Entry Book: March 1690, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: March 1690, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp533-547 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: March 1690, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp533-547.

"Entry Book: March 1690, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp533-547.


March 1690, 11-20

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Mar. 11. Money warrant for 200l. to John Thompson : without account : as reward for services as solicitor for the assessing of taxes in London, Westminster and Middlesex. (Money order dated Mar. 8 [sic erratum for Mar. 11 or 13] hereon.) Money Book X, p. 199. Order Book III, p. 63.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of any unappropriated money) 100l. to William Harbord, which is intended to be part of 500l. to be furnished to Henry Allen on account for providing engines for packing hay to be sent into Ireland. (Same to said Harbord to pay same to Allen.) Disposition Book VIII, p. 99.
Same to same to issue (out of the like, "reserving the 17,000l. as formerly desired") 3,360l. 7s. 6d. to the Earl of Ranelagh to make (with 10,639l. 12s. 6d. ordered on the 7th inst.) 14,000l. to him. (Same to said Earl out of the said 14,000l. to pay 7,000l. to Mr. Vander Esch for Col. Babington, Col. [Lord] Cutts and Col. [Thomas] Talmash to enable them to march ; and to pay the remaining 7,000l. to Col. [Charles] Trelawney and Col. Foulkes to enable them to march.) Ibid, p. 100.
Same to same to issue (out of the arrears of the 'present' [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 3] Six Months' Aid) the abovesaid 200l. to John Thompson in part for services as above. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Harbord. On the 4th inst. James St. Johns delivered you three bills of exchange for 1,000l. each, payable at Salop and Chester. As soon as you receive the money you are to apply it to the payment of the Danish Troops. Give notice to Sir Joshuah Allen that same is intended to be so applied. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 220.
William Jephson to Mr. Davies. The Mayor etc. of Launceston have informed my Lords that you refuse to pay them the stipend or pension of 17l. 8s. 3½d. for their schoolmaster. The Surveyor General of Crown Lands has thereon reported to us that it is very fit said stipend be continued as formerly, it being a charitable gift from the Crown received for many years without interruption, and a distinct revenue set apart for payment thereof. You are not only to pay the arrears thereof, but continue payment thereof in future as formerly upon the auditor's debentures without further order from my Lords. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 220.
Same to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] and the Attorney General to report on the enclosed papers [missing] concerning Mris. Sarah White's lease of the Original Seal and Pre Fines in cos. Carnarvon, Anglesea and Merioneth. Is it proper to grant this to any persons in trust for women? Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Francis Kirkby as surveyor of Lynn port loco Lancelot Whitehall, lately dismissed.
Troylus Baily as tidesman, Exeter port, loco James Penworden, deceased.
Matthias Thwaits as landwaiter, Barnstaple port, loco Samuel Lubbock, preferred as follows.
Samuel Lubbock as landwaiter, Bristol port, loco Dominick Morris, deceased.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 132, 135, 136.
For the change in the reference of John Taylor's petition see supra, p. 255. Reference Book VI, p. 90.
Mar. 12. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for payments of 8,855l. 4s. 8¾d. to John Fitch and 6,031l. 10s. 10d. to John Hayward ; making 14,886l. 15s. 6¾d. in all : the King being indebted to said Fitch and partners in said first named sum for works done at [the fortifications in] Portsmouth and Hull and at a storehouse in the Tower of London ; and to said Hayward, carpenter, in the second named sum for stores delivered and work done. It is hereby ordered that Fitch and Hayward shall lend into the Receipt, upon the credit of the Exchequer in general, the said two sums, which shall be forthwith issued to the Treasurer of the Ordnance to be applied to discharge the debentures made forth by the officers of Ordnance for the said moneys so due as above. On making the loan Fitch and Hayward are to have tallies of loan and orders of repayment charged on the Exchequer in general with 6 per cent interest from the date of the tallies. Further, in order to a better assurance to them of repayment, the King hereby declares that these two sums shall rank for payment out of the 2s. Aid next and immediately after (a) the orders (not exceeding 300,000l.) unsatisfied on and transferred from the 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20 and 31] to the said 2s. Aid ; (b) the 400,000l. appropriated to the Navy etc. by the Act [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1] for the said 2s. Aid ; and (c) the 30,000l. which the King has lately directed to be paid out of said Act to Thomas Westerne for guns, shot, grenades and other provisions of war. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 368-71.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 1,000l. per an. each to Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery ; John, Earl of Carbery ; Sir Thomas Lee, bart. ; Sir John Lowther of Whitehaven, bart. ; Sir John Chichley, kt., as Commissioners of the Admiralty : to be payable quarterly during pleasure as from Christmas last. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 372-3.
Same to the Treasury Lords for the payment of 7,111l. 3s. 0d. to William de Nassau ; 2,617l. 19s. 0d. thereof to be as imprest and upon account to be paid to several tradesmen for sums due for the Coronation Robes and [Garter or] St. George's Robe ; 3,993l. 4s. 0d. thereof as same for tradesmen for goods furnished into the Office of Robes in the year ended Feb. 13 last ; and the remaining 500l. to said William de Nassau's own use without account [as Master of the Robes]. (Money warrant dated Mar. 14 hereon.) (Money order dated Mar. 15 hereon.)
Appending : detailed bills for the first two items hereinabove.
Ibid, pp. 373-5. Money Book X, p. 204. Order Book III, p. 63.
(1) Account of bills for his Majesty's Coronation and St. George's Robe.
l. s. d.
Mr. Weedon, furrier 1,050 0 0
Mr. Browne, furrier 1,056 10 0
Mr. Coape, mercer 60 10 0
Mr. Moreton, laceman 155 12 0
Mr. Graham, tailor 187 18 0
Mr. Gladwyn, beltmaker 5 0 0
Mr. Hawgood, cutler 5 0 0
Mr. Alchorne, mercer 50 19 0
Mr. West, embroiderer 6 10 0
Exchequer fees on passing this account 30 0 0
Clerk of the Robes, for preparing this account for the auditor 10 0 0
£2,617 19 0
(2) Account of tradesmen's bills for the Robes for one year from the King's Accession to Feb. 13 last.
l. s. d.
Mr. Graham, tailor 286 6 0
Mr. Deakle, woollen draper 396 15 0
Mris. Mules, for Points and other laces 318 17 0
Mr. Moreton, laceman 324 17 0
this accomptant [William de Nassau] for several things bought in Holland by his Majesty's command 168 12 0
likewise he paid for Indian silks 33 4 0
Mr. Stanley, mercer 427 16 0
Mr. Cooper, mercer 259 13 0
Mr. Rugeley, milliner 176 16 0
Sir William Gostlyn, laceman 74 18 0
[Mr. ,] periwig maker 126 3 0
Mr. Cracherode, linen draper 120 8 0
Mr. Alchorne, mercer 332 10 0
Mr. Hawgood, sword cutler 39 13 0
[Mr. ,] another cutler 12 0 0
Mr. Gladwyn, beltmaker 50 15 0
[Mr. ,] another beltmaker. 2 5 0
Mr. Coape, mercer 33 6 0
Mr. Waxhouse, gownmaker 52 8 0
Mris. Ferguson, gownmaker 39 8 0
Mr. Humphreys, mercer 45 10 0
Mr. Chace, apothecary for sweet powder 9 3 0
Mr. Lemon, mercer 26 7 0
Mr. , haberdasher of hats 73 9 0
Mr. Crofts, gownmaker 29 10 0
Mr. Stamper, mercer 46 10 0
Mr. West, embroiderer 226 18 0
Mr. Weedon, furrier 27 10 0
Mr. Styles, hosier 17 4 0
Mr. Lovelace, fringemaker 50 6 0
Mr. Chaigneau, haberdasher of hats 8 5 0
Mr. Sutton, embroiderer 0 12 0
Mr. Millward, for attending the Robes waggon 1 18 0
Mr. Richard Johnson, messenger and keeper of the Office of the Robes 22 4 0
James Gibbons, for books, paper, parchment and other necessaries for this year as accustomed 8 0 0
Mr. Paite, shoemaker 17 18 0
Mr. Parsons, spurrier 15 10 0
this accomptant [William de Nassau] for this year's pension [salary] 500 0 0
house rent [for the Office of Robes] 30 0 0
Exchequer fees and fees for passing this account through all the offices 50 0 0
the Clerk of the Robes for his fee in preparing this account for the auditor ; as usual 10 0 0
£4,493 4 0
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Walter Laycock, esq., of the office of Surveyor General of Woods, Trent North : during pleasure : with the fee of 50l. per an. payable quarterly as from Christmas last : all as amply etc. as Thomas Corbyn, esq., Sir John Temple, kt., or any other formerly enjoying said office. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 376.
Same to Richard, Earl of Ranelagh [as Paymaster of the Forces], to pay 118l. 16s. 0d. to John Noades, chirurgeon to the First Regiment of Foot Guards, for one year to Jan. 1 last for internal and external medicaments to said Regiment ; the King being pleased to allow 12d. per head for same. Ibid, p. 377.
Mar. 13. Same to the Treasury Lords to pay 10,000l. to Richard Woollaston : without account : in satisfaction of the like sum by him lent into the King's own hands : together with interest at 5 per cent from May 30 last. (Money warrant dated Mar. 14 hereon : with a marginal order of Mar. 20 inst. by the succeeding Treasury Lords confirming same.) (Money order dated Mar. 20 hereon.) Ibid, pp. 376-7. Money Book X, p. 205. Order Book III, p. 64.
Treasury allowance of the incidents bill, detailed, of the Excise Office, London, for the half year ended Christmas last : (total, 1,337l. 4s. 0d., including Henry Hatley, Tho. Cockrill, William Churchill, Mr. James, Mr. Richards, Mr. Blagrave for stationery ; Mr. Milbour, Mr. Holt, Mr. James for printed wares ; John Farmer for money paid ; Mr. Wood ditto for letters ; Mr. Gill for money bags ; Mr. Holford for money paid the strong water officers ; Mr. Robert Chambers, salary as officer to keep the accounts of exported beer ; John Newman for disbursements on account of the distillery ; William Griffiths, the Yardkeeper's bill etc.). Money Book X, p. 201.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 14l. 10s. 0d. to John Langwith for last Christmas quarter as messenger attending the Customs. Ibid, p. 202.
Treasury allowance of said Langwith's bill of 14l. 10s. 0d. for same quarter's attendance on the Treasury Lords. Ibid.
Money order for 255l. 3s. 9d. to John Walker, Usher of the Exchequer Court, for necessaries delivered to the officers of said Court in Hilary term, 1689, and for diet to himself for 243 days, 1689, July 13, to 1689-90, Mar. 13, (with a marginal confirmation dated Mar. 19 inst. hereof by the succeeding Treasury Lords). Order Book III, p. 63.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to William Harbord the 2,000l. which Thomas Addison has agreed to lend into the Receipt : said Harbord being to pay said 2,000l. to said Addison for 4,000 quarters of oats which he has provided at Milford Haven by order of the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland. (Same to said Harbord to so pay same.) Disposition Book VIII, p. 101.
Same to same to issue as follows out of any unappropriated money in the Exchequer : viz. : Ibid.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for subsistence [of the English Forces] 3,446 8 0
to ditto for Col. Lutterell as by signification of the 10th inst. from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland 1,000 0 0
to Mr. Harbord upon the like signification of same date ; viz. for Col. Herbert, 660l. ; for Visct. Castleton, 1,440l. ; for Sir Hen. Belasyse, 600l 2,700 0 0
to ditto in pursuance of a letter from said Committee dated the 3rd inst. ; in part of 17,571l. 11s. 0d. for the officers of the several Regiments of Horse as therein 13,371 11 0
to ditto in further part of said letter for Col. Winn's Dragoons for accoutrements 900 0 0
to [the Earl of Portland for] the Privy Purse 500 0 0
£21,917 19 0
William Jephson to said Harbord, enclosing the above letter from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland relating to the above 17,571l. 11s. 0d. ; and similarly the signification from same Committee of the 10th inst., with the copy of a proposal for the payment of 6,442l. 4s. 0d. for the immediate despatch of the Troops of Sir George St. George, Col. Luttrell and Viscount Castleton. Hereon my Lords have ordered sums as in the above letter of direction in order to the accommodation of all these services. Please pay same over to the said officers and Colonels accordingly. Disposition Book VIII, p. 102.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the rent of the Royal Oak Lottery and other lotteries, viz. : Ibid.
to me [Jephson] for secret service 600
to Sir Algernon May 125
to Mris. Ann Atwood, daughter of Sir John Lawson 100
to Mris. Golding 50
Same to Mr. Blathwayt, enclosing an account of Mr. Scawen and Mr. Cornish for 10,624l. 3s. 0d. for clothing furnished for the King's service in Ireland. You are to prepare a royal warrant to authorise William Harbord to pay same : likewise a similar warrant to authorise him to pay sums as follow : viz. : 307l. to Senr. [Signor] Vanderest for so much paid by Major General Scravemore to Mr. Bartholomew Vanhomrig on account of provisions for the Army in Ireland as by warrant of Feb. 15 last ; 1,952l. 9s. 2d. to the Censors of the College of Physicians in London for providing beds, furniture and utensils for the Hospital in Ireland as by the Order of Council of Feb. 15 last ; 3,000l. to Monsieur Pereira on his contract for carriages etc. ; 9,750l. to the Commissioners for providing shipping for the transportation of Forces into Ireland, [being] for a fortnight's advance for 30,000 tons of shipping ; 500l. for contingent uses ; 1,500l. for buying hay for the said service [of Ireland] as by a letter of the 3rd inst. from the Committee for Affairs of Ireland ; 4,000l. to Monsieur D'Wilder, Secretary to the Admiralty at Amsterdam, for transport ships come from Holland, "this being the second 4,000l. to him for that service" : all provided that none of the said sums be for uses inserted on the establishment [of the Forces] and not for services already warranted. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 221.
Same to the four Tellers of the Exchequer. My Lords are informed that out of the money remaining to be paid to Mr. Perkins for the Queen's jewel you detain greater fees than ever were taken for [payments for royal] jewels, to wit 30s. instead of 5s. per 100l. You are to pay Perkins the remainder of his money, taking only such fees as on the first 6,000l. paid him. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Harbord, enclosing papers [missing] relating to Mr. William Southmead. Give my Lords an account what money you have received since July 1 last on account of the Regiment commanded by Col. Gustavus Hamilton. Ibid, p. 222.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) order of the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, dated Whitehall, Mar. 10 inst. (there being present the Lord President of the Council, the Lord Steward [of the Household], Earls of Shrewsbury, Nottingham, Fauconberg and Marlborough, Visct. Lumley, the Comptroller [of the Household], Mr. Harbord). Being informed that several ships have sailed out of port and that others are waiting an opportunity to do the same from Bristol and the parts adjacent contrary to the late orders for an embargo on that coast, we desire the Treasury Lords to give strict orders to the Customs Commissioners to make more effectual the embargo at Bristol and on the Western coast of England.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 132.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Mar. 6 inst., directing the Customs Commissioners to do as they see fit in the matter of the petition of Sir Benj. Ayloffe of London for himself and friends : said petition setting forth that by reason of the present wars ships are scarce, so that they cannot supply themselves therewith sufficient [tonnage] for the Swedish trade to bring from thence hemp etc., and therefore praying, ut supra, p. 501 : upon which petition the Customs Commissioners have reported Feb. 27 ult. that it is doubtful whether upon the strictest construction of the Navigation Act [Section 4 of the Act 12 Car. II, c. 18] the said goods may not be legally imported in such shipping as is desired [viz. in ships of the Duke of Courland from Riga, a city under the King of Sweden], "Courland being alleged to be a feudatory of the kingdom of Poland, of which the goods are the growth ; and at this time especially (considering the difficulty upon English shipping by reason of the war) it ought to be construed in favour of the petitioners."
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 134-5.
Treasury reference to Mr. Culliford and Mr. May [Revenue Supervisors, Ireland] of the petition of John Wilmer for the office of manager of the lighthouses of the kingdom of Ireland vacant by the death of Sir Robert Redding. Reference Book VI, p. 144.
Mar. 14. Money warrant for 125l. to Sir Algernoon May for last Michaelmas quarter on his pension granted him 1689, Aug. 29, in recompence for the office of Keeper of the Records in the Tower. Money Book X, p. 202.
Same for 500l. to Robert Squibb, junr., upon account for the redemption of English captives in Barbary : to be satisfied out of moneys in the Exchequer arising by the collections for such redemption. (Money order dated Mar. 14 hereon.) Ibid, p. 203. Order Book III, p. 63.
Same for 50l. to Ann Goulding, widow, in part of 60l. due to her for half a year to 1688, Christmas, on her pension. Money Book X, p. 203.
Same for 100l. to Ann Atwood, one of the daughters of Sir John Lawson, deceased ; which sum, together with 50l. advanced to her some time since by other means, is to be in part of 187l. 10s. 0d. due to her for three quarters to 1689, Lady day, on her pension of 250l. per an. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies to discharge the baronetcy fee of 1,095l. due from Sir William Robinson of Newby, co. Yorks, for the baronetcy lately conferred on him. Money Book X, p. 205.
Same dormant to the Excise Commissioners to pay (out of the revenue of Excise) to Whitfield Hayter from time to time 6 per cent interest on the 40,000l. which he has lent into the Exchequer on the credit of the Excise (to wit 20,000l. lent Feb. 14, 10,000l. lent Feb. 15, 5,000l. lent Feb. 19, 5,000l. lent Feb. 25). Ibid, p. 206.
Mar. 4. [probably erratum for Mar. 14]. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue (on any unsatisfied orders in the name of William Harbord for the service of the Forces in Ireland) 1,500l. to said Harbord by tallies on the Customs : same to be by him applied to satisfy a bill from the collector of Liverpool drawn by John Morgan on the Earl of Ranelagh. (In the margin : a later order, dated Mar. 19, of the succeeding Treasury Lords confirming this warrant.) Ibid.
Mar. 14. Same to same to issue (on any unsatisfied orders in the name of Edward Russell for the service of the Navy) 2,917l. 11s. 3d. to said Russell : by tallies on the Customs : same to be by him applied to pay bills drawn on the late Victuallers of the Navy as follows, viz. : 347l. 12s. 3d. thereof for six bills drawn by Francis Weaver, Customs collector at Portsmouth ; 187l. for two bills drawn by Thomas Cole, collector of Cowes ; 1,452l. 19s. 0d. for eight bills drawn by George Dickinson, collector of Plymouth ; 800l. for a bill drawn by Charles Orchard, collector of Exeter port ; 130l. for two bills drawn by Thomas Bower, collector of Dartmouth port. In the margin : a later order, dated Mar. 20 inst., by the succeeding Treasury Lords confirming this warrant. Ibid, p. 207.
Money warrant for 4,916l. 18s. 3d. to Charles Bertie, Treasurer of the Ordnance : as imprest : to satisfy the several debentures to that total signed by the officers of the Ordnance for guns, shot, granado shells and other things delivered by Thomas Westerne, esq., into the Stores : viz. debentures dated 1689, May 20, for 212l. 17s. 0d. ; June 10 for 66l. 14s. 8½d. ; June 30 for 1,261l. 12s. 4d. and 1,378l. 1s. 1d. ; Sept. 30 for 822l. 18s. 6d. and 659l. 4s. 10½d. ; Feb. 28 last for 364l. 6s. 8d. and 151l. 3s. 1d. : same to be satisfied out of the like sum to be lent by said Western, ut supra, pp. 527-8. Ibid.
Royal warrant dormant to William Harbord to pay a pension or allowance of 200l. per an. from Feb. 15 last to Thomas Newcomen in regard of his services and sufferings : to be payable monthly or quarterly till further order. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 383.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt. The Earl of Ranelagh informs my Lords that you dispute the payment of the 3,446l. 8s. 0d. ordered Mar. 8 inst. for subsistence, supra, p. 530. This money is no part of the 14,000l. (viz. 10,639l. 12s. 0d. ordered Mar. 7 and 3,360l. 7s. 6d. ordered Mar. 11) to him. You are therefore to issue said 3,446l. 8s. 0d. Disposition Book VIII, p. 102.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh, enclosing an order [missing] from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland concerning money to be provided for the recruits of the Regiment of Col. St. George, Col. Luttrell and Visct. Castleton as by a proposal annexed [missing]. My Lords have ordered 1,000l. for you for Col. Luttrell according to the said proposal. Ibid, p. 103.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to William Harbord (out of any disposable money) 166l. for one month's subsistence for the two Companies of the Duke of Bolton's Regiment at Sheerness ; and 952l. 9s. 2d. in full of 1,952l. 9s. 2d. in pursuance of the order of Feb. 15 last of the Committee for Irish Affairs for the College of Physicians for the Hospital of Ireland. Disposition Book VIII, p. 103.
Same to same to issue to said Harbord (out of Excise money to be brought into the Exchequer in the next two weeks) 5,000l. (viz. 2,500l. a week for two weeks) to be paid by him to Alderman Herne and Mr. Stephen Evance for so much paid by them on account for the Danish Forces. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant to direct William Harbord to pay 2,000l. to Tho. Addison for 4,000 quarters of oats he has provided at Milford Haven by order of the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 222.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the 7½ acres of land near the Royal Hospital at Chelsea in order to a lease thereof to the Earl of Ranelagh for 61 years at 40s. per acre.
Prefixing : said Surveyor's report on said Earl's petition for same. Petitioner has built a substantial brick tenement on the premises and is now planting orchards and walling in gardens. The lands were lately let for 30s. an acre to be ploughed "and I do not perceive that they are any part of the ground already set out for any peculiar use or accommodation of the said Hospital."
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 148.
Mar. 15. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Mr. Harbord (out of the 17,000l. reserved in the Exchequer) 5,000l. to be paid over to Monsieur Pereira as advance in part of 20,000l. upon his contract for provision of bread for the Army : and likewise (out of any disposable money in the Exchequer) 415l. to said Harbord for a month's subsistence for the Companies at Tilbury and the two Companies at Landguard Fort of the Duke of Bolton's Regiment. Disposition Book VIII, p. 104.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite to prepare a royal warrant to authorise Mr. Harbord to pay 5,000l. to Alderman Herne and Mr. Stephen Evance to complete (with the moneys formerly paid) the whole sum agreed to be satisfied to the King of Denmark for the Forces by him sent hither, with the exchange thereon. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 222.
The Treasury Lords to the Navy Commissioners to repay to the officers of the several Yards their assessments to the 2s. Aid and Additional 12d. Aid ; this matter having been left to us by the Order in Council of the 13th inst., and we finding that those officers have formerly had favour shown to them in respect of taxes. Ibid.
William Jephson to William Blathwayt. In reply to yours of yesterday, there are some difficulties in adjusting Monsieur Pereira's contract which is under consideration ; but my Lords have to-day ordered him an advance of 5,000l. to enable him to make provisions of bread for the Army. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 223.
Same to same to procure a royal warrant to authorise Mr. Harbord to pay said 5,000l. to Pereira if "it be not upon the [Army] establishment." Ibid.
Same to Mr. Fox [Customs Cashier] to write by this night's post to the collector of Hull port to give credit for 150l. to Thomas Gardner, commander of the King's ship Sally Rose, now riding there, taking his bills on the Victualling Commissioners for reimbursement. (Same to said Commissioners, informing them of said order which "you have desired.") Ibid.
Same to Mr. Feilding. In reply to yours of the 9th inst. from Berwick, my Lords have ordered that you receive both the 2,000l. of Mr. Williamson and the 2,000l. of Mr. Huddleston. You are to apply same to the most necessary services for the use of the Danish Troops. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Williamson to pay to said Feilding the 2,000l. which you advise him you have provided and can pay at Carlisle by the end of this month. Draw bills on Mr. Harbord [for your reimbursement]. Feilding acknowledges that he has already received 3,140l. from you, which with the said 2,000l. will exceed the 5,000l. ordered the 25th ult., supra, p. 516. "My Lords are contented that he should receive so much more than was at first intended rather than the Danish Forces should want necessary supplies." Ibid, p. 224.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to write to Mr. Huddleston, the officer of Excise in Cumberland and Westmorland, to pay to Israell Feilding the 2,000l. which said Huddleston has advised him he has provided and can pay at Carlisle by the end of this month. Huddleston is to take Feilding's bills on William Harbord for his reimbursement. Ibid.
Treasury fiat for royal letters patent to constitute John Silver as searcher of Bridgwater port : during pleasure : loco Edward Carne, gent., late searcher there. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 135.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to pass, Customs free, at Bristol, the shop goods, now there, which Holland Goddart, a distressed Irish Protestant, brought with him when he fled hither in distress. Ibid, p. 136.
Same to same to discharge the accompt of the collector of Chester port from the 7l. 16s. 0d. surcharged on six barrels of meal which Henry Davis imported thither from Belfast, being forced by the troubles in Ireland to leave there in distress ; said meal having paid the duties there [at Belfast] at the time of importation and the collector of Chester port having taken the duty thereon only according to the Act of Tunnage and Poundage, which by accident falls under the great duty imposed by the Act of Tallage, wherefore the examiner of outport books has surcharged said collector's account with 7l. 16s. 0d. for such great duty ; which is hereby to be discharged in consideration of Davis's distressed condition ; the said meal having since been shipped off again with Major General Kirke for Londonderry. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Sir Geo. Treby and Sir Jno. Sommer, respectively Attorney and Solicitor General, of the petition of Charles Herbert, esq., for the place of Auditor General of Wales loco Sir William Godolphin ; said petition having been referred to the Treasury Lords from the King 1689, April 18. The referees are to report whether Godolphin's said place be forfeit and what way [his grant of] it may be best vacated. Reference Book VI, p. 144.
Same to John Wildman, Postmaster General, of the petition of Sir Stephen Thompson, shewing that Elizabeth Marshall, employed in the Post Office at Doncaster, was indebted to the Crown in 286l. 11s. 3d. and being indebted to petitioner he sued her to execution, but she got an extent and extended the goods which he had seized in execution ; therefore praying the King to grant him the benefit of said extent. Ibid.
Mar. 15 or 25. Same to William Blathwayt [as Auditor General of the Plantations] of the petition of Chidley Brook, collector of New York, praying that the like letter may be sent to Col. Slater, the Governor of New York, relating to the salaries of a surveyor and two searchers, as was sent to Col. Dungan in behalf of Mr. Plowman. (The Reference Book entry reads as follows, viz. : praying a letter to Col. Slater authorising him to allow such salaries as shall be paid by his directions to the other officers in the said Colony upon Mr. Brook's accounts, "they being under no establishment as yet, for the Governor will give no credit for allowing such payments without instructions from your Lordships.") Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 321-2. Reference BookVI, p. 146.
Mar. 18. Royal letters patent appointing Sir John Lowther of Lowther, bart., Vice Chamberlain of the Household ; Richard Hampden, Chancellor of the Exchequer ; Sir Stephen Fox, kt., and Thomas Pelham to be Treasury Lords : in revocation of the patent of 1689, April 8, which appointed Charles Visct. Mordaunt, now Earl of Monmouth, Henry Lord Delamer, Sidney Lord Godolphin, Sir Henry Capell and Richard Hampton as such Lords. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 421-2.
Mar. 19. Royal warrant to the Treasury Lords for 10,000l. to William, Earl of Portland, for the Privy Purse : without account. (Money warrant dated Mar. 20 hereon.) (Money order dated Mar. 21 hereon.) Ibid, p. 377. Money Book X, p. 209. Order Book III, p. 64.
Same to the Attorney General to acknowledge satisfaction upon record of (and thereby to discharge) the following fines set at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and at the Sessions of Oyer and Terminer at Hickes Hall, Middlesex, in August last : viz. 20l. on Alice Bond for trespass ; 5 marks on Mary Greening et al. for a notorious riot ; 20 marks on Mary Gardiner for being a common utterer of clipped money ; 13s. 4d. on Susanna Jones for a trespass : and also at the like held ibid. in Oct. last, 3s. 4d. on Joseph Utting for trespass ; 10l. on John Nicholson for having in his custody files, shears and several parcels of clippings : and at the like held ibid. in Dec. last, 20 marks on John Collingwood for having in his custody instruments to clip money : all of them being now prisoners in New Prison, co. Midd. : the present discharge being in view of their great poverty and inability to pay. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 378.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies of pro on the Excise of the cities and counties concerned for 4,664l. to Anne, formerly Duchess of Monmouth and now Duchess of Buccleuch and married to Charles, Lord Cornwallis : said sum to be (together with 5,336l. formerly paid) to satisfy the 10,000l. due to her for 2½ years to 1687, Christmas, on the annuity of 4,000l. granted to her by Charles II 1673, June 9, out of the Excise of certain cities and counties, for life commencing from the decease of the late Duke of Monmouth, which was upon the 15th July, 1685. Money Book X, p. 208.
Confirmation by the new Treasury Lords of money warrants as follow : viz. of Oct. 10 last for 10l. to John Low, ut supra, p. 278 : of Mar. 4 (14) last for 1,500l. to William Harbord, ut supra, p. 540. Ibid, pp. 109, 206.
The like confirmation of money orders as follow : viz. of Sept. 20, supra, p. 247, for 200,000l. to the Navy ; of Nov. 29, supra, p. 302, for 100,000l. to Charles Bertie ; of Dec. 9 last, supra, p. 314, for 500,000l. to the Earl of Ranelagh ; of Dec. 31 last, supra, p. 345, for 25,000l. to William Jephson ; of Feb. 17 last, supra, p. 448, for 10,000l. to the Earl of Portland ; of Mar. 4 inst., supra, p. 516, for 500,000l. to William Harbord ; of Mar. 13 inst., supra, p. 537, for 255l. 3s. 9d. to John Walker. Order Book III, pp. 31, 41, 43, 47, 57, 61, 63.
William Jephson to the Commissioners of the Great Seal. A caveat is entered before you against John Silver's grant of the office of searcher of Bridgwater port. If there is any material objection [against said grant] please certify the Treasury Lords or otherwise please pass said grant notwithstanding said caveat ; my Lords being satisfied of Silver's qualifications. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 224.
Same to the Navy Commissioners, transmitting (a) infra.
Appending : (a) proposal, dated Mar. 15, to the Treasury Lords from W. Gore, Jos. Martin, Nath. Gould and Gilbert Heathcote, merchants of hemp. We have long solicited the money due to us for hemp sold to the Navy in May last for ready money. If we may have paid to us presently 15,000l. of the money appropriated to us [by the Act of 1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1] towards discharging the bills for stores as they stand in course we are willing to advance 35,000l. more by way of loan on the said appropriation on condition that such advance be immediately applied to such bills for stores. We pray a direction to the Navy Commissioners to allow us interest from the time of delivery of our hemp. We were to have present money and have really paid the interest ourselves : thereby your Lordships will enable and encourage us to give further credit, "which we shall be always ready to do as becomes dutiful subjects."
Ibid, p. 226.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Thomas Swanton as surveyor of Plymouth port loco Richard Butler, who relinquishes same. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 137.
Treasury reference to Mr. Culliford and Mr. May [Revenue Supervisors, Ireland] of the petition of Peter Boytoult for restoration of a seizure of some wine and hops which he sent for Ireland Dec. 14 last, but which arrived at Belfast six days after the expiration of the declaration [for free imports to Ireland].
Appending : a paper of similar items laden by other persons [? merchants and falling under the same regulation], viz. brandy etc. laden by John Lambert ; "six pipes of beer, 6 pipes of Porto wine, 4 hogsheads and 2 barrels of tobacco, one barrel of pipes, 2 trunks of hoses and stuffs, 120 gallons of English spirits, 100lb. of Spanish snuff" laden by Daniel Foe ; felt hats laden by James Decaux ; hops laden by John Degraue.
Reference Book VI, p. 145.
Mar. 20. Treasury allowance of Thomas Fox's incidents bill as Receiver General and Cashier of the Customs : viz. : for the half year ended 1689, Sept. 29 (total, 567l. 12s. 9d.).
Prefixing : note of said bill ; Fox's affidavit ; report thereon by the Auditors of Imprests.
Money Book X, p. 209.
Money warrant for 1,500l. to the Duke of Grafton for half a year to Christmas last on his pension : out of the Excise. Ibid, p. 211.
Same for 1,000l. to same for same on same granted 1673, June 21, out of the Excise of London, Middlesex and other counties. Ibid.
Confirmation by the new Treasury Lords of money warrants as follow : viz. : of 1684-5, Mar. 23, concerning the Countess of Plymouth's annuities, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VIII, p. 77 ; IX, p. 173 ; of Mar. 14 inst., supra, p. 536, for 10,000l. to Richard Woolaston ; of Mar. 14 inst., supra, p. 540, for 2,917l. 11s. 3d. to Edward Russell. Money Book VI, p. 16 ; X, pp. 51, 205, 207.
Like confirmation of money orders as follows : viz. : of 1689, May 11, supra, p. 114, for 100,000l. to Visct. Newport for the Household ; Mar. 8 inst., supra, p. 525, for 25,000l. to William Jephson for secret service. Order Book III, pp. 8, 62.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any unappropriated money in the Exchequer ("still reserving 12,000l. residue of 17,000l.") : viz. : Disposition Book VIII, p. 104.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the Dutch Troops 10,000 0 0
to ditto for subsistence [of the English Forces] 3,446 8 0
to ditto for levy money for the 2nd Battalion of Scotch Guards 560 0 0
to ditto to [be paid to] Col. Monro by the King's order for levy money 280 0 0
to ditto to pay a bill of exchange from Major General Mackay 71 0 0
to ditto for Monsieur Vander Esch in full of 8,730l. 4s. 3d. for the Regiments of Babbington, Talmash and Cutts 1,730 4 2
to ditto for same for contingencies to be sent to Major General Mackay into Scotland for the Forces there 4,000 0 0
to Mr. Harbord for Col. Talmash and Col. Godfrey for clothing 1,000 0 0
to ditto for [Thomas Wharton] the Comptroller [of the Household] for carriage horses 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Rowe for hay 1,000 0 0
to ditto for three months' pay for the [London]derry and Inniskillen officers 1,019 5 0
to ditto for Monsieur Averquerque for recruits of Dragoon horses 2,000 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Van Loan, Chirurgeon General of the Army, for chests 1,008 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Percivall for horses belonging to the Hospital for the despatch into Ireland, 100l. ; and for money expended by Dr. Lower's order, 22l. 2s. 0d. 122 2 0
to ditto for Capt. Giles in part of his contract for horse shoes to enable him to conclude the same 500 0 0
to ditto in full of 17,571l. 11s. 0d. for Col. Heyford's Dragoons 2,400l. and Col. Leveston's [Col. Richard Leveson's Dragoons] 900l., to enable them to march 3,300 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Allen in full of 500l. for engines for packing the hay 400 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Sick and Wounded 2,000 0 0
to ditto for the current service of the Navy 5,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the Irish service for stores now demanded to be embarked and for carriage horses 8,000 0 0
to the Earl of Portland for the Privy Purse 500l. and for the Gardens 500l. 1,000 0 0
£47,436 19 2
William Jephson to [William Harbord], enclosing copies [missing] of five several orders from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland touching the payment of moneys for services as therein. My Lords have directed issues to you for the said services as follows, viz. 1,019l. 5s. 0d. as above for three months' pay to the Londonderry and Inniskillen officers (order of Feb. 25 last) ; 1,008l. (as above) for Van Lone for 84 chests of medicines for the Forces in Ireland (order of Feb. 24) ; 400l. for Allen (as above) (order of 10th inst. for 500l., whereof 100l. was paid the 11th inst.) ; 500l. (as above) to Capt. Gyles to comply with his contract with Mr. Crowley for furnishing horses' shoes etc. in part of 1,272l. 6s. 0d. (order of 17th inst.) ; 122l. (as above) for Mr. Percivall to despatch the horses and waggons for the Hospitals in Ireland and for Dr. Lower for buying instruments for those Hospitals (order of 17th inst.). You are to apply said moneys as above : also the items of 2,400l. for Col. Heyford, 900l. for Col. Leviston and 1,000l. for Colonels Talmach and Godfrey ; 1,000l. for Wharton ; 1,000l. for Row and 2,000l. for Auverquerque. (Same dated same to Mr. Blathwayt [as Secretary to the Forces] to procure the necessary royal warrants for allowing these sums in said Harbord's accounts.) Disposition Book VIII, pp. 105-6. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 225.
William Jephson to Sir Rowland Gwyn [Treasurer of the Chamber] to forthwith advance 15l. to John Bale, one of the messengers of the Chamber : "he being ordered to go express upon their Majesties' service." Disposition Book VIII, p. 105.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of any disposable money) 7,163l. forthwith to the Treasurer of the Navy and 7,664l. more next week, making 14,827l. in all, to complete the 25,664l. for payment of the Yards to 1689, Lady day. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded to pay ("out of the 2,000l. this day ordered to be issued to [the Navy Treasurer, as above, p. 546, for] you") 125l. to John Banks, collector of Ipswich port, for the like sum disbursed by him for the French prisoners of war there. Ibid, p. 106. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 226.
Same to Mr. Fox [Customs Cashier] to pay 1,000l. weekly into the Exchequer for seven weeks from next week and the eighth week 111l. 3s. 0d. : making 7,111l. 3s. 0d. to be issued to the Master of the Robes. (Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same to said Master of the Robes on his order of the 15th inst., supra, p. 535.) Disposition Book VIII, p. 106.
Same to Mr. Williamson. In reply to yours of the 14th inst., my Lords leave it to you and Mr. Feilding to adjust the payment of the 2,000l., supra, p. 542, either at Carlisle or Newcastle as shall be most for his Majesty's service. My Lords approve of your service in paying the sums hitherto ordered and will make you reasonable allowances for what you got advanced and will take care that your bills be duly met. But they do not think fit to give any other orders concerning the moneys arising by the 2s. and 12d. Aids, but that you pay same into the Exchequer with all speed. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 225.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Appending : (a) order of the King in Council, dated Kensington, Mar. 19 inst. The King has appointed Sir Peter Rich, Capt. Greenhill, Capt. Atkinson, Capt. Akerman, Mr. John Carpenter, Mr. Robt. Henley, Capt. John Nicholl and Capt. Henry Mudd to be Commissioners for providing shipping for the transport of their Majesties' Forces into Ireland. They report they have several ships ready to sail into the Downs, but that same are likely to be stopped by the Customs officers. Ordered therefore that said officers clear and despatch without delay, notwithstanding the embargo, all ships in London port and all other ports, taken up by said Commissioners for said service.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 137.