Cecil Papers: May 1595, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1595, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp207-225 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1595, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp207-225.

"Cecil Papers: May 1595, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp207-225.

May 1595, 16–31

Declaration of Thomas Richardson.
1595, May 17. Thomas Richardson, a Scottishman, born at the “sighe” of Leith, persuaded by certain young gentlemen called Armstrongs, of the borders of England, to come in to their country, came thence to Newcastle and thence to Mr. Mesfilde of Flasby Hall by Skipton in Craven. I stayed a certain time and so to Oxford, where I was placed with Mr. Havardean, late principal of Brazennose, where I stayed during his life, and he wished one of his house to bring me to Mr. Dutton of Gloucestershire, sometime his scholar. I stayed with Mr. Dutton long and had charge of his house; from thence to the city of Gloucester, where I married and remained about 16 years, and sang in the college of Gloucester almost 14 years, and sometime “chantor,” always taken for an Englishman. After Dr. Rudd came to be dean, he displaced me and others that had been there 26 years and had patents of their places. I not taking it so easily as the rest did offend the dean, where[upon] he shewed me hard measure and put me to a great disgrace, whereupon I sold some things I had and went to Waterford, where I remained four years. There I was robbed by one John Hughes who had a “moulde” on his face. Shortly after there came one Hans Tiduna, a Fleming, and in his ship a Scottishman who had been there before, to whom I made my “mone”; he told me there was such a one in Rochelle who did associate with a Fleming, a young man and a painter, and if I did go to Rochelle, gave me his counsel I should not seek after him because I understand not the language, but willed me to go to a countryman of ours in Bordeaux, “and he will let you have “some wine upon credit to do you good or else employ you himself.” Last Christmas being at Youghal there was a ship of Padstow by tempest driven to the harbour; with him I passed to Rochelle, and being there a week and could learn nothing I determined to pass for Bordeaux. Meantime I met this young Fleming who told me I should be sure to have him at St. Jean de Luz or St. Sebastian's. Hughes persuaded this Fleming to go with him and said Rochelle and Bordeaux were two open places for him. To St. Jean de Luz I went and could hear no news of him. I stayed four days till some small boats went to St. Sebastian's, and landed at the Passage. Being a stranger I was called in before the general of the fly boats, called Severus; he demanded whence I came. I answered, from Rochelle, and told him what was my coming. One with him called Bourlye (Burghley) went afoot to St. Sebastian's with us. When the King of Spain would send any into Ireland or England secretly this Burghley comes with them, and doth animate them as much as he can. As we were going Burghley shewed me four new ships that were built and what a fine mould they were of, and that there were two others upon the stocks almost finished. Two of these new ships are 300 [tons] and better, and the rest are 400, as he said. We came to St. Sebastian's and Hughes was there; saw me and I saw not him. He made haste away to Madrid. I stayed five days looking for him. At last I understood by a haberdasher, an Englishman, that he saw such a man go with the “carriours” towards Madrid. I went after as fast as I could. When I was near Madrid I desired my guide and some others that could speak broken English to bring me to some house that could speak some English, and they brought me to Señor Daman's, who did use me friendly, and I told him the cause of my coming. Next day we met Hughes in the street where the drum was agoing, and went unto him; we could get no money but many words. Daman went for an officer to arrest him : meantime Hughes entered himself in the King's service. When Daman came again and saw his policy he was moved, and told him that all the friends he had should fail him but he should be displaced again. Upon this he got 34l. I gave Daman liberally for his pains and told him I could not stay because I had a young child in Ireland which I would not forsake; I had a meaning to learn something that I might recover my credit. . . . . . . He kept me company all that day with his wife and daughters, who wished that I either did dwell in the town or else that I had some good occasion to come again. When I had Daman alone I said unto him, “You heard what your wife and daughters said?” He answered, “They would not be gladder than I would be.” I told him he might shew me that friendship now that might bring me again. He sware with a great oath he would do it whatever it were if it were not to kill the King. I answered I was notso villainous minded. “There,” saith Daman, “whatsoever it be I will do it.” I saw him so willing I did ask him if he would be sworn to be of my counsel. He said, yea, and with great protestation took an oath. I told him if he would give me relation of some things it would be a means to bring me again, and that I was bold to move the matter unto him because he professed such good will towards England; that I was not able to gratify him “at this time as I would, but at my coming again I would do itto his content.” With that I made him call in his wife and I gave her two rings, a ruby and a “turkie.” He was so far in with me as I could not ask him that thing but he was as willing to tell me. First I did ask him what the drum went for. He told me the King was certified forth of the Low Countries that Sir Francis Drake was coming to Lisbon with a great power, and that he had commande to take up 40,000 men by the drum; “and in good faith,” saith he, “16,000 good men will beat them! There comes none but those that cannot live otherwise and hath no care of their credit : but when the King doth task the lords to set out men, then they set out good men, as I think he must do now. The King hath taken up 60 Spanish and 40 Portuguese captains, and they sit twice every week in counsel how to fortify Lisbon.” He brought me the plate of the river of Lisbon which he had of one of the captains, and had it two hours, and he made me to understand it, which I did view and did imitate as well as I could when I came home; and that 3,000 horsemen were gone to join with 3,000 horse that were in garrison in Portugal, if need required. He said also that the Cardinal of Lisbon, who was governor there, was made Archbishop of Toledo, and the King had made a Portingale governor there. I said, “I marvel he will make a Portingale governor of Lisbon or that he will trust to them.” “Yes,” saith Daman, “there are divers Portingales that are of the council of Portingale.” Then said I, “What help sends the King to the Emperor?” “No men,” saith Daman, “but two millions of treasure which he seized upon, that was the Archbishop of Toledo's that dead is; and [he] also seized all his plate which the King will sell to the Genoese, who would have licence to carry it home to strike into coin, or else they would not mell with it; and so they made a great gain.” I did ask if the King was so bare of treasure. Daman said the King had none, and was more afraid of his treasure that was coming from the Indians, that was looked for at the beginning of May or April, than he was of Lisbon, for that he had made it so strong. The treasure is 27 millions. Daman did think the King had sent word to the fleet by some pinnace; he could not learn the certainty of it. I asked him of Ireland. Daman said the King had sent to the Earl of Tyrone a bishop and certain gentlemen, bidding the Earl be of good cheer, and that he should have every year 3000 or 4000 and that he should lack nothing; that he was sure this bishop was with the Earl before the 12th day after Christmas. I did ask him of Scotland. He did learn there was a Scottish gentleman who had lain there five months and more, making suit for men and money. The King, he did learn, would do nothing except he had security under the lord's hands that they would aid him with some 10,000 or 12,000 men within a month's warning, and more if they could get them for money, and presently within that month to receive an army of his. In so doing he would give them money to serve their turn to wage soldiers, but for men he could spare none at this time. When Daman had spoken all he could learn, he began to tell me, “I assure you, brother,” (then he called me brother because we were sworn together), “I know of my certain knowledge that the King and the council bear a great oath against England : the overthrow of his great fleet hath broken him sore, and they think there is no way but to enter by Scotland; and since it falleth out as it doth, to keep them doing in Ireland with some handful of men now and then.” There was answer looked for out of Scotland, as he said, and I met two Scottishmen two days' journey this side Madrid, and my guide talked with their guide, who said one of them was a priest. I asked if he knew any 'espyeells?' He said, “I never saw any, but here lieth a man at my house which you see, and is allied unto me; his name is Baldes, he doth all Peter Severus' [noted, 'Subiur'] business, who is his master. I understood by him before this that there is one called Alonso de Bascarto that hath given intelligence ever since Severus was in England, but he had none this half year. Now one Walter Spurry, of St. Jean de Luz, comes to the Passage and hath secret conference with Severus and gives some intelligence, and by this means Severus” (saith he) “hath gotten great friendship of the council of war, and the council have written unto him that what charges he is at by these means he shall be allowed” Daman knew of no more that give intelligence, but there is one Uring [margin : “this is a messenger.”] in Ireland that the Jesuits commend much, that he is good unto the Catholic priests. Uring, I know, is conversant with priests and eats and drinks with them; and it hath been told me that Uring, wearing her Majesty's coat, hath a stipend of most priests in the country. I told him he hath a stipend of them; Uring answered he never had stipend, but sometimes a quart of wine. Daman was three weeks in getting this knowledge; so about a month I was there, and came away.
One Edward Dounes, that was prentice in Bristow, came to Waterford, married an Irish widow, and had traffic into Spain, as I heard, conveyed over a priest, his brother, into Spain. After this Dounes came home he stepped aside a great way, three or fourscore miles, to go into Spain again without any wares, as I think. Sir William Fitz Williams, Deputy, sent a pursuivant for him, who found him and gat assistance of Sir Tho. Norris to bring him towards Dublin, and durst not bring him by Waterford for fear of the papists. My Lord Deputy did swear him never to go into Spain again; and yet he doth go still. At his coming home the priests and all the English papists in the country resort unto him or else he to them. There is one, his name is Read, of great hiring; he hath a castle from Lord Poor's (Power's), within 10 or 12 miles of Waterford. He, his wife, his son and his wife, came forth of England only for papistry. Old Read's wife died and was brought to Waterford to be buried. This Dounes was the provider of all the meat and drink for the funeral at his house. There is no news stirring but these priests and papists have it either in Ireland or out of England from the papists.
If ever I was at the mass in Ireland, let me lose my life without favour.—Tho. Richardson.
Endorsed :—17 May, 1595.
Holograph. 8½ pp. (32. 38.)
Robert Bellott to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 17. I am to thank you for effecting my suit in such sort that my brother [Hugh Bellott] hath the congé delivered him. As my lord predecessor hath lingered in such manner as the best or most part of the revenues of Chester falls to him for this half year ending at Michaelmas next, am therefore to be a petitioner that the royal assent may be stayed so long as you may conveniently; for if my lord's grace do not help my lord to his commendams for the next crop, [he] must seek to help himself by the same way as my lord of C[hester] did. My lord of Bangor shall receive but 40l. out of all his livings for the last year, and having served there three-quarters and more, shall have great wrong to have the same taken from him unless he be relieved some other way. In August next there will come to him 300l., and seeing that all the commendams be also gone and that C[hester] is made less by 500l. yearly, [he] is forced to make his estate known and hath written to my lord's grace and to your father, the which I hope will work some stayed course; otherwise I will linger the election, and so crave your help at the royal assent, at which time I will myself, or my brother this bearer, attend you.
(32. 43.)
Information by Edward Morgan.
1595, May 17. Edward Morgan, clerk unto Mr. James Rich, of the Inner Temple, lieth at the barber's house near the White Lion at the overend of High Holborn. There lieth with him a traveller, born, as he saith, in Devon, aged 24, of a mean stature, hollow faced, the hair of the beard and head dark brown. He hath three suits of apparel; that which he now weareth is a doublet of canvas cut upon green taffeta; the doublet is soiled, not lately made. He weareth a pair of Venetian hose of a fustian of a brown colour, faced by the sides with black taffeta. What cloak he weareth I know not. He hath two, one of a blackish colour, the other of a sad tawny. He told me that last night he would go by sea to Devon. He told me likewise Sir Matthew Arundel his son was shortly to travel to Venice, and he would willingly travel with him if he might procure a place of some employment under him to free him of charge; and for that he took delight in that course of life he was minded to learn the trade of a barber for his better relief beyond the seas. He useth in the evenings to write, but it is much in figures. The occasion of his travel was by the means of his uncle who was a traveller, and died of late beyond the seas, as he saith.
Endorsed :—“17 May, 1595. Information concerning Robt. Sweet.”
½ p. (32. 44.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 17. In my letters which arrived to-day are divers things of which I must inform you. First, your packet for Thomas d'Arques was delivered to him in Brussels by my friend's servant. He answered that he was just about to leave for Hainault and Artois, but in a few days would send the reply. The news is confirmed that the fleet of the Indies has arrived in Spain. In all the realms of Spain there was general arrest of Italian and Flemish ships, and great preparation of soldiers and for war, but the precise intention was not known. The gazzettes say many vain things as usual; but I am suspicious of the continued practices of Rome to reconcile the King of France. Mons. de Buglion is in great fear of being attacked in his [town of] Sedam by the Constable of Castile. The States of Holland and other provinces slacken their war preparations and the French their ardour, so that they do not occupy the public enemy (Spain) as much as would be desirable. Other news you will learn from the gazzettes which I beg you to let Mr. Wolley see.—London, 17 May, 1595.
Italian. Hol. 1 p. (171. 142.)
1595, May 17. Certificate of T. Powell and G. Leicester, in the cause between Sir Matthew Morgan, Alderman Watts and others, with respect to goods taken as prize by the “Jewel” of London.—May 17, 1595.
3 pp. (141. 156.)
Nicholas Hals to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 17. Answer to the complaint against him of Mr. Watts, alderman of London, for obtaining certain cochinella and indico out of Watts' ship the “Jewel.”
Endorsed :—“17 May, 1595.” ½ p. (1379.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 18. My uncle Anthony Kemp, a man that I love exceedingly, is most monstrously abused by a bad fellow, one Walmesley, a very dog leech, who doth practise physic without skill or licence. My uncle intending to make his complaint this day at the Council table will thereby inform you of the cause. My request is that you will be pleased for my sake to favour my uncle in his honest pretences, assuring you he is a most honest gentleman, and for his faith and loyalty towards the Queen's Majesty I dare engage myself as far as I am worth. The gentleman is very aged and even worn to the last; weak of spirit, quiet and softly of disposition; which no doubt hath encouraged that varlet to undertake his lewd practice.—18 May, 1595.
Holograph, 1 p. (32. 45.)
Examination of James Nott.
1595, May 19. “The examination of James Nott, gentleman, taken 19 May, 1595, by me Richard Colly, of Basingstoke, constable, Daniel Cross and William Netherclyffe, under bailiffs of Basingstoke aforesaid.”
Imprimis he saith, he travelled this way from his own house in Devonshire at Comb Rawleigh near Honiton. His occasions were especially to travel to London, where he standeth bound to one Michael Grygge for payment of 100l. which is due the said 19 May, Grygge being a merchant tailor dwelling in Powles church yard. Being further demanded whether the warrant he offered unto me were under Sir Robert Cecil's hand or no, he saith no, and being asked by whom it was done, saith by Mr. Willis, Sir Robert's secretary, but now saith it was done by himself. Being further demanded whose servant he is, he saith Sir Robert Cecil's.
Copy. 1 p. (32. 46.)
John Baker.
1595, May 19. Instructions to the Attorney General (Coke) to cause a bill to be drawn for Her Majesty's signature for the pardon of John Baker, late of Prestend in the co. of Radnor, for a robbery for which he is fled, granted at the suit of her servant Mr. Ferdinando. From the Court at Greenwich 19 May, 1595.
Signed. ⅓ p. (33. 47.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1595, May 19/29. The guide is appointed, and sent by his Excellency's means towards Antwerp unto all, as he wrote me by a letter of the 29, attended for him, all being in readiness to execute the enterprise. What he writes besides will appear by the extract hereunder set down, and the news sent me by another from that side I send herewith. His Excellency would fain to the field, and doth what he can to further it, but the slackness of those of Friesland, Zealand and Overyssel to bring in their grants of contributions doth not a little hinder the service. We hear they have resolved to send their deputies, but the worst is the other will not disburse one denier till the rest do the like, which to hasten the Council of State have most seriously written unto the aforesaid provinces that are in default. The Count Philip of Nassau, being arrived in the country of Dillemburgh, and himself at his father's house, stayeth a few days to refresh the horse, which have been harried in France, and to advise of his safest way to return home; for his cousin, Count Harman Vandenburgh, hath drawn certain troops of horse and footmen together, and passeth the Rhine by Keysersweerde with intent to meet and cut off the said Count Philip and his, if he can; but being forewarned, can be the sooner prevented. The Embden matters we hear no certainty of; the Earl was said to be dead but is revived, loth to come to submit matters to a compromise, and yet must pass that way or else lose the benefit of the revenues that town yielded him : his mind runs more on revenge than to forget and forgive. We look shortly to hear further from the Deputies that were sent hence, or by Count William, whom his Excellency expecteth daily to resolve on the intended service, which to second it may be they of Holland will be brought to disburse money and furnish the necessaries, though the others be not so forward as reason would require. I hear in secret of letters come from the Emperor hither about the peace, but being directed to the General States of Holland, the others make exception to open them, though the Count Vander Lyppe, who sent an express man hither to bring the same, lay the fault of the superscription unto the Secretary.—The Hague, 25 May 1595. Signed.
P.S. (1.) Extract out of Hull's letter from Antwerp, the 29th May 1595, new style.
I do hear for very certain that Don Fuentes is to go for France. I have a matter in hand, which if I can compass and learn the truth of it, which I have no doubt therein but that I shall find it out very well, better news for finding out of private enemies, which are within our country hath not in long time been found out. I am very forward in that matter already.
P.S. (2.) The Duke de Pastrano hath been here, and is departed on Friday last for Brussels again, where is come the Duke d'Aumale out of France; so that we hear that so soon as the “skances” be made before Hulst, all our men here must with all diligence for France to besiege Chastelet, for to straiten the more the town of Camerick. The Spaniards that are come out of Luxemburg lie about Mechlin, and had almost taken in the town to make their mutiny, but the burghers, having some intelligence thereof, prevented the same. Here wants money of all sides, yet this last week there was sent for France 100,000 crowns, which the merchants have lent unto Stephen d'Yvarra upon his own credit, for the King hath none more until his fleet cometh in. Here will fall preparation again this summer to receive our new Governor, the Cardinal of Austria, who cometh with all diligence in the meantime. The Spaniards will play their parts to remain in credit, and so keep the new Governor, as they did Ernestus, with hands bound. I have received a letter from Brussels wherein Paul Aurat writes that Prince of Chimay, with others of Artois and “Henegow”, are there, and make preposition that those of those countries will have peace, or that the “incourses” of men of war shall pass no more through Artois or “Henegow” for France, and if they will go for that place, they must take another course for passage, for that those of Artois and Henegow were minded to make “treves” with the King of France. The States of that country have been together two or three times; what the issue thereof will be is not known, for the Spaniards are not well pleased that the States do get upon any such matter of Chimay's proposition. Our English are still here, attending for money.—Antwerp, 29 May 1595, new style.
Seal. 3½ pp. (170. 145.)
E. Countess of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595?,] May 20. Hearing lately that her Majesty had made special choice of you for her Highness' principal secretary, I received great comfort thereby in regard of the honour and love I bear you. The honourable remembrance the whole realm retaineth of your most noble father, placed in that room you now are in, will make every one expect no less good of you, carrying that name and being son to so worthy a councillor. Her Majesty in her great wisdom and for your own worthiness hath called you to this place as one meetest for her service, which all good subjects are to rejoice at. I pray you remember me in the kindest manner to your noble and virtuous lady, my very good friend.—From Hardwick, the 20th of May.
Endorsed :—“20 May, 1595.” (fn. 1)
Holograph. ½ p. (32. 48.)
Michael Moody to Mr. Vice-Chamberlain [Sir Thos. Heneage].
1595, May 20. In my letter of the 29th of last month I wrote at large that all those things which appertain to the “Kichion” are ready to be delivered unto me so soon as I have one half of the money to deliver into the merchants' hands that hath them; which so soon as you send I shall not fail to bring them to the place appointed with all speed possible. The hangings are ready; the books, seals, pictures, or anything else that you desire (that is light of carriage) I shall bring with me. The urne I have sent to Peter van Lore : I hope it be come to your hands. Be careful to send those things I wrote to you for, and to end the matter at Temple Bar if you can; if not, take no more pains than the matter is worth. Procure Mrs. Eliz. Deacon to write to her father, and if my cousin be at Westminster, commend me unto her. Mr. Cl. desireth to hear whether you do anything in his business. Mr. Pitts and his sister do pray for you. J. Sm. desireth to hear from you, but neither he nor anybody else doth know of my appointing to meet you, neither let anybody know it from you, except you will do yourself hurt and me too.—Vale, 20 of the merry month of May, 1595.
Addressed :—“Aenden Eersamen Harman Johnston, copeman, woonden inden Crychurche, tot London.”
Endorsed :—“From Michell Modye from Andwarp to Mr. Vizchamber.”
½ p. (32. 49.)
Lady Jane Townsend to her brother John Stanhope, gentleman of the Privy Chamber.
1595, May 20. Let me recommend unto you this bearer, George Sayers, a kind brother-in-law to my cousin Margaret Brend, who hath a cause in the Exchequer Chamber concerning a lease in the North. His cause in my simple opinion is so very clear and good that it deseveth all favour justice may afford; he is matched with a company of clamorous adversaries, who have gone back from their agreement, still keeping both money and possession of the lands from Mr. Sayers, who hath made divers reasonable offers unto them. I heartily desire you so to deal with Sir Robert Cecil or my Lord Treasurer himself, before whom the matter is to be heard, that the poor gentleman in his honest and just cause be not oppressed with the clamours of his adversaries.—From Barbican, 20 May 1595.
Signed. ¾ p. (32. 50.)
Griffin Markham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 20. Is assured he has been ever favoured by Cecil, not only above the merit of his feeble desert, but beyond the power of any his requital. If his profit in this journey shall but enable him to manifest his thankful disposition by future service, his whole thoughts and endeavours shall be employed to make himself worthy to be accounted in the number of Cecil's followers. Since his last of March 20, has not received anything worthy advertisement.—Sienna, this 20 of May.
Endorsed :—“30 May [sic] 1595.”
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (32. 51.)
The Marquess of Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 20. Where there was of late brought before me by the constable and bailiffs of Basingstoke one James Nott, a gentleman, as he termeth himself, and, as he saith, is towards you, who by virtue of a warrant under your hand did require to have post horses for her Majesty's service; forasmuch as I find the same to be a thing counterfeited, I have thought good to give you to understand of his said abuse, having sent you enclosed the true copy of his warrant and his examination, and caused him to be stayed here, and sent up one of purpose unto you, forbearing to take any bands of him until I hear further from you.—From Basing, this 20 May, 1595.
Signed. ½ p. (32. 53.)
Enclosing :
These are in her Majesty's name to will and require you immediately upon the receipt hereof to furnish the bearer with sufficient horses for her Majesty's service, whereof fail not as you will answer the contrary at your peril.—London, 7 May, 1595. Your loving friend Robert Sisell.
Underwritten :—This is the true copy of the warrant, the same being without any direction to my officer.
p. (32. 52.)
The Archbishop of Canterbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 20. I moved her Majesty yesterday for the bishoprics of Llandaff and Bangor, and her pleasure is to bestow Llandaff upon Dr. Morgan, and Bangor upon Dr. Vaughan, and therefore willed me to speak unto you to cause their congés d'elire to be written accordingly. Wherein I heartily pray your good furderance with convenient speed.—From Lambeth, 20 May, 1595.
Signed. Portion of seal. ⅓ p. (32. 53.)
Thomas Periam to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 21. Whereas I am informed that one Robert Sweet is by your commandment under stay, as suspected to be a seminary or to adhere to some foreign power, and that you are not unwilling to understand what I think touching him; for my part, knowing his kindred and education, that he hath always trained in trade of merchandise, I am fully persuaded he is far off from being any such manner of person. But being cast behindhand by losses in his trade, and by careless and wasteful managing of other men's goods in the same, I do verily suppose to be the only cause why he did alter his name and lurk in unfit places. It may please you to tender the poor man's estate (whose imprisonment, if it should have any long continuance, be his utter spoil) as you shall think meet.—21 May 1595.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (32. 54.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 22. I understand that Lady Dacres hath bestowed her house at Dormans Well upon Mr. Sampson Leonard. I am also told you may command him in all reasonable things. I am therefore a very humble suitor that you will write your earnest letter to Mr. Leonard that I may be his farmer there, paying yearly for the same as much as any other man will give. Herein you shall do me a very great favour for it is a thing that I desire very much.—At London, 22 May, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (32. 55.)
Ernest, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenberg to the Queen.
1595, May 22/June 1. Reminds her of his frequent previous applications by his letters on behalf of his subjects, William, Henry, and Francis Lubing, brothers, of Lunenberg, whose property was unjustly and violently taken from two English ships. His letters having proved ineffectual, has instructed Peter ab Heile as procurator to prosecute this business, and accredits him by this letter. Promises reciprocal attention in a like matter.—Luneberg, 1 June, 1595.
Copy. Latin. 2 pp. (32. 78.)
The Same to Peter ab Heile.
Commission to treat with the Queen of England concerning the above matter, and to obtain a concession for exporting certain merchandise from England without payment of custom.—Luneburg, 1 June 1594.
Latin. Copy. 1 p. (32. 79.)
Sir John Puckering, Lord Keeper, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 23. Although I know you will give Dr. Vaughan your furtherance for the despatch of the congé d'elire, yet because I am more than willing to do him good, let him know when he cometh to wait on you for your favour that my commendations have done him no harm.—23 May 1595.
Signed. ½ p. (32. 57.)
Sir Edward Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 23. I hold it my ill fortune still to be troubled with these clergy clamours in my absence, worse than now, both by [my] own ill disposition this afternoon, threatening a sickness, and my loathness to come hence. But you shall see the high priest shall be pleased with all observance. I will attend on you on Sunday at dinner, but assure you I will be here that day at night. I purpose to come to London first to bring the order agreed upon before with me (a precedent to move you), merely referring the cause to yourself. For their proceedings, which they seem for your sake to make stay of, I beseech you to be no whit beholden to them for it. If you have not already, send to Harris, the principal of Brasennose, or to the Dean to send him, to attend the conference. My lo. Ch. hath enjoined me to return his kindest commendations, but angry that now you pull me from him, left all alone now I am gone, for I meant to have stayed, though Winefrid would have been ready at your service to-morrow night. So humbly beseeching you to bless me from the clergy and send me to the Turk, I take my leave.—Late 23 May 1595.
[P.S.] I am of opinion the Arches hath been regarded with some unfavourable eye of late, or he would never have pressed so sudden conference.
Holograph. 1 p. (32. 58.)
M. Beauvoir la Nocle to the Earl of Essex.
1595, May 23/June 2. Depuis le partement de M. de Gorges j'ai receu deux de vos lettres dont j'ay receu un contentement infiny. Je pensois bien avant hier vous faire un depesche plus ample, le Roy mon Mais tie estant bien resolu d'envoyer un agent en Angleterre (je croy que c'eust esté et sera encores mon secretaire Pretreguin) en attendant que sa Majesté y puisse envoyer un ambassadeur resident; je ne vous scaurois encores dire qui, mais bien vous puis-je asseurer que M. de la Noue a esté nommé, et que sa Majesté en a eu la nomination fort agreable, et je pense en ma foy qu'elle ne scauroit faire une meilleure eslection, ny qui doibve estre plus agreable à la Royne vostre maistresse ny à vous tous, Messieurs de son Conseil. Quant aux nouvelles de nostre Court, j'en ay conferé fort privement et particulierement avec Mons, Edmonds. Il m'a promis de vous en esclaircir; c'est pourquoy vous n'aurez rien en chiffre de moy pour ce coup, et vous contanteres du memoire que trouveres enclos avec la presente, par lequel vous jugeres de la precippitee, et neantmoings bonne, occasion qui à emporté sa Majesté de ceste ville le lendemain de son entree, et ny ayant sesjournée que seize ou dixhuict heures pour le plus. Messieurs de son Conseil le suivent demain avec le reste des trouppes; je seray de la partie; je croy qu'aussi sera le Vidame vostre serviteur, lequel j'ay envoyé advancer avec sa trouppe pour se trouver à ce festin si le Due du Mayne et le Connestable de Castille auront assez de courage pour couvrir le mommon que mon Maistre leur va presenter. S'ilz viennent aux mains et je survins, vous seres bien particulierement adverty de touttes les particularités qui s'y passeront.—De Troys, ce ije jour de Juin, 1595.
Signed. Seal. 1¼ pp. (171. 145.)
Encloses : French advices.
Hier a trois heures du matin sa Majesté fut esveillée pour luy faire entendre l'advis de la revolte de la ville de Dijon en faveur de son service, et comme Messieurs le Marèchal de Biron et de Tinteville estoient dedans, les maistres, avec le peuple, qui avoient reduict dans le chasteau Tavannes et tous les partisans de la Ligue, faisans monstre de se vouloir deffendre et attendre le secours qu'ils se promettent de la part du Due de Mayenne et du Connestable de Castille. C'est pourquoy sa Majesté se resolut aussi tost d'y aller en personne, elle mene quant et elle huict ou neuf cens bons chevaulx; elle sera suivie dans huictaine pour le plustard de semblable nombre avec trois mil hommes de pied, dont les trouppes de Monseigneur de Guise en font pour le moins dixhuict cens, qu'on tient estre fort bons soldats. Tremblecourt (qui a bravement deffendu Vesou et jusques à toutte extremité) et Ausonville, Lorrains, ont environ quatre cens chevaulx et quinze cens hommes de pied. Quant aux forces du dit Sieur Marèchal de Biron, elles sont de sept à huict cens chevaulx et quatre mil Suisses et de trois à quatre mil hommes de pied Francois. Outre cela, il est à croire que les provinces voisines, le Roy ayant faict advertir par tout, y courront comme au feu de la maison voisine. Pour opposer à tout cela, nous tenons que le diet Due de Mayenne et Connestable de Castille ne peuvent mettre ensemble plus de huict ou neuf mil hommes de pied et quinze à seize cens chevaulx. Au verité je croy qu'ils seront plus sages que de s'affronter au Biarnois avec si peu de forces. Car nous qui avons l'honneur d'estre pres de luy ne le trouvous diminué, plustost accreu (si faire ce peult) de prudence et de courage, de façon que, par le discours que les gens de guerre et hommes d'estat, il se resoult icy que ce petit chasteau, assez bien fortiffié du costé de la ville, mais fort foible du costé de dehors, ne peult durer qu'il ne soit forcé dans peu de jours.
Endorsed—“Advice from Monsr. de Beauvoir, 2 June, 1595.”
pp. (171. 146.)
Jo. Budden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 24. On the sudden I was advertised by this gentleman, Mr. John Ewins, Escheator of Somerset, brother to Mr. Baron Ewins, that one Francis Moore, of Taunton, Somerset, holding land of the Queen in chief to the value of 20l. of ancient rent, the land being of far greater value, besides leases and other things of very great value which are to come to his son, being within age and must be her Majesty's ward, that the wardship is passed to one of my lord his footmen, who perhaps is ignorant of any good of this ward. The party is extreme sick and unlikely to recover, as I am advertised; wherefore I beseech you to be careful presently, and what shall appertain for your best good shall by Mr. Escheator and myself be carefully looked unto. I beseech you be careful.—24 May 1595.
P.S.—The wardship is likely to prove worth 1,000l. at least, as knoweth Mr. Ewins.
Holograph. 1 p. (32. 61.)
Richard Broughton to the Earl of Essex.
[1595,] May 24. My only coming and stay in London is to acquaint you with the matters subsequent. 1. First for my credit, to satisfy your lordship, and then your officers, of the dealings and accounts during your minority. 2. For the fines of your tenants at your full age, whereof Mr. Crompton in very friendly sort told me that some of your officers told him that great part thereof should be concealed (inuendo, &c.); but he would not descry who told him, which was amongst few. I used him better to tell him the reporters of actions which by backbiting were all published against him. 3. But chiefly I am to trouble you concerning estates of lands, wherein for some things wholly, and for one thing jointly with Mr. Crompton, I am seised, that before I go to the country you may be therein satisfied and the same reconveyed presently, because I know not of any cause of my return to London.
I pray you will appoint me some time, either at the Court or London, when I may have one hour's leisure, wherein I shall satisfy you for (1) the dealings during your minority, wherein my lord of Huntingdon, in presence of Mr. Treasurer of her Majesty's Household and others, with the privity of my Lord Treasurer, upon the instigation of my lord of Leicester, to my great good from exclamations, did call Mr. Stidman, Mr. Newport, and Mr. Burrell, by the space of one whole week, to strict account; the copy whereof, as soon as I could for leisure copy myself, being of private matters, I delivered to you long before your going into France, shewing the course and sum total. Whereof I have two copies which I minded to have delivered to my Lords Treasurer and Huntingdon for the clearing of their doings performed by me. (2.) For the fines, I can in the tenth part of an hour shew how the greatest parts were paid to Mr. Meyrick, Mr. Wright, and others by your directions, and of the residue perfect notes where you directed to be paid; and so likewise for 950l. for the sale of Hopton, 400l., for the farm of Stanford's, and 680l. for the farm of Little Hayes. It will be but small trouble to you to view my notes, and it will greatly stand for my credit, although it will tend to no benefit to your lordship. (3.) The chief matter concerneth your lordship, that whereas by your officers' ignorance and negligence, who have been desirous for their credits to acquaint none but themselves in your causes, estates are passed by sale and fine from you when you had nothing therein, being done without the privity or notice of myself; which before I go hence is fit to be rightened. And your pleasure is to be known for the re-assuring of Lyonhales which Mr. Crompton and I have jointly. Your great affairs urge me thus too boldly to trouble you by writing. After I shall have satisfied you I am before Whitsuntide to ride to the country, and I hope you will further my despatch.—24 May.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (32. 62.)
Robert Hales to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 26. Prays him to favour his suit to help set him forth of debt. Knows Cecil is not unacquainted with his debt to her Majesty and his daily hindrances, to the utter undoing of him and his. In his suits has been unfortunate, and, God He knows, his charge is great, his living and help very small. Prays he may by Cecil's means procure a lease of the “mote” here enclosed, and in token of his thankfulness will deliver 500 marks where Cecil shall appoint within one year after possession.
Endorsed :—“26 May, 1595.”
Holograph. ½ sheet. (32. 63.)
John Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 26. You shall see a letter enclosed from my Lady Lumley in the behalf of this gentleman Mr. Harvey, who hath been of long time towards Lady Lumley, but for these six years hath served under Sir John Powle (Pooley) as his lieutenant in the Low Countries; for the which he now desireth pay, or at least to draw Alderman Becher to some account, wherein he humbly prayeth your favour.—Greenwich, 26 May.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (32. 64.)
Encloses :
J. [Lady] Lumley to Mr. John Stanhope.—This bearer, Harvey, some time your acquaintance, is now likely to become a suitor at the Court and to have need of friends. I do recommend him to your favour. I am this day going to Nonsuch where I shall be glad to see you.—This Saturday.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (32. 59.).
Sir Matthew Morgan to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 26. There hath not been any greater grief since my long imprisonment than to have found you incensed against me, from whom I have always had favour. Sorrow drew me to be silent at my last being before the lords, to find you so much disallowing of my course, which I do constantly hope you will have better conceit of when you shall see the manifest wrongs that [have] been done me by such as have informed of me, who let not to speak all untruths to make me seem contemptuous—as by this report, that I would rather live here until I have grey hairs than deliver anything, which is wrested and hath not been spoken by me. Rather than acknowledge myself a wrong doer in that which I had no thought of, I would have grey hairs, which was my speeches. I hope it be not unknown to you that I was charged with breaking of the bulk, with using my Lord Admiral's name, and taking away goods by violence, which points are discredits and mere wrongs to me. These I answered unto, for goods I could not answer for, neither ever have they been in my power to dispose of since my coming from the place where they were embarked. I beseech you to give so much credit to my deliveries as until they be disproved by such as inform against me by more sufficient men than yet have been brought, the better sort whereof have been rather suppressed than brought to speak or made auctors to what they speak of, to think my burthen great, to be imprisoned, defamed and brought in disgrace with my lords, of whom I never had thought to offend, to be taken for such as had possessed him of others' goods, which I protest I have not. Here are the greatest wrongs, which I crave may be examined.
Endorsed :—“26 May, 1595.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (32. 65.)
Examination of Samuel Wharton.
1595, May 27. “The examination of Samuel Whartonne, taken the 27th of May, anno 1595, before Mr. William Selby, Mr. Henry Chapman and Mr. George Farnaby, esquires, aldermen of her Majesty's town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.”
He saith about two years since he went from Gravesend to Flushing where he stayed six months or thereabouts, from thence to Bergen-op-zoom, to Dort, so to Utrecht, and from thence to Cologne and through High Germany into Italy and so to Rome; where remaining a certain time he went thence into Spain, landed at Barcelona, travelled thence to Saragossa, and so to Bayonne in France, whence shipping himself into a ship of Plymouth he came into England, arrived at Foy, near which place he remained till the pleasure of her Majesty's Council was known; from which place he was removed to London by their appointment; to whom he hath at large set down the course and cause of his travel, by whom he was discharged, and travelling into Yorkshire his native country by sea, he was stayed at Newcastle by the above-named gentlemen, her Majesty's justices.
Being further examined concerning his stay at Rome, he saith he stayed there about two months and more, for the most part in the Seminary there, and there had conference with divers of our Englishmen, his countrymen, and was within three days of his coming thither reconciled by Richard Cowling, father of the penitentiary there, being born at York.
¾ p. (32. 60.)
Lady Margaret Neville to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 27. Mishap drawing me ignorantly, not maliciously, into the company of recusants hath, partly by their example and partly by the persuasion of such teachers as were conversant amongst them, procured me, and that justly, to be deprived of the benefit of a subject, and brought me in danger of a shameful—but not sufficiently shameful—death in falling from obedience due to her Majesty; whose clemency extendeth to many, and to me most unworthy and yielding obedience to the Pope, whose malice would continually flow out to the shedding the blood of the whole land, if his mischievous imaginations might prosper. Thus sotted by persuasion and endangered by law, it hath pleased her Majesty, at the suit of the Lord Bishop of York, and your carefulness in effecting success, to grant me life when I deserved death, and maintenance when I ought to live by my misgovernment in want; the one an argument of her mercy, the other of her bounty, both yielded to me shall make me by continual prayer to God thankful for my deliverance from the devouring jaws of the lion, obedient to my Sovereign who hath by her gracious pardon freed my body from the gall of death, and ever thankful to you.—Thornton, 27 May, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (32. 66.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 28. Has seen Carron, to whom he stated on her Majesty's behalf that he would answer better in writing the objections made to the debt due to himself, which Carron asked him to put down in writing that he might communicate it more fully to the States. Hopes Cecil will be satisfied with the copy of his answers hereto annexed, and that he will be good enough to intimate the same to Carron, that he may make the States understand the debt will not be left in arrear.—28 May, 1595.
Endorsed :—“Reasons for her Majesty against the allegations of the States.”
Holograph. Italian. 1 p. (32. 67.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 28. This morning I have fresh letters from Holland and Zealand, and, with them, one from Thomas d'Arques, who had written another on 16 May; but in eight days it had not reached Middleburgh, so I fear it is lost. He had received the first payment and expected to get the others as they came due. The armada, or rather fleet, of the Indies had not arrived on 25 April. This is contrary to what the Italian merchants of Antwerp wrote; but such reports are often fictitious, and letters from Lisbon of 25 April say it had not arrived. King Philip continued the arrest of Flemish ships with the intention, it seems, “di non ricevergli piu all traffico,” which will much disturb the country. I learn on good authority that great distrust has arisen between Duke Mercurio and the Spaniards of Brittany, and this will greatly facilitate the reconciliation with the king of France as it was being treated more hopefully than before. If you wish to reply to D'Arques, send me the letter this week. As to the despatch of Mr. Bodley and my own interests I write nothing, trusting that you will remember them.—London, 28 May, 1595.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (171. 143.)
Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Lord Treasurer.
[1595, about May 28.] My duty, &c. “At my last being with Nicholas Williamson he endeavoured vehemently and offered to prove by many arguments this part of Creyton's letter, viz., Regem, &c., nunquam ad regnum Angliœ perventurum nisi fuerit Catholicus, to be improbable, whereunto I seemed to give a deaf ear. Being satisfied, by many arguments out of his own confessions, that he was that Anglus that went into Scotland bene instructus, (fn. 2) &c, I was bold to set before his eyes the danger he stood in if her Majesty should extend her justice against him, and that there was no way no [sic. to ?] move her Majesty to mercy but to discover such practises and plots as he knew against her Majesty or the State; and remembered unto him some parts of his confessions, whereby it was apparent that he was that Anglus bene instructus. Hereupon he became much dejected in his own expectation, and I perceived a great alteration in him; and yet could get nothing of any moment from him : and therefore I told him some other sharper course should be taken with him. And so I left him with a charge to the keeper to look carefully to him, and that he should not, if he would, offer any violence to himself. Yesterday I wrote a word or two to him to know those arguments whereby he would persuade the contrary to Creiton's letter in the point abovesaid, which, I assured him, I did not as one that doubted anything of it, but that he should be heard at large in anything he desired. In answer whereof he wrote unto me this long letter here inclosed, whereby your Lordship may perceive whereunto he hath of long time disposed his studies, and that he can discover much more than he hath yet done, and that he [hath] other confederates.”
I was to-day at Court to attend on you, and there told the Queen some of the chief points of his letter. She desired that Sir Robert Cecil and the Master of the Rolls should examine him, and that if he would not deal more clearly he should be committed to the Tower, “which her Majesty thought would cause him, for fear, without torture, to confess the truth.” I have examined Mr. Harpar, and found him, contrary to expectation, very repentant and full of tears. He agrees with Mr. Hacker in all things, and has “confessed all his dealings with the evidences and writings in Williamson's house, but never dealt with any of them alone, nor, as he protesteth, never saw anything offensive to her Majesty or the State amongst the same.” I did this in the Master of the Rolls' absence, but expect him to-morrow morning.
Endorsed :—1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (48. 6.)
W. Fleetwood, Receiver-General of the Court of Wards and Liveries, to Lord Burghley.
1595, May 29. It pleased the Queen at such time as she made me general receiver of the Court of Wards and Liveries to grant me by her letters patent (besides the usual fee of 100 marks the year) such fees and allowances as any way belonged to that office in as ample manner as Sir William Dansell had the same. In the time of the late King Philip and Queen Mary, upon Sir William's suit, alleging that the revenue of the Court growing greater than before his charges also increased, as well for the receipt of the said treasure and for keeping and engrossing of books touching his accounts as for keeping of more clerks and servants, he had an increase of 50l. by the year to his former fees, amounting in all to 210l. Forsomuch as her Majesty's revenue of the same Court doth rather increase than diminish, my suit is that 50l. by the year may also be allowed to me from the day of the death of George Goring, esquire, late general receiver, during my life.—29 May, 1595.
Signed. 1 p. (32. 68.)
Margery, Lady Norris to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 29. I would very willingly have taken my leave of you, but my evil hap was such as when I was at the Court you were at London or with the Queen, so as I could by no means speak with you. That I had now to say was only to crave the continuance of your favour to myself and my sons, and to give you thanks for the favours you have already bestowed upon us.—29 May.
Holograph. ½ p. (32. 69.)
Richard Carmarden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 29. Upon Tuesday last her Majesty sent Mr. Killigrew for you to have written a letter unto Sir Francis Godolphin about a thing which I delivered unto her from one Gribble, who is presently to ride down about the same. But you not being there and gone from your house back again to Court before I came, not knowing whether her Majesty did remember it, do beseech you to know her Majesty's pleasure, because of Gribble's present departure into Cornwall. It is about ambergrease; if it please you to say so to her Majesty, she will then well remember to signify her pleasure therein to the knight. To avoid the blemish of ingratitude I presumed farther than became so mean a subject for her gracious favour towards my old friend Mr. George Goring, for that I understand my lord your father meaneth to deal very severely with him for recovery of his father's debt to her Majesty; wherein his lordship is not to be blamed for he doeth but his office. But it will utterly overthrow the gentleman and his house, which would be a great grief unto me, that he which hath wrought my good with her Majesty should be overthrown and I not able to work his good again. My humble suit is that it would please her Majesty to take her own without his ruin, which cannot be but with her gracious message by you to his lordship not to deal so severely with him as he is bent to do. If you had been present when her Majesty called for you, I was in good hope to have found that grace at her hands for him.—London, 29 May, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (32. 70.)
Sir Charles Davers to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 30. I leave unto the letters which this bearer will bring you the report of the King's late happy success against the Italian army, wherein God and the justness of his cause made it indeed more happy than reason could have hoped, considering that the time, the place, the advantage of number and all other circumstances that add strength and force to such action, were all very favourable unto his enemies. His victory must not be considered by the number of the dead, which could not be great, their retreat being so near, the fight continuing not above an hour nor the chase above a mile, and all the blows lighting upon well armed horsemen; but by the manifest overthrow it gave unto all their cavalry, the amazement it struck in their army, and those that defend these castles, as by your letters you may perceive some effects.—“From Digion, the 30 of May, 1595.”
Holograph, Seal. 1 p. (32. 71.)
Dr Julius Caesar to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 30. My lord Admiral told me this morning that I was greatly bound to you for your favour in a matter wherewith you acquainted him yesterday. What the cause was he would not disclose unto me. But I easily believe that whereof I have so often felt and tasted, even your favour; which begun in your most worthy and noble father towards my father above forty years since, and continued towards me, not only during mine attendance on his lordship but ever sithence, and daily recontinued by you, hath tied me so fast unto you that by God's grace I will endeavour by all good duty and faithful service to requite the same.—Doctors' Commons, 30 May, 1595.
Holograph. ½ p. (32. 72.)
The King of Scotland to the Queen.
1595, May 31. The action of spoil, so long pursued before your Council by our subject, Archibald Johnston, burgess of Edinburgh, in his own name and his partners', resting over unmotioned this good time through his infirmity and heavy disease still continuing, the same is now by special commission of him and his partners developed in the person of this bearer, Edward Johnston, one of the same partners and as procurator for the whole. Which has given him occasion to repair thither for wakening of that cause, prosecuting of the execution of the decree and sentence of your Council already recovered by the said Archibald, and the redress of their whole loss at the hands of such as he may challenge participant any ways of that spoil. Wherein, thinking by our mediation to reap your favourable help and furtherance, seeing heretofore ye have kythed some pitiful regard toward these our distressed subjects, and that by your command this matter has had some good success in justice, we have therefore accorded to request your right effectuously, our dearest sister and cousin, that by you favour and direction of your council he may have the benefit and speedy execution of that sentence already pronounced, with expedition of justice against such as he shall particularly complain of.—Holyrood House, the last day of May, 1595.
Signed by the King. 1 p. (133. 135.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May 31. Illness has left me weak as usual. I gave such information to Mr. Carron, both verbally and in writing, with regard to my debt, as I trust will weigh both with Her Majesty and them of Holland so that it may finally be included in the agreement; and meanwhile I hope Her Majesty will relieve my present difficulties, of which I mean to write to your father. Thomas d'Arques has received two payments and has written for two more. I am displeased that he wrote to us to send his letters to Lille, whereas he was still at Antwerp nine days ago. He has caused Back to write to me (mi ha fatto scrivere del Back) that in Brabant there is an appearance of treating an agreement with Holland and Zealand, and promises particulars. The city of Brussels has forcibly prevented the Spaniards from entering it, and the Germans have mutinied; so there is a tendency to disorder, which may perhaps assist the agreement.—From my house, 31 May, 1595.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (171. 144.)
Edward Lenton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, May. My hand hath been already a bad minister to me, otherwise (your honour referring part of your answer to the proof of my pen) it would rather have drawn me nearer you than set me further off. Notwithstanding, this second and last time I presume to offer these rude letters (too brown to blush) finding myself, in your presence, too much amused with an unexpected answer; which I (as mine own favourite) would term virtus repulsæ nescia. To prove that my consecrated affection is not projected as a colour to further my design (under promise of employment at my return) I will undertake a journey into France for my further enabling, although (being the younger son of a younger brother) it were fitter for me to be already in the way of preferment than wandering to the way.
Endorsed :—“May, 1595.”
Holograph. 1 p. (32. 73.)
Nicholas Williamson.
1595, May. “A note of such as took away the writings and goods of Nicholas Williamson out of his house at Wylne in May, 1595.” Hacker and Langley, two of the Earl's men, about the beginning of May, 1595, coming to Nicholas Williamson's house to Wylne in Derbyshire, where his wife doth lie, would have entered, which his wife would not suffer them to do. Then they offered to have entered by force, which Williamson's wife did withstand; and thereupon they did send for Mr. John Harper, one of her Majesty's justices of peace in co. Derby. When he came they entered Williamson's house, searched every part and took away all the writings and papers they found there, which were a great company, and a great part of the goods in the same house; and searched in the steeple of the church there, where they did find divers things hidden which they did also take away.
And Williamson's wife did deliver a great company of her husband's writings about January last past to the keeping of Mr. Pearsall of Staffordshire, as many as would go into two pillow beers.
½ p. (32. 74.)


  • 1. Sic, but Sir R. Cecil was not made Secretary till July 1596.
  • 2. See page 124.