Index of Persons and Places: D

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index of Persons and Places: D', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: D', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: D". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Dachette, co. Buck. See Datchet.

Dacre, Daker, co. Cumb., 314.

Daddescumb, Ralph de, p. 176.

Dadelynton, co. Leic. See Dadlington.

Dadington, Dadinton, co. Oxford. See Deddington.

Dadlington, Dadelynton [in Hinckley parish], co. Leic., 776.

Dagenham, Dakeham, co. Essex, 407.

Dagewurth. See Dagwrth.

Daggord [co. Suff.]. See Dagworth.

Dagworth, Daggord [in Old Newton parish, co. Suff.], manor, 521.

Dagwrth, Dagewurth, Daggord, Osbert de, 466, 521.

Dagwrth, Isabel de, 521.
-, -, John de, 466.
-, -, Osbert son of Hervey de, 521.

Dakeham, co. Essex. See Dagenham.

Daker, co. Cumb. See Dacre.

Dalby, co. Linc. See Danby ?

Dale, co. Derby, abbey, 52.

Dalemain, Dalman Ald, co. Cumb., 314.

Dalinton [now part of Flawborough], co. Nott., 11.

Dalling, Wood [co. Norf.], 29.

Dalman, co. Cumb. See Dalemain.

Dalton [in Burton-in-Kendal parish], co. Lanc., 329, 834.
-, - [in Stamfordham parish], co. N'humb., 691, 804.
-, - [in Newburn parish ?], co. N'humb. manor, 664.

Dalton, Michael de, 664.
-, -, William de, 691, 804.

Danby [Dalby ?], co. Linc., 113.
-, -, Danebi, Daneby, co. York, pp. 265–7.
-, - manor, p. 267.
-, - forest, p. 267.

Daneis. See Daneys.

Daneseye, Danesy. See Anesy.

Daneys, Daneis, William le, of Tickencote, 203, 204, 275.

Daneys. of Tickencote, John son of William, 204, 275.
-, -, Mabel, wife of William le, 275.

Daniel, Gilbert son of. See Dunesden.

Dantese, Sir Roger de, 927.

Darcy, Darci, de Arci, de Arcy, Derci, Philip, 577.

Darcy, Norman, 191, 577.

Darel, Ralph, 470.

Darennes, Darenes. See Dareynes.

Darenth, Derente, co. Kent, 412.

Dareynes, Dareyns, de Areyncs, Darrenes, de Areines, Roger, 528, 691, 773.

Dargentein. See Argentein.

Darlee, John de, p. 160.

Darley, Derleie, co. Derby, 163.

Darliston, Derlawstun [in Prees parish], co. Salop, 170.

Darrenes. See Dareynes.

Dartford, Derteford, co. Kent, 412, 471.
-, -, Maktildesland, Inlaunde and Okolte in, 471.

Dartmoor, Dertemore [co. Devon], 165, 564 (p. 175).
-, -, pasture on, p. 176.

Datchet, Datchette, co. Buck., manor, 304.

Datchworth, Thacheworthe, co. Hertf., 164.

Daubeny, Daubeney, Daubeni, de Albini, de Albiniaco, de Albaniaco, Isabel, 546.
-, -, William, 11, 926.

Daubeny, Hugh, earl of Arundel, 285
-, -, -, Isabel wife of, 285.
-, -, John, 732, 776, 926.
-, -, Odinel, 320.
-, -, -, John son of, 776.
-, -, Philip, p. 257.
-, -, Ralph, 257, 754.
-, -, William, 462.
-, -, William, 546.

Daudeley. See Audley.

Daundeville, Alexander, 647.

Dauno, de Auno, Adndno, Aunou, Alnou, Aunoh, Adam, 30.
-, -, Godfrey, 422.
-, -, Thomas, 74.

Dauno, Alexander, son of Godfrey, 422.
-, -, Godfrey, 30.

Daventre, Walter de, 558.

Daventry, Daventre [co. N'hamp.], prior of, 584.

Dayvil. See Deyvile.

Dean, Dene [co. Glouc.], forest of, 4, 311, 325, 435, 493.
-, -, -, Killcot in, 311.
-, -, Great [co. Glouc.]. See Mitcheldean.
-, -, East, Esteden, co. Sussex, forest, p. 279.
-, -, West, Westden, co. Sussex, manor, p. 279.
-, -, -, mill called Chussehar in, p. 279.
-, -, West, Westdune, co. Wilts, 731.

Debach (?), co. Suff. See Bech.

Deddington, Dadington, Dadinton, co. Oxford, 792.
-, - manor, 112, 792.

Dedeleng [co. Sussex]. See Didling.

Deeping, Deping, co. Linc., 11.

Deerhurst, Derhurst [co. Glouc.], prior of, 311.

Deighton, co. York. See Kirk Deighton.

Delaval, de la Val, de Laval, Eustace, 413.

Delaval, Henry, 413, 528, 773.
-, -, -, writ to, 607.
-, -, Hugh, 689.
-, -, John, 413.

Delce [near Rochester], co. Kent, manor of, 94.

Delebec. See Bec.

Demeford [co. Sussex]. See Dumpford.

Den, Miles, of Brampton, Beatrice wife of, 724.

Dene, co. Glouc. See Dean.
-, - Magna, co. Glouc. See Mitchelden.
-, - [in Wye hundred], co. Kent, 273.

Dene, William de, 435.

Dene, Henry de, son of William, 435.
-, - Henry de, and Agatha his wife, 493.
-, -, Nicholas de, 316.

Deneboud, de Anebou, Philip, 60.
-, -, -, his family, 60.

Denefer, Walter, 732.

Denham, co. Buck, manor, 404.

Denton, co. Linc., 74.
-, -, co. Norf., manor, 145.
-, - rent called capa diaboli from, 744.

Depden, Dipeden [co. Essex], prior of, p. 160.

Deping, co. Linc. See Deeping.

Derbischyre. See Derby, West.

Derby, West, Derbischyre, co. Lanc., 253, 600.

Derby, earl of, 359.
-, - - See Ferrariis.

Dercet, co. Warw. See Derset.

Derci. See Darcy.

Dereham, West, Dereham, Derham. co. Norf., 161.

Derente, co. Kent. See Darenth.

Derewent river. See Derwent.

Derham, co. Norf. See Dereham.

Derhurst, co. Glouc. See Deerhurst.

Derlawstun, co. Salop. See Darliston.

Derleg, Derleie, Andrew de, 163.

Derleg, Hugh de, son of Andrew, 163.

Derleie, co. Derby. See Darley.

Derneford, co. Oxford. See Dornford.

Derneford, Sir Roger de, 311.

Derset, Dercet, co. Warw., 679.

Dersingham, co. Norf., 280.

Derteford, co. Kent. See Dartford.

Dertemore, co. Devon. See Dartmoor.

Derwent, Derewent, river [co. York], mill pond in, 452.

Desborough, Desbury, Deseburg, co N'hamp., 111, 284.

Desening, Desninges, co. Suff. See Disning.

Despenser, Despensir, Dispenser, Dispensator, Geoffrey, 10.
-, -, Sir H. 125.
-, -, Hugh le, 334.
-, -, - Aline wife of, 807.
-, -, John le, heirs of, p. 176.
-, - William, 314.

Detchant, Dichend [in Belford parish] co. N'humb., 202, 341.

Detlinge, William de, 563.

Deuelawe, co. N'humb. See Dewley.

Deuelich, Deueliss, co. Dorset. See Dewlish.

Devereux, de Ebroycis, de Everoys, Maud, 825.
-, - Sir William, 557.

Deversy. See Evercy.

Devon, earl of, 278.
-, -, - See Ripariis.

Dewchurch, Dewyeschurche, co. Heref., 109.

Dewley, Deuelawe [in Newburn parish], co. N'humb., 220.

Dewlish, Deuelich, Deueliss, co. Dorset, 7, 530 (p. 161).

Dewyeschurche, co. Heref. See Dewchurch.

Deyncurt, John de, 601.

Deyvile, Dayvil, Robert, 10.
-, -, Walter, 679.

Dichend, co. N'humb. See Detchant.

Dichend, Henry de, 202, 216.

Dicheninge, co. Sussex. See Ditchling.

Dichingham [co. Norf.]. See Ditchingham.

Dick, co. York, 471.

Dickesdon, Dyckesdon, William de, p. 157, p. 159.

Dicton, co. York. See Kirk Deighton.

Diddington, Dodigton, Dodington, co. Hunt, 732, 776.
-, -, Dudintun [in Hampton in Arden parish], co. Warw., 827.

Didling, Dedeleng, Didelinge [co. Sussex], 706, 881.
-, - manor, 454.

Digerle, co. Hants, forest bailiwick of, 437.

Dik, co. Linc. See Dyke.

Dik, Joice son of Gilbert de, 245.

Dik, Gilbert de, son of Gilbert, 245.

Dikelesdon, co. Glouc. See Dixton.

Dilintone, Dilintune, co. Hunt. See Dillington.

Dillington, Dilitune, Dilitone [in Great Staughton parish], co. Hunt, 166.
-, - manor, 809.
-, - Est park, Litlehey and Westwode in, 809.

Dilton. Dulton [in Westbury parish], co. Wilts, 197, 599, 933.

Dilun, Dylon, Adam de, 186.

Dilun, Henry de, son of Adam, 186.

Dilwyn, Dylun, Dylon, co. Heref., 186.

Dimbilton, co. York. See Dimlington.

Dimlington. Dimbilton [in Easington parish, co. York], 471.

Dimmuk, co. Glouc. See Dymock.

Dinaunt, Sir Geoffrey, 742.
-, - Cf. Dynan.

Dinmore, Dunemor, co. Heref., 109.

Dipeden [co. Essex]. See Depden.

Diptford, Dupeford, co. Devon, manor, 718.

Discington, co. N'humb. See Dissington.

Disning, Desnigg, Desninges, Deseninge, Desemeinges [in Gazeley parish], co. Suff., pp. 153, 157.
-, - manor, pp. 154, 160.

Dispenser, Dispensator. See Despenser.

Dissington, Discington [in Newburn parish], co. N'humb., 413.

Ditchingham, Dichingham [co. Norf.], advowson, 744.
-, - manor, 744.
-, -, woods named in, 744.

Ditchling, Dicheninge, Dychenyng, Dycheninge, co. Sussex, 706, 881.

Diton, co. Kent. See Ditton.

Ditton Camoys, Ditton [in Wood Ditton parish], co. Camb., manor, 443.
-, -, co. Kent, 530 (p. 155), 760.
-, -, co. York. See Kirk Deighton.

Ditton, Ralph de, p. 155.

Dive. See Dyve.

Dixton, Dyckelesdon, Dykelesdon [in Alderton parish], co. Glouc., pp. 157, 159.

Docking, co. Norf., 269.

Doddescomb Leigh, Lega, co. Devon, p. 176.

Doddinghurst, Duddingehurst [co. Essex], 466.
-, -, advowson, 586.
-, - manor, 586.

Doddington, Dodington, co. N'humb., manor, 528.

Dodehurst, co. Kent. See Dodhurst.

Dodeleston [co. Salop]. See Dudleston.

Dodhurst, Dodehurst [in Pembury parish], co. Kent, p. 155.

Dodigton, co. Hunt. See Diddington.

Dodington, co. Buck. See Dunton.
-, -, co. Glouc., p. 157.
-, -, co. Hunt. See Diddington.
-, -, co. N'humb. See Doddington.

Dodindale, co. Kent [i.e. Morton in St. Mary Bredin, Canterbury], p. 155.

Dodinton, co. N'hamp. See Duddington.
-, - [co. Salop], p. 280.

Dokelinton, co. Oxford. See Ducklington.

Dokesworth [co. Camb.]. See Duxford

Dommawe, co. Essex. See Dunmow.

Donesmor, co. Warw. See Dunsmore.

Donevil. See Dunevill.

Donewal, Grifin son of, 150.

Donigworthe, co. Suff. See Dunningworth.

Donington, co. Glouc. See Donnington.

Donington, Thomas de, p. 157, p. 159.

Donnington, Donington [in Stow parish, co. Glouc.], pp. 157, 159.

Dorchester, Dorcester, Dorcestre [co. Dorset], 50.
-, - borough, p. 174.

Dornford, Derneford [in Wootton parish], co. Oxford, 112, 842.

Dorsington, Dorsinton, co. Glouc., 10.

Douai, Due, merchants of, 477.

Douvesker, co. York. See Dovescar.

Dover, co. Kent, castle, 231, 368, 563, 678, 783, 813.
-, - castle, guard of, 237, 250, 423, 471, 480, 581, 727, 879, 893, 923.
-, - -, service connected with, 655.
-, -, prior of, 681.

Dovercourt, Doverecurt [co. Essex], manor, 744.

Dovescar, Douvesker [in Aysgarth parish], co. York, 743.

Dovoria, Doveria, Dovor, Dovere, Richard de, 299, 322.
-, -, Alice wife of Richard de, 863.
-, -, Richard de and Rose his wife, 924.

Dovoria, Richard de, son of Richard, 924.
-, -, John de, son of Richard, 299, 322.

Dowlish, Duuelis [co. Somers.], church, 912.

Down, Dune, near Clun [co. Salop], p. 280, p. 281.

Down Ampney, Dunhameneye [co. Glouc.], bailiff of. See Fromund.

Downham, Dunham, co. Essex, advowson, 586.
-, -, manor, 586.
-, -, Dunham, co. Norf., 588.

Downton, co. Hants. See Dunketon.

Down Umfraville, co. Devon. See Charlton.

Doynell, Robert, 894.

Draughton, Drayton, co. N'hamp., 284.

Draycote, William de, 679.

Drayton, Draytun [in Farlington parish], co. Hants, 221.
-, -, Fenny, co. Leic., 776.
-, -, co. N'hamp. See Draughton.
-, -, Drayton subtus Lyme [in Wroxeter parish], co. Salop, 445.

Drayton, Henry de, 284.

Drayton, Baldwin de, 284.
-, -, Simon, 111.

Drenghou, co. York. See Dringhoe.

Dreyhememers [by Sombourn], co. Hants, 417.

Driffield, Great, Driffeud, co. York, 691.

Dringhoe, Drenghou, co. York, 636.

Drisco, co. Derby, wood of, 52.

Droitwich, Wich, co. Worc., 524.

Duble, -, 114.

Ducklington, Dokelinton, co. Oxford, manor, 792.

Duddinghurst, co. Essex. See Doddinghurst.

Duddington, Dodinton, co. N'hamp., 491, 513.

Dudenmeshei [co. Bedf. or Buck.], herbage of, 340.

Dudinton, co. Warw. See Diddington.

Dudleston, Dodeleston [in Ellesmere parish], co. Salop, 684, 812 (p. 279).

Dudmerton, John de, 606.

Due. See Douai.

Duket, Nicholas, 214.

Dullescahe, or Dustescahe [in Fishwick ?], co. Lanc., an assart, 294.

Dullingham, co. Camb., 491.

Dulton, co. Wilts. See Dilton.

Dumpford, Demeford [in Trotton parish, co. Sussex], manor, 454.

Dun, Sir Hugh le, 340.

Dundene, 872.

Dune, co. Devon. See Charlton.
-, -, co. Devon. See Rousdoun.
-, - [co. Salop]. See Down.
-, - [co. Wilts], 549.

Dune, Ralph de, 141.

Dune, Ralph de son of Ralph, 141.
-, - See Duyn.

Dunedisse [co. Dorset]. See Duntish.

Dunelm, Thomas de, 370.

Dunemor, co. Heref. See Dinmore.

Dunekeswille, co. Devon. See Dunkeswell.

Dunesdal [in Skelton ?], co. York, p. 266.

Dunesden, Dunneston, Gilbert son of Daniel de, 101.
-, -, Annora wife of, 101.

Dunesford, co. Devon. See Dunsford.

Dunethe, Baldwin de, 286.

Dunevill, Donevil, Guy de, a Norman, 215.

Dunewic, Laurence de, rector of Cudham, 813.

Dunframvill. See Umframvill.

Dunham, co. Essex. See Downham.
-, -, co. Norf. See Downham.

Dunhameneye [co. Glouc.]. See Down Ampney.

Duningworth [co. Suff.]. See Dunningworth.

Dunkedeley [co. Lanc.], 418.

Dunkeswell, Dunekeswille, co. Devon, abbot of, 139.

Dunketon [Downton ?], co. Hants, p. 174.

Dunmow, Dommawe, Dunmawe, co. Essex, 441.
-, -, Great, co. Essex, 573.

Dunmulne [co. Wilts], 547.

Dunneston. See Dunesden.

Dunnestun, co. Linc. See Dunston.

Dunningworth, Donigworthe, Duningworth [co. Suff.], advowson, 744.
-, - manor, 744.

Dunsford, Dunesford, co. Devon, 262.
-, -, manor, 799.

Dunsmore, Donesmor, co. Warw., 679.

Dunstable, Dunstaple, co. Bedf., prior of, 810.

Dunstan [in Embleton parish], co. N'humb., 48.

Dunstanvil, Dunstamvilla, Walter de 729.

Dunstanvil, Petronilla daughter of Walter de, 729.

Dunston, Dunnestun, co. Linc., 577.

Dunstun, William, 743.

Duntish, Dunedisse [in Buckland Newton parish, co. Dorset], manor, 580.
-, -, chapel, 580.

Dunton, Dodington, co. Buck., 677.
-, -, co. Norf., 361, 756.
-, - falconer serjeanty of, 281.
-, - manor, 281, 361, 657.

Dupeford, co. Devon. See Diptford.

Duremen, Durame, Jolland de, 573.

Duremen, Jolland de, son of Jolland, 573.

Durevill, Eustace de, hanged for felony, 328, 354.

Durham, bishop of, 202 (p. 265).
-, -, church of, rents due to, 164.
-, -, bishopric of, 773.
-, -, fee of, 145.

Durrington, Durinton [co. Sussex], 706, 881.
-, - manor, 706.
-, -, Durinton, co. Wilts, 372.

Dursley, Durseleg [co. Glouc.], court of, 493.

Duston, Dustune, William de, 760.

Duston, William de, 760.

Dutton [in Ribchester parish, co. Lanc.], 418.

Duuelis [co. Somers.]. See Dowlish.

Duxford, Dokesworth [co. Camb.], 744.

Duyn, Robert de, 192.

Dycheninge, Dychenyng [co. Sussex]. See Ditchling.

Dyckelesdon, co. Glonc. See Dixton.

Dyckesdon. See Dickesdon.

Dyke, Dik [in Bourn parish], co. Linc., 245.

Dykerel, Robert, 627.

Dylon, Dylun, co. Heref. See Dilwyn.

Dylun. See Dilun.

Dymock, Dimmuk, co. Glouc., 260.

Dynan, Dynham, Geoffrey de, 424.

Dynan, Oliver de, son of Geoffrey, 424.
-, - Cf. Dinaunt.

Dynant, le, co. York, p. 268.

Dynham. See Dynan.

Dyve, Dive, John de, 792.
-, -, William de, 876.

Dyve, Henry de, 792.
-, -, John de, 876.
-, -, Maud, heirs of, 732.
-, -, William de, p. 257