sends the enclosed token of his faithful service. Begs Cecil to read it with patience, and if it please him not, imagine he has never seen it. What is written is neither coined out of his own shallow brain, nor humourously collected out of other men's labours, but is that which is continually in question among men, wise and well experienced. Professes not to be a statesman, nor desires to be so thought, only has observed in this discontented age somewhat that, being known to Cecil, may advantage him.—London, 6 June 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 82.)
John Richardson to the Queen.
1601, June 7. Has a message or errand from God Almighty, sent by the revelation of the Holy Ghost, to none but the Queen. He would persuade her Majesty, for the “rare and strangeness of it,” not to refuse the same.—June 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“7 June, 1601. A frantic man.” ½ p. (86. 83.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 7. This afternoon here arrived my bark which about 15 months past departed from hence for St. Lucar. She has been there and in other places divers times embarged, and lastly at the Groyne, where the master being accused for a spy by one Cumberford, an Irishman of that place, was kept prisoner there 30 days, and departed from thence about 13 days past. At which time, as he understood, there were drawn to the Groyne from sundry places thereabout in the country 1,000 soldiers to be transported for Ireland under the command of Don Diego Brochero, in such French shipping and others as were intended there to be taken up for the same. He cannot report of any shipping of the King's, or galleys to be in that place or thereabouts, neither did he meet with any between Mallaga and that place. Four days past he departed from Conquett, having remained there 3 or 4 days, and knows for certain there were not any of the King of Spain's galleys at Brest or thereabouts, neither any news of them.—Plymouth, 7 June 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 84.)
G. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, June 7]. With my best thanks and kindest acknowledgment of your intended favours unto me, I return you the large and painful reports of Sir Har. Dokerie's plots and journeys, which no ways alter my former opinion conceived of him, that he never intended to shorten the wars, but with some few good words give a taste of his willingness; yet in the end his performances to fall short of his promises. I rather wish the execution of this service were conferred on my Lord of Tomonde, who enabled to prosecute the rebels of Connaught, may reduce that country under obedience, and thereby secure the keeping of Balishanan with less difficulty. If more galleys be sent to reinforce them of Sluce, it may be a good motive to her Majesty for the speedy finishing of those which are intended upon her coasts and the cities.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“The L. Chamberlain, 7 June 1601.” 1 p. (86. 85.)
John [Whitgift,] Archbishop of Canterbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 8. The bearer, Mr. Humstone, is very well commended by the Archbishop of Dublin and the Bishop of Chester for his learning, honesty and discretion, which testimony also others of good credit yield to him. His Grace himself heard him preach yesterday at the Court, and judges him to be worthy of the commendation given. Signifies this, as Cecil may the rather be willing to further him in his suit.—Croydon, 8 June 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (86. 86.)
W., Lord Chandois to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] June 9. Is advertised that he is charged with neglecting both what he purposed to Cecil, and what in duty he owed to the Court. Details various proceedings taken by him with his counsel for giving satisfaction, also the delays to which he has been subjected, being forced into the country to haste the despatch of soldiers, apparently for Ireland, and also being attacked with the stone, through which he continues very weak. Is attended by an excellent man for that disease, Mr. Burmell. Prays for either a commission to take his answer at home, or extension of time.—9 June.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (86. 87.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] June 9. At my arrival here I found that his Excellency was gone to Berke. At the first, report was that not many companies were with him; since, it is increased, and he thought to be some 10,000 foot, besides horse, and set down before the town. The enemy within the town is reputed to be some 3,000, the town itself not strong, neither they over well provided of means. I am hasting to him as fast as possibly I can, for the report is come that he hath already made his approaches, that the enemy made a sally and, by an ambuscade that was laid for them by ours, some cut in pieces; others report the contrary and lay the loss upon us; others will have it that his Excellency cannot be so strong by reason of 26 companies that lie here in Zealand at Bergen and Breda : hereafter I shall give you more certain notice. Everybody here understands that his Excellency's going that way is but to divert and draw the enemy out of Flanders. They speak plainly of our designs and understand all the purpose, either out of conjecture or better intelligence. Vere is gone, some day or two before my coming hither, towards the Hague, yet what he doeth there we understand not. There is in Ostend yet but 27 companies, which will be far short of 4,000 that you were made to believe should be in readiness there. I cannot perceive that out of those companies—leaving the town furnished—there can be drawn more than 1,500 men, and out of the 26 companies in Zealand in Breda and Bergen, more than 2,500; for the companies are but 100 apiece, and you must understand that 80 in a company is very strong. The enemy stirs not yet for all this, neither is it thought he will come to succour the town of Berke. The soldiers in the fort Isabella are in mutiny. They ask 20 months' pay to yield it up and have been offered 10 months'. Since they will parley no more with us, so as it is thought rather a device in the enemy than otherwise.
It is thought here that the project will take no effect; that the difficulties are many though the Archduke be conceived to be very poor and weak. Monsieur Falx, Treasurer of Zealand, received letters from Sir Noel Caron which came over with me, who gave him to understand what had passed in England and of her Majesty's determination to assist them with 3,000 men, but that she would have some 26,000 pounds sterling beforehand for the levying them and other causes. I find by him the money will very hardly be got or levied. They are poor as well as their fellows.—Midelborough, this 9 June.
PS.—The Admiral Nassau, Admiral of Zealand, is going this day into Holland and hath given over his charge of the Admiralty. Who shall have his place is not yet known.
I find that the States here have a greater humour to Sluys than to Dunkirk, and I believe if they have succour out of England, they will rather fall upon it than the other : both because it is better and easier for them as that it will make surer work for their obtaining of Dunkirk hereafter, since it is one of the principal maxims amongst men of war never to leave a garrison between them and home, and especially such a one as Sluys, the galleys of which shall ever be able to annoy all boats that shall pass with provisions for the army though all the navy of England were in company by reason of calms at this time of the year.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 2 pp. (182. 46.)
Mrs. Catherine Poole to Lady Sheffield.
1601, June 10. Please your Honour to procure my Lord Admiral's letter for the safe conducting of the bearer hereof, Robert Smyth, my servant, into Flanders, where I have by ill hap two poor distressed wretches, my eldest daughter Jane Poole and one of my youngest called Constance. The cause of their going over was desire of preferment : there was great and large promises made them by a near kinsman of theirs if they would go over; assuring the eldest sister that she should attend on a great duchess, who was desirous of an English gentlewoman that had had good education, of whom she might both learn and see the English fashions, and that she would allow very great maintenance to her that should supply this room. But at their coming over and landing at Brussels in Flanders, where this preferment should be, they found no such matter, whereupon they prepared for England again, but he that was the cause of their going over had taken order for their coming back, for they were presently sent from Brussels, in which city are many cloisters, up to the mainland to Loveyn, and there clapped up into a cloister where none may speak with them nor they with any. The cause why this treachery hath been wrought to these poor wretches is because they would have them live nuns, and have laboured the very earnestly to send over the third sister, and then would they procure Arthur Poole to pass over the poor living of Lordington into their hands : that they selling it might send over a piece of money to the maintenance of the three sisters and so get my living into their hands for a song. They have credibly informed them that I am dead, and so willed them to content themselves, for there they shall live, and forth they shall not come. My Lady Hungerford is lying in [Loven] Louvain, where Jane and Constance are; she hath ever been friendly to them as to her poor kinswomen, and I think my young Lady Howard's letter to my Lady Hungerford her aunt will prevail much for their good.—Lordyngton, the tenth of June 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (84. 55.)
Sir Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 10. When I was to make a great benefit of my daughter's marriage, even to the value of six thousand pounds in present payment, besides other considerations, it then pleased her Majesty to use your service and authority for the stay of my proceeding therein, to the utter undoing of me and mine. For first, I was served with an injunction either to deliver up my child upon the pretended title of her Majesty's prerogative; or else to enter into six thousand pound bonds not to dispose of her but by the leave of the Master and Council of the Wards. And, after this great bond, I was so long held in suit and suspense as that my child died before ever I could obtain her Majesty's bill assigned for my full and free enjoying thereof. And therefore I cannot be justly taxed with importunity in imploring some favourable consideration by the self same means that was used to such my hindrance and loss. As a man that hath not forsaken himself, I have humbly pleaded mine own relief unto her Majesty, and have from herself and from your Honour understood that she had an intent to do for me : so that I do not despair in soliciting her relief towards the repairing of so great a loss and the rewarding of four and twenty years of faithful service. If I had been suffered quietly to have enjoyed my own, my endeavours would have sustained me from penury. Neither can I truly accuse myself of idleness or improvidence as the grounds of my decay but with the hard hap to have had all my labours either lopped or frostbitten when the fruits thereof should have returned unto my comfort : in such sort as setting aside the contentment of a clear conscience I see no difference in reward between my long and loyal service and the late disloyalty of most of those that have most unnaturally rebelled : for they by treason have but ruined their estates, and I with unspotted zeal have arrived but to the like measure.—This tenth of June, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (182. 47.)
Sir Thomas Cornwallis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 10. Although I know you shall be privy to my answer made to the Lords of the Council's letters unto me, upon a complaint of the Earl of Bath, yet I humbly beseech you give me leave to explain one point more at large than I have done in my said answer, which is touching the sentence given against my daughter.
The cause depending in the Arches, where by deposition of ten witnesses it was most manifestly proved that the marriage was lawfully, clearly and honestly compassed and performed; and that upon the earnest desire and affection of the Earl nothing omitted or committed that might make it imperfect or unlawful : having likewise proved in that Court many kind usages of the Earl, divers days both before and after the marriage, his going to bed to her as to his lawful wife, his lordship's confession with great joy to Dr. Legge and Dr. Swale at Cambridge, divers days after, that he was married unto her and had known her as his wife; which were proofs so forcible as, fearing sentence should pass against him, his mother, by whom the disunion first grew, did by great means attempt to corrupt Dr. Clarke, the then judge of that Court, offering him five hundred pounds, as himself confessed before his death to persons of great credit, yet living, who will depose it. But not prevailing that way, all course of law was then broken, for they appealed to the Delegates sine gravamine or alleging any as the use is : and the Earl of Leicester interposing his authority (upon displeasure to my son Cornwallis for that he then adhered to your honourable father and left him) the Commissioners were then named by him and limited what sentence to give : who thereupon proceeded in so violent a course as the like hath not been heard of in the whole time of her Majesty's reign. Besides myself, foreseeing what would then ensue, and having conceived a displeasure against my daughter, I left her in misery destitute of money and friends to follow her cause, whereby her adversaries effected the end of their desire; and yet, although there was no opposition made, the Commissioners' sentence was with this corrective, viz—leaving the Earl to his own conscience. Thus much, Sir, I thought good to touch, humbly praying that as your father's love and mine were reciprocal in all fortunes, so that the love he did bear me might descend to you, and I, my daughter and all mine rest yours to the uttermost.—From Brome, this 10th of June 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (182. 48.)
Richard Topclyffe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 11. Has received advertisement of a false information made against him by Antony Fitzherbert, brother of Thomas, and by John Bamford, suggesting that he had procured the High Sheriff of Derbyshire, Mr. Edward Cocken, to set about their houses at Norbury and ransack them for Jesuits, seminary priests and traitors : Anthony reporting that Cecil was much offended with the writer for the same. Does not believe that upon the report of any of that tribe, Cecil would be offended with him till he heard the complaint proved. He never yet was proved to bring any man's name in question, especially his house to be searched, whom before hand he was not able to charge directly with treason or traitorous felony : between which degrees of offence experience has proved that in the present state of England there is small difference. Many dead counsellors have been his witnesses, and the records of this happy time be testimonies for him, and some living counsellors will be justifiers of his services, and his care to do nothing in heat or zeal that might be either dishonourable to the State, or those who gave him authority, or that might kindle offences to Government. Many envious eyes would gladly have found cause to have exclaimed against him to the Queen or Council that either in heat or malice or covetous corruption he had stumbled : but he, in his 70th year, and after 44 years' service, defies the malice of the world, wherein none will wrong him but traitorous papists, atheists or such as countenance them for gain or policy. As to this wrong done him by Fitzherbert's complaint, and other wrongs plotted a long time by the subtle fox Anthony, whom his brother Thomas in many a letter has termed his brother Judas, and by their traitorous tribe (if their own confessions and letters under their own hands and the hands of their priests and seminaries be true, being extant) he never procured the sheriff to run rashly and giddily to ransack either Anthony Fitzherbert's or any other man's house in Norbury, to be an alarm to such a place, and a den of traitors and treason, as that has been which he shewed to the head Sheriff and under-sheriff privately, thinking the time fit that the Sheriff should have knowledge of such a perilous people lurking in that weak furnished country of careful magistrates : but where they live who have received letters from their brother at Rome, and from the dear cousin and brother that served the King of Spain in his fleet upon the seas in the intended invasion in 1588, and still live and continue practisers : and when he in friendly sort imparted those secret warnings, he little expected that the Sheriff, being so great a huntsman, would have played so indifferent a part of a hunter, to ransack a fox “bury,” when he was not assured to find vermin within it, but rather thereby made proof that his intent was as their friend to forewarn both the housekeepers and their bad guests that their dangers were discovered, if any such have used those old haunts of late time. Leaves these complaints to trial and proof. Begs Cecil to licence his good ancient friend Mr. Wm. Wayde so certify him by the next post within his letter to Newark the wily fox's complaint, Antho. Fitzherbert.—Summerby, 11 June, 1601.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (86. 88.)
E. Mountagu, Ri. Knyghtley and George Farmor to the Council.
1601, June 11. Sir William Lane was recommended by the Council for leading and training the selected band of horsemen of this country in 1588, when they were employed for the Queen's service, and has since continued captain. They think him very fit for that place. Having now received the Council's appointment of Sir Arthur Throckmorton as captain, of whom they hold the like good opinion, they pray the Council to appoint which of them they think fittest.—Northampton, 11 June, 1601.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“Commissioners for the Musters in Northamptonshire.” 1 p. (86. 89.)
H. Towneshend to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601], June 11. The whole receipt of the fines generally do not exceed in the marches one year with another 1,200l. He that enjoys that place behoves to be of experience, and very careful in suing forth of process for the fines, and to call for the returns of the sheriffs, and to see their remissness fined. His fee now is 10l. 4d. for every acquittance : for nothing else can he justify the receipt of any penny, and has not by the instructions his diet of her Majesty, and but tenant at will in the office. He that now is nominated is sufficient and a man of good experience, and likes the “cownsell,” and fitter than some that sue for that place only.
If the jurisdiction to punish incontinency be taken from the court, I account half her Majesty's fines then lost, and the rest for misdemeanours not sufficient to defray the charges. It is now restrained not to look back after seven years, and the bishops are in commission with us. And now since his Lordship's decease we punish not, where before they were by the ordinary, but where we find some abuses in their proceedings and false certificate under the ordinary seal, or unlawful commutations, or penance enjoined not duly performed, which doth fall out often before us, and the standing in a sheet not regarded by the offender : and yet the ordinary notwithstanding, our judgments by the instructions may proceed also to satisfy the congregation : and there must be three of us at every order : and I trust we shall not all be inconsiderate, but to regard the proceedings of other courts with discretion. The jurisdiction spiritual are offended with us for that we often find the offences of the chancellors and registers in the said actions, when the offenders be examined by us.
For counsellors more, they are all ready inserted in the book. I do think the place will be honoured by the Earl of Pembroke, the Lo. Herbert of Ragland Castle; Sir Thomas Jones; Serjeant Wyllis, Herbert Crofts, Rich. Digles, and George Wilde, learned in the law, esquires. If my Lord Stafford be one, as reason is, if he be allowed diet for himself and servants at his pleasure, and to come at his pleasure, he will be always resident there, and so her Majesty charged, and how the Council shall be encumbered and circumstances considered, I leave to your greater consideration.—Lincoln, 11 June.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“12 June 1601, Justice Towneshend.” 1½ pp. (86. 90.)
William Udall to Sir Griffith Markham.
1601, June 11. I have neither received your letter which you sent to me nor those letters which should have come to me by Sir John Stanhope's direction in March, nor ever heard word of them till I came into England; and fortunate I am to have got into England, considering what practices have been laid at several times for my murder.
And now my being in prison cometh by a strange practice, for I am accused of one whom I charged five weeks before he charged me of this matter of most grievous matters, albeit nothing was said to him. Because I have proved directly this my accuser was threatened to have thirty shillings pension a week taken from him if he would not accuse me : and in accusing me and discovering what he could against Sir Griffith Markham, he should be one of the corporals of the field and have a noble a day more. This much Captain Nelson, who is my accuser, told me himself before witness : and that which is more, when upon his accusation I was committed to prison, he came to me in prison and humbly prayed me to keep his counsel, and for my charges in prison and for the wrong he had done me in prison, I had the sum made up of 9l. 10s. delivered to me and my keeper. Yet when I saw what false informations he had made against you to the Deputy, as he said before and I had heard further, and also finding how villainously he sought to abuse your good friend, Captain Hansar, and how falsely he had charged others and brought them before the Deputy, then I discovered part of his villainies to the Deputy, but being a man employed, what could I do?
If I might speak with you I have many particulars to acquaint you withal, but as my imprisonment will not suffer so the place where I am is not fit for you to come unto. To write is an infinite work and it will come to no conclusion. Such courses which I would set down to you, and such particulars which are of import must be by conference : impossible to be perfected by writing.
I write now as I was wont continually, and if I knew in what degrees you stood or you knew how I am provided, I stand assured that I might now write those particulars which might both enforce and hasten your present employment to your content. You know now by the sequel of things I have not greatly erred in observations, but if now those matters which remain in my discovery may be put to trial, I never came out of Ireland so sufficiently provided. The matters are of that nature that I doubt not trial.
Touching this imprisonment, it is rather to please parties in Ireland than that I have deserved it, but rather the contrary. I have written after general matters and much greater. My present estate and usages in Ireland, they are particulars necessary for you to know in regard your enquiry was included. I had not at this present ended them, but if you please to read them before I deliver them to Mr. Secretary or Sir John Stanhope, I will send them to you, if you send for them in the morning. And if you would please to deliver the letter to Sir John Stanhope and seal it, I were much beholden unto you. If you think the delivery not convenient by yourself, then send the letter to me again, for I am bound to deliver it to-morrow. If I may safely and boldly discover my secrets unto you or rather her Majesty's, let it please you so to resolve me and I will be provided for you. One thing I may not forget to tell you : Sir Oliver Lambert is your good friend and his man giveth it out publicly that, if Sir Oliver Lambert would have bought the Governor's place of Connaught as dearly as you must do if you have it, he should be preferred before you, but that his master looketh to have it by his deserts, not by money, with the like lavish speeches.
I beseech you, if you may conveniently, move Sir John Stanhope to procure a warrant for me to come to you with a keeper. My fault is nothing and I doubt not but they hold it so; at least, when they have considered both this letter which I have to send as also those which I have sent, they will be assured I rather deserve recompense than restraint.
I doubt not but you are persuaded by that which you have seen that I am thus oppressed not for any fault of mine but for their sakes whose services I have undertaken.
Presently upon Essex's proclamation, I was committed upon subornation, as I told you, to show that they durst revenge that upon me which they durst not upon others. All the fault wherewith I was charged, and for which I was held in prison seven weeks, was for this only cause, that in private I should tell captain Nelson that one Baath had told me that my lord Deputy had had conference with Nangle who was indicted, and his indictment found, of high treason. And further than this, Captain Nelson affirmed upon his oath that I told him my author and that I wished him to stand in a private place to hear him speak the words, that I might have had witness upon him. What a worthy matter this was to commit me, I leave to your further consideration.
All those plots for greatest services both have and do depend upon your return into Ireland, and if her Majesty and Mr. Secretary do not take an assured course for government of that country by such whose love and sincerity is not to be distrusted, and by such who respect her Majesty's services in substance not in show, they may be as soon overtaken now and sooner than, if God had not prevented, they might have been of late. There were never so many subjects in show and rebels in heart as now.
If you might conveniently procure me a warrant to go abroad with a keeper, you should be informed of strange particulars and such which you might direct me to use for your good and the advancement of her Majesty's services. I have but her Majesty, Mr. Secretary and Sir John Stanhope to account of before yourself.—June the 11 : 1601.
PS.—It may please you to remember me to Sir John Stanhope as I have motioned to you. Let me, I beseech you, know by your next messenger.
Holograph. 2 pp. (182. 49.)
Richard Bennett to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1601, June 11]. For the concealed wardship of the heir of John Tuxwell, Somerset.—Undated. Endorsed :—11 June 1601.
Note by Cecil granting him a commission. 1 p. (1217.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Mr. Nicholson.
[1601, June 12.] I have received your letter, bearing date the 2 of June, whereby I perceive the Earl of Marr is arrived : of whose success I do expect, by the next, to understand some more particulars. This letter shall principally serve to advertise you what may be fit for you to answer to those persons whose letters you have sent me enclosed. First, I pray you tell [blank in MS.] that there is no man whom I have known in Scotland whose fashion of disposition I better liked, especially because I found that discontentment was not the foundation of his address, but that he had for his object a desire to set forward those courses which might have been good for both the kingdoms : to which considerations when I do make an addition of the knowledge and sufficiency wherewith he was furnished, I am sorry I must confess to find an interruption of the correspondency, if I had thought of [kbasfpbw yl2≠ſqg⊃n : margin]. For first, I know it is publicly known that [“Philip” erased] was employed by me, through his procurement, whereof there was no other likelihood, but that it must be known, seeing he took upon him a message from [blank. “Huntlay” : margin] to me, of which purpose (though I was as ignorant as the child unborn), yet it is a current voice here that his message and employment was a child of my begetting. Secondly, I have resolved to tell you true to use as few of that nation as can be, for oftentimes those who deserve best are discovered by their own errors, and thereby I am cause of their misfortune; another time I am overtaken by those who mean nothing less than what they proffer, and from them I receive many scandals. Besides, Her Majesty has another Secretary, who now divides the care of those things with me, I therefore I would not engage any gentleman further than I see may stand with his own estate and fortune. Of all which reasons of mine I pray you make [blank] privy, and commend me to him. For the other, I pray you tell him, and so the other, too, that I am not so simple to be a means to save James McConnell upon hope of the other foolery, which I see many project without success, and therefore I pray you tell him he shall not need to trouble himself any further, for as now that it has been made a fable, though nothing was sought by me, but offered by him, yet I would have given 500l. never to have dealt in. And where he says that Lock should send him 100 crowns, it is a strange language to me, that know not why he should have a farthing. As concerning the placard of the Earl of Argyle, it is most true that her Majesty was contented that the Earl of Argyle should have some horses, but she was then persuaded that he would have bought them before he went out of England, for it is most true, that within this month it has appeared that by virtue of two or three old placards divers persons have surveyed most of the gentlemen's stables, and all others whatsoever, between Berwick and Lincoln steeple. Nevertheless, you may let my Lord know that wheresoever he can buy one horse better than another, upon advertisement of the same he shall have them. As concerning the gentleman stayed at Beaumaris, it is no strange thing, but most necessary in such a commonwealth as this. Nevertheless, I had no sooner notice of the same, but I gave order for his discharge, and I have had letters out of Ireland since, that he has been with the Lord Deputy, and been refused nothing which he could desire.
Our state here was never quieter, thanks be to God, it having pleased him so to order it, as the tree, into which so many branches were incorporated, being now fallen [margin “infected”], all men that loved him repent their errors : and those that did mislike him for no other than public respects, find no cause to repent it. Where you write that you expect my Lord Zouch and I know not who to be Ambassadors, there is no such matter, and therefore I wonder out of what shop such wares are vented in Scotland. Sir Robert Carey advertises us how things do proceed, but as yet we do not find that the opposite has performed the things he ought. In the West marches, it is very true that many spoils are committed, but it is not the sending for Hayning to the Court that can reform it, for if a man should believe reports of the wardens, they say that he is himself a principal ringleader. I wonder I have heard nothing from you in more particular, by your two last despatches, concerning [blank. “Mr. of Gray : margin.] For your suit, when Watson comes to me I shall not fail to bring it to an end.
Draft in hand of Cecil's secretary. Undated.
Endorsed :—“12 June 1601. Minute of my Mr. to Mr. Nicholson.” 2½ pp. (86. 90, 2–3.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to the Council.
1601, June 12. There arrived here this morning in this harbour one Thomas Jordan, captain of a man-of-war of Weymouth, called the Vyolett, who has been wanting almost 4 months, now returning from the North Cape. He, upon examination, says that on the 10th inst. he stopped at Sullye : there he heard that there were off the Lizard 2 Spanish men-of-war, by whom on the 11th was he chased, and hardly forced to the shore at the Lizard, for safeguard of his life : by sight whereof he takes them to be 2 Galligo boats. Also he says that one Captain Lakes of Portsmouth departed out of Sullye some hour before him, who, as he supposes, is taken by the said Spaniards, for he saw with the Galligo boats a carvill, very like unto Captain Lakes', which they took as he came in their sight.—Pendenas Castle, 12 June 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 91.)
Stephen Le Sieur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 12. I send here enclosed to your Honour so much as I find material . . . nes wherein the Secretary of Staden is now se . . . [I leave] the judgment and censure thereof to your great wisdom.—London, this 12th of June 1601.
Holograph. Much damaged. Seal. 1 p. (182. 50.)
Honor Blythe to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, June 12.] The wardship of her son has been granted to a servant of Sir Robert Cecil's. Prays Cecil to take order with him that she may have the custody of her son and a lease of the lands at reasonable rate.
Undated. Endorsed :—“12 June 1601.” 1 p. (798.)
Richard Sleighter to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1601, June 12.] Prays to be a party with Mr. Hunninges in the wardship of the heir of William Grudgfeild, Suffolk.
Undated. Endorsed :—“12 June 1601.” ½ p. (1218.)
John Molesworth to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1601, June 12.] As to the wardship of the daughters and co-heirs of John Broade.
Undated. Endorsed :—“12 June 1601.” ½ p. (1219.)
Fortunatus Cuba to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1601, June 12.] As to the wardship of the heir of Thomas Russell, County of Lincoln.
Undated. Endorsed :—“12 June 1601.” ½ p. (1220).
The Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601], June 13. I am now by her Majesty's divine mercy showed to me, heartened to present you with these few lines, which bring with them my humble offer to her Highness of a small sacrifice for so great an offence. All that I have I hold by her Majesty's grace and ever shining mercy, both livelihood and being. And I were not worthy to live at all, if I did not so acknowledge it. My living is but little, being but 2,700l. (of which also I pay yearly to her Majesty for ever above 400l.) and my debts for myself and my sisters' portions are 10,000l., so as now you may see there will remain a poor estate, to pay that and maintain myself. But if every tree on my land were Indian gold, I would lay all at her Majesty's feet, with as great willingness and joy as I embraced her most princely mercy, and will in all humbleness content myself to live of that her Majesty leaves me. Yet shall I never take comfort in my life until her Highness shall please to forget my rash and heady fault, and believe that I will be ever honest and loyal, and that no man desires more willingly to sacrifice his life in her Majesty's service than I. Herein I beseech you afford me your honourable furtherance, and whatever you assure on my behalf I will with all faithfulness perform.—Tower, 13 June.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (86. 92.)
Tho. Denton. Robt. Dormer, and Fra. Goodwin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 13. They have received letters from the Council for the intermission of the training formerly directed : pray for a copy of the former directions, which never came to their hands.—Winslowe, 13 June 1601.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“Sheriffs and Commissioners of Buckingham.” 1 p. (86. 93.)
Sir Edward Littleton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 13. As I have great cause to bemoan the bitterness of my fortune so ignorantly and suddenly to be thrown into so disloyal an action, so do I acknowledge her Majesty' commiseration and your Honour's in the fine imposed upon me, accounting the same not as a compensation for my offence (having learned of your Honour that between loyalty and disloyalty there is no pecuniary proportion) but as a remembrance to posterity of her Majesty's mercy. Far be it from me to seek any further mitigation, yet humbly crave I pardon to unfold my estate which may move your Lordships to give me some convenient 'stallment. My living is divided into three parts, of which my mother has one, my brethren and sisters another, and the third, which amounteth not to two hundred pounds per annum, must suffice for the maintenance of myself and thirteen children. The more time I have by instalment, the better I shall be able to satisfy the fine.—London, this 13th of June 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (182. 51.)
G., Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 14. Acknowledges Cecil's favours. As to the report Cecil has heard that he has grown to be a noun substantive, confesses in part he is so, but rather in potentia than in actu. His backbone is very weak, and he is unable to go or stand any long time without support.
Her Majesty imparted to him by Mr. Wilbraham, Master of the Requests, Mrs. Tregian's suit for her husband's further liberty. His answer was that he held the suit tended to some other end than was yet well considered of. Though he had as much liberty in prison as who has deserved best, yet considering the quality of his offence, and his disposition, it could not but remain a dangerous precedent. The law has condemned him to perpetual imprisonment, taking away his lands and goods, and adjudging all who should relieve him to be subject to the same punishment : which is more severe than in judgment of treason, for it imposes a likelihood that he should starve. So Henry 8th used it, that he confiscated all Mr. Fermor's lands and goods for only giving a poor priest a frieze gown in extremity of weather, being before condemned into the premunire. Tregian is well known to be “a most discontented, malicious and practising papist against the Queen and State, being employed as an agent for the Pope, and all traitorous enemies beyond the seas, as a man not subject to any greater punishment than the law has already inflicted upon him, thereby made the fitter instrument to receive and disperse all mischief at his pleasure, having a son to negociate all causes at Rome, and to return correspondent actions from thence. His brave buildings in the Fleet, and his great housekeeping there, shows whence his maintenance comes, which amounts to six times more than ever he lost.” Holds him fitter to be restrained to Wisbech than left to the great liberty he enjoys. That should be a fitter answer than to vield him further grant, abusing his liberty as he has done and will do, by leaving his son at Rome to solicit his maintenance, and having his wife and fair daughters to mediate for his liberty in Court.—Blackfriars, June 14, 1601.
Signed. 1½ pp. (88. 94.)
John [Whitgift,] Archbishop of Canterbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 14. Expresses his gratitude to Cecil for his kind speeches of him to my Lord of London : and acknowledges his great obligations to Cecil's father, by whose means, next to God and her Majesty, he is what he is : and also to Cecil's mother. Cecil's affection to the universities, places and nurseries of learning and religion, also tie him to Cecil, as also Cecil's offer of assistance in preferring learned men. My Lord of London made known to Cecil what working there is against the Bishop of Landaff, a man of integrity, gravity, and great learning, for whom he has received that testimony, both from the best of that country where he now remains, and of that also where he wishes him to be placed, that he never received for any man. Prays Cecil to assist him in that suit. He has divers times moved that Dr. Barloe might be admitted her Majesty's chaplain, for his desert and worthiness, and to stop the mouths of his adversaries. Prays Cecil to remember him. Encloses his opinion in some points of the late instructions for Wales, which he leaves to Cecil's consideration : not meaning to give any stop to them, being already, as he understands, passed and signed by her Majesty : for these things, if it seem good, may hereafter be reformed by letters or other directions.—Croiden, 14 June 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 95.)
Sir Edward Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 14. Thanks Cecil for the great favour and countenance he showed him before her Majesty. Begs him to show the Lord Chief Justice the breviat of the cause between the Mayor of Berwick and his bailiff and the Lord President and Council in the North, to the end that the Lord Chief Justice, allowing of Mr. Attorney's and Mr. Solicitor's opinions, may sign it. He and the Attorney of the Wards will attend Cecil on his coming to London for directions what course to take that the parties may submit themselves to that jurisdiction and censure. This being the chief occasion of his stay, he can bring Lord Burghley knowledge what resolute course is to be followed. He would have waited on Cecil at the Court, but that he doubted imputation of seeking to make the great favour her Majesty has done him too public for his own glory. Prays Cecil to remember her Highness' letter for Mr. Clifford, of which Lord Burghley wished him to be put in mind.—Gray's Inn, 14 June 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (86. 96.)
Richard Foulestowe to William Pelham.
1601, June 14. Thanks Pelham for his kind remembrance and letter. His amendment is nothing as yet. Hears no news from Berwick. Makes no doubt of the payment of the debt for which his cousin Missendine stands bound for Mr. Willughby. Refers the matter to his executors, if he does not recover. Because “my Lord” is far off, and he is not sure whether he remembers his son or not, prays Pelham to deal with his (Pelham's) uncle for his wardship.—Earsby, 14 June 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (86. 97.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 15. Of complaints made to Cecil against Marmaduke Willson, feodary in the North Riding of Yorks, as to money pretended to be due from him to her Majesty for that office and other matters. Testifies to Willson's honesty, and prays Cecil to suspend judgment of him till trial may be made.—York, 15 June 1601.
Signed. Seal. (86. 98.)
Gabriell Goodman, Ed. Grante, Thomas Ravis, Thomas Montforte, Lancel. Andrewes, Rich. Webster, and Perciv. Wibary to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 15. Their tenants of Islipp, Oxon, inform them of an encroachment upon their church inheritance in a certain common, by the inhabitants of Becklie, tenants to Lord Norris. They pray Cecil to write to Norris that they may enjoy their ancient right in the premises without molestation. Enclose an information by the tenants.—Westminster College, 15 June 1601.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“Dean and Prebends of Westminster.” 1 p. (86. 100.)
The Enclosure :
The lands in question were Hide End, and the Green, between Fencote and Morecote : both joining to a parcel of ground called Otemore.
½ p. (86. 99.)
Dr. Julius Cæsar to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, June 15. I am in my body so ill-affected as that I do verily believe that age is crept upon me, for since my mischance on Thursday last, I have been made to keep my chamber and almost my bed till this morning. Else if I durst have adventured or had known of your Honour's being at the Savoy, I had not failed 'ere now to have attended on you, according to your former letter. I must of necessity keep an Admiral Court for my Lord this afternoon, which done, if it may please your Honour, I will attend you at the Savoy, and to-morrow where and at what time you shall assign me, albeit in body a cripple for the time.—Doctors' Commons, this 15th of June 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (182. 52.)