Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 49

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 49', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 49', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 49". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 49

639. Ralph de Oteringeden.
Writ, on the complaint of William de Leyburn that the escheator had taken into the king's hand the manors of Oteringeden and Sanden, the wardship whereof pertained to him, together with a third part of the manor of Boghton, which is of the inheritance of Joan, late the wife of the said Ralph, and of her two sisters, co-heirs of Stephen de Boghton, who held of the king in chief, 13 Oct. 15 Edw. I.
Kent. Extent, the eve of SS. Simon and Jude, 15 Edw. I.
Oteringden. The manor with its member the hamlet of Sengden (extents given) held of Sir William de Leyburn by service of 1 knight's fee, doing suit at his court in Leyburn. He held nothing of the king in chief except the inheritance of Joan his wife, who still survives, and the wardship of his heir ought to pertain to the said Sir William.
(Unspecified.) 54a. arable which are 'gavelygindeches,' 7s. 4d. rent of assize, and 12s. other small rents and customs, held of the prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, service unspecified.
Sutton. 34a. arable and 8a. wood, held of Sir William de Walenc', service unspecified,
Eseling. 63a. arable and 12a. wood, held of Sir Ralph de Eselyng, service unspecified.
He died on Saturday before St. Matthew the Evangelist, 15 Edw. I. Laurence his son, aged 5 on the first day of Lent in the same year, is his heir.
Kent. Extent, Monday the eve of SS. Simon and Jude, 15 Edw. I.
Bocton Allulphe. Part of a messuage with garden, 133a. arable, 7a. meadow, 37a. wood, 7l. 18s. 4½d., and 2 ploughshares rent, cocks and hens, 100 horse shoes, a pair of gilt spurs, 4 geese, 260 eggs &c., held of the king in chief of the inheritance of Joan his wife, who still survives, doing yearly a third part of suit at the king's court of Wytham, co. Essex, and rendering yearly to the sick of Boulogne a third part of 20l. The advowson of the church pertains to the said Joan, and Idonea and Iseult (Isolda) her sisters, partners of the inheritance of Sir Stephen de Bocton their father.
C. Edw. I. File 49. (1.)
640. Robert de Mortuo Mari.
Writ of plenius certiorari de feodis, &c., 22 July, 15 Edw. I.
Oxford. Inq. Wednesday after the Assumption, 15 Edw. I.
Crudynton. A moiety of the manor held by Richard de Willamescote by ½ knight's fee.
Somerset. Inq. The octave of the Assumption, 15 Edw. I.
Merch. The manor, held by Thomas de Hunteleye for ½ fee.
Kyngeston. The manor, held by John de Wygeton for ½ fee.
Kyngeston. The advowson of a free chapel within the court.
Gloucester. Inq. Saturday after St. Laurence, 15 Edw. I.
Olynton. The manor, held by John de Olynton for ½ fee.
Newynton. The manor, held by the prior of Little Malvern for ½ fee.
Luckinton. The hamlet, held by the heirs of Frusisselou [alias Frusshelou] for ½ fee.
Dumbelton. The manor, held by the abbot of Abindon for 1 fee.
Northampton. Inq. Monday before St. Michael, 15 Edw. I.
Lecchesbarewe, held by William le Pouer by three parts of 1 fee.
Lecchesbarewe. The advowson of the church.
Hereford. Inq. Tuesday after St. Laurence, 15 Edw. I.
Pudlesdon. The manor, held by William de Cursun for 1 fee.
Wyle. The manor, held by Henry de la Launde for ¼ fee.
Yarpol. 2 carucates land held by Walter Hakelutel for ¼ fee.
Buton. The manor, held by Thomas de Brompton for two parts of 1 fee.
Staunton and Moldeleye. The hamlets, held by Walter de Hopton by ½ fee.
La Caumbe. The manor, held by Bernard le Bret for ½ fee.
La Aysse [alias La Asshe]. The manor, held by John de Sancto Audoneo (sic) [alias Audoeno] for ⅓ fee.
Brompton. The hamlet, held by William de Cursun by ¼ fee.
Richard's Castle. The advowson of the church.
Warwick. Inq. The day of St. Giles, 15 Edw. I. (defaced.)
Ippesleye. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by Henry Hubaud by ½ fee.
Netheregrafton. The hamlet, held by John Sturmy by ¼ fee.
Bilneye. A moiety, held by the abbot of Combe by ¼ fee.
Bilneye. A free chapel held by the prior of Coventry.
Molinton. A moiety, held by the prior of Kenelworth by ½ fee; and a moiety, held by Thomas de Ardern by ½ fee.
Dunchirch. The manor, held by John Dunhefde [alias Dunheved] by 1 fee.
Bereford. The township, held by Theobald de Verdon by ½ fee.
Farneberg. The manor, held by Jordan de Say by 1 fee.
Farneberg. ½ carucate land held by Henry [Mile] by 1/16 fee; and 2 carucates land held by the heirs of William de H[aulton] by ½ fee.
Farneberg. The advowson of the church.
Salop. Inq. Wednesday after St. Laurence, 15 Edw. I.
Nene Solers. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by Edmund de Mortuo Mari by 1 fee.
Tetneshull and Marebrok. The manors, held by Peter Corbet by ½ fee.
Mulston. The manor, held by the heirs of William de Mulston by ½ fee.
Weston. The hamlet, held by the heirs of Roger de Clifford by ½ fee.
Tilesope. The manor, held by Adam de Aumerugg by ⅓ fee.
Rommesleye [alias Rumisley] and Baggeshouere. The manors, held by Roger le Pouer by 1 fee.
Kyngeshemed, held by Ralph de Lingeyne by ⅓ fee.
Stanegge. The hamlet, held by Brian de Brompton by ¼ fee.
Overton, held by Laurence de Lodelowe by ½ fee in free socage.
Kyngeshemed and Asche. The manors, held by John Sturmy by ½ and ¼ fee.
Grete. The manor, held by Geoffrey de Grete by two parts of 1 fee.
Stoke. The hamlet, held by Henry le Moneour and Robert de Muncelowe by ⅓ fee.
La Hulle. The hamlet, held by Adam de la Hull by 1/11 fee.
Asford Carbonel and Overton. The manors, held by Richard Carbonel by ½ fee.
Asford [alias Assheford] Boulers. The manor, held by Robert de Boulers by ¼ fee.
Overton, held by John de Overton by ¼ fee.
Wulferton. 1 carucate land held by William Carbonel for ¼ fee.
Stepelton [alias Stipelton]. ½ carucate land held by William son of Rand(olph) (alias Ranulph) by 1/40 fee.
Bureford. The advowson of the church, which is divided into three portions.
Worcester. Inq. Monday after the Assumption, 15 Edw. I.
Hi[m]eneye [alias Imeneye]. The manor, held by Peter Corbet by one fee.
Astwod. The manor, held by Thomas de Ardern [alias de Ardrene] by ½ and ¼ fee.
Kyngeslond. The hamlet, held by Rocelin de Kyngeslond by 1/5 fee.
Aumerugg. The manor, held by Adam de Elmerugg by 1 fee and 1/6 fee.
Purshull. The manor, held by Henry Peremort by ½ fee.
Almeringg [alias Almerugg.] The hamlet, held by Robert de Hanewod by 1/10 fee.
Croule [alias Crouley]. The manor, held by William de Bello Campo by 1 fee.
Coderugg. 1 carucate land held by John son of Hugh by 1/12 fee.
Clifton. The manor, held by Roger de Mortuomari by 1 fee.
Scheldesleye. The manor, held by Henry le Waleys by ½ fee.
Scheldesleye. The advowson of the church.
Sapye. The manor, held by Miles Pichard by ¼ fee.
Sutton and Overe Sapye. The manors, held by John Sturmy [alias Turmy] by 1¼ fee.
Sapye. The advowson of the church.
Temedeburi. The manor, held by John Giffard by 2 fees.
Cure. The manor, held by John Wyard by ½ fee.
Ieddefen [alias Yedfen]. The manor, held by the heirs of William de Loges [alias de Lodes] by ½ fee.
Karkedon. The manor, held by Hugh de Mortuomari by ½ fee.
Ieddefen. The advowson of the church.
Worcester. The advowson of the church of All Saints.
[Oxford, &c.] Extent of knights' fees as above (undated).
C. Edw. I. File 49. (2.)
641. John le Botiller of Wemme.
Writ, 20 Oct. 15 Edw. I.
Warwick. Inq. (undated).
Overesle and Whitlaxford, from Middeldene to Stavenelane (?). A capital messuage, 28a. arable in demesne, 24a. meadow, pasture worth 3s. yearly, 2 water-mills, 1lb. cummin rent, 2 virgates land in villenage, 3 cottages, a meadow, and a fishery, held of Sir Edmund, earl of Leicester, by service of 1 knight's fee.
Wihtlaxford. A capital messuage, 60a. arable in demesne, 12a. meadow, 2 groves of wood, 30s. rent of free tenants, 11 virgates land in villenage, and 1lb. pepper and 2 barbed arrows rent, held of the abbot of Evesham as free socage rendering 4l. 4s. 4 ½d. yearly ; 200a. arable, by the lesser hundred, 63s. 6d. rent of free tenants, 6½ virgates in villenage, 4 cottages, a fishery and a park with foreign wood, held of the abbot of Bordesle as of the king's soke of the manor of Budeford rendering 5s. yearly ; and 20a. arable, and 2s. 6d. rent for a fourth part of a mill, held of the earl of Warwick by service of 1 knight's fee, and rendering 1d. to William de Wytenton.
Angareta, late the wife of William le Botyler, has a third part of all the above in dower.
Gawayn his brother, aged 17 at the feast of the Purification, 15 Edw. I., is his next heir.
Writ of certiorari, concerning the age of Eleanor late the wife of the said John, 23 July, 15 Edw. I.
Worcester. Inq. Saturday the morrow of the Assumption, 15 Edw. I.
The said Eleanor will be 12 at the feast of St. Martin next.
C. Edw. I. File 49. (3.)
642. John de Biker alias de Bikerr.
Writ, 14 Dec. 15 Edw. I.
Northumberland. Inq. Tuesday after the Purification, 15 Edw. I.
Bikerr. Two parts of the town and the whole of Pampedene (extent given with names of tenants) including a fishery in the water of Tyne, 5s. 9d. service of the Carmelite friars, and 1d. service of the master of the hospital of St. Mary of the Westgate for 3r. meadow in Pampedene, held of the king in chief in serjeanty, by service of keeping in his fold all the beasts taken in the county for the king's debt, and rendering 40s. yearly to the king for ever.
Margery and Ladranya, daughters of Nicholas, his brother by the same father and mother, aged 24 and more, are his next heirs; Margery the elder was married to one Nicholas who is dead as the jury believe, and Ladranya, long before the death of the said John, was married to one Robert who still lives.
C. Edw. I. File 49. (4.)
643. Roger Luveday alias Loveday.
Writ, 10 July, 15 Edw. I.
[Cambridge.] Extent, Tuesday after St. Laurence, 15 Edw. I.
Elm. The manor (extent given) jointly held by the said Roger and Richard his son of John Monpin(zu)n, rendering to him yearly 10l., to the bishop of Ely 2 marks, to the prior of Ely 2 marks, to the abbot of Wenlyng 20d., and to John Oky 8d.
Richard his son, aged 5, is his heir.
Suffolk. Thursday before St. Peter ad Vincula, 15 Edw. I.
Brisete. The manor (extent given) held of the king by homage and service of 1 knight's fee of the honour of Peverel [which is the king's escheat]. He held nothing of the king in chief as of his crown.
Offton. The manor (extent given) held of Sir Robert de Stutevile by service of 1 knight's fee; a messuage called la Mote and 60a. arable, held of the prior of Tefford, rendering 17s. 7d. yearly; and 7a. arable which were of William de Holles, rendering 3s. 6d. yearly.
Somersham, Ofton and Elmesete. 63a. arable held of John de Baa, service unknown ; a messuage, and 6a. arable, held of Robert de Willatheham, by service of 3½d. rent; and 1a. land held of the fee of the church of Somerham by service of 2d. rent, to be paid yearly for the lighting (ad luminar') of the church,
Sprouton. 5l. 17s. 1¾d. yearly rent, a tenants' court, a view of frankpledge, and the advowson of the church, held of Roger Bigot, now earl, by service of 1 knight's fee; a messuage with dovecot and garden, 181a. arable, 10a. meadow, 13a. pasture, 8a. wood, a moiety of a water-mill, and 65s. yearly rent, held of the earl of Leicester by service of 1 knight's fee; and a messuage, 160a. arable, 11a. meadow, 3a. pasture, 11a. wood, 6l. 21d. rent, and a moiety of a water-mill, held for a farm of six years, of which three were elapsed on the feast of St. Michael last, of John de Angervile, rendering him 20l. yearly.
Heir as above, aged 5 at Christmas, 15 Edw. I.
Writ, 15 July, 15 Edw. I.
[Cambridge.] Extent, 22 Oct. 15 Edw. I.
Elm. The manor (extent given), jointly held of Sir John Mounpinzun &c. as abovesaid.
C. Edw. I. File 49. (5.)
644. Roger de Jarpevil alias de Jarpenvill.
Writ (missing).
Essex. Inq. (undated.)
Totham and Goldhangre. 200a. arable, 12a. meadow, 20a. pasture, 10a. wood, a garden, fishpond and dovecot, 63s. rent of assize, 300 works, 60 hens worth 5s. and 300 eggs worth 12d. yearly, held of the king in chief by service of 3 knights' fees and 40s. for the guard of Dover yearly; and 50a. arable and 20s. rent of assize, held of the abbot of St. Albans, doing to him 34s. yearly.
Steple. 80a. arable and a marsh, held of Robert de Cantulupo by service of 46s. 8d. yearly.
Maud his daughter, the wife of Philip de Heveniggeham, aged 22 and more, is his next heir.
Writ of certiorari, on the complaint of Richard Gibbecrak and Basilia his wife that the escheator had taken into the king's hand lands &c. of the said Richard in Totham and Goldhangre because he had married the said Basilia, late the wife of Roger de Jarpenvill, who held of the king in chief, as the escheator asserted, without the king's licence, 6 May, 15 Edw. I.
Essex. Inq. Thursday before Whitsunday, 15 Edw. I.
The said Roger held no lands of the king in chief on the day he died, but he held in the town of Steeple, a messuage, 100a. land, and a small marsh for 50 sheep, for his life, of Philip de Heveningham by service of ¼ knight's fee.
C. Edw. I. File 49. (6.)
645. John son of Miles de Mardefeuld, deceased.
Writ of plenius certiorari, on the complaint of Robert de Billisdon and Agnes his wife, that the escheator had taken into the king's hand land in Mardefeuld which they had demised to the said John for life only, as if he held it of the king in chief, 20 Oct. 15 Edw. I.
[Leicester.] Inq. Monday after All Saints, 15 Edw. I.
Mardefild. 1 carucate land was sometime held by the said John of the king in chief by service of 15s. yearly, which in the eyre of Gilbert de Preston at Leicester, he gave to John his son and Agnes his wife by
ine, retaining a moiety for his life: John the son died, his father surviving, and one Robert de Billesdon married Agnes his relict and retained the moiety of which she was seised; then the said John demised to the said Robert and Agnes the moiety which he had by the fine, saving to himself and Agnes his wife the capital messuage as long as they should live; and afterwards he resumed the said moiety for his life, rendering to the said Robert and Agnes 7s. 6d. yearly.
C. Edw. I. File 49. (7.)
646. Maud le Loveraz, deceased.
Writ, the king having heard that the escheator had taken into the king's hand lands in Mordon which the said Maud had given to John de Loveraz according to the king's grant, 2 May, 15 Edw. I.
Dorset. Inq. Monday after St. Aldhelm, 15 Edw. I.
The king granted to the said Maud that she might give all her lands, &c. which she held of him in chief in Mordon to John de Loveraz her son for his life, to be held of the king, &c. by the services due, and she gave the same accordingly, and the said John had peaceful seisin thereof for fourteen weeks during her life.
C. Edw. I. File 49. (8.)
647. John de Clopton.
Writ, on the complaint of Eva, late the wife of John de Pavely, that the escheator, after the death of the said John, had taken into the king's hand certain lands in Clopton, the service of which had been assigned to her in dower, 6 Nov. 15 Edw. I.
Somerset. Inq. (undated.)
Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward, dowered the said Eva of a third part of the lands of the said John de Pavely, who held of the king in chief, together with the service of John de Clopton, who thus held his land of her, and the wardship of his lands and heir ought to pertain to her by the said assignment.
(See No. 401.)
C. Edw. I. File 49. (9.)
648. John son and heir of William Comyn alias Comeyn, Comine, Cumin, Cumyn, of Kyllebryde alias Kellebrid, Kilbride.
Writ of plenius certiorari de etate, 10 May, 15 Edw. I.
[Suffolk.] Inq. made at Fakinhamaspes on 12 July, 15 Edw. I.
The said John was 21 on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 14 Edw. I., and is next heir of the said William.
Writ of plenius certiorari de etate, 7 May, 15 Edw. I.
[Northumberland.] Inq. made at Alenewic on Saturday before St. James the Apostle, 15 Edw. I.
The said John is 21 and more.
Writ from the king to Edmund, earl of Cornwall, his lieutenant in England, commanding him, if it appears to him, in accordance with the inquisitions transmitted to the king and herewith enclosed, that the aforesaid John Cumyn is of full age, then, having taken his fealty, to
cause two parts of the lands, &c. which were of his father to be delivered to him; provided that the third part, which ought to pertain to his mother in dower, is to be retained to the king's use, because she married without the king's licence, as he has learnt. Dated at Queenborough (Burgum Regine), 22 March, 16 Edw. I.
Letter (to the Chancellor?) enclosing the king's mandate on behalf of John Cumin. Dated at Essorug (?) Saturday after Holy Trinity.
C. Edw. I. File 49. (10.)
649. Henry son of Henry de la Pomerey.
Writ de etate probanda to Peter Heym and Robert le Deneys, 11 May, 15 Edw. I.
Cornwall. Inq. made at Tregony on Monday before St. Barnabas, 15 Edw. I.
Henry son of Henry de la Pomeray born at Tregony, and baptized in the church there, was 22 on Friday before Whitsunday, in the year above-said.
C. Edw. I. File 49. (11.)
650. John son and heir of Ralph Huscarl.
Writ de etate probanda to John de Sancto Laudo and Geoffrey de Stawelle, 10 July, 15 Edw. I.
Writ of scire facias to the sheriff of Somerset, 10 July, 15 Edw. I.
Somerset. Inq. made at Somerton on Monday the morrow of St. Laurence, 15 Edw. I.
William de Godmanston says that the said John was born at Esthorp (alias Eesthrop) on Ash Wednesday next after the battle (conflectum) of Evesham, and baptized in the church of St. Mary at Bryweton on Thursday following by John de Aure, canon of the church, which he knows because he was there and heard his mass.
Nicholas le Mareschal says the same, and that he knows about the birth through Hawis mother of the said John and Alice his godmother, a neighbour of the said Nicholas.
Robert le Spycer says the same as the said William.
William de Gratelegh says the same, and that he was at the purification of the said John's mother.
William Chamflour and others say that he is 21 and more.
This inquisition was taken in the presence of Henry de Carevill who holds the lands by the commission of the queen consort, who could say nothing against it.
C. Edw. I. File 49. (12.)
651. John son and heir of Robert L'Estrange (Extranei).
Writ of scire facias to the bailiffs of Fulk son of Warin of the hundred of Whitinton concerning the proof of age of the said John, 22 Sept. 15 Edw. I., with Jury panel annexed.
[Salop.] Inq. Wednesday after St. Michael, 15 Edw. I.
The said John, who was born at Whytinton and baptized in the church there, was 21 on the third day after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross last, and the bishop of St. Asaph, guardian of part of the inheritance by the king's commission, being warned, came not, nor was anything said by him or others, but that the king is bound to restore to the said John his inheritance.
C. Edw. I. File 49. (13.)
652. John son and heir of Ralph Musard.
Writ de etate probanda to William de Saham and John de Metingham, 18 May, 15 Edw. I.
Writ of scire facias to the sheriff of Gloucester, 18 May, 15 Edw. I.
Gloucester. Inq. Sunday the octave of Holy Trinity, 15 Edw. I.
William de Westinton, one of the guardians of the lands of the said heir, said that the said John was born on the octave of St. Hilary next after the siege of the castle of Kenillewrth, as he understood; and the jury say that he was born in the castle of La Musardere and baptized in the parish church of the town, and was 21 on the feast of St. Wlstan, viz.—on the octave of St. Hilary last.
Schedule of Evidences enclosed :—
G. de Brockeshale says he recollects because he was with Sir J. Giffard at Bremesfeld and came to visit the castle of La Musardre in the year after the battle of Evesham (bellum Evesamye) and there saw the same John an infant running with his mother.
W. de la Mare recollects by J. his son who is one year younger than the said John, and will be 21 on the feast of St. Wlstan next, viz.—on the quinzaine before the Purification.
Roger de Bles recollects the age of the said John by his father, dead on the feast of St. Bartholomew next after the said battle.
Ralph Ferri recollects by a farm which he received from his father in law (de patre suo in lege) for a term of twenty-five years, and the said John was born in the third year following.
Richard de Bedefeld says he was absent from the country when the said John was born, but has learnt from his stepmother that he was 22 on the feast of St. Wolstan.
Richard de Bureyrd recollects by Richard his son, who was of the same age as the said John, and was 16 when he went to the court of Rome by command of Master Hugh de Evesham, cardinal of the pope, nearly six years ago.
Henry de Lipegate recollects by J. his son who is 1½ year younger than the said John, and is 20.
William Clement recollects because he lifted the said John from the baptismal font.
John de la Hyde recollects by the age of Sibyl his daughter who was born in the same year, and will be 22 on the next feast of St. Peter ad Vincula.
John de Frompton recollects because he came as a messenger of Lady Christiana Musard to Ralph Musard, father of the said John, on the eve of St. Wolstan, and the said John was born the following day, and the said John's mother often recalled her son's age when he came to her, because of the sufferings she sustained on account of her son.
Henry Ithenard recollects because Walter Ithenard his father died at the feast of St. John ante Portam Latinam twenty-two years ago, and on the quinzaine before the Purification following the said John was born.
Roger de Aldewyk says he was not in the country when the said John was born, but has learnt by Robert the smith of Smelrugg who is of the parish of La Musarder that the said John is of full age and more.
C. Edw. I. File 49. (14.)
653. John de Vallibus.
Writ (missing).
Lincoln. Inq. and Extent, Monday after All Saints, 15 Edw. I.
Freston in Hoyland. The manor (full extent given) including frank-pledge and rents from tenants in Boterwyk and Boston, held of Alice daughter and heir of Heny de Longo Campo, by service of 3 knights' fees, rendering to the king 23s., for sheriff's aid 24s. 2d., to the prior of Freston 36s. 4d., to the earl of Lincoln 2d., to Laurence de Rupe [alias de la Roche] 12d., to Thomas de Pointon 1d., to Ivo de Belasise 1d., to John Orger 1d., and to the heirs of Ralph de Wyluby 1d.
Petronilla and Maud, his daughters, are his next heirs and of full age.
Suffolk. Inq. Wednesday before St. Leonard, 15 Edw. I.
Wyssete. The manor (extent given) including 28s. ½d., of foreign service from the towns of Wenhaston, Wallepol, Sibbeton and Bromfeud, held of the king in chief by homage and service of 1 knight's fee of the honour of Richemund; and there are held of the same manor 14¾ knights' fees, whereof each pays 10s. yearly for the guard called the guard of Richemund, viz.—
Sohambarre [alias Sahambarre]. 2 fees held by the earl Marescall.
Hintlesham. 1 fee held by the earl of Oxford.
Stutton. 1 fee held by Roger Quarremme.
Westriffeld [alias Westerfeud]. ¼ fee held by Nicholas Weylond.
Perham. 5½ fees held by Robert le Valens [alias de Valeyns].
[Bromfeld, Wysete, Walpol, Wenhaston, Sybeton and Wenham.] 5 fees held by the heirs of Bromfeud.
Heirs as above, Petronilla aged 28, and Maud aged 26.
Norfolk. Inq. Thursday the feast of St. Leonard, 15 Edw. I.
Therston. The manor (extent given) held of Roger Bigod, earl of Norfolk, for 31¾ knights' fees, and by service of 5s. 3d. rent at Michaelmas called Wayte fee, whereof in:—
Essex. Belchaump. 1 fee held by Fulk de Vallibus.
Little Henye. 1 fee held by John le Ry.
Bures. 1/10 fee held by John de Normundye.
Suffolk. Reydon. 1 fee held by Robert de Reydone.
Little Wenham and Reydon. 2 fees held by Roger de Holebrock.
Boyton and Dodeneth. 1 fee held by Robert de Boytone.
Wylingham. 1 fee held by Ralph le [alias de] Muncy.
Barsham and Redesham. 2 fees held by Robert de Barsham.
Norfolk; Suffolk. Claxton and Bulecaumpe. 2 fees held by William de Gerdesdone [alias de Kerdeston].
Norfolk. Thurrton [alias Turveton]. 1 fee held by Simon le Gris.
Little Framelingham. 1½ fee held by Ralph Pykot.
Keteringham. 1 fee held by the earl of Oxford (Hoxon').
Morynthorp. 1 fee held by William de Schymplingg.
Wyssingsete. 3 fees held by Peter Bozun [alias Buszun].
Apelton, Watton, [Shimpling,] and Trous. 5 fees held by Richard de la Rokele.
Grymmeston. ½ fee held by John de Dunham.
Thorp and Wynch. 1 fee held by the prior of Penteneye.
Walton. 1 fee held by the abbot of Derham ; and ½ fee held by Alexander de Butrewyk.
Bichamwelle. 1 fee held by Roger Cherevile.
Totington. ½ fee held by the heirs of Henry Turnecurt [alias Tornecurt].
Suffolk; Norfolk. Chedeston, Barsham and Ketringham. 1 fee held by the heirs of Robert le [alias de] Grymylye.
Suffolk. Chedeston. 1/8 fee held by Richard de Boyland and Bartholomew de Norfolk [alias the heirs of William de Vallibus].
Reydon. 1 fee held by Alfred de Sulny.
Norfolk. Watton. 1 fee held by William le Roys.
Therston and Sotesham manors answer for the residue of the said fees; and each fee owes 2d. yearly for the said Waytesfee.
He died on Thursday before the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 15 Edw. I. Heirs as above.
Norfolk. Inq. Monday before St. Martin, 15 Edw. I. (defective.)
Holt and Cleye. The manor (extents given) with the advowson of the church of Holt held of John ... [by service of] 7 knights' fees, whereof in :—
Holt, Leyeringsete [alias Letheringsete], Bayfeud, [Shernton alias Scharneton, Ke]llingge and Becham [alias Bekham]. 2 fees held by Peter de Leyeringsete [alias de Letheringsete].
Holt, Leringsete, Hune [worth and Egefeud]. 1 fee held by Roger de Perers.
Huneworth and Hegfeud. ¼ fee held by William Hervi and his parceners.
Holt manor. The free tenants ... answer for 1¾ fee.
Cleye manor. The free tenants and customers answer for 2 fees, whereof in :—
Merstone. 1/16 fee held by Geoffrey Syre [alias le Syre] of Merston.
Schyringham which is called Marin (?). 1/9 fee held by ... aweburgne.
Date of death and heirs as above.
Norfolk. [Inq.] Saturday after St. Leonard, 15 Edw. I. (defective.)
Wytewell. The manor (extent given) including customs called 'Schyrreveschot,' 'Candelmesseschot,' and 'Meduelondherth,' held of William de Gyney by service of 10s. yearly; and the said John de Vallibus gave the manor together with the homage and service of the free tenants and customers of Hacford, outside the portion of the market of Repham pertaining to the manor of Wytewelle, to Maud his daughter and the heirs of her body, doing to the lords of the fee the services due, and to the said John and his heirs a rose; afterwards the said Maud married William de Ros, and the said William and Maud gave
the said manor, services &c. to the said John for life with reversion to them and the heirs of the said Maud, as appears by a fine levied between them in the king's Court.
Hacford. The manor (extent given), including the market and fair of Repham, and the advowson of a moiety of the church of All Saints, Repham, held of the fee of the earl of Warenne, of William de Calthrop by service of ½ knight's fee.
Date of death, and heirs, as above.
Norfolk. Inq. Sunday before St. Martin, 15 Edw. I.
Houcton alias Hocton. The manor (extent given) including 3s. 5d. rent called 'faldeherdelsilver,' held for socage of the king in chief by service of 20s. to be paid yearly to the hundred of Northgrenehowe, and by service of 1 quarter of wheat to the said hundred, which ought to be paid by the hands of the bailiff of the hundred to the sheriff of Norfolk, and by the sheriff at the king's exchequer; and there are 8d. rent due to the heirs of Nicholas de Suthowehalle for 7a. land called Hedeneshowe.
Date of death, and heirs, as above.
Norfolk. Inq. Friday after St. Leonard, 15 Edw. I.
Sotesham [alias Shotesham]. The manor (full extent given), with the advowson of the church which is taxed at 10 marks according to the taxation of Walter bishop of Norwich, held of Roger Bigot, earl of Norfolk, pertaining to the manor of Therston, as appears in the inquisition of Therston; and there are 70a. arable held of the heirs of Richard de Qwatfeud by service of ¼ knight's fee ; 50a. arable held of the prior of Norwich by service of 22s. rent, which are paid by the tenants of the fee for the lord; also 2a. meadow and a pasture of the fee of the said prior, and 3 roods meadow and a pasture of the fee of Qwatfeud alias Qwocfeud.
Date of death, and heirs, as above.
Indenture of partition, Tuesday the morrow of the Purification, 16 Edw. I (defaced), between William de Nerford and Petronilla his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of the said John, and William de Ros of Hamelak and Maud his wife, the other daughter and heir; viz.—of the aforesaid manors, lands, fees and advowsons, excepting Wytewell manor, together with a messuage in London called Blaunch Appelton, 1 knight's fee which Laurence de la Roche holds in Freston and Boterwyck, and the advowsons of Abyton, co. Cambridge, and Cleye, co. Norfolk. The names of tenants of knights' fees differ in a few instances.
C. Edw. I. File 49. (15.)