Index: D

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index: D', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: D', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: D". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Daccombe, William, 216.

Dacre (Dacres), —, in Scotland, 402.

Dacre, Mrs. Elizabeth, letter to, 291.

Francis, 61 (3).

—, letters from, 71, 291.

—, daughter of, 291.

—, — (“Bess”), 71.

—, pension for, 71, 291 (2).

—, sisters of, 291; and see Montagu, Viscountess.

—, son of, 71.

—, — (“Anderton”), 291.

Lady (the late), 309.

—, executors of, 324.

Dalkeith, 388.

Dallam, Katherine, 144.

Dalton, Robert, alderman of Hull, letter from, 323.

Damerham, co. Dorset, 282.

letter dated at, 282.

Daniel (Danyell, &c.), John, letters from, 15, 19, 27, 83, 84.

Danish captain. See Henison.

Commissioners, to treat with English at Emden, 92.

Dankes, James, 173.

Danson, John, innholder, petition from, 421.

Dantesey, John, 214.

Dantzic, “Danske,” English ships at, 237.

Dantzic ships, “Dansickers,” 233 (2), 239 (3).

Danvers, Bernabie, mariner, letter from, 221.

Danyell, family of, 141; and see Daniel.

Darby, Mr., a preacher, 26.

Darcy (Darsy, &c.), Edward, letter from, 363.

Sir Francis, justice of Middlesex, 252, 253, 274.

—, letters from, 233, 255.

Mr., 58, 91, 110, 348.

—, wife of, 91.

Darell (Dorell) :

Henry, 166.

Marmaduke, victualler of ships, 200, 432.

Dartford (Derford, &c.), 43, 261, 349.

letter dated at, 363.

Dartmouth, 18, 25, 109, 343 (2), 426, 427.

letters dated at, 219, 410.

mayor of. See Heyward.

ships of, 350, 351 (2).

Dassell, Richard, 215.

Davers (Daver), Sir Charles, 178, 182, 391.

—, letters from, 139, 140, 208, 240.

—, letter to, 248.

—, brother of, 140.

Sir H., letter from, 182.

Davis (Davies, Davyes, &c.) :

Captain, 260 (2), 271, 329.

Edward, 215.

Sir John, Surveyor of the Ordnance, 100–101, 399 (3).

—, letter from, 148.

Mr., a seminary, 448.

Richard, 215.

Richard, of Herefordshire, 31.

Thomas, 215.

William, a priest, 341.

Davison, —, 414.

S., 347.

—, letters from, 346, 347.

W., letter from, 306.

Dawkins, Edward, 216.

Philip, 216.

Thomas, 214.

Dawny, William, 303 (2), 304.

Dawson, —, printing press in house of, 142–143.

Dean, Henry, 437–439.

sent to England from Ireland, 437.

Deanton, Mr., a seminary, 448.

Decons, —, 302.

Dedsham, co. Suff., 35.

Deer (stags, bucks, &c.), 283, 293, 304, 322, 344, 460–461.

transport of, 117, 137, 307, 321, 323, 362.

Delafevere, John, a Frenchman, 36.

Delahay (de la Haye), Paul, 108.

letter from, 97.

De la Motte, Mons., 118.

Delantatho. See Castile, Adelantado of.

Delfshaven, Delphs Haven, 178–179.

Delvin, Lady, 182.

Delvyn, Ireland, 217.

Dempsies, the. See O'Dempsie.

Denbigh, county of, 423.

Denham, —, 366.

Denmark, 130.

Commissioners for, letter from, 129.

King of (Christian IV.), 62 (2), 96, 275–276, 362.

“stockfish threats” of, 275.

Dennis, Sir Morrice, 316.

Walter, 316 (2)

Denny, Sir Edward, 80, 90 (3), 91, 322.

—, letters from, 26, 43, 64, 181.

—, widow and children of, 90–91.

Mary, Lady, 122.

—, letters from, 58, 80.

Mr., 58–59, 80.

Derby, Earl and Countess of. See Stanley.

Derby, county of, 119, 464.

hundred of, co. Lancaster, 160.

Derhame, John, 216.

Roger, Fellow of Peterhouse (Cambridge), letter from, 224.

Derr(e)y, the, Ireland, 225–227.

letter dated at, 227.

Des-diguières, Mons., 270, 307, 321.

Des Maretes, Mons., 119.

Desmond :

Earl and Countess of. See Fitzgerald.

Mr., sisters of, 81.

—, suit of, 81.

Desmond and Kerry, high sheriff of, 441.

Deti, Cardinal, 321.

Devereux, Frances, Countess of Essex, 393, 440.

Robert, Earl of Essex, Lord Marshal of England, &c., 5, 8, 43, 44, 66, 71, 75 (2), 81, 87, 93, 95, 105, 110, 116, 132, 139, 208 passim, 235, 286–287, 294, 306 (2), 311–312, 318, 319 (2), 324 (3), 329–331, 335 (2), 339 (2), 354 (2), 372 (4), 393, 461, 468.

—, letters from, 56, 141, 248, 254, 385.

—, letters to, 151, 185, 225, 227, 271, 300, 306, 307, 309, 310, 314, 318 (2), 324, 328, 329 (2), 330 (3), 372, 415, 440, 454.

—, Apologie of, 142–143, 156.

—, arrival in Ireland, 91

—, asserts his innocence, 156.

—, Lord Buckhurst desires to assist, 329 (2).

—, as Chancellor of Cambridge, letters to, 326, 379.

—, conspirators against, 142.

—, debts of, 312, 348, 354.

—, decayed estate of, 312.

—, desires to see Dr. Reynolds, 124, 127.

—, writes to the Council, 141, 143.

—, writes to her Majesty, 95, 110.

—, followers of, 349.

—, friends and servants “laid for” by sergeants, 128.

—, Lord Harry Howard sends to, 328–329.

—, illness of, 78, 81, 324.

—, invitation to, 324.

—, his lease of sweet wines, 311–312.

—, liberty of, 182, 208, 254, 286, 294, 309, 310.

—, “makes moan,” 128.

—, a prisoner in his own house, 243.

—, relations of, with the Queen, 151, 319, 440.

—. restraint of, 263, 318.

—. retainers of, 78, 89.

—, to return to Court, 331.

—, secretary of, 254.

—, —. And see Reynolds and Temple.

—, servants of, 329.

—, —. And see Cuffe and Foulkes.

—, trial of, 184.

—, called “this tyrant,” 439.

Devey, Thomas, 431.

Devon, county of, 112, 196.

Deputy Lieutenants of, 384.

Justices of the Peace, letter from, 229.

tinners of, letter from, 159.

Devon and Cornwall, Lord Warden of the Stannaries of. See Ralegh.

Dewhurst, Bernard, 348.

Dickenson, Thomas, 216.

Dicksmenen. See Dixmuyden.

Dicksmut. See Dixmuyden.

Diconson (Dickonsonne, &c.), Tryamor, mariner, 149.

examination of, 150–151.

Dieppe, 61, 205, 306.

Governor of, 113–114, 129.

Digby, Lady, letter to, 10.

Diggens, —, shipowner, 336.

Dillon, Henry, letters from, 89, 96.

Sir Theobald, 219 (2).

Dimocke (Dymoke), Sir Edward, 69, 70, 441.

Dirrham House. See Durham House.

Ditchley (Dichlee, Dychelee, &c.), letters dated at, 13, 75, 76, 323.

Diver, Andro, 354.

Divlin. See Dublin.

Dixmuyden (Dicksmut, Dioksmenen, Dixsmuyde), Flanders, 231, 232, 247.

Dobson, Christopher, letter from, 14.

Mr., 59 (2), 76, 90 (5).

—. obtains office, 80, 91.

—, Clerk of the Statutes, 122 (2).

Docwra (Dockray, Dockry. &c.), Sir Henry, Governor of Lough Foyle, 53, 108, 136 (2), 137 (2), 169, 186, 189, 243, 376 (3).

letter to, 302.

Dod, Mr. Edward, 230.

Doddington, Mr., 444.

wife of, 444.

Dokray. See Docwra.

Doleman's book, 59.

Dolthurste, Henry, 216.

Doncarke. See Dunkirk.

Donesane, Lord. See Dunsany.

Dorchester, 7.

Dordrecht (Dort), 124.

letter dated at, 381.

Dorell. See Darell.

Doria, Prince (Joannes Andreas), 320.

Dorington, George, 217.

Dorlans (Dorleans), 432.

letter dated at, 432.

Dormer, Sir Robert, 270.

letters from, 37, 270.

Hudilston, son of, 37.

Dorrington, Francis, 216.

Dorset, county of, 14, 48, 258, 340 (2), 341.

feodary of. See Budden.

Justices of, letter from, 28.

manors in, 85, 282.

sheriff of, 387 (2).

sheriff and justices of, warrant to be directed to, 82.

Dort, Holland. See Dordrecht.

Douay, 457.

Douglas, Douglass :

Archibald, letters from, 68, 282.

—, — to, 20, 38, 265.

—, forged letter of, 266.

Lord, 391 (2).

—, letter to, 391.

R., letter from, 265.

—, mother of, 267.

T., letter from, 20.

Thomas, letter from, 460.

—, kinsmen of, captives in Barbary, 459–460.

Thomas, uncle of, 460 (2).

Dove, Dr. Thomas, Dean of Norwich, 238

Dover (Dovor), 34, 38, 65, 129, 148, 203, 222 (2), 232, 243, 261, 268, 296 (2), 316, 410, 456, 466.

letters dated at, 38, 148, 234.

Mayor of, 25.

Castle, letters dated at, 43, 230, 232, 261, 306, 316, 401.

Dowdall, Nowell, letter from, 17.

Dowe, Mr. Robert, 214.

Zachary, draper of London, 421.

Downs, the, the Reynbow in, letter dated aboard, 349.

ships in, 43, 222, 348, 460.

Dowse, Mr. Gabriel, 116.

Doymes, the. See O'Doynes.

Drake, Sir Francis, 36, 128.

Draper, Mr., intelligence from, concerning Ireland, 217–219.

Drewrye. See Drury.

Drogheda, letter dated at, 235–6.

bridge, gates and walls of, 235, 236.

inhabitants of, 235.

Mayor of. See Fleming

Dromond (Dromont), Father, 356, 363, 364.

Druids, the, 369.

Drumlanrig (Drumlangreg), 61, 64, 65, 66 (2), 69.

Drummondon, Alexander, 143.

Drury (Drewrye, &c.), Ch., 193.

Sir Dru, 29, 159.

—, letter from, 294.

Sir Robert, 139, 182, 423 (3).

—, letters from, 423, 425, 449.

—, brother of, 425.

—, desperate estate of, 425.

Dublin; (Divlin), 6, 27, 45, 137, 158, 169, 224–225, 233, 235, 243, 269, 298, 437–439.

letters dated at, 99, 103, 104, 105, 107, 238, 244, 292, 393, 416.

beer to be sent from, 224–225.

Castle, letter dated at, 103.

—, Council Chamber in, 437, 438.

the Fleet at, 137.

Justices of, 27.

the Marshalsea in, 438.

money sent to, 75.

Provant Master at, 158.

ships bound for, 343, 351 (4).

soldiers from, 173.

treasure sent to, 337 (2).

Dudley, —, a seminary priest, 280–281.

Ambr., letter from, 133.

Anne, Countess Dowager of Warwick, 86, 176, 319.

—, cause of, 434.

Robert, Earl of Leicester, 179, 208, 289, 389, 414, 441.

—, wife of (Douglas Howard, widow of Lord Sheffield), 390.

—, letter to, 390.

—, son of, 390–391.

Thos., letter from, 30.

Duffield, Duffell, Henry, captain of the Helpe, 36.

Du Gaudy, Fregeville, letter from, 163.

Duke, Richard, 215.

Du Mesnil, Mons., 119.

Dumfries, letter dated at, 291.

Du Montier, Mons., 119.

Dunbar, minister of. See Hume, Mr. Alexander.

Dunboyne, 10.

Dundalk, 57 (2), 134.

Dungeness (Dungionnesse), 424.

letter dated at, 424.

Dunham Massie, co. Chester, letter dated at, 370.

Dunkellin (Dunkelleen, Dunkellen), Ireland, 219.

Lord of, 219.

Dunkirk (Doncarke, &c.), 179, 189, 247, 335, 432.

ships of (“Dunkirkere,” &c.), 109, 121, 150, 187–188, 343 (3), 348, 350, 351, 418, 421 (2), 424 (2), 425, 426 (2), 427 (2), 431.

Dunn (Dunne), Dr., 5, 96.

Dunnington, 51, 461.

castle and park, 51.

manor, 51, 52 (2).

Dunnalong (Dunolong(e)), Ireland, 227 (4).

Dunsany (Donesane), Lord, 252 (2).

Dunstable, 310.

Duport(e) (Du Port), Dr. Jo., Master of Jesus College, Cambridge, 54 (2), 59, 383, 385.

letters from, 238, 406, 431.

Durham, Bishop of. See Matthew Dean of, 203.

Durham, county palatine of, 204.

Durham (Dirrham) House, fire at, 370.

letter dated at, 71.

Dutch, the, 302, 444, 462.

Dutch agates, 356.

captains, 206, 207.

congregation at London, 177.

directors (of mines), 217 (2).

hoy, a, 129.

merchants, 445, 446.

nation, the, 445.

peace with Spain, 356.

trumpet, a, 144.

Dutchmen, 349, 410.

taken captives, 177.

Dutchmen's bonds, 217.

Dutton, Lawrence, 276.

Duxburrye, Captain, 213.

Dychelee. See Ditchley.

Dyer, Sir Edward, letter from, 79.

Dymoke. See Dimocke.

Dyott, Anthony, lawyer of the Inner Temple, 349.