Cecil Papers: August 1600, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1600, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp257-279 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1600, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp257-279.

"Cecil Papers: August 1600, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp257-279.

August 1600, 1–15

Sir Nicholas Parker to the Privy Council.
1600, Aug. 1. This evening arrived a carvell from the coast of Spain, taken by Captain Chester of Bristol, whose master and captain coming now unto me have delivered such notice as they had according to the examination under their hands hereinclosed sent. One fleet departed out of Luxa five weeks since. Another they now met with a fortnight since, as these men were homewards bound.—Pendenas Castle, 1 August, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Hast post hast : Pendenas Castle the first of Aug. at 4 in the afternoone. From Plymowth the 3 of Agust, at 7 in the morning. At Ashburton the 3 of July [August] at 11 of the clocke and a past in the forenone. Exeter at 3 after nowne. Hunyton a past 7 at after nown 3 of August. Andever the 6 [sic, ? 4] August. Bassingstoke at 11.” 1 p. (81. 1.)
The Enclosure :
Examination of Alexander Escott of Withy ell, Somerset, captain, and Robert Gilbert of Weymouth, Dorset, master of a prize, taken by Captain Chester of Bristol, and brought into Falmouth, 31 July, 1600. Taken, August 1, before Sir Nicholas Parker at Pendenas Castle.
They testify that, returning home in their prize, off the Isles of Bayon a fortnight since, sixteen leagues off, they had sight of a fleet of great ships of whom they numbered nine (five of these were by the least of 1,000 tons apiece) standing east for the land, which gave chase unto these men with their ships, and sent forth a long boat also, with whom these men fought and put them off. They bring with them a Portuguese named Alvo Caravall, one of the company of the carvell taken, who confesses that this carvell was laden in Luxa, with wheat and wines bound for Mazagaun in Barbaria, for provision of the King of Spain's garrison there. He reports that there were ten great ships besides carvells in Luxa and other ten, besides carvells, in Coles, which put forth bound for the Terceras to guard home the Indyes fleet. Item, that the ships at Luxa came forth of the Groyne thither. Item, that the fleet departed from Luxa five weeks since, being eight days before this carvell came out of Luxa.
Signed. 1 p. (80. 100.)
Henry Clare to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, Aug. 1.] Attends Cecil's pleasure. Is more regardful to retain Cecil's favour than to get any employment in the wars, being now (instead of reward) so disgracefully thrown out of them. Craves Cecil's letters “to keep me checke free” during the time of his absence unto the day of his discharge, and, in the rest, but what it shall please Cecil to vouchsafe him, not doubting to be of some use to Cecil in his country though disfavoured by the commanders of the wars.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1 August, 1600. Captain Clare.” 1 p. (81. 2.)
Thomas Phelipps to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 1. Sends the enclosed, though they have lain on the way long. Attends Cecil's employment or direction.—1 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 3.)
J. Linewraye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 1. Has received letters from Middleborough, wherein the news following was inserted, viz.:—“Being occasioned to write the former part of this letter for your own cause, understanding of a Scottish gentleman" that has commission to provide armour here for 10,000 men, and has already got licence for transportation thereof into Scotland, I could not but let you understand thereof, that the secret might be enquired after, and mischief prevented before it be hatched.”—1 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 4.)
Thomas Wilson to Mistress Margaret Wilson.
1600, Aug. 1. Has not written to her since the 1st of May, though he has to some of his friends, being loth to send her ill news which would have increased her sorrow, till it was past. “As I was taking my journey into Italy, in that rude unkind country of Savoy, I was taken with mine ordinary enemy, the 'burninge' fever. I was not able to move one foot further, so that all my company and friends, having stayed long for me, were forced at length to leave me, and I left desolate in the hands of people in whom kindness is only the child of money, whereof, God wot, I had but small abundance. I am now in better health and plenty, and proceeding on my voyage, though solitary yet with more courage and hope than ever. My greatest care is for you, lest you should waste yourself away with sorrow before your time of joy appear, but I com[fort] myself again in remembering that God hath given you wisdom and discretion more than in ordinary women, whose weakness cannot frame their minds suitable to their fortune. Besides, I assure myself that your loving brother and most virtuous sister-in-law will not see either you or your little brat want, if you be content to follow their advice; and if God will, they shall have no cause to place the good they do to me in you [amongst] the number of their worst bestowed benefits. It [may be] long before you hear from me again for that I a[m to go] into a country whence I cannot write when I would, and to a place of that country whence I dare not write if I could. The next time you hear from me I think will be from Naples, where, though I dare not be known to be an Englishman, yet I may meet with some Englishman whom I may trust with a letter; though, being in those dangerous places of the King of Spain's dominions, we have cause to fear our countrymen more than any other. This paper will permit no more but to pray you to pray for me, continue to love me, know I do the like to you, and be sure I will do so ever.—Out of Savoy, where the wars are beginning, the 1 of August, 1600.”
Addressed :—“To my well beloved wife, Mrs. Margaret Wilson, at her brother's house, Mr. Thomas Mewtis, Esq., at Fann Abbay or St. Germins near St. Albans.”
Holograph. 1 p. (83. 47.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600], Aug. 1. Since the writing of my last, the wind not serving my man to go for England, and returning back to us here again, I will take occasion to let you know that his Excellency is this morning going to Bergen. He has shipped 50 of every company that is here to go with him, taking no colours at all along, so as we expect it is for some surprise which he mindeth to attempt in some place, or else to draw the enemy farther from such places where he minds to cast himself afterwards upon.
Yesterday he had intelligence of 12 galleys that were discovered before Newhaven making this way, which put the Zeelanders in some trouble, for the galleys that are here do much annoy them in their course by sea.
We expect daily the companies that were left at Ostend, if the wind would serve.
This day is arrived Davyes from the East Indies, with two ships he went out withal of this country. He is returned laden with peppers and other spices, to the value of 50,000l. He has been out 28 months. He did traffic with them of Sumatra, an island amongst the Moluckes. They had fight with a carrick at St. Helena : they fought with her five hours, but durst never board her. In that time the carrick mounted her ordnance which were in hold, and began to play with such small shot as they had, which was far out of order : thus they left her, Davies imputing great cowardliness to those Dutch that was with him. He confessed his company was much wasted, for of 130 men that went out with him in his own ship, there came home but 49, so as they durst not make farther attempt. This was at his home coming in March last.
This letter, with the rest of my best wishes, must accompany the other.—Middelboroughe, 1 August, ready to take shipping.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600, E. of Northumberland.” 1 p. (87. 42.)
Sir John Talbott to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 2. This letter enclosed I presumed to send, although I know the surest and soonest advertisements come to you first. One thing I do desire you might take hold on, that is the likelihood of the declining state of the rebels, which now should be pursued with all might to pull them down in time, and so the great charge may prove the little, and the little may prove the greater : if there were an increase of men and charge for these 3 months, it might well be lessened presently after to so small a proportion as might countervail the great charge. Therefore, for the honour of God, persuade her Highness to strain both herself and her subjects now in time. The rebels, they say, do expect Spaniards to land shortly, which I pray God to prevent. I beseech you to cause favourable letters to be written to, the Lord Deputy, taking knowledge of such commendations as the whole state of that kingdom has written, that I may receive favour and estimation accordingly.—At my lodging without Newgate, at the sign of The Three Pigeons, 2 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 6.)
Richard Cooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 2. Prays answer to his letter sent by Mr. Honyman, and relief of his present wants.—London, 2 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 7.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Lord Cobham, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and Lord Lieutenant of Kent.
1600, Aug. 2. Here arrived this evening from Bolloigne, Sir Henry Neville, with his wife and family, and also Mr. Secretary Harbert, with the rest of the Commissioners late employed for the treaty there. They intend to repose themselves here all day to-morrow, and on Monday to take their journey towards the Court.—Dover Castle, 2 August, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Hast hast hast post hast. Dovor this Seconde of August at 10 night. Canterbury past 3 in the morning. Sittingborn morning 8. Rochester the 3 day past 10 in the fornon. Darford the 3 of Agust at almost 8 in the afternone. London at 10 in the night.” 1 p. (87. 46.)
George, Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 2. I purposed to-morrow to have given my attendance at the Court, but galloping after my hounds, I have got a blow upon my leg, which makes me too lame; and hearing that her Majesty holds her purpose to proceed in her progress, I beseech you remember me, for if there be nothing done before she remove, all my protestations will get me no more credit.—This 2 of August, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (180. 140.)
Ja. Hudson to. Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, Aug. 3.] With a packet for Mr. Nicholson, which he asks Cecil to have covered and directed : also a letter for Cecil to read and seal.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“3 August, 1600.” 1 p. (81. 8.)
N. Wise to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 3. Acknowledges Cecil's kindness to him at the Council Board last Sunday, which turned his former grief to joy. For confirmation of his speeches in Cecil's chamber, he protests his love for the Queen, “King Harre, his doughter, as your Honour did then swetlie terme her,” and the English nation. On behalf of “our Corporation,” who are ready to take the same oath, prays Cecil to receive them to his favour.—London, ready going home, 3 August, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Nich. Wise of Waterford.” 1 p. (81. 9.)
The Quarrel between the Earl of Southampton and Lord Grey (of Ruthyn).
1600, Aug 3. 1. The Privy Council to the Earl of Southampton. Her Majesty understanding that your Lordship hath withdrawn yourself out of Ireland into the Low Countries where the Lord Gray is also at this present : because it is publicly known there is unkindness and heartburn between you and him, and that you are noblemen of valour who are fit to reserve yourselves for her Majesty's services, and not to hazard them upon private quarrels, it hath pleased her Majesty, from her own mouth, to give express direction unto us to command your Lordship in her name (upon your allegiance) in no sort to offer, accept or hearken to any challenge or meeting with the Lord Gray. Wherein as your Lordship is a nobleman, and knoweth more than a common person with what respective care you ought to obey the express commandment of your Sovereign, so it is expected that you carry that heedful regard to her Majesty's commandment, hereby delivered unto your Lordship, as her Highness may have no cause to note any contempt in your Lordship by anything that may happen between you, for she neither can nor will suffer the breach of any of these notorious and wilful disobediences to remain unpunished according to the quality of so great an offence. And because you shall pretend no note of disgrace to be offered unto you in imposing this upon you, the like commandment is given by like letters and directions to the Lord Gray, whereof we send you a copy.—From the Court at Nonesuche, 3 August, 1600.
Signed :—Tho. Egerton, c.s., T. Buchurst, Notingham, G. Hunsdon, Ro. North, W. Knollys, Ro. Cecyll, J. Fortescu, W. Waad.
pp. (81. 10.)
2. The Council to Lord Gray. To the same effect as the above to the Earl of Southampton.—Court at Nonsuch, 3 August,1600.
Copy. (81. 11.)
3. The Earl of Southampton to Lord Grey. I perceive you will ever mistake me, and as you have misunderstood my former letters, so you will not rightly conceive of my coming hither, which, assure yourself, was not caused by any repentance, for I know too well what hath passed between us I need not wish undone; though it shall little trouble me if you still please yourself in your error. But you are acquainted with the commandment 1 have received which forbids me to answer you, which howsoever you respect not, I must obey, and therefore do directly refuse your challenge. But because you shall not think I dare not walk alone for fear of you, I will to-morrow in the morning ride an English mile out of the ports, accompanied with none but this bearer and a lacquey to hold my horses, who shall bear no weapons. I will wear this sword which I now send you, and a dagger which you shall see before my going, when you shall know the way I intend to go, where I will attend you 2 hours. If in the meantime I meet you, you may do your pleasure, for I will quit no ground, but defend myself with the arms I carry against whatsoever you shall offer.
Holograph. Unsigned. Endorsed by Reynolds :—“The Earl of Southampton to the Lord Grey.” 1 p. (76. 25.)
4. Lord Grey to the Earl of Southampton.—If you ask why I have so long deferred to seek right of the wrong you did me in Ireland, I answer my Lord of Essex's restraint hath been the cause, for I seek not advantage nor to brave mine enemy in misfortune. Now, your return [to Ireland] likely to prevent [i.e. precede] his delivery, I cannot longer defer to call you to perform what you there promised and to right me in the field, referring unto you your due elections. You are too honourable by denial or distinction to seek evasion, for thereby the wrong will be more unworthy, and the end less noble.—My lodging in King Street.
Holograph. Endorsed by Reynolds :—“The Lo. Grey to the E. of Southampton.” ¾ p. (76. 27.)
5. The Earl of Southampton to Lord Grey.—I have received your letter and am resolved to satisfy you in the manner you desire, but not as to right any wrong I have done you, for I acknowledge none, neither am I ignorant that in this case the question between us arising about a command of mine when I have a place in an army above you, I might with my reputation refuse your challenge, though I never meant to claim that privilege; being determined from the beginning to bring myself to some such place to answer you (if you should call me) as there you might fully discharge your heart of the spleen you bear me. But you well know that I have reason to proceed in this with much caution, you having now so great advantage of the time by reason of the Queen's disfavour to me. You know also that the laws of England are severe to those that in this fashion compound their controversies. Wherefore, if I now go into Ireland, I shall hold that the fittest place to end this matter, which in respect of the friendship of the Deputy shall be no ways advantageous to me, for I will bind myself by my promise to meet you in any port town of Ireland, assuring myself you may make choice of such a one where you need not fear any partiality to me. If I go not thither, 1 will at any time agree to put myself into a bark with you and go into what part of France you will choose, where we may soon and with much safety bring this business to a conclusion. Whatsoever you determine, keep your own counsel, and I will assure you by my means it shall not be spoken of.
Endorsed :—“The E. of Southampton to the Lord Grey.”
Copy. 1 p. (76. 26.)
[See S. P. Dom. Eliz. CCLXXV. 58.]
The Earl of Desmond to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 3. Though it be needless (according unto the honourable, undeserved care I find you have had of me) yet because I know your over many businesses may draw you from the remembrance of my occasions, I have presumed to make collection of some few heads that may be examined by your consideration. Since that by your means (for so I will ever hold it) her Majesty has been brought in this height of mercy to publish unto the world my new birth, may it stand with your kindness that means may not be wanting not to lose this happy beginning, which through my life's enjoying shall prove prosperous, or else I vow my sacrifice to manifest unto the world my willingness of truly prosecuting the performance of dutiful services. The title that her Highness has divulged she will presently invest me in when I am come into Ireland, I doubt not will draw many unto her Highness's side, which if they find it so bare that it cannot in some measure yield them relief, will prove unto them contemptible, and little available unto the State or me, and the separation which is grown shall be liable to the tyranny of the adversary, and whosoever is thought would give me succour in her Highness's service open to the power of the rebels; which I thought good to give you notice of, because as you have been the raiser of my fortunes, so to desire you to be the upholder of it, wherein you shall have the merit of your deserved glory, and I the contentment of him that will ever be faithful unto you. And so beseeching you that this my old servant for my businesses may be your remembrancer, I take my leave.—From the Tower 3 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (87. 49.)
Rice Jones, Mayor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 4. According to Cecil's letter of the 1st has delivered the packet received therewith to Lady Carew, to deliver the same to her husband in Ireland. There is sufficient shipping here for transporting 1,500 men for her Majesty's service in Munster. If the service proceeds, he prays for a warrant for the staying of the ships, and for the providing of victuals and necessaries.—Bristol, 4 August, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mayor of Bristol.” ½ p. (81. 12.)
Captain Joseph May to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 4. Since my coming to Ostend, and unknown to you as I suppose, happened to the General a hurt by a cannon shot to him standing on the rampiers, falling on the mouth of one of our cannons. The splinters of which did lift, some over his head, which in hope we hold not dangerous; the other on his back, astonishing him suddenly much; but afterwards he rose and came presently to his house. No occasions growing within these three days, the enemy hath raised a new battery on the sands to the east to cut us off our victualling. Another he is a-making to the east south east to shoot directly into our trenches lying west south west, which if he do effect will be dangerous. For if this new battery commands the trenches, the old battery lying west commands the counterscarps, so the greater daunts may increase, which by strength may be prevented.—The 4 of August 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed;—“Sir Francis Vere hurt.” 1½ pp. (180. 141.)
The Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Aug. 5. The small action that this army yields is the cause you have heard no oftener from me, for I can send you nothing but the recommendation of my love. I am glad my house pleases you, for my desire is both myself or anything I have might do you service.—Bergen, 5 August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” ½ p. (81. 14.)
Sir Edward Fyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 5. I find by my daughter how much I am maligned by some of whom I have far better deserved; I also find how much I am bounden to you in suspending your judgment till I may be heard. I thank God that the information came to you, whose love, wisdom and judgment I have ever tasted of [“as of your hon. father's,” erased]. I desire no more but to have that done which now must be done, that is, the cause heard by your Lordships. If then it be not made manifest that all treachery hath been practised by them that would scandalise me, let me never be credited, and if I prove not innocent of all devices, gain or deceits, even so far as my dearest have thought me too friendly with them that deal now thus with me, let me be disgraced. But I account myself most happy to be heard before your Honours, where no glosing will serve, nor cunning nor cosening escape undecyphered. I beseech you that a day may be assigned to us all to be before your Lordships, where then, without respect, you, I hope, will discern the offendors and discharge the innocent. My daughter in her love writes she wishes my present attendance to purge myself; but I hold it more fit to be sure to meet my accuser face to face, where I hope my innocency shall free me, and therefore I will stay until I may know your pleasure whether I shall come until my adversary be present.
I have sent up my bills, wherein Sir Henry Wallop stands in debt to me in 1,200l., which I have assigned to my daughter Mary, and by direction have sent them into Ireland, there to have them viewed and allowed by the Commissioners lately there, to the end they might have all their dues, as is by your Honours ordered. I now beseech you to stand good to her, and further that Sir Henry Wallop may give her her due.—Gawseworth, 5 August, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Edward Fitton.” 1 p. (81. 15.)
E. Douglas to Archibald Douglas.
1600, Aug. 5. I wrote to you not long since by Thomas Coupar, and sent you by that way some letters concerning the Prior of Blantyre, wherein for my own part I would wish you should keep you “unmaking” any security either to one party or other until you see farther, for I fear they who have dealt with you about the last demission, if any be made by you, shall scarcely perform what they have promised, as you are like to hear the proof ere it be long. Now having the occasion of this gentleman our cousin going that way, I thought I would not let so good an occasion slip, but by him advertise you of such things as I thought meet. And first for your own particular answer promised by my Lord Home, whereof I advertised you by my Lord Sanquhar, there is a convention to be in Falkland the 11th of this month about the West Border, which is all shaken loose, and some other of the King's own particulars, where I intend in grace of God to be and [? at] that time, but any farther delay I will require his answer, and deal with the King myself also by such means as I can make about him, where it will appear what Sir George Elphinstone will do for you, for I purpose also to employ him, and of the utter and last answer I can get I shall advertise you with the first sure bearer I can get, if any I find before the gentleman who brought me your last letter and credit, who is to return towards you about the 20th of this month. But for my own part, I look for little friendship at Sir George Elphinstone's hands, for all the Chamber runs one course and guides all now, and by their mean one Mr. James Hamiltonne, who has been, as I hear, this long while a schoolmaster in the country, is now to be employed resident agent for the King at that Court, with allowance of 300l. sterling by year of the annuity, one also employed here, as is thought by Sir Robert Cecil. How shameful and dangerous a course this is for the King, and how contrary to all our designs concerning you, you may judge. There is also out of the same forge lately come abroad a letter, as it had been written from you to me, to communicate with the King for your purgation, as it should seem, of a matter whereof I never heard the King blamed you, containing some railing speeches against a number of persons, some employed thereof before, who I grant deserves little better at your hand, and some others of whom I know you would be sorry to write so slanderously, which I am assured you never wrote, for it is very unlike your style and form of writing. It was divulged some days before it came to my hands, and many thought it had been yours indeed, but after I got the copy of it I sent to Falkland to the King, desiring his Majesty to try from whence it came, for I assured him upon my life it was never yours, nor that I saw it not, albeit it bare upon the back “to me” a long while after it was come abroad. I send you herewith the copy, that you may the better judge who should be the author of it; for for my part I take it to be one who spake with you not long since. And so you may judge what favour you may expect at those men's hands who send such letters abroad to your disgrace. It were not amiss that you should write your own apology in this matter, and send it to me. And thus far for your own particular. Our matters at home go still out of order as they had wont to do. The Chamber guides all, and it was thought the Treasurer should have been changed, and Sir George Home put in his place, but that matter is plastered over for a while. Since this last refusal the King got of the taxation in the last convention, having nothing, he and his chamber are now in seeking voluntary helps at particular men's hands, and there are very few in any ha [ving?] to whom there has not been a particular message sent to that effect, [but] they come all small speed. There is likewise in this dealing that we have with Spain some support of money expected, under promise it shall serve for a good use, but the King of Spain's late letter sent hither in the Earl Bothwell's favour has put the “chalmer” in a hard conceit, for they think if the King refuse the request, whereunto they will never suffer him to yield, that the expected gold shall not come from that hand, which troubles them marvellously, always to eschew occasions of open offence to Spain. Colonel Edmunde, lately come hither to list men to re-enforce his regiment, is inhibited to do it by stroke of drum, but only quietly and by an oversight, not by any commission from the King. What other matters shall be like to fall out here, I shall advertise you by the next occasion. My Lord of Argyle is thought either to be at London already, or at least that he shall be there very shortly. I pray your Lordship for my Lord of Mortoun's cause to wait upon him, and show him all the favour and courtesy you may, for I trust he shall prove one of the best of our nobility. Now my Lord I may request you in a little particular of my own. You remember when I was last at London with you, a little before my returning home, for divers courtesies received, I gave your friend Mistress Ramberge a little diamond ring. This ring was laid in pledge with others by young Logie, a great while before his going out of Scotland. Now lately his father, seeking to make his profit of all things, has called for these engaged jewels, and not finding the little ring, would make faith that it is worth twenty crowns, albeit it be dear of five, and so intends to cause the party who had it in wodsett [to] pay twenty crowns for it, which sum if he pay I must return him. I will therefore earnestly request your Lordship to see if you can release that ring from Mistress Ramberge, and I would give a better in the place of it, that Logie his greedy “falsett” may be seen. However it be, I pray your Lordship let me understand if it may be had or not.—From my mother's house, 5 August, 1600. Your L. loving nephew.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (81. 16–7.)
Arthur Hyde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 5. Since the receipt of your letter of July 30 there are but two horse more come unto me, one from Mr. Roger Bodenham of Herefordshire, and another from Mr. William Lygon of Worcestershire. I hear not of any of the horse which were expected from Sussex and Surrey. My number which I have ready are 36. I only attend for wind, being in all readiness to depart with these horse and men which I have here, according to your pleasure signified to me by your last letter.—Bristoe, 5 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 18.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 6. We arrived ourselves at Dover upon Saturday night last, as I suppose Mr. Secretary Herbert has given you to understand. The next day our horses and servants were landed, and upon Monday we set forward on our journey, and arrived here, Mr. Edmonds and myself, this evening. Mr. Secretary went to his house to Mortlake, and Mr. Beale likewise, as I take it. We have all appointed, unless you command the contrary, to meet at Mr. Secretary's upon Friday morning, and so come together to the Court. Notwithstanding, we would be glad to wait upon you somewhere privately, if you so think good, before we come to her Majesty's presence. It may please you therefore to signify your pleasure therein unto me by this messenger.—London, 6 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 19.)
H. Hardware, Mayor, to the Council.
1600, Aug. 7. Upon receipt of your letters this morning I have taken order for the supplying of all defects amongst the horsemen that as yet are come to this city, and already have set to the making 51 coats for them, for so many are wanting, and have sent into the city to provide French pistols and other arms for supplying their defects. As soon as they be perfected and the charge certain, I will advertise further therein. On receipt of your letters of July 25 we made known to the whole number of soldiers by proclamation what should be the reward of their running away, which proclamation struck such a terror into their hearts as that I am persuaded it has prevented the running away of whole hundreds. Yet some few still steal away, and but very few of those were returned by the country (so cunning they are in passing by all towns, bridges, and highways); and of those that were brought in, against whom they bring no certain proofs of their running away, they taken so near the city, we sent on, together With one of the greatest “mutyners” for apparel, unto the place of execution (in show to be hanged); whom, standing upon the ladder with the ropes about their necks, upon their humble submission, and the earnest entreaty of their captain and fellow soldiers, received pardon, conditional that if any one man of either of their companies did either mutiny for apparel, or run away, that then both they, together with these offendors, should receive the extreme rigour of the law; which I assure you has wrought much quiet in our city. Whereas by another letter I am required to make provisions for 800 soldiers to be at this port the 22 inst., I will be most careful against the time to have all things in readiness for their embarking : this only is to be doubted, the return of shipping from Dublin, by reason of the great uncertainty of the wind, which hitlierto has hindered the despatch of these forces from hence, whereof 1,000 has lain along the waterside ready to take the benefit of the first wind since Sunday last, which has not stood good two hours together : until whose return I can by no means ship away the 800 for Loughfoyle. Whereas you require me and the Commissioners to call before us the conductors of Yorkshire and other counties, and to examine them straitly for the finding out of such abuses as by them were committed in the conducting down of their several companies, before the receipt of your directions, all the conductors were departed this city, so we could not proceed according to the same.—Chester, 7 August, 1600.
[P.S.]—Asks directions as to horses stayed there.
Holograph. 2 pp. (81. 5.)
The Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Aug. 7. The cold hopes we have of seeing any more wars this summer hath made me resolve to send this bearer, my brother, home, to look a little into that poor estate his father left him. My request is that you will take notice from whom he comes, and honour me so much as [to] present him to her Majesty, whose sworn servant he is.—Bergen, 7 August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“E. of Rutland, 1600. By his brother Mr. John Manners.” ½ p. (81. 20.)
French and Rhenish Wines.
1600, Aug. 7. Report of all the clear profit and gain of and by the imposts, subsidies of tonnage, composition money, and duties of French and Rennish wines brought into this realm from Michaelmas, 1599, until the 7 of August following, 1600. Gross gain, 32,148l. 16s. 0d. Payments for rent, &c., 24,763l. 10s. 0d. Gained by this account if all debts be received, 7,385l. 6s. 0d. Towards this gain the farmer and his friends have brought in wines the duties whereof amount to 4,387l. 7s. 6d., which leaves 2,997l. 18s. 6d. towards his adventures of the years succeeding.
Endorsed :—“Swinnarton.” 1 p. (81. 21.)
Sir Henry Cocke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, August 7. If great want of money did not urge me I would not have been troublesome unto you. But now her Majesty being in progress we cannot be unfurnished, because thereby all things are to be provided. We had this last St. George's tide an extraordinary occasion of laying out of money about the installing of the French King, and the entertaining of Monsieur Chatte : the whole charge whereof appeareth in a note of a creditor herewith sent unto your Honour, which has been usually heretofore discharged by privy seal, procured from her Majesty by the favourable means of one of her Highness's secretaries. For your better understanding hereof, I have herewith sent you some precedents selected out of many; whereby the course thereof may be the better known unto you. The cofferer has by act of Parliament 40,000l. assigned unto him for the defraying of the charges of her Majesty's house; and now the most part thereof being come into composition (for the which there must be present payment made) it draws money so fast away as oftentimes the coffers are very empty : which now in progress must be especially provided for. Wherefore, presuming much of your good favour, I am bold hereby to become a most humble and earnest suitor to you that you would be pleased to move her Majesty to grant her privy seal for the discharge and payment of this creditor, as in former times she has done the like for other cofferers, and then I hope we shall be well furnished. Herein if it shall please you to extend your good favour towards me, I shall rest greatly bound unto you.—Broxborne, 7 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (87. 69.)
The Enclosure :
The charges of Monsieur de Chatte and others, being sent into England for the installing of the French King.
Total, 957l. 16s. 6d.
Endorsed :—“August 7, Sir Henry Cock.” ½ p. (87. 68.)
Sir Robert Dormer to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 8. Sir William Howard, Master of the Hawks, being dangerously sick and not likely to recover, and Dormer having a right to that office, and his land holden by that tenure, he prays that his interest in that place may be made known to the Queen, and his readiness to do her service therein.—Wyng, 8 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 22.)
Henry Leighe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 9. I have received your warrant as her Majesty's pleasure for my discharge out of this prison. How comfortable the same is to my soul, God can witness. I have entered bond with two honest sureties to observe the conditions commanded, and I most humbly beseech your protection from the arrests of my creditors until her Majesty be pleased to grant me further liberty.—This 9 of August, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (180. 142.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, Aug. 11.] I have received letters from Paris which advertise me that the communication of accord between the King and the Duke of Savoy is broken off, and that the war is like to proceed. And it was supposed that at the writing of the letter the Mareschal de Biron and M. des Diguierres were entered the Duke's country with their forces. I was yesterday to visit the French Ambassador, who, it seemed, had received the same advertisement, and withal, that the Count de Fuentes had sent for forces out of the kingdom of Naples, with a purpose, as it is conceived, to assist the Duke. I thought it my duty to advertise you what I understood, although I am still very prone to believe that this matter will be compounded in the end. I am going for 4 or 5 days to my house in the country, to take some order for the settling of my wife and family. At my return I will wait upon you. In the meantime I have sent the discourse of the conference at Fontainbleau.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“11 August, 1600.” 1 p. (81. 24.)
Captain J. W. Bornstra to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 11. It is but a few days since I declared that I had seen in Grenewich the secretary of the Spanish ambassador, and since then by your command we have looked for him in many places, and at last, by a servant of his, I have been told where he is. If you will bestow some money on this, I hope not only to deliver him to you but also his secrets and treasonable practices.—London, 11 August, 1600. Stilo Angliæ.
Latin. Signed. Seal. 1 p. (87. 86.)
Sir Thomas Gerrard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 11. I have moved the merchants for the Ambassador's diet, but they all plead poverty, and except her Majesty discharge it, it will rest upon himself. My L ord Mayor has taken Alderman Radclyffe's house for him. I humbly crave her Majesty's pleasure concerning it.—From my house by Charing Cross, 11 August, 1600.
Endorsed :—“Sir Thomas Gerrald.” ½ p. (81. 25.)
Mons. Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 11. The bearer of these, General Vere's quartermaster, complains of crosses put upon him in the raising of his levies by the Mayor of London, notwithstanding the licence given by the Council. I beg you to help him.—Clapham, 11 of August, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. French. 1 p. (180. 143.)
Balthasar de Moucheron to the Earl of Essex.
1600, Aug. 11/21. The bearer, Captain Davis, whom you gave us for the voyage to the East Indies, has acquitted himself so well on that voyage that I cannot but bear him witness thereof. Of the success of the voyage he himself will tell you.—Camfer, 21 August, 1600.
Signed. French. 1 p. (181. 3.)
Richard Hitchens, Mayor of Plymouth, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 12. There was landed here this present day one John Lewer, of Penzance in Cornwall, from the Terceroes, whose examination I enclose.—Plymouth, 12th of August, 1600.
Holograph. ¼ p. (180. 144.)
The Enclosure :
Examination of John Lewer, aged about 32, voluntarily sworn.
Being at sea in a man-of-war called the “Pretty Jack” of Mount's Bay in Cornwall, whereof one John Fortescue was captain and this examinate master, the 1st day of June he did meet with a ship of Roscoe which came out of Audolaheia about 10 leagues of the Groyne, aboard which ship this examinate was, and found in her one Frenchman of his acquaintance, who made report unto him as followeth, which he took in writing in his table book : That there was a fleet preparing about Cadiz; and also in the High Country of Spain there were 25,000 men to be levied, whither to repair he knew not, but heard the report by his merchant which came along the country from Cartagena.
The first day of July they met with two Spanish ships which came from the west part of Ireland and carried over powder and munition for soldiers, and a bishop with some seminary priests. The same day, through their means, this examinate was forced to fall into the hands of a fleet of 22 sail, whereof the most part flyboats and 6 galleons, which was bound to the Islands to waft seven carracks, and General of them, Don Diego de Brochero. Which fleet this examinate met 35 leagues west-north-west of the Rock. They took this examinate, who, having the Spanish tongue and conversant with the pilot of the ship which took him, called the St. Espritt, gathered by him of the foresaid fleet and soldiers that, at their return from the Islands (as it was noised in the country of Spain), they were to come for Ireland, and either the Duke of Methina or Delantatho to come General in the army. This pilot, who reported this, was taken out of one of the ships which came from Ireland, being a flyboat called the St. Paul, and the other was the Darling, which was once Sir Walter Raleigh's, and Captain Cooper taken in her.
The pilot was taken out of the foresaid flyboat because he refused to serve in the fleet, and was kept prisoner, as this examinate was, and another put in his place. This examinate being put ashore at the Terceroes, with the rest of his company, by means of an English "surgeant" which dwelled in the Terceroes, was conveyed to one of the Western Islands called Fyall, where he had passage in a ship of Lyme, and the rest of his company were dispersed into several ships of the foresaid fleet.
Further, this examinate saith that in his return now he spoke with a Frenchman which came from Lisbon, being taken by an Englishman, who reported that there were six galleons making ready in Lisbon with such speed as they wrought day and night, and are to go to Cadiz.
Examinate, when in the Terceroes, whence he came 12 days before the date hereof, by feigning himself to be a French soldier, had conversation with the soldiers there, whom he found to be malcontent, being kept under with short pay, apt to rebel upon any opportunity, calling their King by sundry ill terms.
Further, this examinate heard it spoken by one Diego Peroes, being captain of a company in the Terceroes, that the young Prince of Orange should be stabbed to death at Brussels in the Cardinal's chamber.
Signed. 2 pp. (180. 145.)
Lord Grey to the Lords of the Council.
1600, Aug. 12. You either are, or shortly will be, informed of my disobedience. My letter was at Middelburgh, and, there failing, was here delivered, though after I received that from your Lordships, yet before I could make stay of it. How, if in time delivered, your letter would have swayed, my future conformity to your pleasure shall best demonstrate.—Berges, Aug. 12, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (180. 146.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Aug. 13. I humbly thank you for your letters, which I received this 13th at night at Sherburne, dated from the Court the 11th, so it was two days and two nights coming. I myself went it in half a day less, and if there were any danger, it would be no otherwise handled. My Lord Cobham stayed here but one night, but went on for Cornwall. I could not by any means dissuade him. I cannot believe that those 80 sail are Spaniards, if they were seen so high up as St. Mallos, for no wind could force them in so far that hath blown, but if they hover about the mouth of the channel, I am here nearer my charge than at London.
I have sent away your letter post to my Lord Cobham. I humbly thank you for Vivien. We do wish you more cordially here than you can wish yourself. To-morrow I go to Rushmore again to take thorough order. The trees, I think, may be released again to the first buyers, for they are not so near as I thought, and far dearer than worth, and will stand you, all ways considered, 900l. If you send me your pleasure I will leave them. Rushmore will not be fit for you to come to this year. It is so ruined as I cannot lodge you or myself therein. I pray believe that when all hearts are open and all desires tried, that I am your poorest and your faithfullest friend to do you service.—W. Ralegh, Sherburn, the 13th of August at night, when I received yours.
[P.S.]—Bess returns you her best wishes notwithstanding all quarrels.
Noted on back : Prom Sherborne, the 13th of August, at 12 in the night. Hast post hast for life.
Sarum, past 10 in the forenoon being Thursday.
Rec. at Andever at 4 of the clock in the afternoon.
Rec. at Basingstoke at 8 of the clock at night of the same day.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (43. 84.)
Counterfeit Stamp Signatures.
1600, Aug. 13. Examination of Christopher Porter, 13 August, 1600, before Sir John Peyton and Sir Fraunces Darcy, knights, and Thomas Fowler, esq., justices of the peace and quorum in the county of Middlesex.
Being asked who set him on work to make 3 stamps for 3 several names, viz. Mr. Secretary's, Mr. Waad's and Mr. Smythe's, he absolutely says it proceeded only of himself without the consent of any other, and that he made not any person privy, but only Guye, the graver, that dwells in the Old Baylye, who knew nothing of his purpose for the use of them.
Being asked to what purpose he caused them to be made, says directly, both to see if he could find any bill so stamped with any stamp like them, whereby he intended to make the like, and to pass into the payhouse for his own private gain. And further says he never hitherto has put any of the said stamps in practice.
Being demanded from whom the invention of these stamps first proceeded, says he heard some of the ancient pursuivants say that the like counterfeited stamps were used in Sir Thomas Hennedge his time, and that the names of the said pursuivants are Lawrence Dutton and Davy Atkinson, who in his conscience thinks they spake in condemnation, and not in approbation of the said practices; and that the same Davy Atkinson was the man that did discover the same in Sir Thomas Hennedge his time, as Atkinson then affirmed. And this he protests to be the whole truth, most humbly desiring your Honours to have commiseration on him, his wife and eight poor children.
Signed by Porter, and countersigned by the above. 1 p. (81. 26.)
Sir Thomas Egerton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 13. I return unto you the strange letter you sent me. This our age brings forth strange examples. It seems to be the time long ago foretold, fæcunda culpæ secula. God bless our most gracious Sovereign from all that wish or think her evil, and keep you in health long to serve her.—13 August, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord Keeper.” ½ p. (81. 27.)
Patrick Tipper to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 13. As agent for the gentlemen freeholders and others of the county of Kildare, he prays for payment of the sum of over 2,000l. due since 1595 upon her Majesty's account. Details ineffectual proceedings he has already taken, and reasons for the payment.
Desires to deliver to Cecil, either personally or by writing, his opinion in some points touching the "reformation and good government of the county of Kildare within the English pale.—13 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 28.)
Sir Anthony Sentleger to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 13. Has formerly advertised Cecil of his mishap in coming from Chester. As he cannot set his foot to the ground he is disabled from attending Cecil. Prays that he may for a time repair to Leeds Castle, Kent, whence he will return as soon as he is able.—My lodging within Ludgate, 13 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 29.)
Richard Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, August 14. This bearer Mr. Merick, late agent in these parts, can so well advertise of the state of all things here, that I may spare so needless a trouble. I do hear of many ambassadors looked for by the Emperor; amongst others, the Emperor of Germany his ambassador is expected to come with a great train, whose countenance and outside, I hope, promises more than so great a cost and comber can deserve. Business of that nature betwixt princes of so differing a nature may easier come to the hammering of words than to any pleasing or sound conclusions, specially where there is on either side so great opposition of jealousy, pride and suspicion, and yet the thirsting after glory in the one, and the beggary, with the practice of Spain in the other, may be great motives and spurs to such a match. But of this and the rest committed to my service, a little more time will discover the success. The Emperor of Muscovia was sending, since my coming, certain commissioners to the King of Denmark, rather to confer of injuries offered than hope of better amity. But, as I hear, these commissioners are stayed for this year. “Happely” her Majesty's sending me hither hath been the cause of their sudden stay, notwithstanding they were come down, ready to pass, at my arrival. Surely it makes my ears to glow to hear of sundry "indignities that this King of Denmark hath offered to her Majesty, which partly I hear from the best of these parts, being this Emperor's subjects, as in their visitation to me I have sundry times discovered. It is no small dishonour to her Majesty and her kingdom that the King of Denmark, by stockfish threats, should draw from the merchants that trade to these parts any toll, which, though little, yet it will argue a right where there is none, neither by custom nor ancient precedent. Unto the Emperor of Muscovia (who challenges as great a right as the Dane in these parts), it may argue weakness and fear in us, besides that he is much displeased any such toll should be yielded to his enemy, specially in these parts where the trade is only to the Emperor's dominions, upon no better reason than the fear of some few merchants, preferring safety before her Majesty's honour, or common justice. But, Sir, if it be not called back in time, he will take this but as an earnest of a better bargain, to our loss every way. And how easily, without peril, it may be undone, I refer unto your wisdom, whenas he has neither power by sea, nor places fortified by land to annoy us, and if he should provide for both hereafter, the cost would exceed the profit. I write not all what I hear of this King's blustering threats, specially after a “slape drunck,” where I leave him. For my going into Sweden, I shall follow my directions. If for my stay of that journey be any tempering before I go, I protest I am no ways guilty thereof. Charge it must be, and I think not much; I will husband it the best I can. And how it may now be called back I see not, whenas I am persuaded that the news of her Majesty's sending into Sweden is there ere this. And whensoever her Majesty shall send of purpose, the charge will be far greater by odds. All resolutions of princes are weighed more by honour than private respects, and when they come both into the balance, all privates are cast out. After a long and miserable journey by sea, where we found June and July as bitter as the coldest winter in England, besides some other extremities we met withal, after all which we arrived here at Archangel the 30 of July, where for my first welcome I fell sick of an ague, with some other troublesome accidents, but I hope the worst is past, and that God will suffer me to live till I may do her Majesty some service for these infinite favours I have received, as also the care I have to do somewhat worthy of my country. I am to entreat your favour in the behalf of this gentleman, Mr. Merick, late agent here, that he may by your good means present to her Majesty by his own hands that letter which he brings from the Emperor. He has carried himself here with wonderful judgment and discretion, with such credit with the Emperor as never any Englishman had the like, both for honest pleasing of him and provident care of his own country's profit. He has left one Mr. Barnes in his place, the company will no whit repent their choice, and when they shall be driven to choose they will not meet with the like.—Archangel, 14 August, 1600.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (81. 30.)
Kateryn, Lady Poulett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 14. As to the affairs of Jersey, it was advised to send into the West country to her brother Pawlett, who is well acquainted with her husband's business, to repair to Cecil; and she thinks Cecil will hear of him before long. Meantime, as Cecil requires haste, she has written to Captain Fortescue in London, who served her husband long in the island, and should know the state of it well, to wait upon Cecil. If Cecil sends for him to her brother Edward Norreys's house in London, he may be the sooner satisfied.
As the year was almost spent when her husband died, and the Michaelmas rents of the island are the chiefest profits of the year, she prays for the rents that are then to come in, towards the great charges she is driven to by this unhappy occasion.—Ricott, 14 August, 1600.
Signed. 2 pp. (81. 32.)
H. Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 14. For the matter of Jersey, cannot perfectly remember that any instructions were given to Sir Anthony Pawlett when he entered on that place after his father's death, but that he had a patent like his father's. For the 300l. yearly paid to the L. H. Seimour, it was by an agreement made by Lord Chancellor Hatton. He well remembers that at several times directions have been given and warrants made for the fortifications there, as will appear upon Sir Anthony Pawlett's accounts, and the privy seals for them. Besides, Pawle Ivy was lastly employed in those fortifications, and can best inform how far her Majesty was charged, and how far the islanders, with their labours and days' works. Hereof the clerks of the Council are best able to satisfy Cecil, upon perusal of the Council books, those directions being from the Council. That the Captain was tied to find either soldiers or gunners, he does not remember. Gives directions where further information may be found.—Eston Lodge, 14 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 33.)
John [Thornborough], Bishop of Limerick, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 14. You may be pleased to pardon my boldness, writing my better remembrance of matter touching the Desmond here, and of some conference between Captain Lea and myself, wherewith I rather adventure to trouble you than by silence to seem defective in duty. I call to mind that, a little before the revolt in Munster, the Lady Desmond, married to Conor Sleigo, mother to him in the Tower, lived some few weeks in Munster, and was feared of the English subject then in peace, to practise troubles to those parts. At the self-same time there were divers Irish gentlemen in London, who had daily resort to the Desmond then in Tower, having then, as I remember, liberty of Tower. These were reported afterwards to have practised the escape of Desmond, for which cause, upon my knowledge, your father commanded Morice Fitz Gibbon, eldest son to the White Knight, to the Gate House in Westminster. These things your wisdom can use to her Majesty's best advantage, in her princely gift of liberty and honour to him. Of whom for my part I will mistrust nothing, but upon consideration of the man and manner of that country, do conclude great hope of much good by this means. Only I pray you not to dislike my presumption in writing privately to you, what I further conceive in this action, for better assurance of Desmond's faithfulness, and for less fear of Irish practice when he comes among them. You may be pleased to call to mind the oath of association which was voluntarily undergone here in England as well of the best as mean subject. Desmond may be told of it, by someone who may be secretly employed about him to that purpose, whereby he may be persuaded, having no other nor better pledge to put in for assurance to her Majesty than honour and honesty, voluntarily to offer at Council table his oath of allegiance to her Highness, which voluntary action may be persuaded him to induce her Majesty and Council to heap honour upon him, as he might farther deserve. In meantime, I am verily persuaded that the rebel of Ireland who upon Desmond's coming thither doth not return to obedience, will the more fear and less dare to trust Desmond or to practise to withdraw him. Besides, if he should falsify his oath, his own would never trust him, nay himself would scarce trust himself. It would make him more hot upon the rebel, and the rebel more hating him, after which will follow less fear of confederacy, for this his voluntary oath will be known to Tyrone and to all others of that kingdom. Farther, I am to advertise you that at my coming from Court, Captain Lea told me that he had intelligence by such as conversed with the rebels of Ireland that they assuredly expected the Spaniard there, and that then all Tipperary and Kilkenny would revolt, and that the best Irish subjects would then play their parts. And among others he named the Earl of Ormond. I wished him to acquaint you with all his knowledge herein : he answered me that he should no more be believed than a dog. It may be that if you vouchsafe to speak with him he will utter all his knowledge. And verily, for my part, I was ever persuaded that he knew as much of the secrecies of the Irish rebel as any subject of Ireland, and more too. If my business had not called me from Court, I had entered into all his mind. Your wisdom may make use of him for her Majesty's service without revealing me to him.—York, 14 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (81. 34.)
Sir Thomas Gerrard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 14. I arrived here this evening at 8 of the clock, and found the Ambassador lodged, and in regard it was late and they willing to take their rest, I have forborne to trouble them till to-morrow. They have a merchant of ours come with them, yet knows not of their embassage, neither what they carry with them. To-morrow the tide will serve to bring them up by five of the clock in the evening, and then I will make some stay with them, to see them furnished of such necessaries as they want, and so will leave Mr. Prym with them, and the next morning I will wait on you at Court.—Gravesend, Thursday night.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Tho. Gerrard. 1600, 14 Aug. The Barbery Embassador arrived at Gravesend.” 1 p. (81. 35.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Aug. 14. On behalf of his cousin, Captain Lee. Prays Cecil to move the Queen for Captain Lee's pardon, after three years' imprisonment. Gives assurance of his faith, duty and allegiance, in which Sir William Russell and others will not refuse to join. Recommends Mr. Pryce for a benefice.—From the Savoy, 14 August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (81. 36.)
Mrs. Dorothy Killigrewe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 14. Requesting that her husband John Killigrew may be protected from arrests in other suits pending his appearance before their Honours.—14 of August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” Seal. 1 p. (181. 1.)