Minute Book: May 1689

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Minute Book: May 1689', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp29-35 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Minute Book: May 1689', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp29-35.

"Minute Book: May 1689". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp29-35.


May 1689

May 1. Present : all my Lords.
The King came in.
Mr. Smith to attend the Attorney General to report all grants of Crown lands made to the late Duke of Albemarle.
Saturday next my Lords to attend the King at Hampton Court if his Majesty come not that day to town.
The Dutch money in the Exchequer to be paid to the Earl of Ranelagh to be sent to Holland for the English Forces there.
Mr. Philip Howard to have 300l. out of secret service [or the King's money].
Mr. William Killigrew, by his Majesty's special command, to be put into some employment when there's any vacancies.
The Muster Master to be here [at the Treasury Chambers] to-morrow morning by eight o'clock with an account why the directions have not been observed about sending in the [muster] rolls.
The Earl of Ranelagh to attend to-morrow morning.
Mr. Harbord : the like notice.
Mr. Russell [the Navy Treasurer] to have 3,600l. to pay off the Quaker ketch ; 3,000l. for the [Navy] ordinary and 1,000l. to pay off tickets.
[Orders for] 10,000l. for the Dutch Forces ; 2,000l. for the Ordnance ; 2,000l. for the [salary bill of the] Excise officers ; 2,284l. 6s. 6d. for the Customs officers ; 2,000l. to Mr. Jephson for secret service ; 500l. to the Privy Purse ; 22,538l. 10s. 0d. to the Earl of Ranelagh ; 5,000l. to Mr. Harbord.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 12.]
May 2. Present : the Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir Henry Capel, Mr. Hambden.
The Muster Master called in about sending in the rolls. My Lords will report the matter to the King on Saturday for his directions therein.
Ordered that Mr. John Guest pay in such money as he has in his hands on account of the Customs in Ireland and give his own bond to account when called upon ; and on doing this to be discharged from imprisonment.
[Ibid, p. 13.]
May 3. Present : all my Lords.
Ordered, if the King thinks fit to direct, there shall be a guard to bring up the money in specie or else to allow the Receiver in Cornwall a reasonable charge for the returning it hither.
Mr. Duncombe pays in 13,000l. upon the Poll Act in gold at 21d. [agio]. If the Earl of Ranelagh puts the guinea off so [at that rate] Mr. Duncombe is to be allowed ; if not, Mr. Duncombe to be allowed what my Lord Ranelagh puts them off at.
The petitions for the [place of] Surveyor of the Greenwax are to be referred to the Barons of the Exchequer.
Letters to be writ to the Knights of each county to be communciated to the members of such counties to send to the Treasury the names of fifteen persons [in each shire] who were Commissioners for the present Aid to be Commissioners for the Poll.
[Ibid, p. 14.]
May 4.
Hampton Court.
Present : all my Lords.
The King came in.
Ordered that the Commissioners of Wine Licences be heard at the Board and the state of the case to be reported to the King.
Sir Vere Fane's proposals about increasing the revenue of Excise are to be referred to the Excise Commissioners and thereupon my Lords are to report to the King.
My Lords to consult King's counsel about such grants as were made to the late Queen or to any in trust for her ; as also concerning the revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall and to consider what is fit to be done in both these cases.
Sir Chr. Wrenn to attend my Lords with an estimate of the works at Hampton Court.
Order for 100l. to the Bishop of Man due at Lady day last [for poor ministers].
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 15.]
May 7.
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall.
Present : all my Lords.
Alderman Duncombe to attend to-morrow morning.
The Attorney and Solicitor General called in. Mr. Smith to attend them with copies of such grants as were made to the late Queen or to any in trust for her. [Thereupon] they are to give my Lords an account of the state of the case of the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall.
Mr. Jephson to pay the Clerk of the House of Commons 10l. for the Poll bill.
To acquaint the King that in the late King's time nothing passed the Duchy seal but [unless] the docquets were brought to the Treasury. To know his Majesty's pleasure if it shall be so for the future.
The Commissioners of the Wine Licence to attend my Lords on Monday morning next.
Mr. Smith to enquire into all the patent offices in the disposition of the Treasury and to report them.
[Ibid, p. 16.]
May 8. Present : Lord Godolphin, Mr. Hampden.
Mr. Duncombe was called in. The Excise Commissioners are to give an account of Mr. Duncombe's security for the receipt of the Excise.
Afternoon : present : all my Lords.
The King came in.
The Navy Commissioners to attend my Lords on Friday afternoon next.
The Agents of Taxes and the messengers of the Exchequer to attend to-morrow morning.
[Ibid, p. 17.]
May 9. Present : Lord Delamere, Lord Godolphin, Sir Henry Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The 1,500l. ordered to the Band of Pensioners for Lady day quarter is to be stopped until my Lords have received a state of the case on the petition of the Paymaster of the Band.
[Ibid, p. 18.]
May 10. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The Attorney and Solicitor General to attend this afternoon.
Mr. Harbord and Mr. Rowe to send in their accounts speedily.
Mr. Goodwyn, Receiver of the Aid for Sussex, will have 2,000l. ready by June 5 and desires to pay it at Chichester if he may have a tally.
Afternoon : present : ut supra :
Mr. Russell [the Navy Treasurer] desires 9,164l. 16s. 0d. to pay off the Dragon and 5,580l. 16s. 0d. to pay off the Saphire in both cases to the 13th inst., and 5,251l. 9s. 2d. to pay off Portsmouth [Yard] for 1685, Christmas quarter : in all 19,997l. 1s. 2d.
The Navy Commissioners called in about their Majesties' Declaration for encouragement of officers, seamen etc. The [Treasury] Board report [to the King] that as to the clause of two months' pay 'twill be a necessary encouragement to seamen at this time and may be proper to be continued in all times when the condition of his Majesty's treasure will admit thereof : but in regard of the extraordinary occasions for money the Board do humbly offer that instead of the first payments to be made in August the first payment may be made at six months' end, to be accounted from May 1 [inst.].
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 19.]
May 11. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Sir H. Goodrick called in about the business of saltpetre and said there wants 1,000 tons. Ordered to send an extract of the rates formerly given to the East India Company and what may be fit to be given now, with regard to what quantities the Company has.
Sir B. Bathurst and Sir Jo. Child to attend my Lords on Tuesday afternoon next.
Sir Robert Howard [Auditor of the Receipt] to stop the payment of 12,500l. to Mr. John Ashton, being orders of repayment of loans on the register of the tobacco and linen duties, being order No. 377 for 5,000l. and No. 378 for 7,500l.
Afternoon : present : ut supra.
Mr. John Ashton to attend my Lords on Monday morning.
Mr. Charles Godolphin [to be] desired to attend then.
The Master and Comptroller of the Mint to attend then.
[Ibid, p. 20.]
May 13. Present : ut supra.
Mr. Ashton called in and [is] asked if the 12,500l. [re]payable to him on the tobacco and linen duty [loan register] were not the proper moneys of the late Queen. He said it was not, but did belong to a friend of his who made use of his name. To consult with the Auditor of the Receipt and the Attorney General about this matter and then to report to the King. Meanwhile Mr. Ashton to attend again to-morrow.
Auditor Donne to send an account of the tin farthings made in 1684.
Write the Receiver of Excise to pay 5,000l. to Mr. William Harbord for the use of the new raised Regiments.
Write the Earl of Ranelagh to order all the [Regimental] agents to go immediately in person to the respective Regiments and to stay there till further order.
The Agents [of Taxes] to give in to-morrow a list of the names of the Receivers of the late assessments that are come to their knowledge.
Afternoon : at Hampton Court : present : the Earl of Monmouth, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
His Majesty came in.
The 400l. brought by Mr. Napper from Ireland [is ordered] to be paid to the [account of the collections authorised by the] brief for the Irish ; as the King's bounty.
On Wednesday my Lords to pay the subsistence for the Troops ; also bills from Holland if any ; also the Privy Purse 500l. ; also for secret service 1,000l. ; also something to the Household, Works and Wardrobe.
The 12,500l. due to Mr. Ashton is not to be paid till my Lords have satisfaction about it, whether or no it be the late Queen's money.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 21.]
May 15. Present : the Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The Attorney General to attend this afternoon.
Mr. Blathwayte ordered to attend the Committee of Corporations as far as may concern his Majesty's rights and revenues in the Plantations.
The Customs Commissioners ordered to report on every petition referred to them.
Afternoon : present : ut supra.
The Customs Commissioners to send the Attorney General a copy of one of the bonds taken for ships not to go for France.
Mr. Nash, late Receiver of [Crown Revenues] South Wales, to be called to account and to pay in what he owes.
[Ibid, p. 22.]
May 16. Present : ut supra.
The Attorney General to attend to-morrow morning.
[Ibid, p. 23.]
May 17. Present : ut supra.
Mr. Isaackson called in about returning money to Newcastle for the King's service. He proposed that Alderman Duncombe [as Excise Cashier] do promise to answer bills not exceeding 5,000l. My Lords agreed to have it so. Duncombe to be directed accordingly.
Write the Customs Commissioners that all money payable in any of the outports within the districts of Newcastle till the last of May be paid to Mr. Isaackson at Newcastle.
Write the Receiver for Yorkshire of the last Aid for an account what money he has in hand and what he thinks he may have by the last day of this month.
The Customs Commissioners to attend on Friday afternoon.
[Ibid, p. 24.]
May 18. Present : ut supra.
The Customs Commissioners to report on Robert Thorowgood's petition for the customer[ship] of Lynn port.
The Wine Licence Commissioners to attend on Monday morning.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 25.]
May 20. Present : Lord Godolphin, Mr. Hampden.
Write the Auditor of the Receipt that such loans as are brought in in guineas shall be taken according to the present current value of the guinea.
The Agents of Taxes to attend to-morrow afternoon.
[Ibid, p. 26.]
May 21. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The Customs Commissioners to provide for the service in the absence of Mr. Anderton, collector of Chester port, who is sent for to town by the King's order.
Afternoon : present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The Navy Commissioners to attend (struck through).
Sir Richard Haddock to attend on Friday afternoon.
Sir Benjamin Bathurst and Sir Jos. Child to attend next Thursday morning.
[Ibid, p. 27.]
May 22. Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The King came in.
[Ibid, p. 28.]
May 23. Present :
Sir Christopher Wren to attend to-morrow afternoon.
[Ibid, p. 29.]
May 24. Present : Lord Godolphin, Mr. Hampden.
The Customs Commissioners to attend on Tuesday afternoon next.
[Ibid, p. 30.]
May 25. Present : ut supra.
Mr. Duncombe to attend on Tuesday morning next about returns [of Excise moneys] from the North.
[Ibid, p. 31.]
May 27. Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The Attorney General to attend this afternoon about French goods.
Afternoon : present : ut supra.
The Excise Commissioners to attend to-morrow afternoon about the Hearthmoney arrears.
Mr. White's account for New Park is to be considered, and Auditor Aldworth to attend on Wednesday afternoon.
[Ibid, p. 32.]
May 28. Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The King came in.
Sir Sam Dashurst [sic for Dashwood], Sir William Ashurst, Mr. Child and Mr. Evans to attend on Thursday afternoon.
To direct 14,000l. for discharging the Dragon and Saphire when Mr. Russell [the Navy Treasurer] comes for it.
Joseph Browne, Rich. Haynes, Tho. Merrett [to supply] 1,700 quarters of oats if the King have any occasion. Send to the Earl of Ranelagh about it.
The King will give 1,000l. a month for four months towards the brief for [subscriptions for] Ireland.
The Dutch money to be paid to the Earl of Ranelagh upon account for the service of the Troops in Holland.
The Attorney General to hasten the Proclamation about the Hearthmoney.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 33.]
May 29. Present : ut supra.
The officers of the Ordnance to attend on Friday afternoon about a presentment from the Customs Commissioners.
To speak with the Agents [for Taxes] to-morrow morning about fetching up by a guard the money from the [various county] Receivers of the Aid.
[Ibid, p. 34.]
May 30. Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell.
Mr. Evans proposes to furnish 5,000l. a month in Scotland for his Majesty's service there.
[Ibid, p. 35.]