Index: C

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: C". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Cadiz (Cales, &c.), Spain, 207, 223, 258, 272 (2), 316, 341, 425,

Cæsar (Cecer, Cesar), Dr. or Sir Julius, Judge of the Admiralty, Master of the Court of Requests, 65, 174, 175, 362, 429, 444.

letters from, 302, 359.

letter to, 175.

Caetan. See Cajetan.

Caius, Marius, 197.

Cajetan (Caietan, &c.), Cardinal, 305, 373, 374, 451, 452.

Calais (Calaice), 40 (2), 43, 162, 167, 230, 316 (2), 392, 450.

letter dated at, 73.

gentlewomen transported to, 135.

negotiations between England and Spain at, 166.

Cerf d'Or at, 38.

Cales. See Cadiz.

Calfeild, George, 28.

Calmar, 130.

Calverley, Mr., the Queen's ward, 117.

Walter, 190.

Calvinism, 356 (2).

Cambridge, 238, 241, 279, 326, 409, 421, 423 (2).

letters dated at, 40, 54, 147, 241, 327, 379, 380.

Castle, 147.

mayor of, 326.

the Regent House, meeting in, 210.

townsmen of, 380.

University, 38, 41 (4), 43, 53, 54, 147, 159 (2), 241, 326–327, 333, 379 (2), 380, 381, 429, 435.

—, Chancellor of, 1, 54, 55; and see Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex.

—, charters of, 380 (2).

—, Clare Hall, letters dated at, 53, 54, 333.

—, —, Bursar of, 332.

—, —, Fellows of, 54–56, 381.

—, — —, letter from, 53.

— —, founder of, 54.

— —, a “headless body,” 332.

—, —, Masters of, 54, 151; and see Boys.

—, —, Mastership of, 1, 5, 11, 19, 40, 41 (2), 43, 53–56.

—, —, statutes of, 53–56.

—, the “common peace” of, 211.

—, Divinity Schools, 209, 241.

—, Gonville and Caius College, 327, 449.

—, —, Master and Fellows of, 326, 449 (2).

—, Jesus College, 238.

—, —, letters dated at, 238, 406, 431.

—, —, Master of. See Duport.

—, King's College, 80, 466.

—, —, Fellows of, 387.

—, —, leases from, 80, 429, 466.

—, —, Provost and Society of, letter from, 466.

—, Peterhouse, 147.

—, —, letter dated at, 224.

—, —, disputed election of fellow, 224.

—, —, Fellows of, letter from, 224.

—, —, letters of the Queen to (mentioned), 224.

—, St. John's College, 378, 409.

—, —, letters dated at, 378, 409.

—, —, Fellows of, 378, 409.

—, —, Master of See Clayton.

—, theological dispute at, 208–212.

—, Trinity College, 378 (2).

—, Vice-Chancellor of, 11, 54 (4), 385; and see Jegon and Soame.

—, —, letter from, 53.

Cambridge, county of, 147, 319.

justices of, 147.

Camden Society, the, 288, 332.

Camphere (Camfer), letter dated at, 271.

Campion, William, archdeacon of Fernes, letter from, 465.

house of, 465.

Canarie, vins de,” 19.

Canisa, Hungary, 320.

Canon, Edmund, 341.

Canonville, Monsieur de, 118.

Cant, the, 129.

Canterbury, 43, 232, 261, 349, 428.

letters dated at, 428.

Archbishop of. See Whitgift.

Christ Church, Dean and chapter of, 164 (2).

Dean of. See Nevill;


the “Three Kings” inn, 428.

Capell, Sir Arthur, letters from, 135, 190, 191, 394.

Caravall, Alvo, 258.

Carboniera, la, Savoy, 320.

Cardell, Mr., of Westminster, 174.

Francis, son of, 174.

Cardiff, 6.

Cardigan, 369.

Cardinals, consistory of, 320 (3).

Cardinham (Car Denham), co. Cornwall, 346.

Carew (Carewe, Caroe), George, letter from, 156.

Sir George, Lord President of Munster, 18 (2), 100 (3), 101, 129, 330, 416.

—, letters from, 26, 45, 50, 99, 103 (2), 166, 456.

Mr. Henry, 120.

Joyce, Lady, letter from, 153.

Lady, 264.

—, husband of, 264.

Mr., 153.

—, of Antony, 432. And see Carey.

Carey (Cary(e), Caro) :

Sir Edward, Master of the Jewels, 385

—, of Aldenham, 5.

Sir Francis, 117.

George, 2nd Baron Hunsdon, Lord Chamberlain, 16, 29, 41, 192, 262, 290, 297, 399.

—, letters from, 156, 162, 354, 367, 444, 466.

—, — to, 312.

—, illness of, 367, 466.

Sir George, Treasurer at Wars in Ireland, 52, 338, 343, 415, 457.

—, letter to, 122.

Sir Henry, Viscount Falkland, 5.

John, letter from, 64.

Sir John, Deputy Governor of Berwick, 82, 143, 162, 164–5, 254, 255

Justice, 149.

Mr., 459.

Sir Robert, 279. And see Carew.

Carham, 47 (4), 48.

Field, 47.

—, Watch hill in, 47.

Caria, Brother Matthew de, letter from, 430

Carina,” the, 36.

Carles, Monsieur, 163.

Carleton, Thomas, 1.

Carlisle, 1, 69 (2).

letters dated at, 46, 49, 64, 66, 75.

Carmarden (Carmarthen), Mr., 312, 411.

Carmichael (“Carmighell”), Sir John, 64

Carnall, Stephen, 214.

Caro. See Carey.

Caroe. See Carew.

Caron, Mons. Noel de, 58, 91, 118.

letters from, 19, 58, 62, 71, 112, 122, 124, 189, 271.

asks an audience of the Queen, 71.

Carpenter, Capt., 110, 143, 144, 229 (2).

Car(r), Sir Robert, 369, 407 (2).

Carrickfergus (Knockvergus, &c.), 16, 50, 134, 136 (2), 137 (4), 169, 224 (2), 225, 255, 351.

garrison of, 454.

ships bound for, 343.

soldiers of, 122.

Carrigiphuil, 299.

Cartagena (Cartagenie), 150, 272.

Cartewryte, George, 135.

Cary, Carye. See Carey.

Cashel (Cassells), 298 (3).

Archbishop of, Bishop of. See Magragh.

Cassilles, tutor of, 389.

Castel della Pieve, 320.

Castile, the Adelantado (Lantado, &c.) of (Don Martin de Padilla), 36, 40, 41 (2), 67, 145 (4), 207 (2), 272, 320, 342 (2).

—, the Count, son of, 40, 41.

—, the Countess, mother of, 40.

—, sons of, 320.

—, wife of, 320.

Castle Rushton, letter dated at, 137.

Castlecombe, co. Wilts, 94.

Castlemaine, high constable of, 441.

Castrem, Scotland, 47.

Castres, 163 (4).

Catholics, Roman, 67, 151, 185, 242, 451–454.

favoured by King of Scotland, 856. And see Papists.

Caun Mone (Ireland), 217.

Cavan, Ireland, 252.

Cave, Henry, J.P. of Leicestershire, letter from, 89.

Lisle, letter from, 148.

Thomas, J.P., of Leicestershire, letter from, 89.

Cavell, Francis, 214.

Cavenaghs (Kavenaughes), the, (Irishmen), 218, 404.

Cavendish, Henry, son of the Countess Dowager of Shrewsbury, 342 (2).

—, servants of, 342.

William, son of the Countess of Shrewsbury, 172, 424.

Cawfeld, Mr., 212.

Cawsand Bay, 6.

Ccl.,” letter from, 432.

Ceaser [Cæsar], Mr., servant of, 431.

Cecil (Cecyll), Capt. Edward, letters from, 31, 62, 132–133, 212, 228.

Eliza, letter from, 21.

Elizabeth, letter from, 89.

Lady Frances (daughter of Sir Robert Cecil), 335 (2).

Richard, 97.

Sir Robert, Secretary of State, 9, 13, 14, 19 (2), 25, 41, 44 (3), 54, 71 (2), 79, 83 (2), 108 (2), 115, 126, 147, 189, 208, 249.

—, letters from, 14, 87, 93, 122, 155, 167, 175, 308, 309, 344, 347, 354, 363, 407, 410, 418, 467.

—, — to, passim.

—, “abused in words,” 167.

—, aunt of. See Russell, Countess Dowager of.

—, brother of. See Cecil, Thomas.

—, brother-in-law of. See Cobham, Henry Lord.

—, capacity of mind of, 414.

—, censures Sir Thomas Jones, 371.

—, chamber of, 261.

—, chaplains of, 159, 181.

—, charitable disposition of, 353.

—, commands, orders, &c., of, 238, 258, 297, 300, 322, 379, 387, 412, 415, 449, 463.

—, commended, 199.

—, “committed to the Tower,” 147.

—, conference with Michael Hicks, 249.

—, cook of, 23.

—, counsels the Earl of Shrewsbury, 366.

—, covenant by, 392.

—, covenant with Henry, Earl of Lincoln, 324–325.

—, daughter of. See Cecil, Lady Frances.

—, deer for park of, 117, 322, 323, 944, 362, 366; and see Deer.

—, denies being “Spanishly affected,” 156.

—, desires a lease of lands in Rislip, 429.

—, displeased with William Smythe, 381.

—, to dispose of Earl of Huntingdon's son, 314.

—, Dowager Lady Russell desires to visit, 412.

—, employs agent in Scotland, 266.

—, evil spoken of, 287.

—, —, by King of Scotland, 414.

—, father of. See Cecil, William, 1st Lord Burghley.

—, Fellows of Peterhouse, Cambridge, to attend, 224.

—, a friend to the King of Scotland, 414.

—, gifts to, 236, 314, 347, 353, 401, 430, 461.

—, groom of, 173, 316.

—, house in “Chanon Row” offered to 305.

—, his house at Nonsuch, 125.

—, — in the Strand, 106, 194, 199.

—, — at Theobalds, 322.

—, — —, letters dated at, 307, 310, 322.

—, house purchased by, 228.

—, houses of, in St. Clement Danes, 401.

—, ill health of, 414.

—, instructions given by, 237.

—, intercedes with the Queen for Dowager Lady Winchester, 323,

—, to be the judge in Sir Edw. Norreys's case, 257.

—, kinsman of, 375.

—, late wife of, 421.

—, letter to be shown to, 101.

—, letters of (mentioned), 186, 189, 200, 204, 217, 235, 241, 244, 257, 264, 274, 282, 287, 294 (2), 311, 317, 344, 345, 354, 365, 366 (2), 371, 387, 390, 421, 424, 466 (2).

—, letters to (mentioned), 169, 189, 372.

—, makes sport with William Ewre, 325.

—, Master of the Wards, 94.

—, mother-in-law of. See Cobham, Lady.

—, nephew Drury of, 28.

—, nephews of, 132, 251; and see Cecil, Capt. Edward;

Cecil, William;

Derby, Earl of.

—, nieces of, 49, 132, 162, 251, 367; and see Cecil, Elizabeth.

—, notes by, 132, 403, 406 (2), 421, 423 (2), 428, 431, 454.

—, notes by, on accounts of wine, 305.

—, park of, at Theobalds, 322.

—, passport signed by, 143.

—, peace negotiations subscribed by, 146.

—, persons to attend, 256, 275, 276, 290, 352, 354, 355, 467.

—, petitions to, 14, 74, 83, 95, 105, 111, 119 (3), 174, 314, 421, 423 (2), 428, 431.

—, privy seal to, 384.

—, receipt to, from Earl of Lincoln, 122

—, in Scotland, 71.

—, secretary of, 133, 159, 162, 345, 347, 432; and see Willes.

—, sends to survey a house, 317.

—, servants of, 58, 174, 288, 316, 366, 408.

—, signature of, 252, 274, 392.

—, “sister” of (Frances Lady Stourton), 335.

—, son of. See Cecil, William.

—, speeches touching, 102.

—, steward of. See Haughton,

—, suggested letter to Lord Deputy of Ireland, 447.

—, suits made to, passim.

—, tenant of, 323.

—, undertakes charge of Lord Cobham, 234.

—, unwillingness to move the Queen, 118.

—, wardship granted by, 131.

—, warrants of, 217, 291, 294, 311, 390, 467–468.

—, wife of, 335.

—, yearly tribute due to, 362.

Thomas, 2nd Lord Burghley, Lord President of the Council of the North, 14, 24, 26 (2), 115, 119, 127.

—, letters from, 32, 48, 217, 236.

— — to, 187–188, 441.

William, 1st Lord Burghley, 102, 105 (2), 111, 125 (2), 203 (2), 265, 277, 344, 389, 414 (2), 430, 438, 440, 444 (3).

—, despatch brought to, 223.

—, his care of Dr. Du Port, 238.

—, — Waterford, 236.

William, 440.

— (nephew of Sir Robert Cecil), letters from, 25, 328.

— (son of Sir Robert Cecil), 84.

—, letters from, 459 (2).

Cecyll. See Cecil.

Cessford (Sesford(e)), Laird of, Warden of the Marches of Scotland, 47, 78 (2), 279 (3).

Ceviaire, General. See Zubiaur.

Chaderton, Laur., 209–211.

—, letter from, 54.

—, goes to Court, 209.

W., Bishop of Lincoln, letter from, 360.

Chamberlain, the Lord. See Carey, George.

Chamberlain, Robert, priest to Tyrone, 402.

Chamberlayn, Sir John, 225–227.

Chamberlen, Mr. Robert, of Oxfordshire, 117.

Chambre, William, merchant of London, letter from, 329.

Champanti (Cyampanty, &c.), Gregory, an Italian, 175 (3), 359.

Champernown, Richard, letter from, 229.

Champnes, Mr., 281.

Chancellor, the Lord [Sir Thomas Egerton?], 20, 96, 311, 347, 411.

Chancery, Court of, 165, 394.

—, a bill in, 402.

—, cause in, 296.

—, commission of diem clausit extremum, 94.

—, “great match in,” 366.

—, suit depending in, 48.

Rolls of, commissions enrolled in, 157.

Chandos (Chandois, Chandoys), Lord 97, 98 (2), 140.

letter from, 166.

Channon (Channan, Chanell, &c.) Rowe, letters dated at, 29, 57, 117, 246.

Chapman, John, 105.

—, mother of, 105.

—, alderman of Kingston-upon-Hull, letter from, 62.

Chappell, William, 215.

Charnook, Robert, priest, letter to, 305.

Chart, Great, co. Kent, 164.

Chartres, Vidame de, letter from, 440.

father of. See Beauvoir, Monsieur de.

Chase, Thomas, 214.

Chastes, Chatte, Mons. de, 115, 269, 270.

Chatham, 101, 243 (3).

Chatillon (Chatilion), Monsieur, 179, 381.

Chaunoy, Toby, letter from, 240.

Cheayneys, letter dated at, 296.

Checkwell, co. Dorset, 340.

Chelsea (Chelsey, &c.), 162, 325, 332.

letters dated at, 8, 73, 106, 324.

house of Earl of Lincoln in, 305.

Cherry (Cherye), Mr., English agent at Constantinople, 76, 170 (2), 437.

Cherrye, Mr. Francis, 237.

Cheshere, Robert, of Shropshire, heir of, 421.

Cheshunt, nunnery of, 429.

Chester, Captain, of Bristol, 257, 258

Charles, 287.

James, 215.

Mr. Robert, High Sheriff of Herts, 135.

Thomas, letter from, 440.

Chester, city of, 137, 169, 224, 243, 275.

letters dated at, 12, 41, 84, 136, 137, 169, 186, 189, 233, 252, 269, 292, 315, 323, 337, 339, 344, 349, 353, 373.

army for Ireland leaves, 225, 269, 339.

Bishop of. See Vaughan.

Commissioners for musters at, 339.

mayor of, 169, 224, 349; and see Brerewood and Hardware.

merchants at, 252.

the post of. See Frauncis.

provisions for Ireland sent from, 353.

sheriffs of. See Moyle and Owen.

ships of, 169.

treasure going from, 343.

Chester, county of, 119, 361.

Chester, West. See Chester.

Chestwrighte, Richard, 216.

Chetwode, Richard, letters from, 186, 240.

Chevalerius, Don, 428.

Cheyney, Thomas, of Bramble-hanger, Esq., son of, 121.

Chichester, Sir Arthur, 287.

letters from, 285, 287.

Chichester, 35, 63.

Chief Baron, the Lord. See Periam.

Justice, the Lord. See Popham.

Childwall, co. Lancaster, 160.

Chillingham(e), letters dated at, 369, 390, 414.

house of Ralph Gray at, 369.

Chimell, Ireland, 340.

Chippenham Abbey, 346.

Chirbury, Salop, 94.

Chiswick, Chesweeke, letter dated at, 246.

Chiusi, bishopric of, 320,

Chocke, Alexander, 126 (2).

Cholmley (Chollmelye), Richard, 287, 303.

Chopwell, co. Durham, 133.

Christiandin, 205.

Cicill, William, letter from, 240.

Cicily. See Sicily.

Cinque Ports, the, Lord Warden of. See Cobham.

Cipres velvet, 465.

Cirencester, Cisseter, letter dated at 240.

Civill. See Seville.

Civita (Cevita) Vecchia, 320, 321 (2).

Clanmorris, high sheriff of 441.

Clapham, Mr., Clerk of the Treasury, 83.

Clapham (“Clappam”), 19.

letters dated at, 58, 62, 71, 112, 189, 271.

Clarborough, co. Nottingham, 149, 150.

Clarcke, Mr. Roger, alderman of London, 214.

Symon, 216.

William, 215.

Clare, Capt. Henry, letters from, 257, 258, 292.

Clauson, Claus, merchant, 65.

Clayton, Rio., D.D., Master of St. John's College, Cambridge, 209–210, 360.

letters from, 54, 378, 409.

Clerk, Sir William, letter from, 21.

Clerkenwell, letter dated at, 353.

Clifford(e) (Clyfford), Sir Alexander, Vice-Admiral, 43, 345 (2)

—, letters from, 348, 424.

Sir Coniers, 104 (2).

George, Earl of Cumberland, 29, 132, 176 (2), 178, 291 (2).

—, letters from, 113, 138, 234, 261.

—, — to, 449.

—, suit to the Queen, 234, 261.

Mary, Lady, letter from, 111.

—, husband of, 111,

Clinton, Henry, Earl of Lincoln, 146, 162, 312–313.

—, letters from, 56, 69, 117, 137, 305, 324, 400.

—, brother of. See Clinton, T.

—, connected with “Askewe's cause,” 313.

—, covenant with Sir Robert Cecil, 324–325.

—, daughter of, 313 (3), 332.

—, houses of, 305 (2).

—, receipt from, 122.

—, son-in-law of, 305, 312–313.

—, an “ungrateful miser,” 332.

—, wife of, 146.

T., letter from, 401.

—, brother of, 401 (3).

—, father of, 401.

—, wife of, 401.

Clonfert, Bishop of, 442.

Clonmel, 298 (2).

Clowes (Clowse) Cross, 317 (2), 319.

Clyfford. See Clifford.

Clyfton, —, a seminary priest, 280.

Clynton, Edward, 332 (2).

Coals, 217.

scarcity of, 188.

Cobham, Ann (Anne), Lady, 52.

—, letters from, 117, 190.

Sir Henry, 46, 146.

Lord. See Brooke.

Cockaine, William, of London, 89.

Cook(e), George, master of the Pleasure, 150.

Sir Henry, Cofferer of the Household, 270, 417.

—, letter from, 269.

W., letter from, 316.

—, wife of, 316.

Coilmans, Signor Geronimo, of Antwerp, 162.

Coin and coinage, 388, 446.

counterfeit, 327.

embasing of, 394–398.

foreign, 445 (2).

management of, 42.

proclamation concerning, 88.

Cokaine (Cockin, Cokin), Mr., victualler, 342, 343, 351.

Coke, Edward, Attorney General, 41, 42, 79, 80, 90, 115, 119, 120, 122, 127, 153, 178 (3), 181, 363, 433–434, 435 (2), 443, 444.

—, letters from, 41, 49, 88, 367, 392, 415.

—, letter to, 122.

Mr., “deputy to Mr. Fowk Grevel,” 342.

Colbrooke [Colnbrook, co. Bucks ?], 324 (2).

Coldwell, Dr., Bishop of Salisbury, 160.

Cole, Anthony, alderman of Hull, letter from, 125.

Cole Orton (Colorton). co. Leicester, 390 (2).

Colebake, —, 245.

Coles, William, of Hallo, 354.

Coliar, Jane, letter from, 112.

Colle, Mr. William, 189

Collewesson [Colly Weston, co. Northampton ?], letter dated at, 280.

Collins, Edward, 216.

— (junr.?), 216.

Mr., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, 378.

William, 216.

Collyer, Mr., letter to, 142.

Colonna, Cardinal, 320 (3).

Don Philippo, 320.

Colorton. See Cole Orton.

Columbus, Christopher, 397.

Colville, James, of Ostrennes, 355.

John, letter from, 38.

Commission, Ecclesiastical, 315, 361.

Commissioners, Austrian, at Boulogne.

letter from, 172.

English, at Boulogne, 172, 261.

—, letter from, 160.

—, — to, 158, 160, 172.

of the Peace, 88.

of Sewers, 317 (3).

Spanish, at Boulogne, 197.

—, letters from, 160, 172.

—, — to, 160.

Common Pleas, Court of, 16, 392 (2)

Compton, William, letter from, 242.

Conkehill, letter dated at, 288.

Connaught (Connough, Conothe), province of, 104, 227, 299, 386.

inhabitants of, 299 (3), 439 (2), 455.

Marshal of. See Waynman.

money for, 75.

rebellion in, 439.

town of, 455.

Connock, Mr., 345, 375.

Richard, letter from, 442.

Connors, the, 218.

Conoll, Richard, 411.

Conothe, Ireland. See Connaught.

Conqueste, George, 216.

Conradus, William, a scrivener, 175, 359.

Constable, —, Commissary in Connaught, 104.

Gabriel, 106.

Sir Robert, death of, 100.

Sir William, 133.

Constantinople, 3 (2), 170, 249 (2), 334 (2), 463.

English agent at, 249; and see Cherry.

English Ambassador at, 455–456.

French Ambassador at, complaint by, 455–456.

Patriarch of, 319.

Contraction House, Lords of the, 36–37.

Controller, Mr. See Knollys.

Conway, Sir John, Governor of Ostend, 334.

William, 120. (2).

“brother Stafford,” 120.

uncle of, 120.

Cook(e), Sir Anthony, letter from, 375.

Edward, alderman of Kingston-upon-Hull, letters from, 62, 323.

Richard, letters from, 249, 261.

Thomas, 215.

W., of St. Martin's in the Fields, 181.

Cooper, Captain, 272.

Roger, 8.

Copcot, Mr. Henry, 231.

Cope, Sir Anthony, 176.

—, letter from, 323.

Edward, letter from, 240.

Walter, 181

—, letter from, 287.

Copinger, Amb., J.P. for Middlesex, letter from, 255.

Copledicke, Hester, 119.

—, Thomas son of, 119 (2).

Sir John, 119 (3).

—, Francis, son of, 119 (3).

—, —, Elizabeth, wife of, 119.

—, John, son of, 119.

—, Thomas, son of, 119.

Coppenger, Francis, 468 (4).

Coppinger [family of], 153.

Coqueriomol, Monsieur de, 118.

Corcke. See Cork.

Cordall (Cordell), John, 215 (2).

Mr. Thomas, 215.

—, letter from, 415.

Thomas, junr., 215.

Thomas, Fellow of Peterhouse (Cambridge), letter from, 224.

Cork, Earl of. See Boyle.

Cork (Corcke), 92, 158, 287, 293, 298, 299, 350, 354, 386, 401.

letters dated at, 241, 294, 366.

agent for. See Tyrrie.

Corporation of, 45.

Mayor of, 196, 360.

petitions of city of, 45.

Recorder of, 45.

Cormock, —, letter from, 406.

Corn (grain, &c.), 248, 254, 255–256, 279, 281.

orders concerning, 201, 214, 255.

price of, 183, 255, 432.

transportation of, 183.

Corne, Alexander, a Scottish gentleman 460.

Corney, Cuthbert, petition of, 105.

wife of, 105.

Cornishman, a, 341.

Cornwall, county of, 196, 272 (2), 273, 346, 374, 382, 401.

Deputy Lieutenant for. See Parker.

tinners of, 374, 375, 382.

Cornwallis, Richard (alias Edmund Topcliff), 149 (2).

—, examination of, 150–151.

(Cornwaleys), Sir William, 101.

—, letters from, 90, 103.

Corsini, Philippo, letter from, 162.

Coruña, letters dated at, 41, 430.

Cosbie, —, 57.

Cotting, co. York, 185.

Cotton, Henry, Bishop of Salisbury, letter from, 160.

Sir Robert, knight, 166.

Thomas, 216.

William, Bishop of Exeter, 13 (4), 14.

—, letters from, 9, 17, 378.

—, statement by, 450.

Coulstock, Thos., messenger, 35.

Coulthurste, Richard, 214.

Coulye, Thomas, 217.

Coupar, Thomas, 265.

Court. See Covert.

Court, the, letters dated at, 14, 189, 194, 214, 244, 273, 329, 377.

agent of King of Scots at, 266.

chapel of, 246.

Commissioners from Boulogne to come to, 261, 268.

the Council coming to, 208.

Earl of Essex to return to, 328, 331.

inconvenience to live about, 365.

jewels for, 356, 358.

the Master of Gray at, 364.

wine to be sent to, 245.

Court, the French, 197.

Coventry, 368, 385.

letter dated at, 368.

parliament in, 458.

the plague in, 458.

succession of mayors in, 458.

Covert (Court), Sir Walter, 35, 113.

Cowell, John, 54 (2).

Cowley, Richard, 215.

Thomas, 215.

Cowper, —, 302.

Phillip, letter from, 206.

Cox, Robert, 216.

Coxe, alias Stone, William, a seminary, 448.

Coxwell, —, 116.

Cranmer, George, 393.

Cranys, Richard, 342.

Craven, —, 377 (2).

—, alderman of London, 348.

Créquy (Crisquy), Mons. de, 22 (3).

Cresswell, —, 249.

Creswell, Joseph, seminary, 341.

Crewkerne, co. Somerset, 411.

Crichton (Criton), Father, the Jesuit, 356, 363 (2), 364.

Crimes, Mr. See Crymes.

Crispe, Mr., 348.

Criton. See Crichton.

Crockfargowes.” See Carrickfergus.

Croft, Francis, letter from, 461.

Herbert, letters from, 31, 108.

Thomas, letter from, 248.

Croft, letter dated at, 108.

Crofte, Mr., 97.

Croke, John, Recorder of London, letter from, 336.

Crompton, Captain Anthony, letters from, 223, 370.

Dr., 96.

Mr., 339 (3), 354 (4).

—, letter to, 381.

Thomas, letters from, 311, 312.

Cromwell, Edward, Lord, 392 (2), 436.

letters from, 9, 126, 140.

Crongier, Henry, a Dutchman, 302.

Crooke, Mr., 31.

John, Bishop of Limerick, letter from, 277.

Crosbie, Mr., 256.

Patrick, an Irishman, 339 (2), 437, 463.

—, letter from, 464.

Cross, Sir Robert, letter from, 125.

Crown, the, manor escheated to, 85.

Croxton, co. Chester, 119.

manor of, 119.

Park, 321.

Croydon, co. Surrey, 113 (2).

letters dated at, 117, 118.

Crymes (Crimes), Mr., 128, 383.

Cuffe. Henry, serving man of the Earl of Essex, 142, 391.

letters to, 250, 286.

Culmore (Kilmor, Kilmoor), 225 (3).

Cumberland, Countess of, 176.

Cumberland, Earl of. See Clifford.

Cumberland, county of, 65.

customary land in, 83.

Cume, —, 57.

Cundell, John, 27.

Cunnock, Michael, 28.

Cunnocke, Mr., 375 (2).

Cunstable, Thomas, 216.

Curcher, Richard, 216.

Curll, W., 369.

Walter, Fellow of Peterhouse (Cambridge), letter from, 224.

Cussack, Christopher, 402.

Cutler, Richard, 216.

Thomas, 216.

Cutts, Sir John, 28.

letter from, 408.

son of, 408.

Cuvre, Marquis de, 33.

Cwochman, John, 214.

Cyampanty. See Champanty.