Cecil Papers: June 1600, 16-20

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Cecil Papers: June 1600, 16-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp185-190 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: June 1600, 16-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp185-190.

"Cecil Papers: June 1600, 16-20". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp185-190.

June 1600, 16–20

John Burges to the Earl of Essex.
1600, June 16. Congratulates Essex on the many favours God has lately heaped upon him. Speaks of his qualities and honours, concluding that it would have been impossible to escape the diseases attendant upon such fulness, if God, by a timely blood-letting, had not prevented. Comments upon the text : “Blessed is the man whom Thou chastisest.” God has humbled Essex to exalt him for ever. Of the favours Essex has received in his deepest troubles, as the return of her Majesty's affection, the recovery of his health, and the fastness of men's affections. How this late calling of Essex to answer has turned to his advantage, and how well has God made his loyalty assured to all men. Expresses a hope that the way is now paved for Essex's return to the Queen's favour and his own employments.—Ipswich, June 16, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 34.)
Sir William Bowes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 16. Recommends the bearer, whose danger, charge and loss by his travel and attendance in Scotland, with his time spent at Court by command, have exceedingly impoverished his estate. His suit is reasonable, and nothing at all out of her Majesty's coffers.—16 June, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (80. 35.)
Ed. Thornburgh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 17. His poverty and long sickness is the let whereby he is unable to serve the Queen at Court, where he long lived with great faithfulness. He has conceived the greatest grief that his unworthiness has been the loss of that place of service he so long served and hoped for. Prays Cecil to obtain his suit of the Queen, and to favour his wife, who is his messenger.—17 June, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 86.)
H. Hardware, Mayor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 18. Acknowledges receipt of Cecil's letter on the 4 of June, with a letter enclosed for Sir Henry Docwra, and details the arrangements he has made for forwarding it to Lough Foyle.—Chester, 12 June, 1600, and postscript, 18th June.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 21.)
Sir A. Throckmorton and Richard Chetwode to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 18. We understanding of the late commitment of Mr. Pinchpowle Lovet for some causes of weight whereof we are ignorant, and being given to understand that one Thomas Marryott (who resorted much to Mr. Lovett's house) had conveyed by night certain of his stuff from thence to another place in the town, with purpose to have removed it to some other place unknown to us, we stayed and made search of the stuff. We only found certain papistical books, the names whereof we enclose, which we think not fit to remain in his hands, and therefore have seized them, but we have not as yet seen the party that “owes” them, neither have we any further matter to charge him with.—Weston, 18 June, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (80. 37.)
Lord Grey to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] June 18. By force of a contrary wind our counsels altered, and we resolved rather to adventure the hazard of an incommodious and utterly unprovided march through an enemy country, than to commit the success of so royal and hopeful an enterprise unto the mercy of the wind. The 11th we set sail from the Rammikins, and the 12th disembarked, and rested our army at the Phillipines (a paltry fort we took in the first night). The 16th, we lodged near Bruges, a town ill fortified and worse peopled, without any garrison, and, as is thought, well inclined unto our side; howsoever, even in this hazard, constant to their ancient resolution not to receive any Spanish garrison, for 10 or 11 companies of foot being drawn to their succour, they refused to open a port : only for their safety quartered them within a raveling close without their wall. Many conclude that had we attempted, we had not failed, but our former resolution, penury of victual, and means to besiege, and previous estimation of celerity in this action, with reason fortified our natural inclinations not to undertake on the sudden. The enemy flies before us, and has quitted without dispute the sconces of Oudenborch and Bredene, which had they made good, as men of war might, much time might have been gained, much misery and difficulty by us endured. This 18th we are here safely arrived, with resolution presently to go on. On Sunday at night the galleys came out, and in despite of our men of war, took 28 of our vessels full of necessary and rich booty. Bankar, a man of war, fought bravely, being boarded, and most of his men slain, twice blew up the enemy on his hatches, and at last died with much honour. I lately saw a letter which advertised my Lord Mountjoy's speedy return, and likelihood of Sir Francis Vere's undertaking that charge. As I have ever relied the success of my hopes on your favour, so will I my proceedings on your only direction. If in case of this alteration, I might here obtain place, I should hold it an high honour. I held it necessary to make known unto you my desire, lest you might otherwise be engaged, but no otherwise conclude, than as by your favourable advice I shall be commanded.—Ostend, 18 June, sti. vet.
[P.S.]—I beseech you thank Mr. Gilpin for the respect and courtesy which only for your sake he has used towards me, which I assure you has been so essential unto me as I must thence acknowledge a deep bond unto you.
Holograph Endorsed :—“Lord Gray, 1600.” 2 pp. (80. 38.)
J[ohn Thornborough], Bishop of Limerick, Charles Hales and John Ferne, to Lord Burghley, Lord President of the North.
1600, June 18. Enclosing copy of a letter from the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of Hull and of examinations relative to piracies committed by Dunkirkers, and requesting that the matter may be laid before the Privy Council.—At York, the 18th day of June, 1600.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Council of York to the Lord President.” 1 p. (180. 114.)
The Enclosures :
The Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of Hull to the Lord President and the Council at York.
(1.) 1600, June 16.—The inhabitants of this town and the mariners along the coast are mightily vexed by piracies of our merciless enemies the Dunkirkers, as from the enclosed examinations may appear. We humbly beseech you and the Council to provide a remedy, either by certifying the Privy Council thereof, or in some other way. Notwithstanding the late warrant of the Privy Council, ships laden with corn are still permitted by the customers and searcher to sail from this port.—16 of June. Hull. 1600.
[P.S.]—If the Dunkirkers be not suppressed, great and general defect for coals will be through all this country, neither can husbandmen and others, by reason of winter and foul ways, purvey themselves for coals.
Copy, certified by Jo. Ferne. 1 p. (180. 111.)
(2.) The Examinations of the following, taken before Anthony Burnsall, mayor, and others, viz.:—
Cuthbert Wardell, master and part owner of a small crayer of Hull, called the Anne. On or about 30th of May last, going towards Newcastle for coals, he was taken by a Dunkirker upon the coast of Holdemess, nigh Hornsea, and pillaged of half a tun of wine, two barrels of beer, 40s. in money, a table, a sail, the ship's boat and all other their victual and apparel, to the value of 40 marks. Thomas Scot was flung overboard three times. The Dunkirker was a fly boat of some fifty tons burden, having in her four cast pieces and a hundred men or thereabouts, all armed with muskets.
William Wardell and Thomas Hansone were taken by the same Dunkirker the same day, and robbed of 17l. in money, and of gear, victuals and apparel to the value of 40l. Their captors laid Thomas Hansone's head on a block and threatened to cut it off unless they had more money. About Flamborough Head, where they were taken, and on the same day, the same Dunkirker took eight ships and crayers more, and took the spoils of them all.
Thomas Mawll, master and part owner of a new ship of Hull, called the Katherine. On or about the 4th of May last, he was taken off Scarborough by a Dunkirker, and the ship set to forty pounds ransom, or else to be burnt. He borrowed the money in Scarborough. The Dunkirkers took from them their apparel and victuals, and bound and cruelly beat their men. Their loss was 65l. The Dunkirker was a fly boat of some 50 tons burden, and had in her but some two cast pieces, and some forty men furnished with hatchets, falchions and muskets. That Dunkirker took a ship and a crayer more the same day.
William Wooddell, master of the Gift of God, of Selby, Yorks : Henry Wawler, Thomas Thompsone, Robert Winshipp, and Thomas Lister, sailors in the said ship.
They, at sea on June 8 for Newcastle, saw 4 Dunkirkers, 3 of which took a hoy of London and Ipswich in their sight, and then chased, and they think took, a ship of Newcastle, Richard Roe master. One of the 4 boarded them, took 15l., gear, and victual and apparel, stripping them into their shirts. They lost to the value of 50l. The coasters report that the Dunkirkers are about 13 sail, stoutly appointed. Afterwards two other Dunkirkers chased them from 6 in the evening till 4 in the morning, when they entered Humberts mouth, which the enemy perceiving, made to sea.
Copies certified by Jo. Ferne. 1 p. (180. 112.)
Captain Morgan.
1600, June 18. Acknowledgment of the receipt of 50l. for her Majesty's service.
Dated. Signed. ¼ p. (180. 113.)
Richard Hitchens, Mayor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 19. Above a month past, Sir Ferdinando Gorges and he directed a packet to Cecil, and the examinations of three young youths, which were brought into this port by a ship of Sir Thomas Sherley's, and remain here, one in the fort, and the other two in the writer's prison. Prays for directions concerning them.—Plymouth, 19 June, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 39.)
Peregrine, Lord Willoughby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 19. I recommend the bearer, my cousin, Henry Guevara, for the command of a company in Ireland. For the most part of the last seven years he has served in that kingdom, and in Sir William Russel's time held there a lieutenant's place.—From the Court, the 19 June, 1600.
Signed. Seal. ¼ p. (180. 115.)
Mons. Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 19. As soon as it is known that the town of Dunkirk is being besieged, many nobles and gentlemen of her Majesty's subjects will, I doubt not, obtain leave to view the siege. I wish to recommend my man, the bearer of these, who desires to enter the suite of some great person going on such a voyage.—At Clapham, the 19th of June, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (180. 116.)
H. Hardware, Mayor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 20. Since writing the postscript of his last letter of June 18, by Mr. William Colle (whom upon warrant received he served with post horse for London), concerning the manner of the sending away of Cecil's letter to Sir Henry Docwra, the wind has served straight for Loughfoyle from then till now, so he doubts not but that very speedily, if not already, the bark will be safely arrived at Loughfoyle.—Chester, 20 June, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 40.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 20. Recommends the enclosed petition of Hugh Walworthe, one of the yeomen of her Majesty's Chamber. The gentleman for whom Walworthe makes this suit is one of the writer's country, and, although a Papist, he could wish might be pleasured.—My house in Blackfriars, 20 June, 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (80. 41.)
Sir Arthur Capell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 20. Sends a buck by the bearer.—Haddam, 20 June, 1600.
Holograph, ½ p. (80. 42.)
Lord Morley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 20. William Sharpe, of Thaxsted, a base fellow yet wealthy, has said before witnesses, that if he had not taken good heed, he, Morley, would have cosened him of 100l. The words will not bear action at common law, nor bill in the Star Chamber : he therefore prays Cecil to send for Sharpe, and, if on his examination he be found faulty, that he may receive such punishment as Cecil thinks fit. His attorney in the Star Chamber advises him that the like course has been taken in such cases.—London, 20 June, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 43.)
Reinerus Langius to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 20. Being on the point of sailing for Middelburg, begs that the letters to be written to his Lords may be expedited. Asks also for a safe-conduct, and that his packages, which contain nothing that does not belong to himself, may not be disturbed. Offers services, &c.—London, 20 June, 1600.
Latin. Holograph. Endorsed :—“Secretary of Stade to my Mr. Merchandise.” 1 p. (80. 45.)
Sir Anthony Sherley to the Earl of Essex.
1600, June 20. If I may be so happy, this letter may present to your Lordship the unchangeableness of my affection. This gentleman may deliver to your Lordship the courses and effects of this my pilgrimage. The last words which your Lordship spake unto me were the star that guided me. But for my confidence that so rare and excellent a virtue as your Lordship's can but receive a momentary eclipse, I should ravine (?) from myself and what little reason I have. I have ever loved you, not for your fortune, but for yourself, although I would spend my life to make your fortune worthy yourself.—Archangel, this 20 of June.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1600. Seal. 1 p. (180. 117.)
Lady Ann Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 20. She married her daughter to Walter Calverley, who by reason of minority was unable to make her any jointure. He is now imprisoned in the Fleet on an execution, and his life is much doubted. If he should die, prays that the wardship of his brother may be bestowed on her daughter.—“From my Lodging at Cherwin Crosse,” 20 June, 1600.
Note :—“A commission granted.” 1 p. (1940.)