Index of Persons and Places: T

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index of Persons and Places: T', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: T', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: T". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Tabenar. See Taverner.

Tadcaster, Tadecastre, Tatecastre, co. York, 64, 452, bis.
-, -, manor, 452.
-, - Park by. See Helagh.

Tadeleweye, co. Camb. See Tadlow.

Tadinton, co. Heref. See Tarrington.

Tadlow, Tadeleweye, co. Camb., p. 160.

Taillur, Roger le. See Roger.

Tailor, Robert the, 114.
-, - Cf. Taylur.

Tainton [co. Glouc]. See Taynton.

Talebot, Thalabot, Emma, 553.

Talebot, John, 248.
-, - Philip, 553.
-, - William, 230.
-, -, land of, 580.

Taleboys, Tayleboys, Taylboes, Elizabeth, 347.
-, -, Robert, 375.

Taleboys, Margery wife of Robert, 375.
-, - Robert, 347.
-, -, Robert son of Robert, 375.

Taleword, Sir Peter de, 676.

Tallington, Talinton, co. Linc., 11.

Taluur. See Roger.

Tamerton Foliott, Tamereton Foliot [co. Devon], p. 176.

Tanesolf [co. York]. See Tanshelf.

Taney. See Tany.

Tankerton [in Whitstaple ?], co. Kent, 774.

Tannemer, co. N'hamp. See Tansor.

Tanshelf, Tanesolf [co. York], 418.

Tansor, Tannemer, co. N'hamp., 112.

Tanton [co. Somers.]. See Taunton.

Tany, Taney, Richard de (1), 764.

Tany, Margaret wife of Richard de, 888.
-, -, Richard de (1), 818.
-, -, - (2), 764, 818.

Tar Russ, co. Dorset. See Tarrant Rushton.

Tardebigg, Terdebigge [co. Worc.], court of, 524.

Tarente, co. Dorset. See Tarrant.

Tarrant Gunville, Gondevileston, Tarente Bondevile, co. Dorset, p. 161.
-, -, advowson, p. 158.

Tarrant Rushton, Tar Russ, co. Dorset, p. 161.

Tarring Neville, Torringg, co. Sussex, 301.

Tarrington, Tadinton, Tatinton, co. Heref., 5, 433, 484.

Tasley, Tasselegh, co. Salop, Corbet of. See Corbet.

Tatecastre, co. York. See Tadcaster.

Tateley, Tattel [co. Salop], p. 280.

Tatenhal, co. Chester. See Tattenhall.

Tatesale. See Tatteshale.

Tateshal, co. Linc. See Tattershall.

Tateshal. See Tatteshale.

Tathwell, Tathewel, co. Linc., 240.

Tatinton, co. Heref. See Tarrington.

Tatlinton, Ainger de, 365.

Tattel [co. Salop]. See Tateley.

Tattenhall, Tatenhale, co. Chester, 156.

Tattershall, Tateshal, co. Linc., 145.

Tatteshale, Tateshal, Tatesale, Robert de, 145.

Tatteshall, Sir Robert de, son of Robert, 145, 285, 471, 647, 743.

Tatton [in Portisham parish], co. Dorset, 580.

Taune. See Tony.

Taunton, Tanton, co. Somers., priory, 328.

Tauton, co. Devon. See Tawton.

Taverham, Thaverham, co. Norf., 813.

Taverner, Tabenar, William le, 712.

Tawton, North, Tauton, Nortauton [co. Devon], p. 176.
-, -, -, market, 588.
-, -, South, Sutauton, co. Devon, advowson, 588.
-, -, -, manor, 588.

Taxtud, co. Essex. See Thaxted.

Tayleboys, Taylboes. See Taleboys.

Taylur, William le, 183.
-, -, -, William, John, Robert, Baldwin and Ralph, sons of, 183.

Taynton, Tainton [co. Glouc.], 311.

Tederlig, co. Hants. See Tytherley.

Teign Week, Tenggewyke, Teyngwyk [in High Week parish], co. Devon, manor, 714.

Telnetham, Matthew de, 932.

Tempeste, William, 470.

Temple, order of, 184, 272, 471, 538, 808, 886.
-, -, -, master of, 367.

Tendring, Tendrig, co. Essex, 578, 700.
-, -, hundred, 782, 807.
-, - hundred court, 764.

Tenford, co. N'hamp. See Thenford.

Tenggewyke, co. Devon. See Teign Week.

Terdebigge, co. Worc. See Tardebigg.

Terling, Terlinges, Terlinge, Terlenges, co. Essex, 400, 481, 552, 765.

Terling, Terlynges, Hubert de, 765.
-, -, Luke de, 400.

Terling, Hubert de, son of Luke, 400.
-, - John de, 765.

Terlingham [in Hawkinge parish], co. Kent, 563, 774.
-, -, field named in, 563.

Terry, Tyrry, Sibyl daughter of H. son of, 801.
-, -, Thomas, p. 176.

Terstan, co. Kent. See Teston.

Teston, Terstan, co. Kent, manor, 563.

Tetcott, Tettecot, co. Devon, 650.

Teutonicus. See Tyeis.

Tewe [co. Salop], p. 280.

Tewkesbury, Tokesburi, Thokesbiri, co. Glouc., pp. 156, 157.
-, - abbey, custody of, p. 157.
-, - borough, p. 155.

Texton, co. York. See Theakstone.

Tey, Great, Teya [co. Essex], 644.
-, -, Little, Teya Godmar [co. Essex], 644.
-, -, Marks, Teye ad Ulmos, Teye de Mandevil. co. Essex, 871.
-, -, manor, 669.

Teydene, Teydone, co. Essex. See Theydon.

Teynford, co. N'hamp. See Thenford.

Teyngwyk, co. Devon. See Teign Week.

Teyse, super. See Surtees.

Thacheworthe, co. Hertf. See Datchworth

Thacsted, co. Essex. See Thaxted.

Thalabot. See Talebot.

Thame [co. Oxford], abbot of, 776.

Thaverham, co. Norf. See Taverham.

Thaxted, Thacsted, Taxtud, co. Essex, p. 156
-, -, manor, p. 154.

Theakstone, Texton, co. York, 743.

Theaumes, co. Somers. See Elm.

Themelthorpe, Tymeltorp [co. Norf.], 29.

Thenford, Tenford, Teynford [co. N'hamp.], 102, 112, 126.

Theydon Gernon, Teydone, Teydene, co. Essex, 440.
-, - manor, 850.
-, - Mount, Theyden ad montem, co. Essex, manor, 378.

Thikencot, co. Rutland. See Tickencote.

Thilloles (?) [co. York?], 418.

Thinemue [co. N'humb.]. See Tynemouth.

Thirlby, Trilleby [in Feliskirk parish], co. York, 824.

Thirn, Thirne [in Thornton Watlass parish], co. York, 743.

Thirning [co. Norf.]. See Thurning.

Thistleton, Thistilton [in Kirkham parish], co. Lanc., 153, 172.

Thochet. See Tuchet.

Thocotes, John de, p. 265.

Thoft, co. Linc. See Fishtoft.

Thofth, co. Camb. See Toft.

Thokesbiri, co. Glouc. See Tewkesbury.

Thokington, co. Glouc. See Tockington.

Tholeshunt [co. Essex]. See Tolleshunt.

Tholy, John son of, 335.

Thomas, the cook (cocus), 893.
-, -, the Leech, 114,

Thomas, Edward son of, 585.
-, -, Eustace son of, 877.
-, -, John son of, 254.
-, -, Laurence son of, 470.
-, -, William son of, 870.

Thomas son of Michael, Michael son of, 664.

Thonglands, Thonglond [in Tugford parish, co. Salop], p. 280.

Thony. See Tony.

Thoralby, Toraldeby [in Bugthorpe parish], co. York, 80.
-, -, Thoroldeby [in Aysgarth parish], co. York, 743.

Thordune pasture [by Weston Patrick], co. Hants 417.

Thorenton, preceptor of, 691, 773, 804.

Thoresway, Thoreweye, co. Linc., 159.

Thorington, Thoryton, co. Suff., 676.

Thorinton, co. Lanc. See Thornton.

Thorinton, Richard de, 406.

Thorisby, co. Cumb. See Thursby.

Thorkeseye, co. Linc. See Torksey.

Thorlaston, Robert de. 611.

Thornbrough, Thorneburi, Thornbg, co. N'humb., 528.

Thornbury, Thornebir, Thorneburi, co. Glouc., pp. 156, 158.
-, -, -, borough, p. 156.

Thorndeley [co. Lanc.]. See Thornley.

Thornedon, Tornidone, Henry de, 697.
-, -, John de, 697.

Thorneton, co. York. See Thornton.
-, -, Thorneton Cotton, now called Cowling, q.v.
-, - Watlous, co. York. See Thornton.

Thornhaugh, Thornhawe, co. N'hamp., wood of, 694.

Thornholme, Thyrnun, Thyrnon [in Barton Agnes parish], co. York, 636.

Thornley, Thorndeley [in Chipping parish, co. Lanc.], 418.

Thornton, Thorinton [in Poulton-le-Fylde, co. Lanc., 406.
-, -, Thorniton, Thorneton [Thornton Curtis, co. Linc.], abbot of, 471, 732.
-, -, Thurneton [in Hartburn parish], co. N'humb., 191.
-, - in Craven, Thorneton, Torneton, co. York, 470.
-, - Cowling, co. York. See Cowling.
-, - Watlass, Thorneton Watlous, co. York, 743.

Thornul, Sir John de, 153.
-, -, John de, 172.

Thornythwaite, Thornthwayt, co. Cumb., 314.

Thoroldeby, co. York. See Thoralby.

Thoroton, Thuruerton, co. Nott., 11.

Thorp, East, Estorp, co. Essex, 440.
-, - manor, 580.
-, -, North, Northtorp, co. Essex, manor, 697.
-, -, [Thorp-le-Street in Nun Burnholme?], co. York, 314.
-, - Arnold, Thorp, co. Leic., 776.
-, -, Trop [in Fawsley hundred], co. N'hamp., 584.
-, -, Throp [in Norton parish near Daventry], co. N'hamp., 360, 430.
-, - co. York, N.R., 743.
-, - Arch, Thorp de Arches, Thorp, co. York, p. 265, p. 267.

Thorp, Throp, Trop, Ralph de, 584.
-, -, Simon de, 430.

Thorp, Ralph de, son of Simon, 430.
-, -, Simon de, son of Ralph, 584.

Thorre, co. Devon. See Tor.

Thowerton, co. N'humb. See Thrunton.

Thrastereston, co. N'humb. See Thriston.

Threlfall, Threlefal, Shrelefel [in Kirkham parish], co. Lanc., 376, 847.

Threlkeld, Threlgeld [in Greystoke parish], co. Cumb., 314.

Threshfield, Treskefeld [in Linton], co. York, 452.

Thriston, Thrastereston [in Felton parish], co. N'humb., 416.

Throp, co. N'hamp. See Thorp.
-, -, co. Oxford. See Thrup.

Throp. See Thorp.

Thropton, Tropton [in Rothbury parish, co. N'humb.], 164.

Throunton, Throwinton, co. N'humb. See Thrunton.

Throwleigh, Thruleg [co. Devon], p. 176.
-, -, advowson, p. 176.

Thrubwell, Trupwell, Trubwell [in Nempnett parish], co. Somers., pp. 158, 159.

Thruleg, co. Devon. See Throwleigh.

Thrunton, Throunton, Trowynton, Trovinton, Thowerton, Throwinton, Trowinton [in Whittingham parish], co. N'humb., 300, 478, 492, 610, 664.

Thrup, Throp [in Kidlington parish], co Oxford, 227.

Thudeham, co. Suff. See Tuddenham.

Thun. See Tune.

Thundersley, Tundr', co. Essex, manor, 468.

Thunstall [co. Suff.]. See Tunstall.

Thurkeby, Roger de, 419.

Thurlbear, Surleber, co. Somers., manor, 807.

Thurlby, Thurleby, co. Linc., 561.

Thurneton, co. N'humb. See Thornton.

Thurning, Trerning, co. Hunt., p. 161.
-, -, Thirning [co. Norf.], 29.

Thurrock, co. Essex. See Grays.

Thursby, Thorisby, co. Cumb., 758.

Thurstan, Thorston, William son of, 917.

Thurstayn, Turstayn, Robert, 374, 436.

Thurton, Turton, co. Norf., 883.

Thurverton, co. Devon. See Tiverton.

Thurverton, co. Nott. See Thoroton.

Thyrne, Richard de, 743.

Thyrnon, Thyrnun, co. York. See Thornholme.

Tibenham, Tybeham, Tibeam, Tibeham [co. Norf.], 522, 719.
-, -, manor, 145.

Tibethorp, Tibetorp, co. York. See Tibthorp.

Tibetone [co. Salop], p. 279.

Tibetot, Tibotot. See Tipetot.

Tibthorp, Tibethorp, Tibetorp [in Kirkburn parish], co. York, p. 267.
-, -, manor, p. 267.

Tibotot. See Tipetot.

Tickencote, Tykinghote, Tykingkote, Tikencote, Thikencot, Tykecote, co. Rutland, 203, 275.

Tickenham, Tikneham, co. Somers., manor, 512.

Tickhill, Tykehull [co. York], honour of, 157.

Tikencote, co. Rutland, See Tickencote.

Tikneham, co. Somers. See Tickenham.

Tilbury by Clare, Tillebyri, co. Essex, 586.

Tileye, 580.

Tillington, Tullinton [in Burghill parish], co. Heref., 769.

Tilly, Tilli, Philippa de, 131.

Tiln, Tylne, Tilne [in Hayton parish], co. Nott., 671, 709.

Timbirth, Tynebur [in Chirbury parish], co. Salop, 290.

Timpain, Gervase de, 314.

Tintern, co. Monm., abbot of, 739.

Tipetoft, co. York, p. 267.

Tipetot, Typetot, Tibotot, Tibetot, Tippetot, Henry de, 830.

Tipetot, Henry de, 833.
-, -, Sir Robert de, 487, 830.

Tirel. See Tyrel.

Tiscenton, co. Derby. See Tissington.

Tissington, Tiscenton, co. Derby, 453.

Tisted, West, Tistede, co. Hants, 443.

Titchwell, Tychewell, co. Norf., 269.

Tiverton, Thuverton [co. Devon], manor and borough, 50.

Tockington, Thokington, co. Glouc., p. 157.

Todeham, co. Suff. See Tuddenham.

Toenye. See Tony.

Tofneton, co. Nott. See Toton.

Toft, Thofth, co Camb.,p. 160.
-, -, co. Linc., manor, 145.

Togstone, Togesdene [in Warkworth parish, co. N'humb.], 164.

Tok, Simon de, 333.
-, - Cf. Tuk.

Tokesburi, co. Glouc. See Tewkesbury.

Toky, Thomas, p. 159.

Toleshunt, co. Essex. See Tolleshunt; Tollesbury.

Toli, Toly, Robert, 510.

Tollard Royal, Tollard [cos. Dorset and Wilts], 554.
-, -, manor, 554.

Tollesbury, Toleshunte, co. Essex, manor, 807.

Tolleshunt Tregoz, Toleshunt, co. Essex, 348, 471.
-, -, manor, 348.

Tonbridge, Tonebrug, Tunebruge, co. Kent, prior of, 530 (pp. 154, 155), 563.
-, -, priory, advowson, p. 155.

Tonehill, Adam de, 278.

Tonedour, co. Salop, 827.

Tonere, John, 872.

Tonewrthe, co. Hants. See Tunworth.

Tonsicroft, co. Linc., 113.

Tonstal, p. 174.

Tony, Thony, Toenye, Taune, Roger de, 588.

Tony, Roger de, 386, 606, 740.

Topcliffe, Toppeclive, co. York, manor, 452.

Topcroft, Topecroft, co. Norf., manor, 145.

Topesfeld, Topesfeud, co. Essex. See Toppesfield.

Topingho, co. Essex. See Toppingoe.

Toppeclive, co. York. See Topcliffe.

Toppesfield, Topesfeld, Topesfeud, co. Essex, 248, 530 (p. 160).

Toppingoe, Topingho [in Hatfield Peverel parish], co. Essex, 348.

Toraldeby, co. York. See Thoralby.

Tor Bryan, Thorre [co. Devon], p 176.

Torinton. Matthew de, son of Gumar, 226.

Torithon, Toriton, co. Devon. See Torrington.

Torkington, Torkinton [in Stockport], co. Chester, 125.

Torksey, Thorkeseye, co. Linc., 397.
-, -, manor, 773.
-, -, St. Peter's church, 397.

Torneton, co. York. See Thornton.

Tornidone. See Thornedon.

Torp, co. Linc., 442.

Torringg, co. Sussex. See Tarring.

Torrington, Toryton, Toriton, co. Devon, 67.
-, -, manor, 798.
-, -, Little, Parva Torithon [co. Devon], p. 176.
-, -, East, Tyrington, co. Linc., 791.
-, -, West, Westirington, co. Linc., 791.

Tortemeyns, Robert, 743.

Toryton, co. Devon. See Torrington.

Toryton, Eleanor de, 67.

Toteham, Totenham, co. Midd. See Tottenham.

Totnes, Little, co. Devon, 650.
-, -, honor of, 63.

Toton, Tofneton, Tottenton [in Attenborough parish], co. Nott, 810 (p. 277).
-, -, manor, 810 (p. 276).

Tottenham, Toteham, Totenham, co. Midd., 781.
-, -, manor, 312.

Tottenton, co. Nott. See Toton.

Toulston, Touleston, co. York, 470.

Tracy, Traci, Henry de, 67.
-, -, Henry son of Henry de, 144, 185, 262, 278, 417.
-, -, Sir Henry de, 799.

Trafford, Troghford, co. Chester, 827.

Traily, Traylli, Traylay, Trailly, John de, 393.
-, -, John de, son of John, 393, 530 (p. 159).
-, -, Sir John de, 795.
-, -, Walter de; 201.

Tranwell, Trennewell, Trenwell [in Morpeth parish], co. N'humb., 683, 775.

Trapeles, Thomas de, 742.

Trapun, Trapoun, William, 715.

Tratinton, co. Sussex. See Trotton.

Travorclauth [co. Salop]. See Trefarclawdd.

Traylay, Traylli. See Traily.

Treales, Trivel, Trevel [in Kirkham parish], co. Lanc, 153.

Trefarclawdd, Travorclauth [co. Salop], p. 279.

Treflach, Trevelech, co. Salop, p. 279.

Tregoz, Geoffrey, 348.
-, -, Robert de, killed at Evesham, 910.

Tregoz, Robert, son of Geoffrey, 348.

Tremworth, Tremeworth [in Crundal], co. Kent, p. 155.

Trenchard, Henry, p. 174.

Trenchefeyl, Robert, 776.

Trennewell, Trenwell, co. N'humb. See Tranwell.

Treprenal (?), Trevelen [co. Salop], p. 279.

Trevel, co. Lanc. See Treales.

Trevelech, co. Salop. See Treflach.

Trevelen [co. Salop]. See Treprenal(?).

Trevelpolvel [co. Salop], p. 279.

Trilleby, co. York. See Thirlby.

Tritlington, Tyrtlinton [in Hebron], co. N'humb., 520.

Trivel, co. Lanc. See Treales.

Trobevile, co. Hunt., p. 161.

Troghford, co. Chester. See Trafford.

Trop crot (sic), 646.

Trop. See Thorp.

Tropton [co. N'humb.]. See Thropton.

Trotterscliffe, Trotteclieve, co. Kent, 559.

Trotton, Tratinton [co. Sussex], manor, 454.

Troutbeck, Trutebeck, co. Westm., forest, 820.

Trovinton, co. N'humb. See Thrunton.

Trowinton, co. N'humb. See Thrunton.

Trubwell, co. Somers. See Thrubwell.

Trumpeton. See Trumpinton.

Trumpington, Trumpiton, Trumpeton, co. Camb., 732, 776.
-, -, advowson, 776.

Trumpinton, Trumpitone, Trumpyton, Robert de, 644.

Trumpintone, Robert de, son of Robert, 644.
-, -, Roger de, 732, 776.

Trussebut, Trussebuth, Agatha, 97.

Trussel, William, 679.

Trutebeck, co. Westm. See Troutbeck.

Tubervill, J. de, escheator in Berkshire, 244.

Tuchet, Tuschet, Tuched, Thochet, Robert, 156.

Tuddenham St. Mary, Tudeham, Thudeham, Todeham, co. Suff., p. 154.
-, -, advowson, 582.

Tuderleg, co. Hants. See Tytherley.

Tuede, river. See Tweed.

Tuenge. See Twenge.

Tuggesford, co. Nott. See Tuxford.

Tuk, Sir Peter de, 359.
-, - Cf. Tok.

Tukesford, co. Nott. See Tuxford.

Tully the forester, 314.

Tune, Thun, Ralph de la, 480.

Tune, Richard son of Lucy sister of Ralph de la, 480.

Tunlande, Richard de, 923.

Tunlande, John de, 923.

Tunstall, Thunstall, co. Suff., advowson, 744.

Tunstead, Tunstede [co. Norf.], manor, 786.

Tunworth, Tonewurthe, co. Hants, advowson, 810.
-, -, manor, 810.

Turbervill, Turbervil, Henry de, 23.
-, -, -, Hawise wife of, 23.

Turbervill, Hugh de, 221.

Turevill, William de, 776.
-, - Cf. Turvill.

Turnastone, Turneyston, co. Heref., manor, 197.

Turner's Puddle, Pydele Tunere, co. Dorset, 580.

Turneyston, co. Heref. See Turnastone.

Turnham, Edelina wife of Stephen de, 365.

Turpt, Robert de, 928.

Turpt, Adam de, 928.

Turri, William de, 24.
-, -, -, Richard brother of, 24.

Turstayn, Robert. See Thurstayn.

Turton, co. Norf. See Thurton.

Turvey, Turveye, co. Bedf., 398.

Turvill, Denise daughter of Robert de, 16.
-, -, William, 10.
-, - Cf. Turevill

Tuschet. See Tuchet.

Tuxford, Tuggesford, Tukesford, co. Nott., 402, 870.
-, -, advowson, 870.
-, -, manor, 378.

Tuysilton [co. Lanc]. See Twiston.

Tweed, Twede, Tuede, River, 48, 414.

Twenge, Tuenge, Lucy wife of Marmaduke de, 800.
-, -, Marmaduke de, p. 265.
-, -, -, son and heir of, 636
-, -, Robert de, p. 265.

Twerton, Twiverton, Tweverton, co. Somers., p. 158.

Twinyes, Bitweneya [in Kingsteignton, co. Devon], p. 176.

Twiston, Tuysilton [in Whalley parish, co. Lanc.], 418.

Twitham, Twytham [in Wingham parish], co. Kent, 680.

Twiverton, Tweverton, co. Somers. See Twerton.

Twyford, co. Salop, p. 279.

Twynham, Isabel de, 811.

Twytham, co. Kent. See Twitham.

Twywell, co. N'hamp., 284.

Tybeham [co. Norf]. See Tibenham.

Tybens. Fulk de, 520.

Tychewell, co. Norf. See Titchwell.

Tydd St. Mary, Tyd [co. Linc.], 145.

Tyderington, Jordan de, 674.

Tyeis, le, Teutonicus, Everard, 48.
-, -, -, Raineta wife of, 48.
-, -, -, See Viscuntesse.
-, -, Walerand, 60.

Tykecote, co. Rutland. See Tickencote.

Tykeham, co. Midd., 822.

Tykehull [co. York]. See Tickhill.

Tykinghote, Tykingkote, co. Rutland. See Tickencote.

Tylloll, de Tillolf, Peter, 115.

Tylloll, Geoffrey, son of Peter, 115.

Tylne, co. Nott. See Tiln.

Tymeltorp [co. Norf.]. See Themelthorpe.

Tyndal, Philippa daughter of Adam de, 824.

Tyne, river, 465.

Tynemouth, Thinemue [co. N'humb.], prior of, 164.

Typetot. See Tipetot.

Tyrel, Tirel, Thomas, of Wilden, 569, 726.

Tyrel, Ralph, son of Thomas, 569, 726.

Tyrington, co. Linc. See Torrington.

Tyrry. See Terry.

Tyrtlinton, co. N'humb. See Tritlington.

Tyson, Bartholomew, p. 155.

Tytherington, Tyderinton, co. Glouc., p. 158.

Tytherley, Tederlig, Tuderleg. co. Hants, 303 846.
-, - la Hale in, 846.
-, -, West, Westtuderle, co. Hants, 821.

Tyville, Ralph de, 395.

Tywe, Alice de, 332.