Index of Persons and Places: S

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index of Persons and Places: S', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: S', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: S". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Sabaudia, Sabad', Peter de, 226, 559.

Sabritteswrth, Sabryceswrthe, co. Hertf. See Sawbridgeworth.

Sabwyk, co. Dorset. See Shapwick.

Sacomb, Sauecamp, co. Hertf., 280.

Sacy, Emery de, 272.

Sacy, Isabel and Agnes daughters of Emery de, 272.

Sadhokesherst, co. Kent. See Shadoxhurst.

Sadinton, William de, 339.

Saham, co. Camb. See Soham.
-, -, co. Nott., 631.

Saham, Lady Basilea de, 807.

St. Agatha. See Richmond.

St. Alban's [co. Hertf.], abbot of. 528, 776.

St. Briavell's, co. Glouc., 493, 739.
-, -, constable of, 362.
-, -, -, writ directed to, 4.
-, -, - See Fresel.

St. Bride's, Netherwent, co. Monm. See Netherwent.

St. Edmund's, co. Suff. See Bury.

St. Gregory, 803.

St. Gyldrede. See Ely.

St. Ives, co. Hunt., 878.

St. Laurence, co. Essex, 348.

St. Milburg, liberty of, 801.

St. Neot's, priory, co. Hunt., advowson, p. 161.

St. Omer, writ dated at, 475.

St. Pol, honour of count of, 573.

St. Radegunds. See Bradesole.

St. Remy. See Rheims.

St. Valery, Walery, honour of, 808.

Saintbury, Sanesbyri, Seynesbyri, co. Glouc., manor, 601, 784.

Salceto. See Saucey.

Salden, co. Buck, 247.

Sale, William de la, 563.

Saleby, Salebi in Lindrese [co. Linc.], 526.

Saleclife, co. Linc. See Sawcliffe.

Salesbury, Salebiry [in Blackburn parish, co. Lanc.], 418.

Salford, Saltford, co. Oxford, 16.
-, - Prior's. Sauford [co. Warw.], 524.

Salines, Imbert de, 922.

Saling, co. Essex, 904.

Salisbury, New Sarum, 436.
-, -, bishop of, 436, 580.
-, -, bishopric, guardian of, 101.
-, -, -, lands held of, 101.

Sall, Salle, co. Norf., advowson, 282.

Salmunvill, Philip de, 911.

Saltford, co. Oxford. See Salford.

Saltram [near Plympton, co. Devon], p. 176.

Salvage. See Savage.

Salvein, Sir Gerard, 314.

Samford [co. Devon]. See Sampford.
-, -, co. Essex. See Sandford.

Salmesbury, Samlisbyri [in Blackburn parish, co. Lanc.], 418.

Sampford Courteney, Sanford [co. Devon], 165.
-, - Spiney, Samford [co. Devon], p. 176.

Samson, Walter son of, 586.
-, - Cf. Saumpson.

Sancta Ermina. William de, 457.
-, - Cf. Sancto Ermino.

Sancto Amando, John de, 412, 659.

Sancto Amando, Emery de, 412.
-, -, Ralph de, 776.

Sancto Andrea, Laurence de, 732.
-, -, Roger de, 732.
-, -, William de, 776.

Sancto Claro, Seyncler, John de, 248, 350.

Sancto Claro, Gerebert de, father of John, 248.
-, -, John de (son of John), 248, 289, 582.

Sancto Denisio, Robert de, 815.

Sancto Edmundo, Thomas de, 713.

Sancto Edmundo, John de, Luke son of, p. 153.
-, -, Walter de, 713.

Sancto Ermino, Sir William de, 716.
-, - Cf. Sancta Ermina.

Sancto Georgio, Robert de, 77.

Sancto Georgio, Petronilla wife of Robert de, 77.

Sancto Georgio, Ralph de, 77.

Sancto Hillario, Alice, wife of Henry de, 134.

Sancto Johanne, Walter de, 467.

Sancto Johanne, John de, 810.
-, -, Margery de, 467.
-, -, Robert de, 230, 443, 514, 536, 560, 655.

Sancto Laudo, John de, p. 158.

Sancto Licio, Simon de, 227, 808.

Sancto Martino, Hugh de, 17, 95.

Sancto Martino, Abel de, p. 152.
-, -, Hugh de, 417.
-, - -, Ereburg mother of, 17.
-, - -, Ingelram brother of, 17.
-, -, -, Joan wife of, 417.
-, -, Peter de, son of Hugh, 95, 417.
-, -, -, Margery wife of, 417.
-, -, William de, 417, 530 (p. 158), 549.

Sancto Mauro, Agnes de, wife of Geoffrey, 449.

Sancto Mauro, Henry de, son of Geoffrey and Agnes, 449.
-, -, Laurence de, 786.

Sancto Petro, Urry de, 297.

Sancto Phileberto, Hugh de, 137.

Sancto Phileberto, Hugh de, son of Hugh, 137.

Sancto Quintino, Hamo de, 909.

Sancto Quintino, Herbert de, 636.
-, -, William de, 730, 909.

Sancto Walerico, Guy de, 461.
-, -, Reginald de, 461.

Sandford, Samford, co. Essex, 861.
-, -, Sontford [in Prees parish], co. Salop, 170.
-, -, Somford [in Knockyn parish, co. Salop], p. 279.

Sandford. See Sanford; Saunford.

Sandgate, co. Kent, 389.

Sandiacre, co. Derby, serjeantry of, 52.

Sandiacre, Saundiacre, Matthew de, 396.
-, -, Peter de, 52.
-, -, Richard de, 396.

Sandleford, Saundelford [co. Berks], prior of, 776.

Sandon, co. Berks, 547.

Sandwell, Sonwell [co. Staff.], prior of, 524.

Sandwico, Sandwyco, John de, 774.
-, -, Agnes wife of John de, 563.

Sane, Geoffrey de, 29.
-, - Cf. saune

Sanford, co. Devon, See Sampford.

Sanford, Saunford, Joan de, 273.

Sanford, Christina daughter of Hugh de, 558.
-, -, Hugh de, p. 155.
-, -, Sir Roger de, 386.
-, - See Saunford.

Sansaver, Hugh, p. 160.
-, -, William, p. 160.

Santon, Sonton, co. Norf., 711.

Sapcote, Sapecote, co. Leic., 776.

Saperton, co. Glouc. See Sapperton.

Sapiston, Sapston, co. Suff., 280.

Sapperisford, co. Hants, p. 175.

Sapperton, Saperton, co. Glouc., advowson, 562.
-, -, manor, 562.

Sapston, co. Suff. See Sapiston.

Sarp, Adam, 202.
-, -, Maud, 202.

Saucemare, Geoffrey de, 52.

Saucer, William le, 264.

Saucey, Sausey, Salceto, Hugh de, p. 176.
-, -, Ralph de, 356.
-, -, Robert de, 877.

Sauecampe, co. Hert. See Sacomb.

Sauford, co. Warw. See Salford.

Saumpson, Geoffrey, 679.
-, - Cf. Sampson.

Sauncford, Thomas de, p. 159.

Sauncmedle, Saunmelle, Walter le, 117.

Saundelford [co. Berks]. See Sandleford.

Saundiacre. See Sandiacre.

Saune, Peter de, 561.
-, - Cf. Sane.

Saunford, Sontford [i.e. Sandford], Richard de, 170, 171.
-, -, Eleanor wife of Richard de, 171.
-, -, Ralph de, son of Richard, 170.
-, - See Sanford.

Saunmelle. See Sauncmedle.

Sausey, See Saucey.

Sauston, co. Camb. See Sawston.

Sautre, co. Hunt. See Sawtry.

Sauvage. See Savage.

Sauveye, Sir Peter de, 145.

Savage, Sauvage, Salvage, Suvage, William le, 453.

Savage, Geoffrey, 679.
-, -, James le, 514, 560.

Savernake, Savernak, Savernac [co. Wilts], forest, 235, 868.

Saverne, river. See Severn.

Sawbridgeworth, Sabrittesworth, Sabryceswrthe. co. Hertf., manor, 564 (p. 174), 813.

Sawcliffe. Saleclife [in Roxby parish], co. Linc., 191.

Sawston, Sauston, co. Camb., 241.

Sawtry, Sautre, co. Hunt., 530 (p. 161), 556.
-, -, abbot of, 133, 776.

Saxham Magna, Saxham, co. Suff., 582.

Saxthorp, Saxtorp, co. Norf., 743, 774.

Say, Sey, Sir William de, 282, 462, 563, 571, 813.
-, -, William de (2), 813.

Scaccario, Roger de, 763.

Scaccario, Laurence de, 763.

Scalby, Scalleby, co. York [N.R.], 240.

Scaleby, Scalebi, co. Cumb., 115.

Scales [co. York]. See Scholes.
-, - by Hilton, co. York, 743.

Scales, Robert de, 367.

Scalleby, co. York. See Scaleby.

Scalthwaitering, Scaltwaitrig [in Kendal parish], co. Westm., 114.

Scarbode, Robert, p. 265.

Scarcliff, Scartheclife, co. Derby, 707.

Scarnesdal, co. Derby. See Scarsdale.

Scarrington, Scherinton, co. Nott., 11 bis.

Scarsdale, Scarnesdal, co. Derby, wapentake, 707.

Scartheclive, co. Derby. See Scarcliff.

Scelford, co. Nott. See Shelford.

Sceketon, co. Norf. See Skeyton.

Scelton, co. Cumb. See Skelton.
-, -, co. Norf. See Shelton.
-, -, co. York. See Skelton.

Scelton. See Shelton.

Scepton, co. Somers. See Shepton.

Scepwayse, co. Devon. See Sheepwash.

Scerinton, Master Odo de, 94,

Scerinton, Walran de, 94.

Schaldefen, co. N'humb. See Shadfen.

Schaldeford, Richard de, 867.

Schandes, Sir Roger de, 197.

Schaplegh [co. Devon]. See Shapleigh.

Schegeby, co. Nott. See Skegby.

Scheghawe, co. Nott. See Skegby.

Schelaker, Philip, p. 280.

Scheldreton [co. Salop]. See Shelderton.

Schelton [co. Salop]. See Choulton.

Schenedon, co. Glouc. See Shennington.

Schepeye, co. Leic. See Sheepy.

Scheplay, co. York. See Shepley.

Scherinton, co. Nott. See Scarrinton.

Schesnecote, co. Glouc. See Sezinc te.

Scheverel, Simon de, 417.

Scheynel. See Keynell.

Schirberne, co. Hants. See Sherborne.

Schirenak, Schyrnac, William de, 529.

Schirenak, Walter de, 529.

Schiringham, co. Norf. See Sheringham.

Scholes, Scales [in Barwick in Elmet parish], co. York, 418.
-, -, manor, 587.

Scholston, co. Staff. See Shelton.

Schopilande, co. Essex. See Shopland.

Schorninggefeld, co. Berks. See Shinfield.

Schotover, Schottovere, co. Oxford. See Shotover.

Schovil, Sir Wufred de, 386.

Schyrnac. See Schirenak.

Scipinham, co. Buck. See Cippenham.

Scirlund, co. Derby. See Shirland.

Scissor. See Roger.

Sckefling, co. York. See Skeckling.

Sckirebek, co. Linc. See Skirbeck.

Sclindun, co. Staff. See Slindon.

Sclindun, Robert de, 276.

Scobyri. See Soberi.

Scole, Osmunddeston [co. Norf.], manor, 762.

Scorlyng, Henry, 899.

Scopiland, co. Essex. See Shopland.

Scot, John le, earl of Chester, 9
-, - -, Eleanor wife of, 312.
-, -, William le, 490.

Scot, Hugh, 640.
-, -, John le, 480.
-, -, Walter, 314.

Scoteny, Escoteny, Scoteni, lady Frethesant de, 442.
-, -, Thomas de, 61.

Scoteny, Mabel wife of Peter de, 25.
-, -, Peter de, 61.
-, -, Walter de, p. 154.

Scotforth, Scotford [by Lancaster], co. Lanc., 114.

Scotland, queen of, 334, 495.

Scotthorp, Rayner de, 452.

Scotus. See Scot.

Scpinpinham, co. Buck. See Cippenham.

Scrafton, co. York, 743.

Scrafton, Srafton, John de, 743.

Scrangia, 760.

Scrathawe, Scrattehac [Staythorp ?], co. Nott., 378, 870.

Scraueleg, Ivo de, 94.

Scraueleg, Thurstan de, 919.
-, -, -, Peter son of, 919.
-, -, William de, 919.

Screueleg [co. Warw.]. See Shrewlay.

Screveton, co. Nott., 11, 396.

Scrifelby, co. Linc. See Scrivelsby.

Scrivelsby, Scrifelby, co. Linc., 240.

Scundone, co. Wilts, 564.

Seabrook, Seybroc [in Ivinghoe parish], co. Buck., 737.

Seagry, Segre, co. Wilts, 428.

Seaton, Seten [in Boughton Alulf parish], co. Kent, manor, 553.
-, - Delaval, Seton [in Earsdon parish], co. N'humb., 413.
-, -, North, Seton [in Woodhorn parish), co. N'humb., 691, 773, 804.
-, -, Holsecroft in, 773.
-, -, Sethon. co. York, 314.

Sebbescumbe, co. Glouc. See Shepscombe.

Sebriteswrth, John de, rector of Street, co. Sussex, 813.

Seckington, Sekindon, Sekyndon, co. Warw., 679, 776.

Seculer, Alexander le, 109.

Seculer, Nicholas le, 109.

Sedgrave. See Segrave.

Seend, Sende [in Melksham parish], co. Wilts, 721.

Seez, Ses, abbot of, 503, 557.

Segrave, co. Leic., manor, 334.

Segrave, Setgrave, Sedgrave, Gilbert de, 334.

Segrave, Gilbert de, 10.
-, -, Nicholas de, 679, 778.
-, -, -, son of Gilbert, 334.

Segre, co. Wilts. See Seagry.

Segre, Simon de, 428.

Seindon [by Sombourn], co. Hants, 417.

Sekindon, Sekyndon, co. Warw. See Seckington

Selborne, Seleburn, co. Hants, 272.

Seldefurd, co. N'humb. See Stilford.

Seldwich, co. Kent. See Sheldwick.

Sele, co. Devon. See Zeal.

Seleburn, co. Hants. See Selborne.

Selingfeld, co. N'humb. See Shieldfield.

Sellond [co. Suff.]. See Sholland.

Selve, co. Kent, 783.

Sende, co. Wilts. See Seend.

Senesbyri, co. Glouc. See Saintbury.

Senlou, Gilbert de, 145.

Sentlinge, co. Kent, 783.

Sepeleya, co. York. See Shepley.

Serewardin, co. Salop. See Shrawardine.

Serflaung. See Cerlaund.

Sergant, Sergaunt, Geoffrey le, 679.
-, -, Roger le, 276.

Sernecote, co. Glouc. [rectius co. Wilts]. See Sharncote.

Sernekote, co. Wilts. See Sharncote.

Sernton, co. Wilts. See Sherrington.

Sersted, Fulk de, p. 155.

Serueton, Seruiton, co. Hants. See Swarraton.

Ses, abbot of. See Seez.

Setgrave. See Segrave.

Sethon, co. York. See Seaton.

Seton. co. Kent. See Seaton.
-, -, co. N'humb. See Seaton.

Seton, Adam de, p. 265, p. 267.
-, -, Henry de, 691.
-, - Cf. Seyton.

Settle, Setel, co. York, manor, 452.

Sevanz, Sewonz, Sevont, Sevaunz, Robert de, (1), 158.
-, -, Robert de (2), 265.

Sevanz, Robert de, son of Robert, 158.
-, -, Robert de (son of the last), 265, 530 (p. 155).

Seveneton, co. Kent. See Sevington.

Sevenhampton [in Highworth parish], co. Wilts, manor, 564.

Sevington, Seveneton, co. Kent, 680.

Severn, Saverne, river, 500.

Severnstoke, Severnestok, co. Worc., manor, 356.

Sevont. See Sevanz.

Sevyle, Henry de, 296.

Sewelle, Henry de, 190, 244.

Sewonz. See Sevanz.

Sey. See Say.

Seybroc, co. Buck. See Seabrook.

Seyncler. See Sancto Claro.

Seynesbyri, co. Glouc. See Saintbury.

Seynton, co. Leic. See Shenton.

Seyton, Richard de, 679.
-, - Cf. Seton.

Sezincote, Schesnecote, co. Glouc., 695.

Sfwifesmull [co. Bedf. or Buck.], mill, 340.

Shadfen, Schaldefen [in Morpeth parish], co. N'humb., 775.

Shadoxhurst, Sadhokesherst. co. Kent, 680.

Shaftesbury, abbess of St. Edward's, 75.

Shagburi, co. Salop. See Shawbury.

Shapleigh, Schaplegh [in Chagford parish, co. Devon], 165.

Shapwick, Sabwyk, co. Dorset, 647.

Sharncote, Sernekote, Sernecote, co. Wilts. advowson, 710.
-, -, manor, 710.
-, -, stated to be co. Glouc., p. 158.

Sharston, co. Chester, 125.

Shawbury, Shaghburi, co. Salop, 827.

Shawrces. See Chaworth.

Shearsby, Chevysby [in Knaptoft parish], co. Leic., 776.

Sheepstor, Skytelestor [co. Devon], p. 176.

Sheepwash, Schepwayse, co. Devon, 278.

Sheepy, Shepe, co. Leic., 411.
-, - Magna, Schepye, co. Leic., 776.

Shelderton, Scheldreton [co. Salop], p. 280.

Sheldwick, Seldwich, co. Kent, p. 155.

Shelford, Scelford, co. Nott., court of, 707.

Shelton, Scelton, co. Norf., manor, 762.
-, -, Scholstun [in Stoke-on-Trent ?], co. Staff., 276.

Shelton, Scelton, Chelton, Henry de, 762.

Shelton, Nicholas de, 762.
-, -, Robert de, 762.

Shengham, co. Norf. See Shingham.

Shenington, Shenedon, Schenedon. co. Glouc., p. 157, p. 159.

Shenton, Sheyngton, Seynton, Sheynton [in Market Bosworth parish], co. Leic., 405, 411, 776.

Shepe, co. Leic. See Sheepy.

Shepley, Scheplay, Scpeleya [in Kirk Burton parish], co. York, 153.

Shepscombe, Sebbescumbe [in Painswick parish, co. Glouc.], 544.

Shepton-Beauchamp, Scepton, co. Somers., manor. 864.

Sherborne Coudray, Sireburn [now the Vine in Sherborne St. John parish], co. Hants, manor, 230.
-, - St. John, Schirberne Saint Johan, co. Hants, 822.
-, - -, Beaureper in, 822.

Sherfield upon Loddon, Sirefeld, co. Hants, 12.

Sheringham, Schiringham, co. Norf., manor, 810.

Sherrington, Sernton, co. Wilts, manor of, 124.

Sherwood, Syrewde, co. Nott., forest, keepership of, 255.

Sheyngton, co. Leic. See Shenton.

Sheynton, co. Leic. See Shenton.

Shieldfield, Selingfeld [in Newcastle on Tyne], 465.

Shields, Chelis, co. N'humb., 683.

Shilbottle, Syplingtbotill, co. N'humb., 663.
-, -, Blakelesche in, 663.
-, -, Caldenelburne in, 663.

Shilford, Syeldeford, Seldefurd, co. N'humb., 528.

Shillingford, Sillingeford, co. Devon, 129.

Shilstone, Shilston [in Drewsteignton, co. Devon], p. 176.

Shinfield Schorninggefeld, co. Berks., 488.

Shingham. Shengham, co. Norf., 588.
-, -, advowson, p. 153.

Shipecham, co. Norf., 711.

Shipton [co. Oxford], p. 156.

Shirland, Scirlund, co. Derby, 810.

Shirwell, co. Devon, p. 176.

Shoebury, Little, Parva Sobiri, Sobery Parva, co. Essex, 768, p. 53 (n).

Shoford, Suford, Ralph de, 265.
-, -, William de, 158.

Sholland, Sellond [co. Suff.], 496.

Shopland, Scopiland, Schopilande, Shopelond, co. Essex, 487, 830.

Shorne, Sorene, co. Kent, 78, 316.

Shotley, Schotley, co. N'humb., 528.

Shotover, Schotover, Schottovere, co. Oxford, forest, 193.
-, -, -, bailiwick, 568.

Shotswell, Sotteswell, co. Warw., 679.

Shottesbrook, Sotesbrok, Sottesbroc, co. Berks, 85, 488.

Shrawardine, Serewardin, co. Salop, p. 280.

Shrelefel, co. Lanc. See Threlfall.

Shrewley, Screueleg [in Hatton parish, co. Warw.], 919.

Shrewsbury, castle, service connected with, 801.
-, -, St. Mary's abbey, 445.
-, -, -, abbot of, 136, 445, 801.
-, -, St. Chad, chapter of, 286.

Shropshire, forest of, 160.

Shuckburgh Inferior, Suckeberg, co. Warw., 340.

Shunigehull, co. Berks. See Sunninghill.

Shurton, Sureveton [in Stoke Courcy parish], co. Somers., manor, 75.

Sibbertoft, Sibertoft, co. N'hamp., 836.

Sibdon, Sibetone [co. Salop], p. 280.

Sibertoft, co. N'hamp. See Sibbertoft.

Siberton wood, co. N'hamp., 694.

Sibeton, Roger de, p. 280.

Sibetone [co. Salop]. See Sibdon.

Sibson, Sybbisdon, co. Leic., 776.

Sibton, Sybeton [by Stouting], co. Kent, 389.

Siche, Robert de la, 679.

Siddington, Sodinton, Sudinton, co. Glouc., p. 158.
-, -, Musard, co. Glouc., manor, 784.

Sideham, co. Oxford. See Sydenham.

Sidestrand, Sidestrond, co. Norf., 711.

Sifleton, Slifeton [in Ditton parish], co. Kent, p. 155.

Sifrewast, William de, 45.

Sifrewast, Richard, son of Robert de, 66.
-, -, Sir Roger de, 45.

Silfreton, co. Devon. See Silverton.

Sillingeford, co. Devon. See Shillingford.

Silverton, Silfreton, co. Devon, manor, 63.

Silvington, Silviton, co. Salop, manor, 503, 557.

Simely, Symely, William de, 26.

Simely, William de, 679.

Simon, draper of Winchester, 819.
-, -, Martin son of, 900.
-, -, Robert son of, 470.
-, -, Roger son of, 278.
-, -, William son of, of Wilberfoss, 470.

Simonstone, Simondiston [in Whalley parish co. Lanc.], 418,

Sinago, William de, 110.

Sinele, groves of, 694.

Sinelington. co. York. See Sinnington.

Singilton, co. Lanc. See Singleton.

Singilton, Alan de, 41.

Singilton, William de, heir of Alan, 41.

Singleborough, Cincleberge, co. Buck., manor, p. 152.

Singleton, Singilton [in Kirkham], co. Lanc., 40.
-, -, Sengelton, co. Sussex, advowson, p 279.
-, -, manor, p. 279.
-, -, co. Sussex, hundred, 812.

Sinnington, Sinelington, co. York, 198.

Sipfeud, co. Sussex, 631.

Sireburn, co. Hants. See Sherborne.

Sirefeld, co. Hants. See Sherfield.

Siward, Richard, 10.

Siyestan, co. Leic. See Syston.

Skatebeck, Skaytebec, Sketebec, co. York, pp. 267–8.

Skeckling, Sckefling, co. York, 471.
-, -, Nontegange in, 471.

Skegby, Scheghawe, Schegeby [in Marnham parish], co. Nott., 378, 870.

Skegetun, co. Norf. See Skeyton.

Skelton, Scelton, co. Cumb., 199, 811.
-, -, advowson, 199, 811.
-, -, Scelton, co. York, N.R., 753, 800.
-, -, Scelton, co. York, forest, 268.
-, -, borough, castle, &c., pp. 265–8.

Skerbinbec. Skerpingbec, co. York. See Skirpenbeck.

Skerradon, Skyredon [in Dean Prior parish, co. Devon], 165.

Sketebec, co. York. See Skatebeck.

Skeyton, Skegetun, Skeketon, co. Norf., 419, 522.

Skinnergrave, Scinergreve, Skinergrive [in Lofthouse parish], co. York, p. 266, p. 267.

Skipsea, Skipse, co. York, 471.
-, -, advowson, 471.
-, -, mere, eel fishery, 471.

Skipton, honour of, 471.

Skirbeck, Sckirebek, co. Linc., wapentake, 822.

Skirpenbeck, Skerpingbec, Skerbinbec, Skirkenbec, co. York, 80.
-, -, manor, 667.

Skither, Philip, and Margery his wife, 860.

Skolonde, Geoffrey de, 217.

Skyredon, co. Devon. See Skerradon.

Skyredon, Walter de, 165.

Skytelestor, co. Devon. See Sheepstor.

Slaidburn, Slayteburne [co. York], 418.

Slaley, Slaueley, co. N'humb., 528.

Slaueley, William de, 528.

Slayteburne, co. York. See Slaidburn.

Slebennhet, co. Monm. See Llefnydd.

Sleddale, co. Westm., 114.

Slifeton, co. Kent. See Sifleton.

Slindon, Sclindun [in Eccleshall parish], co. Staff., 276.

Smalewys, co. Sussex, meadow called, 27.

Smaws, Smawes [near Tadcaster], co. York, 470.

Smeeth, Smeth, co. Kent, 59.

Smethecot, Roger de, 290.

Smethecot, Philip de, 290.

Smetheleye, co. Heref., 109.

Smethwick, Smethewic [in Harborne parish], co. Staff., 827.

Snaith, Snayt [co. York], 418.

Snape, co. York, 743.
-, -, manor, 743.
-, -, wood, 743.

Snayt [co. York]. See Snaith.

Snedlegh, Snideleg, co. Devon, 278.

Snitfield, Snitenefeld, co. Warw., 679.

Snitter, Snither [in Rothbury parish, co. N'humb.], 164.

Snodhill, Snodhull [in Peterchurch parish, co. Hereford], 197.

Soberi, Scobyri, William de, 288, 578.

Sobery, Sobiri, co. Essex. See Shoebury.

Sock Dennis, Sock, co. Somers., manor, 592.

Sodinton, co. Glouc. See Siddington.

Soham, Saham, co. Camb., manor, 807.
-, -, fishery in, 807.
-, -, Earl [co. Suff.], manor, 744.

Sokens, the, co. Derby, 707.

Solar, Solariis. See Solers.

Soleny. See Sulleny.

Solers, Solariis, Solar, Simon de, 433.
-, -, Thomas de, 825.

Solers, James de, 5.
-, -, Simon de, Isabel wife of, 5.
-, -, Thomas de, son of Simon, 433.

Sollershope, Hope Solers, co. Heref., 484.

Solport, Solpert [in Stapleton parish], co. Cumb., 115.

Solton [in Westcliffe parish], co. Kent, manor, 727.

Sombourn, Sumburne, co. Hants, 417.
-, - manor, 417.
-, -, hundred, 417.
-, -, pastures, &c., belonging to, 417.

Someri, Somery. See Sumery.

Somerton, co. Oxford, 655.

Somford [co. Salop]. See Sandford.

Sonene (?), co. N'hamp., 584.

Sonning, Soninges, Sunninges [co. Berks], manor, 101.

Sonton, co. Norf. See Santon.

Sonwell [co. Staff.]. See Sandwell.

Sopley, Soppele, co. Hants, p. 174, p. 175.

Sor, William le, p. 157, p. 159.

Sore, William de, 758.

Sorene, co. Kent. See Shorne.

Sortecombe, Robert de, 822.

Sotesbrok, co. Berks. See Shottesbrook.

Sottesbrok, Sottebroc, Sotesbroc, Robert de, 85.
-, -, Robert de (son of the last), 488.

Sottesbrok, John de, 488.

Sotteswell, co. Warw. See Shotswell.

Sotton, co. York. See Sutton.

Soulby, Swilbye [in Dacre parish], co. Cumb., 314.

Soureby [co. Cumb.]. See Sowerby.

Southall, Suffhale, co. Essex, manor, 573.

Southburn, Sutbrunne, Suthbrume [in Kirkburn parish], co. York, pp. 267–8.

Southill, Suggivell, Sudgivel, co. Bedf., 393.
-, -, manor, 201.

Southne, Suthene [by Old Romney], co. Kent, 179.

Southoe, Swho Weston, Suho, co. Hunt, 530 (p. 161), 732.

Southorpe, Suthorp, co. Linc., manor, 394.

Southrope, Suderope, Suthtrop [in Herriard parish], co. Hants, 66.
-, -, manor, 230.

Southwark, Suwerk, co. Surrey, 617.
-, -, prior and canons of, 796.

Southwick. Suthwick, co. N'hamp., 10.

Southwold, Suthwod [in Exminster parish, co. Devon], p. 176.

Sowerby, Soureby [Castle-Sowerby, co. Cumb.], manor, 495.

Spaldington, co. York, 314.

Sparham, Sperham [co. Norf.], 29, 588.

Sparkhead, Sperkeheved, co. Cumb., 314.

Sparsholt, Spersholte, co. Berks, 99.

Spec [Specer ?], Richard le, 129.
-, - William le, 474.

Speen, Spenes [co. Berks], grange, 744.

Speke [in Childwall parish], co. Lanc., 252.

Spenes [co. Berks]. See Speen.

Sperham, co. Norf. See Sparham.

Sperkeheved, co. Cumb. See Sparkhead.

Spersholte, co. Berks. See Sparsholt.

Spigurnel. See Spygirnel.

Spindleston, Spinlestan [in Bamburgh parish], co. N'humb., 634.

Spineto. See Bruylli.

Spinlestan, co. N'humb. See Spindleston.

Spoad, Spoot [in Clun parish, co. Salop], p. 281.

Spofforth, Spoford, co. York, manor, 452.
-, -, Wetecroft and Tidouerker in, 452.

Spoot, co. Salop. See Spoad.

Spot, Thomas, 738.

Spratton, Spropton, Sprotton, co. N'hamp., 732, 776.

Spygirnel [Spigurnel], John, 257 bis.

Spyriden, co. N'humb., 528.

Srafton. See Scrafton.

Staffield, Staffol [in Kirk Oswald parish], co. Cumb., 738, 811.

Staffol, John de, 738, 811.

Stafford, West, co. Dorset, 580.
-, -, co. Staff., 687.
-, -, le Estfeld near, 687.

Stafford, the baron of, 403, 411, 687.

Stagno, Thomas de, 582.

Stainall, Staynole, Steynhole [in Poulton in the Fylde parish], co. Lanc., 153, 615.

Stainesby, William de, 202.

Stainfield, Stainfeld, co. Linc., monks of, 364.

Stainton, co. Cumb., 314, 843.
-, -, Staunton Parva, co. Cumb., 314.
-, -, Steinton, co. Linc., 61, 561, 577.
-, - le Vale, Stainton, Staynton, co. Linc., 732, 776.

Stakepol, John, 254.
-, -, Philip, 254.

Stalble, Roger, 217.

Stalingburg, co. Linc. See Stallingborough.

Stalling. See Stanleye.

Stallingborough, Stalingburg, co. Linc., 577.

Stambourne, Stamburne, Stanburn, co. Essex, 279, 538.
-, -, manor, 538.

Stambreg, co. Essex. See Stambridge.

Stambridge, Stanbregg, Stambreg, Stanbreg, co. Essex, 888.
-, -, manor, 764, 818.

Stamford. See Stanford.

Stamford, Staunford [in Embleton parish], co. N'humb., 48.
-, - Bridge, co. York, 452.

Stamfordham, Stanfordham, co. N'humb., 773.

Stanbake [co. Suff.], 744.

Stanbreg, William son of Richard de, 697.

Stanbridge, Stanbruge [in Leighton Buzzard parish, co. Bedf.], manor, 454.
-, -, Stanbrigge juxta Rumesie [in Romsey parish], co. Hants, 647.

Stanburn, co. Essex. See Stambourne.

Standen, co. Hertf. See Standon.
-, - Chaworth, Standene, Staunden [near Froxfield], co. Wilts, 417.
-, -, manor, 417.
-, -, advowson of chapel, 417.

Standlake, Stanlak, co. Oxford, 842.
-, -, manor, 112.

Standon, Standen, co. Hertf., p. 156.
-, -, borough, pp. 153, 156.
-, -, manor, p. 153.

Stanegrave, John de, p. 152.

Stanes, co. Kent. See Stone.

Stanes, Thomas de, 773.

Stanewey [co. Salop]. See Stanway.

Stanford Dingley, Stanford, co. Berks, manor, 463.
-, - Rivers, Stanford, co. Essex, 18.
-, - (?) co. Heref., 625.
-, -, King's, Stanford Regis, co. Heref., 823.
-, - [by Westenhanger], co. Kent, 389.

Stanford, Stamford, Oliver de, 463.
-, -, Peter de, 236.

Stanford, Oliver de, brother of Peter, 236.
-, -, Peter and Oliver de, sons of William, 463.
-, -, Sir Simon de, escheator in Essex, 238.
-, -, Thomas de, 359.
-, -, Thomas de, escheator, 121, 143, 153, 163, 167, 172, 198, 199, 216, 218, 220, 225.
-, -, William de, 463.

Stanfordham, co. N'humb. See Stamfordham.

Stanghow. Stanghou, Stangho [in Skelton parish], co. York, p. 266, p. 267, p. 268.

Stanhoe, Stanho, co. Norf., 345.

Stanington, co. N'humb. See Stannington.

Stanlak, co. Oxford. See Standlake.

Stanley Pontlarge, Stanleg, Stanleye, co. Glouc., 76.

Stanleye, Stanleg, Maud de, alias de Alba Mara, 362.
-, -, Stalling, Stanling, Richard de, 362.

Stannington, Stanington, Stayngton, co. N'humb., 683, 773, 775.

Stanstead, Stansted, co. Essex, 152.
-, -, Stansted, co. Suff., manor, 676.

Stanton, Long, co. Camb., manor, 334.
-, -, co. Hants, p. 175.
-, -, co. Nott. See Staunton.
-, - Harcourt, Staunton, Stonton, co. Oxford, 411, 827.

Stanton, Stantun, John de, 582.
-, -, Peter de, 109.
-, -, Philip de, 254.
-, -, Roger de, p. 174.

Stanway, Stanewey [in Rushbury parish, co. Salop], p. 280.

Stanwee, Henry de, 799.

Stanwick, Stanewigg, co. N'hamp., 333.

Stapelf', co. Wilts. See Stapleford.

Stapelford, co. Essex. See Stapleford.

Stapelford, co. Wilts. See Stapleford.

Stapelton, co. Salop. See Stapleton.

Stapelton, Stapiltun, William de, 732, 776.

Stapilford, co. Nott. See Stapleford.

Stapilford, Hugh de, 662.
-, - See Heriz.

Stapiltun. See Stapelton.

Stapleford Tawney, Stapelford, co. Essex, 888.
-, - -, advowson, 764.
-, -, -, manor, 764.
-, -, Stapilford, co. Nott., 138, 662.
-, -, Stapelford, Stapelf', co. Wilts, 828.
-, -, -, manor, 173.

Stapleton, co. Cumb., 199.
-, -, -, advowson, 199.
-, -, Stapeltan, co. Salop [now in Presteigne parish, co. Heref.], manor, 439.

Start, Sterte [in Babcary parish], co. Somers., 355.

Staunden, co. Wilts. See Standen.

Staunden, Vivian de, 144, 185.

Staundon, Stondone, William de, 796.

Staunford [co. Bedf.], 516.
-, -, co. N'humb. See Stanford.

Staunton, co. Cumb. See Stainton.
-, -, Stanton, co. Nott., 11.
-, -, co. Oxford. See Stanton-Harcourt.

Staunton, Simon de, 778.

Staveley, Stavelegh, co. Derby, 99, 707.
-, -, barony, 601.
-, -, manor, 601.

Staverton [in Eyke parish], co. Suff., manor, 744.
-, -, Oldemoor and Staverton moor in, 744.

Stawey, co. Somers. See Stowey.

Stawude, co. Oxford. See Stow Wood.

Stayngton, co, N'humb. See Stannington.

Staynhol, Steynhole, John de, 615.

Staynhol, Roger de, 615.

Staynole, co. Lanc. See Stainall.

Staynton, co. Linc. See Stainton.

Stebbing, Stubbingg, co. Essex, manor, 333.

Steeple, Steple [co. Dorset], advowson, p. 158.

Steeple Bumpstead, co. Essex. See Bumpstead.

Steinton, co. Linc. See Stainton.

Steinton, Herbert de, 577.

Stepellavinthon, co. Wilts. See Lavington.

Stephen, the messenger (Nuncius), 743.

Stephen, Richard son of, 740.
-, -, Samson son of, 202.

Steple, co. Dorset. See Steeple.

Stert, co. Hunt. See Stirtlow.
-, -, Sterte [in Urchfont parish], co. Wilts, manor, 729.

Sterte, co. Somers. See Start.

Steventon, co. Bedf. See Stevington.
-, -, Stiventon [co. Berks], prior of, 599.

Stevington, Steventon, Styventon, co. Bedf., manor, 587.

Stewkley, Stiuecle, Stiuekelle, co. Buck., 292, 530 (p. 156).
-, -, Great, Stiukele, co. Hunt., 443.

Stewton, Stiventon, co. Linc., 159.

Steyfeykeye, co. Norf. See Stiffkey.

Steynhole, co. Lanc. See Stainall.

Steynhole. See Staynhol.

Stiffkey, Steyfeykeye, co. Norf., 774.

Stilton, co. Hunt, pp. 159, 161.

Stinchcombe, Stintescomb, Stintescumbe, co. Glouc., 362.

Stinsford, Stintesford, co. Dorset, 872.

Stintescomb, Stintescumbe, co. Glouc. See Stinchcombe.

Stintesford, co. Dorset. See Stinsford.

Stinton, Stintune [in Sall parish], co. Norf. manor, 282, 462.

Stirkelond, co. Westm. See Strickland.

Stirtlow, Stert [in Buckden parish], co. Hunt., 732.

Stitt, Stutte [in Ratlinghope parish, co. Salop], p. 280.

Stiuecle, co. Buck. See Stewkley.

Stiuecle, Stivechale, Barnabas son of Walter de, 292.
-, -, Maud de, 443.

Stiuekelle [co. Buck.]. See Stewkley.

Stivechale. See Stiuecle.

Stiventon [co. Berks]. See Steventon.
-, -, co. Linc. See Stewton.

Stock, la [the Stocks in Aldbury parish], co. Heref., 734.

Stock, John de la, 734.

Stock, Robert de, 470.

Stockbridge, Stokbregg, co. Hants, market, 417.

Stockland Bristol, Stockeland [co. Somers.], church, 912.

Stockport, Stokepord, co. Chester, 125.

Stocksfield, Stokesfeld [in Bywell parish], co. N'humb., 528, 691, 773, 804.

Stockton, Stoctone, co. Norf., 743.
-, -, manor, 258.
-, -, Stocton [in Chirbury parish]. co. Salop, 22, 290.

Stockyncherech, co. Oxford. See Stokenchurch.

Stoctone, co. Norf. See Stockton.

Stocton, co. Salop. See Stockton.

Stocton, Walter de, 22.
-, -, -, Richard son of, 22.

Stodbury, Stodbyri [in Church Stow parish], co. Devon, manor, 740.

Stoddesden, Stottesden, co. Salop, manor, 558.

Stodham, John de, 578.

Stodham, Roger de, 578, 700.
-, -, Thomas de, 700.

Stodleya, co. Warw. See Studley.

Stokbregg, co. Hants. See Stockbridge.

Stoke, Stok. pp. 157, 159.
-, - [by Clare, co. Essex], prior of, p. 154, p. 155.
-, - Lacy, co. Heref., 57.
-, - by Newark, co. Nott., 396.
-, -, Stok, co. Somers., p. 158.
-, - [Stoke Beauchamp, now East and West Stoke], co. Somers., 864.
-, -, Stony, Stokes, Northstok [in Shepton Montagu parish], co. Somers., manor, 353,785.
-, - Trister, Stokes, co. Somers., manor, 257, 315.
-, - -by-Nayland, Stokes, co. Suff., 889.
-, -, Stokes, co. Sussex, 827.
-, -, North, Northstoke, co. Sussex, advowson, p. 279.
-, -, manor, p. 279.

Stokenchurch, Stockyncherech, co. Oxford, 763.

Stokenham, Stoke Herbert [co. Devon], p. 175.

Stokepord, co. Chester. See Stockport.

Stokeport, Stokepord, Robert de, 125.

Stokeport, Robert de (son of Robert), 125, 253.

Stokes, co. Sussex. See Stoke.
-, -, co. Wilts, 366.

Stokes, Geoffrey de, 396.

Stokes, Geoffrey de, Isabel wife of, 396.
-, -, Walter de, 5.

Stokesfeld, co. N'humb. See Stocksfield.

Stokesfeld, Gilbert de, 691, 773, 804.
-, -, John de, 773.

Stokesley, co. York, manor, 220.

Stokwood [co. Somers ?], p. 159.

Stondone. See Staunton.

Stone by Dartford, Stanes, co. Kent, 412.

Stoneaston, Stoneieston [co. Somers.], manor, 853.

Stonhus, Elias de, 875.
-, -, John de, 875.
-, -, Ralph de, 875.
-, -, William de, 875.

Stonton, co. Oxford. See Stanton.

Stoperhang, Isabel daughter of Ralph, 917.

Stopham, Ralph de, 780.

Stopham, Ralph de, 776.
-, -, Ralph de (2) 780.
-, -, Robert de, bailiff of Clarendon, 330.

Storemer, co. Essex. See Sturmer.

Storemer. See Sturmer.

Stortford, Bishops, Storteford [co. Hertf.], castle, 553, 755, 829.

Stotevill, Stoteville, Stotewill, Stotevile. See Stutevill.

Stothoue, Robert de, 774.

Stotmerhelle, Richard de, 563.

Stottesden, co. Salop. See Stoddesden.

Stourden, Sturidone [in Winterbourn parish], co. Glouc., 383.

Stouting, co. Kent, advowson, 389.
-, -, hundred, 389.
-, -, manor, 389.

Stow, Stowe, co. Camb., 234.
-, - Bedon, Stowe, co. Norf., manor, 323.
-, - Wood, Stawude, Stowod[near Beckley], co. Oxford, 193.
-, -, bailiwick, 568.

Stowell, Stowelle, co. Glouc., manor, 816.

Stowey, Nether, Stawey, co. Somers., 515.

Stradbroke, Stradebrok, Stradebroc, co. Suff., 462.
-, -, co. Suff., manor, 282.

Straford, William de, 807.

Straham, co. Surrey. See Streatham.

Stratford [St. Mary, co. Suff.], 883.

Strathememers [by Sombourn], co. Hants, 417.

Strathern, Mabel and Muriel daughters of the earl of, 341.

Stratton [Great and Little], co. Leic., 411.
-, - [co. Linc.], manor, 660.
-, -, Long, Strattun, co. Norf., manor, 813.
-, - Audley, Stratton, Stretton, co. Oxford, manor, 788.
-, -, co. Rutl. See Stretton.
-, -, Over [in South Petherton parish], co. Somers., 539, 754.
-, - [co. Wilts (?)], p. 176.

Stratune, John de, 743.

Straung. See Lestrange.

Streatham, Straham, co. Surrey, p. 174.
-, -, South, Suthstretham [co. Surrey], 50.

Strech, Strecche, Robert, forester of Feckenham, 524.

Strech, Ralph, son of Robert, 524.

Stredley, Robert de, 810.

Street, Strete, co. Sussex, church, 813.
-, -, manor, 813.
-, -, rector of. See Sebriteswrth.

Strefford, Streford [co. Salop], p. 280.

Strete, co. Sussex. See Street.

Stretton, Strettun, co. Heref., 109.
-, - Magna, co. Leic., 776.
-, -, co. Oxford. See Stratton.
-, -, Stratton, co. Rutl., church, 471.
-, -, manor, 471.

Stretton, Sir Richard de, 557.
-, -, William de, 674.

Strickland, Stirkelond [in Kendal], co. Westm., 820.

Striguil, Strugull, honour, 744.

Strode, la [co. Hants], 899.
-, - [co. Kent]. See Stroud.

Stroud, Strode [by Rochester, co. Kent], master and brethren of, 810.

Strugull. See Striguil.

Stubbingg, co. Essex. See Stebbing.

Stubbs, Stubbes, co. York, 32.

Stubhampton, Stubhamtune [in Tarent Gunville parish], co. Dorset, 554.

Studley, Stodleya, co. Warw., 340.

Stupellaunton, Stupellavinton, co. Wilts. See Lavington.

Sturidone, co. Glouc. See Stourden.

Sturmer, Storemer [co. Essex], 638, 646.

Sturmer, Storemer, William son of William son of Roger de, 638.

Sturmy, Esturmy, Roger de, 302.

Sturmy, William de, son of Roger, 302.
-, -, William, p. 265.

Sturton, co. Kent, 389.

Stutevill, Stotevile, Stotevill, Stotewill, John de, 907.
-, -, William de, 439.

Stutevill, Robert de, p. 157.

Stutte [co. Salop]. See Stitt.

Styford, Stiford [in Bywell parish], co. N'humb., manor, 528.

Styventon, co. Bedf. See Stevington.

Suanthon, Richard de, p. 155.

Suanton, co. Kent. See Swanton.

Suartebrec, co. Lanc. See Swarbrick.

Suche. See Zuche.

Suckeberg, co. Warw. See Shuckburgh.

Sudbury, Sutbiri, Suthbiri, co. Suff., p. 157.
-, - manor, pp. 154, 160.

Sudgyvel, co. Bedf. See Southill.

Sudherpingham, co. Norf. See Erpingham.

Sudinton, co. Glouc. See Siddington.

Sudk, co. Norf. See Creake.

Sudley, Sudleye, co. Glouc., lord of, 362.

Suepston, co. Leic. See Swepstone.

Suffhale, co. Essex. See Southall.

Suffield, Suffeud [co. Norf.], advowson, 744.
-, -, manor, 744.

Suford. See Shoford.

Suftone [co. Salop], p. 279.

Sugenhal, Robert de, 276.

Suggivel, co. Bedf. See Southill.

Suhlamhee, co. Surrey. See Lambeth.

Suho, co. Hunt. See Southoe.

Suhtcrek [co. Norf.]. See Creake.

Sulby, Sulebi, co. N'hamp., 219.
-, -, advowson, 219.
-, -, manor, 219.

Sulbye, John de, p. 152.

Suleny. See Sulleny.

Sules, William de, 773.

Sulleg, William de, 875.

Sulleny, Soleny, Suleny, Andrew de, 475.
-, -, Geoffrey de, 629.

Sulleny, Godfrey de, 475.

Suly, Walter de, and Mabel his wife, 779.

Sumburne, co. Hants. See Sombourn.

Sumburne, Denise de, 417.

Sumercote, Ralph de, 743.

Sumere, co. Norf. See Summerfield.

Sumery, Someri, Somery, Ralph de, 779.
-, -, Stephen de, 83.

Sumery, John, 677.
-, - (printed Gomery), Margaret de, 10.
-, -, Roger de, 83.
-, -, Sir Roger de, 463, 656.

Su Mimmes, co. Midd. See Mimms.

Summerfield, Sumere [by Docking], co. Norf., 269.

Sunderland, North [co. N'humb.], wood, 164.

Sunninges [co. Berks]. See Sonning.

Sunninghill, Shunigehull, co. Berks, 332.

Sunte, John le, 582.

Super Teyse. See Surtees.

Sureveton, co. Somers. See Shurton.

Surleber, co. Somers. See Thurlbear.

Surtees, Super Teyse, Super Tese, Ralph, 391.
-, -, William, 736.

Surtees, Walter, 736.
-, -, William son of Walter, 391.

Sutanton, co. Devon. See Tawton.

Sutbiri, co. Suff. See Sudbury.

Sutbrunne, co. York. See Southburn.

Sutcombe, Suttecumb, co. Devon, 67.

Sutham, Roger de, 679.

Suthbiri, co. Suff. See Sudbury.

Suthbrume, co. York. See Southburn.

Sutheayt, Eva de, 811.

Suthene, co. Kent. See Southne.

Suthkelleseye, co. Linc. See Kelsey.

Suthlamhuth, Suthlamh, Suthlam, co. Surrey. See Lambeth.

Suthleg, Ralph de, 76.

Suthstretham, co. Surrey. See Streatham.

Suthtrop, co. Hants. See Southrope.

Suthwaud, co. Suff. See Southwold.

Suthwod, co. Devon. See Southwold.

Suthwick, co. N'hamp. See Southwick.

Sutluffeham, co. Rutland. See Luffenham.

Suttecumb, co. Devon. See Sutcombe.

Sutthone [Wotton Wawen, co. Warw. ?], prior of, 588.

Sutton, co. Bedf., 321.
-, -, manor, 781.
-, -, Scarsdale, Sutton in Dal, co. Derby, 121.
-, - Waldron, Sutton, co. Dorset, 549.
-, -, co. Essex, 99, 100, 288, 578.
-, -, manor, 700.
-, -, advowson, 700.
-, - Scotney, Sutton [in Wonston parish], co. Hants, 25.
-, -, co. Heref., 109.
-, - Bassett, Sutton, co. N'hamp., manor, 403.
-, - [in Ashfield, co. Nott.], 761.
-, -, Great, Sutton Major, co. Salop, 507.
-, -, Little [in Diddlebury parish], co. Salop, 346, 507, 869.
-, - -upon-Derwent, Sotton on Derwent, co. York, 653.

Sutton, Elias de, 507.
-, -, Gerard de, 761.
-, -, William de, 682.

Sutton, Elias de, son of Elias, 507.
-, -, Sir Madoc de, 170.
-, -, Osbert de, 346.
-, -, Robert de, son of William de, knt., 682.
-, -, William de, 402.

Sutwarneburue, co. Hants. See Warnborough.

Sutwod, co. Suff., p. 154.

Suvage. See Savage.

Suwerk, co. Surrey. See Southwark.

Suzche. See Zouche.

Svinhop, co. Linc. See Swinhope.

Swaffham Prior, Swafham, co. Camb., p. 159.

Swalewefeld, co. Berks. See Swallowfield.

Swalford or Swatfield, Swatford [in Hinxhill parish], co. Kent, 680.

Swallowfield, Swalewefeld, co. Berks, 10.

Swambrok, p. 159.

Swan, William son of, 264.

Swanage, Swanewyc, Swanewiz, co. Dorset, 580, 920.

Swanbourne, Swaneburn, Swanborn, co. Buck., pp. 156, 159.

Swanemere, co. Hants. See Swanmore (?).

Swanewyc, Swanewiz, co. Dorset. See Swanage.

Swanmore (?), Swanemere [in Droxford parish, co. Hants], 899.

Swanton, Suanton [in Mereworth parish], co. Kent, p. 155.
-, -, co. Norf., manor, 688.

Swarbrick, Swartebrec, Suartebrec [in Kirkham parish], co. Lanc., 153.

Swarraton, Seruiton, Serueton, co. Hants, 17.

Swarreby, Robert de, 271.

Swarreby, Hugh de, 271.

Swartebrec, co. Lanc. See Swarbrick.

Swarth Fell, Swartefel, co. Westm., 114.

Swatford, co. Kent. See Swalford.

Sway, Sweye, co. Hants, p. 174.

Sweeney, Swyne [co. Salop], p. 279.

Swell, co. Glouc., p. 157.
-, -, Swelle, co. Somers., 257.
-, -, manor, 257.

Swepston, Suepston, co. Leic., 892.

Swetman, Ralph, 777.

Sweye, co. Hants. See Sway.

Swho Weston, co. Hunt. See Southoe.

Swilbye, co. Cumb. See Soulby.

Swinburne, Swyneburn [in Chollerton parish], co. N'humb., 773.
-, -, West, Swyneburn [in Chollerton parish], co. N'humb., 416.

Swinden [in Gisburn], co. York, 452.

Swindene, co. York, 564 (p. 175).

Swinedale, Swindale [in Skelton parish], co. York, p. 267.

Swineside, Swinesate in Coverdale [in Coverham parish], co. York, 743.

Swingfield, Swynefeld, Swynefell, co. Kent, 774.
-, -, hospital, 563.

Swinhope, Svinhop, co. Linc., 561.

Swyne, co. Salop. See Sweeney.

Swynebourne, John de, 416.

Swyneburn, co. N'humb. See Swinburn.

Swynefeld, Swynefell, co. Kent. See Swingfield.

Swyneford, Sir Hugh de, 360.

Sybbisdon, co. Leic. See Sibson.

Sybeton, co. Kent. See Sibton.

Sydenham, Sideham, Sydeham, co. Oxford, 776.

Syeldeford, co. N'humb. See Shilford.

Syerston, Syreston, co. Nott., 396.

Syiston, co. Leic. See Syston.

Symely. See Simely.

Syplingtbotill, co. N'humb. See Shilbottle.

Syremede, co. Heref., 109.

Syreston, co. Nott. See Syerston.

Syrewde, co. Nott. See Sherwood.

Syston, Syiston, Siyestan, co. Leic., advowson, 776.
-, -, manor, 793.