Cecil Papers: September 1595, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Cecil Papers: September 1595, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp358-380 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: September 1595, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp358-380.

"Cecil Papers: September 1595, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp358-380.

September 1595, 1–15

Alderman Leonard Hollyday to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595, Sept. 1.] Is informed by Mr. Robinson, searcher of the port of London, that it hath pleased the Queen by Cecil's letters to stay certain ships in the River Thames laden with cloth for Stoud, for that they have also taken into them certain kinds of ungarbled spices.
Has satisfied her Majesty of customs for these spices for above 120l., and has done no otherwise than all merchants heretofore that have shipped ungarbled spices, as lawfully they may, neither hath any man garbled such spices as they have transported. Notwithstanding, if anything shall be found lawfully due unto the garbler, binds himself to answer the same or anything else lawfully due. Prays that the ships may be released.
Endorsed :—“Primo Sept., 1595.” 1 p. (34. 83.)
Captain William Chilcote to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595, Sept. 1.] Your many painful favours in my behalf bind me so much in duty as, should my death-threatened young years attain the extremity of old age, I might be willing but never able to perform the least part thereof. My adversaries, the Dutch merchants (I doubt not) have exasperated whatever is most heinous against my innocency, which I must not now plead seeing I am condemned, only repeat I will (if your honour vouchsafe the perusing) the unreprovable truth of their dealings with me, and mine with them. True it is, I met a Dutch ship on the coast of Spain, which I boarded without weapon or noise of shot, and at my first entrance was informed by the shipper there were in it certain packs of enemies' goods. That I took and by contrary winds and a violent leak (as since my condemnation divers honest men that met me at sea can witness) I was driven into the Straits; necessity forced me to break bulk at Algeare, the keel of my ship was so broken. Somewhat I bestowed on the King, but made sale of nothing, except only for mere necessity. While my ship was graved an untimely fray happened between a forward man of my company and a Turk, wherein both died, for which my ship, goods, men, myself and all I had was seized on. By the janissary law I condemned the Viceroy's injustice, but where tyranny rules laws are neglected. With much ado I was glad, with my ship, ordnance and a remnant of my men, to pass away, leaving the goods and some men at Algeare, two of whose throats since my coming thence are cut, whose skins were more worth than twenty times the goods that were detained. I came home purposely to get her Majesty's letters to the Great Turk against their wrongs. At Scilly, I heard the Dutchmen charged me with piracy; at Falmouth, as much; at Southampton, more. Whence I and my condemned men with one alone pursevant came to London, a clear argument of our innocency. Since our imprisonment, my men have been dealt with to accuse me, and promised life, liberty, and money if they will so do. What my injury was, that the judge knows. What the evidence was, the common voice of the people can witness. But God forgive them and I do. Before and since I have offered them composition such as I was able to make, if the goods might be found theirs, and my friends have done more than ever I had hope they would, yet I hear nothing but delaying, and understand that only my guiltless life is sought. Which if it must pleasure them, I am prepared to bear their imposed malice. Nevertheless, I have written to the pastors, the elders, Monsieur Caron and the merchants. Your noble goodness may further my suit, as I doubt not you will.
Endorsed :—“Primo Sept. 1595.”
Seal. 1 p. (34. 84.)
George Sotherton, deputy Governor of the Merchants Adventurers, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 1. As to four ships laden with cloth by the Merchants Adventurers, going for Stoud, stayed on account of certain spices belonging to Alderman Hollyday. Begs they may be allowed to pass and not lose the fair wind, and that Alderman Hollyday may take such order as Cecil pleases for the said spices, or that they may be laid on land.—London, 1 September, 1595.
Signed. ½ p. (34. 85.)
Examination of James Colbron, scrivener.
1595, Sept. 1. His first acquaintance with Mr. Walton was as follows. One William Kinnersley (said to be my lord Becham his man) did come to him to know whether he would, or knew any man who would, buy a pension of 2s. 6d. a day which a friend of his had to sell, which was this Mr. Walton. He and one William Fullford, a Crewell man in St. Lawrence Lane, were minded to buy, and talked now and then about it when Walton come by their houses, but Walton could not show the letters patent for the same, which he said were in the country, and the matter ceased. Walton came to him to get as much plate as came to 10l. or 12l. for to have 6 months day of payment thereof, and he would cause one Mr. Steere, a skinner in Bread Street, to be bound with him for payment. Whereupon 12l. worth of plate was had from Mr. Ballet in Cheapside, upon their bonds. Walton sent divers times to him to procure 20l. at 10 per cent. for 6 months on the said Steere's bond, and one Newark, a skinner in Basing Lane, which he got and kept by him a sevennight, but they have not become bound for the same for the reason that Walton (as he sent word by his keeper) was in close prison.
Headed :—James Colbron, scrivener, examined 1 September, 1595, before Sir Richard Martin, knight.
Copy. 1 p. (34. 86.)
Sir Thomas Heneage to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 2. I love your letters and to hear from you rejoiceth me, specially when you record your love to me, which can never be more than shall be faithfully requited.
Well have you discharged the office of a friend in the matter and manner of delivering the humble remembrance of my most bounden duty to her excellent Majesty, by whose grace only the heart of a healthless body is upheld, which surely, without the unspeakable comfort of her goodness in this long, weary, and most painful sickness of mine, would have sunk. And yet, to tell you truly, I can evil boast of great amends, yet never man was more cared or by a most kind companion that cares not to kill herself to cure me. God reward her! for I cannot but by the favour of that grace which upon earth is the fountain of our grace.
Great care have I had to heal or help the unsound state of Lancashire and, besides many letters and commissions that I have sent, I trust to good purpose for the same, I have conferred with the Justices of Assize thereabout, who I perceive likewise have done their parts; but none hath furthered her Majesty's service so much in that county as Mr. Hesketh, whose letter I send you herewith, though it contain some of my business chiefly, that you may know her Majesty's mind what she liketh to have done with that hateful villain that is left in prison (as you may see) and wisely forborne to be proceeded with at the assizes. To send for him up I hold the best; but, upon sight of his examination, it will better appear what is most fit, which I will send you when they shall come to my hands. The whilst and ever I wish you with best health the hap yourself would have, and so commend me as much as I can to yourself and my lady.—At Thorndon, where I am so exceedingly well intreated as it deserves more thanks than I can give Sir John Peter and my lady, this second of September, 1595.
Endorsed : “Sir Tho. Heneage.
Sir Ed. Dyer.
Sir Ralph Sadler.”
Holograph. Seals. 1 p. (34. 88.)
H. Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595,] Sept. 3. Knowing you will be desirous to understand of my lord's amendment, I have presumed to let you understand that as his infirmity will permit him he the rather amendeth than impaireth, and hath been able to write some few words to you with his own hand, and yet, nevertheless, he hath kept his bed all this day. If it would please God that some good comfort might likewise come hither of my lady's amendment, it would rejoice us much that have exceeding cause to love and honour her. My lord is desirous that, at your return, you would bring with you the plattes of Chelsey House made by Torrington with the controller of the work's additions.—From the Court, 3 September, late at night.
Seal broken. ½ p. (34. 89.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Sept. 3. “Fewterelles is gone away with very small hope that the States will assist the King with any of their forces, otherwise than in keeping them together here and so detain Mondragon with his army till the siege of Cambray be ended. There are already letters come to his Excellency out of Zealand that Fuentes should have forsaken Cambray and should be marched towards Ardes”; but we await particulars before we break up. The States are loath to economise to the King's loss. Since the death of Count Philip nothing has been attempted on either side. “either's purpose being not to hasard but upon necessity.”—Camp near Wesell, 3 Sept. 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (172. 61.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Thomas Heneage.
1595, Sept. 4. I do hold myself much bounden unto your honour in that you will please to do your best to reconcile me unto Sir Robert Cecil and my lady Cobham, both which I have mightily wronged in the carriage of my marriage. For in very truth I, being moved with the worth of my lady Sturton and the great honour of her house, had a desire to make her possessor of all my love and thoughts, till love (whose quality I doubt not but your honour is acquainted withal) forced me to settle all my fancies and resolutions on another whose love I now possess. Yet during the time of mine affection unto her I was often wandering, sometime being shaken with the slanders she was subject unto, some other time deeply considering the inestimable worth of my lady Sturton; all which things rightly weighed, I hope that Sir Robert Cecil and all those honourable ladies who I have thus wronged will be pleased rather to blame love. Yet is there behind a greater offence which I will unfold unto your honour, that when you know it you may the better excuse it; that is, that being married I continued going to my lord Cobham, which I assure your honour I did for fear of offending my father with my double dealing, neither durst in outward show to him seem to leave my first desires till I had found some good means to win to like the second. In which course though I did very ill, yet not so badly as some do think, for I never spake unto that lady of marriage, neither indeed would her honourable father suffer me to do, being moved by some holy influence that I was not fit for such a motion. Now your honour perceiveth the depth of my case. I humbly beseech you to hold such a course as may win this whole noble family once again to think me honest, and I will ever hold those direct courses, and be so thankful unto your honour, as you shall have no cause to be ashamed of that you shall do for me.—4 September, 1595.
Endorsed. Holograph. 2 pp. (34. 91.)
William, Earl of Derby to the Officers in the Isle [of Man.]
1595, Sept. 4. I have received your letters of 14 August. In answer whereunto my pleasure is that you, with as convenient expedition as you may, do bring or send unto me the money in your hands to be employed here by my direction upon necessary provision of munition for the defence of the isle. Withal I would have you certify me by your letters, if you come not yourselves, what quantity of powder, shot, armour and artillery (proportionably to be rated and set down) shall be needful to be provided. And for your better instructions to inform me, you may do well to confer with Sir Thomas Gerrard, knight, unto whom (to the same effect) I have now written. And so, expecting the due performance hereof, I bid you farewell.—London, 4 September, 1595.
Addressed :—To Humfrey Scaresbreck, William Lucas and William Radcliffe.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (34. 92.)
The Same to Sir Thomas Gerrard.
1595, Sept. 4. I have received your letter of 22 August and thank you for your offers of kindness; but for those sums of money you write of, which (as I take it) do solely appertain to myself, I think most convenient to be sent to me to London, thereof to dispose as I shall think meet. Which shall be to the same purpose (as you have wished) disbursed, for it hath been my resolution since the beginning so to do. And so, having all other proceedings to him that rules all, I end.—London, 4 September, 1595.
P.S.—I desire to be informed by your letters what proportion of powder and munition you think fit to be provided for the repairing of the defects. For which purpose I have written to my officers that they should repair unto you for directions.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (34. 93.)
Sir Roger Williams to the Earl of Essex.
[1595,] Sept. 5. I arrived here on Wednesday night. This day in the afternoon Her Majesty's pinnace came hither, else I was embarked in a boat of this town. The wind is contrary; notwithstanding I will neglect no time. At my arrival at Dieppe I will acquaint your lordship how the world goes there. I will write to nobody but yourself and excuse myself unto their lordships by reason they cannot read my hand, but, good my lord, acquaint Her Majesty and their lordships with the contents of my letters. During mine absence, remember me if occasion presents for employment.—Rye, Friday, 5 Sept.
P.S. (separate). Since I wrote, one tells me M. de Maine is come in to the King. He has the government of the Isle of France, the keeping of such towns as he had in Picardy and “Brigondy” until he be paid 400,000 crowns.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. 2 pp. (20. 15.)
Sir Thomas Egerton, Master of the Rolls, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 5. Upon receipt of your letter, I conferred with Mr. Trussell, this bearer, touching Preston's cause, and perused this minute enclosed which he delivered me. The doubt (as I conceive) standeth upon proof of the truth of the father, for if it can be proved that P. dealt as a broker or driver of a bargain upon unlawful usury, contrary to the Statute, then I hold his offence to be in case of a præmunire. But if it fall out he dealt for his own money, borrowed out of his own chest (which he calleth his friend) and disguised it in the name of another, I think it will not then be in him any offence of præmunire. The man is expert in his calling, and therefore likely there is no corner nor shift in it but he knoweth and practiseth it. In regard whereof I think it not amiss that your honour should first see how those that first dealt in the matter can by their travail, by way of indictment or otherwise, make the truth of the fact to appear. Which being seen, you can then proceed as you shall think meet.—At the Rolls, 5 September 1595.
Signed. 1 p. (34. 98.)
Enclosure :
Sir William Catesby, knight, having occasion for his friend to use 100l., being motioned by one Vaughan to deal with one Preston for the same, sent John Ponting to deal with Preston therein; who agreed to lend it, if he liked the security, though he had not money of his own, and appointed a time to give his answer.
At that time, Ponting received answer that a friend of Preston's would lend the money and was asked for the security. He tendered the said Sir William and William Newton, Esquire. Preston liked the security, if Mr. Henry Ferris, Esquire, a gentleman of his country were put in; which was performed.
Then Preston would not deal unless he might have 10l. for forbearing of the money aforehand for six months, which the extremity of Sir William Catesby's friend was forced to like.
Then he demanded 40s. in hand for his pains, which was delivered by Ponting. He then promised the bonds should be made, but there grew another let before the money could be delivered, which was that the aforesaid Vaughan owed Preston 20l. which must also be deducted before the money could be delivered over; all which was yielded unto in respect of the said gentleman's necessity. Then did Sir William Catesby, Henry Ferris and William Newton, Esquires, enter bond for the 100l. at six months, [Note in margin.—To this John Ponting is to be sworn] and further authorised George Trussell, gent, for the receipt thereof to their uses, who went with the said John Ponting into Foster Lane to the said Serch his house where Preston was attending them. He immediately demanded of Trussell if he were authorised to receive the money, then if he had not direction for leaving 30l., which he said he had. Trussell likewise demanded if Preston was the man to receive the 30l. and upon what conditions, to which he answered he was to receive 10l. for the use of the money and 20l. for a bond. He entreated Trussell to deliver the 30l. unto Serch, he having such earnest business he could not stay the receipt, but would come in the morning to the said Serch and receive the money. Yet there was no bond delivered for the said 20l., or to be seen or heard of, nor any acquittance for discharge of such bond of Vaughan or other to the said Preston.
Further, the said George Trussell avouches he was at the sealing of the aforesaid bonds, wherein Sir William Catysbye, knight, Henry Ferris and William Newton stood bound to the said Serch the scrivener for 100l., and in his presence the said Preston used these words, that if Sir William would deal well with him for this 100l. he would not stick at any time to befriend him to the uttermost of his power.
These words were delivered before John Ponting and George Trussell, as they are ready to avouch.
By me Geo. Trussell.
pp. (34. 99.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Sept. 6. Thanks Essex for his favour promised in his letter of 29 August, which came to his hands the 5 of this present, and hopes his suit will not seem unpleasant to her Majesty, if Essex and the lord Treasurer join therein, and his reasons, so often alleged that he is ashamed to repeat them, be remembered. Craves pardon for his importunity, whereto Mr. Bodlye's speeches of his lordship encouraged him, and should be glad to merit the least of an infinite number of favours already extended.
His Excellency returned unto the States an answer that he and the Council of State found it altogether inconvenient to sever or lessen his camp, whereby the enemy might beat them or make any attempt either upon the weak places in the Zutphen quarter, or to surprise the Cleveland towns standing on the Rhine, or else send away part of his troops towards Cambray. This course is liked here; and that, to cut off extraordinary charges, so many ships, wagons and that thereon dependeth as could be spared be discharged, two deputies have been sent to the camp to confirm that resolution, and that his Excellency should seek to keep Mondragon and his forces there; also that twenty companies out of his Excellency's camp or the garrisons might be sent to rescue Cambray; both which points Buzenvall and Fouquerolles have hard insisted upon and sollicited, being both departed yesterday thither to effect their desire, having at large shewed the States the present state of the King their master, the importance of Cambray and necessity to succour it, with the ensuing dangers if Count Fuentes carry the town.
What his Excellency will do is uncertain, for abide in field and send away his men he cannot well do; besides, now Count Philip is dead, they have not here one fit commander of their own nation, and to employ strangers they will be loth; also their choice is small of such. Sir Francis Vere is in good credit and esteem, but doubt that he will refuse it without her Majesty's knowledge and leave first had, and by the Scots Colonel this people will not be commanded. Again, if Mondragon hear of the sending away of any men, he will do the like, being written from Cologne that Fuentes hath required them; and, the season of the year passing apace so as in those quarters it will be hard besieging of any place, it is like enough he will not stay long on that side the Rhine, at least will send away the better part, and with the rest fill up the garrison towns, so as ere long I think our war will end for this year. The Counts Philip and Solms, being deceased of their hurts, were sent by Mondragon unto his Excellency, and shall be burried in Arnham. Captain Robert Vere was also brought to Wesel and there buried, with Captain Kinsky, who died of his wounds. The prisoners on both sides are released, the officers excepted being set at a high ransom, and for Count Ernest of Nassau is demanded by his cousin, Count Frederick Vandenbargh, 6,000 French crowns. The enemy lost also two or three principal men and all the chiefs hurt. Since the last bickering neither part did anything, but now and then a straggler is brought in. And so the camps remain in their defences.—La Haye, 6 September, 1595.
Holograph. 2 pp. (34. 97.)
Richard Carmarthen to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 6. Has received his letters for viewing the books, and has appointed the party to come in this evening, when he will. They be missals, psalters, and small portes, fair bound and clasped, every chest of them having upon it set the king of Spain's arms in colours.
When last at Court, the Lord Admiral gave him a writing, saying lord Burghley would speak to him thereabout; but his lordship did not, neither did he remember then to know his lordship's pleasure therein. But as soon as he came to London he perceived the meaning was to lay wait for a suspected person coming from Spain, whose physiognomy and shape of body was in the said paper perfectly described.
It fell out yesterday after dinner there came such a man to sue for four barrels of starch seized by two of the waiters and by one of the patentee's deputies, and by Carmarthen's command, he was brought to the Queen's storehouse, and another with him, both Englishmen. So soon as the writer saw the man, he remembered Burghley's note and reasoned with him : who confessed he came from the southwards where he had been six years in trade. Asked if he brought the starch from thence, he said, no, but brought other commodities thence into the Low Countries, and having made money thereby bought the starch there, not knowing but that he might lawfully bring it hither, wherein the party that came with him was partner. He said he had served some time in the Low Countries, under what captain the writer remembereth not. They promised to leave their names with one of the clerks and to come to the Custom House this morning about ten o'clock; and a friend, then with Carmarthen, watched at last night's Exchange whether they came thither, and what company they kept. He saw the black man, who resembles the described person, at the Exchange, and many noted him, and the more that he accompanied only with one Forman, an upholsterer, a known papist.
Has conferred with Mr. Robinson, the searcher, giving him the name of the ship the starch came in, and of the lading, which being most onions caused suspicion the boat came from Flanders rather than from Flushing. They mean to send both men to Cecil for examination as soon as they come to the Custom House. The black man nameth himself Francis Rumbolo, which is counterfeit. A copy of the lord Admiral's note is enclosed.—London, 6 September 1595.
Seal. 2 pp. (34. 100.)
William, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 6. According to directions, sends under-written the names of the two muster-masters, persons of good knowledge and experience that have long served. Prays that the Lords' letter being sealed, and their names inserted, it may be returned with some convenient speed, for that the 11 of this month the training and mustering of all the forces in this county doth begin.—Cobham Hall, 6 September 1595.
Under-written : “Thomas Wyett,
Thomas Gaye.”
Signed. ½ p. (34. 101.)
The Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595,] Sept. 6. Good Sir Robert Cecil. Now are my country businesses almost despatched and I preparing myself towards the Court with as much speed as I can; and so on my journey beyond the seas, so soon as I may be despatched with her Majesty's gracious favour. Therefore, to the end I may be in more readiness at my coming up, I do earnestly pray you both move your noble father and also to use your own furtherance for procuring her Majesty's hand to my licence. I must press you herein with your honourable promise; therefore do hope still to find you willing to set it forward and so to make me beholden; which I will be always ready to requite to my uttermost, and so I recommend me to you in all kindness.—Sept. 6.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Signed. ½ p. (34. 102.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 6. The accompanying letters of Lord North, and his reply, will show that horses and men are required of him, which he cannot provide unless he should show coach horses as some do. Begs that he may be exempt; but if that is impossible, he will, on receipt of Cecil's answer, come up to London and do all in his power to satisfy Lord North.—Badburham, 6 Sept. 1595.
P.S.—In the year 1589 Lord North made a similar demand, and he was exempted by letters of Mr. Walsingham. Ought to serve in the Lord Chamberlain's band.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (172. 62.)
The Same to Lord North.
1595, Sept. 6. Returning from Norfolk this evening found his lordship's letters charging upon him more men and horses than he has in his house or can provide in so small a time. Will do his best to satisfy him. Is the Queen's servant, as Lord North knows by letters of late Mr. Secretary Walsingham, and must therefore acquaint the Privy Council that he may be discharged from service with my lord Chamberlain's cornett.—Badburham, 6 Sept. 1595.
Copy. ½ p. (172. 63.)
Sir Roger Williams to the Earl of Essex.
[1595,] Sept. 7. Betwixt “Founten le Brake” and this town I met 16 “hergwlers,” having in my company 12 horsemen of Dieppe; they spake fair, saying they were going after M. de Havre to the army. Your lordship knows how the world would a gone if I had been with three or four serving men without a convoy. I had as lief meet 10 enemies as 15 of the King's, especially of such rascals. Her Majesty told me the posts were laid in France; I find no such matter yet. By the commander of Dieppe's counsel, I go hence with eight of his horsemen to Nevers, for two days agone M. de Gamages was spoiled, having four with him, and daily they do the like in some place or other, so many horses, so many crowns and a half, but that is better than to go to La Fere or to Dourlans or Dearlesie and spoiled.
I supped “ither” night with the Commander, where M. de Boniface was; we had great talk about the siege; to end, Boniface requested me to do his humble commendations to your lordship. But for haste I should have dined with him this day in Saint Catherine, the which is a fortifying with all haste; the old fort there we battered is raised. The Commander tells me M. de Monlue of Rambouillett comes ambassador into England and to remain resident. They say the King will be in Picardy at the day appointed. Cambrai is in courage, for M. Deviques of Saint Denis is entered with 300 horsemen. M. de Montpessier will do what he can to put in the Gascons of M. de Bouillon. There is great strife for the government of this town. The Court of Parliament and the people would serve the commander.—Rouen, Monday [? Sunday], 7 September.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. Seal. 2½ pp. (20. 17.)
Thomas Treffry to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 7. There arrived into this harbour on Saturday last, a good ship of Roskow in Brittany, in which there came one Robert Mosse and James Totten of Ipswich, who were taken on the coast by a Spanish fly boat of Bluet about three months past, and have ever since served the enemy in this channel; and these report (as did witnesses) that in the four Spanish galleys which committed the spoils in our wests parts there were 800 soldiers, men ere that service never in the field, but transported to supply the garrisons there because the King withdrew some of his better soldiers thence, and that their service was rewarded by increasing every private man's pay 2 crowns a month.
Since the return of these galleys, Monsieur Fontenel being besieged by the L. of St. Luke at Dorvernynyes in Poldavy Bay, the four galleys came to the rescue, so as that place is still possessed and strongly fortified by the enemy. There are not at the fort at Bluet, where these men have been prisoners, above 400 Spaniards; the army, being about 14,000, are about Naur which is still for the League. They report further that there cometh out of Spain into Bluet every week two or three barques laden with victuals and provisions of war, but if any of our men-of-war were appointed to lie in the trade they might do very especial service.
Also, that this day three weeks there arrived into Bluet three Spanish barques, which reported they came in company with six galleys bound for the same place, so as the enemy's sea-force there, if they have not miscarried, is ten galleys and five fly-boats. This breeds new terror and care to our sea towns, and we have procured Sir Henry Palmer at Plymouth to be advertised thereof. Moreover, that the Spaniards threaten to burn all our country even to Dartmouth, for so far they think to pass without resistance.
Of the massacre done at Chatenerey, four miles from Rochelle, by some horsemen of County Rochford's garrison, wherein there perished about 300 Protestants at the time of their service, it being three months since, I suppose you are already advertised, and what the consequence of so great a matter may be. Only the former, importing our own estate, I presume to commit to your honourable regard, being the sooner hereunto emboldened by your honour's favourable letter by my cousin, Mr. W. Killigrew.—Fowey, 7 Sept. 1595.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (34. 103.)
Sir Thomas Wilford to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595,] Sept. 7. According to your letter, I have been with the executrix of Mr. Thomas Digges, and there I find all such writings as concern her Majesty's affairs in the Low Countries chested under lock and key in three chests. His widow desires a warrant to herself for her discharge, because her husband had them upon an instrument signed to the parties, delivered to him by her Majesty's special order.—September 7.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (34. 104.)
Lady Margery Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595,] Sept. 8. I am bold to present you with this poor token because I have heard you say you love it, otherwise I might be ashamed to send so poor a present where I am so much rather bound than beholden, for the having of the continuance of your favour to myself and my sons is a very great comfort to me amongst other discontente that this time yield me. For I cannot but be troubled with the hearing that, after Henry Norreys' so long absence in a hard winter's service, it doth not please her Majesty to give him leave to kiss her hand at his return. He maketh me believe that he cannot be justly charged with anything whereby he should deserve her Majesty's displeasure, but in that I must refer myself to you; for it may be that he is partial in his own cause. John Norreys hath very earnestly written to me to entreat you for his leave to return; wherein, if I might do without offence, I would very willingly desire your help, as I find by Henry Norreys he hath already moved you of it. This, sir, you see how I am still bold to trouble you and slow to deserve the least of many friendships I receive from you. My lord commends him most heartily, and we both rest always at your devotion, and desire to be remembered to my lady, your good wife.—Wytham, 8 September.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (34. 105.)
John Owen to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595, Sept. 8.] Of the man and the matter I have considered better. Whatsoever your honour will command, I hold myself bound to obey. I am willing and will be ready to go whither you send me; to employ all my powers wherein you shall think good to use me; to do whatsoever you shall bid me. And I shall think myself happy if your Honour shall conceive so good an opinion of me; for I am ready to lay down my life, if need be, in any service concerning the good of my country.
One or two points which I have thought upon, if your Honour shall think them pertinent to the purpose, require haste, if the want of wisdom in me may be so supplied by the abundance thereof in you, that the block which I laid in my way at Hastings may be thereby removed. I leave the consequence to the consideration of your Honour's wisdom : unto whom God grant long life and perfect happiness.
At foot :—“That it would please your Honour to turn the leaf.”
Endorsed :—“8 September 1595. Jo. Owen, prisoner in the Gatehouse, to my master.”
Holograph. ½ p. (34. 106.)
Overleaf :An elegiac poem of 40 lines in praise of Lord Burghley and Sir Robert Cecil and of their services to the country.
Headed :Ad clarissimum equitem Robertum Cæcilium patriæ amantissimum, Regiæ majestatis consiliarium prudentissimum, de eo et patre ejus sapientissimo patriæque amantissimo.
Latin. 1 p. (34. 107.)
M. de Saldaigne to Ottwell Smith, at Dieppe.
1595, Sept. 8/18. Writes only to forward this packet for Signor Antonio Perez. The King is expected on Saturday or Sunday next. The Council remains at Lyons to finish what the King has begun, but will be at Amiens shortly. The accord of M. de Mayne is certain, but is for some reason not yet published.—Paris, 18 Sept., 1595.
French. Holograph. ½ p. (172. 68.)
Sir Thomas Heneage to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 9. Thanks him for his letter and thinks himself not a little beholden to Cecil for his advertisements and best offices of goodwill.
The Earl of Tyrone's submission savours of a presumptuous traitor, and, if he knows her Majesty right, will not be very easily accepted.
The unquiet Earl is like to find too late that forwardness is an evil way either to win or recover the favour of princes, and that sourness suits evil with sweetness; besides his forgetfulness of the rule of learning, Aut quam pravissimé aut quam jucundissimé cum principibus agendum.
Cecil's commendation of Mr. Hesketh was well bestowed and shall be made known to him; he will be thankful for it.
Is much pleased that Sir Walter Raleigh is come home well and rich, both because the world says Cecil shall have no hurt by it, and conceives that neither Raleigh nor his wife wishes him evil because he wishes good to them both.—At Well Hall, Mr. Roper's house, 9 September, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (34. 108.)
Dr. Ch. Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 9. The hope I have of my lord, your father's, and your own good favour persuadeth me that I shall at the length by your means obtain some sufficient living to be better enabled for her Majesty's service. Unto whose dignity it may seem to appertain that her Highness have no less power and resolution, these happy times of Reformed Religion, in disposing such livings as God hath given with her estate, than the Pope in time of superstition hath been accustomed to use, who could give bishopries in commendam, burden them with pensions, apply the old and erect new deaneries and dignities to the use of such as were fit for his practices.
The small living of Paules which was mentioned, as I hear, is now otherwise disposed of, so that I remain to expect other opportunity. The deanery of Durham hath oftentimes been given to such as have attended to public affairs, neither can it be thought rather too good for her Majesty's service than for any one whose principal gift may be to forge a speech fit for the capacity of the simple common people. As for the necessity of that place, what the bishop with his greater port cannot do, that may evil be supplied by any ordinary dean, and, perhaps, by God's blessing and my industry I may, though absent in her Majesty's service, do more good for the benefit of that people than some good number of eloquent sermons by the year may come unto. So that reason maketh not. As for favour, I have already and I will hereafter most dutifully endeavour to deserve it. I hear of some other vacancies wherein her Majesty may in honourable sort be gracious unto me, and I may have what to seek after without disgrace; the mention whereof I leave to some other good opportunity. In the mean season I commend myself to your honour's good favour, assuring you that, by my preferment, you shall find me, as already dutiful, then most attendant about you for occasions of service.—London, from Mr. Alderman Radeliffe's house, 9 Sept., 1595.
Seal. 1 p. (34. 109.)
Thomas Myddelton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 9. I am humbly to crave your favour for my speedy despatch that I may take my journey into Denbighshire; and, until I have some resolution for the 2000l. for Sir Harry Bagnall, I may not depart, for he oweth unto me already 1300l., and now I should furnish him the rest out of Wales before my return.
The warrant is with your honour to procure her Majesty's hand, wherein if I may prevail and get payment you shall do a charitable deed for the relief of Sir Harry, and bind me, as already I am, to be at your devotion, and I will with all my heart bestow 200 angels to have a speedy end. That I may understand your pleasure, I will attend you at the Court, or as it shall please you to appoint.—9 September, 1595.
Holograph. ½ p. (34. 110.)
John Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 9. To use the Queen's phrase, she yieldeth you a million of thanks for your present, the which she liketh and commendeth exceedingly, only she feareth she shall never fit it with any future work of her own; both because the last was of nothing, the which being lost, she cannot find any lesser than nothing, and yet can she not meet with any subject now left wanting the labour. So as she concludes she must only store it with things past. She was greatly pleased to hear my lord Treasurer was anything better and had had words ere now by her own messenger, but that he went to Tyballs [Theobalds] thinking my lord had been there; but he is now enjoined to go again to London to bring her Majesty word, either late this night or early to-morrow, how my lord doth. Of my lady's recovery she hopeth well, and prayeth often for it, and had sent this day but that she expected your own coming. Of the pilgrim and the passenger in your coach she hath had many discourses, the which I retain till your coming. Other news there are not, save that Sir John Wynekfylde thinks that my lord of Essex will be here this night, and my lord Chamberlain hath had some small remembrance of the gout, which stayed the Queen from riding this morning, and now she hath stayed my lord Thomas to wait on her this evening. So praying to be humbly remembered to my lady and yourself, I wish you all increase of honour and health.—9 September.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (34. 111.)
John [Whitgift,] Archbishop of Canterbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 9. If I may intreat you to commend this bill to her Majesty and to procure her hand thereunto, I will think you shall have done unto me a friendly good turn, for which I shall account myself greatly beholden unto you. And if also, for the better furtherance thereof, it will please my lord, your father, to take pains to peruse it, and in a word or two to signify to her Majesty his opinion of it, I doubt not but it will have the better and speedier success; which likewise I pray you to effect. That which I am able to do in such causes I am desirous to perfect whiles I have time and opportunity, knowing by experience the unfaithfulness of many such as are put in trust after a man's death. The sum desired, though I shall not be able of myself to perform, yet it may please God so to work in the hearts of others that the same may in time be perfected. I do send John Brooke herewith of purpose, to the end you may see and remember him, as occasion shall serve, being a gentleman whom I do greatly affect in respect of his honesty, discretion, and other good qualities, fit for one of his condition and parentage. You see how far I presume of your friendship and good will towards me, whereof I am assuredly persuaded.—9 September, 1595.
½ p. (34. 112.)
Sir Roger Williams to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Sept. 10. Being arrived here I found the Count of “Mombefor” newly arrived from the King, coming post from Lyons. He escaped with great danger and saved himself into a gentleman's house by Nevers. Having conferred with him he counselled me to stay for the coming of M. de Rockeler; he arrived yester night. He willed me to go with mine own horses, assuring me the ways were dangerous, and that he was coming from Lyons hither 5 days by reason that the posts are taken up by the first that comes, and uncertain in such sort that he was fain to keep their horses five or six posts without changing.
He makes me believe I shall find the King in the ways, if he can possibly, but the necessity of his business there constrains him to stay all that may be, by reason he is not thereby agreed with M. de Maine nor with M. de Epernon. His Majesty has taken truce with the Duke of Savoy, and agreed to the neutrality of the French Countey [Franche Comté]. Great forces meet him at the rendezvous for the succour of Cambrai, among the rest M. de Forsy brings him 3,000 lanzknechts. They make account here that the enemies dare not bide the King, if His Majesty be so resolved. The Queen's Majesty's message by me will not be much regarded. I was forced to speak with the Prince of Conty, with Messieurs de Chamberke, De Gervers and with others. I find all discontented that Her Majesty regarded not the late messengers the better, which were sent unto her from the King and Council here. I answer them, “If it were to save the town of London, there must be a time, much more for Cambrai; your messengers were coming fourteen days to our Court, and in so short a time enemy cannot post to Cambrai, and Her Majesty resolved to succour it,” but I told them, if it will please their King to satisfy Her Majesty in her demands, her Majesty shall not fail them to the uttermost of her power. They were earnest to know Her Majesty's demands. I desire them to pardon me, the demand was to His Majesty in particular, and my service to them all in general. Humbly desiring your lordship to acquaint Her Majesty.—Paris, going towards Lyons, this 10 of September.
At my arrival I will acquaint your Lordship with strange matters. In the mean time persuade Her Majesty to keep ready at the least 7 or 8,000 men. For, believe me, the siege of Cambrai will cost dear to one of [or ?] both parties. M. de Shamberke tells me he doubts greatly of Brest.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. 3 pp. (20. 21.)
Sir John Fortescue to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 10. Her Majesty at my departure commanded me to deliver to my lord, your father, the warrant for money to be paid to Sir Henry Bagnall for his entertainments in Ireland, blaming the Treasurer for his unconsiderateness in leaving him in so great arrearages. It pleased her to name 1,000l. to be presently paid, which I replied to be too little to relieve his present necessity; being spoiled of all he possesseth for her Majesty's services. Her Highness referred the matter to my lord's consideration. I most heartily pray you to advance the bill in that you may, for I assure you the gentleman, if her Majesty make not consideration, is utterly undone, whose estates is engaged upon forfeits if 2,000l. be not paid before the end of next term.—10 September, 1595.
Holograph. ½ p. (38. 114.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Sept. 11. I have been these days past in Holland, partly upon some particular business of mine own, but especially to see how all things go there, the better to be able to know how to carry myself here, all directions for matters of these countries being conceived and resolved upon there, and I not having been in those parts these many years. Three or four days before my coming thence I saw there a Marquis of Baden, preparing himself to go into England, and if he have not altered his purpose, he is either there already or will be very shortly. He did not use any speech unto me, yet have I learnt somewhat of his disposition and means. I think him like enough to address himself to your lordship as to him from whom all strangers in our Court receive most favour. I thought it my part to let you know somewhat of him and afterwards you may do as please you, and therefore to begin : he was son to the Marquis of Baden and my Lady Cecilia that were in England in the beginning of the Queen's reign, but this is not he that was born there, for he is this man's elder brother. A papist he is, and a knight of Malta, and hath lived much on the King of Spain's side, where also he was about a year since, but came, thence, some say banished, about a foul murder committed upon a poor man at Antwerp, and now as he came he was in the enemies' camp by Wesel. He is said to be a very dissolute man, and followed by a company of disordered and desperate fellows, himself fit enough to undertake any matter : very poor, as he that at the first sight borrowed six hundred pounds of Count Maurice. His elder brother, Edwardus Fortunatus, a man of the like disposition, who hath been of late driven out of his country by his cousin the Marquis of Durlach, whom he would have poisoned and otherwise murdered, as was confessed by certain Italians his followers that he had employed in it and were executed for it. Lastly, he would have sold his Marquisate of Baden to the Fuggers of Augsburg if he had not been dispossessed of it [by] the other of the House, with the help of the other Princes Protestant there away. What the end of this man's journey into England is I cannot learn, but the rest that I can imagine is, either to crave somewhat of the Queen, or to beseech her in the behalf of his brother to deal for his restoring, which I think will not be fit for her, because that all the Princes of the Religion in those quarters are engaged in the cause, and the said brother of his is a very ill-disposed person. I say this much of him, because if he address himself unto you, bearing as he doth the name of a prince, your lordship may know somewhat of his conditions. But I have held you too long with him.
Our news here are not great. I saw a letter written from the Camp that the enemy was risen and that His Excellency had taken the best of his forces, leaving only in his camp the ordinary guards, and was gone about an exploit of importance, but what it should be was not written. Cambrai matters you are advertised of from Calais and other places. Some think that Mondragon doth march thitherwards. There is a report here that the Count of Fuentes doth draw out of Valenciennes 400 men, and in like sort out of all the towns and villages of these parts according to their strength; belike it is to man the forts he hath made, while he draweth out the rest of his troops to encounter the King. Busenval went to the Camp a day or two before I came from the Hague, which was the 8th of this present, to induce His Excellency to send 3000 men to the King, to which I think the States and Council of Estate have agreed. Foukerolles is returned into France. I find by the French here that Her Majesty's dealing with the King at this time will be either exceeding kindly or exceeding unkindly taken. Count Ernest of Nassau, that was taken at the last conflict, is set for the lowest price at a thousand pounds. Touching the state of this country and the effects and humours that Mr. Bodley's proposition hath moved, I will write by the next.—Flushing, 11 September, '95.
Holograph. 3 pp. (20. 23.)
Nicholas Williamson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 11. Complaining that Cecil, who seemed to compassionate his misfortunes, leaves him still to languish in prison, and now seems careless of his sufferings. He has committed no fresh crimes, is heartily penitent, will ever obey Cecil's commands in all things, and has vowed to lead a new life. Implores his aid in obtaining mercy and release from prison, not only that he may comfort his parents worn out with anxiety rather than age, delight his friends, relieve his necessity, or, in short, that he may live, but also that he may devise the means to aid him to prove the truth of what he has imparted to Cecil.—The Tower, 11 September 1595.
Holograph. Latin. 1¼ pp. (35. 1.)
Thomas Bodley to [Lord Burghley].
1595, Sept. 11. May it please your good lordship. Till the deputies be returned from Count Maurice and the Council (which is expected every hour) I shall have no other matter to impart than hath been formerly advertised. For all that I can yet signify is by way of conjecture, and by collecting here and there by private men's speeches how my message will be taken when it cometh to the multitude. Wherein, to report how I find them yet inclined, I never saw a less appearance of a good answer towards. To be pressed to acknowledge that the treaty is expired they may by no means endure, much less to be required to make any remboursement, in which respect they also plead extreme unability. And though it were not so great as they give out, but their State might afford some present good portion, yet there are of them who say that to obtain it from the country they must fit their persuasions according to their humors, and as the people may digest it, and that is by proposing some other new treaty, under colour thereof to draw somewhat from them, and not by claiming it directly by force of the former contract, which appointed no payment until the end of their wars. Moreover, I perceive by circumstance of talk that their bent is altogether to send unto her Majesty some principal persons to declare by word of mouth a flat impossibility, as their State standeth yet, to accomplish her demand, but whether they will determine upon making some overture of some other kind of treaty is more than I can guess by their speeches unto me. For myself, I go forward in urging them to that which her Majesty hath willed, and dissuade them what I can from all other plots and courses of their own. Nevertheless, I thought it meet to foresignify these conjectures, because it may be that your lordship may turn it to some profit in the service of her Highness. The success of the siege of Cambray is very much hearkened after by all the people of this country, who are pressed very hard to help the King out of hand with some store of foot companies; not at all, as I hear, by any letters yet written from the King himself, but from the Count of St. Paul, the Duke of Bouillon and others, wherein there should not need any special entreaty if the enemy here with us were not lodged so near as they cannot for the present spare that succour as they would. Nevertheless the States have accorded, if Count Maurice at the camp find no reason against it, to send such numbers for that service as, I think, will amount to 2,000 at the least, because they hold it as a place of extraordinary consequence for the state of their Provinces. For if it be relieved and the enemy beaten from it, it will abate his reputation and weaken him otherwise, to his very great prejudice, but if for want of assistance the town should be surrendered, both the credit of the Spaniard and the courage of their army, together with their means to endommage these countries, will be greater than ever. And for certain we shall find, and that shortly upon it, that those of Artois and Hainault will contribute very largely to the conquest of those places that lie upon the Somme, as Amiens, Abbeville and others, albeit some men think that they will presently to Calais. But this is feared most of all by the chiefest of them here, in the French King's proceedings, that if the enemy should speed in his present attempt, it will force him in the end to grow in amity with Spain. For they think that for him that hath already leapt over such blocks of offence with such notable ease to obtain a kingdom full of trouble, it were but scrupulosity, when his state is somewhat desperate, to make a stop at the leaving of his neighbours in the briars to enjoy all his kingdom in peaceable manner. And though it may be replied that the Spaniard hath no reason to fall to terms of peace in a case of such advantage, and when the show is so fair that the King may be subdued by some other endeavours, yet this is thought by these men here, that when he finds by that means that he may readily recover the possession of these provinces, both a peace will be proposed and as plausible conditions as the King can desire, and if they chance to be embraced, either France must be the instrument to persuade with these countries to come to some agreement, or the enemy, of himself and by means of his greatness, will compass his design. For when his armies are together, which are now so far asunder, he shall easily be able to assault at one instance so many of their towns as the force of this country will be far insufficient to make head against him; and what in such an exigent will become of their courage, when they see themselves reduced to their first poor estate, and when their ancient ringleaders, such as hated the Spaniard—not as now the younger sort because they hear of his tyranny, but because they saw and felt it in their persons and goods—are almost all consumed, it is greatly to be doubted. The more a great deal for that hitherto they have used by turns the help of all their neighbours and those of divers nations, and are perhaps within themselves distasted of them all. Whereby it may be feared that when they know not hereafter to whom to have recourse, they will rather adventure upon a fraudulent accord than fight without hope of any end of their miseries. Howsoever in such a case they may be affected, the doubt of this agreement between the two kings hath been ever in a manner the principal motive to set them forward in this country to support the French King both with men and with money, which had been else employed by themselves here at home, to a less degree of profit, as they understand it.
Count Maurice and Mondragon are still encamped, as they were, in the land of Cleve, but Mondragon, we hear, is somewhat removed to a fitter place for forage. Withal it is advertised that Mondragon and his forces must depart out of hand to fortify de Fuentes. Certain companies of ours have attempted of late to surprise the fort of Moers, which is adjoining to our leaguer, but approaching the walls too late in the morning, they were discovered by the watch and so returned as they came. I think it not amiss to let your lordship understand that the chiefest merchants here that traffick for Spain do affirm upon knowledge that there is not come home of the Indian treasure 800,000l. sterling, which hath caused in Spain a great scarcity of money, and the like is also here through the want that is there; by reason whereof, and the stay of their shipping and goods there of late, there are many merchants here fallen suddenly bankrupt.—Hage, 11 September, 1595.
p. (35. 2.)
Sir F. Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Sept. 14. Though of late there hath happened nothing worth writing, yet for that I know your lordship is desirous to understand in what terms things stand, I would not fail to trouble you with these few lines. Mondragon lieth still near Keysers Werde three leagues from us; and, as we hear, is resolved not to stir so long as we keep the field, and so it is very likely if Fuentes hath no occasion to use his help. As for us we have no other drift in abiding here than to hinder them from sending succour into France : which the King fearing hath entreated the States thereunto. But if we think to detain them longer than Fuentes can spare them, we deceive ourselves. For without doubt they will set all aside to go forward with Cambray. M. de Buzenvall hath been here and obtained of the States twenty companies of men to be sent to the King for this present service, which to-morrow are to depart hence. Colonel Murray goeth with the Scottish regiment and hath the command of the whole troop. We fear that they cannot arrive in time, for that it is written and held for certain that Fuentes is lodged in three several places of the rampart. If they get the town they will be more proud and undertaking than ever, and that will draw on good store of action. I would desire no more hap in this world than to follow your Honour when you had force fit to command against such an enemy. And in the meantime I do comfort myself exceedingly that it pleased your Honour to give me hope that upon any such occasion I shall not be forgotten.—Camp near Wesell, 14 Sept., 1595.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (35. 5.)
Thomas, Lord Burgh to the Earl of Essex.
[1595,] Sept. 14. Though my defect abiding afford me not wherewith to present you of safe advertisement, because all I now receive is at the second hand, and I should both cloy you and not please myself to be the echo of another's occurrents, yet this office of being careful to preserve your favour by my service will with every commodity do you homage; and what I cannot personally perform, I beseech you let these excuse, insomuch as there be now no other means left unto me than these signs of my true devotion to you.
The honour you have done me in naming a young Burgh doth require but that which is already bound to you.
Will you have me fill this side with something hence? This is it. His Excellency, having no boldness to any great attempt, embraced a petty enterprise to raise his courage, but exploited it not, for the ladders were too short for the escalade; the intent failed at Meurs : himself in person and 3,000 foot lost a night's march and returned to the camp. The last I had of the enemy was, he retired two miles upward to Cologne, whether to pass the Rhine there or to quarter for better provision, not known, but the former supposed. Ernestus of Nassau ransomed , 1,000l. Philip and Count Solmes fetched home for an honourable funeral.
Here it is renewed that the Prince of Orange shall shortly come to Brussels, to labour his private business, and to be invested of his living in these parts. Herewith is spread a rumour that they may, if they list, hearken to a large peace without condition of restraint, and that all strangers shall be withdrawn, and the Count Morice shall be the King's lieutenant, and they, acknowledging the King of Spain in his duchies and counties as by the provinces he is entituled, with reservation of their privileges, shall be no farther encombred. This is whispered and the noise of private persons. It may be they would mate her Majesty's demand with this murmur. So may it be that the King, apprehending greater matters, would be at leisure by a vacation from these. I look but to the object of my eyes, I leave to judge.
As long as I live I will be to you, most noble Earl, as true as I can be to my own honour or to my soul itself. The chief of the world make you as you would wish.—Brill, September 14.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (35. 6.)
T. Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 14. Because I cannot conveniently attend you in person, and have urgent occasion within these two days to travel westward into Cornwall and Devon, I have thought it my duty to acquaint you therewith, in case you may have occasion to use my service.—From my house in London, 14 September, 1595.
Holograph. ¼ p. (35. 7.)
Richard Carmarthen to the Queen.
1595, Sept. 14. As it hath pleased her to bestow on him the surveyorship of the port of London, a place wherein hitherto she hath received small service by means of the blindness and impotency of the late deceased surveyor (which is means of greater charge, trouble and hatred of some bad disposed merchants, sheffeling and shifting fellows), according to the words of her grant, the book of orders of the seventh year of her reign, and the lord Treasurer's letters, he seeks by gentle means to reform it, without charge to the merchants. Whereunto the better sort yield, but some four or five, frowardly minded, most obstinately and violently resist. Among these William Leveson and John Cogan, merchants of London, lately resisted his substitutes, denying to deliver to his office copies of their packs and fardells of cloths and kersies, which they buy and lade away from the port of London to other ports in the realm.
By his command, his substitutes lately stayed in her storehouse some of Leveson's packs; for which cause, on Wednesday last, Leveson with others about him with wild words despised her authority granted by letters patents, beat his substitutes, and arrested one of them, for doing his service to her, in an action of 200l. The sheriffs' serjeants of London violently carried him to prison, and the clerks of the Court refused bail, Leveson saying her letters patents, the order of the Exchequer and the lord Treasurer's letters are all without law.
If this be suffered unpunished, he can do her no service. Prays her to command Leveson to be sent for before the lord Treasurer or the Chancellor, and committed for his contempt. Would have attended himself at Court to have redress hereof were it not that he has been taken with such an ache in one of his legs this seven days that he cannot ride.—Chiselhurst, 14 September, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (35. 8.)
Sir George Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 14. That he has been long weary of this unquiet office, wherein is small profit and infinite vexations, Cecil knows too well for him to trouble him with protestations. Would ere this have made it known to all, did he not prefer her Majesty's service to his own contentment.
His daily pains and expenses in the execution of the office, although sufficient to make him weary, yet cannot move him to wind out of this service, so long as he may live unscandalized in his reputation; which is more dear to him than commonwealth or life.
Has done and will do all the true, faithful and profitable services he conceives to be for the Queen's benefit. The monstrous abuses he knows of in the office are reformed, and the rest shall be corrected as time shall reveal them. Yet he is told that the Queen is daily troubled with information and new devices, as if corruptions in the office were yet in his infancy and daily increasing. This only wearies him in the service, insomuch that he had rather free himself from office than in holding the same to be in danger to lose her favour.
Let not this be an argument that he fears complaints out of a guiltiness, but he would be glad in his soul that the Queen would command him to some other service, and in no better time than now, for at Michaelmas the auditor will finish his account, when if in arrears he will repay the uttermost farthing. His heart is wounded, for slanders true or false evermore leave a stain.
Prays Cecil's aid that he may be removed he cares not whither.—Mynorites, 14 Sept. 1595.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (35. 9.)
Sir George Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 14. In favour of the bearer who is the man he recommended for muster-master of Cornwall. Sir Walter Raleghe “will not dislike him, as well in regard that I do labour to prefer him, as that he is his kinsman and one whom he may command.”—Mynorites, 14 Sept. 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (172. 64.)
Edmund Wiseman to his master, the Earl of Essex.
1595, 14 Sept. “My singular good lord : Sir Roger Williams came to this town the 9th of this, stayed till the 11th in the afternoon, feasted senior Peres, Count Shomberdg and Monsieur Incravilla was twice at his lodging. He went with Monsieur Shomberdg to see Monsieur Rogelore, master of the King's wardrobe, who is lately come from Lyons. Senior Peres presented Sir Roger Williams with a pair of gloves and a pair of stockings which he was very loth to accept. Penillia and his man are both in prison. He desireth that Ihell de Mease may be sent to Aragon, where he assureth him of great matters for the French King's service, and thereof seemeth to be willing to 'pane' his life, which is already in their hands.” The Pope has accepted the King, and Card, Toledo, a Spaniard and formerly a Jesuit, is coming to absolve him. The Duke de Meain has accorded with the King. They of Cambray have overthrown some as the enemy's artillery; so Mons. Jever has reported to Senior Peres. Mutiny between Walloons and Spaniards in Pearfon; the majority hold with the Duke de Mayn. “Senior Peres hath showed one of your Lordship's first letters to Monsieur de la Force and other of the French, wishing that those which cannot understand Latin could understand Spanish that he might be the expounder of your Lordship's letter. He hath not received any crowns of the French. I think crowns cannot make him stay; his fear is more than any man's that lives. He 'voweth' the living private at Venice. He is lodged in a house that was the Duke of Mercuryes, given by this king to the last king's wife. His sister, Madame, is come to this town from St. Jarmanes, useth Senior Peres kindly. They report that the King of Spain hath ten millions come very lately, and that the Cardinal, the Emperor's brother, is coming into the Low Countries with four millions, two for himself and the rest for the soldiers. The King is looked for within this six days.”—Paris, 14 Sept. 1595.
P.S.—“This duke of Nemours is sick, it is thought of the like disease that his brother was.”
Holograph. Addressed, “at the Court.” 1 p. (172. 65.)
— to —
1595, Sept. 15. By letters from Paris of the 3rd and Rennes of the 9th, he understands the King is at Lyons, whence he has written to the Count de Chambroe that he treat lentement with M. de Mayne, whom the King desires not to press, otherwise he will spoil the game. The President Jannin, Chancellor of the League, is in Spain, where he seeks underhandedly to break the accord between the King and M. de Maine. Letters have been surprised in which it is said that the accord of those of Espernon with those of Digueres, who are of the Religion, is complete. The death of the Duke of Nemours is taken for certain. Cambrai is besieged for certain, the garrison is well reinforced by the King. The Spaniards are on the river of Redon, and seek to build a fort, two of their galleons are there, and two others towards the river of Nantes. Fontenelle is at Douarannenes, and has built a terrible fort on a little island near thereto. The Spanish galleons, before their departure for England, were to furnish the same. Fontenelle may have 3 or 400 men with him, he boasts he shall soon have a great Spanish army, whereas such as he has goes away quickly. From the Bay de Pol David all the coast to Brehae is reduced to the King's obedience, but if Fontenelle had resolved on some enterprise, he would not have lacked shipping, for in the bay of Pol David and Dodierne there are two hundred great ships capable of carrying twelve and fifteen tons each. M. de St. Luc is about St. Maur, which cannot have great forces. If God do not soon send forces, this province will be ruined, for the Leaguers have taken all their goods. They know not yet who will come in the place of the late Marshal Daumont, he will have in Brittany 4000 Spanish combatants and 1200 on their galleons and ships. The affairs of the King and his servants go daily from worse to worse. The base of Mount St. Michael had been surprised, but the King's troops were forced to quit it in the evening.—From the isle of Brehae, 15 September, 1595.
French. 1¼ pp. (30. 25.)
Thomas Adams to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 15. Understands by Cecil's letter her Majesty's gracious affection in sorrowing his brother's decease, and her commandment concerning his “plattes” and papers, which without monishment would have been performed. Would wish for none other to have the custody, for that was his brother's charge to him, to deliver them to Cecil especially, and wholly to rely upon him.
He willed the writer, moreover, understanding that Cecil was studious of fortification, to signify that a servant, trained with him in all his services, is able in platt or model to set down what kind of forts Cecil shall see fit to employ him about.—London, 15 September, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (35. 10.)
Thomas Middelton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Sept. 15. Understanding by Mr. Cope of Cecil's care to further his suit for payment of 2000l. unto Sir Harry Bagenall, and that her Majesty is somewhat backward and will not yield above 1000l. at this time, yields humble thanks for his favour therein.
Sir Harry is already in his debt above 1300l., for which he has his hand and good sureties, and having commenced suit against them he had rather follow that course and stay his suit, which he must do if he gets payment.
If Sir Harry be not relieved with corn and other provisions out of Wales, he cannot continue, but must abandon the Newry this winter. Mr. Chancellor doth promise to make one journey to the Court to join with Cecil to acquaint her Majesty with all circumstances. If this do not prevail, means to proceed no further : he will come upon Wednesday, or if Middelton can get him to the Court to-morrow night, they will both attend Cecil then.
If the warrant might pass for 2000l., to be paid 1000l. presently and the rest at the end of next term, could make shift in coming to Wales to furnish Sir Harry and attend payment.—London, 15 September, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (35. 11.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Sept. 15. Might very well forbear sending letters during Mr. Bodley's abode here, as he doth of all things at large advertise, especially of his business and proceeding, with the slowness of these men in resolving, and the small likelihood as yet of any such answer as may content her Majesty, but lest Essex might think him negligent, now and then troubles him with a few lines in discharge of his duty.
M. Buzenval's going to the camp hath wrought so much that his Excellency and the Council of State have assented to the sending of twenty companies with all speed unto the King of France, whereof ten are Scots and the other ten these countrymen, under the charge of two colonels, with orders that being in France they shall obey the Duke of Bouillon's commandments. They are already setting forward and take shipping for Calais, thence to take the nearest way to the rendezvous, conducted by certain horse which are to meet them on landing. Mondragon is encamped by Keysers Weert; it is thought his Excellency must seek another quarter, having spent all the forage thereabouts; staying only to have the State's answer unto that their deputies brought them of the state of their camp, and his Excellency's and Council's opinion what best to be done, seeing the enemy abideth still and no appearance of his departure; but that, if the King of France came with such force that Fuentes must have aid, Mondragon is like to send him some 300 horse and stay with the rest till the camp break up, which remains yet uncertain, some thinking that nothing will be done this year, and that, if need require, the enemy will away for Cambray, and let them do what they can, knowing that the time of the year is past, and the States' soldiers not used to winter in field.
Sir Francis Vere's credit increaseth, and if the fear they have that her Majesty may chance on the sudden to call his regiment away were not, he were now very likely to be advanced to the command of some quarter or town. Doubts these uncertainties will much hinder him and all of the nation serving in these parts and do little good otherways. Count Ernest of Nassau is ransomed for 1,000l. and come to his Excellency. It is written from the enemy's side and held for certain that Fuentes strengtheneth himself, having spoiled all the country beyond Cambray so the more to hinder the King, and will attend his coming. He has laboured hard by means of the council of State in Brussels to have the mutinied Italians, at least their horse, promising all contentment. Whereupon they have accorded to him 500 horse for the space of a month, to be quartered by themselves and not to be used unless the King come and give battle, and the whilst for their assurance do require to have the Duke of Aerschot and Marquis Haurech for hostages, which it is thought they will not yield unto, and so no men will be gotten, which to hinder these men have also used certain means. The agreement made between the Earl of Embden and his subjects is ratified and confirmed by the States General, deputies of both parties being present. By intercepted letters it appears that they in Brussels live in hope of a peace as more likely than ever before, without that any ground thereof can be perceived, and makes these men not know what to think, fearing everything that might any ways make against them, affirming that no peace can stand with assurance unless it be made with the other provinces, and the Spaniards and all strangers driven out of the country that hold with the Spaniards.
Would have sent copy of a certain discourse about a peace, intercepted of late and sent from the camp, but makes full account that Essex hath it from Mr. Bodley.—Haeghe, 15 September, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (35. 12.)
M. de la Fontaine to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Sept. 15. Here is an ancient gentleman of the old Huguenots of Brittany, said to be well known to all your captains who were there. Do you expect that he comes to reimburse your expenses? Bids him, banteringly, to beware of that heresy. For himself, cannot help wishing the nests of all these “mal plaisans corbeaux” destroyed.—London, 15 Sept. 1595.
French. Holograph. 1 p. (172. 66.)