Cecil Papers: July 1595, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1595, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp281-297 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1595, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp281-297.

"Cecil Papers: July 1595, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp281-297.

July 1595, 16–31

Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 16. Thanks him very profusely for lord Burgh's “most kinde respete unto me and of my repetasion” (reputation), which he perceives proceeded by Essex's means. There is no news but what lord Burgh will write save that Mounte Dragon “is marched with 7,000 men towards our men to see if he can possibly levy the siege, or at the least by any means give succour unto the town, the which is said to be in some distress,” and unless relieved must shortly surrender.—Brill, 16 July.
Signed :—“Fard. Gorge.” Holograph. 1 p. (172. 31.)
Dr. Tho. Bilson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 17. Learns from Sir Thomas Gorge and others, Cecil's favourable opinion of him. Has always striven to do what he might in the church of God, and disliked the open and eager pursuit which some in these days make “after such places;” but when favour is extended to him unasked he is not ungrateful, and esteems it the more from such as the Queen trusts with her greatest affairs.—Winton, 17 July '95.
Endorsed :—“Do. Bilson, Warden of Winchester College, to my master.”
Holograph. 1½ pp. (172. 32.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 18. According to her Majesty's direction, comprised on the backside of this enclosed petition, I had done what I could to be informed of the truth of the matter, and do find it in such sort as I have certified under the said petition. And although the now widow of the said John Wright have had loss by the match, yet it seemeth that Harry Wright, brother unto the said John Wright, who is bound for the payment of 260l. unto the son's behoof now at Christmas next (and which now is to go between the widow and her daughters, sisters unto him that was slain) is like to sustain the greatest loss; the widow now having also some 10l. by the year during her life to live on. Whereof I have thought it my duty to certify you.—At Serjeant's Inn, 18 July, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. (33. 40.)
Nicholas Williamson to the Attorney General (Coke).
1595, July 18. The success of his letters had hitherto been unfortunate, having written therein of matters both probable and sufficient as he judged, to have delivered him from offence and been acceptable for good advertisements; yet his imprisonment has continued almost half a year more closer and straighter and in place of greater discredit than at the first, without the smallest comfort afforded him. Is almost desperate to be relieved but that his hope still liveth in the compassionate dispositions of those two honourable personages and of Coke, by whose mediations he daily expects her Majesty's accustomed clemency if multitude of weighty causes do not make him remain there forgotten; the fear whereof has forced him to write. “If the contents of my last letters to Sir Robert and to you were of any estimate, if my lord [of Shrewsbury] deny the matter of the weir or of the Scandalum, or my lady disavow the extremity intended against Mr. John Stanhope, I have since remembered other matters more sufficiently to prove them, and many more I could have alleged if I might have conferred with others about them; but these in the meantime I will send you if I shall understand them to be needful : reposing myself in those comfortable speeches you gave me at your departure this day month from the Tower, where I remain most afflicted.—18 July 1595.
P.S.—Though I have no means to solicit Mr. Stanhopes, I hope my deserts will work that impression in their virtuous natures that they will also further my enlargement.
My former keeper at the Gatehouse detaineth certain necessaries I left there at my coming to the Tower, though I have paid him the extremest due he could demand and in larger measure I am assured than I should have done if I had complained thereof. I procured Mr. Lieutenant to write also unto him, but he hath refused to deliver them. I most humbly request you to send your warrant straightly commanding him to deliver all such things as he hath of mine, otherwise he will retain part, and so give me occasion further to trouble you.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (33. 83.)
Geo. Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 19. My last I sent two days agone and there enclosed one from Sir Fr. Vere, since the date of which matters are suddenly changed at the camp; for where we looked to have heard that the special battery should have gone to make the breach whereby to have forced the town, all the quarters being come with their trenches even to the very counterscarf, and the ditch sounded already to be filled, the news of the enemy's passing the Rhine with more forces than was looked for made his Excellency, after consultation with the chief and commanders about him, leave the siege and retire the camp, so as the 15th of this month it came, with th' artillery, ammunition and carriages, unto Borcklo, a town hard by Lochem; and [it] is thought that ere this the forces are severed and placed in the frontier towns, as well to defend them if the enemy should go about to attempt thereupon as to annoy him in his passage. Mondragon is their chief and the Counts Herman and Frederick Vandenbergh are with him. Their number is reported some 1,000 horse and above 7,000 foot. Ours were as many, but being the chief strength of the country and that a blow would bring further inconveniences with it in all appearance, these men here have written to his Excellency not to hazard to fight, seeing the enemy as strong if not stronger than he, and to maintain the siege and abide the enemy's coming was impossible without more men, the seat of the town being on a dry and heathy country. If the enemy after the providing of that and other towns return, then shall we be doing somewhere else; and if he stay, then must his Excellency also remain in those parts to hinder his attempts, for many towns are but weak and in some of them few good patriots, which was in part cause that the States did not think it so expedient to adventure upon a battle, knowing best the humours of the people in those provinces and how soon an alteration cometh. France's wars must “steede” these countries, or else they would soon be put from th' offensive to a doubtful defensive.—Hague, this 19th day of July, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1¼ pp. (33. 41.)
Sir Henry Cocke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 19. Now the time draweth near wherein (as knights of this shire for the late Parliament) we are to name and appoint the collector for the fifth fifteenth due therein unto her Majesty. And forasmuch as Mr. William Newce, of Haddam, a very honest and sufficient gentleman, hath already very well and dutifully paid and discharged the former four fifteenths, if you so like of it, I think him very fit to have the collection of this also. I have already written unto him, whose answer is that although the collection thereof be very troublesome (which I know to be true), yet if you and I shall think him fit so to continue the same he is very willing to accept of it.—From Punsborne, 19 July 1595.
Signed. ½ p. (33. 42.)
Thomas, Lord Burgh to [the Earl of Essex].
1595, July 20. I will of this army give you a plain account, referring the judgment to yourself. I found our forces before Groll, from whence we dislodged the fourth day after I came thither : the army compounded of 2000 Friese under Count William; 1000 of South Holland under Count Philip; 1000 of North Holland, the army of the young Count Nassau; 1200, with the three companies of her Majesty's pay, under Sir Francis Vere; 1000 Scots under Colonel Murray; and his Excellency's guard and mine, both 400. Horse companies 13, making the number of 700; the whole, 7800. The approaches advanced by every regiment to the counter-scarfe; by the English into the edge of the ditch; by the South Hollanders into the middle of the ditch with a gallery. 16 cannons did beat the parapet and bared all the flanks : battery was not intended, the course being to lodge in the foot of the rampart and to run along by sap. How far we were proceeded your lordship perceives; why our works made their full point there you shall know. Our espials advertised us of the enemy's coming forward, of his forces equal, if not superior, to ours; of his diligence in marching, resolution in the enterprise, and of the courage given by his “sighnes” to them within. Hereupon a council called and no doubt left untouched : the particular debates unnecessary, and every man's opinion as needless to speak of; that which prevailed and removed us I will not omit. The enclosure of our camp was so large as by reason thereof our quarters were far sundered, and because the circuit might not be unmanned anywhere we could nowhere make defences strong enough : so as to make good our trenches was concluded impossible. (Before I go farther your Lordships shall understand we could bound our siege in no less compass, for the town stands upon a plain flat, so as of necessity the works must be enlarged otherwise than where the seat gives advantage.) The next thing offered to consider was to retire the whole into one quarter, and so to attend if any means served us to do something against the enemy. Against this was propounded the scorn of beholding him send in his convoys, and the despair of victory there against him where he would stand upon his best guards. The last question, whether we might rise and give him battle, or abandon all and dispose our troops to garrison. The first not liked, for account must be given to the States, who allowed not so great a hazard; the latter not safe, for then many places lay in danger, which could not all be suddenly provided for if the army were dissolved. A mean between these, to keep the field and to lodge strongly, was our uttermost counsel. In this we be firm, and having “dispestred” ourselves of artillery (saving five demy cannons) and all needless carriages, we encamp, coasting him as we hear he lodgeth. Hence what will grow I cannot say, neither have patience to expect with longer deferring to acquaint you what hath passed. As new matter riseth I will inform you and I will, God willing, see the end of this journey. We be now 4 leagues asunder, old Mondragon commands theirs in chief. Principal persons besides are the Counts of Berke; their forces of foot, as we are advertised, 5,000, and horse 1,700. The Governor of Groll is a young Earl of 24 years, his country Stizem, whence he is named. He commanded 11 ensigns within, which we hear were complete but 900. We left him in great necessity, for it hath been confessed he had not scarce a loaf of bread; and yet being summoned he answered he would hold the town for the King of Spain. He hath the honour : of us I will give no judgment, but as I present you with a naked truth, I leave with you, who in these martial matters can best discern, the interpretation which you will make. Our forces since we levied our siege are enforced 1,000 which were employed under Count Solmes in the land of Vast, and Count Hollock's guard of 200 and 5 companies of horse which be all in number 400; so as now we be in the field strong 8,900. Our discipline of embattailing our army is according to the Roman dizeniers, every tenth man knowing his place and the soldiers distributed into lines after their tenths, who going before them bring them to their ranks. Our form is curious and ready; I would the exercise against our enemy might commend our order.—July 20.
Holograph. 2 pp. (33. 43.)
John Harpur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 20. As I do acknowledge myself most infinitely bounden unto you for the means you have made in my behalf unto her most sacred Majesty, so I beseech continuance of the same, not knowing otherwise to satisfy her Highness. The two letters for which her Majesty, as I hear, is most offended with me, one was for my wife's mother, deceased, a harmless creature if you will examine her life; the other for Williamson with an intent to conform him, as after it was effected : and although the man since hath proved, as I hear, disloyal, yet at that time there was no suspicion thereof. For my religion it is well known that I am no papist or favourer of such, other than in respect as aforesaid. And for Williamson he hath been my deadly enemy two years and a half, which I do humbly thank God for; so my trust is you will be a most special mean for me to her Majesty for the remitter (sic) of her gracious favour, and not to conceive hardly of me for him. I do acknowledge myself to have offended her herein, craving her gracious mercy, which with the six weeks' imprisonment I have sustained to my exceeding grief, being more restrained than any other, I hope will move her to release me to make trial of my future life, which hereafter shall be so guided as shall, I hope, gain some part of that favour which foolishly I have endangered.—20 July, 1595.
Signedp. (33. 45.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 20. The eighth day after our sitting down before Grolle we had certain news of the enemy's being near the Rhine and of his purpose to pass towards us. It was some while in deliberation what course we should hold; in the end finding our forces neither able to environ the town so that we might impeach a stronger army to succour it, nor the States resolved to hazard the battle, the best course was, they thought, to raise the siege, to bestow the greater part of the artillery in some place of safety, and with the army to grow near upto the enemy, both to cut off his victual and to wait some good occasion to give them a blow, and if they retired to accompany them to their passage. With this also to assure the small towns of Anholt, Zerenbergh and Dotcum, which might easily fall into their hands. This no doubt was the safest counsel and yet hardly assented to of some, as well for that our works were very far advanced, as that they could be content with little disadvantage of numbers to try what should become of them : but they were the fewer in number. We are now within three leagues of the enemy, who lieth at a village called Brun, and from thence by strong convoys victualleth and furnisheth both Grolle and the other towns of all necessaries. We are constrained to lie still a day or two for the refreshing and victualling our army, during which time, if the enemy seeketh not us, we shall remove towards him. The Count Harman of Bercke commandeth their army as governor of these quarters, but Mondragon swayeth all. Their army is of 8000 foot and 1800 horse, the humour of the chiefs is undertaking, and therefore we hope they will visit us. Stay long in these parts they cannot, both for the difficulties they shall find in victualling their army, as also for that they have left Brabant and Flanders exceeding bare of forces. Our troops are about 7000 foot and 1400 horse. What will ensue I will not fail to advertise you by the next. Sir Charles Percy arrived here yesterday to whom I shall be ready to do all curtesies. I most humbly beseech you to retain me in your wonted favour.—Camp near Wolft, this 20 July, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (33. 48.)
Sir Thomas Dennis to the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 20. Since writing my letters unto the Privy Council I have received advertisement from Mr. Philip Bevill, of Cornwall, who this night supped with me, that on Sunday last the Spaniards with four galleys presented themselves before a little parish called Saint Evaull, three miles to the west from Padstow, and offered to land some men at St. Evaull. To impeach the landing Mr. Grenvile, son unto Sir Richard Grenvile, bent those bands which are committed unto his charge.—Exeter, 20 July, 1595.
[P.S.] I hear of few men taken or killed at landing or otherwise. Sir Francis Drake came into Plymouth on Sunday night last, who went to discover the fleet. I think you shall hear more from him than certainly I can advertise.
Holograph. ½ p. (33. 57.)
Thomas, Lord Burgh to the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 21. In my last I opened to your lordship the condition of our army, our dislodgement, and coasting the field towards the enemy, our renforcement since, and such like circumstances, together with our adversary's strength and number of both. I shall now advertise you that they withdraw to repass the Rhine, glorifying themselves in this they have done. We are irresolute whether to follow them or to give leave to their passage, to the end that after they be gone we may attempt again both that we quit and other small places which are held in this country against us. The part which I conceive we shall bend unto (and whereof I find probability resolution will be taken upon the coming of the States which is attended within a day) is to give no impediment to their retreat, but since they have given little refreshing to the towns and castles in their hands, to begin with some of the weakest and to proceed to the rest, whereof upon good reason we doubt not to become masters. For by occasion of the Count Fuentes' ill success it is likely these can no more return, and our forces were increased as I certified, and within 3 days shall be augmented 1,500 more, so as where we sit down we shall be in state to make good. And as this people fight in the nature of mechanics for commodity and have little sense of honour, so they lie in wait to catch without hazard, and the reducing of this quarter to the union of the rest will bring home a great contribution. I will despatch to you the first occurrents that offer, not that I expect to have a worthy subject, but that you shall have such fruits of my service as the time yields. I must confess to your lordship I grudge these idle commanders and think scorn to have my name amongst these digging moles, whom with undeserved fame the spade hath raised. I rest in all faith to attend your commandments, and vow unto your voice more willingness than to any earthly call, esteeming my happiness can be no greater than to be eased of part of my debt to you.—21 July.
Addressed :—“To the noblest my most honoured Earl of Essex.”
Holograph. 1 p. (33. 46.)
Forces in Ireland, &c.
1595, July 21. “A briefe declaracion of the yssue of two Privie Seales conteyning the some of ixml xxili, viz., one Pryvie Seale of the viiith of Marche 1594 assigned for the 1000 Footemen sent out of Englande and aryved in Irelande mensis Aprilis 1595—vml; and by one other Pryvie Seale of the thirde of Aprill 1595, assigned for the paie of the forces sent owt of Brittanie into this realme—iiijml xxli. In all the some of ixml xxli sterling.”
[Followed by particulars of sums and names of officers to whom paid, etc.]
Endorsed :—“21 July, 1595.”
9 pp. (139. 49.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 22. Two days since I wrote you what passed here, so that now, nothing being altered, I shall not need to make repetition of the same.
As to Captain Baskerville, and the course you have taken for the continuing of his company, I shall be very glad that one whom you favour so highly, and myself so affect, may be pleasured in that sort; but should have had more cause to rejoice if the power had wholly rested in me to have fulfilled your request. For though I may bestow the places that fall, yet had it been too hard a matter for me to induce the States to licence a captain for so long a term, especially now that they have so great occasion to use their service. And I judge a far greater matter would have been more frankly assented unto by them at your request. I suspended to give the place till I were assured of his being at sea, and then intended to bestow it on my brother Horace, with full purpose at his return to have used my best means to have procured him another. But since your lordship is otherwise disposed my brother shall stay. I most humbly thank you for breaking of such plots as tended to the drawing hence of my regiment; though I assure you no man shall be more ready to bend any whither where either the troop or myself may do her Majesty service : and to your summons no man living shall more willingly give ear than I, who must acknowledge my chief good from you and have vowed myself wholly to do you service.—Camp near Wolft, this 22 July, 1595.
Holograph. 2 pp. (33. 47.)
William, Earl of Derby to Sir Robert Cecil, his uncle.
[1595], July 22. Thanks for your honourable favours; assure yourself to have as great interest in me and as much power to prevail in what you please as any of my dearest friends, Your grave advice, whereby I do desire to be directed, hath bound me as well in unfeigned friendship as in alliance; for I mean to satisfy the Scottish ambassador with a truth, for it seems the King is misinformed.—22 July, Cha[non] Row.
Holograph. ½ p. (33. 50.)
The Earl of Essex to his servant Maurice Horner, keeper of Norwood Park.
1595, July 22. To deliver to his loving cousin Sir Francis Hastings, or to the bearer to his use, one buck of this season to be taken in Norwood Park.—At the Court at Greenwich, 22 July, 1595.
Signedp. (33. 51.)
Anthony Kemis to the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 22. That he has not written the news ere this was for lack of opportunity; for he longs to show his desire to spend his life in his service by whose means he has received it. Reports the certainty of the death of Mons. la Mote, as he heard it recounted to Count St. Paule by one that came from the enemy's camp. The enemy coming before Durlane, upon Sunday, 12th inst., La Mote “went to view the ditch of the castle, being armed at all points with musket proof, and having, for his more security, a target of proof, which holding somewhat lower than his eyes, as he stood upon the counterscarp to view the ditch, a musket bullet came from off the wall and hit upon the edge of his target which, glancing up into the sight of his casque, killed him stark dead without uttering at his death one word. The viijth day of this month it was my chance to be at Muttrell where, going to the wars with them of the town, we overthrew an hundred horse of the garrison of Hedden, an enemy town five leagues off. Monsieur de Menye, governor of Mouttrell, for fear of the siege which was then expected there, caused all his moveables and household stuff to be carried by night out of the castle, which to me seemed so strange as that I could not choose but send it to your lordship for news.” On Monday, 20th inst., Count St. Paule went to relieve Durlane and Mons. de Villiers was slain, entering pell mell into the enemy's trenches, where 400 or 500 of the Spaniards were defeated but our army forced to retire.
Presently on the death of Mons. de Villiers, the Count sent the Governor of Dieppe to Rouen, to confirm the people there who would be apt enough to sedition. Report says the King has taken the treasurer of the enemy's camp, on his way through Savoy towards the Low Countries, and also the Constable of Castile, and slain 1,200 men. Begs favour for procuring his pardon; for, his horse being shot and “little entertainment allowed,” he cannot live any longer in the wars of France.—Abavill (Abbeville), 22 July.
Endorsed :—“Captain Kemis, 22 July '95.”
Holograph, 2 pp. (172. 33.)
John Calley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 23. In regard of your great care always towards my dear lady and mistress, I could no less do in duty than upon ending our assizes at Sarum this last week, and before my repair unto her ladyship, advertise you of all proceedings there concerning Sir Walter Longe. First, touching my lords the Judges of that circuit, they had an upright regard to yield equal justice unto all her Majesty's subjects, neither did they any whit intermeddle in the sheriff's office for returning the grand jury, but the sheriff himself did return a very substantial and indifferent grand jury of gentlemen of the best sort of all parts of the shire; insomuch that things being carried with an indifferent course, we of our side at this assizes preferring one bill for the killing of our man better than a year past, the same was found accordingly; as also some of Mr. Danvers' neighbours preferring one other bill against one Broome, a very base and lewd fellow and a chief countenanced and abetted witness by Sir Wa. Longe for indicting of Mr. Danvers at Lent assizes, is now at this assizes indicted of felony for robbing of a church. As for Sir Wa. Longe, he offered no manner bill of indictment at all against Mr. Bainton or any of his people, but the judges have discharged Mr. Bainton's people from further attendance, having been so often bound over to appear. Touching my poor self, whom Sir Wa. Longe doth malice in the highest degree, notwithstanding many his father's speeches at the court, or his own reports here in the country, being prevented by your letters and others for [from] having any uncles, near allies, or kinsmen in this grand jury, for anything we could perceive [he] did attempt to do nothing, save only did expostulate his wonted malicious affection in some speeches towards me, now only giving out again that he will be doing with me at the next assizes if he wist in what. As I am sorry to behold his continual malicious proceedings, so can I assure you still that he shall never reprove me for a disobedient subject towards her Majesty or her laws; although I could find out probable matter enough against him sufficient for his utter disgrace. Howbeit, I beseech you in all right and justice to have compassion on me, being destitute of my singular good master or any like stay until my lady's [Danvers'] sons shall with her Majesty's favour return again, which I hope in God will be the speedier through your continual kind means.—23 July, 1595.
Endorsed :—“The Lady Danvers' servant Calley to my master.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (33. 52.)
Ottywell Smyth to the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 24. I wrote, by the letter I sent to Mr. Gayner of Rye, of the death of the Admiral and his carrying through this town towards Roane. He remains in Fort St. Catharine until his brother Chevalier Doyes comes, who is looked for daily. The enemy began to batter Dorland on Monday with 32 cannon at 6 a.m., and at 8 p.m., after three assaults, took the castle and town. “Some of the soldiers retired into a strong house of stone and set two streets on fire, and the enemy did set that house of fire and burned it, for the Spaniards would not receive them per compossyon [composition ?]. There was in the town 1500 soldiers and 150 gentlemen. How many be escaped as yet it is not known, but it is said the enemy lost about 2000 men before Dorland. Since he hath summoned Pounde Dormy to render; so that the Count Sayent Polle and the Duke de Bowleyon and the Duke Denvares have put 1500 men into Mowterell and into Pounde Dormy and Pykynye great garrisons.” But if he take Pounde Dormy or pass the Somme, this town will be soon be taken, for there are but 200 soldiers in it, little powder and ammunition, and the forts fallen to decay. “Them of Abbeville and Amiens do demand garrisons. They fear so far the Spaniards. The taking of Dorland so furiously maketh them all to tremble. It is to be feared that if the King come not into Picardy all stands in great danger to be lost. The enemy is 16,000 men strong and yet looketh for more forces daily. This Compte de Foyentes is cruel. Yesterday the Duke Monpansyr arrived at Roane with 300 horse. He was well received both by them in the town and them that keep the forts; so both Roane and Newhaven be quiet, thanks be to God. The governor of this town and the premier president do write for certain that now the Duke de Mayen is accorded with the King, and that the governor of Soysson caused the Spaniards to go forth to wars saying, 'There be some Lutherans within two leagues.' As soon as they were out of the town he shut the gates against them and would not let them come in, but said, if they would have passports, he would give it them. The King is still in the Franche Compte where he hath taken two good towns, Pasme and Byssansons, and is going to besiege Dolle, and the constable of Castile is not able to rescue it; his troops be not strong enough to do it.”—Dieppe, 24 July, 1595.
P.S.—The company of horsemen of the governor of Dieppe has just arrived. They say the enemy entered by a breach which, at the lowest, was the height of a man, but the 2000 soldiers within the town lacked courage and fled into strong houses; which caused most of the town to be burnt and few escaped. They had victuals and ammunition to have kept it four months longer.
Addressed :—“At the Court.”
Holograph. 1 p. (172. 34.)
E. Lady Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595,] July 25. Prays his favour in behalf of her kinsman, Mr. Brett. “The matter is a falling out betwixt Sir Rafe Horci [Horsey] and himself, which has grown further than I wish with all my heart it had, they both being my very good friends; yet for that the greatness of the one may by his friends inform most favourably on his side, and so cause more condemnation on this my kinsman than there is cause, I earnestly entreat you, good sir, to stand indifferent for my sake in this matter when it shall or if it do come before you. I am the more bold to write for him, for I well know the honesty and plain truth of the gentleman such as he will inform, no, not on his own side more than a truth; only his choler is something to be condemned, which men that stand so much on their 'trew onnest,' as I know this man doth, will be moved if they receive wrongs.”—Sherborne Lodge, 25 July.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (33. 53.)
Sir Thomas Heneage, Vice-Chamberlain, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 25. I am not so well here (having had some touch of the gout) but I would be glad to know that you did better and hear her Majesty still did best, or otherwise you and I were like to do little better than worst. I hear you talk no more of progress there; and if any such thing be meant it were good the gentlemen that have best will to give her Majesty best welcome to their houses have some warning for to provide themselves. But whatsoever become of you I hope her Majesty will hold her determination towards the end of gresse time to visit this poor lodge, which I love for nothing so much as that she gave it me and that I hope, ere I die, to see her Highness here, though not pleased as my heart desires, yet contented with such mean entertainment as my most power can perform with most goodwill; and so give her Majesty occasion to like better her forest that lieth so near here, and of late her Highness hath come so little in.
For her Majesty's ordnance at Dieppe, I am sure your father hath taken order with my Lord Admiral to have it brought home. Otherwise I perceive by Otwell Smith at the change of the governor there it may be in some danger.
For poor Parker I pray you remember her Majesty, and let her know from me that I am sure, to give his wife and little family meat, he sells his household stuff; and except her Majesty give him some present relief or leave I hear he will steal away.—At Copthall.
Endorsed :—“25 July, 1595.”
Holograph. ¾ p. (33. 54.)
Sir Nicholas Clifford to the Earl of Essex.
[1595,] July 26. “My lord, according to Sir Fr. Drake and Sir John Haukins desire I have been with Sir Fr. Goodolphyn in Cornwall, where, before our coming, the Spaniards, out of four galleys, had landed some four hundred soldiers, which burnt Moldsey, a small village, and Newland, with Pensance, a very good town. For the town of Pensance, had the people stood with Sir Fr. Goodolphyn, who engaged himself very worthily, it had been saved, but the common sort utterly forsook him, saving some four or five gentlemen.” Further, it is reported, by prisoners whom they set ashore, that for want of fresh water, they would have landed again, with some 500 of Don John's best soldiers; but the wind shifting north they took the opportunity to avoid the fleet at Plymouth and retired again to Bluit. Had they landed again, the writer, with Captains Poor, Ruisshe and Garrett, would have accompanied Goodolphyn “either to have buried them or ourselves. And had we been there before their landing I see no reason, by all description, that ever they should have returned.”—Goodolphyn, July 26.
P.S. The prisoners reported many things which Goodolphyn has certified to Essex, but they seem uncertain.
Signed : “Your poor kinsman and servant.”
1 p. (172. 35.)
William [Morgan,] Bishop of Llandaff, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 27. Having waited on Friday last from 3 to 8 p.m. in the closet for Cecil to come out of the Privy Chamber, he was finally forced, by urgent business, to go towards Westminster. His intention was to crave Cecil's word to the Queen that restitution might date from the translation of my lord of Exeter, 11 March, for the revenue is very small and the charge very great. Protests his thankfulness for Cecil's favour.—Westm., 27 July, 1595.
P.S.—Begs he may now depart to his home, which for seven or eight months he has not seen, and leave the bearer to bring the restitution after him.
Holograph. 1 p. Seal. (172. 36.)
Francis Langtery and Richard Huysh to the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 27. As to offers made by Mr. Cure, the Queen's sadler, to one Thomas Kendall, prisoner in the Marshalsea, in relation to a bond given by Mr. Cure for the debt of one Longe.—27 July, 37 Eliz.
Signed. ½ p. (27. 53.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 27. Though indisposition of body should make me wish not to stir hence till I have found some remedy, yet if I thought her Majesty did either miss my attendance or my service I would quickly be at the Court. Her leave signified by my lady Leighton doth warrant my absence, which shall be no longer than Saturday, for I will but rest one night after my letting blood. And so, being very thankful for your kind letter, I rest.
[P.S.] I pray continue your favour to Mr. Savile; you shall do yourself honour and her Majesty service by his advancement. He is married but 3 or 4 years ago, and her Majesty hath known it long and never shewed to mislike it, nor indeed hath no cause, since by his marriage her servant's state is much more enabled.
Endorsed :—“27 July, 1595.”
Holograph. 1 p. (33. 39.)
The Lords of the Council to Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer and Lieutenant of the county of Lincoln.
1595, July 27. By direction from her Majesty there were four horses assessed on the county of Lincoln under your lieutenancy for the service of Ireland, which being levied in that county and sent to Chester, we do understand from Captain Deering, who had order to view the same, that of the four horses two geldings were very insufficient, and the furniture and pistols bad and insufficient. These shall be to pray you to be informed who of the justices had the care to provide the same, and by whose fault so bad horses and furniture were provided, being unmeet for service, that we may by you be certified of the same.—From the Court at Greenwich, 27 July, 1595.
Signed. Seal. ¾ p. (33. 55.)
Sir Henry Cocke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 28. Since the receipt of your letters touching the collector for the fifteenths within our shire, I have very carefully examined how Mr. Newce hath performed his duty therein, which I do find to be very justly and truly discharged by him and in as convenient time as any other whatsoever, for the which he hath his Quietus est. His two former collections were each of them two-fifteenths, and this next is but for one single fifteenth. The gentleman is a very honest man and of good ability, having lands to the yearly value at least of 400l. Yet notwithstanding (although the statute doth not require it) I have always used to take a sufficient surety to be bound with the collector for the payment of it. Wherefore, if you give your allowance of him, I will proceed to take his bond accordingly.—From Punsborne, 28 July, 1595.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (33. 56.)
Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595,] July 28. Yesternight I heard some conceit of my Lord Admiral's going to the seas, and myself being no less ready to expose my life and fortune in the service of her Majesty, do beseech you to make known unto her Highness my dutiful disposition to attend that noble gentleman in such employments, having heretofore served four or five several times in her Highness's ships. I do not affect the sea service with any hope of benefit, but only as ready to follow true honour in the loyal service of my prince and country.—28 July.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (33. 58.)
Ottywell Smyth to the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 18/28. “Upon Monday last the Count Seynt Polle, the Duke de Boullyon, with the Admiral, determined to put into Dourland 500 men, and the Duke de Boullyon with them, with 3000 of powder, for they lack powder in the town. They defeated the enemy's horsemen and took three cornets, but when they came to the trenches they could not pass, they were so strong. The Admiral did amuse himself in fighting with them in the trenches. The Duke de Bollyon told him it was not fit for horsemen to fight with footmen in their trenches. He did so long amuse himself upon a 'stoomake' (?), that the enemy came forth with 4,000 foot, with 6 pieces of cannon, did enclose him and the footmen. He was taken prisoner. The Flemings and the Spaniards striving who should have him, one of them shot him through the body and slew him. His body is sent to Amyans. The vidame de Amyans, the baron Pounde Sayent Pyerrdre, and Monsyeur Sesevalle slain and all the footmen cut in pieces; the powder taken. The most of the great men that be slain have been Leaguers against the King, so God hath punished them. The Count Sayent Polle, the Duke de Boullyon, and the governor of Dyepe saved themselves and fled to Amyans. Within two hours after the Duke Denvars did arrive with 800 horse 3000 foot. This day they do ride to give a battle to the enemy. God send them the victory! If they do not now raise the siege, Dorland is lost; for the enemy is strong and hath 30 pieces of cannon.”
The Governor of Dieppe has gone to Rouen and Newhaven, to assure them for the King. The parliament and inhabitants of Rouen want him for their governor. This were well, if M. de Cewsson were continued governor of Dieppe; but “if Chevalier Doyes have it he will not permit them of the Religion to have the preaching in the town as they have now.” The Duke de Mayne is accorded with the King. Sends copies of Capt. Fournyer's letter and the King's letter to his sister. The Duke Deparnon has declared for the Spaniards. God grant that the governor of Boulogne, who was put in by him, hold for the King. “I would I might have leave to send home her Majesty's ordnance and munition before there be a new governor placed in this town.”—Dieppe, 28 July, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (172. 37.)
Edward More to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 28. Is going into the country for a time. As Cecil directed, Mr. Goring and he moved the Lord Treasurer (as the suit of all my La. Dacre's executors) to receive Mr. Billot to his service, who promised to think of it. Yesterday, however, he told Mr. Goring that “it was his disease already to have too many servants.” Begs Cecil to take him if the Lord Treasurer will not.—28 July, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (172. 38.)
The Duke of Nevers to the Queen.
1595, July 28/Aug. 7. Ayant pleu au Roy me commander de venir en ceste province pour avoir l'œil à la conservation d'icelle, comme aussy a celle de la Champagne, pendant le voiage qu'il a juge luy estre necessaire de faire avec son armee, tant en la Franche Comté qu'au pais de Lyonnois, je m'y suis acheminé le xviije du passé que les forces qu'il m'avoit destinees arriverent pres de moy; et suis arrivé pres de M. le Comte de St. Paul, gouverneur de ceste province, le mercredy au soir xxvje du passé, qui a esté seulement quatre jours auparavant la perte de Dourlans, pris par assault, plus par faute d'ordre qui estoit en la place que de nombre d'hommes, qui estoit grand et bons et tel qu'ilz n'en ont voulu avoir davantage, bien que par diverses fois nous leur en ayons offert tant de pied que de cheval. Car ilz se sont seulement arresté a nous poursuyvre de faire lever le siege par les ennemis autour de leur place, se defians d'eulx mesmes pour le peu d'ordre qu'ilz y avoient, ce que n'estant en nostre pouvoir de faire pour n'avoir pas deux mil cinq cens hommes de pied qui n'estoient suffisans pour hazarder un combat si dangereux a toute ceste province, Dieu a permis que la place s'est perdue, ainsy que vostre Majesté l'aura peu entendre : ce qui m'a tellement touché au cueur, que je me suis resolu de m'enfermer en ceste ville de Corbie, ou de celle de St. Quantin ou de Cambray que les ennemis attaqueront, resolu d'y perdre la vie plustost que de permettre que l'une d'icelles se perde par faute de la bien deffendre. Mais dautant qu'il ny a forteresse si bonne qu'en fin ne se perde n'estant secourue, et tant plustost celles qui ne le sont comme est ceste cy et celle de St. Quantin, je suis contrainct d'avoir recours a vostre Majesté pour l'avoir cogneue fort affectionnee au Roy mon seigneur et maistre, afin de la supplier, comme je fais tres humblement, de vouloir nous assister de quatre mil hommes de pied seulement pour trois semaines, et avoir agreable de les faire descendre dans quinze jours, sil est possible, pres d'Abeville, pour estre le lieu plus propre et commode pour nous venir joindre au lieu ou il sera besoing; ausant vous asseurer, Madame, que moyennant ce secours j'espere en la bonté de Dieu que non seulement empescherons les ennemis de rien effectuer au prejudice de ceste couronne, mais que les batterons, de quoy il en demeurera a vostre Majesté une gloire eternelle pour avoir esté cause d'un bien si grand a ceste couronne. Je scay bien, Madame, n'avoir encores merité en l'endroit d'une si grande Royne grace et faveur qui me puisse faire si effronté que de la suplier en mon nom de voulloir nous accorder ce secours; c'est pourquoy je ne veulx me hazarder de luy faire ceste requeste, mais bien me dispenser de l'interpeller et semondre par son brave, generaux, et vertueux courage de ne deffaillir au Roy son bon frere par ce secours, petit a vostre Majesté et tres grand a mon Roy pendant son absence, pour luy tesmoigner que vostre Majesté l'ayme vrayement, et qu'elle desire de l'assister plustost en son absence que presence; ce qui accroistra l'immortelle renommee que vostre Majeste laissera a nostre posterité. De ma part, Madame, je me sentiray infiniment obligé a vostre Majesté s'il luy plaist nous tant favoriser; et si par le passé j'ay grandement honnoré ses rares vertuz et desiré d'avoir cest honneur que d'en jouir en presence, cela m'obligera du tout a effectuer ce mien desir, engravé dans le cueur des l'année 1564, que le feu Roy Charles, que Dieu absolve, me destina vers vostre Majesté pour jurer la paix accordee entre vos Majestés, esperant que Monsieur le Comte de Lestre deust venir de par deca; ce que n'ayant peu succedder m'a laissé ce mien ardent et continuel desir de saluer une si rare et vertueuse Princesse et destre honnoré de sa presence.—De Corbie, ce vije Aoust, 1595.
Addressed :—“A la Royne d'Angleterre.”
Endorsed by Cecil :—“The D. of Nevers to her Majesty.”
Signed. 2 pp. (33. 97.)
M[ary], Countess [Dowager] of Southampton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 29. You do well to comfort those that love you, specially when with one labour you can comfort us both; Mr. Heneage taketh your sending and I your saying very kindly. This hath been a painful night to him; I hope better of the day. Little do I doubt of your readiness upon any occasion to do that I desired and may have need of : believe, I pray you, to find my true thankfulness for that and more that I lay up in store.—At Heneage House, well freed from visitation, which at this time would be very cumbersome, 29 July.
[P.S.]—I pray you commend me to that wicked woman that loves you and likes me. They call her my Lady Katherine.
Holograph. Two Seals. 1 p. (33. 59.)
John Harpur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 29. The continual grief and sorrow of mind I daily sustain by reason of her Majesty's indignation conceived towards me for my offence, are the causes that I do so often importune your mediation in my behalf. For although my imprisonment for these two months cannot but work me great disgrace amongst my friends and others, yet to myself no imprisonment can be so heavy or irksome as her Majesty's displeasure, so long and so deeply conceived towards me. I therefore beseech you that if my long and loyal service heretofore, which I never thought either too long or too painful, or if my present pensive mind, or the hope which yet remaineth of an old worn servant and vassal to her Highness, whose father and himself have for a long time under her Majesty's most gracious and blessed favour lived with good account and honest credit in her service, may mitigate her indignation towards me, that you will be a means to remit me into her most desired favour.—At the Fleet, 29 July, 1595.
Signedp. (33. 61.)
Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkyns to the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 29. Since their first writing of the Cornish news they have sent better news by two several messengers; and now Sir Thomas Gorges is coming up, who will report everything.—Plymouth, 29 July, 1595.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (172. 39.)
The Lords of the Council to Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer, and Lieutenant of the county of Essex.
1595, July 30. Upon the late discovery of some Spanish galleys on the western parts of this realm, and some attempts made by them to land and burn on the shore, her Majesty and we have had occasion to enter into a better consideration for the defence of the maritime countries and of those preparations that shall be requisite for the withstanding such attempts. And for that we have not these later years received any certificate from your good lordship of the state of the trained bands of horse and foot in that county of Essex under your lieutenancy, we doubt how they are in a readiness and complete, and whether in the places of such as are deceased, gone out of the country, or set forth into other services, there have been other sufficient and able men supplied; and how the same are furnished with weapons and other furniture, and likewise under what captains and leaders they are. Her Majesty, therefore, doth think it requisite at this time that a view shall be taken as well of the footmen as of the horse, both in the said county and in others also; and any defects speedily supplied. And because the chiefest matter doth consist in the disposition, readiness, and ability of the men, it is thought meet you shall consider what gentlemen there are at this present resident in the said county that have been brought up in the wars and have knowledge and experience to train soldiers; whose names we pray you to certify unto us, and to appoint them to aid the captains and officers of the particular bands to train their companies with their armour and weapons, as they ought to be. And if you have not men of that knowledge resident in the said county, her Majesty may be moved to send down unto you some captain of good knowledge to train and put in order the soldiers of that county. And in like manner her Majesty would have you, by conference with such as have knowledge in sea service, to consider how the places upon the sea coast that are most to be doubted for landing of the enemy, may be provided to have some special men of value dwelling near thereunto, to have the charge of some convenient numbers under the rule of particular captains, who may have authority to assemble the said numbers upon any doubtful occasion, and to lead them to the places doubtful, there to withstand the landing of any enemies : and that also order be given to other captains of bands adjoining or bending towards those places, to repair with their numbers to second the former; and in any wise to foresee that all persons that shall thus be appointed to repair to such landing places be furnished with armour and weapons meet for the service, for that otherwise a concourse of unarmed people shall but hinder the service, and give the enemy occasion to pursue his actions with more earnestness and hope of success.
Where likewise there was of late years a proportion of powder, match and bullet appointed to be kept in divers places within that county, we pray you to cause the same to be reviewed what doth remain of the store, and if serviceable; and for such quantity as is spent, you may, by some reasonable contribution of that county, cause the same to be supplied, for which purpose we will give direction that out of her Majesty's store such quantity as you shall send for shall be delivered at such prices as her Majesty doth pay and allow.
Lastly, where there was other provision of carts, horses for carriage, nags and other necessary things contained in former instructions, we pray you to consider how the same are continued, and especially to cause the beacons to be duly watched by honest persons with more care than hath been used, until there shall be other direction given from us.—From the Court at Greenwich, 30 July, 1595.
Signed. Seal. 2½ pp. (33. 62.)
Sir Thomas Heneage, Vice-Chamberlain, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 31. Your advertisement of the Spanish bravado, which I hope (if Sir Fr. Drake hold on) will be no cause for them to brag of, doth satisfy me better than that I have otherwise heard thereof; and if I might hear from you a certain resolution of her Majesty's progress, you should do much for me. A letter shewed me this day by a man I love, to whom it was written, I have thought good to send you, to acquaint her Majesty with and then to return to me; and when I have recovered that health that may better enable me to write you shall hear more from me.
Endorsed :—“Ulmo. Julii, 1595.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (33. 64.)
The Company of Haberdashers to the Council.
1595, July 31. In furtherance of the suit of Thomas Walker and Edward Akeret, cappers and brothers of their Company, for the reformation of wearing of caps, according to the statute. The suit is for the general good of the commonweal, and a mean to set the poor of the said trade in work again, who now are greatly impoverished.—London, last of July 1595.
Signed by Henry Billingsley and 10 others.
Contemporary copy.
1 p. (204. 18.)
William Lane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July. Has obtained Burghley's assurance of furtherance in his suit, which he prays Cecil to move her Majesty in. Has not expressed the rent, which is some 100 marks a year. The liberty and some commandment it carrieth with it, being near him in his own country and very lately possessed by his ancestors, gives him more desire to be restored to it. Knows her Majesty's indisposition to hear of suits, yet assures himself Cecil's wisdom and judgment may easily prevail with her where her own honour and the equity of the case so justly concur.
Endorsed :—“July, 1595.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (33. 65.)
Penelope, Lady Rich, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July. Entreats him to continue his favour towards the bearer, whom she exceedingly desires may be graced with the matter he knows hath been long in hand. Her brother's own troubles make him unfit to deal in it yet, therefore if Cecil take some course to do him that honour which he hath deserved as well as many that have lately had it, he will make her infinitely beholden to him.
Endorsed :—“July, 1595.”
Holograph. ½ p. (33. 67.)
William Cecil to his Uncle, Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595,] July. His friend, Mr. Richard Braconbery, writes to him to crave Sir Robert's favour for his brother, the bearer, Mr. Anthony Braconbery of this country, to be a captain of soldiers if any be raised in these parts. He has already given proof of sufficiency.—Nuarke, July.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Signed. 1 p. (172. 40.)