Index: M

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: M". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


M., Mr., 191, 199, 385, 468.

—, a priest, 368 (2).

McArt [O'Neil], Brian (Bren Mackartt), 122.

McCartee (McCartye, Macharta), Dennis 73–74.

letters from, 52, 73.

prisoner at Bristol, 73.

McCarthy, Florence, 230.

McCarty, Charles, 83.

letter from, 81.

MacClane, the late, 375, 376.

Macclesfield, 18.

McDermot [McCarthy], Cormock, 81.

McDoughow [? McDonagh McCarthy], —, 122.

McFeoghe, Redmond [O'Byrne], 463.

McGuyr, 15.

Macharta. See McCartie.

McHughe, Feaughe, sons of, 404.

Mackartt, Bren. See McArt.

Mackgowers, the. See Maguire.

Mackworth, Capt., 166.

Mackys, Kate, a Scotchwoman, 279.

McRorie [O'Moore], Owen, 219, 292.

McSorley [McDonnell], Sir James, 255.

McSorley, James (Surley Boy), 255.

MacWilliams, the, wars of, 35.

Madan, Richard, mayor of Waterford, 338.

letter from, 236.

Madeno de Campo, near Valladolid, 342.

Madrid (Madrell), 245 (2), 250.

Carcel de Corte in, letter dated from, 2.

Court of, 449.

prisoners in, 151, 245, 342.

Mageogheghans, the, 218.

Mageogheghan's country, 217.

Magragh, Miler, Archbishop (Bishop) of Cashel, 20, 61, 339, 379.

letters from, 289, 297, 338.

Miler, houses and castles of, 338.

—, passport for, 338.

—, sons of, 298 (5).

Maguire (Maguier, McGuyr, Mackgower),—, 15, 122, 227, 298.

Maidenhead, 324.

bridge at, 324.

Mainard, Mr., 176.

Malaga, 77–78.

trade in, 77.

Malaghlyns, the, 218.

Malbie (Malby), Captain Henry, letters from, 386, 462.

petition of, 462.

wife and children of, 462.

Malden, 392.

Malines, 200.

Maliverer, Sir Richard, son of, 123.

Mallet, Mr., 137.

brother of, 137.

father of, 137

Mallory, Sir William, 325.

son of, 325.

—, wife of, 325.

Mallowe or Moyallo, letters dated at, 360, 375.

Malta, 87.

knight of, 19.

Man, Isle of, 136, 137.

Bishop of, 137.

Governor of. See Molineux.

Mandreville, Monsieur de, 118.

Manistie, Edward, fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge, 54, 55.

letter from, 53.

Mann, letter dated at, 292.

Manners, Mr. John, 269.

—, father of, 269.

Ro., letter from, 321.

Roger, Earl of Rutland, 141 (2), 182, 220, 280, 291.

—, letters from, 104–5, 248, 265, 269, 307.

—, brother of. See Manners, Mr. John.

—, desires to go to France, 307 (2).

—, uncle of, 105.

Mansell, Sir Robert, 433 (2).

Mansfield, Sir Robert, 337.

Manstedge, Edmund, 215.

Thoby, 215.

Mar (Marr), Earl of, 61, 354, 355.

employment of, 155.

Marbury, Lawrence, petition of, 131.

Marc, Le Capitaine, 119.

Marchena, a Spaniard, 177.

Margate, 239 (2).

Mariners, 350, 353.

disorders of, 228.

Marinus, 341.

Mariton, letter dated at, 369.

Markeland, Francis, 253.

Markhara, Thomas, 104–5.

death of, 328.

Marryott, Thomas, 186.

Marseilles (Marselies), 320.

Mar(t)ch, Earl of. See Home.

Martin, Martyn :

Merivale, 167.

Nathaniel, 216.

—, junr., 216.

Sir Richard, alderman of London, 214, 446.

—, letter from, 419.

—, indenture between, and the Queen, 446.

Richard junr., 216.

William, 215.

—, mayor of Exeter, letter from, 351.

—, —, letter to, 351.

Martook, co. Somerset, rectory of, 390.

Mason, Richard, 238.

Massam, Mr. William, 214.

Massye, James, 341.

Masterson, Sir Richard, 191.

Mathern (Matharne) [co. Monmouth], letter dated at, 430.

Mathews, Thomas chamber keeper, letter from, 403.

Matthew, Tobias, Bishop of Durham, letter from, 202.

Maurice, Count or Prince. See Nassau.

Mawde, Jehochanan, Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge, 54.

letter from, 53.

Mawe, Leonard, Fellow of Peterhouse (Cambridge), letter from, 224.

Mawll, Thomas, examination of, 188.

Maxwell, Lord, 61.

Maxwells, the, 66.

Mary(e), Captain Joseph, 337.

letter from, 264.

May(e), Isle of, 337.

Maynard, Mainard :

H., letters from, 277, 285.

Mr., 176.

William, letter from, 461.

Maynprice, —, 14.

Maynwarynge, Elianor, 119.

Elizabeth, 119.

James, of Croxton, 119.

—, daughters of, 119.

Julyan, 119.

Randall, 119.

Mazagaun in Barbaria, 258.

Maze. See Meuse.

Mazingnehen, Sr. de. See Le Febvre.

Meade, John, letters from, 45, 241.

Meath, George, 292.

Nicholas, 292.

Meath, Bishop of. See Jones.

Medeley, William, letter from, 384.

imprisonment of, 384.

Medico, —, a spy, 193.

Medina (Methina), Duke of, 174, 272.

Medleboro in Seeland.See Middelburg.

Medway water, 451.

works on, 451.

Meeching, 114.

Meer, Thomas, of Sussex, heir of, 131.

Melcomb Regis, 7.

Mellifont (Mellyfounte), letter dated at, 282.

Mendoza, Mendosa :

Don Bardino de, secretary of the Spanish ambassador, 240.

Don Giovanni di, 321.

Merchandise, uncustomed, 465.

Merchant Adventurer, one of her Majesty's counsel becomes a, 132.

Merchant Adventurers, the, 46, 233.

at Emden, 42.

Merchants, 1, 76, 84, 87, 95, 146, 176, 242, 255, 272, 278, 302, 306, 445–446.

to carry beer, 224.

French, 112, 174.

a German, 230.

go to the Court, 124.

Irish, 196.

of London, 164, 178, 231, 271, 329.

—, letter from, 445.

oppressed by Spaniards and “Dunkirkers,” 121.

“provant,” 345.

in Russia, 170, 171, 275. And see Trade.

Mercoke, Richard, 216.

Meredith, Jo., letter from, 291.

Mr., 176.

Richard ap Thomas ap, of Anglesey, 428.

Merrell, Charles, 215.

Merrick (Meyricke, Merwick, etc.) :

Sir Gelly, 251, 329, 393.

—, letters from, 178, 286.

—, brother of, 286.

—, land of, 286.

John, English agent in Russia, 227, 275, 276.

—, letter from, 371.

Simon, 348.

Merwik. See Merrick.

Mesnil, Monsieur du, 119.

Metcalfe, Thomas, 182, 288.

letter from, 123.

Methina. See Medina.

Methoulde, William, 215.

Methryngham, church of, 69.

town of, 69.

Meuse (Maze), the, 380.

Meutys (Mewtis), Thomas, house of, 259.

Meyere, Cornelius de, 230.

Middelburg (Middleborough. &c.), Zealand 2, 65, 190, 205, 206, 231 (2), 246, 247, 258, 273.

letters dated at, 62, 206, 247, 248, 260, 291.

the “Burse,” 248.

Maria, of, 62.

Middelton. See Middleton.

Middleborough, Middeburgh, etc. See Middelburg.

Middlesex, county of, 50, 429, 466.

justices of the peace of, 252, 274.

—, letter from, 255.

markets in, 255.

store of grain in, 255–256.

Middleton (Middelton, Midlton, Myddelton, &c.) :

Arthur, letter from, 223.

Captain, 200.

John, 177.

[Robert], a seminary priest, 335, 336.

Thomas, letter from, 345. And see Myddleton.

Midgley, Mr., a preacher, 41.

Mr., 411.

Thomas, 30.

Midlton. See Middleton.

Midnall, John, 217.

Milan, 321, 406.

Duchy of, 197.

Milbrook, Milbrock, a bark of, 422.

Mildmay, Ant., justice of Northampton shire, letter from, 85.

Sir Anthony, 379, 394

—, letters from, 314, 317.

Walter, 24.

Milford Haven, 6, 286, 350, 359, 360.

soldiers come to, 173.

Mill (Mills, Myll) :

—, 129.

William, clerk of the Star Chamber and Privy Council, 40 (2), 164 (3), 348, 435.

—, letter from, 435.

Miller, Thomas, 216.

Milton, co. Kent, 144.

Mines, the Royal, 217.

Mint, the, 42, 158, 445, 446.

Mittler, 201.

Moffett, Th., letter from, 311.

Moigne, Thomas, Fellow of Peterhouse (Cambridge), 159 (2).

letter from, 224.

Moira, the (Ireland), 57.

Molineux, Mullinex :

Capt., Deputy Governor of the Isle of Man, 136.

Christopher, lawyer, 105.

Moloyes, the. See O Molloys.

Moluccas (Moluckes), the, 260.

Monalty, letter dated at, 122.

Monceaux, Madame de, 33.

Monday, Antony, cause of, 406.

Monford, Dr., physician, 78.

Monoux (Monox), Captain W., letters from, 346, 361.

Monroy(e), Don Giorolamo (Geronimo) di, 198, 213.

Monser,” see Munster, 178.

Monster. See Munster.

Montagu (Mountague, &c.), Anthony Viscount, letter from, 109.

E., justice of Northamptonshire, letter from, 85.

James, D.D., of Cambridge, 54, 209.

—, letter from, 54.

Lady, 61.

Viscountess, letter to, 71.

Monteagle, Lord. See Parker.

Montecavallo, 320.

Montgerret, Viscount, son of. See Butler.

Montgomery, county of, 408.

Montgomery Assizes. 241.

Montgumri, Hen., 20.

Montjoy. See Mountjoy.

Montmilian (Monmiliano, Momigliano), Savoy, 320, 321, 403.

Montpelier (Monpellyer), France, 151.

Montrose (“Munttrosse”), General Assembly at, 61, 64, 66, 72.

Moore, —, steward to Lord Sheffield, 124.

Edmund, 214.

Sir Edward, 456.

—, letter from, 282.

—, brother of, 282.

—, son of, 282.

Garrott, 282.

Jasper, escheator of Salop, letter from, 94.

Nicholas, 282.

Moors, transport of, 431.

Morcomb, Charles, 216.

More (Moore), Edward, 294 (2), 311.

—, letters from, 142, 309, 313.

George, letter from, 386.

Morehouse, John, preacher, 83.

—, wife of, 83.

—, Elizabeth daughter of, 83.

Mores, the [O Moores], 218.

Moreton, co. Norfolk, 441.

Morgan, Captain, 189, 244.

Sir Edmund, letter from, 112.

Mr., 385.

Captain W., letter from, 241.

Walter, 341.

William. Bishop of Llandaff, letter from, 430.

Morhowse, Richard, purser of the Guyana, 228.

Morley, Lord. See Parker.

Morocco (“Morocus”), letter dated at, 178.

Morryce, —, 136.

Moreley, Thomas, 341.

Mortimer, Mons., 33.

Mortimers, co. Cambridge, 326, 449.

Mortlake, 268.

Morton and Angus, Earl of, 20, 267, 460.

Moscovy. See Muscovy and Russia.

Moscow (“Musko”), 237 (2).

Mosley, Sir Nicholas, Lord Mayor of London, 214.

letters from, 113, 118, 164.

Moucheron, Balthasar de, letter from, 271.

Moulins, Bourbonnais, 197.

Mounckton, letter dated at, 94.

Mounson, William, 341.

Mount Orguell, 352.

Mountague. See Montagu.

Mountayne, Mr., 380.

Mountgarrett's sons, 404; and see Butler.

Mountjoy (Montjoy), Lord, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 13, 34, 80, 81, 87, 169, 187, 192, 240, 242, 318.

letter from, 107. And see Ireland.

Mounts Bay, 109, 272, 341.

Captain of the castle of, 341.

Mousehole (Mousole), co. Cornwall, 426.

Mowbray, Mubray, J., 355.

Philip, a Scotchman, 460.

Walter, 282 (3).

Moyallo. See Mallow.

Moyle, John, sheriff of Chester, report by, 339.

Mowtloc, Dr., 382.

Mulgrave (Morgrove) Castle, letter dated at, 293.

Mullynex. See Molineux.

Mun, Muns :

John, 217.

Thomas, 214, 217.

Munck, Levinus, 94, 156, 384, 440.

Mundego in Portingal,” 206 (2).

Munition, conduction of, 457 passim.

Munster (“Monser”), province of, 26, 27, 45, 50, 91, 104, 122 (2), 158, 178, 235, 242, 277, 290, 298–300, 447, 455 (2).

Attorney of, 319.

Commissioners of, 91, 235.

Council of, 45, 338 (2), 366, 377 (2).

—, letter to, 235.

forces in, 91, 158, 173, 195, 264.

Governor of, 377.

Lord President of, 27, 35, 45, 81 (2), 91, 104, 105, 158, 221, 241, 242, 257, 287 (2), 294 (3), 298 (3), 338, 345, 353, 354, 360, 366, 384 386, 447 (2); and see Carew and Norreys.

—, letters of (mentioned), 375.

men, 299 (2).

pardon for, 417.

money for, 75, 91.

news of, 345.

paymaster in, 91.

rebels in, 299, 338.

Earl of Tyrone in, 298 (2).

victuals for, 92.

Murray, Earl of, plots against Marquis of Huntley, 72.

Sir Patrick, 60.

Muscovite (Muskovite), the, 367 (2).

Muscovy (Moscovy). See Russia.

Muscovy Company, the, 236–237.

—, governors of, letter from, 236.

merchants, letter to, 212.

Musgrave, Mr., 419 (2).

Musgrove, Thomas, of Bristol, 360 (2).

Muskerry, Muscry (Ireland), 81.

forces of, 81.

Musko, the. See Moscow.

Muster Master (of London), 149.

Musters, 63.

commission for, 49.

Commissioners for, 69, 223, 339.

in Ireland, 104.

Myddelton. See Middleton.

Myddleton, 131–132.

lordship of, 132; and see Middleton.

Myler, Henry, 341.

Myll(e). See Mill.

Mylton. See Milton.