Cecil Papers: November 1600, 16-30

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Cecil Papers: November 1600, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp384-401 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: November 1600, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp384-401.

"Cecil Papers: November 1600, 16-30". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp384-401.

November 1600, 16–30

The Queen's Jewels and Plate.
1600, Nov. 16. A note of certain writings delivered to the Lord Treasurer concerning certain jewels and plate of her Majesty.
A commission under the Privy Seal to the Lord Treasurer, Lord Admiral, Mr. Secretary and Sir John Fortescue, dated 14 Nov. 1600, for viewing and disposing of certain old jewels and plate.
A Privy Seal, dated 7 Nov. 1600, to the Lord Treasurer and Sir John Fortescue, authorizing them to deliver certain old jewels and plate to a merchant named John le Grant.
Four schedules of jewels, &c., viewed on Sept. 16 and 20 (two), and 11 Nov. respectively. The first two relating to jewels kept in rooms of which the Queen has the key. The third to jewels in the charge of Mr. Thomas Knyvett and Sir Edward Carye, Master of the Jewels : and the fourth to old jewels to which the Queen has the keys, appraised by Hugh Kayle and John Spillman, or by the latter and Leonard Bush; also to jewels brought by Mr. Henry Seckford.
Endorsed :—“16 November, 1600.” 1 p. (181. 36.) [See p. 356 ante.]
Richard [Bancroft], Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 16. Recommends Dr. Duport, Master of Jesus College, Cambridge, nine years Doctor of Divinity, and twice Vice-Chancellor.—London, 16 November, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (250. 126.)
The Earl of Essex to Queen Elizabeth.
1600, Nov. 17. Vouchsafe, dear Sovereign, to know there lives a man, though dead to the world and in himself exercised with continual torments of body and mind, that doth more true honour to your thrice blessed day than all those which appear in your sight, for no soul ever had such an impression of your perfections, no alteration ever shewed such an effect of your power; nor no heart ever felt such a joy for your triumph. For they which feel the comfortable influence of your favour or stand in the bright beams of your presence, rejoice partly for your Majesty's, but partly for their own happiness. Only miserable Essex, full of pain, full of sickness, full of sorrow, languishing in repentance for his offences past, hateful to himself that he is yet alive and importunate on death if your favour be irrecoverable, he joys only for your Majesty's great happiness and happy greatness. And were the rest of his days never so many, and sure to be as happy as they are like to be miserable, he would lose them all to have this happy 17th day many and many times renewed with glory to your Majesty and comfort to all your faithful subjects, of which none is accursed but your humblest vassal, Essex.
Signed. Endorsed :—“My Lo. of Essex to the Q. for commiseration.” [Printed with verbal differences in Birch's Memoirs, Vol. 2, p. 462.] 1 p. (67. 37.)
Henry Knowlis to [? Sir R. Cecil].
1600, Nov. 17. Since the departure of the men you sent down into the country, I once spoke with Mr. M., but I was brought unto him four miles of my house by my neighbour Mr. Higginson, and into a most private place and well guarded. He told me he must depart from Mr. Morgan's, for he was in a mighty rage when news came to him that his house should be searched for one Gray, the Earl of Tyrone's priest, for so your men had given it out at Coventry very unadvisedly, and very often, it should seem, for three messengers brought him word. It is too long to write all our conference, and therefore I will here at the Bell in Aldersgate Street abide till you appoint me to come before you.—17 November, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (250. 106.)
George More to [? Sir R. Cecil].
1600, Nov. 17. Begs Cecil to be a mean to the Queen for him. His being in the North of Scotland of late, and in the South with my Lord of Anguische, should not give suspicion of any evil dealing in him, for only necessity forced him to accept such courtesy as was offered him for his table amongst them. If he cannot purchase better support through her Majesty's favour, he must be constrained shortly to seek another country.—Edenbroughe, 17 November, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 131.)
Henry Malbie to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 17. Prays to have the company, apparently in Connaught, vacant by the death of Sir Arthur Lovell.—Undated.
Endorsed :—“17 November, 1600. Captain Ha. Malby.” 1 p. (250. 93.)
E., Lord St. John to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 18. Prays that his son, Rice Griffin, who is in the bill of election for the shrievalty of Rutlandshire, may be freed from that office. Neither he nor his son has any land in that shire.—Brome, 18 November, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 91.)
Jno. Hopkenes, Mayor, to [Sir R. Cecil].
1600, Nov. 18. Acknowledges the packet of the 11th for the President of Munster, which he sent by Philip Hill for Cork on the 15th. Perceives by his letter that one came to [Cecil] in his name for consideration of passing of packets of letters. Assures him he never gave any such direction.—Bristol, 18 November, 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (250. 92.)
Sir Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 19. Asks if Cecil will further him in some reasonable suit to her Majesty. Sees with grief that from his wretched fortunes small merits can proceed in the purchase of such favour, and Cecil's many courtesies have already surcharged him with bonds of gratitude. Whatever Cecil's answer may be, he will be satisfied.—19 November, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 90.)
John [Whitgift], Archbishop of Canterbury, to Sir Robert Cecil and Mr. John Herbert.
1600, Nov. 20. Recommends Mr. King, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, who desires licence to travel beyond the seas.—Lambehith, 20 November, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 111.).
J. de Thumery, the French Ambassador, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 21./Dec. 1. I first saw the personage you write about last summer when he came here whilst your deputies were at Boulogne, and resorted to my lodging to share in the exercise of our religion. He then gave me to understand that he had served the King my master in a company of the regiment of the Sieur de St. Blancart, brother of Monsieur de Biron, but I have nothing but his word for it. Three days ago he came to my lodgings for the same purpose as above, and said he was newly come from Antwerp. That is all that I know of him, not enough to recommend him upon. God forbid that any easiness on my part should come to do you injury.—London, this 1st December, 1600.
Holograph. French. Endorsed :—“Concerning Captain St. Victore.” 1 p. (181. 38.)
Charles Hughebant.
1600, Nov. 21. Bond of Charles Hughebant to Thomas Honyman for 70l., in respect to certain parcels of tape, pins, linen, and holland, taken out of the Moyses and the White Dove of Lubeck, at Portsmouth, and delivered to Hughebant by Honyman by order of the Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, and Sir Robert Cecil.—21 Nov., 1600.
Parchment. 1 p. (218. 4.)
Edw. Stansfeilde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 22. Prays for enlargement from prison and restitution of his goods, seized by the sheriff of Dorset. Cecil wrote to the sheriff in his favour, to stay the sale of the goods : wherein he said that the fine for the Queen was imposed upon him but in terrorem. Particulars of the property seized and the waste thereof. After the death of “my Lady,” the servants of Sir Arthur Gorges, with their confederates, assaulted his servants, and took from them teams and carts laden with his goods, driving them towards Bindon, and still keep them from him. He and his company (being with my Lady's corpse) were besieged in his house by 60 persons, kept from victuals, and almost famished; and he was so forced to escape and abandon his goods, which they rifled. Being thus chased from his late house Lullworth, he came to London and buried my Lady at Clerkenwell Church, according to her desire; and as he was seeking to make his peace with Sir Arthur in this matter of supposed waste, he was arrested upon this cause by Sir Arthur's means, sore wounded and imprisoned, now near 20 weeks. Being thus despoiled of all he has, and almost worn to the grave, he prays for liberty and protection.—22 Nov., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (82. 25.)
The Master of Gray to [? Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, Nov. 23. Sir, yours of the 13 I have received this 22 of November, and have seen the warrant directed to the posts of Belfort and Annik [Alnwick], whereof I was glad, for presently the Secretary hath written to me and divers others my friends : like as hath done his Majesty my master, and that very “skabrously,” as the letter shall be your informer, which please you retain till I meet with you, together with this other of my wife's, which I fear you shall scarce read. You see that the King alleges that Sir Harry Bronkcourt accused him that I was by him employed for offering the Prince to be instructed by the Pope, a matter indeed which I never heard, and I think Sir Harry hath never touched my name. Likewise the copy of a letter of your Honour directed to me in France, for to travail in the peace between her Majesty and the Archduke, a manifest invention. Divers other lies and calumnies be received in sundry other letters from my friends : but for that they touch not so directly her Majesty and yourself as these mentioned points, I have sent you therefore this letter wherein they be expressed; and I think it not impertinent that such a letter your Honour shall write to me as may resolve the truth to the King, or then that by your Honour's information Sir Harry Broncourt may do the same, at least for the one point : remitting it always to your own disposition whether or not.
The King has charged my father not to send my son to me, but as I hear, procured by my father himself, expressly containing in the charge that I was to leave him pledge in England or elsewhere. In like manner refused leave to my Lord Home and to the Duke. My wife is yet of opinion for to obtain licence to see me.
Now, Sir, after recitation of my particular griefs, receive such information as I have of our “inquyed” estate of Scotland. This Parliament was ordained for a beginning of divers great matters, but the King is in such jealousy with almost all his nobility that no matter important is done in it. But because within two months the Romish money is looked for, and with it a guard shall be listed, the Parliament is made current and prorogued to the 17 of March; yet it may be that the Lennoux (fn. 1) be “contted” before that time. The King made great caresses to Argyll at his first arrival, and is very earnest between Huntly and him; yet willed him in courtesy to stay at Dalkeith till the end of the Parliament. Goury's forfeiture is past without appropriation to the Crown : the dead bodies “ecartelit” with cruelty, all woman and man of the surname of Ruthven charged to change their surname before Whitsunday next, under the pain of treason, which is done in prejudice of the ladies, Goury's sisters, and his house of Ruthven called Hunting Tower. The form of his death “brustis” out very fast, but I defer the particulars to meeting. Henderson and the Earl his minister are both at liberty. After the Queen shall be delivered of her child, all suspect about her are to be removed, and Sir Thomas Erskine appointed Captain of the Guard, who is one whom she loveth worst. She is very desirous to prevent this matter, but her “insecrecy” makes all men flee dealing, yet there is in men's breasts such a desire of reformation that nothing lacks save one gallant man for uniting grieved minds.
The Secretary hath written to me a long letter, but as yet I have not made answer to it, otherwise I should have sent it to you. He is very earnest in one point of it, if I have any letters of my Lord your father's, or of Mr. Secretary Walsingham's, written to me at the time of the Queen of Scotland's death or a little before, touching that matter, or of my Lord Leicester's, or any others of that Council, which he says he will not affirm to ask of me in the King's name, but he says he knows the King will think well of it that I should send them. And in a postill he desires me from the King to send all letters written by the Queen's Majesty of England to his Majesty, with all the copies of his to her, in the time I was with him. To this I am to make answer that in the subject of the Queen's death I have no letters, and for all letters of their Majesties, I delivered them long ago to his late Chancellor. A man of very good credit assures me that the King and all the courtiers look for 200,000 crowns in this spring; but for me, T see not where from. Spain, France and Italy, I shall answer for them, and I doubt if Germany be so liberal. However the King is very contented with the “hoyp” [? hope]. But before I see you, God willing, I shall write more particularly, at least I shall have the capacity. If her Majesty please to have the King's secretary here, or if she thinks anything of him, let me but have a wind of it, and I shall do my best, for I know he may be had, and the fashion how, but I will not be answerable. As for the matter of Ireland, I am of opinion at meeting to render you no less content in particular than you are in general. I have sent for a man known to the Queen, who is and hath been furnisher to Tyron of vivres and magazine these five years; I know I may move him to accept of geir for any subject, yet her Majesty shall not be deceived, for none shall be given till after, providing assurance may be had. Likewise my uncle, the tutor of Cassilles, is the man in Scotland who hath done most for Tyron, and hath a number of his name and servants presently in Ireland with him. He is a man of composition, and who holds his life of me beside our alliance. With him, before I see you, I shall do my best. And at my return to Flanders I shall deal with Col. Jaco, who hath with him two Irish captains, who I know will do anything for good “deid.” The plurality shall not impeach, for the discovery, although it chance, shall extend his diffidence only to those of that nation who shall be first discovered. This I leave, and shall do it at some stay before I see you. As for the way how to enable him, I remit it to our meeting, which shall be, God willing, so soon as I can have resolution of all matters, to which time and ever I commit you to God's holy protection. The Lord Setoun is Earl of Ventoun, and Sir Robert Kar Lord of Roxbruch. My Lord Home refused to be made Earl of Martch.—Chillinghame, 23 Nov., 1600.
[P.S.]—I am infinitely obliged to you for the friendly thanks you give Mr. Raphe Gray for the care he hath of me. It hath been moved to the King to seek me here, but he could not find concurrence as he looked for. Sir Robert Kar refused till first he gave up friendship with me, but the King said that was to discover all, so no Border man could be found.
Holograph. 4 pp. (82. 26.)
Josua Harding to Thomas Honyman.
1600, Nov. 23. He understands by Honyman's letter that it is Sir Robert Cecil's pleasure to have “the example of our work.” They have here sent two perfect examples, which should hold weight, touch, bending, sound, cutting and wearing for ever, and the longer worn the fairer. The composition of it is one half Luna and the other Venus. Promises secrecy as desired, and hopes Honyman will be careful of their safety. If it pleases Cecil after trial to command their services, they will gladly yield obedience. Asks for Cecil's warrant in the premises, according to their request in their first letter.—Calis, 23 Nov., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (82. 28.)
Jo. Bowrne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 23. As to Cecil's letter touching the moiety of the Rectory of Martock (Somerset) appertaining to the writer as Treasurer of the Cathedral Church of Wells; neither the farmers thereof are, nor any other intend to be, suitors for farther estate therein, for there is a lease of many years yet in being.—Wells, 23 November, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Doctor Bowrne.” 1 p. (250. 82.)
Margaret Knollys (fn. 2) to the Countess of Leicester.
[? 1600], Nov. 24. There is one Mr. Bemounte of Colorton, (fn. 3) hath long since desired to match his son (fn. 4) with my daughter Lettice. It seemeth he hath surceased in regard of your ladyship's honourable motions for her, and now hearing they are all at an end, he is willing to renew his suit if it may be to your good liking : he trusteth of my lord your son's favour therein. I was bold to answer surely you would not mislike, he coming to so good an intent; so I think he will be with you ere it be long. The gentleman is honourably descended, though he had rather be a rich gentleman than a poor baron; he is of good worth in his country and keeps a great port. I think his living better than 1,500 pound a year, and hath brought up his son very carefully and well. His parents are but too fond of him, for they cannot endure him long forth of their sight; they have nobody to care for but him, he must have all. I hear he is wise and sufficient of his years; I never saw him. If it shall please God the young parties may like one of another in the fear of God, as they ought to do, no doubt his father and I shall do our best endeavours to further them. I do not know so fit a match (fn. 5) for Lettice in many regards : it will not be far from your ladyship, that you may ever command her, and near to both my houses. She shall neither have brother nor sister-in-law to trouble her; uncles and aunts be all provided for. My daughter must not still be burdensome to you, and noblemen ask more than I am able to give or willing to give; therefore God grant my daughter may be contented to accept of reason when it is offered, else I fear she will do worse.—Gayton, the 24th of November.
Signed, “Margaret Knollys.” Endorsed :—“La : Knolles to the Countess of Leicester.” 1 p. (83. 24.)
Sir William Browne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 24. Encloses a letter from Captain Ogle, received to-day, to be sent to Cecil. If it contains no other news than Ogle's letter to himself does, of their failed enterprise upon Venlo, the date being so stale as November 13, he is sorry it is addressed to him, being so aftercoming an advertisement.—Flushing, November 24, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 81.)
Thomas Floode to Lord Douglas.
1600, Nov. 25. Is sorry he could not see Douglas at his departure, having been twice to attend him. Hopes Douglas will not forget his suit to Sir John Harbert.—25 Nov., 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (82. 29.)
W. Eure to Thomas Windebank.
1600, Nov. 25. Details of a cause brought against him and others by Sir Thomas Hobbie, first at York and now in the Star Chamber. The quarrel arose upon a visit made by “my Lord, my father, my Lady my mother,” and himself to Hobbie's : and Eure gives particulars of their inhospitable and discourteous treatment by Hobbie, their presence being made a pretext for a charge of riot, &c. He thinks that on understanding the truth of the matter, the Council will hardly hold it worth their hearing. He prays Windebank to make it known to Mr. Secretary.—Ingelbie, 25 Nov., 1600.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (82. 30.)
Maritime Adventure.
1600, Nov. 25. Covenant by Sir Robert Cecil, that having prepared the Lyonesse of London to go to the seas upon reprisal, under the command of John Trough ton, and having received 100l. from Thomas Lord Howard of Maiden, K.G., towards the victualling, Howard is to receive his rateable portion of the victuallers' thirds of the goods to be taken, and of the powder and victuals unspent.—25 Nov., 1600.
Signed by Sir R. Cecil and witnessed. 1 p. (82. 31.)
Richard [Bancroft], Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 25. Encloses a letter from Embden. The writer is a man of very good understanding.—25 November, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (250. 80.)
Edward Coke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 25. Lord Cromwell has had a tedious suit in the Court of Common Pleas, and from thence the case being adjourned into the Exchequer Chamber, all the judges of England and Barons of the Exchequer have openly argued the case, and at length it is resolved for the right on my Lord Cromwell's part. His suit is that you would, in relief of his declining estate, obtain once more her Majesty's letters to the Judges of the Common Pleas, after so long suit and after such a resolution, to give judgment.—25 November, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Attorney.” 1 p. (250. 88.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to the Council.
1600, Nov. 26. This present is come before me the master of a bark of Rochelle returning out of Spain bound to Calais, whom I have examined and received of him this intelligence.—Pendenas Castle, 26 Nov., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (82. 32.)
Sir Anthony Standen to “Sigr. Arrigo.”
1600, Nov. 26. Mr. Treasurer told me plainly he would be no carrier of any letter but to yourself, and to you would he needs be the bearer hereof, wherefore to obey him and to salute you, you shall receive this, I think the third since I heard of you. All the occurrents of this place I leave to him who, willing to yield each his right, can and will relate to you the great services of this noble friend of yours, done in a time of the extremest difficulty that ever was to any man's knowledge here, and yet performed with no less honour and valour than there they will be “acknowne naturally adnichilate and detracte.” You and we all have made shipwreck in the loss of our friend and rare honest Geo. Cranmer, lamented by all; but extremely by his honourable master. The manner I leave to Mr. Treasurer. Sir William Godolphin, mindful of you with all his heart, greets you, who according to his merits has that part and entry with this noble Lord [which] behoveth to his worth. I am here come un pesche fuori dell' acqua, yet at your devotion as ever heretofore. Take this gentleman and make much of him, if you ever esteemed one that is firm to his friend, which I have found in my particular, else guai a me, and you have cause to vaunt. His departure is of hard digestion to many, but most to me, and yet his good urging the same makes my more conformity. With our honourable Earl he has ever dealt like himself, and will as sincerely proceed at his return, yet censured by some, of much “hurte” and small science, whereunto he will stand a martello. This one matter I have been very sorry for, which, by what means I cannot learn, comes related unto him, and that is that my Lady of Essex should have passed some hard speeches of him, but the particular I know not. Yourself have had some experience of the freedom of his spirit, and how careless he is of what goes reported of his actions and speeches, having recourse to the soundness of his soul. Myself have not been exempt from these censures by I know not what busybodies, as Sir Gelly Me[rrick] has signified to me without allegation of author, which is no course at any time with the true honest sort, much less in times of visitation and affliction, yet what distastes shall be offered, honest hearts can never “flete.” Wyll Rolles, being masterless, has been received by his Lordship with some honest conditions, whereunto Mr. Treasurer for your sake has been instrument; my small power has been there too, but that's nothing.—Dublin, 26 Nov., 1600.
Holograph. The address torn off. 2 pp. (82. 33.)
T., Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 27. The Lord Riche's cause, and another great cause touching Terington, is to be heard on Friday afternoon. Notwithstanding, these shall give place to the great causes of Ireland, and therefore I will not fail but be at the Court on Friday at one. At four of the clock I have appointed the Lord Riche with his counsel, and those for Terington, to be ready at my house. I will take order touching Heale, according to your letter.—27 November, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 76.)
Pi. Lovet to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 27. Cecil's favour in delivering him out of prison emboldens him to entreat Cecil to restore to him those obligations which were taken from him on his apprehension. The sums specified in them were for redeeming his mortgaged lands. A great part of the money he has already received, and the parties desire to have their bonds, and threaten to sue him in the Chancery for them. Doubts not that the Countess of Derby will be thankful to Cecil on his behalf.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“27 November, 1600. Mr. Pynchpoll Lovett.” 1 p. (250. 78.)
Sir Arthur Capell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 27. Strongly recommends Mr. John Shurley, of the Middle Temple, to be made Serjeant at the Law.—Haddham, 27 November, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 79.)
1600, Nov. 27. Petition of Henry Emylie, of Henley upon Thames, to [Cecil]. Prays for the wardship of Francis Phips, son of Thomas Phips, late of Lycheborough, Northampton, yeoman; for three years concealed and unjustly detained from the Queen.
Note by Cecil : “When an office is found I will then consider further of it as he shall deserve.”
Endorsed :—“27 No., 1600.” 1 p.
Arthur Hall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 28. I send you again the copy of the collections which I gathered touching the embasing of the coin, which you having heretofore, I understand by Sir Anthony Mildmay, are missing. I doubt not to show such reasons as her Majesty and Commonwealth shall be more than much enriched thereby.
If it shall not stand to the liking of her Highness, yourself, nor her Council, that any embasing of the coin shall be (which is no new thing and the general want of money much urges) and which by degrees from a little at the first might increase at her pleasure, yet I hope to lay down ways plentifully to enrich the land.
As I have heretofore written, my case is very hard for the burden of my debts. I humbly beseech that I may have some relief.—28 Nov., 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (181. 37.)
The enclosure :—
The treasure of the realm is consumed by the foreign wars, and in Ireland, and preserving our country in quiet. The gold is conveyed away into foreign parts by strangers and our own nation, as it is well seen by the scarcity thereof and the high prices that have of late been given, and yet are, for the exchange. Much of the silver is also gone by the same means. Gold and silver are not to be had but out of the mines which we have not, or to be procured from other princes' territories, where those mines are, and to be drawn from them either by force or traffic. By traffic we must have it from Spain, which we may not as long as we continue in war with them, but for their own advantage. By force is full of cost, hazard and peril.
The sinews of wars are those two metals.
Her Majesty is in debt to her subjects, who desire to be satisfied : she hath taken many subsidies and fifteens, as reason is she should when she wants, but some inconsiderate miscontent therewith. She requires benevolences, sometimes not with good will granted, and lays many heavy burdens, as levying and setting out of soldiers by her counties, thought of unto-ward persons very heavy.
The remedy of the last former point, kings and princes in all ages and times, when want of ability, adverse, sudden or not present opportunity could by money serve their turns, have in honourable terms for the want procured a remedy. And to want is no shame for an emperor or king, having so many irons in the fire as her Majesty hath had, hath and may have.
These kings and princes specified have often, in a manner overnight, valued and enhanced a French crown worth 6s. to 8s. or 9s. to pay their soldiers, and, almost within a few hours after, brought it to 6s. again.
In the time of King Edward the third an ounce of silver was at 20d. Then it came after to 10 groats, after, to 5s.; about which rate it now remains. But in King Edward the VI. time it was hardly worth 12d.
King Henry the VIII. embased his silver coin upon one journey to Boulogne, the least of an hundred of her Majesty's charges during her reign. King Edward his son so did also and made it worse. The Queen's Highness to abase hers, either tod. as King Edward did, or tod. which were a lower rate for 12d. but as pleaseth her.
The answer to lewd tongues.
She was left in debt; she restored good silver for bad; she hath maintained costly and continual wars; she hath employed her treasure to keep her country in peace and quiet against the malices and practices of many mighty enemies. She hath been put to infinite charges and yet is like to be, without God's grace, and her power in the kingdom of Ireland which is in danger to be lost.
The benefits which grow when the money is embased.
Her Majesty may pay her debts to her subjects, need take no benevolences, may keep her lands which she sells, and shall need fewer subsidies and fifteens. Her subjects shall have money for their commodities, they shall sell cloth, lead, fells, and leather into foreign countries at a great price. Her customs shall be greater, and she may administer wars in her own kingdoms, as well with the moneys “delayed,” as with the finest silver. Her nobility and gentry who are mostly poor and rarely lay up any great sums, shall be better able to serve when their tenants shall have the better to pay their rents. Or, if they be urged to sell their land, plenty of money will yield better sums, whereas they now sell at small rates, consume all, and run to beggary. Covetous persons and usurers, the cater pillars of a commonwealth, will more easily lend to the needy, and hoard less.
If God should please to bless this realm with peace and quietness, that gold and silver may be drawn from whence it is by the rich commodities of this land, the moneys may be restored to. the furnace again to the gain of her Majesty or of her successor, as she did when she caused to be coined the fine moneys and called in the bad which were stamped in the tune of her father and brother.
The inconvenience which want of money brings has been set down, and proof has been given that there is want. The causes why money is gone will draw more still away. What is spent in Ireland will not return into England, and her Majesty hath many occasions to lay out money in foreign places.
To aim what money is in the realm : let the books of the mint be examined, which will declare what sums hath been coined since her Majesty made the moneys fine. Then cast and estimate what hath been conveyed divers ways out of the realm. Allow all and abate of the original what by covetous persons now dead hath been hidden which never will be found, or spent in gilding, silvering, &c.
The 15 year of the reign of King Henry 8, there was demanded in parliament a subsidy of as. of the pound, lands and goods, which was stood upon and not granted. It was alleged that the same subsidy would come to 800,000l. Before that the King had received, by way of loan, 2s. in the pound, which in all came to 1,200,000l., and that there was not so much coin in the realm. The subsidies, fifteens and loans which her Majesty hath had are soon known, besides the setting out of ships and soldiers by her subjects.
The end of Michaelmas term last, 42 of her Majesty, it was by a council, as it is generally reported, affirmed that there was by her Majesty spent in her wars since '88, 33,000,000l. : [sic, ?3,300,000] the very yearly receipts of the kingdoms within the country called Spain, besides Portugal and Algarves, which comes almost to the treble sum mentioned not to be in the land in the 15 year of King Henry 8, as is aforesaid; besides the charges defrayed by her Majesty's subjects, wherein by conduct money and armour never returned home, some money must needs go. It may be answered, there is generally more gold and silver above the earth, by means of the working of the mines in the West Indies, than there was in the year of King Henry the 8. So that there is more money now and hath been in England since the benefit of the mines, gaining it by the traffic from the Spanish kings fleet of the said Indies, and some time from them by force.
Columbus first found the West Indies anno 1492, about 31 years before the specified 15 of Henry the 8.
That money hath been enhanced and base money coined and called down by the same prince that coined them.
King Henry the 8, the 18 of his reign, but 3 years before mentioned, enhanced the angel from 6s. 8d. to 7s. 4d. and after the same rate for the value of the royal and the crown : and, presently after the same year, he enhanced the angel to 7s. 6d. and the other gold accordingly, so as an ounce of gold came from 40s. to 45s. and an ounce of silver to 3s. 9d. The 36 year of his reign, he enhanced gold to 48s. an ounce and silver to 4s. an ounce. At that very time he coined base money.
The causes which were thought did move the Icing to these enhancements and to coin base money.
He had lent the emperor, Charles V. great sums of money which he could not receive.
He had been at great charges in the wars between the Emperor and Francis, the French king.
He had not spared his purse the year before for the redemption of the said king taken at Pavia.
The low valuation of his coin, being also so fine, made the merchants convey the same beyond the seas, because the same bore a greater value there.
For his last enhancement and coining base money, his mighty charge with his army at Boulogne, and a great power in Scotland at another time was the cause.
King Edward the 6 coined much base money in his time, and also some fine silver and good gold for 50s. an ounce or thereabouts, which fine silver and gold went at all one rate with the base moneys.
The 5 year of his reign, in July, when he called down the base moneys coined in the time of King Henry the 8, and those he also had coined himself, every shilling to 9d. and the baser moneys accordingly. In August following he called down those moneys which went for 9d. to 6d. and the lesser moneys down to the same proportions.
Queen Mary coined fine silver and gold, which went equally with the base moneys, though the same which went in King Edward's time for 6d., the best was worth butd., other some butd., and some, in a manner, nothing at all. And in the 2 King Edward the 6 time, till the middle of his 5th year, the gold and fine silver and base moneys, when they were at the highest rate, went all one value.
The Queen's Majesty that note is, till almost the 3 year of her reign, let the coins pass as she found them, and in the end of her second year called down her base moneys, and not long after called all the base moneys in and restored fine silver as now it is.
Again to prove the base moneys profitable and convenient.
All commonwealths but England have some base moneys, greatly to the profit of their governments : yea, the King of Spain, the only prince for rich mines of gold and silver, hath in his dominions much base money. The Kings of Sweden are thought to have much plenty of silver mines, yet in a manner there is no silver money of their own but base.
Where there is store of money, there are men best pleased.
There never was, that I have read, rebellion in this land for base money.
Where want is and money still called for, proof and chronicles show that by many dangerous rebellions the Kings of this realm, and the realm itself hath been in apparent danger.
Notwithstanding, if it be possible to have fine moneys, store thereof and so to continue, fine moneys are not amiss; but we having no moneys or traffic where it is to be had, hard it is suddenly to furnish present wants. The river cannot still run if there is no spring to feed it.
The reasons against the embasing of the coin.
Victuals and other things will be at an excessive price. If gold and fine silvers and base moneys pass equally, the good will be hoarded up. Servants and labourers will have greater wages. Soldiers will have more pay. The Queen having all her lands at the old rent, receiving base moneys, shall be an infinite loser, having coin delivered her at a higher value than it is worth.
Answer.—The prices of victuals when base moneys went in King Henry the 8 time, was as good cheap as in years before : and in King Edward the 6 reign, much at lower prices. In some time of Queen Mary's government, victual was never heard in any age to be at so low a rate. In her present Majesty's time, victuals have for the most part been at higher prices than in any year before she came to the crown.
If the gold and fine silver be hoarded up, yet they shall remain in the land. When the base moneys were current at the highest rate, there was much more gold paid ordinarily in the realm than now it is, and also the fine silver went plentifully.
The wages of servants and labourers was never, by a third part or almost half, so much when the base money went as it is now there is fine moneys.
King Henry the 8, at Boulogne and discharging his armies after, paid base money to his subjects and strangers. King Edward the 6 did the like during his wars in all places.
The second year of her Majesty's reign, before she called down the base moneys and restored fine silver, there was an army sent to drive the French nation out of Scotland, where gold, fine moneys and base, passed all alike in payment for all things.
It is said that her Majesty may, for all her out payments, put up in her coffers yearly 200,000l. wherein she should be a mighty loser if it should be base money; which sum I fear will be hard to do, her disbursements being so great, and no supply for the want of them if money should fail. But allow she may put up 500,000l. yearly in the base money. I doubt not to set down how to make the same into fine moneys or bullion within a few months after she shall have the said 500,000l., yea, to her great profit.
Addressed by Hall : “To Sir Robert Cecil.” Endorsed :—“Touching the embasing of coin.” Seal. 5¾ pp. (183. 87.)
George Harvy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 28. Is Lieutenant of the Ordnance. Gives particulars of his differences with Sir John Davis, Surveyor of the Ordnance, “a shepstar's son, hatched in Gutter Lane.” The differences chiefly concern Smeadon, the principal wheeler of the Ordnance, and his deputy Aldridge. Davis objects without reason to Aldridge, and countermands the writer's orders. Davis plots that no man shall serve her Majesty in the office but himself,' and such as depend on him. If this is effected, the office will be brought to “the old course of Rowland and Painter's services, wherein her Majesty lost and was deceived almost 100,000l.” Prays for Cecil's help in reformation of the premises, otherwise he will retire to his own house.—The Tower, 28 November, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 72.)
Richard Gyfford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 29. Has caused his brother Mr. Fawconer to repair to Cecil for the 100l. Fawconer lent for the despatch of Gyfford's business. He has disbursed for the voyage 153l. more than the 900l. then received : since which time he has received from my Lord Treasurer 53l. Details of accounts to be settled. Recommends to Cecil the good success of his journey, being ready to depart.
Undated, Endorsed :—“Nov. 29, 1600.” 1 p. (82. 34.)
Jo. Bridges to [? Sir R. Cecil].
1600, Nov. 29. He writes by Cecil's acceptable and hopeful son. The Lord Chamberlain offers to second him in any suit which Cecil shall move to the Queen for him : he therefore prays Cecil to think of him.—Sarum, 29 November, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 68.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 29. Of the suit concerning the blackemoores, whereof he once moved Cecil for Jasper Van Zenden, whose petition he encloses. When he first moved Cecil therein, Cecil seemed not to like that a commission of that nature, to take what pleased him, should be committed to Van Zenden. Prays Cecil, for his (Sherley's) good, to assent to the matter, with such limitations to the commission as he best likes.—29 November, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 71.)
Edward Turnor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 30. Encloses a petition on behalf of his brother the bearer, who was ensign to Lord Burgh at Briell, and continued there till now put from it by Sir Francis Vere. Does not know the cause, but guesses there has been some emulation between some of his brethren and the present Governor. Prays for Cecil's letter to Vere that his brother may retain his place.—Middle Temple, 30 November, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 69.)
1600, Nov. Names of those returned for sheriffs for the English shires, Nov., 1600. Three names given for each county, the majority of whom served the office of Sheriff in turn. [See List of Sheriffs : Public Record Office, Lists and Indexes, No. IX.]
2 pp. (82. 35.)
H., Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. Begs Cecil to procure him the favour that some regard, may be had of the equity of his cause in the Star Chamber with Askyough, that it be not, by colours devised to undo him, wrested to extremities.—The Fleet, November, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (250. 123.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. 30. Reports the arrival in the Pool of St. Katherine's of a daughter of my Lord of Westmorland's, with four children, two maid servants, and a man.—Blackfriars, 30 November, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (250. 139.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. I have signed both the commission and the articles, which are very well set down. It were not amiss if there were an article that if Ca. Trowgton should come to any place where conveniently he might send word to any of the English factors, that he is sent thither for that purpose, and that they may give the States of that place notice; as if he come near Pituze [Pithyusae Islands], or if he chance to meet in any place on the seas [“in the Strayts”—margin] any of the ships belonging to the State of Venice, Genoa, or any of the subjects of the Duke of Florence, to give them notice to what end he is sent, for the taking of such fugitive pirates as frequent those seas, and trouble her Majesty's good friends' subjects; this will sound amongst them well and cut off slander if they hear of such a ship, a man-of-war, in those seas. There is one thing must be cared for, which is his return; for as I take it, he is victualled for 5 months, so his return should be about May, which will be very dangerous to come through the Straits at that time for the galleys : so as if he could tell or learn when our English ships within the Straits will return, he shall do well to come with them, for assure yourself he shall be laid for.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“November, 1600. Lord Admiral.” 1 p. (250. 94.)
Edward Phyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. After he put forth from Cork with the packet, he was driven twice back through contrary winds, as the certificate of the Mayor of Youghal can approve. At the last putting forth, extremity of weather drove them towards the coast of Spain, where, being out of sight of land for eight days, they endured greater misery than he can willingly report : but at last recovered St. Ives in Cornwall. His journey thence, with his former misfortunes, have cost him 16l., which he begs may be allowed him.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“November, 1600.” 1 p. (250. 84.)
T. Clinton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. His wife lately preferred a petition to the Council against the extreme dealings of his unnatural brother, the Earl of Lincoln, whereby they are defeated of all the inheritance given them by his (the writer's) father deceased, which the Earl pretends to overthrow. Particulars of the wrongs committed by the Earl, and details of the proceedings. Appeals to Cecil for relief.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“November, 1600.” 1 p. (250. 89.)
Raphe Bossevile to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Nov. Cecil moved him for a lease of his house in St. Clement's Danes for the usual rent of 80l. a year, wherewith he was content. At that time Cecil had the houses in his own hand, they having been delivered to him by Phillips. Phillips says that one quarter's rent is due from Cecil. Informs Cecil hereof, not that he thinks the charge by right appertains to Cecil, but to certify him of Phillips' dilatory answers herein : and prays Cecil to give Phillips knowledge hereof.—November, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 103.)
Sir Edward Wotton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, Nov.] With a present of pheasants.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“November, 1600.” 1 p. (250. 116.)


  • 1. Referring to the Lennox coinage of the time.
  • 2. Widow of Henry, son of Sir Francis Knollys.
  • 3. Beaumont, of Cole Orton, co. Leicester.
  • 4. Subsequently Viscount Beaumont, of Swords.
  • 5. The match was not brounght about. See also letter from Cuffe to Sir C. Davers, Part VIII. of this Calender, p. 284.