Cecil Papers: September 1576

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: September 1576', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp139-143 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: September 1576', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp139-143.

"Cecil Papers: September 1576". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp139-143.

September 1576

406. Thomas Poley to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 3. Reports the staying of a barque called the Elizabeth of London in Colne Water whose cargo is thought to be contraband.
1 p.
407. The Earl of Northumberland to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 5. Understands that one Morley sues for the tithes in kind throughout Danby Forest, the inheritance of Lord Latimer, notwithstanding the tenants can show yearly payment time out of mind in lieu of the whole tithes, and that the matter is pending in the Spiritual Court at York. Asks Burghley to direct friendly letters to Dr. Gibson, Chancellor there, that he do not prejudice Lord Latimer's inheritance till either the writer's brother Cecil or himself is fully instructed therein. Hears that sentence is to be given in this cause on Saturday next after Michaelmas Day.—Petworth, 5 Sept. 1576.
¾ p.
408. The Earl of Northumberland to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 6. Asks him for the wardship of the son of Mr. Pudsey of Barford, co. York, his page and kinsman, and committed by his father of trust to him. He was 20 years old last May day.—Petworth, 6 Sept. 1576.
½ p.
409. John Clopton to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 7. Informs him that whereas his Lordship had appointed one of his servants to be Keeper of the Birtley Woods in the Bishopric of Durham the Chancellor of the Diocese had already bestowed that office on one of his brethren who now claims it. Will however keep such fees belonging to the said office as he is answerable for until he shall hear further from his lordship.
1 p.
410. Sir Owyn Hopton to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 7. In reply to his dated 2nd inst. informs him that there is already carried away from the several wharves of the Tower 420 pieces of ordnance, and the rest shall be carried away as soon as possible. Will see nothing is landed there but for the Queen's provision or that of the Privy Council.—Tower, 7 Septr. 1576.
¾ p.
411. The Earl of Northumberland to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 9. Thanks him for grant of the wardship of Pudsey. Wishes he could requite his friendship. Is sorry he was not with him at the killing of the great stag, for he did bear a malice against him since he was first at hunting of him. Is pleased to hear Burghley is such a good husband in keeping his own house so long, &c.—Petworth, 9 Sept. 1576.
Holograph. 1 p.
412. Sir A. Poulet to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 9. Has been so “grieved” in one of his legs since Friday that he is not yet able to go out of his house. Begs to be excused, and asks how long Burghley stays where he is, that before he enters upon his journey he may take leave of him. Asks his signature for inclosed bill drawn by Robt Peeter, on a warrant directed from the Queen, which he sends.—London, 9 September 1576.
¾ p.
413. Edward Osborne and Wolstan Dixie, Sheriffs of London, to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 12. Wm. Meadley was apprehended eleven days ago and by the Lord Mayor committed to the Counter in the Poultry by virtue of a special warrant under the hands of the Earls of Warwick and Leicester, and is more closely detained by force of another special warrant from their lordships to that effect. He is not therefore bailable, so as to be released to come to Burghley for conference in the matter of the mines.—12 Sept. 1576.
¾ p.
414. The Earl of Leicester to Lord Burghley.
1576, Septr. 12. The matter of Woodstock. Certain of those tenants complaining at Windsor of the enclosure of a piece of the common, and change of the highway, the Queen by the Master of the Requests directed him to talk with them, which he did, Dr. Wilson being by. He told them how little cause they had to be grieved, but rather the Queen to be much offended to find so unthankful and unnatural subjects as to grudge at a Prince's doings, and that Her Majesty would have nothing there that should not be recompensed to the uttermost, as Burghley had said. Next day came 40 or 50 more men who, not content with his answer, as the Queen passed by made open declaration, at which she was greatly offended, and commanded them to depart or be punished. She willed that Burghley should hear their complaints, and deal with them. “Surely it is not to be suffered that a Prince in such a case should be grudged at, when every upstart and yeoman almost can have more a thousand times at their tenants' hands to enclose, whole towns and lordships, and to change twice as far highways, and no complaints at all of it.”
Touching Mr. Secretary and Mr. Thos. Smith, Customers, the Queen desires Burghley's opinion which of the offers is most convenient for her to take. Her Majesty is resolved to proceed touching Mr. Smith according to the order Burghley has taken and agreed upon with him.
Endorsed :—“12 Sep. 1576.”
Holograph. 3 pp.
415. Lord Cheyne to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 12. Entreats his good offices with respect to certain offers which he has made to her Majesty for the exchanging of his lands in Sheppye.
1 p.
416. Roger Manners to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 12. At the earnest entreaty of the bearer, Mr. Kirkham, and of his friends, recommends his suit to his Lordship's favourable notice.
1 p.
417. Sir John Seintleger to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 12. His lands having been extended by the sheriffs for the non-performance of a covenant to which he was bound in the sum of 2,000l., and her Majesty having been pleased to grant him a respite till Hilary next, entreats his Lordship to direct a warrant to be issued to the sheriffs staying execution.
1 p.
418. Peter Osborne to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 12. Concerning a warrant for prolongation of payment granted to Mr. Smith, and the making of a new indenture thereupon.
In the absence of the Master of the Rolls, begs for a few lines from his Lordship to Mr. Justice Southcote, directing him to consider the draft thereof.—Ivy Lane, 12 Sept. 1576.
419. Gregory, Lord Dacres to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 13. One Alexander Parker, who was heretofore indicted and convicted by the Grand Jury of the utterance within the county of Sussex of most lewd and contemptuous words against her Majesty and her honourable Council, is still suffered to go at liberty and it is reported that he is put to bail by order of his Lordship and of the Earl of Leicester. The Earl of Leicester having denied this, he has thought it meet to write to his Lordship to know the truth thereof, and also to ask whether he ought to proceed further against the said Parker or not. Assures him that the not following up of this cause will grow into a very evil example in our rude country.—Chelsea, 13 Sept. 1576.
420. Lady Paget to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 14. Pressing the suit of Mr. Kirkham for preferment.
1 p.
421. The Earl of Essex to the Queen.
1576, Sept. 20. His state of life (which in his conscience cannot be prolonged until the sun shall rise again) has made him dedicate himself only to God, and generally to forgive and ask forgiveness of the world; but most specially of all creatures to ask pardon of her Majesty, for all offences that she has taken against him “not onely for my last lettres wherewith I heare your Majesty was much greaved but also with all other accions of mine that have ben offensibly conceaved by your Majesty.”
His hard estate, having by great accounts long ebbed, even almost to the low watermark, made him hope much from the floods of her Majesty's abundance and drove him to that which he dare not call plainness, but as a matter giving offence must condemn as an error. His humble suit must extend itself further into many branches for the behoof of his poor children, to whom, since God doth now make them fatherless, he begs her Majesty to be as a mother, at least by her gracious countenance and care of their education and matches. Begs her to grant to his eldest son “my poor offices in Wales,” the leading of 100 horse in Ireland for the guarding of the northern border, and his land upon the same, and withal to pardon his own debt to her Majesty. Does not wish him his own office of Earl Marshal here lest her Majesty should not think him worthy of the rest, “but he is my son, and may be fit for more in his lief than his unfortunate father hath in his possession at his death.” Recommends the Archbishop of Dublin to her Majesty's notice for some other benefit in England. He is a man notable in his function, good in life and example, and hath served her Majesty truly in matters of this state.—Dublin, 20 Sept. 1576.
Copy. 2 pp. [Murdin, p. 300. In extenso.]
422. The Earl of Essex to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 21. Has willed Mr. Waterhouse to show him how he may with honour and equity do good to his (Essex's) son, Hereford, whose education he wishes to be in Burghley's household, and the whole time he spends in England in his minority to be divided in attendance upon the Lord Chamberlain and Burghley, “to the end that as he might frame himself to the example of my Lord of Sussex in all the actions of his life tending either to the war or to the institution of a nobleman, so he might also reverence your Lordship for your wisdom and gravity, and lay up your counsels and advices in the treasury of his heart.” “And so to the Lord I commit you, sequestering myself from henceforth from all worldly causes.”—At Dublin, the 21 of Sept. 1576.
P.S.—Is desirous that his son should be sent to the Palsgrave as soon as they think him able to travel.
Endorsed :—“The Erle of Essex to my Lord from Dublin at the tyme of (fn. 1) death.”
1 p. [Murdin, p. 301. In extenso.]
423. J. Asteley to Lord Burghley.
1576, Sept. 21. Concerning his patent for the “mean” offices in Enfield Park.
1 p.


  • 1. The Earl died the next day, 22 Sep. 1576.