Index of Persons and Places: M

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index of Persons and Places: M', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: M', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: M". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Mabaunck. See Maubanc.

Macclesfield, co. Chester, hundred of, 127.

Madeley, Maddeleg, co. Staff., 403.

Madut. See Mauduit.

Maesbury, Mersbury, co. Salop, p. 279.

Maideford, co. N'hamp. See Maidford.

Maidestan, co. Kent. See Maidstone.

Maidewelle, co. N'hamp. See Maidwell.

Maidewelle, Meidewell, Alan de, 102.
-, - , Simon de, 126.

Maidford. Maideford, Maydeford, co. N'hamp. 732, 776.

Maid's Moreton, Morton, co. Buck., 247.

Maidstone, Maidestan, co. Kent, 401.

Maidwell, Maidewelle, co. N'hamp., 102, 126.

Mainsbridge, Manesbrig, co. Hants, 37, 386.

Mairescross [Marcross, co. Glamorgan ?] manor, p. 152.

Maldon [co. Essex], 723.

Malemays, Henry, p. 155.

Malemeyns, —, 563.

Malerb, Malet, Sir William, 354, 743.

Maleseveres, Mallesoveres, William de, 317.
-, - , - , Clemency wife of, 317, 365.
-, - , - , children of, 317.

Malet, Alan, 674.
-, - See Malerb.

Malevile, Malevill, William de, 805.

Malevile, John de, 805.

Malgum, co. York. See Malham.

Malham, Malgum, co. York, 452.

Malle, Richard de, 66.

Malleford, p. 175.

Mallesoveres. See Maleseveres.

Mallore, Simon, p. 257.

Malmefeud [co. Nott.]. See Mansfield.

Malo Lacu, Peter de, 108.
-, - , - , Reginald steward of, 108.

Malovel, Stephen, 743.

Maltby le Marsh, Maltebi, co. Linc., manor, 145.

Malteby. Cf. Mauteby.

Malvern [co. Worc.] forest, p. 156.

Mamesfeud, co. Nott. See Mansfield.

Mamhead, Mammehavede, co. Devon, 474.

Man, Patrick de, 820.

Mandeville, Maundevil, Mandevil, Mondevile, Mundewille, Mundevill, Mundevill, Mandevilla, Geoffrey de [Geoffrey de Camvill ?], 262.
-, - , Geoffrey de, 702, 799.
-, - , Hugh de, 678.
-, - , John de, p. 161.
-, - , Nigel de, p. 161.
-, - , Sir Ralph de, 240.
-, - , Richard de, 10, 679.
-, - - , and Maud his wife, p. 279.
-, - , William de, earl of Essex, 215.
-, - , earl, 651.

Mandeville or Hereford, honour or fee of, 279, 538, 563, 774.

Manebrigg, Manesbrig, John de, 37.

Manegodesfeud, Manegoteresfeud, co. Glouc See Mangotsfield.

Manerio, Robert de, 202.

Manesbrig, co. Hants. See Mainsbridge.

Manesbrig. See Manebrigg.

Manestun, co. Suffolk. See Manston.

Manford [co. Salop]. See Montford.

Mangotsfield, Manegoteresfeud, Manegodesfeud [co. Glouc.], pp. 157, 159.

Manhall, Manhal [in Walden parish], co. Essex, p. 153.

Mansel, Maunsell, Master John, 621.
-, - , Sir J., 13.
-, - John, 797.
-, - -, fee of, 303.
-, - , Thomas, 732.

Mansfield, Mamesfeud, Malmefeud [co. Nott.], court of, 761.
-, - , soke of, 157.

Manston, Manestun, co. Suff., 848.

Mantel, Mauntel, Walter, 162.

Mantel, Robert son of Walter, 162.

Manton, Maunton, co. Linc., 65.
-, - [in Preshute parish], co. Wilts, 449.

Mapelderwelle, co. Hants. See Maplederwell.

Mapelterested, co. Essex. See Maplestead.

Mapelton, co. York. See Mappleton.

Maperleygh [co. Derby]. See Mapperley.

Maplederwell, Mapelderwelle, co. Hants, manor, 807.

Maplestead, Mapelterested, co. Essex, 87.

Mapolderham, co. Hants. See Mapulderham.

Mapperley, Maperleygh [in Kirk Hallam parish, co. Derby], 662.

Mappleton, Mapelton, co. York, 636.

Mapulderham, Mapolderham [in Petersfield parish, co. Hants], p. 158.

Mara, la Mare, Gunnora de, 144, 185.
-, - , Peter de, 927.
-, - , Petronilla de, 544.
-, - , Robert de, 787.

Mars, Henry de, 144.
-, - , Payn de, 193.
-, - , Peter de, 787.
-, - , Philip de, 114.
-, - , Petronilla de, p. 158.
-, - , Sir Robert de, 927.
-, - , William de, 544.

Marbeler, Marberer, Godfrey le, 617.

Marcham, co. Nott. See Markham.

Marcham, Richard de, 870.

Marcham, Richard de, 402.
-, - , Robert de, 870.

Marches, the, co. Somers., 885.

Marchington, Mercinton, co. Staff., 333.

Marcross ?), co. Glamorgan. See Mairescross.

Marden, Maurdin, co. Heref., 109 bis.
-, - manor, 130.
-, - mill, 109.

Mare. See Mara.

Mareham, Maringis, co. Linc., 266.

Mares. See Mareys.

Marescall, Marescale, Mareschal. See Marshal.

Mareys, Mares, William de, 783.

Mareys, Agatha wife of Sir John de, 134.
-, - , Agnes wife of John de, 190.
-, - , John de, 783.

Margritestowe [co. Suff.], market of, 744.

Maringis, co. Linc. See Mareham.

Marisco, Robert de, 905.

Marisco. Agnes wife of John de, 244.
-, - , Christiana daughter of Robert de, 905.

Markeshal, Herbert de, 904.

Markeshale, Roger de, 179.

Markfield, Merkinfeld, co. Leic., advowson, 776.

Markham, Marcham, co. Nott., 870.

Market Bosworth, co. Leic. See Bosworth.

Marlborough, Merleberg, Marleberg, co. Wilts, 449, 712.
-, - , the king's barton, 449.
-, - castle, 868.

Marley, Lady Alice de, 901.

Marlingford, co. Norf., manor, 676.

Marlow, Merlawe, co. Buck., p. 156 ter.
-, - , advowson, p. 158.

Marlston, Marteleston [in Bucklebury parish, co. Berks], 822.

Marmiun, Marmyun, Marmioun, Marmyon, William, 901.
-, - , Avice, 934.

Marmiun, Albreda de, 5.
-, - , Philip, fee of, 240.
-, - , William, p. 158.

Marnham, Marneham, co. Nott., 378, 402, 587, 870.

Marple, Merpel [in Stockport], co. Chester, 125.

Marsh, la Merse [co. Salop], p. 280.

Marshal, Marescallus, Marischal, Mareschal, Marescall, Marechal, Alice la, 688, 757.
-, - , Petronilla, wife of William, 748.

Marshal, Aline la, 583.
-, - , Gilbert, 500.
-, - , Gregory, p. 174.
-, - , John son of Sir William, 688, 757.
-, - , Margaret (formerly de Lacy), countess of Lincoln and Pembroke, 110, 587.
-, - , Richard, 202.
-, - , Richard, of Bockhampton, 703.
-, - , Thomas, p. 257.
-, - , William le, 415.
-, - , Roger earl. See Bigot.
-, - , earl, 230, 238, 395, 512, 733, 809.
-, - , William, earl, 827, 828.
-, - , barony of, 395.

Marshwood, Merchewude [in Eling parish], co. Hants, 303.

Marske, Mersk, Merske, co. York, p. 266, p. 268.
-, - , manor, p. 268.

Marston Morteyne, Merston, co. Bedf., la Hoo, Admereshey and Ravenigge in, 393.
-, - , Fleet, Merston, co. Buck., manor, 903.
-, - Magna, Merston, co. Somers., manor, 864.
-, - , Merston [in Highworth parish], co. Wilts, 564.
-, - Maisey, Merston, co. Wilts, p. 158.

Martel, Martell, Felicia, wife of William, 239.
-, -, John, 489.
-, -, Ralph, 444.
-, -, Richard, 816.

Martel, John, son of Ralph, 444.
-, -, Ralph, 239.
-, -, Richard, 822.
-, -, William, 489, 872.

Martin the cook (cocus), 891.

Martin, John, 899.
-, -, Sir Nicholas son of, 278, 474, 530 (p. 157).
-, -, Richard, 491.
-, -, William son of, p. 160.

Martin son of Simon, Lawrence son of, 900.

Martindale, co. Westm., 114.

Martock, Mertoc, co. Somers., church, 912.

Marton, Merton [in Prestbury parish], co. Chester, 125.
-, - [in Kirkham parish], co. Lanc., 153.
-, -, co. Linc., 271.
-, -, co. York, 107.
-, - [in Sinnington parish], co. York, 198.
-, - [le Moor], co. York, Grange, 452.

Marton, Philip de, 271.
-, - William de, 470.

Marwell, Merlewell [in Ringmore parish], co. Devon, 474.

Masculus. See Masle.

Mascy, Lady Cecily de, 252.
-, -, Sir Hamon de, 125.

Masle (Masculus), Avice daughter of Richard le, 232.
-, -, Richard le, 33.
-, -, -, William son of, 33.

Mason. See Hugh.

Matebi, Matthew de, 441.

Matfen, co. N'humb., 579.
-, -, East [in Stamfordham parish], co. N'humb., 191.
-, - West [in Stamfordham parish], co. N'humb., 494, 579, 608, 771.

Matfen, Ranulph de, 608.

Mattingely, Peter de, 224.

Maubanc, Mabaunck, Margery, 606.

Mauclerk, Walter, bishop of Carlisle, 843.

Maucovenant, Maucufnand, Robert, 291.

Maucovenant, ..., p. 265.

Mauduit, Madut, Mauduth, Mauduyt, Maudit, William, 261, 387.
-, -, William, Earl of Warwick, 679.

Mauduit, Alice, 558.
-, -, Gilbert, 261, 481.
-, -, John, son of Gilbert, 261, 481.
-, -, Robert, 417.
-, -, -, his wife. See Murdac.
-, -, -, son of Roger, 64.
-, -, Roger, 64.
-, -, Sir Roger, 416.
-, -, William, 10, 210, 246, 353, 514, 558, 560, 564 (p. 176).
-, -, Sir William (earl of Warwick), 387.

Maufe, William, of Sussex, 776.

Maufetur, Adam, 416.

Maulay, fee, 653.

Mauleverer, John, p. 265.
-, - William, p. 265.

Maundevil, Maundevill. See Mandeville.

Maunouers, Maunvers, Lyanus de, 598.
-, -, Joan de, 598.
-, -, fee of. 611.

Maunsell. See Mansel.

Maunton, co. Linc. See Manton.

Maurdin, co. Heref. See Marden.

Maurdin, Walter de, 109.

Mauregard. Cf. Mawgard.

Mauteby, Matthew de, 742.
-, -, Sir Walter de, 744.

Mautravers, John, 124.

Mawgard, Geoffrey, 314.

May, le May, le Mey, William, 345.

May, Richard le, 541.
-, -, William, son of William, 345.

Maydeford, co. N'hamp. See Maidford.

Meathope, Midhop, Ondhop, co. Westm., 313

Medmenham, Medmeham, co. Buck., church, 586.
-, -, manor, 586.
-, -, abbot of, 586.

Meesden, Mesdun, Mesdon, co. Hertf., manor 212, 545.

Meeson, Meston [in Bolas parish], co. Salop, 160.

Megre, William le, 679.

Meidewell. See Maidewelle.

Meinyl, Philippa wife of Sir Hugh de, 453.
-, - See Meynel; Menyll.

Meldreth, Melrith, co. Camb., p. 160.

Meleberne, Robert de, 333.

Meleford, co. Suff. See Melford.

Meleford, Stephen de, 902.

Meleford, William de, 902.

Meleham, co. Norf. See Mileham.

Melesbergh, William de, 263.

Meletone, co. Kent. See Milton.

Melford, Meleford, co. Suff., 47.

Melksham, Melkesham co. Wilts, manor, 305

Melmerby, Melmorby, co. Cumb., 843.

Melmorby [in Coverham parish], co. York, 743.

Melrith, co. Camb. See Meldreth.

Melton on the Hill, Meltun, co. York, 131.

Meltonby, Meltenby, co. York, 471.

Meltun, co. York. See Melton.

Melwold, co. Norf. See Methwold.

Menaschaf, co. Devon. See Meshaw.

Mendham, co. Suff., manor, 394.

Mendisham, co. Suff. See Mendlesham.

Mendlesham, Mendelsham, Mendisham, co. Suff., 196.
-, -, manor, 678.

Menevill. See Meynevill.

Mentmore, Mentemore, co. Buck., 340.

Menutton, Muneton [in Clun parish, co. Salop], p. 281.

Menyll, Menyhill, Alan de, 691, 773.
-, - Cf. Meynevill.

Meon, Meone, Mune [in Quinton parish], co. Glouc., manor, 260.

Meperteshal [co. Bedf.], See Meppershall.

Meperteshal, Ralph de, 525.

Meperteshal, Nicholas de, son of Ralph, 525.

Meppershall, Meperteshal [co. Bedf.], 525.

Merchewude, co. Hants. See Marshwood.

Merchingley, co. N'humb., 528.

Mercinton, co. Staff. See Marchington.

Merck. See Merk.

Merclisden, co. Lanc., 418.

Merese [co. Essex]. See Mersea.

Mereworth, co. Kent, p. 155.

Mereworth, William de, p. 155.

Meriden, co. Warwick. See Alspath.

Meriet [co. Somers.]. See Merriott.

Meriet, Hugh de, 8.
-, -, Nicholas de, 539.

Meriet, John de, son of Nicholas, 539.
-, -, Nicholas de, 328.
-, -, -, Nicholas de, son of Hugh, 8.

Meriton, co. Oxford. See Merton.

Meriton, Robert de, 627.

Merk, Merck, Merke, Henry de (1), 669, 871.
-, -, Henry de (2), 742.
-, - Ingram de, 441.
-, -, Walter de, 852.

Merk, Andrew de, 742.
-, -, Henry de, 764.
-, -, Henry de (1), Rose wife of, 871.
-, -, Henry de (2) son of Henry (1), 669, 871.
-, -, Robert de, 586.
-, -, -, son of Ingram, 441.
-, -, William de, 852.

Merkeshal, co. Norf., 583.

Merkinfeld, co. Leic. See Markfield.

Merkwod forest, co. Essex, 742.

Merlawe, co. Buck. See Marlow.

Merlawe, Guy de, p. 160.

Merlay, Alice de, 683.
-, -, Roger de (1), 221.
-, -, Roger de (2), 636, 775.

Merlay, Isabel de, 683.
-, -, Mary, daughter of Roger de (1), 221.
-, -, daughters of Roger de (2), 636, 775.

Merlay, the heir of, p. 266.

Merlewell, co. Devon. See Marwell.

Merpel, co. Chester. See Marple.

Merriott, Meriet, co. Somers., 8, 530 (p. 159), 539.

Mersbury, co. Salop. See Maesbury.

Merse [co. Salop]. See Marsh.

Mersea, Merese [co. Essex], 623.
-, -, West, Westmerseia, co. Essex, 381.

Merstan, co. Somers. See Marston.

Merston, co. Bedf. See Marston.
-, -, co. Buck. See Marston.
-, -, co. Linc., 364.
-, - Wavers [in Bickenhill parish], co. Warw., 679.
-, -, co. Wilts. See Marston.

Mertoc, co. Somers. See Martock.

Merton, co. Chester. See Marton.
-, -, co. Devon, 67.
-, -, Meriton, co. Oxford, 627.
-, -, Mertone, co. Surrey, canons of, 897.

Merton, Henry de, 67.

Merton, Sir Walter de, 801.

Meryn, Ralph, 693.

Mesdon, Mesdun, co. Hertf. See Meesden.

Meshaw, Menaschaf, co. Devon, 278.

Messager, Robert le, 875.

Messenden, co. Buck. See Missenden.

Messenden, Thomas de, 734.

Messer, Thomas le, of Brimpsfield, 875.

Messing, co. Essex, 790.
-, -, manor, 586.

Messing, Roger de, 586.

Meston, co. Salop. See Meeson.

Methwold, Melwold, co. Norf., 711.

Meulinges, Peter de, 348.

Meynel, Thomas de, p. 257.
-, - See Meinill.

Meynevill, Robert de, 691, 773, 804.

Meysy, John de, p. 158.
-, -, Robert de, p. 158.

Michaol, Michael son of, 300.
-, - son of Michael, John son of, 664.

Michael, Stephen son of, 217.

Micham, co. Surrey. See Mitcham.

Mickley, Myckeley, Mickeley, Mikkelee [in Ovingham parish], co. N'humb., 691, 773, 804.

Midd, co. Kent. See Milton.

Middle, Middell [co. Salop] p. 280.

Middelburg, co. York. See Middlesbrough.

Middelton, co. Buck. See Milton.
-, -, co. Kent. See Milton.

Middeltun, co. Norf. See Middleton.

Middilham. co. York. See Middleham.

Middlecote, Middelcote [in Babington], co. Somers, [now disappeared], 475.

Middleham, Middilham, co. York, manor, 743.

Middlesbrough, Middelburg, co. York, p. 266.

Middleton, Middeltun, co. Norf., 743.
-, -, Midelton [in Hartburn parish], co. N'humb., 528.
-, -, North, Normidelton [in Hartburn parish], co. N'humb., 528.
-, - [near Oswestry, co. Salop], p. 279.
-, -, co. Suff., manor, 704.
-, -, advowson, 704.

Mideleston, p. 159.

Midelton, co. Dorset. See Milton.
-, -, co. N'humb. See Middleton.
-, -, co. Wilts, 647.

Midford, co. N'humb. See Mitford.

Midleton, p. 159.

Mikkelee, co. N'humb. See Mickley.

Milborne Deverel, Muleburn, co. Dorset, 580.

Mildenhall, Mildehal, co. Wilts, manor, 500.

Mileham, Meleham, co. Norf., 827.

Miles, Alan son of, 254.
-, -, Gerald son of, 254.

Milford, Muleford [in St. Martin's parish], co. Wilts, 882.

Milinchope, co. Salop. See Millichope.

Milinhope. See Millingeshope.

Milinton, co. York. See Millington.

Millichope, Milinchope [in Munslow parish], co. Salop, 146.

Millingeshope, Millinchope, Milinhope, Roger de, 146.

Millingeshope, Juliana de, daughter of Roger, 146.

Millington, Milinton, co. York, 314.

Millthorpe, Milnethorpe [in Aslackby parish], co. Linc., 583.

Milton Keynes, Middelton, co. Buck., 425.
-, - Abbots, Midelton [co. Dorset], 912.
-, - on Stour Midelton, co. Dorset, 872.
-, -, Meletone, Meleton [near Canterbury], co. Kent, 158, 265, 530 (p. 155).
-, - next Sittingbourne, Middleton, co. Kent, 316.
-, -, Middelton, Midd, co. Kent, hundred, 1, 183.

Milverton, Mulverton [co. Somers.], 597.
-, -, co. Warw., 776.

Mimekan, Mymycan, Philip, of Garsington, 193.
-, -, Philip, son of Philip, 568.
-, -, Peter, of Garsington, 856.

Mimekan, John, son of Philip, 568.
-, -, Philip, son of Philip, 193.

Mimms, South, Su Mimmes, co. Midd., manor, 678.

Mindeford, co. N'hamp., 732.

Minhild bridge, co. Nott., 870.

Minster Acres, Mynstanesacres, Mynstanaker, Mynstanacres [in Bywell parish], co. N'humb., 691, 773, 804.

Minster Lovel, Mynistre, co. Oxford, 269.

Minstirton, co. Leic. See Misterton.

Minton, Muneton [in Church Stretton parish, co. Salop], manor, 473, 534.

Mirfield, Mirfeud, co. York, 154.

Miserden, la Musardyr, la Musardere, co. Glouc., barony, 784.
-, -, manor, 601, 784.

Missenden, Messenden, co. Buck., 558.
-, -, Great, Messenden, co. Buck., 273.
-, -, Little, Parva Messenden, co. Buck., 162.
-, -, abbot of, 558.

Misterton, Minstirton, co. Leic., 776.

Mitcham, Micham, co. Surrey, p. 174.
-, -, West, Westmicham [co. Surrey], 50.

Mitcheldean, Dene Magna, co. Glouc., 435.

Mitford, Midford, co. N'humb., 24.
-, -, castle, 24.
-, -, park, 609.

Mithop [in Kirkham parish], co. Lanc., 153.

Mitton, co. Warw. See Myton.

Mixbury, Mixebury, co. Oxford, advowson, 808.

Mlton. See Multon.

Mockinge, Thomas de, and Sabina his wife, 309.

Mohun, Moun, Reginald de, 112, 500.
-, -, William de, 491, 588.
-, -, -, son of Reginald de Moun and Isabel Basset, 500.

Molendino, John de, of Grenham, 875.

Molesfen, co. N'humb. See Mousen.

Molesfen, Mulesfen, Henry de, 672.

Molesfen, Henry de son of Henry, 672.

Moleton. See Multon.

Molineus, Molyneus, William de, 114, 252.

Molton, North, Nort Multon, co. Devon manor, 735.

Moltone, co. N'hamp. See Moulton.

Molyneus. See Molineus.

Momeley. See Lomel.

Mondevill. See Mandeville.

Monemue. See Monmouth.

Monemut, Henry de, 109.
-, - See Munemuth.

Mongeham, Moningeham, co. Kent, 680.

Mongomery. See Montgomery.

Mongton, co. Somers. See Monkton.

Moningeham, co. Kent. See Mongeham.

Moniton, co. Heref. See Monnington.

Moniton. See Muneton.

Monkton, West, Mongton, co. Somers., manor, 217.

Monkton Farleigh, co. Wilts. See Farleigh.

Monkton, Nun [co. York], advowson of priory, p. 267.

Monmouth, Monemue, liberty, 649.

Monnington Strudel, Moniton, co. Heref., manor, 606.

Montacute [co. Somers.], prior of, 217.

Monte Acuto, Muntagu, John de, 912.
-, -, Katherine de, 706.
-, -, Simon, son of Sir William de, 807.
-, -, Sir William de 353, 807.

Monte Alto, John de, 340.

Monte Canisio. See Munchensy.

Monte Forti, Henry de, p. 158.
-, -, Peter de, 10 bis, 679.
-, -, Robert de, 729.
-, -, -, Petronilla wife of, 729.
-, -, Simon de, Earl of Leicester, 558.

Monte Gomeri. See Montgomery.

Monte Kaniso. See Munchensy.

Montford, Manford [co. Salop], p. 280.

Montgomery, Mungumeri, Monte Gomeri, Mungumery, honour and barony of, 166, 180, 801, 827.

Montgomery. See Services.

Montgomery, Mongomery, Adam de, p. 279.

Montibus, H. de, 915.

Montibus, Robert de, 915.

Montsorel, co. Leic. See Mountsorrel.

Moorsholme, Great, Morsum [in Skelton parish], co. York pp. 265–8.

Mora, la Morehuse [in Bywell parish ?], co. N'humb. 691, 773, 804.

Mora, Thomas de, Thomas son of Gamel, 691, 773, 804.
-, - Cf. More.

Mordaunt, William, 732.

Morden, Mordon [co. Camb.], Sir William Cheny of, q.v.

Mordon [co. Salop], p. 280.

Mordone, Nicholas de, 399.

Morehuse, co. N'humb. See Mora.

More, la More [in Lydham parish], co. Salop, 326, 464, 812 (p. 281).
-, -, co. Somers., 328.

More, Roger de la, 326.
-, -, Roger de la (2), 464.

More, Roger de la (2), 326.
-, -, Roger de la (3), 464, 812 (p. 281).
-, - Cf. Mora.

Moreleigh, Morleg, co. Devon, 278, 564 (p. 175).

Moreton, North, Northmorton, Morton, co. Berks, 10, 558.
-, -, Morton, co. Essex, manor, 774.
-, - in the Marsh, co. Glouc. See Hennemerse.
-, -, Valence, Morton, co. Glouc. 76.
-, - -, church of, 76.
-, - on Lugg (?), Froremerton, co. Heref., 109.
-, - Morrell, Morton, co. Warw., 679.

Morewyk, co. N'humb. See Morwick.

Morhey, co. N'hamp., 513.

Morin, William, 366.

Morkote, Alan de, 319.

Morkote, John de, son of Alan, 319.

Morleg [co. Devon]. See Moreleigh.

Morleg, W. de, 278.

Morpeth, Morphathe, Morpath, co. N'humb., 683, 775.
-, -, park, 683.

Morphathe, co. N'humb. See Morpeth.

Morsum, co. York. See Moorsholme.

Mortain, honour of, 8, 68.
-, -, little fees of, 213, 257, 310, 336, 403, 563, 592, 631, 732, 859, 872.

Mortein, Sir Hugh, 901.

Mortenn, John de, fee of, 393.

Mortham, co. York, 743.

Mortimer, Mortuo Mari, Mortymer, Roger de, 147.

Mortimer, Hugh de (son of Roger and Isabel), 89.
-, -, Sir Hugh de (son of Margery), 439.
-, -, Isabel de, 89.
-, -, Ralph de, 17, 90.
-, -, Sir Robert de, 491.
-, -, Roger de, 89, 732.
-, -, -, fee of, 404.

Morton, co. Buck. See Maid's Moreton.
-, -, co. Glouc. See Moreton.
-, -, co. Kent. See Dodindale.
-, -, co. Leic. See Gilmorton.
-, -, Mort [co. Linc.], 511.
-, - [near Bourn], co. Linc., 245
-, -, co. Nott., 77.
-, -, co. Warw. See Moreton.
-, - [in Ormsby ? parish], co. York, 753.

Morton, Robert de, 524.
-, -, Walter de, 807.

Mortuo Mari. See Mortimer.

Mortymer. See Mortimer.

Morvill, Joan de, 106.
-, -, -, Helewisia and Ada, heirs of, 106.

Morwick, Morewyk [in Warkworth parish], co. N'humb., 720.
-, -, Morwyk [co. York], 418.

Morwyck, Hugh de, 720, 759.

Moseleg, co. Heref., 654.

Moston, co. Kent, 273.

Moulebrec, co. Lanc. See Mowbrick.

Moulsoe, Moulesso, co. Buck., manor, 230.

Moulton, Muleton, co. Linc., 343.
-, -, Moltone, Multon, co. N'hamp., 166, 633.

Moun. See Mohun.

Mountnessing, Gynge Mounteney, co. Essex, 742.

Mountsorrel, Montsorel, co. Leic., manor, 334.

Mousen, Molesfen, Mulesfen [in Bambrough parish, co. N'humb.], 672.

Mowbray, Mubray, Mumbrei, Munbray, Roger de, 123, 296, 421.
-, - barony, 314.

Mowbrick, Moulebrec, Mulebrec, [in Kirkham parish], co. Lanc., 153.

Moyne, Beringer le, p. 161.

Mubray. See Mowbray.

Mucegros, Muchegros. See Muscegros.

Muchelegam, co. Salop. See Muckleton.

Muchelney, Muchelnye, Mucheleneie [co. Somers.], abbot of, 217, 912.

Mucketun, co. Linc. See Muckton.

Muckleton, Muchelegam [in Shawbury parish, co. Salop], 122.

Muckton, Mucketun, co. Linc., 291.

Mucleshull, co. Hants, p. 175.

Muhaut, Sir Robert de, 735.

Mulebrec, co. Lanc. See Mowbrick

Muleburn, co. Dorset. See Milborne.

Muleford, co. Wilts. See Milford.

Muleford, Richard de, 882.

Muleford, Edmund son of John son of Richard de, 882.
-, -, Richard de, 188.
-, -, Sir Stephen de, 882.

Mulesfen, co. N'humb. See Mousen.

Mulesfen. See Molesfen.

Muleton, co. Linc. See Moulton.

Multon, co. Devon. See Molton.
-, -, co. N'hamp. See Moulton.

Multon, Muleton, Moleton, Mlton, Lambert de, 84.
-, -, Thomas de (2), 758.

Multon, Sir Alan de, 495.
-, -, Sir Hugh de, 758.
-, -, Hulbert de, 758.
-, -, Thomas de (1), 758.
-, -, - (2), 758.
-, -, - (3), 758.
-, -, Thomas son of Thomas de, of Gilsland, 811.
-, -, Sir Thomas de, 115, 199.
-, -, Thomas de, 145.
-, -, Thomas de, son of Lambert, 84.

Mulverton [co. Somers.]. See Milverton.

Mumbrei. See Mowbray.

Mumby, Munby, Joan de, 79, 128, 858.

Mummewrth, co. Wilts, mill, 188.

Munbray. See Mowbray.

Munby. See Mumby.

Muncell, William de, 12.

Munchensy, Monte Kaniso Munchensi, Monte Canisio, Munchanes, Montek, Munkanesy, Munchanesy, Muncheus, Muntchenesy, Hubert de, 883.
-, -, Roger de, 152.

Munchensy, Agatha wife of Roger de, 883.
-, -, Lady Denise de, 440.
-, -, Hubert de, sisters of, 883.
-, -, Robert de, p. 266.
-, -, Sir Warin de, 301.
-, -, William de, son of Sir William, 301.
-, -, William de, 401.
-, -, Sir William de, 585.

Mundford, Robert and Cecily de, 807.

Mundeville. See Mandeville.

Mune, co. Glouc. See Meon.

Munede [co. Salop]. See Myndtown.

Munemuth, Munemue, John de, 371.
-, - See Monemut.

Muneton [co. Salop]. See Menutton.

Muneton, co. Salop. See Minton.

Muneton, Muniton, Moniton, John de, 534.
-, -, Peter de, 473.

Muneton, John de, son of Peter, 473.
-, -, -, his sisters, 534.

Munfichet, Richard de, 689.

Munfichet, Richard de, 586, 711.

Mungumeri, Mungumery. See Montgomery.

Muniton. See Muneton.

Muntagu. See Monte Acuto.

Muntchanesy, Muntchenesy. See Munchensy.

Munvirun, Roesia wife of Richard de, 92.
-, -, Richard, 348.

Murdac Alice, 112.

Murdac, Beatrice, sister of Alice, 112.
-, -, -, late wife of Robert Maudit, 842.
-, -, Henry, p. 257.
-, -, William, 679 bis.

Murdoc, Maud, 80.

Muriel, William, of Newcastle, co. Staff., 276.

Muriel, John, 276.

Mursley, Mursle, co. Buck., 247.

Musard, Ralph, 601.
-, -, Ralph (son of the last), 784.
-, -, Robert, 99.

Musard, Nicholas, 784.
-, -, Ralph, 99, 501.
-, -, -, son of Ralph, 601.
-, -, Sir R., 707.

Musardere, Musardyr, co. Glouc. See Miserden.

Muscamp. See Muschamp.

Muscegros, Mucegros, Muchegros, John de, 631.
-, -, Robert de, 311.
-, -, Walter de, 606.

Muscegros, John de, son of Robert, 311.
-, -, John de, 530 (p. 157), 926.
-, -, Sir R. de, keeper of Savernake forest, 235.
-, -, Walter de, 109.
-, -, -, had nine daughters, 606.

Muschamp, co. Nott. See Muskham.

Muschamp, Muscampis, Muscamp, Muschaump, Muschans, Isabel daughter of Robert de, 216.
-, -, Robert de, 202.

Muschamp, lady Isabel de, 216.
-, -, Robert de, 341.
-, -, -, his daughters, 202.
-, -, -, heirs of, 766.
-, -, William de, 202.

Musewell, co. Oxford. See Muswell.

Musham, 587.

Muskham, Muscham, co. Nott., 874.

Musters, Mustres, Geoffrey de, 396.
-, -, John de, 497.

Muswell, Musewell [in Piddington parish, co. Oxford], manor, 558.

Mutford, Muthford, co. Suff., advowson, 582.

Myckeley, co. N'humb. See Mickley.

Mydloventon, co. Sussex. See Lavant.

Mymycan. See Mimekan.

Myndtown, la Munede [co. Salop], p. 280.

Mynestanaker, co. N'humb. See Minster Acres.

Mynistre, co. Oxford. See Minster Lovel.

Mynstanesacres, co. N'humb. See Minster Acres.

Myre, William le, 807.

Myton, Mitton [by Warwick], co. Warw., 679.