Cecil Papers: October 1600, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1600, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp335-353 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1600, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp335-353.

"Cecil Papers: October 1600, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp335-353.

October 1600, 1–15

Henry Hodgekinsonn, Mayor of the town of Preston, Thomas Hesketh, and Ra. Assheton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 1. After Sir Richard Houghton had apprehended Middletonn, a seminary priest, and committed him to me, Hodgekinson, to be sent to the castle of Lancaster, on 1st October, I caused, the next day, four men to take that charge upon them. In their journey they were assaulted by certain persons unknown, four on horseback and one afoot, who intended to rescue the priest, whereupon an affray began between them, but it pleased God the priest was not rescued, but, contrariwise, they apprehended one of those that made the attempt, and returned to Preston, being not able to go forward with the priest, for divers of them were wounded, and one Traves, a stranger that took their part, wounded. They brought the person that was apprehended, who names himself Greenlowe, to the house of the Attorney of the Wards, where he was examined and after committed to me, Hodgekinson, to be safely kept. The Attorney required me to search him, where I found divers suspicious things, and these papers which are sent you, and perceiving some of them to be of importance I, Hodgekinson, came to the Attorney and to me Rauffe Ashton, and acquainted them therewith : whereupon we three demanded of Greenlowe where he had those papers. He answered that for those which are in Latin he could not tell, but for the other in English, entitled “a copy of a letter,” he avowed it to be his handwriting, and that he purposed to have made many copies thereof, and to have fixed them in divers public places, to the end notice thereof might come to her Majesty. He would not inform us what reasons moved him to affirm the contents of the letter, but said he would be ready to declare the same to the Council if he were called thereunto.—Preston, 1 Oct., 1600.
Signed as above. 1 p. (81. 90.)
Enclosure :
Examination of Robert Grenelowe. Says his name is not Grenelowe, but refuses his true name, and will not answer whether he be a priest or not. He heard in the highway yesternight that Mr. Middleton was taken, and knowing him to be an honest man, and that his cause was good, he was sorry for it, and purposed to procure means that he might escape; and this day hearing that he should be conveyed to Lancaster, he prepared to ride towards them that carried him, and met three other men, whose names he will not discover. They all intended that Middleton should have escaped by their means. When he and his company overtook them that conveyed Middleton, he was the hindmost, and whether they that were before him drew their weapons or not, he knows not; but he was thrown off his horse and offered to get away on foot, but was pursued and received divers blows before he would yield, and then discharged his pistol upon one that struck him, and after that had some other blows and yielded. He will not answer whether he goes to church, but says he professes the true ancient Apostolic Catholic Roman faith, and takes her Majesty to be lawful Queen. Considering those of his religion are accounted traitors, which he thinks they are not, he says he and others may defend themselves with force.—Preston, 30 Sept., 1600.
Signed : Rob. Hesketh, Rich. Houghton, Tho. Hesketh, Ra. Assheton. 1 p. (81. 84.)
John Croke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 1. Prays for the place of Surveyor of her Majesty's Liveries, vacant by the death of Richard Kingsmill.—Inner Temple, 1 October, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Recorder of London.” 1 p. (250. 42.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct 1. Touching this answer of Captain Prymme concerning a ship to be provided by the merchants for the Ambassadors' transportation, I cannot greatly like his proceedings, for I suspect that Diggens, owner of the ship chosen, has offered him some reward. I do not hold it fit for the Queen's honour that they should be sent home in other than a man-of-war, neither convenient for their safety, the other being slenderly furnished on a voyage to the Isle of Maye for salt, and not having men suficient to handle her. ordnance : and again this ship of Kyng's may in her return do good service by lying on the coast to give intelligence of the preparations in Spain. You will not take it well we should be overruled by the merchants in a matter of the Queen's charge, and therefore I leave it to your discretion.—From my lodge at Hampton Court, 1 October, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord Admiral.” 1 p. (250. 46.)
H. Hardware, Mayor, to [? Cecil].
1600, Oct. 2. I advertised you that The Moon, her Majesty's pinnace, was put to sea before I could give warning for their stay, who guarded the treasure bark, which I was required to see furnished with cast pieces, who, I hope, ere this are safely arrived at Dublin. The rest of the treasure which you purposed to have conveyed in the Moon to Dublin, is already gone down to the Water side, and the agent has taken the bark of one Lynaker to transport it. I enclose Mr. Hibbott's letter. He was well furnished for defence, not only by himself but by the pinnace, which went out of the river one day before the treasure bark, and so wafted aloof.—Chester, 2 October, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 41.)
The Enclosure :
Thomas Hibbotts to the Mayor of Chester. He could not have any cast pieces according to Mr. Secretary's directions, for Sir Richard Buckley's bark was gone, and there was not another so well provided. Nevertheless he has taken order with the captain of the Queen's ship in harbour to waft them over, and they have at least 26 muskets, with sufficient shot and powder, and as many men at least on board with them, so they think themselves able for defence against any pirate that can hover upon these dangerous coasts. They are now putting to sea.—21 September, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 39.)
Gawen Harvye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 2. Complains of the ill treatment he has received in regard to his pay. There was never any that had the title of admiral that had less than 10s. a day. Sir Robert Mansfield had four nobles, Fennor a mark, and Bredgate a noble, being but vice-admiral. None of them has done more for the Queen's money than he has. Prays Cecil to get the Lord Admiral to sign the enclosed blank with anything : for until that is done he walks in forma pauperis.—2 October, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—Captain Gawen Harvie. 1 p. (250. 38.)
The Enclosure :
Draft warrant giving allowance, unspecified, to Captain Gawen Harvye and Captain Joseph Maye, admiral and vice-admiral in command of crompsters on the coast of Ireland : also for the payment of Harvye's bills for pilotage.—Court at Otelands, 5 October, 1600. 1 p. (250. 37.)
(“1070”) Miler Magragh, [Archbishop of Cashell], to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 2. The care which I find in you of the welfare of 2049 (Sir George), and of the good success of the service, induces me to declare to you two points : the one whereof may in the opinion of many, though unjustly, impair his credit; the other, apparently dangerous for the service; that the prevention of both may be procured by admonishment from you. The first is, the excessive exacting of overgreat fees by under officers from the poor inhabitants, whose causes are so dearly rated that many, unable to pay the fees, are fain to forsake all, and fly to their former follies. This might be redressed by a course held in the government of Sir Henry Sidney, who caused the fees allowed to be written in tables exposed to public view, and maintained a clerk to despatch poor men's causes gratis. The other point is that, having few learned in the laws to assist him, he uses the counsel of 1095 (James Gold), a perverse, malicious member, secret favourer of all the 2055 (“Tra : Rebels”) in Munster, and detected of notorious crimes and capital offences, whereof proof may be had if his pardon prevent them not. To proceed against him by ordinary course of law, may be delayed for the iniquity of the time, yet to make that delay less dangerous, he should be separated from the Council. He is the cause of 128 (Piers Lacy) and his sons' perseverance in action. His reconcilement to the 411 (Pope) last year with his oath of furthering his laws, makes him the more suspicious of these points. I desire you to admonish him. You know how 1025 (sic) (James Goold), supposing I have informed against him here, is so much incensed against me as he will procure all means he may for my destruction. To prevent this, I beseech you to devise a letter, either from her Majesty or the Council, for my safety, without which I dare not live near him. I hope you will remember the little regard had by the Mayor of Waterford of your last letters in my behalf, to my hindrance of 40l. besides the hazard of my life. I beseech you I may have some certainty under your hand to show for my pension and pay, to enjoy it till by direction from her Majesty it be taken from me. In my letters of passport I pray you make mention of going and coming, with a warrant for post horses and shipping, and licence to buy and transport furniture for 40 soldiers, with barrels of powder, lead and match for the defence of such houses and castles as I hold.
In your letters to the Earl of Desmond for the avoiding of 2056 (seminaries) enchantments, which may prove pernicious, you may wish him, if so thought good, to rely to my advice. I pray you to be earnest in your letter to my Lord Bishop of Limerick to let my [? me] have the use of his house there during his own absence. It shall be kept in better reparation than as I shall find it. I seek to be near the Lord President and young Desmond, expecting some good end.—2 October, 1600.
Endorsed :—“Archbishop of Cashel.”
The explanations of the ciphers are in a contemporary hand.
1 p. (251. 90.)
Fabricio Palavicino to the Queen.
1600, Oct. 2/12. Letter repeating the letter of Sept. [see p. 315], in slightly different order 'and language.—Genoa, 12 October, 1600.
Italian. 3 pp. (181. 30.)
H. Hardware, Mayor, and Thomas Wylbram, to the Council.
1600, Oct. 3. Explaining the causes of the non-shipment of six horses, the chiefest being that a bark was appointed for their transport, and the transport of the goods of Sir John Bowels, but the bark was so stuffed with Bowels' goods that no room was left for the horses. They enclose report upon the condition and value of Sir Philip Butler's (Hertford) horse, and Mr. Anthony Thurmingham's (Bucks) horse.—Chester, 3 Oct., 1600.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Commissioners for the Musters at Chester.” 1 p. (81. 91.)
The Enclosure :
Report by John Owen and John Moyle, sheriffs of Chester, and Thomas Harvy, Commissary for her Majesty's forces embarked for Ireland, on the above horses.
Signed. 1 p. (81. 92.)
Th. Smith to [? Sir R. Cecil].
[1600, Oct. 3. I have been with my Lord Treasurer with the letter for the B. of Cassells and for Crosbie and Pore. He has given direction to Mr. Skinner, but because Pore is gone, Mr. Skinner makes difficulty of proceeding to payment unless you write at the foot of the enclosed letter that you require the money to be paid to Patrick Crosbie for the use of Pore.—Westminster, 3 October.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 41a.)
John Evelyn to Mr. Temple at Essex House.
1600, Oct. 4. Amongst many your kindnesses shewed unto me, I hold the advertisement of the gross and barbarous behaviour of the fellow unto Mr. Crompton not the least. Having examined the matter truly, this I find. My brother sent his man to Mr. Crompton to entreat him to be a means for him unto my Lord for his money, not willing him to go any further touching the same than in all courteous manner. Either Mr. Crompton hath wronged my brother, or his man very much abused his master. My brother knoweth well the dutiful mind I bear his Lordship, and, if only for my sake, would abstain from any thought of so coarse behaviour.—Kingston, October 4th, 1600.
Holograph. 2 pp. (181. 24.)
Thomas Keylway to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 4. Cites articles agreed upon before the Council between his father Francis and himself, on August 10, 1598, as to an annuity to be paid him by his father. Complains of the non-performance of the agreement, whereby he is ready to starve, and commits himself to Cecil's protection.—4 Oct., 1600.
Holograph. 1¼ pp. (250. 5.)
Sir H. Brouncker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 4. I have set down the greatest part of my ordinary expense. The number of horses was commonly greater, and the charge of my table more than double, all things being excessively dear, and the resort to my table very great. 1 was forced, after the manner of Scotland, to entertain all, and to give liberally, especially to the King's servants, who had means enough by begging and otherwise to invite me to it. My extraordinary expense was almost as much as the ordinary, whereof I desire no repayment, though the Queen's honour and my reputation enforced it. I received the letter enclosed from Arthur Hyde, my poor kinsman. He is yet without entertainment. I beseech your help therein.—October 4, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Ha. Bronckeir. A bill for the charges of his journey into Scotland.” 1 p. (250. 23.)
Jo. Broograve to [? Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, Oct. 4. It has been the evil hap of an old servant of his, Rawlinson, a Lancashire man, to kill a man upon a sudden falling out. Rawlinson holds the best parts of his living of the Duchy. Writer speaks to Rawlinson's honest and gentle behaviour, and prays Cecil that any suit for granting Rawlinson's property may be stayed till he has speech with him.—4 October, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 35.)
Harry Vyvyan to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 5. I enclose the examination of William Jehoseph. He is young and of slender capacity, and I think he hath faithfully delivered to the uttermost of his knowledge. I think I shall persuade him to take the oath of supremacy.—From Trelawarren, the 5th of October, 1600.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (181. 26.)
The Enclosure :
Examination of William Jheosopp, of Checkwell, in Dorset, 5th Oct., 1600.
Age 18. Confesseth that about five years and a half since he went from his mother's house with one Matthew Hollmes, also of Dorset, to Bristol, and from thence took shipping for Waterford, and so lived a quarter of a year at a place called Chimell, in the house of a widow named Anne Braye alias White, being at the direction of the said Hollmes. From Ireland, they passed in an Irish ship for Spain and landed at Cales, and so travelled with the said Hollmes to Seville, where he remained in the English Seminary for the space of five years or thereabouts. Then he, Jheosopp, being sickly, was sent to the English Seminary of Valladolid (“Valeo de Lid”) where he remained about six weeks, and not finding recovery of his health, he had leave to come for England, and had of Joseph Creswell, for the defraying of his charges, ten crowns, and of the Rector there one hundred and fifty reals, and a horse which he sold in his journey. He came from Seville in the end of May, and from Valladolid in July, and so to St. Sebastian, where he remained a month, and from thence took shipping in a Frenchman and came to Bordeaux, from thence to Marinus, and came over in a Frenchman that landed here in Mounts Bay on Friday the 26th September, where he was brought before the captain of the Castle, but to him denied that he ever was in Spain, and from thence determined to go for Dorsetshire.
While he was abroad, the said Hollmes maintained him; he never proceeded in any degree of school. Hollmes put him-self into the College of Seville and became a priest; and leaving Seville about three years since went to Valladolid where he remained a year and a half, and thence came for England, as deponent hath heard.
As to the names of the Governors of the Seminary of Seville, there are three principal Officers which are often chosen, viz. the Rector, the Minister and the Confessor : which at his coming away was, Francis de Peralto, Rector, William Jonson, Minister, and Warpoll served at that time for a confessor, the confessor being gone some time before.
There were about thirty English scholars there; their names most often they change at their coming, and so did this examinate : but they are there named : John Bond, William Richardson, Thomas Morsley, Edward Williams, Walter Morgan, Francis Felton, John Reynolds, Laurence Hamon, Francis Isham. These are divines. Of philosophers there are : Laurence Rigbye, Edmund Canon, Andrewe Whyte John Salkell, Christopher Knavesborowe, Richard Knavesborowe, Richard Pendrae, a Cornishman, James Massye, Henry Allman, William Hoddestone, William White. Logicians : Henry Myler, Thomas Trevers, William Mounson, Nicholas Blisse, Thomas Naylles. There are divers others who came lately from Valladolid whose names he remembreth not.
While he was there, no Jesuits, to his knowledge, went for England, but of priests there went Thomas Worseligh, William Willson, John Bedyngton, Thomas Bensted, Richard Gart, William Howes, William Davies, and Lewis Griffen, which Lewis went away about two years since in dislike of the house, but after attained his faculties, as it was said.
Being asked what orders or laws are there prescribed in the College to draw the scholars from their duty and obedience to her Majesty, he saith, “None.” But he hath heard disputations whether the Queen of England be lawful Queen, or whether she ought to be obeyed as prince. The Jesuit seemeth most against that, but all the rest are of opinion the Queen is lawful Queen and is to be obeyed : and so doth this examinate acknowledge.
He knew few of the principal men in the College of Valladolid because he stayed there so short time; but there was one Richard Cranys and one Valentine Williams that was to be cast out of the house for disorders.
Being asked where the King was when he was there, and what preparation he made for war, he saith that the King lay at Madeno de Campo, eight miles from Valladolid, and purposed to be there within few days after, for they of the English Seminary were providing to entertain him, and of wars he heard nothing then.
Being asked what he heard or saw in his travel from thence concerning peace or war, he saith that as he passed through Biscay, he saw great companies of men taken up to serve the King against the King of France, but how many they were he knoweth not, nor who should be general of that army, in that Seviory was slain by the Lantado who was committed close prisoner at Madrell for that fact. The death of this Seviory was greatly lamented, and the fact of the Lantado was grievously taken by the King : and some soldiers that he spake with in his travel told him that there was great want of a sufficient general. 2 pp. (181. 27.)
Elizabeth, Countess Dowager of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Oct. 6. Prays that such lands of her son Henry Cavendish as were passed lately under the great seal by the Earl of Shrewsbury in two of his servants' names, most unconscionably and unnaturally, may be reassured by them to the right owners. Her son told her Cecil misliked in some part his proceeding in this matter. Begs Cecil to make the best construction.—Hardwyck, 6 Oct.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Countess of Shrewsbury. 1600.” 1 p. (250. 16.)
Thomas, Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 6. At my coming to my house I found Mr. Coke, deputy to Mr. Fowk Grevel, attending for me, and I sent for Mr. Skinner presently and caused an order to be made for the discharge of the three ships at Portsmouth, which comes to 2,954l. 9s. 2d.
Mr. Cokin, the victualler, also attended and showed me letters from his deputies, by which he is advertised that five ships with victual, putting out from Bristol, were turned back with so dangerous a western storm as they lost their masts and sails, and two of them are come into Bristol, hardly saving themselves. The other three he hopes are by this also returned to Bristol. One was for Galloway, two for Dublin, and two for Carrickfergus. From Dartmouth, he has also advertisement of three ships laden with fish and other provisions, being tall ships of 120 and 140 tons, that are taken by the Dunkirkers, and have enforced a man-of-war, that offered to fight with them but could not maintain it, to run himself on ground. This letter certifies they are four or five ships of war : some say they are Biskin ships, in respect of their greatness, and some say they are Dunkirkers. By another letter from Pole [? Poole] he is advertised that they are 15 men-of-war, and that none of our ships dare stir out of their ports, for if they do these men-of-war take them. The victuallers have in Poole two ships with victual ready laden, and have been so about three weeks. In Dartmouth, they have five ships, at Weymouth two, and at Southampton four : and all these will fall under the danger of these men-of-war. I pray you and my Lord Admiral to think of some remedy, for otherwise Ireland can have none of this victual.
And I with great fear think upon the danger that the treasure which passes from Chester may be in if any such men-of-war should lie upon that coast, and think it good you wrote to Sir George Cary, the Treasurer, with this western wind, to send over the Mone to waft over the treasure. Confer also with my Lord Admiral herein. I told Cockin I thought these winds would drive these Dunkirkers from the western coast, and so he said it has done heretofore : but they go thirty or forty leagues into the sea, and as soon as fair weather is they come upon the coast again.—6 Oct., 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord Treasurer. Received at Otelands.” 2 pp. (250. 33.)
Richard [Vaughan], Bishop of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 7. I have done my best endeavours to satisfy the contents of the Council's letters, and will ever be ready to effect that service which belongs to my place, or the Council shall impose upon me. And howsoever I reap nothing but deadly spite and devilish detraction from that generation of asps, yet I comfort myself much with your favourable acceptance and construction of my endeavours, many ways encountered, and almost tired with the practices of that violent and virulent faction, of which (God is record) I never complained of any private spleen, or malicious inclination, but in love to God's church, in duty to my Sovereign, and in fear of consequent events, which so huddle one in the neck of another, that you may palpably feel how just cause there is of complaining, and how necessary it is to stop these beginnings with all speed, ne morbus superet medicinam. I know you by this time understand of other their desperate attempts, by such as have taken more certain knowledge than myself, and therefore I spare to speak thereof.—Chester, 7 Oct., 1600.
[P.S.]—The High Sheriff of Lancashire in this year of his office, and Sir Richard Houghton, both heretofore and now of late, have done great service in apprehending of sundry priests, pestilent persuaders to rebellion, and are the ablest and fittest persons, in regard of their state and their near dwelling to the most corrupt places of Lancashire, to hunt out these seditious priests, and to suppress the insolencies of the people, and being encouraged therein, will be willing doubtless in such services to do their best.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“The B. of Westchester.” 1 p. (81. 94.)
Francis Gall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 7. Refers to his 20 years' service in Court, and the favour he received from Lord Burghley. By the importunacy of a great personage to satisfy a servant's humour, his preferment was utterly overthrown. Prays to enter Cecil's service.—October 7, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 29.)
The Earl of Hertford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 7. Finds by his letters Cecil's kind acceptance of the red deer lately sent towards storing his park, and another year he will furnish him with more. Hopes shortly to do his duty to her Majesty, and to see Cecil at Court.—7 October, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 34.)
Matthew Hutton, Archbishop of York, to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, Oct. 7. According to Cecil's letter in behalf of Mr. Faunt, he has granted him a lease for 21 years worth 100l. a year. Faunt must get it confirmed by the Dean and Chapter. He has written more fully to Sir John Stanhope.—Bishopthorp, 7 October, 1600.
Signed, “Matth. Ebor.” ½ p. (250. 63.)
[Sir Robert Cecil to the Lord Admiral.]
1600, Oct. 8. You saw the letter yesterday in which my Lord Treasurer wrote to me what he heard of the taking of two barks with victual, which I conceived to be part of those which should have served her Majesty's army in Ireland; but upon my conference with him yesternight, I found I had mistaken the sense of that clause, whereof I was very glad : yet this little ambition I have, to avoid the imputation which such as your good Lordship, that have store of silver hairs, are apt to lay upon us poor novices, as it contents me somewhat that my good Lord Admiral, who read the letter as well as I the Secretary, was as well deceived as I. My Lord Treasurer and I had good sport about it, for he would needs contest with me that indifferent judges would say that you and I had no reason to conceive it as we did. Whereupon in the end there lies a wager of a fair pair of Italian gloves. Now Sir, seeing a judge we must have, I think it good that you make choice of some fair Florentine to decide that controversy, for which purpose I send you my Lord's letter to be read, for so he was contented. He still affirms that though he wrote that ships were taken, we had no cause to think it meant our victuallers for Ireland. True it is two barks are taken of private men, for I had the owners with me yesternight, but they were returning homeward from Newfoundland with fish, and not outward bound. The report thereof has put such a fear in those masters that should carry victuals to Ireland, that they refuse to go out of the harbours : so I have gone on the order you and I took yesterday, to command Sir Alexander Clifford to ply up to the westward with some of the ships in the Narrow Seas, and to drag out of every port all those cowardly varlets, so as that inconvenience to the service will be remedied, wherein we have comforted the poor provant merchants; for seeing we have bound them to make good all losses saving taking by the enemy, nothing can sooner undo them than when their vessels are long windbound, for it draws waste and putrifaction.
Because you shall see what I received from Ireland yesternight, I send you the letter, because Mr. Secretary Herbert told me he should be absent till the Queen came to Richmond. Thereby you shall see that daily victual arrives so as hitherto since her Majesty's kitchenmaid, alias the Lord Deputy, took the frying pan in his hand, there is never a pancake thrown in the fire, and therefore, because I told a lie yesterday, I am the more curious to give satisfaction, because you know all unmarried folks stand upon their preferment. I am glad to hear the news of Munster, for which I send you my author, hoping to hear more of it from the President. Besides the direction which Sir Alexander Clifford has from you, I yesternight despatched also letters to all the other ports where victuals lie, by which he is not to pass : wherein I commanded all the mayors to see the ships to take the first settled wind, or if they refuse, to commit the cowardly knaves to prison and place others. It cost me some labour before I went to bed, and I protest it brake my sleep (no easy matter, I thank God) to contemplate how that land of Ire has exhausted this land of promise, for so might it well be called till pride and contempt brought that kingdom to such a confusion as it has been one great work to repair the ruins. The treasure also is safely arrived, so as my Lord Treasurer will sleep quieter than he did.—The Savoy, 8 Oct., 1600.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Endorsed by Cecil's secretary :—“To my Lord Admiral from my master.” 3¼ pp. (250. 28.)
Thomas Myddelton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 8. Mr. Connock and one of the undertakers rode away post yesterday with the Lord Treasurer's and Cecil's letters, so that her Majesty's letter cannot be sent by them. Asks instructions.—8 October, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (250. 32.)
Captain W. Monoux to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Oct. 9. Being ascertained that Kirkham was not in or near London, on Sunday at four p.m. I took post and recovered his house, which is four miles from Stamford, the next day by candle lighting. But there was he not; for the fellow that carried him down, not being sent the 40l. which he wrote for (or else would discover him), let fall to some that Kirkham was at his house, which being known to him, he departed at adventure, telling his wife not to look for him till all were quiet. Some speeches concerning me he then uttered, and these I will deliver when I come to you.
They are persuaded that the Council is not so earnest to have him brought again, which opinion I have ventured to nourish.
She advised liberally with me touching our journey and the place we must shroud us in. Practising with one in the house, he told me that being in the stable, when his old master took horse, he heard him talk of his wife's brothers the Paytons; and tampering with his youngest daughter, his jewel, a girl of eight years old, I asked her where her father was gone, she told me “to her Uncle's;” this encouraged me to wish (talking to the gentlewoman) that he were at one of her brothers; “Truly,” she said, “I think he be gone thither; but I am not sure, for there was such confusion at his departure that I think he certainly resolved upon nothing, or forgot to tell me.”
The elder of these Paytons is Thomas Payton, sometime Customer of Plymouth, but now resideth at Ardevora, one mile from the castle of St. Mawes in Cornwall, on Falmouth harbour. His daughter is married to one Kempe, Esquire, of Blisland, near Car Denham; you can easily hear if he be there. The other brother is Christopher, Auditor of Ireland, who has houses at Bury St. Edmunds and at Chippenham Abbey, to which two places I am gone myself, having left with Kirkham's wife a note of my stopping places, that if he sends to seek me as she believes he will, I may be found.
Of the circumstances of his escape and of where the writings are, I will inform you at my coming. More than is done to any suspected can little help the keeper, but much hinder the service. Let me therefore prevail with you that since they are now all secure, they be not further strained; lest to show William Okie's turn (that can see no further than his own length) your expectations be frustate and my purpose apparent.—Peterborough, 9 October.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600” 2 pp. (181. 28.)
S. Davison to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 9. Reminds Cecil of his services, the present extremities of his estate, and the indignities to which he lies exposed; and begs him to be a mean to her Majesty to have regard thereof. Sir Henry Bruncker can tell in what terms he found him before his (Bruncker's) departure into Scotland, and the Lord Keeper, Lord Chief Justice, and Mr. Chancellor are witnesses how much he is oppressed.—October 9, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 26.)
Sir Robert Cecil to the Earl of Northumberland.
1600, Oct. 9. I have received a coach and four horses from you, a gift greater than ever I was beholding for to any subject, and that I would have refused, whatsoever had come of it, if I could have been present to have argued with you. For first, I must say that gifts of value ought not to pass between those whose minds contemn all the knots that utility can fasten. Toys, which argue only memory in absence, may be interchanged, as long as they are no other. Secondly, there is at this time something in question which concerns you in profit, wherein the care I have shown to further your desires will now be imputed to this expectation, and so give a taint to that profession which I have made only to delight in your favour, in respect of the honour I carry to your person and the knowledge I have of your sincerity and ability to do her Majesty service. Thirdly, it grieves me to think that divers of my adversaries, who are apt to decry all values that are set upon my coin, may think that you, who should know me better than they do, find me either facile or not clear from servile ends; the conceit whereof so much troubles me as it has almost made me venture a desperate refusal, but that I feared to have made you doubtful that I had judged you by others' scantling. Next, I pray you think whether the eyes of the world can wink at these shows, and whether if the Queen shall hear it, she will not be apt to suspect me that I am the earnester in your cause for it. But what should I now call back yesterday? For I have accepted your fair present rather than discontent you, and have only reserved an assurance that this was given me out of the vastness of your kindness, not out of any other mistaking my disposition. For requital whereof, I can only return this present, that though I have neither gold nor silver, yet I have love and honesty.—Undated.
Copy in hand of Cecil's Secretary. Endorsed :—“9 Oct., 1600. To my Lord of Northumberland.” 1¼ pp. (250. 31.)
S. Davison to William Temple, Secretary to the Earl of Essex.
1600, Oct. 10. Begs to use his Lordship's credit for 100l.—Stepney, 10 Oct., 1600.
Note at foot by Temple that he delivered 100l. to Davison, 17 Oct., 1600. 1 p. (81. 95.)
Ships from Lubeck.
1600, Oct. 10. Charges disbursed in the business of the 3 Lubeck ships brought into Portsmouth by the Lion's Whelp, 10 Oct., 1600. Total, 33l. 2s. 6d.
1 p. (81. 96.)
The Earl of Essex.
1600, Oct. 10. Debts owing by the Earl of Essex upon interest, besides the debt owing to Mr. Vanlor. Debts likely to be continued by entreaty, the interest being paid.
To Mr. John Sille 17 Dec. 315l.
To Mr. Tolderbye 3 Dec. 1600. 210l.
To Mr. Wm. Mylle 3 Nov. 600l.
To Mr. Alderman Craven 17 Nov. 1,000l.
To Mr. Darcye 13 Nov. 2,100l.
To Sir John Harte 1 Nov. 210l.
To Mr. James Often 28 Dec. 630l.
To Mr. John Robinson 17 Nov. 420l.
To Charles Van Peen 7 Nov. 220l.
To Mr. James Bagge 31 Oct. 1,370l.
To the Executors of Roger Abdy 210l.
To Edmund Phillips 2 Feb. 630l.
To the Executors of Simon Meyrick 110l.
To the farmer of Th'inipost 1,315l.
To Mr. Ury Babington 525l.
Sum 10,495l.
whereof is due for interest 555l., which must be paid.
Debts which must be paid presently :
First for interest money on the sums before set down 555l.
To Mr. William Pytte 515l.
To Mr. Crispe, which was had by Sir Thomas Taresborough his means 515l.
To Robert Evelyn with interest 400l.
To Mr. Thomas Sutton 525l.
To the executors of Bernard Dewhurst 120l.
To Mr. Standen 525l.
To the Chamber of London, due 7 Nov. 2,100l.
To Mr. John Porter 210l.
To William Goldsmythe 170l.
Sum of the debts which must be paid 5,635l.
2 pp. (181. 29.)
Sir Alexander Clifford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 10. I have this 9 of October late received your letters, with as great difficulty for the sending of a boat ashore to fetch them as could be, the weather and seas so rough and troublesome. I purpose and am most willing to scour the seas westward for chasing the Dunkerkes as soon as weather and winds will give me leave. I have had intelligence of them a fortnight since, and have signified the same to my Lord Admiral. Truly the winds have continued south-west and southerly this three weeks and more, with outrageous weather. Divers ships tempested with great danger have been forced to ride in the Downs, and cannot possibly ply to the westward.
As soon as weather and means will permit I will hasten the business you command.' Such provisions for Ireland as I can meet with, I will hasten, and see them safe as high as Scilly or the Land's End. If you hear not from me from the west, I pray you suppose that cross winds is the impediment.—Aboard the Reynbow in the Downs, 10 Oct., 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“At Sandwich the 10 of October past eight of the clack in the mornyng. Canterbury at 11 a clock in the forenone. Sittingborn att won afternome. Rochester the 10 day at five in the afternone. Derford 9 at night.” 1 p. (250. 24.)
Sir Richard Leveson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Oct. 10. Having examined certain Dutchmen belonging to these ships of Lubeck, among others he found a Scotsman named Seimple, pretending to be part owner of the goods. Seimple claimed to be well known to Cecil, and before employed by him; that he had received directions from Thomas Hunnyman to do some service in Spain; also that he had done service at the Groyne last year. Distrusts him, as his pretence of serving Cecil may be a colour to carry unlawful provisions into Spain, and desires directions therein. — Portesemouth, October 10.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1600. 1 p. (250. 25.)
H. Hardware to the Privy Council.
1600, Oct. 11. Reports proceedings taken by him for transportation of soldiers, horses and apparel for Ireland. He pressed the bark of John Griffith for the service, who departed without licence, and he has therefore procured the Mayor's warrant for Griffith's apprehension and detention till the Council's pleasure be known. Upon the return of the shipping from Loughfoyle, his accounts for both the last services shall be sent up.—Chester, 11 Oct., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 97.)
Richard Topclyffe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 11. I have lately, at my being at London, entered into services that concern her Majesty's benefit, as much as will win her near 1,000l. land, whereof Fitzharbert has made many unthrifty bargains since her Majesty let the same fall on him, when she might have taken the escheat thereof for the deepest treasons, that were plainly to be proved against Sir Thomas Fitzharbert, and against this Fitzharbert, the heir, an actor with Sir Thomas in many of these treasons, whereof the Lord Keeper and Lord Chief Justice have seen proof. I have proof that the heir, confederating with a brother of his, a traitorous felon, and one William Leighton, sometime a follower of the Earl of Essex, and Anthony Dyott, Boowrne, and Bowzer, three lawyers, with others, have done their worst to defraud the Queen of those lands; all which will fall to her if she will, for the new offences. of this Fitzharbert take the benefit of her laws, or at least will fall to her by escheat when he dies, by the horrible treasons of Nicolas at Rome, Francis a friar, George a Jesuit; and Antony aforesaid, all brothers, and Thomas Fitzharbert now in Spain, all heirs by entail, divers of them outlawed. I am threatened by these confederates with deadly revenge, and, I, being absent from the Court about the greatest business that ever I had, they boast they will sting me with slanderous cries to the Queen and Council. If they seek that revenge, I pray you respite judgment. I thank you for your favour to Mr. Sanderson of Newcastle.—At my solitary Sumerby in Lincolnshire, 11 Oct., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 20.)
Thomas Honiman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 13. Of his search of the Lubeck ships, which he found riding at the Isle of Wight, but took order with Sir Richard Leveson to have brought hither, with the Lion's Whelp. There are three : also a Scottish ship laden with like commodities, which he has sent for. Details the proceedings he has taken in the matter : and asks orders what shall be done with the goods, being ship timber, pipe staves, masts, oars and deals, all necessary provisions for the enemy : also 12 packs of richer commodities.—Portsmouth, 13 Oct., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 13.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600?] Oct. 13. Sends remembrances : also “my fee, out of my k[ee]perly office.” Entreats the continuance of Cecil's favour to Captain Lee, his cousin : also, to remember the suits of Mr. Pryce and himself.—Woodstock Lodge', 13 Oct.
Holograph. ½ p. (250. 15.)
Jno. Hopkenes, Mayor, to the Council.
1600, Oct. 14. Yesterday, the wind serving for passage into Ireland, I caused the 400 soldiers which remained here to be embarked, and this morning they set sail towards Cork, the other 200 being put into Milford, whence I hope they are now departed towards Ireland. The certificates and accounts for the 600 shall be brought to you by the Chamberlain of this city. Whereas it appears by your letters of the 10th inst. that you have been informed that certain shipping in this port, laden with victual to be transported to Ireland for her Majesty's service, here makes stay by reason that the masters and mariners thereof refuse to put to sea, for that certain ships of Dartmouth have been lately taken at sea by the Dunkerkers; I have thought it my duty to advertise you that there has been no such refusal at any time, neither has there been any such cause why any such should fear to proceed from hence into. Ireland, as has been informed.—Bristol, 14 Oct., 1600.
[P.S].—The Earl of Desmond departed towards Ireland yesterday, and has left 5 horses to be sent after him.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mayor of Bristol.” 1 p. (81. 98.)
William Martin, Mayor of Exeter, to the Lords of the Council.
1600, Oct. 14. This present morning, at four of the clock, I received your letters, the contents whereof I have made known to the masters of two barques, both bound for Dublin; the one of this port, the other of Swansea. The first sails to-day and the other three days hence, until which time she cannot be cleared, as may appear by the enclosed note from the purveyor's servant. Concerning the Dunkirks, there are five of them here upon our coast (one of which, as I am informed, rideth at anchor in Torbay at this present), which work their pleasure upon our small shipping. Notwithstanding it is not so much the fear of them as the contrariness of wind that hath so long stayed the ships of Dartmouth and of this harbour from their pretended voyage.—From Exeter, this 14th of October, 1600.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (88. 136.)
The Enclosure :
Edward Robyns to the Mayor of Exeter.
The Mayflower of Exmouth is laden for Divlin with 24 m. of dry Nuland fish, and 48 m. weight of biscuit. She was cleared in the Custom House on Friday last.
Here is a barque of Swansea beginneth this day to lade pork and biscuit, to go also for Dublin. She shall be laden in three days.
Also from Dartmouth, is laded with fish and bread two great ships and one of 50 tons, one for Galway (“Galloway”), one for Dublin, and one for Knockfergus.
On behalf of John Jolles and William Cokaine, undertakers for the victualling of the forces in Ireland.
Holograph. ¼ p. (88. 135.)
Edward Prynne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 14. Mr. Susan willed me in your name to send this bearer to you, pretending he understands the Arabian writing, which I doubt you will not find him so well able to decypher. Desiring not to be behindhand with this Ambassador's provision against Saturday that the ship will be ready, I beseech you to give order wherewith I may do it.—London, 14 Oct., 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Captain Prynne,” ½ p. (250. 22.)
Theophilus Finche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 15. By his former courses he has lost his father's favour, and become in debt and dangerously beset to be arrested. Prays that his attendance on Cecil and others may either be assured from arrests or excused. Protests that he will not hereafter deal with Sir John Town send any further in that kind unless provoked by him, or Townsend challenge or assail him.—Oct. 15, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (82. 1.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, Oct 15. Sends the bearer, Sergent Weaks, as Cecil appointed. Begs Cecil, when he sees him to-morrow, to acquaint him with his opinion of Weaks. The matter of moment which Weaks offers is the burning of the galley.—Blackfriars, 15 Oct., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 12.)
Sir W. Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 15. Please your Honour to receive knowledge from this bearer, Mr. Paule Ivey, what we have determined for the fort Isabella Bellisima in the islet, the charges whereof will be exceeding great, and the profit of the island far under the common valuation. But howsoever it succeed, I hold myself unmensurably bound to her Majesty for her gracious respect to me therein, and I will never think of any penny receipt till that piece of work be finished and past the recovery of any enemy, be it but for the name sake which I have presumed to christen it by, being before without any denomination at all. It had been very happy for me if Paule Ivy had remained to finish what he began, I do assure you this poor man hath an excellent gift in these works, and that which is rarely joined to such knowledge, as much truth and honesty as any man can have. For the accounts of the late Governor, they are strange to me, for Pawle Ivy did more with 300l. than he did afterward for 1,000l. Besides the unmensurable reckoning made by Sir A. Pawlett of her Majesty's monies, they are not ashamed to ask 500l. debt of her Majesty due to them. For Mount Orguell, I have viewed it, and do not find that I had any commission to demolish it : and, to say true, it is a stately fort of great capacity, and both a countenance and comfort to all that part of the island next unto Normandy which stands in view thereof : so as until I know further her Majesty's pleasure, I have left at mine own charge some men in it; and if a small matter may defend it, it were pity to cast it down, having cost her Majesty's father, brother and sister, with her own charge, 10,000 marks the erecting.—Sherburne, 15 Oct., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 14.) Printed in extenso in Edwards' Life of Ralegh, Vol. II., p. 206.]
George, Lord Audeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Oct. 15. I have had speech with Mr. Sanderson, who has the better half of the land of the Knight of the Valley, which he now offers to me, and I, not being assured that her Majesty will bestow the inheritance of the Glynne upon me, and since I cannot deal with the one without gift of the other, I entreat you to move her Majesty to bestow it upon me, who will never crave more land of her in Ireland. I will defend this on my own charge, and buy more to it, and do her Majesty service there much more worth than the land, wishing Ireland were not inhabited with worse disposed than myself towards her, which must be mended, otherwise that kingdom will still resemble rather a boisterous sea than a firm or quiet land, ever to make her Majesty seasick with their tempestuous ragings. The President of Munster has written in my behalf.—darken well, 15 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord Audeley, 1600.” 1 p. (250. 19.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Oct. 15. Has nothing to write to Cecil but such as is fitter for Kydman, his messenger, to deliver by word.—Sheffield Lodge, 15 October, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p.
At foot :
Ma. Shrowsbury” [Mary, Countess of Shrewsbury] to Sir Robert Cecil.
Notwithstanding that Cecil's extraordinary charitable disposition will allay all malice, yet she sends this water, and if he has occasion to use it, she hopes it may work the same effect in him as it did in her, in her last extremity.
Holograph. Undated. ½ p. (250. 60.)