Cecil Papers: July 1595, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1595, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp265-281 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1595, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp265-281.

"Cecil Papers: July 1595, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp265-281.

July 1595, 1–15

Richard Osberne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 1. His late favour granted towards his enlargement daily solicits his best endeavours to be attendant on Cecil's command; desires nothing more than to manifest some instance of his willing mind in that behalf. Prays his gracious employment, and shall in short time prove his affections towards his country to be honest, and his desire to spend his life in Cecil's service; whereunto he has studied these last three years.
Endorsed :—“Primo Julii, 1595.”
Holograph. ½ p. (33. 14.)
News from Abroad.
1595, July 1. Paper of news, headed, Rome, 1 July 1595.
On Sunday morning the bishop of Cassano, an Englishman, said “messa cantata del corpus Domini” in the English church, where all of that nation were present, and one of the scholars made a very beautiful oration in praise of the most holy sacrament, detesting the heresy of that Englishman who was burned last week. In the evening the Pope created the Prince of Transylvania's agent here a knight of the Spur of Gold, a great sign of favour to that prince. The same evening arrived from Loreto, Signor Flaminio Delfino, summoned by the Pope to consult upon measures to free this Campagna from bandits, and on Monday it was decided to send two companies of mounted arquibusiers against the bandits. On Wednesday the Spanish ambassador presented the accustomed tribute, &c., for the Kingdom of Naples. Great hospitality shown by the Grand Duke of Florence to Signors Marco Pio, Paulo Sforza, Ascanio Sforza, and Gio. Francesco Aldobrandino on their way to Bologna. It is not true that the bandits to be sent to Hungary had turned back, Signor Flaminio said they continued with the other soldiers. These Frenchmen continue their preparations for the coming of Mons. di Perona and have hired the palace of Signor Francesco Censi. On Tuesday morning, in the courtyard of the English College, one of the scholars there, “pronepote” of the late Cardinal Pole, of the blood royal of England, held public conclusions (tenne publiche conclusioni), 17 cardinals being present. The Duke of Parma has sent Cardinal Farnese a young savage, eighteen years old, whose face and forehead are all covered with whitish hair. Cardinal Sfrondats is said to have purchased, for his brother, the county of Gaiazzo in Naples for 110,000 crs. On the 26th ult. 3,000 foot left Urbino for Piedmont. Letters from Spain of the 8th report that the dispersed vessels of the fleet have arrived at Seville with 2,000,000 of gold. The captain of the vessels had not arrived but was safe in Porto Rico. In September the fleet of the East Indies is expected with 8,000,000. The King is quite recovered. The Genoese galleys have, in Carthagena, embarked 16 companies of Spanish infantry for Italy. The matter of the four millions of gold settled with Ambrosio Spinola. In Portugal the fear of the English armada was over; and a damsel of the Infanta's, enceinte by the Prince, had borne a fine male child.
The Grisons urge the Pope to make a bishop of Cuno of their nation. From Florence we hear that in the vale of Pisa has fallen hail of 20 ounces weight, which has killed almost all the cattle and done great damage to the olives and vines. Other Florentine and Roman news.
Italian. 4 pp. (172. 12.)
Richard Kelly to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 2. I have continued at Rouen in France upon some affairs I have there with Mr. Ottwell Smith for a patent which he hath obtained from the King of France to bring into his realm some quantity of alum; which patent I have bought of Mr. Smith, and have unladen at Rouen two ships of alum and some other goods, which is the cause of my staying so long abroad. I have written earnestly unto my factor Tucker long since for his speedy return into England to discharge himself of all such matters as are supposed against him. I have received his answer, that he will not fail to be at Middleburgh about the end of June. And because I have heard of late that other complaints are advertised against him for his factions abroad, I have most carefully considered my dutiful allegiance in that behalf, have embarked from Rouen to come for Middleburg and there to take such order as I hope to bring Tucker quietly into England, with all his papers and other furniture, without any manner of difficulty, not doubting he will discharge him well and prove an honest merchant, for any factions or other blemish that may be truly approved against him touching his travels in Italy or otherwise; for he is well known to gentlemen of long credit which are travellers of long time, that may advertise you of his behaviour better than myself. It may be some malicious people envy his being there, and practise to put us from that trade by some means at home or in Italy, for so it appeareth by his letter unto me. I beseech you to stay upon this determination without further judgment in that behalf; for I do verily think Tucker will clear himself from all those complaints, when otherwise it may be my undoing, for he hath a great part of my merchandise under his keeping.—From Middleburgh, 2 July 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. Seal. (33. 15.)
Sir Harry Winston to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 2. The suit I once heretofore presented to your father and yourself I do renew by these, that at the next levy of men for the service of Ireland you will grant me the levying of 150. If you shall think me not unworthy of this favour I assure myself of the good liking of the lord Deputy. And though I cannot take upon me to do any especial service, yet my best endeavour shall not be wanting to make you know that I desire this favour for no other respect than to bestow my time and means in the service of her Majesty and my country.—Standish, 2 July 1595.
Endorsed :—List of 18 knights, beginning “Sir H. Wynston.”
Holographp. (33. 16.)
John Blynkoe.
1595, July 5. Petition to the Queen.—Is sought to be disturbed in the possession of the parsonage of Lawrence Merston, Northampton, by Bartholomew Smyth and Francis Lynnell. Prays for new grant of the same.
Note by J. Herbert that the Queen grants the petition, upon terms.—The Court at Greenwich, 5th July 1595.
2 p. (633.)
Cholmeley v. Barkley.
1595, July 5. Order of the Court of Wards in the cause between Henry Cholmeley and Morice Barkley, confirming the former decree in favour of the plaintiff.—July 5, 1595.
1 p. (2425.)
Geoffrey Story.
1595, July 6. “Whereas instance is made unto us by Geoffrey Story to make certificate of his employment under our several leadings, forasmuch as upon his petition to the right honourable the Lord Deputy of recompense for his relief we find endorsement that certificate to be made thereof; we have thought good accordingly to satisfy his lordship according [to] our knowledge, in manner and form following, by testimony thereof under our hands this 26th of October, 1591” (sic).
Certificates, seemingly copies, by Sir Henry Harington, George Harvie, George Thornton, William Warren, Sir Warham Sentleger, Harry Moyle, and Captain Giles Cornewall are given, similar to the following, which is the only one signed by the person actually making it.
“I, also, Sir Warham St. Leger, knight, do also know and testify the said Geoffrey to have been a servitor there 30 years and upwards, and hath to my knowledge very valiantly demeaned himself in sundry good exploits and services, as namely in the insurrection of Shane O'Neal, the rebellion of the Butlers and James fitz Morris, the rebellion of the Earl of Clanricarde's sons, and lastly in the rebellion of the Earl of Desmond in Munster. In all which time he hath shewed himself very forward to the good example of others, and in the said services proceeded to be in several offices of credit and lieutenant to Captain Wm. Smyth, and lost many horses of service, whereof some were killed under him. And for the more credit hereof I put my hand. Warham Sentleger.”
Endorsed :—“6 July, 1595.”
1 p. (33. 18.)
Thomas, Lord Burgh to the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 6. The States' army is already set down before Groll which is not weak in fortification nor without a competent garrison for so small a place, but not provided sufficiently of victuals nor other means to resist a siege; this is the advantage under which it is attempted. There be in the town, as I am informed from Mr. Barnvelt, ten companies; the forces are without near 7,000, their battery is intended of 36 cannons. The enemy stirs in Brabant, and gathers head near Brussels about Turnhout, and is retired out of the land of Waste from before Hulst; and, as is advertised, will join what he may to relieve the town before which ours are encamped. It is supposed those of Brabant and from the land of Waste will make strong above 6,000. If they come on and be not fought with, yet our trenches will give them danger no less if not more than an encounter : they will be in good defence I assure me, for the Dutches are great masters of the spade. It was supposed the jealousies between the Counts Maurice and Hohenlo would have kept this man at Delft, but he is gone after, so as what is not between them compounded is dissembled. I will behold all, and embrace with exceeding gladness this occasion of exercise; whither at this instant I haste with all possible speed, whence I will write what befalls. I find her Majesty's town in good peace; the soldier and burgher cutting meat on the same trencher, and entertaining mutual society. I have committed the charge to Sir Fernando Gorges who, I dare answer, will with discretion and every sufficiency perform the office of a worthy deputy; for whose fault I dare in this case answer with my life. The other yet continues his pay, for I have not been sudden in displacing him; but I will no more credit the town with him who hath made himself a patriot with them of whom her Majesty hath this for a security of conditions which by this (Brill) and Flushing they are only tied to observe. He hath made his estate, purchased lands, and built a fair house in Holland; and what I like not at all, when out of England by letters I warned him to take another course, he wrote to me he would sell all; and after, upon farther admonition, he returned answer he had already passed all away,—which now I find untrue. I also perceive he hath run a popular course with the burgher after his gross capacity, neglecting many things in the order of the government to give them ease where it was requisite for nothing but for a base insinuation, and hath argued a great remissness in the martial discipline. I shall in my next have other matter, and you shall be called from these to more serious intelligences.
July 6. [P.S.] The Count of Buren is expected in Brabant with the Cardinal of Lisbon.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (33. 22.)
Estate of the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 6. Draft memorandum of an agreement of 6 July 1595, 37 Eliz., whereby Ric. Broughton, of the Inner Temple, who, with Thos. Newport, deceased, was administrator of the lands of Walter, late earl of Essex during the minority of the present earl, is to receive from the present earl 1,222l. 8s. 9d. disbursed for himself, 210l. “disbursed in exhibition of Henry Bourgcher, gent., and his sister,” and 400l. disbursed for the earl since his full age; and in return is to present his accounts for scrutiny. Broughton undertook his office at the special instance of the Lord Treasurer and earl of Huntingdon who, with many others, were trustees for the performance of the will of the late earl of Essex.
pp. (172. 14.)
Export of Coal.
1595, July 6. Petition of the mayor and burgesses of Newcastle-upon-Tyne to the Council, against the granting of a suit made to the Queen by Mr. Poynes for the monopoly of the export of coal from the realm. Certain townsmen, called “oastmen,” had always had the sole export of coal from Newcastle and had paid 4d. a chalder, ordinary custom, besides a benefit to the town chamber, by which the town was mainly maintained. The petition sets forth the damage likely to ensue to the town.
Endorsed :—“6 July 1595.” Also :—“The lords of the Council desire the masters of requests to inform the Queen that such a suit as the petitioners mention seems unmeet to be granted.”
Signed, W. Waade. (172. 16.)
Oswestry and St. Martin's, Salop.
1595, July 6. Petition to the Lord Treasurer from the inhabitants of the parishes of Oswestrie and St. Martin's, Salop, the parsonages whereof belong to the Crown and are let for 56l., and are worth at least 200l. a year more, that their churches may be repaired. No repairs have been made for 30 years, except such as the poor inhabitants have done at their own cost; for the farmer says he is not bound by his lease to keep them in repair. Referred to Mr. Beynham, Queen's receiver of the said county.
Endorsed, 6th (?) July 1595 (?), with a note of the contents and a direction by Lord Burghley that it is to be referred to the auditor and surveyor of the county. 1 p.
II. Certificate made, “according to your lordship's direction”, by Robert Berry, surveyor, that he has viewed the parish church of St. Martin's and finds “the foundation is ruinated and perished, the roof and covering in the timber and shingling is much decayed and the glass in the windowes for the most part is blown down”, and that unless speedily repaired it will fall down. Estimates cost of repair at 13l. 17s. 8d.
1 p. (172. 17.)
William Wayte to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 7. Apologising for not having presented his affectionate and dutiful service to Cecil since his liberty. So soon as things shall be agreeable, will (God permitting) accomplish duly in all points. Possesses health, liberty, and hope of better fortune through Cecil's means.—7 July, 1595.
Signed. ½ p. (27. 27.)
The Vice-Chancellor and Heads of Colleges at Cambridge to the Archbishop of Canterbury.
1595, July 7. They are sorry he conceived so hardly of their proceedings against Mr. Barrett, as they understand by Dr. Clayton's message and report, which offence is conceived, as they do impute, rather to the sinister reports of Mr. Barrett and his favourers than of his own disposition. They have in a schedule enclosed [wanting] set down a brief note of the truth of doctrine publicly and generally received, and of the contrary errors taught by Mr. Barrett, and another note of the lawful and orderly manner of their proceedings, which are warranted by their statutes, privileges, charters, usual custom and practice. Their humble suit is that it would please him to have that regard of this Government, and of them in respect of their places here, that such a bold, corrupt and unlearned young fellow may not in any sort receive encouragement in his bad course, having here kindled a fire like to grow to the disturbance also of the whole Church, if it be not speedily met withal, and to the break-neck and confusion of good order and discipline in this University, by his seeking by sinister means to make head against the Vice-Chancellor and his assistants, but that according to the Chancellor's allowance of that is done, and direction and reference to their Statute, he may be further here proceeded against, as the nature and quality of his fault requireth.—Cambridge, 7 July, 1595.
Signed :—Jno. Duport, Vice-Canc'; Roger Goade, Robert Soame, Umphey Tyndall, William Whitaker, Edmund Barwell, John Jegon, Laurence Chaderton.
Copy. 1 p. (136. 32.)
News from Abroad.
News from Venice, 7 July 1595.
1595, July 7. Letters from Vienna of the 24th ult. relate that the sposa had departed thence towards Transylvania, that some Walloons had passed towards the camp, which would probably attack Strigonia, and that the Turks in Giavarino made great mourning for the Count of Ardech. From Cracow, 16 June, they write of great rejoicings for the birth of a male child to the King who is over 75 years of age. Maximilian must now give up his pretentions to that kingdom. The Tartars are about to attack Hungary, but the Transylvanian is ready for them. The Cossacks have captured Ossa', on the Mar Maggiore, and made progress against the Turks. There is a report that the King Catholic will marry the Infanta of Spain to the Cardinal Archduke, with Flanders as dower, “con levarla dalla corte, con sua satisfattione et del principe.” Secret letters from Lyons state that Umena, in haste to succour the castle, would not tell the Constable of the arrival of Navarre in Dijon. Tavanes, however, in despair of succour, surrendered Talan. After this the Spaniards mistrust both Umena and Nevers, who is ill at Anneci in Savoy. The King had promised to be at Lyons for the feast of St. John; but the importance of Cambray may detain him, seeing that both the Count of Fuentes and Verdugo are advancing in that direction, and Count Maurice collecting forces against them. Other news from Cracow, of 19 June, touching the Tartars. The Pope's persuasions to Maximilian to renounce his claims to Poland. The edict published in Constantinople against Christians is only against merchants who had gone to reside there within the last five years. The procurator Barbaro died on Monday last, and Gio. Mocenigo was on Tuesday elected to succeed him. The galleys of Naples returned to Genoa. Navarre has written to Mons. Burlaco, a Frenchman at Rome, to inform the Pope that Mons. di Perona left on the 10th ult. Some say he is already at Brescia or Verona. The surrender of Talan confirmed, and that of the castle of Dijon expected, with other French news of the 27th ult.
Italian. 4 pp. (172. 19.)
John Scudamore, priest, to Nicholas Fitzherbert, at Rome.
1595, July 7. Begs him to show what favour he can to their countryman Mr. Douland, whose “exquisiteness upon the lute” and “cunning in musick” will have come to his ears long ago. Favour may be shown to him safely, though he comes from England; for “I do assure you in verbo sacerdotis that he is no meddler but rather inclined to the good, and only for the fame of Lucca Emorentiana and love of music hath undertaken this voyage.”—Florence, 7 July 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (172. 93.)
Export of Arms.
1595, July 8. Warrant to Lord Burghley, at the request of M. de Sourdeac, governor of Brest, on behalf of the French King, to allow Ives Quermoller to transport out of the realm to Brest 50 armours with their furniture complete and 100 pikes for the said King's service, on payment of the customs.—Greenwich manor, 8 July, 1595, 37 Eliz.
Sign manual and signet. 1 p. (33. 17.)
Lord Keeper Puckering to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 8. As soon as this morning I heard you would have the decree sent you I sent for Mr. Mill to bring it, who told me that Mr. Talbot's man that brought it hath also taken it away again, and so it cannot be sent you until he bring it in again. The first part of the punishment is to be performed to-morrow at Mr. Talbot's request.—From the Bench of the Chancery in haste.
Endorsed :—“8 July 1595. The decree concerning Wood.”
Holograph. ½ p. (33. 21.)
Lord Keeper Puckering to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 8. The draught of the sentence you sent for is now come to my hands and herewith I send it you, desiring to have it again as soon as you may yield it. It hath been seen to my Lord Treasurer and Sir John Fortescue; Mr. Attorney hath also perused it. The paper with the new addition I have given order to have brought to me as soon as it can be learned in whose hands it is. The bill left with you for her Majesty's signature, for the qualifying of the 13 persons in the Fleet for the “weres,” it may please you to remember, because their harvests cometh on, and the longer they continue in the Fleet the less able will they be to pay the fines, their charges there be so great. I desire to know her Majesty's resolution for the Lord Anderson, which circuit he shall go, because the circuits be at hand.
Endorsed;—“8 July, 1595.”
Holograph. 1 p. (33. 26.)
The King of Scotland to the Queen.
1595, July 8. Since the return of my secretary from you, Madame and dearest sister, I have patiently abided the trial of time to serve for a proof of my course by my actions that, thereby all cause of doubting being removed, a common danger might by a common assistance be prevented. But, upon the one part, finding you slower herein than either your will or your vows do require of you; and, on the other, imputing it to no lack of your good will but of true information, I have now at last made choice of the bearer hereof, my servant, to inform you truly of all these things, as the fittest messenger to inform you of the whole progress of my actions in this great cause, since by him I did also advertise you of my first proceeding therein by law. Surely, Madame, if it shall please you to weigh it, you will find that we both are but at truce and not at peace with the Romish and Spanish practices. These Spanished rebels of mine that are fled the country are but retired to fetch a greater “fairde,” if they may; and (believe me) if any would persuade you otherwise, they but abuse you for their own gain, or at least thinking it sufficient gain to them to annoy whom they hate. How can I wonder enough that you who was so watchful for my well at the first breeding of their practices, as you never wearied from time to time to forwarn me of my peril, resenting it as vividly as if it had been your own, should now in the very height and ripeness thereof be fallen in so lethargic a sleep as you are; so far from either advertising or aiding that you do not so much as once to enquire what hath been here adoing these nine months past. But pardon me, I pray you, to complain of you to yourself, for, use me as you list, you shall never shake me off, by so many knots am I linked unto you; neither shall your slowness this while past be able to blot out of my thankful memory your manifold proofs of kindness shewn towards me in all times past; only I crave that you remember we have a common enemy, and that now we must either concur to hold them under our feet as long as we are treading upon them, or else, if they get leisure to rise again, it will but learn them experience to wrestle the more cunningly the next time. I trust my part be now past fieri. I pray you let your assistance-appear now in esse, but remitting the more large discourse of all things to the bearer, whom I pray you favourably to hear and firmly to trust, I commit you, Madame and dearest sister, to the protection of the Almighty.—From my palace of Falkland, 8 July 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1¼ pp. (133. 137.)
News from Abroad.
1595, July 8. News from Rome, 8 July 1595. Mons. di Perona, ambassador of Navarre, has sent word of his arrival at Mantua. Some think he will obtain absolution for the King of Navarre; others are doubtful. The famine in Naples, a sea fight between the Knights of S. John and the Turks, the bandits in the Campagna and other Italian news.
Italian. 3 pp. (172. 21.)
Geo. Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 8. Since my last of 23 June, “his Excellency and the Count William of Nassawe, with their troops, met at the place and day appointed, and, after that all the necessaries were ready and order given to proceed further, the camp marched, with 16 pieces of artillery, and the carriages and provisions. And then was Monsieur de Locres sent to the lady of Anhalt, by whose means, it was hoped, the castle of Brefoord, which is hers, would have been gotten, at least to have held as neutral, being but 100 soldiers in it, of her appointing to keep it but paid by the K. of Spayne. But, it seemeth, she hath not been able to do so much; and would have steaded his Excellency greatly, being on the right passage from the Rhine to Grolle, and within 2 leagues of it, in a marsh ground and very strong. The 3rd of this month, the camp was at a village called Zuelem, where a general muster was made and the companies found fair and strong, the foot above 7,000 and the horse between 11 and 1200, a number sufficient enough to besiege the place and abide the enemy if he come not far stronger, which it is thought he cannot. There was a letter of the Count of Stirum, that commands in Grol, written to the Count Harman Vanden Berghe, intercepted, which in effect contained that the state of that town was not unknown unto him and, therefore, requested that the succour might be hastened. The women, children, and baggage were sent out long afore, and the men are some 700. There was also a company of 40 or 50 horse but, fearing the want of fodder, removed towards another garrison; and, being met in the way by those of Lochum, they t[oo]k 10 or 12 prisoners, amongst the which their cornet was one. [I]n Shoer, where they had a court guarded with some 50 men, they wanted all necessaries; which made them abandon it, and now is possessed by ours, being of strength, and annoyed greatly those of Deventer and Swoll.
“The 4th, before the break of day, his Excellency was afore Grol and encamped. The rampyre is broad and low, with 4 bulwarks and a large ditch, the counterscarpe high, so as the cannon cannot do any great harm but must be done with the spade, and that will ask the more time. We understand that the enemy continueth to assemble forces at Turnhout in Brabant, whither the troops he had near Hulst are also gone, having brought the scaunces they made to hinder our men's passage into the land of Waes into defence. It is advertised they have a meaning to enter into the land of Altena; but can do there little harm, for Worcum is too strong and well provided, and the other petty scaunces are not worth the getting, for they cannot keep them when winter comes, and those men that were employed to defend the land of Hulst may now be spared and drawn thence, so as there is no likelihood that th'enemy can any way prevail; and want of money is so general a sore amongst them that they fear all their soldiers will fall into mutiny and endanger their state. The Italians are as far out as ever and will now deal no more with Fuentes and the Council of State in Bruxels, because they kept not promise, but have written to the states of Brabant offering to do them any service. Whereunto the D. of Arschot answered, requiring them to continue together and that he would do his endeavour for their contentment, and to be employed when time and occasion should serve. The regiment of Burgowgnions, over the which Vanamben commands, hath sent deputies to the Italians offering to come and join with them. There is still a practise under hand to alter the other provinces and divert them from the Spaniards, which some of the noblemen there do entertain : but such as are of the soundest judgment here do think it to be done only to entertain the people in hope of further good, and so by little and little to establish the Spanish government. It is much feared here that if her Majesty send to insist upon the restitution, it may chance to cause some alteration if, at the Cardinal of Austria his coming, he proceed with the matter of peace motioned by Ernestus ere his death, and since renewed by letters from the Emperor, or that his provisions be such that he come upon them with main force and drive them from the offensive to a defensive; besides, while the camp is busy to recover the places held yet by the enemy and to free all the provinces beyond the Rhine, whereto they must continually contribute, such an alarm would greatly trouble them; and so the service ceasing, or missing of their purposes, your honour can consider where they would lay the fault. And, if Mr. Bodly or any other come, all that the general States can do, as one of the chiefest in private conference told me, should be to send the proposition unto the respective provinces, and they to call a meeting of their towns and afterwards frame and send their resolutions hither, which would ask time, and then were they here to consult and determine upon the answer, and what that should be was uncertain, but most likely that they would persist by the treaty and send unto her Majesty an ambassade; for which the time was thought to be yet unseasonable, in regard that their camp is in field, that at the Archduke's coming they look to be assaulted [with] an offer of peace, to which end it is for certain reported he brings the prince of Orange with him, that if the Emperor's war should cease he would trouble their frontiers with ill neighbourhood, and if by means of the Pope, who laboureth it hard, a peace or truce of 4 or 5 years were made between the KK. of France and Spain, they here should have all the forces of Spain on their necks, it might drive their people to some extraordinary and desperate course, which would cause many inconveniences, and hath ever been sought to be prevented. I meant not to have held your Lordship thus long with this subject, but my L. Burgh, passing this way yesterday towards the camp, having been with his lordship and discoursing of matters, he wished me to touch thus much. Daring not to presume further in that I have not been employed, only thought it my duty to say thus much to your Lordship, whose care and endeavour for her Majesty's service are manifest to all men. It is here held most certain that Du Mayne is reconciled to the K. Fuentes hath won Chastellet and is gone to Han; being now so far engaged in those wars that we hope he cannot give them over, nothing being feared but the Pope's practises to make the truce. The Count of Egmont hath obtained, of the States of Holland, the use of his lands, but not to sell, mortgage or alienate them without their knowledge and special licence, and must return into France, there to continue his service to the King and do all hostility against the enemy; which he hath promised and is to depart shortly. Embden matters proceed slowly.”—The Haegh, 8 July, 1595.
Holograph. Seal, 4 pp. (172. 23.)
Sir Ed. Norreys to the Earl of [Essex.]
1595, July 8. Recommending the bearer, Captain Fludd, who is forced to repair to England for his health. He is “a very honest man and a tall soldier.” Little has happened since his last.—Ostend, 8 July, 1595.
Signed. 1 p. (172. 25.)
Sir Thomas Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil, his brother.
1595, July 9. This base place where I live yieldeth no matter worth the writing to a court, nor to one in your place. I am very glad to hear by your letters that the Earl is not to be touched in capite, whereas here it was in common report doubted, by reason of Williamson's committing to the Tower. The news of Ireland is better than was reported here, where we heard that Sir Edward Yorke's company of horse were defeated; but here we buy all things at the second hand, and we have no cherries ripe until they be rotten with you.
I am very glad to hear of my lord's [Burghley's] health, and I pray God you and I both may live long to see it.
The news of my son Read doth not a little touch me in conceit, both for his own sake and my daughter's; for of all worldly things it is hardest to recover a wit lost. It is a great cross to his friends but a much greater to himself, for to lose it is much more unfortunate than never to have had it. Here we live quietly though not solitary by reason of often visitations of gentlemen here about me; and for lack of other sport I was at a race that was run lately at Garterley where my lord of Rutland's horse won the wager. I think there was above 1500 horse at it, and not three good horses of service nor of beauty. I went thither rather to see horses than men and so returned back meaning to see no more races in Yorkshire again. Thus, Sir, I have entertained you with dumb show with bare sallets for lack of good dishes.
I left the moon in the wane at my last being at the Court : I hear now it is a half moon again, yet I think it will never be at the full, though I hope it will never be eclipsed, you know whom I mean. Thus I have taken occasion by your own discoursing to draw out a letter not much worth your reading; and I can grace it unto you with no better a farewell than to assure that you shall never find friend next your father and your wife that shall more truly love you than I will; and upon that pledge I hope I shall be assured of yours. I pray you in all your letters let me hear from you of her Majesty's health, and with all humble duty to be remembered unto her. Commend me effectually to my good sister and tell her I do not forget yet her kind coming to Wymbleton.—From Snape, this 9th of July.
Holograph. 2 pp. (33. 27.)
Lord Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford, and Lady Katherine, deceased.
1595, July 10. Memorandum that Sir Thos. Heneage, Vicechamberlain, has by her Majesty's special command delivered to Lord Treasurer Burghley a written book of paper and parchment containing 80 folios bound in vellum parchment, containing a process against Lord Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford, and Lady Katherine, deceased, daughter of the late Duke of Suffolk, attainted, in a cause of pretenced matrimony, and a definitive sentence given against them both by the late most reverend father in God Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury, Edmund bishop of London, Sir William Petre and other commissioners, authorised for that purpose by a commission under the Great Seal dated January 31, 4 Eliz., which commission is also delivered. And the said book and commission are by the Lord Treasurer to be delivered to remain of Record in the Treasury of her Majesty's Exchequer, not to be removed thence without special warrant from her Majesty to the Lord Treasurer or any his successor as Treasurer of England. Signed and sealed by Burghley for testimony hereof and in discharge of Sir Thomas Heneage.—10 July, 1595.
Draft. 1 p. (33. 28.)
Sir Francis Godolphin to the Earl of Essex.
1595, July 10. I have signified unto all your lordships some examinations which I took in Scilly. If there be truth in the parties' speech there may be some Spanish ships taken by an Irishman, one Captain Cadett's device, and by procuring his return some further practices against her Majesty discovered. I urged this examinate to know what practices. He saith, touching practices between the King of Scots and the Spaniards. Also the friar, one of them that should have betrayed Bayonne, confessed that he lately saw an Ambassador from Scotland in the Spanish Court. These two testimonies from places so divers concurring, I thought it necessary to give you this note thereof. In my last I wrote my conceived fear for want of more men to defend the new fortification in Scilly yet scarce finished; I rest still of the same mind that it needeth a stronger garrison, for the gathering of these Spaniards seemeth as a cloud that is like to fall shortly in some part of her Majesty's dominions.—Godolphin, being upon special occasion newly returned from Scilly, 10 July, 1595.
Holograph. Portion of Seal. 1 p. (33. 29.)
Council of the Admiralty of Zealand to M. Caron.
1595, July 10. Some weeks ago, discovered a person calling himself George Herbert, a native of Dorcester in England, arrived hither from the enemy, having been several years in the King of Spain's service. Send his confession signed by himself, and would have sent him to England, to the Queen's council, but thought to learn more from him. Send him to be presented to the said Council.—Middelbourg, 10 July 1595.
Add. “Mons. Caron, sieur de Schoonebvalle, agent of the United Provinces with the Queen of England at London.”
Countersigned :—Adr. Nicholas.
Seal. French. 1 p. (172. 26.)
Otwell Smyth to [the Earl of Essex.]
1595, July 10/20. Yesterday the Admiral's body and he that carried his cornet were brought through this town to be buried at Rouen. There was 8 Italians took him and had thought to have saved him, but the Spaniards did kill both him and the Italians. They gave the Admiral 26 wounds. They have slain the Conte de Blynne (?). Of 600 or 700 men that were slain at that rencontre I do not hear of many of account slain, but all they that have been Leaguers that have turned to the King for money; a great judgment of God upon them, and the King well rid of them, thanks be to God. The Admiral's men say the Duke de Bouillon did betray them, but his trumpet saith it was his own ambition; besides all his men ran away from him and left him alone. The enemy is 16,000 men before Dorland.—In haste, Dieppe, 20 July, 1595.
Endorsed :—“20 July, 1595, new style.”
Holograph. Unsigned. ½ p. (33. 44.)
Thomas Bodley to [Lord Burghley.]
1595, July 11. Vouchsafe to call to mind, and make it known to her Majesty, that the sudden decease of my brother and factor, who for five years together had all my substance in his hands, hath brought me so much cumber as first of force I must have leisure to recover mine own, and then after to dispose it, to maintain my poor state; but most of all to find a friend to whose custody and charge I may commit all my dealings. For difficilis est cura rerum alienarum, and a person of that trust is not easily gotten. If her Highness upon this (which is as great an allegation as can any way concern a man of my quality), be not moved to release me, I have nothing more to plead, but to conform myself to all that she shall command. I have only this petition to make unto her Majesty, wherein I humbly beseech you of your honourable furtherance, that in regard of almost seven years' continual employment in one place, during which time I have had little comfort of my country and friends, but have been greatly damnified through my absence from home, and shall be more and more whensoever. I do return, it may please her Majesty to allow me that which is behind of my ordinary entertainment, sith others of those countries that return upon licence receive it always of course. Of 14 months' pay I had a warrant for 3 in January last : but there remaineth unpaid from the 11 of June in the year '94 to the 4 of May ensuing, which if I might obtain, it would repair in some part my domestical detriments. I could use many reasons to prove the equity of my suit, but it is not my intent to be troublesome that way; only this I would desire to be considered in my favour, that in all this time of my service in the Low Countries I never craved allowance for the postage of letters, which have been chargeable to me, nor for the expenses of many messengers, which I have purposely employed by express commandment and with promise of rembursement, sometimes upon her Majesty's own letters, sometimes by order from the Lords of the Council, from your lordship and Sir Francis Walsingham, about the causes of Skencke, of the Amon of Tiel, of Mons. Sonoy, of the banished men of Utrecht and Leyden, of the town of Gertrudenbergh when it fell from the States, and for sundry businesses besides : for which all my charges being put in a reckoning will grow to a greater sum than I have reason to neglect. Whereupon, if for these and more respects than I do signify, I shall either be considered in my foresaid petition, or discharged altogether, which I do chiefly desire, I will account it such a benefit conferred upon me as, if any endeavour in my power can deserve it of your lordship, I will omit no opportunity to prove my gratitude unto you.—July 11.
Copy. Unsigned. 12/3 pp. (33. 30.) [See Cal. of S.P. Dom.]
John Harpur to Lord Burghley.
1595, July 11. Understanding that her Highness hath given order for the discharging of Mr. Pearsalls, Mr. Hacker and the rest, which were sent for concerning my Lord of Shrewsbury, I cannot but signify unto you my grief of mind that I, which for these 24 years have with all sincerity of heart faithfully served her Majesty and endeavoured to make manifest my loyalty and unfeigned zeal, should now be worse conceived of than any of them. And touching those letters wherewith I am charged for saving recusants from indicting, whereby it is gathered that I have been a great hinderer of the due proceeding of justice in my country against such dangerous persons; first, I do assure you that sithens the time that I was of the commission in Derbyshire there was never any person indicted for recusancy but that I was present at the service and a principal actor therein. Secondly, I do also affirm that I never kept any recusant from indictment but only in hope to win him to conformity, and have conformed all such as I have kept from indicting, as the archdeacon of that county and divers others can bear good testimony, and that I have conformed above 40 persons that have been recusants, although I never saved from indictment above two or three that I can remember. And for my Lady Clifton, being my wife's mother, although she was a recusant, yet I trust no justice of peace in that county of Nottingham where she dwelt but thinketh that she was a good and loyal subject to her Majesty, and one that never gave occasion of offence by entertainment of any seminary, Jesuit, or other suspected person. And for my own disposition in religion I can say no more but that I and my wife and all my whole family, both men and women, do go to the church and do hear divine service every Sunday in the church, and every other day privately in my house or in the church, and that there is not any tenant I have dwelling upon my ground which is a recusant. But if my own testimony in this case may not be taken, I beseech you to be informed by the Justices of Assize of that county whether I have always borne myself clear from any suspicion of recusancy, and from giving encouragement or relief to any persons whose religton or life was suspected; and how I have otherwise behaved myself in her Majesty's service. And I do most humbly beseech you to be a means unto her Highness for her gracious favour towards me, to whom I do most humbly submit myself; being heartily sorry that I have by my error and want of good regard procured her displeasure towards me. But whereas I fear that the hard opinion which her Highness hath conceived towards me proceedeth partly of some information from the friends of Mr. Edward Talbot and Sir Thomas Stanhop, I do assure you upon my faith and honesty that I never sought to continue any suits or quarrels betwixt them and the Earl of Shrewsbury, but have ever greatly misliked their unnatural and unkind courses. And for the Earl of Shrewsbury, I protest before God that I never held or intend to hold myself more at his devotion than, with regard of my duty towards her Majesty, I lawfully and honestly may.—11 July, 1595.
[P.S.]—If you desire any further testimony touching the disposition of me and my wife in religion, I trust my lord archbishop of Canterbury will fully satisfy you therein.
Signed. ½ p. (33. 31.)
Richard Percival to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 11. This book between Sir William Hatton and you is fully agreed upon and will be engrossed and ready to be sealed by tomorrow, 8 of the clock in the morning. Myself and Mr. Willis are named to the intent the whole moiety shall not settle in Mr. Beeston, who is very desirous to lay out 88l. more, which maketh a full third part. The book between Longford and you is not yet agreed, being a conveyance so intricate as Mr. Hesketh desireth to have Mr. Serjeant Warburton's advice, which shall be had. Mr. Longford will move you that he may receive his rents, over and above his third part due at Whitsuntide last, because he reconciled himself to the church before that time; meaning by this stratagem to draw some 100l. more from you. But he may be answered that the land is in extent for arrearages due for many years past to the Queen, which cannot be discharged by his coming to the church; whereas if all arrearages were paid and that he stood on even ground at Whitsuntide, you might shew him that favour which now you cannot.—From your house this present Friday morning.
Endorsed :—“11 Julii, 1595.”
Holograph. ½ p. (33. 32.)
Sir Thomas Heneage, Vice-Chamberlain, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 11. I am very glad of your progress, the rather because you make your return by my poor lodge at Copthall, where I will make as much of you all as I can, though it will be far short of that I would, and where you shall not be least welcome. The Jests I would be glad to have a copy of, when you be fully agreed thereon. Myself am troubled greatly with an unkind and injurious son-in-law, and being to meet with him with my learned counsel this afternoon at my Lord Keeper's, I shall not be able to see you till to-morrow at night at the Court; and upon Monday next you shall be sure, God willing, to have the book ready for her Majesty's signature. If you have any news out of Ireland let me have some taste thereof. And so I and my wife commend us to you and my best beloved cousin as to those we specially love and account of.—At the Savoy, 11 July, 1595.
Holograph. ½ p. (33. 33.)
Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 11. The States of Zealand have sent hither an English prisoner of whom I spoke at my last audience with her Majesty. They have sent a special war-ship, with their prevost de l'admiraulté, to bring him safely; for they believe him to be a Jesuit and consequently a traitor to her Majesty. Asks what to do with him and encloses his confession and their letters.—Bethnal Green, 11 July 1595.
Signed. French. 1 p. (172. 27.)
George Goring to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 12. My Lord Treasurer hath had the officers of the Court of Wards with him, and upon due consideration of my father's debts and his estate left unto me, with the many encumbrances upon the lands, it is thought her Majesty shall be best paid by an extent of the lands, myself having consented to a greater value, to be paid yearly, than the profit of the lands will rise unto. Mr. Attorney of the Wards hath set his hand unto a writing wherein the debt is cast up, with his opinion how fitliest her Highness may be paid; and the same my Lord Treasurer hath taken unto the Court to show her Majesty. I desire you will now further it with my Lord Treasurer, for I hope in God it is likely to have an end. Mr. More and myself did yesterday wait upon my Lord Treasurer with an inventory of all things left at Chelsea; yet there was some abuse against our will by a carpenter that fetched more than was appointed him, but we had him in the Gatehouse for it. We have taken such a course with the rest of the executors as, at my Lord Treasurer's and your best liking, you may order the house and take it into your possessions.—12 July, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (33. 34.)
[Captain Fournier] to M. De Chaste, the Governor of Dieppe.
1595, July 12/22. Je n'ay eu aulcunes nouvelles du Roy depuis ma derniere que sa Majesté partit de Dijon pour aller vers le compte de Bourgougne avec son armee pour suivre les heureux progres qu'il plaist à Dieu luy donner sur l'armee de ses ennemis. Vous verez par la coppie cy enclose de celle qu'il escript d'Auxonne à Madame la continuation des advantaiges qu'a sa dite Majesté sur ses dits ennemis et l'esperance qu'il donne d'en mander de plus grands bien tot apres. Sa divine bonté les fera reussir s'il luy plaist aussy favorables que les precedens et de plus en plus a l'advancement du bien et reppos de cest estat. Je la prie cependant vous donner (et plus bas) Monsieur, en sante tres hureuse et longue vie. De Paris ce vingt deuxieme Juillet 1595. (Et plus bas) vostre humble et affectionné serviteur Poceer (?). Et sur la suscription est escript a M. M. de Chaste et en son absence a M. de Cusson, commandant es ville et citadelle de Dieppe.
Marginal note by Essex :—“A letter from the King's camp to Dieppe.”]
Endorsed :—“Captain Fournier's letter to the Governor of Dieppe.”
Copy. ¾ p. (33. 20.)
Enclosing :
The French King to his Sister.
1595, July 6/16. Ma chere sœur, J'envoie a la guerre le Marèchal de Biron avec deux cens chevaux et aultant d'harquebusier a cheval. Il rencontra de bonne fortune cinq cents hommes de pied Lorrains qui estoient routy gousty qui arrivoient a gre, qui furent soudain deffaicts, tous les cappitaines tues ou prins; cent demeurez sur la place, le reste a genoux criant Vive le Roy. Monsieur de Guise se desroba d'avecq le Marechal de Biron avec sept on huict des notres et alla trouver Victry et Fouquerolles qui estoient les premiers, et fut unggentil traict; car ung capitaine Lorain l'appella ca cavallier trois coups despee. Il partit droict a luy. Laultre le voyant venir resolu voulut tourner pour fuir, mais il le joignit et donna de l'espee a travers du corps, le tua tout roidde a trente pas de leur retranchement d'ou ilz ne tirerent pas ung coup tant ilz sont estonnez : Et encores ung plus grand tesmoignage cest que deffaisant cest infanterie les valletz et laquais de sa trouppe trouverent en ung village joignant les deux cornettes des gardes du Connestable de Castille, les deffirent et prindrent bien quatre centz chevaux : car ceux de leurs vivres et artillerie y estoient. Devant qu'il soict deux jours j'espere vous mander encores quelque chose.—Du seizieme Juillet, 1595.
Marginal note by Essex :—“The King's letter to his sister.”
Copy. 1¼ pp. (33. 20.)
[For other copies of the above see S.P. Foreign in the Public Record Office.]
William, Lord Cobham, to Sir Robert Cecil, his son-in-law.
1595, July 13. Entreats his favour in obtaining her Majesty's hand to a license, already drawn, for one John Fynnett to travel, who hath no intention therein but to enable himself the better to serve her Majesty and the State.—From my house in the Blackfriars, this 13th of July, 1595.
Signed. ½ p. (33. 35.)
The Attorney-General (Coke) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, July 14. The manors that were assigned for my mother's dower were these : in Norfolk, the manors of Mecton alias Meyton, Ashill, Kanesham, Uphall Callards, Monnox, and North Pikenham; and in Suffolk the manors of Ersewell Chamberlaines and Bedingfield, &c. I am right well assured that these manors be of the yearly value of 700l., for albeit my mother accepted 550l. per annum, yet for assurance of the payment thereof the manors abovesaid, of the yearly value of 700l., were assigned, besides the profits of courts and other royalties which are casual and not of any certain yearly value.
I am at this time about the performance of the last duty to her to whom in her lifetime I was most bounden; and yet I will with all the speed I can endeavour myself to satisfy that which you require by your letters. And because I must now alter my former course and presently dispose both of mine own and her poor living which she left (of all which she took the charge and disburdened me in her lifetime), and now wholly address myself and my family to remain about London that I may the better attend her Majesty's service, I desire you that I may be spared some small time in the country (without displeasure) for the effecting of these things. Thus, purposing to certify you as soon as possible I can of your own business, I humbly take my leave.—This 14 of July.
Holograph. 1 p. (33. 36.)
Jean Nicolas, fiscal to the Admiralty of Zealand, to M. Caron.
1595, July 14. After the departure of the prisoner whom their Council sent, with their prevost, to England, the lieutenant-governor of Flushing sent word that the son of the said prisoner, arrived in this country some weeks ago, enlisted in his company, a youth of 17 or 18 years; and that, learning the imprisonment of his father, to whom I had refused him access, he had stolen away, under a feigned passport, to Antwerp. Although I refused him access to his father he seems to have spoken with him from the street through the window bars. It will be for his father to answer whether his going over to the enemy was at his instance. As for the prisoner, coming from Antwerp, he first addressed himself to me for his passport : being dissatisfied with his looks and answers, I brought him before the Council, where he discovered himself still more, both in regard of his hair and beard, disguised and dyed black, and in respect of the declaration which he made to us upon the causes of his departure from England and of his journey—undertaken, as he said then, to bring back a son of his, who had fled from his obedience eight months ago, and that towards Cologne. Subsequently, in prison, he made the confession sent. I think that his skin covers a Jesuit and a traitor; his looks and manners betray this, and his gestures in speaking are such as Jesuits use, “de se frapper la poictrine, contractis in orbem digitis iisque pectori applicatis. Ce sont gens de mesme calibre dont l'ennemy s'en sert pour accomplir ses desseins tiranniques.”—Middelbourg, 14 July, 1595.
French. Holograph. 2 pp. (172. 28.)
William Essex, a Ward of the Queen.
1595, July 14. Petition to Lord Burghley. Of his suit against Edward Essex, his natural uncle. Prays for the benefit of certain sequestered lands, for present maintenance.
Endorsed :—14 July, 1595.
½ p. (P. 171.)
Another petition from the same, in connexion with the same matter.
½ p. (P. 172.)
News from Venice.
1595, July 14. Letters from Lyons of the 23rd ult. report (among other news) that Tavanes, Umena's lieutenant, has made his peace with the King, who gives him the rank of marshal. News from Vienna of the 1st inst., severe discipline enforced by Mansfeldt, Turkish losses, &c. Mons. di Perona has reached Florence. Italian and Austrian news. Added in another hand :—Mons. de Perona has reached Mantua and Florence. A truce for 30 months between Navarre and the duke of Savoy was published on the 8th inst. Other news of France, Austria, and Italy.
Italian. 4 pp. (172. 29.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir H. Unton.
1595, July 15. Your man will tell you what he found hath been done for you, that is, that they that promised to undertake it had not yet moved the Queen. I could wish you did call upon them somewhat earnestly, for if they mean bonâ fide they know they must not be thus slack; for if even of those that are industrious things be hardly gotten, what is to be hoped of them that only solicit by wishing? I am not much deceived for I looked for no other. What you think I may do, do you direct and I will execute. But I am so handled by this crew of sycophants, spies, and delators, as I have no quiet myself nor much credit to help my friends. Perhaps once in a year I shall cry quittance with them. Your true friend Essex.—15th of July.
Holograph. 1 p. (33. 37.)
Examination of Bartholomew Gilbert.
1595, July 15. He saith that one Madox, a merchant of Ipswich, brought him to a seafaring man that had the diamond at Limehouse, where Gilbert first saw the stone, in a tavern called the Lion. Next day they met all at John Terry's house in Cheapside where Gilbert did bargain with the seafaring man for the stone; and the same day, in part payment of 680l. and odd which Gilbert had agreed to pay for the stone, he delivered the seafaring man certain pieces of plate amounting to 46l., and a ring with a diamond to the value of 46l. more. The next [day] after this the party came for his money (which Gilbert had provided in gold) being 600l., so that Gilbert will depose that the diamond stood him (with 20l. which he gave to Brooke for taking up this money) 700l. and odd pounds, besides the exchange of the gold which came to some 4l. more. He saith that when he bought the stone of this seafaring man there was not any man present but they too.
He did promise Madox for his friendship in helping him to this bargain that he should have part of the gain.
He knows not the seaman's name nor where he dwells, and denieth that he ever saw him since.
Brooke had the stone because he took up the money, and Gilbert did receive of him so much money as (the former parcels accounted) came to a full 1,000l.
He saith further that Ro. Howe had 100l. for being surety to Brooke for Gilbert, so that the stone lies Brooke in 1,100l.
Signed. 1 p. (33. 38.)