Cecil Papers: August 1595, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1595, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp297-324 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1595, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp297-324.

"Cecil Papers: August 1595, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp297-324.

August 1595, 1–15

The Queen to the Generals [Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins].
1595, Aug. 1. We have returned you this gentleman with as much expedition as the consideration of such an affair would permit us, with some instructions in writing signed by our Council agreeable to our directions, which our pleasure is should be followed by you for the present action; requiring you both, in these and all other things which he shall impart unto you, to give him full and ample credit. By this our sending one so near unto us thus suddenly after his former painful journey (to whom you are not a little beholding for his report of the exceeding care and pains of you and our servant Baskervile for all things belonging to our service), we trust that you very well conceive that we are full of care for you as persons to whom we wish all happy and prosperous success, not doubting but you will think that if we did not much rely upon your faiths, valour and judgment, we would not commit to you so great a charge, and especially in such a time, considering the nature of this action, where matter of money is one of our least adventures in comparison of the rest. And therefore be thus persuaded, that our extraordinary experience of your former merits is the only and chiefest cause of this so extraordinary an affiance in those courses to which you have conducted us both for the honour and benefit of our estate, which we assure ourselves shall so be managed by you as conclusion of your actions shall prove the great and general expectation of the beginning; wherein we doubt not but you will affix your surest anchorhold, as well as we do in all things, in God's good favour and providence, who can and will direct both your counsels and actions to the good of our estate and your particular honour and reputation. There is nothing more acceptable to us, nor any greater argument of your discretions and affections to our service, than the report which this gentlemen delivereth of both yours and Sir Tho. Baskerville's good and mutual conjunction of love and kindness.
Endorsed :—“Primo Aug. 1595. Copy of her Majesty's letter to the Generals by Sir Tho. Gorges.”
Draft, corrected by Cecil. 1½ pp. (33. 68.)
Sir Edward Norris to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 1. We have of late been wonderfully tormented by the sea storms, not without danger and loss, as this bearer shall better declare unto you; but I hope it is for the best, and that it shall be made stronger than ever it was, and to that end there are deputed to the States the bailly, the commissary, and burgomaster, who I doubt not but will speedily procure all things necessary for the speedy redressing of all.
I have received letters from the States to make my present repair to them into Gelderland, there to give them satisfaction of all old and new complaints against me. I desire nothing more than to come to answer all that can be laid or objected against me; but in respect of the Count Hollock's quarrel I cannot but suspect that place, so that I desire I may come to my answer in any other place rather than where my enemy shall be so strong, that I may be fain not only to put up the old but to bear new disgrace. I have written to the States that I will always be ready to answer all my proceedings, but that I dare not depart from hence without her Majesty's leave, to whom I have written about it. Not that I would anywise defer to come to any trial of my government, but that I would gladly know her Majesty's pleasure, and so proceed accordingly; either there or anywhere else where her Majesty shall appoint. And yet I beseech you to allow of my reasons of not going to Holland, but rather in England or Zealand, where deputies may be appointed to examine all that shall be objected against me.—From Ostend, 1 August 1595.
Holograph. 2 pp. (33. 69.)
Edmund Wiseman to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 1. Signor Peres embarked the 30 July about 7 o'clock in the evening. The ship he came in was the Quittance, accompanied with the Admiral and Vice-Admiral. The Admiral's company was most pleasing notwithstanding Signor Peres' marvellous fearful protesting never to sail more upon the seas were it not to see your lordship. He arrived in Dieppe the 31st about two of the clock. The Lieutenant in the absence of the Governor met him at the water side, accompanied with ten or twelve gentlemen, brought him to the councillor's house of the town where Sir Henry Umpton was lodged at your being here, and sent a post to the Governor which was at Rouen. The Governor came this first of August; the Lieutenant before his coming showed Signor Peres the Castle. Upon his coming he came to Signor Peres' lodging, and invited him and Sir Henry Palmer with their followers to a very great supper. The Governor, as I understand, meaneth to go in person with him on Monday next to Rouen where the Duke Montpensier is. The Admiral's body is not buried as yet; there lieth the body of Hacqueville, governor of Ponteau de Mer, which he sold to the enemy. Their two bodies lie in the monastery of the Celestines. The King is near Lyons; they have not heard from him since the death of the Admiral. Here was one Machemulle beheaded, a notable freebooter, born in this town and a gentleman of good means.—From Dieppe, this 1st of August, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (33. 70.)
Ed. Wilton to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 1. “We have now twice embarked at Dover to go our journey; the first time after we had sailed as far as Rye, Senor Antonio Perez finding the wind contrary would needs return, doubting both the rage of the sea and the encounter of some enemy by reason of the late news out of the west. Sir Henry Palmer at his return arrived at Dover, whose authority of earnest persuasions drew him to embark the second time, much against his mind, the wind then not being very fair, and he infinitely desirous to hear from you before his departure. Notwithstanding the passage proved very good. We embarked the 30th of our July, landed the 31st. The day after the Governor came from Rouen, invited him that night to supper, giving entertainment fit for such a personage, and I think imparted him the King's pleasure. This only I hear from Senor Perez that on Monday next we depart towards the King.” Other news as above.—Dieppe, 1 August, 1595, stilo antiquo.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (33. 71.)
Thomas, Lord Burgh to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 2. Though my fortune have hitherto destinated me to over-thwarts, whereby this outside, subjected to the world's frowns, is deprived both from the contentment of your presence and means to express my sincerity, yet since you be possessed of the inward and purest part over which none hath power with me but yourself, neither can any worldly accident remove it. Dear lord, receive it and esteem it for the singleness. I protest to your lordship I am at this instant unquiet, and shall be till I may hear from you, because from Holland I am advertised that you be retired from the Court. I doubt not but before these be with you you will return thither; therefore my care is not so much for the danger of the matter as my despite is that you are so unworthily dealt with as that any have strength to offend your noble spirit. Your lordship hath two virtues which will make you master above the practices of your adversaries : your courage, which can as well overcome yourself in suffering something with time as triumph over your enemies when by another revolution you may make it actual against them; and your judgment, in which none of them can prevent you, whereby you shall discern their drifts and either repel them in their own ways, or become strong in some other new counsel to defeat their purposes. These be foundations of my faith that nothing can be amiss with you; nevertheless the infirmity of nature is never well assured, and therefore my desire striveth for certainty from yourself; of whose good I shall partake in the full measure of joy, and in every other trial will run the course with you which I shall ever believe well of, and never ask other question. For I am confident in this that a virtuous and perfect mind is more glorious by proof, and if any thwarts assail you they shall but serve as instruments to your more reputation, and the end shall yield you that honour to which the Mightiest guide you.
In my last I certified you that the enemy was drawing away, and that upon some disrout in the Count Fuentes' army. Themselves to give us more scorn of that wherein their intention was to vaunt, retired towards the Rhine and passed a small river called the Lip for better commodity of lodging, and spread abroad that the King's had beaten theirs in France : but hereof our gladness no sooner apprehended than choked with counter news and with their fires of joy threatening to burn the skies. Hereof your lordship knoweth better the particulars than we.
August 2.—[P.S.] We keep the field and are irresolute to approach them; fain we would, but the strife is in daring.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (33. 72.)
M[ary], Countess [Dowager] of Southampton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 2. Your letter shewing her Majesty's liking to continue her purpose in coming to our poor lodge at Copthall, hath given him [Sir Thomas Heneage] more comfort than anything else, the rather for that he esteems it grows from her own goodness. That he most desires is to know the certainty of her time of coming, without the which he shall be evil able to do that he desires and shall become him. In this he specially reposes himself in you to be assured so soon as you can. He thanks you for your letter, which he will return.
Endorsed :—“2 August, 1595.”
Holograph. Two seals. ½ p. (33. 73.)
Ottywell Smyth to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug 2. Wrote, in his last, of the taking of Dowrland, “the which was but little defended after the Count de Dynan was slain; for Monsieur de Harowert (?) did open the gate, and he went out with his treasure and horses. The enemy let him pass and entered in at the same gate : so it is said he did betray the town. The enemy doth fortify the castle and hath made Monsieur Domall governor of it, and there is a thousand Spaniards in it. He carrieth but the name; for the Spaniards do govern all. There is 500 horse come to the enemy with pay for four 'monteres.' They be called the Mewtyners. There is four English trumpets with them and great store of English traitors. The trumpet of this town saw them; for he was sent into the enemy's camp to seek for some gentlemen that were slain. Their army doth increase daily. Upon Saturday last Amiens had like to have been delivered into the Spaniards' hands by the priests and other bourgeois of the town, that would have delivered a gate to Monsieur Domall; for he had sent into a house hard by the gate 200 men that should have entered at the opening of the gate, and 300 men did lie in ambuscade to have seconded them. And M. Domall did lie hard by the 'Goustys' with 1,100 horse and 3,000 foot to have executed the rest. But, thanks be to God! it was discovered by one that carried 'tyketes' to those houses that were of the treason, that should have the next day delivered the gate to Monsieur Domall. He was taken by suspicion and declared all : so there be many priests and other prisoners. They stay for the Count Sayent Polle to cause justice to be done. If that town had been taken, all this country stood in great danger; for here is no forces to resist the enemy. The Duke de Bowllyone is gone into Mowterell with 800 Swyshes. The Count Sayent Polle is gone with forces into Rowne. The Duke Denvars is gone to Pyekenye. The Pounde Dormye is broken down; so the enemy cannot pass there with his ordnance. So it is thought the enemy will go to besiege Mowterell. If he get that he will come over the river to take Sayent Valleyrs and Cawxe, and then to this town. If he come hither, this town, I fear, will be lost, unless they have some help from her Majesty : so the governor hath writ unto your honour to be a means to her Majesty to let him have six hundred men with pikes and muskets, to be ready as soon as he doth hear the enemy is about to come over the river of Somme. Your honour doth know what a hindrance it will be unto all England if the Spaniard should get this town. No shipping were not able to pass the Narrow Seas for the enemy; so it would undo all the merchants. So I desire your honour to be a means that her Majesty will let the governor of this town have six hundred men to defend this town, if the enemy doth come; for he saith if he have not the Englishmen, the enemy, if they pass the river, will take this town; for small trust is to be had by the French footmen if the enemy doth come. He hath also written to my lord Treasurer to help him in the same. I trust her Majesty will not let this town be lost for six hundred men. If this town should be taken this part of Normandy is in danger to be lost. The coming hither of Sir Henry Palmer from her Majesty doth greatly encourage the governor which was altogether before discouraged. He telleth me he will send the copy of the letter to the King and to the army in Picardy to show her Majesty's good will in offering to help them when they stand most in need of it, the which will much encourage them; but it will encourage them the more when they see that her Majesty doth send over some six hundred or eight hundred men with pikes and muskets.
“The Chevalier Doysse is come to Roane, and hath been at Newhaven with Monsieur de Incarvylle that have taken all the soldiers sworn to the King and the Duke Monpansyer; and so hath the Chevalier Doysse done, and all the captains of the strong places of Roane do; and they be governed altogether with the governor of this town. So those places be well assured for the King, thanks be to God!”
Begs to have the transporting of the lead into Normandy, to enable him to maintain himself in the Queen's service. The Duke of Montpensier stays at Rouen until the King appoints a governor there. Hopes it will be the governor of Dieppe; but Chevalier Doysse demands all his brother's offices except the admiralty.—Dieppe, 2 Aug., 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (172. 41.)
The Governor of Dieppe to the Earl of Essex.
[1595,] Aug. 2/12. Je ne manqueray pas à rendre tout honneur et le service qu'il me sera possible au seigneur Anthonie Peres, tant pour la recommendation qu'il vous plaist de m'en faire que pour son merite; il ne partira pas de cette ville qu'en ma compagnie, car j'estime tant sa personne que je ne la veux commettre à autre. Je vous supplie de croire que j'auray soin de tout ce que vous commanderez comme de la personne de ce monde que j'honore autant et auquel j'ay plus voué de service. La serenissime Reine m'a faiet cet honneur de m'escrire et de m'offrir par le sieur Palmer, de s'emploier aux occasions qui s'offriront durant l'absence du roi, mon maistre, pour le bien de ses affaires, le qui m'a faict prendre la hardiesse de faire une treshumble requeste à sa Majesté par celle que je luy escris; qui est de me vouloir secourir de quelque nombre de gens de guerre pour la conservation de cette place. A quoy je vous supplie tres humblement, selon votre bonté accoustumée et pour l'affection que je vous ay tousjours recongneue porter au bien et advancement de cet estat, de me vouloir ayder de votre autorité et faveur envers la dite Reine pour obtenir ma requeste, et que je puisse bientost avoir les dits gens de guerre. Le dit sieur Palmer vous pourra faire entendre la necessité en laquelle nous sommes reduit maintenant, et ce qu'il a appris icy de l'estat de nos affaires. Auquel me remettant je ne vous en feray plus long discours que pour vous supplier m'honorer tousjours de la continuation de vos bonnes graces.—A Dieppe, le 12 jour d'Aoust.
Endorsed :—“The governor of Dieppe. 12 Aug. 95, novo stilo.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (133. 15.)
Francois d'Orleans, Count of St. Pol, to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 2/12. “Monsieur, lesloignement du Roy a rendu ceste province de si mauvaise condition que sil ne plaist a la Royne, continuant a regarder ce royaume de son veul et favorable, lassister du secours quelle y peult donner, j'en voy une perte inevitable; dont je m'asseure que sa Majeste auroit trop de regret, en affectionnant, comme elle faict, la conservation. Monsieur le Prince de Comty, par avis du Conseil laissé a Paris, a despesche a sa Majeste le Sr Chevallier, du quel vous entenderez plus particulierement, Monsieur, le besoing que sa Majeste a d'y estre assisté de ses moyens. Je n'y adjoutteray que ma supplication que je vous fais bien humble, Monsieur, de voulloir en cela estre intercesseur affin que nous puissions par le secours de sa Mate rongner si bien les esles de l'Espaignol quil nestende son vol si loing que cela le rende puis apres trop insolent pour voulloir usurper sur chascun. Sa domination est trop insupportable pour le souffrir. Aussi me prometaije, Monsieur, que par le pouvoir que vous avez, joint avec l'inclination de sa Mate, nous ne serons refusez de ce secours, duquel je vous demoureray particullierement obligé, pour en demourer eternellement, Monsieur, vostre plus humble a vous faire service.—A Corbye le xij Aoust 1595.”
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Le Comte de St Paul 12 d'Aout '95, novo stilo.” (172. 45.)
Lady Mildred Read to Sir Robert Cecil, her uncle.
1595, Aug. 3. Recommends to his favour her servant, Thomas Kedwarn, who wishes to enter his service. His behaviour is very good and honest.—3 August, 1595.
Holograph. ½ p. (33. 74.)
Charles, Lord Mountjoy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 3. In favour of his cousin, Mr. Henry Lyghe, who desires in his suit to the Queen to find Cecil his honourable benefactor. Is proud of his cousin, though they are all poor, for in all his life he has done nothing unworthy of a gentleman.—From Portsmouth, 3 August, 1595.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (33. 75.)
Sir Thomas Posthumous Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 3. Since my return from the Court I have delivered a letter from my Lord Treasurer unto the Earl of Huntingdon about Mr. Sydney, and I found my lord of Huntingdon very honourably bent to shew me favour. Nevertheless I beseech you to move my lord therein when you see him. I find my mother forwards in the cause, so as I have no reason to doubt of my good success, except I should be crossed by some prerogative suitor that shall obtain her Majesty's letters for his strength; therefore my suit is you would use some means to cross them if any shall attempt those proceedings.—3 August, 1595. [P.S.] Give me leave to remember unto you my cousin, William Cook's, suit.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (33. 76.)
Nicholas Williamson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 4. If my miseries had not been already brought to a consummation your message sent me yesterday by Mr. Lieutenant would have made up their full measure. But more extremity cannot be ministered unto me, for more would sooner enable me to pay nature her last tribute, the end of all sorrows, which less maketh me the longer in providing, and in the mean time to lead a languishing life until the day of payment, when the due of inevitable necessity must be performed. Seeing, therefore, it appeareth (as your message importeth) that I have hitherto halted in the disclosing of matters of greatest moment, and have informed only of toys and trifles, I confess myself judged by my own mouth—having avowed the contrary both by word and writing upon my uttermost peril—to the just reward of her Highness's most rigorous justice, and would therefore willingly have used silence (because I could only reiterate what I had formerly written) both for a submission to this my judgment and answer to your message; but Mr. Lieutenant would not so be satisfied, but that I should by my letter to you make known his delivery thereof; which as I here acknowledge, so shall I not soon forget to have received such an uncomfortable message from Sir Robert Cecil, who, with the most honourable Earl, now half a year past committed me to close prison, wherein I have ever since continued without any relief, though by my own sundry examinations and voluntary assertions, as also by the examinations of my friends, and search and peruse of all my former letters, by the practice of his honour's most rare wit and experience and of others most learned, and by advertisements from all parts, the quality and quantity of my offences is well known unto him—as also that he is the best witness of my greatest penitency and offer to make satisfaction by any serviceable mean to the uttermost of my forces. Yet, it seemeth, I am still thought further faulty and exempt from all pity; I will therefore resort to a resolute patience, and seeing I am now exhaustus omnibus viribus, will daily pray the Almighty God to bless and prosper you and to continue me in all humility and patience to submit myself to your power and pleasure, seeing I cannot further satisfy your expectation.—Tower, 4 August, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (33. 90.)
Ralph, Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 4. According to your letter to me for the ending of the controversy betwixt Connyers and Mr. Warburton touching the wardship given by my Lord Treasurer, I have satisfied both the parties to their contentment.—Ingelby, 4 August, 1595.
Signed. Sealp. (33. 91.)
The Governor of Dieppe to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 4/14. Depuis celle que je vous ay escrite par le Sr Palmer, j'ay en advis que les ennemys ont change le desseing qu'ils avoient d'aller à Montreul, et font acheminer leur armée vers Cambray en deliberation de l'attacquer, y ayant esté sollicités et persuadés par le prince de Chimay, et des villes d'Arras, de Lisle, Doué et autres villes, qui se ressentent incommodés du dict Cambray, et aussy que c'est la volonté du Roi d'Espaigne. Je vous supplie d'entretenir et disposer la Roine en la bonne volonté qu'elle a d'assister le Roy, mon maistre, et luy remonstrer, s'il vous plaist, qu'elle ne le scauroit secourir en meilleure occasion que cellecy. Si j'apprens quelque autre chose digne de vous, je ne faudray vous en donner advis.—A Dieppe, le 14 d'Aoust.
Endorsed :—“Ye Governor of Dieppe. 14 Aug. novo stilo.” (34. 25.)
Thomas, Lord Burgh to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 5. At length so much is gained of the Count Maurice as he purposeth to advance towards the enemy, and to encamp so near as for commodity of quarters he may. If he be constant we shall be in the face of them before these be in your hands; where some of us have agreed to engage his army to fight if it be possible. Of all your lordship shall be advertised wwith the first opportunity. Our hope is his deliberation will not alter, because he hath been plainly dealt with in the point of his honour, whereof he seemeth sensible. I assure you he hath had his ears filled with continual sound of reputation, and the contempt which will be spread to the disgrace of him if he repair not the fault before Groll. If now he waver I protest I will never come amongst them again, and will blaze the slackness of courage with these people.
Our troops are as I wrote lately to you, saving the decay which hath grown by runaways and sick folk and some prisoners in straggling for booty, which is no great number. Here appeareth a general desire to fight; of the horse I believe not too well, of the foot so much better because there is a mixture of the best men to assure the worst, the English being appointed to fight with the squadrons of Holland and the Scots with those of Frieseland and Zealand, and the guards of Count Maurice, Hollock, and myself to join with such companies as are not under any other regiment and lately sent from sundry garrisons since we rose from before the town. If nothing fall out many honest gentlemen in this camp will be deceived.—August 5.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (33. 92.)
John Harpur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 5. Finding the continuance of my grief by remembering her Majesty's heavy indignation laid upon me justly for my offence, am enforced daily to importune your mediation to her sacred Majesty for release of my deserved punishment, which having endured above two months hath renewed my grey hairs to their first colour of white. And I doubt not but you will censure when you see me, that howsoever my body hath been restrained, my mind hath been and is most grievously afflicted, in that I find myself so much dejected by descending from so great hopes of her Majesty's good favour to my just imprisonment here and general disgrace throughout the whole realm, as except by your means I may in some measure be recomforted that her displeasure is assuaged, I am careless of my liberty or what otherwise shall become of me. And if her Highness shall of her most wonted gracious disposition remit me to her princely favour and make any trial of my service, which I dare not desire, my diligence and performance thereof shall well manifest that I only serve her Majesty and no other, and that without respect of any man I will do as I shall be commanded.—At the Fleet, 5 August, 1595.
Signedp. (33. 93.)
Sir Thomas Gerrard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 5. I send you by this bearer a sparhawk, which is an excellent hawk for anything you will fly her at; she will kill a “pye” very well if your man be skilful to make the flight. I am going towards West Chester and I mean to take shipping so soon as the wind will give me leave. I humbly entreat your favour in my absence.—From my lodge, 5 August.
Holograph. Sealp. (33. 94.)
Foreign Emissaries.
1595, Aug. 6. “Description of certain suspicious persons like to arrive shortly.”
They are : a Burgonian, said to be named Nicholas Manfay, but at Naples and in the Low Countries he is commonly called Malfatto : an Italian, name uncertain, for sometimes he is called Piero, and other times Geovan, Maria. Both these do attend their despatch from the camp at Dorlance, and are to come into Ireland, guided with an English young man who sometimes served certain noblemen in the Low Countries; he is of sanguine complexion and called Edward Stanley. An Irishman, name not certainly known but usually called Messer Jacomo; and an Englishman. These two were, July 29, to depart together from Brussels into Holland, to embark at Amsterdam or Enchusen to pass directly into England.
1 p. (33. 95.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 6. Hitherto we have lain still without attempting anything expecting what course the enemy would take, who, we thought, would ere this have passed the Rhine. But their affairs in France prospering, and this army being from the time that Fuentes went into the field ordained to answer the attempts of the States' army, we are now fully persuaded they will not leave these quarters whilst our army keepeth the field. I was therefore once determined for a few days to have dissolved the troops, and then upon a sudden, if the enemy had departed, to have begun anew. But upon better consideration the States have found it a safer course to stay the enemy in these quarters, fearing lest, they being nearer France, they might be employed to the great prejudice of the King, his forces at this present being not the strongest; and to this end the army is now presently removing nearer unto the enemy.—Camp near Wolft, this 6 August, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (33. 96.)
William Webb to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 7. Has received his letters on behalf of the wife of one Harrys, urging a likelihood of some hard measure offered her in her husband's absence. Trusts no hard measure has been hitherto given, for she has yet 4¼ years to come during which he purposes not to trouble her—although for want of reparations (part being ready to fall down, to the great danger of her neighbours) he might find just cause so to do. But true it is he has passed a lease in reversion unto a tenant of the said Harrys, who is interested unto a great part of the same house, for as many years as Harrys has to come; which lease being passed he cannot call back. Harrys holds by lease from one Bagnall for 14 years, and paid for a present fine for it 120l., of which Bagnall he purchased the fee simple for 340l., which he did the rather for the quiet of his tenants on either side, who, notwithstanding, were never more disquieted than they daily are by the disquiet order of Harrys' wife. For avoiding whereof, as also for that he would not be found to offer her any hard measure, he yesterday preferred present payment of 60l. so she would peaceably depart at Christmas next, at which time she shall have only four years to come. She utterly refuseth, and yet she paid Bagnall but 120l. when she first entered.—“From my house in London,” 7 August, 1595.
Holograph. ½ p. (33. 99.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 7. A friend writes from Middelbourg that he has recent letters from Lisbon of a new armada being there prepared by King Philip. There are 10 Biscayan ships and 30 others, and some of the Levant (or, perhaps, Ragusa) not yet arrived there. Provision was made of 1,000 pipes of wine and 16,000 quintals of biscuit—enough for 10,000 men. The whole was to be ready 20 July. Is at last free from fever.—Badburham, 7 Aug. '95.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (172. 42.)
The Governor of Dieppe to the Earl of Essex.
[1595,] Aug. 7/17. Il ne se passera une seule occasion que je ne vous escrive et donne advis de ce j'apprendray digne de vous. Il n'y a rien de nouveau en ce pais depuis ma derniere lettre. Les ennemis n'ont bougé d'un lieu depuis le premier logement qu'ils ont fait au party de Dourlan, et sont tousjours autour de Corbie et St. Quentin. Ils font courir le bruiet qu'ils vont attaquer Cambray, mais ils sont en lieu ou ils peuvent aller à St. Quentin, Corbie ou à Han, tellement qu'on ne peut encores bien juger le dessein qu'ils ont. Soudain qu'on l'aura recogneu, je ne faudray de vous en advertir; cependant je vous supplie bien humblement d'avoir souvenance de ce pauvre estat et considerer, s'il vous plaist, par combien endroits le Roi d'Espagne le fait attaquer et les fortes armees qu'il emploie. Le Roi est maintenant à Lion. L'accord de M. du Mayne n'est pas encores signé; mais lon en a bonne esperance. M. de Guise a esté fort malade et la on tenu pour mort; toutesfois lon m'a asseuré cejourdhuy que se commence a bien porter. Je viens tout presentement de recevoir une lettre de M. Dincarville, qui me mande que Monseigneur de Montpensier a eu des advis que les ennemis ont de grandes entreprises sur ceste ville. Mon voisin qui est au Neufchastel, que vous cognoissez, le scait bien. C'est un meschant et desloial homme. S'il plaisoit à la serenme Roine m'envoyer icy promptement quelques gens de guerre, seulement cent ou deux cens hommes, j'espere que cela feroit rompre leur desseing et donneroit peutestre occasion au Roy, lorsqu'il plaira à la dite Roine retirer ses dits gens de guerre, de m'en continuer d'autres en la place. Je scais que vostre faveur et auctorité peut beaucoup en cela. Je vous supplie, Monsieur, de m'en vouloir assister envers la dite dame, et me continuer tousjours, s'il vous plaist, en l'honneur de ses bonnes graces et de vostres, en qualité de celuy qui restera à jamais vostre tres humble et tres affectioné serviteur.—A Dieppe, le xvije jour d'Aoust.
Signed. 1 p. (34. 35.)
The King of France to the Earl of Essex.
[1595,] Aug. 7/17. Is despatching to the Queen M. de la Barauderye on an occasion he will inform him of. Begs him to continue his good offices, for without the assurance of his friendship he would never have enterprised that affair with the Queen.—17 August, Doublans.
Endorsed :—“'95.”
Holograph. French. ½ p. (147. 111.)
Salagnac to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 7/17. Would like, because of his virtue and merit and courtesy, to be of service to him. “Noz souhaits le veulent ainsi, mais votre bonheur, le repos de votre patrie et les precedens secours et bienfaits fait que nous avons tousjours recours a vous. Cela est cause du voyage du Sieur de la Barauderie, present porteur. Aides nous de votre faveur, Monsieur, nous lesperons et nous y attendons et tous les liens qui peuvent lier et les princes et les pais nous donnent ocasion de nous y fier.” Refers, for particulars, to the King's letter and to the bearer, whose merits he highly commends. Fortune always accompanies the King, and if he could be everywhere they should need no assistance.—Camp of Chateau Chalons, 17 Aug., 1595.
French. Holograph. 1 p. (172. 46.)
Charles, Lord Mountjoy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 8. You are so able to do good and so nobly disposed unto it that I know you receive many men's protestations in requital of your favours; and therein I must go with the rest, but no man can love you more, nor none shall show it so much.—Portsmouth, 8 August, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (33. 100.)
Lord Admiral Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595,] Aug. 8. I received your letter of the 7th this day at 2 of the clock in the afternoon at my house of Blechyngly, with the enclosed from the two generals. And for my opinion, I do not see how they can alter from their course of their voyage but that the whole charge must be her Majesty's. For the service of Ireland, I do not see how Sir H. Palmer can have any more ships made ready for him than those five he hath; for if we should go now to make ready two more, by that time they will be ready the doubt of Ireland will be past for this year for any great ships from Spain. I did not think there was any meaning that they should with their fleet run into St. George's Channel, but alongst the coast to Cape Clear, which would not have been out of their way very much, whatsoever they write. And to you in private they needed not to take such exceptions for going so little out of the way when they have retarded their going so long as they have done, promising they would have departed the first of May the “sonner” (sooner?) at the first. If the Queen's Majesty do not go to Highgate to lie there I will be at the Court to-morrow; but if she go I know not where to lie and therefore will stay. I do assure you I am not courant nor have been since I saw yon. For making more ships ready I will not take it upon me, for there is scant any left fit for Ireland service, I do assure you not passing one. There are these in service and in the docks that be in the margin, so all the rest be of the ships royal or in the dock to make good for the next year; and I am sure Mr. Quarlors (Quarles) is not in a month able to provide victuals for two ships more, for he was put to all his wits for this that is done.—This 8 of August.
Marginal list of ships mentioned above :—With Sir F[rancis] D[rake] and Sir J[ohn] H[awkins] : The Garland, Defiance, E. Bonaventure, Hope, Foresight, Adventure. With Sir H[enry] P[almer] : The Vanguard, Rainbow, Dreadnought, Quittance, Tremontain, Sun. With Capt. Cross : The Swiftsure, Crane. In the Narrow Seas : The Answer, Advantage, Scout, Advice.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (33. 101.)
Edmund Wiseman to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 8. The news of these parts is that the Duke Mercure hath declared himself enemy to the King, that M. de Soissons standeth upon terms, if not enemy; the Duke of Guise slain with some part of the bed falling on him, playing with Monsieur Tremolie. The enemy hath gotten Perfonn, the Count Maurice forced by Mondragon to raise his siege. The King of Spain made proclamation that it should be lawful for any Low Country man being a Catholic to traffic in his countries, whereupon many went and all but two stayed, which stole away. Here hath been one Senor Pinillia, a gentleman of Aragon, which is come out of the Low Countries, employed by the French King often in those parts; he is one of those which left his country for the cause of Senor Peres. He passeth in those parts for a Portuguese. The King is at Lyons. It is not known yet who shall be Governor of Rouen; some say M. d'Epernon, others say he hath gotten Marseilles. The D. de Maine hath accorded with the King and shall have the government of the Isle of France. The Marshal D'Aumont's son and the Marshal Matinion's son both slain, one the other in single fight, the Count Turin and M. de 'Shateo Rov.' That a ship of war of Dunkirk is taken by those of Flushing. The Duke of Bouillon hath sent a letter to Senor Peres offering his service in person were it not for important business of the King's. Here hath been a play in their church counterfeiting the Apostles; Senor Peres would needs have Mr. Wilton and me go with him, fearing his person. There is not any man more fearful. I think Senor Peres shall stay here till the governor heareth from the King.—From Dieppe, 8 August, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (33. 102.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 8. Stay of all shipping that was to go from that river into Spain, upon a stay made in Spain of all Dutchmen's goods and books of accounts. Some think the King had opinion he should find great wealth, to entertain his many armies; others, that Count Fuentes hath persuaded him these countries would not be able to continue war but for the money that comes out of Spain; out of question the States have no small means by it. This stay is by them of Zealand; if the merchants would not obey, his lieutenant was to stay them by force. They say there was towards 500 sail. Foukerolles is sent again by the King to demand assistance by sea and land; after the defeat at Dorlans the King will have occasion to insist more than ever, for all Picardy is in great trouble. Foukerolles has also charge to insist upon a resolution for besieging Dunkirk, to which the King of France promiseth 4,000 horse. Does not see how they can do the one or the other, for the further provinces will never send their troops thither, and Holland and Zealand, except her Majesty will send some brave succour, of themselves have not forces sufficient. Count Fuentes will venture anything rather than let that place be carried, for then all means of intelligence between Spain and these countries were taken away, saving by land, which he sees with what difficulty it is done. It is reported they of Dunkirk brought in prisoners the last day to the value of 20,000l. Cannot see how the States can spare any men for France; besides, the soldiers which were the last journey in France were so distasted they will rather leave their colours than go thither any more. Sees that the occasion of the not well joining together against the King of Spain will be laid to the Queen and her Council.—At Flushing, 8 August, 1895.
Holograph. Seal. [Murdin, in extenso, p. 688.] 2 pp. (33. 103).
John Drury, William Gorynge and William Bartellot to Lord Buckhurst and the Privy Council.
1595, Aug. 8. Enclosing the information of Joan Ayling, an old woman above threescore years. Have caused “hue and cry” and diligent search to be made for the apprehension of the party into all parts of the country, but cannot as yet find him, nor learn into what parts he is gone. Have thought it their duty to certify his lordship thereof that such further speedy course for his apprehension may be taken as his lordship in his wisdom shall think convenient.—Fittleworth, near Petworth. 8 Aug. 1595.
Signed. 1 p. (34. 1.)
The Enclosure.
1595, Aug. 7. Information of Joan Ayling, wife of Robert Ayling of Fytleworth in the co. of Sussex, husbandman, taken the 7th of August, 1595, about 7 of the clock in the evening.
Who saith that yesterday, August 6, about ten of the clock in the forenoon, there came to her door a tall man, yellow bearded, with a wart on the side of his face, wearing a medley russet mandilliane of red and blue, with a red silk scarf about his neck, and a black hat lined with taffatie, with a red feather on the hat; a pair of medley russet venetians laid down with a red silk lace the breadth of two fingers, and a pair of blue stockings with a pair of white silk garters fringed with gold; and about his neck a chain of silver with a silver whistle thereat, and a crucifix of silver with a heart in it, and upon his arm a broad target, with a green scarf tied to the target, and with a sword and dagger. He asked an alms and she gave him a penny and drink, and being about to depart she asked whence he came? He said out of Hampshire. Then she asked whither he was bound? He said to London, and that the child in the cradle should rejoice at his coming down; and that it was never merry since we had a woman Queen, and that he did hope shortly we should have a man king. So he departed.
Signed :—“Jo. Drury, Will. Gorynge, William Barttelot.”
½ p. (33. 98.)
The Countess [Dowager] of Southampton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 9. We hold it a great infortunite for us that any occasion moved her Majesty to speak of us to so great an enemy as we esteem yourself to be to us both, assuring ourselves you took the present occasion to pour forth your malice, which we must bear and desire no better. Mr. Heneage was much revived by your letter, as indeed he is ever glad to hear from you, believing in your love; and of his desire to see her Majesty well content in Copthall, I think you are sufficiently persuaded, but that we may have certainty is that we wish, and in such time as may leave us possibility to shew our hurts to her in some measure, and the rather now than any other time, yet am I at this time much troubled with hearing that the smallpox is full at Epping, at Waltham and in some houses between that and Copthall. Of this my Lord Chamberlain takes no notice upon the return of the Guard, which makes me cast doubt of worst kind; unfit it is for us to speak of it but to yourself, to whom we leave the consideration, praying you to believe we have no meaning to cast colours before your eyes but plainly to deliver to you our hurt that desires to see her Majesty at Copthall, but fear afar off it might be thought we were careless of her danger, which we would be glad to shun. Herein do I pray you agreeably to the care we conceive you have of as, and we will deserve it by loving you and yours as much as we can.
P.S.—That I received now I have thought good to send you herewith, to impart to her Majesty.
Endorsed :—“9 Aug. 1595.”
Signed. 1 p. (34. 2.)
Lord Thomas Howard.
1595, August 9. Warrant for a grant in fee simple to Lord Thomas Howard, the second son of the late Duke of Norfolk, of the manors of Abshall otherwise Wigborough, Salcott and Tollesburye, co. Essex, and of Dowdick, co. Lincoln, which have escheated to the Queen by the attainder of the earl of Arundell, the remainder whereof is of right in the said Lord Thomas after the death of the late attainted Earl and of his son dying without issue male, all which manors are in lease for many years yet to come, and without any woods, as it is said.—Manor of Greenwich, 9 August, 1595.
Sign Manual. Privy Signet. 1 p. (34. 3.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 9. This day was sent unto me this enclosed; and, although I cannot think that any person of mischief and cunning would handle his practice so fondly as to publish the effect of his wicked intention before he had effected the same, which were the next way both to bring himself in danger and to overthrow his purpose, whereby I conclude that this person is either so foolish or frantic as he is not to be feared, yet in a matter of so great importance the best way is rather to fear too much than too little; and therefore I thought good to send this enclosed to you, to be further considered and dealt in as shall be thought convenient. Though my right hand yield you these few lines yet is my left so full of pain and torment as in my life I never felt a greater. But I thank God it lesseneth, meaning to wait upon her Majesty so soon as I shall be able and to render most humble thanks for her so gracious remembrances of me, her poor faithful servant, which bringeth infinite comfort to my heart.—This Saturday, 1595.
Endorsed :—“9 August, 1595. L. Buckhurst to my Master with the information of one Aylinges wife.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (34. 4.)
Lord Mountjoy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 9. This morning there arrived a barque from Salecom in Devonshire, by whom I am informed that yesterday morning therecame thither a barque that was bound for Ireland, and meeting between the isles off Scilly and Cape Clear fifteen or sixteen sail of Spaniards, whereof six of them were very great ships, he returned. He tells me that further he hears that as many more ships ride off the other side of the Seillys.—Portsmouth, 9 August, 1595.
Signed. Part of seal. ½ p. (34. 5.)
John Harpur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 9. It is no small increase to my most discomfortable present estate after nine weeks' imprisonment to hear that her sacred Majesty is informed of some new offences by me committed. The former, which I so foolishly entered into for the love I bare to Williamson at that time, I do acknowledge with all humbleness to be most gross, and that I have justly deserved so much as is laid upon me; but I know my own innocency to be such for any other offence to her Highness or the State as from the “intrells” of a most grieved and afflicted mind I humbly beseech your honour that I may answer it. And although it hath pleased God, by the malice of Williamson, now my known and sworn enemy, whom once I loved so well, to manifest my foolish pity which I extended to him six years past upon hope of his conformity, by whom her Majesty may know my love and duty to her, yet I know my own integrity to be such to her Highness and the State as I dare justify myself and doings against him and all others whatsoever that shall charge me with any disloyalty or neglect of my duty in any other of her services. And, therefore, with hope of the suspension of her Majesty's further displeasure towards me, and that my passed services, with the acknowledgment of my offence from the bottom of a most grieved mind, will work some gracious mercy in her, who is the patroness of all mercy, whereby the worn time of an old servant may finish his gray hairs and last days in peace by the enlargement of his unwonted restraint.—At the Fleet, 9 August, 1595.
Holograph. ½ p. (34. 6.)
Sir Thomas Leighton to Sir George Carey, [Governor of the Isle of Wight.]
1595, Aug. 10. Finding this subject of yours, won [?one] of Yarmouth, ready to depart, and understanding by sundry of your being come to your government upon the late alarm given by the Spaniard in the west country, I would not fail to write you these few lines, and by them to acquaint you with our occurrents from St. Malo and Mirlas, which are these. That the Spanish army which was in preparing in Biscay at the Passage is broken up and dissipated, except six ships only to carry men and munition into Brittany.
On Thursday the last of July, the Spanish galleys being 4 in number, with three tenders (pataches) of 30 tons a piece or thereabouts, with some other small shallops, were at the Isle de Baze before Morlay. They made offer to land there but were beaten off. The like proffer they made at Conquest before but were by the people beaten away. These galleys sithens we do hear are returned back unto Blavet; the which I do the rather believe because that the north-west winds were very great, and such as galley could not well dwell upon that rocky coast.
The Duke of Mercœur beseecheth pardon. There is a bruit come hither that the Duke of Guise is dead, and this is as much as I can write unto [you] for the present. Wherefore let me now yield you my hearty thanks for two of your fat bucks which I had at my being in in your isle; and so, in presenting unto you my best friendly salutations, I will commit you to the blessed protection of the Almighty.—At Guernsey Castle, 10 August 1595.
P.S.—If your honourable lady be with you, I pray that my humble salutations may be presented unto her.
Holograph. 1 p. (34. 7.)
The Lords of the Council to Lord Burghley, Lord Lieutenant of the county of Hertford.
1595, Aug. 10. Whereas we are credibly certified from Chester that sundry of the men lately levied in that county of Hertford by her Majesty's direction for the service in Ireland are run away from their leaders, some before they came to Chester and some after, namely these whose names are hereunder written, to the hindrance of that service, and evil example of others if it should be let slip unpunished, we have thought it expedient, and accordingly in her Majesty's name do require your lordship forthwith by all possible means to cause them to be apprehended and committed to the gaol until further direction.—From he Court at Greenwich, 10 Aug., 1595.
Names at foot :—John Oliver. John Evans. Thomas Carter.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (34. 8.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 11. Perceiving by your so friendly advertisement the most lewd, false and villainous dealing of Hatcher, if it be true he so report of me, which methinketh, being so utterly false, is impossible he should dare to speak, I cannot but render many infinite and hearty thanks unto you, perceiving now and always your true, faithful and constant love unto your friend, for the which I do protest I do more esteem of your friendship than of a great deal of riches, assuring you that it is and for ever shall be as faithfully requited from me to you again as you can wish or the virtue of true friendship can require. I do write this private letter to you, not knowing whether you could be content that I might take knowledge of your advertisement unto me, and so to have written such an answer touching that cause unto you as both her Majesty might know what an execrable, damnable wretch this Hatcher is, as also how much I am bound to her Majesty, that she would hastily believe so vile a slander by so very a false wretch against her faithful servant. Thus remaining as much yours as I can be I end this Monday, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (34. 10.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 11. By the hasty sending away of my footman unto you and myself in great pain of my left arm as yet I am, I omitted to send you also this enclosed from the justices, whereby you may perceive they dealt carefully and discreetly. It were good the porters and marshal's men had information of the description of the party, and if you send me a copy thereof and that her Majesty think it fit, I would only write out the description of the party and leave out his words, and cause a privy search to be made in London and all the places adjacent. I am most sorry that I cannot wait on her Majesty. I assure you if I might have a 100,000l. given me to do it I cannot touch my head with my left hand. It is an extreme cold which only warmth and time can cure. In the meanwhile I pray for her Majesty, to preserve her and bless her with all health and happiness for evermore amongst us.—This Monday morning, 1595.
Endorsed :—“11 August. With a letter from the Justices of Peace of Sussex.”
Holograph. 1 p. (34. 9.)
English in Rome.
[1595, Aug. 11.] Doctor Lwies [Lewis] : he is bishop of Cassano; his bishopric is in the kingdom of Naples, given him by the king of Spain; worth 20,000 ducats a year. He hath been a hard friend unto our nation. Some say that he doth now tolerate his wrath in hope to be a Cardinal.
At Christmas last Thomas Frogmorton came to Rome. He liveth in house with the said bishop. These two are counted the greatest dealers with the Spaniard, and so with other nations since the death of C[ardinal] Allen.
Harry Constable is departed from Rome and gone into France. They do not trust him in anything, so I learn by their own speeches. Thomas North is gone from Rome into Spain to serve the King. They do not trust him although he doth promise to do true service.
The Scots of late have been much in Rome and it is thought they deal with the Irish nation. The principal Scot, they call him father Gordon, a jesuit; they say that he is near kind unto their King.
For the conveying of their letter, I know not other than from Rome to Antwerp unto Doctor Worthington, a man to me unknown. It is spoken by divers of our nation that the King of Spain will have a cardinal English to serve his turn.
Touching mine accessories; that one letter excepted which I sent for Fitzherbert, being forced upon me, I do promise and protest unto your honour that in all my travel or life I never carried, conveyed nor received letter, bill, scroll nor other to nor for any priest, prelate, or any other “stravagant,” living without our Queen's Majesty's dominions or otherwise. I thank God, I have not in all my life been any familiar dealer whisperer with any of this kind of people. And for my honest and quiet living in England, I refer me to the whole shire of Devon where I was born and brought up to this day. And if any of these mine accessories do think that I have lived abroad on pleasure, I say God send them better than I have found. For I do wish within my heart that I had never known Italia. It cost me seventeen months in prison in their Inquisition in Rome with loss of 2,000 ducats. I shall be the worse in body and purse while I live. Such hath been my hope and gain among them. If I had recovered my moneys or any good part thereof, I would promise never to come amongst them nor see them again. Further, in this time which I have lived abroad, if I have done or consented to do anything more than other merchants and factors do which use their trade and country, then let me have blame. So I do pray and hope that your honour will favourably consider of my sorrow.
Headed :—“The Inglish Nassion in Rome. 1595.”
Endorsed :—“11. Aug., 1595. Tucker. Re English Nation in Rome.”
Unsigned. 1 p. (34. 11.)
Edward Wylton to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 11. The former report touching the affairs of Brittany is lately countermanded. It is said that the duke Mercœur hath yielded to a truce and that the greatest part of the Spanish army there transporteth for Dieppe. The matters of Picardy stand as yet upon ill terms. They of Artoys and Hennault offer largely for the besieging of Cambray. The town is ill manned and the governor not so well affected to the State as is requisite for the present necessity. The King's return is wonderfully desired into these parts, whose presence (they say) is only able to give end to these troubles. There are many freebooters in this country, which maketh Sir Ant. Perez resolve not to depart from hence till he receive order from the King for his safe conduct. He expecteth daily to receive his letters to the same effect. The infinite desire he hath to hear from your lordship, I think hath made him defer his journey somewhat the more willingly. Thus I most humbly take my leave for this present.—Dieppe, 11 August, 95, stilo antiquo.
P.S.—The Maitre de Request is despatched from the Council of Parliament at Paris (as one of his company told me) to her Majesty to crave her assistance for Picardy. He stayeth at Dieppe for a wind only.
The Admiral's funerals are solemnized this week at Rouen. The charges they say will amount to 8,000 crowns.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (34. 12.)
Advices from the Low Countries.
1595, Aug. 11/21. Son Excellence a faict marcher le camp le 16 de ce mois de Servolde et arrivasmes le mesme jour de bon heur à Elten; le 17, à Bienen inde Heter, pays de Cleeff, passant pres la ville d'Emmerick; et le 18 sommes venuz icy à Bislick, vis-a-vis de Santen, et une lieue au costé de deça la ville de Wesel, ou avons eu nouvelles que l'ennemy de Walssam estoit venu à Ham, autant à l'autre costé de Wesel comme nous en sommes deça, puisqu'on entendoit que l'ennemy se renforcoit, et que par tant il n'estoit d'intention de repasser le Rhin, on pensoit faire marcher le camp plus hault devant Wesel, mais d'autant qu'il n'y auroit commodité ny fouraige pour la cavaillerie ce ne fut trouvé bon, mais de ne retrencher encores le camp le mesme jour de notre arrivement icy ny le lendemain pour veoir la contenance l'ennemy tendroit. Ce que se fera cy-apres, le temps nous monstrera. Cependant, il me semble que nous arresterons pour queiques jours icy pour autant que le jour d'hier son Excellence a faict faire les tronchées encores plus hautes et profondes qu'à Silwolde. Hier au soir apres souper l'ennemy est venu avec quelques chevaux attacquer nostre cavaillerie, et nommeement celle du capitaine Doneq, qui tenoit la garde devant notre camp ou a esté faict une petite escarmouche, laquelle par adventure eust esté plus grande si le dit Doncq eust esté secondé de deux autres compagnies qui estoyent à l'autre costé d'un petit eau ou riviere icy environ, lesquelles ne se pouvoyent sitost joindre avec luy, parquoy il n'osoit fonser que la cavaillerie qui se presentoit, ne sachant de quelle force estoit celle qui se tiennoyt encores derriere. On dit que el dit Doncq s'est monstré vaillant. Cette escarmouche a causé une alarme en nostre armée, d'autant qu'on pouvoyt aysement ouir les coups de pistoles qui se donnoyent de part et de l'autre. On pensoyt que l'ennemy nous eust venir veoir, mais on n'a autre chose appercheu de luy. J'estime que la perte de part et d'autre ne peut estre grande.—Au camp à Bislich, 21 Aoust 1595.
Unsigned. 1 p. (34. 44.)
Lord Burgh to the Earl of Essex.
[1595,] Aug. 12. Your servant found me between a physician and a surgeon who had but almost recovered me of a dangerous disease, where-unto the ill 'ager' of this country, hateful to my disposition, brought me, beginning with a continual fever and distemper and descending into an immeasurable swelling from my shoulder to my fingers, whereof it was resolved by them I must needs have died if I had been in the corrupt savours of my own garrison, where, according to their opinions, in the few days that I abode after my arrival I sucked the venom.
I shall be sorry that Sir Fernando Gorges be removed (unless for his greater profit) for I have engaged him in the lieutenant's government of Brill, whence I purposed not more to withdraw him, which I have made known to his predecessor, but your liking shall lead our wills.
Monsieur Foukrolls from the King of France hath solicited reinforcement into Collis [Calais] and Ardres of men and munition, and hath satisfaction of both, 400 men for Calais, and 200 for the other place, and of every sort of munition a convenient proportion, which I cannot particularise. He hath required their forces to be sent for Flanders but that falls out unseasonable at this instant. What other charge he hath unto them I doubt not you will be informed from Hague.
We are encamped within 7 English miles of Mondragon, and there we stick, and I fear will not easily be spurred on, but they will sure come to us, for they have gathered forces from all their garrisons and disdain that we lodge so near them. They have already visited our guards with 600 horse; but retired as the alarm grew hot in our quarters.
Dear lord, pardon an abrupt breaking off, for my pain is exceeding in my right arm and I would cherish it to give a blow. I commend to the most virtuous earl my service in all truth and constancy against death and whatsoever this world may encounter me withal.—12 August.
(Signed.) “Thomas Burgh.” Holograph. Part of seal. 1 p. (34. 13.)
Sir Edward Drury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 12. Is given to understand that his pleasure is not any longer to entertain in his service Barnet that keeps his fowls at Chelsey. Is very desirous to recommend this bearer, William Hartwell, lately servant to the very honourable Lady Dacres, whom he served faithfully and diligently, as the writer is informed. Beseeches Cecil to accept of him, having occasion to use him.—From Beechlane, this 12 August, 1595.
Signed. ½ p. (34. 14.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 12. I have according to your directions made Mr. Carye acquainted with the whole truth of the matter touching Arthur Radford; I hope he will advertise your honour of the truth. I wholly deny any dues to him, but this matter is wholly followed of Mr. Hull for malice. But howsoever it be, yet in respect of your honour's favour I will do anything that it shall please you to direct; yet, if it please you, my desire is that you will be advertised of the truth by Sir Walter Raleigh, who, I trust, will now shortly return.—Compton, 12 August, 1595.
P.S.—I beseech your honour to be a mean for the speedy despatch of my servant touching my suit to the body of the Council for my discharge of my band of men; and, as I am credibly informed, the enemy doth seek daily to annoy us, as my servant can somewhat advertise your honour thereof.
Signed. Part of a seal. ½ p. (34. 16.)
Ottywell Smyth to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 12. My last letter was sent by Sir Henry Palmer, since which time the enemy hath taken the castle of Pyrfount by intelligence, and now hath more forces come unto him and is gone to besiege Cambray, the which he hath invested. The Duke de Boullyon is gone with forces into St. Quyntans to assure it for the King. They fear much the taking of Cambray, for there be but few soldiers in it, and the governor is not well beloved of the inhabitants, so they fear it will be lost unless they have some English pyckes to make an army to encounter the enemy in the field, so that the King's Council have sent Monsieur Chyvallyre, Master of Requestes, to go into England to desire her Majesty to have some English pyckes (fn. 1), or else all Picardy stands in danger to be lost, for now they look for no succour out of Flanders, seeing they hear that Mont Dragonne with 8,000 men hath forced Compt Maurice to raise his siege. There is no need to send any Englishmen to this place till the enemy doth come this way again. I have received a letter from a friend in Rouen, that was told him by one that had served Sir Francis Walsingham long in Spain, that being at St. John de Lussi fell into the company of ten Spaniards that durst not go into Spain because they had slain a man, they declaring unto him that the King of Spain had good friends in England, and told him how they had intercepted a letter that came forth of England that was sent to the King of Spain that did impart how that he would cause Sir Francis Drake spend much money of his voyage, and in the end would break his voyage, and he said he saw the letter, signed “Charles Hayward.” I have sent to Rouen to cause a letter to be written to Paris to him that reported this to know if he could get that letter, and I will pay for the charges with a good recompence. As soon as I have his answer I will advertise your Honour; in the meantime I thought it my duty towards her Majesty to advertise what I had, for it is needful that Sir Francis Drake go to sea with all speed to detain the wicked practices the King of Spain is about in staying of all the strangers' ships, in seizing of the factors, their books and all their goods. It is not known yet wherefore, but it is written so from Rouen from merchants that have interest therein, and some ships be come into Flanders that report the same. He doeth what he can now both against England and France, therefore it were good to join together against him. I send your Honour a copy of a letter written by the Comte de Soissons to the King and the King's answer to the same, how that, for the case that was laid upon him about a practice that should have been done in Paris by some of his men, he doth deny it. At the King's coming to Paris, the original will be found out and where the fault is. The King is at Hons now, and hath left Doll beseiged by the Marshall de Byronne. If that were taken all the Franche Comte were for the King. As yet the Duke de Mayenne is not agreed with the King; he makes new demands, and the Duke d'Epernon is not accorded with the King. It is thought at Hons they will agree. At Amiens there hath been but three traitors executed, and they have been put upon the rack, and they would confess nothing nor their adherents, so that interprysse doth continue still. If the enemy doth take Cambray, both Abbeville and Amiens will render, for they will not endure the siege for fear the enemy use them as he did Dourland. They have great need of help, for if that her Majesty do not send over 3,000 pyckes and muskets, Picardy will be lost, or else the King must be forced to agree with the King of Spain. Better if they were kept abroad than at home. Little help now will do good when hereafter it cannot be helped. I pray God put it into her Majesty's mind to help now those in Picardy being so persecuted by the Spaniard. As yet it is not known who shall be governor of Rouen. The Duke Montpensier doth remain there till the King hath appointed a governor.—Dieppe, 12 August, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (34. 17.)
Edmund Wiseman to the Earl of Essex, at Court.
1595, Aug. 12. In my last of the 8 of this, I sent you my letters enclosed within Señor Peres', sent by him to the Duke of Buillion. Here is one Monsieur Chevalier, Master of Requests, which cometh for England, sent by the Council of Parliament of Paris. They report Cambray is besieged, and that those of Artoys and Henholt have offered the King of Spain 5,000 foot and 1,000 horse, 100,000 crowns a month during the siege. The Governor hath received a letter to-day from Rouen from an especial friend, although not subscribed, wishing him to get soldiers in readiness, for that the enemy is determined to visit him. The letter the governor sent to Señor Peres, and after came to his lodging, as daily he doth, besides inviting of him to many feasts. They report the King meaneth to be at Paris by the 5th of this next month. The Admiral's brother is looked for daily to come out of Provence to his burial which shall be very shortly; and, as the report goeth, they mean to bestow very great cost of his burial. The Governor of Newhaven hath entertained many of the Admiral's followers.—From Dieppe, 12 August, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (34. 18.)
Foreign News.
1595, Aug 12. News dated Rome, 12 Aug. 1595.
The Pope and the proceedings there touching the “absolution of Navarre.” News from Madrid of 22 July touching the Indies. The war in Hungary. Duke of Nemurs on the point of death.
Italian. 3½ pp. (172. 43.)
The Governor of Dieppe to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 12/22. Vous aurez veu par ma derniere lettre comme les ennemys tiroient devers Cambray, qu'ils ont investi maintenant. Tellement qu'il n'est plus de besoing, puisqu'ils sont recullez si loing de nous, que la Roine envoie des hommes pour la conservation de cette place. Ce n'est pas que je vueille espargner ses moiens qu'elle m'a offert par la lettre dont il luy a pleu m'honorer, mais je serois marry qu'elle emploiast un escu pour mon particulier mal-a-propos. Il est arrivé icy un maistre de requestes de l'hostel du Roi qui a passé par la Picardie et s'en va trouver la Roine de la part de Monseigneur le Prince de Conty et de messieurs du Conseil de Paris. Il vous fera voir des lettres que M. de Balagni escrist a M. de Bouillon, ou vous cognoistrez le mauvais ordre qu'il y a dans Cambray, et crains fort que nous n'en ayons bientost de mauvaises nouvelles, si ce n'est qu'il plaise à la Roine nous y assister et secourir promptement. Je vous assure, Monsieur, qu'il en est temps, pour les raisons que vous scaurez du dit sieur maitre des requestes, et d'autres particularitez de noz miseres que je ne vous puis mander, M. du Mayne n'a pas encores conclu son accord avec le Roy : et, dit on, qu'il a fait de nouvelles demandes. Qui fait croire que tout ce qu'il fait n'est sinon que pour mettre le Roi d'Espaigne en deffiance et faire mieux ses affaires avec luy. Je ne vous en diray d'avantage que pour vous supplier continuer l'honneur de voz bonnes graces.—Dieppe, 22 Aoust, 1595.
Signed. 1 p. (34. 46.)
M. du Montmartin to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 12/22. Sending to him M. de la Haye, one of the oldest and best of Huguenots, to represent to him the misery of Brittany, which has no hope of deliverance from the servitude of Spain except at the hand of the Queen of England—[R?]enn[es], 22 August, 1595.
Endorsed :—“22 Aug. 1595, novo stilo.”
Signed. French. 1 p. (20. 14.)
Sir Thomas Baskervile.
[1595, Aug. 13.] First. To have them set down what entertainment I shall have for this my office of Colonel General; which, if they refuse turning me to the venture of the journey, then to set me down under their hands and seals what part I shall have out of the said adventure.
(Margin :—He is to have 500l. adventure. At foot, in Burghley's handwriting. He shall have three parts of any four shares that any of the generals shall have.)
Secondly. Seeing the command of the men of war is delivered to me by her Majesty's commission as Colonel General, I challenge as of due the making of all inferior officers under me; as hath been ever in all wars permitted to every particular colonel by the law of arms.
(Margin :—For this they are both sides content to be overruled by my Lls.)
Thirdly. That all moneys I shall lay out for the better furnishing of myself in this “vyage,” upon due proof made to the generals (if I am turned to the fortune of the “vyage”), may be allowed me out of the venture, as likewise such reasonable other charges as I shall be forced to spend at Plymouth or elsewhere in attending the said “vyage” after their departure from hence.
(Margin :—This article is answered before in the first.)
Fourthly. Since the captains and men of war must go upon the “fairdes” only and not in her Majesty's pay, I desire that this agreement may be signed indenture-wise between the said General and the colonels and other chief officers of the men of war, and that we may have an officer, paid by us, to be permitted to look into the treasure and other commodities that shall be gotten and to take inventory of it, and that division may be made there of our parts before our return.
(Margin :—They are content to let him be acquainted with all, or any other principal men of quality.)
Fifthly. I desire that the captains and other chief officers may have some imprest for their better furnishing themselves of ensigns, drums, arms for themselves and for their officers; and that every one of them may be appointed by the generals in what ship he is to go, and that the benefits of the best places in the ships may be divided between the sea and land captains indifferently, and that they and their officers, with the rest of other gallant men of war, may be permitted to go by sea to Plymouth, and not forced upon their own charge to go by land, which they are in no case able to do, having attended this journey past all expectation.
(Margin :—This shall not be stood upon, for the captains shall be helped by them that named them.)
Sixthly. That if division shall not be made before our return, and that there be, by her Majesty's appointment, commissioners sent down to view the things gotten both from her Majesty and from the other venturers, my request is that I may likewise be appointed one of them in the behalf of the men of war who are to have the three parts out of the said booty.
(Margin :—Her Majesty is content to make him a commissioner.)
Lastly. I desire (since there is an equal division between the owners of the ship, adventurers and men of war in that shall be gotten in this voyage) that the like course may be taken with us for the security of our part as is taken with them in all things, and in as full and ample manner.
(Margin :—This is likewise granted.)
Headed :—“Certain demands which are to be made to the Generals.”
Endorsed :—“Sir Tho. Baskervile's demands touching the voyage.—Abt. Aug. 13, 1595.”
p. (34. 21.)
Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 13. This morning we received a letter from her Majesty, in which we were required to give answer presently unto divers particular services which her Highness hath now commanded us, upon some intelligence lately come out of Spain. The which letter we answered that, if it please her Majesty to command us to any other services than first was agreed upon, it would please her at our most humble suit to take upon her the whole charge, as well of the tonnage of the merchant ships as of victuals and wages, both for land servitors and mariners.
The charge hath been and doth continue very great, and it hath been the more for the keeping the whole companies together. Were it known to the better sort that there were any other purpose than the first they would most away, although it hath been very chargeable unto them, which will much discontent them. And for our own particulars, we humbly beseech your good lordship that if her Majesty do alter our first agreement, that you stand strongly for us that the whole charge may be borne by the Queen, else look we for nothing but the like discontentment or worse than that of the Portyngall voyage. Thus in haste we most humbly take our leaves from Plymouth this 13 August, 1595.
Signed. 1 p. (34. 19.)
Sir Thomas Baskervile to the Earl of Essex.
[1595,] Aug. 13. I would not have failed to have written more often had there been means to have conveyed safely my letters. Now I write because it pleased you to tax me in your last letter with negligence, which though I excuse not, yet I humbly desire your lordship to think that my not writing grew not by any want of desire to do you service. For I hope the testimony I have already given doth sufficiently witness how much I am yours and with what little respect I have esteemed the favour of other men, keeping myself only clear to you, without engaging in the least point to any other; with the self same affection I serve you still and will ever without alteration. Yet can I not by any means drive out of me the opinion I have conceived that you only hath been the occasion of my going this journey of so great expence, by which I protest I am already half ruined, and shall be wholly if the journey go not forward according to the first plot, which I fear is, or will be, wholly altered. What hopes then remains to bear out this mighty charge I have been at? Anything from her Majesty I utterly despair of, the example of her refusal being so fresh in my memory. And this I know, the least of my enemies can cross me more than the greatest of my friends can do me good. It rests, therefore, to seek some way myself to repair this so great decay; which I know not but by intreating your lordship that, seeing you are the first cause, it will please you now with your favour to second this our journey in such sort that we may go forward in our first pretended course without being limited to so short a time, whereby we may not only undo ourselves in our purses but also in our reputations, for who is he so unadvised to undertake the performance of such a 'viage,' wherein there is so great expectations of so great things to be done, in so short a time. For my part I rather desire to be buried alive than to live with disgrace, and though I have the least part in this enterprise, yet know I some part of the burden will light upon me. The whole fortune of our journey depends upon the length of time, for by time all things are done and without it nothing can be done. I wish, therefore, that I were well quit of it, or else that the first determination might stand. I beseech your lordship to give me a little leave to argue the matter more at large. Your lordship best knows such forces as these cannot be held long together without a prince's pay or hopes of great spoils; both them being taken away, of necessity confusion must grow. Our long stay here hath already wearied the most part, and no doubt, if they had but the least inkling that the course of the journey should be turned some other way, they would all be gone. I beseech you, therefore, to have a care of us your poor friends, and to favour us so far that if her Majesty will alter the first course, we may have from her some means to bear out the greatness of my charge, for I protest there is in me no longer ability to endure it. And so, giving your lordship humble thanks for the graces you have done me, I humbly take my leave.—Plymouth, 13 August.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (34. 20.)
Sir Thomas Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 13. I have conferred with Mr. Champernoune, as you desired me, but cannot accomplish anything to your liking. I have also sent you herewith his letter of answer, the effect whereof I know not. What you will else have me to do here I am ready with my uttermost power to perform it. Here be a company of gallant gentlemen that daily expects some good news from you. I assure you their long stay doth breed discontent amongst them, but they are encouraged by the best means that we may. The generals do agree very well. I should be glad to hear of some resolution for their departure, the rather that I may repair homeward.—Plymouth, 13 August, 1595.
[P.S.]—I pray you remember me to my lady and give her many thanks for her kind remembrance of me.
Endorsed :—“Recd. the 15 of the same at Greenwich.”
Signed. Seal broken. 1 p. (34. 22.)
Mons. de Sourdeac to the Earl of Essex.
1595, Aug. 13/23. Je n'auray jamais rien si cher que de vous faire service en tout ce que je jugeray vous apporter contentement. Pour le subject de celle que vous m'aves fait l'honneur de m'escrire, le tout est passé par devant les officiers du Roy à ce que j'ay peu apprendre. En ce qui dependra de ma charge vous me trouveres tant vostre particulier serviteur qu'il n'ya rien qu'il n'execute avec toutes les fidelités que vous pouves esperer.—Brest, 23 August 1595, selon nostre date.
[P.S.] Sachant la bonne affection que vous aves au bien et advancement du service du Roy, mon maistre, et Dieu m'aiant le mardi quatrieme du present mois de juillet faict la grace de defaire six regiments de gens de pied, qui estoient toute l'infanterie françoise du due de Mercure, et trois cornettes de cavalerie demeurans mortz sur la place, le sieur de la Courbe, son maral de camp, avec plusieurs autres capitaines, cinq drapeaux et plusieurs autres capitaines en chef prins, et le reste mis en vau de route, je n'ay voulu faillir en cest endroict de vous faire part de cette nouvelle.
Subscribed. Seal. ½ p. (34. 58.)
Thomas, Lord Burgh to the Earl of Essex.
[1595,] Aug. 14. Worthiest Earl, it shall be without purpose to write of this dull army, which is patient of all misery and injury of weather, and never moved to anger against the enemy who braved us to our teeth. I find by the council of States who are here following the camp, that Mr. Bodley's employment is unpleasing; and they say their estate is now as bad as then it was when first they besought her Majesty's assistance, and in what danger the country stood when the Queen granted them aid, into the same they must fall if now that money by which they have made head against the King of Spain be extorted by importunity for the renboursement; neither have the towns which they have won benefited them so much in contribution as for the getting of them to levy forces hath brought them in arrerages; and in account those which they lost since the English came with my lord of Leicester, or a little before him with Sir John Norris, exceed both in number and value those recovered since under Count Morice. What they will be drawn unto, your lordship will hear hereafter; but if with such dislike they be compelled, you may guess what taste it will leave with them. Wherein I fear will be checked the thankfulness due to her Majesty for the grace done, and will also succeed an entrance towards a new alliance (as it may appear how they prepare the King of France) or else a necessity to compound their cause with the public foe; either of which will breed a noisome neighbourhood to England. Small cities will pay dear for a fortification; a kingdom for so good a rampart on one side were better not to spare for cost than to stand in the doubt of an open passage. I should forget myself if I proceeded farther to trouble you with my opinion. These affairs are to be digested by greater wits; from them I depart. To your lordship I return with my wonted conclusion, which is that I am yours only ever and in all, Thomas Burgh.—August 14.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (34. 23.)
Thomas Treffry to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 14. Our haven of Fowy being opposed to that part of Brittany possessed by the enemy, we understand daily the affairs of those parts, and I think sooner than any other part of England, by reason of the shortness of the cut and our common intercourse of merchandise. This hath emboldened me to advertise your Honour such matters as I have heard by some of St. Maloes, wherein I pray to be excused if I be misled of them or by my own weakness.
The four galleys on their return from the spoil of our west parts encountered a fleet of hulks of seventy sail, and gave chase to fourteen of them being severed from the rest of the company, where in fight they lost 140 of their men, and had one of their galleys so torn as they could not carry her to Bluet. They sunk one of the hulks laden with salt, and did great spoil to their admiral. The other three galleys are now remaining at Bluet. The 9th of this month a ship of Bristol was chased into this harbour by two Spanish fly-boats, and they report (coming from St. Maloes) that there are five men of war, Spanish, in the road of Conquet.
The 2nd of this month by a barque of Roscow we be ascertained that Captain Fontenel is building a fort at Dowarnynyes, about fifteen leagues from Bluet. It is a kind of island on the promontory and guarded by above 1,000 of the enemy. They might soon be famished there if they were besieged, as this Frenchman reports.
He further affirms that a great army is preparing at Biscay, part to be sent to Lisbon to withstand Sir Francis Drake, if he land there, the other part for the aid of those at Bluet.
The 12th of this instant, one Spurway his barque of Bristol arrived here from St. Maloes, which they affirm to be very wavering in their constancy to the King : but the master of the said barque, called Wescot, and the company affirm that at St. Maloes were landed out of an English barque, as they suppose, one Paskowes of Trewrow in this county, sixteen iron pieces of demi-culverin, saker and minion, and two fair pieces of brass, having the arms of England engraven on them, and that both barque and ordnance were there sold. Thus eftsoons most humbly craving pardon for my boldness, remembering my brother's humble thankfulness, I leave your honour to the protection of the Almighty.—From Fowey in Cornwall the 14 August, 1595.
Endorsed :—“Received at Nonsuch the 23rd of the same [August].”
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (34. 24.)
The Governor of Dieppe to the Earl of Essex.
[1595,] August 14/24. Je vous ay donné avis de l'arrivée de Monsieur le Chevalier au sette ville, qui va depeche de M. le Prinse de Conty et de Messieurs du Conseil du Roy vers la Royne, votre metresse. Il a commandmens du dit sieur Prinse et de ses Messieurs de vous communiquer tous se qu'il a negocier, et esperons tous, Monsieur, que si nous optenons quelque chose se sera par vostre moyen. Je ne vous pas ajoute mes prieres avecques tous ses messieures, la qui seroyent inutiles, mais je vous dis bien que vous ne saurres jamais avoir meilleure occasion temoigner au Roy et a set etat vostre bonne volonté.—Dieppe, 24 August.
Endorsed :—“Monsr. de la Chaste, 24 d'Aoust 95, novo stilo, at Diepe.”
Subscribed. 1 p. (34. 61.)
George, Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, Aug. 15. Want of mean hath kept me thus long from writing to you; and Yorkshire barren of all news affords nothing worth your knowing, only now my desire to see you hath made me send this bearer that I may know when (most fitting for you) I may come and return unknown; not willing, for some respects I will tell you, to come near the Court yet. I purpose to hunt towards the Bath, and, when hunting is done, to tarry there sometime for my health, which I thank God is better than it was this long time, but, my advisers tell me, by it shall be confirmed. Do my duty, pray you, to your honorable Lady, and hold me ever as yours firm, which be sure I ever will be, and so wish you all your heart's desire.—From Tilford, 15 August, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (34. 26.)
The City of Chichester.
[1595, Aug. 15.] According to that I formerly advertised your Honour, I am moved again to desire that your lordship will take further consideration of the following.
Touching the ruinous estate of the city of Chichester; the late incursion of Spaniards into Cornwall suggests as well for that 500 men armed, ordered and appointed, might land and, in despite of the city and help of the country, there set it on fire, as also for that the walls and “rampeires” of that city ought without the Queen's charge to be amended by the citizens, as appears by their charter, which by some small yearly charge would easily be made to defend itself against five hundred of the proudest of Spaniards; that there should be some purposed ill against the city or country thereabouts, and this the rather as in other years and in this year also it has been reported that strange barques, thought enemies, have sounded the coast of the sea even along by the haven of that city.
That I desired you would consider of the transportation of iron ordnance, cast-iron and wrought-iron; the reason was that I had divers years past yearly seen in Sussex great quantity of cast-iron ordnance which hath not been doubted but that it was transported. Also the sudden dearth of iron in Sussex, being 3l. dearer a ton than last year, doth argue that if speedy order be not taken that no transportation be of iron, the posterity to come will want iron to till the earth and for to defend against the enemy.
Item, timber and board and also firewood is transported, to the great enhancing the price thereof, and thereby is great destruction of that which for this present state and for posterity to come is thought were fit to be preserved.
Item, that retaining and giving liveries against the law makes sometime the Queen's Majesty cannot be served as she should be, as I have sometime noted upon musters, when the better labourers have been sent forth.
Item. Where I touched matter of subsidy; it was as well in consideration of the great charge her Majesty is at for our happy peace as the slackness of some that will not yield to any reasonable persuasion; as, namely, the city where I am a commissioner, I could not prevail, upon divers reasonable requests, to have the land of that Corporation, which is thought better than 100l. by year, to be set at 3l. in the subsidy, nor one childless alderman, who is better worth than 5,000l., to be assessed above 20l. in goods.
Item. That I desired your consideration upon doings of customers, &c., was not only for that grain by transportation was made dear, but also for that some wool, sheep, &c., was disorderly transported; the printed order sent from the Council to stay the price of corn I laboured in with others, but I knew of no commission, as you asked me, which I took to be meant of some commission given before that book, which was not dealt with before corn was at 4s. a bushel everywhere in Sussex.
Now I humbly wish it may please the Council to send some man thought fit to view the walls and 'rampeires' of that city, by whose direction that and no more than very behooffull might be appointed to be done; after that your honour shall by him be rightly thereof advertised, myself that am and have these fifteen years been captain of that city, humbly desiring it may please your honour that I may know if you will send any, so with the mayor, &c., I may walk round the city to show him the ruins thereof.
Lastly, I humbly desire your honour, dealing herein as shall seem best to your lordship, you conceal my name, if so it be your good pleasure.
Endorsed :—“15 Aug., 1595.”
Copy. 1½ pp. (34. 29.)


  • 1. A note in the margin of the original misreads these words as “fresh troops.”