Cecil Papers: August 1595, 21-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1595, 21-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp337-358 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1595, 21-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp337-358.

"Cecil Papers: August 1595, 21-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp337-358.

August 1595, 21–31

The Governor of Dieppe to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 21/Sept. 1. A letter to the same purport as the foregoing but without name of the bearer.
Endorsed :—“Ye Governor of Dieppe. 1 Sept., 1595, for a pass for certain horses.”
½ p. (34. 87.)
Thomas, Lord Burgh to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 22. I understand not by your letter, neither by that from my Lords of the Council to me, that Sir Ferdinando Gorges was so presently, without farther signification of her Majesty's pleasure, expected in England, as by himself was made known to me after your servant departed from me at the camp to him in the Brill. Whereof as soon as he acquainted me, I took notice, and to the end the Queen might be satisfied of both our devotions, I used all diligence to post night and day to my charge, that he, from the business of her Majesty's town here, should repair to the undertaking of her service there. My haste brought upon me the ill whereof I now endure the pain, and may doubt more danger to come. In the dark my wagon fell from the height of a great dyke, and hath bruised my ribs and torn my left leg. No bones broken, I thank God, but on my flesh much harm is brought. I penanced my body with this extraordinary travail to avoid the aggravation of that displeasure which her Majesty, too apt to wrath by the murmurs of backbiters against her humble servant, might peradventure inflict on me, if by my absence he were detained, who without my return could not put over the trust of the place so as might stand meet for every consequence. To commend his government whom your Lordship knows sufficient for a more important employment were but superfluous : this only : if he be not bestowed there, I shall wish to be made strong by him here, whereof the benefit will chiefly redound to her Majesty. I left the army resolved to hazard nothing, not so much as to adventure the recovery of their carriage mares, taken daily by 50 and 40, with their guards beaten as they fetch forage. I will unwillingly put myself hereafter into the number of such cold courages. Forgive me that I defer to write at large, because I am newly lodged in my bed with great torment. I repent me not of my journey home, because I hear my absence is misliked : but I would I had been patient to attend the commodity of the daylight, since this is happened, and myself am so thrown down in opinion as I despair to be repaired by diligence, and am become unpleasing to my own life and made unworthy her Majesty's good grace. I will despatch to you within three days a messenger on purpose, for I must write out of the fulness of my heart.—August 22.
Endorsed :—“22 Aug. 1595.”
Holograph. (204. 21.)
William Holliday to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595,] Aug. 22. Whereas it pleased their Lordships, in respect of my losses and hindrances divers ways received, to give me their warrant that none should arrest me until they had order from them whose names are to the said warrant, and for that I would not be troublesome to their Honours, I craved no more hands but the Lord of Essex and your Honour's, which I thought had been sufficient for small sums, not being 400l. to all men, and to no man 100l., and all rich men which I owed anything to who are most cruellest, for there dwelleth in St. Katternse, one John Van Holst, beer brewer, a Dutchman, well worth twenty thousand pounds at least. He arrested me for 6 ton of beer which he saith I gave my word for, and demandeth 18l. for it. I shewed his servant and the “sargyon” the warrant, but they, nothing regarding the same, carried me to the counter; where he would not discharge me until I put in sureties. I pray your Honour send for John Van Holst to know why he doth so lightly esteem the lord of Essex's warrant and your Honour's, and to cause him to deal as others, the which is a small time of forbearance. If he be let pass, then the warrant will be like treated by others.
Headed :—“Laus Deo, the 22 August, in London.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (34. 45.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 22. In my last I wrote that we purposed to draw nearer unto the enemy and now we are lodged within two leagues of them. Upon the knowledge of our coming, Mondragon gathered all his forces together, and removed his camp to a village right over against Berck. We do expect that he will come to offer us battle, but he shall fail of his purpose, for we are strongly entrenched, and the States resolved not to hazard at all. Our drift is to hold the enemy here, and by lodging near to take such occasions as may be offered to give them a blow. For we hold it no small service to keep these men from making war in France. Yet it seemeth the King is of another opinion, Foukeroles being on his way to solicit the Estates to send their army, or a good part thereof, into Flanders for the safety of Calais, which it is thought Fuentes will besiege, promising that the King will join his forces with theirs. But for aught I see there will be little ear given to that demand, both for that they know the provinces will never assent that their army shall be transported so far, as also that the enemy in these quarters drawing thither (who we hold too strong for us) the King should be nothing strengthened by us. If the King can hope for no succours but hence, he is evil bestead, for men they cannot spare without endangering their country, and money her Majesty requireth more than it is in their power to perform. And the enemy on all hands grow stronger, the two regiments of Almayns that were mutinied near Brussels are marching hitherwards, and the mutinied Italians, and those that are joined with them, to the number of 700 horse and 2,000 foot, we hear are contented and presently to pass towards Fuentes. These things grow to a settling of their affairs and, if good resistance be not made, may turn the course of our late victories.—Camp near Wesel, 22 August, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (34. 47.)
Henry Brooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 22. I have spoken with Jols, the merchant, who is much troubled that his speech to Sir John Fortescue should be so much mistaken. He coming unto Sir John Fortescue about business, it pleased him to ask the poor man what news. He told him that a servant of his coming from Midelburg by contrary wind was driven to Calais, and there landing was spoken to by Jeffery, whom you know, at the entreaty of the Governor, to send 6 last of powder to Calais, from hence, to be paid for it at 6 months end. If the Governor would have given ready money or reasonable security he might have had it, but he refused both absolutely, saying he knew not when the King would pay him. It is to be presumed, if the town were in danger, the Governor would net be so careless. This I was entreated by the poor man to write unto you; you may use it as you please. So I end, wishing you all happiness, this 22 of August 1595, your brother-in-law to command.
P.S.—There be this night one or two merchants of Calais arrived from thence who usually come to this fair. They report the town to be well and in security.
Holograph. Part of seal. 1 p. (34. 48.)
Dr. Ch. Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, August 22. According to his order hath been with the Lord of Canterbury. He signifieth that he hath divers that urge the matter for others, wherefore he thinks it requisite for Cecil to move her Majesty again. Understands that the quality of the living is that it is a dignity of St. Paul's requiring no charge, the quantity, 50l. yearly. Whatever it be, most thankfully accepts it, resolved to give attendance as far as well husbanded it may reach.—Croydon, 22 August, 1595.
Endorsed :—“Do. Parkins to my Master.”
Holograph. ½ p. (34. 49.)
Lord William Chandos to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 22. Having had intelligence that her Majesty is purposed presently to appoint new lieutenants in some counties, and doubting lest, by the secret working of some, she should either dispose the lieutenancy of this county from him, or conjoin some other in commission with him (either of which would tend much to his disgrace), earnestly entreats Cecil, among many other favours to him, to use his best endeavours with the Queen, Lord Burghley and the rest, that the lieutenancy, which hitherto hath been committed to his ancestors only, may now be absolutely appointed to himself without associating others with him.—Gloucester, 22 August, 1595.
Signed. ½ p. (34. 50.)
Sir R. Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 22. There are advertisements from Brussels that Pedro Valdis is either gone or to go into Ireland with 3,000 Spaniards. It is also said that there is a new fleet providing against England, towards which were the 20 ships I wrote to your Lordship of, which came out of Italy to Calais and now are said to be at Lithone. These people begin to apprehend the wars more than they were wont, and think that Fuentes proceeds more dangerously than either did the Duke of Parma or Ernestus; and great fear they have for Calais and have appointed here 500 men to send thither on occasion. But as I wrote to you in my last, there is not anything they are sorry for more in the said Fuentes' proceedings than the affection that he hath won among the Wallons, who were clean distasted of the wars, seeing all things continually lost of their side. These said Wallons have made a remonstrance to the King, persuading him to grow to a peace with these provinces [?] upon just conditions. The copy of it I hope to send you by the next.—Flushing, 22 August, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (34. 51.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 23. If you make account of a Barbary hawk, a good friend to me will present you with one; I pray let me know your answer. Yesternight at my return to London I had speech with the merchant upon whose speeches this bruit is grounded, and find that his servant was dealt withal for certain lasts of powder in trade of merchandise; for the which if he would help him he would put him good security; neither I do find that he made any report of want of victuals [or] of any distresses that they were in. Only that the peasantry of the country were in great fear and repaired near unto the frontier towns.—From my house in London, the 23 of August.
If you will have the hawk send your servant unto me. Your loving father-in-law.
Signed. Seal broken. ½ p. (34. 52.)
Sir Richard Martin to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 23. According to your letter of the 20th of this instant, I gave order to Mr. Deputy Parr, her Majesty's embroder, and deputy of that ward where Walton lay, secretly to observe the said Walton and such as resorted unto him, and yesternight, about 7 of the clock, I caused him to be apprehended, and so committed him close prisoner to the Compter in Wood Street until your honour's pleasure were further known. I have not only examined him but also Moore and his wife, being inhabitants in that house where Walton lay, and likewise John Newman, the sergeant, all which examinations this bearer, my son, will deliver to your good lordship. I have also given order for the apprehension of one Richard Evans, mentioned in their examinations, that I may likewise take his knowledge concerning the proceedings of the said Walton. Mr. Deputy Parr aforesaid telleth me that Walton did take a pair of oars by himself the same day that her Majesty last removed from Greenwich to Whitehall, and there amongst other boats came as near to her Majesty's barge as he could, but what his intent was he knoweth not.—London, 23 August, 1595.
Endorsed :—“Touching Roger Walton.”
Holograph. ½ p. (34. 59.)
Enclosures :
1595, Aug. 23. The examination of Roger Waltham, of the age of 33 years or thereabouts, taken before Sir Richard Martin, knight, viz. :
Was discharged out of prison at the Hague in Holland, where he had continued 21 months before, the last day of May last. Came to England eight or ten days later in company of the post, a merchant of London, whose name he thinketh is Petty, but where he dwelleth knoweth not, and one Palmer, a Welshman, who was sometime a soldier at Flushing. He and the merchant took post horses at the Isle of Thanet and came the night after they landed to Gravesend, where he laid all night at a widow woman's house, at the sign of the Christopher, called Mrs. Smith; the merchant came towards London the same night, since which time he did never see him.
Item. Next day, came to the Court and remained there, in Mr. Vice Chamberlain's chamber, from noon until six o'clock at night. Thence to London, where he lay at one Reade's house about three weeks, and then he was arrested upon an action of debt into the Compter in Wood Street, where he lay some nine days until set at liberty on bail by a habeas corpus. Lay at the said Reade's again until a month or three week's ago, when he removed to one Moore's dwelling at Powle's Wharf, where he hath lain ever since.
Item. There never came any resort unto him into Reade's house, but to Moore's house there hath come sundry persons, as, namely, one Mr. Thomas Rogers, Sir Richard Rogers' son, one Mr. Deane, a young gentleman of the New Inn, in whose company one Furbysher came twice, one Mr. Ed. Calton, my lord Beauchamp's man, one Mr. Page, a Hertfordshire gentleman, one Evans, a Dutchman, one John de Pinckster, a merchant of Rotterdam, who came with Evans, and another Dutchman, a musician, who lay with this examinant one night, one Mr. Hassellwoode, a Lincolnshire gentleman, and one Whytney, a gentleman in Bowe Lane.
Item. All the gentlemen before did use to come to get him to take up some commodities for them, for which business Evans was the solicitor; and other business they have not had with him. This day he should have taken up money to the value of 20l., which he was to pay in part to Sir Francis Veere, who hath given his word for 59l. which this examinant is to pay for the charges of his imprisonment in Holland, the time of payment now drawing near.
Signed. (34. 54.)
1595, Aug. 23. The examination of Edmund Moore, of the age of 80 years or thereabouts, dwelling at Powle Wharf, by trade an embroiderer, taken before Sir Richard Martyn, knight, vizt. :
One Roger Waltham came to lie at his house about a month past by reason that about two years past the said Waltham his wife (he being beyond the seas) lay there, where she fell sick and died; so as he coming to London came to this examinant's house to take order for the goods left by his wife, and so hath laid there as aforesaid. In which time sundry young gentlemen and others have had sundry times conference with the said Waltham in his house, sometimes by the space of two hours together, but what they were he knoweth not, except one Mr. Rogers, whose name he remembereth; he being a young gentleman having a man following of him who, as he thinketh, is one of the Inns of Court.
Item. He saith his order was to go forth oftentimes in the morning and not to come in again until night, by the space of a whole week together; but whither the said Waltham went he knoweth not.—23 August, 1595.
Signed. ½ p. (34. 53.)
The examination of Elizabeth Moore, wife of Edmund Moore, imbroderer, taken before Sir Richard Martin, knight, the 23 day of August, 1595.
About eighteen months past, as she thinketh, came one Mrs. Walton to her house in Thames Street, and there hired a chamber to lie in until such time as her husband then beyond seas should come home, and there having lien some three weeks (taking physic) she died, leaving with this examinant a box wherein was her linen, who (thinking that her husband was dead in that he was from her two years) desired this examinant to give the said box to one Awdry Pate, the said Mr. Walton's sister, which she did.
Item. Three weeks last past one Roger Walton, husband of the foresaid Mrs. Walton, hearing that his wife was dead and had left a box of linen with her, came unto her and asked for the said box, who tells him she had, according to his wife's last will, given all such goods as was his wife's to her sister aforesaid. But he then told her that he would have it again and she should answer it him. Wherefore, fearing to be troubled for the goods, she, at his request, did let him a chamber to lie in, where he hath lain this three weeks past. Being demanded what gentlemen or others hath resorted to the forsaid Roger Walton in that time, she saith that through a child's sickness she little regarded his going or coming forth, but saith that she often hath seen one Richard Evans, a Dutchman, and one other Dutchman, whose name she knoweth not, in his company. Also in the time of his abode in her house there did daily young gentlemen resort unto him under show, as they told her, to seal some bonds of agreement between them and the said Walton. One Mr. Deane and one Rogers, young gentlemen, were often with him.
Item. She hath often seen Roger Walton, when any of the forsaid resorted unto him, go to one Mr. Newman's house, which is a serjeant, there breaking their fast or dining according to the time of day.
Signed. 1½ pp. (34. 57.)
London, 23 Aug. 1595.—Examination of John Newman, serjeant, dwelling near Baynards Castle, taken before Sir Richard Martyn.
Knoweth one Walton and hath been in his company three times within these three weeks, before which he was not acquainted with him, viz., twice at his own house and once at the Stillyard. His acquaintance grew by the commendations of his wife, who told him that Walton had lain in her house in her former husband's time, and that he was an intelligencer; by means whereof Walton came once to his house, and being there he did see a writ wherein one Edgard Maynard, stranger, was named, who told this examinant he knew the said Maynard; and thereupon this examinant requested him to make him acquainted with the said Edgard his coming to the city that he might arrest him, which the said Walton after did, and which was the cause of his meeting the said Walton twice more. At their last meeting, one Richard Evans, dwelling hard by the Still-yard, a Dutchman, was in his company, who went away from this examinant in the company of Evans and two more in the manner of gentlemen, but what they were this examinant knoweth not.
Item. Walton lieth at one Edmund Moore's, embroderer, dwelling near Powle's Wharf, but he hath not nor could not observe any company which came to Walton by reason of his seldom being at home, being one of the sheriff's serjeants, but he hath heard that there is a great resort to him and did once see two with him, but who they were he knoweth not.
Item. The last time Walton was at his house there came a fine young gentleman to him in a white satin doublet, who had a man following him, but what he was this examinant knoweth not; which gentleman did sit down and they broke their fast together, when this examinant went away and left them together at his house.
Signed. 1 p. (34. 56.)
The examination of Richard Evans, tailor, taken before Sir Richard Martyn, knight, 23 August 1595.
Within the last fortnight hath been in company with Mr. Walton, gent., at one Newman's house in Thames St., twice or thrice, there being with him one John Shuldall and Mr. Newman. The only cause of his going to Walton was that having got certain young gentlemen's names, viz., one Mr. Rogers, Sir Richard Rogers' son, Mr. Deane, Mr. Moore, embroderer, and one Mr. Knolles (with others whose names he knows not) that would give their bonds for 20l. for Walton if this examinant would or could borrow the money upon them, promising liberally to reward him for his pains, as also that he should pay himself certain monies which Walton owed him at his last departure beyond seas, some three years past, he hoping thereby to recover part of his old debt, and for no other cause did there go unto him.
Item. Walton did make him a letter of attorney general to take up all dues and bonds owing unto him, promising to give him certain bonds which he meant should be presently put in suit; but this examinant never could see any of them. Labouring very earnestly for getting the said 20l. upon their bonds, he got of one Mr. Steer, skinner, through the foresaid John Shuldall's means, 12l., one Mr. Knowles, gent., giving his bond of 40l. for payment of it again at St. Andrew's Day next, promising this examinant that he should have somewhat of it for his pains; but to this day could never get anything of him, neither for his pains therein nor of his former debt.
Signed. 1 p. (34. 55.)
M. du Perron to Henry IV.
1595, Aug. 23/Sept. 2. Giving an account of negociations with the Pope since they last wrote on the 29th July.—Rome, 2 Sept. 1595.
Copy. French. Holograph. 2½ pp. (172. 59.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 24. The armies continue in the same place still, Mondragon over against Bercke and we near Wesell, neither making any show as if they would bring it to a day's fight, but both content that they keep back other from doing. Some attempts have been made by the horsemen on both sides on the guards and foragers, and not very lately the Count Philypp with 500 horse enterprised the cutting their guards off. But they had intelligence of his coming, and with all their horse attended him. There was very great fight; in the first brunt Count Philypp was thrown to the ground sore wounded. The rest of the troops notwithstanding did so well that they defeated all the enemy's squadrons saving one, which seeing our men scattered in following the chase put them to rout. Sir Nicholas Parker behaved himself very well in this service. There were lost on our side about forty horse; the Count Philypp was carried by the enemy out of the field and died the next day. The Count Sulmes taken and so wounded that he cannot escape, and the Count Ernestus, a younger brother of the Count Philypp's, taken. My brother Robert, charging that troop which only rested unbroken, was run into the face with a lance and died on the place. The enemy's loss of soldiers was far greater and most of their officers are hurt or slain. It was very well fought on both sides. Fucherolles is here still, expecting the deputies of the States General who should give him answer concerning his demand of succours. What is likely to be done therein, I know your honour is advertised by one Bodley, but here I see little appearance of yielding thereunto.—Camp near Wesell, 24 Aug. 1595.
Holograph. 2 pp. (34. 60.)
Sir R. Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 24. I understand your lordship hath put my wife in comfort, that I shall have leave to return this winter. I humbly beseech your lordship to pardon her presuming so far, and to lay the blame upon the care that wives will shew to have of their husbands. But in truth, my lord, if ever I had cause in respect of my private estate to desire to be at home for a time, it is now. For, besides that I came at a very unreasonable time away for my business, the death of my brother hath wrought a great alteration in my estate. My lord, I do not desire to stir hence till All Hallowtide, nor to be in England longer than Shrovetide; and thereof, if it be needful, I beseech you give your word for me, for, howsoever I may perhaps make bold with others, your lordship knows I will not break with you. I speak this soon because of resolving of my wife's coming over, which in my commonwealth is a great matter, and the earnester I am because, methinks, this year threateneth some great stirs against the next out of Spain, and then would it be very unfit for me either to be or to seek to be away from this place. And here do I find such wants and such small satisfaction given to the demands which I do make, as it is no small reason of my desire to make one small journey into England to be a suitor there myself for such things as be necessary, assuring your lordship that there are more secret sores in this town than are thought of, and will be seen when it shall be tried. I send over this bearer to follow this suit of mine. I beseech your lordship to give him leave to attend your lordship to know your will.—Flushing, 24 August, 1595.
P.S.—To the last advertisements out of Spain there is now added that there are 200 pieces of brass brought to Lisbon; most of them demy canon.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (34. 62.)
Advices from the Low Countries.
1595, Aug. 24./Sept. 3. Son Excellence estant adverty que l'ennemy tiennoyt oultre la Lippe une garde de troys cornettes des chevaux assez esloigné de son camp pour les attrapper, fit de nuit (vendredy passé) marcher le Comte Phe. de Nassau, accompagné de ses freres, les comtes Ernest and Lodowyck de Nassau, et son cousin Ernest de Solmis, avec le Drossaerdt de Lallandt, les Capitaines Parker, Robert Vere, Kinsky, Marcelis, Bax, Baelen, Contelaer, Doneq, Bernardt et autres lieutenants et officiers, avec 25 reytres de chasque compagnie, faysants environs cincq cents chevaux, lesquels passant la dite Lippe s'advancerent vers la place de la garde dudit ennemy, ou, au lieu dudits cornettes, ils trouverent quasi toute la cavaillerie, non es gardes mais ça et la en embuscade. Le dit Comte Phe., estant à la teste de ses gens, descouvrant l'ennemy, ordonna au Drossaerdt de Lallant, qui commandoit à la primière troupe des soldats de Barzon, Marcelys, Bax et Du Boys, qu'il chargeasse, et s'avancant après estre passé certain estroit, trouvants le compagnies de l'ennemy, à scavoir du Comte Harman van den Berghe, de Grobbendoncq, Mendo et de Bolducq : et que le dit Comte estant en la plainure, tourna bride, pensant passer auprès d'une haye ou buisson du coste des nostres pour les enclore, ils le chargearent sy asprement qu'il les remprirent, qui fut cause de 2 aultres le recondant s'attacquarent aux nostres, de sorte qu'ils estiont constrainet faire retraicte vers l'estroict, ou estants suivis des ennemys et la place ne servant d'user plus de leurs lances, se sont mis en defence à coups de pistolets et carabins, de sorte que d'un coste et d'aultre il y demeurarent aulcuns morts. Au capitaine Contelar estoit commandé de conduire le bestail qu'ils avoyent prins, et à Bax de le seconder, mais le dit Bax ayant les coups de pistoles s'en retourna, prenant un chemin par où il pensoit environner ceux qui combatoyent ledit Comte Phe., mais rencontra aultres troupes de l'ennemy, et chargeant sur l'une partie des troupes fut secondé du capitaine Kinsky et autres entrants peslemesle, quant le capitaine Parker survint très bien à propos, donnant une charge si vive qu'il renversa deux esquadrons des ennemis : sur quoy survint la companie de Verdugo, qui n'avoit encores combattu, et charge a le dit Parker qui en perdit de ses gens, et si alors il y fussent este quelque 50 ou 60 chevaulx d'avantage des nostres pour fairè bon contre les dits chevaulx de Verdugo, sans faute la victoire eust esté de nostre coste; mais l'ennemy, se rassemblant et se retirant tousjours, pensant tirer les nostres à leur embuscade qu'ils avoyent mise de 1000 musquettiers, ayants les nostres bien faict leur debuoir, se retirarent vers la Lippe, ayants perdus environs 49 ou 50; et du costé de l'ennemy sont demeurés au moins trois foys aultant. Mais le mal est que les comtes Phe. de Nassau et Ernest de Solmis, estants griefvement blessés, sont esté faits prissonniers, comme aussy est le Comte Ernest de Nassau, mais sans blessure, le capitaine Bernarde et le lieutenant Du Boys. Le capitaine Kinsky estant navré dangereusement est amené en Wesel, et le lieutenant de Barzon, le capitaine Robert Vere on doubte estre mort sur la place, estants perdus environs 70 chevaulx. De l'ennemy sont 15 prisonniers menés en nostre camp et 50 chevaulx.
Le Markgraeve de Baden, qui est venu en nostre camp, ayant passé par icelle de l'ennemy, dit que toute leur cavaillerie y estoit, n'estants 60 demeurés au camp, et que tous leurs officiers sont blessés jusques aux cornettes; rapporte aussy que l'ennemy avoit des le minuict eu advertence que les nostre merchoyent, et qu'ils avoyent mis ung embuscade 1000 musquettiers, et qu'il avoit sur ceste advertisement mande de Bereq le comte Harman van den Berghe; que les deux comtes blessés sont envoyes pour estre mieulx accommodé à Berck, et que le comte Ernest de Nassau estoit retenu au camp. Le chirurghin de son Excellence, avec les serviteurs des dits Comtes, y sont envoyés.—Du camp ce 3 de 7bre 1595.
Endorsed :—“3 Sept. 1595. Advis du Pais Bas. Au camp le 3 de 7bre 95. Nouveau stile.”
Unsigned. 1½ pp. (34. 90.)
W. Waad to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 25. I have examined the lewd fellow Casy that by your honour was committed to the Gatehouse of Westminster. He will not own that he hath any companion in these practices but doth write the letters himself. Amongst the letters found about him, are letters of thanks from certain gentlemen, to whom he brought letters as from their special friends, and one from a servant of the Earl of Shrewsbury, in which was enclosed letters from the Earl to the Earl of Ormond, which letters he saith he did deliver unto a costermonger's wife by Temple Bar. There were also amongst his writings two passports, by which it doth appear he hath by the Justices been apprehended for a rogue, and once committed to the gaol. I learn that he hath been twice committed to the Gatehouse and to Newgate for felony, but by reason the matters were not prosecuted against him he escaped. It were not amiss he were again removed to Newgate or to Bridewell.
The King of Portugal's servants have letters this morning, that Don Antonio is deceased in Paris, and D. Martin de la Nuca slain with the shot of a 'hargabusse.'—Wood Street, 25 August, 1595.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (34. 64.)
Letters delivered by Casy.
At my giving
him in reward.
1s. Letters delivered to Mr. John Stanhope from Mr. Laughles.
To William Waad from Mr. Alexander Cosby.
2s. To Mr. Doctor Harbert from Charles Harbert.
3s. To Mr. Francis Fortescue from Tho. White, the Master of the Rolls' son.
To the Lady Wingfield from Captain Richard Wingfield.
3s. To Mr. Helmes from one Helmes.
3s. To Mr. Henry Brooke from Thomas White.
To Sir William Woodhouse from Mr. Woodhouse with the lord Deputy.
2s. To Sir William Cornwallis from — Wythipoole.
To Sir Moyle Finche from Mr. White.
3s. To Sir Charles Cavendishe from Mr. James Butler.
To Sir Michael Blount from one Blount.
Apparently an enclosure in the preceding letter.
(34. 63.)
George, Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 25. If my man had been come to Oxford your messenger had come too late, so religiously all promises to you shall be remembered. Since he is here, I have sent her by him. Her name is Philyda. If your man hit right how to use her, you shall see the best setter in England, and when she hath set your tassell in his best flying, if [I] be not deceived, I will shew you another shall look upon his back, and you shall command him as anything else is mine.—Oxford, 25 August, 1595.
Holograph. ½ p. (34. 65.)
Sir T. Heneage, Vice-Chamberlain, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595,] Aug. 25. With my best thanks for your care for me that can yet little boast of good amendment, having recovered neither my legs nor my stomach yet.
Touching Bagnoll, who hath served as a clerk in the office of the Ordnance most honestly these thirty years, and hath been a principal discoverer of many deceits in that office, Riddesdale being commanded in her Majesty's name, both by myself and my lord Admiral, to let Bagnoll keep his place, with the only usual fee of 20l. per annum, will not (as it seems) let him have a penny; the poor man lying (as it appears by his letter) at the point of death.
And for the safety of the prisoners, (if Bagnoll should die), it were fit Mr. Rookeby, Master of St. Katherine's, were writ to, to have care thereof. The whilst I will send him word that such is her Majesty's pleasure. More lines my weak hand at this time will not afford you.—Heneage House, 25 August.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. 1 p. (34. 66.)
The King [of Portugal] to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 25. “Muyto exçellente snor. chegase o tempo em que me he forçado despedirme dos amigos, pera maes os naō ver nesta vida, e com v. exa. he hum dos maiores e maes verdadeiros que tenho nela, lhe quis significar o stado em que figo, que he de quem estaa maes pera tratar negoçios de salvaçaō dalma que de restauraçaō de reinos. Posto que naō deixo de entender, que poes tomei aa minha conta a defensaō deste, que por força me fizeraō açeitar, sou obrigado a lhe procurar a liberdade por todolos meos que me forem possiveis; e porque hum dos principaes e maes importantes he o favor de v. exa. por outros que com este seraō certos, cuydo que tambem entra nas obrigacoes de minha consçiençia, encomendar esta a v. exa. com que eu desehei tanto de comprir, e porque tanto trabalhei em quanto vivi, mas seia deos louvado, que he servido levarme pera si com esta sede, despoes de tantos trabalhos, como tenho padeçido. E porque nada me fique por fazer, farei este officio derradeiro, que he rogar aos amigos, se queyraō condoer daqle. pobre reino, que tanto tene sempre os olhos nesse : e assistir aqueles, que mostrarem maior zelo pera empregarem nele suas vidas e pesoas e bem creo eu que se v. exa. o sentir em meus filhos folgaraa muito maes de os tomar por companheiros nesta empresa, que a quaesqr. outros. Porque como os Portugueses viraō iaa por experiençia quanto os ama v. exa. e quanto deseia sua liberdade, claro estaa que com muito maior alvoroço o receberaō, sabendo que leva consigo os filhos de hum Rey que morreo por ela : e entenderaō juntamente, que quem tene tam verdadeira amizade com o pae e com os filhos, continuando sempre com eles, a teraa tambem com os vasalos. Pera isto, e pera tratar outras cousas que comuniquei ao governador Sçipiaō de Figueredo de Vasconcelos, o mando a Inglaterra, por ser pesoa de tanta qualidade e confiança como suas obras mereçem, que en tenha dele peço a v. exa. o queira favoreçer diante da serenissima Rainha, pera q. seia assistido dela maneira, que possa fazer os negocios de q. vae emcarregado, com a authoridade q. conviem a eles porque tendo o effeito que se pode esperar, teraa tambem v. exa. muitas cousas de que se possa gloriar, ora voume pera deos, e ele fique com v. exa. pera lhe dar os contentamentos e prosperidades, que ele pode, e seus amigos lhe deseia..”—Paris, 25 Aug. 1595.
Signed : “Rey.”
Add. Signet. 1 p. (147. 121.)
News Letter.
1595, Aug. 25. News letter headed Venice, 25 Aug. 1595.
News from Constantinople of 22 July, from Prague 8 Aug., and Carlstadt 15 Aug., of the Turks and Muscovites. Appearance of a Turkish fleet. Doings of Count Mansfeldt. News of the South of France.
Italian. 4 pp. (172. 54.)
Edward Wylton to the Earl of Essex.
1595. Aug.26/Sept. 5. This present day the funerals of the Admiral are celebrated, with too great pomp as many affirm. They have not seen any subject in France honoured with the like. They value the charges at the least at ten thousand crowns. The King hath sent letters of princely favours to Señdor Ant. Perez to the Duc de Montpensier, to use him with respect at Roan, and to the Prince Conté and Count Chomberyr to entertain him at Paris. He hath been driven to that exigent for want of the return of his money he kept with Señdor Bassadonna, that he intreated us to use our credits with Otwell Smith for crowns to carry him to Paris.
By his means we took up two hundred crowns in Roan, which we did in regard of your lordship's honour, and gave our bills for it, which may be repaid with his money in England, if it be not yet sent. If it be, it shall be presently repaid here upon the first receipt. To-morrow we take our journey to Paris in the company of Monsieur d'Incarville, who hath already done many offices of a friend to Señdor Perez at Rouen.
Touching the death of the King of Portugal, the imprisoning of the Due de Nemours by the Constable of Castile or (as some affirm) by the Duke of Savoy; the declaration that he made thereof at his death, and the counsel that he gave to his friends to follow the party of the King; the friendly entertainment of Monsieur d'Evreux, the King's ambassador at Rome, notwithstanding the practice of the Spanish to the contrary; the King's nominating the governor of Dieppe to be governor of Roan under the said Mompensier; the suborning of Burlay, an English fugitive, by the Spaniards to cut Senhor Perez's throat, and the unfortunate death of Don Martino de la Núca, his dear friend, I know he himself hath writtten at large unto your lordship.
He grieveth much that he hath not as yet heard from your lordship or any other his friends in England. Your lordship's favours and the pleasures of England have caused that he cannot so well affect the dangerous and inconstant disposition of the French. I hope he shall be able shortly to discern of his estate, and then your lordship shall the better understand his resolution.—Roan, 5 Septemb. stilo novo. 95.
Portions in italics in cipher. Seal. 2 pp. (34. 95.)
Explanation of the cipher in the foregoing letter. (34. 94.)
The Captain of Rochelle to M. de la Fontayne, Minister of the French Church in London.
1595, Aug. 26/Sept. 5. Is bound to honour the Queen of England above all neighbouring princes, not only for the help she renders their King, but also for the warnings she supplies of envoys of the enemy likely to visit that town. Thanks him especially for his advertisement, on which he will communicate with M. le Febvre, to whom de la Fontayne has addressed his letters, and they will both watch to draw therefrom all the fruit their Majesties can ask.—La Rochelle, 5 Septembre, 1595.
Signed :—“Thevenyn.” Maire et capitaine de la ville de la Rochelle.
Addressed :—“A Monsieur de la Fontayne, ministre de la parole de Dieu en l'eglisse de Londres Francoise..”
French. ½ p. (34. 96.)
Thomas, Lord Burgh to the Earl of [Essex?]
1595, August 27. When I last wrote I was exceedingly travailed with pain, whereby I omitted to enter into that which asketh more from me than thankfulness of my pen. But because that shall not be wanting which in some measure I may yield, I will be grateful herein, and in your commandments serve to the full of him whom you own from all the world. I presumed to write to your Lordship the estate of our army, which I protest I esteemed not worthy your eyes, but as in everything your noble disposition amends by favour what is my error, so I perceive your love stretched to grace my rude collection into a better interpretation than any man, but by your judgment in applying and enamelling the sense, could have made.
I now walk abroad with my hurt leg, to which I will give no ease till I see the affections of the people settled upon the proposition of remboursement; for in my garrison a number of defects must be supplied with diligence. Our want is general, of men as of munition : of this not to suffice for a skirmish : of those not to guard half the walls. The companies be six, and you know the captains (and with good reason) hold them strong if they be complete 120 in a band. The circuit of the wall in the town is two English miles and a half; of the forts, above one. I leave to your consideration how we be provided if the country waver.
I now will complain my grief to you, and though I cannot hope for remedy, yet in reparation it is some ease to impart the burden whereof so virtuous a person would wish me discharged. I am made acquainted that in all speeches had of me her Majesty entitled me with the name of the most villain and dishonourable to her Court. It is not that the words are so sensible to me, as that I see upon the advantage of a base practice by my enemies she will serve herself to exclude me from all grace which I might expect. What then is the hope of my endeavours? or whence shall I attend credit, or commodity? Imagine, my dear Lord, if these feeling impressions be not burdenous. Nevertheless, I will stand against them with this comfort, that to contend in the course of honour and honesty without hope of reward is more glorious than to be led by “prise.” In the means of these lowest employments I will preserve this reputation to be honest, and though her Majesty reward my good intent with such terms as pleaseth her to afford, she shall be served of all the power that is in me. Yet do I endure the solitariness of the place, the unpleasantness of the air, and all discommodities, as a more penance, because this employment is dignified above my reach, and myself thrown down with most vile objections.
From Haghe your Lordship will be best advertised, but what I gather of the payment is this : that they will be drawn to such an annual pension as will ease the Queen in the ordinary charge of her companies in the land, letting the great account run on till the reckonings be evened and their estate more enabled. I had speech with some of them before I departed the camp, and found them much distasted, yet thus far they leaned to a kind of satisfaction.
Your Lordship may imagine the accounts, when they be entered into, will be confused : for they begin to lay hold on all profits made by checks, as also of the thrift in the clothing, victualling, and other orders established to draw the wars to less cost. In private conference with me they have discovered thus much, affirming that as her Majesty did but disburse, and they were answerable, so being likewise to “defalke” what were on either side reasonable, they doubted not but her Majesty would allow this exception, wherein they were assured she would show she had not sought gain by her money and people lent to relieve them in their wars. In the repetition of these things it shall be most honorable to those who have not shared in the benefit : for they by likelihood have sifted into every circumstance what commodity hath been raised, and into what hands distributed.
As I purposed my conclusion—for I fear I am already tedious—new matter arrived wherein I must submit me farther to your patience. At this instant I received a letter from Sir Francis Vere. The effect is his Excellency directed his cousin Count Philip to beat the enemy's guards, and to surprise the foragers with 500 horse, himself would favour his retreat in the way between both armies (if he were pressed) with 4 or 5 regiments on foot, and the residue of his horse. By spiall the enemy was advertised, and mounted to encounter the Count Philip, accompanied with the young Count Solmes and his own brother Ernestus of Nassaw. The English horse were commanded by Sir Nicholas Parker. Dutch companies there were two or three. All to receive direction from Count Philip. They disposed themselves to fight in squadrons. In the first charge Count Philip was wounded, and not to be brought off, and the two counts prisoners and that troop broken. The rest maintained well and put some of the enemy to rout, but were rechased, and Kinskye, a Dutch captain, slain. Captain Robert Vere leading his brother's horse, and giving (way) with the rest, is lost, and not certain whether dead or taken; soldiers, not 50 missing; on their side as many beaten, but by the quality of the persons remaining with them the day is made theirs. The foot had no part : your own came unpursued, and declared the story.
Your Lordship may perceive in this, what effects must follow a fearful general : whose want of resolution begets infinite errors. For in the project of this attempt nothing is sound, which you shall better look into when I shall describe what way they had to pass. The enemy is lodged in an island : between him and ours the access by certain fords over a small river called the Lip : hereby as the passage is not without difficulty, so the retreat must be impossible : for when 500 horse be invested in the face of an army which may fight in all his strength, and still charge them with fresh supplies, their end must be to be scattered, and then being divided from their seconds by a river which is wadeable but in fords, their enemies must needs hurl them headlong into the water, or at the bank cut their throats. But the escape was more fortunate by the doubt of the enemy than providence of ours.
Next, I observe a desire in him to make a show of fighting, where it could never come to blows, and a seeming to make safety to his, of whom it must be determined before they could come to him. The impediment of the water, as I have showed it to be a hindrance to our retreat, so it must of necessity, if we got the advantage to recover our shore, stay the execution. But if any cause might be left of lying in the way with foot, yet is he inexcusable in bringing forward 5,000 (which in these parts hath the sound of an army) and advancing them no nearer than where he might hear news of those whom he could not rescue. It was without all purpose : for the enemy could pass no infantry to him, and if there were a necessity by pursuit of their horse, 1,000 pikes and 1,500 shot would with more honour have performed the journey. To conclude, his fear hath given him this blow, for if he would boldly have gone on and with all his forces have fought, taking reasonable time to pass his army, which in despite of the enemy he might have done, the odds had been more his than now theirs : for I know our foot are better and 5,000 stronger than theirs : and their horses bad, and exceed not ours 300 in number. Therefore chose he rather, because he loves not to meddle, to lose 3 of his cousins in a “cāvisado,” than to adventure upon good terms and worthy resolution to win honour.
If your Lordship finds me impatient in my censure, reform my fault with your wisdom, but truly though in seven weeks that I was among them I waxed an enemy to their backwardness, yet I write as I understand by the nature of that which I believe I am acquainted withal.
It may be this will warm them to some farther action; I am sorry by the calling away of Sir Fernando Gorges I am tied to this town; for, by my God of heaven, I am at this present ready to run all fortunes of my life.
The alarum which Sir Fernando Gorges gave me of his departure, knowing none in the town fit to give justice, made me post to hurt myself, and by that means I am not where I would be.—August 27.
Endorsed :—“August 2 (sic) 1595.”
Holograph. 3 pp. (204. 19.)
[Thomas Bodley] to Lord Burghley.
1595, Aug. 27. By a former letter of 17 of this month I made report how I found them affected to the matter of my message. They have delegated since certain of their College to repair to Co. Maurice and the council of Estate, with their advice to be assisted in framing of their answer. These it is thought will hasten their return and be here I guess within eight days at the furthest. In the mean season, if either my own endeavours or the travails of my friends had been able to discover to what kind of course they are secretly inclined, I have used all my means and my uttermost diligence, and yet I rest as uncertain as when I came hither. But if I should impart my private conjecture, as I cannot well perceive that their state is sufficient to give her Highness contentation of any good portion, so I doubt, if it were, there will nothing be obtained but by a new treaty. For this I find to be a reason urged by them all, and I suppose it will go current when the matter is referred to the people's resolution, that to yield any payment by virtue of the contract were to construe the contract to be ended already, and to confess that they are bound to present “remboursement” of all that debt unto her Majesty, which I find by all their humours is a mere impossibility to persuade them to acknowledge.
Here is at this instant a troublesome advertisement come from the camp that, the 23 of this month, Co. Philip going forth with 500 horse to charge a watch of the enemy's of three cornets, upon notice of it given to the enemy before by some “spial” among us, in lieu of those three he found at the least fourteen and a thousand foot in ambush. The charges and rescues and all the fight of our horsemen was valiantly performed, but oft pressed in the end with the enemy's numbers, were forced to return with the loss of forty men and seventy horse, for which we had fifty horse of the enemy and sixteen prisoners, having slain by supposal above a hundred. But Co. Philip himself was grievously hurt and taken prisoner, with the young Co. Ernest his brother, and Co. Ernest of Solmes, a very gallant young gentleman, who was also so hurt as neither he nor Co. Philip are like to escape it. Sir Nicholas Parker in this encounter is noted to have done very singular service. It was bruited here awhile that de Fuentes was removed from the siege of Cambray, but this day we have letters from Abbeville and Calais that he continueth very strong, and doth use many means to straiten the town. Which is all that I can signify for this present.—Hage, 27 Aug. 95.
P.S.—It is also signified unto us by letters from the camp that Mr. Robert Vere, Sir Francis' brother, was slain in the conflict.
Endorsed :—“Copy of my letter to my Lord Treasurer, 27 August 1595.”
2 pp. (34. 69.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Sussex.
1595, Aug. 27. Though I would rather have had better matter than that which gave me occasion to trouble your Lordship at present, yet lest the uncertain reports and flying tales might make and keep you doubtful with a desire to know how matters passed in a fight there hath been between the States' men and some of the enemy, I send the translation of letters written from the camp, whereby will appear so much as was there known on Sunday last, looking daily for further particulars, and to hear from Sir Francis. The camps continue in their wonted places, and I think this rencontre will make his Excellency resolve to stay the longer, though these men had sent unto him to send part of his men into garrison and keep 3,000 or 4,000 together under the command of such an one as he should appoint, so as to amuse the enemy and keep Mondragon in suspense what best to do, either to stay or to pass the Rhine.
The deputies sent to the camp had also in charge to make his Excellency and the Council of State acquainted with Mr. Bodley's message. We look daily to hear from thence, and then will there be more subject to enlarge upon.—Haeghe, 27 August, 1595. In haste.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (34. 70.)
William Waad to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 27. According to your directions I have removed Casy to Newgate, who, besides his lewd devices, doth fall out to be a notable thief. He received but one letter from the nobleman, directed to the Earl of Ormond, which he delivered to a costermonger's wife without Temple Bar, with two other letters from himself. And the letter from the Earl is delivered back again to one of his Lordship's servants, for his Lordship, after he heard of the apprehension of Casy, sent to know what he had done with the letter, and so it was taken again from the costermonger's wife. I send a letter I received from Herbert.—London, 27 August, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (34. 71.)
[1595, Aug. 27.]—George Herbert to William Waad. Craves favour towards a poor captive fallen into disgrace by his own folly, who, seeking good, has wrought his own ruin. Has long desired to write the whole conceit of his mind, but never could until this morning his keeper gave him paper, pen and ink at Waad's commandment. Understands some man hath insinuated it would be good to remove him unto some place where, by torture, he might be forced to confess greater matter than hitherto. Truly it may well be that the pain of torture may cause the tongue to speak things which the heart did never conceive; but, if he was ever made acquainted with any matter of state other than that he has confessed unto Mr. Topclyff, let him be bound unto four wheels and so end his days.
Four years ago, he resolved to leave that place to return to his country, and at that time he desired Modye to devise means for a passport, who promised him the same. Afterwards, finding him so entire with Charles Padgett, to whom he did import all secrets (the said Padgett being then and always Herbert's mortal enemy), ceased his suit to Moody, fearing that if Padgett knew thereof, who at that time had such free access unto Count Mansfelt, he might have wrought revenge for old griefs, but had always a firm resolution to come home as occasion might serve.
It is objected, why did he not stay at Flushynge until he had procured his pardon and passport. If he had, his purse in his wofull case and poor estate would not have defrayed his charges until answer had been returned from home, he knowing no friend at Court to negotiate so weighty a cause. His wife, friends, and kindred dwell nearly 100 miles away from this city, nor was it likely he could find a man in those parts to make the journey for him without greater rewards and fee than he could give. Determined, therefore, to adventure his simple carcase, changed his name and disguised himself, hoping thus to have passed into his country, there to keep secret until his friends procured his pardon, and then to offer his services unto some of the Council.
Swears by Almighty God, at whose hands he hopes for mercy at the dreadful day of judgement, that he came not with malicious intent against her Majesty, any councillor or private gentleman whatever; is not employed or sent by any; but came of his own motion to end his days with his wife and children. Confesses divers were acquainted with his coming, for he gave out he had a boy at school whom he would bring with him at his return and send to the seminary, but protests before His Majesty who made heaven and earth that he knows nothing beyond what he has already delivered, otherwise he would deliver it without rack or torture.
Has lived to see the years of 60 and many more, and if her Majesty grant him life and liberty, is not like to continue years or many months; besides, being troubled with a rupture, he is like, if condemned to the rack, to end his life upon the same. Beseeches Waad to crave the lords of the Council rather to sentence him to death than to the torture, although his death can give the Queen no pleasure nor no man gain thereby, having no land nor leases and small wealth. Prays him most earnestly to be a means to the Council to prevail on the Queen to grant him life and liberty, for the sake of wife and children and his zeal to serve the state, which hath caused him to choose to live at home in poverty than abroad in plenty. Her Majesty hath pardoned her armed foes that have been taken captives, and he has never borne arms against her or her confederates. If there be no hope of liberty and life, then prays that his death may be simple, without torment of torture. Ends with tears, humbly hissing Waad's hands out of this prison.
Endorsed in Waad's handwriting :—“27 August 1595. From George Harbert, prisoner in the Gate House at Westminster.”
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (34. 67)
William Holliday to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 27. Necessity forces me to write that, whereas I have your warrant, with my lord of Essex, that no man should arrest me or trouble me until further order from you, yet one Robert Burley in behalf of Jeremyas Swarte, a Dutchman, to whom I owe not a penny, but he indebted to me at least 440l., as by bonds appears—this Burley and Swarte have most untruly suggested a bill into the Chancery, and by favour of my Lord Keeper or some other have got out a writ ne exeat regnum and arrested me, saying your honour gave them leave; and by the same arrest I have been in prison seven days for that I must have four sureties, grand jurymen, of more value than I can get. The said Burley, not content with his own bad dealing, has told divers of my creditors that your honour hath countermanded the warrant, and divers of them have entered actions against me, to my utter undoing, having a suit in the Hague in Holland to follow, and my wood in St. Michaels to fetch to pay my debts withal. Now I lie in prison, not knowing which way to get out unless it please your honour of your goodness to send for these creditors who have actions against me, whose names are hereunder written, and cause them not only to know that your warrant is of some effect, but also to forbear, as other do for greater sums; which they not only are content to do, but will be petitioners to their lordships that these may forbear as well as they, knowing that I cannot pay them until my wood come home.—From the Counter in Wood Street, 27 August, 1595.
The names referred to above :
Francis Cowell in Tower Street 15l.
Nicholas Long of St. Katherine's, brewer 35l.
John Stockes and Henry Clothrove 67l.
Mr. Rogers, beer brewer 4l.
John Van Holst, beer brewer, St. Katherine's 18l.
Holograph. Seal broken. 3 pp. (34. 72.)
Sir Thomas Gerrard to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595,] Aug. 28. I found here three falcons and one tassell, and it is not possible to make a just division, wherefore I have sent account to your honour. The rest I keep for my idle exercise. If it would please you to bestow one of them of my lord Thomas, I should take it thankfully, for his lordship spake to me for one. I hope your honour hath received letters from me which I sent away yesternight.—Isle of Man, 28 Aug.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (34. 74.)
George Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 28. I received long since your letters of 12 May in behalf of Mr. Radford, your servant, for the ending of the cause in controversy betwixt Sir John Gilbert and him touching the clerkship of the peace, wherein you require me to do my best to compound the controversy (they both being contented to refer the same unto me), and if I could not, then to advertise you of my opinion and the difference betwixt them. I had, as in duty, long before this answered, but have forborne in hope always to have prevailad so far that I should have ended the cause in some friendly sort, but I see my luck is not so good. Therefore I defer no longer to advertise you of the state of the matter.
First. It appears that Mr. Arthur Radford's father intended to buy the clerkship of the peace of his brother-in-law, Sir John Gilbert, and, as it should seem, meant it for his son, your servant, and in consideration thereof gave Sir John Gilbert (as of Mr. Radford's part is alleged) 20l. in ready money, and also discharged a debt of 110l. which Sir John Gilbert did owe him. Sir John Gilbert confesses there was an agreement betwixt him and his brother Radford for the clerkship of the peace, and that he received from him 90l., but denieth the discharge of any other debt as affirmed by the contrary party, and for proof thereof sheweth of book of account. I moved that your servant mought have the office of clerkship of the peace, which could not be granted unto, in respect there was one already placed there and your servant not skilful to exercise the office. Then I wished that the 90l., which was confessed to be received, mought be repaid, but I could not persuade Sir John Gilbert to like of that since Mr. Radford heretofore hath received a greater benefit by the office than the 90l.
Now touching my own opinion. I wish Sir John Gilbert should pay to the young gent., his nephew, the 90l., for so would I do myself in the like case; not doubting but Sir John Gilbert will perform so much upon your letters, unto whom he resteth so much bounden.—Cockington, 28 August, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (34. 75.)
Sir John Hart and Alderman Leonard Hollyday to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 31. According to his letter of 21 August, they have called before them William Hollyday and Jeremias Swartes, merchant stranger. On examining the cause they find that a contract was heretofore made between the said Hollydaye and one Clement Swartes, uncle to Jeremias, and one Jasper Vandeinden, strangers, concerning a ship called The Pretence, appointed to sail to Lisbon in Portugal, to carry over certain Spaniards then prisoners in England by order of the Council; in which ship Hollyday pretended to have laden goods and merchandize to the value of 200l., besides the moiety of the ship furnished out by him, as he affirmeth, to the value of 300l. and upwards; all which ship and goods he did commit to Clement Swartes, taking his and his cousin Jeremias' bond in 600l. to give a true account of the proceeds thereof. But after the ship was departed on her voyage, Hollyday did practise with Jeremias to depart from London to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, whence he promised to convey him to Portugal, saying that one Burley, a merchant to whom he was indebted, sought to molest and trouble him. Whereupon Jeremias went to Newcastle hoping to be sent over according to promise; but when Hollyday came to Newcastle to take shipping for himself to Portugal, he caused him to be imprisoned there for a time; but this Hollyday denieth. Yet it plainly appears that Hollyday took bond of him at Newcastle for 600l. (which bond they have seen and read), to depart at once to Hollyday's house in London, and not to depart thence without leave until Clement Swartes had rendered a true account according to the former bond. Jeremias remained there prisoner (as he saith) for ten months or thereabouts, and Holliday confesses that of the said ship's goods, he received 400 ducats in Lisbon and 50l. in England of Clement Swartes.
They cannot deal concerning the controversy as Jeremias saith he hath nothing to shew of the former contract with his uncle who is now in Germany, for all remain in the latter's custody, whom he supposeth will be here before Michaelmas, but Hollyday says he will never come back to England for causes to him known.
It plainly appears the poor young man was drawn into these bonds by his uncle's means, as the sheep unto the slaughter; and of Hollyday, divers merchants of good account complain grievously of his bad dealing in other matters; but whether all be true or no God knows, but Vox populi vox Dei.—31 August 1595.
1 p. (34. 80.)
R. Lord North to Sir Horatio Palavicino.
1595, Aug. 31. As the Queen's lieutenant, requires him to prepare two demi lances, two light horses and two petronels, to be at Newmarket on Friday 19 Sept. by 8 a.m.—Kirtling, 31 Aug. 1595.
Signed. 1 p. Add. “at Badburham.” Seal. (172. 57.)
English in Spain.
1595, Aug. Captain Crippes in great credit.
Owen Etone
John Irelande
John Draighton
Thomas Wymbe.
William Grymshawe.
One Doughtie—the worst of all of his tongue against this state.
Ralph Grenwell.
Thomas Westerfeld.
Ralph Cottone.
Jones the examiner's son.
Edward Pickforde.
Henry Pooley.
Thomas Fitz Harbor.
John Pickforde.
Francis Fowler, most bad fellow.
One Copley of Kent.
Shelley, gentleman.
Captain North.
John Garland, younger.
One Lambert, a master of ship.
Roger Parker, a most bad fellow.
Endorsed :—“Aug. 1595. Names of sundry persons in credit in Spayne.”
1 p. (34. 81.)
Sir Thomas Vavasour to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595, Aug.] Assuring him of his being in the number of those who inwardly wish most honour unto Cecil, and of his careful endeavours to be thought worthy of his good opinion.
Endorsed :—“Aug. 1595. Sir Tho. Vavasour to my Master.”
Undated. ½ p. (34. 82.)
Sir Nicholas Clifford to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. “My lord, your lordship did mistake my meaning in my letter, for I hope your lordship shall not find me so rash in my opinion but I know how my fortune stands with the Queen, and that I did look for was from your lordship. I desire to colour my obscure going from the men of war for many reasons, of the which, if it pleas you in any occasion to think of, it shall make me fitter hereafter to serve you. Your lordship doth know our generals' humours are to respect none but those whom they must perforce, and Sir Thomas Baskervyle to be a true lover of himself; but I beseech your lordship to believe that in this journey I will do nothing to displease you, what cause soever shall happen. I am put out of the Queen's ship, which was determined of by the lords.” Feels much hurt at this, but shows himself content to go in a merchant's ship. Cannot write of proceedings here because he is not acquainted with them. [“Sir Tho. Gordge brought a commandment down to the contrary, as he told me.”] (fn. 1)
Endorsed :—“At Plymouth, Aug. '95.”
Holograph. 1 p. (172. 58.)


  • 1. This is written in the margin without indication where it is to come in.