Entry Book: January 1690, 26-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: January 1690, 26-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp466-480 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: January 1690, 26-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp466-480.

"Entry Book: January 1690, 26-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp466-480.


January 1690, 26-31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Jan. 27. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to authorise the Treasury Lords to appoint, by commissions under their hands, the Receivers General for the Additional [12d.] Aid in the respective counties, cities and places as in the Act [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 5] for same : with power to said Receivers to make deputies and head collectors etc. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 318.
William Jephson to Auditor Aldworth to deliver to Auditors Bridges or Done all the books, papers and accounts in his hands relating to Anthony Rowe and partners' late management of the Hearthmoney ; and also relating to the account or contract of the surplus [of the Hearthmoney] granted to John Genew. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 173.
Same to Sir Henry Goodrick to report on Mr. Stephen Thompson's petition, setting forth that at the King's arrival in England he did by said Goodrick's order raise at his own charge a Foot Company to secure the Castle of Scarborough ; therefore praying an order to said Goodrick (who has money in his hands) to pay "it" [said charge]. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to insert in the Customs establishment as from Michaelmas last William Knight at 50l. per an. salary loco John Farren, late one of the clerks in the [Customs] Receiver General's Office. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 103.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of [the] merchants of Bristol, praying the enlargement of the quay or wharf of the city to make same more commodious for trade. Reference Book VI, p. 122.
Treasury warrant to Philip Ryley to survey all their Majesties' forests, parks and chases and to certify what timber trees are in each, what dotard and decaying trees, the values thereof and what moneys may be annually raised out of same with due regard to the covert and ornament of the forests ; what coppices there are in any of them and of what growth and value and what part of the waste grounds are fit to be enclosed for nurseries of timber for the future ; and at what charge ; what estovers and fuel wood are usually claimed and taken by the King's tenants or other inhabitants, what is of right due to them and of what sort of wood and who they be that take unduly ; what fee wood or fuel wood is taken by or belongs to keepers or officers of the forests etc. and by whose assignment and whether any of them do sell any wood and receive the advantage thereof to their own use ; what the condition of the lodges, rails and pales and other enclosures and what is reasonable to allow for repairing same and whether it be to his Majesty's service to have so many lodges kept up at his charge ; what purprestures or encroachments have been made, by whom and in what manner ; what spoils have been committed as well by taking extraordinary browse for deer as otherwise and by whose default : all by reason that great spoils and injuries have of late been committed in the said forests etc., which have extended not only to the destruction of considerable quantities of timber, but also to the breaking down of enclosures and the demolishing several lodges whereby the woods are exposed to the browsing of deer, cattle etc. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 128-9.
Treasury warrant to Tho. Newton, woodward of Whittlewood and Salcey Forests, to mark and fell sufficient coarse trees for gates, posts and cabbins for the several coppices called Durnway Coppice in Mr. John Stirk's Walk in Salcey Forest ; and Sumpton Quarters Coppice and Bryery Coppice in Wakefield Walk and Herricks Coppice in Shulbrooke Walk in Whittlewood Forest : all with a view to felling said coppices this season and selling the wood thereof for the service of the Queen Dowager and as desired by her Council : said coppices being over 21 years old : the account of said trees and the value thereof and of the offal thereof is to be rendered to the auditor of co. Northampton. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 130.
Jan. 28. Money warrant for 20l. to Gilbert Spencer, Receiver General of the Poll for co. Kent, for his extraordinary charge in bringing up to the Exchequer 10,000l. of his receipts thereof. (Money order dated Feb. 1 hereon. Followed by : a later Treasury order dated May 22 for the execution of said money order.) Money Book X, p. 175. Order Book III, p. 69.
William Jephson to the Auditors of Imprests to receive from Mr. Harbord his account [of moneys] for the Irish Forces to the 1st inst. and to prepare same for declaration. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 171.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Jan. 27 inst., that from henceforth the Treasury Lords do not permit any ship whatsoever to clear at the Custom House of this port [of London] or of any port of England, Wales or Berwick on Tweed till further order, except the West India ships mentioned in a list transmitted to the Council in a report of the 24th inst., from the Customs Commissioners "and such other ships to which his Majesty in Council has given a particular licence."
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 102.
Same to same to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Jan. 23 inst., that the ship Pellican of Bideford, lately returned from the Straits and now under embargo at Bristol, be permitted to return to her own port of Bideford on security being given that she shall sail to no other port.
Ibid, pp. 102-3.
Same to same to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Jan. 23 inst., that the ship Nightingale of Bideford, 70 tons burden with ten men, be permitted to proceed on her voyage to Newfoundland, although her name is not mentioned in the list of ships annexed to the Order in Council of the 12th inst.
Ibid, p. 103.
Treasury warrant to same to admit to entry a parcel of Surinam Muscovado sugar condemned as prize upon payment of duty for same as goods of Foreign Plantations, "which is no other than if it had been imported by English" : the Customs Commissioners having in their report of the 10th inst. (made upon a presentment of the Principal Commissioners of Prizes concerning said parcel) stated their opinion that same ought not to be affected with the alien duty or any duty arising by the Act of Navigation upon [the pretext or score of the nationality of] the bottom of the ship in which it was imported. Ibid, p. 107.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Mansergh (Manserth) (one of the 70 extraordinary tidesmen of London port) as a tidesman in fee ibid. loco Edward Johnson, lately deceased. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 108.
Treasury fiat for royal letters patent to constitute Thomas Wolstenholme, esq., as Customer of Bridgwater port, being the office already held by him. Ibid, p. 109.
Treasury reference to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney of the petition of Sir Scroop How, shewing that the duty of Hearthmoney expired at Lady day, 1689, and several persons have not made up their accounts, but detain the money in their hands ; therefore praying a Commission [to himself] to inquire into it "and that he may have what he can so recover." Reference Book VI, p. 121.
Same to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] of the petition of Robert Forder, shewing that Charles II purchased from petitioner and several others some lands near Winchester to make a park there ; that said lands are now made common : therefore praying a lease of said lands at an easy rent. Ibid, p. 122.
Same to Norton Cambridge to examine the sufficiency of the sureties proposed by John Evelyn [junr.], gent., for his office of Receiver General of Crown Revenues in cos. Kent, Surrey and Sussex : said sureties being John Evelyn, senr., of Deptford, John Evelyn, junr., of Deptford. Together with : a later reference of 1689-90, Feb. 7, to Mr. Hall to certify what sum will be sufficient for said securities. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Isaac and Jacob Delalers of London, merchants, shewing that they laded at Cadiz 98 butts of sherry and 60 pipes of oil on board the Ostend convoy, there being no English ships ; therefore pray leave to tranship at Ostend and to import thence to London in English shipping. Ibid, p. 123.
Same to Mr. Ryley of the petition of Sir William Morley for 50l. worth of dotard timber for the rebuilding of part of the lodge of his walk in the forest of South Bere, co. Southampton, burned by a fire there in 1687. Ibid.
Same to Charles Toll, Charles Twitty, William Lowndes, Tho. Townsend and Tho. Hall of the petition of the messengers [of the Chamber], shewing that there is due to them a quarter's salary at 50l. per an. each, viz. from 1684, Christmas, to 1685, Lady day : therefore praying that same may be paid out of the 60,000l. [appropriated to the arrears of Charles II's servants by the Act of 1 Wm. and Mary, c. 28]. Ibid, p. 124.
Jan. 29. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to John Evelyn, junr., esq., of the office of Receiver General of Crown Revenues in cos. Kent, Surrey and Sussex and cities of Canterbury, Rochester and Chichester : to hold by himself or deputy during pleasure : with the fee of 100l. per an. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 320.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a lease of premises, as follows, to Henry, Lord Delamer, being lands etc. conveyed to Jesuits etc., colleges etc. or other Popish or superstitious uses : to hold for 31 years at a rent of 5l. per an. : with a covenant that every seven years of said term he will deliver to the respective auditors of the counties concerned perfect extents and terriers of all the lands etc. enjoyed or recovered by virtue of this lease and with covenants to repair etc. : likewise to grant to said Lord Delamer to his own use the sum of 10l. as below given by will by Frances Jones to — Hanford, a Romish priest, and the 300l. given to the use of the Jesuits : all in consideration of good and faithful services of said Lord.
Appending : constats and particulars of said premises, as follows :—
King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 321-44.
Co. Monmouth (as found by inquisition at Monmouth Oct. 4 last before Robert Merret, Edward Warner, William Gwillym, Charles Warner and Charles Stock, Commissioners thereto appointed 1689, Sept. 13, by the oaths of William Prichard et al., jurors) : a messuage in Rockfield parish, co. Monmouth, of the annual value of 6l. : in the tenure of Mary Jones, widow, and granted by Maria Watkin Tyler to the support of Francis Williams, a Popish priest of the Order of St. Francis ; the rents of which for three years past have been received by Francis Baskervill and disposed for the said purpose ;
a messuage in the town of Monmouth in Mannoe Street in the tenure of — Thorpe, a Popish priest, and conveyed by George Milburne to James Richardson, superior of the Jesuits, for the sustenance of several Jesuits then resident in the College of St. Xavier at Le Combes in co. Hereford : and the messuage in Monmouth town in the tenure of William Perkins, conveyed by persons unknown to said Richardson for the same purpose : all of the yearly value of 46s. : which rent for a year past has been received by said Thorpe ;
a messuage and 150 acres of land called Langunvill in the parish of Dixon [Dixton], co. Monmouth, of the annual value of 28l. : in the tenure of Edward Philpot and conveyed by persons unknown to the support of Jesuits in the abovesaid College : the rent of which for four years past has been received by Peter Pullen and disposed to the said use ;
a messuage and 40 acres called Amberly in the parish of Monmouth, of the annual value of 35l. : in the tenure of John Prichard and conveyed by Edward Winter, Jane his wife and William their son to the support of Jesuits in the abovesaid College : which rent for 14 years has been so received and disposed by Peter Pullen ;
three gardens in Monmouth town in the tenure of James Gabriel and conveyed by persons unknown to the support of Jesuits in the abovesaid College : of the annual value of 30s. : which rent for two years has been so received and disposed by — Thorpe ;
an apartment and tenement thereto of the Priory House in Monmouth town in the tenure of Francis Williams, a Franciscan friar ; conveyed by Thomas Edwards to Francis Baskervil for a chapel for a Romish priest in which mass was frequently celebrated in the time of James II : of the yearly value of 3l. 10s. 0d. : which rent has for two years past been so received and disposed by John Woodard ;
the reversion of the Priory House in Monmouth town in the tenure of John Williams and by him conveyed to Edward Burdett of Grays Inn, London, for the sustenance of Francis Williams, a Franciscan friar : also a parcel of 60 acres of land called Blackmore in the parish of St. Maughan, in the tenure of Robert Needham and conveyed by William Pew, a Popish priest, in trust for himself : all of the yearly value of 22l. : which rent for seven years has been so received and disposed by Robert Needham ;
a messuage and four acres of land in the parish of Lantheay Skirrn [Llanthewy-Skirrid], co. Monmouth, in the tenure of Richard Thomas : and a messuage and three acres in the parish of Llanvihangel-Crucorney, co. Monmouth, in the tenure of Thomas Morgan : conveyed by Francis Morgan, a Popish priest, to Terbervil Morgan for the support of Popish priests : all of the yearly value of 45s. : which rent for six years past has been so received and disposed by Robert Neeham ;
a messuage and 20 acres called Tyer Uffun Log in the parish of Llanishen, co. Monmouth, in the tenure of Evan Morgan, conveyed by — Jones, esq., to Hugh Harris for the support of Popish priests : of the yearly value of 5l. : which rent for seven years past has been so received and disposed by said Hugh Harris ;
lands etc. [as follows] found by inquisition at Monmouth Nov. 4 last before said Merret et al.:—
a messuage in Bridge Street in Usk, co. Monmouth, in the tenure of John George, husbandman ; demised by the will of Thomas Jones to one — Lloyd, a Popish priest, for his support : of the annual value of 30s. : which rent for two years past has been so received and disposed by said Lloyd ;
two messuages and 40 acres in the parish of Bettws, co. Monmouth, in the tenure of Joan Richards and Magdalen Williams and conveyed by William Morgan to persons unknown for the support of Popish priests : of the annual value of 11l. : which rent for two years past has been so received and disposed by Edward Davies and Robert Davies ;
a messuage and one acre in Throgmore Street, alias Frogmore Street, in Abergavenny, co. Monmouth, in the tenure of Thomas Gunter and conveyed by Peter Morgan to Thomas Williams for the support of Popish priests : of the annual value of 10l. : which rent for four years past has been so received and disposed by said Gunter ;
four messuages and 250 acres of land in the parish of Llantillio-Crossenny, co. Monmouth, in the tenure of Mary Pullen, widow, and conveyed by persons unknown to persons unknown for the support of Jesuits in the abovesaid College of St. Xavier : of the annual value of 45l. 9s. 4d. : which rent for 10 years past has been so received and disposed by Peter Pullen, a noted receiver of Jesuits ;
a messuage and 140 acres called Amberley in the parish of Monmouth, in the tenure of John Pricherd and conveyed by persons unknown to persons unknown for support of Jesuits in abovesaid College : of the annual value of 35l.: which rent for seven years past has been so received and disposed by said Peter Pullen ;
divers parcels of meadow containing 12 acres in the parish of Abergavenny, co. Monmouth, in the tenure of Henry Watkins and Richard Williams, which were lands of Mary Prichard, now admitted to some religious Order beyond the seas : of the annual value of 19l. : which rent for three years past has been received and disposed by John Aylworth to the use of said Mary Pritchard :
a messuage and 60 acres in the parish of Abergavenny, in the tenure of Jane Pritchards, widow, same having been lands of the abovesaid Mary Pritchard : of the annual value of 12l. : which rent for three years past has been so received and disposed by said John Aylworth ;
a messuage and 60 acres called Blackmore in the parish of St. Maughan, co. Monmouth, in the tenure of Robert Needham, conveyed by persons unknown to William Pew, a Popish priest, for the support of Popish priests : of the annual value of 22l. : which rent for seven years past has been so received and disposed by said Robert Needham ;
a messuage and 60 acres in the parish of Llangattock-nigh-Usk, in the tenure of John Thomas and demised by will of John Jones to Walter Jones, a Popish priest, for the support of Popish priests : of the annual value of 23l. : which rent for three years past has been so received and disposed by George Jones ;
a messuage and six acres in the several parishes of Llangattock-nigh-Usk and Abergavenny, in the tenure of Valentia Mathen and John Thomas, and conveyed by persons unknown to Walter Jones, a Popish priest, for the support of Popish priests : of the annual value of 4l. 10s. 0d. : which rent for three years past has been so received and disposed by George Jones ;
a parcel of 15 acres of land in the parish of Trelleck and Llangoren, co. Monmouth, in the tenure of Evan Morgan, and conveyed by John Jones of Dingestow, co. Monmouth, to Christopher Clark and Thomas Powell, Popish priests, for the support of Popish priests : of the annual value of 5l. : which rent for seven years past has been so received and disposed by Hugh Harris ;
a messuage and 60 acres in the village of Clytha in the parish of Llanarth, co. Monmouth, in the tenure of Philip David and conveyed by Christian Milbourn to George Bennet for the support of Popish priests : of the annual value of 12l. : which rent for six years past has been so received and disposed by Elizabeth Milbourn ;
a messuage, water mill and 40 acres in the parish of Landelo Partholy [Llantillio-Pertholey] in the tenure of Mary Moulton, widow, and conveyed by James [or Jacob] Morgan of said parish to Henry Milburne and Hugh Harris for the support of Popish priests : of the annual value of 15l. : which rent for eight years past has been so received and disposed by Elianor Powell ;
a messuage and 80 acres in said parish of Llantillio-Pertholey, in the tenure of John and Cecilia Lewis, which lands descended from James Lewis, a Popish priest, to — Lewis : of the annual value of 27l. : which rent for three years past has been by Thomas Herbert received and applied to superstitious uses ;
a messuage and 60 acres in the parish of Llanvihangel-Ystern-Llewern, co. Monmouth, in the tenure of Thomas Evan and conveyed to persons unknown for the support of Popish priests : of the value of 14l. per an. : which rent for six years past has been so received and disposed by Geo. Vaughan ;
a Roman chapel in which mass was frequently lately celebrated, adjoining the mansion house of Thomas Crofts in Llanvayer in the parish of Llantillio-Crossenny, with the tithes appertaining to said chapel, issuing from the several parishes of Llantillio-Crossenny, Grosmont and Skenfreth in co. Monmouth, in the tenure of Thomas Crofts : of the annual value of 30l. : which rent etc. for six years past Thomas Crofts has received and disposed to the use of said chapels ;
goods or debts to the value of 10l. demised by the will of Frances James 1689, Sept. 11, to — Hanford, a Popish priest : the executor of which will, viz. John Rosser, has in his hands the assets of testatrix ;
a messuage and 28 acres in the parish of Llantillio-Crossenny, in the tenure of Jennett Phillips, widow, or John Philips, her son, which lands descended from Walter Morris to David Morris, a Popish priest : of the annual value of 14l. : which rent for eight years past has been received by Thomas Holmes and disposed to the use of said David Morris ;
a messuage and 70 acres called L'Upper Galchen in Llantillio-Crossenny in the tenure of John David and conveyed by persons unknown to persons unknown to the use of Popish priests : of the annual value of 50s. : which rent for three years past has been so received and disposed by Thomas Holmes ;
two messuages, one called the Upper Comb ; the other in the tenure of John James, junr., with 80 acres of land in the parish of Llantilio-Crossenny, in the tenure of Jeonett Phillips and John Phillips, her son, and conveyed by persons unknown to persons unknown for the support of Popish priests : of the annual value of 29l. : which rent for ten years past has been so received and disposed by Edward Treaven ;
a messuage, mill and 40 acres in the parish of Tregear [Tregare], co. Monmouth, in the tenure of James Hopkins, and conveyed by persons unknown to persons unknown for the support of Popish priests : of the annual value of 10l. 10s. 0d. : which rent for nine years past has been so received and applied by Hugh Harris ;
a meadow called Wawen-Newid or New Mead, containing 15 acres, in the parish of Tredemock [Tredunnock] in the manor of Clogan, co. Monmouth, in the tenure of Theophilus Reynolds and devised by William Pew, a Popish priest, 1654, Dec. 22, to persons unknown for the support of monks of the Order of Black Friars : of the annual value of 7l. ; which rent for five years past has been so received and disposed by Thomas Powell ;
a chamber adjoining the mansion house of Mary Williams, James Bevans and Catherin Williams, together with a stable and office under the said chamber and a piece of land 22 feet by 20 feet in the parish of Skenfrith, co. Monmouth, in the tenure of William Pew, and by the said Mary Williams, James Bevan, Frances his wife and Catherin Williams demised 1667, April 29, to William Pew, Popish priest, for the use of Popish priests : of the annual value of 30s. : which rent for seven years past has been received and so disposed by Thomas Powell ;
a messuage and 11 parcels of land, containing 95 acres, in the parish of Llanvihangel, co. Monmouth, in the tenure of Thomas William Thomas, and conveyed by Anthony Powell to persons unknown for the support of Jesuits in the abovesaid College of St. Xavier at Le Combs, co. Hereford : of the annual value of 18l. : which rent for 30 years past has been so received and disposed by said Anthony Powell.
Co. Hereford : as found by inquisition taken at Horwoods Inn, co. Hereford, 1689, Nov. 14, by the abovesaid Commissioners under a Commission dated 1689, Sept. 14, by the oath of Gideon (or Guy) Hill et al., jurors :
a messuage and 320 acres commonly called the Lower Combs in the parish of Llanrothall, co. Hereford, in the tenure of William Williams, and the messuage called the Middle Combo in the said parish, in the tenure of James Richardson, Jesuit, and the messuage and four acres in said parish, in the tenure of Anne Grosemond, spinster, all conveyed by persons unknown to persons unknown for the support of Jesuits in the College of St. Xavier at Le Comb, co. Hereford : of the annual value of 44l. : which rent for ten years past has been so received and disposed by Peter Pullen ;
a messuage and 80 acres in the parishes of Llangarren and St. Bernard, in the tenure of Robert Bennett, and conveyed by James Powell to William Baskervil and Thom. Williams for the support of Francis Williams, a friar of the Order of St. Francis : of the annual value of 18l. : which rent for 15 years past has been so received and disposed by said Thomas Williams ;
a parcel of 60 acres of land in Garway, in the tenure of Thomas Preese, and conveyed by Elizabeth Milburne to persons unknown to the use of Thomas Jones, now deceased, and after him to the support of the Jesuits of the abovesaid College of St. Xavier : of the annual value of 10l. : which rent for 15 years past has been so received and applied by Elizabeth Milburne ;
three acres of land in the parish of Llanrothall, co. Hereford, in the tenure of Roger Bayly, and conveyed by persons unknown [to persons unknown] for the support of the Jesuits of said College of St. Xavier : of the annual value of 15l. : which rent for ten years past has been so received and disposed by William Williams ;
a parcel of land in the city of Hereford, in which in the time of James II a Roman chapel was built in which mass was frequently celebrated ;
a messuage called Nijat and 100 acres of land thereto in the parish of Patricio, co. Hereford, in the tenure of Mary Thomas, widow, and conveyed by persons unknown to persons unknown for the support of William Lloyd, a priest of the Romish Church : of the value of 9l. per an. : which rent for 11 years past has been so received and disposed by John Smith ;
a messuage and 60 acres in Pembridge, co. Hereford, in the tenure of Edward Barnes, and conveyed by persons unknown to persons unknown for the support of John Hall, a Popish priest : of the annual value of 11l. : which rent for 12 years past has been so received and disposed by John Wear ;
buildings, barns and 20 acres of land etc. in Pembridge, in the tenure of David Evans, and conveyed by persons unknown to persons unknown for the support of John Hall, a Popish priest : of the annual value of 11l. 8s. 0d. : which rent for eight years past has been so received and disposed by John Wear ;
the sum of 300l. given by persons unknown to the use of the Jesuits residing in the said College of St. Xavier for the support of them and their successors ; which sum, on the day of taking this inquisition, was in the hands of Hugh Lewis ; and for seven years past James Richardson and Francis Burnett had received the usual interest thereof to the said superstitious uses ;
a messuage and three acres in Pembridge, in the tenure of William Orchard, and a messuage there, in the tenure of William Compton, and a messuage there, in the tenure of John Pew, and a messuage there, in the tenure of Elizabeth Jones, all conveyed by persons unknown to persons unknown to the use of Popish priests : of the annual value of 4l. 18s. 8d. : which rent for 12 years past has been so received and disposed by John Wear.
Total of the annual value of said lands and tenements, 459l. : total of said moneys severally demised, 10l. and 300l.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to instal the First Fruits of Dr. Edward Stillingfleet as Bishop of Worcester : same to be payable by 236l. 4s. 5¼d. on 1690, Dec. 21 ; 236l. 4s. 5¼d. on 1691, Dec. 21, and 472l. 8s. 10½d. on 1692, Dec. 21, or 944l. 7s. 9d. in all : on the bishop's own security and with the usual clause for ceasing of all remaining liability on avoidance. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 345-6.
The like for installing the First Fruits of Simon Patrick as Bishop of Chichester : same to be payable in three like instalments of 152l. 6s. 9¼d., 152l. 6s. 9¼d. and 304l. 13s. 7d. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 346-7.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to George Watson, esq., of the place or parcel of land called Lower Deal, alias Deal Beach and Sea Valley, co. Kent, containing 2,100 yards in length and 150 in breadth and of all the several messuages or tenements thereon : touching which place a certificate was made 1688, Aug. 17, by Marmaduke Gibbs et al., by virtue of a Commission to them under the great seal, that the said place was left [derelict] by the sea within the space of 50 years [last past] and was, at the time of making said certificate, recovered from the water and did, with the messuages etc. thereon, belong to the Crown : and likewise of all that piece of land within the parish of Deal commonly called Sea Valley or Beach, which by an inquisition taken at Ospringe in Kent in 1662 is mentioned to contain 12 acres and to lie between the two castles called Deal Castle and Sandown Castle and to be of the clear yearly value of 150l. ; whether the same or any part thereof be or be not parcel of the place first mentioned : and likewise of all the ground in Upper Deal or Lower Deal which has been left by or gained from the sea within 60 years last past and now belonging to the Crown by whatever name they may be known : all to hold for 61 years at a rent of 6s. 8d. per an. : with a covenant on said Watson's part to recover the premises to the Crown at his own charge and the lease to be void for such part thereof as he shall not have so recovered within seven years of date hereof. Ibid, pp. 347-8.
William Jephson to Mr. Montague to lay before the King in Council the enclosed report [missing] of the 28th inst. from the Customs Commissioners concerning several ships outward bound which pray liberty to proceed on their respective voyages. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 173.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of the traders to Antigua, referred from the Privy Council to the Treasury Lords Jan. 28 inst. : petitioners praying that the ship Ossery, John Russell master, 150 tons and with a crew of 20 men, may be permitted to sail with provisions to said island. Reference Book VI, p. 123.
Same to Sir Walter Young, kt., John Elwill and Richard Lee of the petition of the mayor and commonalty of Exeter, shewing that at the King's arrival there [in 1688] upon application to them by the King's physicians and chirurgeons petitioners provided all necessaries for a hospital for such of the soldiers as were sick at their arrival or fell sick afterwards, and petitioners are charged 345l. 7s. 3½d. by the persons they employed : therefore pray immediate payment thereof. Together with : a later order of reference of date 1691-2, Mar. 23, to the Mayor of Exeter, Sir Hugh Ackland, Sir Walter Young, Mr. Norley, Mr. Carey of Barlow, Mr. Elwill and Mr. Lee. Ibid, p. 124.
Jan. 30. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to take in loans on the 12d. [Additional] Aid in the usual method : at 7 per cent interest, as by the Act [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 5] for same. Money Book X, p. 174.
Same dormant to William Roberts, Receiver of the Honor and Castle of Windsor, to pay 50l. per an. (and the arrears thereon) to John Topham in accordance with the proposal made in 1684 by Sir Thomas Duppa, Keeper of the House Park at Windsor, and said Topham, his deputy therein, who for said 50l. per an. offered to undertake all necessary repairs, detailed, in and about said [House] Park, upon which proposal Sir Christopher Wren reported 1684, July 24, and thereupon a Treasury warrant dormant did pass 1684, Aug. 26, for said 50l. per an. and the present Lords think it reasonable to continue the like payment for the said consideration : provided that certificates be produced from time to time from the Surveyor General of the Works that said repairs etc. are well and sufficiently performed. Ibid, pp. 174-5.
Same to Tho. Fox [Customs Cashier] to pay the salary of 45l. per an. to Robert Culliford, gent., as Comptroller of Southampton port. Ibid, p. 177.
William Jephson to same to write by this night's post to the collector of Portsmouth, Cowes or Southampton to forthwith pay 200l. to the chief officer commanding the Danish Forces arrived at Portsmouth and to draw bills on William Harbord [for their reimbursement]. Disposition Book VIII, p. 79.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any disposable [unappropriated] moneys in the Exchequer, viz. : Ibid.
l. s. d.
to Col. Talmach for clothing 1,000 0 0
to Mr. Wharton for horses 2,000 0 0
to Mr. Row for hay 2,000 0 0
to Mr. Pereira on his contract for carriages 3,000 0 0
to the Earl of Ranelagh for a week's subsistence [of the Forces] 3,446 8 0
to the Privy Purse 500 0 0
to Monsieur Overkirk for carriages and horses for his Majesty's equipage for Ireland by [way of] advance 1,000 0 0
Same to Mr. Blathwayt [as Secretary to the Forces] to prepare a royal warrant to authorise Mr. Harbord to pay to Joseph Herne and Stephen Evance 27,046l. for value by them remitted to Hamburg for the use of the King of Denmark upon account of money agreed to be paid him for the Forces which he sends towards the reducement of Ireland. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 174.
Same to said Herne and Evance to comply with the King's pleasure as follows.
Appending : letter dated Jan. 30 inst. from Secretary the Earl of Nottingham to the Treasury Lords. By the Treaty with the King of Denmark for his Troops the last payment was to be 120,000 crowns, of which his [Danish] Majesty has appointed 16,000 crowns to be paid here to Monsieur Rosenheim, who is contented to take same after the rate of 4s. 10d. per crown, thus making the sum to him 3,883l. 6s. 8d. But Mr. Rosenheim at present desires only 12,000 crowns, so please order Mr. Herne to pay him 2,900l. of the remainder [of the 160,000 crowns, which remainder is] to be remitted to Hamburg. Mr. Molesworth has already procured 60,000 crowns to be imprested to the King of Denmark and is engaged to see that sum repaid "out of the money that shall be returned from hence." Please direct Mr. Herne to send orders to his correspondent at Hamburg to pay said 60,000 crowns to Molesworth "and his [British] Majesty would have the payment of the rest to be deferred."
William Jephson to Mr. Mountague to lay before the King in Council the Customs Commissioners' report [missing] touching ships outward bound, with a list [missing] of merchant ships outward bound from the several ports since the last list returned. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 174.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. The King has directed the establishment of the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office to be brought to him at Kensington on Wednesday next to be signed. My Lords will hear you on your letter of Dec. 13 ult. on any Treasury day in the meantime. Ibid, p. 175.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Stephen Furley as surveyor of Colchester port loco Nathaniel Willis, lately dismissed. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 105.
Jan. 31. Privy seal for an ordinary of 30s. a day to Gregory King, esq., Lancaster Herald, whom the King has appointed together with James Johnston, esq. (Envoy Extraordinary to the Elector of Brandenburg) to carry the Order of the Garter to said Elector : said ordinary to be for the period of said service : and thereon 250l. is hereby to be advanced him and the account thereof is to be adjusted on his return : together with the usual clause for his extraordinaries. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 363.
For the money warrant and order for James Stanley as a Groom of the Bedchamber see supra, p. 350. Money Book X, p. 161. Order Book III, p. 50.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 100l. to the Treasurer of the Navy out of any disposable moneys in the Exchequer. Disposition Book VIII, p. 79.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to make forth bills of imprest for said 100l. to Capt. Akerman as desired by the Admiralty Lords. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to prepare royal warrants to authorise Mr. Harbord to pay 1,000l. to Col. Talmach, 2,000l. to Mr. Wharton, 2,000l. to Mr. Antho. Row and 3,000l. to Mr. Pereira for purposes ut supra, p. 476. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 175.
Same to the Attorney and Solicitor General and Major Wildman to report on the enclosed papers [missing] concerning the Duchess of Cleveland's pension out of the Post Office : viz. (1) Mr. Aaron Smith's report thereon ; (2) the Attorney and Solicitor General's report ; (3) Major Wildman's objections to the paying of the said pension. Ibid.
William Jephson to the Customs Commissioners to pass, Customs free, the goods of Count Horne et al. as follows.
Appending : (a) undated note of a letter from Monsieur de Wilde requesting said favour : (b) schedule of said goods, being household goods, clothes etc.
Out Letters (General) XII, p. 176.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Charles Lock for restoration to his place as Deputy Surveyor of the Navigation Act in the river of Thames. Ibid, p. 177.
Same to the Excise Commissioners. My Lords have considered your memorial of the 24th inst. concerning several sums due from the late Commissioners of the Victualling, being moneys taken up by their agents in the country from the officers of Excise and Hearthmoney and for which bills were drawn on said Commissioners ; as also concerning the money due for the Excise of drink brewed in their Majesties' [Navy victualling] brewhouses in London. The King is indebted to the said Commissioners (upon account of victuals furnished during their management) in a far greater sum than those bills and the Excise of the drink so brewed amounts to. You are therefore not to press the said Commissioners for any of the said money till further order. Further, my Lords are informed that you have bills upon Mr. Thomas Rodbard for 1,882l. As the King is likewise indebted to him in a much greater sum for victuals by him furnished for the use of the Navy you are similarly not to press him for payment till further order from my Lords. Ibid.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Appending : (a) order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Jan. 23, that the ships in the following list be permitted to sail, notwithstanding the Order in Council of the 12th inst. ; the present order being made on a petition of the merchants trading to Virginia and Maryland, praying that the embargo may not comprehend those ships which shall be ready with the convoy for the said Plantations.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 104-5.
(b) List of said ships bound for Virginia and Maryland [as] formerly presented by the merchants to the Privy Council.
Perry and Laine : Christopher Morgan, master ; 350 tons ; 22 seamen ; 12 landmen ; 20 guns.
Ann and Mary : Richard Tibbotts, master ; 200 tons ; 18 seamen ; 8 landmen ; 16 guns.
London Merchant : William Orton, master ; 20 seamen ; 10 landmen ; 20 guns.
Hopewell : John Ruds, master ; 300 tons ; 20 seamen ; 10 landmen ; 18 guns.
Jefferys : Tho. Arnold, master ; 450 tons ; 30 seamen ; 15 landmen ; 30 guns.
Concord : William Jefferys, master ; 450 tons ; 30 seamen ; 14 landmen ; 26 guns.
Culpeper : John Win, master ; 450 tons ; 30 seamen ; 12 landmen ; 20 guns.
Augustine : John Layman, master ; 400 tons ; 28 seamen ; 12 landmen ; 20 guns.
Effingham : John Purvis, master ; 400 tons ; 28 seamen ; 12 landmen ; 20 guns.
Baltimore : Samuell Philips, master ; 150 tons ; 10 seamen ; 5 landmen ; 8 guns.
William and Mary : John Browne, master ; 350 tons ; 20 seamen ; 10 landmen ; 20 guns.
John and Margaret : Ralph Cooper, master ; 250 tons ; 18 seamen ; 8 landmen ; 18 guns.
William : Robert Lurting, master ; 350 tons ; 22 seamen ; 10 landmen ; 20 guns.
James : Simon Emberley, master ; 350 tons ; 22 seamen ; 12 landmen ; 20 guns.
Booth : Samuel Creed, master ; 300 tons ; 18 seamen ; 8 landmen ; 18 guns.
Eliza[beth] and Katherine : John Hyde, master ; 250 tons ; 18 seamen ; 8 landmen ; 16 guns.
Abraham and Francis : Edward Burford, master ; 250 tons ; 18 seamen ; 8 landmen ; 16 guns.
Young Prince. Hen. Lamb, master ; 250 tons ; 18 seamen ; 8 landmon ; 14 guns.
Globe : Bartho[lomew] Watts, master ; 300 tons ; 20 seamen ; 10 landmen ; 16 guns.
Josiah : Tho. Lurting, master ; 300 tons ; 20 seamen ; 10 landmen ; 16 guns.
Henry : Tho. Bowman, master ; 300 tons ; 20 seamen ; 10 landmen ; 14 guns.
Edward and Mary : Micha. Staples, master ; 250 tons ; 18 seamen ; 6 landmen ; 14 guns.
Hopewell : Nicho. Smith, master ; 250 tons ; 18 seamen ; 8 landmen ; 12 guns.
Success : Edward Tatnall, master ; 200 tons ; 16 seamen ; 6 landmen ; 10 guns.
Owner's Adventure : Tho. Wharton, master ; 150 tons ; 12 seamen ; 4 landmen ; 6 guns.
Endeavour : Robert Herne, master ; 200 tons ; 16 seamen ; 6 landmen ; 8 guns.
Judeth : Math. Trim, master ; 250 tons ; 20 seamen ; 10 landmen ; 14 guns.
Sarah : Francis Parsons, master ; 200 tons ; 20 seamen ; 8 landmen ; 14 guns.
St. Thomas : — Sutton, master ; 250 tons ; 20 seamen ; 8 landmen ; 12 guns.
Maryland Merchant : Abra. Wild, master ; 150 tons ; 10 seamen ; 5 landmen ; 6 guns.
Wolfe : George Purvis, master ; 350 tons. Adventure : James Till, master ; 200 tons. Antelope : Daniell Hogben, master ; 180 tons. Jacob : Edward Audley, master ; 200 tons. John : Robert Roberts, master ; 100 tons. Adventure : William Johnson, master ; 150 tons. Virginia Factor : William Hill, master ; 350 tons. Canterbury : Henry Tregamy, master ; 200 tons. These last eight ships do not proceed on their voyage.
Three ships were omitted in the former list, viz. :
Bengale Merchant : Daniell Bradley, master ; 600 tons ; 50 seamen ; 30 landmen ; 40 guns.
Constant Mary : John Gaudy, master ; 250 tons ; 18 seamen ; 8 landmen ; 14 guns.
Ann : Peregrine Browne, master ; 200 tons ; 18 seamen ; 8 landmen ; 12 guns.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Jan. 30 inst., that the ship Guinea Frigott, William Chantrell master, be permitted to proceed on her voyage, notwithstanding the [embargo] Order in Council of the 12th inst.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 105.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Batchelor and Arthur Plumer of Bristol, merchants, praying that the ship Morning Star of Bristol, freighted by them with provisions for Barbados and Nevis, which was cleared Jan. 10 inst., may proceed on her voyage, notwithstanding the embargo. Reference Book VI, p. 124.
Same to same of the petition of Thomas Starke, praying the like for the ship Blessing, now in the Thames ; by reason that the Virginia, freighted with provisions etc., was staved in the late storm to above 3,000l. loss, and above 50 families depend upon his sending them supplies, for whose relief he has laded more provisions in the said Blessing. Ibid.