Index: M

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: M". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Mabederyd, Mabedrad, co. Carmarthen, stewardship of, 122.

Mable, Edward, riding surveyor of Customs, co. Dorset, 219.

Mableview, co. Cardigan, commote of, stewardship of, 122.

Mabwynion, co. Cardigan, commote of, stewardship of, 17, 121.

Macartney (MacCartney), Elizabeth, executrix of George, 1658.

-, George, accusations against, by J. Guest, 277, 310.

-, -, collector, Belfast, 1658, 1832. See also MacCarthy.

-, -, of Belfast, merchant, duty on goods, 590.

-, -, ordnance bills payable to, 1322.

-, John, executor of George, 1658.

MacCarthy (MacCarty, Macharty), , major, in the Tower, 1256, 1428, 1655, 1930.

-, Dame Arabella, 1819
-, loan by, 1354
-, royal bounty for, 1346, 1523, 1534.

-, Callaghan, Earl of Clancarty, 1866.

-, Charles, 1st Viscount Muskerry, 1672
-, lease, Peterborough Level, 579.

-, Donough, Earl of Clancarty, 962-3
-, attainder of, for treason, 1672
-, estate of, seized, 1634, 1656, 1672, 1866
-, in the Tower, 1256, 1428, 1655, 1867, 1931
-, petition for reversal of attainder, 1866-7
-, surrender of Cork by, 1867.

-, Elizabeth, Dowager Countess of Clancarty, 1656
-, daughters of, Protestant, 1866
-, petition concerning her husband's estate, 1634, 1866.

-, George, collector, Belfast, 1801. See also Macartney.

-, James, money for the Association in Ulster, 1801.

-, Owen, colonel, in the Tower, 1256, 1428, 1655, 1930.

Maccelane, John, lieutenant, 80.

Macclesfield, co. Chester, honor of, perquisites of courts in, 1650.

Macclesfield, Earl of. See Gerard, C.

McCraugh, Redman, 1504.

MacDermot (Dermott, Mack Dermott), Sir Terence, estate of, 1363.

-, Terence, factor, estate of, 1363, 1413, 1797
-, house of, in Dublin, 1894
-, plantation of, in Montserrat, 882-3, 1189.

MacDonnell, Alexander, Earl of Antrim, forfeited estate of, 1163, 1276.

-, Rose, Countess of Antrim, lands of, near Londonderry, 1192, 1260, 1321.

-, (MacEligot, MacEllyot), Roger, colonel, in the Tower, 1256, 1428, 1655, 1931
-, regiment of, 718, 813, 1090, 1173, 1278.

Macfurson. See Macpherson.

McGee (Magee), Evar, collector, Dundalk, 1064.

-, Toby, deserter from the Irish Army, 1683, 1782.

McGill, Patrick, farmer of the Hearthmoney, Ireland, 1832.

-, See also Magill.

-, Antonio, contractor for bread, 1616, 1658, 1685, 1734, 1769, 1814, 1833, 1843, 1882
-, contractor for waggons, 633, 649, 1492.

Macharty. See MacCarthy.

-, (Matchell), John, of Horsham, commissioner for assessments, co. Sussex, 282, 283
-, commissioner for wine licences, 69, 70, 360, 817, 947, 9556.

Machon, Clement, riding officer's assistant, Jersey, 532.

Mack Dermott. See MacDermot.

Mackay (Macquay), , colonel, regiment of, 431, 439, 677, 1610.

-, Hugh, major-general, clearance of money due to, 1169
-, money for the Forces in Scotland, 9, 42, 192, 297, 377, 546, 554, 911, 1118
-, petition for payment of sums expended, 1446
-, regiment of, 1433, 1555, 1739.

Mackenzie, , clothing contract, 398.

-, Roderick, agent to Sir T. Gore's regiment, 1830
-, loans by, 829, 2000.

Mackett, John, assaulting Customs officers, Hythe, 1699.

Mackintosh, John, captain, half pay, Ireland, 229.

Macklane, Rob., waiter, Newcastle port, 929.

Mackley, John, Customs place, 89.

-, William, of London, distiller, 1017.

Mackworth, Robert, commissioner for assessments, co. Rutland, 1473.

-, Thomas, commissioner for assessments, co. Salop, 1472.

-, Sir Thomas, commissioner for assessments, co. Rutland, 234.

Macpherson (Macfurson), Michael, shipmaster, 1871, 1937.

Macquay. See Mackay.

Macy, George, clerk to the Warden of the Mint, 1418, 1813.

Maddocks, Maddox. See Madox.

-, ships for, 1170, 1824, 1847
-, storm at, 1261
-, wine, 572, 620, 831, 1261, 1824.

Madge, Elizabeth, royal bounty for, 1455.

-, John, trader in negroes, 1926.

-, (Mattocks), , accounts of Sir E. Seymour, 824, 1568, 1622
-, agent for Sir E. Seymour, 1161.

-, John, shipmaster, 862, 1558.

-, Philip, messenger of the Chamber, 1334, 1439, 1453.

Madresfield, co. Worcester, 1542.

Madrid, Spain, 763, 1622.

Madronet, Elizee de, 1916.

Maedwell, Lewis, title to a lease, 1778.

Maelienydd, Melenydd, co. Radnor, 189, 201, 1359.

Maenan, co. Carnarvon, 307.

Maenordilo. See Manordilo.

Maesbrook, co. Salop, 131, 460, 977, 1474.

Maeslingshuis, Holland, 249.

Maesmochnant, co. Montgomery, 460.

-, Holland, 242
-, arms bought at, 1526.

Magdalen College, Oxford, 649.

Magee. See McGee.

Maghull, co. Lancs, 603.

Magill, Sir John, goods from Ireland, 94, 103.

-, See also McGill.

Magor, co. Monmouth, 132, 249, 460, 605, 974, 1474, 1542.

Magridge. See Maugridge.

Maiden Bradley, co. Wilts, 809.

Maidston, Richard, boatman, Whitstable, 924.

Maile (Male), Samuel, Customs officer, Woodbridge, 927, 1222.

Maily le Cadet, , French Army pensioner, 336.

-, America, province of, former proprietorship of, 790
-, government of, altered, 791
-, Surveyor of Woods. See Brenton, J.
-, Randolph, E.
-, timber in, 790-1, 1378, 1383
-, vested in the Crown, 790.

-, See also Mayne.

Mainollier de la Barte, , French officer, Ireland, 215.

Mainwaring. See Manwaring.

Mainz, Elector of, minister of, at Hamburg. See Erlenkamp.

Maison, Magnus, shipmaster, 107.

Major, Thomas, draper, loan by, 1984.

-, 1361
-, embargo on, discontinued, 1842.

Majou, Plessis, French Reformed officer, 294.

-, Spain, 288, 464, 497, 834, 889, 894, 900, 1361, 1463, 1859
-, cloth not to be laden at, 1323
-, pilchards for, 1323.

Malahide, co. Dublin, 1448.

Malch Mochnant, co. Denbigh, 977.

Maldon, co. Essex, 12, 175, 232, 864, 928.

Male. See Maile.

Malerade, Isaac, French Reformed officer, 295.

Malherbe, , gentleman, Army pension, 255.

Malide, Louis, French Reformed officer, 295.

Malines, Belgium, 1396.

Mallaen, co. Carmarthen, stewardship of, 17, 97, 121-2.

Mallet, John, boatman, Brightlingsea, 927.

Malleville, , payment for, 1069.

Mallock, Richard, waiter and searcher, Brixham, 662, 1277.

-, Roger, Excise collector, co. Somerset, 1764
-, Excise collector's place, co. Devon, 104, 181
-, solicitor for assessments, co. Somerset, 779, 895
-, surveyor's place, Topsham port, 96.

Malsen. See Geldermalsen.

Malthus, Daniel, apothecary, 1820, 1904.

-, Robert, Excise collector, 1383.

Malton, co. York, 1899.

Maltravers (Matravers), Lady Ann, lands, co. Essex, 239.

Mambray (Hambray), , lieutenant, French Reformed officer, 1597.

Man, Isle of, 146, 156, 349, 1429.

Customs officers, 91, 175, 180, 230
-, appointments of, 1418-9, 1961.

goods for the Earl of Derby, order for, and list of, 1247, 1261-2.

poor ministers of, annuity to, 31, 111, 750, 754, 1122, 1567, 1568.

surveyor of Customs in. See Antrobus, J.
-, Dewey, B.
-, Prescott, J.

-, See also Mann.

Manby, Dorothy, claim to the estate of, 627, 647.

-, co. Lancs, 460, 568, 1365, 1539
-, inhabitants of, quartering soldiers, 1735.

Manchester, Earl of. See Montagu, C.

Mandeville, Viscount. See Montagu, C.

Mandrell, Robert, commissioner for assessments, co. Wilts, 1473.

Mandrie, , shipmaster, 300.

Mandry, Richard, a royal waterman, 1185.

Manelaire, Benj., French Reformed officer, 295.

Manestree. See Manningtree.

Mangie, Geo., captain, petition of, 1390.

Mangles, Abra., shipmaster, 1936.

-, Thomas, shipmaster, 1170.

Maning. See Manning.

Manley, Cornelius, constable of Harlech Castle, 1332.

-, Isaac, surveyor of landwaiters, London port, 90, 206, 879.

-, John, collectorship, Colchester port, 155.

-, William, boatman, Dartmouth port, 12.

Mann (Man), Daniel, keeper of the Guildhall, 1656.

-, Edward, son of Daniel, 1656.

-, George, housekeeper at Newmarket, 850.

-, James, shipmaster, 870.

-, John, boatman, Colchester port, 782.

-, -, loan by, 1977.

-, -, searcher, London port, 922.

-, Richard, boatman, Combwich, 926.

-, Thomas, ensign, widow of, 1921.

-, -, et al., merchants, 890-1.

-, William, Auditor General of Hearthmoney, 499, 657.

-, -, rent paid by, out of lands in Harbledown, 805.

Mannel, Henry, weighing porter, Plymouth port, 662.

Manners, James, messenger of the Chamber, 1242, 1284, 1334.

-, John, Earl of Rutland, Lord Lieutenant, co. Leicester, 1606.

Manning (Maning), Robert, claim to the estate of Dorothy Manby, 627, 647.

-, -, surety for T. Love and R. Raby, 1541.

Manningtree, Manestree, co. Essex, 927, 1241.

Mannouch, Nicholas, agent for prizes, Rye port, 1466.

Manordilo, Maenordeilo, co. Carmarthen, stewardship of, 122.

Mansell, Charles, pension paid to executors of, 1452, 1453, 1959.

-, Francis, pension for, 1080, 1081, 1202, 1203.

Mansergh (Manserth), John, tidesman, London port, 468.

Mansfeld, Count de, ambassador from the Emperor, 205.

Mansfield, Elizabeth, Army pension, 647.

-, John, waterman for the Wood Farm duties, 277.

Manshyn, Jos., executors of, Chamber payment to, 1333.

Manufactures, duties imposed to encourage, 1160.

Manwaring (Mainwaring), , wheat and brandy for the Army, 500.

-, Edward, of Wrexham, 374, 502.

-, George, commissioner for assessments, co. Chester etc., 1471.

-, John, waiter, Deal, 196.

-, Sir John, commissioner for waste lands, cos. Chester and Flint, 1336
-, lease of Northwich Hundred, 1757, 1885
-, lease of perquisites of the Honor of Macclesfield, 1650, 1757
-, surety for M. Whitley, 1540.

-, Robert, sergeant of dragoons, half pay, Ireland, 192.

-, Sir Thomas, father of Sir John, 1885.

Manyard, John, mariner, 1591.

Maplescomb, co. Kent, township of, 807.

Mapletoft, , lands in Peterborough Level, 596.

Mara and Mondren Forest
-, (Delamere Forest), co. Chester, lease of pasturage etc. of, 324, 1378-9, 1424-5, 1901, 2012, 2014
-, particulars of, 1378-9
-, Bruen's, alias Kellsbrough Castle, 1434
-, New Pale, 1378, 1425, 1485, 1901
-, Old Pale, 1378, 1425, 1485, 1901.

Marais, Madame de. See Desmarais.

Marazion, co. Cornwall, 925, 1541.

Marble, imports of, 39, 181.

March, Francis, loan by, 2006.

-, John, prizes taken by, from the Great Mogul, 840.

-, Stephen, waiter and searcher, Newport (Isle of Wight), 661.

Marchant. See Merchant.

Marches of Wales. See Wales.

Marden, co. Kent, 804.

Mardyck, Moredyck, Holland, 1441.

Marescal, , French Reformed officer, 295.

-, Market, co. Kent, 12, 24, 95, 170, 573, 661, 1275
-, borough of, 806.

Margetson, James, Archbishop of Armagh, 960.

Margetts, Henry, work at Chelsea Hospital, 1262, 1289, 1796.

Mariagalante, island of, captured by the English, 1905.

Marine Regiments, 377, 378, 415, 465.

Agents to, 1734, 1774, 1831. See also Balderston
-, Carpenter, J.

clothiers of, 383, 830, 849.

embezzling cloth, 1903.

clothing for, 849, 887, 1717, 1739.

debt for, 1602, 1661.

colonels of, 1734, 1774. See also Pembroke, Earl of
-, Torrington, Earl of.

contingencies, 776.

deduction of pay, 554.

establishment of, 465, 561.

First Regiment, agent to. See Griffiths, R.

issues for, 404, 549, 556, 651, 743, 745, 760, 761, 781, 796, 823, 966, 1536, 1750.

order concerning, 1773-4.

officers of, pay for, 1724, 1726, 1734, 1738.

pay of, 465, 560-1.

petition for stoppage of, to clear their clothing, 830.

pay and quarters, 1729.

personnel of, 465.

service of, when ashore, deductions for, 1774.

to be provided for, out of the Twelve Months' Aid, 986.

two companies of, set on shore, 796.

-, See Customs
-, Navy
-, Ships.

Mariott. See Marriott.

-, Cha., messenger of the Chamber, 1242, 1284.

Marischal, Countess. See Keith, Elizabeth.

Mariscoe, Peter, messenger of the Chamber, 1242, 1284.

Marisgell, , French Reformed officer, 295.

Maritime Counties, custodes rotulorum of, to make returns of mariners etc., 879.

Marke. See Marks.

Markeeses. See Marquees.

Market Weighton, co. York, 1523.

Markets, erection of, 8.

Markham, , captain, convoys for the Militia, Ireland, 1663.

-, -, major, Army pension for, 648.

Marks (of Lbeck), exchange equivalence of, 663.

-, (Marke, Markes), Ann, freight for the Ordnance at Portsmouth, 616, 669, 814
-, loan by, 616.

-, John, tidesman and boatman, Penzance, 1004.

Markwick, James, loan by, 1980.

Marlborough, co. Wilts, inhabitants of, quartering soldiers, 1486.

Marlborough, Earl of. See Churchill, J.

Marlett, Francis, loan by, 1981.

Marlow, , King's waiter, London port, a Roman Catholic, 9.

-, John, shipmaster, 1110.

-, -, waterman, London port, 923.

-, -, loan by, 2005.

-, Thomas, messenger of the Chamber, 653, 736.

Marque, letters of, 293, 847, 1216.

Marquees ("Markeeses"), 1098, 1136.

Marquet, Peter, French merchant, in custody, 281.

Marriott (Mariott, Marryot), , an auditor of the Exchequer Court, 751, 1126.

-, -, grant of the Greenwax, 374-5.

-, -, solicitor to Queen Catherine, 2013.

-, Francis, loans by, 1982, 1992, 1993.

-, Isaac, to take attornments of premises, cos. Surrey etc., 412, 771.

-, James, keeper of the Wardrobe at Hampton Court, 1087.

-, -, loan by, 1985.

-, Reginald, making up Alderman Duncombe's account, 1012.

-, Richard, Deputy Auditor of Crown Lands, 199, 232, 263, 752, 1049, 1126, 1140, 1241, 1339, 1469, 1670
-, concealed lands, 335
-, loans, 337, 1988, 2011.

-, Thomas, 630.

Marsdin, Thomas, taxes, co. York, 314.

Marseilles, France, 223, 560, 1678, 1700.

Marsh, Alphonso, clerk of the Chapel Royal, 1333.

-, Henry, commissioner for superstitious lands, cos. Kent etc., 622
-, receiver of assessments, co. Kent, 497, 506, 509.

-, Richard, bills drawn on, by the Agents of Maryland, 1326.

-, William, examiner outwards, London port, 577.

Marshall, , commissary of musters for the Danish Forces, 675.

-, -, widow, lands in Peterborough Level, 597.

-, Elizabeth, employed in the Post Office at Doncaster, 543, 678, 738.

-, Francis, shipmaster, 1479, 1489.

-, Geo., son of John, and his deputy, 1059.

-, Gilbert, Customs officer, Padstow, 925.

-, Henry, house of, near Charing Cross, 715, 770.

-, James, customership, Lyme Regis port, 89.

-, John, King's waiter, London port, 160, 1059, 1341.

-, Josiah, shipmaster, 1110.

-, Ralph, commissioner for superstitious lands, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, 710.

-, Thomas, King's waiter's place, London port, 109
-, surveyor of the Navigation Act, London port, 7, 92.

-, -, trooper, 1511, 1607.

-, Irish prisoners in, 435, 915, 947, 948, 964, 989, 992
-, Marshal of, 110.

Marsham, Sir Robert, loans by, 1972, 1977, 1981, 1992.

Marston, John, landwaiter's place, London port, 106.

Martin (Martyn), , French Reformed officer, 295.

-, -, house of, in St. James's Park, 1403.

-, -, lands in Peterborough Level, 597.

-, Ann, widow, payment for, 1755, 1762.

-, Benjamin, Excise collector, co. Warwick, 1729.

-, Edward, of Fenstanton, 973.

-, -, lease of land near Cleveland Gardens, 978.

-, Elizabeth, widow, 1724.

-, Henry, Excise collector, co. Berks, 1763.

-, John, major, bill drawn on, 1214.

-, -, payment to, for clothing, 856.

-, -, petition of, for ship to go to St. Christopher's, 984.

-, -, searcher, Plymouth port, 9, 14, 43, 127, 200, 2009, 2011.

-, -, shipmaster, 751, 1083, 1214, 1936.

-, Joseph, hemp merchant, 544, 778, 1938
-, loans by, 1994, 1995.

-, -, tidesurveyor's place, Rye port, 199.

-, Mich., shipmaster, 1938.

-, Richard, shipmaster, 751, 827.

-, Tho., flour for the Navy, 712.

-, William, deputy collector of assessments, co. Worcester, 992, 995, 1001.

-, -, of Evesham, 251.

-, -, ship of, hired for transport, 1747.

-, See also Gregory, .

Martindale, Edward, owner of the Carnation of Bristol, 462.

Martinez (Martins), Philip, loan by, 1993.

Martiniere, la, engineer, 1693, 1695.

Martinique. See Tobacco.

Martinsthorpe, co. Rutland, 975, 1473, 1541.

Marts, Richard, loan by, 1972.

Martyr (Marytr), John, work at Chelsea Hospital, 1796.

-, Tho., houses, Newport Ground, 1391.

Marvin, Richard, searcher, packer and gauger, Dublin, 738.

Marwood Chase, Marwood Hagg, co. Durham, chief keeper of, 103.

Mary I.
-, Queen of England, grant of manor of Mottram, 438, 934
-, grant of messuage in Windsor, 1275.

Mary II., Queen of England, wife of William III., backstairs. See Whitehall.

barges, 179
-, Master of. See Hill, C.

birthday of, celebration for, 1006.

bounty from, 1195, 1240.

for the poor of London, 1543.

for seamen, 1666.

cabinets for, 774, 1835.

carriages, ash wood for, 480.

charities of, 1615.

chests for, 1856.

coronation and other jewels for, 119, 226, 538. See also Coronation.

diamond sold to, 345.

disposal of offices, 416.

duty on goods imported into Ireland paid by, 624.

furniture for, 144.

gift for the poor Irish, 411.

gift for the Duke of Ormonde, 1144.

goods for, 1, 202, 205, 209, 219, 295-6, 346, 523, 1003, 1006, 1037, 1115, 1192, 1257, 1303.

grant of land by, 1560-1.

Groom of the Stole to. See Derby, Countess of.

gunpowder purchased by order of, 1123, 1143.

hampers for, 1856.

images of, in medals, 256.

institutes Greenwich Hospital, 1226.

issues for the service of (to Lord Coote, Earl of Bellomont), 3, 39, 43, 55, 56, 74, 147, 164, 171, 195, 227, 235-6, 258, 272, 276, 288, 310, 335, 341, 370, 398-9, 510, 626, 644, 656, 705, 713, 863, 867, 935, 997, 1045, 1053, 1068, 1077, 1091, 1102, 1106, 1149, 1183, 1191, 1194, 1269, 1291, 1292, 1296, 1298, 1333, 1335, 1357, 1515, 1606, 1618, 1659, 1849.

weekly payments for, out of the Hereditary Excise, 1188.

yearly rate of allowance, 1333.

lacewoman, 226.

laundress to. See Worthington.

letter of, 1431.

Little Bedchamber, Whitehall, 262.

lodgings, repairs to, 198, 205.

Lord Chamberlain to. See Wiltshire, Earl of.

ministers of, 629.

officers of, 629.

plate for, 262, 514, 772, 1094, 1250.

plate stolen from, 514, 815.

portraits of, 655, 1519.

painted by Kneller, 1232.

presents made by, 1260, 1542.

Privy Chamber of, petition of grooms of, for livery, 1229, 1243.

regiment of, 1907.

reprieving a prisoner, 1593.

Spa waters for, 1835.

stable to be paid by her own Treasurer, 286.

sweetmeats for, 822, 1719.

tea for, 836.

tea-drum for, 780.

Treasurer to, 286. See also Bellomont, Earl of.

turf for, 1766.

Vice-Chamberlain to. See Howe, J.

watermen, 24, 179.

wine for, 1590, 1699, 1719, 1835, 1856.

Mary of Modena, Queen of James II., cooks to. See Lesserteur, Thomas.

coronation of. See Coronation.

dresser to. See Dawson.

goods of, for France, 2, 5.

grants to, 30, 31.

Groom of the Stole to. See Peterborough, Countess.

jointure, 579, 595, 599.

trustees of, 360, 579, 595, 596, 597, 685, 903.

Keeper of the Queen's Chapel. See Rondise
-, members of the Chapel. See Bell
-, Pedley.

Lord Chamberlain to. See Godolphin, Lord.

moneys of, 32, 33.

Page of the Backstairs to. See Horne.

Page of the Bedchamber to. See Crofts
-, Dufour.

Trustees of, 28, 685, 903, 942-4.

Marybone. See Marylebone.

Maryland, Act passed in, 1402, 1491.

agents of, 1082, 1410, 1431. See also Cheseldyne, K.
-, Coode, J.

arms and ammunition for, 1344-5, 1836-7.

Assembly, 1608, 1830, 1836, 1838, 1852
-, Acts of, 1836.

bills of exchange for duties, 1214, 1323, 1326, 1402, 1442, 1458.

chaplain going to, 1531.

Commander-in-Chief, 1443.

commotion in, 1381.

Convention of, 1344, 1378, 1402, 1409-10, 1442, 1491, 1837.

convoys for, 827, 834, 861, 864, 1410, 1882-3
-, embargo on ships not sailing with, 1357.

Customs survey, 176.

defence of, 1837.

deputies, 1431.

Deputy Surveyor and Auditor General in, duties of, 1421-2. See also Randolph, E.

disbursements for public service, 1082.

duties, 1491.

duty for support of the Government, 1344-5, 1409-10.

embargo removal, 478, 827.

Government of, 1491
-, allowance for expense of, 1409-10
-, taken over by the Crown, 1381.

Governor of, 1028, 1029, 1443, 1608, 1777
-, grant of duty to, 1344-5
-, letters from, 861
-, royal letter to, 1431. See also Copley, L.

instructions to revenue collectors, 1443.

Lord Proprietor, 1836. See also Baltimore, Lord.

mines in, 1258.

murder of revenue collector, 590, 634, 1431. See also Virginia.

naval officers in, 1081, 1326.

Navigation Acts, 1966.

pirates in, 1028-9.

port duties, 1491.

postal service, 1426.

powder money, 1326.

receivers' salaries, 1445.

salt for, 1811.

Secretary for. See Lawrence, Sir T.

Secretary's Office, in disorder, 1381
-, stationery for, 1375, 1381, 1390.

seamen for, 1347-8, 1365.

ships bound for, 868, 889, 914, 1347, 1349, 1365, 1382
-, bonds from masters, 1830, 1918
-, list of, 478-9
-, rules for sailing, 1882-3.

ships from, account of, 1911
-, duty on, 1081-5, 1115, 1326, 1402, 1442, 1830, 1836-7, 1918.

ships of, 891, 893-4.

timber in, 1383.

tobacco from, 700.

bulk, petition concerning, 1608.

duty on, 1081-5, 1210, 1326, 1408, 1431, 1458, 1836, 1965-6.

collectors' allowances out of, 1408-9.

collectors' salaries, 1966.

under the protection of the Crown, 1431, 1836.

Marylebone Park, co. Middlesex, lease of, 272, 1913, 2014.

Masham, Sir Francis, place of Register of Seizures, 106.

Mason, , woods, Sherwood Forest, 350, 356.

-, Francis, tidesman and boatman, Penzance, 925.

-, Hugh, of Hull, deputy comptroller, Hull port, 624, 693
-, surety for R. Williamson, 457, 1470.

-, John, 440, 442.

-, -, proprietor of New Hampshire, 790.

-, -, receiver of assessments, co. Cambridge, 973, 1470, 1541, 1668, 1931.

-, -, waterman, London port, 922.

-, Joshua, coastwaiter's place, London port, 1683.

-, Magnus, shipmaster, 1033, 1303, 1437.

-, Nathaniel, loan by, 1972.

-, Philippa, loan by, 2004.

-, Robert, commissioner for assessments, co. York etc., 1470.

-, -, tidesurveyor, Hull port, 928.

-, Simon, commissioner for assessments, co. Cambridge, 1470.

-, Thomas, a royal waterman, 1185.

-, -, tidesurveyor, London port, 58, 115, 245, 282, 320.

-, William, surety for T. Richards, 1472.

-, -, loan by, 2007.

Masot, , French Reformed officer, 295.

Masques and Revels. See King's Revels.

-, deputy auditor and surveyor of. See Addington, I.
-, Governor of. See Bradstreet, S.
-, Governor and Convention of, 2012
-, oil for, 714.

Massachusetts Bay, Corporation of, charter, 770.

-, (Massinger), John, tidesman, London port, 923
-, tidesurveyor, Harwich, 1749.

Massereene, Viscount. See Skeffington, J.

-, (Mastey), Richard, waiter and searcher, Mostyn and Flint (afterwards at Neston), 745, 931
-, ditto, Chester, 1459.

-, (Massingberd), a foreshore commissioner, 794
-, loans by, 1980, 1987.

Master of the Ceremonies
-, allowances by bills to, out of Chamber Treasurer's Office, 1199
-, assistant to. See Dormer, J. See also Cotterell, Sir C.

Master of the Horse. See Horse.

Master of the Rolls. See Rolls.

Master Gunner of England. See Leake, R.

Masters (Master), Robert, merchant, 1901.

-, Thomas, grant to, of reversion of constableship of Gloucester Castle, 674.

Masters in Chancery. See Chancery.

Mastey. See Massey.

Matchell. See Machell.

Mathen, Valentia, superstitious lands, co. Monmouth, 471.

Mather, Increase, proposal by, for New England coinage, 1446.

Maton, Robert, landwaiter, London port, 923.

Matravers. See Maltravers.

Matthews (Mathew), , chaplain, Jamaica, 1345, 1354.

-, -, justice of the peace, co. Warwick, 731.

-, -, major, prisoner in the Tower, 404.

-, Benjamin, receiver of assessments, co. Northampton, 378, 461, 569, 603, 726, 973, 1089, 1200, 1274, 1306, 1471, 1605, 1709
-, buying horses for Ireland, 1119
-, overpayment by, on the Poll, 842, 854.

-, Edward, colonel of the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, 1142, 1555, 1622, 1684.

-, George, 1530, 1543, 1728.

-, Henry, of the Crown Office, Temple, 250, 457, 602, 974, 1470.

-, John, custodiam lease, co. Denbigh, 904.

-, -, loan by, 1809, 1862.

-, -, ship's commander, 1382.

-, Jonathan, Receiver General of assessments, co. Northampton, 55, 57, 270, 279, 280, 287, 305, 317.

-, -, of Daventry, surety for Benjamin, 461, 603, 973, 1471.

-, Richard, customer, Cardiff port, 183, 591, 1338.

-, -, labourer, St. James's Park, 1020.

-, Thomas, labourer, St. James's Park, 1020.

-, -, of Hereford, 1540.

-, -, receiver of assessments, co. Hereford, 250, 261, 299, 310, 317, 457, 568, 602, 726, 974, 997, 1110, 1140, 1273, 1306, 1470, 1540, 1594, 1742.

-, William, of Hereford, 568, 602, 1470.

-, -, watchman, London port, 923, 1101.

Matthewson, Frederick, Clerk of the Hospitals, Ireland, 1586, 1612, 1900.

Matthias, John, lease, Wrexham, 1941.

-, Mary, wife of John, 1941.

Mattock, Roger, solicitor of the 12d. Aid, co. Somerset, 267.

Mattocks. See Madox.

Mattson, William, surety for T. Richards, 1539.

Mauduit, Peers, Rouge Dragon Pursuivant, 1312, 1826.

Maugere, la, lieutenant, French Reformed officer, 1597.

Maugridge (Magridge, Mawgridge, Moggridge, Muggeridge), Mris., Army pension, 647.

-, John, Court Drum to Charles II., 1578, 1687
-, furnishing regiments with drummers, 1144, 1843.

-, -, searcher, packer etc., Londonderry port, 70, 73, 321, 349, 938, 1113-4
-, agent for prizes, Londonderry, 1248.

-, -, petition for lands or fishery, Ireland, 1808-9.

Maund, Edward, brother of George, 1727.

-, George, Army quartermaster, 1727.

Maundy, issues for, 187, 599, 1096, 1558.

Maupas, Sieur de, payment for, 1746.

Maurice, John, tidesurveyor's place, London port, 100.

Mavon, alias Mavonion (Mabwynion, commote, co. Cardigan), stewardship of, 17, 122.

Mawgan, co. Cornwall, blowing house called "Rose Kymershouse," 244.

Mawgridge. See Maugridge.

-, Charles, Chester Herald, 1312, 1826
-, late Rouge Croix Pursuivant, 1312.

Maxton, co. Kent. See Mayton.

-, , 377, 1450
-, examination of Captain Godfrey, 386.

-, Sir Algernon, Keeper of the Records in the Tower, pension for, 203, 538, 539, 781, 1042, 1287.

-, Baptist [Keeper of the Privy Purse to Charles II. and James II.], 255, 259, 667, 1132, 1503.

-, Charles, petition for grant out of South Wales revenue, 1516.

-, Edward, 358
-, revenue commissioner, Ireland, 607, 707
-, Supervisor, Auditor General etc. of the Revenue, Ireland, 484, 488, 491, 495, 532, 539, 545, 560, 565, 590.

-, Hugh, Comptroller of the Works, 92, 1731
-, grant of site of Burnham monastery, 1517.

-, John, shipmaster, 1402.

-, Martin, receiver of assessments, co. Oxford, 917.

May, Isle of, salt from, 1839.

Mayden, George, coastwaiter, London port, 894. See also Meiden.

Mayew, Joseph, petition for Customs place, 142.

Maynard, Edward, of Chelsea, 818.

-, Henry, a teller of the Exchequer, 13, 24, 25, 81, 85.

-, Sir John, a Commissioner of the Great Seal, 102, 167, 222, 343, 762.

-, John, Lord Maynard, Chief Ranger of Epping Forest, 1439.

-, -, deputy constable of Dublin Castle, 968.

-, William, 2nd Lord Maynard, 375, 376
-, surety for Henry, 24.

-, (Maine), Edmund, colonel, brigadier of horse, petition for pay, 1110, 1450
-, representation on behalf of J. Wollaston, 1701-2.

Mayner, , Navy Victualler, 65.

-, Simon, commissioner for assessments, co. Bucks, 232.

Mayo, Hugh, yeoman purveyor of their Majesties' salt stores, 532.

-, Math., bread for the Navy, 712.

-, Toby, a debtor, 809, 1614, 1957-8.

Mayon, Philip, King's waiter, London port, 92.

Mayony, , of London, merchant, 281.

Mayton, alias Maxton [in Sturry], co. Kent, manor of, 804.

Meacham, Robert, boatman, Burnham, 1585.

Mead, David, demise to, of premises in St. James's Park, 838.

-, Henry, shipmaster, 1689.

-, -, et al., petition concerning ships to Virginia, 1435, 1483.

-, John, watchman, London port, 923.

-, Richard, of London, merchant, 463.

-, William, tidesman, Exeter, 662.

Meadows (Meadow), Sir Philip, 1559.

-, Robert, collector, Colchester, 774, 1324
-, landwaiter's place, London port, 197
-, ditto, Rye port, 199.

Mean, de, envoy from the Bishop of Lige, 1519.

Meare, co. Stafford. See Mere.

Measurage of ships. See Lastage.

Measures, John, lands in Peterborough Level, 596, 597.

-, gallon, 801
-, hogsheads, 89
-, puncheons, 89
-, Spanish tun, 801
-, terces, 25, 89. See also Weights.

Meath, Earl of. See Brabazon, E.

Meau, la, Army pension, 255.

Mechin, Josue, French Reformed officer, 294.

Medals. See Mint.

Medhurst, , receiver of assessments, on the Peers, 1545.

Medicines, Councillors for, providing medicines for the Army, 1490.

-, Solomon, corn for the Army in Flanders, 1647-8
-, loans by, 633, 2003, 2008
-, payments to, for carriages, 649.

Mediterranean Duty, of one per cent. on exports from the Straits beyond Malaga, in ships of less than two decks etc. (Act of 14 Car. II., c. 11), 1, 485, 493, 888, 1247, 1260.

Mediterranean Fleet or Squadron, 62, 346, 353, 451.

Medlicott, Richard, Chamber payment to, 1333.

Medway, Chatham River, co. Kent, 183, 199, 1909.

embargo on ships in, 732.

fines for offences in, 1623-4, 1655.

forts and batteries to be dismantled, 1023.

gunners in, 735
-, to be discharged, 1023.

Meedle, co. Salop. See Middle.

Meeke, Antony, undersearcher, London port, 20, 23, 73, 173, 740, 1476, 2010.

Meere, co. Stafford. See Mere.

Meeres (Meers), Lewis, riding surveyor, Aldeburgh, 452, 852.

-, Thomas, boatman, Sandwich, 611.

Meese, George, grant to, of rents of Stanford Hall manor, 1177, 2018.

-, (Meester, Meestes), , 1396
-, pay due to artillery officers, Ireland, 1463.

-, William, ship of, 1882.

Meggot, Benj., boatman, Lyme Regis port, 175.

Mehery, , French Reformed officer, 295.

Meiden, George, coastwaiter's place, London port, 665. See also Mayden.

Meifod, Myvod, co. Montgomery, rectory of, 1230, 1529.

Meine (Mein), , Surveyor General of Customs, Barbados, 1370.

-, Charles, examiner of outport books, London port, 922.

-, William, postmaster, Edinburgh, 1571.

-, See also Meyne.

Melai, Mellay [near Llanfair Talhaiarn, co. Denbigh], 7.

Melbourn, co. Cambridge, 459, 461.

Melenydd. See Maelienydd.

Melfort, Countess of. See Drummond, E.

-, Earl of. See Drummond, J.

Melier, , French Reformed officer, 295.

Mell, Gustavus Adolphus, collector, Rochester port, 7, 1632.

Mellado, Isaac Lopes, loan by, 2003.

Mellay. See Melai.

Mellins, John Leonard, packer etc., Londonderry and Coleraine, 1113.

Mellis, Samuel, Recorder of Doncaster, 314.

Mellish, Jo., waiter, Southampton port, 924.

-, Samuel, 630.

Mellor, Alice, custodiam lease, co. Stafford, 1693.

Mells, John, payment to, for horses, 906.

-, (Mellonier, Molinere), de or de la, brigadier, 988
-, agent to regiment of. See Davall, P.
-, officers of, pay due to, 1668, 1720
-, pay for, 1590, 1616, 1635, 1703
-, pay for, on account of loss, 1146, 1154
-, regiment of, 114, 136, 272, 294, 830, 913, 971, 1031, 1035, 1047, 1052, 1104, 1131, 1152, 1182, 1189, 1229, 1347, 1596, 1611, 1717, 1762, 1888, 1896, 1902, 1908, 1918, 1929, 1943, 1949, 1956.

-, Charles, 498
-, agent to Colonel G. Hamilton's regiment, 505, 895.

-, -, Excise collector, Dublin, 152.

-, George, 4th Lord (1st Earl) Melville, High Commissioner for Scotland, 1219
-, Secretary of State for Scotland, 213
-, goods for, 915, 1559.

Memory, John, mariner, 1079.

Menai, Anglesey, stewardship of, 145, 158.

-, (Mendes), Menasseh (Menasses), alien merchant, London, 281
-, loan by, 2003.

Menty or Meuty, John, Army pension for, 648.

Meols, co. Chester, 931.

Mercer, , shipmaster, 1860.

-, Francis, of Salisbury, brewer, 214.

-, William, mariner, 1702.

Merchant (Marchant), Hugh, loans by, 1982, 1992.

-, James, watchman, London port, 922.

Mercier, , lieutenant, French Reformed officer, 1596, 1597.

Mere, Meare, Meere, co. Stafford, 250, 602, 1541.

-, co. Wilts, 198, 264, 1235, 1494.

Meredith, , of London, merchant, lands, co. Essex, 239.

-, -, money for repairs, St. James's Park, 1731.

-, Charles, collectorship, Liverpool port, 182.

-, Sir Charles, 387, 388, 394, 406
-, revenue commissioner, Ireland, 405, 409, 607, 772, 1850.

-, Richard, Deputy Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, 240, 1887
-, loan by, 1984.

-, Roger, a Master in Chancery, 169.

-, Roland or Richard, customer, Chester port, 105, 151, 182, 593, 1370.

Merie, de la, cornet, French Reformed officer, 1596.

Merioneth, county of, Chancellor and Chamberlain of, 107.

justices, 333.

mines in, lease of, 1763.

Pre-fines of Original Seal, 289, 534, 612, 688, 2013.

Receivers General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 234, 250, 460, 570, 603, 973, 1471, 1540.

Meriton, Thomas, loans by, 1977, 1984.

Merrett (Merritt), Christopher, surveyor, Boston port, 507.

-, George, commissioner of assessments, co. Huntingdon, 1474.

-, James, seaman, 984.

-, John, tidesman, Bristol port, 283, 285.

-, Robert, commissioner for superstitious lands, cos. Hereford and Monmouth, 243, 469.

-, Solomon, merchant, petition of, 464, 831, 1400.

-, Thomas, oats for the Army, 35.

-, -, of London, merchant, 840, 1707, 1740.

Merrick, George, commissioner for the regulation of Bristol port, 620.

-, John, boatman, Portsmouth, 507
-, tidesman, ibid., 328
-, waiter and searcher, ibid., 507.

-, -, 1625.

Merrill, Zachariah, grant to, of quit rents, Ireland, 1519.

Merriman, , Northampton Hearthmoney, 171.

Merriott, William, deputy to the customer inwards, Bristol port, 936.

Merritt. See Merrett.

Merson, Ralph, tidesurveyor, Exeter port, 661.

Mertyn [in Whitford, co. Flint], 131.

Mervin, , sheriff of Tyrone, 1237.

Mesle, [Flanders], 1300.

-, Dr. John, chaplain to the King, 172
-, loan by, 2002.

Messing, co. Essex, 1353.

Mestre, , French Reformed officer, 295, 1597.

Metalline bodies, patent for extracting, 14, 79-80.

Methuen (Methwen, Methwyn), John, envoy extraordinary to Portugal, 1139, 1140, 1182.

-, -, a Master in Chancery, 169
-, surety for J. Lapley, 605.

Meulen, Adam Frans van der, painting by, 1679.

Meuty. See Menty.

Mevagissey, co. Cornwall, 925.

Mevenydd, co. Cardigan, commote of, stewardship of, 23, 83, 88.

Mevill, William, yeoman harbinger, 1129.

Mew, Peter, bishop of Bath and Wells, 1132.

-, Richard, landwaiter, Weymouth, 158, 637.

Mexico Dollar. See Dollar.

-, Real. See Real.

Meyne, , collector, Ireland, 389.

-, Derrick, importing hars, 1669, 1735.

-, Richard, Customs survey, Jamaica and the Leeward Islands, 176.

-, See also Meine.

Michael, Benjamin, lands in Peterborough Level, 596.

-, (Michelburne, Mitchelburne), John, colonel, pay for, 1590
-, regiment of, 863, 1035, 1135, 1369, 1385, 1630.

-, William, jerquer, London port, 795.

Michell. See Mitchell.

Mickeles, Leve, shipmaster, 552.

Middelburg, Middleburg, Holland, 302, 696, 1076.

Middle, Meedle, co. Salop, 448, 487.

Middle, The, in Whittlesey, co. Cambridge, 598.

Middlesex, county of, arrears on Poll money, 1199.

Auditor of Crown Revenues, 910, 1048, 1369.

Clerk of the Peace for. See Harcourt, S.

complaints of assessments, 402.

Excise, 545.

fee farms unsold, 642.

forfeited estates, payments out of, 1850-1.

Hearthmoney collectors, 305.

inquisitions taken in, 1232, 1851.

Justices of the Peace for, allowances for, 1066.

number of, increased, 1066.

See also Ward, J.

Lord Lieutenant of. See Clare, Earl of.

militia, Exchequer officers exempt from, 765, 1756.

Oyer and Terminer, Sessions of, 543, 1413.

Quarter Sessions, 543, 789, 1173.

Receiver General of Crown Lands, 118, 122. See also Smith, J.

Receiver General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 233, 250, 379, 402, 568, 570, 602, 1322, 1472, 1538.

receivership of Crown Lands, 2010.

Sheriffs of, 668, 789, 1066, 1386. See also Kinsey, Sir T.
-, Thoroughgood, Sir B.

Solicitor for Assessments. See Thompson, J.

Middlesex, Earl of. See Sackville, C.

Middleton, , assignee of Captain Upton, 1676.

-, -, collector, Milford Haven, 846-7, 1451.

-, Charles, 2nd Earl of Middleton, Secretary of State, 120.

-, -, artillery train, Ireland, 150
-, Army clothing, 1914
-, a Commissioner for Prizes, 649, 650, 1060, 1147, 1219, 1225
-, loan by, 1914
-, money for Col. Trelawney's regiment, 618.

-, David, of London, chirurgeon, 567, 604.

-, Sir Hugh, royal bounty for, 1185.

-, John, horse of, seized, 572.

-, Sir Richard, former sheriff of Denbigh, 571.

-, Robert, shipmaster, 1936.

-, Samuel, chaplain, Virginia, 1345, 1354.

-, -, tidesman, Truro, 925.

-, Thomas, loan by, 664
-, provisions for the Navy, 387, 388, 395, 641, 664.

-, Sir Thomas, loan by, 1988.

-, Walter, customer, Bideford, 16, 23, 104
-, customer, Slebech, 83, 148, 208, 1230, 1231, 1235.

-, -, surety for B. Lloyd, 93.

- See also Milton.

Midgeley, John, loan by, 2005.

Midgham, co. Berks, 130, 251.

Midsomer Norton, co. Somerset, 131, 252, 459, 567, 1886.

-, William, lease of land, East Stockwith, 463, 2017
-, lease of tolls, Barton Market, 230.

Miermont, , payment to, for secret service, 400.

Miers. See Myers.

Milbanke (Milbanck), John, collector's place, Colchester port, 116.

-, Sir Mark, sheriff of Northumberland, 914, 1659.

-, Christian, superstitious lands, co. Monmouth, 471.

-, Elizabeth, superstitious lands, cos. Hereford and Monmouth, 472, 474.

Milburne (Milbour), George, conveyance of premises to Jesuits, 469.

-, Henry, superstitious lands, Llantilio Pertholey, 472.

-, Ralph, lease, Holy Island, 1675.

-, Thomas, printer, Hearthmoney Office, 164, 519, 537
-, stationer, Excise Office, 1346, 1609, 1950.

Milditze, van, aide-de-camp to Count Solmes, 866.

Milford, John, importing stores for the Navy, 872.

Milford Haven, co. Pembroke, 16, 22, 23, 89, 104, 148, 158, 175, 180, 186, 196, 207, 212, 219, 299, 313, 329, 350, 489, 492, 537, 541, 563, 639, 700, 767, 815, 847, 863, 895, 911, 927, 985, 993, 1063, 1258, 1682, 1937.

comptroller of. See Powell, M.

Customs of, not large, 1639.

Customs officers in, list of, 926-7.

Excise collectors at, 1451.

forces landing at, from Ireland, 1451.

Nangle, 926.

Pembroke Ferry, 727, 926.

sick and wounded at, 847, 863, 871, 876.

soldiers at, 423.

Mill, van der, major of artillery, 214.

-, John, forfeiture for manslaughter, 267.

-, -, of London, distiller, 1017.

-, Stanhope, a farmer of the Irish revenue, 959.

Miller, Andrew, refugee from Ireland, 172.

-, Benjamin, watchman, London port, 923.

-, Fran., of London, merchant, 150, 163.

-, Henry, weighing porter, London port, 922.

-, Sir Humphrey, commissioner for assessments, co. Kent, 233.

-, John, chaplain for the Plantations, 1589, 1615.

-, -, boatman, Ipswich port, 927.

-, Matthew, comptroller, Whitehaven port, 1745.

-, Matthias, comptroller, Carlisle port, 149, 190, 1311
-, petition for allowance for returning accounts, 1320, 1333.

-, Michael, Army captain, 1711.

-, Richard, collector of petty Customs, London port, 1847, 1851, 1886, 1893.

-, -, waterman, London port, 1277.

-, Robert, of London, surety for T. Doyly, 458, 603, 974, 1472, 1541.

-, Samuel, surveyor, Coleraine, 256, 262.

Millery, Giry Alexandre, French Reformed officer, 294, 1597.

Millet, William, loans by, 1971, 1975, 1976, 1978, 1984.

Million, Henry, solicitor for D. Venables, 531.

-, co. Cumberland, 1745
-, Castle, 1542.

Mills, (and Mris. Villiers), 53.

-, Adiel, stationer, house of, in St. James's Park, 628.

-, Benjamin, killed at Gravesend, 1455.

-, -, quayman's place, London port, 347.

-, Elmer, coastwaiter, London port, 482, 1594.

-, George, tidesman and boatman, Torquay, 662.

-, Jane, widow of Benjamin, royal bounty for, 1455.

-, John, of London, distiller, petition for discharge of Excise arrears, 1919
-, surety for J. St. John, 251, 460.

-, Richard, one of the King's falconers, 267.

-, -, waiter and searcher, Hartlepool, 929.

-, Samuel, watchman, London port, 923, 1182.

-, Thomas, captain, agent for prizes, Limerick, 1350.

-, -, quartering soldiers, 857.

Millward, , payment to, for attending the Robes waggon, 536.

Milner, Edward, commissioner for superstitious lands, co. Hereford, 243.

-, John, seizure by, of wool, 524, 1099.

-, Percival, ship's commander, 1083.

-, Samuel, commissioner for derelict lands in the Humber, 445.

Milton, Middleton, in Gravesend, co. Kent, 779, 923, 1452, 1477.

-, in Sittingbourne, co. Kent, rectory of, 514.

Milverton, co. Somerset, 171, 244.

Milway, Peter, tidewaiter, Hull port, 175.

Mindrim, Minderham, co. Northumberland, 725, 795, 1950.

Minehead, co. Somerset, 12, 89, 251, 282, 903, 1063, 1216, 1404.

Customs officers at, list of, 926
-, supplied from Bristol, 1423.

petition of merchants of, 1423, 1464.

Mines, Bill concerning royal mines, 1407.

cause concerning royal mines, 1192.

Crown share in, 1658, 1760, 1763.

discoveries of, 1460, 1607. See also Price, Sir C.

grants of, 1511, 1760.

memorial concerning, 1385.

patent for, 1607.

Mining, King's share in, 779.

Ministers of State, account of plate in the hands of, 1436.

Minor (Minors), Thomas, landwaiter's place, 1800.

-, William, of Bristol, shoemaker, 1191, 1251.

-, -, of London, merchant, Customs place, 290.

Minster, [co. Oxford], 870.

-, The (in the Tower), Assay Master. See Brattle, D.
-, Brattle, Sir J.

Assay Office, broken open, 1637, 1811
-, gold stolen from, 1595
-, guards for, 1811
-, used as a repository, 1637.

assays, waste of gold and silver upon, 666.

bullion, 421
-, money for converting into coins, application of, 1025.

Cardiganshire ore, trial of, 1559.

chief clerk of, and clerk of papers. See Hall, T.

clippers and coiners, reward for discoveries of, 448, 581.

confessions of, 1876.

executions of, 1420.

prosecution by, 1039.

prosecutions of, 862, 1099, 1418, 1709, 1813
-, disbursements, 1418.

clippings, 581, 628-9, 1386, 1790
-, account of, 314
-, Crown's right to, 1756
-, produce of, 448
-, seized by the sheriffs of London, 920, 1756.

Coinage Duty, appropriation of, Acts cited, 1025
-, Attorney General's opinion, 1025.

grant out of, to Barbara Villiers, 330
-, to Ann Slingsby, 630.

other payments out of, 969, 970, 1353.

See also Customscoinage.

coinage of bullion, 421.

coinage gold, engraved types detailed, 15, 92
-, guineas, half guineas, 185, 203.

coinage money, 421.

coining, amount of, 1706, 1707
-, houses etc. erected for, 665
-, new way of (1662), 665. See also Mintsixpences
-, Tin.

commissioners for regulating, 666.

Comptroller of, 32, 88, 100, 330, 421, 1559. See also Hoar, J.

copper, alloy, 666
-, furnaces for, 666.

copper coins, proposal concerning, 1632.

counterfeiters, 920.

cracked money, Excise collectors' losses on, 1763-4
-, order concerning, 1051, 1324
-, re-coinage of, 419.

Engineer of, 667
-, allowance for moneys coined, 667
-, keys, 873
-, office of, 422, 873
-, tools, 873. See also Blondeau, P.
-, Colborne
-, Doyley, T.

engravers' house, 1867.

Essay House, 666.

farthings. See Minttin farthings.

few moneys coined at, 1296.

gold and silver for, from mines in Virginia, 1304.

gold in, large amount of, 1811.

gravers, 41, 667. See also Bowers, G.
-, Harris, H.
-, Roettiers, J., J., P., and N.

gravers' dies, 290.

guineas, 498.

horse mills for, 666.

Indenture, 12, 15, 1584.

issues for, out of the Coinage Duty, 6, 86, 147, 670, 1671.

Master and Worker, 32, 100, 224, 330, 981, 1446
-, allowance for moneys coined, 667
-, assayer, 667
-, commissioners for office of. See Duncombe, C.
-, Hoar, J.
-, purveyor to, 667. See also Neale, T.

medals, 8, 14, 23, 26, 80, 85, 256, 498, 553
-, healing medals, 666, 667.

milling house, 904.

Moneyers, 421, 422, 630.

Corporation of, 840, 1385.

Hall, 1385
-, rebuilding of, 1867.

payment to, for fashioning coins, 1296.

petition of, against T. Doyley, 840-1.

Provost of. See Anderson, T.

putting padlocks on the doors of the Mint, 840.

workhouse of, sentinels for, 1613
-, unsafe, 1613.

officers of, 29, 39, 40, 43, 46, 49, 172, 421, 666, 703, 758, 858, 916, 1025, 1508, 1584, 1593, 1613, 1637
-, accounts, 1132
-, refusal by, to pay engraver's bill, 970.

papers relating to, 314.

penny and twopenny pieces, proposals concerning, 1508, 1892, 1900.

Pyx, 421, 422
-, last opening of, 1706
-, money found in, after trial, 1711, 1851
-, room used for trials, 1572
-, trials of, 666, 1711, 1851.

seals, new, to be made, 987.

secret of, oath for keeping, 981.

silver, melting and casting, 667
-, purchases of. See Silver
-, refining, 667
-, speedy coining of, 666.

silver coins, new, 703
-, exportation of, 703.

silver groats, 1584.

silver moneys, discontinuation of casting, 1584
-, remedy for, 454-5.

silver pennies and twopences, 1584.

silver threepences, 1584.

sixpences, coining of, 185, 1584.

tin farthings and halfpence, accounts, 12, 893, 1477-8.

coining of, 46, 53, 118, 285, 1152.

Commissioners for, 266, 270, 302, 311, 323, 334, 379, 380, 429, 431, 432, 441, 455, 498, 557, 862, 1076, 1105, 1152, 1203, 1210, 1442, 1559, 1583, 1604, 1641, 1753
-, accounts of, 939, 1045, 1442
-, new commission, 1211
-, office of, 1477
-, payments by, 557, 862, 1058, 1086, 1105, 1287, 1534, 1641
-, secretaryship to, 1329.

counterfeit, 1477.

disposal of, 1152.

issues for, 302, 310, 311, 317.

issues out of, 1388.

loans, 380.

Office, 1058, 1076, 1088.

officers, salaries, 1105, 1478.

produce of, payments out of, 1299, 1468
-, pensions on, 1569-70, 1753.

proposal to pay soldiers with, 1559.

purchase of tin for. See Tin.

reward for, 432.

stoppage of work, 1478.

surveyor of meltings. See Beser, R.

tools etc. for, 270, 666.

Warden of, 330, 486, 840, 862, 873, 920, 981, 1099, 1559, 1595, 1632, 1672, 1707, 1752, 1790
-, clerk to, 256. See also Ellis, J.
-, Macy, G.
-, second clerk of, 224. See also Lloyd, Sir P.
-, Overton, B.
-, Parkhurst, Sir W.
-, Wharton, P.
-, Wharton, Sir T.
-, Wynne, O.

Weigher and Teller of, 172.

Minter, William, rewarded for Customs seizure, 1221.

-, Marquis (Armand de Bourbon), 2
-, regiment of, 101.

Missenden, Little, co. Bucks, 461.

Mitcham, co. Surrey, 55, 271.

Mitchelburne. See Michelborne.

Mitchell (Michell), Bernard, landsurveyor's place, London port, 166.

-, Edward, of Cheltenham, Receiver General of assessments, co. Gloucester, 130, 249, 261, 450, 455, 457, 462, 568, 602, 726, 974, 1369, 1415, 1474, 1542, 1745, 1765.

-, Humphrey, grant to, by Queen Elizabeth, of a messuage at Windsor, 1275, 1417.

-, James, boatman, Scilly, 583.

-, John, lease of messuages, Windsor, 965, 1233, 1275, 1417, 1484.

-, Mary, royal bounty for, 1455.

-, Nicholas, shipmaster, 1935.

-, Richard, weigher, Cowes port, 158.

Mitton, Richard, commissioner for assessments, co. Flint etc., 1474.

-, Roger, chaplain for the Plantations, 1589, 1615.

-, Thomas, comptroller, Hull port, 91, 305, 622, 693, 1059, 2010.

Moeson, Thomas, shipmaster, 1349.

Mocato, Moses, loan by, 2003.

Mocher, Richard, shipmaster, 101.

-, John, Customs officer, Pevensey, 924
-, waiter and searcher, Faversham, 1059.

Moerdijk, Moredycke, Holland, 1461.

Mogads, Pantaleon Rodriguez, loan by, 2003.

Mogg, John, lease of coalworks, 1564, 1885-6, 1904.

-, -, of Castle Cary, 131, 252, 459, 567, 605, 976, 1471.

Moggridge. See Maugridge.

Mogul, the, war with, of the East India Company, 373, 379, 508-9.

Mohun, John, 1504.

Molange, Papin de, French Reformed officer, 1182.

Molasses, 91, 441, 482-3.

Molesworth, Mris., house of, in Golden Square, 753.

-, Sir Hender, Commander-in-Chief, Jamaica, 274, 291, 312, 1505
-, concerning the Hispaniola wreck, 1504-5.

-, Sir John, raising seamen in North Cornwall, 1553
-, successor to Sir Hender, 291, 312.

-, Robert, envoy extraordinary to Denmark, 113, 114, 123, 135, 309, 315-6, 321, 342, 477, 656, 676, 837, 908, 1054, 1165, 1171, 1269, 1280, 1282, 1527, 1538, 1872, 1873, 1902, 1903, 1908, 1911
-, bills of extraordinaries, 643-4, 838-9, 1056-7, 1271-2
-, house of, 1890
-, loan by, 1179.

Molie, , ensign, French Reformed officer, 1182.

Molinere. See Meloniere.

Molineux (Mollineux, Molyneux), , 1720.

-, -, caveat concerning P. Beilby's pay, 2018.

-, Francis, clothing for the Army, 548, 887, 1158, 1724, 1745, 1777, 1784
-, loans by, 555, 558, 566, 1724.

-, Nathaniel, Receiver General of assessments, co. Chester, 460, 1446
-, ditto, co. Lancaster, 48, 130, 248-9, 249, 261, 311, 320, 494, 499, 502, 567, 603, 974, 1446, 1471, 1539
-, surety for H. Horton, 1539.

-, William, Army pension for, 648.

-, -, collector, Chester port, 94, 105.

-, -, commissioner for stating the accounts of the Army in Ireland, 1071, 1802.

-, -, of Hawkley and Warrington, 130, 460, 1471.

Molins, Elizabeth, loans by, 1985, 2007.

Molonge, Pierre de, French Reformed officer, 295.

Mompesson, Edmund, loan by, 2002.

-, Roger, commissioner for the office of the Clerk of the Pipe, 143
-, commissioner for A. Lawrence's surveyorship, 510.

-, William, caveat concerning P. Beilby's pay, 2018.

Monacott, John, shipmaster, 1944.

-, Charles, Army payments to, Ireland, 1662, 1663
-, collector, Sligo and Killibegs, 253, 256
-, grant of Shannon wrecks, 1697.

-, Christopher, 2nd Duke of Albemarle, 29, 101, 102, 856
-, concerning the Hispaniola wreck, 1504-5
-, death of, 1505
-, Governor of Jamaica, 1504
-, grant of mines in America, 1511, 1760
-, lands of, in Ireland, 1454, 1741
-, regiment of, 856.

-, Elizabeth, Duchess of Albemarle, concerning the Hispaniola wreck, 1504-5
-, goods of, from Jamaica, 152, 274.

-, George, 1st Duke of Albemarle, 82, 102, 1454, 1530
-, Master of the Horse, 1430
-, Ranger of St. James's Park, 628, 1605.

-, Thomas, loans by, 1973, 1974, 1983, 1997, 2004.

Moncornet, , captain, Army pension, 255.

Moncrieff, Arthur, Scottish ship naturalization, 170.

-, William, embargo on Scottish ships, 170, 180.

-, cracked, 317, 380, 419, 830
-, illicit exports of, 41, 183
-, melted down, 832, 1020. See also Mint.

Monfort. See Montfort.

Monger, William, Customs officer, Dover, 721.

Monginot, Francis, loan by, 633.

-, Stephen Lassale or de la Salle, loans by, 633, 985, 1076, 1255, 1781, 1793, 1930.

Monings (Moning, Monins), Lady Elizabeth, water bailiwick of the Severn, 70, 1357.

-, Sir Thomas, water bailiff of the Severn, 318.

Monmouth, county of, fee farms unsold, 642.

highways of, money for repairing, 1176-7.

inhabitants of, money levied upon, 1176.

lands in, 243.

Receiver General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 233, 249, 460, 568, 605, 974, 1474, 1542, 1578
-, no Receiver General, 1578.

sheriff of. See Jones, H.

superstitious lands in, 469-73.

-, co. Monmouth, 248, 256
-, Assizes, 1418
-, inquisition taken at, 443
-, lands called "Amberley," 469, 471
-, Mannoe Street, 469
-, Priory House, 470.

-, Duke and Duchess of. See Scott, James
-, Scott, Ann.

-, Earl of. See Mordaunt, C.

Monnington, co. Hereford, 870.

Monoux, Lodowick, loans by, 1996, 2004.

Monpinson, , Army pension, 255, 336.

-, (Monpeillan, Monpovillan), Marquis de, 947
-, goods for, 1876
-, lodgings of, 1876
-, pay for, 1488
-, regiment of, 677, 1441, 1449, 1461, 1467, 1481.

Monroe (Monro, Munro), , chaplain, Virginia, 1367, 1373.

-, -, colonel, supernumerary officer, Londonderry, 989.

-, -, colonel, regiment of, 1868, 1941.

-, Alexander, Army clothing, 822-3.

-, Andrew, chaplain, Leeward Islands, 1440, 1453.

-, -, colonel, 554.

-, Anthony, colonel, 161, 331-2, 545, 560.

Mont, , French Reformed officer, 295.

Montagnac, , French Reformed officer, 295.

-, Charles, Viscount Mandeville, Earl of Manchester, grant of hundreds, co. Huntingdon, 1436, 1486, 1550
-, issue for, 768
-, lease of Staughton Magna, 998
-, Lord Lieutenant, co. Huntingdon, 1606.

-, -, a clerk of the Privy Council, 120, 123, 124, 248, 263, 339, 357, 437, 442, 445, 453, 475, 477, 637, 1006, 1297, 1351, 1355, 1705, 1825
-, a Lord of the Treasury, 1747, 1846, 1959.

-, Christopher, lieutenant of Salcey Forest, 1267
-, rent of ground in Channel Row, 1293, 1311, 1336.

-, Edward, Earl of Manchester, grant of hundreds, co. Huntingdon, 1486.

-, -, 1st Earl of Sandwich, ambassador to Spain, 120.

-, Henry, Earl of Manchester, Lord Privy Seal, 1961.

-, Ralph, Earl of Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe, 5, 11, 12, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 60, 68, 86, 139, 151, 164, 221, 295, 347, 389, 551, 554, 555, 601, 695, 706, 997, 999, 1018, 1100, 1151, 1209, 1215, 1229, 1243, 1274, 1301, 1327, 1349, 1511, 1515, 1531, 1549, 1560, 1579, 1607, 1610, 1654, 1657, 1678, 1687, 1723, 1752, 1938, 1962
-, accounts, 842
-, former ambassador to France, 120
-, loans as Master of the Great Wardrobe, 200, 322, 332-3, 335, 385, 767, 1194, 1238, 1297, 1692, 1698, 1743, 1758, 1764, 1787, 1798, 1803, 1807, 1809, 1862, 1974
-, painted things for, 254
-, petition concerning a debt, 1359
-, rights of, as Master of the Wardrobe, 2014.

-, William, a trustee for Queen Catherine, 943.

Montant, , captain, French Reformed officer, 1597.

Montarge, , aide-de-camp to the Duke of Schomberg, 866.

Montault, , French Reformed officer, 1036, 1069.

-, (Monteisce, Montesse), , lieutenant-colonel, Army pay for, 1054, 1062, 1103, 1104
-, clothing for, 1113.

-, (Monfort), Bartholomew, convicted for clipping, 939
-, executed for high treason, 1173.

-, Elizabeth, petition of, concerning a debt, 1146.

Montgomery, county of, Chief Justice of, 144.

Receivers General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 234, 250, 311, 319, 327, 460, 569, 603, 977, 1474, 1540.

Second Justice of, 245, 323, 330.

sheriff of. See Glynn, R.

undersheriff of. See Jones, John.

Montgomery, Hugh, captain, of Enniskillen, 638.

-, Lewis, King's waiter, London port, 87.

Montguaud, , ensign, French Reformed officer, 1597.

Montroy, , captain, French Reformed officer, 1597.

Montserrat, West Indies, 491, 505, 877, 882, 1142.

commodities from, 530.

factors in. See MacDermot, T.

forfeited plantation in, 879, 882-3, 1188-9.

French frigate at, 505-6.

mines in, 1713.

provisions for, 505-6, 965.

Moody, Ann, royal bounty for, 1440.

-, William, tidesman and boatman, Falmouth, 662.

Moone, Cornelius, tidesman, Scarborough, 1465.

-, Richard, prisoner at Dunkirk, 581.

-, William, shipmaster, 889.

Moore, , cornet, 1799.

-, -, King's Counsel, 390.

-, Cyprian, clerk in the Alienation Office, 562.

-, Henry, King's waiter's place, London port, 159.

-, John, bishop of Norwich, 1421, 1498.

-, -, collector, Rochester port, 1632.

-, Sir John, loan by, 2002.

-, Lady Mary, loans by, 1984, 1987.

-, Robert, waiter, London port, 176.

-, Samuel, coastwaiter, London port, 482.

-, Thomas, tidesurveyor, Exeter port, 217
-, surveyor, Yarmouth port, 523, 2013.

-, William, searcher, Barbados, 1579.

Mor (Moore), Anthony, painting by, 1680.

Morcier, , French Reformed officer, 295.

Mordaunt (Mordant), Carey, loans by, 1973, 1980, 1988.

-, Charles, 2nd Viscount Mordaunt, Earl of Monmouth, 157
-, a Lord of the Bedchamber, 330, 349, 609, 863, 1157, 1158, 1592, 1770, 1781
-, a Lord of the Treasury, 25-78 passim, 221, 276, 353, 358, 363-376 passim, 498, 543, 625
-, Lord Lieutenant, co. Northampton, 1606
-, father and mother of, 264
-, grant of derelict lands, 2012
-, grant of Customs place, Colchester port, 2013
-, grant of Reigate manor, 2016
-, house at Parsons Green, 107
-, lease of Dauntsey manor, 678, 685, 1674
-, lease of Shepton Mallet etc., 264, 1254
-, loans by, 793, 1158, 1971, 1972, 1973
-, payments to, 1722, 1734, 1756
-, petition concerning regiment of, 1257-8
-, regiment of, 128, 281, 288, 500, 557, 559, 582, 585, 793, 891, 1023, 1293, 1750, 1778, 1942
-, and others, owners of the South Dyke yacht, 1681.

-, Henry, 2nd Earl of Peterborough, Groom of the Stole to James II., 120, 685
-, in the Tower, 1256
-, lands, Peterborough Level, 579
-, regiment of, 887
-, reversion of Rialton manor, 903, 942-4
-, trustee for Mary of Modena, 903, 942-4.

-, -, brother of Viscount Charles, 264.

-, Sir John, repayment of money to, by Tangier garrison, 887.

-, Penelope, wife of Henry, Earl of Peterborough, Groom of the Stole to Queen Mary Beatrice, 120.

-, Sir John, a commissioner of Excise, 273, 833, 1097
-, advances or loans, 292, 296, 583, 594, 747, 882, 935, 965, 1972, 1977, 1981, 1987, 1990, 1994, 2004.

Moredycke. See Moerdijk.

Moredyth, Richard, tidesman, Yarmouth port, 927. See also Morley.

More, Charles the, Army pension for, 648.

Moreau, , payment to, 1002.

-, Peter, agent of Du Cambon's regiment, 267.

Moreland. See Morland.

Mores or Moses
-, Edward, collector, Bideford port, 90
-, collector, Padstow port, 180.

Moreton, , laceman, 535.

-, William, bishop of Kildare, trustee for the children of the bishop of Ossory, 1591.

- See also Morton.

Moretons Leame, in Wisbech, co. Cambridge, 599.

Morgan, , of Tredegar, stewardship of Brecon, 122.

-, Alexander, shipmaster, 1935.

-, Christopher, shipmaster, 478.

-, Edw., of Crundy, 1542.

-, -, of Golgrave, 973, 1471.

-, Evan, lands in co. Monmouth, 470, 471.

-, Francis, a Popish priest, 470.

-, -, petition of, for stewardship of Powis estate, 1283.

-, Hen., deputy King's waiter, London port, 999.

-, James, commissioner for assessments, co. Hereford, 1470.

-, -, repairing highways. co. Monmouth, 1176-7.

-, -, or Jacob, superstitious lands, Llantilio Pertholey, 472.

-, John, bill drawn by, on the Earl of Ranelagh, 540.

-, -, cornet, secret service in Ireland, 969.

-, -, loans by, 1972, 1974, 1985.

-, Sir John, Governor of Chester, allowance to, 394, 672, 875
-, allowance for the subsistence of prisoners, 723-4, 996
-, bill drawn by, 1220
-, hospital erected by, 1852
-, petition for pay, 993
-, Quartermaster General, 1536, 1542
-, regiment of, 1687, 1693, 1737, 1794, 1890, 1907, 1920, 1921, 1926
-, to examine soldiers from Ireland, 892.

-, Nicholas, land in St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, 660, 752.

-, Peter, superstitious lands in, Abergavenny, 470.

-, Terbervil, superstitious lands, Llanvihangel Crucorney, 470.

-, Thomas, commissioner for assessments, co. Monmouth, 233.

-, -, King's waiter's place, London port, 96.

-, -, lease of the agistment, Brecon Forest, 1417.

-, -, superstitious lands, Llanvihangel Crucorney, 470.

-, William, commissioner for waste lands, cos. Chester and Flint, 1336.

-, -, of Chancery Lane, 1205.

-, -, of Llanedarn, 131.

-, -, prisoner in Carnarvon Gaol, 746, 753.

-, -, shipmaster, 1935.

-, -, superstitious lands in Bettws, 470.

Morice. See Morris.

Morills, 1150.

Morin, Thomas, sutler to the Guards, 854-5, 921, 980-1, 1359, 1450, 1622, 1727, 1833.

Morlaix, France, 281, 1859, 1873, 1881, 1922.

Morland (Moreland), John, justice of the peace, co. Durham, 1444.

-, Sir Samuel, 1062
-, payment to, and to his son, 724
-, pensions for, 713, 792, 794, 877, 1962
-, to examine the new palace at Hampton Court, 355, 1226
-, to report on the rent of the mill at Windsor, 774, 789, 893, 1012.

Morley, Francis, land of, Winchester, 1625, 1693.

-, George, Master of Chancery, in the Alienation Office, 19, 153, 614-5, 619, 1407.

-, Richard, tidesman, Yarmouth port, 801. See also Moredyth.

-, Samuel, shipmaster, 890.

-, Valentine, King's waiter, London port, 92, 115, 159, 187, 188.

-, Sir William, walk of, in South Bere Forest, 468.

Morley and Monteagle, Lord. See Parker, Thomas.

Morpeth, co. Northumberland, 148, 1659.

Morrell, Abraham, waiter and searcher, St. Mawes, 816.

Morrey, Richard, lands in Peterborough Level, 596-7.

Morris (Morice, Morrice), Mris., payments to, 432.

-, Abraham, of Ireland, merchant, 836.

-, Andrew, ship hired for ordnance, 717.

-, Ann, widow of Andrew, 717, 761, 764, 895, 914.

-, Anthony, 1677.

-, David, a Popish priest, 472.

-, Dominick, landwaiter, Bristol port, 534.

-, Humphrey, auditor of cos. Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby and Chester, 577, 1805.

-, John, comptroller, Cardiff port, 994.

-, -, customer, Cardigan, 926.

-, -, of London, merchant, 673.

-, -, pension on the Post Fines, 673.

-, Nicholas, commissioner for assessments, co. Cornwall, 1472.

-, Richard, rent paid by, out of Sherford manor, 804.

-, Robert, apothecary, 1820, 1904.

-, Samuel, shipmaster, 1647.

-, Simon, shipmaster, 1085.

-, Thomas, messenger from Ireland to England, 969.

-, -, of Exeter, carrier, 1356.

-, -, shipmaster, 1647.

-, -, shipmaster, 1751.

-, Walter, superstitious lands, Llantilio Crossenny, 472.

-, William, apothecary to the Army in Ireland, 1669.

-, -, gent., 673.

-, -, messuages in St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, 818.

-, Sir William, commissioner for assessments, co. Devon, 233.

- See also Norris.

Morrish, Henry, boatman, Penzance, 283.

Morrison, John, lands of, in Garthorpe, 1204.

-, Margaret, loan by, 1354
-, royal bounty for, 1346.

-, Michael, lands of, in Garthorpe, 1204.

-, Thomas, lands of, in Garthorpe, 1204.

-, William, butter merchant, refugee from Ireland, 118.

Morse, Simon, receiver outwards, London port, 921.

-, Thomas, clerk to the collector, Yarmouth port, 846
-, tidesman, ibid., 927.

Morss, William, assistant to S. Shepherd, 611.

Mortimer, Thomas, tidesman, Newcastle port, 930, 1591, 1749.

Mortimers, Mortimar [in Cliffe near Rochester], co. Kent, 806.

-, Mortlock, co. Surrey, 1216
-, petition of inhabitants of, 1252, 1321.

Morton, George, commissioner for assessments, co. Leicester, 233.

-, Sir John, commissioner for assessments, co. Dorset, 233
-, a foreshore commissioner, 794.

- See also Moreton.

Mosden, Richard, rent paid by, out of lands in Harbledown, 805.

Mosely (Mosley), , payment to, by Sir H. Goodrick, 944.

-, Francis, Excise collectorship, 1941.

-, John, shipmaster, 1935.

-, Thomas, of Billingsgate, 249, 974.

Moses. See Mores.

Moss (Mosse), Ben., supplying Army clothing, 1561.

-, Simon, collector of petty Customs, 223
-, receiver of Customs outwards, London port, 948.

-, William, loan by, 2007.

Mossom, Eland, commissioner for superstitious lands, co. Middlesex, 329.

-, Robert, commissioner for superstitious lands, co. Middlesex, 329
-, ditto, cos. Lincoln, Chester and Salop, 571.

Mostyn, co. Flint, 745, 931.

Mostyn, , captain, of marines, 1831, 1868, 1869.

-, Richard, commissioner for superstitious lands, cos. Hereford, Flint etc., 732.

Mote Park. See Windsor.

Mott, William, commissioner for the seizure of J. Cook's estate, 1021.

-, -, jun., commissioner for the seizure of J. Cook's estate, 1021.

Motte (Mote), de la, captain of the Miners, 907, 1138, 1139, 1551, 1555, 1949.

-, Belon la, French Reformed officer, 294.

-, Daniel le, Dutch merchant, 512, 550.

Mottram in Longdendale, co. Chester, manor of, 438, 913, 934.

Mould, Benjamin, tidesman, Yarmouth port, 795.

Moulton, Mary, superstitious lands, Llantilio Pertholey, 472.

Mounchou, Favan de, deer from beyond the sea, 3.

Mount Bures, Munt, co. Essex, 1353.

Mountford, Jonas, tidesman, Plymouth port, 1677.

Mountjoy, Lady. See Stewart, Mary.

-, Lord. See Stewart, W.

Mountrath, Lady. See Coote, Isabella.

Mounts Bay
-, co. Cornwall, 231
-, petition of fishermen of, 994, 1323.

Mountslemery, William, shipmaster, 126.

Mountstephens, John, Army clothing, 263.

Mountsteven, Hendor, landwaiter, London port, 922.

Mowett, Roger, naturalization of, as a Scottish skipper, 170, 180.

-, James, Army clothing, 617, 631-2, 658, 696
-, loans by, 617-8, 697, 708, 824.

-, Sam., loan by, 2005.

-, William, lands in Peterborough Level, 597.

Moyzey, Nicholas, of London, merchant, 281.

Much Cowarne, co. Hereford, 292.

Muckleston, Muccleton, Muckleton, co. Stafford, 459, 976, 1541.

Mudd, Henry, captain, commissioner for transports for the Forces in Ireland, 547, 625.

-, Ruth, merchant, 1768.

Muggeridge. See Maugridge.

Muilman, Godbolt, of Amsterdam, 1571.

Mules, Mris., payment to, for lace, 535.

Mulford, Daniel, waterman, London port, 922.

Mulgrave, Earl of. See Sheffield, J.

Mullady (Mulledy), Sir Anthony, estates of, forfeited, 1521.

-, Redmond, conveyance by, of lands in Ireland, 1102.

Mullens, William, shipmaster, 1789.

Mullingar, co. Westmeath, demolition of, 1663.

Muluyan, Cornelius, Army pension for, 649.

Mum. See Excise.

Mun, Thomas, proposals for increasing the Excise revenue, 121.

Munday, Anthony, tenant, Theobalds, 102.

-, John, lease granted to, by Queen Elizabeth, of Rialton manor, 943.

-, William, tidesman, Fowey port, 312.

Munnegariff. co. Limerick, 1598.

Munns, , petition of, 1442.

Munro. See Monroe.

-, Ireland, circuit, 969
-, quit rents, 1598, 1759.

Munt. See Mount Bures.

-, estates of murderers seized, 1021, 1352-3
-, executions for, 895, 1021, 1353.

Murphy (Murfey), , captain or colonel, in the Tower, 1256, 1428, 1655, 1930.

Murray, , deputy to the Commissary General of Provisions, 1709, 1728.

-, George, lieutenant, royal bounty for, 1240, 1244, 1257.

-, John, manager of the Clancarty estate, 1866.

-, Robert, commissioner for Prizes, 1147, 1219, 1371.

-, -, King's waiter's place, London port, 96.

-, -, petition for delivery of letters, 917
-, proposal by, for a country penny post, 1210-1.

Murrell, Richard, landwaiter's place, London port, 232.

Muschamp, Denny, second clerk of the Crown, Ireland, 1808.

-, John, waiter and searcher, Beadnell, 231.

-, Ralph, waiter, Mindrim, 795, 1950.

-, William, of Dublin, a farmer of the Irish revenue, 959.

Muscoate, co. York, 1256.

Muscovy Company (Governor and Fellowship of Merchants for the discovery of new trades), 314
-, duty on seal oil, 328.

Musgrave, Christopher, clerk of the deliveries in the Ordnance Office, 854, 1804, 1808.

-, Sir Christopher, Governor of Carlisle, 1185.

-, Edward, commissioner for superstitious lands, co. Westmorland, 530.

-, Edward, surveyor's place, London port, 1233.

-, Philip, clerk of the deliveries in the Ordnance Office, 1305
-, executors of, loan by, 1308.

-, Richard, custodiam lease, Highbray, 1187.

-, Thomas, lease by, to the Countess Dowager of Plymouth, 904
-, lease to, in trust for Sir H. Fane, 696, 854, 885-6, 1790-1, 1948.

-, -, waiter and searcher, Carlisle port, 770.

-, William, deserter from the Irish Army, 1683, 1782.

Muskerry, Lord. See MacCarthy, D.

Muskets, oil-bottles for, 1136.

-, 694, 748
-, Crown's moiety of seizures, 749
-, seizures of, 748, 1631
-, striped, 339, 694.

Mussell, Nicholas, tidesman, Topsham, 1585.

Mydy, Mich., French merchant, in custody, 281.

Myers (Miers), James, shipmaster, 1926.

-, John, shipmaster, 1926.

Myhill (Myhell), John, King's waiter's place, London port, 104.

-, Joseph, purchase of Kinsale ferries, 1432.

Mylord, Jeremiah, loan by, 1977.

Myvod, co. Montgomery. See Meifod.