Cecil Papers: December 1573

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1573', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp64-67 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1573', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp64-67.

"Cecil Papers: December 1573". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp64-67.

December 1573

170. Lord Edward Seymour to Lord Burghley.
1573, Dec. 7. Would have answered Burghley's letter of Nov. 2 earlier, but was “intercepted” by the request of Sir Arthur Champernowne, who had earnestly solicited the company of the writer's son to the Court. Expresses his consent to the match between his son and Sir Arthur's daughter. Next to the Queen's “earnest desire,” he rejoices chiefly in the friendly advice and counsel of Burghley, whose unfeigned goodwill he feels assured of. Solicits his favour for the furtherance of his son's interest, “weighing the want of ability in Sir Arthur to answer mine expectation.”—Bury Castle, 7 Dec.
Endorsed :—“7 Dec. 1573. Lord Edw. Seymour to my Lord—Sir Arthur Champernown.”
¾ p.
171. John Thomas.
1573, Dec. 24. Petition of John Thomas, yeoman of the chamber and of the long bows, to the Queen. For a lease in reversion of the park of Lanteglose, Cornwall, long since disparked.—Undated.
[Note by Thomas Wilson, that the Queen grants the petition.—24 Dec. 1573.]
½ p.
172. The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Queen.
1573, Dec. 29. Conceives, by some words her highness uttered of late to his son Gilbert, an alteration to his discomfort. Although without spot of the least undutiful respect to her, he yet fears some scruple or doubt wrought in her majesty's judgment of him by the cunning practices of the Scots Queen and her friends, in discredit of his service at Sheffield. It somewhat recomforts him that her highness neither effectually charges him, nor in anything distrusts him. His perplexity of mind. Knows not the charges against him. His hostility to the Scots' Queen. Has kept her securely in custody, notwithstanding all practices in her behalf. Is still the same man. Assures himself none has a more revengeful mind than she. His loyalty to her majesty.—Sheffield Castle, 29 Dec. 1573.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“29 Dec. 1573. Erle Shrewsbury to the Queen. Gilbert Talbot.”
Copy. 2 pp. [Murdin, pp. 272, 273. In extenso.]
173. Admiralty Proceedings.
1573, Dec. 1. List of depredations committed by subjects of the King of France on subjects of the Queen of England from 1562, with the vessels' names, for which no restitution has been made.
2. List of restitutions ordered by the Court of Admiralty.
3. List of suits pending in that Court.
Endorsed :—“Traduict d'anglais pour M. Pinart.”
Copy.Very much damaged. 12 pp.
174. — to —.
1573. “I beseech you be a mean to my Lord your father. 1. That I may have a speedy dispatch. For that by a letter from Mr. Bowes of the 8th of this present, and others to me, I find my return attended, and matters of great weight depending thereon, which by delay may be endangered. 2. That seeing the state of the country and the Earl crave a speedy trial of their fortunes and faith, that her Majesty may be moved rather to direct the form of her intended favour to a means to enable a speedy than continual kind of practice, which in [the] end would be more chargeable to her highness, and breed perhaps security and negligence in them. 3. That I may be more particularly instructed myself what were most fit, or least displeasing to her highness to be done by him; whose amity to embrace; whom to be reconciled unto; and whom to suppress. Which things, being to me once known, I hope to effect without any discovery of the ground of my persuasion thereto if so it seem requisite. 4. That his honour will vouchsafe (in regard of my disability for the charge and service my heart would frankly afford) to be a means for a competent relief of my necessary charges, till I may deserve some further regard of my service, which with my diligence and travail during life shall be endeavoured to her highness' behoof, God willing.”
Endorsed :—“1573.” 1 p.
175. W. Dodington to Francis Walsingham.
1573. “Good brother, I find great light, touching mint matters, in your book. Some want I have for lack of a dictionary, which I pray you lend me for a while. There is in this many things referred to the ancient orders of their mint, whereof there is no mention made in the book. If you could by any means help us to understand what they were, you should do us a great pleasure, and the whole commonwealth withal. Almost we have no record, and indeed none at all to the purpose of those matters of monies. And albeit we have the same officers that they have for the most part, and that our orders seem wholly to be derived from them, yet are all things so out of frame by the embasing of the monies, and so are we blind in all things, as no man knoweth what belongeth to his office, neither what way is to be taken in governing of so great a charge. I pray you, therefore, give us your help, and direct us to come to so needful information. From Phullam [Fulham] this Wednesday 1573.”
[Postscript.]—“I thank you for your news, and pray you to impart to us such other as you have.”
Endorsed :—“1573. From my brother Dodington.”
¾ p.
176. The Bishop of Salisbury to Lord Burghley.
1573. “In most hartye wise I wisshe yow and yowres a prosperous new yeare and manye and good healthe and longe. Here I have sent yowr Lordshippe the fee of a patent of twenty poundes by yeare. Whether the patent shall be of ye highe stewardshippe or of what other office I knowe not as yet, untill I have communed thereof with Rylye & Chambers. And as I maye, I will encrease the saied fee. As knowethe the lyving God, in whome right hartely I wisshe yow and yowres ever well to fayre. Yowrs, E. G.” [Edmund Gheast.]
Endorsed by Burghley:—“1573, Bishop of Sarum. A promiss of a patent of xxl. fee with an office.”
½ p.
177. Musters.
[1573.] Begins: “The L. Liuet 100
Gen. of the horse 100
Lo. Grey 50
* * * *
Ends : “Sir Ed. Herbert 25
Sir Wm St. Leger 25
Captn Coust 25
1,300 wherof 300 at 18d p[er] diem, 200 at 15d, and 800 at 12d.”
1 p.
178. Proceedings against Sir John Brokett.
[1573.] Copy of a declaration of the writer's purpose to proceed in his suit for tithes against Sir John Brokett delivered to Mr. D. Aubrey for the better satisfying Mr. Secretary Walsingham therein.
Very much decayed. 3 pp.
179. Siege of Edinburgh Castle.
[1573.] Memorandum, in Burghley's hand, respecting the siege of Edinburgh Castle.
“Delay—The Scots' power shall withdraw. The Castle shall wax the stronger. The foreign aid shall come thither in time. The expence of one pound now will cost 5l. within a month or two.
“Therefore—A present attempt would be made.”
½ p.
180. The King of Poland.
[1573?] Conditions for the passage of the new King of Poland through Germany given at Frankfort by the commissioners of the Emperor and of the Electors.
Addressed, in Italian, to Burghley.
Latin. Seal. 1 p.