Cecil Papers: December 1596, 16-25

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1596, 16-25', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp527-536 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1596, 16-25', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp527-536.

"Cecil Papers: December 1596, 16-25". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1895), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp527-536.

December 1596, 16–25

Sir Edward Stafford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Dec. 16. This Frenchman is so full of untruths that I cannot tell almost how to speak with him. He was with me even now, and would have made new propositions to me for a way he said for my profit to change the course that was set down by your honours. I answered him plainly, I would hear no alteration of him, that what you had ordered and commanded me should be done, I would willingly obey it, and would not alter it in a jot, nor in anything would take counsel of him if it would bring me as much profit as this chamber would hold goods; that when I had obeyed your order, I was of age enough to seek the best way for mine own profit. And still he would press me to new things, and I still would answer nothing nor hear anything, but only simply what you had or would command. And because he is so full of lies, I took witness of Sir John Hollis and my wife, who were present. of all that passed.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (47. 30.)
Henry Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Dec. 17. I cannot hear any news of those letters of Sir John Morris to Dr. Wildie (?) whereof you spake to me this morning, so as I cannot know my lord's [Burghley's] pleasure therein. If you shall command anything when you shall remember what becometh of the letters, I will accordingly perform your directions.—From the Strand, 17 December, 1596. [P.S.] Clapham telleth me that two nights past such letters were returned to you by your footman after my lord had read them. Since the writing of the former part, I acquainted my lord with the letters that came from Chester, which his pleasure was I should send to you to be imparted to the lords, as one other letter of the Lord Scroope's for his leave to come up, my lord's desire being you would make known to her Majesty that her pleasure may be signified touching his request.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (47. 31.)
Dr. Thomas Preston, Master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Dec. 17. Had not Clement Corbett been placed in a scholar's room of our College by mine own mere interest, in regard whereof a thank from any of his friends was never as yet acknowledged, I could not thus be plied by their over eager solicitation for further preferment, for then he had been utterly incapable. Now untimely haste is made to get him elected Fellow, a snake into mine own bosom, before his turn cometh, against corporal oath, to the prejudice of far meeter competitors, divers of them being graduates, upon a plot laid at home to yoke the Master's government with a stronger part, the ready course to bring into a civil company horror and confusion. For if the factioners surmount, which is mightily shot at in Corbett's enterprise, woeful experience hath oft taught me that no abuse, though flagrant, though demonstrative, will be found an abuse, statute assigning themselves . . . with me in matters of their own delicts. Our reverend founder, a Bishop of Norwich in King Edward the 3rd's reign, from whence we deduce our antiquity, supposed a perpetuity of good men, and gave ordinances accordingly meet for those quiet times, which now we find defective to control some prodigious successors of this nimble age. These inconveniences notwithstanding, the freedom of my election is pressed for Corbett by the most sovereign authority and myself called in periculum capitis, for what less estimate can I make of the smallest detraction from such poor credit as Her Majesty hath been pleased these many years to harbour in Her Highness' most sacred breast and princely affection. At whose gracious knee, if a poor forgotten and shadowed academic might pour out his mournful complaint, I could make no doubt of finding comfortable relief. For answer unto the Fellows' untruths, with reasons why divers of us neither have nor can judge Corbett very eligible, I humbly beseech you to peruse by themselves within a short schedule enclosed.
Holograph. 1 p. (136. 51.)
The Queen to Lord Burghley.
1596, Dec. 18. Warrant to permit one Chamberlain to export free of custom 5,000 pairs of hose and 5,000 cassacks or mandillions of cloth, for the apparelling of the French King's soldiers, made in London for the said King.—Westminster Palace, 18 December, 39 Eliz.
Sign manual. Signet. 1 p. (47. 32.)
Thos. Fane, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Dec. 18. Having received your letters of the 16th by the post, to procure speedy and safe passage for the bringer of the said letters and to signify unto Sir Henry Palmer your desire therein, I have accordingly acquainted Sir Henry therewith. But concerning the party meant by you to pass, I understand as yet nothing, the letters being delivered unto me by the ordinary post only. Nevertheless, if any shall come and discover himself to be the party meant, I will further his passage by the best means that I can.—Dover Castle, this 18th December, 1596.
[P.S.]—I delivered your letter to the Italian gent. who hath returned this enclosed. The French ambassador went from hence upon Monday last the 13th inst.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (47. 33.)
Richard Carmarden to Lord Burghley.
1596, Dec. 18. I beseech you to have no misconceit of me, which by wrong information you may have, I being not called thereunto to clear my innocency. I have heard you took me to be the man that informed her Majesty against the Merchants Adventurers to stay and search the last fleet for Stode. I did deny it with an oath in your hearing before the honourable Board, and now I swear again to your lordship I was not the man. But as I since have been told by him that delivered it to her Majesty, one Daniel Hills, a counseller of Lincoln's Inn, was the man, and that from the packers who both afore and since have troubled both your lordship and myself. I deny it not as a service not fit to be done to her Majesty, for duty had bound me thereunto; but as a thing in honesty not so to be carried by me, before “platted” by your order to me to shew some service therein to her Majesty : wherein I should if [I] had so done [have] shewed myself a dishonest fool, to prevent both your trust and my service. Wherein I hope you will rest satisfied and be a means according to your and the rest of my lords' promises to the merchants, they having performed the order appointed by you. So you may conceive me to be the man that laboureth her Majesty to place Saltinstall in poor Phillips' office, but I am not the man, but have laboured against it with her Majesty, delivering sundry reasons : first his great years, not many under 80; secondly, his governorship of the Merchants Adventurers, whereby his oath to them is to hinder her Majesty's revenues of that office, which I cannot endure; thirdly, his plot thereby to avoid his term of mayoralty this next year, a matter not fit so suddenly to offer to discontent the city—besides, a matter, as I take it, very unfit so hastily to place him or any other in that office before Phellips's debt be made sure to be paid to her Majesty. And then if her Majesty deal in the new placing of another officer, her Highness to deliver you such names as she may be informed of, and then you to make choice out of them one such as every way you shall think fittest, in my simple opinion is best, and a matter pertinent to your office.—Mark Lane in London, the 18th Day of December, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 ½ pp. (47. 34.)
Examination of William Whitebread.
1596, Dec. 19. William Whitebread, merchant stranger, being examined what trunks he now hath or hath had that appertained unto John Phillips, saith that about four months past there was brought [to his] house by a tall man, whose name he knoweth not, three trunks [or] chests, and doth believe they appertained unto John Phillips : [that] his wife received 2s. 6d. a week for the keeping of them, and that about ten days past the same party that brought them did fetch them. What is become of them he knoweth not; they were fetched away between 5 and 6 of the clock before day. If he might see the man and the porter he should know them.
Item, whether at this present he hath any writing [or] matters in his house undelivered, or that who else knoweth where . . . . . . . answereth that he hath nothing, neither doth he [know who] hath anything of his.
Signed. Injured. ½ p. (47. 35.)
Robert Eastfeild to Lord Burghley or Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Dec. 20. One Nicholas Weston, an alderman, who the next year ought to be Mayor of the city of Dublin in Ireland, is repaired to London, and, as he saith, hath some suit to your lordship. The man I know had great dealings with the Earl of Tyrone before he rebelled, for the Earl lay in his house in Dublin, and he provided all things of importance the Earl needed. Also, by report, the said Weston when the Earl was in Dublin, and suspect for his loyalty, conveyed him and his train out of Dublin at three of the clock in the morning by the means of the keys Weston got of the city gate next his house. Also, by report, before the rebellion Weston provided for the Earl 20 tons of flat lead for covering, which the Earl alleged should be to cover his castle of Dungannon, but the intent was because he lacked lead to make bullets, but as God would, the Earl got but 6 tons of lead, which he converted to that use. Also, since the Earl's rebellion, Weston's brother, who was steward of the Earl's house, forsook the service of the Earl and remained at Dundalk, and thither the alderman sent wine, aquavitce, corn and all other provision necessary for victualling, which, as it is reported, the alderman's brother sent secretly to the Earl. Also since the prohibition of the victualling of Spain, the same alderman, as report goeth, sent above ten ships' loading of corn at several times into Spain. Further, it is reported that in 1594 he bought of one Pit a ship's loading of Newfoundland fish, about 60 tons, which fish he sent to Andaluzia. Also it is reported that in 1595 he sent one ship of 40 tons laden with fish from Poole into Biscay, which fish by outward shew he bought to relieve her Majesty's garrisons in Ireland and the city of Dublin. Also, by report, he hath sent yearly great store of tallow and other prohibited wares into Spain, which he doeth by means of his great credit and countenance that none dare speak against him, to the great impoverishing of the city and country. Moreover he goeth about to be customer of Dublin, which if he should obtain, he might convey any prohibited wares at pleasure. Likewise I understand he hath fished a place called the Bande and other places in the north of Ireland for salmon, which he conveyed to her Majesty's enemies. Also he hath bought great quantities of powder, but how the same is employed I cannot learn. Hoping you will weigh my good meaning to the intent it should not be known I am a revealer of his doings, for that he is rich and greatly friended and I very poor, and unless I should be some way countenanced I should go in great peril of my life, I have enclosed a petition to you concerning myself wherein I beseech your aid.—20 December, 1596. “Your honour's at commandment Robert Eastfeild, a scrivener lodging at the house of one Conway, a tailor in Hounsditch, right against the Gilded Cock.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (47. 36.)
Sir Griffin Markham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Dec. 20. I let you understand last day how I was here at the discretion of my keepers, close and open as they would, with which I was well contented because it was a means of keeping divers from me; but now I hear this morning that there is command I shall be more close than before. From whence it proceeds I know not, for I hoped rather entire liberty than greater restraint. I must needs confess that by my going into prohibited places, I offended her Majesty, but I endeavoured there by my action to shew my intentions such as should be void from all suspicion, and therefore by your means hoped to have regained her gracious good opinion.—From the Fleet, this 20th of December.
Signed. 1 p. (47. 38.)
Mathias Holmes to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Dec. 20. These foreign occurrences coming to my hands by John Gyles, though I have no encouragement from you to send them, yet my duty binds me to possess you of them. The Cardinal certainly lodges within 30 or 40 miles of Calles these men spoken of in this advertisement. For ships prepared in Spain we have daily notice. The preparation in Italy portends the Spaniard's purpose. As for the Earl of Turone, who has covenanted with the Spaniards to have her Majesty's crown set on his head, as these inclosed advertisements inform, no better was ever to be looked for at his hand. Great pity it was that some of the Oneales had not been suffered to have grown in Ulster as strong as he, that one thistle might have sucked the juice from the other; and greater pity it is that Sir Richard Binghame, whom the rebels of Ireland fear more than any other, should not be employed against them. I am persuaded that if Sir Richard Binghame and Sir Robert Gardner had been Lord Justices after Sir William Fitzwilliam's departure, which they had been had not the old man's envy and malice prevented, the Earl of Turone had not now been thus combined with the King of Spain. Consider the probability of these advertisements, likewise the danger of England if the ports of Ireland should be surprised by the Spaniard, how easily they might land men in divers parts of the north, where many papists inhabit. I have been informed that the Spaniards about one time next spring meant to enter into Ulster in Ireland, into Anglesea in Wales and to fortify it, and into some of the islands of Scotland lying near to Ulster; which if it should be true and succeed, then all our shipping from Chester to Dublin would be endangered. I request you to encourage John Gyles to send his advertisements. For myself, though I am often sick, the air being pestilent, yet will I remain here as I can, the bishops carrying so hard a hand upon me, having bound me in 200l. not to preach in England. My heart is as good to my prince and country as any of theirs. Therefore knowing my own conscience, though I cannot subscribe to some things in the church, when I shall be more weakened through sickness I will come over, hoping you will stand by me.—Middleborowe, 20 Dec. '96.
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 57.)
Enclosure :
News out of Italy.
The Antelantado of Castilia, notwithstanding some separation of his fleet by foul weather, has renewed the same again, and has taken an English ship made out to understand of the Spanish fleet.
The Spaniard's attempt is for Ireland, where they have agreed with the Earl of Tyrone that if the enterprise fall out luckily he shall be King of England : in regard whereof he is to aid the King of Spain with 10,000 men whensoever he will attempt against England, and to suffer that King to occupy the ports and havens of Ireland, and to fortify them, and build ships there. There are 40 sail of ships more making ready in Spain to join with the other army, thereby the better to oppress the English by landing a great army in England in the north part thereof, where they may easily land men. The King has given order to the Cardinal to have ready 20,000 old soldiers about Calles to withstand the French and the English, or to convey them where he shall appoint them.
The Duke of Savoy, fearing war with the French King, the truce being expired, has sent 10 captains to levy men in the Duchy of Milan.
The principal man of the King of Spain is lodged with the ambassador of the same King in Venice, and makes provision of 12,000 harquebusses and 4,000 armours at Milan and at Brescia, and has caused 60 pieces of great artillery to be cast of metal, all which must be at Siviglia in March next.
Written from Antwerp or Brussels, 27 Dec. '96. Last week there came a regiment of Spaniards before Namure which showed their commission to pass through the town and were let in, the burghers meaning they should but pass through, but being entered they showed their commission to remain there, and have lodged themselves in such houses as they thought best to their liking, and have beset their gates, being masters of the town, and taken in the market, and so remain there. So as I account now the Spaniards are masters of all the strong forts, castles and towns upon all the frontiers under the Cardinal in the Low Countries. The like strong forts they never had, so as their meaning is easily seen.—Undated.
Endorsed :—“John Giles, rec. Jan. '96.”
1 ¼ pp. (174. 62.)
George, Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Dec. 21. I have sent to the party to whom you directed me about the signing of the warrant, from whom I have received answer that it is already signed. I will be glad therefore to entreat you to take order that the money be presently had, for thereupon would I despatch that business.—From my lodging, this 21 of December 1596.
Signed. ⅓ p. (47. 43.)
Ed. Norreys to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Dec. 21. Since my last here is very little news. The Cardinal is so troubled with the failing of the enterprise of Ireland that he cannot be spoken withal, so that divers speeches run of him.
The whole country is in amaze to see things prosper so ill with them. If the French King do make wars on them this spring, as they fear, it is likely that there will follow great alteration in these parts. The Duke of Arscott is made general of the wars, and the Spaniards will not be commanded by him.
This bearer Captain Brett, sufficiently known unto your Lordship, is able to deliver unto your Lordship at large both the state of our town and garrison.—Ostend, 21 Dec. 1596.
Holograph. 2 pp. (174. 59.)
Archibald Douglas.
1596, Dec. 22. “A note of such ready money as hath been from time to time lent unto Mr. Archibald Douglas by Sebastian Harvie, and what the same with the ordinary allowance of 10l. per cent. doth amount unto.”
Total of principal and interest, as above, of various loans from 12 April, 28 Eliz., to 21 Feb. 1596 (sic)—473l. 9s. 6d.
1 p. (47. 44.)
The Earl Of Essex.
1596, Dec. 22. “A note of such things as I [Anthony Bacon] have already motioned to his lordship [the Earl of Essex], and with his leave, am to recommend by you to his lordship's favourable remembrance and to your daily solicitation, this 22nd of December, 1596.” 1. That it would please his lordship to call upon Sir John Fortescue to join with his lordship, according to his promise, in procuring forthwith the stallment of the late Bishop of London's debt for the relief of the poor orphans. [Answer in the margin in Essex's hand : “I have many times moved both the Queen and Sir John Fortescue, and so will still urge a good conclusion.”] 2. The remove of the Bishop of Bangor to Salisbury. [Margin : “When such matters are to be dealt in, I will give it my best furtherance.”] 3. The denization of Mons. Castor. [Margin : “I will speak to Dr. Cæsar for it.”] 4. Her Majesty's answer to the Palsgrave, and his lordship's to the Duke of Lunenburg's letter. [Margin : “I am ready to write and will solicit the Queen.”] 5. That his lordship would vouchsafe 2 or 3 lines to young Mr. Davison, with some token, as he said he would, for his encouragement. [Margin : “If I may know by whom Mr. Bacon would make over my bill I would give Sir Gelly Merick order for 200 crowns.”] 6. That it would please him to move her Majesty to put my cousin Renelles (Reynolds) in the Fleet, or to refer the matter to my Lord Keeper. [Margin, cancelled : “I willed him to put his petition to the Queen as she goes to the closet.”] 7. That it would please him to give order that Signor Lopes (so often and earnestly recommended by Signor Perez) may be satisfied that which he freely and friendly lent to Sir Nicholas Clifford in regard of his lordship. [Margin : “Sir Gelly Merick shall satisfy him as soon as he can.”] 8. Lastly, that his lordship would vouchsafe to procure me Mr. Broune's lodging and [the following cancelled] to bestow a brace of does on me in Whitlewood or Sawtie forest. [Margin, cancelled : “Ed. Reynold shall appoint Browne to come to me.”]
Endorsed :—“Remembrances recommended by Mr. Anthony Bacon.”
1 p. (47. 45.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl Of Essex.
1596, Dec. 22. I doubt not but the news of the Spanish wracks are sufficiently confirmed from many divers places; but since there is fresh confirmation also here of it, I thought best to advertise you. Yesterday came Middleburgh ships from Rochelle, with letters thence of the 21 of November, which contain this much, that three days before came in a ship from Lisbon, which saith for certain that the army which went from thence was almost wholly cast away, and that of 90 sail only 40 were saved, and they also sore distressed, and further do assure that in the said wracks were cast away 12,000, so as the enterprise of Ireland was wholly broken. From Madrid also the cause of the protest is written to be this, that the King of Spain, having requested those which had furnished the 1 ½ millions to furnish him 3 ½ millions more, and they refusing to do it, took it so ill of them as, thinking to force them to it, caused the Cardinal's bills for the 1½ millions to be protested, whereby contrariwise he hath so much discredited them who had served his turn as it is thought they are scarce able to take up 50,000 crowns, nor the Cardinal for want of money to hold the field.—At Flushing, the 22nd of December, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (47. 47.)
Sir Griffin Markham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Dec. 23. Is almost discouraged to write any more till he sees others dismissed before him, but that the necessity of his business urgeth him, being with such men as are loth to come into this place. Prays Cecil to further his delivery, or at least (which he is loth to ask) his delivery hence to some house in the town. Hopes her Majesty rests satisfied of the sincerity of his intentions and actions; as for the undertaking his journey, appeals to her clemency. Confesses it a fault, but a fault proceeding out of youth curious to see, and a desire by seeing to enable himself for her service; for which he is punished with imprisonment, increased to an extreme torment by fear of her Majesty's displeasure.—From the Fleet, this Thursday.
Holograph. Two seals. 1 p. (47. 48.)
Virginio Orsino to the Earl Of Essex.
Dec. 22, 1596/Jan. 1, 1597. Having long been aware of his renown which is spread both in Italy, the writer's native country, and throughout Europe, has on coming to this Court begged Signor Antonio Perez to intercede for him to be numbered among his Lordship's servants. Remits the rest to the said Antonio.—Roano, 1 Jan. 1597. Signed.
Endorsed :—1 Jan. '96.
Italian. 1 p. (174. 103.)
The Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty Of London to the Privy Council.
1596, Dec. 24. There was delivered unto us by certain aldermen who attended you upon Sunday last her Majesty's pleasure for the setting forth of ten ships, to join with her navy royal for the defence of this realm against the King of Spain, who (as it is said) intendeth to make another invasion upon some part of her Highness's dominions. Wherein, as we are to acknowledge her Majesty's great and princely care for the defence both of ourselves and this whole realm, so we would be glad to apply ourselves towards the accomplishment of her pleasure, if the present estate of this her city were any way answerable to the former ability, or to the present desire which is in us to perform this service. Whereof in case you were not persuaded, we would recount unto you the former service done by this city, as well for the common defence of this realm, as for all other extraordinary adventures required by her Highness and by you. The charges for sea service only (with that of 1588) amounted to the sum of 100,000 marks within these few years, whereby we doubt not, you will easily conceive the forward affection of her Highness's people within this city towards this service which is now required, if the like good will which is still in them were assisted with the like ability which before they had. The defects whereof partly proceedeth from the said charges of those former services by sea and land, but more especially from the great dearth of victual which hath been continued now these three years, besides three years' plague before, which so hath impoverished the general estate of this whole city, that many persons, before known to be of good wealth, are greatly decayed and utterly disabled for all public service, being hardly able by their uttermost endeavours to maintain the charges of their private families in very mean sort : divers of them being enforced to relinquish their trades and to dissolve their households, which public calamity is greatly increased by decay of traffic in foreign countries, being nothing so free as in former times it was wont to be; whereby a great number of very good citizens complain of late, not without just cause, that they expend more in the ordinary charges of their house keeping and relieving the poor than they are able to get by their foreign trades. This great poverty of the common people throughout this city may better appear by a late demonstration, when the Lord Mayor, taking a care for the present sale of such corn as is lately brought in from the eastern parts (to the end the merchants being encouraged might make their return of farther provision at the next spring), and to that purpose persuading the commons to buy so much corn every man for his own use as might well serve for the expense of his private family, could not obtain his purpose, nor persuade the people to buy the said corn; which their refusal of so small an expense tending to so necessary a use as is the provision of their food to preserve the lives of themselves and their families, may argue to your honours the extreme poverty of the common sort, as having no money to provide beforehand their necessary food, but only to expend from hand to mouth. For which cause it will be necessary that a greater contribution of money be made by the wealthier sort within this city for the provision of a greater quantity of corn from those foreign parts, by which means also those of the wealthier sort will be less able for this other service now required. Besides these defects, we may not conceal the great discontentment and utter discouragement of the common people, touching their adventure in the late voyage to the town at Cales (Cadiz), which albeit it was performed with so happy success that the enemy was greatly weakened, the army enriched, and such store of treasure and other commodities (besides that which was there embezzled) brought safe home as was sufficient to defray the charges of that whole voyage; yet, as neither their principal nor any part thereof was restored unto them, contrary to the meaning of the contract set down in writing under the signatures of two noble persons in her Highness's name, they are made hereby utterly unfit and indisposed for the like service hereafter : the rather for that their whole adventure being to the sum of 19,000l. or thereabouts, there is yet uncollected 11,000l., the rest of that sum being taken up in the meanwhile upon several bonds given by the city upon charge of interest which ourselves, knowing the great difficulties of the said collection, upon good advice have thought good hitherto to forbear, rather than to collect with the hazard of so great trouble of the vulgar sort like to ensue. Which the rather we have cause to doubt, for that having collected great sums of money within these few years of her Highness's people within this city for those public uses, they complain of late of so great burdens, and begin to enter into consideration by what authority the said payments are imposed upon them by the governors and other ministers of this city. The like want is in the chamber and common treasure, which, being indebted the sum of 14,000l. or thereabouts, is utterly unable at this present time to supply this want of the common people within this city, for the payment of the said debt of 11,000l., or for any other public uses. All which difficulties we pray you to make known to her sacred Majesty, who we doubt not for her great wisdom and princely clemency will accept of that our former readiness, and pardon this our just excuse, which proceedeth not from want of will but of ability. For which respect we assure ourselves her Highness also will rest content with this her city, if in these services which are intended for the public defence of the whole realm, the like proportion be yielded by us for this present service as is performed by all other her Highness's subjects; which with all ready affection we will perform to the uttermost of our poor estates.—From London, the 24th of December, 1596.
1 p. (47. 50.)
Thos. Bellott Customer of Weymouth, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Dec. 24. Thanks for his favour of late vouchsafed him. As he shall learn of any occurrents beyond seas will with all dutiful care give him intelligence.—From Weymouth, Melcombe Regis, 24 December, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (47. 51.)
Carlo Casa. . . . . . to Masento Verdiani.
1596, Dec. 24/1597. Jan. 3. Need only say, in reply to his letter, that his servant carries letters to Signor Gondi for payment of his money.—Paris, 3 Jan. 1597.
Italian. 1 p. (51. 71.)
Lord Mordaunt.
1596, Dec. 24. Petition to the Queen for lease in reversion of lands, &c. in Newport and Mulso, Bucks, of which he is tenant, to pass in the name of his servant, William Downall.—Undated. Note by J. Herbert that the Queen grants the petition.—The Court at Whitehall, 24 December, 1596.
1 p. (570.)