Cecil Papers: July 1600, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1600, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp217-235 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1600, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp217-235.

"Cecil Papers: July 1600, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp217-235.

July 1600, 1–15

Thomas, Lord Burghley and Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 1. On Friday last, they consulted upon some course for upholding the works at Keswycke, until Mr. Beale and the rest of the Company might meet at a full Court in Michaelmas term to resolve whether to continue or relinquish them. But of all that were warned, only Mr. Smythe and Mr. Towlderbie came to the meeting, so that nothing could be concluded : only the Dutch directors (being by the Commissioners ordered to make provision of peats, coals and other fuel for next winter) were importunate suitors that, the provisions being already bespoken, they may be supplied with 200l. for payment thereof. The writers used their best means to have Mr. Gamadge, their treasurer, present, but could by no means work it. They therefore beg Cecil to command Gamadge, according to the enclosed warrant, to disburse the money upon the Dutchmen's bonds, whereby the works and workmen may be upheld.—London, 1 July, 1600.
Endorsed :—“The L. Burghley and L. Cobham. For your Honour's warrant to Mr. Gamadg, Treasurer of the Royal Mines, to pay 200l. to the Dutch directors.” 1 p. (80. 74.)
1600, July 1. Intelligence from Mr. Draper, the 26 of June, 1600. Father Jarkhie met with Captain Tyrrell at a place called Caun Mone, betwixt Ophaly and Mageoghaghen's country. Tyrrell was newly returned from making of a prey in some part of Delvyn, he brought with him great store of garrans and some 36 cows. His forces were 400 foot and about 18 horsemen. That night Father Jarkhie delivered your L. answer to him, he heard it with great attention, but at that time made no manner of answer.
The next morning his brother, William Tyrrell, and himself were in secret consultation by the space of one hour and an half.
At the end thereof Jarkhie was called for and had this answer, none being present but they three.
I do humbly thank my L. Deputy for that it hath pleased his Lordship to yield hearing to my dutiful motion of conformity and obedience to my prince : and, where his L. demandeth speedy and plain resolution from me of that which I purpose to do, and withal, that I should not use delay or dissimulation to win time, I do here in the presence of God protest (and with that he put off his hat with many solemn vows and imprecations) that I will never temporize or dissemble with his L. I have no disposition to do it; I have no occasion to urge me to it. Were that faction I now follow so weakened and driven to extremity as that of force I should be constrained to seek succour from some other, yet I thank God I have my limbs of body and faculties of mind to perform the parts of a soldier, and in any place to live by my sword and service in a gentleman's reputation, and can at all times, if such extremity overtake me, put 1,000l. in my purse for my better maintenance either in Spain, France or any other place where service and valour is esteemed. And therefore I do humbly beseech his honourable Lordship to be persuaded that I will use neither dissimulation nor second intentions, but what I offer I mean with all dutiful and hearty affection to my best ability to perform : only, I crave of his L. competent and fit time for the compass and accomplishment of my proffers and service; for, as they be great, so must they of necessity have good leisure and space for their frame and performance. For mine own particular estate, I crave nothing of her Majesty or his Lordship but mercy for my faults and safety of my life, which safety cannot be procured without I be enabled to serve, the means whereof I do in all dutiful submission betake and betrust to his Lordship's honourable consideration. But before I grow to any conclusion, I have conceived a plot of pacification for Leinster, which shall procure (if his Lordship entertain it) no indignity to her Majesty, great honour to himself, peace to the country and a speedy end to this miserable war. They are but motions made with duty, and no conditions set down with arrogance. His Lordship may cull out my presumptions if any there be, and of the rest give his allowance and approbation, as in his better judgment he shall think good.
The motions are these :—
The Mores, the Cavenaghes, the Byrnes, the Dempsies, the Doymes, the Moloyes, the Conners, the Malaghlyns and the Mageogheghans, with the chiefest of the Breynie, I will undertake with a little help to bring in to my L. Deputy, and that they shall put in their best pledges not only for their obedience, but also for their dutiful service either against Tyrone, Spain, France, Scotland, or any other place where it shall please her Highness to employ them, upon these conditions, that they may have their pardons for that which is past, and stand secure of their lives; and also that such and so much of their [lands? word omitted as hath not been disposed of by her Majesty, sister, brother, or father, may remain and be in their quiet possession, they paying for them so much rent and service as by her Majesty and your Lordship shall be thought fit and just.
Further, I do crave that all wrongs and abuses of concealed lands may be looked into, and that her Majesty will take order that all underhand dealing and injustice used in those matters may be according to justice and equity revoked.
Also I beseech his L. to consider of such lands and castles as have been forsaken by their owners, and now possessed by them in action : and what reason her Majesty may have, with great expence of subjects, treasure and munition, to recover lands for them that, having the said lands in gift from her Majesty, would never put their helping hands either to suppress the rebels or to defend their patrimonies.
Father Jarkhie demanded of Tyrrell whether he had acquainted any of his confederates with this motion or no. He answered that none of them knew of any such intention, but if it might please your L. to like thereof, he would with as much speed as a matter of such weight and secrecy could admit, sound their dispositions : such as would be conformable, he would undertake for; those whom he found stubborn, he would apprehend and send to your Lordship.
He doth most earnestly crave secrecy, and upon answer from your Lordship on these public matters, he will deliver in his full determination for himself.
In Father Jarkhie's presence, Owen McRorie's messenger delivered a letter from his master to Captain Tyrrell. The beginning of the letter he showed Father Jarkhie : it contained two points—the first was the apprehension of titulary Desmond, and the second was whether it were not good for them to crave a time of cessation from your Lordship. For the first, he was sorry; and for the second, he did not acquaint Father Jarkhie with his resolution.
Father Jarkhie heard there of a great skirmish at the bridge of Dunkelleen, between the Lord of Dunkellen and O'Donell, O'Conour Dun, O'Conour Roe, O'Conour Sligo and McWilliam Yeighter. Great store of men killed of both sides.
Tyrell utterly denies that ever he sent to Sir Theobald Dillon to speak with him. Scorns and reviles him. Agreeth with Sir Byngham's opinion of Theobald Dillon's either honesty or valour.
Endorsed :—“Intelligence from Mr. Draper. 1 Julii, 1600.” 4 pp. (180. 132.)
Nicholas Hayman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 1. Begs for employment for the bearer, his eldest son Robert, a Bachelor of Arts of Oxford, who has also studied at Poitiers.—Dartmouth, 1 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 4.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Lord Cobham.
1600, July 2. I received a letter the last day from Sir Walter Raweleighe by his servant, and within three hours after wrote him answer thereof, purposing to return the same unto him by that messenger, but could never since hear of him, which is very strange to me. Therefore I enclose the same to you, praying you to convey it to him.—Court at Greenwich, 2 July, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord Admiral.” ½ p. (251. 119.)
Richard Poulett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 3. Has received the Council's letters, requiring him to furnish a light horse for service in Ireland. His estate is so decayed that he is unable to perform acceptable service. For 20 years he has had continual troubles and suits at law with Mr. George Puttenham, who married Lady Windsor his grandmother, and Sir John Throckmerton, Puttenham's brother. He was sheriff the year her Majesty made her last progress into Hampshire, which cost him 400l. for arrearages, besides his charges. Afterwards his dwelling-house was burned, and all his goods, to the worth of 3,000l. or more. There was, last of all, the great grief and loss by the taking away of his good father-in-law, Sir Henry Wallop, and his lady, in that unhappy country of Ireland, who, if he had lived, would have relieved him. He is forced to live obscure, scarce able to maintain like estate with the meanest of gentlemanly calling. Prays therefore to be spared these and the like charges.—3 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 113.)
Sir John Haryngton to [? Sir Robert Cecil] .
1600, July 3. I was very lately charged, by a noble person, before as noble a person, and from a great Lady, to have been the informer to her Majesty of the names and number of those knights that were made after the 4th of August, as though I had only upon my memory presumed to set down the certain time when they were made. I do not often boast of my memory, to remember more than others can remember. I could rather boast that I can forget that which few use to forget (I mean a shrewd turn). But to discharge me of that suspicion that some men's malice, or at least misconstruction, has sought to lay upon me, I have acquainted the two great Lords (I mean the Earl of Northumberland and Rutland), how earnestly I had dealt with your Honour, and how very honourably you dealt with us all in that matter, and for their private satisfaction I have undertaken to show them, both the note I gave you and the letter I wrote to you in that business, which if it might please you to let me have, I were much bound to you therefore.—3 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 121.)
Bernabie Danvers, Mariner, to the Queen.
1600, July 3. Has received letters to the Justices of Northumberland for relief according to the last statute provided for maimed soldiers. Prays for help towards the journey thither.—Endorsed :—“3 July, 1600.”
1 p. (P. 1354.)
E., Lord Morley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 4. Acknowledges Cecil's favour in preserving his credit. Touching Cecil's pleasure for the releasing of Sharpe, upon his submission to him, he will most willingly assent thereto.—London, 4 July, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 118.)
Sir Geffrey Fenton to [? Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, July 4. Prays for licence to go to London to seek remedy for a cold. In that time he will not be idle in the affairs of Ireland. Encloses a letter from the Lord Deputy and Council in his behalf, to be used in furthering his private suit.—4 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 123.)
The Master of Gray to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 4/14. Recommends these two gentlemen, his cousins, who are returning to their country, for passports.—Paris, 14 July, st. no., 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Master of Grey.” 1 p. (251. 131.)
John Birde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 5. Albeit the schoolman Pindarus saith, Scire et tacere saepe inter Homines sapientissimum est, yet your favourable acceptancy of my last humble lines hath embolden me to unfold the substance of a cursory course of speech of an Irish native, a servant of the Lord President.—This 5th of July, 1600.
[P.S.]—Through heavy losses by hard measures in Sir John Perrott's misgovernment that knew me not, I am ready to perish in prison of merciless usurers, which may be soon holpen by your good favour.
Holograph. Seal. 1 pp. (180. 133.)
Wm. Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 5. Since mine of June 28, I have received yours of the 22nd in behalf of Edward Anthony, wherein I have done my best, but find the Mayor and his brethren have determined from henceforth to authorise their town clerk but from year to year : and he must be a man that has some experience in the law, whereof, as they understand, Anthony is unskilful, and therefore have given him his answer.
As yet the Guyana is not arrived here. By such as came in her company from the Downs, I understand that on Sunday last she anchored near Portsmouth with a flyboat, as it is said, being her prize; and that the captain reported he would write thence to the Court and attend answer before departing thence. Her victuals are here ready to be laden as soon as she comes. Of her Majesty's ships that departed hence, I hear no farther news.—Plymouth, 5 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 93.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 5. From Dover I am advertised that there are 24 soldiers from the camp before Newport, most part of them being either lieutenants, sergeants or ancients. It seems they come to be suitors for men, that their companies may be supplied. Those of Dover marvelled to see such a company of able men come over now, having no other occasion than to have their companies supplied; which might as well have been procured from hence by the solicitation of three as of all those. But the more suspicion grew of their coming because the officers demanding to see their pass, they refused to show it; and, according to their instructions, meaning to have stayed them until I had been advertised of them, they refusing also to be stayed, told the officers they would answer it before the lords. From thence I am written unto, to know what hereafter shall be done in the like case. I pray to receive direction, for if this course be allowed, I shall not be able hereafter to execute her Majesty's commands. — Blackfriars, 5 July, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (251. 114.)
Sir Fr. Ruisshe to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, July 5.] Complains of having been put by a certain place, when he hoped to have equal command with others of his rank. Seeing the height of all his fortunes, time and industry is likely to be the bare private command of 100 men, he has reason rather to stay at home and live poorly, than helpless and hopeless to live as ill abroad, in daily danger of war's accidents. Prays Cecil to be a mean to the Queen to grace him in some kind : else he cannot return : for in that kind he holds himself disgraced.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“5 July, Sir Fra. Rushe.” 1 p. (251. 122.)
Ra. Wyseman to the Council.
1600, July 5. Acknowledges their letters of June 29 requiring him to furnish one light horse for service in Ireland. He has been extraordinarily charged, more than others of as great ability, disbursing a loan of 100l., which few in the County of Essex have done. Also, upon the Council's letters to the Commissioners for Musters for reducing the “footbands into lesser numbers, they have appointed his son a captain of 200 men, and it will be a great charge to furnish him. He therefore prays to be spared the present service.—Ryvenhall, 5 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 108.)
Lod. Bryskett to Sir John Stanhope.
1600, July 6. Encloses a view of the overthrow of his poor estate, which he begs Stanhope to present to the Queen, whereby she shall yet find him to be an honest man, whatever any may have suggested to the contrary.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“6 July, 1600.” ½ p. (80. 76.)
The Enclosure :
Note of debts owing by him to Sir Henry Wallop for money borrowed of him in Ireland, to Richard Hoper, Sir William Russell and others : total, 204l. Note follows as to the extremities to which he is reduced : “A grievous end to my 25 years service.” Asks for her Majesty's favourable licence.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (80. 75.)
Henry Leighe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 6. Prays Cecil to remember his misery to her Majesty's mercy. Howsoever his offence may seem in show, in substance it is little, and he trusts her Majesty will be satisfied with his long imprisonment. Without her favour he desires not to live, yet till she be better pleased, he will suffer according to his duty : only craving leave to go to church, and sometime to go abroad with his keeper to take the air. He begs that some may receive his pension to his use, to supply his present want.—The Gatehouse, 6 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 105.)
Anthony Crompton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, July 6.] Prays for letters of recommendation to Sir Francis Vere for employment. He served under Vere divers years, till his desire to serve her Majesty made him leave a certain fortune, and be the messenger of that despatch which he brought to Lord Burghley before the journey of Cales.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600, July 6. Captain Crompton.” 1 p. (251. 116.)
Arthur Middelton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 7. The 6th inst. I received your letter. Being destitute of money for shipping of men, I have taken up of Mr. Stallenge 5l., which I was enforced to do because the fleet was gone before my arrival to Plymouth. I have taken up here 30 men, so am now fully furnished. I purpose to set sail to-morrow, and to proceed with all possible speed.—Plymouth, 7 July, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“CaptainMyddleton.” 1 p. (251. 99.)
The Fellows of Peterhouse, Cambridge, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 7. The Queen, by her letters of June 12, required them, the Society of Peterhouse, to pre-elect Robert Rayment as a fellow probationer in their college. No place being void, and two already chosen beforehand, they have deferred the execution of this command till they should have manifested their just causes of impediment to her, by Cecil's mediation. They beg him to peruse their allegations, and to beseech her to accept of the bounden duty which they have to observe those statutes inviolate which she has established. Two of their company are ready to attend Cecil to give particulars.—Peterhouse in Cambridge, 7 July, 1600.
Signed :—John Blithe, Thomas Moigne, Thomas Baughe, Leonard Mawe, Andrew Byng, Roger Derhame, Robert Kidson, Thomas Cordell, Walter Curll, Andrew Perne, Timothy Revett, Hugh Poole. Endorsed :—“The Fellows of Peterhouse in Cambridge.” 1 p. (251. 103.)
The Enclosure :
Allegations why the Society of Peterhouse have hitherto deferred to pre-elect Robert Rayment, Bachelor of Arts, fellow of their College.
2 pp. (251. 104.)
T., Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, [July 7]. Not knowing whether any letters be come to you with this packet to me, I send you these. I pray you tomorrow bring them with you. Touching victual, you know we have already settled that business with as much care and foresight as may be, so as that part of the letters needs no further consideration, only we must devise that beer may be provided, and boats for making fisher boats, for without they can hope for no fish, which would be a great help unto them. But you see we must provide a surety and staple in gross certain of meal, butter and some cheese from hence, and not to hope of uncertain victuals there which accidentally may come unto them, but thereon we must not ground our provisions from hence. I would Sir Jeffry Fenton were despatched away, for you know divers supplies of those wants which are required to be furnished for Lafoile [? Lough Foyle] are undertaken to be done by him from Dublin; and ere he can be at Dublin, and ere they can be sent from Dublin to Lafoile, will spend a great time. You know he promises to send merchants for beer to Dublin, and deal boards for storehouses, but I will write also to the Mayor of Chester to procure some merchants to carry beer from Chester to Lafoile or to Carikfargus, or to carry malt to Carikfargus and to brew it there, and when our victuallers return I will deal with them also about it, and I will write also to Newcomen, who is so busy to provide other victual for Lafoile, which is needless, to provide some beer from Dublin.—This Monday, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“July 7. Lo. Treasurer.” 1 p. (251. 109.)
Anna Palavicino to [? Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, July 7. Expresses her gratitude for the care and affection which he has displayed towards her husband, herself and their children. She sends the testament, and another witnessed writing. In these he will see all. She will be guided by his advice, and esteem herself happy to have fallen into the hands of such honourable friends.—Baberham, 7 July, 1600.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (251. 126.)
Sir William Windesor to the Earl of Essex.
1600, July 8. I intend to report to your Lordship the late prosperous success of our Northern enterprise. The army put from Chester the 23 of April, and arrived at Carrickfergus the 27 of the same, where we stayed for the ships coming from Dublin until the 5 of May, the 12 of which month we put to sea for Lough Foyle. The 15 day after, we landed at a neck of land upon the straightening of the river, named Kilmore, in Odoorde's country, without any resistance. The morrow after, Sir John Chamberlayn was sent with 800 foot and 100 horse to discover the country, who was fought withal at his coming back, but not to any purpose. The next day Odoorde sent to speak with the governor, with some shew of his desire to come in, but their talk was short and to no effect, which he made shew was by means of one of Odonel's people that was by, before whom he durst not say anything. After they break off, the rebels drew down upon the bog, with shew of great desire to fight, which the governor willingly entertained, but they presently fell off, and the governor returned to Kilmoor. After there had been a trench cast up, and the fort made tenable, 6 companies being left to finish the work, the governor with the rest upon the 22 of May marched to the Derrey, a place sweetly situated, standing high, upon the same side of the river as Kilmor is of, and 3 mile from it, a bog between two points of the river, through which, a trench being cut, it may be made an island. In our march we were not fought with at all; although Odonell lay encamped within 3 miles, he never showed himself. The next day, our men being sent to cut wood, they fell into an ambush of the enemy which were laid there, but nothing engaged in it, by means they were circumspect, suspecting what happened. They entertained skirmish till seconds came in on both parts. The fight was excellently maintained for 2 hours' space, our men still gaining ground till they beat them clean out of the wood, killed divers of them, and hurt many, we having received very little hurt; cut and brought home our wood, and for ever since have had it free. The 29 of May, Sir John Chamberlayn was sent over the water into Ocan's country, with 1,000 foot and 60 horse, to draw the rebels that way he should go, which was to Ocan's Castle, that by that means Sir Arthur Onel, who before had sent word that that day he would come in, might have the quieter passage, who though he came not then, yet did the drawing over of our men happen happily, for they fell into fight with Ocan, beat him, put them from the bog, forced them take a ford, followed them, and drew them through a great fastness, and but for their footmanship there had few escaped, notwithstanding it is known they lost divers, many being killed with the sword, our loss likewise being very small, to the great encouragement of our new men, and to the great discomfiture of Ocan and his people, who will not since deal with us if he may avoid it. The 1 of June, Sir Arthur Onel came to the governor, who since his coming hath stood us in good stead, in regard we had no guides, nor no intelligence before he came, and himself hath shewed himself very forward. The 2 of June, there was 2 companies put into a castle of Odoorde's, which standeth between the Derrey and Lough Sullo, 2 miles from Derrey, and 3 from the other lough, upon which standeth another castle of Odoorde's, into which there shall a ward very shortly be put, and then the whole country of Odoorde's is free. We have made journeys into his country, and find it all quitted, which was when we came excellently well inhabited.
Toron the 12 of June came up secretly to Straban, and lodged that night nigh the wood where we fought the first day. Odonel he lodged between the castle where our ward was and us. They sat down about midnight, and the morning sent horse to give us an alarum, and to see whether we would be drawn out, finding before that we used often to fall out when any of our stragglers were beaten in, or upon other such occasion, but their expectation was prevented, by means of a man that had seen them lodged the night, came in to Sir Arthur Onell and gave notice of their practice, which prevented, they broke out of their ambushes, and drew to Straban. The 15 of June, some horsemen coming to drive out horses from feeding, one of them being Odonel's kinsman, was shot from his horse, brought in by our foot and instantly hanged. The 21 of June, Sir John Chamberlayn was likewise sent with 1,000 foot, who went by shipping to the harbour mouth, where he landed upon Ocan's side to his best conveniency, 200 light foot first, who were sent into the country first and recovered a very great prey, who were met by the rest of the forces, and brought it to the shipping, where we were forced for want of means to transport them, to kill and spoil and drown those that would not swim.
The 29 of June, there came intelligence from the castle, where the 2 companies lay, that there were 200 foot and some horse of the rebels discovered in the country, and that some of the ward were drawn out to fight with them, whereupon the governor drew out such horses as could speediest be made ready, appointing 1,000 foot, with the rest of the horse, to make what speed they could : the governor and the rest who were with him riding before so fast that when they came near the enemy their horses were most spent. Sir John Chamberlayn's horse being best in breath, he strove to gain the “hayth” of the hill before the rebels should be possessed of it, but ere he could attain it, some of them were got up, whom he presently charged, and shot off his pistol. At his wheeling about his horse was shot in two places, who presently fell, and before any of the rest of the horse could come in he was slain, but fought to the end, showing sufficient resolution even to the coming up of the governor, who at his first approach had his horse shot dead under him. The rebels instantly forsook his body, who by means of the weariness of our horses, together with the night's approach, escaped at that time.
The first of July, the governor went by shipping to Dunolonge, with Sir John Bouls his regiment to plant them there, being up the river 3 miles nearer Strabane on Ocan's side. They landed the next morning, and the morrow after going for wood, the rebels being possessed of it, they fell into skirmish. Our men beat them from thence and killed and hurt divers.
Toron, at our coming to Dunolong, quitted Straban, and lodged with 1,200 foot one mile nearer Dunolong, but since this skirmish in the wood, he hath removed back to Straban, having divided his forces, retaining 600 with himself, the other lay encamped attending us upon Ocan's side between Dunolong and the Derrey. He hath sent for the borderers of the Black Water, who have answered him, Sir Samuel Bagnall so continually annoys them that all they can do is little enough to defend those parts. He hath likewise sent for Maguier, who is not yet come. Odonell is newly come to him, who since his going from us hath been in Conothe, and hath lost there Uleck Burke, but what hurt he hath done there is not certainly known here.—Derrey, 8 July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sr. W. Wyndsor from the Derry to the E. of E.” 3 pp. (71. 40.)
Rice Jones, Mayor, to the Council.
1600, July 8. According to their letter of 25 June, has provided shipping and necessaries for the transportation of 30 horses from this port to Ireland. Has received their letter of the 5th inst., that there may come 10 or 12 more, and that they have appointed all the horses to be here on the 25th inst. He will make provision accordingly.—Bristol, 8 July, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mayor of Bristol.” ½ p. (80. 80.)
Sir Anthony Sherley to the Earl of Essex.
1600, July 8. I am plunged in grief to hear of your Lordship's misfortunes, but my devotion to you is as great as ever. This gentleman, Mr. Merwik, hath given me, next after God, my liberty and life in this barbarous country of Muskovya. You owe it to him, therefore, that I can still offer both to your service.—Arkangel, this 8 of July.
Holograph. Endorsed .—1600. 1 p. (180. 134.)
Wm. Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 9. After despatching my last letter on Saturday, here arrived the Guyana, and the same night I delivered all her victuals aboard, so that she might presently have proceeded on her voyage, had she not wanted near 30 men of her company. The captain has done his best, and has in all aboard 73 persons. This last night the ship departed hence. Towards providing these men I have delivered to the captain 5l., which I thought better to be done than that the rest should lie here consuming their victuals, which might overthrow the voyage. I have sent in the ship a servant of my own which lately came from Bayon. I hope he will effect what, according to your command, I have given him in charge.
I doubt not but you very well know the disorders of mariners, and when things are dispersed they are very hardly recovered again, so that it is convenient some order be given for preserving anything that shall be sent in concerning this service before the same arrive, for afterwards it will be too late for anything that may be easily carried away. It is meet the commission be sufficient for the staying and receiving of anything had in the voyage, and also to commit to prison any that shall misdemean themselves concerning the same : the said commission not to be given to many, and may be kept secret until there be cause to use thereof. My L. Admiral's officers no doubt will be very forward if anything come, but chiefly for their own profit.—Plymouth, 9 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 101.)
The Enclosure :
Receipt of Richard Morhowse, purser, given to William Stallenge, for provisions of biscuit, beef, dried Newland fish, and butter, towards the victualling of 80 men aboard the Guyana.—Plymouth, 5 July, 1600.
½ p.
Sir John Rooper to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] July 9. Respecting the purchase by Cecil from him of a certain house.—9 July.
Endorsed :—“1600, Sir Jhon Rooper.” 1 p. (251. 106.)
Ed. Cecyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, before July 10.] I have little occasion to advertise you of our business here, considering such messengers as now arrive with you, that there are few can better satisfy you than they : yet because you shall know that you have a nephew that would be loth you should forget him, and how much he thirsts after your favour, and how much he desires to do you service. Here we poor men that labour for a fortune are much encouraged to see so many of our nobility here, which gives a great deal of grace to us and our camp, which otherwise is as miserable as may be, neither affording man's meat or horse's meat, which will force us to go seek somewhere else. I have heretofore troubled you in the difficulty I found in obtaining my company of horse, and was very nigh the going without it : but as I believed, so I found : which was, that if I got it not for your sake, I looked not for it : as I may very well say by the favour I found from the Advocate Barnewell, who did me all the favour I found at all, saying that I had good cause to thank you, and that for your sake he would favour me in anything he could. Wherefore I beseech you to take notice of that much, that the Advocate may not only know that I have acquainted you with it, but also that you regard me so much.—From the Leger before the Forte of Isebella.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“July, 1600. Captain Cecil from the camp in Flanders.” 1 p. (251. 30.)
Sir Fard. Gorges, Richard Champbrnown and Ew. Seymour to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 10. According to the Council's directions they have proceeded in justice with the three young men brought in by Captain Carpenter, who have willingly made their protestations of allegiance and accepted the oath of supremacy. Notwithstanding, not knowing what farther matters Cecil may have against them, and having so convenient a means without her Majesty's charge, they thought fit to send these two to Cecil, having taken bond of Carpenter for their delivery. They detain the third, Griffith, in custody of Gorges until they know Cecil's pleasure.—Exon, July 10', 1600.
Signed. Endorsed :—“The Justices of Peace of Devonshire.” 1 p. (80. 81.)
Ja. Gerald to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 10. Two things as ever I will submit myself to your direction is to be considered upon : the one, how I should subscribe to the letters whereof you have the copies : and the other, from what place. I desire to observe truth in all things, and therefore I beseech you to direct me how I may carry myself : and for my subscription, except the name that I now carry (I am so jealous of her Highness' displeasure) that if you signify not unto me particularly in writing that her Highness has allowed me a new title, I will rather offend you in not but as I now write myself subscribing, than incurring her Highness' further jealousy, which the world shall know has lain too heavy upon me in my deceiving of the worst constructions, and confirming the charitable opinions of better humours.—Undated.
[P.S.]—Your resolutions of my despatch enforces me to importune your favour on what terms I stand, and to crave that what her Majesty will allow me to be intimated, that by receiving that she will allow I may suit myself and followers, without which my own debts, though but little, will be a hindrance to further trust, and without having receipt of it of more charge.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600, July 10. James Fitzgerald.” 1 p. (251. 96.)
Ja. Gerald to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 10. I send by this bearer, John Power, the advertisement of a letter which by Edmond Fitz John I am induced to write, unto Florence McCarthy, not that I have altered the opinion which I gave before you, for that therein I am still very constant, but holding it, if one may make a benefit of his barbarous inconstancy towards her Highness, for the present better to embrace him than omit his use. There is one John Fitz Redmond who now keeps most stir in those parts, that her Highness' mercy and your favour command me unto, that Power would have me write unto, which Edmond Fitz John is against. The reason, as I hear, is some matter of land that John Fitz Edmonds has now of his, which he thinks his coming in will recover. For my own part I protest, as I shall be saved, my ends are and shall be to do her Highness true service, and not to maintain factions. If you hold it fit that I should write to him, by the conference that you shall have with Power of John Fitz Redmond's sufficiency, I will obey you.—From the Tower, 10 July, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“James Fitz Gerald.” 1 p. (251. 97.)
Thomas Holcroft to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 11. Has been wronged to the Queen by the most unjust petition of Mistress Isabel Holcroft, widow, but procured by the malice of Sir Edward Fitton, to hinder him from present trial of his rights. Prays Cecil to be a means to the Queen that he may proceed to trial these next assizes at Lancaster : since the lack of trial has often procured many disorders in Lancashire, of which some are now complained of by him in the Court of Star Chamber. Begs him to permit the bearer, Mr. Edward Dod, to acquaint him with the circumstances.—Valeroyall, July 11,1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 95.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 11. This forenoon here arrived from Calais divers gentlemen of Germany, whose names I enclose. I have willed them to repair to you with this letter. Yesterday I received letters from Lord Cobham for sending up a poor Irishman, who has been 5 years in service in Spain and at Rome, for he has no money to bear the charges of a guide. I have therefore taken his oath for his present repair to you.—Dover Castle, 11 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 148.)
Enclosure :
List of names mentioned above :
Joachimus Ernestus Baro à Sonnenburg. Johannes David à Botzheim, nobilis. Erhardt von Rappelt, nobilis. Magnus Krabbe, nobilis. Hartmannus Flach, studiosus. Georgius Gestavus Aubprun, studiosus. Sebastian van Hogeneen, van de Stadt Leyden. Cornelius de Meyere, mercator.
1 p.
R[owland] Lytton to [?Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, July 12. In view of his last year's charge, he would have been a suitor for some 'ease in this Irish service; but finding (Cecil's) hand to the letter, he resolved to perform it willingly. Only he craves favour on behalf of the bearer, Mr. Henry Copcot, his neighbour and friend, who is willing to undergo this journey, but desires to be placed under some commander to whom he is already known.—Knebworth, 12 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 112.)
Isr[ael] Amyce to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 12. As to negotiations with Mr. Hunt for exchange of land in Essendon [Rutland] for land of Mr. Wymerck's in the parish of Lyndon. Extent and valuation of Boiowes Wood [parish of Tickencote, Rutland].—12 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 150.)
Edmund Standen to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 12. Six years ago he bought of Thomas Bullocke, then a gentleman usher, certain lands in Berks. William, brother of Thomas has now preferred a slanderous petition against him to the Lord Admiral, who delivered it to the Lord Keeper. The latter advised him to set down a brief of the cause, both for the manner of the purchase and title, and the proceedings therein, and to send it to all his friends. He therefore sends a copy to Cecil, and has sent one also to the Lord Admiral.—At the Rolles, 12 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 152.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 12. This afternoon arrived from Middleborough certain merchants of London (names enclosed), who report that the States which were lately at Ostend, on Monday last returned to Middleborough; and that about the same time the Grave withdrew his forces from Newport, the reason whereof is supposed for that the Grave was too weak to maintain the siege, and his soldiers daily beaten out of the trenches by the enemy in the town. And that upon Wednesday last the Grave with his forces came before Isabell Sconce, and in the afternoon began to batter the same, which is continued till this day. They also report that the Archduke has gathered new head of about 8,000, which are in readiness at Dicksmut, and that the Grave intends if he can win the Sconce, and that he may procure some fresh supplies put of England, that he will either return to Newport or else besiege Sluise, which is thought will be more easily carried.—Dover Castle, 12 July, 1600.
[P.S.]—Raphe Southerne, one of those merchants, has, as I am informed, letters to you from Sir Robert Sydney.
Endorsed :—“Dover this 12 July at 6 in thafternone. Tho. Fane : hast post hast post hast hast with spede.
Canterbury past 11 in the nighte.
[Sitt] ingborn at 3 in the morn.
[Rochest]er the 12 of July . . . . . . . . . most at 6 in the morning.”
1 p. (251. 153.)
Th. Ogle to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 13. Since the last overthrow of the enemy there hath scarce happened anything of any consequence. That which I have thought most worthy of your knowledge are the irresolute designs of the Council of our army, and the events according. Upon the 26 of June (after the old style) his Excellency (though not with his own good liking) returned to Newporte, encamped, fortified his camp, and approached by entrenchment towards the graft or ditch of the town. He raised platforms for battery, but never mounted any of his artillery. He could not fully besiege it, but the enemy had free passage to relieve it. Laburlot (that was supposed dead) came into the town with 500 men, and they might send more at pleasure. Upon new consultation, the army removed on the 8 of July, having only razed two forts without the town of no great strength. The army of the Archduke lay this while within two leagues about Dicksmenen, attending their best advantages. The second design was to come back towards Ostend, that the enemy might not prevent our safety of return, and while provision of shipping might be made for transporting the army, to attempt the fort of Isabella, which is no kind neighbour to Ostend. Before this was cannon suddenly placed about 6 pieces, trenches begun the first night (which was the same that we came from Newporte) and advanced, but now slowly forwarded. Our stay is doubtful. The artillery was this last night drawn from the trenches. The fort hath likewise a passage open, and is fed daily from their army with fresh supplies. The enemy's camp lies within a league and half of ours, or less, his strength valued 7,000. The strait passages, and multitude of dikes and waters, prevent those practices of war which neighbouring enemies are wont to endeavour. It is now said his Excellency has intelligence that the enemy will this night remove, and draw his forces towards Brabant to the frontiers of Holland, thinking thereby either to busy this army with the sconce, which he leaves well fortified with men and other provision, and also to take himself opportunity of attempting somewhat in those parts, or else by that colour to draw the Estates' army out of his country. Upon this advertisement, his Excellency has altered his determination of suddenly dislodging his camp, but seems again to intend the winning of the sconce, though his army be here but very reasonably accommodated of all manner of provision, and especially of forage for his troops of horse. It was thought he would lay his army on the other side of Ostend nearer to the enemy's camp, where he would await their enterprises, which he might do without any great danger, his number being greater and the ground of that nature that I shewed you of before. His army is strengthened with 25 companies in two regiments of Netherlanders. His strength is esteemed to be near 12,000 foot and 1,500 horse. The galleys of Sluice do very much impeach the free course of commodities that should necessarily attend the camp. On Friday last they burnt two ships, and carried away five with them that came out of Zeeland, having fought above two hours with four of the ships of war which were convoy to the other of the fleet. May it please you to excuse my boldness. I shall ever endeavour to do you those services that I can any way understand may be most acceptable unto you, till further occasion offer itself that I may (according to my vowed duty) advertise you of something more worthy.—From the Camp before Isabella, 13 July, sty. vet., 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Captain Ogle.” 2 pp. (80. 82.)
H. Hardware, Mayor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 13. Details the means he has taken to send Cecil's packet to Dublin.—Chester, 13 July, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 124.)
Sir Francis Darcy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 13. Expresses his thanks for favours shown when he had most need, and offers services.—Braynford, 13 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 151.)
Henry Leighe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 13. Begs Cecil to assist Lord Scroope, who purposes to move her Majesty in his behalf.—Sunday morning.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600, 13 July. Mr. Ha. Lee, prisoner in the Gatehouse.” ½ p. (251. 154.)
Dr. Ch. Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 14. Her Majesty in her last speech willed me to see her answer to the Dansickers, and to pray you for the sight thereof : wherewith if I might also see the letters of the Dansickers, as also that of Stoad concerning the Merchant Adventurers, I might the better conceive some course for furthering that matter agreeably to her intention. I enclose my transportation bill, which, by the tenor of the last privy seal, will need your testification. I pray you favour me therein.—Westminster, 14 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 32,)
George, Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 14. Urged by grievous necessities, I took time yesterday after dinner to move her Majesty, whose answer was, as long it has been, that her own weighty affairs will not yet afford leisure to have consideration of mine. Then I alleging, as true it is, that I as much follow this to satisfy my creditors that her Highness has some respect of me, as for the profit, I was answered with the old objection of her gracious dealing when the carrack was taken, to which I forebore to reply, resolved rather to lose the hope of it than, pleading truth, to displease. I have spent in sea journeys, I protest, 100,000l. How that carrack was taken, the world knows, and upon what direction; but the pleading of all this, or what else soever, I forbear, and rather become a country clown with husbandly care to work out of my own in long time what shall pay my debts, than with speaking truth urge her Majesty's consideration, and so displease. Yesternight in the garden, I again attended, and there had such gracious usage as I forbore to speak one word touching my business, fearing it would have altered the course I take most comfort in. But alas! my mean to maintain me here, and my mind, are so differing, as, forced to fly to your favour, I beg that as ever you will do for one who for dutiful affection to his prince, desire to serve his country, true love to yourself, may be equalled but not gone before, that you will relieve me out of this distraction, and either draw my suit to consideration, or getting me her Majesty's other answer, despatch me into the country, where I will end my days in toil and prayers.—14 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 115.)
G. Knyghton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 14. Has received intelligence from Lady Skydmore that his name was in question before Cecil, and that Cecil delivered to her that he was a pope, and that matters were not yet ripe for him : and further, that he procured a kinsman of hers to sojourn with him, to procure him friends when occasion should serve. The information is untrue. The name of pope is odious to all true subjects, and he utterly denies the Romish Church. Protests his loyalty, and prays that Cecil will call him before his accusers.—Bayford (Herts), 14 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 145.)
Tho. Elwood and Richard Pickeringe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 14. Being advertised that Lord Cobham has entreated Cecil to take his charge during his absence, they forward to him two bags of letters from Flushing.—Dover, 14 July, 1600.
Signed as above. 1 p. (251. 146.)
Sir John Peyton to Sib Robert Cecil.
1600, July 15. Young Desmond's footman is come to London, with his nurse, and this bearer Morryse Shewyne, who was sometime secretary to the Earl of Desmond, and is a man well acquainted with the state of Munster. According to your pleasure I have directed him to you, and will despatch his footman after John Poore as you shall command.—15 July, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lieutenant of the Tower.” ½ p. (251. 147.)