Index of Persons and Places: F

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index of Persons and Places: F', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: F', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: F". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Facunberge. See Faucunberge.

Fairford, Faireford, co. Glouc., p. 156 bis.

Fairley, Fayrhill [in Bywell parish], co. N'humb., 691, 773, 804.

Fairsted, Fayerstede, co. Essex, manor, 333.

Fakenham, Fakeham, co. Suff., 280.
-, -, Little [in Euston parish, co. Suff.], p. 173.

Falcombe, Walwyn de, 679.

Falconer, Falconarius, Robert, 835.

Falconer, Godfrey, 835.
-, -, Ralph, p. 158.

Falderley, co. N'humb. See Fotherley.

Faleise, Faleis, Fales, Falaise, Faleisse, Faleyse, la Faleyse, Elias de, 851.
-, -, William de, 336.

Faleise, Elias de la, 336.
-, -, -, Ida wife of, 336.
-, -, Sibyl de, niece of Henry I, 166, 318, 809.
-, -, William de, 851.
-, -, -, Alice wife of, 336.

Falestone [in Savernake forest, co. Wilts], 868.

Faleyse. See Faleise.

Falinisbrom, co. Chester. See Fallybroome.

Falkenham, Fauntenham [co. Suff.], 744.

Fallybroome, Falinisbrom [in Prestbury parish], co. Chester, 841.

Falwesleye, co. N'hamp. See Fawsley.

Fanencourt, Fanencurt, G. de, pp. 157, 159.
-, -, William de, 348.

Fangfoss, Fangefosse [in Pocklington parish], co. York, 471.

Farendon, co. Devon. See Farringdon.
-, -, co. N'hamp. See Farndon.

Farleigh, Farlegh, Farleg, co. Kent, 401.
-, -, co. Wilts. See Farley.

Farleton, co. Westm., 313.

Farley, Ferle, co. Somers., p. 158.
-, -, Monkton, Ferneleg, Fernlegh [co. Wilts], prior of, 336, 449.
-, -, manor, 563.

Farlington, co. Hants, 221.

Farlow. Farnlowe [in Leominster parish, co. Heref.], lord of, 801.

Farlowe, Philip de, 801.

Farmcote, Farncot [in Guiting Power parish], co. Glouc., 776.

Farncot, co. Glouc. See Farmcote.

Farndon, Farendon [in Woodford parish], co. N'hamp., 732.

Farnham, Farnam, Fernham. co. Dorset, 530 (p. 161), 554.
-, -, co. Suff., p. 154.
-, -, co. Surrey, manor, 502.
-, -, -, customs of, 502.

Farnham, Alan de, 10.

Farnhil, William de, 296.

Farnhill, Farnhyl [in Kildwick parish], co. York, 296.

Farnhull, co. Hants, p. 174.

Farnhull, Richard de, p. 174.

Farnley, Ferneley [in Morley wapentake], co. York, 296.

Farnlowe [co. Heref.]. See Farlow.

Farnyngho, co. N'hamp. See Farthinghoe.

Farringdon, Farendon, co. Devon, 129.

Farrington Gurney, Ferinton, co. Somers., p. 158.

Farthinghoe, Farningho, Farnyngho, co. N'hamp., 732, 776.

Faucunberge, Facunberge, Agnes wife of Walter de, 800.
-, -, Peter de, fee of, 191.

Faudon, Peter de [same as Peter de la Bataill ?], 691, 773, 804.

Fauntenham [co. Suff.]. See Falkenham.

Faversham, Faveresham, co. Kent, hundred of, 1.
-, -, abbot of, 802.

Fawsley, Falwesleye, co. N'hamp., manor, 360.

Faxton, co. N'hamp., manor, 633.

Fay. John de, 505.
-, -, his sisters Maud and Philippa, 505.

Fayrhill, co. N'humb. See Fairley.

Fayrhill, Elias de, 691, 773, 804.

Featherstone, Fetherestan, co. York, 32.

Fecamp, Fescamp, Feskham, Fescome, abbess of, 554.
-, -, abbot of, 287 (p. 278).

Feckenham, Fekeham, Fecham, co. Worc., forest, 363, 529, 770.
-, -, -, Bentley, Benetlegh, bailiwick in, 770.
-, -, -, la Berse, bailiwick in, 770.
-, -, -, le Wercwode in, 524.
-, -, -, forester of, 524.
-, -, -, steward of. See Covene.
-, -, manor, 524.

Fekeham, co. Worc. See Feckenham.

Feletorp, co. Norf. See Felthorp.

Felmersham, Felmesham [co. Bedf.], 525.

Felmingeham, William de, 419.

Felmingeham, William de, son of William, 419.

Felmingham, co. Norf., 419.

Felthorpe, Feletorp [co. Norf.], 29.

Fen, William de, 322.

Fenches [co. Salop], p. 279.

Fenes, Fenis, Feynes, Ingram de, 809, 903.
-, -, William de, 166.

Fenne, la, co. Heref., 703.
-, -, co. Linc., 822.
-, -, la, co. Suff., fishery, p. 154.

Fennicumpton, co. Warw. See Compton.

Fenrother, Fynrother [in Hebron], co. N'humb., 416.
-, -, Wellefordside in, 416.

Fenwick, Fenwic [in Stamfordham parish], co. N'humb., 191.

Fereres, earl. See Ferrariis.

Ferete, Sir Walter de la, 758.

Feri, co. York. See Ferrybridge.

Feringes, Geoffrey de, 644.

Ferinton, co. Somers. See Farrington.

Ferires. See Ferrariis.

Ferle, co. Somers. See Farley.

Fernegleg [co. Wilts]. See Farley.

Ferneley, co. York. See Farnley.

Fernham, co. Dorset. See Farnham.

Fernilee, Fernigleg, Fernelig, co. Derby, 333.

Fernlegh, Fernlegl, co. Wilts. See Farley.

Ferrariis, Ferrers, Ferres, Ferariis, Ferires, Ferers, Joan de, 268.
-, -, Margaret, wife of William de Ferrariis earl of Derby, 333.

Ferrariis, Fulk de, p. 176.
-, -, Joan de, 732.
-, -, Margaret de, countess of Derby, p. 257.
-, -, Robert de, earl of Derby, 600.
-, -, Sir William de, 500, 768.
-, -, Sir William de, earl of Derby, 252, 253.
-, -, the earl, earldom, or fee of, 168, 301, 313, 338, 390, 453, 576, 310.

Ferrybridge (or Ferry Frystone), Fristone at Feri, co. York, 107.

Fersedon, co. Wilts. See Fresdon.

Fescaump, Master William de, 621.

Fescome, abbess of. See Fécamp.

Fetherestan, co. York. See Featherstone.

Fetherstan, Ralph de, 32.
-, -, -, his family, 32.

Feusdale, co. Westm. See Fusedale.

Feynes. See Fenes.

Ficledene, co. Wilts. See Figheldean.

Fifhyde [co. Essex]. See Fyfield.

Figheldean, Ficledene, co. Wilts, 828.

Fillol, Fylloll, Filiol, Richard, 476.

Fillol, Baldwin, 521.
-, -, John, son of Richard, 476, 521.
-, -, Robert, 348.

Filston, Vieleston [in Shoreham parish], co. Kent, p. 155.

Finborough, Fineberye, co. Suff., manor, 311.

Finchingfield, Finchingfeld, co. Essex, 742.

Fineberye, co. Suff. See Finborough.

Finery, Richard, p. 257.

Finkele, co. Hants, forest bailiwick of, 437.

Fischacre, William de, 474.

Fishley, Fissele, co. Norf., church, 918.
-, -, manor, 918.

Fishtoft, Thoft, co. Linc., manor, 394.

Fishwick, Fisvike, Fiswyke [in Preston parish], co. Lanc., 207, 252.

Fisseburne, Ralph de, 414.

Fissele, co. Norf. See Fishley.

Fiswyke, Fisvike, co. Lanc. See Fishwick.

Fites, co. York, p. 175.

Fitun, Fyton, Richard, 841.

Fitun, Hugh, 9.
-, -, Hugh, knight, 841.

Flamstead, Flemstede, co. Hertf., church, 588.
-, -, manor, 588.
-, -, St. Giles' priory, 588.

Flanwill. See Flaunvill.

Flaunvill, Flanwill, Constance de, 478.

Flaxley, Flexele [co. Glouc.], abbot of, p. 159.

Fle ..., William le, 774.

Flecher, John le, 223.

Flecher, Ralph son of John le, 223.
-, -, Huwelina mother of John le, 223.

Flechinge, Flecinges, co. Sussex. See Fletching.

Fleensop, Flemmeshope, in Coverdale [in Coverham parish], co. York, 743.

Fleet [in Ash parish, co. Kent], manor, 586.

Fleet Marston, co. Buck. See Marston.

Fleg, Simon de, 522.

Flemeng, Flemmeng, Alard le, 562.

Flemeng, Alice wife of John le, 562.
-, -, John le, 296.
-, -, Saher le, 833.

Flemmeshope, co. York. See Fleensop.

Flemstede, co. Hertf. See Flamstead.

Fleneburg, Robert de, 845.

Fleneburg, Roger de, 845.

Fletching, Flechinge, Flecinges, co. Sussex, 706.
-, -, -, advowson, 706.

Flete [co. Kent]. See Fleet.

Flexele [co. Glouc.]. See Flaxley.

Flixton [in Folkton parish], co. York, 314.

Flokesthorp, co. Norf. See Floxthorp.

Floore, Flore, co. N'hamp., 168.

Flore, co. N'hamp. See Floore.

Flore, Richard de, 583.

Floxthorp, Flokesthorp [now Hardingham] co. Norf., 443.

Fokeram, Fukeram, William, 383.

Fokeram, Richard, 383.

Folebro, co. Warw. See Fulbroke.

Folesham, co. Norf. See Foulsham.

Foletteby, co. Linc. See Fulletby.

Foliot, Samson, 564.

Folkestone, Folkistan, Folcstane, Folkestan, co. Kent, 563.
-, -, barony, 563, 774.
-, -, manor, 563, 774.
-, -, middle hundred of, 563.
-, -, woods and field names in, 563.
-, -, heir of, 586.
-, -, priory, 563.

Folkeswode, co. Hunt. See Folksworth.

Folketon, co. York. See Folkton.

Folketon, Ranulph de, 314.

Folksworth, Folkeswode, Folkesworth, co. Hunt., pp. 159, 161.

Folkton, Folketon, co. York, 315.
-, -, advowson of, 314.

Fontley, Funtelye [in Fareham parish], co. Hants, 222.

Forcer, Henry le, alias Henry de Linley, 801.

Forcer, Henry le, 801.
-, -, -, Burga wife of, 801.
-, -, N. le, 801.
-, -, William le, 801.

Ford, Forde [in Thorncomb parish, co. Devon], abbot of, 259, 702.
-, -, co. N'humb., 341.
-, -, advowson, 341.
-, -, co. Salop, 827.

Ford, Forde, Isabel, daughter of Odinel de, 341.

Ford, Odelin de, Sir Odinel de la, 202.
-, -, Richard de, 341.
-, -, Richard de la, 903.
-, -, See Fortibus.

Forde, la, co. Glouc., 890.

Fordingbridge, Fordingebrug, Forthingbrigg, co. Hants, advowson, p. 158.
-, -, manor, 336.

Forester, Forrester, Reginald le, 543, 614.

Forester, Jordan le, son of Reginald, 614.
-, -, See Robert.
-, -, See Tully.

Formby, Forneby [in Walton on the hill parish], co. Lanc., 253.

Forncett, Forneset [co. Norf.], advowson, 744.
-, -, manor, 744.

Forneby, co. Lanc. See Formby.

Fornesct [co. Norf.]. See Forncett.

Forneaus, Matthew de, 278.
-, -, Cf. Furnellis.

Forrester. See Forester.

Forthingbrigg, co. Hants. See Fordingbridge.

Fortibus, Ford, Forz, William de, earl of Albemarle [comte d'Aumâle], 471.

Fortibus, Isabel de, countess of Aumâle or Albemarle, 564.
-, -, Thomas de, son of William, 471.
-, -, William de, count of Aumale, &c., 278, 580, 689, 872. See Albemarle.

Forton [in Montford parish, co. Salop], p. 280.

Forz. See Fortibus.

Fossard, the heir of, p. 265.

Foston [on the Wolds], co. York, 452.

Fotherley, Falderley [in Bywell parish], co. N'humb., 691, 773, 804.

Foulsham, Folesham [co. Norf.], 29, 688.
-, -, market, 688.

Fountains, co. York, abbot of, 452.

Four Stones, Fourstanes [on Tyne], co. N'humb., 824.

Foxcote, co. Somers., manor of, 112.

Foxcott, Foxcote, co. Buck., 677.

Frakenho, 586.

Framelington, co. N'humb. See Framlington.

Framingham-earl, Little Framingham [co. Norf.], manor, 744.

Framlingham, Frameningham, Framhingeham, co. Suff., advowson, 744.
-, -, castle, 744.
-, -, manor, 744.

Framlington, Long, Framelington, co. N'humb. manor, 609, 716.

Frampton Cotterell, Frompton [co. Glouc.], 889.
-, -, Franton, co. Linc., manor, 394.

Franceys, Fraunceys, Frauncays, William le, 346.
-, -, William son of William le, 869.

Franceys, Gilbert le, 738.
-, -, Sir John le, 843.
-, -, William le, son of William, 346.
-, -, -, his sisters, 869.

Franckeleyn, Jordan le, 373.

Fransham Parva, Franesham, co. Norf., church, 588.

Frapefaute, William, 296.

Fraunceys, Frauncays. See Franceys.

Fraunkton, Simon de, 679.

Frechevill. See Freschevill.

Freefolk, Frivolk, co. Hants, 45.

Freman, Robert, 579, 608.

Frenchmoor, Freynsemor, co. Hants, 303.

Frensse, Alice le, 374.

Freschevill, Frescheynvull, Frechevill, Freschervill, Anker de, 707.
-, -, Ralph de, 497.

Freschevill, Anker de, 497.
-, -, Amice wife of Anker de, 707.

Frescingge [co. Norf.], 744.

Fresdon, Fersedon, co. Wilts, manor, 564.

Fresel, James, constable of St. Briavells, 324.

Freshwater, Fresqwatere, Freskewatere [I. of W., co. Hants], manor, 564 (pp. 173, 174).

Freston, co. Linc. See Frieston.

Fretevelle, Robert de, 808.

Frethenestede, co. Kent. See Frinsted.

Frevile, ... de, 705.

Freyenestede, co. Kent. See Frinsted.

Freynsemor, co. Hants. See Frenchmoor.

Frickley, Frikeley, co. York, 107.

Frieston, Freston, co. Linc., manor, 822.

Frikeley, co. York. See Frickley.

Frinsted, Frethenestede, Freyenestede, co. Kent, manor, 677.
-, -, advowson, 677.
-, -, parish, 593.

Frisby on the Wreak, Fryseby, co. Leic., 776.

Frisell, co. Leic., p. 280.

Friston, co. York. See Ferrybridge.

Frivolk, co. Hants. See Freefolk.

Frome St. Quintin, Litlefroma, co. Dorset, p. 161.
-, -, Whitfield, Frome Wytefeud [co. Dorset], 580.

Frompton [co. Glouc.]. See Frampton.

Fromund, Stephen, bailiff of Down Ampney, 373.

Froremerton, co. Heref. See Moreton on Lugg (?).

Frowic, Peter de, 897.

Froxle, Alice de, 332.

Fryseby, co. Leic. See Frisby.

Fukeram. See Fokeram.

Fulbroke, Fullbroc, Folebro, Fulebro, co. Warw., 679.

Fulcher, John, 647.

Fulebro, co. Warw. See Fulbroke.

Fulestou. See Fulstow.

Fullbroc, co. Warw. See Fulbroke.

Fulletby, Foletteby, co. Linc., 442.

Fulmer, Fulmere, co. Buck., manor, 304.

Fulstow, Fulestou, co. Linc., 240.

Funtelye, co. Hants. See Fontley.

Furches, Furch, William de, (two men ?) 146, 606.

Furnellis, Sir Alan de, 354.
-, -, Cf. Furneus, Forneaus.

Furness, Furnes, co. Lanc., abbot of, 252, 470.

Furneus, —, p. 176.
-, -, Cf. Furnellis.

Furnivall, Ada wife of William de, 752.

Fusedale, Feusdale, co. Westm., 114.

Fyfield, Fifhyde [co. Essex], 831.

Fyleton, co. N'humb., grange, 49.

Fylloll. See Fillol.

Fynchingfeld, William son of Geoffrey de, 742.

Fynrother, co. N'humbr'. See Fenrother.

Fyswyke, Roger de, 252.

Fyton. See Fitun.