Cecil Papers: April 1595, 16-30

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1595, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp173-195 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1595, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp173-195.

"Cecil Papers: April 1595, 16-30". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol5/pp173-195.

April 1595, 16–30

William Wayte to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 16. The Lords of the Council have directed their letters on my behalf, whereunto I shall beseech you also to subscribe; and besides this I have another humble suit to make, wherein I blush for fear of offence to speak, yet emboldened with remembrance of your honourable disposition and of that old adage, “Spare to speak and spare to speed.” So it is that having obtained these letters I was purposed forthwith to make my journey, whereby I might have supplied my wants and been enabled to pay my debts until I had procured from her Majesty some better means. But the baylies here of Westminster have frustrated my purpose, for they have arrested me upon an execution, and am now prisoner in the Gatehouse, fearing there are divers other actions will also be laid upon me, which if they should, both I, my poor wife, and many our children were utterly undone. Begs that any such actions may be barred, etc.—16 April, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (31. 90.)
Lord Admiral Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 16. I do send you a letter that came from Sir H. Palmer from the Narrow Seas [see p. 171]; there is something worthy the consideration, which I have marked. You shall also see by his letter how I do threaten them and wish them to be only careful of her Majesty's service. I pray you acquaint your father with it. There is two ships making ready to go to them in the Narrow Seas; they will be ready within these eight days. It is likely that this Spanish fleet is but to begin again at Brest; if the King will not look to it now and prevent it, as he may easily do, I will never wish her Majesty to be at any more charge for it. But this shall be my counsel, to have the Islands of Guernsey and Jersey looked unto, and warning given to Plymouth and the coast to have good watch and care for sudden incursions; Sir F. Godolphin would be written unto to look unto the Isles of Scilly, and I think the request that he made, which my lord your father hath, should be liked, and in my opinion very reasonable. I do take some physic tomorrow, but the next day or Saturday, God willing, I will not fail my being at the Court. In the meantime, if there be anything for me to do, let me know by a few lines and you shall see it despatched, for I am not idle here. Mr. Boroughs was with me here yesterday two hours about her Majesty's service and I hope I did not neglect her Majesty's service. No more I did not whilst I was at Deptford, nor will not, I trust.
Endorsed :—“16 April, 1595.”
Holograph. 1 p. (31. 91.)
Export of Long Bows.
1595, April 16. Warrant, addressed to Lord Burghley, for the Landgrave of Hessen to buy in England and transport into Germany 100 long bows of “Ewe” and 2,000 arrows, as approved by Robert Browne, gentleman, sent for that purpose from the Landgrave.—Westminster, 16 April, 1595.
Sign Manual. 1 sheet. (31. 92.)
Matthew Hutton, Archbishop of York, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 16. According to my promise unto the Queen I am ready to pass a lease to the use of young Mr. Geo. Brooke for 21 years or three lives; but because there is nothing near out of lease, I was and am still content to pass into his use an advowson of some prebend without cure, either the next that shall fall or such as you shall choose, with most humble thanks to her Majesty that it hath pleased her to forbear to urge me to do anything against my conscience.—Canon Row, the 16th of April, 1595.
Signed. ½ p. (171. 125.)
Bernardino Binelli de Caresana to Sir Horatio Palavicino.
1595, April 16/26. Knowing your affection to that country I beg you to see this letter put in good hands; “e sia alla matina della dominica quanto tengano consiglio.”—Antwerp, 26 April, 1595.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (171. 130.)
The Earl of Oxford to Lord Burghley.
1595, April 17. I have asked Mr. Alderman Lacher whether he delivered any such speech or no to Lord Buckhurst, as that I should show him a letter from you wherein I was promised this suit of the tin before him. He protests the contrary, and I do believe him, for I assure your lordship I never showed him or any other any letter of yours. Nevertheless Lord Buckhurst he doth fear to become his heavy lord, for that he hath charged him to be the man that gave me information first of this suit, whereby, as he takes it, he hath been greatly hindered. But as for Carmarden, I do find he hath not a little doubled with me by divers actions of his and manifest dealings. Concerning the suit, that which I did was not my suit but to further her Majesty's service, wherein, if I failed, was not my fault of diligence, but the merchants', who first gave their promise and then brake it. And whereas I desired that the suit should pass in my name, [I] was not thereby to have gained, but to have raised the rent the more to her Majesty. All which things sythe they have not succeeded, hath not been any want of goodwill in me but want of credit from her Majesty. Wherefore, as in the beginning I had your promise to further my suit concerning the transportation of tin and lead, imposing thereon a crown or noble the hundred or fodder, so still I desire you to persevere, if it may stand with your liking, and that Lord Buckhurst dealeth no further, as he giveth out himself.—17 April, 1595.
Holograph. 1¼ pp. (31. 93.)
Thomas, Lord Buckhurst to Lord Burghley.
1595, April 17. The importunate suit of the tin merchants to have a present resolution of acceptance or denial from her Majesty doth greatly trouble me, for I know not how to hold them any longer in such a deferring course till after the holidays, as her Majesty determineth. For they urge still (and I know most truly) that the tin now left is already even with the least, to accomplish these things which of necessity are to be done, and that, if it be longer, they will no longer be tied to proceed therein : for so might they stand bound to pay her Majesty this great rent the next year, and lose the means of keeping the stock of tin in their hands, without which policy they cannot possibly undertake so great a rent. By this enclosed you shall see their answer, which I beseech you to acquaint her Majesty with, and that they may presently receive her acceptance or refusal of their offer. For if her Highness by this detract of time do lose 5,000l., as by the offers underwritten will appear, then must not the blame be laid upon me. Yesternight, by my debating with their solicitor, they have accorded that her Majesty shall have her choice of these three offers.
The first is, the rent of 5,000l. yearly, for the pre-emption [as they can agree for ready money]. The sole transportation [unknown]. The coinage [is yearly 2,465l.]. The custom outwards [is yearly 647l.].
The second is, the rent of 7,000l. yearly, for the pre-emption. The sole transportation. [The Q. Majesty hath yearly 3,113l.]. The coinage. [2,465l.]. And to reserve to her Majesty the custom outwards. [Which is 647l.].
The third is, the rent of 5,000l. yearly for the pre-emption. The sole transportation. And her Majesty to reserve to herself the coinage, the custom outwards.
I humbly beseech you, if it be possible, that I may understand her Majesty's resolution herein this night, for your lordship knows it admits no deferring; or else that with her good favour I may discharge them.—17 April, 1595.
[The sentences in brackets are added by Lord Burghley.]
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (31. 94.)
Richard Connocke (?) to Lord Buckhurst.
1595, April 17. I have, according to your commandment, dealt with the undertakers for the pre-emption of the tin of Devonshire and Cornwall, to attend some small time yet for the end of her Majesty's resolution therein; alleging such reasons as might best serve for the purpose, and as you advised me, which they strongly encountered with reasons impossible for their longer dependency. It can be no less, say they, than six days before the book be drawn and engrossed; taking their journey the next day, it will be seven days before they come into the country, and fourteen days spent there at the least to treat with the tinners, and seven days for their return. Then have they but three weeks to satisfy her Majesty for her assurance to furnish so great a stock as is requisite, and to send it down into the country against the time limited, and to provide also factors to be resident in the country for that purpose : adding further, that this delay doth but give opportunity to the merchant tinners of London and others to labour the country not to like the motion, and so the Queen may lose the thing offered. So it appeareth very certain there is no possibility of a due proceeding if it receive not his end with all possible speed. Their answer shall be as acceptable from you with a denial, say they, as with a promise, which they beseech you not to take in evil part if you hear no further of them in this cause; standing, it seemeth unto me, in some doubtful conceit that your lordship forbeareth to be earnest with her Majesty for some other special cause that concerneth yourself, and think that I have been negligent also in soliciting you for them with due remembrances of the necessity of the former time. As to a grant of seven years, they say they can no ways assent to yield this great rent without certainty of twenty-one years. Three years will be spent before they shall settle this business in any good course, and they make account to have the fortune as well of bad years as good; and then to provide so great a stock, and give over their trade in all other courses, and to betake themselves wholly to this trade, so dangerous and full of adventure, for few years, were utterly to overthrow their estates.—17 April, 1595.
Signed, but the name has been scratched through. Seal. 1 p. (31. 79.)
Sir Anthony Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 17. I am here in the country and, as far as I can judge, exiled from all hope of recovering such grace in the Court as my best endeavours have ever held their course for; which though it be the greatest unhappiness that could happen a man that hath kept no time in store for any other use, yet it is so much benefit unto me, that the apparent favours of those I have cause to love and honour give me knowledge what I owe them in service and thankfulness, especially to you who in the nobleness of your disposition have been more bountiful unto me than any ability I can compass can make me deserve.—Inglefield, 17 April.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. 1 p. (31. 96.)
Matthew Hutton, Archbishop of York, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 17. I thank you very heartily for your good news touching the poor Lady Margaret Nevill, and your charitable pains in procuring her good. By such godly actions you tread in the footsteps of your wise and renowned father. Her Majesty's mercy shewed to a poor penitent sinner doth plainly declare a divine and heroical clemency in so mighty a prince, in that her Highness not only granted her life, for which I was a suitor, but also allowance for her maintenance, which I durst not presume to move to her.—“From Royston, in my wearisome journey,” 17 April, 1595.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (171. 126.)
Edward Fag and Thomas Taylor.
1595, April 17. Petition to the Queen for a lease in reversion of the manors of Westwell and Tenham, Kent, of which they are tenants, in consideration of their expenditure thereupon.—Undated.
Note by J. Herbert, that the Queen grants the petition.—Court at Whitehall, 17 April 1595.
1 p. (420.)
Allen Sandforth to the Queen.
1595, April 17. Petition for a lease in reversion of house and lands in Muchland, Lancaster, of which he is tenant.—Undated.
Note by J. Herbert, that the Queen grants the petition.—Court at Whitehall, 17 April 1575.
1 p. (1089.)
Herbert Croft to the Queen.
1595, April 17. Petition for a new lease of the manor of Brimfield, Hereford, of which he is tenant.—Undated.
Note by J. Herbert that the Queen grants the petition, in view of petitioner's service about her royal person.—Court at Whitehall, 17 April 1595.
1 p. (1817.)
Lord Burghley to Mr. Ferrers, deputy-governor at Stode.
1595, April 18. I have received your letter of 2nd of this month, advertising that one Roloff Peterson, a citizen of Lubec, came unto you to inquire whether you had any order from Her Majesty or her Council touching certain things, to the value of 500l., delivered to the use of her Majesty, for the which he showed you her Majesty's hand, as you write. For mine own part I never heard or knew anything thereof, but do rather think that the same is counterfeit than otherwise. And therefore I pray you require to see that writing again, and take a copy of it and some witnesses to testify that it is a true copy; and take heed that you make not any payment of the said 500l., or any part thereof, until you shall receive further direction from me.—From the Court at Whitehall, 18 April, 1595.
Endorsed :—“Received 15th May, 1595; answered 16th ditto.”
Signed. ⅓ p. (31. 98.)
Tobie Matthew, Bishop of Durham, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 19. May it please you to procure my restitution to the temporalities from the time of my lord Archbishop's translation to York, which was March 24. Otherwise I shall want the benefit of the receipts due at the Annunciation, when, albeit there be rents payable, yet a few small pensions are due, to the value of 60l., which to her Majesty is no great matter to save, yet somewhat for me to lack, being no rich man “ywisse,” having nothing at all to live on until Whitsuntide rents be paid, which in that country come in very slowly. My lord of Winchester and Norwich, as I understand, were restored from Michaelmas, albeit the one was not translated nor the other consecrated “while” after Christmas. My journeys hither and home again are very chargeable. Present hospitality there will be looked for, both sooner and greater of me than of a stranger. If the lord Treasurer or your honour would move her Majesty herein, I hope very confidently of her most gracious favour, the rather in regard of that pension of 100l. yearly issuing out of the bishopric, to be answered by me after the precedent of my predecessors. Did not my sermon appointed to-morrow before her Majesty detain me, I should myself have waited upon you.—19 April, 1595.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (31. 99.)
John Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 21. I sent you two days since a letter from the bishop of Limerick; I think it concerned his desire to remove to Armagh, but with what hope or likelihood, you can better tell than either he or I. Wherefore, because his man is come this morning to me, advise me what I might answer him.—This 21 April.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (31. 100.)
Confession of Edward Codrington.
[1595,] April 21. Hath been a scholar at Doway and Rheims, where he studied rhetoric and logic, and ending these studies was desirous to return into England to live amongst his friends; which when those of his college understood, they gave him some small matter towards his transportation, but by reason of the slenderness thereof was driven to take this course to come into Zealand and thence to England, bringing those counterfeit passports under the hand of Sir Thomas Baskervile the better to pass. The said passports were given him by a priest in Gravelinge whose name was Sceedmore. Would have stayed in Calais expecting news from Mr. Polewhell, who promised him friendship for procuring his passport, but could not tarry for want of money.
Met with Henry Theckell on the way between Calais and Gravelinge, who was purposing to take any desperate course, he cared not what it were, to keep him out of this eminent danger. He would have sung bass in a church, but Codrington persuaded him to return, and they would put their moneys together and go forward into England, and then he returned back to England with Codrington.
Saith he is called Edward Codrington and is a Gloucestershire man; his father's name, John Codrington, his uncle's, Simon, which is his father's eldest brother. Touching any service to the College, never minded to do any for them, but quietly to return to his country and live among his friends.
Knew Theckell to be a student in a college at Rheims, but he departed thence for England, not with any intent to be a priest, but said he was a lawyer's clerk in England. Protests that this was all his acquaintance with Theckell.
Endorsed :—“Confession of Edward Coderington, taken in Vlishinge the 21 of April.”
Unsigned. 1 p. (37. 1.)
M. Beauvoir la Nocle to the Earl of Essex.
1595, April 22/May 2. Je ne veux pas faire ce tort á M. de Gorges de vous dire de nos nouvelles, j'entens de celles de nostre estat, car je vous apprendray en peu de mots ce que vous pouvez scavoir des miennes; c'est, Monsieur, que je suis vostre serviteur, et que je desire de le vous tesmoigner plustost par les effects que par discours. Toutesfois, j'escris un peu plus amplement au bon homme M. de la Fontaine, duquel s'il vous plaist entendre ce qui sera digne de vous, je me promets qu'il en prendra tres volontiers la peine. Je suis marry de ne mestre peu trouver à la depesche de M. de Gorges pour ly servir en ce qu'il eust desire de moy comme serviteur obligé de vostre Maistresse et de tout l'estat en general.—De Paris, ce ij jour de May, 1595.
[P.S.] Monsieur, j'ay escript par une precedente, et enchoares par ce present despesche, bien amplement a M. de la Fontaine les occasions pourquoy il ne s'est enchoares faict pardecea aucun despesche sur le subject de mon retour. Je vous supplie l'entendre de luy, et vous asseure que dans huict jours la Royne en aura plus ample dont je seray le solliciteur; et si j'eusses peu aller à Fontainebleau aussy tost comme il m'estoit ordonné du Roy, M. de Gorges eust remporté le tout avec icelluy. Je crois que ce sera mon secretaire, du moings vous puis-je asseurer que ce le sera si le voules, qui sera envoyé en qualité d'agent attendant qu'on envoye ung ambassadeur. Je ne vous oseroys asseurer que ce sera M. de la Noue, mais bien vous asseureray-je que le Roy y est resolu, et ne tiendra que au dit Sieur de la Noue.
Signed, and postscript holograph. Seal. 1 p. (171. 135.)
Thomas Bodley to Lord Burghley.
1595, April 23. A contrary wind hath kept him from Burghley's of March 22 till 14th of this month : received then also another from her Majesty to the General States, by the address of Sir Robert Cecil, in favour of the debt owing to Sir Horatio Palavicino, which he exhibited out of hand and pleaded his cause as well as he could. Their answer thereunto and to his general proposition about reimbursement is delivered him, but nothing said in regard of a further offer of some actual satisfaction to be made her Majesty. Although they were in talk how somewhat might be done, yet doubting in part how the country would perform it, and partly how her Majesty would accept of a little, they grew to no conclusion. All their answer, some points excepted, is the same he signified the 22nd of February, when he reported his reply; knows not what more can be added now. Is again persuaded nothing will prevail whatsoever he say; the matter is so fit for replies and rejoinders there would be no end of disputing upon it. What they have alleged of their detriments by floods and water breaches he supposes to be so, for some have been committed to take particular information of all the harm done in every part of the Provinces, and their losses amount to a very great sum, a principal cause of their slackness in assenting to this year's contributions. The Provinces commonly pass their consents by the last of January, or immediately upon it, and now only Holland, Utrecht, and Gelderland have accorded their portions. Where in their answer they require he would signify what they had said by word of mouth and is omitted in their writing, to discharge his duty this is all he remembers unsignified. They say they had oftentimes debated his message, and were exceedingly perplexed in desiring that both her Majesty might be pleased and their own estate preserved : but although they had been busied as never in any other matter, they found it impossible to do what was required, and thought very much to be pressed unto it. “We do all,” say they, “confess that we are bound to her Majesty next to God for this shew of assurance whereto our country is reduced; for which it doth not become us to contest with her in words about the equity of our cause, but yet to say, as the truth is and every man knows, we are far from that tranquillity whereupon we concluded our treaty with her Highness. It is also to be shewed that since the very first year we could never enjoy those forces and numbers for which we had contracted and pawned our towns. And that which paineth us most is to see that her Highness doth continually disburse very great sums of money for payment of her people, and yet matters are so carried that neither she nor the country hath the use of their service as in reason were behoofull. For many more might be spared from the cautionary towns and from Ostend than we could ever yet obtain by any instant intreaty; and of those that have been sent us we were evermore uncertain what account to make of them, through their often revocations and cassings and countermands and other doubtful messages, which put us clean out of course of an orderly proceeding, both for casting our plots and achieving our attempts. Again, her Highness may remember that in the year '85, before the Treaty was concluded, we did flatly refuse, as the preface thereunto doth express very plainly, to contract for a lesser aid than 5,000 foot and 1,000 horse. For we know a less number would but draw our wars at length and cause the people to despair when they saw that their troubles would never have an end : whereof we looked for no other but a sudden composition and agreement with the enemy. All this notwithstanding, we cannot at this present, nor could these two years, bring 1,000 men of her Majesty's companies to the service of the field.” These and like speeches were delivered him by word of mouth but in very humble terms; to make him partaker of his answers were tedious. After he had spoken what was meet for her Majesty, he let them understand that words and writings were good cheap, and that needs they must determine to make some other payment. For though their state was not so good as commonly supposed, they were not yet to seek of a competent means to gratify her Majesty. If they should not shew their thankfulness unto her, he doubted the sequel in regard of her displeasure. But they were wonderful vehement in protesting they were destitute of means to satisfy her Highness, and could yield her not only that 100,000l. which Burghley requires to be paid every year, but not a far lesser sum, without incurring the peril of utter confusion. Where they understood he meant to convey their answer to her Majesty, and not carry it himself, as they had imagined he would after it was delivered him in writing, they called him to their public assembly, and there entreated, or rather conjured, him (they spake with such affection) in a matter whereon so much depended for her Majesty's good as well as theirs, himself to return with their answer, and lay before her Majesty not only those reasons which advance her demands, but also directly and sincerely the full estate of their affairs : which would cause her, they were certain, to run some other course than such as might occasion the flat subversion of the country. They would willingly send some Deputy of their own, but it could not be done without writing to the Provinces, which would but make a long work. Having made excuse for divers causes, chiefly for want of her Majesty's licence, they urged him so earnestly and promised to write so effectually unto her he need not doubt but it would be well construed. “At which their instant desire, because I consider that here I can do little till I see how her Highness will proceed upon their answer, and that I may at her pleasure return again as soon as any messenger, I have thought it fittest for her service not to stand upon denial. But that which moveth me most unto it is an overture made unto me in private communication by a Deputy of Holland; which whether it proceed from the party alone, or with some notice of the States, I am not well assured, for he protesteth unto me he doth it altogether without the privity of his colleagues, and although I believe it, I cannot but conjecture that somewhat hath been spoken in the meeting among them whereby he hath good knowledge how the rest are affected and doth direct himself thereafter. His drift in this overture is so to proportion her Majesty's demand with the country's ability as it may be brought to pass with the liking of the inhabitants, and both be very honourable and beneficial to her Majesty.” Because the matter is but rarely imparted unto him and hath many points to be duly considered, it may hold him there seven or eight days. Has sent meanwhile their answer, with their letters to her Majesty and the Council, of which one concerns Sir Ho. Palavicino's debt. Burghley being advertised of the troubles at Embden by Mr. Gilpin, he has sent enclosed the proposition of their Deputy to the General States, containing the reasons of their taking arms. It seems the town is resolved to write unto her Majesty to crave her favour in their cause, or at least to entreat her not to hearken to the Count, who, they say, prepareth to subdue them by force. Is certainly advertised the King has been moved by Colonel Stuart to pray her Majesty to enjoin him not to cross his request. Howbeit it is thought the King will not write. Knows not how the Colonel meant it, as conceiving that he, Bodley, opposes him, or whether it be but a practice to make trial indirectly how her Majesty is affected in his suit. Has not thwarted him in other sort but that he wished the States to deal in that matter with the privity of her Highness. Has since made it known she can be well pleased that the King should be assisted. Nevertheless is sure they have made him no grant. Trusts he shall not find his coming unpleasing to her Majesty, because his abode shall need to be but short, and because he is assured it will benefit her service.—From the Hague, 23 April, 1595.
Endorsed :—“Copie of my letter to my L. Treasurer.”
Unsigned. [Birch, i. 230–233.] 5½ pp. (31. 103.)
The Earl of Oxford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 24. Whereas I have dealt with the Earl of Derby about my daughter's allowance, and he hath promised me to assure her to that intent 1000l. a year, I now understand, upon some discontentment that he hath not attained to that honour which, it seemeth, he did at this time expect, he determines to-morrow to depart into Lancashire, and hath neither in his house or for herself set down any stay, whereby, either in her own lodging or if she shall follow her attendance upon her Majesty, she is provided as his wife. I do therefore most heartily desire you as her uncle to deal earnestly with my Lord Treasurer, to whom I have also written, that he would send unto him or speak with him that either he should fulfil his promise, or until such time as he shall, to take that order which is fit for her place wherein she serves her Majesty and for his wife. I do understand by my daughter how good an uncle she finds you and how ready to friend her. Of what fancies his humours are compounded you know well enough, and therefore I pray you to be earnest with my Lord that he may deal effectually upon so good a ground as his word and honour given. Also I understand that my Lady Russell, for some offence conceived of my daughter, hath lately written to my Lord Treasurer to dissuade him to urge the Earl of Derby. But for that she was herself the first that moved this allowance, and hath since altered her mind upon some conceit, I hope my Lord will not be carried away upon such unconstant balance. Yet if you find any such hindrance, I pray you nevertheless stick to your niece and further her in what you can, since her desire is just in that it is his promise, and reasonable in that she is his wife.
Endorsed :—“24 April 1595.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (31. 106.)
Gerard Lowther to Sir Thos, Heneage, Vice-Chamberlain of the Household.
1595, April 24. In behalf of my nephew Gerard Lowther. So it is that his wife, the widow of Edmond Cleborne, in whose right he possessed the wardship of body and land of his son-in-law Thomas Cleborne, granted by my lord Treasurer as Master of the Wards, and also was seised of a jointure out of the said lands, having died within eight days, the jointure is descended to the ward, and now in my lord Treasurer to grant. Gerard is chargeable to the younger children in 360l. by reason of this jointure, and notwithstanding the haste that might be made by him, one Umfrey Wharton, by false suggestion that he is to be charged with the children, which is mere untrue, hath procured the lease of the jointure from my lord Treasurer. I crave that by your speedy means to my lord Treasurer the sealing thereof may be stayed and the lease granted to my nephew.—24 April, 1595, in all haste.—Burray brigge.
Holograph. 1 p. (31. 107.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1595, April 24. By Captain Browne I received your letter, and Mr. Bodley being resolved to make a step over for business, whereof you shall understand at large when he shall be there arrived, I am forced to change my resolution and stay my intended journey till some other opportunity. From Hull I received a letter yesterday, written in Antwerp the 11th of this month. He persevereth in resolution to go forward with the service and watcheth opportunity, having since his last dealt so with Hunings, Sir Wm. Standlye's lieutenant, of his company colonel, that they are joined in the practice, upon condition that he shall have his pardon and be recompensed otherwise after the service done, which I have promised by my letter to Hull; but to content them the more, if it would please you with two or three words to assure Hull that he may trust to my promise, I know it would much furder the matter. He writes me of a great familiarity used of late between Paget and Jaques about some practice which he doubts not to discover and will forthwith satisfy me thereof; for my haste was such as I could not copy all Hull's letter to send you, so I have set down part, and the letter itself Mr. Bodley shall bring with him. The matters negotiated of by Mr. Bodley, both about the restitution and the Scottish dealings, I leave to his report. As yet Count Maurice hath not resolved with the States what shall be attempted this summer, which I doubt shall be little unless the enemy be busied with France. He doth now draw his forces into the land of wars, and [it] is assuredly thought his intent is to besiege Hulste. La Mote commands the forces there as general; and Verdugo is gone into the land of Luxemburg, with all the bands of ordinance and two regiments of foot, to join with others that were there afore, and so to make war against the Duke of Bouillon, who is thought to be but weak. The men that were a levying about Cullyn (Cologne) are passed the Rhine in the land of Bergh, and doubted, for all the shew made that they should go against the Turk, that the meaning is to employ them against the States in the Zutphen quarter. I have not known their troops so weak this four or five years, and few now found that are willing to serve in the wars, which the dearness of all things and the small pay is thought to be cause of; and the country cannot be furder charged unless it should be put to the trial what the people would say, which think themselves already burdened very sore. We shall ere long perceive whereunto the world will tend, and as matter shall be offered, I will still presume to trouble your lordship with my rude letters.—Hague, this 24th April, 1595.
Holograph Seal. 1¼ pp. (171. 127.)
Encloses :
Hull to George Gilpin.
In the pardon, besides the name of Henry Hunnys, there must be named one Thomas Grienfield, hath long had the keeping of the lord of Arundel in the Tower of London, and he will be bound to shew divers things by those that doth bear their heads very high. Pray you to consider my good meaning in this my letter. You must take pains with this my simple writing, but of all things make haste in sending the parties, and also the pardon with the letter afore spoken of. This being done I hope to see you shortly. There is some great thing in hand betwixt the party you wrote of and Paget, which I hope shortly to get intelligence of, and as soon as I can perfectly learn it out I shall give you to understand of it. The matter doth not touch the Queen and Council. I attending to the thing you know cannot make that search I would gladly otherwise do, for you do know it is not good to have too many irons in the fire at once : but this I can assure you of, that the party is a villain against our country and one that, lest he be cut off very shortly, will do very much harm, for he doth continually invent to offend our country. Let him spit his venom; I trust he shall not long reign in his villany, and whatsoever I can inquire, doubt not I will give you knowledge of it.—From Antwerp, 21 April, 1595, new style.
Copy. 1 p. (171. 128.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1595, April 25. Since my last of the 21st of this present all the news we have is that the enemy hath divided those forces which lay in the land of Luk ever since the taking of Huy, whereof the one part under the conduct of Verdugo are marched into Luxemburg, as we gather, to recover those places which the Duke of Bouillon took of late. In which attempt we do expect that some notable rencontre will happen betwixt the Duke and Verdugo, the Duke having written unto Mons. Buzenvall that he would take the first occasion to fight, and he knew that Verdugo, if there be any indifferency of forces, will not be much provoked. With the other part La Motte is marched into Flanders, so that fearing he will besiege Hullst, the Count Solmes is gone into the town well provided to abide the brunt. When the enemy is engaged we shall be doing of something, and that maketh us expect with great devotion the certain news of this or any other siege. At my being at Berghes about the discharging of Sir John Poley his company, I was earnestly entreated by our Deputy Treasurer Kennell to signify unto you in his behalf, that whereas your lordship hath been informed concerning a debt of Sir John Poley's, for which he is now in law with Mr. William Poley his heir, that the said Kennell should by indirect and fraudulent means have raised this debt, whereby you might be drawn to disfavour his suit, on the which dependeth his whole estate; that at this my being at Berghes it was answered and sworn by the parties who received the money, that in the same place he disbursed 800l. of the debt in ready money to Sir John's creditors, and he hath likewise to shew sufficient testimony for the rest. I know that he hath been ready to pleasure all us poor men of this occupation. If myself were not greatly beholden unto him, I would not thus boldly presume to trouble you with his cause.—Hague, this 25 April, 1593.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (31. 108.)
John Ware to the Queen.
1595, April 25. Prays for a lease in reversion, for his services as sergeant of the Queen's pantry.
Endorsed :—25 April 1595.
Note by W. Aubrey that the Queen grants the petition.
½ p. (1850.)
Confession of Samuel Wharton.
1595, April 26. Wharton coming from York in the company of Wm. Rokeby, went from Gravesend to Flushing, where by Rokeby's means he was entertained in the company of Sir Roger Williams; where staying and disliking that idle life, he travelled to Rome.
Coming to Rome he met Father Cowling, a Jesuit, born in York, who knowing his friends, sent him to the College, where he lodged during his abode there. In which time he heard uttered amongst his countrymen divers speeches against her Majesty, her Council and others. He met there an Englishman, one Captain North, who so railed against my lord Treasurer and others as it did grieve him to hear. North told examinant he meant within these two years at furthest to land 40 Jesuits in England at Hull and to take the town, the manner of the taking whereof was this :—He would bring ships (to be builded like Flemings) and soldiers and 40 priests, and would come into the Humber and there lie; the customer of Hull should be acquainted with his coming and search his ships, and his men lying under hatches should not be seen. Then he should come to the quay and there lie till he had intelligence from some of the townsmen; then should some of his men go to the blockhouse where the papists are imprisoned, and should have the doors opened by devices to be effected by the prisoners, which they would devise, and then certify them thereof at Rome; then the other two blockhouses, which were furnished with ordinance and but meanly guarded; the gates should be opened and other soldiers keep those two places for their better strength, if need should require. Then should others enter the city, some to the church, others to the Castle, and others should play upon the town with the ordinance in the blockhouses and upon the waterside; and then draw up the sluices and so drown the country round about them; and after some space a proclamation should be made that whosoever would become papists should not be hurt, neither the wives, children nor goods; those that would not should die like heretics (as he termed them, “for,” saith he, “they of England are worse than the Turks”); and the Catholics in the country thereabouts hearing that Hull was taken would all repair to them, and by that means they should every day increase. Further, he hath certified the Spanish ambassador with the Pope of the perfect strength of all the best harbours in England. He hath also taught them the use of shooting arrows in muskets, which they had not before, for which he had got gold of the Duke of Sessa [margin : ambassador at Rome], but how much I know not.
I came from Rome in one of the Pope's galleys called The Lucca, wherein North came likewise, and as we went aland at Porta Venere he told me he was licensed to travel for two years by the Council, and had my lord Treasurer's letters for taking up money in his travels; “but,” quoth he, “I did not use it. Notwithstanding, I will, when we come at Genoa, take some of the English merchants if there be any there, and let my lord Treasurer pay it, for I am sure he will take up my land when he hears I am become a Catholic, but I had rather lose my land than my soul. Therefore, Samuel, write a copy of the letter and I will give you it in.” Which when I had written, he went into a chamber secretly, and there set my lord Treasurer's hand and seal to it, which I afterwards did see in his portmanteau. He was very bountifully used in the Pope's galleys, and carried divers letters with him from Cardinals and the King of Spain's ambassadors at Rome, Venice, and other places, and from the Emperor's court, for his service and preferment with the King of Spain, with whom, as I have since heard, he now is.
It was likewise told me by one Robert Shipperd, my countryman, a priest at Rome, that there were the 'Mettifesickes' coming from Dowa, which would be at Rome before Christmas, and that about Midsummer next or before ten priests should come, as Markham, Bennett, Lee, Hill, Chamber and others, into England, but he told me not where they should land, but they should be brought by Flemings. He told me he would with all his heart be in England if he might. During my abode in Rome he told me a Cardinal was sent to the King of France to reconcile him to the church, who returned from France presently when I was at Rome, and then Don John Francis Aldebrandino, the Pope's nephew, was sent to the Spanish court as ambassador from the Pope to conclude of peace betwixt France and Spain; with whom I came from Rome to Barcelona, and he from thence to Madrid, where he now remains.
I met at Barcelona an Irishman, a priest, that speaketh English, born at Kilkenny near Waterford, whose name is Richard Penbroke, a very good scholar, travelling towards England; with whom I travelled to Bayonne, where he now remains, for by reason he was hardly used, he said, by some English merchants there, he would not come into England, but get shipping thence or from Bilboa into his country.
While I stayed at Bayonne I was requested by one M. de Chasteau Martin to go back into Spain because the shipping was not ready. So I went to Fontarabia where I met Anthony Rolleston, an Englishman; where, when they understood I was an Englishman, they caused me to be brought into the town, and there I was kept five days or more. Being put to my shifts, by chance I had a pardon which was Mr. North's, and told them my name was North, and came from Rome, and had been sick, and was going into my country to recover my health; and when I was well I would return to come to study, at Valladolid. “Nay,” answered Rolleston, “if you intend to come again and study, it were better for you to go now whiles you are here, for by God's grace you may as well recover your health in Valladolid as in England. And because you have not money I will furnish you, and will write to father Charles Tancred, the minister there, which is your countryman, in your behalf, and will procure you our General's passport for your safe passage.” I was contented because I did see no other means for my delivery. The General being at St. Sebastian I stayed whiles he came home, and then had a passport and money in my purse with Rolleston's letter; but changing my way from Valladolid I came to St. John de Luce, and so to Bayonne, and thence now into England.
There was showed me at Rome the cords that did fest (fasten) Campion's hands, which they keep for relies; and do hold a yearly feast for his death.
When I came from Rome it was told me that the bishop of Cassano should be made cardinal in Cardinal Allen's place, who was then lately dead.
Underwritten :—“Exum. per W. Waad.”
Holograph. 4 pp. (31. 109.)
Examination of Thomas Richardson.
1595, April 26. He doth affirm that he is a northern man born, and dwelt in Skipton for six or seven years and taught children there, and did use to buy and sell linen. From thence he went about four years since into Ireland, meaning there to take some lands, where he remained these last four years at Waterford, until new year's tide last that he was robbed by one John Hughes of all that he had, to the value of 100l., and went thereupon into Spain to follow the said Hughes, whom he found at Madrid, and did, by means of a Spaniard called Sr. Daman, recover 34l. of Hughes. This Daman doth serve the Master of the King's jewels, and was taken here in the year '88 when the Spaniards were defeated, and doth speak broken English. After the examinate grew acquainted with Daman, he did understand by him that the King had intelligence of Sir Francis Drake's preparing to go to the seas, which doth wonderfully trouble him because of the Indian fleet that is to bring a great treasure [margin : “27 millions as they report”], and the King is in very great want of money. Another doubt the King hath is of Lisbon, but the river is so defended as he hath assured it, and there are likewise men in readiness for the further defence of that town. And he saith the said Indian fleet was looked for to arrive in Spain about the end of May, but it was thought, by reason of Sir Thomas Drake's setting to the seas, the King hath stayed the coming of the said fleet.
He further saith the King hath made very great preparations, but unless his money come he shall not be able to do anything to offend or invade; and he further saith Daman told him that the King's want was so great as he was in hand to tax his nobility and clergy to furnish soldiers; and saith that the King was driven to sell the plate of the Archbishop of Toledo that died, and to use the money he left to serve his turn.
He did learn there was an Irish bishop sent out of Spain to the Earl of Tyrone about Christmas last, with certain men with him, by whom the King promised to send the Earl 3,000 or 4,000 men every year to assist him, so as he hold out against her Majesty, but he affirmeth that the King will send no succour to him until he see what shall become of Sir Francis Drake's voyage. He further saith there is lately come out of Scotland from the northern lords a gentleman sent from them to the King, and a priest in his company. He further understood that where the northern lords did demand money of the King to be lent them, that the King doth offer to give them money so as they will assure him to land men in Scotland when he shall appoint, and to help with 10,000 men to serve him and join with his own forces, and he would see them duly paid. Hereupon the lords were written unto, and these lately come, as he doth think, have brought resolution.
There was a Spaniard here, called Alonzo Byzarto, that gave ordinary intelligence to the King, but this half year they have not heard from him; and now the chiefest intelligence they have is out of the Low Countries.
Signed. Underwritten : “Exm per W. Waad.” 3 pp. (31. 111, 112.)
Frances, Countess of Hertford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 26. Having lately been written unto by an honourable lady in France, Madam d'Angoulême, with whom I was brought up during the time I continued in that country, to desire my friendship unto her Majesty for the obtaining of a licence to transport eight or ten horses hence into France, thinking I had been still attendant on her Majesty as heretofore : I have made choice of you and your good lady, desiring you both to procure her Highness' licence to the same effect.—From Eilvetham, this 26 April, 1595.
Signed. 1 p. (31. 113.)
The Earl of Rutland's evidences of Belvoir.
1595, April 26. “A brief note of all the proceedings that hath been concerning the evidences at Belvoir since the death of Edward, Earl of Rutland [1587], till this present day, the 26 April 1595.”
1. In September 1588, a commission out of the Court of Wards was awarded to Mr. John Manners and others, and returned unexecuted.
2. In Michaelmas term, 1588, a commission was awarded to nine commissioners, whereof Mr. John Manners and others executed it, and made three schedules of the evidence at Belvoir; they left one in the evidence house and returned two into the Wards' Court.
3. Hilary term, 1588, Mr. Cecil exhibited a bill in the Wards' Court, praying delivery of evidence appertaining to his wife. Your lordship appointed one of the schedules to be delivered him, and he lost it next summer at Belvoir.
4. Trinity term, 1589, a commission was awarded which was executed and returned the Michaelmas term following. What they did appears by the book sent herewith, which was had from the Clerk of the Wards.
5. In Trinity term, 1590, a commission was awarded to deliver to Mr. Cecil and his wife all the evidence at Belvoir certified to belong only to her, and all evidence of land sold. They took those evidences out of the evidence house, locked them in a closet within the old great chamber at Belvoir, but would not deliver them.
6. In Michaelmas term a similar commission was awarded, and your lordship by warrant caused Mr. Hare to deliver under his hand a copy of the certificate out of the evidence. [The warrant is here.]
7. In January 1590, some of the commissioners went to Belvoir and delivered Mr. Cecil all the evidence they had locked up in the closet and returned the pedigrees and keys of coffers into the Wards' Court, [These are here.]
8. The keys of the evidence house door were delivered in Trinity term, 1589, to Mr. Cecil, Mr. John Manners, and Elizabeth, Countess of Rutland, with whom they were appointed by all the commissions following to remain. The keys of the coffers in the evidence house were by the commission delivered to Mr. Manners, Sir Ant. Tarrold (Thorold) and the Wards' Court.
9. The pedigrees, after much arguing, were by order of Court delivered to Mr. Cecil after his wife's death. [Delivered to John Fanner.]
10. By the commission in Michaelmas term 1588, Sir Geo. Chaworthe and others were examined concerning the evidence taken from Belvoir by John, Earl of Rutland, and his wife, and to her ladyship you wrote to certify you thereof : what the deponents deposed is yet unknown to all that dealt for the heir, for whenever we prayed publication, Screven pretended it was needful to examine Sir Edward Fitton and others what evidence was in my hands, who nevertheless were never examined.
2 pp. The passages in brackets are marginal notes.
(1.) Brief abstract of the above articles and notes thereon.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Hare's man's note what hath been done concerning my lord of Rutland's evidences.”
1 p. (171. 131, 132.)
Lord North to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 28. Good Sir Robert Cecil, you did earnestly persuade me and prayed me to friend Sir Horatio Palavicino with all kind offices. Faithfully meant, my usance is to be as good as my word, and purpose not to begin to break my honest promise to you. Albeit I have seen the knight since my coming down and sat by him many hours, yet there passed no more but ordinary salutations between us. I confess I was, upon your speech, and still I have my heart prepared to meet him with all good faith and honesty, yea, and more than the half way; and having now occasion to muster and renew our trained bands, and he ignorant what is to be done, I send you enclosed the copy of my letter to him, wherein I have for your sake begun to favour and ease him and his all I may at this service : Further protesting in the word of an honest man, that what words soever I had with the Queen of him, they were without malice or purpose to disparage his credit, howsoever they be taken or enlarged. I spake nothing but truth, but now I see that truth may not at all times uncommanded be uttered. You may, by this beginning of mine to break the ice to Mr. Palavicino, know that you have special interest in me.—At Kirtling, 28 April, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (31. 114.)
Encloses, The copy to Sir Horatio Palavicino.
For that there be some duties to be performed in her Majesty's service at this musters, wherein I think you ignorant and yet most forward, good Sir Horatio, to do things to further the same, I have thought good to respect you with all the favour that I may lawfully do. The law commandeth the appearance of all your men servants from 16 years old to 60, and the view of all your armour, shot, and weapons for footmen. Let it please you to inform yourself what armour, shot, and weapons you are bound to find by law; bring all that same fair written unto me at the muster and stay your furniture at home. You may also keep at home all or as many of your ordinary serving men to do your lady service as shall seem good unto you. Notwithstanding, I pray you to bring or send all their names in writing whom you do stay at home. Command your servants of husbandry not to fail to make their appearance. If you do please to come to the muster yourself, your presence will countenance and assist the service that day very well.—At Kirtling, 20 April, 1595. (31. 115.)
1 p.
Henry Savile to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 28. I perceive through the malice of some I shall be forced not only to use all my friends in this suit but to put them to infinite trouble; among whom having made special choice of yourself and your honourable father as chiefest proctors and patrons of my cause, I forsee what a hindrance it will bring both to your own and your greater friends' more weighty affairs. The man that may do most good in this matter is your father, from whom one commendation in cold blood, and seeming to proceed of judgment, shall more prevail with the Queen than all the affectionate speech that my lord of Essex can use. I will use no other means to his lordship but yourself, and have no other means of recompence to you both than the sincere profession of all my humble service; desiring you in the meantime to give me leave to bestow at your appointment 300 angels, which is but a small portion, as you know, of that which I would have been glad to have bestowed another way within these few months, and now by your favourable means am freed from that care.
[P.S.]—In the afternoon I mean to bring you an answer sufficient enough, as I hope, to the information put in.
Endorsed :—“28 April, 1595.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (32. 1.)
Lord Admiral Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595,] April 28. In favour of Mr. Buck, whom Her Majesty, talking with Mr. John Stanhope, herself named, showing a gracious disposition to do him good and think him fit, as sure he is, for one of the two offices of Mr. Necasious that is called unto God's mercy. For the French tongue he can do it very well to serve her Majesty.—From Chelsea, this 28 April.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (32. 2.)
Richard Willoughby to Dr. Hawkins.
1595, April 28. If my former sent you by the Cappony, by Mr. Morison, and Mr. Terill, our friends, come safely to your hands, I trust they shall satisfy in part your desire to have of my letters. The Pope hath given sentence that the Grand Master of Malta shall make his account into the Cavallieri of all their intrada received by him for 13 years past, and that he shall either disarm his two galleys or send them in corso with the rest, and the expenses and booty to be common to the whole order. He hath promised to aid the Emperor with 10,000 men, and hath given earnest in Venice for 6,000 harquebuses to be made for him in Bressia. For the nomination of the captains he expecteth Signor Francisco Aldebrandino his return from Spain, who is to be their general. The Emperor's ambassadors, being well satisfied of the Pope, do now solicit the other Italian princes. The Duke of Florence doth promise to send and pay 4,000; the Duke of Ferrara, if he goeth not himself general of all the Italian forces, will send Signor Marco Pio, prencipe di Sassolo, his favourite, with 6,000. The ambassadors as yet have not been with the rest. Pasquale Cigonia, our Duke of Venice, died the 1st of this present, and the 26th was chosen the procurator Marino Grimanni Doge, with great applause and satisfaction of all the subjects. In the Kingdom of Naples they levy 20 companies of soldiers, part to be sent into Savoy, part to furnish the galleys and to guard Calabria. From Naples there are parted 12 gallioni and 16 galleys to conduct the Indian fleet. With the rest of the galleys Don Pietro di Lieua doth go to unite himself with Toledo, general in Sicily, to resist the incursions of Amoral Rais, who is now alle fosse St. Giovani, upon the coast of Calabria, with 16 galleys and great number of Barbarian slaves to conduct them to Constantinople. The Turk (whose picture here enclosed I send you) is very severe. He hath caused to be executed Ebraim Bassa his brother-in-law, for having discovered some matters of state. He caused a butcher to be quartered on his own stool, and a baker to be burnt in his own oven, for false weights. To the nephew of the Persian, when he came first to salute him, he gave his manto reale, very rich, from his own back. He seeketh to maintain peace with all other princes to have the better commodity to revenge himself of the princes of Transylvania, Moldavia and Wallachia, against whom he hath sent already Ferat Bassa (who hath the place of Sinam) with 70,000 men; and to give more speedy order to those affairs, he mindeth to go to Andrinopoli, and Chaus Bassa who did serve him in Amasia (now primo vizier) shall govern Constantinople in his absence. There is no fear here of his armada for this year : his new admiral goeth forth only with 40 galleys to receive his presents.
The Emperor hath promised the Pope to have in field 60,000 foot and 13,000 horse. The States in Germany doth offer him 28,000 horse and foot at their own charges, besides their contribution accorded at Ratisbon. In the diet of Bohemia they have concluded to pay 16,000 men for six months, viz., in Bohemia 1000 reyters, 600 archibuggieri a cavallo, 1000 moschettieri and 300 fanti; Moravia 1500 cavalli and 2000 fanti; Silesia 2000 cavalli and 3000 fanti. His chief want is of expert captains. Massimiliano is general of Upper Hungary and Mattias was appointed for Lower, but now he goeth to Isproke to govern Tyrol, and the Marchese of Bergaw commandeth in Croatia. Signor Fer. Gonzaga shall be Mastro di Campo in his place, Count Charles Mansfelt lieutenant general, and doth expect his 6000 feet and 2000 horse paid by the King of Spain. The government of the Island of Comar is committed unto him, and Conte Girolamo di Ladrone, with 10,000, shall be to govern and defend Vienna. In Cracovia the Polakes have concluded to aid the Emperor if the Empire will promise to aid them in like occasion. The widow Queen of Polonia hath left great store of treasure to the King. The bishop of Livonia, lately made Catholic, is in Rome, much favoured by the Pope and lodged in his own palace with him. The Prince of Transylvania hath had very happy and glorious victories, with great prey and slaughter of the Turks and Tartars, and lately hath overthrown Cariman Bassa di Buda with great bloodshed, one of the sons of Ferat Bassa being slain, and Mostefat, nephew to Sinam, taken prisoner, with many others. His ambassador, Signor Stefano Bortkay, hath solemnised his marriage in Gratz with the daughter of Archduke Carlo, but the Emperor hath deferred the consummation till next winter, when he shall have more leisure.
French affairs are still tossed with contrary winds and waves. M. de Biron hath taken the castle of Baon. Tramlincort and St. Georgio makes “scorreries” in the county of Bourgogne, where the Constable of Castile is, with the Spanish forces, united with the Dukes D'Umena (De Maine) and Nemours, who hath taken Ciatilion (Chatillon) and fortifieth it against Lyons. Neglecting all composition with the King, he hath put into Vienna Spaniards and Neapolitans, but under French captains. The King hath sent to Lyons M. Forget and wich [wishes ?], to content Memorency, that the Duke de Joyeuse be governor of Toulouse, Carchason and Norbona (Narbonne). There is great enmity between M. d'Epernon in Provence and La Diguières in Dauphiny, which M. Bellievre and Corso could not pacify when Diguières was at St. Prix by Lyons. M. de Passagio, Epernon's cousin, governor of Valenza, and they of Romanza, do favour and aid Epernon to besiege the Conte de Cars in Sallon in Provence, which by intelligence with Diguières he surprised. The Duke of Savoy with three forts doth besiege Caors, and it is thought that Diguières, by reason of those troubles, can hardly succour it. Notwithstanding, to make sure work, the Duke doth stay 4,000 of the forces of Milan which were passing for France to go to the Constable, much misliked by the Spanish ambassador in Savoy. The Duke of Urbin is to go or at least to send 4,000 of his subjects into those parts, already paid for three months beforehand.
Prince Doria doth send six galleys into Spain for the D. D'Infantasgo, who comes to Gratz for another of the daughters of Archduke Carlo for the Prince of Spain, who, upon this occasion, to meet his spouse and make himself known to his subjects as his father did, is looked for to come into Italy. The King hath appointed 40 captains to muster 10,000 Spaniards for to furnish his galleys and to supply his garrisons in Italy. They look for the Indian fleet this next month. Here is such scarcity of money amongst the merchants that divers have broken. The Duke of Florence doth offer them two millions of gold upon assurance de beni stabili to be repaid 9 per cent. for the space of 25 years.—This 28 of April, 1595.
Addressed :—“All' illre et eccelmo sigre mio ossmo il sigre Dottore Haukines”; and below, “At Doctore Hawkines loggine by the Doctors Commones, Londras.”
Holograph. 3 pp. (32. 3, 4.)
Sir George Carew, Lieutenant of the Ordnance, to Lord Burghley.
1595, April 28. Mr. Bedwell is departed; what you shall please to direct to be done I desire to know. Touching his place, I did formerly entreat you for my uncle, whom I know to be a very fit man for an accomptant office. If you shall not like of him, then would I gladly understand whom it is your lordship would to succeed Mr. Bedwell, that I might shew myself willing to wish good success to him. But if you be not resolved of any, then in my uncle's behalf I am a suitor.—[From the] Court in haste, this 28 April, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. Seal. (171. 133.)
Mrs. Jane Yetsweirt to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 29. His kindness to Mr. Yetsweirt in his life time makes her bold to mediate his favour in her adversity. Prays his assistance that neither the contentious striving of the Stationers wrong her, nor other underminers disquiet continuance of her estate of this poor thing of Sunbury she now dwells in. Her case with the Stationers is sufficiently known to him by the former proceedings in Mr. Yetsweirt's lifetime, as she has already tasted by the honourable dealing of the Lords towards her on Sunday last, in commanding their restraint from printing according to a former order taken therein with them by the Lord Keeper and the Master of the Rolls. Prays continuance of this favour.—From Sunbury, 29 April, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (32. 5.)
John Clapham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 29. My lord [Burghley] hath taken but ill rest this last night by reason of a new pain fallen into one of his ankles. This morning's sleep hath somewhat refreshed him, and after dinner he purposeth to rise out of his bed. The pain in his right hand is reasonable well assuaged. He is not sick in his stomach or head, but only troubled with his external pain of the gout, which is not like to continue with him if the weather prove fair and dry.—From Theobald's, 29 April, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (32. 6.)
Thomas, Lord Buckhurst to Lord Burghley.
1595, April 29. I moved her Majesty for her expedition in passing this book of articles, and her pleasure was to give order to Sir Robert Cecil to signify her pleasure to you in that behalf. I beseech you, when you have perused it, that you will immediately send it to Mr. Attorney to peruse it, and that the patentees may by him be made privy of any additions made by either. For otherwise, if there be not a conference betwixt Mr. Attorney and them, the work will be drawn, I fear, into a great length; and if Mr. Attorney and they cannot agree, then must your lordship order it betwixt them.—29 April, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (32. 9.)
M. de Sancy to the Earl of Essex.
1595, April 29/May 9. Several of his friends at the French Court, wishing to procure twenty or twenty-five English haquenées, have charged Hugues and Wallerand Frions to get them for them, and have asked him to request the Earl's favour in obtaining permission for the Frions to transport them out of the country. Relies upon the Earl's goodwill towards him to obtain this favour for his friends.—From Paris, 9 May, 1595.
Signed. French. 1 p. (171. 140.)
Henry, Lord Hunsdon, Lord Chamberlain, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 30. I received yesterday a letter from my son John Carey, who writes to me that the Scottish King and the Queen doth resolve to make a progress out of hand unto Lodian and the Marshe (Merse), as you shall see by a writing sent to him which I send you herewith, wherein he is desirous to know her Majesty's pleasure. I pray you seek to understand her pleasure therein; that if the King and Queen be desirous to come to Holliday Hill, which is a mile off the town, where they may see all the town underneath them, what entertainment he shall give them, or how he shall behave himself towards them. When the Scottish Queen that dead is was desirous to come thither, Sir John Foster, having then the charge of the town under my lord of Bedford, was commanded to meet her there, and to do her all the honour he could, and so to cause all the ordnance of the town to be shot off in her sight to do her honour withal. I would have waited on her Majesty myself but that to-morrow morning I do begin my physic.—Somerset House, this 30 April, 1595.
Signed. 1 p. (32. 7.)
Sir Edward Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 30. For answer to your letter which I received this evening, I perceive the D[ean of St. Paul's] still exclaimeth that he can have no end, which my Lord of Canterbury knoweth contrary, for I have heretofore, almost more earnestly than became me, pressed both his Grace and my lord of Buckhurst with the bag in my arms to have their orders performed, but their lordships could not draw the D[ean] to it; and then finding his peevishness, they both faithfully promised me never to speak more unto me in his behalf, and if he should complain hereafter (not finding the law fall out to his liking) to her Majesty, as they verily thought he never again would, they must and would testify my readiness to stand to their order, the matter without my privity having been dismissed to the law in the great vacation. And surely they cannot justly lay to my charge any delay, for at Midsummer I sent my money to Oxford (though refused) according to the order, to which I yet have the College hand to agreement, who but for Mr. D[eau's] wilfulness and one Singleton his creature, stand very well satisfied. Ever since Michaelmas term began have I attended Mr. D[ean's] good pleasure, and I hope he will be content I should be one three weeks (in six months having never been ten days together from the Court) about my private business, and, as it now falleth out, some service of her Majesty, as though I were born only to attend his crocodile clamours, and that my estate and credit stood merely upon his reference. But he watcheth his time when I am absent, and at my return you shall find him so wayward, except he may have what he list, he will not what shall be esteemed fit. But for my own part I beseech you take the pains to hear it, and if his Grace (who but in this thankless office was ever my good lord and kind friend) and yourself can upon hearing end it I shall be most glad, and will put myself wholly into your hands. To that end, God willing, [I] purpose not to fail, as you have promised for me, to wait upon you within 4 days after the beginning of the term.—From her Majesty's Castle of Queen-borough, late this last of April, 1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (32. 8.)
James Moylle to Lord Burghley.
1595, April 30. I have thought good, for that you calendared the day of my departure from the Court before the Lord Admiral, lest my arrival in Ireland should not fall out to your expectation, to certify the cause of my so long stay here, which hath been only want of victual; for I protest that it was the last of April before I could receive the same on board, and this day will use my best endeavour to depart forward on my voyage, referring the report thereof to my friend Sir Edward Hoby.—From Queenborough, this last of April, 1595.
Signed. ½ p. (32. 11.)
W. Jones to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 30. Wishes to be wholly bound to his house; his parents were much indebted to Cecil's father. Thinks that as kindly dispositions are hereditary in great personages, Cecil will assist with his favour the request he has made to her Majesty.
Endorsed :—“Ulmo, Apr. 1595.”
Holograph. French. ½ p. (32. 12.)
Sir Robert Cecil to John White.
1595, April 30. To cause the Dutch captain in his custody to be forthwith brought to Cecil to Court, in company of himself and the bearer.—From the Court, the last of April, 1595.
Directed :—“To John White, servant to Sir Henry Palmer, knight, at Mr. Burrowes his house in Limehouse.”
Signed. ⅓ p. (171. 134.)
Lord Admiral Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April. I am bold to acquaint you what course I have taken upon my two boys' sickness. Mistrusting at their complaining it was likely it would turn to the measles, I left them in Haling house with Mr. Stone, their Schoolmaster, well seen in physic, Harry Lamb and some others to attend on them, and myself, with my brother and Will my son, went unto a house of a man of mine a quarter of a mile off, to be near to them. I sent presently for their mother who was here in a short space. I sent also for Dr. Morlee who is also with them. Within three hours after I was parted from them, having some milk and suforre [sulphur] given them, the measles came wonderful thick out of them both. I would not go to them nor any whither, for I knew it would much have dismayed my wife, and myself I confess much trouble to have been far from them. But God I thank that neither myself nor my wife were at Chelsea when her Majesty came thither, if her Majesty did mean, as I hear, to have come into the house, for either it would have been thought that I had made an excuse, which without cause I will never do, for I think myself most happy when I may see her Majesty in any house that I have to do withal; or else, coming in and they being there, I should have loved myself ever the worse after. You see how I trouble you with a long foolish letter of this ill chance, but I do it because you should know what course I have kept, and mean on Thursday to be at Deptford. I have none of them come to me that was with them, nor was I ever with them but in the open air, for I came late from the Court, and next morning [was] early on horseback.
Endorsed:—“April, 1595.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (32. 10.)
Advertisements from France.
1595, April. On estime que l'ouverture de la paix faite par le Beglerbeg de la Grece aux conditions de rendre toutes les places prises sur le Grand Seigneur, de luy payer le tribut des quatre années dernieres, et de nes' entremettre pou rle Transilvayn, Valaque, et Moldave, rebelles du diet Grand Seigneur, n'ayt este à autre fin que pour ramener les susdits à obeissance, de crainte d'estre abandonnes de l'Empereur au premier traicte de paix qui se feroyt.
Le Grand Seigneur se ressent de ceste rebellion, perdant plus d'un milion de tribut annuel et le Danube bouche. Constantinoble et l'armee Turquesque en Hongrie, est grandement incommodee de vivres et autres necessites qu'on avoit accoustume de tirer de Moldavie, Valacque, et Transilvanye. Sinan Bassa faict dresser trois pontz sur le Danube. On se delibere avant toutes choses d'attacquer Agria en la haulte Hongrie. De la Sinan doit tirer vers Contar et Vienne, et Tevat Bassa en Transilvanye.
Les nopces du Transilvain avec une des filles de l'Archiduc Charles sont remises en autonne, qui est terme suffisant pour spendant faire preuve du fruict qu'on pourra tirer de ceste alliance. Outre le secours extraordinaire des Cercles, auquel le hault Cercle du Rhin assemblé naguieres a Vorme a reffusé d'entrer, se plaignant du passage des trouppes du Conte Charles et autres levées qui le contraignent de se reserrer, la couronne de Boheme et ce qui en deppend, qui est Moravie, Silesie et la Lusalie, ont accordé xvjm hommes, qu'a pied qu'à cheval, pour six mois.
On a emprisonne plusieurs Colonnels Hongrois à Presbourg et quelques Allemans à Vienne pour trahison.
Aultant que les nouvelles de la mort du Grand Seigneur avoyent donne d'esperance de soulagement à quelques uns, aultant et plus prend on destonnement de son successeur Mahomet qu'on tient devoir venir en personne en Hongrie.
Le Conte Charles de Mansfelt est encores à Boheme.
On continue la deffaicte des Tartares en Valaquie faicte par ceulx du pays et par les Transilvanis assistez de quelques Hongrois, qu'on diet avoir depuis passé le Danube et deffaict quelques Tures, et assure le passage.
Il y a peu d'aparence que les Polonois s'engagent en la guerre Turquesque; le Chancelier y est contraire, et les estats du pays eussent desire estre recherchez non seulement de l'Empereur mais aussi de tout l'empire avec caution d'indemnité.
Endorsed :—April, 1595.” 1 p. (32. 13.)