Lateran Regesta 357: 1437-1438

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 357: 1437-1438', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 1 October 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 357: 1437-1438', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 1, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 357: 1437-1438". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 1 October 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCLVII (fn. 1)

7 Eugenius IV (cont.)

De Regularibus

3 Non. Jan.
(f. 10d.)
To Henry Kirton, an Augustinian friar, S.T.P. Indult (indulgemus), at his own petition and at the petition of the bishop of St. Asaph (which contains that Henry has for some time preached, and proposes to preach, in the diocese of St. Asaph, which is mountainous and inhabited by rude men whose idiom he speaks), to receive and hold in commendam for life any benefice with or without cure, secular or regular, even if a parish church or a perpetual vicarage or a dignity, not major or principal, etc. Religionis zelus, litterarum etc. (An. and M. Pinardi. | An. xxx. de Adria.)
8 Id. Dec.
(f. 16d.)
To the Benedictine abbot and convent of Thorney in the diocese of Ely. Indult, at their recent petition—containing that it has happened in times past that bishops of Ely have not in person (per se) celebrated, nor caused to be celebrated by others, general or special ordinations (ordines) at the statutory times, wherefore alike in their monastery and in many other places of the diocese, divine worship has greatly diminished on account of the lack of priests—that, if it happen that at times of ordinations (ordinacionum), general or special ordinations (ordines) be not celebrated by bishops of Ely or other bishops in the said diocese, it shall be lawful for fit monks of the said monastery, presented for the purpose by the present abbot or his successors, to receive from any catholic bishop at the statutory times minor and other, even priestly, orders, and to minister therein; with faculty hereby to any catholic bishop to confer the said orders at the said times to the monks thus presented. Exigit vestre devotionis. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xxxv. de Adria.)
6 Non. Oct.
(f. 17.)
To the official of Glasgow. Mandate to collate and assign to Nicholas de Crawfurde, an Augustinian canon of Jeduorth in the diocese of Glasgow, the still void, as below, perpetual vicarage of Hownim (fn. 2) in the said diocese, value not exceeding 9l. sterling, wont to be governed by canons of Jeduorth, of which, on its voidance by the resignation to bishop John of William de Forfar, he received collation and provision from the said bishop, by vigour of which he obtained possession, but now doubts whether they hold good. Dignum etc. (An. and A. de Camporegali. | An. xx. Duodecimo Kal. Marcii Anno Septimo. de Adria. Correctum Quintodecimo Kal. Septembris Anno Nono, An. de Adria.)
13 Kal. Dec.
(f. 26.)
To Malachy Macthayg, prior of St. Catherine's de Bachdrymomane (sic) in the diocese of Clonfert. Grant as below. The above priory becoming void by the resignation to bishop Thomas of David Ymolmihil, and having been previously reserved to Martin V, that pope ordered the prior of St. Mary's, Cluantusgertaomanau, in the said diocese, to collate and assign it to the above Malachy, who asserted that he had made an express profession, and that he was the son of unmarried parents, the said pope at the same time dispensing him to receive and hold it, his letters stating, moreover, that the value did not exceed 12 marks sterling. At Malachy's recent petition—containing that Thomas Okallayg, prior of St. Mary's, made collation and provision to him, and that by vigour thereof he obtained and still holds the said priory; but adding that some assert that the value is greater, though not more than 30 marks sterling—the pope grants that the said collation and provision shall hold good from the date of these presents as if the said letters stated that the value did not exceed 30 marks, etc. Religionis zelus, vite etc. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xx. Decimonono Kal. Januarii Anno Septimo. de Adria.)
5 Id. March.
(f. 63d.)
To Alexander Bowmacar, an Augustinian canon of St. Andrews, bachelor of canon law. Reservation to the pope's gift, for collation to him (who is a priest, and who, after taking the degree of bachelor in canon law at Koln (Colonie), lectured therein in the city of St. Andrews for more than three years) by these presents (which shall hold good as if they had been granted under date 8 Kal. May anno 1 [1431]), of a benefice with or without cure, wont to be governed by canons of St. Andrews or Holyrood, Edinbrugh (sic), even if it be a priory, but not conventual, or a dignity, but not major, etc., value not exceeding 30 marks of silver, in the gift of the prior and chapter, etc., of St. Andrews and the abbot and convent of Holyrood. Religionis zelus, litterarum etc.
Concurrent mandate to the abbots of Balmurinache and Inchcolm (Insule Sancti Columbe), in the dioceses of St. Andrews and Dunkeld, and the archdeacon of Hainaut in Liége. Religionis etc. (An. and Ja. Goier, G. de Elten. | An. xi. xiii. Terciodecimo Kal. Octobris Anno Septimo. de Adria.)
14 Kal. Aug.
(f. 75d.)
To Hugh Kenedy, a canon of the Augustinian monastery of St. John, Sens (Cenonen.). Dispensation to him—who is related (fn. 3) to the late James, king of Scots, on the paternal and maternal sides in the fourth degree of kindred, and is otherwise of a race of great barons; who has rendered many great services to Charles, king of the French; and to whom the pope lately ordered provision to be made of the provostship of the chapel royal of St. Mary's at St. Andrews, a principal dignity with cure, and of a canonry of Aberdeen and the prebend of Turray, and whom he dispensed to receive and hold them; out of consideration, moreover, for the said kings, who petition (fn. 4) on his behalf, and at their petitions and the petition of Hugh himself, who asserts that the habit of the above monastery, in which he has made his profession, is reputed almost secular—to hold with the said provostship and canonry and prebend, value not exceeding 60l. and 50l. respectively, any compatible benefices, of any number and kind, secular and regular, even if canonries and prebends etc., and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Religionis zelus, vite etc. (An. and G. de Elten. | An. l. de Adria.) [See above, pp. 553, 554, 633, 634, 663, 664.]
1437 [–8].
Prid. Kal. Mar
(f. 83d.)
To the abbots of Cupar and Albroch (sic), in the diocese of St. Andrews. Mandate as below. The recent petition of Patrick, Augustinian abbot of Holyrood, Edynburg, contained that although, as was also recently found by the visitors appointed by authority of the ordinary, he has laudably governed, nevertheless the pope (having been informed by John Kers, a canon of Holyrood, that he had been guilty of dilapidation and had committed other crimes [not here named]) gave a viva voce commission to Jordan, bishop of Sabina, to make inquiry and report to the pope in secret consistory; that upon that bishop's reporting that the aforesaid was true, the pope suspended and removed the said abbot, and ordered the convent, vassals etc. no longer to obey him [above, p. 551]; that subsequently [ibid.] the pope appointed Walter, abbot of Inchcolm (monasterii Sancte [sic] Columbe) in the diocese of Dunkeld, to be meanwhile administrator-general of Holyrood in spirituals and temporals; that the said bishop ordered abbot Patrick to be cited to appear before him in person, and appointed the said John [Kers] prosecutor in the matter (fn. 5) and that the said abbot Walter, proceeding against abbot Patrick, who has never ceased to exercise the administration, and against the convent, who refused to receive Walter as administrator, excommunicated them all, as well as divers other persons, and caused them to be publicly proclaimed excommunicate, from which abbot Patrick and the convent appealed to the apostolic see, but have not yet prosecuted the appeal. At the said petition, adding that the said John has spontaneously resigned before certain notaries public the said office of prosecution (fn. 6) and that, unless an end be made as quickly as possible, the said monastery of Holyrood might suffer grave detriment in the said spirituals and temporals, the pope hereby calls up to himself all causes pending on account of the aforesaid, and orders the above two to summon those concerned, inform themselves and send to the pope a written report, assigning to each person concerned a term at which they shall appear at the apostolic see, in person or by proxy, to receive judgement; and, moreover, to absolve from the said sentence of excommunication those of the said abbot Patrick and others who shall ask within a year from the date of these presents, enjoining a salutary penance etc. The persons thus absolved shall eo ipso, after the lapse of the said year, fall again under the said sentence. Ad ea ex apostolice servitutis. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xxv. de Adria.) [See also above, p. 294.]
17 Kal. Feb.
(f. 84d.)
Confirmation as below. The recent petition of abbot Walter and the convent of the Benedictine monastery of St. Thomas the Martyr, Abirbrothoe, in the diocese of St. Andrews, contained that the late William, king of Scots, after erecting the said monastery, with church, houses etc., and endowing it, conferred upon it and its abbot and monks various privileges etc., and gave it divers parish and other churches, lands etc., his will being that the said monastery, abbot and monks should, in respect of the said lands etc. and their inhabitants, have in every way the same liberty as the said king, and this in respect not only of the lands etc. thus given to them, but also of all other possessions etc. which should be given to them by the said king's successors and by any other faithful [see Liber S. Thome de Aberbrothoc, I. 3]. At the said petition (adding that although the abbots for the time being and the convent have for two hundred years and more been, as are at present abbot Walter and the convent, in peaceable possession of the use of the said privileges etc. and of full liberty and regality and the exercise of every kind of royal jurisdiction, even in the administration of justice between the men of the said lands etc., with the cognisance and decision of causes, in like manner as the king in his own lands) the pope hereby confirms the said king William's gift and will etc. Ad perp. rei mem. Circa statum monasteriorum. (An. and G. de Elten. | An. l. de Adria.) [32/3 pp.]
(f. 92d.)
To the archbishop of Naples, the abbot of Cupar in the diocese of St. Andrews, and the archdeacon of St. Andrews. Mandate, exemplifying the preceding, to publish the same and cause it to be enforced. Hodie nostras concessimus. (An. and G. de Elten. | An. xxxii. de Adria.) [4¾ pp.]

De Diversis Formis

12 Kal. Oct.
(f. 119.)
To Richard Acton alias Beauchampe, perpetual vicar of St. Madernus's alias St. Paternus's [Madron] in the diocese of Exeter, I.U.B. Dispensation to him, who holds the said vicarage, value not exceeding 100 marks sterling, to hold for life one other, or if he resign the said vicarage, any two other benefices with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if parish churches etc., and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, notwithstanding the pope's late ordinance to the contrary [see above, p. 247] etc. Litterarum etc. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. l. de Adria.)
12 Kal. Oct.
(f. 119.)
To Thomas Worssop alias Chestrefeld, rector of Hodenette in the diocese of Lichfield, bachelor of canon law. Dispensation to him, who is also B.A. and holds, besides the said church, a canonry and the prebend of Tervin in Lichfield, value altogether not exceeding 70l. sterling, to hold for life etc., as in the preceding. Litterarum etc. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. l. de Adria.)
1437 [–8].
8 Kal. March.
(f. 139d.)
To John Arnaldi, rector of St. Michael's, Gloucester, in the diocese of Worcester, S.T.B. Dispensation to him, who is also M.A. and who, besides holding the said church, is litigating without the Roman court about the parish church of St. Stephen in Colman Strete, London, of which he is in possession, value not exceeding 30 and 40 marks sterling respectively, to hold for life St. Michael's and the said church of St. Stephen, if he win it, or any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if another parish church etc. and to resign etc. as above, f. 119. Litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. Goyer. | An. l. de Adria.)
(f. 140d.)
To Thomas Heton, rector of Mancestre in the diocese of Lichfield, M.A. Dispensation to him, who is of noble birth, is studying theology, and holds the said church (here written Moncestre), value not exceeding 60 marks sterling, to hold for life any other etc. as above, f. 119. Nobilitas generis, litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. Goyer. | An. l. de Adria.)
(f. 141.)
To William Potteris, chanter of the chapel called a chantry of Holy Trinity in the parish church of Horshamm in the diocese of Chichester. Dispensation to him, seeing that by the statutes of the said chantry without cure of the chapel of Holy Trinity in the said church it is provided that its holder shall personally reside at the said church; and seeing that he cannot be maintained from the fruits etc. of the said chantry, value not exceeding 6 marks sterling, to hold therewith for life any benefice with cure etc. as above, f. 119. Vite etc. (An. and Ja. Goyer. | An. xxx. de Adria.)
(f. 142.)
To the bishop of Norwich. Mandate to dispense John Hastyngges, donsel, nobleman, and Anne Morley, damsel, noblewoman, of his diocese, to remain in the marriage which they formerly contracted per verba legitime de presenti, and of which there has been offspring, in ignorance that they were related in the third and fourth degrees of kindred; decreeing the said and future offspring legitimate. Oblate etc. (An. and Ja. Goyer. | An. xxv. de Adria.) [See above, p. 502.]
Id. Feb.
(f. 142d.)
To the bishop of Kilfenora. Mandate, after imposing penance for incest, to dispense to marry Cornelius Oconchubayr, layman, and Gragny ing Lochlaynd, of his diocese, notwithstanding that they, who have committed fornication, are related in the third and third and the fourth and third degrees of kindred; decreeing past offspring, if any, and future offspring legitimate. Oblate etc. (An. and Ja. Goyer. | An. xxiiii. de Adria.)
1437 [–8].
10 Kal. March.
(f. 145.)
To William Estcourt, rector of Wittoney in the diocese of Lincoln, M.A. Dispensation to him, who is a servitor of Henry, cardinal priest of St. Eusebius's, and holds besides Wytteney (sic) a canonry of Salisbury and the prebend called “Media pars altaris," (fn. 7) value not exceeding 70l. and 10l. sterling respectively, to hold for life any benefice with cure etc. as above, f. 119 mutatis mutandis. Litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. l. de Adria.)
19 Kal. Feb.
(f. 161d.)
To Thomas [Radcliffe], bishop of Dromore. Dispensation to him, S.T.M., to hold in commendam with his said church which, and its episcopal mensa, have been so much impoverished by the wars which have long afflicted and still afflict those parts that their fruits etc. are not enough for his support, any benefice with or without cure, even if a parish church etc.; notwithstanding that he is a Friar Preacher (sic) (fn. 8), etc. Personam tuam. (An. and A. de Camporegali. | An. xxx. de Adria.) [See above, p. 661.]
8 Kal. Jan.
(f. 189d.)
To the bishop of Limerick. Mandate to dispense to marry John Mcgybown, layman, and Howna Mecnemarra, of the dioceses of Killaloe and Limerick, notwithstanding that they are related in the third and third and threefold in the third and fourth and fourfold in the fourth and fourth degrees of affinity, and in the fourth and fourth degrees of kindred. Oblate etc. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xxv. de Adria.)
6 Id. Feb.
(f. 207d.)
To James Lyndyssay, canon of Glasgow, M.A. Grant to him (who is of a race of barons, and is litigating (fn. 9) about the parish church of Kylmany in the diocese of St. Andrews, of which he is in possession, value not exceeding 60l. of old sterlings, and to whom lately the pope motu proprio made provision of a canonry of Glasgow and another of Moray, with reservation of as many prebends therein and of a dignity etc. of one of them, and also of a benefice with or without cure, even if a canonry and prebend or a dignity etc., in the gift of the bishop and prior and chapter etc. of St. Andrews) that in the obtaining of the said prebends etc. and benefice, no expectative graces etc. granted to any other persons shall prejudice him, even if such persons have been received as canons, or be present in the Roman court, but that he may and shall have the preference over all other expectants, except the resident members of the pope's household, as described in the papal chancery, and except Laurence Pyot, canon of Moray, M.A. Nobilitas generis, litterarum etc. (An. and G. de Elten. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
Non. Nov.
(f. 230d.)
To the inhabitants of the hamlet or town (hamelette sive ville) of Hokemortemere in the diocese of Winchester. Indult (seeing that often they cannot conveniently go to their parish church of Tichefeld, distant two miles of Italy) to have mass and other divine offices celebrated by fit priests, even on a portable altar, in the chapel which exists in the said hamlet; saving the right of the said church. Piis fidelium votis. (An. and G. de Elten. | An. xxx. de Adria.)
5 Id. Oct.
(f. 241.)
To Ralph Drewe, rector of St. Matthew's, Friday Street (in Fadaystreto), in the diocese of London. Dispensation to him, who holds the said church, (fn. 10) value not exceeding 24 marks of silver, to hold therewith for life any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if another parish church or a perpetual vicarage or a dignity, not major nor principal, personatus etc., and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, notwithstanding the above ordinance etc. Vite etc. (An. and A. de Camporegali. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
15 Kal. July.
(f. 253.)
To Richard Reynhill, rector of Old Romenall in the Marsh of Romenall, (fn. 11) in the diocese of Canterbury, I.U.B. Dispensation to him (who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of unmarried parents, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, after which, having been so promoted, he obtained the above church, value not exceeding 20l. sterling) to hold any benefices of any number and kind, compatible with one another and with the said church, even if they be canonries and prebends, dignities, elective and with cure, etc., and to resign all, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Litterarum etc. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. xxvi. de Adria.) [See above, p. 629.]
14 Kal. Nov.
(f. 273d.)
To the bishop of St. Davids. Mandate, at the recent petition of Richard Wogan and John William and John Wych, likewise of Eynon ap David and John Tesshely, priests, and William Morice, clerk, of the diocese of St. Davids—containing that for a long time many pirates were lying in wait round about that part of the city of St. Davids which stretches towards the sea shore and waiting for an opportunity to spoil the cathedral church, which also is near the said shore, and the inhabitants of the said part; that the citizens and inhabitants of the city, especially laymen, met together and resolved to make an armed attack upon the pirates, but seeing themselves not strong enough, implored the aid of all the clerks of the said church; and that thereafter they made an assault upon the pirates, in which a number were wounded, two only being killed, some captured and the rest put to flight; and adding that although the petitioners were present at the said assault and helped the said citizens therein, they themselves neither killed nor wounded any of the pirates—if he find that they were not guilty otherwise than as stated, to dispense the said clerk to be promoted to all, even holy orders and minister therein, and the said priests to minister in their orders, dispense them on account of irregularity if any, and rehabilitate them. Solet apostolice sedis. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. xxxiiii. de Adria.)
10 Kal. Dec.
(f. 274d.)
To the bishop of Norwich. Mandate, at the recent petition of Robert Bateman, clerk, of his diocese—containing that he desires to be promoted to all, even holy orders and minister therein, but that he became and is blind of the right eye on account of a white spot (macula); and stating that the eye has remained and remains open, without any deformity—after Robert has presented himself in person, if he find the above to be true, to dispense him as desired. Apostolice sedis benignitas. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. xx. de Adria.)
3 Kal. Oct.
(f. 300.)
To Thomas Graunger, rector of Fyssheborne in the diocese of Chichester. Indult to him—who holds one of the vicarages choral in the church of Chichester, whose holders are removed at the pleasure of the dean and chapter, (fn. 12) and a perpetual benefice called a chantry at the altar of St. Pantaleo in the said church, both of which are without cure, and the above parish church, the value of which and of the said benefice does not exceed 8l. sterling; and who doubts whether the said church and benefice can be canonically held together—that he may so hold them together for life. Vite etc. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. xx. de Adria.)
15 Kal. Oct.
(f. 300.)
To Thomas Nasshe, rector of Chynnor in the diocese of Lincoln. Dispensation to hold for life with the said church, value not exceeding 55l. sterling, one other benefice, or if he resign the said church, any two benefices, with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if parish churches etc., and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, notwithstanding the above ordinance, etc. Vite etc. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. l. de Adria.)

[De Fructibus Percipiendis.]

12 Kal. Jan.
(f. 302.)
To Richard Acton alias Beauchampe, perpetual vicar of St. Madernus's alias Padernus's [Madron] in the diocese of Exeter, I.U.B. Indult for ten years to take and to rent etc. to any persons, even laymen, the fruits of his benefices whilst studying letters at an university, or engaged in the service of king Henry, or residing in the Roman court, and not to be bound meanwhile to reside in them. Litterarum etc.
Concurrent mandate to the bishops of Bath and Salisbury and the abbot of St. Mary's, Bukfast, in the diocese of Exeter. Litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. Goyer, Franchom[m]e. | An. xiiii. xvi. de Adria.)

De Diversis Formis (cont.)

14 Kal. Nov.
(f. 303d.)
To Thomas Tanfeldi, rector of Gatesyde in the diocese of Durham, M.A. Dispensation as below. After he, being the son, as he alleged, of unmarried parents, whereas he is the son of a married woman, had been dispensed by papal authority to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, he received a grant to minister in minor orders and in the orders of subdeacon and deacon to which he had had himself promoted, and to be promoted to priest's orders, and was dispensed to hold such benefice even if it had cure, after which last dispensation he was promoted to priest's orders and obtained the above parish church. The pope hereby dispenses him to hold four other benefices with or without cure, compatible with one another and with the said church, and to resign them and it, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Litterarum etc. (An. and M. Pinardi. | An. xxii. de Adria.)


  • 1. On the back of the volume is the usual Italian description: ‘Eugenio IV. 1437. Anno 7. Lib. 94.’ A flyleaf has, in contemporary hands: ‘Primus de Regularibus et diuersis formis Anno VII domini nostri Eugenii pape’ (which occurs also, as usual, on the bottom edge of the volume) and ‘Andreas.’
  • 2. Substituted in the margin for the cancelled ‘Holkne,’ with note: Cassatum et correctum de mandato domini Morinen. Regentis, An, de Adria.
  • 3. coniunctus existis.
  • 4. supplicantium. T See above, p. 663 note.
  • 5. desuper instigatorem deputauit.
  • 6. officio instigacionis.
  • 7. prebendam Mediam partem altaris nuncupatam.
  • 8. rectius an Augustinian friar, as above, pp. 114, 661.
  • 9. The text does not say where.
  • 10. Here ‘in Fadaystrete.’
  • 11. The words ‘in Marisco de Romenall’ are added in the margin by An[tonius de Adria.]
  • 12. unum ex officiis vicariis stallorum nuncupatis ecclesie Cicestren., a quibus illa pro tempore obtinentes ad nutum….