Cecil Papers: September 1600, 16-30

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Cecil Papers: September 1600, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp315-335 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: September 1600, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp315-335.

"Cecil Papers: September 1600, 16-30". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp315-335.

September 1600, 16–30

Richard [Vaughan], Bishop of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 16. I fear I have wearied you and others with reports of the riotous courses of the Papists in Lancashire, which follow one in the neck of another. Of late, in the parish of Garstang, where her Majesty maintains a preacher for the reducing of her backward subjects to conformity, about the 20th of August, between nine and eleven of the night, about twenty persons, all in armour with muskets and other weapons, marched through the town to the Vicar's house, where they purposed to have massacred her Majesty's preacher, the Vicar, and one of the messengers attending on the Commission Ecclesiastical here, for some service he had done in that part of the country. Her Majesty's great care over them, the diligence and painful travail of this bearer, Mr. Foster, deserved at their hands more loyal respect and more respective acceptance, but nothing can proceed from the wicked but wickedness, nor anything satisfy that wolfish generation but blood.—Chester, 16 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. Sealed. 1 p. (181. 18.)
Lod. Bryskett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 16. Being appointed by Mr. Lassells upon a wardship commission, he is drawn hence at this time. Prays Cecil that notwithstanding his absence, he will procure him his licence, so that his voyage may not be hindered. Offers services.—16 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 92.)
Fabricio Palavicino to the Council.
Sept. 16/26. Seeing from your letter of the 26th of July that you desire me to remove the sequestration that I have placed upon the goods and debtors of Master Richard Staper, citizen of London, I at once did so, to the entire satisfaction of Thomas Frinlei, proctor of the said Master Richard, as appears from the act of the notary public; and I may add that from the beginning I conducted the sequestration so as to cause no loss to the said Richard. For many years I have put off taking any step of this kind, just as I put off until last year taking action in the English Courts on the bond of the city of London. I have waited and treated through my late brother, Sir Horatio Palavicino, and my proctors, Gian Battista Giustiniano and Francesco Rizzo; for I have not been able to come myself to beg for payment of the interest and principal due to me; for the payment of which I have continually applied to the Queen, and to the Mayor and “Senators” of London who are equally liable, in England and in other countries, as appears by the clearest possible documents. When I consider the Queen's justice and the clearness of our claim, I make no doubt that before this reaches you, the Commissioners, who were appointed some months back to consider the matter, will have ordered payment to be made to Anna widow of the late Sir Horatio Palavicino and executrix of his will, and to my proctors Giustiniano and Rizzo. But if this has not been done, I can only once more beg that this may be done, reminding you of the many services done by my late brother to the Queen and to your country, and of the losses and confiscations which he incurred thereby, and of suffering I underwent at Rome in my own person, by reason of these advances of money.—Genoa, 26 September, 1600.
Signed. Italian. 3 pp. (181. 19.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, Sept. 17. Your last letter came in very good time this morning before I was stirring : the other by the groom I have not yet received : only the remove is altered for the time which was appointed, but continues to Hampton Court, some fortnight hence. The enclosed letter was sent me from Dover.—Court at Otlands, 17 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 53.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Lord [Cobham].
1600, Sept. 17. Here arrived to-day from Calais, Jullian Place, a Frenchman, servant to Mr. Secretary, by whom he was employed, as he says, for Spain 9 months past, at which time he took shipping at Southampton for Cales in Spain, and at his return the 13th inst. stilo novo, he embarked at Lisbon in a ship of Rochelle, and arrived at Calais 7 days past. Being unfurnished with money to bring him up to Mr. Secretary, I have lent him 20s.—Dover Castle, 17 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 54.)
W. Cocke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 18. Details proceedings taken against him by Walter Dennis, respecting land which was left to his (the writer's) wife by Sir Nicholas Arnolde. Prays stay of the sealing of a certain grant which Dennis has procured. Sir Morrice Dennis' lands mentioned. Sir Richard Bartly also concerned in the matter.—Sept. 18, 1600.
Holograph. 2 pp. (251. 52.)
William Fitz William to Sib Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 18. Having lately viewed the drain from Clowes Cross to the sea, and finding the same a matter of great consequence for the benefit of divers shires, I let you understand that the inhabitants of the Isle of Elie, who most strangely refuse to contribute to the charge, are of all others to receive singular benefit thereby. Not only shall they reap great commodity by bringing their surrounded grounds with water to a certainty of feeding, as other places shall, but free themselves from that fear of inundation at sundry outrages of wind and water, whereunto their dwelling houses only in that part are most subject. The particular benefit to the inhabitants of those countries, with the general commodity that will thereby grow to the Crown in few years, will be such by this work as a lamentable thing it were it should now quail by the obstinacy of some, the matter being so exactly entered into; and necessarily so it must do unless that which is already done may be maintained with the charge of those who wilfully refuse their due payments. The consideration of this I leave to your wisdom.—Apethorp, 18 September, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 44.)
Sir Anthony Mildmay to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 18. Not long since you directed your letters to the Bishop of Peterborough then living, and other Commissioners of Sewers, to stir us up to follow with more diligence the work called Clowse Crosse drain, to see it effected with all speed, and satisfy poor men then unpaid for their labour about the work. We took order for collecting such money as we found to be due towards the work, part whereof is already gathered, the greatest part yet unpaid, by reason of a violent resistance our ministers lately found in the Isle of Ely, by the Bishop and other Commissioners there, the particulars whereof it may please you to take from this bearer. Unless speedy order be taken to reform this outrage done against the law and authority of your letters, it may prove a dangerous example, and overthrow the whole work, if some cost be not bestowed upon it in this season : besides that it will greatly disgrace and discourage us the Commissioners from any further dealing in the matter.—Apthorpe, 18 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 57.)
Sir Henry Glemham to William Price.
1600, Sept. 18. Requires him to shew the bearer, coming in the name of Mr. Secretary Cecil, his house near Ivy Bridge, and permit him to survey the same in all points.—18 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 55a.)
Edward Prynne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 18. Is importuned to write by “this Ambassador,” who desires an appointment with Cecil, to confer upon some private occasion of business.—18 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Captain Prynne.” ½ p. (251. 88.)
Anthony Bacon to Lord [Essex].
1600, Sept. 19. After I had written the enclosed in the behalf of my very good friend Mr. Gosnald, I received a packet from Sir Anthony Sherley by Mr. Parrye, whom he willed to repair first unto me, and to acquaint me what letters he brought, namely, one to her Majesty, to Mr. Secretary, to Sir John Stanhope, my Lord Harry Howarde, my Lord Montjoy, and one of compliments to myself to be showed, which I willed the bringer to carry with him to the Court, so soon as he had put himself into English attire, which he did the day of his arrival, and the next day went to the Court, with all these letters to Mr. Secretary. At his returning, he has promised to render me an account of the most important interrogatories, and his answers to them. Of the gentleman, Sir Anthony himself gives very good testimony, and I have no cause to except against it, upon the proof his first representation, delivery of his charge, and conference has given me. He professes most zealous and entire devotion to you, which if Sir Anthony had not known to be radically grounded in him, he would never have trusted him with such a carriage. Sir Anthony's direction, that if he were asked any letters to you, he should answer that after he had met with Sir Richard Lea on shipboard, and understood your Lordship's disgrace and restraint, he tore his letters to you before him, I allowed and wished him to follow, and expressly retained with me the enclosed, till his letters to the Court were delivered, and such curiosity satisfied as might cause further enquiry. I am humbly to beseech you to fortify and assist me by your best direction and advice for my answer, which I mean to return with all speed possible by some confident messenger, of whom I myself may be assured, unless it please you to appoint any; not that I distrust any whit Mr. Parrye, but for my own full security, wherein Sir Anthony respectively has given me free liberty, as you may perceive in one of his letters to me. Your Lordship is only a worthy and capable judge of so gallant, rare and resolute a spirit, and of the unexpected and unhoped for success that God has given him, which base carping spirits and envious idle brains may and will, no doubt, if not calumniate, at the least extenuate; but I cannot answer them better than with these two Italian proverbs, A la prova se scortica l'asino, and Chi asino e et cervo esser se crede al saltar di fossa se n'avede. Your Lordship's most devoted and langourous bedesman.
Undated. Endorsed :—“Sept. 19, 1600.” 2 pp. (81. 77.)
The Enclosure :
Anthony Bacon to Lord [Essex]. On behalf of Mr. Gosnald, for employment under the Lord Keeper, apparently as a Master. As to Gosnald's {earning in law and language, in travel abroad, his experience under Sir William Russell, being Deputy in Ireland, as a secretary, also under the addressee as a Master of Requests, and wider Her Majesty as Attorney of Munster. Urges various considerations which may satisfy the Lord Keeper, “if in regard of the terms wherein your Lordship presently stands with her Majesty, or he with your Lordship, he make difficulty to entertain a servant at your Lordship's hands” If these considerations do not satisfy, he suggests that the matter should be openly proposed by Lady Warwick.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sept. 19, 1600.” 3 pp. (81. 78.)
Sir Henry Glemham to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal and Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600?] Sept. 19. He repents his fault with grief and tears, and beseeches Cecil to be a mediator for him to the Queen for pardon.—From the Fleet, 19 September.
Holograph. (251. 68.)
Roger, Lord North to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 19. My Lord of Ely has recommended to me a cause of very great importance for the Isle of Ely, wherein he, with others of the best sort in Cambridgeshire, have written to the Council, certifying them of some variance fallen out between them and certain gentlemen of Northamptonshire, concerning the levying of money in the Isle for the maintenance of Clowes Crosse drain. I pray you that in my absence you will afford his Lordship and the poor Isle of Ely your furtherance, that order may be given for stay of their proceeding in the cause, until by better information it may appear what shall be fittest.—Charterhouse, 19 September, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (251. 72.)
William Lidd to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 20. A bag of letters, either in Spanish or Italian, has come to his hand. He is prisoner in the gaol of Ludgate for debt, so that he cannot attend Cecil with them. He knows not what they import, as they are fast sealed, and therefore offers them to Cecil, praying him either to send for him or for the letters.—Ludgate, 20 September, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 50.)
— to George Limauer.
1600, Sept. 20/30. Saturday evening arrived the post from Turin with letters of the 20th instant from the Nuntio for giving an account of the negotiations between France and Savoy; there is reason to hope that the terms proposed by the Patriarch of Constantinople may be accepted. The duke is said to be preparing to retake La Carboniera with 12,000 good soldiers; he is expecting within a few days to receive 5 or 6,000 infantry from Count Fuentes; the French are said to have taken St. Jean de la Maurienne, but Momigliana and Bourg en Bresse still hold out.
Cardinal Colonna came here on Saturday evening on his way to Spain to look after the affairs of the late Admiral of Castile, who has left debts exceeding his property by 300,000 crowns, and a wife with two young sons. On Sunday he sent to ask permission from the Pope to start; but as the Pope then doubted if such a journey was advisable, the Cardinal went himself on Monday morning before the Consistory, and having thus obtained permission, he left yesterday for Cevità Vecchia to embark upon the papal galleys who are going to accompany the Queen as far as Marselles. He will thus get to Genoa, and there Pe. Doria, his kinsman, will provide him with a galley to go to Spain. He is thought to have some other purpose in this journey besides the one avowed. He takes a very small train and has dismissed most of his servants. On Tuesday, Don Philippo Colonna arrived here, summoned by the Cardinal to advise with him and to take charge of his affairs during his absence in Spain.
On Sunday morning, the Cardinal Chamberlain issued an order that all holders of Papal 'quattrini' should take them within six months to Guicciardino and his deputies, who are to give for every crown of 'quattrini' nine 'giule' of silver; and after six months the 'quattrini' are to be demonetized in all the Papal dominions; new ' quattrini' will then be issued, running 5 to the 'bajoccho.'
On Monday, a post came to Montecavallo with the news that the Cardinal of Avila 'propose' the church of Pampeluna in Spain in the person of a friar, with reserve of 3,900 crowns of pensions for persons to be named by the Pope. The territory of Castel della Pieve has been made into a bishopric, and separated from the bishopric of Chiusi, and the Pope has appointed 1,000 crowns of revenue for the new bishop, who is not yet named. The Pope has declared Cardinal Aldobrandino legate to the Queen of France to bless her marriage. The Pope declares himself much troubled at the state of Christendom. In Hungary, the Turk is besieging the important fortress of Canisa, and instead of opposing the common enemy, the Christian powers are making war on each other; and so to preserve the peace between the Kings of France and Spain, the Pope is sending his own relation, Cardinal Aldobrandino. In the same Consistory, Cardinal Farnese was appointed legate of St. Peter's patrimony, and the Cardinal Bevilacqua legate of Perugia, each for three years.
After the Consistory, Cardinal Aldobrandino rode, accompanied by the other cardinals and many bishops and persons of importance, outside the Porta del Popolo, as legates for the Transalpine countries are wont to do. And there he took leave with the usual compliments to each cardinal. Then all dismounted from their horses and made a circuit back into the city. The Cardinal himself also returned in the same fashion and went privately to dine with Signor Gio. Francesco Aldobrandino, with whom he remained all day. On Tuesday he left for Florence, having sent on all his train, including six bishops and many nobles; there are about 600 horses and 800 men. He has left as deputy -chamberlain the Cardinal S. Manello, and as head of the Consulta the Cardinal S. Giorgio, and has distributed his other duties between the latter and Cardinal Deti. From Florence he goes to Turin by Parma and thence to France, and if necessary, to Spain. At Florence he will dismiss the remainder of his train, who will return after the departure of the Queen.
On Sunday evening the French Ambassador took leave of the Pope, and on Monday he left for Florence.
On Monday morning Don Giovanni di Mendoza arrived here, having come to Cività Vecchia on a galley of the Duke of Savoy, and after consultation with the Duke of Sessa, he left on Tuesday for Naples to collect troops; the galley is waiting for him at Cività Vecchia.
The Count Fuentes has ordered the Viceroy of Naples to engage 2,000 troops in addition to the 8,000 ordered; it is said that at Milan, 3,000 more troops have been engaged to serve with the Duke of Savoy.
It is said that Cardinal Aldobrandmo will not go into France, unless he is certain to conclude peace there. He is blamed by the Spaniards, who asked for the despatch of a legate. The Spaniards continue their preparations for war in order to improve the conditions of peace, but no one thinks peace possible without the surrender of Saluzzo.
From France it is reported that Lesdiguieres had sent up batteries against Momigliano and sent word to the King to come to Grenoble to give order for the attack. The Due d'Epernon was expected in the camp with 6,000 troops from Guienne and Gascony.
Italian. Addressed to “Giorgio Limauer, Venetia.” Unsigned. 3½ pp. (82. 36.)
Ro. Manners to [Cecil].
[1600?] Sept. 21. The bearer, Mr. Lazingbie, has undertaken to bring 10 hinds from Croxton Park to Tybothes [? Theobalds]. If this carriage prove well, and (Cecil) desires more deer from thence, he is to signify the same to Lazingbie.—Uffington, 21 September.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 40.)
Rice Jones, Mayor, and Samuel Norton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. [21]. Recommends Captain Arthur, for his pains in the affairs Cecil intrusted to him. Arthur shipped for the sea as good and strong a company (for the number), and with as few defects, as ever they knew passed out of England. He has been at great charges, and they trust Cecil will have due consideration of him.—Bristol, September, 1600.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“September 21, Mayor of Bristol.” 1 p. (251. 42.)
Patrick Arthur to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Sept. 21. On the 15th inst., he shipped for Ireland his company of 600, wanting 15 or 16, and after four days at sea was driven back here by the contrary winds, where he brought the company ashore. Has taken pains to keep them in good awe, and supplied them at his own charges, and has got gentlemen of good sort whom he has appointed as officers, so he is sure to keep the companies from broils and from running away. Has small help from those who conducted the soldiers from the country here, who allege their entertainment is small, and therefore they have the less regard for the service. The little money he received by Cecil's direction he spent in 10 days, and has borrowed all he could. Desires Cecil to remember what allowance Captain Harvie, Captain King, and others before him had, being 20s. a day, besides imprest, and to allow him reasonable means. The bearer, Mr. Harys, whose assistance he commends, can relate his proceedings.—Bristol, 21 September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1600. 1 p. (251. 43.)
Jo. Stileman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 21. Lord Shrewsbury has sent Cecil 23 hind calves : asks what reward he shall give the bringers. Mr. Felton has sent a hind, 10 have come from Ampthill, and he expects 3 more from Sir Edward Denny's. As soon as Mr. Amyce is well, Cecil shall have a plot of the ground he would have taken into his park. Understands by Flint that Cecil would have something done in his park as a coursing place, and certain paddocks made : which he will refer till Cecil comes to Theobalds. Is in hand with the lock at the mill, and other works there, also repairing the “types” over the hall. Cecil has taken so liberally of his bucks this year that there are not many more left than young deer, and 2 brace of bucks.—Theobalds, 21 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 63.)
T., Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 22. You may not fail to cause the stranger jeweller to make payment of this 2,300l. into the Receipt this week, for I assure you we cannot want it. I told her Majesty that, as the truth is, your jeweller doth far go beyond the rest, and therefore I must confess he is worthiest to have it, since he advances 300l. into her Majesty's coffers above the rest. I pray you procure the bill signed from her Majesty for the same. I could not stay about it, for otherwise I would myself have done it.—22 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed.—“Lord Treasurer.” ½ p. (81. 80.)
Mayor and Aldermen of Hull to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, 22 Sept. Report the shipment of 10 red deer from Lord Sheffield, to be conveyed to the Thames for Cecil. Have defrayed the charges.—Hull, 22 Sept., 1600.
Signed :—Anthony Burnsell, Mayor; Wm. Gee, Luke Thurs-cros, Robert Dalton, John Lyster, Edward Cooke, John Graves, Hughe Armynge, Marmadewck Hadylsa.
Endorsed :—“Mayor and Aldermen of Hull.” 1 p. (250. 10.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600?] Sept. 22. The bearer, his friend Mr. Essex, desires to travel for some three years. Essex is of ancient parentage. His great-grandfather was councillor to Henry VIII., and to his son. His living was great, but is now diminishing : to stop which, and to avoid, his many needy kindred and needless hangers-on, he determines on this course.—Dychelee, 22 September.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 38.)
Sir Anthony Cope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 22. It pleased him well to be Cecil's tenant, and he would have continued so if Cecil had not disposed of “it” otherwise. If Cecil parts with it hereafter, he begs to have the offer of it before another. He will shortly remove the household stuff his wife left there.—Hanwell, 22 September, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 49.)
H. Hardware, Mayor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 22. According to your directions of the 17th inst., I sent down my warrant for the stay of her Majesty's pinnace The Moone, but before their coming down to Helbrye, she was so far put up into the river as they could not so speedily get to her, as she had “hoised” sail and was departed. If it be your pleasure, I will make stay of such shipping as now is at Liverpool, or of so much as you direct, for there is good store of shipping in that port.—Chester, 22 September, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 51.)
Annes, Dowager “Lady Marquis” of Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 23. He need not have made her brother a witness of presenting her letters to the Queen; but she holds herself so much the more confirmed in her belief of Cecil's good opinion, having received from her brother so honourable testimony of Cecil's exceeding good words to the Queen, that she must acknowledge herself much beholding. She will ever seek to preserve his regard and love. Acknowledges the Queen's gracious care and remembrance of her house.—Abberstone, 23 September, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 70.)
Fra. Goodwin to the Earl of Essex.
1600, Sept. 24. I am very desirous to understand by this bearer that the alteration of the weather to wet has not altered your headache or rheum to the worse, but more (considering my own unfitness to interchange such offices with your Lordship) to prevail in a suit, which I shall be no less joyful to obtain by my letter than I was forgetful to propound at my departure. I have a house very near the highway from Maidenhead to Colbrooke, and, before the building of Maidenhead bridge, in the ordinary road and direct highway from Nettlebed, though far unworthy your Lordship, yet I beseech you make me so much bound to you as to command a dinner there in your way to London. I confess your cause has had a strange course and carriage, and though myself am a stranger to many circumstances which your Lordship doth call into that consideration, and am fit to be, so transcendent they may be in their nature, yet for so much as my shallow vulgar reach will apprehend, I will only assure you that your way shall shun all towns till you come at Colbrooke, and the concourse there be such and as small as you please, with fit opportunity, nevertheless, to command whom or what you list to or from Eaton.—Winchindon, 24 Sept., 1600.
[P.S.]—I would I could speak as well for you as I can hold my peace; wherefore, whatsoever it pleases you to communicate unto me of the time or manner of your departure shall not be made common.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 81.)
The Earl of Essex to the Earl of Southampton.
[1600,] Sept. 25. [Already printed : See Part VIII. of this Calendar, p. 557.] (179. 88.)
H., Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 26. I have sent you copy of your covenant, according to your request. Although I have not importuned you therein, I doubt not but that you will consider that since I have bought it so dear, upon your own motion, which otherwise I would not have presumed to have thought on, being so far unable to deal in so great a matter, you will afford me your good will and help in selling it again, or countenance me against such as seek Naboth's Vineyard by unchristian and odious cosenage.—Chelsey, 26 September, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 35.)
Enclosure :
Memorandum that Sir Robert Cecil promises to Henry, Earl of Lincoln to procure the executors of Lady Dacres to assign the benefit of the lands of the Marquis of Winchester, for the assurance of lands at Chelsea, to the said Earl : also that he will procure the present estate of the Lady Hunsdon, widow, in Hyde Park, and assign it to the said Earl.—April 1, 1599.
Contemporary copy, certified. 1 p. (251. 34.)
Sir T. Posthumus Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 26. Details of proceedings taken before Lord Ewre, the Vice-President, Sir William Mallory (whose eldest son married Lord Ewre's sister), Mr. Heskett, Mr. Stanhope, Mr. Bevercoats, Mr. D. Bennett, and Mr. Fearne. Hoby was charged with wronging certain gentlemen, unnamed, by charging them to the Council with bearing murderous minds, with committing atheistical contempts, and to have exceeded in drink. A pacification was arrived at, which resulted in the gentlemen protesting their innocence of the matters imputed, and that they never meant anything in disgrace of Hoby's wife.
The following passage occurs : “The Lord Ewre told me a long tale of Duello, and that your Honour, whom he knew to be my most honourable friend, would but make the matter a jest to sport at : for that you made sport with his son Will Ewre about the last unkindness between us, that fell forth the last year, about his son's bringing cards into my house : in which matter he told me before all the Council that your Honour did make his son imitate my preacher, by using such gestures as my preacher did use in his evening exercises, and that your Honour did laugh very heartily at it.”—York, 26 September, 1600.
Holograph. 2 pp. (251. 39.)
Jno. Swinarton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 27. Encloses a letter from the Lord Treasurer. Begs Cecil's favour in the matter.—27 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 82.)
The States General.
1600, Sept. 27/Oct. 7. Les Etats Généraux des Provinces Unies du Pays Bas ayant bien mûrement délibéré sur la proposition à eux faite, et exhibée par écrit en leur assemblée le 26 du mois de Septembre dernier par le Sieur Gilpin, Conseiller, introduit au Conseil d'Etat desdites Provinces Unies de la part de la Sérénissime Reine d'Angleterre et Irlande en vertu de sa créance, déclarent qu'ils remercient sa Majesté bien humblement des très bonnes et essentielles admonitions qu'il a plu à icelle leur donner pour la maintenement de leur Etat par l'entretien d'une ferme Concorde et union entre le corps des Provinces Unies en général, et de chacune d'icelles en particulier, comme vrai et seul noeud et lien, base et fondement de leur subsistance, recognaissant que lesdites admonition procèdent d'un vrai soin et affection maternelle que sa Majesté leur porte, qui pour ce regard les leur a fait reçevoir et apprehender avec tant plus d'honneur, respect et contente-ment, comme de leur part ils les employeront, et s'en serviront aussi à même fin si jamais il soit besoin (ce qu'ils n'espèrent pas), avec as'surance que lesdites admonitions auront par tout tel poids et vertu (qu'icelles procèdent d'une si très sage et très prudente Monarque) qu'elles produiront des effets conformes à la saine intention de sa Majesté. Bien est il vrai que tout aussi comme généralement (même sous les Princes) il y échoit entre les membres de leur Etat des disputes pour, les contributions et aides qu'ils demandent, qu'il en advient ainsi aussi parfois entre les Provinces Unies et les membres d'icelles, mais non pour cause des contributions, “ains” tant seulement pour l'égalité ou inégalité des contribuants, et des moyens, et la forme de collecter, comme encores présentement en Frize, Groeninges, et Ommelanden les disputes y sont entre les membres desdites Provinces, au regard des moyens par lesquels Ton devra trouver les contributions, tellement que lesdites disputes ne sont si essentielles que Ton en doit craindre si grands inconvenients qui pourraient attirer du danger à l'Etat; et quand il en serait ainsi lesdites Etats s'y entremettraient en cette événement si à temps par l'ordre et disposition qui est convenu et accordé par le traité de l'union des Provinces Unies, et l'intervention de leur autorité, comme ils ont déjà fait entre les membres de lesdites Provinces de Frize, Groeninges et Ommelanden, qu'ils espéreraient que tous les differends seraient bientôt accordés et ensevelés; Suppli-ent à tant lesdites Etats sa Majesté bien humblement qu'il plaise à icelle s'assurer qu'ils procureront toujours sous sa Royale faveur et affection tout ce que pourra servir pour la sureté et maintene-ment de leur Etat et de leur très juste querelle pour l'avancement de la gloire de Dieu, le service de sadite Majesté, et le bien des Provinces Unies, comme ils ont fait jusques à present. Fait en l'assemblée desdites Etats Généraux en La Haye, ce 7 Octobre, seize cens.
Signed by Oldenbarnevelt and Aerssens.
Endorsed :—“The States' answer to Mr. Gilpin his proposition.” 2 pp. (81. 93.)
Drs. Humphry Tyndall, Thomas Nevile, and John Overall to the Earl of Essex, Chancellor of Cambridge University.
1600, Sept. 27. It is now almost a year since the university here in public sent to have presented your Lordship with the testimony of their joy conceived upon your return out of that unhappy country. But then that public as well as our more private duty was, upon advice, withheld. For the present we mean only to entreat your letters on behalf of the university in general unto the Master and Fellows of Gonville and Caius College, being the Lords of a small manor called 'Mortimers,' lying here about the town of Cambridge (which was long since demised to the Mayor and bailiffs of the said town), to pleasure the whole body of this poor University by a demise thereof for such a term as they lawfully may. There cannot be a greater pleasure done unto it, as is easily shewed unto you by the remembrance of our neighbour's continual readiness and strange attempts at this present to disquiet us with the impugning of our known privileges and liberties. Which disposition groweth chiefly from their ability by this and other their town revenues so to do without any private change of their own, and from our weakness to maintain the privileges of this place not otherwise than by our private purses. Which notwithstanding, our meaning is not to desire of that college without such consideration as is meet, the worth of the demise considered, and we will ourselves undertake the performance thereof, being to the good of our common nurse, the commodity being such as will well bear the clearing of forty pounds yearly, full as much as the University already hath.—Cambridge, this 27th of September, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (181. 21.)
The Earl of Desmond to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 27. I fear my importunities will move your indignation, which if you measure, either by the ever acknowledgement of my respect to you, or the care of my own credit, you will give way to this my humble desire. I have found a small suit which I beseech you to obtain of her Majesty, which will be 200l. to the discharge of my debts. The nature of it I enclose. I desire you in the meantime to lend me as much money as you can spare, and if you obtain the suit, to take so much forth of it : if not, whatsoever estate her Highness shall allow me you shall be satisfied of.—27 September, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p.
Enclosure :
The matter which is to be required from her Majesty is the profits which shall arise to her before any of her judges or commissioners, touching one William Bubbe of Bentham, in the county of the city of Gloucester, and Susanne, the late wife of Ambrose Willowby, from whom she was divorced, and has lived with this Bubbe ever since. Bubbe was indicted for counterfeiting the Queen's coin, and Susanne for aiding him.
1 p. (251. 41.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 28. The letters herewith I received at this instant from Mr. Pope by a French barque from St. John Deluce. I have also received letters from Palmer of the 16 inst. He writes there are, by the King of Spain's appointment, divers ships and galleys to intercept our men-of-war and others, viz. at Pontafedra, the Isles of Bayon, and thereabouts, six galleys : and at the Burlings and thereabouts, four ships. Also that at Laredo, 15 days before his writing, there arrived six sail of Dunkerks, whereof two of about 400 or 500 tons apiece. There was not any news of the arrival in Spain of Marcus dea Ramburo with the treasure.
I perceive there is no great friendship between Pope and Palmer. I think it meet to entertain both their writings, which from time to time I will certify. At Pope's request I have sent the letters herewith, for in them are letters for others, to be delivered on special occasions, concerning himself. If it please you to command anything for St. John Deluce, there will be from henceforth good conveyance from this place.—Plymouth, 28 September, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 47.)
W. Cecil to his Uncle, Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600], Sept. 29. Prays him to speak in his favour to the Lord Treasurer for the stewardship of Nuarke [Newark], void by the death of Tho. Markam.—Ely House in Holburne, 29 September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1600. 1 p. (251. 36.)
E. Reynolds to the Earl of Essex.
[1600. c. Sept. 29.] I will this day repair to my Lord Treasurer, who remaineth at Horsley, to let him know that the ice is broken, and the Queen prepared for your lordship's suit, praying his furtherance to be given you at his return to the Court, according to his promise. In his letter of excuse yesterday, he promised to be here within 2 or 3 days if his health would permit. From Horsley I will to London or any other place where Sir J. Fortescue is, to solicit him also in this business, and having despatched with him, it will be best for your service that I return hither, which I trust will be to-morrow or Wednesday at the furthest. I do verily believe that both these will expect to be solicited in this suit by some earnest letters from your lordship, which would in my opinion give great furtherance unto it, and be more successful if they were written in such terms as might be shewed her Majesty, and in her move commiseration. I presume too far, but it is of a dutiful affection and care of your service. My Lord Harry [Howard] wisheth that in the interim of your next letters to her Majesty (wherewith it shall not be fit to press her these 4 or 5 days) it would please you to write a few lines to Sir J. Stanhope, of such argument as his affection hath set down, or such as your own judgment shall think best, to be shewed her Majesty; which labour would not, I hope, be altogether fruitless. He seemeth very desirous to understand the day of your return to London that he might meet you on the way, where you purpose to dine that day, to confer with you upon the point of your estate, and to communicate with you some particulars which he forbeareth to commit to paper. I beseech you to satisfy his desire, and to send Sir J. Stanhope's last letter, which he would willingly see. The Lord prosper all your honourable actions, give success to all your suits, continue your health, send you all perfect tranquillity of mind, and make you in all your desires and in all fortunes happy.—At Court, this present Monday.
[P.S.]—My Lord Harry purposeth to send a man of his own to your Lordship.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (83. 72.).
Lord Buckhurst to Mr. Reynolds.
1600, Sept. 30. I have been for these three days not so well as I durst ride to the Court, but now being better, I purpose to be there to-morrow, and if any occasion may be offered me whereof I can take hold with due regard unto my place, and yet with such honourable respect unto my Lord as the hardness of his present case deserveth, my Lord shall be assured of all the furtherance I can give him, in this suit of his unto her Majesty, unto which I do wish as good success as his own desireth, my duty to her Majesty reserved.—Horseley, 30 September, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (181. 22.)
Paul Bayninge and Others to the Earl of Essex.
1600, Sept. 30. Whereas we and divers others, merchants of London, were heretofore desirous to set forth a voyage to the East Indians in trade of merchandise, and for want of means to further our intention have been hitherto stayed; we have now at length obtained not only Her Majesty's royal absent to proceed therein, but are promised such toleration and favours otherwise, both for the transportation of moneys the better to make our trade, and other immunities and privileges to pass under the great seal, as that we are encouraged thereby with all expedition to enter into the preparation of shipping and furniture fit for such an attempt. And being thus far entered into our provision, we now rest upon the assent of this bearer Captain Davies, your Lordship's servant, to be employed in the voyage as a principal director of the same, who having been moved to that end, seems so far willing to deal in the action as your Lordship shall give liking thereto. Whereupon we humbly entreat your favour to be added to this business, and to give your consent for his employment in the same.—London, last of Sept., 1600.
Signed, Pawll Bayninge, Leonard Hallydaye, Richard Staperr, Richard Wyseman, James Lancaster, Ric. Wyche, Wm. Chambre, William Garway, John Eldred, W. Harrison, Tho. Smythe.
Endorsed :—“Aid. Banning, &c..” 1 p. (81. 83.)
James Perrott to the Earl of Essex.
1600, Sept. My humble suit is that I may enjoy the poor stewardship of Sir John Perrott's lands, left unto me by his conveyance. I will do whatsoever your Lordship wishes for the confirmation of my Lady of Northumberland's jointure. I spoke to her and to Sir Gelly Meyrick long since, who did not then mislike of the matter, and though you have been informed that it was belonging to your Honour, it is too small a thing for you.—Harrolston, the 30th of September, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (181. 23.)
Tho. Phelippes to [?Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, Sept. 30. I send the enclosed, being the substance of that I told you by difficulties of passage was on the way, being written before the last that came to my hands; conceiving, though there be no other use, they may serve to give light in things that come otherwise. Matter of moment besides in secretis I know none, but that, for the matter of reformation of our country, they there do utterly abandon them, they say. Look to hear what will be thought on or resolved by the fathers at Rome.—Last of September, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 33.)
Joane Winchcombe to the Earl of Essex.
[1600, Sept.] Acknowledges Essex's favours in Mr. Knollys' time, and prays God to restore him to his former happiness. Craves pardon that Mr. Winchcombe has not come in all this time to present his duty to Essex; the cause is illness. Assures Essex of his and her own friendship.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Mris Winchcomb, Sept. 1600.” 1 p. (81. 85).
[1600, Sept.] Statement of complaint against Mr. Paulfreyman, paymaster under Sir George Carew, with regard to monies detained by him from her Majesty's subjects in title of poundage, also money detained from the allowance of the writer, unnamed, the successor of Mr. Beedwell.
Undated. Endorsed :—1600. 1 p. (81. 86.)
Dorothy, Countess of Northumberland to her brother, the Earl of Essex.
[1600, Sept.] I stay Sir John Stanhope's coming hither, in hope to get him move this matter; but if he refuse, then necessity will make me speak for myself. When I see what will be done, or have moved it, you shall know how I speed. Your old “ostes” will needs come up and put me out of my house.
Undated. Holograph. Endorsed :—“Countess of Northumb. Sept., 1600.” 1 p. (81. 87.)
Philadelpha, Lady Scrope to the Earl of “Essiz” [Essex].
[1600, Sept.] After the Queen had read your letter twice or thrice over, she seemed exceedingly pleased with it, yet her answer was only to will me to give you thanks for your great care to know of her health. I told her that now the time drew near of your whole year's punishment, and therefore I hoped her Majesty would restore her favour to one that with so much true sorrow did desire it; but she would answer me never a word, but sighed and said indeed it was so : with that “ris” [rose] and went into the privy chamber. I do not doubt but shortly to see your Lordship at the Court, where though my credit cannot effect what it would, yet my service to the uttermost of my power shall wholly be commanded by your Lordship. Your most assured friend and loving cousin.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Lady Scroope, Sept., 1600.” 1 p. (81. 86.)
The King of Scotland to the Queen.
[1600, Sept.] As by your careful and most sudden despatch of this honorable gentleman, your familiar and trusty servant, for congratulating with me for my late unexpected escape from so treacherous a practice, you have given a most evident and honorable proof of the continuance of your careful and sincere love towards me, so can I do no more but by pen to assure you of my thankfulness, while it please God to offer some occasion that by effects I may more “uiflie” express it unto you. In this I can say no more, but, as in this office of kindness towards me, you have far prevented' all other kings my confederates, so have you justly acquired the first place of love in my heart before them all. And that you may have the more matter to praise God for my safety, I have particularly, out of my own mouth, acquainted your ambassador with the whole circumstances of that odious fact. And whereas you appear to charge me with the preparing untimely for your funeral, I cannot enough wonder, that, notwithstanding both of the uprightness of my meaning, and that long since I have oftentimes given you full satisfaction in that point, your ears should yet be so open to such as goes about by all the means they can to bury and abolish by the force of lies and calumnies that happy amity standing between us, as appears well by such vile and false reports wherewith I perceive they do daily fill your ears. But as for purging me of all these surmises, I will only repeat my former attestations of my ever upright and honest course in all that concerned your person or state (meriting more faith than all their knavish prattling), so would I, on the other part, wish you to be that far acquainted with my disposition that I never harboured such base thoughts as for any respects that can be imagined to sell the smallest part of my country, much less my son, to any pope or prince in the world. No, I never thought so basely as that either myself, [or my son's] person or education, should be in the reverence of any pope, king or queen living. For, although I thank God I be in friendship with all the Christian princes in E [urope], yet my dealing with any of them shall, with God's grace, be so honorable as I shall never need to be ashamed thereof. But having particularly made answer to your ambassador upon every particular head of these false imputations, I remit me to his report therein, wishing to God that you were as far upon all the secret counsels of my heart towards you as myself is. And thus, fearing to weary you with my ragged scribbling, I commit you, Madame and dearest sister, to the tuition of the Almighty.
Holograph. Undated. Seal. 1½ pp. (133. 185–6.)
[Printed by the Camden Society. Ed. Bruce. O.S. 46, p. 132.]
Sir Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. None can better testify my careful zeal towards this ungrateful miser than you, whom I have so often solicited with excusing his vices. The love I bore his daughter made me so to do, and his cankered disposition requites me. accordingly. Of late he has required me to pass Chelsye from my wife and children to his son Edward Clynton, which I in reason have paused at, but not refused : and therein he informs you of a mere untruth. But I will save his reputation, and not pass it while I live. Again, in that he alleges that he would sell it to pay his debts, and yours amongst the rest, it is a mere collusion : for his poor son can yield no money for it, to whom he would have passed it by fine and recovery, and not with an intent to sell it to pay debts, so that therein also he is untrue. But he, finding his right too weak to wrest my wife and children out of it, would now pretend a poor sale to pay his debts. He has already brought my poor wife to her grave, as I fear, with his late most odious and unnatural despites that he has used towards her, the most obedient child of the world. His wickedness, misery, craft, repugnance to all humanity, and perfidious mind is not amongst the heathens to be matched. God bless me from him. To have his lands after his death, I would not be tied to observe him in his life. I yield you thanks for your noble respect as your letter shows, but I disclaim from all his favours, since he has wrought the destruction of my wife with his most tyrannous and wicked dealings. I have here returned you his false epistle, and beseech God to plague him or me as our informations are false.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“September, 1600.” 1 p. (251. 45.)
William Boys to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Sept. By experience of your former favours I am induced to think that your natural disposition most sweetly inclined you to do good to the miserable. Our case is miserable, and may easily move mercy if once it get audience. Our College, as a headless body, has lain dead ever since December last, never any so long in the memory of man; our master by statute our only Bursar, to take all, pay all, provide all; so that while he is wanting, we want all that should support the estate of our house. This makes us earnest suppliants to her Highness, if by you we might obtain so much favour that, seeing our case, so intricate, can neither by our own statutes be decided, nor by dispute of lawyers be discussed, nor by any inferior determined, it would please her Majesty as an umpire to strike the stroke, and to assign to us according to our statutes, virum probum, ac inculpatum, in sacra theologia doctum, graduatum, cultui divina deditum, and so to give some order to our disordered estate. Thus much if by your good means we may obtain, you shall bind us for ever, and give great contentment not to us only, but to the whole University, who are much amazed and discouraged with this dangerous delay.—Clare Hall in Camb., September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1600. 1 p. (251. 48.)
Henry Saunder to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600, Sept.] The party whom I detain prisoner in the Counter, and who has taken upon him to discover the matter whereof I have informed your Lordship, intends nothing but to gain his liberty under colour thereof. Seeing me a prisoner likewise, he thinks I can do nothing to prevent it. The party imparts the same matter to others, as unto the Lieutenant of the Tower, by whose means he hopes to be set at liberty in spite of me. I pray your Lordship to order that he do not remove himself, and that none other intermeddle. You are mistaken in making my keeper privy to the matter. Prays Cecil to take bail for himself, and liberate him.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Mr. Sanders, prisoner in the Gatehouse.” 1 p. (251. 59.)
Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. This enclosed I received yesterday. I would willingly have joined with you for his good, but I am stayed that I cannot wait upon her Majesty at this time as I meant.—September, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 60.)
Lord Grey to [? Sir R. Cecil].
[1600, Sept.] I cannot think myself at home until you know of my return, by whose command I expect my direction. I have a message of ceremony, but would willingly rest two or three days if so you think good.
Holograph. Undated. ½ p. (251. 61.)
H., Earl of Southampton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, Sept.] It is not his fault that he has not seen Cecil since his arrival : but he was assured by Lord Cobham that Cecil purposed not to be in London last week. Otherwise he had resolved to attend Cecil's coming, as Lord Cobham and Lord Tho. Howard can bear witness.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Earl of Southampton. Sept., 1600. From London.” 1 p. (251. 62.)
Paul Pinder to Michael Hicks.
1600, Sept. Since my last being with you at Ruccolls, we have had a meeting touching my demand of the Company. They refuse to allow me my charges from Constantinople, which, in regard I receive not the same nor any other gratification from her Majesty, I justly demand of them by whom I was employed to Constantinople to execute the Ambassador's directions. I have acquainted them how by your means I obtained favour from Mr. Secretary, who moved her Majesty for me; and that her pleasure was not to give anything, saying these businesses were wholly at the merchants' instance, and therefore they were to defray the charge that occurred to and fro the Turk's dominions. Notwithstanding, they refuse to pay me, unless her Majesty join. As there will be a court held for the Company on Friday, I entreat you to be a mean to Mr. Secretary that he will write to the Company, signifying her Majesty's pleasure that they should pay me; otherwise I shall doubtless lose the money.
Touching the matter of Consulship at Venice, I hoped Mr. Secretary would have spoken to some of the Company about it, in regard that I told him I found them for the most part flatly against it, holding such an employance needless, and he said he would speak to the chief of the Company. Upon discourse among us how to prevent trading by others not free of our Corporation into the dominion of the Signoria of Venice, and finding that we may deal well enough with them at their return into England, by exacting such penalties as are allowed in our patents; yet notwithstanding they may return into Flanders with their goods and shipping, and so be free from our power; I suggested the matter, as the only means; for the consul, authorised from her Majesty, may execute forfeiture of goods and ships of all that trade of her subjects, not being of our freedom; and that to avoid that the Signoria shall not except against any prohibiting of trade into their dominions, it may be signified by her Majesty's letters, whereby she signifies the admission of a consul, that she intends restraint of all men-of-war to surprise within the Straits, and has to that end granted privilege to a certain incorporate number of merchants for those trades, giving them authority to intercept and dispose of all her Majesty's subjects which they shall find within the Straits under any pretence not comprehended in the said grant, and they will very readily admit thereof. Purchase me what expedition herein your means with Mr. Secretary may yield; if not in regard of my earnest suit, yet in respect of your own interest.
Undated. Endorsed :—“Sept., 1600.” 3 pp. (251. 76.)
R. Bostocke to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, Sept.] In answer to the objection that he had not served in her Majesty's wars so long as to deserve the suit mentioned in his petition, he details his 18 years' services; at the siege of Antwerp in 1582; at Ostend all the time of Sir William Knowles' government, and part of Sir John Conway's; then he served the King of Navarre as captain of a ship of war; then in Flushing under Sir William Russell, under Sir Francis Vere, under Lord Willoughby at the siege of Bargan; then as captain of her Majesty's pinnace The Merlyne into Portugal; under Sir Robert Sidney in Flushing, with Lord Essex in France, with Sir Francis Vere to the taking in of Steanebergen and the service of Dunkirk; then to Sir William Fitzwilliam in Ireland; he then went captain in a man-of-war to the Islands, where they had daily fight with a carrick for 20 days; afterwards, various services under Lord Essex. For 12 years past he has served entirely at his own charge, and spent more than 1,000l. of his estate, and lost his blood. Begs Cecil to further his suit with her Majesty.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1600, Sept. Captain Bostock.” 1 p. (251. 79.)
Frances, Lady Stourton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, Sept.] The man whom you sent hither has seen your daughter, and promises very great amendment to her. Therefore Frank [? Lady Frances] Cicille and I will be in London within these three weeks, that he may go in hand with her, for while I live she shall never lack both my care and prayer to do her good : for if I could forget both her good mother and herself, your own kindness to me has deserved much more than I do. “Your loving sister.”—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lady Stourton, Sept., 1600.” 1 p. (251. 85.)