Lateran Regesta 332: 1435

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 332: 1435', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 332: 1435', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 332: 1435". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCXXXII (fn. 1)

5 Eugenius IV (cont.)

De Beneficii Vacantibus

5 Id. July.
(f. 50.)
To the abbot of Knockmoy (Collis Victorie) in the diocese of Tuam, and Bernard Oconceaduayn and Nemeas Oruadry, canons of Tuam. Mandate to collate and assign to Donatus Maggillabain, priest, of the diocese of Tuam, the rectory of Mucerachir and Achagearta in the said diocese, value not exceeding 6 marks, void because Bernard Yconareduayn held it for more than a year without being ordained priest; whether it be void thus, or by the like non-promotion of John Oradichayn, clerk, of the same diocese, or in any other way. Vite etc. (B. and Pizolpassis. | B. xx. Decimoseptimo Kal. Augusti Anno Quinto. Valven.)
Prid. Non. July.
(f. 52d.)
To the abbot of Balmurinach in the diocese of St. Andrews, and the archdeacon and official of St. Andrews. Mandate to collate and assign to Walter de Sancto Claro, priest, of the diocese of St. Andrews, the perpetual vicarage of Edname in the said diocese, value not exceeding 12l. sterling, void by the death without the Roman court of Thomas de Hirdmanston, although William Broun, priest, of the said diocese, of noble birth and a kinsman of Archibald, earl of Douglas, who is to be summoned and removed, has without any canonical title unduly detained possession for more than two years, but less than three, under pretext of papal letters by which provision was ordered to be made to him of a benefice with or without cure, void or to be void, and which, inasmuch as after the date thereof he obtained the perpetual vicarage of Naton in the said diocese, were used up (consumpte remanserunt) as far as regarded such benefice with cure [see above, p. 428]; notwithstanding that the present pope lately granted provision to Walter of a canonry of Glasgow and another of Dunkeld, with reservation of as many prebends and of a dignity, personatus, or office of one of them, even if elective and with cure, which grant shall, upon his obtaining the said vicarage, be null as far only as regards such dignity, personatus, or office with cure. Vite etc. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xxii. Duodecimo Kal. Augusti Anno Quinto. de Adria.)
3 Id. July.
(f. 55.)
To Nymeas Oruoryd, canon of Tuam. Mandate to collate and assign to Dermit Oduhagayn, clerk, of the diocese of Elphin, who is in his twenty-third year, the perpetual vicarage of Killhosahelayn in the said diocese, value not exceeding 8 marks, void because the late Malachy Oduhagayn held it for more than a year without being ordained priest; summoning and removing Thady Okcallay who has for more than two years unduly detained possession without any canonical title, and on account of whose power Dermit has no hope of obtaining justice in the city or diocese of Elphin. Dermit is hereby specially dispensed, on account of the said defect [of age], to hold the vicarage. Dignum etc. (B. and Pizolpassus. | B. xxiiii. Decimo Kal. Augusti Anno Quinto. Valren.) [See above, p. 202.]
15 Kal. Sept.
(f. 62.)
To the abbot of Kilmacduagh (de Petra) in the diocese of Kilmacduagh, and the archdeacon and official of Kilmacduagh. Mandate to collate and assign to John Odonncuhd, priest, of Kilmacduagh, who has been dispensed by papal authority, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, the perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Clekcallay and of the place of Bac in the diocese of Kilmacduagh, value not exceeding 4 marks, so long void by the death of Laurence Olyga that its collation lapsed to the apostolic see, and the perpetual benefice without cure (simplex) called the prebend of Muny Ynyhan in the church of Kilmacduagh, value not exceeding 1 mark, void because its perpetual beneficiary Dermit Ofayd contracted marriage per verba legitime de presenti; summoning and removing Denis Olyga, priest, of the said diocese, who has for more than five years unduly detained possession of the said vicarage under pretext of a collation made to him by authority of the ordinary after the said lapse, and the said Dermit, who has for more than four years unduly detained possession of the said benefice after the said contract. John is hereby specially dispensed, on account of the said defect, to receive and hold them, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Vite etc. (An. and pro N. Vorav [rectius Volrat] A. de Camporegali. | An. xxv. Sexto Kal. Septembris Anno Quinto. de Adria.)
Id. Aug.
(f. 64d.)
To the provost and Dermit Macaed[a]gan and John Ocearrnaidh, canons, of Achonry. Mandate to collate and assign to Thady Oclinnhan, clerk, of the diocese of Achonry, who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of unmarried parents, to be promoted etc. as in the preceding, the perpetual benefice without cure called Killuathreand in the said diocese, value not exceeding 3 marks, void by the death of its perpetual beneficiary Florence Oclinnhan; summoning and removing Cormac Oheadra, canon of Achonry, who has for about three years unduly detained possession under pretext of papal letters in no wise extending thereto; whether it be void as stated, or because John Oheadra contracted marriage per verba legitime de presenti, or be void in any other way. Vite etc. (B. and Ja. Goier. B. xxi. Sexto Kal. Septembris Anno Quinto. Valven.)
Id. Aug.
(f. 87.)
To the prior of Fore (de Fauoria) in the diocese of Meath. Mandate—the pope having been informed by Nemias Ospelan, priest, of the diocese of Meath, that on the voidance of the perpetual vicarage of Druimrathne alias Druimrath in the said diocese, by the death of Thomas Norvey, Rory Magruarich, priest, of the said diocese, paid a sum of money to the lay patron in order that he might present him, got himself instituted by authority of the ordinary, and has unduly detained possession for about two years [cf. above, p. 145]—if Nemias will accuse Rory before him, to summon Rory and, if he find the above to be true, to declare the said presentation and institution null, and remove Rory, and in that event to collate and assign the said vicarage, value not exceeding 12 marks, to Nemias. Degnum etc. (B. and Ja. Goier. | B. xxv. Sexto Kal. Septembris Anno Quinto. Valven.)
6 Id. Oct.
(f. 113d.)
To the bishop and the official of Ardagh. Mandate to collate and assign to Roger Ohuban, scholar, of the diocese of Ardagh, the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, after he has been tonsured, the perpetual vicarage of Killanumiri in the said diocese, value not exceeding 5 marks, void by the death of Thomas Macmoglay; summoning and removing Matthew Macmeglay (sic), priest, of the said diocese, who, without dispensation as the son of a married man and an unmarried woman, obtained it, void as above, by authority of the ordinary, and has unduly detained possession for eight years or more. Roger is hereby specially dispensed, on account of the said defect etc., to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold the said vicarage. Laudabilia probitatis. (An. and pro M. Pinardi, Ja. Goyer. | An. xx. Secundo Id. Novembris Anno Quinto. de Adria.)
3 Id. Oct.
(f. 140d)
To the abbot of St. Mary's, Macosquin (de Clarofonte), in the diocese of Derry, and the dean and David Omaelmhochari, canon of Derry. Mandate—tho pope having been informed by John Osuillechan, priest, of the diocese of Derry, that Patrick Mackamhail, perpetual vicar of the parish church commonly called Tamhlacht Findlogan in the said diocese, has been guilty of perjury and dilapidation, is so deficient in learning that the cure of souls is neglected, and has committed many other crimes [not here named]—if John will accuse Patrick before them, to summon Patrick, and if they find the above or enough thereof to be true, to deprive Patrick, and in that event to collate and assign the said vicarage, value not exceeding 10 marks, to John. Vite etc. (B. and Ja. Goier. | B. x. Residuum pro deo. Terciodecimo Kal. Novembris Anno Quinto. Valven.) [See above, p. 98.]
4 Non. July.
(f. 156d.)
To the dean, and Cormac Maecdonnchid and Dermit Maceaaggan, canons, of Achonry. Mandate—the pope having been informed by John Obeachnachan, clerk, of the diocese of Achonry, that Charles Macacristini, perpetual vicar of Cluaineochally, is a public and notorious fornicator, neglects the cure of souls, has committed dilapidation and, being under sentence of excommunication, has publicly celebrated masses and other divine offices, and taken part therein—if John will accuse Charles before them, to summon Charles, and if they find the above or enough thereof to be true, to deprive Charles, and in that event to collate and assign the said vicarage, value not exceeding 6 marks, to John, whether it become void by such deprivation, or be void by the death of Thomas Ycomnachan, or in any other way. Vite etc. (An. and Anselmus. | An. xiiii. Residuum pro deo. Decimo Kal. Augusti Anno Quinto. de Adria.)
Prid. Kal.—. (fn. 2)
(f. 160d.)
To Cormac Macdonnchaid, Cornelius Omochan and Philip Oclinnayn, canons of Achonry. Mandate to collate and assign to Florence Obrangaly, priest, of the diocese of Achonry, who has been dispensed by papal authority, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders, and hold a benefice even with cure, the perpetual vicarage of Tuaimfabair in the said diocese, value not exceeding 5 marks, void by the death without the Roman court of Charles Yficeallaid; summoning and removing Dermit Odarrcan, priest, of the said diocese, who has unduly detained possession for more than four years without canonical title; whether it be void as stated, or because Donald Micciallaid held it for more than a year without being ordained priest, or in any other way. Vite etc. (B. and N. Volrat. | B. x. Residuum pro deo. Decimo Kal. Augusti Anno Quinto. Abbas.)
Id. Aug.
(f. 241d.)
To the dean of Glendalach in the diocese of Dublin, and the archdeacon and John Occurreyn, canon, of Leighlin. Mandate to collate and assign to Donald Okynach, rector of Carnbuoga in the diocese of Ferns, a priest (who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, after which, having been so promoted, he obtained the said church of Carnbuoga) the parish church of Caslean Ykadam in the diocese of Dublin, of the patronage of laymen, value not exceeding 12 marks, so long void, because Terence (Tyrencius) Obruyn held it for more than a year without being ordained priest, that its collation lapsed to the apostolic see; summoning and removing Oddo Okyrnnan, priest, of the diocese of Dublin, who under pretext of a collation made by the ordinary after the said lapse, has unduly detained possession for more than four years, the said Donald having, from fear of his adversaries in the matter, no hope of obtaining justice in the city and diocese of Dublin. He is hereby specially dispensed, on account of the said defect etc., to hold Caslean, on obtaining which he is to resign Carnbuoga. Vite etc. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis pro Cypriano. | An. xxvi. Decimo Kal. Septembris Anno Quinto. de Adria.)
15 Kal. Sept.
(f. 243.)
To Nicholas Whyte, priest, of the diocese of Lismore. Reservation to the pope's gift, for collation to him, who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted etc. as in the preceding, of the precentorship of Waterford, a dignity, value not exceeding 9 marks, even if it be elective and have cure, about to become void in consequence of the provision which the pope has this day ordered to be made to Adam Pembrok of the deanery of the same church, a major dignity. He is hereby specially dispensed, on account of the said defect etc., to hold it. Vite etc. [See above, p. 452.]
Concurrent mandate to the bishop of Lismore, the prior of St. Catherine's, Waterford, and the archdeacon of Hainaut (Hannonie) in Liége. Vite etc. (B. and M. Pinardi, Anselmus. | B. xv. xvii. Sexto Kal. Septembris Anno Quinto. Valven.)
(f. 244d.)
To the archdeacon of Cashel. Mandate to collate and assign to Edmund Flemyng, dean of Waterford, the perpetual vicarage of St. Mary's, Clonmell, in the diocese of Lismore, value not exceeding 12l., void by the death without the Roman court of William Mer; summoning and removing Nicholas Herbrond, priest, of the diocese of Cashel, who under pretext of a collation, which was null, made to him by the ordinary during the life of the said William, has unduly detained possession for about eight years; whether it be void as stated, or by the death of Richard Laules, likewise without the Roman court, or in any other way, and notwithstanding that Edmund holds the said deanery, a major dignity with cure, value not exceeding 10l., which he is to resign upon obtaining the said vicarage. Dignum etc. (B. and Jo. de Reate. | B. xxv. Sexto Kal. Septembris Anno Quinto. Valven.)
15 Kal. Nov.
(f. 258d.)
To the archdeacon, precentor and official (fn. 3) of Limerick. Mandate to collate and assign to Dermit Oscanlayn, canon of Ardfert (who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of unmarried parents related in the third and third degrees of kindred (i) to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, (ii) provision having been ordered by the said authority to be made to him of a canonry of the church of Ardfert and the prebend of the church of Mohayrit (sic) in the said diocese of Ardfert, to receive and hold them), the perpetual vicarage of Hyorcolle in the said diocese, value not exceeding 3 marks, void because Cormac Oconchucrie, when holding it, entered and made his regular profession as a canon of the Augustinian monastery of Ratuhy in the said diocese; whether it be so void, or because Donald Oykennela held it for more than a year without being ordained priest, or in any other way, and notwithstanding that he holds the said canonry and prebend and the vicarage of the said church of Mohyryr, value not exceeding 2 and 6 marks respectively. Dermit, who asserts that the said parish churches are only about two miles of Italy apart, and that mass has not been for several years celebrated in the said church of Hyorcolle, is hereby further dispensed on account of the said defect etc., to receive the said vicarage of Hyorcolle, and moreover to hold it and that of Mohyryr together for life. Vite etc. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xxxx. Sexto Kal. Novembris Anno Quinto. de Adria.) [See above, pp. 417, 418, 425.]
4 Kal. May.
(f. 276.)
To the abbot of Holyrood (Sancte Crucis), Edymburgh, in the diocese of St. Andrews, and Alexander de Lauwedre and John Meffane, canons of Glasgow, residing in the said diocese. Mandate—the pope having been informed by Robert Lech, priest, of the diocese of St. Andrews, M.A., that John Feldew, perpetual vicar of Lynlithsw (sic), doctor of canon law, has falsified papal letters, thereby incurring excommunication—if Robert will accuse John before them, to summon John, and if they find the above to be true, to deprive John, and in that event to collate and assign the said vicarage, value not exceeding 40l. sterling, to Robert; notwithstanding that he holds the parish church of Seton in the said diocese, value not exceeding 30l. sterling, which he is to resign upon obtaining Lynlithsw (sic). Dignum etc. (B. and Pizolpassus. | B. xxvii. Quintodecimo Kal. Junii Anno Quinto. Abbas.) [See above, pp. 399, 423.]


  • 1. On the back of the volume is the usual Italian description: ‘Eugenio IV. 1435. Anno 5. Lib 60. A flyleaf has the contemporary notes: ‘Primus de Beneficiis vacantibus anno vto Engenii pape iiiii,’ (which occurs also, as usual, on the bottom edge of the volume), ‘Nucella’ (cancelled). and ‘Andreas Ruhricauit,’ together with modern notes ‘Vidi pro R[everenda] C[amera] A[postolica] Hib. Ang.’ and ‘Lib. lx, foliorum 310.’
  • 2. A blank space is left for the month. As the letter was expedited on July 23, 1435, and as it belongs to the year of the Incarnation, 1435, and the fifth year of Eugenius [March 11, 1435—March 10, 1436] its date must lie between March 25 and July 23, or, more exactly, between March 31 and June 30, 1435.
  • 3. ‘ac officiali Limiricen.’ is added in the margin by An[dreas de Adria].