Cecil Papers: July 1596, 21-25

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1596, 21-25', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp272-286 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1596, 21-25', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp272-286.

"Cecil Papers: July 1596, 21-25". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1895), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp272-286.

July 1596, 21–25

William Parthericke and John Lee, Officers of the Ordinance, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 21. We humbly beseech you not to think we are to be blamed in that the castle of Portland with the rest are not furnished with the ordinance appointed by her Majesty's warrant. In very truth we have them not within her Majesty's store. But there are a sufficient complement provided to serve and furnish all these forts and castles mentioned in the warrants, which are but 16 pieces. But also there are enough to furnish some of her Majesty's ships which now want ordinance, if the Lord Treasurer will buy them. The iron pieces are provided and brought to a place called Mellhale, 4 or 5 miles above Rochester, brought thither by the widow of one Johnson, whose husband was her Majesty's founder of iron ordinance whilst he lived, and she herself is an earnest suitor to have them taken into her Majesty's store; marry, she is not able as she saith to deliver them but for ready money, and until such time as they may be bought we are not able to furnish these castles nor anything else for her Majesty. We humbly pray you to be a means for them.—From the office of the Ordinance, this 21st of July, 1596.
Signed. ½ p. (42. 63.)
Sir William Courteney and Sir Thomys Denys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 21. As to a packet brought to the postmaster of Exeter this 21st of July, which they opened, and finding the same directed northward, have returned to Cecil.—Exeter, this 21st of July, 1596.
Signed. Seals broken. ½ p. (42. 64.)
Charles, Lord Mountjoy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 21. I think you have and shall receive all examination taken in this country touching the success of Her Majesty's navy, which I find to concur with divers intelligences daily brought hither to the merchants from sundry parts of Brittany, so as I see no reason to doubt but that much, if not all, is true to the effect of the report; the particularities whereof I need not trouble you withal since you hear them by the same means that I do, and being now in the midst of our trials, the first and greatest whereof is passed clearly with me this morning, for the which I must thank you for signifying her Majesty's pleasure to see me have justice. As I receive all my good from her and most of it by your means, so in this matter I find it hath wrought great regard in the judges.—From Excester, 21 July, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (42. 65.)
John Owen, Customer of Lynn, to Lord Burghley.
1596, July 21. I have received your letter dated 11th July to certify the whole charge of the ship that the town of Lynne found to the Earl of Essex and the Lord Admiral. Conferring with the mayor and viewing the books of all the charge, I have taken note of every particular at large, which you shall receive by this bearer. The mayor and his brethren deny that they have had any contribution herein either from the country or the cricks belonging to the port of Lynne.—Lynne Regis, 21 of July, 1596.
Signed. ⅓ p. (42. 66.)
The enclosure :
1596, July 20. Charge for the setting forth of the “Grace of God,” of Yarmouth, for the Queen's service, in warlike manner, by the said town and county of Norfolk; total, 1,454l. 8s. 0d.
1 p. (141. 175.)
John, Earl of Cassilis to [Archibald Douglas], the Scotch Ambassador, his cousin.
1596, July 21. Has taken occasion to write with this bearer of his estate and health. Has passed through France and a great part of Italy from Rome, has come to Venice where he now is for the present, purposing with expedition to come back to France. Has heard of the appearance of trouble to England by the Spaniards. Looks he will write to him to Paris, where he will remain some space at his backcoming. Has sent a letter to be delivered to his servant, Hugh Kennedy, who will be in London.—Venice, 21 July, 1596.
Holograph. ½ p. (42. 67.)
William Benger, Customer, and the other officers of the port of Bridgwater, to Lord Burghley.
1596, July 21. As to the charge the port of Bridgwater hath been at towards the furnishing out of shipping in the service under the Earl of Essex and Lord Admiral., here hath been paid out of the said port 50l., which was towards the furnishing out of certain ships from the city of Bristol employed for the said service, without the aid of any other port, creek, or inland whatsoever, but at the only charge of the said port.—Bridgwater, 21st of July, 1596.
Signed. Seal. 2/3 p. (42. 68.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1596, July 21. Since my letter of the 5th of July, the enemy hath plied his business so hard that (notwithstanding all the endeavours of Count Maurice to hinder the further coming over and to keep and defend the forts) he got over what he would, encamped himself strongly in the land of Hulst on the south side, planted certain pieces wherewith he beat the moerevaert and the contrescarff between that and the town, and the 8th of this month (old style) after midnight, attempted the contrescarff kept by fourteen companies of foot, which made so small resistance that ere morning he got possession, with little loss on his side and some forty on the other : the rest stood not to fight, but saved themselves, some in the town and the rest in the moerevaert. This he began to beat about 10 o'clock until the afternoon, when it was surrendered by composition, to the dishonour of the defendants, though they got out with large conditions. His Excellency was in Hulst, where he gave order for keeping the rest, leaving the command of the town to Count Solms, who with all the captains have resolved and promise to keep the place to the last man : which can be done if their courage serve them, for they are thoroughly provided, and have well fortified the weaker places since the enemy entered the country, being twenty-eight ensigns in the town, and the passage yet open, and will be so kept as long as the fort of Nassaw is held; which to maintain the better, all the waters and rivers are beset with ships of war, and the country being under water, every flood it will be difficult to bring up and place ordinance thither. As yet the enemy makes no approaches, but has cast up a trench on the south side of the town from the moorevaert to the old haven, to defend his men from their ordnance and their sallies, wherewith they are plied often so as of late they lost in a morning near three hundred men that were surprised in the trenches for all their great guard of horse and foot. From the side of the old haven they beat the fort of Nassaw with two pieces, but effect little, the fort being very strong. On the north-east they have planted certain pieces in a place called Absdawle, whence they shoot at the said fort, and seek to hinder the passage of ships, having fired three which came on ground with the high water on the drowned land, missing the channel, but the men were all saved. It is thought with this wet weather and great winds, all will be overflowed, and these pieces lost or spoiled. His Excellency has been at Axele and Ternewsen, which shall be fortified, and a fort made on the breach by Sastinge, to hinder the enemy, if Hulst be lost, to come into the river of Schallda. Bergen-op-Zoom is also cared for, and the island of Tertole is furnished with those that returned out of France : his Excellency abiding at Ervyninghen in the land of Tergoes. Men is all the want, and hinders the services which might be attempted over the Rhyn, while the Cardinal lieth before Hulst, which will keep him longer than he looked for; being troubled mightily with the triumph and signs of joy they of Hulst and the forts made upon news of Essex's victory at Cales, received the 28th of this month (new style) by ships escaped and come from St. Lucas. This did revive them here, half-dead and more discouraged by the Cardinal's assaulting them and leaving France. If your Lordship would order Mr. Reynolds now and then to impart to me what he hears from you, it would content these men very much.
The horse of Larques having ravaged the country as far as Bruxeles, met with the camp of Herentals, charged and overthrew them, bringing away above fifty and divers prisoners. Count Fredericq Vandenbergh hath gathered certain troops to have tried an attempt on Schenck's scaunce but it is reported the Cardinal hath sent for them to reinforce his camp.
From Andwarpe is written that your Lordship's success dismayed the merchants and makes want of money. It is wished that this beginning may be followed up while the Spaniards are in fear, whereunto these men would be very forward. As yet none from these men are sent over, but the deputies thereto appointed are willed to be here the 10th of August (new style) for instructions. They have despatched Salvaert into France to endeavour that the wars may begin upon Arthoys, to drive the Cardinal further from them, and if her Majesty would send but 2,000 men, a good occasion would be offered to give him a scorn afore Hulst, where it is thought he wisheth not to have come, seeing the likelihood that it will hold out. Sends a portrait thereof.—From the Haeghe, this 21th of July, 1596.
Endorsed :—“Readde.”
Signed. 3 pp. (173. 98.)
Sir Thomas Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 21. The course you write unto me that others take for their friends maketh me think that the world thinketh my friends might do the like for me, and the rather in my absence when I cannot speak for myself.
Upon the understanding from you of late of my L. Chamberlain's danger of death, I wrote a letter to my Lord, my father, to beseech him, either by himself or by some other of his that might move her Majesty as from him, that it would please her to consider of me either for the presidentship or for the government of Barwick. If my friends in this opportunity speak not for me, I must not look that strangers will, who thinketh my Lord's greatness a sufficient fortune for me to look for somewhat, and as for mine own letter to her Majesty, it hath no reply. If I be forsaken by a father and a brother, who are in that place, I must take it as an unkind fortune. I know, if my Lord speak for me, he will carry one of those places, if his Lordship come earnestly to attempt it; and I think with less envy he might nominate me for the presidentship since it may be taken from him that would gladly yield it. Her Majesty cannot think my friends have been much importunate or partial unto me, having not all this time moved her in anything for me. And in my absence she might think I had unnatural friends if they would move her in nothing, and in their speaking her Majesty may think I depend of no faction but of mine own house. But I leave every man to speak as he shall be affected. I hope her Majesty, if no man speak, will deal princely with me. And so I will leave my fortune to God and herself, wishing you your full contentment. I thank you for your news, which I wish may prove true to the full.—From Snape, this xxvjth. of July 1596, your brother in all love to command, Tho. Cecill.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (173. 105.)
Noel de Caron to the Earl of Essex.
1596, July 21/31. Learns from his secretary, Mr. Reynoldes, that the bearer is going to the Earl, and thinks it his duty to send the news of Flanders. The enemy having suspended operations in France, descended into Flanders, intending, as was afterwards learnt, to besiege Ostend; but, finding that place too strong, he passed by it, transporting his army into the country of Maes, with the intention of making himself master of the country and town of Hulst. Count Maurice followed him as far as Hulst. The enemy then made a feint to cross the river Scault and attack Bergues or Breda, and actually sent 4,000 or 5,000 men across into Brabant; whereupon Count Maurice went off toward Bergues with 3,000 or 4,000. The enemy then turned back and on the night of the 8th and 9th inst. entered the country of Hulst, being well supplied with boats and instruments which had been secretly prepared in Anttwerp, “a quelle fin aussi ladite ville auroit esté serrée bien quinze jours sans qu'on pouvoit scavoir le pourquoy.” Notwithstanding the absence of the Count, his entry was opposed and he lost many men, among them Barlotte, Tesseling and other chiefs. In the end he made good his entry with 5,000 or 6,000 men and his artillery and, after a furious battery, won Moerscrans, the principal fort of the town, by composition : although Count Maurice made haste to succour it he was too late. He now seeks to win fort Nassau, which taken, the town will be in great danger. Count Maurice has put in a garrison of 3,000 under Count Solms, with Piron as his lieutenant. They cry out for succour and wish they might have Mr. Veer and his troops. Has pressed for succour from the Queen in two audiences during the past eight days, and obtained the sending of 500 or 600 men and promise of 800 or 1,000 more, “moyennant que ce soient voluntaires. Surquoy j'attends maintenant la resolution desdits seigneurs Estats, qui, a mon advis (selon que je leur ay aussi mande) le feront mieulx par forme de recreute que par regiment ou compagnies nouvelles.” They must have men, or else not only Hulst, but also Axelle, Ter Nuese, and Biervliet and the islands of Hoes and Ter Tolen, will be in great danger. The Queen said she wished Essex and the whole fleet were there. Count Maurice writes that he needs but 3,000 or 4,000 men to destroy the enemy. A defeat there would abate the pride he has taken from his victories in France. Essex's victories, of which there are already good reports, will help to subdue the pride of the great troubler of the world. Hopes God will prosper him.—Stretham, 31 July, 1596.
French. Holograph. 3 pp. (173. 108.)
Mrs. Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1996, July [21?]. Whereas this great sickness of my Lord, my father-in-law, being now dangerous even to death, so as there is no hope of his recovery, I think it not convenient to entreat further for Mr. Carey's present leave of coming up, but humbly intreat your favour towards him; who, losing his father, his great hope, relies in your honourable kindness.
To further the establishment or continuance of Mr. Carey in such place of service in Berwick, as with your honourable furtherance may stand to the good liking and pleasure of Her Majesty, whose gracious favours and good thoughts have ever been shewed towards him, may it please your Honour, as his chief hope of favour rests with your honourable self, to give your honourable consideration towards him.—“From Somersett House, this present Wensday, 1596.”
Signed :—“Ma : Carey.”
Endorsed :—“July, 1596.”
1 p. (43. 20.)
Lord Keeper, Sir Thomas Egerton, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 22. I received your letter at three of the clock this Thursday this 22nd of this instant July, being at Ludgraves. I will not fail by God's grace to be with you to-morrow morning early.
Holograph. ¼ p. (42. 69.)
William Udall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 22. Upon my last departure into Ireland with what resolution I departed you remember, and with what sincere loyalty towards her Majesty and my country I have adventured into England, to make proof unto you, upon hazard either of my life or liberty, if I have not endeavoured by all possible means to effect that resolution which in conscience I am resolved to be meritorious before God and honourable before the world. That I might with more liberty, under colour of my lord and master's causes, have access unto you, I moved the Earl to acquaint you first with my coming into England, who having talked with you, I perceived by his speeches that you were greatly displeased with me; since which time I have abstained both from Court as also from sending unto you, in that I was in continual expectation that you, being so heavily offended with me, would have called me before you. But as yet hearing nothing from you, I have adventured once more to trouble you, beseeching you even for God's cause and her Majesty's to suffer me to come unto you, not only to discharge myself of any slackness or abuse that may be imputed unto me, but further to deliver what plots and opportunities I know, for furtherance of her Majesty's service; as also to declare what is and will be the the state and resolution of Ireland.—“From the taylor's house over against St. Brides church, this 22 of July.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (42. 71.)
William Purevey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 22. I have sent you a tame pheasant hen with her young, and am very sorry that the sitting of fourteen eggs hatched but these three. This bearer, the breeder of them, telleth me he had very ill luck this year, which maketh me think the unseasonableness of the year to be the cause your own breed not. But I hope he will so instruct your man to keep them that next year you shall have plenty.—From Wormleybury, the 22nd of July.
Endorsed :—“22 July, 1596. Mr. Auditor Purvey to my master.”
Holograph. ½ p. (42. 72.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 22. I have forborne to trouble you, chiefly for that there hath not arrived any certain news since my last letters, in the which I do also desire you to take notice of such artillery as for the present time I have taken in, and do hope it will not be disliking to their Lordships.—From the Fort at Plymouth, 22 July, 1596.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (42. 73.)
William Parphey, Mayor, and the Aldermen of Bristol to Lord Burghley.
1596, July 22. As to the ships set forth from this port to attend her Majesty's navy royal in this last service, we advertise you that there have been three ships set forth from hence, viz. the Unicorn, rated to us by the owners thereof in 250 tons, the Pleasure in 250 tons, the Exchange in 200 tons, victualled for five months and manned from hence with one captain and 50 mariners in every ship : the charge whereof every way, in victualling and furnishing them in warlike manner, already disbursed, amounted to 1640l. 7s. 8d. as by the particular accounts may appear, over and besides the tonnage to the owners and the captains' and mariners' wages for five months, to be paid at the return of the said ships, amounting to 895l. Towards all which charge we have received from other places 336l. 12s., viz. from Gloucester 177l., Bridgwater 50l., Worcester 40l., Shrewsbury 40l., and Cardiff 29l. 11s., and are unable, without further contribution, to satisfy the residue; whereof we beseech you to have that favourable consideration as the poor estate of this city may be relieved in this heavy burden.—At Bristol, this 22nd of July, 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (42. 74.)
Officers of the Port of Hull to Lord Burghley.
1596, July 22. Having received on the 21st a letter from him dated 10th of this inst. by Bennett Blundevile, messenger of the Chamber, requiring a certificate of the charges and furniture of the ship from their port, set forth this year for service under the Earl of Essex and the L. Admiral, and the aid the town had from the inland country and from any creek belonging to the port, they find upon examination that the charge every way already made is 968l. 8d., and the rest is 1178l. 15s. 1d., as by particular enclosed appears. No inland town or creek, excepting York, hath been contributor to the charge, whereof York hath borne and doth bear four parts and Hull three parts. Hereafter (as the officers are informed) those of York purpose to become humble suitors to his Lordship that other places that reap profit by this port may be contributors.—Hull, this xxijth of July, 1596.
Signed :—Willm. Rande, Customer; Ri. Gilbye, Surveyor.
Endorsed :—“With a certificate of the charge of the Elizabeth Jonas set out from that port.”
Seal. 1 p. (173. 100.)
The certificate referred to :
“The charges of the Elizabeth Jonas of Hull, furnished in warlike manner for her Majesty's service the 7th of April, who her owners do reckon to be of the burden of 200 tons, and esteem her to be worth 600l. besides her ordinance.”
Total cost of provisions, ammunition, ordinance, wages, &c., including value of ship as above, 2,146l. 15s. 9d.; of which sum there is already paid 968l. 8d., rest to pay 1,178l. 15s. 1d.
1 p. (42. 70.)
William, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 23. This morning I received your letter, whereby I perceive it is her Majesty's good pleasure that I make my repair to the Court as conveniently I can, having my health; which, God willing, I mean to do, giving you thanks for your courteous letter.—From Queenborough, the 23 of July.
Holograph. Seal. ⅓ p. (42. 75.)
George Goring to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 23. I presumed to take my leave of you a fortnight past, but I was turned again with grief, for I found process commanded by my Lord Treasurer to go against my father's sureties; the which I have laboured may be stayed, as well unto her Majesty as my Lord Treasurer, until Michaelmas, when the gentlemen being here might take order for the payment of it (if by law they be bound) without their discredit and mine in the country. I cannot obtain my suit, her Majesty is hardly incensed against me, and saith that mine own men will avow that there was 12,000l. in my father's house within ten days before his death. I and the most of my father's men are already examined upon our oaths, and I do refuse all favour if it can be proved that there was 600l., and do protest, as I am a Christian, I never knew of 600l. I am going into the country to make sale of any land I have to save harmless my sureties who are bound in 4,000l. for my father. It will make a great hole in my estate, having not a 100l. towards it. If my late honourable lady had not been I might have wanted meat to put in my mouth if this severe course be followed by breaking the decree, and not contented with my father's whole estate to answer his debt. Mr. More is one of the sureties, who will pay any other man's debts with an ill will.—Court, this 23 of July, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (42. 76.)
Arthur Capell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 23. Has sent him a book by the bearer as a poor token of his unfeigned love. Although the distance of his dwelling and the small occasion he has to be cumbersome to Cecil with worldly business may procure an utter forgetfulness of so poor and mean a friend, beseeches Cecil to hold him among the number of those that wish him increase of all true honour.—From my poor house at Haddham, this 23 of July, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (42. 78.)
Dr. William Tooker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 23. Craving pardon for this boldness, I will not despair of your procurement until I see contrariety of effect. I hope, when you shall be remembered of your promised favour to the Earl of Essex and to Sir Walter Raleigh, and of my whole dependence upon the same, for the Wardenship of Winchester, you will call to mind how well they stood affected unto me, and how much you encouraged me by your good conceit of speeding in the cause. I shall be very sorry if, upon this dismission of Mr. Cotton, myself dispossessed of your favour by him that is possessed of 300l. per annum within these two years or less, and now maketh suit after the fourth preferment, and all of her Majesty's gift. I am very loth to importune you with any modesty, but in all humility I must protest and beseech you to believe that you shall never bestow your favour upon any of that foundation of the college who more honoureth you than myself do. If it might not be offensive to you, I would pray [you] to listen, after the common opinion and expectation of the colleges both, which of us shall honour you more in this one suit in th'end.—From Westdean, 23 July.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (42. 79.)
Nicholas Saunder to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 23. My troublesome business being now ended through my Lord's and your letter on my behalf to Sir Fred. Gorges, for the which myself, my life and all else I have shall remain at your service while I live, I am therefore now ready to set sail by Thursday next if it please God the wind serve. Anything else that you would command me to the Fleet I will perform it if I live, meaning to stay and wait your answer. I beseech you to cause these two letters to my Lord of Northumberland and my Lady Howard to be sent unto them; the one is by special commandment to me from my Lord of Essex, the other by the like from my Lord Admiral.—From Plymouth, 23 July 1596.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (42. 80.)
Sir Edmond Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596 [about July 23.] Beseeching Cecil (as he has ever shown favour to him) for God's sake, to make his wretched estate known to Her Majesty, that it may please her either to relieve him, or let him seek his fortune in some other country where he shall not be known.
As he trusts to be saved, this is his estate. First, his late father bestowed on him the keeping of Brocboro park, which he has during his brother's life and no longer, and for that he has 60l. a year. Then, he has of Lord Essex the keeping of Grafton park, the which his wife and children now lies at, and that he has during Essex's pleasure only. His poor wife's living it kills his heart to think of, and to think into what miserable estate he has brought her, for his going into the Low Countries with Lord Leicester and since his serving the Queen hath made him sell that which his wife brought him, which was better than 120l. a year. Then he has a ferme of the Queen which is but small, and more, he protests to God, he has not.
Entreats Cecil to move the Queen to have pity on him, his wife, and children that they go not a begging.
Endorsed :—“July 1596. R. 23.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (43. 19.)
M. de la Fontaine to the Earl of Essex.
1596, July 23/Aug. 2. Congratulates him upon the success of his valorous exploit. Has himself been, as Essex knows, at the very gates of death. “Depuis que messieurs de Bouillon et Sanci furent retournez, la maladie du Connestable et l'absence du Conseil d'avec le Roy apporta retardment a l'approbation au traicte authentique. Cependant, le Roy ne laissoit d'exprimer par lettres son intention de l'accepter, comme il fit par ses lettres du 4e de Juillet, promettant d'en envoyer la ratification par Monseigneur le duc de Bouillon, lequel aussi en viendroit prester le serment. Depuis ledit seigneur voulut faire une course jusques a Sedan, d'ou estant de retour, il depescha ung gentilhomme pour scavoir le lieu, qu'il desiroit prochain de la mer, et de scavoir qui devoit passer la mer en son lieu, de la part de la Royne. On a assigné Greenwich et ordonné M. le Comte de Sherausbury, et pour ambassadeur ordinaire M. de Mildmay. J'estime maintenant mondit sieur de Bouillon a Dieppe. Cependant l'ennemi, aiant faict contenance quelque temps de menacer Boulogne et puis jetté quelques forces dedans la campagne ou le Roy envoya partie des siennes, finalement a emploié son armee contre Huls t : vous avez asses qui vous en descrira les exploicts. Le Roy s'est retire vers Paris tant pour pourveoir a sa santé, laquelle est bonne, comme pour recevoir le legat, ce qu'il a faict tellement quellement. Le reste de l'armee bien debifée est demeuré sur la riviere de Somme et soubz la conduicte de M. le Conestable, lequel attend le Roy a Amiens, et semble que l'armée se rassemblera asses puissante. Cependant il n'y a eu autre exploict que de le deffaicte de 400 chevaux ennemis pres le Chattellet. Messieurs de Nemours et d'Espernon sont arrivés en Lour et bien venus, la trefve de Bretagne prolongee jusques la fin d'Aoust. M. de Mercœur traicte avec apparence d'accord. Ceux de la Religion pressent leur establissement et accomplissement des promesses qui leur ont esté faictes; et s'y sont desja tant advancés qu'il y aura de remuement si on ne les contente. Si l'ennemi pour l'issue de son entreprise de Hulst se pouvoit veoir tout ensemble les f[orces] d'Angleterre victorieuses, celles de France et des Estats sur . . . . . . . verrions j'espere au Cardinal que l'orgueil est l'avant coureur de . . . . . , car le brave comte a este si mauvais facteur pour le Roy d'Espagne qu'il luy a faict perdre tout credit en Anvers, Bruxelles, et ailleurs.”—London, 2 Aug. 1596.
Signed. 2 p. (173. 112.)
Lady Margaret Hawkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 24. Her Majesty of her own princely inclination and good nature sent me sundry gracious messages by divers persons, but especially by Mr. Killigrew; by whom I was required, if any hard measure should be offered me any way, to let her Majesty understand thereof. Whereupon I presumed not long since to solicit her Highness with my rude letter, the copy whereof I send here enclosed [see July 16]. It was kept three or four days undelivered, expecting Mr. Killigrew's coming to the Court; and finding his coming uncertain I procured the delivering of it. Her Majesty very graciously took the pains to read it over and over, and her answer was that Mr. Killigrew should certify her pleasure unto me concerning the same. But now being informed that he is sick, and for ought I know like to be long absent, I pray you at your best leisure, when her Majesty's grief for the death of the late Lord Chamberlain shall be in some measure overpast, to move her Highness for her gracious answer. I have but few friends left, especially such as be of credit to deal with her Highness, which makes me the bolder to become thus troublesome to you; being well assured that both Mr. Hawkins and myself ever found you our honourable good friend, and I do also assure myself you had as great interest in him as in any man in England of his degree.—From Deptford strand, the 24th day of July, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (42. 81.)
[Dr. Bilson], Bishop of Worcester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 24. As I always reckoned myself deeply bound to you for your manifold kindness, so the favourable affection it pleased you to express towards me at your own house when we were private did exceed the rest, and merit so many degrees of duty and thanks that I satisfy not myself till I light on some fit course to requite the same. Whereto, though I gave no consent at that time, as doubting the strength of my body for so busy a charge, and in Christian modesty contenting myself with that which her Majesty had already bestowed on me, yet I did no whit the less esteem your favour that meant me more honour than I expected or deserved. And truly I should still have persisted in my first resolution had not Lord Buckhurst acquainted me with her Majesty's inclination in that behalf, and forewarned me how dangerous it were to check her choice or to refuse her favour so graciously flowing towards me of her own accord; the regard whereof hath forced me to change my mind, and without respect of former or feared disability to submit myself wholly to her Majesty's will. I thought best by letters to beseech your favourable advice and assistance as well to direct as to support this cause, which of your own accord you first mentioned.—London, the 24th of July, 1596.
Signed. Sealed. 1 p. (42. 82.)
The Earl of Essex to Lord Burghley.
[1596], July 24. For the state of our fleet and army I must refer your Lordship to this gentleman's report. This is only to commend my service to your Lordship, and to pray you that you will continue in your favour and good opinion your Lordship's humble friend to be commanded by you, Essex.—24th of July.
Endorsed :—“prmo Aug. 1596.”
Holograph. Seal. (43. 38.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 24. I must refer you to this gentleman's report for all the news of these parts. He is upon his departure, and I have only leisure to salute you. Plead for your poor friends in their absence if anything be informed to make her Majesty mislike our carriage.—24 July.
Endorsed : “24 July, 1596.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (42. 83.)
The Archbishop and Council at York to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, [July] 24. Since we received your letters touching Dawson, the priest, after much conference had with him by me the Archbishop, it hath pleased God to move him to yield, as appeared by a confession or note voluntarily written by him, a copy whereof we send here inclosed. And for that we make no doubt but he will wholly conform, we forbear further to proceed with him until we receive directions from your Honour.—From York, the xxiiijth, 1596.
Four Signatures. Seal. ½ p. (173. 103.)
The Enclosure :
Confession of Miles Dawson.
After he had taught School in York two years, by reading persuaded himself the religion maintained by Papists to be the truth and out of it to be no salvation. To save his soul, left York about five years since about Christmas in the company of Thomas Welborne and one Bowes, which Bowes had provided at Newcastle a French ship for the three to pass to Rhemes. Being wearied, however, with lingering three weeks on the seas in so short a cut, and finding the mariners unwilling for them to stay on shipboard by reason that for their sakes they thought the weather was more cross, they landed at Yarmouth without setting foot in France. Thence they travelled to Cambridge, Oxford, and London by common inns; and parting companies because it was not safe to go so many together, Dawson spent that year, until the next Easter, travelling from one great town to another as best to avoid suspicion. About the second Easter after his departure, falling in talk with one John Hall, M.A., who was determined to visit friends in Ireland, he did bear him company. Taking ship from Chipsto, they landed at Dublin, where he was made acquainted with Edward Burnell, a priest, not having hitherto spoken with any, being always in travel, Burnell having had trial of their behaviour for almost three-quarters of a year took them both two days journey into the country, whither he knew not but to what end he knew, for about the third Christmas after leaving York he took the order of sub-deacon; the third Lent after he was deacon, and the Saturday after the third Whit-Sunday he was made priest. The Bishop he knows not nor ever saw before or since. When they received the order of priesthood, they were enjoined to read cases of conscience one year before exercising the function of a priest. About the end of that year, arose a doubt whether they might exercise their functions, being ordered by a Bishop which had not special licence from the Pope, considering all Bishops were suspended from ordering any Englishman, but by letters dimissories from the Pope's Ordinary; which Ordinary for Englishmen was the rector of the Seminaries. On this, he went from Dublin into Spain to the Seminary of Validelit, landing at Bilbo in a French ship. Continued there till last Michaelmas when he came to England; but for want of shipping stayed at St. Sebastian's till about Christmas, when having opportunity of a Scotch ship bound for the West of Scotland he embarked, but by bad weather was driven to land in Ireland. Thence in a few days he came to Hilbree and took his journey to one Mrs. Bridges, at Shefford, co. Berks, whom Hall before commended to him, where he has continued ever since. Travelling to York to find out whether his mother was living or dead, he was taken at Tickhill by Mr. Polleyne's means, who knew him both a scholar and a teacher in York, brought before Sir William Bowes, and by him sent to the Archbishop and Council. After conference with the Archbishop has been brought to see his errors and yields himself wholly to Her Majesty's mercy, protesting that with her enemies in Ireland he never had to do. For matters in Spain knows only that an English captain named Burleie at St. Sebastians told him in great secret the King made promise to come with an army next spring, and how there were many ships building about the port towns of Biskeie, and some he did himself see on the stocks. Did purpose to have disclosed this, but while inventing the means with least danger, understood that Mr. Wright was taken the summer before, who had given intelligence of all King Philip's practices, and he was well acquainted with Captain Burleie.—July 23, 1596.
Signed. 2½ pp. (173. 101.)
Officers of the port of Newcastle to the Lord Treasurer.
1596, July 24. By your letter of the 11th inst. we were required to certify what shipping was set forth this summer for the Queen's service, what furniture has been made ready, what was the charge of victual and wages, and how levied. Knowing nothing ourselves touching that business we required the Mayor and his brethren in your name to instruct us therein : which they refuse to do : answering and expecting that you should have written to them.—Newcastle, 24 July 1596.
Signed : Ro. Dudley, Anthony Felton, — Draper, deputy surveyor.
1 p.
Sir Dru Drury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 25. I did the last night at 8 of the clock receive a letter from Mr. Wade, one of the clerks of her Highness's Privy Council, signifying that her Majesty's pleasure was I should search Mr. Peter Wentworth's chamber for the copies of his book touching the establishment of the succession of the imperial crown of this realm, with all secrecy; which I have this morning executed accordingly and can find but one of them. I did further charge him, upon his soul's pain and of his allegiance, whether he had any more copies. He confidently protested, No. Which book I send you by the bringer hereof; and although I am nothing at ease, yet I may not but render you my most hearty thanks for your so friendly care which I understand from yourself and other my friends you have for my enlargement; and pray your continuance, and then I do assure myself by my good Lord Treasurer's furderance and yours, it shall very speedily be effected of my dread sovereign's often assured behests. For without the cause be removed shortly, I do assure you I dare not expect long life; which though I have many years vowed to her Majesty, yet if God would I would most willingly depart with it to her Highness's more advantage and less discomfort to others. Whatsoever it please her Grace to do with me, my hearty prayers to God and my heart and all my parts hath never nor shall while I breathe be but her Grace's to dispose of.—From the Tower, this 25 of July, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (42. 84.)
1596, July 25. Warrant to Lord Burghley to levy and arm 70 men in Essex and 59 men in Herts to take the place of those withdrawn from Flushing in April last for the service of the army then sent to sea, and to conduct them to Harwich, where shipping shall be provided by August 15 to transport them to Flushing.—Manor of Greenwich, 25 July, 38 Eliz.
Sign Manual. Signet. 1 p. (42. 85.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 25. I must salute you very shortly, though I have will to do it very kindly. I refer all our news to the bearer, and we shall see you so soon as compliments will be very superfluous I pray you be my good angel in pleading for me to her that is more mistress of me than of any man or anything in this world.—25 July.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (42. 86.)
William, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 25. This morning I received your letter. Immediately by that post I have written to the sheriff to make his repair to Dover, accompanied with such gentlemen as dwell thereabout, to bring the Duke of Bouillon to Sittingbourn, where the Earl of Northumberland shall meet him. I have also written to Mr. Fane to advise to the Court of his landing. You may not forget the coaches for the Duke, for there are none in the country to be had, and the ways are marvellous foul. It were convenient that they were sent presently away. It were necessary that some gentlemen of account were sent from the Court to deliver some message from her Majesty. I had been this day at the Court had I not been very [sick ?] and out of temper, but, God willing, to-morrow, if I live, I will be there.—From Cobham Hall, the 25 of July.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (42. 87.)
John Bellott, Customer of Poole, to Lord Burghley.
1596, July 25. Excusing himself for the unavoidable delay in replying to Lord Burghley's letter of the 14th, requiring him to certify what shipping, with the several and total charge, had been accomplished out of the port towns of this shire in the late service under the two right honourable lords, as also what aid had been afforded, as well of the inland countries as from any creeks belonging to this port.—From Poole, the 25th of July, 1596.
Holograph. ½ p. (42. 88.)
The Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of Newcastle-upon-Tyne to Lord Burghley.
1596, July 25. Understanding by the officers of customs here that, by letters to them of the 11 July inst., your Lordship has requested a certificate of the cost of furnishing forth the ship, appointed for the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne for her Majesty's service this summer under the Earl of Essex and the L. Admiral, &c., we enclose a schedule of the particular charges laid forth by the mayor and burgesses in furnishing the said ship of war called the Barck Rawe, of the burden of 160 tons.—Newcastle, this xxvth of July, 1596.
Signed, William Riddell, maior; Wyllm. Selby; H. Anderson; H. Chapman; Robert Atkinson; George Farnabie; Lyonell Maddyson; Rayf Jenyson; Willm. Greenewell. . . . . .
Damaged. Seal. ½ p. (173. 104.)
G. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Before July 26. Thanks him for his love. “And though beggars may be no chusers yet to make my mind plain to you, as to one upon whom I will chiefly rely, and by whose means I hope your father will be pleased to yield me the more favour, of all my lord's offices I do least affect Barwicke, as a place far from her Majesty, subject to many jealousies, and where I would be as loth to live as to make a benefit of it by my absence. Of his other offices, the captainship of the pensioners and the justice en oyer, I do chiefly affect, not so much for the benefit, which is less by one half than Barwicke, as for the honour, and desire I have to be near about her person.”
Holograph. Endorsed :—“July 1596. L. Hunsdon to my master. R. 26.”
Seal. 1 p. (173. 111.)