Lateran Regesta 353: 1437-1438

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 353: 1437-1438', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 1 October 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 353: 1437-1438', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 1, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 353: 1437-1438". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 1 October 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCLIII (fn. 1)

7 Eugenius IV (cont.)

De Diversis Formis

Prid. Non. May.
(f. 1d.)
To the bishop of Moray. Mandate to carry out the exchange desired by Adam de Stratherne and John Berton of their respective perpetual vicarages, namely Cadzow and Lygartwode in the dioceses of Glasgow and St. Andrews, value respectively not exceeding 20l. and 10l. sterling; notwithstanding that the said John holds in the collegiate church of Bothuil in the diocese of Glasgow a certain perpetual chaplaincy without cure, value not exceeding 8l. sterling. The bishop is to see that there be no simony. Apostolice sedis circumspecta benignitas. (An. and G. de Elten. | An. xxxxvi. Quinto Id. Maii Anno Septimo. de Adria.)
Prid. Non. May.
(f. 19d.)
To Thomas Barnislai, archdeacon of Leicester in Lincoln. (fn. 2) Indult to him, who has completed his sixtieth year, and has an incurable disease, to visit, as long as he holds it, his said archdeaconry by deputy, and receive the procurations even in money. Meruit tue devocionis. [See above, p. 344.]
Concurrent mandate to the bishops of London and Norwich and John de Obiczis, canon of York. Meruit dilecti filii. [Here with the spelling ‘Barnislay.’] (An. and Ja. Goyer, A. de Camporegali. | An. xxii. xxii [sic]. de Adria.)
(f. 35d.)
To John, Cistercian abbot of Meaux (Melsa) in the diocese of York. Grant, at his recent petition—containing that the said monastery, formerly very opulent, has been so much impoverished by excessive floods of the sea and rivers and other misfortunes, that he can ill maintain himself and bear his burdens; and adding that a number of persons would help him in respect of benefices in their collation or presentation—to hold in commendam for life with Meaux any benefice with or without cure, secular or regular, of any order, even if it be a priory and conventual, or a parish church or a perpetual vicarage, and be of the patronage of laymen, and to resign it, as often as he pleases, simply or for exchange. Personam tuam. (Ja. and A. de Camporegali. | Ja. xxxv. Aprutin.)
15 Kal. July.
(f. 39.)
To Nicholas Sturgeon, rector of Fulham in the diocese of London. Dispensation to him, who is of noble birth, at his own petition and that of king Henry, of whom he is a chaplain and a member of the household, to hold for life with Fulham, value not exceeding 40l. of English money (besides which he holds a canonry with the prebend of Hasiwar [sic] in the united churches of Bath and Wells, a canonry and prebend in the church of Exeter, and canonries and prebends in the free chapels, called the chapels royal, of St. Stephen within the royal palace of Westminster and within the castle of Karkebi, in the said diocese, value respectively not exceeding 8l., 4l., 40s. and 20s. of the said money), any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if another parish church etc., and to resign both, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, provided that he do not hold two major or two principal dignities, nor one of each, notwithstanding the pope's late ordinance to the contrary [see above, p. 247] etc. Nobilitas generis, vite etc. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
16 Kal. May.
(f. 69.)
To John Tirell, rector of Pokbrek (sic) in the diocese of Lincoln, B.C.L. Dispensation to him, who is by both parents of noble birth, to hold for life with Pokbrek, value not exceeding 25 marks sterling, any benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if another parish church etc., and to resign both, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Nobilitas generis, litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. Goyer. | An. xxxvi. de Adria.)
Id. April.
(f. 69d.)
To Robert Ayscogh, rector of Waltham by Grymesby in the diocese of Lincoln, M.A. Dispensation to him, who is of noble birth and is studying canon law, to hold for life with Waltham, value not exceeding 40 marks sterling, one other benefice, or if he resign Waltham, any two benefices, with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if parish churches etc., and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases; notwithstanding the above ordinance etc. Nobilitas generis, litterarum etc. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
14 Kal. April.
(f. 94.)
To William [Edwardi], bishop of Kildare. Rehabilitation as below. On the voidance of the said church by the death of John [Madock], the pope made provision thereof to the said William [above, p. 358]. At his recent petition, containing that he, who is illegitimate, being the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, was not dispensed by papal authority to exercise the administration etc., and that under pretext of the said provision he took possession thereof, and has exercised it in spirituals and temporals, for some time, and has had himself consecrated, the pope hereby rehabilitates him, approves all lawful acts of his administration etc. and his consecration, and grants that the said provision shall hold good from the date of these presents as if at the time thereof he had been sufficiently dispensed; with dispensation hereby to exercise the administration etc. Ad ea ex apostolice. (An. and Franchomme. | An. lxx. de Adria.)
Prid. Non. May.
(f. 115.)
To Gerald Hesill', rector of North Thoresby in the diocese of Lincoln. Dispensation to him (who is of noble race, and holds, besides the said church, canonries and prebends in the church of St. Andrew, Haukeland, in the diocese of Durham, and in the free chapels, called the chapels royal, of Westminster and Hastyng, in the dioceses of London and Chichester, the value of all which does not exceed 80l. sterling) to hold for life with the said parish church one benefice, or if he resign that church any two benefices, with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if parish churches etc., and resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, notwithstanding the above ordinance etc. Nobilitas generis, vite etc. (Ja. and Cyprianus. | Ja. xxxx. Aprutin.)
6 Non. May.
(f. 117.)
To [David Chirbury], bishop of Dromore. Dispensation to him, to whom the pope lately [above p. 358] made provision of the said church, and who on account of the wars and other sinister events which have long afflicted and still afflict those parts, receives nothing from its fruits, and has no hope of receiving anything, and who is a Carmelite, to hold in commendam with the said church any benefice with or without cure, even if it be a canonry and prebend or a dignity, not major nor principal, or a parish church or a perpetual vicarage, and be of lay patronage. Personam tuam. (Ja. and A. de Camporegali. | Ja. xxviii. Aprutin.)
8 Kal. May.
(f. 137d.)
To the archbishop of Tuam. Mandate as below. Martin V, at the petition of Thomas de Burgo, donsel, nobleman, and Margaret in Ylachactayd (i.e. iny Lachactayd), damsel, noblewoman, of the dioceses of Tuam and Annadown (containing that they had formerly, not in ignorance that they were related in the double third degree of kindred by divers stocks, committed fornication more than once) ordered the above archbishop, after imposing penance for incest, to dispense them to contract marriage notwithstanding the said impediment of kindred, declaring existing offspring, if any, and future offspring legitimate. At the recent petition of the said Thomas and Margaret (containing that after the said archbishop had made the said dispensation, they contracted marriage per verba legitime de presenti and had offspring, Thomas being aware, but not Margaret, that they were related also in the second and third and in the third and fourth degrees of affinity), the pope hereby orders the said archbishop to absolve Thomas from excommunication incurred, enjoining penance, and to dispense him and Margaret to remain in the said marriage notwithstanding the said other impediments, decreeing the said and future offspring legitimate. Ad ea ex apostolice. (An. and Franchomme. | An. xxx. de Adria.)
1436[-7]. (fn. 3)
5 Id. March.
(f. 147d.)
To the bishop of London. Mandate to dispense Thomas Stevenes alias Haseley the elder, layman, and Alice Spenser, widow, both dwelling at London, after absolution from excommunication incurred, and penance, to contract anew and remain in the marriage which they contracted per verba legitime de presenti, but not before the church, not in ignorance that Thomas had been godfather at the baptism of a child of Alice by another husband, and that they were related in the fourth degree of affinity; notwithstanding impediments arising from their consequent spiritual relationship and from their said affinity. The bishop is to decree the three children (tres proles) of the said marriage and future offspring legitimate. Oblate nobis. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. xxxv. de Adria.)
5 Id. April.
(f. 156d.)
To William Fallan, rector of Hengham Sybyll alias Sybyll Hethyngham in the diocese of London. Dispensation to him—who is one of the barons in the Exchequer of king Henry, and holds, besides the said church, a canonry and prebend of the church of Crantock (Sancti Karentoci), the free chapel of Cokyngton and the free chapel or hospital of St. Mary the Virgin and St. Thomas the Martyr, Bermyngeham, which is without cure and can be held with other incompatible benefices, in the dioceses of Exeter, Worcester and Lichfield, the value of all which does not exceed 50l. sterling—to hold for life with the said parish church one … as above, f. 115. Vite etc. (B. and Cyprianus. | B. xxxx. Valven.)
3 Id. May.
(f. 195.)
To William Passinger, canon of the church of Aburgey (sic) in the diocese of St. Davids. Dispensation to him (who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of unmarried parents, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, and who, in virtue thereof, having had himself tonsured, holds a canonry and prebend of the church of Alburgey [sic], value not exceeding 20l. sterling), to hold four other benefices with or without cure, compatible with one another and with the above, even if they be canonries and prebends (not in cathedral churches), parish churches etc., and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Vite etc. (An. and A. de Camporegali. | An. xxiiii. de Adria.)
5 Kal. April.
(f. 218d.)
To the abbot of Dere in the diocese of Aberdeen. Mandate as below. Lately the present pope—on its being set forth to him by the dean and chapter of Aberdeen that although the late David, king of Scots, gave them his patronage of the parish church of Logy in Buchan (in Bochannia), in the diocese of Aberdeen; and that although the said church was by authority of the ordinary appropriated to the capitular mensa in such wise that its fruits etc., a fit portion thereof being reserved for a perpetual vicar, should be distributed amongst the canons present at divine offices, and that the dean and chapter should be obliged to keep in perpetuity a chaplain to celebrate mass daily in the choir of the church of Aberdeen for the souls of the said king and of his ancestors and successors, and be present at the said offices; and that although the said dean and chapter, by vigour of the said appropriation, took possession of the said church and held it or its rectory for some time to their uses, they nevertheless, inasmuch as several others were afterwards in the said possession, feared that they had lost their right in the said church or rectory; and that, moreover, at the said church of Aberdeen, a new and costly work had been begun for whose completion had been assigned fruits etc. belonging to the said mensa, to the injury of the dean and chapter—ordered the above abbot, if he found the aforesaid to be true, to incorporate the said rectory to the said mensa in perpetuity. At the recent petition of the said dean and chapter—containing (fn. 4) that meanwhile Duncan Lichton, being in possession of the said rectory, after having caused the said mandate to be delayed (arestari) by a certain auditor of causes of the apostolic palace, resigned the rectory for purpose of exchange to bishop Henry, and that Walter de Idil, a canon of Caithness, has by authority of the ordinary and with consent of the said dean and chapter, obtained it, void by the said resignation; adding that the said Walter proposes, as soon as the said incorporation takes effect, to resign the rectory, whose value and that of the said mensa do not exceed 26l. and 150l. sterling respecting; and praying that the rectory may be appropriated to them anew—the pope hereby, extinguishing any litigation on account of the foregoing, orders the above abbot to receive from the said Walter or his proctor resignation of the said rectory, and to appropriate it in perpetuity to the said mensa, so that the dean and chapter may take possession, and convert its fruits etc. to the said distributions, deducting the aforesaid portion [for a vicar], and moreover to reserve to the said Walter a yearly life pension from the said fruits etc., notwithstanding that he holds a canonry of Caithness and the prebend of Canysby, value not exceeding 10l. sterling, and that (by vigour of letters of the present pope making provision to him of a canonry with reservation of a prebend and a dignity etc., even if elective and with cure, of Aberdeen, and of a benefice with or without cure in the gift of the bishop and the prior and chapter etc. of St. Andrews) he has within the lawful time accepted and had provision made to him of the perpetual vicarage of Cupar (de Cupro) in the diocese of St. Andrews, value not exceeding 30l. sterling, about which he is litigating, and that the pope lately dispensed him, then holding the perpetual vicarage of Inverhore in the diocese of Aberdeen, to hold it for life together with such dignity etc. or office with cure or with any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased, and hold instead for life two other incompatible benefices. The pope wills that the dean and chapter shall keep a chaplain to celebrate mass and assist at divine offices, as above. Tune iniunctum nobis. (An. and M. Pinardi. | An. xxxxv. de Adria. [3½ pp.]
3 Id. May.
(f. 243.)
Relaxation, to be valid during twenty years only, of two years and two quarantines of enjoined penance to penitents who on the principal feasts of the year and that of St. Benedict, the usual octaves and days, and of a hundred days to those who during the said octaves and days visit and give alms for the repair etc. of the parish church of St. Benet Fink (Sancti Benedicti loci le Finch) in the diocese of London. Univ. etc. Licet is. (An. and A. de Florencia. | An. xvi. de Adria.)
6 Id. May.
(f. 247d.)
To Henry Sever, priest, of the diocese of Worcester, S.T.B. Indult to him, who is a priest and a chaplain of king Henry, and desires to study in some lawful faculty, to take for seven years, whilst studying letters at an university, the fruits etc. of his benefices, (fn. 5) and not to be bound to reside. Litterarum etc.
Concurrent mandate to the bishops of London and St. Davids and the official of London. Litterarum etc. (An. and A. de Camporegali, Ja. Goyer. | An. xv. xvii. de Adria.)
6 Kal. June.
(f. 253d.)
To John Stewart, a canon of Dunkeld, M.A. Rehabilitation, at his recent petition, containing that (after Henry, bishop of St. Andrews, had by his ordinary authority erected into a collegiate church for a provost and others the parish church in Meffen in his diocese, which was of the patronage of the late Walter Stewart, earl of Athol, in such wise that on each voidance of the provostship the said earl and his successors should present to the bishop [see above, pp. 460, 461]), the said earl presented him, then holding the rectory of Flisk in the said diocese, to the said bishop Henry, who instituted him, by vigour of which presentation and institution he, who is also a B.C.L. and is by both parents of a great race of barons, obtained the said provostship, reputed a principal dignity, and still holds it, together with the said rectory, without dispensation, against John XXII's constitution ‘Execrabilis.’ He is to resign both. Sedes apostolica, pia mater. (An. and M. Pinardi. | An. xvi. de Adria.)
(f. 254.)
To the bishops of Dunkeld and Brechin and the archdeacon of Hainaut in Liége. Mandate, recapitulating the preceding, seeing that the above two benefices have become and are still void, namely the provostship by the said constitution, and the rectory, which is of the patronage of laymen, by the said obtaining [of the provostship], the value of each not exceeding 20l. sterling, to collate and assign them, after he has duly resigned them, to the above John, even if the provostship have cure etc.; notwithstanding that he holds a canonry of Dunkeld with the prebend of Vallyndera, value not exceeding 5l. sterling. He is hereby dispensed to hold the said provostship and rectory together for life, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, and hold instead two other incompatible benefices, not being two parish churches. Nobilitas generis, litterarum etc. (An. and G. de Elten. | An. xxxx. Sexto Id. Junii Anno Septimo. de Adria.)
8 Kal. April.
(f. 263d.)
To Griffin, bishop of Ross. Grant—seeing that the Cistercian monastery of St. Mary, le Thoronet (de Floregia alias de Toroneto), in the diocese of Fréjus, was granted to him in commendam during the pleasure of the apostolic see [above, p. 182]; that he has this day resigned the said commenda to the pope by his proctor John Ynisan, a canon of Dol; and that the pope has ordered provision to be made thereof to Anthony Roscagni (or Rostagni), archdeacon of the Augustinian church of Sénez (Seniscen.), and the same to be appointed abbot thereof [below, p. 655]—of a yearly life pension to him, who is broken with age, of 200 florins of the money of Avignon upon the fruits etc. of the said monastery, to be paid by the said Anthony, who has consented, and by his successors. Personam tuam. [See also above, p. 489.]
Concurrent mandate to the bishops of Fréjus, Sénez, and Sisteron. Personam venerabilis fratris. (An. and A. de Camporegali, M. Pinardi. | An. xviii. xx. de Adria.)
11 Kal. July.
(f. 284.)
To John Stafford, clerk, of London. Dispensation etc. as below. His recent petition contained that he, being only a clerk, has long been a scribe before certain officers of the royal court of the city of London called sheriffs (vicecomitibus), and in the exercise of the office wrote divers accusations etc. against divers robbers etc., whereby several thereof were executed; but that he has resigned the said office, and desires to receive higher, even holy orders. The pope hereby dispenses him in respect of irregularity contracted by reason of the preceding, dispenses him to be promoted to all the said orders and minister therein, even to celebrate mass, and to hold any benefices of any number and kind, with and without cure, short of a major dignity in a cathedral church, and to resign all, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, and rehabilitates him. He is not to be ordained priest within a year from the present date. Vite etc. (Ja. and Ciprianus. | Ja. xxxx. Aprutin.)
8 Kal. March.
(f. 286.)
To the abbot of Rynlos (sic) and the prior of Urchart, in the diocese of Moray. Mandate, at the recent petition of Robert Crannach, dean of Dunblane, containing that the late Columba, bishop of Moray, in consideration of his services to the said bishop and to the church of Moray both within and without the Roman court, granted him, with consent of the chapter, a yearly pension of 23l. of the money usual in Scotland on the fruits etc. of the episcopal mensa, for Robert's life, or until bishop Columba or other bishop of Moray for the time being or the said chapter should make him provision of a benefice of the yearly value of 40l. of like money, by vigour of which grant Robert has received the said pension for several years; and adding that he doubts whether for certain reasons the said grant holds good—if they find the aforesaid to be true, to cause the said pension to be paid to Robert by bishop John, the pope's will being that the said grant shall hold good during that bishop's life only. Sincere devotionis affectus. (An. and Ja. Petri. | An. xxiiii. de Adria.)
Non. April.
(f. 291.)
To John Chepstewe, canon of St. Sepulchre's, Caen, in the diocese of Bayeux. Dispensation to him—who was formerly dispensed by papal authority, as the son of unmarried parents, (i) to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, (ii) upon the present pope ordering provision to be made to him of the parish church of Saint-Clair, Hérouville (Sancti Clari de Herovilla), and a canonry and prebend of St. Sepulchre's, and the chapel without cure of St. Stephen at Pont-de-l’ Arche (apud Pontemarche), in the dioceses of Bayeux and Rouen [rectius Evreux], to receive and hold them—so that he, who is a priest and has obtained and now holds the said church, canonry and prebend and chapel, may resign them and the above benefice, as often as he pleases, simply or for exchange, and hold instead four other mutually compatible benefices, not being major or principal dignities. Vite etc. (An. and Pizolpassis. | An. xx. de Adria.)


  • 1. On the back of the volume is the usual Italian description: ‘Eugeni IV. 1437. Anno 7. Lib. 85.’ A flyleaf has, in different contemporary hands, ‘Primus de diuersis formis Anno Septimo domini nostri Eugenii pape iiii’ (the same contemporary description occurs also on the bottom edge of the volume), ‘Jo. Roberti die 17 mensis Augusti’ and ‘Rubricatus est.’ Another flyleaf has the usual modern ‘Vidi pro R. C. A. Hib. Ang.’, ‘Liber lxxxv, foliorum 313,’ etc.
  • 2. Cf. Le Neve—Hardi, Fasti, II, pp. 61, 65 and 66.
  • 3. ‘Datum Bononie Anno Incarnacionis Dominice Millesimo quadringentesimo tricesimo sexto, quinto idus Marcii Anno Sexto,’ protably rectiusAnno Septimo,’ the second ‘Sexto’ being due to the first. All the letters which precede and follow are of the seventh year, e.g. the letter which follows immediately next after the above in the Register is dated: Datum B.A.I.D.M. q. t. sexto, quinto idus Marcii Anno Septimo.
  • 4. subiungebat, rectius contincbat.
  • 5. Without the usual clause enabling him to farm the fruits.